Online Manga Website
webmaster: Ariruka Kouhino

First Created : 08 May 2002
Last Updated : 18July 2002

> Information
+ Introduction
+ Story
+ Characters
+ Side Story's 
+ Other Stuff

> Gallery
+ Element's
+ Akuma's
+ Princesses
+ Other Ninja's 
+ Other Character's

> Site Related
+ Contact me
+ About The Manga-Ka
+ Copyrights and Special Thanks
+ Links to Me 
+ Links to Others

> Miscellaneous
+ Manga Downloads
+ Music & Poems
+ Seiyuu's
+ Fanfics 
+ Fanart



Welcome to the online manga "Hate No Ibu". I am the Manga-Ka (comic author) Kouhino Ariruka. I will try my hardest to finish the most important parts of this site first and put up the first manga chapter & written chapter as soon as possible. So, enjoy and tell me what you think ^_^


Thursday, July 18 2002 : The site will be updated every monday with a different page of the manga on the manga page in the story part of the information. FINALLY, the gallerys really will be up, I swear! I Still couldnt get the links to work so I did something else with them, They Should work now. I'm always drawing, so always look in the Gallery for new pictures every update.

The prolouge to my fanfic it up! yay! ^_^ I had it edited. As always, since I wrote it, beware for stuff you might not like.

I'm starting a Hate No Ibu radio play! if you would like more info, go to Rado Playin the other stuff section

Pages updated: gallery's, side storys, other stuff


This layout was made by the amassing web artist at DayDream Graphics. If you are interesting in seeing more of her works then just click the link below. ^_^ Thank you for actually reading this useless page as well.

I am currently working on making my own frames layout, but that wont be up or even finished until I'm done with setting up the site.



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