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001: The madness begins
002: Yes, mistress.
003: Who needs PMS?
004: Next, on Springer...
006: Fated Duel
007: The Faceoff
008: You bastards!
009: It's a miracle! A MIRACLE, I tells ya!
010: A Kyo fangirl's dream
011: 5-star special effects.
012: Whattaburger!
013: It's gotta be the high heels!
014: Justice Friends, ASSEMBLE!
015: The greatest team ever formed.
016: Introducing: The Token Loveable Idiot
017: Terry says "Hi."
018: Family Affair
019: They're baaaaack...
020: Southtown Otakus
021: Cannon Fodder
022: Unfinished Business
023: Paradise
024: The search continues.
025: Eagle Eyes
026: You can do it, old boy!
027: Instincts
028: The mastermind revealed! (sort of)
029: Okay, NOW the mastermind's revealed!
030: Best hurt word ever.
031: Don't confuse me with someone else!
032: Unwavering Trust
033: Return Match
034: What da hell?!
035: My hero(ine)!
036: One thing you can always count on...
037: Don't mess with Mr. Murphy.
038: They're baaaaack... agaaaaain...
039: Save the drama for yo' mama!
040: The Reunion
041: The Greater Power
042: He wasn't invited!
043: Look to La Luna.
044: Right here, right now!
045: Standard Fighting Game Ending #0003
046: Kamui Kotan Ransom
047: Homecoming
048: Tournament Champions
049: Ah, the sweet family...
051: Kuroko Explains It All
052: Sheriff Billy Bob will determine competency.
054: Offscreen Brawl
055: One Ugly Bastard
056: Cold, man.
057: Kicked to the curb!
058: The mystery partner revealed!
059: Jealousy?
060: Where have I seen this before?
061: Compromised
062: Fight for your life!
063: Out of the Mouth Comes Evil
064: Envy once again rears its ugly head!
065: A weakness is found!
066: My (wo)manhood is at stake!
067: The Art of Stealth
068: A one-way ticket to the doghouse!
069: Selfish Cad
071: The Chronicles of Ryo
072: Ken Masters: The Poor Little Rich Boy
073: The end result of reading too much Ryu/Chun-Li fanfiction
074: Bribery
075: Happy New Year!
076: Crowd Pleaser
077: Lance's Response
078: Carousing
079: Forget something?
080: The Third Partner
081: Castaway
082: Can you hear me now?
083: An Alliance Is Formed
084: Secret Weapon
085: Supernatural Savvy
086: Name That Team!
087: Sado-Masochism
088: The greatest in the world!
089: Such confidence!
090: The man has no faith.
091: The Lawyer of Muay Thai
092: Fan Loyalty
093: Finding A Partner
094: Enter: THE OLD MAN
095: The Savior Team were such good friends!
096: You're good, but we're better!
097: Registration
098: The Leader
099: The Unstoppable Force
100: THE 100TH STRIP
101: The Immovable Object
102: A mack you are not.
103: Preliminary Introduction
104: Clean Sweep
105: The Big Man Team shows its power!
106: Bang.
107: Realization
108: Broadcast Worldwide
109: Starting Off
110: Round 1: Shingo vs. Ryo
111: Round 2: Saishu vs. Ryo
112: Impatient Youth
113: Backfiring Ploy
114: Bamboozled
115: Round 3: Saishu vs. Ken
116: Not-So-Impatient Youth
117: Misdirected Excitement
118: Idle Threat
119: Consolation
120: Round 4: Kyo vs. Ken
121: Burning Ken
122: Burning Ken II
123: Anticipation
124: Dream Match
125: Clash of the Titans
126: Round 5: Kyo vs. Ryu
127: Martial Arts Spectacle
128: Double Knockdown!
129: Ten-Count
130: 182 Ways To Skin A Cat
131: That's gonna sting in the morning...
132: Sportsmanship
133: Believe In Yourself!
134: Moral Standards
135: Round 1: Sakura vs. Yamazaki
136: Round 2: Athena vs. Yamazaki
137: Round 3: Yuri vs. Yamazaki
138: The Meaning of Pain
139: Brutality
140: Horrific Discovery
141: Prolonging Carnage
142: For the Sake of A Friend
143: One for the road!
144: Blind Rage
145: Make your move now!
146: Self-Blame
147: The mystery figure revealed!
148: Decision
149: Fighting For What You Believe In
150: Athena vs. Bison
151: Sneak Attack
152: The Death of Athena
153: Bison's Triumph
154: Nice choice of outfit...
155: Big Baby
156: Round 1: Whip vs. Chris
157: Issues
158: Dr. Phil you are not.
159: Can you dig it?
160: Getting Friendly With The Enemy
161: Round 2: Guile vs. Chris
162: Outmanuevered
163: Lozenge, anyone?
164: Who's Outmanuevered Now?
165: Guile's Attack
166: Welcome back to Earth!
167: Round 3: Guile vs. Yashiro
168: Manipulation
169: Brawling
170: Knee Bazooka!
171: Distraction
172: Enter: THE MONSTER
173: Round 4: Wild Leona vs. Yashiro
174: You want fries with that?
175: This is no time for flamboyancy!
176: Round 5: Wild Leona vs. Miss X
177: Tender...
178: ...and it comes back to me!
179: She goes for the kill!
180: He is not a happy woman.
181: Celebration
182: The Opposite of Celebration
183: Explanation
184: The Voice
185: Mystery
186: Comfort
187: Plan Foiled
188: The hiatus is over.
189: How does WWE pay for Eddie Guerrero's lowriders?
190: Once Again, Out of the Mouth Comes Evil
191: Raring To Go
192: Round 1: Andy vs. Mai
193: Most Improved Punching Bag
194: Feel the love!
195: Practice What You Preach
196: Round 2: Terry vs. Mai
197: L33T N1NJ@ TR1CK3RY!
198: B-Movie Madness
199: How convenient.
201: It's a trap!
202: Bullseye.
204: Reassurance
205: Morrigan Aensland: The Enforcer
206: Round 3: Terry vs. Morrigan
207: Free Shot
208: Revival
209: Morrigan is back with a brand new invention.
210: Strange Priorities
211: Round 4: Kim vs. Morrigan
212: Milkshakes
213: Pot, meet Kettle. Foot, meet Mouth.
214: The Christmas Strip
215: Floating
216: Scheme
217: Glee
218: Semifinal Update
219: Visitor
220: Disappearance
221: Location Unknown
222: Good Mood
223: Somebody call a medic!
224: Round 1: Shingo vs. Billy
225: KILL YOU!
227: By Jove, I think he's got it!
228: Let your power explode! DO IT NOW, GOHAN!
229: Hot dog! We have a wiener!
230: Alas, hoisted upon his own petard, poor Shingo.
231: Round 2: Shingo vs. Yamazaki
232: Foot Flinging
233: Curb Stomping
234: The Guillotine
235: Vowing Revenge
236: Round 3: Saishu vs. Yamazaki
237: Geezer-Fu in action!
238: More Geezer-Fu!
239: Even more Geezer-Fu!
240: The end of the big, dumb oaf.
241: Round 4: Saishu vs. Krauser
242: Look! FLASHBACKS!
243: Father's Challenge
244: Student's Support
245: Round 5: Kyo vs. Krauser
246: I'll chisel your gravestone! Sleep well!
247: Backhanded Tactics
248: Exederin Headache
249: Ask and ye shall receive.
250: Blitz Ball!
251: The Ultimate Attack!
252: The End?
253: Visions
254: Disappointment
255: Guidance
256: Revival
257: Run at the Guns
258: Silenced
259: Etiquette
260: Smokin'
261: Comeback
262: Open Window
263: The Match Deciding Shot!
264: The Dust Settles...
265: You were perfect! I met... my maaaatch...!
266: Worn Out
267: Intrusion
268: Well, he IS a terrorist...
269: Mission Accomplished
270: Pre-Match Jitters
271: Who's on First?
272: Round 1: Chris vs. Mai
273: Enter: THE KING OF FIRE
274: Devastating Shot
275: Insecurity
276: Round 2: Chris vs. Shermie
277: Generosity
278: You Can Always Count On Your Friends...
279: Round 3: Yashiro vs. Shermie
281: It won't be that easy.
282: A Clear Mind?
283: Hesitation?
284: Desperation
285: Strength of Gaia
286: Deadly Shot!
287: Aftermath
288: Sudden Turnaround
289: The Apology
290: Round 5: Miss X vs. Shermie
291: Open-Handed Assault
292: The move you all wanted to see...
293: Strain and Relax
294: Infatuation
295: Wise Up
296: Round 6: Miss X vs. Morrigan
297: Grim Reality
298: The old ways are the best ways?
299: Bats, Man.
301: A Very Special Christmas Filler
302: Morrigan's Ass-Kicking Spectacular!
303: Unexpected Twist
304: It's for your own good.
305: More Celebration
306: Morrigan Is Angry.
307: Spotted
308: Nakoruru Explains It All
309: Morrigan vs. Nakoruru II: The Unsanctioned Rematch
310: Shot Down
311: Ladyhawke?
312: Trump Card
313: The Origin of the Trump Card
314: Enter: THE TRUMP CARD
315: Introductions
316: The Ultimate Team!
317: The Merge
318: Introducing: SUPER MORRIGAN!
319: Choose Your Destiny!
320: Drawing First Blood
321: Super Morrigan's Ass-Kicking Spectacular!
322: Preparing the Final Shot!
323: Coitus Interruptus?
324: Seize the Day
325: The Banishing
326: After the Banishing
327: Post-Fight Contemplation
328: Even Stevie Wonder could see it!
329: Miss X's Plan
330: Game-Winning Strategies
331: Everything has improved, and I don't like it!
332: Fed Up