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Home The Making of Tintin The Characters The Adventures The TV Show

The Adventures Of


Tintin is a world famous cartoon character who was created by Belgian cartoonist Georges Remi (better known as Herge). This web site is dedicated to everything about Tintin and contains a lot of information and pictures on the many different aspects of his great world.

The Making of Tintin - This section has information and pictures of Tintin and his friends, how they came into being, their early life, and information about their creater Herge.

The Characters - Contains full profiles on all the main characters in the Tintin comics including his friends and enemies.

The Adventures - Has reviews and summaries of every Tintin story, plus a bit of background information of how and why they were written.

The TV Show - Great pictures and information on the children's TV series that was created several years after the comics were written, but are still almost as good as the them.


4/7/02- I decided that I'm not going to join the Tintin Webring, because it is too much like hard work, and because it costs money. Today I'm just fixing some more stuff up, and I'm going to start work on the "Making on Tintin" part of my site.

29/6/02- I fixed up a few more problems on the site, and I also posted my real email address again. I'm also going to try and join the Tintin webring, I'll keep you posted.

28/6/02- Okay so the last message was a bit of a lie. I haven't been constantly updating since then, infact I haven't done anything on this site since the last message, but I'm trying to get my act together now. I have a bit more time on my hands, so I will try to put it to good use on my site. I do want to finish I should be updating it more frequently now. Oh yeah, by the way, if you have been trying to email me over the past half a year, I haven't gotten your email, because I got a new address and forgot to change the one on the site.

16/9/01- This site is under construction, so you can't get to all the different links, although some stuff is working. Please come back soon, as I am constantly updating!

Web page by: Paul Lunney.

Home The Making of Tintin The Characters The Adventures The TV Show
