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3rd Rate Comix

The stuff that is here... Here it is... Right here..

The art section
Weekly Gripe
Message Board
Guest Book
Links that I often meander to when not updating this site
3rd Rate Comix Chatroom.

A Quote
Okay... So it's been a while since I've done anything... What of it? I made one major adjustment though, I noticed alot of people who came to this site, said they couldn't find anything, and said it was just filled with links to other crap. So I've decided to put the stuff original to this site, first... I suppose that would've been the smart thing to do... But... Well you get this site for free... So shut up. Also, I'm gonna try and put in a weekly gripe, a long overdue weekly gripe, in after this little post. I'm not promising anything though. The funny thing is, I've got plenty of comics and drawings to put up, I just haven't gotten in touch with Kaycee forever... So yeah, well I'll work on it, but once again... You get this site for free... So shut up. Anyway... I'll be working on my HTML skills to make the website prettier for christmas (note the logo), not to mention other things, so look forward to less updates and more uselessness! To file your complaints e-mail me... Go ahead, I dare ya. Odds say I don't get a single complaint! Laters.

On a special side note, here's Anjy.
anjy sais hi to all the readers of this site and i think your all FUCKING CRAZY for waisting your time to read this syco's shit. love anjy

It's that time again kids... New: Weekly Gripe, 3RC Comic, Picture of Kaycee int he art sections. Have at it you crazy kids!

AAAAAALLRIIIIIGHT! It's so time for some updates! and we've got quite a motherload this time.
First off, I'm happy to announce Pac Man Comics, find it in the Comics Section, thas right, the King O' Video Games is back and ready to eat dots like he's never eaten' dots before!
Secondly, Kujo, the younger years, a little look into Kujo's past life, before the shop we've all come to love.
Thirdly, new art in the art section, check it out and be amazed!
And fifthly! Music in the index section! NIFTY!
And sixthly! Wish me a happy anniversary DAMNIT! 1 year with my girlfriend and you selfish BASTARDS haven't said a single word of congratulations! I HOPE YOU ALL ROT IN HELL!... And please visit 3RC again! ^_^

Okay! Okay! I'm back! I'm workin' on something spiffy for the site too, the introduction of a new comic series and a few new 3rd Rate Comix, so stay tuned. In the meantime check out the new poems in the art section, done by 3RC's very own Kaycee. Enjoy! Laters.

I am officially on vacation... But... You guys get this site for free... SO fuck off.

Whoa.... O_O I have a website?!

Ok, new weekly Gripe-u, and uh... Blake is ranting my ear off right now about how Jessica is going on this massive adventure of breaking of her finger due to the fact that I closed her IM box. So yeah... It will somehow involve swahili and huge budget problem due to search and eventually lead to an extreme downfall of the economy due to the search party inhabitanst... So yeah...

Grrr! dot com.

It's an example damnit!

The most annoying site ever.

Ah the uselessness of it all... I went searching again for utterly useless sites, here they are, unless your name is steve.
Cult of Steve.

How much is inside?

Mr. T name generator.

Freestyle... Chairing?

Help tom find his make believe soul mate... For real.

A 52 page book of... Fake money.

A CD, of aircraft... Noises.

Not sure if you should be stalking William Shatner? Click here.

Not sure of your Gender? Take the gender test.

Having trouble getting depressed, buy some of these and hang them all over your house, in mass quanities.


Some people never grow out of playing make pretend.

How to eat maggots.

Sick of uncarbonated milk?

No way! Already? I just did a weekly gripe like, last week! It's got to be too soon for another one! Oh allright... Fine... Dah dah dah... Hmm... Type type type... There, done. Enjoy! You selfish bastards...

Hmm... Es updates...... Nice....
Ok... Um, new weekly gripe, I'm going to bed, have fun, don't cut your finger... Seriously, makes it hard to click the mouse n' stuff.

U to the p to the update see! We love you Farmington!!
Ok... So Rap star isn't exactly in my line of work... Good thing I don't listen to it... Anyway, there's an update obviously, if you haven't already guessed... Also, who is Robert from Oakland? You've signed my guestbook but.. I'm afraid I don't even know where oakland is... And yes, people do read those, I read them to add to the e-mail list. If by chance you come on, e-mail me or something...
Anyway... 3 pieces of art 2 of mine, one in friends, a weekly gripe, and hey! Check out the new logo... Pretty boss huh? Yeah... I thought you'd say that.

Ok, new comic in the comic section, and there's been complications with the Caricature, due to it's size, so it's not here yet.

But, enough with that, all of you must watch this... Or you will die... No seriously, if you don't you die... It's that good... Click on WATCH THIS MOVIE, you can't miss it.

Well, while browsing CJB, my URL redirection guestbook and message bored server, I found out that I can add a chatroom to this site... So... I did... Check the bottom., just another website that isn't what it seems... Don't you just love lizards?

6/29/03.... 3 A.m.
::yaaaawwwn:: Um... Well... I uh... Put in a daily... Um... Gripe... It's... like... Late... So... Nothing else I'm gonna say... Laters.

Ok... Well I guess I lied about the update yesterday, not everything but... The comic and the drawing in the art section... Never arrived in my mailbox. But that's fine, I've got... Alot of poems by Ashlee Hunt and one by an 6 month old baby. Laters!

Words truely can't explain this...

Lobster Magnet, not as self explainitory as you might think..

U... Is for the way you up..Date me!
Hey all, more updates, on the way! New comic, and a drawing in the art section, as well as a few poems dedicated to the memory of Chris Hagerty. Also, I'd like to give credit to Lennie Vernet on the MSN guy comics, I will be using him more in the future.

On a bit of a less happy note...

I'd like to say, Rest in Peace to Chris Hagerty, and best wishes to all of his friends and family. I personally didn't know you, but I'm sure everyone will miss you.

Chris Hagerty

6/23/03 (Happy birthday to Blake Robinson, by the way.)
Here we are again... All I've got is a new daily gripe. But, I have done a little hunting and have found some pretty pointless sites. Check em out. (Actually a bit spooky)

See if you can find any!

Hey folks, it's me of course, who else would it be? No really... Who's been on my site..? Well I've got a new comic, multiple poems, a poem comic in the poems part of the art section, another soon on the way. Also, I've been learning up at HTML n' stuff.. Look what I can do! I can make things very obvious! Er... And some other stuff... Oh yeah! I can now start new lines without having a space, see look at the date and the text block, neat huh?!?!? Well... It'd be more neat if you were me... So start being me! You don't know what your missing! Well, enough with ME Go have fun!

And here we are again, back to the ol' updatin' board. I'm not e-mailing anyone with this update... Cause all I'm saying really is that there's been a bit of remodeling... Once again. The art section now has it's own section. Also Poetry has been added to the Art section. I'd also like to announce yet another unpaid employee here at 3rdratecomix, Alex. He will be writing poems and I will be putting illustrations to them. I hope you enjoy them, although the section for them is here, the actual work is not yet. Just wait, it shouldn't take long...

Ah man... Something smells like... Updates....

Ok well, I put some photos in the art section as well a few grafitti words. Plus a new comic. A new weekly gripe will be put in shortly.

Also, if you're sick of coming to the site and not seeing any updates, please e-mail me to get your address put onto the Update list. Basically I'll e-mail you when there's an update. You can be taken off at any time. Just here for you convenience. Laters.

Incredible! TWO updates back to back... Can you believe it? This can't possibly be Shawn's website... But it is! New art in the comix section, check out the Hellsing drawing, now THAT is pimp shit. I'm also going to try and get a comic on by tonight. We'll see how things go.

Well sorry once again folks... No comics on the- wait.. What's this...? Is that.. GASP! IT IS! Not one! Not 2! Not 9 but 11 comics!!! Plus personal and outside artwork! Amazing! Shawn finally got off his lazy ass! Kaycee's to thank for this, so everyone send your thanks to cause she's the real reason you have comics to look at, from now on. Oh yeah, and there's a new weekly gripe, sorry for the hold up on that too. Don't worry about the weekly gripe too... I only changed it... Well go there! It's going to stay.. The weekly gripe... I know... Knowing me... If you do... You're expecting 2 weeks later, not one weekly gripe, and then me talking about the new MONTHLY GRIPE! Yay! Then 2 or so of those go by undone... YEARLY GRIPE! Ack... Nevermind... But seriously folks, if you like to draw, have something you'd like to see griped about, or anything at all, drop me a line (E-mail at bottom of page) , or post it on the message board, I'd love to hear from ya. Laters.

Ok... I know I haven't updated for a while... But I do have some news, first off as you've already noticed, I've decided to change the entire site. You see, a friend of mine, whose site will have a link from here, "Live Evil". Anywho, this friend has decided to send a link to my site, now with more traffic equals more responsibility, i.e. actually put up something people want to see... At any rate, the comics will still be 3rd Rate, in fact I finally have an idea that will the sites comics updated weekly, at least until school is over... For now, I have decided to seek work for many different reasons. My first objective is to buy a scanner, this will make gettings comics 300% easier. Along with the issue of comics, I am also doing away with some things, to save room on the site. For one, the "Random" section and the "Whats new" section will be done away. For one, the random section was a fun idea when it started... But isn't too exciting... The "Whats new" Doesn't exactly provide much entertainment as I thought it would, instead I'm replacing it with something I do very well, "The Daily Gripe" that's right, you get to hear me bitch about things, only in a more humorous and "I can relate with that shit" way. so enjoy, and also, those who for some reason are still coming to this site by typing out, can rejoice, for it is only a simple to get here now adays. So many of you may be thinking, "What have you been doing all this time?" Well I have another place to post my comics, that doesn't require any scanning and receives a lot of looks by passerbyers. Soon enough, I will be taking those down to post them on the site, until then, sit tight. I know, I have a tendency to do a lot of stalling, if anyone out there can scan these for me, I will be more than grateful to you. Oh and, welcome to 3rd Rate!

By the way... Have you ever wondered what the world is trying to say to us? Check out these subliminal messages craftfully spliced into everyday normal, and actual ads and songs. I think you'll be pleasently suprised on what the world is thinking about.
Check it out!
