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CZW - Presents War Zone

| Winnipeg, Manitoba | MTS Centre | May 15th 2008 | |


Team XTC (Ace/Ed/Pablo) -VS- Stylez, Beaudin & Leo Crow

"The Sensation" Jesse Montana -VS- Jarred Daniels (w/ Fiscus as his manager)

"The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn -VS- "The Black Widow" Sydney Vicious

The Dark Side (Tim & M. King) -VS- The Twin Towers (Nicky & Nasty)

Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham -VS- Cage Stryker

Chris Wilson -VS- Eric Collum -VS- Sammy Giovanni



Waters, Hustle & O'Toole -VS- X-Ellence (Ronnie, KB & Kash)

Evans & Wright -VS- The Night Terrors (AAN & Carnage)

The Lovely Zoe -VS- Tatum Regan -VS- Cameron

Dusty Davis & Johnny Cage -VS- The Sin City Rockers (SJ & Drew)

*cZw ASSAULT!!!*


(May Massacre's theme, "Pro-Test" by Skinny Puppy, begins to play as an Assault theme song hasn't been chosen yet.)

The scene opens in a crowded CZW arena were all the fans are now arriving and taking their seats. As usual there is a CZW logo on top of the titantron in big bold-ed purple letters, some of the backstage crew has made their way out to the front to help work on setting up the HD set. At the top of the arena we see a pair of security guards at every door leading in the arena to check and make sure they are not carrying and offensive signs that could affect the company. The fans go one by one down the steps all making their way to their reserved seats, almost all of the fans are either carrying signs or wearing T-Shirts advertising their favorite wrestler or making fun of their least favorite wrestler. One man nearly falls off a ladder hanging high in the air, he was fixing a light fixture and it nearly cost him his life. The fans are now seated and ready for the show to begin tonight, before the show begins the fans cheers as both the commentators Jarred Daniels and William Masters walks out to the ring wearing a black expensive suite and tie. However only William Masters makes his way to the announcer table and Jarred Daniels stays in the ring holding a mike in his hand. The fans are all wandering what is about to happen ounce CZW goes on air. The fans cheer as the CZW intro video plays over the titantron showing several extremist such as Jesse Montanna, Ace King, Alan Fiscus, Leo Crow, and Krimson Blaze , plus many more. As the video fades out fireworks fly through the arena and another video plays showing Highlights from Nick Ace's press conference that aired live shocking the world that CZW has signed a new up and comer in Nick Ace, some say they are taking a huge risk signing this man others love the man and are glad to have him in CZW. As the video fades out the camera zooms on Jarred Daniels holding the mike in his hand proudly as the fans cheer

Jarred Daniels:

Ladies and Gentleman welcome to CZW, now tonight is a very special night, because as we all know CZW has a new signee that is ready to make his first appearance on CZW. As we all saw last week their was a press conference airing with out newest singnee Nick Ace. Now Nick I would like to ask you to please come down to the ring and make your first appearance in a CZW ring

After a long silence in the arena the camera zooms on Jarred Daniels holding a mike as he looks towards the entrance ramp waiting. Then the arena goes loud with cheers as we hear overrated by three days grace playing over the PA system, the fans are going crazy for this young star trying to make a name for himself in the ultimate indie promotion CZW. Nick Ace walks out of the entrance ramp throwing his hands up in the air as pyro fires off through the arena in a amazing display. We can see that Nick Ace is wearing a CZW tank top and a pair of red loose fit tights with black black hearts on the sides, on the back of the tights we see ACE in big bold-ed letters. Nick Ace slowly makes his way down to the ring high fiving some of the fans making sure they get what they came for. Nick climbs the steel steps entering the ring as he raises his hands up towards the crowd and they all cheer as he takes his tank top off and throes it into the crowd, the fans in that area all fight to get the shirt. Nick Ace climbs over the ropes into the ring as he waves his long blond hair around in a exited motions, he then climbs the turnbuckle and pumps his chest as the fans ounce again give him cheers. Nick Ace's music then fades out as he positions himself in front of Jarred Daniel waiting to see what he wants.

Jarred Daniels:

Now Nick I have asked you to the ring tonight to wander just what are your thoughts on having a new start here in CZW

Jarred Daniels lowers the mike as the fans are all chanting Nick Ace throughout the arena, Nick Ace looks from side to side enjoying the cheers from the fans. Finally after a long pause Nick Ace grabs a mike and slowly lifts it to his lips as he says

Nick Ace:

Well Jarred Daniels it feels good to be here in CZW and I am ready for a new start. My friend that new start will begin soon so I hope everyone is ready for the age of the Ace of all Aces Nick Ace. As most of you all saw my press conference air live last week, well know you are all face to face with the man that is going to change the face of CZW for years to come. Of course I would like to be in the ring to wrestle some of the top stars here on my first match, but I am no better then trash here right now and I have to make my way from trash to stardom, I mean please you can't have the Ace of all Aces not a major champion can you.. I have waited for my chance to make a name for myself since I was 18 training down in Atlanta Georgia, I was trained by some of the greatest wrestlers ever such as AJ Styles and Mark Jindrak and trust me I learned a hell of a lot from both of those men and I thank them for helping me get this far in my career. When I was 21 I was looking for a place to call home and I tried some of the other small promotions that I can not mention on air, but for some reason they never worked out. However now that I am here in CZW were champions are made from nothing, I have come to finally get my chance at stardom

Nick Ace holds the mike high in the air as the fans cheer ounce more, Jarred Daniel then puts his 2 cents into the conversation in the ring.

Jarred Daniels:

Now Nick I have watched some of your previous matches and I have been quite impressed with your athletic ability even though you are not quite a cruiserweight you can do athletic and death defying moves that most cruiser weights do. How can you do those moves while being a lightweight wrestler

Nick Ace quickly replies

Nick Ace:

Well Jarred Daniels when I was a kid my dad taught me all about wrestling and especially about controlling your body weight no matter how much you weigh, see he taught me if I could make myself light enough I could do any move. Now of course I can not give away that secret here on live television, but allow me to tell everyone to expect me to do death defying moves every night and shock the world. I know I am neither the lightest or heaviest superstar on the CZW roster, but I am right in the middle and that puts me right were I want to be. If you are to big that may lead you to obesity, heart failure, and getting out of breath easy and as a wrestler when you are tired in the ring that is your worst enemy. If you are to light then that means you are going to always be dominated by all the big guys. Now as for me being just right in the middle I am still big enough to stand toe to toe with some of the big guys and I am still able to match the athletic ability of a cruiserweight, I hope that tells you everything you need to now about my athletic ability

Nick Ace looks at Jarred Daniels with a slight smile on his face completely enjoying his moment in CZW, Daniel then replies

Jarred Daniels:

One last question Nick, I would like to know what do you plan to do here in CZW

Nick Ace:

Well first of all I want to make a name for myself by becoming some sort of champion and I also wouldn't mind teaming up with a team of some kind or something. However one of the most of all things I want to do is just showcase some of my athletic ability every night against some of the greatest wrestlers ever and I would also like to be remembered in the wrestling world. Of course you can't forget becoming world champion, now becoming world champion would have to be on the top of my list, see my couple of years in wrestling have always one me nothing but a one time athletic champion in my school. That is why I would like to show everyone that I am truly a great wrestler by becoming world champion. One last thing I would like to say before I go is are you ready for the age of the ACE to begin?

Nick Ace's music plays over the PA system as he heads out of the ring taunting to the fans highfiving them ounce more and enjoying his moment in CZW. CZW then goes to commercial break


DANIELS: "Hello and welcome to cZw Assault, last week it was Prime Time, nowit is just Assault, but folks I promise you we haveone hell of a show for you"

MASTERS: "We sure do, I mean just look at our main event, X-Ellence teaming up altogether for the first time against Waters and his two recruits, Sean Hustle and Maynard O'Toole"

DANIELS: "We got many more matches too, but first i would just likke to talk about something, it seems as though we are recruiting more new comers every day, cZw has had over 10 new faces in thelast two weeks, what is it withthe sudden ppularity William?"

MASTERS: "Well other than theobvious, all the fans wnat to see me, I guess it is theway Jesse Montanais running things as cZw President"

DANIELS: "Well I actually think this is happening despite Jesse being President butI respect your opinion. Anyway, we saw moments ago another new comer who will dwebutnext week, do you get a feekling he mighthavewhat it takes?"

MASTERS: "Well we havenot see him wrestle yet but he was certainly confident, I think cZw is growig all thetimne andthat is why this weeks card is so magnificent"

DANIELS: "Yeah it is, lets get the first magnificent match under way then"


Jigga C, a new comer immediately gets a warm welcome when his music hits and he appears on top of the stage. He walks down to the ring as he looks like he is ready to fight, posing to the crowd and leaning against the corner as he waits for his opponent to arrive. Vince comes out next with Ambitionz Az A Ridah playing throughout the arena. He strolls to the ring looking around at the fans as he does a bang bang signal to a few of them, then climbs into the ring as he gets straight in the face of Jigga C.

The bell rings as Jigga pushes Vince away from him but...OH!!!! Big chop to the chest by Vince…JIGGA C YANKS HIM DOWN TO THE CANVAS BY THE HAIR!!! Jigga C…goes for an elbow drop, but Max able to roll out of the way. Both men up quickly…OH!!!! Big Dropkick by Vince Khan sends Jigga C hard to the mat!!! AND ANOTHER ONE!!!! Vince Khan…A 3RD SENDS JIGGA C FLYING TO THE OUTSIDE OF THE RING!!!

Jigga C seems more shocked than hurt by the early offensive onslaught of Vince Khan. CROSS BODY OVER THE TOP ROPE CATCHES JIGGA C NAPPING ON THE OUTSIDE!!! And look at Khan go! Hammering away! Right hands! Right to the head of Jigga C! And Jigga C is reeling, Jigga C is in some trouble! Khan tosses him back into the ring…and it looks like he's headed for the top! Vince Khan…climbing the rungs…

A HIGH CROSS BODY!!! OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!! JIGGA C IS DOWN…2…AND JUST BARELY ABLE TO GET THE SHOULDER UP BEFORE 3!!!! Oh my goodness. Jigga C back to his feet, and stumbles into an armdrag takedown!!!!! Khan locks up an armbar…obviously setting up Jigga C for western figure four leg lock!

Jigga C trying to fight this hold. Fighting back to his feet now…Vince Khan…winds up on the arm again..and Jigga C writhing in pain!!!, …AND LISTEN TO JIGGA C SCREAM!!!! MAX PAIN WINDS UP ON THAT ARMBAR ONCE AGAIN!!!

Big right hand by Jigga C catches him right on the bridge of the nose, and the hold is broken!!! Khan…ANOTHER HARD RIGHT HAND SENDS HIM STAGGERING INTO THE ROPES!!! Jigga C now…Irish whip…Khan misses with a clothesline…Khan off the other side…AND JIGGA C BURIES THE KNEE HARD INTO THE GUT!!!!!!!!

Khan…what a shot by Jigga C!!! Jigga C going right to work on Vince Khan!!! Stomping hard into the midsection!!! And again!!!!! Jigga C drives the elbow right into the heart!! One more time!!! Jigga C is feeling it He's got Khan now…Irish whip…Jigga C follows him into the buckle with a clothesline…Jigga C off the ropes now…BULLDOG DRIVES HIM FACEFIRST INTO THE MAT!!!! Jigga C with the cover now…1…2…Khan able to kickout after 2!!!! And now, ladies and gentlemen, Jigga C is firmly in control.

Jigga C has had this reverse chinlock locked in for a while now. Vince Khan trying to do what he can to combat this hold as Khan gets back to a knee. Vince Khan…elbow to the midsection of Jigga C…another one, and the hold is broken. Vince Khan has broken the hold. He hits off the ropes now…Jigga C misses with a clothesline.. Khan off the other side…


OH!!! JAWBREAKER!!!!!!! Vince Khan with a jawbreaker, just rocked Jigga C's world!!! Jigga C is reeling, ladies and gentlemen!

Vince Khan back to his feet…


Jigga C barely able to kickout before the 3, and Khan can't believe it! Now is the time for Vince Khan! Now is the time for him to try and pull this thing out…right hand catches Jigga C right on the jaw!!! And another one!!! Irish whip now, reversal by Jigga C sends Khan into the ropes once again! Jigga C misses with another clothesline…Khan slides through the legs…Jigga C…OH!!!!!! ENZUIGIRI BY VINCE KHAN!!!!!! Jigga C just knocked for a loop! There's the cover…1…2…JIGGA C JUST ABLE TO KICKOUT!!!!! Man, what a match this has turned out to be!

Khan backs Jigga C into the buckle…AND A HARD CHOP LIGHTS UP HIS CHEST!!! And another one! Khan…Khan setting Jigga C up on top! We could be getting ready to see a superplex here. We could be…yes, I think it is! if Vince Khan hits this, it'll be all over!

Jigga C with a thumb to the eyes just caught Vince Khan. Khan now…Jigga C…OH!!! OH MY!!!!! Jigga C with a sunset flip from the top!!!!! Vince Khan…Jigga C trying to bring him down off the ropes! He's got that top turnbuckle clutched!!!

Boot right to the face of Jigga C! Jigga C is realing, and watch Khan! Khan up on top! Jigga C doesn't even see him coming! Jigga C…OH!!! MOONSAULT MISSES!!!

Khan is down after the failed attempt at a moonsault...Perfect timing for...JIGGAMISSION...

Jigga C has it locked in, Khan can't even move now as he is stuck in the middle of the ring, being choked out. The referee checks on him but he won't quit, he starts to stand up, somehow he is on his feet as he hits Jigga C with his free right arm, he has to let go in the end. He gets up, walks straight into a ...WEST COAST SLAM...He covers





Vince celebrates as he gets out of the ring straight away, like heis running away from something or someone, then leaves the arena...

(Winner is Vince Khan via Pinfall after 6 mins 45 secs) ****************************************************************

Jacob Havok is towards the entranceway, looking to be a part of the Davis match. As he is about to walk out, he is hit with a Spear. Dusty Davis stands up. He lefts Havok to his feet and hits a Dreamer’s Dream on the concrete near the entrance way. DAVIS: You made the worst mistake ever by hitting me last week!

Davis kicks Havok in the stomach.

DAVIS: Now, if you’ll excuse me, I’ve got a match to win!

As Dusty makes his way to the ring, Johnny Cage joins him, as he walks past Jacob, looking concerned for him but Dusty tells him to get a move on so he catches Dusty up. We see some medics take Jacob away. The fans boo as they both climb into the ring, Dusty still posing to thefans anyway. The fans pick up though straight away as chills goes down their spines, it is now time for Sin City Rockers to make their debut, as Rock You Like A Hurricane starts to play, both men appearing as thesong plays, both getting a thunderous reception from the fans. They walk down the ramp with their beautiful valet and the wife of Funk, Amy Funk. The fans giving them a rockstar reception. As they all stand in thering, the commentators metion how Dusty and Funk do know each other well and wondering how this will affect their match..

Well it is actually Drew and Johnny who start the match, Drew looking powerful and quick at the same time, showing off his strength, backing Johnny into the corner, then whipping him into the opposite corer, following with a great corner splash, then locking him up into a nice suplex, hitting a capture suplex. Drew continues to show his skill to the fans as he hits a few more spectacular looking moves, an impressive gutbuster, vertical suplex and then a spectacular move called the Rocker Chair. After this onslaught, Dusty decides to make his way into the ring without getting tagged in, only to be launched over the ropes by Drew as he is highly pumped up, the fans completely behind him and Funk.

Drew drags Johnny into the corner and tags in Funk. Funk jumps over the top rope and straightaway goes to work on the back of Johnny, locking in a camel clutch. Johnny has taken alot of punishment so far and Dusty is yet to get in the ring. Funk continues to work on the back, as he clearly executed moves that are designed to focus on the back area. His first move is a backbreaker. He then hits a side belly to belly suplex. I the end he finishes the assault off with a fisherman's suplex, throughout the whole attack, Johnny did not look even close to reverse any of them. The fisherman's suplex gets a two count. As Funk picks Johnny back up, Johnny hits him right in the sternam with a fast punch, then jumps up and hits a double knee to the face, then managing to throw Funk into his own corner.

Johnny comes up, puts a choke on Funk by his boot, then tags in Dusty as the two former friends go faceto face. Dusty with the advantage now hits a few shoulder thrusts on Funk, then a running spear as Funk holds his ribs in pain. Dusty starts whipping the chest of Funk, a la Flair style. He kicks him in the gut and goes for a powerbomb, Funk manages to jump off onto his feet though a Dusty gets taken down with a spinebuster, then a cover, but just a two count.

Fuk picks Dusty back up agaiandlays a few fists to him, then suddenly locks in an octopus stretch as the side of Dusty gets ripped. The fact these men used to be friends have no say on this match, in fact Funk loving the pain that is on Dusty's face right now, as he finally lets go and hits the weakened Dusty with a Tigerbomb as he covers, Johnny breaks it up. Drew then climbs to the top rope, as he dives across the ring to catch Johnny wiht a flying axe handle smash which knocks Johnny out of the ring. Both Drew and Funk team up on Dusty now as they hit a few lovely double team moves, then Drew leaves Funk to hit the FUNK U!!!!!!!!!









Johnny comes back i but Drew hits him with the DVD, as Dusty is still getting pinned _




















Sin City Rockers celebrate as they have won their debut here at cZw. Dustly yells at Johnny but both look in shame as Funk and Drew get out of there waving at the fans

(Winners are Sin City Rockers via Pinfallafter 4 mins 50 secs) ****************************************************************

Each of the women stand on a different side of the ring, staring each other down. As they start to approach each other Zoe runs at Cameron and hits her with a clothesline. Zoe quickly goes on the offensive and jumps on Cameron, grabbing a handfull of hair and landing right hands. Cameron rolls Zoe over and starts delivering right hands of her own. Tatum then joins the match and pulls Cameron off of Zoe. Tatum hits Cameron with a Russian Leg Sweep. Zoe makes it to her feet and runs at Tatum. Tatum ducks a clothesline, grabs Zoe, turns her around and hits her with a DDT. Zoe lays motionless on the mat. The crowd starts to go wild from the intensity Tatum is bringing.. Cameron gets up, as Tatum goes for the pin.



Cameron stomps on Tatum.

The crowd boo's as Cameron continues to stomp on Tatum. Zoe gets to her feet and tries to boot Cameron in the gut. Cameron grabs her foot, spins her around, grabs her by the head, and throws her through the middle rope. Zoe hits the floor outside hard. Cameron lifts Tatum up, and throws a punch, its blocked. Tatum throws a right hand, Cameron returns with another right hand, the two women exchange punches. Tatum kicks Cameron in the gut and puts her on her shoulders for a TKO. The crowd starts to go nuts, but suddenly Cameron starts to kick loose. Cameron gets loose and lands on her feet behind Tatum. Cameron turns her around and hits her with "The Facelift". Zoe slides in the ring right after Cameron hits the move. Just as Cameron is standing up, right before she can lift her head Zoe runs up and hits her with "The Makeover" driving Cameron's face straight into the mat. Both Cameron and Tatum are laid out on the mat. The crowd starts to boo loudly. Zoe pins Cameron.




And the winner via "The Makeover" The Lovely Zoe.

(Winner is Zoe via Pinfall after 3 mins 12 secs) ****************************************************************

The scene opens outside of the CZW locker showers. Water can beheard running. After about thirty seconds, the water is turned off, and out walks Vince Khan with a towel wraped around his waist. He walks to his locker room and closes the door. A few minutes later, Vince walks out wearing typical street clothes, a black and white Nike warm up jacket and pants, white Forces, a white tee and an away version of a Kobe Lakers jersey. Khan slings his gym bag over his shoulder and heads down the hallway. Vince makes his way out to the parking lot, and heads towards his car. Suddenly, a patrol unit can be seen driving threw the parking lot with the lights flashing and sirens on. The police car stops infront of Vince and two officers jump out and point their weapons at Khan. Vince turns around and sees two other cops behind him with their guns drawn and a man in a suit standing behind them.

Cops: Put your hands up and drop the bag!

Vince stands still, looking into the man in the suit's eyes.

Cops: I said put your f**king hands up and the bag down shitbag!

Vince drops the gym bag, and two officers move in and cuff Khan. The other two officers walk up to help escort Vince to the back of a police unit, and the man in the suit walks up to Vince. He stands a few feet away and looks into Khan's near pitch black eyes.

Man: Hello Mr.Khan. My name is detecive Manning. And you, are under arrestt. You have the right to remain silent, anything you say...

In the middle of being read his Meranda rights, Khan headbutts Detective Manning in the nose, causing blood to pool from it on impact. The four cops take Vince to the ground immediately and begin to pound the living shot out of him. Detective Manning screams obscenities while holding his nose.. Manning holds out his hand, which is covered in blood, and he can feel the blood run down his face. Manning throws a couple hard kicks into Vince while the four officers have him on the ground.

Manning: Take him away... now!

The cops pick Vince up and toss him into the back of one of their squad cars as the camera shows Manning holding his blood covered nose.

As the scene closes, it shows the squad car drive off, standing their waving is none other than Kris Kash, smiling as Vince gets put away...


Ding Ding Ding!

Evans not wasting any time here! Evans ducking the clothesline from Carnage! He hits off the rope--OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SPEAR!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE RAN RIGHT THROUGH CARNAGE WITH THAT SPEAR!!!! AND DAMN IT, IT'S ON,

as Evans pounds away on Carnage! Evans now...he's got Carnage by the hair--OH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! HE JUST LAUNCHED HIM OVER THE TOP ROPE AND TO THE OUTSIDE! And now Evans's going out there after him! Evans...he wants a piece of Carnage in the worst way!

Now Wright and AAN trading blows! Wright and AAN! Slugging it out! Trading right hands back and forth! Back and forth--OH!!!!!!!!!!!! CLOTHESLINE BY Evans SENDS CARNAGE OVER THE STEEL GUARDRAIL!

They're taking it to the crowd, CARNAGE and EVANS are taking it to the God is chaotic out here!

As Wright here...Irish whip sends AAN hard into the buckle! Another Irish whip sends him to the other side! Wright scoops him up here...

POWERSLAM BY WRIGHT! TO AAN! THERE'S THE COVER...1...2...3! NO! Only a 2 count! Only a 2! But I wouldn't have been surprised if he got him!

meanwhile Evans and Carnage manage to get back to the ring after there brawl in the fans, Wright gets up and goes and tags in Evans, Evans goes after AAN and kick him in the face, AAN falls to the mat hard Evans picks up AAN and drags him over to there corner and sets him up and starts to wail on him with lefts and rights AAN is out on his feet, Evans tags in Wright, Wright nails AAN with some massive shoulder blocks in the corner, finally Carnage has had enough gets in the ring and grabs Wright and hits him with a huge powerbomb, the ref makes Carnage get back to his corner, that gives Evans a chance to get back in the ring with out a tag and hit AAN with a european uppercut, AAN staggers back regains his sences and nails Wright with a huge clothesline, both men are down AAN crawls to his corner and tags in Carnage, Carnage grabs Evans by the feet and drags him back to the center of the ring, Carnage picks up Evans and hits a massive choke slam on Evans, and goes for the cover Evans just kicks out, Evans gets to his feet Carnage meets Evans with a massive boot to the face, Evans falls back but to his corner and tags in Wright, Wright gets in the ring and hits Carnage with a huge spear that drops the big man down, Wright goes over and nails AAN with a right of his own AAN falls to the floor, Wright pick ups Carnage kicks him in the gut and try's to his a ddt on Carnage but Carnage is still to strong and pushes Wright off him, and goes to tag in AAN, AAn gets in the ring and he is met with a spear, Wright goes back to his corner and tags in Evans, Evans starts to beat AAN with some massive shots to the chest (AKA FLAIR), AAN is lit up with chops, AAN pokes Evans in the eyes and nails Evans with a huge right that staggers Evans grabs Evans and hits a running bulldog to Evans, AAN staggers over and tags in Carnage, Evans manages to tag in Wright and Wright clips Carnage behind the knee and Carnage falls down to one knee, Wright connects with a huge running boot to the face Carnage falls over to the mat, Wright tags in Evans, Evans goes to the top and hits a flying splash onto Carnage.

Carnage kicks out at 2, and grabs Evans by the neck and drags him over to his corner and tags in AAN, AAN goes to work with blows to the gut and temple of Evans, AAN nails Evans with a massive bionic elbow Evans staggers out of the corner but Carnage grabs him and pulls him back, AAN hits Evans with some heavy shoulder blocks, AAN tags in Carnage, Carnage goes to deliver a right to Evans but Evans ducks and rolls over to tag in Wright, Wright and Carnage hook up and Carnage takes advantage and hits a body slam to Wright, goes for a elbow drop but Wright moves out of the way, Wright gets up as Carnage gets up Wright hits Carnage with a dropkick to the face, Wright grabs Carnage and whips him off the ropes goes for a shoulder block but Carnage does not fall, Wright bounces off the ropes again and goes for a clothesline but Carnage still does not fall, finally Evans gets in the ring and Wright and Evans start to double team Carnage the grab him and hit him with a double ddt!, Carnage is down, Evans and Wrights go over and double dropkick AAN off the ring and onto the anouncers table.

Wright goes after AAN who is up almost straightaway, bothmen beginto battle up theramp, then actually disappearbackstage where itshowsthen on the Combat Tron, they then go through a door, it is called 'Boiler Room', the camea cannot follow them any futher. Now Carnage andBuck areinthering as Buck takes advantageofCarnage wonderingwherehispartnerisad Buk hits him out of no where with a huge amount of strength picks Carnage up...OUTLAW SLAM!!!!!!

He covers...





Buck goes backstage as Carnage is then met by Brenda who looks pissed off...


DANIELS: Now, it’s time for the Assault Main Event!

MASTERS: That’s right. On one team, we have the greatest TV champion ever, Shawn Waters with his two recruits, Maynard O’ Toole and Sean Hustle.

DANIELS: And on the other, is X-Ellence, who have been a thorn in Waters side lately, getting the better of him on two occasions so far.

MASTERS: Quiet, here come the superstars...

"Remember the Name" by Fort Minor hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring, from Birmingham , Alabama . He is Mr. Money in the Bank and one third of X-Ellence... RONNIE MCNEIL!

(Ronnie McNeil makes his way out onto the stage. He looks around at the fans, raising his MitB briefcase up. He stands to one side waiting...)

"Realist Killaz" by Tupac hits...

TOWERS: And his partner, from St Louis , Missouri . He is one third of X-Ellence. ‘The Realist’... KRIS KASH!

(Kash makes his way out onto the stage. He pumps up the crowd. He walks to the other side of the stage, waiting for the final member...)

"Headstrong" by Trapt hits...

TOWERS: And their partner, from Detroit , Michigan . He is one third of X-Ellence. ‘The Aerial Specialist’...KRIMZON BLAZE!

(Blaze makes his way out onto the stage. He looks at Ronnie and Kash. The three of them run down the ramp together into the ring, high-fiving the crowd as they pass. They stand there waiting for their opponents...)

"I’m Wit Whateva" by Notorious B.I.G hits...

TOWERS: And their opponents. Firstly, from Albany , New York . He is ‘Troublesome’...SEAN HUSTLE!

(Hustle walks out onto the stage. He makes his way down the ramp. He enters the ring and waits for his partners.)

"Loco" by Coal Chamber hits...

TOWERS: And his partner, from Fayetteville , North Carolina . He is ‘The Prodigy’...MAYNARD O’TOOLE!

(O’Toole walks out onto the stage. He also goes to the ring, waiting with Hustle) "4 Words (To Choke Upon)" by Bullet for my Valentine hits. The arena erupts in boos...

TOWERS: And their partner, from Sydney , Australia . He is the CZW TV champi...

WATERS: Do it properly!

Towers rolls her eyes.

TOWERS: And their partner, from Sydney , Australia . He is the greatest champion the world has ever seen. He is the CZW Television champion and is part of the best stable in existence, The Upstarts. He is ‘Mr. TV’...SHAWN WATERS!

(Waters finally walks out onto the stage, microphone in one hand, phone in another..)

WATERS: Go on, get the match started. I’ll be there in a second. I just have to make a call...

X-Ellence are looking at Waters, rolling their eyes. Maynard comes from behind and hits Blaze with a German Suplex...


-Each competitor (minus Waters) takes their corners. O’ Toole kicks Blaze in the side. He tags in Hustle. Hustle lifts Blaze to a standing position. He whips Blaze into the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but Blaze ducks...

DANIELS: Great reversal there by Blaze.

-Blaze rolls up Hustle...




-Blaze lines up Hustle and hits the Holy Shot!

DANIELS: That could be it!

MASTERS: What is he doing? He’s not going for the pin... -Blaze leans on the ropes, staring straight at Waters, who is smirking. He hangs up his phone and slowly makes his way down the ramp. Blaze motions for him to hurry up... MASTERS: Hustle with the roll up...




DANIELS: Close call there. Blaze should really focus on the match here.

-Hustle locks up with Blaze. They grapple around the ring a bit. Blaze eventually is able to get a headlock on Hustle. Blaze looks for Waters, and finds him standing at the edge of the ramp. Blaze gives Hustle a headlock takedown. K-Blaze then runs at the ropes and goes for a Rolling Thunder, but Hustle moves out of the way. Hustle tags in O’ Toole.

MASTERS: And here’s the Prodigy. This man has made a mess of the Emo Prince lately, literally...

-O’Toole lifts up Blaze and hits a Suplex. O’Toole looks at Waters, who is clapping him on. Maynard lifts up Blaze and whips him into the corner. O’Toole runs at Blaze, looking to hit a clothesline, but Blaze runs under his arm and tags in McNeil. McNeil runs over to Maynard and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. Ronnie then knocks Hustle off the apron with a dropkick. He looks at Waters, who is within range now. McNeil runs towards Waters, but Waters steps back. McNeil bounces off the ropes and hits a running neckbreaker on O’Toole...

DANIELS: McNeil is on fire! Although, his main target appears to be Waters, who has still yet to enter the match.

MASTERS: It’s a smart strategy.

DANIELS: Smart? I think the correct term is ‘cowardly’.

-McNeil lines up O’Toole. He goes for a Final Cut, but O’Toole elbows McNeil in the face, before hitting a DDT. Maynard stomps on McNeil’s body then locks in a leg lock. McNeil easily escapes the hold by getting to the ropes. O’ Toole tags in Hustle, who goes straight to work on McNeil’s leg, stomping it and dropping an elbow onto it. Hustle locks in a leg lock as well. This time, McNeil has to struggle a bit to reach the ropes, but he still does. Hustle tags in O’Toole. O’Toole stomps on McNeil’s leg once more, before lifting him up... MASTERS: These two stars are relentless!

-O’Toole strikes McNeil with an uppercut. He then whips McNeil at the ropes, before connecting with a sickening roundhouse kick...

DANIELS: What a move! He damn near took his head off with that one!

MASTERS: See. Waters doesn’t need to wrestle. These two incredible stars can beat X-Ellence, even with the disadvantage.

DANIELS: I wouldn’t speak too soon...

-O’Toole waits for McNeil to rise. McNeil gets to his feet. O’Toole walks over for a Celtic Cross, but McNeil ducks his advance. He dropkicks Hustle again, before turning and hitting O’Toole with a FLAWLESS!

DANIELS: That’s gotta be it. Both Hustle and O’Toole are down. McNeil goes for the pin.



3--No! McNeil is pulled off Maynard!

MASTERS: Yes! Smart thinking Waters.

DANIELS: That snake just lurked around the outside, waiting for a moment to strike. -McNeil stands. He faces Waters, who slaps the taste right out of his mouth. McNeil rubs his jaw, before punching Waters right in the jaw! Shawn falls down. McNeil looks down at him, but for too long as the freshly tagged in Hustle hits a clothesline. Waters crawls to his place in the corner.

MASTERS: Did you see that slap?

DANIELS: How disrespectful. That’s almost as bad as spitting on your opponent!

-Hustle tags in Waters who smirks at the rising McNeil. Waters lines up McNeil and hits a spear. Waters leans against the ropes near Blaze. Waters spins on the spot and slaps Blaze as well. Blaze jumps into the ring and goes for Waters, but the ref tells him to get out. Meanwhile, Waters chokes McNeil on the ropes. The ref turns and sees this. He tells him to release the hold, but he can’t disqualify Waters, so Waters keeps choking him. Kash walks towards Waters, causing him to let it go. Waters kicks McNeil in the side. He taunts to the crowd...

DANIELS: I’d watch my opponent if I were him.

MASTERS: Quiet you. He knows what he’s doing.

-Waters turns around...into a 540 kick from Kash, who McNeil just tagged in!

DANIELS: Told you so!

-Kash lifts Waters and irish whips him. Kash hits Waters with a spine buster, before tagging in Blaze.

DANIELS: Here we go! Blaze and Waters, together in the ring!

-Blaze hops onto the top turnbuckle. He lines up Waters and hits a guillotine legdrop. He gets straight up and goes for a Rolling Thunder. He connects! He kicks Shawn in the ribs, before hitting a standing moonsault. He pins...



3—No! Waters got his foot on the rope.

-Blaze lines up Waters for another Rolling Thunder, but Waters rolls to the outside. Waters leans against the barricade, catching his breath. Blaze smiles. He runs at Waters and goes for a suicide dive! He connects...

DANIELS: Risky move which paid off in the end!

MASTERS: You know what else was a risky move? Taunting the CZW president. And that paid off big time!

DANIELS: I’ve been put in a match with him, how did it pay off?

MASTERS: It might not have paid off for you, but at least I’ll get a new partner...I wonder if Jenny Jacobs is available...

DANIELS: If you don’t shut up, I’ll personally make sure you get Jena Cyde as a broadcast partner. Back to the action...

-Blaze slowly gets to his feet as the ref reaches the 4. He picks up Waters and rolls him into the ring. Blaze follows. Waters gets to his feet, only to be met with a spinning heel kick. Blaze hits a flipping leg drop on the prone Waters, then goes for another pin...




DANIELS: Blaze is really giving it to Waters.

MASTERS: Don’t you worry, the champ will have something up his sleeve....

-Blaze stands over Waters, who rises to one knee. Blaze grabs Waters by the hair, only to receive a low blow. Blaze releases Waters and drops to his knees. Waters kicks Blaze in the side of the head, before tagging in O’Toole. O’Toole picks up Blaze and hits a bodyslam. He whips Blaze into X-Ellence’s corner, and Kash tags himself in. Kash runs at Maynard and hits a hurricanrana. Kash runs at the ropes and bounces off, finishing with a baseball slide to Maynard. Kash lifts the Prodigy to his feet, looking to go for a Midwest Swing. Maynard knees Kash in the chest though. He lifts Kash up in a Gorilla Press. He drops Kash onto the canvas...

MASTERS: Look at his power!

-Maynard tags out to Hustle. Hustle waits for Kash to stand. Once Kash rises to his knees, Hustle runs at him and hits a Shining Wizard. Hustle then locks in an STF on Kash.. After a small struggle, Kash reaches the ropes. Hustle lifts Kash to his feet. He grabs Kash and hits a Fisherman’s Suplex. He goes for the pin...




DANIELS: What? Waters yanked him off.

-Waters points to Kash, then himself, signifying he wants to finish the match. Hustle rolls his eyes. He stands up to tell Waters off, but Kash spins him around and hits the MIDWEST SWING! Kash goes to pin, but Waters, who never left the ring, spears him before he can pin. Waters walks back onto the apron. He then starts calling for the tag, but Hustle is still out from the Midwest Swing...

DANIELS: First Waters cost Hustle the victory, and now he wants the tag? What is he thinking?

MASTERS: He deserves the win. He needs retribution for last week.

-Both Kash and Hustle rise to their feet at the same time. They lock up. Hustle gets the upper hand after a thumb to the eyes. Hustle whips Kash into the corner. He walks over and tags in O’Toole. They each grab an arm and whip Kash towards his corner, but they then jerk him back, slamming him into their corner. Maynard backs up. He runs and clotheslines Kash against the turnbuckle. Maynard tags in Waters.

MASTERS: And Waters is back in the match. Let’s see what Mr. TV can do here.

-Waters drags Kash into the centre of the ring. He smirks and locks in a Shawnshooter!

DANIELS: We haven’t seen that for a while. But will it work.

-Kash is fighting the hold, but Shawn puts more pressure on. Kash tries reaching for the ropes, but Shawn shifts his weight, causing Kash to face the corner...

DANIELS: Bad move by Waters. Kash is nearly within reach of Blaze now!

-Kash crawls forward, with Shawn still applying pressure. Blaze is nearly hyper extending his arm to reach Kash. Kash inches forward. He is reaching out. Shawn looks up and sees Maynard and Hustle warning him. Shawn realises what’s happening, but is too late...


-Blaze runs at Waters, who releases the hold.. Blaze grabs Waters head and hits a bulldog. Blaze climbs the turnbuckle and waits for Shawn to stand. He flies off and hits a missile dropkick. Blaze runs at the ropes and bounces off with a cartwheel splash onto Waters. O’Toole runs into the ring at Blaze and clotheslines him. McNeil jumps into the ring and hits Maynard with a T-Bone Suplex. Hustle also joins the action, hitting McNeil with a knee to the face. Kash then runs in and nails Hustle with a Kashing In STO. Kash helps Blaze and McNeil to their feet, while Waters and Maynard do the same with Hustle. The two teams run at each other and begin a large six man brawl. Waters is fighting McNeil, O’Toole is fighting Blaze and Hustle is fighting Kash...

DANIELS: All six men in the ring now. The ref has lost control!

-Waters hits McNeil with a knife edge chop, receiving a punch to the jaw in return. O’Toole lifts Blaze up into the air, but Blaze slides out the back. He jumps and hits a reverse DDT on O’Toole. Waters ducks a McNeil punch and hits a Northern Lights Suplex on McNeil. Hustle and Kash are trading rest holds. Blaze hits a standing moonsault on O’Toole, only to be speared by Waters. Kash gets the upperhand on Hustle, hitting a Tornado DDT.. Waters crawls onto Blaze and goes for the pin...



-Kash breaks it up.

-Waters gets in Kash’s face. They exchange words, only for Waters to slap him. Kash recoils as Waters prepares for an attack. Blaze grabs Waters by the tights though, and rolls him up.




-The ref tells each competitor to return to their corner. Shawn and Blaze stare at each other. Blaze takes a step forward and Waters tags in Hustle.

DANIELS: He doesn’t want to face Blaze, you can just tell. What a coward. All the Upstarts are cowards... MASTERS: It’s stuff like that that got you in trouble last week.

-Hustle locks up with Blaze. KB tries to gain the upperhand, but Hustle powers out of the attempt. Hustle grabs Blaze’s arm and locks in a hammerlock. Blaze tries to roll out, But Hustle keeps the arm locked, turning it into a standing armbar. Blaze again rolls, but Hustle arm drags Blaze, ending up in another armbar....

DANIELS: Wow, these two stars showing great technical prowess.

-Blaze reaches the ropes and Hustle releases the hold. Hustle grabs Blaze by the hair and drags him towards the corner. He sets him in the corner and chops him. Hustle tags in O’Toole, who backs up. He runs and crushes Blaze with a clothesline. O’Toole looks to lock in the Celtic Clutch on Blaze, but Blaze grips the ropes tightly. Maynard rolls to the outside to try and pry Blaze free, but Blaze let’s go as O’Toole leaves the ring. Blaze runs at the ropes, looking to hit a plancha, but Waters pulls down the ropes, causing Blaze to go to the outside. Waters drops down from the apron and walks over to Blaze. Blaze runs at Waters and hits a Thesz press. He strikes away at Waters, hitting him repeatedly in the face and head. O’Toole walks over and drags Blaze off of Waters. Blaze hits a jumping spin kick on Maynard, before climbing onto the announcers table...

MASTERS: Hey, what are you doing, you idiot? Get off the table.

-Blaze smiles and nods. He jumps off the table, hitting a shooting star press on Waters. Blaze rolls back into the ring to meet O’Toole. Maynard runs at Blaze, but KB hits a dropkick on O’Toole. Blaze whips Maynard into his corner. He tags in McNeil. The two of them back up. Blaze runs and Ronnie launches him into O’Toole. Blaze finishes off with a hurricanrana. McNeil locks in a chinlock on O’Toole. O’Toole fights the hold for about 2 minutes before powering out of it. McNeil goes straight back onto the attack, connecting with a gutwrench Suplex. McNeil keeps his arms locked, spinning around to the back. McNeil stands up, pulling Maynard with him. He hits a German Suplex. No wait! Two German suplexes. And he follows up with a third. Three German suplexes from McNeil. McNeil then locks in a Sharpshooter...

MASTERS: McNeil resorting to using the Shawnshooter...How pathetic.

DANIELS: That’s not a Shawnshooter, McNeil’s move is actually effective.

MASTERS: How’d you like to be locked in the Shawnshooter?

-McNeil applies pressure on the lower back of O’Toole, preventing him from reaching the ropes. O’Toole begins to falter his hand, appearing to be on the verge of tapping. Waters realises this. He runs around to face Ronnie and pulls something out of his tights...

DANIELS: It’s the rock! The same rock Ashley Valentine used to win the title for Waters!

MASTERS: Waters won that title fair and square, jackass.

-Waters looks to throw it, but McNeil releases the hold and runs at Waters. He vaults over the top rope, crashing into Waters. McNeil grabs the rock off of Waters. He throws it up the ramp, out of Waters reach. The rock bounces un-naturally high...

DANIELS: It’s not even a rock! It’s a ball...

MASTERS: Don’t turn around Ronnie...

-Waters smiles sinisterly. He pulls the actual rock out from under the ring steps. He aims at Ronnie, who still has no clue. Waters goes to throw, but Blaze hits a Whisper in the Wind on Waters, knocking the rock out of his hands. Blaze picks it up and throws it right into Waters’ groin...

DANIELS: OH! My goodness that would have hurt...

MASTERS: NO BLOODY SHIT IT WOULD HAVE HURT! Blaze may have just ended the great Waters line there!

-Waters rolls around in agony as McNeil re-enters the ring. O’Toole tags in Hustle to face McNeil. Hustle and McNeil face off in the centre of the ring. Hustle punches McNeil and McNeil punches Hustle back. The two play a few more rounds of punch for punch, before Hustle strikes McNeil with an Uppercut! McNeil falls down and Hustle locks in the Guillotine Choke!

MASTERS: YES! No escape now!

-McNeil begins reaching out, as he is quite close to his corner. Both Kash and Blaze are looking for the tag. Hustle adds extra pressure to the move, hoping to choke out McNeil. McNeil’s arm falters. Hustle looks to be on the way to victory. The ref checks McNeil. He lifts his arm and let’s it drop.


-The ref repeats the process, McNeil’s arm dropping again.


-The ref again, grabs McNeil’s arm. This time, however, McNeil’s arm stays rigid. He begins trying to reach his team mates again. He shuffles closer, only a few inches away from Kash’s hand. He gets closer and closer...

DANIELS: Nearly there. Come on, McNeil...

-McNeil is less than inch away now. He stretches...

DANIELS: KASH. Watch out!

-Waters grabs Kash’s leg and yanks him off the apron. Blaze notices what is happening, but Waters low blows him before he can do anything. The ref turns to stop the commotion outside. McNeil begins tapping, but Waters has grabbed the ref and is arguing with him.

MASTERS: What is he doing?

DANIELS: He’s costing his team victory, that’s what he’s doing.

MASTERS: I’m talking about the ref, dingbat!

-Hustle releases the hold. He yells at Waters, who only just realises what he has done. Shawn limps around to his corner, as Hustle turns around. He walks over to McNeil, looking to lock in another Guillotine choke, but McNeil was playing possum and rolls up Hustle.




-Hustle backs up to his corner. He tags in Waters, who looks on horrified. He tries to tag in O’Toole, but O’Toole refuses it. McNeil smiles. He looks at Blaze, who is itching for a tag. McNeil struts over and slaps Blaze hand. Blaze hops into the ring. Waters stands in the middle of the ring, where Blaze meets him. They stand face to face, Waters being slightly taller. Blaze then goes crazy with a flurry of punches and kicks. He knocks Waters to his knees. He then hits a Shining Wizard on Waters. He lines up...HOLY SHOT!



3--NO! O’Toole saved him.

-Blaze lifts Waters up and whips him into X-Ellence’s corner. He tags in both Kash and McNeil...

MASTERS: Can they do that? They can’t do that!

-McNeil and Kash enter the ring. The ref can’t decide who was tagged first. The three men whip Waters into the ropes, then follow up with a Double Flapjack/Top Rope Leg drop combo. McNeil lifts Waters up onto his shoulders, then drops him into a tombstone position. Kash baseball slides and dropkicks Waters in the face, causing Waters to swing up. Blaze follows up with a Diamond Cutter on Waters.

DANIELS: OH MY GOD! What a combination! I think Waters is bleeding after that!

-Kash lifts up Waters and hits a Midwest Swing, followed by Blaze hitting the Holy Shot. McNeil lifts up Waters and finishes with a FINAL CUT!

DANIELS: All three men unleash their finishers on Waters.

-Kash and Blaze leave the ring and McNeil goes for the pinfall...



-Hustle and Maynard with the save.

-McNeil stands up and turns towards O’Toole, who hits him with a superkick. Meanwhile, Hustle is dragging Waters’ limp body towards their corner. Hustle then tags himself in. He goes for the pin on McNeil...


2--Blaze saves McNeil.

-Hustle locks in another Guillotine Choke on McNeil, but McNeil is within range of a tag. He tags in Kash. Kash enters the ring and stomps on Hustle, who releases McNeil. Waters is dragged out of the ring by O’Toole. Kash waits for Hustle to stand. When he does, Kash moves in and hits a Tornado DDT. Kash goes for the pin.



-Maynard saves.

DANIELS: What an incredible match we have seen so far. And we still have WarZone to follow.

-Kash locks in a Money Clip on Hustle. Hustle is just out of reach of the ropes, yet is in no danger of tapping. Kash keeps the hold locked in for a further couple of minutes, until Hustle lunges forward and grabs the ropes. Kash lets Hustle go. Kash lifts Hustle to his feet. He whips Hustle into the ropes and hits a Tilt-a-whirl slam. Kash drags Hustle to the corner and ties him in the Tree of Woe. He backs up and runs at Hustle. Kash slides for a dropkick, but Hustle pulls his body up, causing Kash to slide groin first into the ring post. Hustle unties himself and tags in O’Toole. Maynard walks over and drags Kash to his feet. He hits a powerbomb on Kash, before climbing to the top. Maynard comes off the top with a Maynard Bomb! He goes for the pin....



-Kickout! DANIELS: Kash kicks out...Kash kicks the f**k out!

-Maynard looks frustrated. He goes up again, for another Maynard Bomb...He connects...

MASTERS: That has to be it!





-Maynard is slamming his fists in frustration! He goes back to the top. He comes off with a third Maynard Bomb...BUT KASH MOVES! Kash bounces to his feet and tags in Blaze! Blaze runs in and begins wailing on O’Toole with punches and kicks. Blaze lines up Maynard and hits a Rolling Thunder. Hustle runs into the ring and goes to clothesline Blaze, but Blaze ducks. Blaze gets behind Hustle and hits an Unprettier. Maynard stands and Blaze runs at him. O’Toole goes to slam him, but Blaze reverses it into a Code Red! Blaze goes for the pin...




-Blaze jumps up onto the top rope. He waits for Maynard to stand. Blaze comes off with a cross body...but O’Toole catches him! Maynard shifts Blaze around into position and connects with a Celtic Cross!

MASTERS: That’s it...It’s over!

-Maynard backs up into his corner before the pin...and the ref signals for the tag. Maynard turns his head and sees Waters slowly crawling into the ring. Shawn flops onto Blaze...




DANIELS: Oh my GOD! Blaze kicks out. Waters looks irate.

-Waters looks at O’Toole. He points to Blaze and signifies a slam.

DANIELS: Is he blaming Maynard?

MASTERS: Well, O’Toole didn’t slam him hard enough, that’s what Waters is saying.

-Maynard looks to have had enough. He shoves Waters, who is rolled up by Blaze...






Waters is celebrating, looking down at X-Ellence, who are on the outside.


K-Blaze rolls out of the ring and begins celebrating with X-Ellence as Waters stands, looking angry.


Hustle and O’ Toole climb into the ring behind Waters, chairs in hand. Waters doesn’t notice them. Hustle and O’Toole raise their chairs.

MASTERS: What are those two doing?

DANIELS: Well Waters does have a CZW championship. That does make him a marked man.

McNeil nods at Hustle and Maynard. They swing their and connect with a con-chair-to. X-Ellence come back into the ring and begin laying boots to Waters. McNeil lifts up Waters and connects with the Final Cut. Blaze then follows up with a Holy Shot. Kash locks in the Money Clip on Waters who tries to fight it. Hustle places a chair underneath Waters and swings the other, hitting a one man con-chair-to. Waters is bleeding by this point. Kash releases the hold. X-Ellence walks out of the ring, smiling, as O’ Toole picks up Waters.. Hustle hits an uppercut on Waters and O’Toole nails him with a Celtic Cross. Hustle kicks Waters once more, then meets up with X-Ellence, who are watching from the stage.

MASTERS: What a cowardly attack!

DANIELS: Waters had it coming. That’s karma for you.

The 5 men look on at Waters, who begins stirring. Waters eventually crawls to the ropes and signals for a mic. X-Ellence look on as Waters sits against the ropes.

WATERS: You bunch of cowards!

Blaze, who also has a mic, frowns.

BLAZE: We are cowards? You deserved all of this! You and your Upstarts friends brought this upon yourselves. You don’t deserve that title. I do!

WATERS: I don’t deserve it? I DON’T DESERVE IT!? I am the single, most greatest superstar in CZW! I am better than the whole bunch of you!

BLAZE: Then put the title on the line against me! I’ve beaten you once, I swear I can do it again! WATERS: I need to see who actually is worth facing me first! You got lucky last time! You want this title so badly? You’ll have to win one more match!

BLAZE: OK, Fine then!

WATERS: The match? It’ll be a 5 man elimination battle royal! It’ll be Krimzon Blaze facing...

He points down the ramp.

WATERS: Sean Hustle...

He moves his hand to another wrestler.

WATERS: Against Maynard O’Toole...

He then smiles.


The crowd pop at this announcement.

WATERS: Against Rob Wright...

Shawn pulls himself to his feet.

WATERS: Against the winner of WarZone’s opening match, whether it is Eric Collum, Sammy Giovanni or Chris Wilson... WATERS: The winner will face me the week after Massacre. Think you can win this match, Blaze? Did I mention that all interference is banned! No managers, no tag team partners and definitely no stablemates. Unless you are a commentator, cameraman, referee or timekeeper, you cannot be out there.

Blaze doesn’t look too worried.

BLAZE: I’ve already proven I don’t need help from Ronnie and Kris to win. I beat you didn’t I? Plus, you won’t be out there either.

WATERS: There’s also one last thing...Since Daniels here will get destroyed tonight, I will be filling in as commentator during that match!

Blaze finally has the worried look Waters was waiting for.

WATERS: The odds are stacked against you Blaze. Think you can win? I wish you luck.

Waters smirks from inside the ring. Blaze frowns as X-Ellence, Hustle and O’Toole leave the stage.

MASTERS: Yeah! What a commentary team. Waters and Masters! It sounds good, doesn’t it Daniels?

DANIELS: Waters is just taking this opportunity to screw Blaze. I cannot believe him.

MASTERS: Don’t worry Daniels, after tonight you won’t have to see him again. Mr. Montana will take care of that.




MASTERS: "Warzone is alive here at the MTS Centre in Winnipeg, Mannitoba.. We got the third edition of the Montana schedule here tonight, which reminds me, Jarred, you seem to be abit quiet here tonight"

DANIELS: "Your damn right I am, in a few hours I have to fight our much loved President in a Street Fight, I have no idea what this maniac is thinking but I sure as hell am not looking forward to it"

MASTERS: "That is okay Jarred, I will send you cards and chocolates when you are lying in hospital, you can count on me"

DANIELS: "That is not funny Willliam, anyway, can we please change the subject?"

MASTERS: "Well we do have many more matches Jesse decided to sign, the main event of course"

DANIELS: "That is right, XTC teaming together for the first time, they will be looking to put on a show tonight against Mack Beaudin, Matt Stylez and his friend who makes his debut here tonight, Leo Crow"

MASTERS: "That is huge Jarred, Crow making his debut in the main event, what a start for him, that match will be a blockbuster, not that you are likely to see it though, unless they have cZw showing in the nearest hospital"

DANIELS: "Your loving this aren't you? I am actually fearing for my life here tonight though so as much as you joke about it, I have one of those bad feelings again"

MASTERS: "I don't blame you, I sure don't have any bad feelings about the rest of the matches tonight though, we got Thorn versus Vicious, Sydney of course the first ever Queen of Combat Champion, she fights the impressive new comer, both having their sights firmly on the Title they will fight for at May Massacre"

DANIELS: "Not only that, we also got The Dark Side, the new tag team champions making their debut teaming together tonight"

MASTERS: "Yeah not bad, being the tag team champions but not yet fought together, not a bad start at all. We also found out during the week, the mystery man who has been having an illicit affair with Tim's ex girlfriend is none other than his former partner, Big Nasty, so all four men out for revenge here tonight"

DANIELS: "Yeah, you have something in common with Nasty there, both knowing what it is like to be having an affair"

MASTERS: "Hey, I only did that with my first seven wives, after that I learnt from my mistakes, I didn't stop having affairs, I just learnt to never get caught. Anyway, enough about my legendary love life, we also have two men who made impressive debuts here last week, Gregory Grantham and Cage Stryker"

DANIELS: "Yeah both these men will be looking to climb the ranks quickly, we already heard from my opponent here tonight, Jesse Montana that he has booked Gregory against Mr Money in the Bank, Ronnie McNeil, at the Pay-Per-View, what do you think of that William?"

MASTERS: "I think Ronnie may have a shock when he steps into the ring with this new signing, Gregory of course offered to help out Jesse with taking out the competition, Jesse has picked up on that and the first maybe victim is Ronnie McNeil"

DANIELS: "That is right. And last but not least, we have two men making their debuts against Chris Wilson, the two men being Eric Collum and Sammy Giovanni, both men looking to be again fantastic signings for cZw, a great match which is coming up in a bit"

MASTERS: "There you see, Jesse Montana not doing such a bad job after all, all these new signings, cZw is looking to be on top of the wrestling mountain and I know this weeks show will not disappoint"

DANIELS: "For sure, cZw is now a phenomenom. Time for our first match tonight anyway folks, here we go"



Chris Wilson -VS- Eric Collum -VS- Sammy Giovanni


The crowd cheer as they antiscipate the first match of Warzone where two men make their debuts in the cZw ring. The first man to come out is Chris Wilson, the crowd making some noise for him as he enters the stage to the sound of 'The Arms of Sorrow'. As he walks down the ramp a few of the fans want to tap him on his shoulders, the others await the arrival of the much talked about men, Collum and Giovanni. Wilson gets into the ring as the lights slowly turn down and the music fades. Suddenly the sound of 'Blow me Away' by Breaking Benjamin starts to play as fireworks blast off. The fans cheer as they know who it is, alot of them boo though as they were uncertain about the character. Eric slowly walks out from the back as he looks around, a sense of relief across his face as he looks up and catches sight of the huge cZw sign hugh up, he taken an intake of breathe then begins to walk down, noticing the fans reaction are mixed. Eric climbs straight into the ring where he bounces up and down staring down his opponent Chris Wilson, now just one more to go. Now the fans go silent as the Samoan Supernatural is about to come out. 'More Human than Human' by White Zombie begins to fade in, now the lights go out as steam shoots up on top of the ramp. The lights fade in again but are a mixture of colours. Suddenly we see Sammy Giovanni standing on the top of the ramp as he stays still for a while, then suddenly raises his head as his eyes peer around the arena, the fans on their feet as the reception is fantastic for the Samoan. As the intro kicks in and the music blasts out, the lights flash on as fireworks blast off, Sammy now on his way to the ring, clapping the hands of many fans as he approaches the ring, his eyes focussed on his two targets though. As he climbs into the ring another lot of fire works blast off as we see the nervous faces of all these men, yet still looking confident though. All three men stand in the middle of the ring as they look around, Eric mouthing some words to his two opponents who take no notice. The fans sitting down as they look forward for the event to begin.

The bell rings as the match is underway. Eric stands back as straight away Sammy steps quickly towards his target, Chris Wilson. He takes no time in wasting as he grabs him and suplexes him across the ring, Belly to Back style. Eric smiles as he watches on. Sammy follows up as he lets Chris rise, only to step in and hit him with a perfectly timed Yakuza Kick to the jaw of Chris as he goes flying back across the ring once more. Eric now circles Sammy as he keeps his eyes on him, Eric though still waits on his precise opening, Sammy picks Chris up again as Wilson fights back, hitting rights and lefts to the big Samoan, but Sammy knocks him straight back down hard with a solid headbutt. Eric now comes flying in as the crowd react, Sammy knowing he would do this somehow turns around and catches Eric with a Samoan Drop. The crowd erupt as Sammy stands over both men in complete control of the match so far.

Chris is now back up,. Sammy grapples him and whips him to the ropes, Big Boot, but misses, Wilson with the rebound jumps at Sammy, but Sammy cathes him, now presses him up high, great power, but Eric comes behind him and chop blocks his left leg as he drops Chris down landing on top of Sammy's head. Eric celebrates as the crowd still have mixed views of him. Eric begins stomping on Sammy but manages to power up, not being affected by the boots, Eric now tries another tactic, running back, bouncing off the ropes as Sammy is on his feet, they clash, Eric hits a huge running headscissors as he actually knocks down the big 300 pounder.

Eric looks around as Chris closes in on him, catching Eric with a European uppercut, then a kick to the gut, finally ending off the attack with a nicely executed headlock takedown, keeping the hold on. Sammy now back up, instead off breaking Eric free, he grabs the legs of Eric and locks in a half STF as Chris has the head of Eric still in a headlock. Eric tries to hold on but the pain is tough to bare, the ref asking him if he wants to quit but Chris finally breaks up the hold, then dropkicking Sammy instead as he knows he can't win by both getting the submissionover Eric. Sammy gets up though, looking intense, he goes after Chris as he corners him, kicks him in the gut and elbows him in the jaw, now with Chris in the corner, he slaps him several times on the chest as Chris cannot escape. Sammy then whips him into the oppostire conrer, Sammy follows, hits a running corner forearm smash, instead of letting Chris fall to the ground, he whips him into the other corner again, now running... Running Lariat as Chris spins around in mid air.

Sammy goes for the cover, gets a two count but Eric now back in the ring breakes it up. Sammy and Eric brawl as Sammy overpowers him, throws him to the ropes but Eric does a fantastic acrobatic springboard as he comes back off the ropes, Sammy being taken unaware...Superkick. Sammy stombles backwards as he bounces of the ropes looking dazed, Eric jumps up onto the top rope in quick fashion, dives off...CORCSCREW DROPKICK...his feet hitting Sammy straight in the face as he slams to the ground.

Chris is now back up as Eric rises too, both going at each other as Chris goes for a Pumphandle Slam, Eric drops over the shoulders of Chris though as he counters, now behind Chris...German Suplex...Two German Suplexes...Then a third as Chris is out of it, unfortunately for Eric though who is exhausted after hitting three German Suplexes, Sammy is back up as he hits a Death Valley Driver on an unexpecting Eric. Sammy now chooses who he wants to attack, both Chris and Eric down on the ground, Sammy chooses Chris as he locks in a dangerous Modified Choke sleeper, Chris going a purple colour as Sammy applies pressure. The referee checks on Chris as his barely concious.

Eric finally breakes the hold as he hits a lionsault on both men. He then picks up Sammy and throws him through the ropes to the outside, which leaves him alone in the ring with Chris. He goes back to him, planning something extreme, but Chris rolls Eric up in a quick small package























Eric kicking out within a split second, he gets up looking shocked as Chris smiles at him, Eric goes on the attack but Chris hits him with a drop toe hold, then again with two hip tosses and then a snap suplex as Eric down.. Sammy back in the ring as he locks up with Chris, grabs him and lifts him up, Sammy walks Chris over to the corner where the fans get excited as they know what is about to come...He has Chris in a perfect position, holds him up...DROPS HIM DOWN...HIGH AND DRY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Chris bounces off the floor as Eric is also know where to be seen. Sammy poses then goes for the cover as it seems he has all the time in the World..









3. _








NO...Eric leaps back into the ring, bouncing off the top rope and lands his body on top of Sammy with the AERIAL REVOLUTION!!!!!!!!

- Sammy rolls off the cover and drops out of the ring. Eric now quickly crawls over to Chris, almost scurrying as he gets the cover off the previously hit High and Dry...The ref counts...




















Eric celebrates as the fans boo the way he won the match, Sammy resting on the apron staring a hole through Eric who climbs the turnbuckle and holds his hands up as though he had won the World Title. Chris is still out of it in the middle of the ring as the referee looks over him, then helps him out of the ring. Sammy then gets back into the ring as he grabs Eric and pulls him back down from theturnbuckle. The music stops as Eric and Sammy stare at each other, the fans waiting in antiscipation for what might happen, most of them chanting 'Sammy' as both men stand still. They finally both step backwards from each other but theintention had been made, both these men do not like each other and both want to continue their quest up the ladder of cZw...

( Winner is Eric Collum via Pinfall over Chris Wilson after 7 mins 40 secs )



Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham -VS- Cage Stryker


After Eric and Sammy leave the ringside, the commentators announce the next match, both men new comers in cZw, both with huge wins in their debuts last week and now both meeting each other next. The fans are still buzzing after the previous match, the ending making them wonder what is going to happen between Eric and Sammy. But now they are buzzing as Towers begins to announce the match, then the Graduate Theme starts to play on the speakers as the fans start to make noise. Most of them boo as they await the second appearence of Gregory Grantham inside the cZw ring ready for combat. He makes his way onto the top of the ramp as he cockily raises his head, sniffing in the atmosphere as he starts to stroll down the ramp. The fans lean out to get a touch of Gregory, but he makes sure they cannot reach him as he looks at them in disgust. All of a sudden though he stops dead, staring at something in the crowd as he walks over, unfazed by all the booing. The camera zooms in closer as it catches him mouth the words 'Dad, you came'. He then starts to enter the ring, a shocked look on his face which slowly turns to a smile as he stands ready for his opponent to enter the ring. The music suddenly changes to 'Ladies and Gentlemen' performed by Saliva. Towers reading out the details of the next superstar, Cage Stryker. As he walks out, we can see the intensity in his face, he looks hell bent on going in the ring and beating up on Gregory. He looks around as he smiles at the fans, most of them chanting his name as some actually boo him too. As he makes his way down to the ring he looks at the same spot as Gregory didm then smirks as he shakes his head to Gregory. He climbs into the ring, both still looking completely focussed, both looking to continue their winning streaks here at cZw as both prepare for their second match...As the fans calm down and the music fades...The bell finally rings...

Both men circle each otherin the ring as the fans get underneath Cage, Gregory with the biggest smile though as he enjoys the fans hating him. They lock up, Cage with a headlock, he applies the pressure, Gregory then actually lifts Cage off though as he throws him across the ring, showing early on he has a huge power advantage. They lock up for the second time, Cage again with the quick hold, now a hammerlock as Gregory finally shows sign of pain, as he grimmaces. Cage tries to rip the arm upwards but Gregory steps into the hold and reverses it, now with the hammerlock on Cage. Gregory turns the attack into a brutal beatdown though as he clobbers Cage in the back of the neck with many forearm attacks. Gregory then grabs him from behind, lifts him up, Cage rolls over the shoulders of Gregory and lands neatly on his feet, Gregory catching him as he lands though with a back heel low blow, Cage looking hurt as he bends over and clutches his groin, the ref warns Gregory but he convinces the ref it was an accident.

He takes advantage of the situation as he hits a few nice suplexes on Cage, A German, then an inverted German, then slows the attack down with an abdominal stretch, still clobbering away at Cage with shots to the ribs. Gregory tries to apply more pressure as he holds onto the ropes while in the hold, but the ref breakes it up, Gregory now spinning Cage around and grabbing him in a barehug. The oxygen gets sucked out of Cage as he begins to fall to his knees. Gregory starts to rythe Cage around from left to right, squeezing the life out of Cage, eventually Gregory lets go as he hits Cage down with a heavy right hand, then follows it up with an elbow drop, then covering Cage but only getting a short two count.

Gregory keeps the smothering pressure on as he locks in an armbar while on the ground. He then tries to turn it into a damaging crossface but Cage escapes as the fans boo the way Gregory is in control of the match. Gregory does not let up as he follows Cage around the ring, scraping his back with back rakes, then hitting forearms again to the back of the head. Cage tries to hit back, getting a few shots in, then a kick to the gut, a knee to the face then going for a clothesline but Gregory ducks, then hits Cage with a kick to the gut followed quickly by a perfect DDT. He then looks around, ending up pulling Cage into the centre of the ring, setting him up for something. He grabs the legs of Cage as he smiles to the crowd, laughing as the fans boo him furiously, with hope of Cage coming back into the match. Their hope ends up getting rewarded as Cage fights out of the attempt at a finisher, sweeps the legs of Gregory then quickly gets up onto his feet, so does Gregory as both men lock up again. This time Cage has the momentum as he hits a couple of European uppercuts on Gregory, then whips him into the ropes, Gregory bouces off, Cage times a dropkick brilliantly as he knocks Gregory down on his ass, the fans roaring with delight as they get under the wing of Cage.

Cage picks up Gregory, he seems to be on a roll as he demonstrates his technical ability hitting Gregory with such manouvres as a Samaon Drop, a snap DDT then ending up hitting a huge Fallaway slam. Both men are exhausted as Cage picks up Gregory again, hitting chops on him driving him towards the corner where he climbs up the ropes, hitting punches on Gregory











Gregory is highly dazed now as the life is pumped out of him, he drops as he sits in the corner, now seeing double vision. The fans cheer as Cage gets them more excited, clapping his hands as he revs up in the opposite corner, he runs at Gregory who seems to have no where to go...BRONCO BUSTER...As Cage sits down on Gregory, the Graduate starts to rise, as he has actually caught Cage in mid air, he stands up, Cage in a desperate position, Gregory walks towards the middle of the ring, Cage in his grasp, the power of Gregory makes the commentators scream with shock...He lifts Cage up further....POWERBOMB!!!!!!!

As Cage bounces off the ground, Gregory falls to his knees and covers...














NO...Cage kicks out

Cage gets a shoulder up, he looks like he did it out of insticts as Gregory pulls the cover on again but now only getting a weak two count. Gregory incensed gets up and picks Cage up with him, lifts him up into a gorilla press, the strength shown again...Cage slips off this time though as he lands on his feet, then out of no where lifts Gregory up and drapes him over his back...STRYKER DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans are having a riot of joy as Gregory lies flat out on his back unconsious after that finisher. Cage however cannot follow up as he would of liked as he isstill recovering from the powerbomb which Gregory hit earlier. He crawls towards Gregory as the fans cheer him on, willing him just to put an arm around Gregory or something. He is now just inches away, he reaches out...HE COVERS!!!!!
































Gregory manages to lift his shoulder up as the fans oooo and rrrrrrrr at the amazing performances of these two new comers to cZw. Cage rises just as Gregory does too, Cage goes for a clothesline but Gregory ducks, then dropkicks the right leg of Cage. Gregory like a shark who smell s blood goes straight after the same leg as he hits various attacks on it, eventually pulling him towartds the turnbuckle as he rolls to the outside and rams the leg of Cage into the steel, the fans making shocked noises as does the commentators at the pure sound of the steel hitting the flesh.

Gregory rolls back into the ring and applies a half boston crab, yanking at the weakened leg. He then starts bashing at the knee of Cage while holding the submission on. Cage seems to be slipping into as dangerous position as he cannot escape from the devastating attacks of Gregory. Grantham finally lets the hold go as he seems to have seen something yet again in the crowd. He walks up to the ropes as he stares at someone in the crowd, only their does not seem to be anyone their, Cage is now up on his feet and goes to turn Gregory around but Gregory, now looking highly intense sees it coming, grabs Cage and hits thunderous Spinebuster. Gregory looks to be in some sort of zone, he lifts Cage up again, Cage kicks Gregory in the gut though then goes for a neckbreaker, Gregory swings around and counters it, then quickly gauges the eyes of Cage as he takes his legs out, Gregory quickly stepping into a leg lock, it just so happens to be the PHD LOCKED IN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans boo at the way Gregory placed the hold on, Cage screaming in pain as he rises up, stares into the eyes of Gregory then lies back down again, his face crunched up in agony. The fans try and cheer him on, some on the side of Gregory though, all of them involved in some way as these two have impressed not only the whole crowd but the commentators as well as they are full of praises. Cage starts clawing away at the ring, trying to manouvere himself closer to the ropes but the weight advantage of Gregory is really obstructing Cage from doing so. Gregory has a strange look on his face as he puts more pressure into the hold, Cage trying his best to escape, now tilting to one side as it seems to work, the fans get behind him and Cage gets a rush of adrenaline, he is close, he is there, HE TURNS IT OVER!!!!!!!!!

Now the pressure is all on the legs of Gregory as he rushes to the ropes, Gregory with enough strength to do so as both men now lie in the middle of the ring exhausted. The ref counts to a 7 count as Gregory finally rises, followed shortly by Cage, the both start throwing blows at each other, both not being able to put much into the pounches as they are tired. Gregory kicks at the knee of Cage as he gets the advantage, he locks him up, goes for a suplex, he lifts him up, perfect angle as he holds him there for a vertical suplex, maybe too long though as Cage slips out, again landing on his feet, now goes for a Russian leg sweep while behind Gregory, but Gregory cannot be budged, his strength holds him in place as he elbows Cage in the sternam, then snapmares him over, locking in a sleeper hold

The hold is held on for about two minutes, Cage now weakened but he gets another rush of adrenaline as he escapes the hold, throws Gregory at the ropes and hits a SPEAR OUT OF NO WHERE...

















Now both men get up again, both grapple, Masters throwing Cage into the corner, he climbs up too, both men now on the top rope, bothmen crashdown as Gregory hits a SUPERPLEX...


Both men stay down for a nine count this time, but finally Cage and Gregory rise, Cage goes to grab Gregory but he ducks, takes the legs out of Cage and tries to lock in the PD again...




















The fans are disappointed again as Gregory gets up in shock, Cage now on a roll, hits a dropkick, then a hiptoss, Gregory now worn out Cage picks Gregory up for another STRYKER DRIVER...Gregory rolls cage up though instead....The ref counts































Gregory actually gets the pinfall as the fans give mixed reactions, the commentators praise them as they gave a respectful match, both worn out in the ring, but Gregory celebrates still. Cage leaves, he looks disappoited but knows he had a good match. As Cage leaves, Ronnie comes out as he stands on the top of the ramp, staring at Grantham as he starts clapping and smiling at his PPV opponent, much to the suprise of everyone their, Gregory looks confused as Ronnie leaves us in an air of mystery...

( Winner is Gregory Grantham via Pinfall after 14 mins 37 secs )


(The cameraman is backstage at the MTS arena as Warzone is just about to start. He walks through the corridors as he reaches the office of Shawn McCallister. To his surprise, Jesse Montana suddenly comes out of the door, he wears his wrestling gear already, the red and black pants and the Upstarts t-shirt on, along with his cowboy hat. Under the rim of his hat we catch a sight of his eyes, they gleam with anger as he tries to get past the cameraman backstage, but is blocked by him, Jesse ultimately pushing the cameraman out of the way as the camera jolts. As Jesse walks away the cameraman decides to follow him. Soon after the encounter, Ryan Lewis makes his way towards Jesse. He has a microphone in his hand ad his own camera crew behind him as he reaches out to Jesse trying to get a few words)

Ryan: "Jesse, Jesse, do you have a few moments? I would like to get you thoughts on to..."

Jesse: "Trust me Ryan when I say this, you would not want to hear my thoughts right now as the words I say would send chills down your spine, it would haunt you for the rest of your life, the images going through my head right now, they are disturbing even for me"

Ryan: "But Jesse, why the hostility?"

Jesse: "How is it that you have the talent to piss me off even more than I am pissed off right now, you want to take the place of Daniels tonight? I would happily crush your little pineapple shaped head just like I am going to do to that fool tonight"

Ryan: "So Jesse, you do not want to share your thoughts then?"

Jesse: "Are you serious? How much am I paying you to be a complete and utter asswipe? Look, their are so many things that right now are getting under my skin, and you Ryan are one of them. But Alan Fiscus, Shawn McCallister, XTC, especially that Ace King..."

(Just then as Jesse mentions the name of the cZw World Heavyweight Champion, out of no where, Ace King comes from down the corridor and confronts Jesse Montana, as they both stand and stare at each other, Ryan in between them looking excited)

Ryan: "Nice to see you champ, so Ace King, do you wan..."

(Ace pushes Ryan out of the way as he stombles into Jesse who also pushes him aside, both men focussing completely on each other as Ryan finally does the sensible thing and leaves the two competitors at it. The two men are just inches away from each other, both dressed ready for combat, Ace King with his prestigious World Title on his shoulder but Jesse does not take his eyes off the eyes of Ace King, and vice versa)

(No words are said, just hatred in their eyes, but both knowing it will all be said next wek when they face off one on one, inside the ring...They both go seperate ways, both getting ready for their matches )



The Dark Side (Tim & M. King) -VS- The Twin Towers (Nicky & Nasty)


As this next match is about to begin, we see Both Tim and Big Nasty walking towards thearena on split screens, both men with anger in their eyes, both ready for a fight as it cuts to a commercial...


...Warzone comes back on as 'Click Click Boom Boom' hits the sound system as the fans immediately get out of there seats and start chanting 'You Suck'. As Towers announces the Dark Side as the tag champions, they both appear on the ramp, holding there belts up in the air. They look at the fans with smirks on their faces which just enfuriates the fans even more. Timmons dances around in the ring ready to get his hands on Nasty, the man who appparently backstabbed Tim by having a relationship with Tim's ex. As 'You Don't Know Me' blasts out, Timmons scowls, the image of Nasty and Nicky on the top of the ramp, Timmons jumps out of the ring as Nasty also wastes no time, both meeting half way as they pound away at each other.

Nasty throws Tim into the guardrail but Tim bounces straigh back up and spears Nasty through the guardrail as it collapses and they fight into the crowd. Meanwhile, King and Vitale have been at fists with each other inside the ring as they are officially the legal men.

Tim and Nasty get more and more violent as the security try and split them up, Tim hits Nasty with a garbage can as it dents the head of Nasty, blood already trickling down his face. Nasty shrugs it off as he grabs a broom and snaps it over the head of Tim, Tim also beginning to spout blood out of his head.

DANIELS": "His head is split open".

MASSTERS: "I can see a Nasty shaped face in the garbage can Jarred".

As the security stops them, Mike has got a pin on Vitale meanwhile in the ring after hitting a Dragon Suplex. Vitale kicks out after two. Timmons and Nasty have been forced to fight back onto the ramp now as they make their way to the ring, Tim kicks Nasty in the groin as he shouts out 'TRY AND USE THEM NOW' then kicks him in the jaw. While on the ground, Nasty searches under the ring and pulls out a 2 x 4. Tim does not notice this as he walks close to Nasty, only to be cracked in the kneecaps with a 2 x 4. Tim falls to the ground screaming as Nasty gets back up and climbs into the ring, as they team up on Mike. They end up hitting a double powerbomb, going for the cover, but Tim is back up, breaks up the count with a fire extinguisher. He sprays it on both Towers members then cracks Vitale in the skull with it.. He rolls out of the ring looking out of it. Mike then grabs Nasty as he holds his arms behind his back, Tim firing punches at Nasty while screaming at him, he finally starts biting the face of Nasty as Mike grabs him from behind locking in a cobra clutch, Tim then searches the area to find the Intercontiental Title, which he grabs. The fans despise this teaming up on Nasty as Vitale is still out cold on the outside, but they now have the complete advantage whether the fans like it or not. Tim winds up as Mike still holds up Nasty in a cobra clutch, then release Nasty as Tim dives in and knocks the Big frame of Nasty down, then makes the ref count him down as Tim covers him, Mike making sure Vitale is no where near...




























Derek Damage runs to the ring, the crowd erupting into confused cheers, Tim turns around after getting thewin, sees Derek and smiles at him, Derek smiles back but only to low blow Tim as he kicks him in the groin, Nasty then rises and hits Mike with a NASTY BOMB...

Derek then grabs Tim...INVERTED FIGURE FOUR

Tim ends up with tears down his face as Derek has it locked in. In the end both Tim and Mike exit the ring and stomble out with their head in their hands. Vitale enters thering looking confused only to be hit with a Nasty Bomb too, a HUGE one as it shakes the ring...

Derek and Nasty exit the ring as they follow Tim and Mike up the ramp, leaving Vitale flat out in the middle of the ring still. Derek and Nasty punch Mike and Tim in the backs as they roll up the ramp. Derek and Nasty both getting the advantage as they continue to beat the Dark Side up the ramp. Eventually they get to the end of thestage where Derek and nasty both throw Tim and Mike towards. Then, in a sick simoultaneous act...Derek and Nasty both pick up Tim and Mike, lean them towards the edge of the stage, a fifteen foot drop below them, then after a count down from 3, they push them both off as an explosion follows and paramedics rush out, the scene closing in on the face of Derek looking sinister, Nasty looking pleased but a sense of maybe going to far, then it cuts to a commercial...

DANIELS: "We need help out here, lets go for a break" ( Winners are Tim Timmons & Mike King via submission after 4 mins 56 secs )



"The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn -VS- "The Black Widow" Sydney Vicious


Ding Ding Ding!!!

Sydney and Thorn hook up in the cenrter of the ring, Sydney with a knee to the gut and grabs Thorn in a headlock Thorn is to her feet and off the ropes, she goes for a close line, Sydney ducks it, Thorn off the ropes again, and Sydney reverses with a back body drop!

Sydney! From beind, Thorn with a small package, she has the tights! 1,2, Kickout at 2 1/2! Sydney is up and she just delivered a piledriver to Thorn. Sydney is up and goes to the top for a moonsaults, Thorn gets up from the piledriver and shakes the ropes Thorn falls holding onto the ropes Sydney hits Thorn with a massive dropkick that sends Thorn out onto the floor, Ref starts his count 1,2,3, 4, Sydney goes out after Thorn, Thorn meets Sydney with a boot to the face.

Both Sydney and Thorn get back into the ring

Sydney bounces off the ropes and hits Thorn with a shouler block. Sydney picked up Thorn and was about to hit her with a powerbomb but Thorn rolled her up into a smallpackage ref 1,2 Sydney kicked out! Sydney gets up and looks Thorn in the eyes and smacks her in the face, Thorn returned the favor, Sydney was shocked that Thorn did that to her and kicked her in the gut grabbed her by the hair and hit her with a running bulldog, Sydney flipped her over and went for the cover, Ref 1,2 Thorn kicked out at 2.

Thorn got up and shaked the cobwebs off and went back to work on Sydney with some rights and lefts, Thorn whipped Sydney into the corner and followed threw with a massive larriat Sydney fell to the mat hard after that shot, Thorn went to the other and and charged in with a bronco buster to Sydney. Thorn picked up Sydne and whipped her to the other end went for another larriat but Sydney side stepped her and Thorn bounced off the turnbuckles and fell to the mat, Sydney climbed on top and started nailing Thorn with some massive punches to the skull, Sydney got up and picked up Thorn and hit her with a Russian Leg Sweep went for the cover Ref 1,2 Thorn kicked out at 2.

Thorn got back to her feet kicked Sydney in the gut and nailed her with a Crucifix Powerbomb Thorn went to the top and nailed Sydney with Sunset on The horizen Thorn went for the cover ref, 1,2,3......Kickout by Sydney, Sydeny got to her feet and levaled Thorn with a big boot to the face, Sydney picked up Thorn and hit her with a stun gun, went for the cover ref 1,2, kickout by Thorn, Sydney grabbed Thorn by the hair pulling her up and nailed Thorn with a DDT! Sydney was not done Sydney picked her back up and nailed Thorn with another DDT!, Sydney went for the cover ref, 1,2 no Thorn got her foot on the bottom rope!

Thorn staggered to her feet and stumbled into the corner, Sydney followed in with a avalanch but Thorn stepped out of the way and rolled Sydney up in a small package! Ref 1, 2, no Sydney kicked out, Sydney got to her feet and slapped Thorn in the face again and grabbed a side headlock take down, Thorn managed to get to one knee and elbow Sydney in the gut to get the head lock off, Thorn hit Sydney with a body slam and hooked Sydney in a STF........

Sydney managed to crawl to the bottom rope and release the hold before tapping out!

Sydney got back to her feet and both locked up in the center of the ring, Sydney hit a snap suplex on Thorn and flipped on top for the cover, ref 1,2,3....No kick out

Thorn got back to her feet and and grabbed Sydney and hit her with a samoan drop, Thorn got back up and and went to the corner waiting for Sydney to get up, as soon as Sydney got up from the samoan drop Thorn nailed her with a massive superkick!!!














. . . . PINFALL!!!!!

Thorn pins the former Queen of Combat champion fair and square as she celebrates. On;y Sydney is now up, she seems to be pissed with the referee and is shouting at him, stating his count was not correct, she thinks shehad her foot o the bottom rope. Thorn looks on disappointed Sydney is acting this way but Sydney is certain she had her foot on the ropes, the referee looks on the combat-tron for areplay but it shows no sign of her foot being on the ropes, Sydey immediately taks out Thron while she was watching the replay, she starts hitting her right in the face, then lefts her up and hits her with a devastating Reality Bites...

Sydney still seems pissed, she rolls out of thering, grabs a chairand gets back in, shouts at the referee to move out of the way which he does then she sets the chair up. She then hits another REALITY BITES...This time onto a STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!!

Thorn is now bleeding from the mouth asSydney leaves, boos from the crowd, Kris Kash running down to see if Thorn is okay, Sydney just smiles and leaves...

( Winner is Allyson Thorn via Pinfall after 3 mins 43 secs )



"The Sensation" Jesse Montana -VS- Jarred Daniels (w/ Fiscus as his manager)


The crowd is still fired up from the last match as "Thieves" by Ministry begins to fill the arena, the crowd rising to their feet with cheers and appraisal. Alan Fiscus bursts out onto the ramp wearing a black t-shirt with Montana ’s face marked out on the front and "Fight the Power" written on the back. He eyes the crowd and grins sadistically as he makes his way to ringside where he waves Daniels on as Jessica Towers takes to the mic..

Jessica Towers: This match, is a CZW street fight, scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Pittsburgh , Pennsylvania and weighing in at 165lbs, one half of the CZW announce team, Jared Daniels!

Masters: I guess we know what this means.

Daniels: I was hoping that by now, Mr. Montana would’ve called this thing off.

Masters: No such luck, mate. Now get along. I’ll tell your mother you loved her. Ha!

Daniels grimaces as he stands, slowly taking his headphones off. He looks nervous as he exits from behind the announcing booth, making his way into the ring. He stumbles over the bottom rope. Fiscus remains on the outside of the ring, offering words of encouragement to Daniels.

Masters: Ho! Mr. Daniel’s entered under the middle rope like a girl and fell flat on his face! This is going to be the best train wreck I’ve ever been unable to look away from.

Jessica Towers : And his opponent, from Miami , Florida and weighing in at 230lbs. He is the current CZW president, "The Sensation" Jesse Montana!

The arena suddenly goes dark as the opening notes of "For Whom the Bell Tolls" begins to play, the crowd immediately turning their cheers of appraisal to hisses and boos. A burst of pyro rains down from atop the CZW tron, the arena lighting up once again as CZW president, Jesse Montana and his better half Jaqui Rhodes make their way onto the ramp. Montana glares down at the ring and smiles, wearing a three piece suit and spinning Jaqui by the hand as she models her dress.

Masters: It appears our president feels confident enough in his abilities, that he’s actually going to finish Daniels in his suit! That is class if I’ve ever seen it.

Montana and Rhodes begin their descent towards the ring, Jesse stopping long enough to kiss her hand before entering the ring. Jaqui continues around the ring towards the announcing booth where she takes a seat next to Masters, placing the headphones on her head.

Masters: If you’re just tuning in folks, I’ve been blessed by the appearance of Miss Jaqui Rhodes. Good evening, Jaqui.

Rhodes: Good evening, Mr. Daniels.

Masters: You’ve come to witness young Daniels being put in his place, have you?

Rhodes: Of course. My man is the president of this company now. A company, I might add, that has seen an incline in viewers since he gained the position. The CZW is running better than it ever has before, and we don’t need any dogs stepping out of line with their negative opinions. Daniels asked for this, to be honest.

Masters: I couldn’t agree more, Miss Rhodes.

In the ring, referee Darrin Powers is finalizing the details, making sure each man is ready, which Daniels obviously isn’t. But upon Montana ’s request, Powers waves to the bell keeper. The bell sounds and the match is underway. Montana approaches Daniels, who is shaking his head and pleading with the president. Montana smiles at the shaken man just before slapping the taste out of his mouth.

Masters: Ooh! He just slapped the taste right out of Daniels’ mouth!

Rhodes: It’s a good start. Daniels will be begging for slaps by the end of it, this I can guarantee.

Daniels faces the mat, grabbing his face while Montana stares him down, his grin having changed to an expression of seriousness. Daniels goes to say something, but before he can finish, Montana slaps him a second time. Fiscus stands on the outside, trying to provoke Daniels into fighting back. Montana glances over at Fiscus and points at him, signifying that Daniels beating will be on his hands. Montana reaches back for a third slap, but Daniels catches Montana ’s hand and whips him over his shoulder with an arm drag!

Rhodes: What the hell?

Masters: It seems young Daniels has a breaking point as well as some skill!

Montana gets back on his feet almost immediately and turns towards Daniels, only to be caught with a second arm drag! Montana rises up quicker than before and turns, walking into a hip toss from Daniels! Montana grabs his back as he rolls back over to his feet. As he stands, Daniels delivers a well placed dropkick, sending Montana through the ropes, to the arena floor. The audience fires up in favor of Daniels as Montana tries to get a grip on his bearings, outside the ring, Fiscus taunting him.

Maters: Amazing! Daniels has actually taken the upper hand of the offensive!

Rhodes: Get up, Jesse! You’re letting the kid make you look bad!

Montana gets back to his feet, throwing a few choice words Alan’s way before looking back into the ring where an unaware Daniels stands, taking in the fan’s reaction. Montana quickly reaches under the ropes, grabbing Daniels’ ankles. He pulls, tripping Daniels onto his face before dragging him out of the ring, viciously hammering his face with right fists. Fiscus begins to round the ring, but Montana calls the ref’s attention to him. Powers begins instructing Fiscus to keep to his side of the ring as Montana Irish whips Daniels into the steel steps at ringside, a loud crash announcing the impact as Daniels grimaces in pain. Montana stalks towards him, delivering a kick to the head. The crowd begins booing loudly as Montana drags Daniels to his feet, rolling him in the ring. Still outside, Montana grabs his foe’s leg and begins slamming Daniel’s knee against the steel of the turnbuckle. Fiscus finally breaks over towards Montana and shoves him, causing him to release Daniels who screams in pain as he clutches his knee. Montana points directly at Fiscus, who begins yelling some choice words of his own at the current president. Montana nods and walks by Fiscus, grabbing a mic from Jessica Towers at ringside.

Montana: Fiscus! I will not have you tarnishing the outcome of this match. I hereby ban you from ringside! Security, take care of this piece of crap!

Casey Rogers strolls down to the ring and begins leading a hesitant Fiscus towards the back, the fans getting louder with disappointment. Montana takes in the hatred and smiles again.

Rhodes: That’s how you do it, babe! Get that trash out of here!

Masters: But he never even attacked Mr. Montana …

Rhodes: It doesn’t matter, Masters. We were probably getting low ratings with that moron at ringside anyway!

Jesse rolls back into the ring, still grinning as he approaches Daniels. He delivers a stomp to Daniels’ knee with a satisfied look. Daniels bellows in pain once more as Montana suddenly mounts over him, driving stiff right fists to his face. Referee Powers begins to call Montana on the closed fists, Montana responding by getting in the ref’s face. Daniels rolls towards the bottom ropes, still clutching his knee as he rolls out to the floor. Montana notices Daniels’ getaway and laughs, turning towards Rhodes and Masters with a shrug.

Rhodes: You’re doing a great job, baby!

Montana serves a self-approved grin to Jaqui, his attention elsewhere. Daniels manages to hobble back to his feet, but instead of leaving, he rolls back into the ring.

Masters: It appears Daniels is still in this thing. I’m surprised.

Rhodes: Watch out, Jesse!

Montana turns around as Daniels lands a hard right of his own to Jesse’s temple. He stops after the punch however, Montana smiling as he shrugs the blow off. Montana holds his arms out, giving Daniels a free shot. Daniels throws a second right, it having about as much of an effect as the first one. Montana smiles on in defiance. Daniels’ face suddenly turns red. He delivers a sharp kick to Montana ’s crotch, the president’s face turning from humorous to pain-filled as he grabs his grapefruits. Daniels makes a run towards the opposite ropes, rebounding with speed as he nails Montana with a clothesline, sending the president flying over the top ropes, to the floor outside. Montana tries to recover quickly, rolling up to his feet as Daniels suddenly vaults himself over the top rope, nailing Montana with a body splash!

Masters: The young man has lost his mind!

Daniels returns to his feet, approaching the announcing booth. He reaches for his headphones on Jaqui’s head. She responds by trying to slap him. Daniels catches her hand and plants a kiss on her!

Masters: Oh-ho! I can’t believe I’m saying this, but, Daniels is fired up!

Jaqui breaks free from the kiss and darts around the ring, wiping her mouth of with a disgusted look on her face. Daniels grabs the headset.

Daniels: Hey Masters! How the hell are ya?

Masters: I’m quite fine my friend. You appear to be doing well!

Daniels: Well? The Daniels doesn’t do well. The Daniels does great! Watch this one, Will.

Masters: Will?

Daniels grabs one of the monitors from the table top and waits as Montana gets to his feet, still clutching his crotch. As he turns, Daniels nails him in the face with the monitor!

Masters: Holy hell, son. You’ve lost it!

Daniels: Au contraire, Masters. This is called "winning". The Daniels is tired of president Montana ’s crap, and so the Daniels is doing something about it!

Daniels climbs atop the announcing booth, thrusting his hands high in the air to the delight of the fans. On the floor, Montana is getting back to his knees, as he checks his face, a minor trickle of blood running down the side of his temple from a scrape. Montana suddenly becomes enraged, rushing back to his feet. He pulls Daniels’ feet out from under his weight, sending Daniels crashing down on the table, his face bouncing off the booth. Montana drags Daniels off the table and removes his headset, wrapping it’s chords around Daniels’ neck, strangling him.

Masters: Come on now! The kid’s face is turning blue! He can’t breathe!

Montana yells something at Masters, still choking Daniels out on the arena floor. The chord still wrapped around Daniels’ neck, Montana runs his face into a steel turnbuckle post. He pulls Daniels back and yells at him before slamming his face into the post again, this time repeatedly. Jaqui approaches Montana and Daniels. Montana holds the choked-out Daniels steady as Jaqui pulls back, slapping the hell out of Daniels. She smiles as she snatches the headset off of Daniels, taking her place back at the booth.

Masters: What is this? Does Montana really need to go this far?

Rhodes: Of course he does! Daniels deserves it! If he had been a quiet, unthinking pawn like yourself, he might not be having this problem!

Masters: What? I’m not…Oh , man. We have to go to a commercial break. This match continues, next!


A black and white screen flares with a deep throated narration of "The following announcement has been paid for by the CZW." Jesse Montana can then be seen, still in black and white as the came cuts to several shots and close-ups of him

. Montana: Here in the CZW, we all strive for one thing…

Footage of several CZW stars kicking the living hell out of each other in several different clips airs.

Montana: To be the best. Some of us achieve this glory.

Footage of Montana beating the hell out of Fiscus airs as well as the rundown of Zodiac Thrilla.

Montana: Others? Well…

Footage of several come-and-gone former CZW superstars airs.

Montana: To be the best, you have to wade through the garbage on your way to the top.

Footage of several CZW hardcore matches, X title matches, as well as the Tower of Power are shown.

Montana: But only one can be called the best. Which means everyone around you is a target. And when that battle commences…

Footage of several severe injuries are shown, cuts, blood, flaming guitars, and including Impaler breaking his neck last week.

Montana: It’s gonna be a Massacre! I’m CZW president Jesse Montana, and I approve this message.

The logo for May Massacre is shown on the screen.

-----End Commercial-----

Masters: We’re back, live folks from the MTS Centre in Winnipeg , Manitoba . If you’re just tuning in, you’ve missed quite an extraordinary show. Just before the commercial break, Daniels had mounted a short-lived offense. But Montana is clearly in control now.

Rhodes: Naturally.

In the ring, Montana has Daniels in a tight headlock, still attempting to choke the young man out. As Daniels begins to lose consciousness, Montana releases the hold and begins driving stiff heels into Daniels’ ribs. Montana drags Daniels to his feet where he nails a Russian leg sweep. Seizing the opportunity, Montana rebounds off the ropes with a lionsault for the pin.









Montana quickly pulls Daniels up off the mat, stopping the count. He drags Daniels up to his feet once more, grabbing his foe and hitting him with the three amigos, following the last one up with a fisherman suplex.

Rhodes: The Fisherman’s Amigo! Nobody does it better.

Masters: Daniels is done, pin him already!

Rhodes: Watch your tone, Masters. Jesse will pin him when he’s good and ready!

Montana locks in the Texas Cloverleaf on Daniels who furiously begins tapping immediately. Before the ref can say anything, Montana yells something to the ref. Montana keeps the hold locked in as referee Powers makes his way to the ropes, yelling something to Jessica Towers .

Jessica Towers: The referee has just informed me that this match can NOT be won by submission.

Masters: What?!? He’s trying to kill the lad, now!

Montana continues applying pressure to the hold as Daniels screams bloody murder, with no escape. A commotion is heard suddenly as the tron goes black. Montana looks towards it as an embarrassing image comes into view…

Rhodes: What the hell is this? Who’s doing this?

Masters: I have a good idea, and it begins with an XT and ends with a C.

Rhodes: Those disrespectful bastards! This isn’t how you treat a president! I want that image gone, now!

Montana releases the submission and approaches the ropes, complaining about the image on the screen, a mic is handed off to him.

Montana: I want that image gone, right now! Or everybody in the back is getting fired!

The image disappears, Montana smirking over the use of his authority. But Daniels suddenly slides under Montana and grabs him for the roll up!










Masters: HE DID IT!!!

Rhodes: WHAT?!?

The bell sounds as Daniels releases the pin. Infuriated, Montana gets back on his feet and punt kicks Daniels in the face. Microphone still in hand, Montana addresses the arena.

Montana: I don’t know how many street fights you’ve been in before, Daniels. But where I come from, you don’t pin somebody in a street fight. You knock them out! This match continues!

The crowd boo and hiss frantically as the match continues, Daniels in no shape to continue. Montana drags Daniels to the ropes and places his face on the bottom rope before curb stomping the back of his head!

Masters: That’s not right!

Rhodes: Where do your loyalties lie, Masters? You better recognize your role and do your damn job!

Blood begins to pour from Daniels’ nose and mouth as Montana mounts him again, driving right and left fists to Daniels’ face, causing more blood to come gushing. Referee Powers finally pulls Montana from Daniels. Powers checks Daniels condition, helping him to his feet. As Daniels stands with the help of the ref, Montana drives a super kick to his jaw, Daniels falling away from the ref’s grip, unconscious on the mat.

Rhodes: The most electrifying move in sports today! The Montana Express!

The ref immediately calls for the bell.

Jessica Towers: The winner of this street fight as a result of a knock out, Jesse Montana!

The crowd begins throwing cups, cans and other trash towards and in the ring as their chorus of disapproval rains down on Montana . The ref tries to help Daniels up once more as Montana parades around the ring, basking in the hate. Once on his feet, Daniels wobbles like a drunk on the support of Powers as a stretcher is sent down to the ring. Montana grins wickedly as he turns and delivers a second devastating Montana Express to referee Powers! Powers collapses, leaving a dazed Daniels to stand on his own. Montana puckers a kiss at Daniels before nailing another Montana Express on him!

Rhodes: Hit him again, baby!

Masters: Oh, enough of this!

Masters rises to his feet, tossing his headset aside. He slides into the ring and spins Montana around, pointing out his problem with the scenario. Montana ignores him and turns back to Daniels. Masters spins Montana around a second time and delivers a devastating right fist to Jesse’s jaw! Montana drops to the mat, Masters following him around the ring. Jaqui suddenly comes sliding into the ring where she hops on Masters’ back, her arms locked around his neck in a choke hold. Masters struggles with her as Montana gets back to his feet. Masters finally flips Jaqui forward, off his back, but as he looks up, the last thing he sees is the business end of yet another Montana Express!

Powers, Daniels, and Masters are now all unconscious in the ring as Montana helps Jaqui up, celebrating the victory. Fiscus suddenly comes barreling down to the ring. Sliding in, he spins Montana around and nails a "Riot Plex". Montana collapses against the mat as Montana turns to Jaqui. She runs at Fiscus, but he ducks, pulling down the top rope as he does, sending Jaqui stumbling over the top rope, to the arena floor where she takes a hard bump on her back. Fiscus climbs over Montana and starts hammering away at his face like a mad man, clawing at his eyes from time to time.

An explosion of pyro ignites the stage as Shawn McCallister steps out onto the ramp, appearing to be waving people on from the back. Maynard O’Toole, Rob Wright, Big Nasty and Rave suddenly come walking towards the ring. Fiscus takes notice and kicks Montana in the side, trying to revive him. But it’s no use. The four men surround the ring, taunting Fiscus. A crazed look overcomes Alan’s face as he suddenly dares them all into the ring. They happily oblige. Fiscus manages to punch Wright and then Rave, before O’Toole and Nasty begin a double beat down on him. Wright and Rave move on to Montana , where they begin stomping him into the mat. Nasty holds Fiscus up while O’Toole delivers stiff chin shots to the defenseless man. Nasty then turns Fiscus and nails the Nasty Bomb to which O’Toole applies his Celtic Clutch afterwards. Rave lifts Montana up and delivers The Pandora’s Box on the president! Wright then quickly takes to the turnbuckle where he hits Montana with No More Fun and Games!

McCallister stands in the middle of the ring, his 'protection' by the side of him, a dark smile on his face as he wipes the sweat off, then laughs at the broken bodies of Alan and Jesse. He then pats Maynard, Nasty and Wright othe backs, Ravelooking at him confused. Shawn then to everyones surprise nods to the three men he tapped, who then start beating up on their own team mate Rave. Maynard and Wright stomp him down into thje ground as Nasty is ordered by Shawn to get a weapon. He grabs the ring bell as he climbs back over theropes, gives thebel to Shawn as Maynard and Wright hold up Rave, who is now busted open from thenose, Shawn dives in...


The bell crashes into theface of Raveas his nose snaps, his face fcovered in blood, his teethcracked. Maynard then lifts him up...MAYNARD BOMB!!!!!!!!!! Rob Wright...GAME OVER!!!!!!! Two big moves in quick succession as Nasty then lifts him up, picks him up over his head and drops him top the outside. Shawn then strangles hi with a wire from thecamera while Nasty plants the ringbell into his face a few more times. Raveis now in a bloody mess as Shawn smiles and grabs the microphone...

SHAWN: "Jesse...Alan, we showed you tonight why you do not mess with the Chairman, I am not like Derek, I do anything to win, I hate losing and when you made me tap last week Jesse, I have been dying to do this ever since....Stand him up boys...

Shawn gets Maynard & Wright to stand him up, he then smashes the bell around Jesse's head.

SHAWN: "This is things to come, at May Massacre, it will be your blood over the ring just like tonight. Rave, you thought you could be in my squad and just sit back and do nothing, this is proof, you do not disrespect SHAWN McCALLISTER!!!

Shawn and his three stable mates exit the ring and leave, huge smiles on all their faces...


MASTERS: "My damn jaw, now why the hell did I go and do that? Just for Jarred as well. Anyway, here is the main event of the night, if I can talk properly I will call it, but it might be quiet without the big mouth Jarred Daniels around" DING DING DING

-Leo Crow starts in the ring with El Pablo. Both men begin to test each other as Pablo drops to a knee in order to slap at Crow. Crow waits until the most opportune moment and then dives at Pablo as he hits a knee, sending both men toppling from the ring onto the hard concrete. The match picks up instant heat, as from here Ace King and Covey run over and help Pablo up. All three members of XTC are on their feet, but don’t see the opportunistic Matt Stylez take the advantage by running down the apron and springing off the turnbuckle with a whisper in the wind taking all three men to the ground. –

MASTERS: Look at that Daniel…. Shit… This isn’t much fun without some idiot to talk to… Boring yet peaceful… What the hell?

- -Mack Beaudin waits for Covey to get up and then nails him with a spear. The two men roll around for a minute before Mack clotheslines Covey over the guardrail and they battle through the stands into the back. Soon, they are off camera and we see Matt Stylez and Ace King trading blows outside of the ring. Meanwhile, Pablo and Leo Crow are back in the ring and Crow has the upper hand. He has Pablo locked into a sitting arm bar and is wrenching back, Pablo yelping in pain. Finally, Pablo reaches the ropes and Crow is forced to release the hold. Pablo jumps to his feet with enthusiasm in hopes of tagging in Ace King but is met with a running bulldog from Leo Crow. Leo then gets to his feet and slaps Ace King. King tries to get in the ring but the referee stops him. This gives Stylez the opportunity to clap his hands together and simulate a tag. Crow and Stylez then pick up Pablo delivering a harsh double DDT, pick him up and then hit him would a double atomic drop/suplex combo.The referee comes back and declares Matt the legal man. Matt smirks and locks on a cobra clutch on Pablo, glaring up at Ace King taunting him. Ace again tries to get in, forcing Matt to break the hold and rush Ace, hitting him and the referee with a clothesline sending both to the concrete floor.-

MASTER: Stylez is just too intelligent for XTC. He made them and now he will break them apart. Leo Crow is just as vicious… look at that Jarre… SHIT I DID IT AGAIN!

-Stylez turns and ducks a flying elbow from Pablo, as he hits the turnbuckle with force Matt catches him with a strong clothesline straining him across the turnbuckle. The referee trapping Ace against the concrete. Pablo is taking a beating as Matt and Leo both stomp a mudhole in Pablo. Ace King gets back to his feet, and storms the ring with a chair, forcing Leo and Stylez to retreat to the outside and regroup. Ace King helping his fallen team-mate.-

MASTERS: Looks like the ref is back on his feet. Jarred, don’t you ever realize how the referees take a hit and never….

-Masters stops talking again, The referee regaining order in the ring. Mack and Ed still nowhere to be found. Matt is in the ring with Pablo still, but Pablo quickly tags in Ace King. Ace and Matt meet at the center and go nose to nose. Both men then start trading blows identically.. They kick at the same time, and then finally the sequence ends with a clothesline from each man. Both hitting the mat fairly hard. Both men then enthusiastically jump to their feet, and lock horns once again. The moves still meeting match for match, until finally Stylez drops to the mat at a random moment and Ace King is nailed with a missile drop kick from the top rope.-

MASTERS: Stylez and Crow work flawlessly together…

-Ace King grovels on the mat for a few moments while the referee tries to get Leo out of the ring. Leo and Matt recoup, as does Ace and Pablo… until suddenly two men fly over the barricade. It’s Covey and Beaudin. They have battled back to the ring and now they are both on the apron. Stylez smirks and tags in Beaudin unwillingly. Mack looks at Stylez like he is nuts and then tries to catch his breath. Mack is completely worn out from his battle with Covey, and it shows as he walks to the center of the ring yelling at Ace King. Covey looks to not even be stunned. Ace King kicks Mack in the leg a few times, and then elbows him to knock him off his feet. The beating continues as Ace stomps Mack down and then whips him into the XTC turnbuckle. Ace tags in Pablo who then immediately tags in covey allowing XTC a momentarily 3-man advantage where Covey climbs the turnbuckle and Ace and Pablo lift Mack into a double suplex. Covey then spears Mack from the top turnbuckle hard. Covey gets up laughing and XTC goes to their turnbuckle. Mack lays in pain and Covey goes to grab Mack, resulting in a vicious low blow. Mack then stands and walks toward his corner to tag in Stylez, who jumps from the mat and shakes his head. Mack gets pissed and tries the same with Leo, who just as well drops down and laughs. Mack turns around right into a enzuguri from Covey. Stylez and Crow start laughing and begin to walk off. XTC just watching as Crow and Stylez walk up the ramp. Ace and Pablo look on baffled but then smirk as Covey sets up Mack and nails him with a Special Driver. Mack hits hard and Ace and Pablo start cheering their teammate. Covey then goes for the quick pin. –





TOWERS: Your winner XTC’s Ace King, El Pablo, and Ed COVEY!!!

-XTC climbs in, and look at Stylez and Crow who are both now standing on top of the side entrance laughing. Mack Beaudin lays face first on the mat, still feeling pain, but Matt and Leo just share a laugh as they watch on.- XTC now celebrating hard as all three have just made their debut, and won the match too. The fans are loving this as XTC stand tall. Suddenly several secruity guards rush down the ramp and into the ring where they start trying to take XTC out of the ring. Ace shouts at them, wondering what is going on, but they do not say, all they say is 'it was orders from theboss', then more and more come down as they fill the ring, Ace now on the virge of attacking them but Ed and El Pablo calm him down. The fans boo as the celebrations for XTC were comepletely stopped, now they all leave the ring and are made to leave the arena out of the back door, Stylez and Crow still watching on as they share a giggle or two, Mack awakening looking confused...

MASTERS: "Mack is not the only one confused here tonight, it has been one hell of a show and lets hope Jarred is back with us next week,. I know I might hate him but it sure is quiet around here without him, anyway folks, this has been cZw, until next week, goodbye" cZw President Jesse Montana

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