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CZW - Presents War Zone


CZW: Warzone

*cZw ASSAULT!!!*


(May Massacre's theme, "Pro-Test" by Skinny Puppy, begins to play as an Assault theme song hasn't been chosen yet.)

DANIELS: "Welcome everyone, to the first ever Prime Time ASSAULT!!"

MASTERS: "We have an exciting show for you tonight, here at Rogers Centre! The roof is up, it's a beautiful night, and I can't wait!"

DANIELS: "Our main event will decide the CZW World Tag Team Titles! We'll also see K-Blaze against Shawn Waters in a non-title Backstage Brawl!"

MASTERS: "And first is The Phoenix facing the newbie, Cage Stryker!"




Michael King came out first, to "Iron Man" by Ozzy and Therapy?. The crowd seemed to be into him, but also seemed a little hesitant. He slapped a few fans' hands on the way down. Next is the debuting Cage Stryker, who came out to "Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva. He was accompanied to the ring by Sirena Starr, a very attractive woman who had a match a little later on herself. He posed for the crowd and acted face-ish, also high fiving fans on the way to the ring. With both men ready, the bell rang. Both men showed a sign of respect, as they bumped knuckles before circling each other. Daniels commented on how evenly matched up these two men are, as they locked up. King took control, with a questionable knee to the gut. He tossed Cage to the ropes, and nailed a nicely executed dropkick.

He picked up Cage and hit a quick Cravate Suplex, shocking the crowd and getting a two count pinfall. He picked up Cage again, but this time Cage caught him with a shot to the throat. Cage bounced off the ropes for momentum, and nailed a stiff kick to the head. He kicked King in the gut and positioned him. He lifted King up and span around, nailing a Spin-Out Powerbomb, getting his own two count. The crowd got more and more behind Cage as the match wore on, and Sirena cheered him from the apron. Cage threw King to the ropes, but King reversed it. On the rebound, King kicked Cage in the gut and nailed a Keylock Driver. King then climbed to the top turnbuckle with a quickness, and leapt up nailing a Top-Rope Hart Attack, with the crowd showing their appreciation for such athleticism. He went for the cover, but surprisingly only got a two count.

King seemed a little shocked himself, and he locked in a Dragon sleeper. Cage refused to give up, and after a few moments King released the hold. He went to pick up Cage, but Cage surprised him with an inside cradle. He only got a two count. King got up, dazed with surprise, and Cage was up as well. Cage kicked King in the gut, and nailed a snap DDT. He picked up King, head full of steam, and threw him to the ropes. Huge lariat, almost knocking King out of his boots. He picked King up, and nailed a Fallaway slam. He went for the cover, but got two. Cage picked King up, but King blocked a suplex. King nailed a swinging neckbreaker, and both men were down for a moment. They finally stood up, throwing fists, and Cage took the lead. He threw King to the ropes and kicked him in the gut. He lifted King up, turned around, and NAILED the Stryker Driver!!




Cage won his debut match, with King knocked out momentarily. King awoke, and held his head realizing he lost the match. As Cage's hand was raised, King left the ring and looked up at him as if he knows something Cage did not.




* cZw *




The crowd was excited to see the returning Big Dawg, who had been out for weeks with a broken hand. However, the crowd was more behind Charles Max when he came out with his wife, Lizzette Morgan, at his side. The bell rang, and Max went to shake Nicky's hand. Nicky just swatted Max's hand away and then blatantly slapped Max in the mouth. Max took a moment to check his lips, and then proceeded to unload on the large biker. Nicky fought back, but Max took the lead. He nailed Nicky with a series of knee lifts before sending him to the ropes. Nicky gets nailed with a powerful Spinebuster, but kicks out at two.

Charles picked up Nicky and whipped him to the turnbuckle, but Nicky reversed it. Nicky came running in close behind with a strong lariat. Nicky kicked Max in the gut, and nailed a reverse Neckbreaker. Nicky went for a cover, but barely got a one count. Nicky poked Max in the eyes, and threw him to the turnbuckle again. He lifted Max up, and climbed up with him... NAILING a Superplex, making the ring bounce.




The crowd gradually got more into this match, pitting big man against big man. Nicky had Max in the palm of his hands as he slammed him back down to the mat with a bodyslam. At this moment Daniels talked about the weird relationship Nicky has had with Big Nasty, his tag team partner in the Twin Towers. Daniels mentions how it was basically Nicky's fault that Big Nasty and Tim Timmons didn't win the tag belts at No Remorse. Masters mentioned how weird Nicky has acted since he's been back. Nicky picked up Max and nailed a hard elbow to his head. Nicky started yelling at to the crowd "The Big Dawg is Back!" and they reacted well to it. Nicky, almost nonchalantly, threw Max to the ropes..


Charles Max made the crowd gasp when he rebounded back with a murderous Gore!! He goes for the cover




Max surprised Nicky with a thundering move, and got the pinfall victory. Nicky was motionless in the ring as Max just looked back down at him, checking his lip again. Max left the ring after celebrating, and Nicky awoke with a confused and dejected look on his face.




* cZw *




Chris Wilson was the first man to be introduced, coming down in a weird robot-like suit. The crowd didn't seem to be too interested in it. Next was "Outlaw" Buck Evans, coming down to to "Ramblin' Man." They hated this guy, and he loved it. Dusty Davis was next, coming down to "Lonely Train" by Blackstone Cherry. The crowd didn't like him much either. Finally, coming down to "Pomp and Circumstance," Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham came down. Masters mentions that Buck Evans is the only one in this match who has wrestled before in CZW, and it should be interesting to see the outcome of this one. As the bell rung, Dusty Davis and Buck Evans immediately went after each other, with Chris Wilson being blindsided by Gregory while he was watching Dusty and Buck.

Gregory picked up Wilson, and nailed a short arm clothesline. In the opposite corner, Dusty was stomping a mudhole into Evans' gut. Suddenly, a scrawny African-American man came running down to the ring. Daniels shouts that is Eazy and he shouldn't even be here, as CZW had terminated his contract a few days ago. All four men stopped fighting each other, and moved their attentions to the man. Eazy does a stupid dance, and basically called all four men losers... but in his own, elementary school special way. Suddenly, all four men pounce and just tear Eazy a new one. Dusty Davis gets a hold of him first, nailing a Dreamer's Dream!


Chris Wilson then took his turn, as he picked Eazy up. He dragged him to the corner and lifted him up on the top turnbuckle. He positioned him, and slammed Eazy down hard with the Oblivion.


Eazy twitched like a fish before Buck Evans picked him up. He slaps Eazy in the mouth, and positions him. Evans SLAMMED Eazy down with the Outlaw Slam.


Gregory then grabbed Eazy and immediately hit the 4.0


And with that, Eazy rolled out of the ring and fell on his face onto the floor. He never moved again on television. He was apparently helped out during a commercial break. Gregory Grantham seized the opportunity to attack, and clotheslined both Dusty and Wilson to the back of their heads, knocking them down. Evans was on alert though, and immediately drop kicked Grantham after the double lariat. Buck picked up Wilson and nailed another Outlaw Slam. He goes for the cover



Dusty breaks it up

Dusty and Buck then went at it violently, punching and kicking each other to where they tumbled out of the ring. Chris Wilson slowly got up, and turned around.


Masters freaked out as Gregory Grantham nailed Chris Wilson with the 4.0




Grantham is the winner, and the referee raised his hands as Wilson was laid out. Outside of the ring, Dusty had taken control of Evans and had just viciously slammed Evans hard against the guardrail. Suddenly, from the under the ring Jacob Havok reveals himself. The crowd pop as he has his signature guitar with him. He stalked Dusty, who was trash talkin' down at Buck Evans. Dusty turned around at just the ring time...


Jacob Havok smashed the guitar over the head of Dusty Davis. The crowd cheered his revenge. Gregory was apathetic, and left the area rather quickly. Jacob Havok was talking trash down to the fallen Dusty Davis as Assault went to a commerical.




* cZw *




Both girls shook hands as the men in the crowd were hootin' and hollerin' about how attractive they are. The women then showed the crowd that they were more than just about looks, as they had a very scientific and good match. Sirena took charge after a bulldog out of the corner. She chopped Hellena hard on the chest, causing it to turn red and the crowd to woo. She got Hellena in the corner, and lifted her up. Sirena climbed up with her and positioned herself...


Sirena hit a top-rope Hurricanrana, and went for the cover. She got a two and a half count. She picked up Hellena and tossed her to the ropes... nailing a Spinwheel kick on the rebound. Sirena climbed to the ropes, but Hellena got up in time to shake the ropes causing Sirena to fall on the top turnbuckle. Hellena grabbed her, and tossed her to the mat. Hellena then nailed Sirena with a German suplex and tried for the cover.




Hellena questioned the ref, and then picked Starr back up. Hellena tossed her to the ropes, but Starr comes back with a surprising back springboard elbow. She then picks Hellena up and nails a vertical suplex. She then slammed Hellena into a corner, and lifted her up for another top-rope Hurricanrana. Hellena fought it off though, and grabbed Sirena by the head after knocking her back down to the mat. She leaps...


Hellena nailed Sirena Starr with a thundering Tornado DDT.




Hellena wins the match, and qualifies as the fourth entrant into May Massacre's "Queen of Combat, Cage of Doom" match. She checks on Sirena and makes sure she knows it wasn't anything personal. Both ladies shake hands, and the crowd show their appreciation for their hard fought efforts.




* cZw *




Daniels tells everyone to watch the Combat Tron, as this match will take place in the in the Blue Jays clubhouse of Rogers Centre. Shawn Waters and K-Blaze are both in their street clothes. The referee is there, and calls for the bell which a fatter man has one who is in the corner. The bell rung, and both men tore into each other with lefts and rights. Waters eventually took charge and hit a hard knee lift to K-B's sternum. He then threw K-Blaze into the wall, causing a sickening thud. Shawn went for the first cover.




Shawn picks up K-Blaze and drags him towards a door that leads into the backstage area of the baseball stadium. The scene switches to a camera on the outside, and there are fans all over the place anticipating the match. They cheer as the door slammed open, and Waters and K-B came storming out. Waters went to throw K-B into another wall, but this time K-B blocked it and slammed Shawn face first into the wall. Blaze then drop kicked Waters in the back as he was stumbling backwards. Waters hit the wall again, and Blaze went for the cover.




Blaze picked up Shawn, as the crowd began to chant "Blaze! Blaze! Blaze!" He grabbed Shawn and dragged him out of the area, and out to the outside entrance of Rogers Centre. It is a sunshiney day, as Assault is taped during the afternoon. They brawled back and forth, with neither man really getting the advantage. Shawn eventually poked Blaze in the eye, and nailed a dangerous vertical suplex on the concrete. Waters didn't go for the cover, however, as he picked Blaze right back up. He slammed Blaze's head down against a large metal trashcan, causing another sickening thud. Blaze began bleeding from his forehead after that shot. Shawn went for a hurricanrana, but Blaze suddenly dropped him down with a power bomb onto the concrete!


Blaze groggily got up, and nailed a standing shooting star press, the HOLY SHOT.




The crowd chants Blaze's name some more, and Masters was shocked. The referee raised Blaze's hand in victory. Shawn was attended to by some EMTs, but he groggily got up. When Blaze wasn't looking, Shawn attacked him from behind. Both men looked like hell to this point. Shawn locked in the Waterboard on the fallen Blaze, angry that he lost. Security finally ripped Shawn off of Blaze, as the same EMTs then checked on him, and Assault went to a commercial.




TOWERS: "The next contest is your ASSAULT MAIN EVENT and is an elimination tag match where all three teams will have to have both partners eliminated in order to be knocked out...And it is for the cZw Tag Team Titles"

DANIELS: "Well I am sorry to have to say goodbye to the previous champs, JA Sawyer and Billy Williams but we have to move on, now, these three teams, as odd as they seem, all have a chance for the gold"

MASTERS: "What do you mean odd? These are the teams for the Stable Wars at May Massacre, this is a preview of that"

DANIELS: "It certainly is and it is the main event of Assault - Prime Time, Assault has moved up in the World and now will compete with Warzone, both shows looking impressive"

MASTERS: "Yeah and you know who you can thank for that Jarred, our President, Jesse Montana"

DANIELS: "Well anyway, how interesting is it going to be to see these men fight each other? Three of them being staff members"

MASTERS: "Well two of them, I think Alan now is just a superstar, soon to be unemployed altogether if Mr Montana gets his own way"

DANIELS: "Yes Jesse is certainly a contraversial man, you wither love him or you hate him, it just so happens 99 percent of the population hate him, anyway, here we go, lets get the main event started"


All is not friendly inside the ring as all six men stand verbally abusing each other. The crowd are clearly on the side of 'The One Man Riot' Alan Fiscus. Jesse takes his Upstarts shirt off as he throws it into the crowd, amazingly no one wants it as the security guard picks it up instead and secretly stuffs it down his pants. Alan taps Impaler on the shoulder as to say he can start, Impaler looks down in disgust as there is an awkward moment in the ring as Fiscus climbs out. Jesse immediately shouts instructions to Tim to start as Tim also looks infuriated, but agrees in the end. So in the ring is Tim and Impaler as the match starts

DANIELS: "So here we go, the Assault main event is about to kick off, in the ring we have Impaler and Tim, both looking to exact revenge on each other since that X Title extravaganza"

MASTERS: "Not only that, they will be looking to impress the managemet too, I know if I was working under Mr Montana, I would want to impress him"

DANIELS: "You always work under Mr Montana don't you?"

MASTERS: "Oh here we go again with your pathetic innuendos, I am sick of it Jarred"

Impaler and Tim, two of the three men who were involved in the X Title contender ship match last week where Tim, Impaler and Kash were the three remaining, they both lock up. Impaler powers through Tim as he throws him straight into the corner, laying in with left and right, to the body and the head as Tim starts to enjoy getting hit, he stands tall as the seven footer hits him with virtually everything he has got, but Tim smiles, then kicks the big man in the right knee, another knee to the face, then several kicks as the big man is knocked down, Tim carries on his punishment as it turns into some kind of a mugging, the fans hearing Tim shout out: 'It was you, why did you do that Impaler?' as he stomps a mud hole in the giant

DANIELS: "What do you think he means by that William?"

MASTERS: "I think he has gone insane, I have heard he suspects all of the cZw locker room of having illicit affairs with his ex, that even means us Jarred"

DANIELS: "I swear, I never had sexual relations with that woman"

Tim's rage is over as he stands up above his victim, he breathes heavily as he smiles again, this time looking at the early destruction he has made of Impaler. Tim picks the giant back up as Impaler already looks to be a bit shaky, Tim hits him with a big boot, Tim extending his foot into the face of the seven footer, his nose crushing upon impact as the match has turned bloody within the first minute. Impaler did not go down though as he stumbles backwards holding his nose, Tim comes running after him, SPEAR, but Impaler catches him in a headlock as he tries to knock the giant down for the second time, Impaler crashing Tim down with a devastating DDT

MASTERS: "Normally when you get hit with a DDT, you fall about 3 feet, when Impaler hits you with it, you fall five feet, he is a true monster"

DANIELS: "Yes he is, and Alan is the one who controls him"

MASTERS: "He may have this beast on his side but the question is, can he control him?"

DANIELS: "Well it looks like he has him well trained here because he has just tagged in Alan"

Impaler gets back up as Tim stays down, Impaler checking on his nose once more as he grits his teeth in anger and decides to tag out instead of carrying on for the moment, in comes Alan...

DANIELS: "There is about to be a RIOT William"

The crowd goes wild as Alan stomps into the ring, his face looking partly of delight and partly deranged with pure pleasure. Alan walks up to Tim as to pick him up but Tim cleverly pokes Fiscus in the eye which momentarily stuns Fiscus, giving Tim enough time to get up and hitting the former President with a Clothesline From Hell, Fiscus almost turning around in mid air as the fans boo in anger. Tim smirks once again as he holds his forehead which still hurts after Impaler's DDT, then begins to mock Fiscus, standing over him as he slaps him right in the face, Fiscus being worse for where's right now

MASTERS: "Not exactly the start Fiscus would have wanted here, but how can he expect to compete with atheletes like Tim Timmons and Jesse Montana"

DANIELS: "Are you kidding? He has not only proven he can stand one on one with these men, he has proven he can beat them too"

MASTERS: "He may of won the battle against Jesse but clearly he has lost the war"

DANIELS: "Stable Wars is the war so we will see who wins then"

Tim maybe does this one time too many though as Alan lets out with a fury of lefts and rights, he has that certain look on his face again, a metally deranged look as he throws Tim into the corner then runs into him with a running knee to the mid section, a few more punches before finally turning him upside down as he is perched in a Tree of Woe

MASTERS: "Oh no, put him down you sick and twisted creep"

DANIELS: "Ha, Tim is hung up there like a piece of meat at a butchers"

The crowd go wild as Fiscus walks around, his adrenaline up high. Jesse looks on in disgust as Timmons starts to scream as he catches the sight of Fiscus running towards him, from one corner to the other, running knee to the head of Timmons as he stays in the position, now holding his head as he sees a blurred vision. Fiscus smiles as he knows he has Timmons in a dangerous position. He starts to choke him as Timmons is desperately trying to breathe, but Alan does not let up, until the refereee finally prises him off, Alan smiling and licking his lips. Alan now starts stomping on the upside down Timmons, Fiscus stomping a mudhole in the Hardcore Master. With each and every fury of kicks Alan shouts out to Timmons


The crowd go crazy for him as he finally stops the mudhole stomping on Tim, only to end the punishment off with an elbow drop to the chin of Timmons as he finally collapses down on the floor in a heap, Fiscus looks over at Jesse who is looking upset. Alan picks up the demolished Timmons as he throws him across the ring to the other side with a nice Belly to Back suplex. Timmons is starting to show the anguish on his face as Alan picks him up again, all this time looking into the eyes of his main rival Jesse Montana, also the new cZw Chairman Shawn McCallister. Alan hits a perfectly timed Northern Lights suplex, while managing to bridge for the cover...




MASTERS: "Tim is the Hardcore Master, it is going to take more than that"

Tim gets the shoulder up as Alan smiles, almost happy that he can inflict more punishment, the crowd cheering for the former President, Jesse and Shawn looking anxious. Alan picks up Tim again as Tim steps around eratically, Alan chops Tim with Ric Flair style chops, the crowd reacting to every shot. Tim gets drawn back into the ropes as Alan irish whips him, Tim bounces off as Alan catches Tim on the rebound, hooks his leg...PRESIDENTIAL

DANIELS: "WOW...This could be it already"





DANIELS: "Dammit"

Jesse having to dive into the ring to save his partner and himself, Alan gets a shot to the back of the neck from Jesse as Fiscus gets up enraged, Jesse already back out the ring now though as he stands on the apron, his hands up in the air as to say he didn't do anything, a smirk on his face. Alan goes back to Tim as he picks him up, points at Jesse then hits...THE RIOT ACT

DANIELS: "Alan Fiscus is proving here he is certainly no has been, three huge manouvres in under 60 seconds, this should do it"

MASTERS: "I hate these fans, cheering when a maniac attacks a talented superstar such as Timmons"

DANIELS: "These fans love the maniac...But, what is he doing?"

The fans go wild as Alan hits another huge move in quick succession. Tim is now completely out of it as Alan does not go for the cover. Instead he points at Jesse again, then points at Timmons as the crowd chant the Riot's name. Alan locks in an STO on the unconsious Timmmons as the referee immediately checks on Tim who seems to be coming around, pain singed on his face. Jesse tries to come back into the ring but Impaler meets him half way as he shoulder barges the President straight out of the ring. Shawn looks on as he clearly wants no part of Impaler, neither does Maynard, as they both stand on the apron looking intimidated by the monster. Tim is virtually about to tap now as Fiscus wrenches back, his eyes lit up as if he is in some kid of a zone, until...

DANIELS: "Impaler is not letting anyone past him"

MASTERS: "Wait..."


DANIELS: "I knew the President would have to resort to these tactics again"

MASTERS: "Hey, it is talk like that which has got you that match next week, you know the one, you against Jesse...In a STREET FIGHT"

DANIELS: "You don't think he was being serious about that do you?"

MASTERS: "Did you hear him laughing?"

Jesse is back in the ring and takes Impaler straight down with a heavy chair shot to the back of the neck, Impaler looking hurt badly, as he rolls out of the ring, the referee tries to stop Jesse but Jesse nudges him off, now heads towards Fiscus, but Alan quickly releases the hold on Timmons as Tim rolls out of the ring quickly too, Alan dropping Jesse down with drop toe hold, then applies the same STO move upon Jesse Montana

DANIELS: "Yes...Yes, this serves the President right, now he is the one who must suffer this hold"

MASTERS: "But he is not even the legal man, get off him you psychopath"

DANIELS: "Was he the legal man when he hit Impaler with a steel chair? NO...So why does it suddenly matter now?"

Jesse starts to scream and rythe around the ring as the fans go bezurk for Alan getting his sweet revenge on the current cZw President. Alan wrenches back and forth, he is clearly enjoying the pain the hold is inflicting, Jesse now tapping out drastically, his arm going crazy as he tries to do anything to get out of the hold, of course he is not legal man in the ring so Jesse is not eliminated, instead the referee makes Fiscus break up the hold as he stands up, the crowd on his side, but from behind, Dragon Sleeper into a Reverse DDT...


Maynard crept into the ring as Alan is now down seeing stars. The referee gets Maynard out of the ring as he looks proud of himself, Shawn giving a high five for the sneak attack. Jesse rolls out of the ring now as Timmons climbs back in, looking like he has been in a fight of his life, but manages to get a cover on Fiscus...





The crowd erupts into a mass of cheers as Alan kicks out just about. Both men lie on the floor, both recouperating, Alan is the first to his feet, Tim is up closely behind him, Tim goes to lock up as Alan rakes the eye of Timmons this time then does a strut, going behind him, then shouting out to the crowd...


MASTERS: "Who does he think he is?"

Alan cheekily hits a low blow on Timmons as he flops to the ground holding his testicles, his mouth wide open as the sweat drips off his face. Alan chuckles as he then goes to tag in Impaler, but changes his mind as he tags in Shawn instead, his tag actually a hard prod to the chest as Shawn climbs into the ring, his eyes focussed on Fiscus as both men go up face to face, both growling with rage, until Timmons comes flying into both of them, both men actually avoiding him though as Timmons comically goes flying out of the ring with his own momentum, as Fiscus and Shawn goes back to staring at each other, as Shawn finally backs away, Fiscus climbing out of the ring as Tim gets back in, leaving Shawn and Tim the two legal men

MASTERS: "Here we go, our new Chairman about to get down and dirty with the cZw Superstars, I have been looking forward to this moment all week"

DANIELS: "The crowd certainly don't like him"

MASTERS: "They are Canadians, what do you expect, all they like are Hockey, Bret Hart and moaning about Bret Hart"

The crowd boo at the new Chairman, most of them intrigued though as they do not know anything about wrestling skills of Shawn McCallister. They lock up, Shawn looking strong as he dances around Timmons and locks in a hammerlock. Tim struggles to find a way out of it as Shawn quickly turns the hold into a full nelson, Tim now in even more pain. Tim finds his way to the ropes as Tim gets the break up. They lock up again as Shawn again shows some great technical abilities, as he sweeps the legs of Timmons, Tim falling to the ground as Shawn locks in a headlock. Tim quickly gets to his feet though as he irish whips the Chairman into the ropes, Shawn seeming to have a spring in his step as he brilliantly jumps over Timmons, the rebound, Shawn baseball slides under Tim as he then shows some great agility as he dropkicks Tim out of the ring

DANIELS: "Who says the staff can't do the superstars jobs, Shawn is not only looking impressive here, he is looking like a natural, too bad he can't have a decent personality to match"

MASTERS: "How dare you, soon, before you know it, it will be a handicap match, Jesse Montana and Shawn McCallister against you, I have connections, I can make it happen"

DANIELS: "Sure...Connections...Right..."

Shawn looks at Alan as both want to fight each other, Shawn looking to be more confident now as he has showed off some of his skills, his eyes locked on Alan, which is why Tim manages to catch him off guard, flying in with a spear, this time hitting Shawn with it, knocking him down and his head bouncing off the floor, Alan and Jesse with a smile on their faces. Tim mounts the boss as he hits him with lefts and right, Tim shouting out like a crazed man...

"Was it you? Was it you punk?"

MASTERS: "Wow, Tim is even suspecting the Chairman of cZw, he has gone utterly paranoid here"

DANIELS: "That is what women do to you William, they make you head turn into mush"

MASTERS: "What would you know about women Jarred, have you even kissed a female before"

DANIELS: "Hey, at least i have not had more wives than hot dinners like SOME people I know"

MASTERS: "Yeah, I have had every name, from Abigail to Zonde, and they were at the same time Jarred"

DANIELS: "Damn, you sicken me"

Tim finally stops his punishment, leaving the Chairman slightly stunned, as he gets to his feet, Tim now piles into him with a chop block taking his left leg way from underneath him. Tim now starts kicking at the back of the knee, then pounding it with his bare fists. Jesse looking at the situation in the ring now, seeing the Chairman down on his back, completely out of his stride, which makes Jesse confident enough to shout orders at Tim, telling him to tag out, Tim doing what he is told as he tags Jesse into the match as a sea of boos pass over the arena

MASTERS: "Here we go, the President is about to show us how it is done"

DANIELS: "This is historic...President versus Chairman, what has happened to the staff here at cZw, they all want a piece of the action"

MASTERS: "Well they is no better place to be than in that ring, at times that is, I am sure Shawn is wishing he had never came out of his office and into the ring, now he has to face his rival at Stable Wars, the Sensation, Jesse Montana"

Jesse goes back to the leg as he locks in a version of a single leg boston crab. only folding over the leg so that the knee has more pressure on it. Shawn growls with pain, Jesse loving every minute of it, which also strangely excites Alan too. Jesse keeps the submission hold on as Shawn tries to move towards the ropes, but not successful in his attempts. Jesse eventually releases the hold as he keeps hold of the leg, as he slams the same knee straight into the ground, Shawn now rolling around in pain. Jesse then begis to stomp on Shawn as he screams out - 'This is my ring, my Company'. Shawn tries to get up, aggression in his eyes but Jesse athletically dropkicks the knee of Shawn knocking him off his feet again

MASTERS: "Jesse takes you apart piece by piece, he is like a genius when it comes to wrestling, he is viscious but technically sound"

DANIELS: "Jesse sure is a talent, but the path he has chosen has caused him to become the Most Hated Man in the Company, ad that is something he has to live with forever more"

MASTERS: "He is that Jarred, and he LOVES it"

Jesse proves he is in complete control of this match now as he struts around the ring, making the fans even more irate, but Jesse loves every second of it. Of course he stops his strutting when Impaler comes within inches of grabbing him, Jesse looking like a terrified infant as he runs back into the middle of the ring where he is safe. Jesse helps Shawn up as Shawn grabs the pants of Jesse, as he tries to lever himself up, but Jesse takes him right back down again with a swinging neckbreaker. Jesse now even more cocky


Jesse waits for the Chairman to again rise to his feet as he pounces on him, chop blocking his left weakened knee as he then in quick succession locks in a perfect Figure Four Leg Lock, right in the middle of the ring. The pain on Shawn's face looks to be easy to read, his head sweating, his mouth wide open as he screams. He crashes down to the ground as the referee counts him down, but he sits up straight away, now trying to power himself towards the ropes but to no success. He sits up, now staring into the eyes of Jesse as Jesse smiles, seeing the pain and deterioration on the face of his boss. Maynard tries to get into the ring but the referee stops him, Shawn is all alone now, in the middle of the ring in one of the most painful submissions in Wrestling history

DANIELS: "How long can the Chairman withstand this hold for, as much as I hate to say it, Jesse is looking like the top dog in this match"

MASTERS: "I do not know why it hurts you to say that, Jesse is a class above the rest and it is about time you start understanding that Jarred"

DANIELS: "I think you are going to far William, after all, Alan beat him a..."

MASTERS: "Alan never beat him, Jesse is President, Alan won NOTHING"

DANIELS: "That is not what the record books say"

Shawn grits his teeth, he holds his head in his hands as tears start to scroll down his cheeks, blood coming from his mouth as his bite has broken through his lip and made it bleed. All of a sudden Timmons flies across the ring and knocks Maynard off the apron, now no chance for Shawn to escape, one more attempt to power to the ropes but he gets no where, it is all over...HE TAPS OUT!!!!!!!

DANIELS: "Wow, the pain was too much for the Chairman in the end, Jesse impressively has just eliminated his future rival on May 29th"

MASTERS: "Yep. only eliminating him, but making him tap out, I have all the respect in the World for our Chairman but maybe Jesse was right when he said it is his ring, his company"

Shawn McCallister has been eliminated

Jesse celebrates as he has just made his boss tap out, the fans booing even though they dislike Shawn, just because they hate Jesse just that much more. Shawn limps off as he goes backstage, Maynard and Timmons are fighting on the outside. Jesse is still celebrating until his happiness is cut short as he turns around and bumps into a huge chest, the chest of seven footer Impaler. Jesse looks up, his smile turns to a frown, his lip starts to quiver, he gulps down his last breathe as Impaler throws out a huge throat thrust knocking Jesse across the whole ring

DANIELS: "WOW...A Sensational Flight for Mr Montana then"

MASTERS: "Laugh it up Jarred, because you won't be laughing when Jesse ad Timmons are the new Tag Team Champions"

DANIELS: "What, the same Jesse that is now scurrying away like a scared mouse?"

Jesse tries to scrurry out of the ring but Impaler grabs him by the hair as he headbutts Jesse which knocks him against the ropes, Jesse bounces off, big boot by Impaler as Jesse hits the ground again. The fans cheering on the big man as they love to see Jesse get what is coming to him, Jesse now being thrown into the corner as Impaler unleashes rights and lefts to the ribs of Jesse, now a big right hook to the jaw as Jesse almost flips over the turnbuckle, but he lands back onto the ground as Impaler runs at the ropes, Jesse not knowing where he is looks to his right and sees a giant running towards him, now with no time left he ducks, but to no evail as Impaler hits Jesse with a huge knee to the jaw, the impact so much, Jesse flies over the top rope

MASTERS: "Somebody stop this, I mean Impaler should not even be allowed to wrestle, their should be a height restriction"

DANIELS: "Oh that is ridiculous"

Timmons comes to will Jesse on as both stand talking to each other, talking strategies, but the talk is broken up as a seven foot man comes flying over the top rope, Imapler hits Tim and Jesse with a SUICIDE DIVE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DANIELS: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

MASTERS: "A GIANT HITTING A SUICIDE DIVE...What is this world coming to?"

All three men are out, as Impaler sits up, the fans chanting his name now. As he tries to grab Jesse, Timmons kicks him in the ribs, then Jesse low blows the big man from behind. Alan catches sight of this as he jumps off the apron and runs around to catch Jesse but he runs off, now both men running around the ring as Timmons pounces on Alan as he runs straight into a powerful clothesline by Timmons. Alan's head bounces off the concrete as Jesse is back behind Impaler, he pushes him straight into the steel turnbuckle, Impaler's busted nose hitting into the stel as more blood gushes down his chin

MASTERS: "This is true teamwork Jarred"

DANIELS: "This is a damn mugging"

Jesse throws the big man back into the ring as Timmons follows, both teaming up on Impaler. Alan is out of it on the outside, Jesse and Tim are kicking Impaler as he tries to fight them off but Tim gets a nasty shot in right into the temple of Impaler which knocks him back down again. Jesse elbow drops Impaler, Timmons hits a leg drop, his thigh landing on the nose of Impaler. Suddenly, Jesse gets a thought as he screams at Tim to climb the turnbuckle, Tim looking confused but still does what he is told...

DANIELS: "I have a bad feeling about THIS!!!!!!!!"

Now, Jesse picking Impaler up, Tim reaches the top rope. Jesse picks up Impaler, his legs beginning to shake with the weight he is holding in a piledriver position, the thoughts of Jesse is obvious, and it is sick. As the fans boo and Alan from the outside shouts 'no', the move is perfected, Jesse hits a Piledriver on Impaler as Timmons jumps from the top rope spiking the head of Impaler down on the floor, the way he lands looks to have been catastrophic...


MASTERS: "Could be? I think he IS Jarred"

Immediately the referee checks the big man, the referees face going purple straight away as he panics, shouting for paramedics to come down. Alan gets into the ring but is so concerned with Impaler and his health, he does not see the MONTANA EXPRESS that hits him right in the bullseye, as he rolls out of the ring. The two men in Upstarts now begin to shout at the referee to continue the match, the referee clearly knowig something is wrong. Jesse covers Impaler nevertheless as the referee is forced to count by Tim who throws him to the ground, of course, getting the three count.

DANIELS: "How dare this man, he may be the President but he has no respect for these superstars lives, Impaler has ot moved since that move ad I for one am sick of this man's antics"

MASTERS: "Jesse is doing what he as to do to win the match, how did he know Impaler would get injured?"

DANIELS: "He purposely hit a sickening move, screwed it up and then made the referee count Impaler down when he clearly needs medical treatment"

MASTERS: "And here come the paramedics, but Jesse and Tim have just eliminated another superstar, so now they have the advantage"

Jesse and Tim celebrates as the paramedics grab Impaler, the big man not moving since the piledriver was hit. As he gets carried out of the arena, the fans boo furiously as Jesse and Tim stand tall in the middle of the ring.



Jesse and Tim are now getting a mammoth of boos, Maynard is standing on the apron not really caring about the goings on as he is letting the others attack each other, which is exactly what happen as Alan rushes back into the ring, finally recovered from the Montana Express and runs straight into the back of Tim, knocking him across the ring, Jesse tries to hit Alan but he ducks, his adrenaline and momentum up high as he releases blow after blow, each shot seeming like a vehicle crashing into Jesse as he stutters back, then finally Alan hits him with an almighty right hook and knocks Jesse down. Tim comes up from behind but Alan is already aware, as he drop toe holds Tim and starts bashing the face of Timmons into the mat, now biting the back of his head, Alan has simply gone crazy

DANIELS: "Finally, some justice in this match"

MASTERS: "You call biting another man's flesh justice?"

DANIELS: "Hey, he is just doing what he has to do, ain't that right WILLIAM?"

Jesse tries to break him off but Alan starts biting the ear of Jesse as he screams at the referee to break it up, but obviously there are no rules. Tim now low blows Alan, but surprisingly has hardly any effect on the former President as he turns around, staring at Tim as Tim actually jumps out of the ring scared, leaving Jesse alone with the crazed psychopath. Alan lays shot after shot on Jesse, then irish whips him, Jesse rebounds, Alan picks Jesse up into a torture rack position, then actually drops him down face first with an inverted samoan drop. Alan now picks Jesse back up as he low blows him, then again, then a third low blow as Jesse is in tears, the crowd going wild, then Alan scoops him up...THE RIOT-PLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





MASTERS: "WOW...Jesse is the man"

- Timmons does not make it there, but luckily for them, Jesse just about manages to break out, within a split second. Alan, now starting to calm down slightly picks Jesse back up, Jesse not even knowing where he is as he tries to tag someone in but goes to the wrong corner, as no one stands there, Alan grabs him from behind, hits a German Suplex, he covers





DANIELS: "That time Alan had it, but Tim had to go and spoil it, when will this controversy end?"

- This time Tim breaks it up as Jesse was blatantly out for the count, Alan gets up as Tim tries to run off again, this time Alan grabs him, Jesse begins to rise, he comically throws Tim into Jesse as both men stomble around, stars in their eyes, then both drop in laughable faction, Alan throws his arm up to the crowd who cheers him on


- Tim has now rolled out of the ring as Jesse begins to climb up again, Alan waiting behind him, Alan posing to the crowd signalling it is all over for the new cZw President. As Alan is about to grab Jesse, the Sensation drops to the ground and rolls out of harms way, but starting to scream in pain as he holds his leg, his hamstring area. Alan looks confused as does Maynard and Tim. The referee goes to confront Jesse as he starts to say what is wrong with him, the crowd and Alan not believing it for a second. Alan goes to try and climb outside to get Jesse but the referee stops him, threatening to stop the match altogether this time if he does anything, obviously his mind still disturbed after the Impaler incident

MASTERS: "Well i hope the President is okay, lets take a look at the incident as well as Impaler and his injury"

(Replay of Impaler as he crashes down on his head and his neck breaking. Another highlight as it shows Jesse suddenly screaming in pain and rolling out of the ring, seeming not to have had anything happen to him)

DANIELS: "Yes I wish Impaler well, it looked disastorous and I am scared for his family, I really am, anyway, about the Jesse injury, what a load of bullshit"

MASTERS: "You cannot swear Jarred"

DANIELS: "I am sorry but this man has now just gone too far, first he runs a man over, then he purpose;y ends the career of another man, I just hope both will be back, but now pretending to be injured himself"

MASTERS: "He is clearly really injured, let up on the poor guy, I mean he had this match won and now he has got hurt"

DANIELS: "Rubbish, he clearly knew Alan was about to end off the match and Jesse took the cowards way out, anyway, what is happening here?"

- Jesse starts to walk backstage, up the ramp as the referee helps him limp out. Alan now has taken too much and goes to follow him, but suddenly out comes Mike King from backstage, running past Jesse on the stage and tackles Alan as he crashes to the ground and slides into the steel guardrail, the back of his head echoing throughout the arena. Jesse looks back as he smiles at the carnage, then exits. Tim now has come to meet Mike as they both high five each other and walk Alan back to the ring, both slamming his head off the apron before rolling him in

MASTERS: "Mike King is replacing Jesse Montana then, I like it"

DANIELS: "Why King, I suppose this means he is the fifth member right?"

MASTERS: "Well I had heard rumours that Tim and Mike had made their own stable, but who nows what the meaning of this is"

DANIELS: "I think Jesse has another trick up his sleeve"

- Mike is the legal man in as he elbow drops the dazed Alan. The crowd not liking what is going on, no body really knows what is going on but it seems as though Mike has replaced Jesse in this match. Mike continues his punishment on Alan as he sits down on his back, pulling his head up, grabbing the roof of his mouth in somekind of a submission hold, but also hitting furious forearms into the jaw of Alan. The fans are hating this assault on one of there favourites, but Tim and Mike are loving it. Mike tags in Tim who straight away hits an elbow drop on the lower back of Alan. Now starting to pound his lower back with forearm shots. Alan seems to be too tired to fight back, Tim now stomping on his body, mainly focussing on his back, but one heavy stomp goes to the back of his head too. Tim sits back down on Alan as he applies a Camel Clutch

DANIELS: "Alan is hanging on for the sake of his team now, but unfortuately for Alan, whether he knows it or not, Impaler is injured, in fact I have just been told biefly down my ear piece that Impaler has been sent straight to intensie care where he is getting the best treatment possible, I wish him good luck but unfortuately for cZw, it could be the last time we see him wrestle inside that ring, that Jesse is a..."

MASTERS: "Hey Jarred, don't say something you may regret, as much as you think it is Jesse's fault, he was only doing a normal move, it was afreak accident that is all"

DANIELS: "Well whateverr, I have no idea what goes through the mind of Jesse Montana nut I don't think even him could wish this upon anyone. A break in the neck I have been told, no more details are available but is sounds severe, again, I wish Impaler and all his friends and family the best of luck, they are in our thoughts"

- Alan growls in pain and rage, Mike clapping on his partner. Tim smirks at the crowd who are frantically trying to cheer Alan on but Tim has the hold locked in. He releases though as he starts to hit more forearm shots the the back, the neck and the head of Alan. Tim picks up Alan as he lifts him up onto his shoulders, Tim showing huge strength as he locks in a torture rack, now Alan screaming in pain as his back begins to bend. The referee checks thoroughly in case the former President wants to quit, but Alan says no, He throws his legs around as Tim starts to lose grip, now dropping him down onto his feet as Alan tries to recover, but Tim hits him quickly with a devastating Spinebuster

MASTERS: "This could be it now, I think he should cover him"

DANIELS: "What is he doing?"

- Alan is out cold on the ground as Mike yells at Tim to cover him, but Tim has other things on his mind, he wants to punish him. He starts to climb the rope, as he reaches the top, Alan still has not moved. He says something to Mike as the fans wish him to miss, but as he flies off, Alan still does not move...Tim hits a FIVE STAR FROG SPLASH...He covers



DANIELS: "He has him I think"




- Alan somehow manages to kick out. Tim does not lose cocentration though as he takes Alan back over to Mike and tags him in, holds him in the corner while Mike runs in, corner to corner with a big splash, Alan dropping to the ground upon impact. Mike lands another elbow drop to the back of the head as he rolls Alan over and goes for another cover, but Alan kicks out after the one count, now Mike picks him up again, hitting him with heavy europea uppercuts, now throws him to the ropes, and hits a brilliantly times dropkick. Maynard starts to shout that he wants in, Mike looks at Maynard, aggression on his face, then looks at Tim who gives the okay, Mike then throws Alan into the corner with Maynard as he tags Maynard in, finally he gets a chance in the ring and unlucky for Fiscus, it is against him. Maynard starts stomping away at Alan in the corner, then pulls him out, Alan barely able to walk now. a barehug is then applied on the One Man Riot as he gets the life squeezed out of him

DANIELS: "This is three o one now, Jesse must be loving this as he watches backstage"

MASTERS: "I am sure he is, Jesse has got his own way ever since becoming President"

- Maynard throws him around like a rag doll as his whispy blonde curly hair gets blown around like a mop, Maynard growling with aggression as he squeezes his former boss. Finally he lets go as he keeps hold of Alan, picking him up into a gorilla press then delivering a powerful suplex as he swings the frame of Alan around above him, dropping him down onto the mat which he bounces off. Maynard picks him up again though, not stopping there, now hitting an almighty short arm clothesline as Fiscus flies around by 360 degrees and colapses down in a heap. Maynard screams to the crowd who boos him as Alan has been destroyed by all three opponents. Maynard finally tagging out as Timmons gets back into the ring


- Timmons laughing at Alan who tries to stand, but collapses as he goes to get up onto both feet, Timmons immediately chop blocks his left leg as he laughs again at Alan. Timmons stands the Toughest Act to Follow up and places him in the corner, as Mike holds him into position, Timmons walking to the opposite corner, something on his mind. He comes running in, he lifts his foot up...BIG BOOT...But he misses as Alan escapes, Tim hitting Mike in the face, knocking him off the apron as he crashes into the guardrail, Tim also now stuck on the turnbuckle with his leg up, Maynard comes running in but Alan cleverly dodges out of the way again as Maynard storms in, headbutts Timmons in the groin and bounces back off, Alan then hits him with...THE OVERTHROW...


- Maynard rolls out of the ring, Timmons drops to the ground as Alan asks the referee who the legal man in the ring is, the ref replying Mike as Tim kicking Mike in the face was counted as a tag in. Alan kicks Tim out of the ring as he goes out, grabs Mike and throws him back in. He starts hitting furious rights and lefts to Mike, then kicks him in the gut...DDT. Alan looks around, both Tim and Maynard are out of it on the outside, Alan takes advantage of this situation as he picks up Mike who is dazed now, Alan locks him up...THE PRESIDENTIAL SUITE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DANIELS: "This man amazes me"





DANIELS: "HE HAS DONE IT... He has done it"


- Alan does not celebrate, instead he pulls the weary Maynard into the ring as he quickly hits him with another OVERTHROW!!!!!!!!

- In quick succession, he covers Maynard...






MASTERS: "I just blinked and two men have gone, what the hell has just happened"

DANIELS: "The Former President has just woken up, that is what happened"



- The crowd are absolutely roaring now as Alan has eliminated two of his rivals in about ten seconds. Shawn's team is now all out as the only two that remains are Alan Fiscus and Tim Timmons. Timmons rises from the ouside as he looks around, now realising he is stuck alone with Alan, now realising his tag partner has been eliminated. Alan stands in the ring, his face bruised, he body bruised, but still he signals to Tim just to 'bring it'. Tim gets into the ring as they both circle each other, Alan looking like the most confident of the two. They lock up as Alan overpowers Tim, taking him into the corner where he unleashes multiple chops to the chest of Timmons, he tries to get his breathe back but Alan follows up, not giving him any time as he injects a shoulder thrust into the gut of Tim, and again, then a third time as Tim holds his stomach in pain, Alan now hitting him with a running bulldog. Alan gets up and signals to the crowd, the end is coming as the fans go mental

DANIELS: "I can't believe it, this is it..."

MASTERS: "Hang on, who is that?"

- Alan picks up Tim, locks him in position but throws him back down to the floor as he catches sight of something. Up on the top of the ramp is Jesse Montana, a slight limp in his step as he makes his way to the ring. Alan shouts abuse at him aswell as keeping an eye on Timmons, Jesse with a smirk on his face. Following Jesse is Mike King, who had just been eliminated before Maynard. Tim suddenly comes up from behind Alan but Alan notices as he turns around and quickly hits him with the RIOT ACT...


MASTERS: "Too late partner"

- Jesse now though is in the ring, Mike standing outside, the referee trying to keep the match calm but that does not happen. Alan gets into the face of Jesse as Jesse backs away, holding his leg, telling Alan he can't fight, Alan looking sickened by the act of Jesse, as he comes towards him to attack him, but Jesse hops into action as he hits a solid MONTANA EXPRESS on the former President, now noticeable running around the ring as he shouts to the crowd, "It's a miracle, it is a miracle". The fans booing with disgust as Jesse places Tim on top of Alan, the referee being made to count as he does...






DANIELS: "Damn that man, he faked an injury then came back to kick the lights out of Fiscus, he was not even technically in the damn match anymore"

MASTERS: "Just face it, Jesse has out smartered you and Fiscus and the whole world again"


TOWERS: "The winners of this match, by way of pinfall and the last remaining team, AND NEW cZw World Tag Team Champions...Jesse Montana & Tim Timmons"

(Jesse grabs the microphone)

JESSE: "Woah woah woah, calm down Canada, it's not like we screwed anyone now is it, we just got yet another one over on your beloved Alan Fiscus. First of all, Shawn, I showed you why you should not even be in the same ring as the Sensation, but Alan, wow, you must be pissed, I mean not only did we outsmart you yet again, we also got to beat the crap out of you, and also take one of your stable mates out of action in the process, by the looks of that injury, he won't EVER be coming back, but you know what, we don't care, all we care about now is proving our dominance at the Stable Wars on May 29th. Oh and in case you did not realise, we have our fifth member, say hello to the Phoenix...Mike King. I will like to thank you and Tim, you have done me proud here tonight and that is why I would like to present you with the tag team titles...SO...The new cZw World Tag Team Champions, and two members of the greatest stable on Earth...Tim Timmons and Mike King!!!!!!!!!!!!!"




DANIELS: "Welcome to War Zone! We're here tonight under the second show of Jesse Montana's reign!"

MASTERS: "That's CZW PRESIDENT Jesse Montana to you, Jarred! Tonight will be awesome, as Ace goes against El Pablo for the second time... but this time Matt Stylez is the guest referee! I hope he slaughters them!"

DANIELS: "He'd better not! We'll also see a re-match from last week in a non-title affair, Big Nasty vs. Mack Beaudin! And for that match... Special Ed is the guest referee!"

MASTERS: "Ugh. He can't even count to three! How's that going to work? We'll also see Ronnie McNeil fight Sean Hustle, one on one and for the first time."

DANIELS: "But first, we'll start the show off with another first timer... Vince Khan versus Kris Kash!"


Singles Match: VINCE KHAN vs. KRIS KASH


"Ambitionz Az A Ridah" by 2Pac begins to play, and the crowd boos. Vince Khan walks out and doesn't give a damn what the crowd thinks. He is all business. He is wearing his normal wrestling gear. His hair is in braids. "Realist Killaz," another 2Pac song, begins to play and the crowd cheers. Out comes Kris Kash, with a black bandanna across his face. He points out at Vince Khan in the ring, and comes running down. As he hits the ring, Vince lays the boots down and the bell rings.

Vince picks up Kris, and chops him hard. Again. Then Kash retaliates with a chop of his own. They begin to go back and forth. Kash takes the lead and throws Vince to the ropes. Kash leapfrogs. Vince on the second rebound, and Kash nails a hiptoss. Vince leaps up, and gets hit with another hiptoss. The crowd is firmly behind X-Ellence member Kris Kash. Kash begs Vince to keep bringing it. Vince pauses, and the crowd applauds the men. Vince then surprised Kash with a chop to his throat. He then grabs Kash and nails him with a Belly-to-belly suplex. He lays down a series of stomps to Kash's head and then goes for the cover.




Vince picks up Kash and throws him to the ropes. He NAILS him with a double-leg Spinebuster. He picks Kash up and throws him to the outside. Masters takes this opportunity to talk about how impressed he is with Vince Khan. Suddenly, out at the wrestler's entrance, Lizzette Morgan makes her way out with a folding chair. She is wearing a very short business skirt. She sits down, and seems to be taking notes of the match. At ringside, Vince goes to irish whip Kash into the guardrail. Kash reverses!


Kash is in pain and Khan is laid out. Kash gets Khan and slams him against the ring apron. He throws Khan into the ring, and then slowly crawls up to a top turnbuckle. As Vince begins to stand up, Kash positions himself. Vince sees it and runs to him.. but gets kicked in the head. Kash leaps, and nails a thundering sunset flip powerbomb from the top rope, with Khan's head slamming violently down on the mat. Kash goes for the cover.




Kash picks up Khan and nails a wheelbarrow into an armdrag takedown. He tries it again but Vince kicks him violently in the gut. Khan then grabs Kash and nails a standing suplex into a neckbreaker. He then picks Kash back up and nails a Death Valley Driver. He goes for the pin.




Khan is pissed as he slams his hands down on the mat. He picks up Kash and kicks him in the gut again. He goes for a DDT, but Kash throws him off. Kash then grabs Khan's legs and locks in a Texas Cloverleaf. Khan screams out in pain, but refuses to submit. Kash is cinching in but Khan grabs the ropes himself, forcing Kash to break the hold. Kash picks up Khan but Khan blocks it and slams an forearm into Kash's face. He bounces off the rope, but Kash kicks him in the gut. KASH THEN NAILS THE MIDWEST SWING!




Lizzette stands up and leaves, not giving any emotion to the match. The referee raises Kash's hand in victory. Moments after the match, both men are to their feet. Vince leans against the ropes and reaches into his trunks. He pulls out a pair of brass knucks and slips them onto his right hand. Khan backs up slowly until he's about three feet away from Kris Kash, and in one solid motion turns nails Kash in the side of the head with a hard brass knuck covered right hook. A gash forms on the left side of Kash's head and he falls to the mat. Vince gets to his knees and throws shot after shot with the brass knuck hand, opening the gash even more. The ref signals for the bell, but it doesn't stop Khan as he continues his assualt. Vince stands up and the referre tries to yell at Vince to stop. Khan takes one look at the ref and makes a half step motion before the ref darts out of the ring. Vince looks down as Kash as he tries to move. Vince lets Kris crawl to his feet, before begining to curb stomp his opponents head into the mat. Vince repeatedly stomps at Kash's head violently, as the crowd boos in disgust. After a minute or so of this brutal attack, Vince lets up and heads to the outside. He grabs a mic and rolls back into the ring. Vince bends down over Kris Kash who's head rests in a pool of his own blood on the mat.

Vince Khan: Hey there Mr.Kash Money. How you feelin esse? Why don't you give a shout out to your Puerto Rican set holmes.

Vince puts the mic down to Kris's mouth and gets no response. Vince grins arrogantly and brings the mic back to his mouth.

Vince Khan: Just like I thought you little hijo de puta. Go back to your locker room, wrap that piece of shit puerto rican flag around you like a blanket, and cry to those two cocksuckers you formed a group with. Thats after the doctors release you from your hospital bed. And heres some advice Kris, don't cross my path again. Or your next trip, your last trip will be back to that straw hut you grew up in, so your parents can see you laying dead in a wooden box.

Vince throws the mic down at Kris Kash and stares down at his fallen opponent. He delivers one last final stomp to the cranium for good measure. As soon as Vince exits the ring, referres and emit's rush inside to care to Kris Kash. The crowd starts up a chant of "asshole, asshole, asshole" directed at Khan as he heads to the back.




* cZw! *

"Backstage we find "Special" Ed Covey speaking with his stablemates from Team XTC, CZW X champion El Pablo and CZW World Heavyweight champion Ace King.

El Pablo: Are you serious? If he has an out of ring violent outburst he's gone for two years?!?

Special Ed: Yup. He's not allowed to use any physical violence outside of that CZW ring.

Ace King: Man Ed, this so has your name written all over it.

Special Ed: Hell yeah it does! You remember that orange fro'd guy you was telling me about?

El Pablo: Yeah?

Special Ed: Follow me...

Pablo and King look at one another grinning as they follow Ed down the hallway of the Rogers Center. They approach the door to Mack Beaudin's room, Ed knocking on the door. Mack opens the door, his face turning grim as he lays eyes upon Ed.

Special Ed: Special poem delivery for Mack Beaudin!

Mack Beaudin: What the hell?

Special Ed: Roses are red, violets are blue, one outburst send you to jail, this is for you!

Ed kicks Mack square in the balls, dropping Mack to his knees in pain as Ace and Pablo blow up with laughter, walking off with Ed, the camera closing in on the enraged Mack Beaudin while he holds his testicular grapefruits.




Member of McCallister's "Protection & Security", Rob Wright, is introduced first to the sounds of "Get Back" by Ludacris. The crowd boos him as he has a very confident look on his face. He drops a flip to get into the ring. Next, "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold plays as The leader of the Night Terrors, All-American Nightmare, makes his way out. Tatum is not with him as she is preparing for her match which is next. He has his flourescent tube with him. He gets to the ring, and AAN vs Rob II is set to begin.

The bell rings, and both men lock up. AAN gets the advantage after throwing on a headlock. Rob then throws AAN to the ropes, but AAN knocks him down with a shoulderblock. AAN runs back to the ropes, and Rob flips over on his belly. AAN leaps over, and Rob kips up. Leapfrog. AAN off the ropes for a third time, and Rob nails a Spinning heel kick on AAN. Both men back up, and Rob nails a dropkick. Rob grabs AAN and throws him into a corner. Rob comes running in, but AAN gets a boot up in his face. AAN then turns Rob over into the corner and chops him hard. He then leaps up and monkey flips Rob out of the corner. He picks up Rob, and nails a Gourdbuster. He goes for the pin.




AAN picks up Rob, and nails a side suplex. AAN makes his way to the top rope. He positions and leaps, nailing a Whisper in the Wind! He goes for another cover.




AAN picks up Rob again and throws him to the ropes. AAN goes for a clothesline, but Rob ducks it. Rob flips up, and kicks AAN right into the back of his head. AAN is down, and Rob runs to the ropes.. dropping a running legdrop across the neck of AAN. He does it again. He picks up AAN and punches him in the gut. Rob then NAILS AAN with a Northern Lights Driver!




Rob picks up AAN, and chops him hard. He hits another. Rob runs to the ropes, and dropkicks AAN's knee out from under him. Rob then nailed a somersault senton onto the back of AAN. He flips him over, and goes for the pin.




As they keep going at each other, the crowd begins to boo as "Outlaw" Buck Evans makes his way down to ringside. Daniels asks what the hell is he doing here, and Masters doesn't know but is excited to find out. Buck just stands there, watching the match. Rob has contol and he nails a few forearms to AAN's face. He irish whips him to the corner, but AAN reverses. Rob slams hard into the corner. On the stumble-out, AAN picks up Rob and nails him with a Dragon Suplex with a bridge!




Buck picks up AAN and nails the Outlaw Slam! The referee has no choice but to count when Rob covers him.




Buck and Rob then proceed to lay the smackdown on AAN. After a few moments, they run for their lives as AAN's partner Carnage comes running down. Carnage checks on AAN as he looks out to Rob & Buck. War Zone cuts to a commercial as Carnage looks on with a pissed off look on his face.




* cZw! *

"The camera's close in one one of the corridors in the Rogers Centre, where Mack Beaudin seems to be slowly pacing around. As he approaches a pop machine, he takes a pack of ice from between his legs and puts it aside as he begins placing money in the machine. After making his selection, his pop drops. Before he can grab it however, he hears a cackling sound down one end of the hallway.

Mack Beaudin: Not again, I got my eyes open you retarded bastard.

As he continues to peer down one end of the hall, Ed slides up from behind him, grabbing his shorts and pulling them tightly into a hard pressed wedgie! Mack stumbles forward, grabbing his shorts while Ed grabs his soda.

Special Ed: Mine! MINE!!!

Ed calls out as he begins cackling like some crazed Daffy Duck.

Mack Beaudin: DAMNIT ED!!!

Ed stares at Mack, waiting for him to get back on his feet.

Mack Beaudin: What is your problem?!?

Special Ed: You gonna hit me, Mack? Is it really worth two whole years of your life?

Mack is fuming as he turns his head, trying desperately to keep his cool.

Special Ed: What's the capitol of Thailand?

Mack Beaudin: What?

Special Ed: Bangcock!!!

Ed strikes Mack in the groin, doubling him over once more before running off.




The team of Allyson Thorn, Cameron and The Lovely Zoe came out first to a chorus of boos. Thorn seemed isolated from the other girls. Cameron and Zoe seem to get along rather well. They make their way down to the ring, and enter it. Next is the team of Ruthless Aggression, Tatum Regan and Brenda Vixen. They come down to Ruth's music, "Last Resort." They hit the ring, and each team does a huddle. The bell rings, and it looks like Allyson and Brenda will start.

They lock up, and Brenda has the obvious strength advantage as she pushes Allyson to a corner. Brenda breaks it cleanly. They lock back up and Allyson viciously kicks Brenda in the knee, surprising her. Allyson then chops her. Again. She backs her into her team's corner, and tags in Zoe. They double team Brenda with a double DDT. Zoe goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. Zoe picks Brenda up by the hair, but Brenda slaps her in the face. Brenda then kicks Zoe in the gut, and nails a standing power bomb. She goes for the pin.


T-Cameron breaks it up.

The referee admonishes Cameron, and Brenda gets up. Brenda tags in Ruthless, and the crowd cheers. Ruthless comes at Zoe and nails a running neckbreaker on her. She picks Zoe up and throws her to the ropes. The Queen of Combat nails a Lou Thesz press and lays in punches to Zoe and the crowd cheers more. She picks up Zoe and slams her head down on the turnbuckle of her corner. She then tags in Tatum. Tatum grabs Zoe and throws her to the ropes. Zoe holds on to the ropes, and Tatum misses her dropkick. Zoe then tags in Cameron.

Cameron grabs Tatum by the hair and knees her in the face. She then grabs her by the waist, and hits a Gutwrench suplex. She picks up Tatum and tosses her into the corner. Cameron runs in, but Tatum leaps up, twists, and nails a sunset flip.



Cameron kicks out, and suddenly drop kicks Tatum as she was sitting up. Cameron picks her up and tosses her to their corner. Cameron tags in Allyson, and holds Tatum as Allyson slaps her silly. Allyson then nailed Tatum with a Dragon Whip. She goes for the cover, but Brenda breaks it up. As the ref is yelling at Brenda, Zoe does a fake clap tag and it actually kinda pisses Allyson off. Zoe pays her no mind, as she attacks Tatum. Zoe picks her up, and nails a fireman's carry slam. Zoe plays with her, letting her crawl to her corner a little bit before dragging her back by her legs. She locks in a sleeperhold, and the crowd slowly gets behind Tatum. Tatum muscles up and nails Zoe in the gut with an elbow. Another. Tatum breaks free and runs to the ropes... but Zoe comes rushing in with a strong lariat. Zoe then tags in Cameron.

Cameron grabs Tatum, and nails a swinging neckbreaker. She goes for the cover.




Zoe and Ruth both enter the ring, and start fighting with each other. The ref tries to get them to leave, but they do not. He then decides to pay attention to the legal women. Cameron goes for a pile driver, but Tatum blocks it. Tatum nails Cameron in the gut, and lifts her up from her back, with Tatum's back against hers upside down. She lifts Cameron up, and the crowd are astonished. Tatum brings Cameron down hard with a Gory Bomb, and Cameron lands right on her neck. As Zoe and Ruth are fighting, Tatum goes for the cover.




After the match, Allyson Thorn, The Lovely Zoe, and Cameron begin to argue over the match and as to whose fault it was that they lost. Zoe pushes Cameron and then turns on Allyson. As Zoe goes to push Allyson, Allyson throws a running forearm into the face of The Lovely Zoe, sending her to the ground. The crowd is stunned by the action as they slowly begin to cheer. Allyson leaps on top of her and begins to punch hard at Zoe’s face. Allyson grabs Zoe’s head and begins to beat it into the mat forcefully. Cameron rushes over to break the two up, but Allyson snatches Cameron by the hair and stands up, looking at her face to face as she struggles to break free. Allyson then smirks evilly before slamming Cameron’s face hard into the mat. The referee goes to check on the two women as Allyson calls for a microphone. She looks down at the two lying in the ring and smirks.

+*+”The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn+*+

See this pile of absolute nothing in this ring? It’s proof that if you mess with me, you’re messing with more than “The Dark Kiss”, you’re messing with X-ellence.

The crowd erupts with cheers at the sound of the stable name. The referees are helping Cameron and Zoe up the ramp as Allyson leans on the ropes facing the entrance way.

+*+”The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn+*+

Yeah, that’s right. See since I’ve been here, I’ve developed a very close relationship with none other than “The Realist” himself, Kris Kash. And see, this relationship doesn’t just go for outside of the ring either… because I’m his new manager!

The fans continue to fill the arena with approval as the beauty speaks. She smiles and watches Cameron and Zoe as the slowly make their way behind the curtain.

+*+”The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn+*+

Don’t worry though, Ruth. I’m not leaving the wrestling behind… not by a long shot. I will be the new Queen of Combat champion at May Massacre. Not because I’m cocky.. Not because I’m great… But because I’m that damn X-ellent!

Allyson drops the mic and falls to mat, rolling out of the ring as her music hits. She heads up the ramp and as she does, the camera pans out to reveal Kris Kash at the edge of the stage clapping. He has a bandage on his head from the previous attack, but seems alright enough. The two smile at each other as Kris holds out his arm for Allyson to link hers in. They then make their way backstage. As the arena prepares for the next match.




* cZw! *




"Remember the Name" plays as Ronnie walks out with the CZW Money in the Bank briefcase. The crowd cheers. He poses and then makes his way to the ring. "I'm Wit Whateva" plays as "Troublesome" Sean Hustle comes out next, to a good sized jeer from the crowd. He pays no mind to them, as his eyes are set on Ronnie. Daniels mentions that this might be Sean's biggest match in the CZW to date and Masters corrects him. It IS the biggest match for him to date. Sean walks right up to Ronnie and starts talking trash in his face as the bell rings.

Sean slaps Ronnie in the face, and the crowd oohs. Ronnie smiles and slaps Sean right back. They begin to brawl with Ronnie eventually taking the lead. Ronnie throws Sean to the ropes, and nails a leg lariat. He then picks up Sean and nails a Half Nelson suplex. He picks Sean back up and throws him to the ropes. Sean comes back and nails a flying forearm. Sean picks up Ronnie, and nails him with a release Fisherman's suplex. He then locks in a STF and Ronnie yells out in pain. The ref asks Ronnie if he wants to quit, but he refuses. 45 seconds into it, Ronnie finally gets a hold of the ropes. Sean lets go, stands up, and drops an elbow drop across the back of Ronnie. He turns him over and goes for the cover.




Sean picks up Ronnie, and tosses him to the corner. He slaps Ronnie again, this time harder. Ronnie is pissed and slaps him right back, causing the crowd to cheer. Ronnie kicks Sean in the gut and picks him up. Daniels freaks out as he calls that Ronnie is performing the Angelic Execution. He hits two power bombs, and locks in a Texas cloverleaf. Sean is in pain, but he also refuses to quit. Ronnie releases the hold, picks Sean up, and nails a Samoan drop. Ronnie goes for the pin.




Ronnie picks up Sean, and kicks him hard in the leg. He grabs Sean and hits him with a Fall From Grace! Ronnie goes for the pin.




The crowd is cheering Ronnie's name as he picks Sean back up. He positions Sean, and NAILS the Final Cut.




Ronnie wins another match. Sean is out, but suddenly Maynard O'Toole and Shawn Waters comes down and slam into Ronnie. They double team him, and nail him with a double power bomb. They exit the ring with Ronnie's team X-Ellence comes running down for the save. K-Blaze and Kris Kash. War Zone cuts to a commercial.




* cZw! *

After a match, "Rainmaker" by Iron Maiden came blasting over the speakers as he was walking down the ramp with the crowd booing him like crazy as he climb inside of the ring with a smile.

JESSE: You all know you love me. Now I bet you are all wondering why I am here. I am out here because of the fact that I want to get a few things out in the opening. You see I want to make a match for next week. In this ring it will be Zoe in one corner, Tatum in the next, and in the last corner it will be Cameron “The Boss Bitch” in a shot to get the last spot in the Cage of Doom match against the woman I would like to come out here in a few.

The crowds give him mix reaction about the match he just made for next week but then when he mention the Women Champion the crowd started to chant “Ruthless Aggression” around the arena. He rolled his eyes softly.

JESSE: OF course you would love a woman like that. She have no type of respect for people it seems especially me. Did you see what she did last week along with the other members of XTC?!

The crowd starts top chant XTC and he cover his ears and growls.

JESSE: SHUT UP! The Upstarts will always be the number stable around here. Even thought we are not together now. We are still number one and don’t forget that.

He fixes his suit as the crowd boos some more.

JESSE: Now back to business I would like the Women's Champion Ruthless Aggression to come down to this ring ALONE.

That when Last resort came blasting over the speakers and Ruthless came thought the curtains as she took in the crowd. She place the title over her head as she sing along with the crowd as Jesse stood there with a bit of a smirk on his face.

JESSE: Now now Ruthless let get down to business here. You see Ruthless you have one chance right now to show me the respect that I deserve. To prove to everyone in the back that I will get that respect and honor like I should. This what I want you to do. Get down on your hands and knees and kisses my feet and then kiss this nice ring I have on my finger here along with my ass and then just maybe. Just maybe I will forgive XTC for what they have done to me last week.

Ruthless looked over at him as she smirks as it seems she have a microphone in her hand.

RUTH: Now before I talk to you little dick head. I need to tell the fans something.

Jesse mutters under his breath as the crowd was laughing it seems.

RUTH: Just now at Combat Zone Wrestling is the XTC shirt that have your truly the Women's Champion face right on the back only for 5.99 along with a key chain and a poster of little old me. Get it while it hot.

She then looked over at Jesse as he doesn’t look happy it seems.

RUTH: You want me to do kiss your feet, toes, kness and whatever to show that I have respect for you. I will stand here and tell you sorry for last week. You see XTC shouldn’t have came down there to the ring last week and make an ass out of you but we should have kick your ass. I actually want your blood on your blood on my hands to tell you the truth.

He looked a bit upset as Ruthless just smirks.

RUTH: Don’t get all tight up in the ass right now. You want me to kiss your feet and stuff. I will do it ok.

The crowd is shocked at what they heard as Jesse seems to get his self ready to have his feet, ring and ass kissed by Ruthless. Ruthless ran her hand over her face as she looked towards the crowd getting an idea of what she should do. She walked over to Jesse and he just grins with a laughs when she came out of nowhere and just punch him right across the jaw that took him down to the mat with the girls helping him up as he looked pissed off at what Ruthless just did.

JESSE: RUTHLESS! You think you can get away with that. I don’t think so.

Ruthless was starting to get out of the ring but was distracted watching as Dusty Davis with a smirk was walking down to the ring. She was wondering why he was coming down as she glares at him standing her ground just for anything from him but didn’t notice Jesse got up and once she turn around. She turn right into the "MONTANA EXPRESS" right to the chin. She is knocked out cold in the middle of the ring. Jesse smirks and fixes his suit as Dusty Davis get into the ring and he walked over inside of the ring. Jesse grins as he point to her and brought his finger to his neck as sign for him to end. Dusty Davis took his foot and kick it into Ruthless head to make it worst it seems. He smirks as he look down at her body and pick her up by the hair and give her the Davis Slam in the middle of the ring. Jesse point to the outside of the ring with the words “Let's make her bleed” as Dusty climbs out of the ring and grab a chair as Jesse just slap Ruthless behind her head like she was piece of trash talking trash down at her. He held her up as Dusty took the chair and slam it down to Ruthless head as it seems she got busted open by it. Jesse just laughs as he tell Davis to do it again as Jesse held her up again as he slammed the chair again on the top of her head. Jesse along with Dusty smirks as they stand over her body in the middle of the ring as the crowd boos him and that when XTC came running out and it seems along with Charles Max with Lizzette Morgan right behind them. Jesse and Dusty bounce out of the ring before they could do anything to them as Ace walked over to Ruthless as it seems again after a beating she wasn’t moving. Charles Max have this glare looking right at Dusty Davis right into the eyes with this look that he will kill him the next time they meet as Lizzette was with XTC members trying to get someone to come down to help out Ruthless in the ring.


Non-Title Match: * Ed Covey is ref * "#1 DRAFT PICK" MACK BEAUDIN vs. "THE LIVING LEGEND" BIG NASTY


"Shut Me Up" plays first, and Special Ed Covey appears wearing a sleeveless referee's shirt. The crowd cheers "Special Ed! Special Ed! Special Ed!" as he makes his way down to the ring.

"Man Up" plays next, and the cheers turn into jeers. "#1 Draft Pick" Mack Beaudin comes out, and he has an angry look on his face. He is walking a bit gingerly, as he's been kicked in the nuts twice already this evening. He makes it to the ring, and points at Ed with a very stern look on his face. Ed reminds Mack that he's gonna call it down the middle. As they continue to jaw jack, "U Don't Know Me" by T.I. plays.

Big Nasty, "The Living Legend," comes out with Alanso Fyne at his side. Big Nasty has the CZW Intercontinental Title draped over his right shoulder. The crowd seem to be firmly behind Big Nasty, and he eats it up. He gets to the ring, and steps over the top rope. As soon as he gets over, Mack attacks him with a flurry of rights and lefts. The IC belt is dropped, and a ring crew member grabs it to get it out of the ring. Mack has Nasty dazed, and the bell rings. Ed looks on, as Mack throws Nasty to the ropes... Mack bends down for a back body drop, but Nasty kicks him in the chest. Nasty then hits a standing big boot to Mack's face, knocking him down. Nasty picks Mack up and throws him almost effortlessly into a corner. Nasty hits two big knee lifts, and then throws Mack to the mat and covers him.



Special Ed hesitates, confused. Nasty yells at Ed to "get it together buddy!" and then picks Mack up. Mack suddenly pokes Nasty in the eyes hard, and Nasty stumbles back. Mack then nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. Daniels takes this time to mention that both men are natives of Florida, and they're fighting like Floridian Gators do. Masters agrees, but says the Upstarts always prevail, one way or the other. Mack picks up Nasty, and throws him to the ropes. Mack nails Nasty with a spinebuster and goes for the pin.



Special Ed got closer, but still stumbled.

Mack yells at Ed too, this time not so nice. Mack gets up and gets in Ed's face. Nasty gets up on his knees and walks on his knees over to Mack.. and hits a LOW BLOW! Mack's been sack-jacked three times now. Nasty goes for the cover.




Special Ed seems to remember how to do it now, and is excited. Nasty smiles out into the crowd as Mack holds his groin area. Nasty picks Mack up and tosses him to the ropes. He nails him with a back body drop. Nasty smiles with confidence as he picks Mack up. He goes to irish whip him into the turnbuckle, but Mack reverses. Nasty nails the ringpost with his shoulder going face first. Nasty cringes as Mack picks him up. Mack jerks on his arm, causing Nasty to scream out in pain. Suddenly, the new CZW World Tag Team champions come running down to ringside. Mack tosses Nasty to the outside of the ring, and then directs his attention to Ed. He gets in the face of Ed, literally about to blow his fuse. On the outside, Timmons and King grab Nasty and hit a double power bomb on him on the outside! Timmons tosses Nasty back in, and he stumbles right into Mack who just turned around.


Greetings From Tampa!! Mack goes for the pin.

Ed, reluctantly, goes for the count.




Mack wins against Nasty, being the first man to defeat Big Nasty in singles competition. Mack then grabs Ed and nails ANOTHER Greetings From Tampa onto him. Timmons and King smile from ringside, as Ed and Nasty are laid out. Mack grabs the IC belt from where it was, and looks at it. He then throws it into the ring, and it lands near Nasty. Masters talks about how Mack is the #1 Contender for the Intercontinental title belt, and should receive his re-match soon. Daniels says the new Tag champions are just jackals. Timmons turned on Nasty, another one of his "victims." War Zone cuts to another commercial.




* cZw! *

War Zone comes back on the air, in the backstage area. Tatum Regan and Brenda Vixen are seen walking down a hallway, having already showered and are set to leave the stadium. From out of nowhere, Rob Wright and Buck Evans pop up and begin to harrass them.

ROB: Hey Night Terrors, where's your misfit boyfriends huh?

BUCK: Don't they know they shouldn't let der' misses walk 'round 'lone?

Tatum goes to slap Rob in the face, but he blocks it. He grabs Tatum by the throat.

ROB: I've got a message for you to give to your boyfriend, girly. Tell him we want him and his ape friend in a tag match next week. Got it?

Rob then violent throws Tatum down, as Buck was holding back Brenda. Buck slams down Brenda too, and they both laugh. They leave the scene as both women look pissed and are holding their heads.

Towers: This match is scheduled for one fall… First introducing the Special Guest Referee… Matt Stylez!!

(- “Change” Blares over the P.A. System and Matt Stylez appears from behind the curtains. He stands near the ramp, smiling, then spreads his arms with a “look at me” mentality. He is wearing a referee shirt but instead of white and black its red and black. He climbs into the ring, and takes the microphone from Jessica Towers, relieving her of her duties. -)

Stylez: Looks like Ace King got the better of me last week… Too bad that I still get my title shot at May Massacre. I know he was pleased when he thought I was out of the title picture for good… Sorry Ace, looks like the Gamblers luck is running out…

-Stylez pauses and looks up the ramp-

Stylez: So introducing… The first competitor… Aww… To hell with it… Both competitors… Ace King and El Pablo…

-Stylez murmurs the names, and “Guerilla Raido” plays. Soon Ace King, and El Pablo come from behind the curtains. They pose with each other, both holding their titles. Ruthless and Special Ed are nowhere to be found.-

Daniels: We are being told that XTC has been told they may NOT lay a finger on Stylez during the match. If they do – All belts that the group holds will be forfeited.

Masters: Mr. Montana must have done that. I love it!

-Stylez rings the bell before the two are in the ring.-


-Ace and Pablo climb into the ring. They stare at Matt, Stylez just smirks back and tells them their rights. Stylez motions for them to get it on and Ace looks at Pablo and nods. Ace “swings” at Pablo missing by a mile, Pablo flops onto the mat and Ace King covers. Stylez looks at Ace and Pablo mouthing “Are you serious?”. Ace yells at him to make the count. Stylez gets to the mat and counts.-



-Stylez then stops the count and gets to his feet, The crowd yells “THREE” but Ace just looks on at Matt. Stylez smirks then rushes at King and kicks him right in the forehead. Ace falls of Pablo, the count being broken and Pablo jumping to his feet. Stylez grabs a mic.-

Stylez: You clowns think your smart? That’s an old trick. We aren’t having any of that in the cZw, atleast not with Montana as president. You WILL fight this out…oh and don’t forget… Lay a finger on my and you're both stripped of your titles….along with Ruth… So… Let’s try this again…

-Stylez throws the mic on the ground and bends over a little looking at Ace who is now getting to his feet holding his forehead. Stylez laughs and Ace and Pablo sigh as they look at each other. No doubt realizing that their plan won’t work, They decide to give the fans what they want. King and Pablo then lock up for the grapple. King being the more powerful pushes Pablo off, but Pablo rebounds quickly with a high speed dropkick, Ace King losing his balance falls through the middle rope to the outside. He tries to regroup himself, Pablo taking the opportunity to suicide dive right onto him. Both men laying on the concrete. Stylez smirks and decides to institute his own version of a “count out”. He slides out of the ring and begins to yell loudly his count. With every number, he delivers a swift kick to the mid section of one of the stars.-

1 (first kick to Pablo)

2 (next to Ace)

3.. (back to Pablo)

4… (Again to Ace.)

-Finally, the two stars realizing what is going on, Stumble to their feet and slide into the ring. Stylez laughs and climbs in himself. King and Pablo then begin to grapple again. This time, King knees Pablo in the stomach and then hits him with a snap suplex, rolling over him for the pin.-



-Stylez stops the count and grins, he motions “no-no” to the two men and then gets to his feet. King begins to get frustrated rears back to hit him. Stylez turns his cheek instigating the contact. King instead then elbow drops Pablo, his eyes locked on Stylez. King does it three or four times, taking his frustration out on Pablo before he realizes what he is doing. King then looks at Pablo with concern. Pablo rolls over, coughing, and then gets to his feet looking at Ace. Ace walks over to check on Pablo but Pablo instead meets him with a quick lariat dropping him to the mat. Pablo zones in on Ace and meets him with a flurry of rights and lefts. Stylez enjoying every minute of it. Pablo gets to his feet and pulls Ace up. The fans cheering both men on as Pablo whips King against the ropes, ducks a lariat, and then connects with a hurricanrana. Ace flops to the mat holding his back. Pablo leg drops Ace’s back and then quickly puts him into a Mexican surfboard. He wrenches back on Aces arms, who screams in pain. Stylez smiles as Ace yells, Pablo has it locked in right in the middle of the ring, King immobile. Pablo keeps it locked in for a good 2 minutes before Stylez bothers to ask Ace if he gives up. Ace shakes his head no, Stylez nods and then crosses his arms. Finally, Pablo lets Ace fall to the mat and then covers him for a pin.-



-Stylez starts to hit his hand on the mat for the three count but stops and holds his wrist, acting like it’s cramping up on him. –

Daniels: Referee it fair Matt, Come on!!

Masters: He has a cramp Jared, Relax!

-Pablo gets up and looks at Matt, His eyes furious. Stylez shakes the cramp off and goes nose to nose with Pablo. Pablo then goes into a rage just like King did, Only with leg drops across the stomach. Three… four… five… he realizes what is going on and looks at Ace. He pulls Ace up, but Ace hit him with a between the leg face plant, Pablo bouncing off the mat hard. Pablo grovels on the ground, while Ace recovers and pulls himself up using the ropes. Pablo stumbles to his feet and walks over to Ace.-

Masters: OH NO!!!

Daniels: It’s OVER!

-Pablo walks right into Blackjack Bomb from Ace King. Ace then flops onto Pablo for the cover. Stylez looks at him, smirks, and then lays horizontally on the top turnbuckle as if he is going to take a nap. He waits a few minutes, Pablo doesn’t move so Matt drops down to make the count.-





-Matt smiles as he finishes the count on Ace. Stylez then grabs Ace’s hand and raises it in the air. Ace looks at Matt confused but before Ace can realize whats going on Stylez catches him with a hellacious High Style.-


Daniels: What the hell!?!?

-Matt nails him with the High Style, leaving King broken on the mat. Then Stylez looks up the ramp and sees Ed Covey come running down with Loki. Ed gets almost to the ring in a full sprint.-


Daniels: What is he doing?

Masters: What just happened to Covey? Did Loki hit him?

-On second view, someone from the stands nails Covey right in the cranium with a steel chair. Covey falls instantly onto the concrete. The man then jumps the guardrail and picks Covey up. He grabs his head, turns behind him, lifts him up holding him vertical before driving his head right into the concrete. Stylez has gone out the otherside of the ring, hiding from View. King is still laying dazed but Pablo is getting to his feet. He sees the man standing over Covey, and starts to yell at the man to get into the ring. The man jumps on the apron, and Pablo starts to go toward him. Before he can take a step though, Matt Stylez nails him from behind with the newest move to his arsenal – The Anarchy Strike (Backstabber). The man throws Covey into the ring, after getting down, and then they lay the broken mass of XTC in the ring. Stylez grabs a microphone and smiles at the man standing near him.-

Stylez: Fans… I would like to introduce you to someone. The very thing that you are afraid of at night… he is the bumps in the night… He is what lurks in the shadows… He is… Leo Crow…

-The fans look at him confused.-

Stylez: If you were afraid of Anarchy… You might not want to watch any further….

-Stylez drops the microphone and drops out of the ring. He draws from under the ring two sledgehammers and hands one to his friend. Both men becoming possessed by the weapon they hold. Stylez first picks up Ed covey, Leo nails covey in the stomach and then Stylez crashes the hammer down on his back. Then they grab Pablo, The first hammer from Stylez nailing him across the side of the knee, forcing his leg to buckle… Leo then driving the hammer right across his forehead, busting him open on contact. Styles nods in approval. Stylez then retrieves the X-Title and throws it over Pablos bloody face, and then holds the world title in his other hand. He drops it to the mat, and then nails Ace King in the sternum with the sledgehammer. He orders Leo to pick him up, who does so. Leo then sets up Ace King for the Black Death (same move he did to Covey on the concrete. While he holds him, stomach out, Stylez nails him in the ribs with the hammer before Crow lifts King up and Drops him right onto the World Heavyweight Title.-

Daniels: This is madness… Those two… those…. Anarchists…..

Masters: I think I like what I see… XTC jumped Montana but they got what was due to them this week… Don’t ever think you can one up Matt Stylez…

-Stylez picks up the World title, and raises it into the air letting out a vicious yell. The camera fades on the cZw World Heavyweight Title in the hands of former champion Matt Stylez before the screen fades entirely to black.-

©2008 CZW-EFED /All rights reserved.