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CZW - Presents War Zone

| March 13th 2008 | Tokyo, Japan. | Ryōgoku Kokugikan Arena |

CZW: Warzone


*cZw ASSAULT!!!*





The match started out back and forth, as both men are extremely quick and athletic, pretty well matched with each other. Rob Wright took control after three minutes, nailing "The St. Louis Machine" with a Northern Lights driver. The crowd was mostly behind Rob, although he ignored them. Rob Wright kept in control, and hit John Adelsberger with a "No Laughing Matter" to score the pinfall. Afterwards, an angry Adelsberger said he was quitting CZW, throwing a fit that he lost his second match.




* cZw *



The match began with Carnage taking control, and completely squashing Gauge. Carnage hit a barrage of power moves, such as a powerslam, a power bomb, and a delay vertical suplex. He pounded on Gauge's forehead until it was beat red, and the referee was showing concern for Gauge's well being. The crowd, throughout all of this, was considerably behind Carnage, after his recent severing from Tim Timmons. After a hefty bodyslam, Carnage called for, and executed the "Sky High," his version of the Vader bomb. Instead of going for the cover, he picked back up the lifeless Gauge and nailed the "Ride of Your Life" choke slam, and got the pin by simply placing his foot on the chest of Gauge. Afterwards, he hit another "Ride of Your Life" this time over the top rope and onto the floor. EMTs had to come and take Gauge away on a stretcher.




* cZw *


-The scene fades in on Alan Fiscus in his office, with the door shut. The crowd mildy pops as War Zone is live on the air. Suddenly, the door swings open-

-In walks Special Ed Covey, holding Loki in his arms. He comes in in a hurry, and both Fiscus and Covey lock eyes. Each man has an insane look on their face, and there's a pause causing the crowd to react positively. Suddenly, Ed speaks-

ED: "Mr. Fiscus! Mr. Fiscus!"

ALAN: "Yes, Ed!!"

ED: "I have a request! Is it okay if I make a request with you?"

-Alan pauses, being cautious-

ALAN: "Sure, Ed... what is it?"

ED: "I want... I want Loki to be the THIRD partner of my team for the tandem! He has been hounding me all week long to ask you, but I was nervous! What do you think?"

-Alan looks at Ed with confused horror on his face, with another long pause between both men causing the crowd to laugh-

ALAN: "Ahh... Umm.... OKAY!? Sure, Ed, sure... whatever... whatever you like...."

-Ed jumps up and down for joy, with Loki in his arms. Fiscus looks on with the same horror on his face. Fiscus stands up, and turns his computer off-

ALAN: "Alright Ed, that's great... I've got some business to take care of, so do you mind? We'll talk later, Ed."

-Alan motions for Ed to leave, and follows Ed out the door. Both men go in opposite directions, after Fiscus locks his office's door-

-The scene switches-

-Jesse Montana is preparing for his match as he walks through the corridor past a few staff members. It is not until he catches sight of the cZw President, Alan Fiscus that he stops and begins to think. He walks up to Alan who does not notice him until Jesse taps him on his shoulder. Alan turns around in anticipation, but his face drops when he sees the face of Jesse smirking at him. Alan tries to turn back around but Jesse stops him, Alan then goes right up into his face as they both glare at each other-

JESSE: “So, you think you can just cost me that match last week and get away with it?”

-Alan smirks as Jesse clearly is not amused-

ALAN: “You deserved everything you got, so get out of my way before I give you a preview of Road to Glory”

-Jesse then begins to get closer to Alan as he grinds his teeth trying to make Alan flinch, but Alan makes no movements. Finally Jesse turns away as Alan takes a deep in take of breath-

JESSE: “Oh Alan…”

-Alan turns back around as he catches a sharp MONTANA EXPRESS right into the jaw, that makes him fly back as the impact was strong, he lands crashing down on the concrete floor, Jesse then walks over to him as he bends down-

JESSE: “Respect that!”

-Jesse then walks off leaving Alan lying on the cold floor…-


DANIELS: "Hello everybody, and welcome to TOKYO!! We're set to have two HUGE matches this week on War Zone, the first one a Ladder Royale to name the Queen of Combat champion!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, I can't wait Jarred! A bunch of hotties, jumping around in the ring... we're bound to see some puppies!"

DANIELS: "... and in our main event, a ten team TAG TEAM TANDEM to name the #1 contenders to the Tag titles!"

MASTERS: "SOOOOO many great athletes in this one, I can't believe how prepared almost each and every one of them have gotten over the last week."

DANIELS: "Right you are, William. And what about the new team, the Dragon Society? We're in their home town you know!"

MASTERS: "Yes, and I was speaking with their manager earlier... They are all business, baby! They're gonna win the tandem in their first match, here in their home town!"

DANIELS: "But first, we're going to hear from the World Champion!"

-“Serial Thrilla” by Prodigy blares over the P.A. system. At the top of the ramp, Matt Stylez appears and the fans are going insane. Around his waist is the cZw World Heavyweight Title, draped over his shoulders are both tag titles. He stands at the top of the ramp and crosses his arms – posing for the fans. The camera flashes light the arena and Stylez smiles and begins walking down the ramp. He climbs into the ring and stands in the center among some new scenery. There is a decent size television that is hanging from the ceiling in the middle of the cZw logo. There is a smaller set of buildings to make the ring look like “Thrillville” and Stylez picks up a microphone that is laying on a chair-

MATT STYLEZ: "Konichiwa!!! *Fans pop* Sorry, but Stylez isn’t prolific in Japanese. So you guys are going to have to ask your translators if you don’t know what I am saying. Welcome to the first ever installment of the Highlight Thrill!!! Tonight, We are taking on the coming up Tag Title #1 contender jargon. The winner will face The Natural Born Thrillaz for the Tag Team Titles. Right now, Natural Born Thrillaz consist of Matt Stylez…and… Matt Stylez. I’ve proven that I can handle my own when I took on those two oversized Farley Butt-monkeys Street 2 Street and retained these belts."

-Stylez pats the belts and looks into the fans with a smile on his face.-

MATT STYLEZ: "So, I’d like to show a little montage about each of the teams that will be participating and potentially facing The Serial Thriller for the Tag Titles. Stan, If you will…"

-The Combattron flickers onto life and a momentary montage for each of the participants is shown. We see a few pictures and videos regarding past accomplishments from AMP XTC, Dragon Society, Union , Twin Towers … Every team and every singles competitor involved. We then end with the video of Jesse hitting Zodiac with a car. Stylez cringes and then picks up his microphone as the lights resume to their normal status.-

MATT STYLEZ- "You all are extremely talented, but if my boys in AMP can’t pull out the W, I want to face Upstarts so I can get my hands on “The Semi-sational” Jesse Montana. The man who has single handedly hidden in the shadows of Matt Stylez career. He is trying to take everything that is close to me, and felt he stood a better chance with Zodiac out of the way. The problem is…I am still standing… I am the World Champion and I AM The Tag Team Champions… So anyway…"

-While the event goes on, Matt notices something at the top of the ramp, the camera closes in and it is cZw Commissioner, Mr Farley. Matt does not know what to make of the situation, neither does the crowd. Farley does his business like walk into the ring as he climbs in and sits on a chair opposite Matt-

MATT STYLEZ: "Well Well Well, Mr. Farley.. the man behind the madness. What do I owe the pleasure?"

FARLEY: "Somebody get me a microphone before I fire you"

-A member of the technical crew hands him one as Farley snatches it off him-

FARLEY: "Hello Matt, you seem to be having fun out here, so does the crowd. But you see, I kind of have a major anouncement to make"

-Matt looks at him as the crowd all go silent as they wait in anticipation-

STYLEZ: "Well I do not know why you had to choose my air time to make it but, go ahead. I am sure these fans would love to hear what it is"

-Farley smiles -

FARLEY: "Well maybe these fans will love to hear it but unfortunately for you Matt, you will not love to hear what I have to say"

-Matt now peers at Farley as he looks unsure-

STYLEZ: "Now I want to know, what is it Farley?"

-Farley tilts his head to one side as he does a cheeky smirk-

FARLEY: "Well, I have not been entirely truthful about this Tag Team Tandem match coming up later tonight"

-Matt looks confused at this point as Farley still has the same cheeky smile-

STYLEZ: "What has that got to do with me?"

FARLEY: "It has alot to do with you, you see..."

-Farley takes a while before he announces it then peers at Matt as he tells the World what it is-

FARLEY: "The tag team tandum match will be for the cZw Tag team Championships"

-Matt jumps up off his stool as Farley stands up too-

STYLEZ- "What? You making me compete in it? But I ow..."

-Farley puts his hand out as to seperate himself from Matt who looks enraged-

FARLEY: "I know you do now, but Matt, I am afraid, and I promise you, I do not like this decision...You have been STRIPPED of the Tag Team Titles!!"

-Farley smiles as he blatantly does love the announcement, this enrages Matt even more as he throws his stool across the ring-

STYLEZ- "What, Why!? I defended them last week you crazy sonofabitch! What is your damn problem Farley"

-Farley steps away as he stares down at Matt, with a sick grin on his face-

FARLEY: "Have a good night Matt"

-Matt has gone red by this point with rage, as he paces up and down the ring looking at Farley-

STYLEZ: "This is bullshit...I will get my revenge...DAMMIT..."

- Farley gets out of the ring as he walks off staring at Matt all the way, smiling and swaying his arms as he exits. Matt goes mental in the ring. Farley has walked off with both Tag Titles and Stylez grabs his World belt and gives chase. Farley soon is blockaded by Security and Stylez yells at him as we cut to a commercial-


DANIELS: "Well, it seems like we're set to begin!"

-The crowd begins to buzz as arena workers bring four ladders to the ringside area and stand them up in the aisle-ways. Jessica Towers is coming to the ring-

TOWERS: “The next contest is for the CZW Queen of Combat Championship! The seven contestants are as follows: Weighing in at 127 lbs, from Baltimore, Maryland…Ashley Valentine!

Weighing in at 136 lbs, from Brooklyn, New York…Ruthless Aggression!

Weighing 128 lbs, from San Diego, California…"Mistress of Pain" Allison Lewis!

Weighing 125 lbs, from Houston, Texas…Krystal Starr!

Weighing 123 lbs, from New Orleans, Louisiana…The Lovely Zoe!

Weighing 130 lbs, hailing from Denver, Colorado…"The Black Widow" Sydney Vicious!

And finally, weighing 125 lbs, from Calgary, Alberta, Canada…Veronica Michelle!”

-As they are announced each woman comes to the ringside area. The fans are beginning to get excited as the girls look at the ladders and watch as Security Chief Big Daddy places the brand new Woman’s Championship Belt on a wire and suspends it 15 feet above the ring. The referee motions the ladies into the ring as Jessica and Big Daddy exit, and the bell rings-

DANIELS: “I’m really looking forward to this match, Masters. Not only is there a title to be decided tonight, but some of these ladies haven’t really been tested tonight.”

MASTERS: “They will be tested tonight, Jarred. Have any of us seen a seven woman ladder match? Don’t think so. I’m not sure its been done. What is going on?”

-As the match begins, the six of the competitors grab the nearest opponent, The Lovely Zoe nonchalantly slips out of the ring and crouches near the ring steps, almost under the ring itself!-

DANIELS: “Is Zoe hiding? What an act of cowardice!”

MASTERS: “Or maybe it is just brilliant thinking. There are no countouts in this type of contest, so if the ref sees her he cannot make her get back in the ring. If she waits, she can pounce at the proper time and come in fresh and ready. She really doesn’t look scared.”

DANIELS: “Well, I still say it is not playing by the rules of the game.”

MASTERS: “Cry to your preacher, Daniels. She playing the game exactly by the rules set down!”

-In the ring the six remaining combatants were taking it to each other. Allison Lewis has Ashley Valentine in a brutal headlock while Krystal Starr pushed Sydney Vicious into the corner and punished her with quick strikes and short kicks to the torso. Veronica Michelle lit into Ruth Ann with a terrible hair toss and several chops, but Ruthless came back with a spinning heel kick that nearly knocked two of Ronnie’s teeth loose! The six warrior punched, kicked and stomped for the better part of a minute. As Ruth slammed Veronica with a basic bulldog, she looked around then began to shout, “Where’s the loud mouth Zoe?” The other ladies paused and looked around in a moment of confusion-

ALLISON LEWIS: “Does that tramp think she’s gonna sit this one out while we beat each other senseless? Let’s send her to the emergency room first, then stomp the spit out of each other!”

-The other ladies tentatively agree and begin to exit the ring even as Zoe, her eyes bugging out, moves further underneath the ring. As the ladies look around, Sydney Vicious thinks to look under the ring and draws everyone’s attention. Circling the ring, the participants begin to reach under the ring to drag Zoe out…while The Mistress of Pain, who suggested hunting Zoe down, quietly folds up a ladder and slides it into the ring!-

MASTERS: “That is so devious! I hope she gets the win right now. It would serve the other so-called Queens right!”

-Lewis stands the ladder up in the ring and begins to climb, but Sydney sees what Allison is up to and leaps into the ring. She grabs Allison by the hair and yanks her off, turning Allison’s plummet into a sitting facebuster, the Mistress’ head bouncing painfully off the mat. By then Veronica and Krystal had jumped back into the ring, and a three way brawl between them and Sydney erupted-

-The serious action began on the outside of the ring, though as Ruth Ann and Ashley Valentine began to wrestle in earnest. Despite not being in the ring, Ruth hit Ashley with a snap suplex and then walked the ringside barrier to deliver a precise flying lariat to Valentine. Ruth takes a moment to work up the crowd then brings Valentine to her feet…only to have the vixen rake her nails across Ruth’s eyes! Momentarily blinded and having a flashback of pepper spray from the mixed tag match the week before. Ashley followed through with a vicious hair pull, driving Ruth’s forehead into the ring barrier!-

DANIELS: "That's GOTTA hurt, William!"

-In the ring the four ladies continues to pound each other. Out of nowhere, Krystal nails Sydney with her patented Starrstruck running bulldog, laying Sydney temporarily out. At almost the same time, Allison Lewis and Veronica simultaneously attempt flying moves, each bounding off the opposite ropes. They collide right in the middle and land in a heap almost on top of Sydney! Seeing them indisposed, Krystal moves the ladder over and begins to climb-

-But Zoe, peeking up over the ring apron to one side, sees Krystal begin to climb. She also notices the three women trying to recover in the ring as well as the remaining two battling on the entrance ramp and not paying attention. Zoe slides into the ring and pushes the ladder over and Krystal hangs on as the ladder falls. Realizing she would otherwise land on the ringside barrier, Krystal jumps outward from the falling ladder and lands in the crowd. Luckily the audience is paying attention and catches her, but then she is bodysurfed around the crowd in that section!-

MASTERS: “Can’t say I’ve seen that recently, Daniels!”

DANIELS: “I would agree. Look at the ladder, though, Williams. They will need to pull one of the others down now. That one looks to twisted to stand.”

MASTERS: “I think Ashley Valentine has some plans for the ladder!”

-Indeed, Ashley takes some time to place the bent ladder suspended between the ring apron and the announcers table-

DANIELS: “You can’t put that here, Ashley!”

ASHLEY: “You’d better shut your trap or you’ll be slammed on this thing instead of Ruth!”

DANIELS: “As you were.”

MASTERS: “I think she likes you, Daniels!”

-Ashley pulled Ruth Ann over and set up for some kind of suplex onto the ladder, but Ruth dug in and shifted her weight, not letting Valentine lift her. Just then in the ring, Veronica runs the ropes and attempts a flying kick to Zoe, but The Lovely Upstart dropkicks Veronica in the gut, grabs her, and launches her out over the top rope. Veronica holds on to the top rope and lands on her feet on the ring apron, but Zoe sees this and plants a perfect superkick to Veronica’s jaw. Veronica flies off the ring apron and crashes into the bridged ladder, Valentine caught between Ronnie and the ladder even as Ruth Ann, seeing Veronica coming, ducks out of the way! The ladder bends neatly in the middle and almost breaks into two sections with Veronica and Valentine laying unconscious on the bent aluminum-

-And this was the point when Ruthless Aggression seemed to go totally insane-

-First she grabs another ladder and slides it into the ring. Then she pulls a table out from under the ring and sets it up. Then, at the urging of a ringside fan, Ruth begins to throw steel chairs into the ring, the other women ducking out of the way. Then she began to rip one of the announcer’s monitors out of the announce table!-

DANIELS: “She’s gone insane!”

MASTERS: “Yeah! Maybe there is hope for her after all!”

-As Ruth fought with the entire ringside area, the three still in the ring continued the fight. In a strange bit of double teaming, Sydney locks Zoe in a full Nelson while Lewis laid into The Lovely One with knife-edge chops and kicks. Allison runs the ropes and comes in for a spear, but Zoe twists free and Lewis spears Sydney Vicious instead! Then Zoe stands up the new ladder as Allison looks at the prone Syd in disbelief-

-Outside, Krystal Starr is finally finished with her impromptu once around the ringside area ride. As Ruth finally gets the announce table monitor free, Krystal gets her attention. It appears for a moment that Ruth is going to lay Krystal out with the monitor, but Starr motions to the ring and to Zoe and Lewis being the ones still on their feet-

STARR: “Do you want one of them to win while we fight out here?”

-On the big screen you could almost see Ruth’s vision clear as she looked in the ring. Together, Ruthless and Krystal dove under the bottom rope and jumped to their feet. Ruth attacked Zoe while Krystal grabs Allison Lewis. Ruth and Zoe’s altercation quickly falls to punches and kicks as the two viciously battle, not with girly tactics but with doubled up fists and stinging kicks. Krystal and Allison leave it to true wrestling. Allison reverses Krystal’s clothesline into a Rings of Saturn style submission. Krystal reverses into a reverse hammerlock, then drops an elbow on her prone opponent. Krystal brings Allison to her feet, and Lewis sneaks in a European uppercut and then a swinging neckbreaker. Even as they crash to the mat, Zoe and Ruth run the ropes and catch each other with a running lariat/clothesline, and they fall on top of Krystal and Allison!-

-As the four begin to stir, Lewis crawls to the ring apron to catch a moment. Krystal does not give her the time, rushing to the apron right next to Allison. Realizing that the set-up table was sitting in front of them, Krystal locks on and executes her Starrstruck bulldog once more, putting herself and Allison through the table-

-In the ring, Zoe is up first and resets the ladder, starting to climb. Ruth begins to climb up the ladder on the opposite side. Zoe reaches the top first and is the first to touch the championship belt. She gets a belt of another sort, however, when Ruthless gets there and punches her right in the lips. Zoe’s lip splits and blood runs from her mouth! Clenching her teeth, Zoe begins to punch, and Ruth is more than happy to oblige. The audience goes silent. Whoever hangs on will win; whoever falls fails-

DANIELS: “Wait a moment, Masters! Vicious is up!”

-Indeed, as Ruth and Zoe try to push each other off the ladder, Sydney Vicious slowly climbs up the ropes to the top turnbuckle. With surprising strength and agility, Sydney leaps from the turnbuckle and onto the ladder, which tilts dangerously sideways. The ladder teeters on the brink of balance, but Sydney plants her feet on ladder rungs on each side of the tool (almost crunching the feet of Zoe and Ruth in the process) and then jumps upward, grabbing ahold of the Queens of Combat championship belt! The ladder crashes to the mat as Zoe and Ruth both bail to land in the ring. They look up for a moment as ‘The Black Widow’ hangs from the wire over the ring; then the belt gives way and Sydney crashes down to the mat, her back cracking onto the bottom of the ladder as it lay against the ropes. For a moment, no one moves. Then Zoe jumps forward toward the belt, but Sydney sits up suddenly and holds the belt over her head as the bell rings and Jessica grabs the microphone-

TOWERS: “Your winner and the first CZW Queen of Combat: "The Black Widow" SYDNEY VICIOUS!”

DANIELS: "Wow, what a hard fought battle, and somewhat of a surprise with Vicious winning!"

MASTERS: "Dammit, I had money on Zoe tonight! I'm out a cool G!"

DANIELS: "Goes to show you how unpredictable the CZW really is, William!"

MASTERS: "Well I can't imagine the Ruth and Zoe feud is over, and now there's a new equation to the mix!"

DANIELS: "And she's vicious!"

MASTERS: "Indeed!"

----- ----- TOWERS: "Ladies and Gentlemen. Next is our MAIN EVENT. It is a Ten Team Elimination Tag Team Tandum Match for the cZw Tag Team Championships. The rules of this match are as followed. This match will be an elimination style tag team match with 10 teams participating. It will start with 4 teams, only two men in the ring at a time, once one is eliminated, they leave, the next comes down. Once all 10 teams have fought, the winner is the last team surviving, making them the new cZw Tag Team Champions. So lets get underway"

MASTERS: "Now even Towers is stealing my line, what is going on!?"

DANIELS: "Nevermind my partner, he is still abit dazed after that Diva Ladder Match, what a contest it was. But coming next will surely be the biggest match in cZw Warzone history!"

MASTERS: "Well it is going to have to be good to out do that last match, but I think it will, ten teams, twenty men who hate each other, even their own tag team partners, some of them. This promises violence and alot of it!"

DANIELS: "Yes and what about the annoncement our Commissioner made earlier, the decision of stripping Matt Stylez of the Tag Titles, therefore making this match for those Tag Titles!!"

MASTERS: "Yes, our Commissioner just wants to make everyone happy!"

DANIELS: "What about Stylez? Do you think he is happy?"

MASTERS: "Quite franky I do not give a crap whether Matt is happy or not, but he is our World Champion so he should be bloody ecstatic."

DANIELS: "The lights have gone off, the fans silent, I think the big one is starting, this is it, the Tag Tandem Match for the cZw World Tag Teams Championships!"

TOWERS: "Introducing first... the team of Christian Campbell and Damion St. Claire!"

- Damion makes his way to the ring, with Christian following about 10 feet behind, both men weary of each other -

TOWERS: "And next... the team of Impaler and Rave!"

- Both men walk down to the ring, frightening some of the younger audience in the front -

TOWERS: "Team three is... Nicky Vitale and Big Nasty... the TWIN TOWERS!"

- Vitale and Nasty make their way down to the ring, with arrogant smirks on both men's faces -

TOWERS: "And the fourth entrant... Ace King and El Pablo... the FIVE STAR GAMBLERS!"

- The crowd pops loudly as Ace and EP make their way down to the ring, acknowledging the fans who are cheerig for them -


- Ace and Impaler happen to start the match as El Pablo, Rave, Campbell, Damion, Nasty and Vitale all stand on the apron. Ace avoids the lock up with the bigger man and circles around the ring warming his arms up. Impaler stands still just staring with his cold eyes into the face of Ace. Ace comes in as he kicks at the leg of Impaler and quickly moves away before Impaler can attack back. He does this again, then for the third time. Ace now locks up with Impaler finally as Impaler uses his strength and runs him towards the corner, Ace however uses his quickness and technique to move out of the position and hits a clever Drop Toe Hold on Impaler -

MASTERS: "I think that move will only make the monster more insane, look, he is already frothing from the mouth and it has only just begun!"

DANIELS: "Yeah, Ace totally outsmartered him there, but how long can he do that for?"

- He gets back up quickly as he now starts to breathe heavily and cracking his knuckles. He walks towards Ace as Ace quickly side steps Impaler and kicks him in the sternam, then grabs him in a facelock. Impaler hits his way out then irish whips Ace into the ropes, Ace bounces back and Impaler lifts his big boot up, Ace ducks, then from behind chop blocks the leg of Impaler -

DANIELS: "WOW, It seems like Ace has this monster completely scouted, great thinking by the former IC Champ!"

MASTERS: "OH dear, I thik Impaler is about to explode, Ace is just making the bull more angry, it might not be as smart as you think."

- With Impaler down Ace grabs the leg and starts kicking at the back of the knee, then elbow drops the leg of Impaler several times before tagging in El Pablo. Pablo jumps into the ring as the fans cheer, runs in as Impaler tries to rise and baseball slides the weakened leg, knocking the giant straight back down again -

DANIELS: "If they were not the favorites before the match, they must be now, fantastic teamwork and technique here!"

MASTERS: "Yes they are doing well but they are in the worst possible position, they are first in this elimination match!"

DANIELS: "That is true, you need great stamina for this kind of match, but these two look like they have it."

- Pablo mounts on top of Impaler as he hits him with a few loose elbows, Impaler eventually grabs one of the unsuccesseful efforts and pulls Pablo down into a dangerous Facelock while wrapping his huge legs around the waist of Pablo. Impaler wrenches the neck of Pablo back as the referee tries to see if Pablo is okay. Finally Ace has to dive into the ring to help his partner as he kicks Impaler off, which angers the monster, Impaler gets up, grabs Ace and lifts him up, Chokeslam TO THE OUTSIDE!!! -


MASTERS: "I told you didn't I, he was only going to make the monster get more angry until something drastic would happen!"

DANIELS: "Why have you got a smile on your face?"

MASTERS: "Because I was right again!"

DANIELS: "But this man's career could of been ended with that move!"

MASTERS: "Oh stop being so dramatic you woman."

- Impaler goes back to Pablo as everyone looks to see if Ace is still alive. Pablo plays possum though as he rolls up Impaler up in a modified small package... -




- Impaler gets to his feet as Pablo is already there running towards him, slides under the legs of Impaler and hits a back cracker on Impaler. The weight of the giant falling on Pablo's legs is immense as the move hurts both men. Pablo is up first though as he checks on his partner who is still down and out on the outside. Pablo goes back to Impaler and stomps on him as he tries to rise, Impaler gets to his feet though as he shoves Pablo away, then hits a throat thrust sending Pablo stumbling to the corner. Impaler follows as he throws Pablo to the other side, he crashes into the turnbuckle and goes straight over falling onto the apron then onto the outside -

MASTERS: "That was impressive, just when you think Gamblers were on top, the monster was unleashed and now look at them!"

DANIELS: "We need some help down here DAMMIT!"

- Impaler stands tall in the middle of the ring as both members of AMP XTC lay on the outside. Suddenly, Campbell decides to climb in, now the new legal man in. Impaler smirks as Campbell comes towards him, Impaler goes to grab him but Campbell ducks, hits Impaler with lefts and rights, kick to the sternam, kicks to the shin, then he bounces back, rebounds off the rope and dives at Impaler. Unfortunately though the monster catches him mid flight and sends him crashing back down with a fall away slam -

MASTERS: "Say goodnight Campbell, what an idiot!"

DANIELS: "What are you talking about, he was brave enough to get in there at least!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, now look at him, I doubt he will ever want to get in the ring again."

- Campbell goes rolling out of the ring as the move's impact is too much. Impaler once again stands tall in the middle of the ring. Damion looks at the monster but decides to not bother stepping in. Only one team remains. Vitale climbs into the ring, the two huge men stare down each other, then begin to lock up. Vitale gets the advantage sending Impaler into the corner, elbow smash, throat thrust, big boot strangling Impaler, Vitale seems to be on a roll. He then sets up Impaler onto the second rope. Impaler tries to fight back but Vitale hits another throat thrust, combined with lefts and rights, then a headbutt -

DANIELS: "If they connect with this move I believe the ring would give way, these two men are behemoths!"

MASTERS: "I just hope there is no leprechaun under the ring, otherwise it will be a green splat, looks like mushy peas."

- Impaler looking dazy now starting to fade. Vitale begins to climb up with him. Now both men stand on the third rope, two giants, two monsters up high. Then suddenly out of no where, AMP TXC, Ace and El Pablo dive back into the ring, jump up onto the same turnbuckle, Ace hits a superplex on Impaler, Pablo hits a Superside suplex on Vitale...DOUBLE SUPLEX FROM THE TOP ROPE!!! -



- The four men lie in the middle of the ring, motionless. The referee begin to count down the two legal men, Vitale and Impaler. AMP XTC go back to there corners as does Campbell. The referee reaches a 6 count as Impaler begins to stir, Vitale does on the 7 count. 8 Count comes as Impaler is just about up, walks over to Vitale as Vitale begins to walk towards Impaler. Vitale walks straight into a big Samoan Drop. He covers...





- Vitale kicks out. Impaler looks over at Rave who looks eager to get into the ring. Imaper drags Vitale over as he tags in Rave. The crowd get excited as Rave gets in, kicks Vitale in the sternam then lifts him up...THE 370 lbs of Vitale crashes down as Rave hits a monstorous BrainBuster. Rave decides not to cover, he drops a leg drop on Vitale who loos to be completely out of it. Rave then picks the big man up again, looking impressive he goes for his finisher...THE PANDORA'S BOX...He hits it and covers...





DANIELS: "So close, what an effort by Rave!"

MASTERS: "Yeah we are not short of giants in this match, let me tell you that."

- Nasty just manages to save his partner as he breaks up the very close count. Rave looks up angrily as Nasty walks backwards with a grin on his face getting out of the ring. Rave then signals something to Nasty as he picks up the lifeless Vitale, he lifts him up...No, Vitale counters, switches hitting Rave over with a back body drop, then follows up as Rave gets up, Vitale hits a big boot on Rave and drops to his knees as he is worn out -

DANIELS: "These big men starting to lose fatigue, it has to be a huge factor in this match."

MASTERS: "Yes but they have the power to end it whenever they want in my opinion, they need to get a move on!"

- Vitale decides to tag out, he walks up to the nearest person who happens to be Damion. He gets into the ring scouting Rave, then kicks him in the side of the head with a nasty boot. As Rave is down he begins to mount him, punches to the face, wildly swinging his fists as most of them get past the attempt of a block from Rave. The camera shows that Rave's lips and nose are now busted, but it does not effect him much as he grabs Damion by the throat, gets to his feet, picks him up, but Damion swings his foot into the sternam of Rave, although it looked abit low, Rave collapses down in some pain, the Damion takes advantage as he hits an extreme twist of fate, bounces Rave's bloody face of the ground. He covers...





- Rave gets a shoulder up. Damion then strolls towards his partner Campbell. He goes to tag him in but instead of tagging him in normally, he slaps the face of Campbell which makes him mad. Campbell climbs into the ring and gets into the face of Damion as they both stare each other down -

MASTERS: "No you jabroni's, focus on your opponents!"

DANIELS: "It was always bound to happen, I mean I think Farley did this just to make it controversial."

MASTERS: "Not speaking bad of the Commissioner are you?"

DANIELS: "No...But I do not agree with everything he says."

MASTERS: "Well, I doubt he gives a crap!"

- Damion finally gets out of the ring as Campbell releases his anger on Rave, hitting him in the face with more lefts and rights. Rave seems to not know where he is at the moment, Campbell runs into the ropes, bounces off, Running Enzigiri, right into the face of Rave. The big man is not knocked down though, he just licks his lips and carries on. Campbell looks shocked as he carries on his attack, goes to hit Rave but he catches his fist, squeezes it as Campbell goes down to one knee in pain. Rave then hits a short arm clothesline on Campbell sending him somersaulting around before landing heavily on his head, which knocks him out. Rave covers...





DANIELS: "Just like that."


TOWERS: "And the first team eliminated by pinfall...Christian Campbell and Damion St. Claire!"

MASTERS: "Rave is looking impressive, I think he likes the taste of his own blood!"


- As Campbell rolls out of the ring, Damion drops off the apron and grabs a steel chair. He then runs up to Campbell and swings the chair straight into the back of the head sending out a huge thud throughout the arena...-


- The referee finally gets Damion out of the arena as Campbell has to be stretchered out -

MASTERS: "Good on him, making an impact!"

DANIELS: "That is dispicable, you are dispicable!"

MASTERS: "And you are a hermaphrodite, Jackass, but you do not hear me complaining!"

- The new tag come down. It is...JA Sawyer and Billy Williams...The UNION! -

DANIELS: "Here comes the Union, Towers with a score to settle with them, but Union are my pick to win this, or Gamblers!"

MASTERS: "That is stupidity, Upstarts all the way, even though they probably do not even care about winning, they will end up doing just that, they are just that damn good!"

- Big Nasty steps into the ring as Rave is still in there, blood pouring out of his nose and mouth. Rave and Nasty lock up. Rave puts Nasty into a headlock. Nasty starts to punch the ribs of Rave but rave keeps the submission on. Nasty then lifts him up into the air and hits a side suplex -

DANIELS: "Here it is, Nasty has just noticed Sawyer!"

- Nasty then looks at the new tag, knowing full well that Sawyer embarrassed him the week before. Nasty goes up to attack Sawyer on the apron but Sawyer takes a bag out of his pocket and throws it in the face of Nasty, it looks like soil but Nasty reacts as though it is excretment -




- Nasty turns around as he gets caught by Rave...HUGE CHOKESLAM. The impact shakes the ring, Rave falls to his knees from liftling the weight of Nasty. He covers...





- Rave gets up looking battered and bruised, he decides to stumble over and tag in Sawyer who desperately wants to come in. Sawyer climbs in and runs at Nasty, but unknown to him, Vitale has entered the ring illegally and runs at him...RUNNING BIG BOOT... -

DANIELS: "Oh how is that legal? That is..."

MASTERS: "Dispicable? Get used to it, they are going to do whatever is necessary for the win, I personally agree with that."

- Vitale gets ushered out of the ring, on his way out, he spits on Sawyer who is down and out. Nasty starts to regain life and sees that Sawyer is laid out in front of him. He licks his lips as he pounces on him, hitting him in the face, neck and chest with huge left and right hands. Nasty then gets him up and grabs him in a bearhug. Sawyer screams in agony as he clinches his fists to try and withstand the pain. Nasty starts shouting words in Sawyer's ear as he continues to suck the life out of JA -

MASTERS: "What a fantastic scene!"

DANIELS: "I preferred the scene where Sawyer sprayed Nasty with extrament actually, that was genius."

- Sawyer begins to gain some adrenaline as he waves his hands around, then starts hitting the head of Nasty who takes the pain. Sawyer then headbutts him knocking the big guy back, then out of no where...Belly to Belly suplex...-


MASTERS: "Calm down you giant ape, I am trying to watch the match!"

- Nasty is on the ground as Sawyer waves to the crowd, then starts to kick Nasty straight in the ass, this makes the opponents and the crowd laugh as Nasty is seen crawling on his hands and knees to escape the attack. He tags in Impaler as the monster climbs in, Sawyer takes a few steps back, gulping at the sight of him.-


- Impaler hits JA with a throat thrust, hits him again, now irish whips, tilt a whirl backbreaker. Sawyer is down holding his spine as Impaler continues his attack. he picks him up, powerslam -

MASTERS: "The fans may be cheering for him, but it will be over for him very soon, and his plumber friend too!"

- Then to everyone's surprise, Impaler climbs to the top rope, Sawyer is now up, Implaer dives off...Sawyer dodges, Impaler goes bouncing off the ropes, then Sawyer hits him with a heavy shoulder block, Impaler bounces back off the ropes again, this time, Sawyer rolls him up in a perfect small package...-






MASTERS: "That is just sick, what a fluky move...DAMMIT"

DANIELS: "Union does it again!"

TOWERS: "And the second team to be eliminated, by pinfall...Rave and Impaler..."

- Sawyer celebrates with Williams as the rest look on in shock, especially Rave and Impaler. Impaler slams his fist down on the mat, then rolls out of the ring where Rave greets him. They seem to argue as suddenly Impaler grabs his throat and throws him into the turnbuckle. Rave is set up on the metal turnbuckle, Impaler sickenly goes for a Big Boot to trap Rave's head in the steel, Rave dodges though as he hits Impaler with...The MELODIC...-

DANIELS: "Wow, we are seeing a lot of teams imploding here tonight, maybe this sets up for some great rivalries!"

MASTERS: "Exactly, Farley is a genius."

DANIELS: "Well I wouldn't go that far but we are now down to eight teams, who will be next?"

- Impaler is unconcious as the match continues, Rave goes backstage -

MASTERS: "And the next team is...."


- Timmons and Blaze run down to the ring, as Vitale gets into the ring and takes it to Sawyer, from behind. Nicky picks up Sawyer and throws him to the ropes... going for another big boot. JA ducks! He hits the opposite ropes, and on the come back.. nails Vitale with a cross body press. The cover -




DANIELS: "JA took flight!"

MASTERS: "Dear God!"

DANIELS: "And there's Brenda Vixen, coming down to ringside to support Timmons and Blaze!"

- Brenda walks down, as Timmons and Blaze nod at her with smiles on their faces. JA is up and picks up Big Dawg. He whips him into a corner, and comes running right after, nailing a running splash. JA then tags in Timmons -

MASTERS: "Things are about to get hardcore!"

- Timmons, fresh, immediately goes to work on Vitale, his former partner, with knees to the gut. Timmons lifts Vitale up, and nails a vertical suplex. Timmons floats over for the cover -




DANIELS: "Timmons is shocked that didn't put Nicky away!"

- Timmons then throws Nicky to the ropes, but Nicky reverses.. and this time, nails a big boot to the face of Timmons, sending him violently down to the mat. Nicky then goes and tags in Nasty. The both pick up Timmons.. and nail a double power bomb! Nasty for the cover -



MASTERS: "Blaze saving his partner there, I don't think Tim landed right after that move!"

- Blaze gets back out of the ring, as Timmons tags in Billy Williams. Billy immediately goes to Nasty, and chops him hard -


- Billy lifts up Nasty, and nails a fisherman's buster on the big man! The crowd is shocked he hit such a move, but Nasty seems to be okay. Billy then lays down the stomps, and slyly moves over and knocks Vitale down off of the ring apron. Billy turns back over to Nasty, who surprises him with a lariat. Nasty then picks up Billy and nails a side slam. He goes for the pin -



MASTERS: "It's only a matter of time until Nasty puts Billy away!"

- Nasty then flips off JA, who is apalled. The ref blocks JA from coming in, as Nasty goes for a low blow.. but Billy jumps with the move, not getting hit. As he's in the air, he positions himself, and dropkicks Nasty's right knee from under him -

DANIELS: "Holy cow, the janitor is agile!"

MASTERS: "How did he do that?"

- Billy then grabs Nasty's right leg, and starts twisting away with a Spinning toe hold -

DANIELS: "Nasty is in pain, but he's not submitting!"

MASTERS: "He'd better not!"

- Billy lets go of the hold, and as Vitale was getting back up on the apron Billy again knocks him off. Billy goes to pick up Nasty, who surprises Billy right back with a small package -





DANIELS: "Almost had him right there, William!"

MASTERS: "Oh, so close."

- As Nasty stands up, his right knee gives under way and he falls back down. Billy, a little dazed, sees his opportunity and grabs Nasty's legs ... -

DANIELS: "Is he going for what I think he is going for??"

MASTERS: "Oh dear lord no!"

- Williams locks in THE SWEEPER and starts moving Nasty around, who is writhing in pain. Vitale tries to get into the ring, but JA gets in and prevents him from doing so. Nasty tries to hold on, but there is something seriously wrong with his right knee and after a few moments he begins to tap the ground -


DANIELS: "I think Nasty needs medical attention!"

- Vitale is extremely disappointed, as Nasty finally rolls out of the ring. Vitale looks at Nasty, and almost reluctantly helps his partner to the back -

DANIELS: "I wasn't expecting them to go that soon, William!"

MASTERS: "Shut up, Daniels."

DANIELS: "And look who it is, the next team... IT'S THE UPSTARTS!!"


- Jesse and Mack run down to the ring, and take their spot where the Towers were. The crowd is booing Jesse heavily, as he truly is the most hated man in the CZW at the moment. In the ring, Timmons is pounding away on Billy Williams, with rights and lefts. He picks Billy up and throws him towards Ace and EP's corner. Timmons runs in, but Billy moves at the last second, tagging in El Pablo -

DANIELS: "Oh, this is the first time they've been in the ring since that Greenhouse Match!"

MASTERS: "Time for Tim's revenge!"

- Timmons and EP start going at it like rabid animals, with lefts, rights, kicks and jabs flying all over the place. Timmons takes the advantage, and pokes EP in the eye. He then lifts him up... positions Pablo... and nails a powerful GORY BOMB, with EP landing on the back of his neck! Timmons goes for the cover -





MASTERS: "Get him out of there!"

DANIELS: "But it's okay if the Upstarts do it, right!?"

- Ace goes back to his corner, As Timmons picks up EP. He irish whips him into his and Blaze's corner, and tags in Blaze. Blaze aims, and uses the top rope to throw himself in, hitting a springboard dropkick to El Pablo. As EP is laid out, Blaze gracefully hops to the top turnbuckle and leaps.... nailing a SHOOTING STAR LEGDROP! -


MASTERS: "Dear god, The Five Star Superstar is done!"

- Blaze goes for the cover -





MASTERS: "HOW in the HELL!?"

- Just then, Brenda Vixen begins walking away from where Timmons is, and Timmons notices right away. He begins shouting to her, wondering what she's doing. She ignores Tim completely, prompting Tim to jump down to the floor and follow her as she appears to be leaving ringside to go back to the back. Tim is confused, and distracted. Blaze sits up and sees this, also completely distracted to this point. EP, in pain, rolls to the nearest person to tag in, who happens to be Mack Beaudin -

MASTERS: "Oh shit, Blaze, you'd better turn around!"

- Mack stalks Blaze from behind, like a deadly predator. He motions for Blaze to hurry up and turn around. When Blaze does, he is caught like a deer in headlights as Mack nails a vicious GREETINGS FROM TAMPA and goes for the pin! -

DANIELS: "It's over for Blaze, no doubt!"




MASTERS: "Dammit, the Hardcore Felons have been eliminated!"

- Blaze rolls out of the ring, as Timmons and Vixen have made their way to the back already. He eventually goes to the back, disappointed in himself -

MASTERS: "Who's next, Jarred?"


MASTERS: "Oh, no... those losers!?"

-All "three" men run down to the ring, and take their spot on the apron-

DANIELS: "Fiscus, earlier today, granted... LOKI.. permission to be the third person to this team!"

MASTERS: "That is ridiculous!"


- Just then, familiar faces jump over the guardrail from the crowd, with chairs in their hands. They begin to attack EVERY person in the ring, and on the apron, with vicious chair shots, temporarily delaying this match as all men are down. Who is it? -



DANIELS: "They're back!?"

- Glacier has a mic -

GLACIER: "WELL, HELLO HELLO HELLO!! You didn't forget about us, now did you, CZW!? Because we're BACK IN BLACK BABY!!! And this is a message to every team here, and in the back! We may not be involved in your little tandem here, but whoever wins... you better believe, the Alaskan Warriors are coming for their 2nd Tag Title Reign!"

- Glacier throws out the mic, and both Glacier and Ice-Breaker leave the ring as CZW security comes down to stop them. They jump back over the guardrail, and leave through the crowd-

DANIELS: "Why are they always ATTACKING people!? Those IDIOTS!"

MASTERS: "Because they're the best tag team here, YOU'RE the idiot!"

- In all of the confusion, Mack sits up and realizes there wasn't a formal opponent replacement after Blaze was pinned. As Special Ed and AAN are at ringside, trying to shake loose those chair shots, Mack cunningly grabs Loki and goes for the pin. The referee, although reluctantly, goes for the count -


DANIELS: "No, don't!"





DANIELS:"Oh no, ED!! You inadvertantly cost your team the titles by insisting Loki be an active member of the team!"


- Mack laughs at Special Ed, and then picks up Loki.. He throws it down at Special Ed, who surprisingly catches Loki well, preventing any further "damage." Special Ed is frantic, making sure Loki is okay. Nightmare just looks at Ed in horror, and seemingly shrugs him off, saying he's done. AAN leaves ringside, as Ed does too, eventually -

MASTERS: "They didn't even get in the ring!"

DANIELS: "This is a mockery, and it shouldn't be allowed to pass!"

MASTERS: "He dug his own grave, Jarred!"

DANIELS: "Well, guess who's next! The unlikely team of Ronnie McNeil and Shawn Waters!"

- As both men make their way down to the ring, Mack walks over to Ace and tags him in, by slapping his chest. Ace looks at Mack with anger, and Mack smiles going back to his corner. JA Sawyer enters the ring, and Ace and JA go up to each other, showing some respect as they briefly bump knuckles. They lock up, with Ace taking the advantage. Ace throws JA to the ropes, and levels him with an elbow. He goes for the cover -



- Ace picks up JA, and punches him in the gut. He goes for a vertical suplex, but JA blocks it. He tries again, blocked again. This time, JA counters with a vertical suplex of his own. Both men are laid out a little, but they get up and start wailing away. Ace throws JA to the ropes again, and he goes for a leap frog... but JA catches him, and nails a spinebuster, going for the pin!-




MASTERS: "Close one there, Jarred!"

DANIELS: "Indeed."

- JA gets up, and goes and tags in Jesse Montana -

MASTERS: "Uh oh, business is about to pick up!"


DANIELS: "They HATE this man!"

- Montana laughs at the boos, and mockingly cries to them. He then picks up Ace, and nails a russian legsweep. He then lifts Ace up in a fisherman's buster...-


- Jesse hits a succession of three fisherman suplexes, holding the third one in in a pin-




DANIELS: "El Pablo ain't having it!"

MASTERS: "Get back to your corner, Mary Poppins!"

- EP goes back to his corner, as Jesse picks Ace back up. Ace suddenly throws up his arms, blocking Jesse from hitting him and begins to lay into Jesse with right hands. The crowd cheers madly-

MASTERS: "These people need to keep it down!"

DANIELS: "These people want to see Jesse GO down!"

- Ace throws Jesse to the ropes, and Jesse is greeted back with a flying leg lariat. Ace then picks Jesse back up, and nails a german suplex with a bridge-




MASTERS: "Phew! Too close of a call there!"

DANIELS: "Please.."

- Ace grabs Jesse and walks over to Ronnie McNeil to tag him in. Ace holds Jesse in a headlock, and Ronnie kicks his midsection-

MASTERS: "Ronnie, no!"

- Ronnie then grabs Jesse, and nails him with a back suplex. He picks Jesse back up... and holds him up with a military press-

DANIELS: "Look at the power of Ronnie! He's just holding Montana up in the air like it's nothing!"

MASTERS: "Showboat!"

- After a moment, Ronnie brings him down and slams back, nailing Jesse with a Samoan drop. He goes for the cover -




DANIELS: "Montana just barely kicks out!"

- Ronnie picks Jesse back up, and flings him towards Ace and EP's corner. As soon as Jesse gets there, he's greeted with two fists. Montana stumbles over to the Union's corner, and is also greeted by two fists. As he stumbles even further, Ronnie McNeil pounces for a spear, but at the last second Jesse moved, sending Ronnie out onto the floor face first-

DANIELS: "Oh no! Why is it that any time Jesse is around, someone gets BADLY hurt?"

MASTERS: "Because he's the Sensation, that's why!"

- Montana gets a grip and heads out to retrieve his victim. He picks up Ronnie, and irish whips him into the guardrail causing Ronnie to yell out in pain. The crowd boos Montana-

MASTERS: "Oh, c'mon!"

-Montana flings Ronnie back into the ring, promptly following. He picks up Ronnie in an abdominal stretch, and Ronnie is hurting-

MASTERS: "Tap! Tap! Tap!"

- The ref is asking Ronnie if he's wanting to quit, but Ronnie says no. Suddenly, Shawn Waters jumps down and grabs a mic-

WATERS: "Hey Jesse! JESSE!"

- Jesse looks down at Waters, confused, but keeping his grip on the abdominal stretch-

WATERS: "Listen, pal. I know how you Upstarts are, and so before the match I did the Union, The Five Star Gamblers, and Ronnie and myself a HUGE favor by finding your masked man FIRST!"

- Jesse has a shocked look on his face -

WATERS: "Yeah, take a look at the CombatTron!"

- Just then, a shot of backstage is shown as a man in a mask is tied up, and seemingly unconscious. Jesse and Mack both freak out. The other teams are all laughing, as they have the odds even now -

DANIELS: "AH HA UPSTARTS! Your masked man won't save you now!"

MASTERS: "D'oh!"

- Just then, Jesse lets go of his grip a little and Ronnie counters with a hiptoss as the crowd explodes -


MASTERS: "Quit marking out, Daniels!"

- Ronnie slowly goes over to Shawn to tag him in, but at the last second Shawn withdraws his hand, confusing Ronnie. Shawn drops down to the floor for a minute, kneeling down to where no one can see, not even the camera. After a few seconds he pops back up... this time with a mask on his face!-


- Ronnie's eyes get huge and his mouth drops, as Shawn laughs from behind the mask. Shawn then leaps up and hits Ronnie in the head with a steel pipe, which was 'convientantly' hidden underneath the ring. Ronnie flings back and turns around, only to be met with the most surprising move in the CZW.. THE MONTANA EXPRESS!!!"






-The crowd is booing TREMENDOUSLY as Shawn and the Upstarts have HUGE heat -

DANIELS: "Shawn cost his OWN team the chance at being Tag champions!"

MASTERS: "You really think he wants to be Ronnie's partner, Jarred?? He wants Ronnie's TV TITLE. He doesn't care about the Tag gold!"


- Shawn grabs Ronnie and drags him out of the ring, beating him down. He carries Ronnie to the entrance ramp, when Ronnie begins desperately fighting back. They both begin to brawl, as CZW Security comes down and seperates them. Ronnie has a bump growing on his forehead. Shawn is still wearing the mask. They make their way up the ramp, as the Dragon Society comes running down and the crowd explodes for the hometown team-

-Jesse waves goodbye to Ronnie and watches as Shawn Waters and Ronnie beat the tar out of each other. Jesse turns around and..-


-Dropkick to the chest. J.A. Sawyer tried to run in but instead Mido Makkaido ran in and attacked Jesse. Jesse took a nasty hit as he fell to the ground. Makkaido taking the upperhand and using his speed to perform quick paced elbows and then locking Jesse into a “STF”. Jesse reaches for the nearest corner but Sawyer and Williams smirk and turn their back to him. Mack Beaudin runs and kicks Makkaido in the back of the head to break the submission but turns and is met with a Kazuki Roundhouse Kick to the face. Mack falls hard and the referee scrambles to retain order. Mack and Kazuki go back outside the ring and Jesse is back on his feet. He runs to tag in Mack but Makkaido hits a drop toe hold busting Jesses nose open. Makkaido goes for a quick cover-



Kick Out

-Makkaido jumps back up and pulls Jesse up, trying to whip him into the corner. Makkaido goes to the corner of his partner Kazuki and Jesse fails to see Kazuki tag himself in. Jesse goes with a full head of steam to clothesline Makkaido into the turnbuckle but Kazuki jumps and delivers a swift right foot to the face of Montana , forcing him to nearly do a backflip and land on his back. Makkaido stands at the turnbuckle and Kazuki climbs up. Makkaido creates a base and Kazuki stands on Makkaidos shoulders before leaping off and nailing a front flip splash with the cover-



Kick Out

-Jesse is in some pain and tries to get to his feet but Kazuki takes a vicious kick to the back of the leg dropping Montana to one knee. Kazuki finishes with a kick to the back of the head, knocking Montana down face first. Montana arches his back and is clearly out cold. Makkaido and Kazuki both play to the crowd, which gives Montana just enough time to get to his feet. Kazuki tags in and then notices Jesse standing in the corner. He takes off running and does a cartwheel and-



-Jesse nails him with the Montana Express almost taking his head off. Makkaido doesn’t like it very much and runs over at Montana who is standing with his back turned-



-Makkaido nails Montana with a Shiranui and then covers him. Mack runs in but Ace King stops him with a drop kick, knocking him out of the ring-





DANIELS: "The hometown boys just knocked out The upstarts… Jesse won’t like this!"

MASTERS: "Mack won’t either. That was bull… Check that referees drivers license!"

-The fans go crazy as Makkaido stands up and bows to the fans. Unfortunately for Makkaido Billy thought it was his turn and ran in nailing a bowed Makkaido with a bulldog. J.A. shakes his head knowing what the bow symbolized but now billy is in the ring with Kazuki and Makkaido and the ref is busy telling Ace King he needs to exit the ring, which he is doing compliantly but the ref is over-selling it. Kazuki jumps up with a roundhouse to the throat while Makkaido kicks Billy’s legs out from under him. He nails the mat and holds his head as Kazuki and Makkaido slap hands and Kazuki leaves the ring. J.A. yells to have the referee clear him but Kazuki has left on his own free will. Billy stumbles to his feet and tries to swing at Makkaido but the speed and agility creates an intense mismatch. Ace and Pablo just continue to watch on as Makkaido continues a quick strike kicks to the legs and ribs. Billy finally collapses in the middle of the ring and Makkaido does a standing backflip and a pin-



Sawyer breaks it up

-The referee yells at Sawyer to get out of the ring, and Kazuki takes this chance to run in help Makkaido assault Billy. No matter how much JA argues, the referee won’t turn around and Makkaido and Billy double team the fire out of Billy. Billy ends up completely destroyed by the time that the referee turns around and Makkaido tags in Ace King. Ace looks shocked but gets in the ring, and the referee asks Ace if him and Pablo did this. J.A. gets pissed and drops down and walks around the ring. He goes over and yanks Makkaido and Kazuki from the apron and begins to assault them both with right hands and lefts. The fans boo toward Sawyer who doesn’t seem to care at this point and throws Makkaido into the turnbuckle. The referee sees this and goes out of the ring to break it up. Sawyer holds both Kazuki and Makkaido by the head, but doesn’t see Pablo run and climb up the turnbuckle and nail an extreme crossbody taking all 4 men to the ground. The referee finally gives up and slides into the ring. Ace King is making easy work of Billy, and Billy is completely exhausted. Ace King looks at the beaten body of Billy and then looks to see all four men still laying on the concrete. He grabs Billys legs-


MASTERS: "He is going to snap that puny rascal in half.."

-Ace King locks in the Big Slick. Billy tries to fight it but just can’t and finally taps out. The bell dings and Ace releases and the referee rolls Billy out. Sawyer is on his feet and slides in and looks confused. Ace points at the referee who explains what happened and Sawyer drops from the ring and goes over to Billy. Sawyer picks him his broken friend and carries him out and up the ramp. He nods to Ace King, still infuriated, but respectable and shakes his head as he walks out-

MASTERS: "We are down to the Asian War Machines… The Dragon Society and the 5 Star Gamblers!"

DANIELS: "Seems that Ace King and Mido Makkaido are the legal men. This should be interesting…"

-Pablo and Kazuki take their spot on the apron. Ace shakes his head and tags in Pablo, trying to eliminate the speed advantage. Pablo comes in and ducks an immediate clothesline and hits a running Russian legsweep. Makkaido hits hard off the mat and Pablo rolls on top of him and begins to utilitze his slight strength advantage with some vicious punches to the sternum. Pablo finally breaks up the beating and stands up letting Makkaido get to his feet. Pablo waits a few minutes and then the two meet in the center of the ring and begin to exchange punches and kicks. This goes on for a moment until both men run off the ropes and hit each other with a clothesline laying both men down. While both men lay there the referee checks on them-

DANIELS: "What the hell!?"

MASTERS: "AMP XTC IS CHEATING… What is the FORMER tag team champion doing out here?"

DANIELS: "Security!?"

-Sure enough, at the top of the ramp comes Matt Stylez with his world title. He stops mid ramp and smiles and points at Ace King. Pablo is back on his feet and looks at Stylez inquisitively. Stylez motions for Pablo to ignore him and Matt walks around the ring over to the table where the tag titles lay. He lifts one up, adoring it, and then turns to see Tiko Suriyama telling him to drop the belt. Stylez smirks and looks into the crowd and lays the belt down and tells Suriyama to mind his business. Meanwhile in the ring, Pablo and Kazuki are legal and are exchanging quick take downs. Stylez stands there and smirks at Suriyama who still eyes him. Suriyama goes to the other side of the turnbuckle and cheers his team on-

DANIELS: "What is he trying to accomplish? He seems to be distracting his team more than anything."

-Pablo goes to the edge of the ring and asks Matt what he is doing. Stylez once again tells Pablo to stay focused. Pablo shakes his head and does, he turns and is met with a roundhouse kick. Pablo falls from the ring, Suriyama has had enough of Stylez near the belts and Goes over and kicks him in the back of the leg. Stylez looks at him and then snaps grabbing his head and throwing him into the base of the turnbuckle. He picks him up and slams his head off the steel stairs. The Dragon Society seems concerned now and Makkaido, the legal man, runs and takes a leap at Stylez. Stylez thinks fast and grabs the Tag Title off the stand and nails Makkaido in the face with it. Makkaido hits hard and then falls off to the floor. Stylez then slides into the ring and Kazuki tries to assault him. Stylez catches Kazukis heel and spins him around and then High Stylez him on the tag title that lay on the mat. The referee goes to call a DQ but then realizes the rule and can only watch on. Stylez picks up Kazuki and then gives him another High Style, this time Kazuki starts to bleed on the mat. Stylez picks the belt up and looks back at Makkaido who is beginning to stir and come toward the ring. The referee has lost all order at this point, and Pablo, due to the kick, is laying awkwardly on the concrete possibly have hitten his head on the apron. Stylez motions for Makkaido to get into the ring-

DANIELS: "He has snapped William, He is crazy!"

MASTERS: "I never say this, but I kinda like the kid like this…"

DANIELS: "You are deranged."

MASTERS: "Who cares, I’ve never seen this side of the kid."


-Ace King had came behind Matt in an attempt to calm him down and tapped him on the shoulder. Stylez in a fury nails King with the tag belt dropping him instantly and causing some blood to begin to trickle. Stylez drops the belt mouthing “Oh My God” and then rolls from the ring in shock. He backs up the ramp and can only watch from here. Makkaido jumps into the ring and climbs the turnbuckle. He leaps off with a Senton Bomb and then covers King.-





-Stylez stands at the top of the ring, his face emotionless as he watches EMTs sprint by him.-

MASTERS: "I LOVE IT!! Stylez just cost his team the win!!"

DANIELS: "I don’t think he meant to William…"

MASTERS: "That is what is so damn great about it!!! HA HA HA!!"

-EMTs check on Pablo who is on his feet and in the ring. Ace King is out cold and Pablo looks up at Stylez at the top of the ramp. He catches part of the recap on the Combatron and drops his head in defeat as “Here Comes The Pain" blares-

TOWERS: "Your winners and NEW cZw Tag Team Champions… The Dragon Society!!"

-There isn’t much celebration going on from this point as Kazuki is still hurting, and EMTs check everyone.-

- The scene cuts back to to the back, where it's Alan Fiscus holding an ice pack over his face. He is staring at the wall, alone. He continues to stare, as he begins to speak -

FISCUS: "Jesse, Jesse, Jesse. So you've fooled everyone, AGAIN, have you? Shawn Waters is the new Upstart, the mysterious masked man. How clever, boys. I have to give you kudos for that one."

- Just then Fiscus is overcome with a fit of rage and begins to destroying the things around him. He throws his ice pack against the wall, obliterating it. He picks up a chair and flings it down the hall way. He then addresses the camera. -

FISCUS: "BUT I WILL NOT GIVE YOU PRAISE!! You think you're a bunch of hotshots running the show around here, well GUESS AGAIN! _I_ am the man in charge, and Jesse you _WILL_ respect my authority, come hell or high water! So next week... in Sheffield, England... Here's how it's gonna go down. It will be THE UPSTARTS... Mack Beaudin, Shawn Waters, and Jesse Montana... taking on... RONNIE McNEIL.... and because of your bullshit ways, Mack... SPECIAL ED COVEY... and my personal pick for the team... THE CZW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMP MATT STYLEZ... in a 6 man tag match!"

- The Crowd Pops hugely -

FISCUS: "But that's not all, no no no! That's just not ENOUGH, is it? Well... "


- Fiscus grabs a referee shirt that was lying near by, and points to it. The scene changes to Farley who is walking around backstage with a grin on his face notices matt in the corridor. Matt still looks angry since the announcement that Farley made about stripping him of the Tag Titles. He walks up to Matt who sees him coming, staring at Farley’s every step -

FARLEY: “Well if it isn’t the former Tag Team Champion Matt Stylez. I was going to say another important announcement earlier but it just flew over my head.”

Matt peers at him knowing something bad is going to come

MATT: “Yeah and what bullshit announcement might this one be then?”

FARLEY: “Oh it is not bullshit, it is very appropriate. Next week it will be a number one contendership match for your World Title”

MATT: “Look I really do not give a damn anymore Farley, stop playing your little games because at the end of the day, I will be still holding up my World Title!”

FARLEY: “Maybe you are right, I will cut straight to the chase then. Next week, it will be.."

ACE KING... one on one with EL PABLO for the number one contender position for your belt!! Genius isn’t it?"

Matt takes a huge breath as he tries to regain his composure, Farley smiles as Matt gets right up to his face

MATT: “I know your little plan, it will not work, we will not split up!”

Farley takes a step back as he chuckles

FARLEY: “Are you sure about that, I mean most people here would do anything for the cZw World Championship, you think it will be a friendly battle with you three, think again…Goodbye”

Farley walks of doing a powerwalk as Matt whispers something under his breath.

MATT: “Jackass”

cZw MARCH 2008 (C)

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