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CZW - Presents ASSAULT!

| September 5th | * Tampa, Florida * St. Pete Times Forum |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents ASSAULT!
live from - Tampa, Florida
St. Pete Times Forum
September 5th 2008
(RP Deadline is Sept. 4th 9:00 PM EST)

(1 RP per person limit)

(2 RP limit)
"The Reaper" BRIAN KIRKLAND -vs- "The Prodigy" MAYNARD O'TOOLE (c)

(2 RP limit)

(2 RP limit)
BIG DADDY BROWN -vs- "Bad Company" MIKE KING (c)

-- Winners have to throw their opponents into a cache of light tubes before winning by pinfall or submission --
(2 RPs per team)

(2 RP limit)



* cZw *



The first Assault since the delicious Pay Per View Hatewave now starts. The fans cover the arena, many banners can be seen, the fans are making so much noise here in the St. Pete Times Forum, in Tampa, Florida. Fireworks blast off as the music plays through the arena. The cameras then show Ricky Gold & Michael Farley.

GOLD: Welcome ladies and gentlemen, we are live here in Tampa, Florida and we have a packed out arena here tonight. Michael, This is of course home to many but one man who will be here tonight, he lives just a few miles away from this arena.

FARLEY: That is right, Mack Beaudin after months of being injured now makes his return to his home town of Tampa, Florida. He is involved in the monstrous six man tag match here tonight, Assault’s main event, where he will team with Fire & Ice, otherwise known as Shawn Waters & Krimzon Blaze. They take on the CZW World Tag Champions…And of course the CZW World Champion himself, Jesse Montana!

GOLD: And I have just heard, both Mack Beaudin & Jesse Montana are here tonight in this arena, so anything could happen Michael.

FARLEY: Yes it could, this feud it electric, just like the atmosphere here tonight. Not only that match, but we will also have an Intercontinental Title Match!

GOLD: Brian Kirkland earned his chance to fight for the Title a few weeks ago, and now his time comes, maybe his biggest opportunity of his career so far as he takes on, the longest running Intercontinental Champion in CZW history…Maynard O’Toole

FARLEY: Then we have the Hardcore Title on the line too, in what match was it?

GOLD: Taipei Deathmatch, yes you heard correctly, the object is to glue shards of glass to your fists and beat your opponent until they cannot kick out!

FARLEY: Damn the mind of Montana is sick! I mean not only that, but we also have a Light Tube match, Total Mayhem against Tim & Carnage, these guys hate each other and I can sense there will be paramedics here tonight!


Man Up By Sticky Fingaz Blast in the arena, As the Crowd goes crazy. We then see The #1 Draft Pick Mack Beaudin come out of the entranceway and then out comes The Lovely Zoe behind him. As Mack and Zoe comes down to the ring there greeting the fans, Mack then sprints down and slides into the ring. Mack then climbs the turnbuckle and raises both his hands in the air as the crowd is cheering his name. Zoe then climbs into the ring as the crowd continues cheering. Mack then climbs down and goes give Zoe a kiss on her cheek as he then motions for a mic.

Mack- Tampa, Florida what is good?

The fans are cheering and we start to hear Mack chants throughout the arena.

Mack- Thank you for that really. Just a few days ago it was the CZW Mecca of all PPV Hatewave, And it was the #1 Draft Pick first PPV back from my Injury from the Jackal. Even though I lost that night I’m here to let you know that this thing between me and The Jackal isn’t over, Not by a Long shot. The Jackal may have won that Battle but the war just started with The #1 Draft Pick, I came here to let The Jackal know that this will not stop, I will keep coming back and trust me all I need is that one win to make that Impact, Thats all i need to put that nail in your Coffin Jackal. Believe me there maybe some people in the back that feels The Jackal might be the future of the CZW, But I’m here to let each and everybody know that Mack Beaudin is back and i will be back on top of the CZW once again.

The crowd starts to cheer.

Mack- Now I just wanted to express that because it was on my mind and i felt you fans show know, Now the next thing on my agenda is Jesse Montana.

The fans starts to boo when they hear Jesse’s name.

Mack- Yeah I know he's a piece of work. But what do expect from a spoiled brat. Jesse Montana shows you time and time again that he’s a punk ass and he do whatever he can to make sure that his precious title stay around his waist. Jesse said some things about me that if it was the old me I would have broken his jaw, But i just sat back and look on and felt when it was time for me to make my move then it will be made. Jesse Montana thought Shawn was a thorn on his side just wait till

‘For Whom the Bells Toll’ begins to play throughout the arena signaling the arrival of CZW World Champion, Jesse Montana. He is not alone though, standing beside him is Maynard, Dustin and both members of Idolized. Every fan in the arena reacts with hatred towards the group. Jesse confidently strolls down with his World Title around his shoulder. Maynard has his IC Title. Idolized have their World Tag Titles. Mack Beaudin stares deep into the eyes of Jesse, not looking worried at all about the situation. Jesse gets into the ring as the others follow, then surround Mack, Jesse posing his World Title to the fans who all boo in hatred for him and his group.

Jesse: Mack…Mack…Save your words of sorrow…We all know what your going to say…Bullshit of how bad Jesse Montana is and how your going to end my reign over CZW…But we have heard this all before…We heard it from Shawn…Ace…Ronnie…Just give up bro, your fighting a losing battle, I mean bro…You couldn’t even beat Jackal…How are you planning on beating me and the World Tag Team Champions here tonight?

The fans begin to chant for Mack

Jesse: Yeah, you carry on chanting for Mack…You carry on dreaming. But the truth is…Now I have brought together this group…We are simply unstoppable. Look man…We have the three main Titles on Assault…All we need now is the Hardcore Title and we would have all the gold. We are the elite of CZW…XTC…Anarchy Rising…Beautiful Agony…Whoever you are…Your never going to match the ability of…

Jesse gets cut off with enormous sounds of boos waving through the entire arena. Jesse and the group stand together as they look around the arena, the fans are on their feet booing for these guys, chanting ‘YOU SUCK’ and willing Mack Beaudin on. Jesse now frowns as he look back at Mack…Continuing…


The fans boo even louder as Maynard and Dusty begin to stalk Mack. Idolized walk up too, Mack is now stuck in the corner as the five men peer down at him. Suddenly…

The sounds of Gold medal by Trademarc announce the arrival Karl The Jackal Jackson . The fans turn to see the Jackal on the stage area holding a steel chair, a look of fury on his face, his eyes staring at the ring.

The Jackal runs towards the ring and enters. He swings the chair towards the members of the system of supremacy, narrowly missing Jesse Montana as the entire stable scatter to the outside of the ring. The Jackal hangs over the rope pointing at Jesse Montana whilst holding the chair up in his right hand. Montana and the other members back up the ramp as Jesse trades insults with the Jackal. Mack Beaudin stands alongside the Jackal also trading insults with the System of Supremacy.


Gold: What the hell, the Jackal has just taken Mack’s head off with that steel chair.

Jesse smiles as he watches Mack crash to the canvas, after being cheap shotted by the Jackal. He leaves as the Jackal walks over to the opposite side of the ring and demands a microphone from Jessica Towers , whilst still holding the steel chair. She stands up and passes the microphone as the arena is filled with boos and jeers towards the Jackal.

The Jackal smiles as he walks over to Mack, he places the top of the chair into Mack’s throat and puts the microphone to his mouth. Mack chokes under the pressure of the chair in his throat as the Jackal leans over, sweat dripping onto the face of Mack.

Jackson : Mack, it wasn’t enough for you to get your ass kicked at Hatewave. Now you come out here and seem to want more of me. Did you not learn that a match with the Jackal means a lot of pain, a lot of suffering, and a sure loss! Well I have no problem with beating you again Mack. So you want me that bad… I say, me… you…. Next week in my home town of Orlando !!! And just so I can make sure you learn your lesson this time… lets make it…. A Last Man Standing Match!!!

The Jackal releases the chair as Mack rolls over to his side coughing and spluttering. The Jackal throws down the chair and microphone before leaving the arena to a relative silence from the shocked CZW fans and Gold Medal by Trademarc playing once again!

FARLEY: Can you believe that Ricky…Jackal…Mack…Number two…This time it is a Last Man Standing Match…And it happens NEXT WEEK!!!

GOLD: Exciting news straight away here on Assault, I just hope Mack can recover for his match tonight. Speaking of matches, our first is up next!




TOWERS: Welcome to the opening contest on Friday Night Assault! This Divas match is set for one fall…

On the way to ring, hailing from Dallas, Texas, weighing in at 120 lbs…The American Beauty…AZURE NICHOLETTE!

"A Girl Like That" by Eleventh Hour hits over the PA system and Azure Nicholette makes her way out onto the stage. She spins around and smiles out at the crowd. She ruffles her hands through her hair and begins to make her way down the ramp, slapping the hands of the fans as they cheer for her. She then bounds up the steps and goes under the second rope. As she makes her way into the center of the ring she blows a kiss out to the crowd and gives them a glowing smile. She then begins to stretch and wait on her opponent against the ropes.

TOWERS: And her opponent, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 125 lbs…The Dark Angel…ALISHA WILDE!

The fans applaud Alisha as they see her for the first time. She walks confidently down the ramp to her music, ‘Scream’ by Avenged Sevenfold, the fans seem to be liking her. As she strides in through the ropes, she takes a quick glance at her opponent, then pushes past her as she climbs the turnbuckle, the fans on their feet for her. She descends as both women stand ready to fight.


- Alisha wastes no time in her debut contest, she runs at Azure as she takes her down with a front waste lock. Alisha now mounts her as both women grapple on the floor, Alisha gets the upper hand as she locks in an armbar. Azure rolls around trying to find a way of escaping the hold, Azure manages to get to her knees. Azure now with an elbow to the face, then a snapmare takedown,. She runs off to the ropes but Alisha is quickly back on her feet as she takes her down with a nicely timed hip toss, Azure is back up but gets hit with an athletic dropkick by Alisha. Alisha picks her up and takes her into the corner where she hit’s a few martial arts style kicks to the ribs of Azure, then grabs her head as she propels herself off the ring post and lands hitting Azure with a Bulldog, then covers…











KICKOUT! - Azure kicks out safely. Alisha wastes no time as she picks Azure back up and chops her back towards the ropes, she whips her to the other side then follows as she lays a stern knee into her gut, then whips her again and follows her again, hitting another knee, Azure looks weakened as she crouches over holding her abdomen. Alisha then climbs the turnbuckle as the fans start to cheer loud for the newcomer…She dives off…


Azure is knocked out as Alisha tries to muster up the energy to make the cover. The fans will her on as she crawls over to Azure and hooks the leg…

















- Azure kicks out again, but this time she seems to be drained. Alisha stands to her feet, she is breathing heavily, but she waits on Azure to rise. The fans cheer for Alisha as Azure climbs to her feet…Alisha storms in…SPINNING ROUNDHOUSE KICK!

- Alisha now with the total upper hand begins to set her up in position for something. Azure lies motionless in the middle of the ring as Alisha signals to the crowd for something big. Alisha climbs the turnbuckle once again. She reaches the top, the fans are on her side…She measures up her opponent…


- Alisha flies perfectly through the air as she lands on Azure, knocking every last piece of breath out of her. Alisha does not cover though as the fans look in confusion. She grits her teeth, now looking around the arena, total determination in her eyes…She lifts Azure up…

FADE TO BLACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The impact is devastating as the fans look on in astonishment. Alisha covers confidently…























- Alisha stands up over her broken opponent as she raises her arms in victory, the fans clapping her performance after her debut match here on Assault.

TOWERS: The winner of this contest…The Dark Angel…ALISHA WYLDE!


~~ TAG TEAM DARK SIDE / LIGHT SIDE MATCH ~~ -- Winners have to throw their opponents into a cache of light tubes before winning by pinfall or submission -- (2 RPs per team) TOTAL MAYHEM (Ezra & Jakob) -vs- TIM TIMMONS & CARNAGE



Jessica Towers: Ladies and gentlemen, the following contest is a tag team contest scheduled for one fall. The rules are as follows, this match will be contested under normal tag team rules. However, before one team can make any attempt at a pinfall or submission, they must throw their opponent into the box of light tubes that surrounds the ring.

The crowd stirs with excitement and anticipation as the camera shows the long boxes that contain the light tubes. The boxes wrap entirely around the ring with the exception of the ring steps and stretch from the apron to the guardrail. Timmons agrees with his large partner to start the match while on the other side brother Jakob of Total Mayhem starts for his team. The crowd instantly gets behind Tim Timmons as the bell sounds. Timmons moves around the ring, circling his much larger opponent. Jakob moves in on Timmons and backs him into a corner. He goes to grab Tim but he manages to sneak past Jakob. Timmons kicks the big man in the knee, bringing him down and delievers several hard right fists to the man's face. The crowd pops with cheers as Timmons takes control of the match. Jakob manages to push Timmons away and sends him sprawling backwards. But Tim quickly springs back to his feet, and before Jakob can recover Timmons delievers a hard boot to the side of Jakob's face. The smack between the leather and skin can be heard throughout the arena. Jakob manages to get to his feet with the help of the corner. But Timmons continues his relentless assault of jabs to the face and kicks to the midsection. He follows with several hard chops followed by a "WOOOOOO!" from the live audience. Timmons mounts the second rope and begins to connect with punches to the head of his opponent.


























Jakob comes off the corner with Timmons on his shoulders and hits a thunderous running powerbomb. Tim lands on the back of his neck and clutches it in pain while Jakob drops to his knees, trying to recharge himself. Jakob manages to get to his feet and stomps violently on the back of Timmons neck. He grasps at it in pain and Jakob follows up with a elbow drop to the back of the neck. Jakob scurries to his feet and hits another one. He moves to Timmons back and places a knee into the lower back of Timmons. Jakob applies a crossface to Timmons. He wrenches back putting pressure on the neck while keeping Timmons grounded with the knee stuck in the back. Timmons face begins to turn beat red as he tries to find a way out. The ref reminds Jakob that he cannot win with a submission yet, but Jakob barks back at the official. Timmons slowly begins to rise to his knees. Jakob decides to break the hold and drives a boot into the back of Timmons neck. Tim drops back down to the mat, starting to believe he may have really hurt his neck. Jakob runs towards the ropes and comes back to the middle of the ring to drop a leg drop onto Timmons neck.

He moves into a headlock, continuing the assault on Tim's damaged neck. Tim rolls to his side, and Jakob apllies a body scissors to keep him grounded. Carnage begins to pound on the turnbuckle and the crowd comes to life cheering on Timmons. Tim feels a second wind coming and starts to fight back. He grabs the arm of Jakob that sits under his chin and manages to pull it off. Timmons escapes the sleeperhold and works on the leg scissors. Jakob throws a shot to the back of Timmons head. Timmons responds with an elbow that catches Jakob in the left eye. Jakob loses his hold on Tim, and grabs his face in pain. Timmons makes it to his feet and picks Jakob up. He grabs the left arm of the big man and twists it. He drives a couple hard boots to the midsection of Jakob. Timmons underhooks both of Jakob's arms and hits a big time double underarm suplex. The crowd pops for the move and continue to cheer Timmons on. He takes a moment to regain spent energy before moving in on his opponent. Timmons stomps his opponent into the corner. In a sense of desperation, Jakob grabs Timmons by his trunks and pulls him forward. Timmons flies into the ring post while Jakob makes a move to his corner and makes the tag to Ezra. Jakob goes back over to Timmons while Ezra sits on the second turnbuckle. He grabs Timmons and puts him in a piledriver setup. Jakob gets in position and helps drive Timmons to the mat with the tag team spike piledriver. Jakob gets into his corner while Ezra stands over an extremely hurt Timmons. Tim reaches out to Carnage whos 3/4 of the ring away. Ezra allows Timmons to crawl towards his corner before delievering a boot to Timmons head. He picks Tim up and runs towards the ropes. Ezra comes off the ropes hard and hits a knee to the side of Timmons head. Timmons calapses and many of the fans are taken back at what looks like a really hurt Timmons. Ezra stands on Timmons neck and leans against the ropes, looking out into a sea of booing fans. Ezra attempts to roll Timmons into the box of light tubes on the outside of the ring, but Tim clings to the bottom rope. Timmons is on the apron and Ezra gets him to his feet. Timmons stands on the apron right over the light tubes. Ezra throws punch after punch attempting to knock his opponent into the box of tubes, but Tim holds onto the ropes. Ezra runs across the ring and comes off the ropes from the other side. He charges full speed at Timmons who ducks at the last second, pulling down the top rope and sending Ezra sailing face first into the light tubes. The crowd hits their feet and goes crazy seeing Ezra dive into the light tubes. Ezra tries to stand, surrounded by shattered glass, but only manages to roll onto his back. His body and face is covered with cuts and glass, including one shard sticking lodged in Ezra's forehead. Timmons crawls in the ring towards his corner. Jakob darts in the ring and is assisted by the ref in helping pull Ezra out of the box of broken light tubes. Ezra is pulled into the ring as Timmons makes it to his corner and finally gets his partner in the match. carnage hits the ring and gets a mixed reaction from the Tampa crowd. Jakob leaves Ezra's side to fight the monster. Jakob charges and is met with a clubbing wild fist from Carnage. Jakob is stunned by quickly recovers and throws everything at Carnage he can. Carnage grabs Jakob by the head with both hands and tosses him to the side. The ref pulls out the shard of glass from Ezra's bloodied, cut and anguished face. He sits in the corner and watches as the monster Carnage comes over and places a boot into his throat. The crowd starts to volly chants.

"Let's go Carnage... You can't wrestle... Let's go Carnage... You can't wrestle..."

Carnage ignore the chants and picks up his opponent. He delievers a hard chop across the chest. The "you can't wrestle" chants seem to overtake the crowd as Carnage continues to press his attack. Jakob comes from behind and clubs Carnage in the back. Total Mayhem begin to work together and manage to get Carnage in the corner. They kick and punch repeatedly until the big man slumps in the corner. Jakob runs to the other side of the ring and Ezra follows him. Ezra irish whips Jakob towards Carnage. But Carnage manages to get a boot up and connect with Jakob square on the chin. Jakob falls to the mat and Carnage comes out of the corner and hits a massive clothesline that drops Ezra. The crowd starts up a "We want Timmons" chant. Ezra makes it to his knees only to recieve a kick to the ribs. Timmons shakes the ropes and screams something at Carnage. Pumped up by the crowd, Timmons begins to scale the corner. Carnage picks up Ezra and gets him onto his shoulders. Carnage has Ezra in position and Timmons stands on the top rope. Out of nowhere Jakob rushes in and knocks Timmons off the top rope. The crowd watches in awe as flash bulbs light up the arena and time seemingly stands still, until Tim Timmons crashes through the light tubes. The crowd erupts, shaking the arena with "Holy Shit" chants. Timmons lies still in the broken glass while EMT's rush down to check on him. Carnage stands in the ring in awe of what just happened to his partner. Ezra manages to twist off Carnage's shoulders and hit a hurricarana that sends Carnage sprawling into the ropes. Carnage gets hung up on the top rope and Total Mayhem come up from behind. They attempt to toss the big man over the top rope but he manages to hold on. Carnage shoves Ezra sending him sprawling and headbutts Jakob back. Carnage leans against the ropes exhausted. Total Mayhem is relentless as they get to their feet and continue their attack on Carnage. Meanwhile outside the ring, medics and staff manage to as gently as possible pull Tim Timmons out of the box of shattered light tubes. He seems badly hurt and has a far away look in his eyes. As EMT's treat Tim ringside, Carnage fights off Total Mayhem inside the ring. He manages to chop Ezra in the head, knocking him down to the mat. Jakob continues to punch but is ceased when Carnage's massive hand wraps around Jakob's throat. Jakob back pedals as Carnage tightens his grip. Jakob's knees weaken and all oxygen flow is cut off. Carnage raises Jakob in the air. Ezra reaches into the box at ringside and grabs a hold of an unbroken light tube. He runs up and gets Carnage to turn around...


Ezra swings the light tube like a baseball bat and shatters it across Carnage's face, right across the eyes and bridge of the nose. Carnage let's go of Jakob after the shot. A trickle of blood runs down his face from a cut formed above his nose and Carnage covers his face in pain with watered and possibly damaged retinas. Carnage drops to his knees and receives a double bulldog to the mat from Total Mayhem. Carnage lies on his stomach and Ezra takes advantage of the situation. He applies the Python to his fallen opponent. The ref asks Carnage if he's ready to submit. Carnage opens his eyes for the first time since the light tube shot to see if he still has his vision. It hurts just to open his eyelids, but He manages and comes to find he has an extremely blurred sight, to the point were he can't make anything out.

Carnage begins to black out from all the pain. He tries to hold on, but slowly slips away. The crowd watches as Carnage passes out. Ezra releases the hold and rolls the big man over, he makes the cover...





























NO!!! Out of nowhere Timmons dives and makes the save. The crowd hits their feet in excitement of the unexpected save from Tim. He lies motionless after making the save, blood flowing from the cuts that cover just about every part of Timmons exposed body. Jakob runs over and stomps the lifeless Timmons. He picks him up and gets him into a powerbomb position. Jakob thrusts Timmons up and walks towards the ropes... Timmons reverses and hits a hurricarana sending Jakob over the top rope and into the light tubes which sends the fans into a frenzy...

"C-Z-dub... C-Z-dub... C-Z-dub... C-Z-dub... C-Z-dub... C-Z-dub..."

Ezra rushes over to Timmons. Tim lies on the ground and reaches into the box and grabs a fist full of shattered glass. Ezra picks Timmons up...


Timmons smashes the glass into Ezra's face. Ezra screams in pain and turns his back to Timmons. Tim sees and opportunity and connects with the EXTREM IMPACT! Timmons pulls back as hard as humanly possible. Ezra tries to reach for the ropes, and is only a few feet away... but the glass that got stuck in his face is beginning to cut even more as Timmons pulls back. Ezra's hand is in the air... and he taps out!!! The crowd is frantic as Timmons releases the hold and EMT's run in the ring to check on everyone.

Tim raises Carnage up as both men start to celebrate their victory. Jakob and Ezra are being checked out by the paramedics, but suddenly Jakob hits one right in the face. Ezra then grabs one by the throat and choke slams him through the light bulbs. Ezra and Jakob now walk up behind Tim & Carnage who are unaware of this, the fans try and warn them but it is too late. Tim gets taken out by a forearm to the back of the head. Ezra and Jakob then both grab Carnage as they hit a Double Chokeslam onto the outside!

Ezra then picks up Tim who tries to fight back, but Ezra low blows him with his knee, then Jakob runs in with a flying boot to the face knocking Tim out for six. Ezra then grabs the broken light bulb, blood flowing down his own face, he then starts grinding it on Timmons head as the security flood the ring. It takes a few minutes to separate Total Mayhem, but the damage has clearly been done in that time.

Winners after 7.56 via Timmons with submission on Ezra…TIMMONS & CARNAGE!




- Both men are standing ringside, Mike King with his Hardcore Title around his waist. The fans are on the side of BDB at the start of the contest. Clear chants for him reign through the arena. The referee brings in the tub of glue in which the competitors have to place their hands, thus sticking the glue to the material so they can then stick shards of broken glass and other pieces to the glue stained bandages. The fans seem to be excited as such a peculiar type of contest.

- Mike is first up as he places his hands in the glue, then pulls them out, mouthing words at BDB. Next up is BDB as he places his hands inside, then he splashes a slight trickle of glue at Mike’s face as he gets annoyed, but the referee holds him back. Next the two men place their fists in the tub of broken glass, now both men equipped and ready for the contest.


- The crowd are on their feet as the two men dance around the ring, on their hands, shards of glass thick enough to slice through the skin. Mike mouths a few more words at BDB, who chuckles to himself, not allowing Mike to get into his head. Mike now steps towards BDB as he throws out a jab, but he misses. BDB now comes in, a jab of his own, but Mike ducks. Both men now circling each other as the fans are dying for blood already.

- Mike now lunges out a huge right hand that BDB barely manages to duck, this leaves Mike wide open though as BDB intelligently knees Mike in the gut, now with Mike dazed BDB jabs him with his left fist right in the forehead, Mike dances away as he rolls out of the ring, checking on his head to see if he is bleeding. Luckily, it did not cause him to bleed, but it grazed the surface of his skin. BDB shouts at Mike to get back into the ring.

- Mike now runs around trying not find an opening, but stays on the outside as the fans get annoyed. BDB now slides to the outside as Mike runs away, then quickly slides back into the ring as BDB follows, Mike now lunges on him as he slices the back of BDB, now throwing lefts and right into the back of BDB as he quickly escapes, blood tricking down his back as the fans gulp.

- The referee checks to see if he is okay, but BDB smiles, a sick smile to say he is okay. He gets back into the ring as once again Mike lunges at him with right hand, but BDB ducks this time as he now hits Mike with a left jab, then another, BDB now dances around as Mike is dazed…RIGHT HOOK KNOCKS HIM DOWN!

- BDB got Mike straight in the face with the right hook as Mike clearly now is bleeding from two parts of his head. The referee stops BDB from attacking him any further as Mike rolls around the ring screaming. BDB rests in the corner the fans cheer him, BDB looks around with a grin on his face. Mike now gets back up as he says he wants a time out. BDB laughs and runs straight at him, but Mike hit’s a drop toe hold as BD’s head crashes into the second turnbuckle…Mike then runs at the ropes as he comes back at pace…


- BDB falls through the ropes as Mike celebrates, the fans booing him furiously. Mike now waits for BDB to rise, BDB gets up then slides back into the ring as Mike drops a double axe handle on BDB and his sliced back again. Mike now urns him around as he starts hitting rights and lefts into BDB who tries to block, but his arms are getting sliced by Mike. Mike now starts grating his fists into the head of BDB, clearly now bleeding from the face as well. Both men cut open badly all ready.

- Mike now stands up as he waits for BDB to rise. Amazingly BDB rises, even though his head is covered with blood, Mike runs in…


- Mike knocks BDB down hard with a right hook to the forehead. The ring now is covered with blood as thick amounts drip from the forehead of BDB. It goes in his eyes and mouth as once again, he stands, the fans are totally on his side now. Mike smiles, shaking his head in dis-believe. Mike now kicks him in the gut…FRONT FACE-LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The move is sickening as Mike is pressing the shards of glass into the neck ad face of BDB, he cannot move anywhere. BDB collapses to the ground as Mike locks his legs around the waist of BDB. Mike wrenches, blood dripping through his arms and onto the ring. The head of Mike is pouring with blood too, but he does not care, he has this move locked in and BDB is slowly losing consciousness and severe blood loss.

- The fans will BDB on as he begins to make rapid movements trying to get to his feet. He gets to his knees as Mike loses grip, BDB then hits fists into the gut of Mike which hurts as it slices the ski on his stomach. Mike loses full grip as BDB slips out, then runs at the ropes…Now he comes back at pace…

TIGER SUPLEX!!!!!!!!!!

- BDB ran straight into the suplex. BDB now lies in the middle of the ring in a pool of blood, his eyes are dazed, blood trickling down his cheek and onto the canvas. Mike now regains his footing as he walks towards BDB…He covers!



















- There is a huge roar from the fans as he kicks out. Mike now slams his fists down on the mat. He then picks BDB up who is finding it hard to stand, Mike throws a few jabs as BDB gets hit completely with them…Mike then runs towards the ropes as he comes back with a Clothesline from hell aiming for a RIGHT HAND!!!

BDB ducks, actually managing to do the splitz as he uses his agility to dodge the attack, he comes back up, one jab, two jabs, left hook, right hook, left jab, he then dances around as Mike is in no man’s land…RIGHT UPPERCUT!!!!!!!!!!

- Mike gets thrown across the ring as both men fall to the ground…Mike is now busted badly open as both men are covered from head to toe in blood. BDB lands on Mike…



























- Mike just barely getting a shoulder up late on. BDB and Mike are now out of it, trying to get to their feet as the referee thinks of stopping the contest. Mike uses the ropes to climb up as he gets to his knees. BDB is now up on his feet but off balance. Both men are now on their feet as they both swing in with a right hook…


BOTH MEN GET HIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The crowd go wild as both men connected with a string right hook. Both men look to be motionless as the referee begins to count them out. Both men are dripping with blood. BDB’s back is badly sliced open. His head is just as bad. Mike’s head looks like a busted tomato. The rig even looks stained red.




- There is no response as both men make no movements.



The fans try and will on BDB to stand but he makes no motions, neither does Mike.


The crowd hiss as the match is about to be over…










DOUBLE COUNT-DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans are stunned as both men lie completely out of it. The referee checks on them, signaling for paramedics to come down.

TOWERS: Ladies and gentlemen, as this contest was ended in a draw…Mike King is STILL the CZW HARDCORE CHAMPION!

- As the paramedics rush down to the ring and check on both men, the fans suddenly react to something. Coming down the ramp is…


- He slides into the ring then grabs the belt off the referee before planting the Hardcore Title right into the ref’s face knocking him clean out of the ring. The paramedics scatter the ring leaving him with both guys. Corey then puts his hand into the box of glass shards, then slices his own head, blood dripping down onto the Hardcore Title as Corey smiles…


- Corey sends a signal to both men, then leaves the ring with the Title belt still in his grasp. As he gets to the top of the ramp, Mike King begins to wake up. He looks around, then sees Corey holding up his Title on the Combat-Tron, before collapsing again. Corey leaves with the Belt.

GOLD: I can’t believe this, after these two went through what can only be described as a full out war…Corey Jackson then stole the Hardcore Title!

FARLEY: Well, I sure love his thinking!

There is no winner to this contest as it ended in a draw, however Mike King keeps his Hardcore Title




Towers: The following contest it is set for one fall and is a triple threat match.

Hero by Pop Evil starts playing as the huge frame of Brian McNally appears on the stage area.

Towers: Hailing from Chicago Illinois, weighing in at 306lbs … he is the ‘Second City Saviour’ …Brian McNally!!!

As Brian heads into the ring, climbing over the top rope he is greeted by boos from the fans. But he seems focused on the match and doesn’t even seem to notice the crowd!

It is now Luv Addict by Family Force 5 that plays into the arena. The fans erupt in boos as Dustin Davis appears on the stage, smiling cockily. He struts down the ring, his eyes looking at Brian McNally already in the ring.

Towers: The opponents… first from Lincoln Rhode Island, weighing 245lbs… Dustin Davis!!!!

Dustin slides into the ring and gets closer to McNally before backing up and standing on the top turnbuckle. He taunts the jeering fans making them boo all the more.

U Don’t Know me by T.I. starts to play and crowd erupts into cheers as Big Nasty appears on the stage, with one arm in the air.

Towers: And finally, from South Beach Florida, weighing in at 295lbs… the Living Legend… Big Nasty!!!!!!!!

He enters the ring over the top rope, eyeing his two opponents. He then turns to the ropes and lifts up his arm which results in the crowd cheering there favorite in the match.


As the three men stand in opposite corners of the ring it is the two biggest men, McNally and Nasty that square up to each other. They stare each other eye to eye, seemingly arguing or attempting to psyche out the other. Dustin Davis stands back and watches, possibly hoping that they will annihilate each other, leaving him to pick up the pieces.

It is McNally with the first show of aggression as he pie faces Big Nasty. The crowd boos as Big Nasty stumbles back. But the reaction on Big Nasty’s face sends McNally rolling to the outside in order to escape the comeback. As Big Nasty stands against the ropes demanding that McNally get back in the ring he doesn’t notice Dustin Davis behind him.

The crowds try and warn Big Nasty but preoccupied with McNally he is unaware and Dustin hits a dropkick sending him over the top rope right in front of McNally. Seizing the opportunity McNally then begins stomping on Nasty. A nasty attempt to push him away, but McNally then mounts and unloads closed right fists into the head of Big Nasty. Dustin Davis watches on from the ring, an arrogant grin on his face.

After ten hard right hands McNally stands up and stretches out his arms whilst screaming, sending the fans into a tirade of boos. Nasty begins to get up to his feet, but McNally is waiting and runs at him with a big boot





Nasty sidesteps

McNally is confused just momentarily but it is long enough for Big Nasty to lift him then drop him hard with a sidewalk slam onto the outside mats. McNally arches his back in pain as Big Nasty rests for a moment trying to catch his breath.

Meanwhile Dustin Davis is still in the ring smiling. But his smile fades when Big Nasty locks his eyes on him. Big Nasty makes his way back into the ring but as he is climbing over the top rope Dustin kicks the rope sending it up into his groin.

Gold: Oh my god, a blatant low blow. Typical of a man like Dustin.

Farley: You mean typical of a man that wants to win Gold?

Gold: I mean typical of a man who has to use short cuts to win.

With Big Nasty now down, curled into a ball in extreme pain, Dustin takes the opportunity to lay in several hard kicks to the fallen giant. He then mounts him and hits him with rights and lefts as Nasty attempts to push him off. Now with a sick look on his face he runs to the ropes and on the rebound kicks Nasty hard in the head, sending him to the canvas.

Dustin celebrates his dominance in the ring as the crowds boo in disgust. But Dustin simply makes a rude gesture to them. As Big Nasty begins to stand, staggering, Dustin hits a devastating superkick. Somehow managing to get his foot right under the chin of the near seven footer.

Dustin makes the cover
















Bryan McNally reaches in and pulls Dustin off from the outside. As McNally tries to get into the ring Dustin attempts the same move, kicking the top rope, but gets to close and McNally is able to hold onto the rope whilst kicking Dustin in the head with a big boot from the outside in.

Dustin falls and McNally enters the ring, seemingly fired up. He picks up a dazed Dustin and with relative ease sends him across the entire ring with an overhead Belly to Belly suplex. He then turns to Big Nasty, who is beginning to get to his feet again. He is poised ready as Big Nasty is unaware!






McNally hits the Bicycle kick straight into the face of Big Nasty, knocking him out cold. He is about to go for the cover but notices Dustin getting up. He poises waiting for Dustin…. BICYCLE KICK!!!!






No. Dustin drops down and McNally finds himself hooked over the top rope, with the top rope against his groin. Dustin attempts to kick the rope again and this time he is successful. McNally winces in pain, but remains in this precarious position. Dustin heads to the top rope and hits a missile dropkick into the face of McNally. McNally falls out of the ring and onto the outside area.

Dustin watches McNally on the floor and smiles at his handy work but meanwhile Big Nasty is up. Dustin turns round and finds himself being grabbed around the throat. He tries to fight out as Big Nasty is saying something to him, but he is unsuccessful. Big Nasty lifts him up and hits


Dustin gets taken up and dropped in the devastating Nasty slam over the top rope to the outside.


Nasty lifts up his arm. The fans cheer him on as Dustin lies unconscious in the outside. Meanwhile McNally is back in the ring and as Nasty turns around the two big men square up once more. They argue with each other nose to nose but then McNally hits Nasty hard with a head butt. Nasty falls back into the rope holding his face as McNally comes in with a flurry of blows. Nasty tries to protect himself by turning his back and standing facing the corner post but McNally is unrelenting, hitting fist after fist into the back of Nasty. McNally then finally backs up but only so that he can run at Big Nasty, attempting to squash him in the corner.





Big Nasty moves and McNally goes face first into the turnbuckle. As he rebounds Big Nasty is already rebounding of the opposite ropes and hits him with a big boot to the face. With McNally down, Big Nasty pulls back his hair revealing a trickle of blood coming from his nose.

Farley: That will be that vicious head butt from McNally just a moment ago.

Gold: Yes, you could be right, his nose might be broken.

Big Nasty wipes the blood from his nose and appears in a bit of pain but quickly goes back over to McNally and picks him up. In a show of real strength he, after kicking him in the midsection, manages to lift up McNally and drop him with the Dominator! Nasty goes for the cover












No, kick out.

Big Nasty hits the canvas with his fist, clearly frustrated. He stands up but then suddenly SWANTON BOMB!!!!!!

Dustin Davis comes off the top rope and hits the fallen McNally with a Swanton Bomb. Big Nasty turns around to see Dusty about to cover.






NO!!! Big Nasty pulls Dustin off McNally.

Dustin gets up and runs at Big Nasty but he is ready and kicks Dustin in the midsection. Placing Dustin’s head between his knees, he holds up his hand, signaling the Nasty Bomb then lifts up Dustin and






NO, Dustin reverses and drops down in front of Big Nasty then hits a quick kick to the midsection and an Extreme Twist of Fate!!!!

Nasty is out, with blood still oozing from his nose.

Farley: I don’t know how he does it Gold. After that devastating Nasty slam he comes back and takes out both of these giants!

Gold: Well I don’t particularly like him, but I’ve never said he isn’t an amazing athlete. Davis goes for the cover.


















NO! Kick out.

Just before the count of three he gets his shoulder up. Dustin now looks frustrated and notices McNally getting back to his feet. He then runs out of the ring…

Gold: What’s he doing, his opponents are inside the ring.

Inside the ring it is McNally now lifting up Big Nasty, who is still dazed. As McNally lifts him to his feet, Big Nasty comes back with an elbow shot to the gut of McNally. He then hits another and another. McNally releases and Big Nasty runs aback at the ropes then rebounds… both men collide but neither fall back.

McNally postures for Big Nasty to try again, so once again Big Nasty runs at the ropes. As they collide McNally takes a couple of steps back but then postures for Big Nasty to try again.

Big Nasty tries a third time but this time McNally runs forward with his Bicycle Kick!!!





Big Nasty sidesteps and then kicks McNally in the gut. He hoists him up and in another show of strength… NASTY BOMB!!!!!!

McNally is down and out as Big Nasty hits his finisher perfectly.

Just then Dustin Davis runs from behind and attempts to hit Big Nasty with a steel chair he has produced, but instead Big Nasty hits it with his large fist sending it back into the face of Dustin. Dustin crashes to the ground allowing Nasty to cover the fallen McNally.

















No. Somehow Dustin is up again and breaks the cover with a kick to the head of Nasty. He then hits him with another hard kick to the nose which is heard across the arena. Dustin then mounts the top rope, with Nasty writhing on the floor holding his nose and McNally still down from the Nasty Bomb he looks down, as if trying to decide which one to go for. He then comes off with ….. The 450 splash!!!!






No!!! Nasty moves, and Davis crashes and burns, hitting the canvas at an awkward angle on his face.

Farley: Oh my god Gold that was horrible to watch

Gold: I think Dustin has just taken himself out of this match. We may need medical attention down here.

As Dustin lays not moving on the canvas it is Big Nasty who stands up. His nose is now pouring with blood after the ruthless kick from Dustin. His face now looks angry as he stands over, the possibly seriously hurt, Dustin.

He then sits down and applies THE LEGENDARY HOLD!!!!!

Dustin screams in pain! The fans are silenced as Big Nasty wrenches back on Davis after he fell so horribly. Dustin is screaming as even the commentators are in shock!

Dustin holds his hands up as if to tap





Gold: Who could blame him if he tapped now? He must be in so much pain!




NO! McNally is up and grabs Big Nasty around the head. He prizes him off Dustin and then sets him up for a powerbomb, as Dustin rolls out of the ring holding his neck.

He then attempts to lift but his back gives out. He holds his back but this gives Big Nasty a chance to hit him with a devastating spear. Farley: The match will take its toll on you Gold. McNally just didn’t have the strength left! As Nasty rolls over to make the cover Dustin is back in with a steel chair!

WHACK!!!! He hits Big Nasty hard across the back. Big Nasty arches his back and rolls of McNally and

WHACK!!!! Dustin hits McNally in the ribs with the edge of the steel chair. McNally writhes in pain as a sick look comes over Dustin’s face.

WHACK!!!! He hits him again; his eyes now with a demonic look inside them.

Gold; Okay, this has gone far enough. You’ve made your point Dustin.

WHACK!!! For a third time Dustin hits the edge of the chair hard into the ribs of McNally. As Dustin finally throws down the chair, McNally is coughing and spluttering. Blood appears to be coming from his mouth as it drips onto the canvas.

Gold: Oh he is hurt Farley, he is hurt bad.

Farley: Wait!!! Look out Dustin!!!!

As Dustin is looking at McNally he doesn’t notice Nasty behind him. Nasty kicks him to the gut and lifts him up…… NASTY BOMB!!!!

Dustin is down and so is McNally. Seeing the bad state of McNally he goes over to him and covers him.




















McNally is too injured to kick out and continues to choke up blood as Nasty stands with his arm in the air. Dustin Davis looks up but seems unable to get up; instead he rolls out of the ring as the fans cheer Big Nasty.

Winner after 14:37 by pinfall over Brian McNally…… Big Nasty!!!!




“Time of Dying” by Three Days Grace hits...

TOWERS: The following match-up is scheduled for one fall...and it is for the CZW INTERCONTINENTAL championship! Introducing the challenger...from Dallas, North Carolina...BRIAN KIRKLAND!

(Brian Kirkland walks out to a large ovation. He throws up the sXe symbol and runs to the ring, eager to start.)

“Maynard’s Dick” by Tool hits...

TOWERS: And his opponent...from Fayetteville, North Carolina...He is the INTERCONTINENTAL champion...MAYNARD O’TOOLE!

(Maynard walks out onto the stage slowly. He poses to the booing audience before walking to the ring.)


-Kirkland rushes ay Maynard, surprising him with a spear. B Ri lays into Maynard with stiff punches to the upper body and face. The ref separates them, sending B Ri into the corner as Maynard stands up. Maynard stands up and shakes his head. He then motions for B Ri to ‘bring it’. B Ri moves in and goes to lock up, but Maynard pokes him in the eye. The ref warns Maynard to watch it. Maynard and B Ri go to lock up again. B Ri drives Maynard backwards into the turnbuckle, but Maynard leans out of the ring, arms held up.

The ref separates them again. B Ri backs up a bit, waiting for Maynard to get back in the ring. Once Maynard obliges, B Ri walks back towards Maynard, who, once again, thumbs the eye of Kirkland. The Zombie reels back for a second as Maynard smugly pretend to listen to the ref. Maynard walks over to B Ri...who slaps the taste right out of the champs mouth! Maynard rubs his cheek, then angrily swings at Kirkland, but Brian ducks the punch and delivers a quick shot to the gut. Maynard reels over, allowing B Ri the perfect position for a swinging neckbreaker! B Ri grabs the legs of Maynard and flips him over, locking in a boston crab. Maynard quickly grabs the ropes though. Kirkland waits for Maynard to stand up. Maynard uses the ropes. The Zombie runs at Maynard...who ducks, bringing the rope down with him. Kirkland flies over the top, crashing into the barricade! Maynard catches some much needed breaths. He then climbs to the outside and grabs B Ri...whipping him into the ring apron! Maynard rolls Kirkland into the ring and goes for a pinfall...




-Maynard shakes his head and lifts B Ri up. He then whips him into the corner. He runs back and goes for a clothesline, but Kirkland ducks! Maynard turns...and Kirkland prepares him...MURDER 101!!! He flips the champ...and the crab is locked in!!!!










-Maynard cannot move as B Ri as all his weight on Maynard...











-He raises his hand...







-‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ hits. B Ri releases the hold and looks up the ramp...expecting an appearance from Montana. He eventually turns around...WHACK!!!




-Cameron just nailed Kirkland with the title belt! She begin slapping Maynard, trying to revive him as the ref yells at her to get to the back. Slowly Maynard regains consciousness...he slides over to B Ri...






-He drapes his arm over his body...


















‘Maynard’s Dick’ by Tool plays as Maynard rolls off and Cameron runs back down to the ring. The ref helps Maynard up and hands him his Intercontinental title......

‘You Don’t Know Me’ by TI hits as Mr. Money in the Bank...Big Nasty walks to the ring. He goes face to face with the sore Maynard. Nasty then kicks Maynard in the stomach following up with a devastating Nasty Bomb! Nasty grabs the IC title, looks at it and laughs. He raises both the title and his briefcase in the air, before laying the belt back over Maynard. He then leaves, smiling to himself...

WINNER: Maynard O’ Toole @ 6:23




TOWERS: "Welcome back, ladies and gentlemen, and it is time now for our MAIN EVENT!"

The crowd cheers

TOWERS: "Introducing first... they are the CZW World Tag Team Champions... IDOLIZED!!"

The lights dim slightly as ‘Paralyzer’ by Finger Eleven begins to play, a green strobe slowly pulsing with the opening drum beats. As the rest of the band kicks in, Kristyl Marie walks out onto the stage in step with the beat. She rests her hands on her hips a moment before Kyle and Evan likewise move out, flanking her, clad in their respective green and black wrestling attires, as well as matching green long coats. She takes both of their hands and they pose for a moment, with Kyle then pulling her close with a twirl. They turn to face each other but then quickly snap their gazes back to the camera, their movements on step with the rhythm of the music. He then spins her away and she allows herself to fall backwards, Evan Tyler catching her with a low dip. Again, their eyes meet, but then snap back towards the camera. He quickly moves her back to her feet and the three of them link arms, making their way to the ring where they appeal more to the crowd, garnering a mixed reaction.

TOWERS: "And their partner... the CZW World Heavyweight Champion... "THE SENSATION" JESSE MONTANA!!"

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" plays as the lights go out. The whole forum explodes in a chorus of boos as the CZW World Heavyweight Champion walks out, with Jacqui Rhodes at his side. He smirks to the crowd, pointing to the title around his waist. He arrogantly walks down to the ring as Jacqui is wearing a very nice dark blue dress.

FARLEY: "Rhodes looking HOT tonight, Ricky."

Jesse makes it in the ring, and the three men huddle for a game plan.

TOWERS: "And their opponents... first, hailing from Detroit... he is the Aerial Specialist... KRIMZON BLAZE!!"

The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

TOWERS: "His partner in Fire & Ice... and being led to the ring by Serena Starr... from Sydney.. this is SHAWN WATERS!!"

"Our Revolution" by Halifax plays as the crowd cheers. Shawn comes out, with Serena at his side. He stops and poses for the crowd, and high fives fans on the way down to the ring. GOLD: "Listen to this!"

TOWERS: "Being led to the ring by the Lovely Zoe... here is MACK BEAUDIN!!"

The crowd is all on their feet as "Man Up" is playing. Mack comes out, with Zoe, and relishes in the cheers. The crowd chants "Mack! Mack! Mack!" as he walks down to the ring, high fiving fans. Zoe does the same. Zoe goes over to stand near Serena, as Mack makes his way in the ring, and poses in a corner.

GOLD: "It looks like Tyler is starting for Jesse's team... and Blaze is starting for Mack's team!"


They lock up, and Tyler immediately throws on a headlock. Blaze pushes him to the ropes and bounces him off. Tyler comes on the rebound, and Tyler leapfrogs over him. Blaze then springboards off of the ropes and nails Tyler with a standing Asai moonsault!

GOLD: "Such athleticism from The Aerial Specialist, surprising Evan Tyler right there."

Blaze rolls through the move and both men are at a stand still. The crowd is showing appreciation. They lock up again and this time Evan surprises him with a kick to the gut. He turns him around, and nails him with a hard Tiger suplex. He drags him over to the corner and tags in Riley.

FARLEY: "This team is the best on Assault, the World Tag champions, and they're about to show Blaze a thing or two."

Tyler holds Blaze in an abdominal stretch, and Riley springboards in with a dropkick to the exposed ribs. Tyler then nails a pumphandle suplex. Riley runs to the ropes and comes charging in, baseball sliding right into Blaze's shoulder. Tyler leaves the ring, and Riley takes charge.

GOLD: "Idolized showing their tag team skill there."

FARLEY: "That's what I just said."

Kyle Riley picks up Blaze and snap mares him over to the mat. With Blaze in a sitting position, Riley runs to the ropes and attempts a dropkick. Blaze, however, ducks it and Riley falls on his back. Blaze is back on his knees and nails Kyle with a few forearms to his head. Blaze then stands up and dropkicks Riley in the face. Blaze then picks Kyle up and bodyslams him to the mat. He jumps to the top rope and nails Kyle with a Red Star Press! The first cover of the bout!














Blaze then gets up and tags in his tag team partner, Shawn Waters.

GOLD: "Fire and Ice might just be the team to take belts from Idolized."

FARLEY: "That's a bold prediction... and a wrong one."

Blaze holds Riley up and Shawn nails him with a punch to the gut. Blaze leaves the ring. Shawn kicks Kyle in the gut and runs to the ropes. He comes back and nails Kyle with a one handed bulldog. The crowd cheers and Waters goes for the pin.














GOLD: "Riley showing some resilience here!"

Shawn picks Riley up and tosses him to a corner. He comes running in, but Kyle gets a surprise boot up. He scrambles over to his corner and tags in Jesse.

FARLEY: "This is the first time Shawn and Jesse have been in the ring together since that epic main event at Hatewave!"

Jesse comes running in, and kneeing Shawn in the back. He picks up him up and nails a reverse neckbreaker.

FARLEY: "Just like in Miami!"

Jesse shouts out "TAMPA SUCKS!" and the crowd boos him. He picks up Shawn and chops him hard. He gets him in a corner, and arrogantly irish whips him to the opposite end. Jesse non-chalantly walks in and Shawn all of a sudden storms and nails Jesse with a lariat. The crowd pop as Shawn gets pumped up. He nails Jesse with another lariat. Jesse stumbles back up and Shawn leaps, nailing the Waterlogged DDT! He goes for the cover.














GOLD: "Tyler not allowing Shawn the privilege."

FARLEY: "Ha! Shawn couldn't beat Jesse on his best day, we all know that."

Tyler's back out of the ring and Shawn and Jesse are up. They begin going toe to toe, brawling. Shawn gets the upper hand and nails a knee lift. He then drags Jesse over to his corner and tags in Mack to a large ovation.

GOLD: "The hometown warrior is in the ring!"

Mack comes in, and punches Jesse to the delight of the crowd. He grabs him and nails him with a vertical suplex. He picks him up and punches him hard in the face. Jesse stumbles around, and Mack hits him again. A third time, and this time Jesse gets punched so hard it knocks the spit out of his mouth. Mack then nails Jesse with a piledriver, much to Tampa's approval, and goes for the cover. -












GOLD: "The champion is extremely hard to put away, as Shawn can attest."

FARLEY: "Jesse is a champion's champion... Mack Beaudin, Krimzon Blaze, NOR Shawn Waters could do the deed."

Mack picks Jesse back up, but Jesse surprises him with a chop to the throat. Jesse takes a moment to gather himself as Mack chokes for air. Jesse picks up Mack and nails him with a Northern Lights suplex... with a bridge!














Jesse picks up Mack and drags him back to his corner. He tags back in Evan. Jesse picks Mack up in a piledriver position as Evan gets to the top rope. Evan leaps and they nail Mack with an assisted piledriver. Evan goes for the cover.














The forces Blaze to go back to his corner as Jesse and Evan double team Mack for a moment. Jesse then leave the ring, and Evan locks in a half-Crab, forcing Mack to yell out in pain.

FARLEY: "Mack should just do us all a favor and give up now."

GOLD: "I seriously doubt Mack will give up in his own hometown, Michael."

Evan cinches back but Mack continues to fight it. Forty seconds pass before Mack can finally get a grip on the bottom rope, forcing Evan Tyler to break the hold. Evan stomps on Mack a few times before lifting him up. He tosses Mack to the ropes... but Mack reverses it! On the rebound...


GOLD: "Beaudin with a thunderous Spinebuster onto Evan!"

Mack is hot and the crowd is behind him. He yells at Evan to come on, trying to hide his pain from the match so far. He slyly walks over to their corner and punches both Kyle Ryley and Jesse Montana, knocking them both off the apron. He then turns his attentions back to Evan who is back up. He kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT. He goes for the cover.














GOLD: "Idolized sure are hard to beat."

FARLEY: "There's a REASON they're World tag champs, Ricky."

He picks up Evan and drags him to his corner, tagging in K-Blaze. As soon as he does, Kyle and Jesse are back in the ring and an all out brawl ensues. Mack and Jesse are brawling, and they tumble out of the ring. Kyle Riley and Shawn Waters are going at it. The referee has no choice but to pay attention to the two legal men, Evan Tyler and Krimzon Blaze.

GOLD: "This has turned into chaos rather quickly."

Tyler takes the upper hand and nails a European uppercut. He picks up Blaze and nails him with a hanging brainbuster! He goes for the cover.














Evan picks Blaze back up and chops away at him. Shawn and Kyle have now tumbled out of the ring as well. Tyler throws Blaze to a corner, and hard. He gets on on the top rope, controlling Blaze along the way.

FARLEY: "Looks like we'll be seeing a Tornado DDT right now. This'll take the little red jumping man for sure."

He is almost set to execute the move when Blaze surprises him with a punch to the throat. A chop. Another. The crowd is firmly behind Blaze. As Evan is dazed, Blaze positions him... in a fireman's carry! The crowd is going wild in anticipation of what's next to come.

GOLD: "I think the Kode of Silence has just chosen Evan Tyler!"

FARLEY: "God, I -HATE- that catchphrase!"



FARLEY: "No! Kyle, Jesse, do something!"

GOLD: "They can't... they're all tied up at the moment!"

Blaze nails Tyler with the Kode of Silence! The cover!















GOLD: "The team of Blaze, Waters and Beaudin did it!"

The crowd is cheering.

FARLEY: "But the violence doesn't end with the bell, does it."

All six men continue to brawl. Jesse and Mack are brawling up the entrance way. Shawn and Kyle are at ringside still. Evan and Blaze pick back up their fight in the ring.

GOLD: "Wait, what!? Who are these guys!?"

Four men come running out from the entrance, running right past Jesse and Mack.

FARLEY: "Well, two of them are Jakob and Ezra Mayhem.. but who are those huge guys.. who appear to be identical twins!?"

The four men immediately attack the two tag teams left at ringside. They proceed to decimate Evan, Kyle, Shawn AND Blaze. Mack and Jesse are paying no mind as they continue their brawl after they go through the curtain.

Ezra and Jakob just nail Shawn with a double choke slam. The two twins have both Idolized members set up for powerbombs on the inside of the ring, and they nail them in unison.

GOLD: "Folks, I hate to say it but our time as run out! Stay tuned to for any updates on this horrendous attack! Thanks for watching everyone!"

As the four men stand over the other four men, The CZW logo appears on the screen and the live feed cuts out.


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