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CZW - Presents War Zone

| March 6th 2008 | Sydney Aust. | Acer Arena |

CZW: Warzone

*cZw ASSAULT!!!*




The match was fairly close throughout. Adelsberger had the upperhand up Diamond administered a low blow, that’s when the tempo changed completely. Justin Diamond then held the upperhand throughout until finally hitting a vicious Pure Cut and scoring the pin fall




* cZw *



The match started out very normally. Christian and Damion trading blows back and forth, back and forth, growing quite repetitive. Finally Damion went insane and starting beating the living hell out of Christian with vicious lefts, rights, and at one point even started gnawing on the forehead of a helpless Christian Campbell. Damion lost track of his opponent when he took the opportunity to slide out of the ring and chase after Veronica, with Campbells blood from the forehead dripping from his mouth. Veronica screamed and ran but right before Veronica was caught – Christian nailed him with a baseball slide and rolled him into the ring. The momentary lapse was just enough for Campbell to get the upperhand and nail him with the “Welcome to Prime Time and gets the pin fall.




* cZw *



This match was close until the end. Ace Stevens was the first person to feel the wrath, when Krimzon and The all-american nightmare (from here on out will be referred to as “AAM”) began to double team him. Ace Stevers was knocked from the ring and Krimzon capitalized with an inverted Atomic Drop and then a sidewalk slam. For his size he handled AAM very nicely, eventually dropkicking him from the ring. Stevens got back in and was victim to the Krimzon Blaze “Holy Shot Press” and an eventual pin fall.




* cZw *



Walker and Arashavin began to battle again, just like the weeks before. Arashavin seemed to have this one won but Caleb Walker kicked out of the A-Grade. Walker then took the upperhand when he whipped Arashavin into an open turnbuckle-less corner. Walker ended up military pressing Andred and locking in the Bone Crusher. The move was too much for Andrew who battled out for nearly 5 minutes until finally he passed out from the pain, only to be awoken by a kick to the ribs from Caleb and applied into the Bone Crusher again. This time submitting to his foe.




* cZw *


---- (“Bodies” blares and the camera pans around on the fans of different shapes and sizes here in Sydney Australia. Fireworks blast off and the fans explode into applause. The camera continues to move through the crowd to show different signs and the faces of the eager fans. Jessica Towers begins her introductions. She looks magnificent with a pair of black slacks and a red spaghetti strap shirt. Before she begins out announcing crew takes over)

DANIELS: Welcome to Combat Zone Wrestling – We are live from The outback, Sydney Australia.

Masters- Yea, kangaroos and aussies as far as your eyes can see… I hate it.

DANIELS: You would, The country side is absolutely amazing. We have an outstanding lineup. A Music Match for those music lovers out there. We also have Television Champion Ronnie McNeil taking on Shawn Waters

Masters- Don’t forget the Italian beasts Twin Towers will destroy the Union in a tag match and Matt Stylez has what’s coming to him when he defends his belts against the vicious Street 2 Street.

DANIELS: While that may be, we also have Ruth and Ace taking on Mack Beaudin and The Lovely Zoe…

Masters- DIVAS!! It’s going to HOT…

DANIELS: Right right, Then we have Pablo defending the X-Championship against Ian chadwin and a vicious 3 way match set up by President Fiscus. Jesse Montana, Tim Timmons, and Impaler.

Masters- I don’t know who to cheer for there…but I am sure the Sensation will dominate.

DANIELS: Looks like Jessica Towers is ready for our first match!!

-Camera pans to Jessica Towers, standing in the center of the ring-


Special Ed Covey vs. Kenny Hendrix


TOWERS: This match is scheduled for ONE FALL. Introducing first, a Very..Special Superstar… Ed…COVEY!!!

("Shut me up" by Mindless Self Indulgence plays. Ed comes stumbling out from the back and glances to each side of the ramp at the fans. He thrusts Loki high into the air for a big pop from the crowd. He brings Loki back to his side and points a finger at the ring, shaking it like he's going into convulsions. He grins as he approaches the ring, looking like he's constantly walking with a limp. Once he enters the ring, he raises Loki into the air once more, before placing him on a turnbuckle where Ed looks to be talking strategy with his friend.)

TOWERS: And his opponent… Kenny Hendrix!!

-“Parasite” blares and Kenny Hendrix walks out. He doesn’t have his usual Axe with him and seems to be a little self-consious about it. He runs into the ring and slides in. He looks at Ed, who stands with his fists doubled up. Hendrix shakes his head and the bell rings-


-The ring is complete with a set of drums, an electric guitar complete with amp, a keyboard, and in the last corner a tuba. Laying on the mat is an assortment of goodies ranging from drumsticks to symbols. Covey smiles as he taps a key on the keyboard, nods at Loki, then runs right at Kendrix. Kenny “OLAYs” Covey and sends him face first into the drums, His head puncturing the larger one.-

MASTERS: Looks like Covey is going to institute a drum solo!

DANIELS: Perhaps, but I wouldn’t be surprised to see a … See Look!

-Hendrix turns and Covey stands up with the drum encasing his forehead and headbutts Hendrix. Hendrix bounces off the mat with a thud and Covey stretches the drum over his torso and now has a “Shield” encasing his body. Covey picks up a symbol and when Hendrix gets up, Covey nails him in the forehead with the Symbol, then goes for a quick cover.-



MASTERS: Not so quick…

-Hendrix gets a shoulder up but Covey reaches over and grabs the symbol and smashes it over Hendrix face again. The fans “oooh” as the symbol rings throughout the arena. Hendrix rolls around on his stomach holding his nose and Covey looks up and nods to Loki again and then ascends the ropes. The drum still encasing his chest. He then leaps off the top turnbuckle with a belly flop, the drum slamming into Hendrix back and bending on Coveys chest. Both men bounce a few inches off the mat and then appear to be hurting. The ref begins the count as both men lay but then stops realizing that it won’t solve anything. Covey gets to his feet first and then realizes the drum is stuck to him and he can’t get it off. His turmoil with the durm case causes Hendrix enough time to get to his feet and deliver a vicious clothesline. Hendrix stands back up, his feet straddling covey. He looks around the ring for a weapon but Covey counters before anything can get started.-

MASTERS: Look at covey play those drums!!!

DANIELS: Looks like Little Hendrix isn’t going to be very musically inclined…

MASTERS- WHAT!? What in the hell did you just say? You know what, Don’t say anything else… You lose talking rights…

DANIELS: You can’t do that!

MASTERS: DANIELS…I’m warning you…

-DANIELS shuts up, meanwhile Covey has taken two drumsticks from the mat and began to play “taps” on Hendrix’s “Boys”. Hendrix buckles in pain as his groin has been banged upon. Covey gets back to his feet, and grabs the keyboard off the stand. He begins to go insane, slamming it on Hendrix back – the keys flying off into the stands as the musical notes that are played slowly become more and more distorted. Hendrix back is now bleeding and Covey picks him up to his feet and whips him into the turnbuckle. He runs and then leaps into the air – the drum case slamming into Hendrix face causing his nose to begin bleeding. Covey gets a sadistical grin on his face and then walks over and begins to tune up the amp. Hendrix in a blind rage runs at Covey, who turns and slams the Electric Guitar right into the face of Kenny Hendrix.-

MASTERS: He nearly took his head off, didn’t he DANIELS…Oh yea.. You can’t talk.

-Hendrix lays on the mat, nearly unconscious and feeling the pain. Covey goes over and picks up Loki. He carries Loki to the drums and sits Loki in the chair behind them. He then punches a drum putting a hole in it and pulls out Kennys AXE. The fans explode into applause as Covey shines the axe up. Hendrix stumbles to his feet and then Ed runs at him and again beheads him, this time with the butt of the axe. Hendrix bounces off the mat and Covey throws the axe at the mat, the blade sticking deep into the canvas. Covey throws him into the turnbuckle and then sets him up.-

MASTERS: This is it…Special Driver coming up!!

-Sure enough, Ed delivers a powerful special driver from the top turnbuckle and then hooks the leg of Hendrix. He then breaks the hold and walks over, picks up Loki and then returns. He sits on the chest of Hendrix and slams Loki down on the man jewels of Hendrix-




NO!! Kickout?

-The jolt from Loki causes hendrix shoulder to raises. Covey begins to yell to Loki and then walks over grabbing the Amp. He walks back over and picks up Hendrix and then administers a piledriver. Hendrix head gets stuck in the AMP and Covey covers.-





TOWERS: Your Winner…Special Ed COVEY!!!

-Ed jumps up and celebrates with a little dance with Loki. As he raises Loki into the air, the drum still wrapped around Eds chest. He bangs his free hand on the remaining piece of drum, that doesn’t make a sound but Covey still head bangs to it. He then drops down to the floor with Loki and Hendrixs’ Axe that he retrieved from the mat. EMTs run out to help Hendrix but Covey grabs them and makes them cut the drum off.-

MASTERS: Even though the guy isn’t all there, You must admit.. He can get the job done… OH HELL DANIELS you can talk now.

DANIELS: Thanks Sir… Yes, He did a fine job.

-Ed grabs the drum that is cut in half and raises it in the air along with Loki as we cut to a commercial break.-


Commercials for the CZW CombatShop, Budweiser, and some local advertising.


-When we get back from commercial, Jessica Towers is mid-ring ready to announce the next match.-

TOWERS: "The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is a tag team competition"

DANIELS: "There you hear it, it is time for our first tag match of the night"

MASTERS: "Yeah very different to the one later on, we certainly do not have any divas in this match, unless Williams wears a wig"

DANIELS: "Not a pretty thought there Masters. Anyway, this is going to be a great warm up for when these two get a chance to go for the titles, I can see these getting a shot soon"

MASTERS: "They will, but there will also be the likes of Upstarts going for the gold"

DANIELS: "But Union proved they can cut it with them, even getting a win over Upstarts"

MASTERS: "What? Sorry...I couldn't hear that part"

DANIELS: "I said they go..."

MASTERS: "Oh look, they are coming out"

( "FUCK OFF" by "KID ROCK & EMINEM" starts to blast out throughout the arena)

TOWERS: "On there way to the ring, hailing from Lodi, New Jersey and South Beach, Florida, at a combined weight of 665 lbs...Big Nasty and Nicky Vitale...TWIN TOWERS"

(We see Nicky and Nasty coming out onto the stage with a sort of toilet. They drag it down the ramp as everyone looks on slightly confused, they leave it on the outside as both men climb over the top rope and pose to the crowd, the crowd booing them)

TOWERS: "And their opponents, hailing from Mighigan, at a combined weight of 455 lbs...JA Sawyer & Billy Williams...THE UNION"

("BLUE COLLAR MAN" by "STYX" blasts out throughout the arena. Another look of surprise goes through the crowd as these two men come out with plungers in there hands. They wave them to the crowd as they cheer them. Billy hands one of the kids a plunger on his way down as the kid attacks his mother with it. JA and Billy climb into the ring as they climb the turnbuckles and pose again)

MASTERS: "What the hell is this all about? What is it, an appliance match?"

DANIELS: "We should of expected this from these two teams, anything is possible"

MASTERS: "That is true Jarred, anything is possible, just like you getting to work with a genious like me, it mustbe a dream come true for you"

DANIELS: "I look at it more of a nightmare come true, just like damn groundhog day"

MASTERS: "You cheeky SOB"

DANIELS: "Well, this match is going to be very interesting, we have two giants against two working men, who will prevail, lets find out and see"


- After the bell goes, Nasty and Williams climb out of the ring leaving Vitale and Sawyer as the legal men. Sawyer looks up at the height of Vitale as they stare each other down. Vitale begins the attack, locking up then quickly grabbing Sawyer in a headlock. Vitale presses down hard as Sawyer's head begins to go purple, he punches Vitale in the kidney, then again as Vitale loosens his grip, Sawyer throws Big Dawg into the ropes as he bouces back, Sawyer stands still as Vitale hits him down hard to the mat with a shoulder block.

MASTERS: "The power and strength being exerted out there, I just don't see how Union are going to be able to combat that"

DANIELS: "Maybe with the help of there plungers"

MASTERS: "Yeah, they better not come my way with those things, I have had bad experiences with plungers, I mean once they get hold of you, they suck all of the life out of you"

DANIELS: "Just like your third wife then"

MASTERS: "NO, she NEVER sucked, that was the main problem..."

- Vitale now picks up Sawyer and begins to choke him, walking him to the corner. He lets go, but only to then attack him with fierce elbows to the head of Sawyer, who drops to the ground after the second elbow. Vitale now begins to choke down Sawyer using his big boot. We can see the legs of Sawyer wiggle around as he gets choked in the corner, the referee counts...3...4...Vitale lets go. He then picks up Sawyer and whips him to the ropes, clothesline, Sawyer ducks, rebound sees Sawyer get caught with a bearhug side slam as his head bounces off the mat. He covers





- Sawyer gets a shoulder up early on in the match. Vitale now drags the weakened Sawyer to his tag team partner and other huge man, Big Nasty. Nasty climbs over the top rope as Vitale holds out the arm of Sawyer, Nasty then drives his elbow down into the extended shoulder. Nasty then begins to hit Sawyer with heavy knees to the gut, then whips him to the ropes, Sawyer bounces off, but to Nasty's surprise, Sawyer comes diving at Nasty and hits him with a strong flying shoulderblock, Nasty begins to wobble, then Sawyer hits him with lefts and rights, then finally runs to the ropes and again goes for a huge shoulderblock, this time though Nasty scouts it and lays Sawyer straight down with a Spine Buster.

DANIELS: "Just as we thought Sawyer might be onto something, Nasty crashes the working man back down again, with a NASTY spinebuster"

MASTERS: "You know what was nasty, how bloody xheesy that sounded"

DANIELS: "Look at this, Nasty should focus on his opponent rather than trying to annoy the fans"

MASTERS: "He does not need to focus Jarred, he can see over trees he is that tall"

- Nasty raises one arm to the crowd who boos. The big man then lifts Sawyer up as he gets to his feet, Nasty scoops him up, then lays him down again with a Powerslam. Nasty then decides to pick Sawyer up again, JA quickly counters though as he rolls the big man up into a small package





DANIELS: "That was a close one..."

- Nasty kicks out and gets to his feet straight away looking bright red, as he looks at Sawyer with shock on his face, Sawyer smiles. Nasy comes towards Sawyer, big clothelsine, Sawyer ducks, grabs him from behind, Sawyer hits a Atomic Drop. Nasty hits down hard as he jumps around, his mouth wide open, holding his groin, Sawyer then punches Nasty straight in the head, Nasty falls down. Sawyer then hits a quick elbow drop on Nasty, then a second, then walks towards the turnbuckle as he climbs,

MASTERS: "Surely Sawyer can't fly from there, it would be like butterbean doing a 450 splash"

DANIELS: "Don't underestimate the agility of Sawyer, he may be big but he sure can pull off some tremendous moves"

- Nasty lies on the floor, Sawyer looks down on him while on the top rope, he flies off, Nasty gets a boot up as Sawyer lands his jaw getting trapped on Nasty's boot. Sawyer looks knocked out as Williams in the corner looks on in frustration. Nasty rises first, grabs Sawyer up and takes him to his corner. He tags in Vitale, they both whip him into the ropes, Double Chokeslam...

MASTERS: "Now that is what I am talking about, it is over...COVER HIM"

DANIELS: "I agree, he should try for the cover now, he has this match won"

- Sawyer bounces off the floor heavily as Williams watches on looking even more frustrated. Vitale covers






DANIELS: "That kick out was purely his huge heart giving him more strength, I love the passion Sawyer shows for cZw"

- Sawyer lifts his shoulder up again. Vitale gets angry, he mounts Sawyer as he swings violently at him, landing a few heavy shots, Williams now bounces up and down on the apron getting angry. Vitale gets up and walks over to Williams. He then shooves his face, Williams falls off the apron as Vitale turns around, only to walk into a Belly to Belly suplex. Sawyer holds his back after picking up the huge frame of Vitale, as Williams gets into the ring, but the ref stops him, Williams frustrated about the attack. Of course this leaves an easy opportunity for Nasty to interfere as the referee ushes Williams outside, Nasty hits Sawyer from behind with a devastating BIG BOOT to the back of the neck. Sawyer falls as the referee looks around only to see nasty back on the apron.

MASTERS: "Not only ae they big, nasty and mean, but they are also clever"

DANIELS: "Oh come off it, that was pure un called for"

MASTERS: "This is what you need to do in a wrestling match to win, deal with it"

- Both men are now down, Vitale is first to his feet as he picks up Sawyer who holds his neck. Nicky sees the weakness as he grabs Sawyer into a neckbreaker position, only not dropping him, rather lifting him up, all his weight on his neck as he lifts Sawyer off the ground, then drops him down, only to then drop him down with a thunderous Neck Breaker...He covers...





- Sawyer again gets a late shoulder up. Nicky then starts standing on the neck of Sawyer, placing all his wait on the neck of Sawyer. Nicky picks up Sawyer and drives him into the corner. He pummels Sawyer with right and lefts as Sawyer tries to block. He then throws him into the ropes, Sawyer bounces off, Big Boot, but he misses, Sawyer stops then chop blocks the big man's leg from behind.

DANIELS: "We thought Sawyer was in trouble there with his weakened neck but Sawyer proving once again he is a top competitor right there, countering the attack"

MASTERS: "Not a bad move either to take out the long legs of Vitale"

DANIELS: "Very true, Sawyer knows exactly what he is doing"

- Sawyer now grabs the leg immediately putting a leg lock hold on Vitale. Sawyer locks it in, ot releasing it even when the big man tries with all his strength. Vitale picks himself up on two hands and start to shimmy along the floor to make it to the ropes, Sawyer then releases the hold and quickly applies another one, this time doing a type of stf as he locks up the same leg. The crowd start to cheer as they see that Sawyer has finally found a weakness in Twin Towers.

DANIELS: "Sawyer now with one thing on his mind, keep the big man down and keep presure on his leg"

MASTERS: "That is two things"

- Sawyer finally releases the hold as he then can tag Williams in. Sawyer drags the big frame of Vitale over to the corner as Williams jumps over the ropes landing a leg drop on Vitale. He then quickly get up and starts revving up the crowd as they cheer the new man in the ring. Williams goes back to the weakend leg of Vitale as he keeps the big man on the ground, locking in a standing figure four. Vitale easily power out though so Williams decides to attack him another way, hitting numerous fist drops on the knee. He then tries to lock in a sharpshooter which again Vitale powers out, then while on the floor, he he grabs the throat of Williams as he bends down. Vitale rises still with a grip on his throat.

MASTERS: "Williams might of wanted to come in but now he might have a quick ending"

DANIELS: "Wait...Williams with a clever counter"

- Vitale is about to lift Williams up but he intelligently kicks the knee of Vitale which makes the big man lose his grip. Suddenly out of no where, Williams hits Vitale with a huge DDT. He covers...





DANIELS: "DAMMIT..Cheated out of the win there"

MASTERS: Oh stop being so dramatic, Union would of done the same thing if they were in that position"

DANIELS: "Whatever, the fact is that Unio had it won there"

- Nasty interferes by kicking Williams off Vitale and breaking the pin attempt. Sawyer then dives into the ring running straight into a Big Boot by Nasty. The referee tries to retain order in the match but Nasty begins stomping on both Union members. He then looks around at the crowd who boo them furiously. He climbs to the outside and grabs the clogged toilet he came down to the ring with.


- Not noticing though o the other side, Sawyer has rolled out of the rig and picked up his plunger, as Nasty tries to slog the huge toilet into the ring, JA Sawyer sneaks up behind him, swings the plunger back, then sticks it on the back of Nasty who jumps around in shock. He tries to get it off but he can't as the crowd and Sawyer laugh at him. As Nasty tries to remove the plunger, Sawyer grabs the back of his head then slings him down, Nasty going head first into the clogged toilet!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


DANIELS: "HAHA, first he gets a plunger stuck to his back, then gets a mouthful of brown water"

MASTERS: "Stop laughing you miserable fool...Although, it is pretty funny, he looks like big foot at the moment"

DANIELS: "Sawyer better had watch out, Nasty looks angry to day the least"

- The crowd get hysterical as Nasty stands up straight, his head and hair drenched with foul smelly substances found deep dow in the toilet lingering on him. Nasty frows as he grinds his teeth, looking at the crowd who all point and laugh at him. Even Nasty who wakes up starts to chuckle. Nasty starts to chase Sawyer around the ring, the he catches him, but Williams baseball slides Nasty into the guardrail on the outside as Sawyer gives him a high five through the ropes. Vitale now up though comes up from behind Williams, both are the legal men


- Williams turns around bumping into the huge Vitale. Kick to the gut, lifts him up...TAKIN' CARE OF BUSINESS in the centre of the ring...He covers



- Sawyer goes to stop the count but Nasty now, with the plunger in hand, wraps it around the back of Sawyer stopping him from entering the ring...




TOWERS: "And the winners of this contest, by way of pinfall, Big Nasty and Nicky Vitale...TWIN TOWERS"

MASTERS: "Maybe Sawyer got a laugh at Nasty, but Twin Towers got the last laugh Jarred, what an impressive performance"

DANIELS: "A huge win for the new team, Union were just out powered in that match, even after the toilet incident"

MASTERS: "Lets watch that again, in slow motion"

DANIELS: "Well, let me just say, I believe these two teams will be challenging for the titles very soon"

MASTERS: Also we have just word that Commissioner Farley has an important announcement..

DANIELS: Let’s cut Farley right now.

-The scene cuts in to show Farley backstage-

FARLEY:Okay before I start, can I just warn you all that I am not in the best of moods right now, so I am going to make this quick, otherwise I might find myself kicking the holy shit out of this poor orphan cameraman. Now, infront of me on this desk we have ourselves a hat. No, I am not going to do a magic trick, this is quite simply for the Tag Tourniment we are having next week on Warzone, to name the new number one contenders for the Tag Titles. This match will be an elimination style tag team match with 10 teams participating. It will start with 4 teams, only two men in the ring at a time, once one is eliminated, they leave, the next comes down. Once all 10 teams have fought, the winner is the last team surviving, making them the new number one contenders for the Tag Titles. In this hat as you might of guessed is all the superstars of cZw, all named, all listed on there own piece of paper. I will draw out these names at random

FARLEY:I will also now name the five teams who are already in the event, because I said so. They are:

1. Union

2. Upstarts

3. Five Star Gamblers

4. Twin Towers

5. A special suprise tag"

"Now, I am going to start the LOTTERY, should I say, right...NOW"

"6. Ed Covey & All-American Nightmare

7. Ronnie McNeil & Shawn Waters

8. Christian Campbell & Damion St.Claire

9. Tim Timmons & Krimzon Blaze

10. Rave & Impaler"

FARLEY:Well, a few interesting partnerships there, but if you have a problem with that, just come into my office and we can sort something out, like you will be SUSPENDED if you do not compete in your tags. Also for the unlucky few not to be in the tag Tourniment, do not worry, you will be having important matches anyway, just not in this tourniment, so if any of you have a problem, I will also deal with that...But guys, do not waste my time...

FARLEY:Good luck all in this event, goodbye


Shawn Waters v. Ronnie McNeil-c- TV. Title Match


Jessica Towers:: Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first from Birmingham, Alabama. He stands six foot and five inches tall! He weighs in tonight at 260 lbs, he is the CzW Television Champion! Ronnie McNeil!

-"Remember the Name" by Fort Minor begins to play. McNeil walks out pass the curtain and bounces side to side. He is wearing his signature hooded vest and around his waist is the TV Title. McNeil begins to walk slowly down the ramp to the ring as Jarred DANIELS and William Masters begin to have a conversation about the up and coming match.-

Jarred DANIELS:: Well Partner this is looking to be a great match.

William Masters:: I tell you now Jarred, I don't find it fair that Ronnie has to already defend the title he just won last week.

Jarred DANIELS:: Well, William that comes with being a champion.

-As DANIELS finishes his sentence "Second Heartbeat" by Avenged Sevenfold begins to play. Shawn Waters walks ouy with Ashley Valentine on his arm. Waters Kisses Ashley as Jessica announces his arrival.-

Jessica Towers:: Now Making his way to the ringfrom Sydney Australia. Standing six foot one inch tall and weighing 212 lbs. Accompanied by Ashley Valentine... Shawn Waters!

-The crowd let out a large pop as the couple made their way to the ring.-

Jarred DANIELS:: Like him or not the Sydney Native earned his shot tonight.

William Masters:: Yeah, but look at the other guys involved no real challange there.

Jarred DANIELS:: That was a great match and my hats off to everyone that was involved.

-The match starts and McNeil and Waters lock up. McNeil gets a slight advantage with an Arm Wrench. McNeil maintains control pf the hold, but after a few seconds Waters countered into one of his own. McNeil counters back and follows with a boot to the gut. McNeil attempts a T-Bone, but Waters Elbows him in the face. Waters hits an Enzigiri to a loud pop from the fans.-

DANIELS:: Back and forth, but Shawn Waters able to get the champ off his feet first.

Masters:: Come on Ronnie don't let that idiot get you like that.

-Waters attempts to lift McNeil, but McNeil punches Waters three times. McNeil follows with an Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex. McNeil begins to put the boots to Waters as Ashley pounds on the mat, trying to get Waters back into the match. McNeil forces Waters to his feet and goes for a Release German Suplex, but Waters lands on his feet. McNeil turns and Waters hits a Jumping DDT.-

DANIELS:: Beautifully done DDT.

Masters:: Come on Ronnie get up!

-Waters attempts to lift McNeil, but McNeil again punches him in the gut and snaps off a T-Bone Suplex. McNeil goes for the pin.-




DANIELS:: Ronnie McNeil nailed a picture perfect T-Bone Suplex, but Shawn Waters was still able to kick out.

Masters:: Finish him off, Ronnie!

-McNeil forces Waters back to his feet and attempts an Irish Whip, but Waters counters with one of his own. McNeil catches himself on the ropes and Waters runs at him and attempts a Clotheline, but McNeil side steps, sending waters over the rope. Waters just misses Ashley on the outside. The ref begins the count.-





-Waters slowly begins to stand.-



-McNeil takes a few steps back-



-McNeil runs and dives over the top rope, landing hard on Waters outside the ring.-

DANIELS:: It seems Ronnie McNeil is wanting to hold on to the title more than Shawn Waters wants to win it at this point.

Masters:: Exactly why Ronnie is the TV Champion, Jarred.

-McNeil forces Waters to his feet and back into the ring. McNeil follows and hits an Elevated Rolling Fireman's Carry Slam.-

DANIELS:: I:20 Plunge!

Masters:: Yes! Good move Ronnie now finish him off.

-McNeil hits a hard elbow to the throat of Waters and attempts the Fade to Black, but Waters counters into a leg trip and locks in the Shawnshooter....

McNeil desperately tries to get to the ropes.-

DANIELS:: Waters has his Shawnshooter locked in.

Masters:: Ronnie you idiot! Get out of it!

-McNeil finally gets to the ropes and Waters breaks the hold. Waters lets McNeil get to his feet and Dropkicks him dead in the knees. Waters stomps on the legs of McNeil trying to weaken them more.-

DANIELS:: Shawn Waters looks like a man possessed. He is just running over Ronnie McNeil now.

Masters:: McNeil do something!

-Waters locks in his Shawnshooter again.-

DANIELS:: Shawnshooter for the third time.

Masters:: Come on Ronnie!

-McNeil quickly gets to the ropes as the hold is broken, McNeil grabs his right knee. Waters argues with the ref as he tries to push him back. Waters takes a few steps back as McNeil slowly uses the ropes to get up himself. Waters runs at McNeil who pulls the ref into the line of fire. The two trade punches and Waters boots McNeil in the gut and hits a Snap Suplex. McNeil slowly gets up hold his back. Waters attempts another Clothesline, but McNeil ducks and rolls him up with a fistful of tights. The ref starts to stir and counts the pin attempt.-





Jessica Towers:: Your winner by Pinfall! And Still CzW TV Champion Ronnie McNeil!

Masters:: A great win for a great Champion.

DANIELS:: Yeah right Ronnie Cheated and you know it.

Masters: Regardless, The better man won. Looks like it’s time for another vicious match. An x-Championship match. DANIELS: Scheduled for Ian Chadwick and El Pablo to square off, but word around back is that Ian has yet to arrive. Masters: Probably plane delays. Those damn airlines never get their act straight. DANIELS: I highly doubt that. Masters: Shut up, What do you know? I used to fly planes damnit.. DANIELS: Really? I thought you used to wrestle… Masters: I did…I wrestled for *mumbles* federation and flew the 7*mumbles* that got the wrestlers there…and boy we were never late. DANIELS: I think my IQ drops every show… Masters: Atleast mine doesn’t, we need one smart guy DANIELS: That’s not what I…never mind, lets just go to our next match… ---- ------------

El Pablo v. Ian Chadwick


DANIELS: "Ladies and gentlemen, we've been informed that Ian Chadwick will NOT be attending the event to cash in his MITB shot, and it looks like he won't be with us for a while due to a personal emergency. We wish him the best, and hope to see him in a CZW ring again soon."

MASTERS: "But don't worry folks, management named a replacement opponent and El Pablo will STILL be defending the X Title!"

DANIELS: "Yes, and an exciting match this will be. Because his opponent will be none other than Death Row's BORIS!"

("BANDANNAS" starts to play as the crowd pop for Boris, who makes his way out. He is decked out in clothing that has Marijuana leaves all over. He poses for the crowd for a second, and Vinnie Corino is NOT with him. He comes down to the ring, high fiving fans on the way)

TOWERS: "Introducing first... from LA... This is BORIS!!!"

(A hush descends over the crowd as the lights go out, leaving the arena in total darkness. The opening riff to "Been Training Dogs" kicks in, with bright white spotlights switching on and off in various places across the arena, keeping time with the beat. As the drums kick in, a huge wall of pyro shoots up from the stage, and El Pablo steps out to huge cheers from the crowd, dressed in his ring gear with dark sunglasses on his face. He stands on the stage for a few seconds playing to the crowd, before bounding down the ramp. He jumps up onto the apron and vaults over the top rope, then heads over to one of the far turnbuckles and climbs up, saluting the crowd. He repeats this on the adjacent turnbuckle, then removes his sunglasses and tosses them to a stagehand outside the ring)

TOWERS: "And his opponent... the reigning X Champion.... "THE FIVE STAR SUPERSTAR" EL PABLO!!!"

-Both men shake hands before the bell rings-

DANIELS: "This is going to be a great match!"

-Boris and El Pablo circled up before locking horns. Boris caught a quick arm drag, catching the champ off guard. They locked up again and this time El Pablo backed him into the corner with his strength and began hammering away on Boris. El Pablo whipped Boris only to miss the follow up in the corner and eat two arm drags- MASTERS: "El Pablo showing Boris why he is the X Champ!"

-El Pablo fought out of a headlock but found himself making the same mistake twice, missing another bull rush in the corner before getting clotheslined to the floor. Boris hit his crazy GANGSTA SPLASH/50-50 and both are on the floor-

DANIELS: "Oh my God, already!"

MASTERS: "Damn, that Gangsta Splash is one helluva move!"

**** COMMERCIAL ****

-We come back to El Pablo being in control with a side headlock. Boris used the crowd to rally him but he was cut off by a big El Pablo power slam for the two count. El Pablo stomped on Boris before hitting him with a body slam and a few knee drops for a near fall-

DANIELS: "El Pablo doing the right thing, trying to take the win at every chance!"

-El Pablo slapped the chin lock on again before Boris again rallied and back dropped El Pablo to cause a brief stalemate. Boris picked up the pace with some clotheslines and then hit his standing shooting star press for a great near fall. Boris connected with the Handspring Spinning wheel kick and then a drop kick in the corner, leaving the champion in trouble-

MASTERS: "Boris with that crazy acrobat stuff, confusing everyone!"

DANIELS: "He definitely has his own style!"

-El Pablo let Boris chase him around the ring a bit before capitalizing on his position and taking advantage. El Pablo flailed away with punches but Boris came back with some strikes of his own and a neck breaker before taking El Pablo over with a side headlock take down-

DANIELS: "Boris working over the Five Star Superstar here..."

-El Pablo tried a roll up out of the hold twice but no dice. He struggled to his feet and tried to toss Boris to the ropes but Boris clung to the hold and was able to maintain position. Second time was a charm and El Pablo hit a back elbow to give himself a reprieve-

MASTERS: "El Pablo taking back control.."

-El Pablo stomped on Boris’s face and went for a cover but didn’t get so much as a one count on the cover attempt. El Pablo went for a tornado DDT but Boris wiggled out only to eat a back elbow. El Pablo went for a PABLO SLAM but Boris kicked him through and the two fumbled through a sunset flip exchange before Boris slapped on an ankle lock-

DANIELS: "Boris trying a submission move, not really his element.."

-El Pablo reversed the hold into a roll up for a two count but Boris went right back to the ankle lock. El Pablo reached the ropes as we headed to commercial-


-Boris wiggled out of another slam attempt and grabbed a go behind which unraveled into Boris clothes lining El Pablo over the top rope and to the floor-

DANIELS: "We're back and this match is spectacular!"

MASTERS: "As an X match should always be, Jarred!"

-El Pablo caught Boris on his way into the ring and hit a super nasty DDT on him. El Pablo hit a front flip powerbomb on Boris, El Pablo dropped a knee on the head and went for a cover but only got two. El Pablo worked over Boris in the corner, flooring him with multiple right hands. He slapped on a body scissors and rear chin lock to keep Boris at bay-

MASTERS: "And now El Pablo with the submission stuff!"

-Boris struggled to his feet and hit some shots to the gut. The two exchanged shots in the middle of the ring before attempting the THE MONGOLIAN STUNNER on El Pablo. He throws Boris off! He grabs Boris.... AND HITS THE PABLO SLAM!!- ((THUD!!))





TOWERS: "Your winner and STILL CZW X Champion... EL PABLO!!!!"

-El Pablo helps Boris up, who then hugs El Pablo and raises Pablo's hand in victory, and respect-

DANIELS: "What a treat this match was, and such respect between the two men!"

MASTERS: Yeah well, the next match though, there isn't ANY respect!"

DANIELS: "Ruthless Aggression and The Lovely Zoe are on the verge of a war with each other!"

MASTERS: "And do we even need to speak about The legendary Mack and Ace feud? I mean.. they HATE each other!"

---- ------------

Ace King and Ruthless Aggression v. Lovely Zoe and Mack Beaudin


Jessica Towers: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is a mixed tag team match. Coming to the ring...”

Over the loudspeakers the song “Man Up” by STICKY FINGAZ plays over the loudspeaker.

Towers: “ a total combined weight of 363 lbs, ‘The Number One Draft Pick’ and current Intercontinental Champion Mack Beaudin and The Lovely Zoe...The UPSTARTS!”

Mack and Zoe walk down to the ring as the audience boos loudly. They enter the ring. Mack acts like he is wiping the sweat off of his chest and tossing it toward the audience while Zoe pretends to cry at the jeers, then screams that she has Mack, she doesn’t need any of the fans.

Towers: “Their opponents, at a total combined weight of 341 lbs, Ruthless Aggression and Ace King!”

As ‘Last Resort’ by PAPA ROACH plays, we see two people come out of the ring entrance as the lights go down. We can see their silhouettes, but no definition, though it is obviously a man and woman. The crowd cheers even louder as Mack and Zoe urge the duo to come to the ring not realizing that, from two different directions, Ace and Ruth are approaching the ring from the other direction. As they slide into the ring, the lights go back up, and we see now that the two at the arena entrance are fakes, not Ace or Ruth at all. Mack and Zoe look at each other in confusion, then realize someone is behind them. As they turn, Ace and Ruth grab their respective partners and punch them three times, back them up into the ropes, whip them into the far ropes, and hit with simultaneous dropkicks! As the bell rings to begin the match, both Mack and Zoe fall out of the ring to regroup outside as Ace and Ruth take off their ring jackets and play to the fans.

William Masters: “And this one is under way, Jarred! I’ll admit. I’m not the biggest XTC fan...”

Jarred DANIELS: “You are one of their biggest detractors, Masters.”

Masters: “...BUT...I am looking forward to this. The grudge match between Ace and Mack is just getting more exciting as each week passes. After the events at Broken Hearts, Broken Bones, I want to see what they have in store next.

Daniel: “What concerns me is how far this will go? Will one of these men go so far as to try to really take the other out, like Jesse Montana and Zodiac Thrilla?”

Masters: “Both of these men are consummate professionals, Jarred. I think they both are good at keeping things that belong in the ring in the ring!”

Suddenly, both Ace and Ruth dive out of the ring over the top rope taking out each of their respective opponents.

Masters: “Or maybe not.”

After a bit of confusion referee Darrin Powers takes control. Zoe and Ruth start the match as Mack and Ace step out onto the ring apron. Ruth and Zoe trash talk for a moment, standing nose to nose and almost spitting on each other. Zoe slaps Ruthless across the face then smiles at Mack...then an angry Ruth hits with a spinning heel kick right to Zoe’s head which drops her instantly. Ruth goes for a cover, but Zoe kicks out strongly at a one count.

Ruth continues a singular onslaught, driving Zoe into the corner, whipping her to another corner, and hitting with a flying avalanche! Zoe stumbles toward the middle of the ring and Ruthless bounds off the ropes and nails a picture perfect lariat, bumping Zoe again. Zoe stands up, and Ruth whips her into the ropes again and hits with a hurricanrana, driving Zoe’s head into the mat! Ruth goes for a cover, but Zoe rakes her eyes to break the pin and rolls toward her own corner to tag with Mack. Beaudin steps inside and Ruth rocks him with a lariat! Mack seems ready to hit her, but the ref steps in and breaks the two apart. Palms out, Mack backs into his own corner as Ruth grudgingly tags to Ace.

As Ace and Mack stare at each other, the crowd begins to cheer Ace’s name. Mack seems totally irritated by the chant, which drives the crowd to scream even more loudly! The two wrestlers link in a collar-and-elbow tie up. From here, they trade moves. Ace starts with a whip to the ropes followed by two arm drags and a hip toss. Mack takes charge with a whip reversal, a back body drop, and an elbow drop, but Ace dodges a second elbow. Ace grabs ahold and hits with two stiff forearms to Mack’s head then flies off the ropes for a flying forearm. Mack bumps but is on his feet instantly, and as Ace moves in to counter, Mack hits with a spinning side slam, picks Ace up, and plants him with a body slam. Mack attempts a whip into the ropes, but Ace reverses and nails a big boot, follows with an atomic drop, and bounds off the ropes, but Ruth reaches out and slaps him on the shoulder. The ref acknowledges a tag despite Ace’s confusion, and then Powers stops Ruth from attacking Beaudin. With a smirk, Beaudin blows the disgusted Ruthless a kill before tagging Zoe back in. As they switch places, Mack seems to hand Zoe something.

In the center of the ring, Ruth catches Zoe with a kick to the gut and puts Zoe into a head lock. Zoe struggles, elbows Ruth twice into the abdomen and breaks the hold, then hits with her own spinning Chick Kick, stunning Ruth. Zoe follows through with two suplexes, a body slam, and a side slam, but only gets a two count for her trouble. Zoe locks on a reverse chinlock, viciously yanking Ruth’s head back over and over again.

Jarred: “For a moment, I was wondering if Zoe was in over her head. She didn’t seem to be in the game tonight.”

Masters: “That’s because you aren’t a wrestling purist, like me. Yeah, Ruth got the best of Zoe earlier, but a true grappler can take a moment, recover, and then take charge of the mat. I don’t know if Zoe was a wrestler previously or if Mack is training her, but she is certainly showing some great strategy here.”

Slowly, after about 75 agonizing seconds in the reverse chinlock, Ruth reaches the ropes and Zoe disengages...then drops an elbow right across Ruth’s head before she could even stand. Zoe drags her foe out to the center, goes to the top rope, and launches herself into a flying leg drop. Problem is, Ruth isn’t there when Zoe lands.

Masters: “Wow. That really hurts missing a move like that. I know from personal experience!”

Jarred: “What personal experience?”

Masters: “Oh, well, you wouldn’t have heard of it. It was back when I wrestled in the (mumbles) Federation in the nineties.”

Jarred: “But you aren’t that old, and you never put actual wrestling on your resume when CZW hired you. You listed journalism school and four years as sportscaster in Hoboken.”

Masters: “My word is my bond, so if I say it, it must be so. Oh, Jarred, look at that!”

Actually, nothing had happened yet. Ruth rises from the mat even as Zoe writhes in pain from her brutal landing. Zoe starts to stand but Ruth doesn’t let her, dropkicking Zoe in the head and dropping her onto her back. Ruth Ann lifts Zoe roughly to her feet, then locks her in and hits with a standing bulldog, getting some serious height before dropping Zoe face first to the mat. Zoe’s nose seems to bit a little bloody as Ruth stands her up again. Zoe makes a hand sign in the air, and Mack suddenly steps in and rushes to help her, but the referee stops him and pushes him back toward the corner. As soon as his back is turned, Zoe pulls a small container out from somewhere and sprays something in Ruth’s eyes. Ruth Ann recoils in pain as Zoe throws the tiny container from the ring. Then Zoe locks in a reverse DDT and nails it, going for the pin.



Kickout! Despite the current condition of her eyes, Ruth kicks a shoulder out and stops the count!

Jarred: “Now tell me you can justify spraying something into your opponents eyes. Even with the no-DQ rule, that looked like a real weapon!”

Master: “Zoe was just trying to apply some perfume and Ruth got in the way. A girl’s gotta stay fresh under any circumstances.”

Jarred: “How do you live with yourself?”

Masters: “By lying to myself as much as I lie to everybody else. That keeps me honest!”

Jarred had nothing to say to that.

With Ruth barely able to see, Zoe lays into her with a series of kicks to the corner, then pulls her from the corner and applies an abdominal stretch. Ruth grunts in additional pain as Zoe bears down on her, stretching her back and muscles. After about a minute, Zoe releases the hold, snap mares Ruth to the mat, and applies a boston crab, putting more pressure on the lower back. After another minute, Zoe whips Ruth into the ropes and powerslams her, going for another pin.




Zoe is getting frustrated with the situation and lifts Ruth up again and attempts another whip, but Ruth reverses and locks on a sleeperhold. Zoe struggles, trying to get to the ropes, but Ruth lets go, spins Zoe around, and hits with a sudden Death Valley Driver. Still stunned and recovering, Ruth tags out to Ace. Zoe tags out and Mack is in, and Mack and Ace begin punching each other in the middle of the ring, back and forth. Mack breaks the punching with a leg lift to Ace’s gut, then plants a European uppercut to Ace’s face. Mack tosses Ace out of the ring over the top rope and follows him to ringside.

Masters: “Here we go! They aren’t playing anymore!”

Mack stomps Ace at ringside, stands Ace up, and runs him into the ring steps. Mack lifts again but Ace counters and head butts him, then launches him into one of the large cameras! Mack and the camera both end up on the floor with camera pieces flying everywhere. Mack is bleeding but Ace doesn’t care as he stands Beaudin up and chops him in the chest three times with the sound of “Woooo!” erupting from the crowd each time. After the third chop, Ace steps back and lands an enzugiri with Mack crashing face first into the ring steps again. Ace, wanting a pinfall victory, throws Mack back into the ring and begins to ‘run the tables’ with Mack, hitting with three more chops, a clothesline, a neckbreaker, a knee drop off the second rope, and a DDT before attempting a pin, but he is surprised when Mack still kicks out. Zoe tries to interfere, but Ruth meets her in the ring, throws Zoe out of the ring, and follows, a female brawl starting outside the ring.

Jarred: “The ref is going to have a hard time watching all of them at once.”

As the women fight and Referee Powers tries to break them up, Ace stands Mack up only to receive a Low Blow to his Royal Flush. Mack now takes over, hitting a spinebuster, belly to belly suplex, elbow drop, and then a powerbomb. The ref now returning to the ring and the girls returning to their corners, Mack goes for a pin. The now bleeding Ace kicks out at two, and Mack yanks him up roughly by his hair. He locks Ace into a familiar hold.

Masters: “He’s going for his patented Means to an End!”

Mack crouches to lift Ace, but Ace hits Mack with a low-blow to Beaudin’s #2 and #3 Draft Picks. As Mack stumbles in agony, Ace suddenly plants him with his own BLACKJACK BOMB and goes for the pin.

Masters: “NO! Get up, Mack! Get up!”

As the ref counts two, Zoe jumps to ringside, grabs King’s foot, and drags him off of her partner. King slides out to ringside to confront Zoe. At the same time, Ruth climbs to the top rope and hits Beaudin with a Frog Splash off the top! The ref sees her and makes the count!




As the bell rings, the crowd erupts in wild cheering as Referee Powers awards Ace and Ruth with the win even as Mack wonders what in the world just happened. Mack gets up with Zoe screaming at him, then The Lovely Zoe blindsides Ruth and starts beating her around the head. Fists doubled up and her face contorted with rage, Ruth fights back, swinging like a trained fighter. Each gets a few good shots in before Mack and Ace step in to pull the two ladies apart. As they do, Zoe hocks a huge, bloody wad of goo into Ruth’s face, which infuriates her even further! She thrashes and flails trying to get loose as Mack pulls Zoe from the ring. The ref tries to calm Ruth Ann down and she swings on him! Ace turns her around and tries to reason with her, eventually calming her down with a reminder of the penalties if she were to attack a referee. Though we can’t hear the words, we see Ruth’s mouth as she tells Ace, “That bitch is mine next time!” Ace and Ruth then leave the ring with their hands still held high in victory.

Jarred: “It appears that Zoe and Ruth are almost matching the heat of their feud with that of Ace and Mack in about a third of the build-up time!”

Masters: “That’s fine with me, Jarred. I like the violent matches, anyway.”

DANIELS: It appears that we have President Fiscus on his way now. This should be interesting. Before he comes out – let’s reiterate what happened last week that sent the CZW into a tailspin. (A recap of Jesse Montana hitting Zodiac with a car is shown. The fans all BOO and scream obscenities toward Jesse’s name. As the clip winds up, "THIEVES" by Ministry begins to play over the PA, as CZW President Alan Fiscus makes his way out from behind the entrance ramp. He is wearing a more toned down attire, with black jeans and a black t-shirt on. He wears a black belt with a silver belt buckle. His hair is crazy wild, as usual. The crowd isn't sure how to react to him, but mainly cheer. He makes his way down to th e ring, and requests a mic)

FISCUS: "I've come out here tonight, for one reason. Everyone knows that reason. Last week in Cedar Rapids, Iowa.. we saw a horrible, horrible act of violence at the end of the show, as the former World Heavyweight Champion, The Zodiac Thrilla, was brutally and maliciously ran over like a dog by the so-called 'Sensation' Jesse Montana."

-The crowd begins to chant 'ZODIAC! ZODIAC! ZODIAC!'-

FISCUS: "Now I've booked Jesse in a match tonight, against two of the most vicious men I've ever had the.. pleasure of coming across. Impaler, and Tim Timmons. A lot of people are saying it's not enough, but I and I alone will see to it that the proper punishment is laid down. But first, I want Jesse to come out here right now... to apologize to me, the boys in the back, and every single CZW fan for putting Zodiac on the shelf for God knows how long. Not only do I want an apology, Jesse, I also want A REASON you felt the need to commit such a crime. Now come on out, Mr. Montana, let's get this show on the road!"

("RAINMAKER" by Iron Maiden starts to play throughout the arena. Fiscus stares down the ramp as he catches the sight of Jesse Montana. The fans go mental with boos, some chanting 'You Suck', some chanting 'Zodiac', all of them hating the Sensation after what he did. Jesse comes down the ramp looking around as he smiles to himself. He wears a black suit with a purple inline, matching black trousers and a white shirt, along with his traditional cowboy hat. As he reaches the bottom of the ramp he fixes his attention on Fiscus, who is still staring down at Jesse. Jesse takes his cowboy hat off and tries to place it on the head of a young fan but the kid pulls away, Jesse then forces the hat on the kid as Fiscus looks on almost growling with rage. Jesse then steps into the ring and spins around, his arms out stretching as he poses. The fans boo even harder as Jesse soaks up all the attention he is recieving just giving out a smirk while chewing on his chewing gum. He then grabs the microphone of the worker on the outside and stands looking into the eyes of Fiscus, who stares back intensely)

JESSE: "I am out here this evening to apologise to the President of cZw. I am a man of honour so I intend to do this, so Fiscus...I apologise"

-Fiscus looks slightly confused at this point, as Jesse smirks. Jesse then grabs a tissue from out of his pocket as he begins to pretend to cry, making crying noises and sobbing down the microphone, at this point Fiscus does not look confused anymore, he now frowns as he stares at Jesse. Jesse continues with his act-

JESSE: "I am so sorry...I got something in my eye...The brakes wouldn't work...A pigeon flew into the way of the car so I had to swerve...I mean, you know...I loved that crazy stoned pimp...he was my buddy, I would never wish that guy harm...I loved him dammit..."

-Jesse now pulls a straight face and gets right up into the face of Fiscus who is breathing heavily with rage-

JESSE: "Or how about I say the truth, something like this...Jesse Montana and Upstarts do what ever the hell we want. As for your reason, I did this damn Company a favor when I ran that cretin over, I saved the World Title from being fought over by a druggy gansta pimp, I took that trash out. Just imagine these poor fans having to watch Matt Stylez against Zodiac Thrilla over and over again, I did not only do this Company a favor, I did each and every one of these fans a favor. I did what I had to do...And Fiscus...I would do it again if I had the chance"

Jesse still in the face of Fiscus as they both are on the virge of snapping

JESSE: "So, what I am saying is this, you have more chance of beating the Sensation himself in a match than you do of getting an apology out of me"

Jesse then step back as he smiles again at Fiscus who certainly is doing no smiling

JESSE: "No chance in hell"

-Fiscus stares coldly at Jesse, with a little smirk appearing on his face-

FISCUS: "No chance in hell, huh... Well, I'll be perfectly honest with you. I'd LOVE to smack the spit right outta your mouth--"

-The crowd cheers as Fiscus says this-

FISCUS: "But being the President of CZW.. I need to set the example, and I will not lower myself down to your level. You think you're the new thing, you think you're the top dog... A guy like you, comes one dollar for a dozen. I knew you wouldn't come out here and apologize, Jesse, because you're little more than a spoiled brat. You say you did everyone a favor by taking Zodiac out, when you obviously did it because you feared him. So tonight, your little triangle match... it's just the beginning, punk. I will put you through hell until you pay homage and show remorse, like a proper human being should, for what you've done. You need to learn RESPECT, Montana, and you need to realize... you're not dealing with Derek Damage here. You're not dealing with Shawn McAllister, or even Michael Farley... you're dealing with one of the baddest men on the planet, son. Your smart ass will only get you more pain and more suffering. You think you got stroke to do whatever the hell you want... heh, well I think I'm the only one who can stake that claim. So before you make matters even worse for yourself, do yourself a favor... apologize for your actions now, Jesse."

Jesse begins to look more serious now, the smile has been wiped off his face, now he chomps down hard on his chewing gum as he clearly is fired up, both glaring at each other

JESSE: "What you think you can intimidate me? You think I really give a damn that you are the cZw President? All that makes me believe is that you cannot cut it with the big boys, you have to sit behind your desk and pretend to run the show when all you really do is dream about being as talented as me, as young and fresh as me, but it will not happen Fiscus, your time has gone and all you are now is a washed up old jealous man who talks about his past, because you know you have no future"

Fiscus and Jesse are virtually about to headbutt each other now, both glaring at each other, both about to forget about talking and start fighting. Jesse raises the microphone back up to his mouth and begins to growl the next words


Jesse smiles as though he has thought of something

JESSE: "But if you want an apology, why don't you try and get one out of me...In a match?"

-Fiscus raises his hands up, as if he wants no part of what Jesse is proposing. As Jesse laughs and nods as if he knew Fiscus would say no, Fiscus suddenly pokes Jesse in the eye and begins to unload a barrage of lefts and rights on Jesse. Jesse high tails it out of the ring, just as a security team rushes down the ramp, to get in between both men. As Jesse looks up at Fiscus in the ring, with rage on his face, Fiscus picks back up his mic-

FISCUS: "I'm sorry for you that you cannot comprehend reality, Mr. Idaho, but I am the LAST person you want to pull that cocky shit with, dammit! I was _HOPING_ beyond hope that your ignorance would provide an opening, and I'll be damned if you didn't play right into my hands. You want a match with ME, Jesse? YOU GOT IT, YOU MORON! Road To Glory, "The Irritation" Jesse Idaho vs "THE ONE MAN RIOT" ALAN FISCUS. You need to learn respect for this business, respect for the other wrestlers, and respect for MY AUTHORITY.. and you'd better damn well believe, I will beat the respect out of your pathetic face!"

-The crowd is going ecstatic, as Jesse only smiles up at Fiscus. Fiscus drops the mic, and "THIEVES" begins to play again. As everyone begins to leave the ringside area, DANIELS and Masters are shocked-

DANIELS: "CAN YOU BELIEVE THIS, MASTERS!? Jesse called out the President.. AND HE ACCEPTED!!"

MASTERS: "This is going to be one of the best matches CZW has had, YET! Fiscus may be known here as just the president, but for 10 years he was one of the best in the business! And Jesse... well, he's not called the Sensation for nothing! Holy crap!"

DANIELS: We are going to need to take a commercial break… -Commercials take over the screen, mainly local commercials but you know there would have to be a commercial for the new Matt Stylez “CZW Champion” attire. When the show cuts back from commercial Ms. Towers stands lovely in the ring.- ------------

Matt Stylez –c- v. Street 2 Street


TOWERS- This match is scheduled for one fall. This will be a Tag Team Title match. Introducing first, He is YOUR CZW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION….Matt “The Serial Thriller” Stylez!!!

-“Serial Thrilla” blares and the lights change all sorts of colors. Stylez appears atop the ramp, his body glowing lime green with body paint He has the World Title strapped around his waist and a tag title in each hand. He dances with the crowd and then runs down the ramp and slides in. He jumps on the turnbuckle and poses with all three pieces of gold. The fans are exploding with applause. He takes off the world belt and the referee takes it and then holds the Tag Belts in the air. Stylez stands and waits for his opponents.-

TOWERS- Next, Weighing in at 570 pounds, They are Street 2 Street!!

-“Four Horseman” blasts and the fans boo. Street 2 Street appear atop the ramp both holding beers. The throw the cans into the crowd and then walk down the ramp. They get to the bottom of the ramp and stop mouthing at Stylez. Stylez takes off diving and nails both with a somersault over the top rope and takes both men down.-


DANIELS: Stylez isn’t waiting for this one to start!

MASTERS- He is a crazy man, but Street 2 Street will pry those belts from his deadbeat fingers.

-Stylez and both members lay on the ground from impact. Stylez pummels away at Brackus but Moore gets to his feet and delivers a massive boot to the head of Stylez. He then picks Stylez up and whips him into the guard rail. Stylez hits with force and both members get to their feet. They begin to stomp and kick Stylez until he is laying on the floor. Street 2 Street members then each get on each side, one at arms and one at feet, and then swing him back and forth releasing him high and throwing him into the railing again. The fans boo and begin to throw stuff at the 2 beasts but the security guards escort the irate fans away promptly. The referee gets out and ushers them into the ring, and Brackus drags Matt by the foot and then slings him in the ring where Moore and Stylez become the legal men.-

MASTERS- Stylez is going to take a beating, I just know it!

DANIELS: He needs a partner damnit!

-Moore knees Stylez in the throat and then goes on the assault with rights and lefts to the face of Stylez. Eventually Stylez counters with a headbutt that causes Moore to back off. Moore gets to his feet pissed off and then stomps the stomach of the downed Champion. Moore tags in Brackus and the two men begin a stomp fest on Stylez. The referee makes Moore get out on the apron and Brackus pulls Matt to his feet. He whips Stylez but Stylez reverses quickly throwing Brackus into the turnbuckle. He takes off running toward Brackus but is met with a big boot knocking Matt onto his back. Brackus meets Stylez with a huge elbow to the sternum and a cover.-




MASTERS- DAMNIT!! The referee missed the Three!

DANIELS: Oh come on, give Stylez a break he is getting pummeled…

MASTERS- I love it!

DANIELS: You’re sick.

-Stylez is picked up by the hair and placed between Brackus legs. He looks into the fans and then lifts Stylez for a powerbomb. Stylez fights tooth and nail with right hands to the forehead of Brackus and then reverses the Powerbomb into a hurricanrana. Brackus is slung across the mat and Stylez lays face first on the mat.-


-Stylez gets energy from the fans and uses the ropes to get to his feet. He finally stands tall but Leonard Moore runs down the Apron side and meets Stylez with a hellacious clothesline. Stylez hits the mat and the referee begins to chew out Moore, but this gives Brackus a chance to go outside the ring and choke Stylez on the apron. He then backs up and runs big booting the side of Matts head and then slides back in. He covers.-




-Stylez manages the Kickout and Brackus gets pissed again, picking Stylez up and whipping him into the turnbuckle and then tagging in his partner. Moore and Brackus the put Matt on the top turnbuckle. Moore gets on one knee while Brackus climbs the turnbuckle and plants his feet on the 2nd turnbuckle. He lifts Stylez high into a military press and then throws him onto the knee of Moore. Stylez bounces off the knee and in some serious pain at this point. Moore smiles and he too goes for the cover.-






-The referee shows Moore 2 fingers and Stylez lays in pain, his shoulder barely able to raise. Moore drags Stylez to the turnbuckle and places him face first on the turnbuckle and tags in Brackus. Moore slides out and grabs Stylez arms, his face digging in the turnbuckle. Brackus backs into the opposite turnbuckle and then runs at Stylez driving that big boot into the back of Matt. Brackus then takes a moment to flip off the booing fans. Stylez is coughing a storm and trying to get to his feet but has taken a vicious beating. He gets to one knee and is leaning on the ropes, Brackus bounces off the ropes and Stylez grabs the top rope and dips it down causing Brackus to flip over out of the ring. Moore tries to get in but the Referee stops him in his tracks. Brackus lays on the concrete hurting a little and Stylez gets to his feet, his posture slumping and seriously hurting.-

MASTERS- He is done Jarred, Through…WE are going to have new tag champs.

DANIELS: Don’t count him out just yet William..

-Stylez looks at Moore who is still arguing with the referee, but standing in the ring and Stylez runs and jumps onto the turnbuckle and bounces off toward Moore.-


-Stylez jumped from the top turnbuckle of which he ran up and nailed Leonard Moore with the High Style. Moore rolls from the ring in pain and Stylez lays in the ring still physically spent. He gets to his knees and Brackus slides into the ring and prowls for Stylez. Stylez on his feet runs at Brackus but Brackus ducks a clothesline and raises Stylez in the air.-



-Brackus has Stylez in the air and is prepared to drive him into the mat but Stylez locks his heels around Brackus abdomen and rolls as best he can, flipping under Brackus and rolling him into a small package.-


-Moore is on his feet-


-Moore tries to slide in and break up the count-





-Stylez rolls Brackus off and lays on the mat, physically spent. Moore gets in the ring and is highly pissed off. Him and Brackus start yelling at each other and shoving one another. They yell back and forth at each other for a few moments.-


-Neither saw Stylez get back to his feet and run behind the two delivering a double High Style. He then rolls gets to his feet, with the help of the ropes since he used basically all his energy for that last double high style. He grabs his belts and a mic.- MATT STYLEZ- You see this Farley? You see what you caused… You send an enemy into Thrillville and try to have them take me out, They thought they had me but NO… I an still standing…I am still here holding these belts… still The Natural Born Thrillaz are THE TAG TEAM CHAMPS… BELEE DAT!

-Stylez drops the mic right on Brackus chest and rolls from the ring still in pain. He leans on the steps, physically spent with a sadistic grin on his face. He pulls himself up and begins to walk up the ramp. He turns and raises both tag belts high into the air.-


Jesse Montana v. Impaler v. Tim Timmons


("THIEVES" by Ministry begins to play over the PA again, as Alan Fiscus makes his way down to the ring for the second time tonight. The crowd is largely cheering him. He makes his way to the announcer's table, and Jarred hands him a headset)

DANIELS: "Well, what a surprise Mr. President, for what do we owe the honor?"

FISCUS: "Well, Jarred, it looks like I'm on the active roster again and what better way to scout my opponent than to sit ringside as he gets his ass kicked!"

MASTERS: "DANIELS, don't suck up. Mr. Fiscus, welcome!"

DANIELS: "Bah.. you idiot"

FISCUS: "Boys, boys. Forget about it. Let's get this show on the road man, I wanna see some ass kickin'!"

("STRICKEN" begins to play over the PA)

TOWERS: "The next match is your MAIN EVENT and is a triple threat match! Introducing first... hailing from Canada... TIM TIMMONS!"

(Timmons makes his way down to the ring, as the crowd boos. He ignores them, as his sights are set on entering the ring)

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Black Mist, Maine... accompanied to the ring by Eric Ryan... He is IMPALER!"

("WAR MACHINE" plays over the PA, as Eric and Impaler make their way to the ring. The crowd give a seemingly mixed reaction, and Impaler couldn't care less. He makes his way down to the ring, and carefully eyes Timmons)

TOWERS: "And their opponent... being led to the ring by Jacqui Rhodes... he is the Sensation... JESSE MONTANA!"

("RAINMAKER" plays as Jesse and Jacqui come out, as the crowd furiously boos them. They eat it up. They make their way down to ringside, and when Jesse enters the ring he looks right down at Fiscus and starts jaw jacking)

FISCUS: "Yeah, mind your match you jackass, I'm coming for you later."

DANIELS: "This is a huge match, Alan, how long has it been since you've been in a match?"

FISCUS: "In an official federation, the last time I fought a match was the fall of 2004. But I've been training ever since, so this guy's even stupider than he looks if he thinks that means I've got ring rust or something."

MASTERS: "I wouldn't under-estimate Jesse there, Fiscus... he's vile!"

-The bell rings, and immediately Timmons runs and blindsides Jesse from behind. Timmons lays down the boots as Jesse is fallen in the corner. Impaler then comes from behind Timmons and clotheslines him in the back of head-

DANIELS: "So this is a true three way then."

FISCUS: "Yes, it is. Impaler and Timmons each deserve their shot as well."

MASTERS: "No doubt, Timmons has been through some of the hardest fought battles in the short CZW history."

-Impaler picks up Jesse, and tosses him to the ropes. He goes for another clothesline, but Jesse ducks. On the rebound, Jesse comes flying at Impaler with a forearm to the head. Impaler doesn't fall though, and Jesse goes to the ropes again. As he bounces off, Timmons catches him from the side with a dropkick. Timmons gets up, and tries to dropkick Impaler as well but Impaler throws it off. He then picks up Timmons, and nails a vertical suplex-

FISCUS: "Impaler is quite impressive, he just barely lost that World title match at Broken Hearts, Broken Bones." MASTERS: "I agree, if Zodiac didn't trick him, I don't think Zodiac would've won."

-Impaler grabs Timmons, and throws him to the outside. He then turns his attention to Jesse, who is back up and nails a chop-


-Jesse nails another one, and then another. He grabs Impaler, and with all his might, throws him to the ropes. Impaler on the rebound, and Jesse nails a drop toe-hold. He then runs to the ropes, and hits a Asai moonsault onto Impaler's back. He then goes to the opposite ropes, but Timmons nails him hard from behind with a forearm, and gets back into the ring-

FISCUS: "Ah, Timmons... what an opportunist."

DANIELS: "The three way dance is just a hell of a match, you never know what to expect!"

-Jesse is on the mat, as Impaler is getting up. Timmons runs at Impaler, and nails a dropkick to the big man, who was on his knees knocking him back down. Timmons then picks up Jesse, and throws him into a corner. He follows in with a shoulderblock, and and picks up Jesse and places him on the top rope. He goes to join, but Jesse fights back eventually knocking Timmons to the mat. Jesse stands up and leaps... nailing a perfect flying elbowdrop. The first cover!-




FISCUS: "Resiliant, and damn hardcore. This Timmons is the type of guy I would've been fighting ten years ago."

MASTERS: "And that Montana is the kind of guy you'll be fighting.. in 3 weeks!"

FISCUS: "And if you think for one second that makes a difference, you're dead wrong. I'm in just as good of shape as ever."

-Jesse goes to pick up Tim, but Impaler comes crashing in, smashing into both men in the corner. He grabs Jesse and picks him up, delivering a reverse DDT. He then grabs Timmons and throws him to the ropes. Timmons rebounds back and Impaler hits a picture perfect powerslam-




DANIELS: "You can't count out Impaler, he is a massive man with a sadistic taste!"

MASTERS: "You don't know the half of it, Jarred!"

-Impaler picks up Timmons, but Timmons grabs Impaler's mask, shifting it to cover his eyes. Timmons then punches Impaler in the throat, bringing him to his knees. Timmons kicks Impaler in the chest-


-Timmons does it again, and then kicks Impaler in the back, knocking him to his face. Just then, Jesse leaps from the top rope and nailing a top rope legdrop to the back of the head of Impaler. Timmons grabs Jesse, and hits a DDT. Timmons then goes to pin Impaler-




FISCUS: "Timmons is picking his spots, he's looking hot here tonight!"

MASTERS: "The Hardcore Master is always hot, he's just had a bad run of luck so far in the CZW!"

-Timmons shows frustration on his face, as he picks up Impaler. He tosses him to the outside, and Impaler lands flat on his back. Timmons turns to go after Jesse, but Jesse hits a MONTANA EXPRESS, knocking Tim to the outside!-

DANIELS: "MONTANA EXPRESS! Timmons fell out in a hurry, like being launched!"

FISCUS: "Got to hand it to Jesse, but I don't have to leave the hand out there, do I?"

-Timmons is laid out, and Impaler is stirring, trying to get up. Montana climbs out of the ring, and the ref is not even counting them out. Montana goes and grabs a chair, and sets it up. He goes over to Impaler, kicking him, and sets him up to irish whip him towards the chair. Impaler reverse it though, and hits a drop toe-hold of his own, positioning it to where Jesse lands face first on the chair-


DANIELS: "The smack of the flesh, and it looks like Jesse might be bleeding from the forehead!"

-Jesse is slightly bleeding from his forehead, and he lays on the mat. Impaler goes and picks Timmons up. He irish whips him... right into the ring steps-


MASTERS: "Look at Timmons holding himself, that looks damn painful!"

-Impaler takes a second to position his mask better, and then grabs the wrecked chair. The chair is folded in half. He slams it down on Jesse's back, causing Jesse to cringe in agony. He picks up Jesse, and jawjacks a moment with a fan. He goes to irish whip Jesse towards the ringpost, but Jesse reverses!-



FISCUS: "I don't like the looks of this, guys. Impaler didn't look right on that impact."

-Impaler is laid out and not moving. Jesse puts his hand up to his forehead, and sees the blood on his hands. The smirk on his lips, is replaced by rage. He then looks up just in time to see a revived Timmons nail a running lariat, knocking him right down. Timmons drags Montana towards the announcer's booth-

FISCUS: "Hey keep that jackass away from me, Timmons!"

MASTERS: "Timmons is about to show Montana what hardcore is all about!"

-Timmons slams Jesse's head down on the announcer's booth, and looks at Fiscus. Timmons smile sadistically and begins to pummel Jesse with forearms to the back of the neck. Impaler hasn't begun to move yet-

DANIELS: "It looks like Timmons is trying to impress you by beating the snot out of Montana!"

FISCUS: "If you want to impress me, that's a damn good start!"

DANIELS: "With Jesse's actions towards Zodiac at the hospital, I can't be un-biased here. I want that jerk to pay!"

MASTERS: "Whoa, DANIELS.. I've never seen that side of you before!"

DANIELS: "Well I'm pissed off, dammit!"

-Timmons leaves for a second, to get another chair. He comes towards Jesse, but Jesse sneakily strikes, hitting ANOTHER Montana Express, this time with the chair in front of Timmons' face!-


MASTERS: "Timmons had to of lost teeth with that impact!"

-Jesse is still really groggy, and the superkick took him down to the ground. Impaler is slowly stirring now, as Eric Ryan has been trying hard to revive him. The hit on the ringpost really did some damage, as a bruise can be seen forming on the skin of his face that is visible. He sits up, holding his head-

FISCUS: "Looks like Impaler is up, is he going to be able to compete still? This is the perfect time to capitolize!"

MASTERS: "Well, Jesse is about to get up too!"

-Impaler is up, and warding off any help Eric tries to give him. He drunkenly walks around the ringside, to where Timmons and Jesse are. Jesse has pulled himself up using the announcer's table. As Impaler gets to him, they both begin sluggishly punching at each other. As they do, Timmons gets up to his knees, surprisingly not bleeding from the face after that superkick. He catches his bearings and picks up the chair-

FISCUS: "Uh oh, these men better check themselves, because Timmons is stalking them like they're wounded prey!"

MASTERS: "This isn't going to be good for Impaler or Jesse!"

-Timmons comes from behind and just lets the chair come crashing down against Impaler's back-


-Impaler falls to the ground, but Jesse is looking Timmons right in the eye. They both jaw jack a bit, and Timmons throws down the chair, putting up his dukes. They begin to brawl, and Jesse takes the upper hand. He then irish whips Timmons into the barricade, having him scream in pain. Jesse then turns his attention to Fiscus and begins yelling "Where's the punishment, Fiscus!? Where's your AUTHORITY!!?"

FISCUS: "Pay attention to your match, you jackass!"

-Jesse gets in Fiscus' face-

DANIELS: "Dammit, Jesse, get out of here! This is the announcing team dammit!"

JESSE (as heard through Alan's mic): "Your tactics aren't going to work, you're a horrible president, just like you were a horrible wrestler. You're nothing more than a washed up HAS BEEN!"

-Jesse then slaps Fiscus hard, knocking the head set off his head and sending him to the floor-


MASTERS: "This kid has BALLS."

-Jesse then turns his attention to Impaler, who is trying to stand up. He nails Impaler with a stiff kick to the gut, knocking him back down. Fiscus gets up, with an enraged look on his face. As Jesse is looking down at Impaler, Fiscus walks up to him, swings him around, and nails the OVERTHROW, a snap T-Bone Suplex, onto the ringside floor! Timmons had made his way into the ring. Fiscus picks up Jesse and tosses him into the ring. The referee has no choice but to count the pin as Timmons slyly goes for it-






DANIELS: "Did you SEE that move Alan hit on him!? Dear God!"

-Impaler gets into the ring, and starts tearing into Timmons, who was blindsided. Fiscus looks on from ringside, not returning to the announcing team's booth. Suddenly all the crowd turns silent as walking down the ramp is none other than the mystery Masked Man. This leaves Jesse Montana trapped inside the ring with Tim Timmons and Impaler. The masked man gets into the ring as Jesse looks really worried about the situation. The masked man stands next to Timmons and Impaler who all look directly at Jesse, all wanting to beat him down. Jesse backs away into the other corner as the three edge towards him. Fiscus on the outside looks on with pleasure, wanting Jesse to finally get some punishment. The crowd starts to cheer, chants of Zodiac appearing around the arena. Jesse now gets down on his knees, literally begging the three men to not hurt him. Timmons and Impaler start to walk towards Jesse ready to attack him when SUDDENLY... WHACK...-

The masked man nails Timmons in the back of the head which knocks him down. This distracts Impaler who turns around to see what has happened, Jesse then comes up behind him and hits a strong chop block on the left leg of Impaler which sends him down to the ground also. Now the masked man and Jesse start to work together, stomping on Timmons and Impaler. The crowd look completely shocked as do the commentators, even Alan Fiscus looks on in shock. Jesse and the masked man picks up Timmons, Jesse nails him with a Montana Express, that sends him flying out of the ring, his mouth bleeding from the impact. The masked man now pulls out a steel pipe from under the ring as Jesse holds up Impaler in the middle of the ring, the masked man swings and hits Impaler with the pipe, sending the big man crashing to the ground and rolling out of the ring holding his face. Now Mack comes running down too as Jesse, Mack and the masked man stand in the middle of the ring. They all hold hands as they raise their arms in the middle of the ring, all posing as one team. The crowd boos furiously as Jesse and Mack look around with pleasure.

DANIELS: "OH MY GOODNESS...It seems as though the masked man was on the same page as the Upstarts after all that..."

MASTERS: "Genius, pure genius..."

DANIELS: "Even after that attack the masked man did on both Jesse and Mack, it must of all been set up, now Upstarts seem to have a new member, but who is it?"

MASTERS: "I have no idea but look at the faces of these fans, Upstarts have fooled them once again!"

DANIELS: "Well, what a shock, Jesse getting another step ahead, BUT WHO IS IT!?"

MASTERS: "I don't know, now...STOP ASKING ME..."

DANIELS: "What an ending to a great night, Warzone has been live here from Sydney, Australia, join us next week when Warzone goes Japanese. We are in Tokyo. Hopefully then we will get some damn answers too...Goodbye folks!!!"

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