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| June 27th | * Los Angeles, California * Staples Center |

LIVE from Staples Center in Los Angeles, California on June 27th!

(Second fall is a Buried at Sea Match)
Jesse Montana -VS- Shawn Waters -VS- Matt Stylez (c)

"The Realist" Kris Kash (c) -VS- "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole

Ed Covey -VS- All-American Nightmare -VS- Jacob Havok -VS- Krimzon Blaze -VS- Buck Evans -VS- Alan Fiscus

Allyson Thorn (c) -VS- Alanso Fyne -VS- Tatum Regan -VS- Ruthless Aggression

The Five Star Gamblers (c) -VS- The Samoan Wrecking Crew

Sean Hustle -VS- Tim Timmons -VS- Thanatos -VS- Rob Wright -VS- Leo Crow -VS- Brian Kirkland -VS- Jordan Bryant -VS- Bryan McNally -VS- Draven -VS- Jigga C -VS- Chris Champion -VS- Big Daddy Brown -VS- Eddie Rowan -VS--VS- AJ Kool -VS- Dusty Davis

Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham -VS- "The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum

"Bad Ass" Matt Covey -VS- Cage Stryker

Sirena Starr -VS- Lucky Lawliet -VS- Milani Rose


Backstage scene opens up to reveal the current Queen of Combat champion, Allyson Thorn. She is wrapping her wrists in white tape. As she sits on one of the production boxes, she is humming to herself, preparing herself for her match later on in the night. As the camera pans out, a tall and unknown man to the CzW locker rooms is there standing behind Allyson. Allyson clenches her hands into fists a few times, testing out the wrist tape, completely unaware of what’s behind her. The mysterious man extends his arms out and reaches them around Allyson, one hand cupping over her mouth and the other around her waist. Allyson’s eyes widen in terror as she tries to scream and escape, but the man is too strong for her. He carries her out of the area as the scene fizzles out.

Jarred Daniels: Hello ladies and gentlemen and welcome to the show. Finally after weeks of building up all the hype, all the feuding, and all the weeks and week of preparations, we have made it to the big showdown in the summer. As CZW presents….Summer Showdown and what a line up we have for you tonight. Fifthteen men will go to hell and back in a hardcore frenzy match where the last man that can hold on to the title will become the first ever CZW Hardcore Champion.

William Masters: Yes indeed Jarred, we will also see the North American titles put on the line in a Crazy Eight tag team war. We could also see a man as the Queen of Combat, The X Title will be on the line in am Ultimate X Chamber match.

Jarred Daniels: Yes and Maynard O’Toole will attempt to gain the Intercontinental Title from Krish Kash and finally in the main event, we have a triple threat match for the world title. Folks you don’t want to miss out on this event.

Williams Masters: Yes, but first we will kick off the show with a women’s triple threat match so lets go to the ring.

Sirena Starr’s music hits as she makes her way to the ring to a round of cheers from the fans and whistles from all the guys in the crowd. She gets in and poses to the crowd. Milani Rose is next out to the ring, she is starring down Sirena the whole way down. Sirena steps out of the ring and Milani gets in and poses to a booing crowd. Following her, is Lucky Lawliet, so now all three women are inside the squared circle and the referee calls for the bell.

Jarred Daniels: Well here we go, this is going to get ugly

Williams Masters: Well I don’t know what you’re talking about, I like what I see

Jarred Daniels: I’m talking about the match itself Masters GEES!

Lucky and Milani team up and run after Sirena as they execute a two man irish whip, sending Sirena bouncing off the ropes and into a double clothesline. Milani picks up Sirena and the double team attack continues with a double ddt. Lucky picks up Sirena this time and holds her up, Milani backs up to execute a massive clothesline but just as Milani gets close enough, Sirena ducks out of the way and Milani nails Lucky with the clothesline instead. Sirena kicks Milani in the mid section and throws her into the corner turnbuckle. Sirena then backs up, runs after Milani and nails her with a splash. Sirena then grabs Milani and throws her hard into the opposite corner of the ring, sending Milani to the matt. Sirena walks over and goes for the pin…



Oh but Lucky jumps on Sirena for the save.

Milani picks up Sirena and nails her with a DDT and goes for the pin as well…



NO Lucky jumps on Milani this time for another save

Both Milani and Sirena are fed up with Lucky at this point and focus their attention on her. They begin their double team on Lucky with a double back suplex, another double suplex and another….

Daniels: OH MY…It’s a double three amigos, I have never seen that before, that was awesome.

Masters: OH put it back in your pants Daniels.

Daniels: OH Shut your mouth!

Milani and Sirena continue their double team, this time with a double DDT, followed by a double clothesline. Sirena and Milani then grab Lucky by her hair and toss her out of the ring. Sirena and Milani then stare each other down and exchange hay makers. Sirena throws Milani into the opposite ropes, Milani bounces off the ropes and ducks the clothesline attempt then hits Sirena with a super kick. Milani covers Sirena for the win…




Milani gets up and stomps Sirena over and over again, then Milani climbs the turnbuckle and jumps off in a flying elbow attempt but Sirena moves out of the way just in time and send Milani crashing into the mat hard. Sirena then rolls over and goes for the pin attempt…


Daniels: Oh My, Sirena could have it here….


Masters; Oh yes, It’s all over, she hit that mat hard.


Sirena picks up Milani and throws her into the opposite corner of the ropes. Sirena then backs up and begins run after Milani in another splash attempt but outside of the ring Lucky, stands to her feet in agony as she grabs Sirena’s foot. Sirena turns around and grabs Lucky by her hair and pulls her to the ring apron then nails her with a European upper cut, sending her back down to the floor. Sirena then turns around to be greeted by Milani as she hits Sirena with a DDT. Lucky gets back in the ring, and Milani hits her with a hurricanranna and rolls her up for the pin…





Daniels: WOW what a match that was, and folks that is just the start of things to come tonight. Next we have a good old fashioned street fight, you don’t want to miss that, so stay tuned.

Masters: Indeed Jarred, it is going to be Bad Ass Matt Covey in a brutal war against Cage Stryker.


Milani Rose is returning to her locker room after her brutal match up with two other competitors. Milani finds herself a bit exhausted from her match up. She enters her room and finds all the lights turned out.

Milani: "Now what the hell? I know I left these on before my match."

Milani flips on her lights only to find herself staring face to face with Sirena Starr.

Milani: "What do you want?"

Sirena has a strange smile upon her face. From nowhere Sirena licks her lips then clotheslines Milani.

Sirena: "I told you I had no reason to be jealous of you...and I still don't Milani. I also told you I would make an everlasting impression on you as well. And so I will."

From a nearby bag, Sirena pulls out a pair of scissors and snips a clump of hair from Milani's head. The smile never leaves Sirena as she stands up cradling the hair she just cut. Sirena sniffs the hair and smiles even more.

"And here is your parting gift Milani."

From Sirena's blouse she removes a black rose and tosses it upon the prone Milani. Sirena kisses her on the forehead and leaves.

-=-=-=- BACK TO THE RING -=-=-=-

Screeching guitar sounds echo out into the air as people cover their ears from the pain. A voice deep in resonance and gravel in timber speaks.

You called the devil, now live with the demons

Violins begin to play as the first strains of the music blast out,

#Sibilant and macabre

#Walpurgis sauntered in

#Skies litten with five-pointed stars

#The work of crafts surpassing sin

#As She graced Her window ledge

#- An orphaned gypsy nymph

#This issue of the forest's bed

#Skin flushed with sipped absinthe -

#Her eyes revealed, as Brocken's peak

#Tried once concealing Hell

#A snow white line of divine freaks

#In riot, where they fell...

Two figures emerge from a swirl of fog, faces painted in masks of black with only a slight edge of white around the edges to make it seem as if the black was the skin removed.

The circus lurches in, a ring of promised delight

#For seven days and seven festival nights

#What wicked wonders lie within the comfines

#Of the panther's den

#She watches from a maypole, on the tip of Her tongue

#The restless spirit of Christmas to come

#A Gretel sick of merely sucking Her thumb

#Than gingerbread men

Walking down the aisle towards the ring, they look around, the long black hair of one thrown back over his head as he turns to look at the blond haired one walking beside him.

Together they hit the ring and surround Gold looking at him as if he were the meal before the lions. One dressed in black the other in all white, opposites of the same creature, yin and yang, right and wrong, the line made blurred.

Both reach inside their long robes, taking out spiked bats, looking at their victim of the night as they walk around him. Ignoring the worried look on Gold's face as they do.

GOLD: "Wel-Welcome to the CZW! Can you tell us who you are and what goals you have?"

Turning their heads to the side, each opposite the other, they draw back and act as if they are going to bash Gold's head in, instead slamming the spiked bats together well over his head, the one in white taking the bats and throwing them in the corner as the one in all black takes the microphone away from Gold and pointing to the ropes.

“Get out.”

His voice so deep and with no real emotion in it. They watch as he did as he was told.

Standing in the ring looking around at the people and finally taking the time to speak, he begins.

“We are unknown to most if not all of you fools. Who we are is not as important as what we intend to do while we are here. Many will hate us, none will want us around, but in the end we will be one thing, the champions of this place, it is all about who is on top and we will take this place apart piece by piece, person by person and there will be nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING] any of you in those seats or in the back or in the front office that can stop us. The message is simple, get out of our way or get buried.”

Throwing the microphone down, they both walk to the ropes and turn with their back to it, the one in black nodding to the other as he watches. The one in white walking to the middle of the ring and opens a bag he had taken out of his robe, spilling it out in a pattern as he laughs, tossing the empty bag away, he turns and climbs out of the ring with his partner.

Walking back up the aisle as the opening strains with violins begins to play, they both raise their hands and thrust them down towards the ground, a small line of fire comes to life and rushes towards the ring. It climbs the steps and hits the powder. A flash and a circle with TM flames up in the middle of the ring.

As the crowd reacts they silently step out of view leaving everyone to wonder what the hell went on.

FARLEY: "You got PUNKED out Gold! Ha Ha!"

* As Gold returns to his position, it also shows the War Zone announcers Daniels and Masters *

GOLD: "Yeah, well.. THAT'S not a way to make a first impression!"

DANIELS: "Sorry for your luck, Gold! But now it's time for the Street Fight!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva begins to play, and the crowd pops. Out comes Cage Stryker, wearing red trunks and no shirt. He poses for the crowd as they cheer him. He walks down to the ring with a confident smile on his face.

The tron suddenly hums to live with a close-up of Matt Covey's face, a chorus of boos raining down upon the arena from the lively crowd.

"Well, well, well... If it isn't Mr. Cage Stryker. Tell me, boy. How's that eye of yours?"

Stryker feels over his scarred eye, mouthing a few choice words back at the screen.

"Doesn't matter, look at you, in your fancy little Cinderella dress slippers, wearing your evening gown attire... You're ready for the ball, aren't ya, Priscilla? Isn't that cute... But I won't be attending your little dance tonight, I'm afraid. See, as you already know by now Stryker, I do what I want, when I want to, and outside of Jesse Montana, nobody orders and tells me to do ANYTHING. Unfortunately..."

The camera pans back to reveal an unconscious body lying on the floor at Matt's feet.

"Somebody done had to go and learn that the hard way."

Matt lifts the man's head up to reveal J.C. Mason, completely out of it, his face swolen with fresh bruises. Matt begins to ignore Stryker and turns his attention to Mason.

"You just had to push it, didn't ya Mary? You shit your pants at the thought of facing me a second time, and so you go and "order" me to a match with someone else instead. And how did that work out for you? Oh yeah, that's right. It got your ass beat a second time by me anyway. And just so you don't go making any...unnecessary phone calls..."

Matt grabs up a stained sledge hammer. He kisses the stained metal before turning and violently bringing it crashing down upon Mason's right hand. A sickening crunch echoes from the tron around the arena as Mason is jolted awake, screaming. While he stares at his right hand, fingers looking seperated and broken, he is ignorant as the hammer strikes his left hand. Screaming in ungodly agony over his two broken hands, Mason is helpless as Matt places a boot over his mouth, muffling him.

"Thank you Jesse. Go ahead Cage, celebrate your win here tonight. I got better things to do before a certain pack of farm animals of the pig variety come to haul my ass away. "

The tron fades to black as Cage is awarded the match by no contest.

(-The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans jump to their feet. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring. -)

JESSICA TOWERS: Making his way to the ring, FROM Houston, Texas… WEIGHING IN at 215 pounds… He is “THE HUMAN HIGHLIGHT REEL”… ERIC COLLUM!

(- He slaps the hands of the fans in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. -)

Gold: “The Human Highlight Reel” certainly looks focused on his objective this evening.

Farley: How can you not be focused when you’re facing the one guy you’ve hated more than any other in CZW so far?

Gold: Yes, these two have had a storied rivalry going, and I just can’t see this match being the end of it.

Farley: Each man has something to prove here tonight, as they both want to show the fans the mistake they made by not including either man in tonight’s Intercontinental Title Match.

(- Collum climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and more cheers. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it into the sea of fans before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric waits in the middle of the ring. -)

(- “The Graduation Theme” plays and the fans boo. Gregory Grantham comes out to the stage, and the boos only get louder for “The Graduate”. He smirks at the fans before making his way down to the ring. -)

JESSICA TOWERS: And his opponent, FROM Beaumont, Texas… WEIGHING IN at 245 pounds… He is “THE GRADUATE”… GREGORY GRANTHAM!

(-The crowd boos get even louder as Grantham makes his way into the ring. -)

Gold: Well Michael, Gregory showed his true colors a few weeks ago when he aligned himself with The Upstarts.

Farley: Only time will tell if that was a smart move from CZW’s self-proclaimed “Smartest Superstar”, or one that will crash and burn for him in the end.

(- Both men are in the center of the ring. Gregory seems to be arrogantly playing mind games with Collum, as they stand in the middle jaw jacking but Gregory keeps turning his head as if he can’t see Collum. Collum mouths “Let’s see if you can see this” and then immediately tackles Gregory to the ground, and begins to administer punch after punch to the sternum and the head of Grantham. -)

Ding Ding Ding

(- Grantham takes a few tenacious blows, but soon gets a shift of momentum and throws Collum to his back and begins to elbow him in the face. Collum trapped between the bottom turnbuckle now that they momentum has thrown them both under the ropes. Collum pulls himself from under Grantham with the help of the bottom rope and falls to the ring floor below. Grantham gets to his feet and begins to yell down at Collum who is now trying to regain his composure. Grantham drops down and rolls out, but Collum slides in… Grantham follows suit but then Collum leaves the ring. Grantham begins to get mad and slides out once more, but Collum slides in. Grantham jumps onto the apron but Collum hits a flying forearm, sending Grantham off and into the metal railing behind him. The clash of steel and flesh cause the fans to react, and Collum then bounces off the ropes. He hits the turnbuckles, climbs up on the run and nails a crossbody knocking both men to the ground. The referee tries to round them up and get them in the ring but both men seem to be feeling the effects from the crossbody. -)

Gold: I really can’t believe that… That was an insane move – He could have missed and don’t some serious damage to himself.

Farley: That is why CZW is where it is… particularly Assault… We don’t mess around.

(- Both men are now on their feet and in the ring, locked into a basic grapple. Grantham grabs the upperhand and moves behind Collum. Collum tries to elbow Grantham in the face but Grantham ducks and then hits a sudden back body drop. He then rolls on top for a quick 2 count, but Collum kicks out. Grantham then begins to work on the arm as he locks in an armbar, trying to wear Collum down. Collum reaches the rope and this forces the referee to break the hold. Grantham gets up and begins to argue with the referee, this gives Collum enough time to recover and get to his feet. Grantham turns around and is met with a dropkick to the knee. Collum then pops up and shoulder blocks the knee, sending Grantham hard to the mat. Collum covers -)



Kick Out…

(- Grantham is able to get a shoulder up, only to have Collum quickly attempt to cover again to no avail. By this time, Grantham has regained his strength and gotten to his feet. He hits Collum with a hard series of right hands. Grantham goes to punch him again, but Collum blocks his hand. With his hand still holding Grantham’s fist, he hops up backward onto the top rope… -)

Gold: 720 DDT!!!

Farley: That was an unbelievable display of aerial excellence from Eric Collum.

Gold: Another clip for The Highlight Reel, I’m sure.





(- Grantham is able to kick out of the pinning predicament. Collum then attempts to get a few more shots in on Grantham, but “The Graduate” pushes Eric off of him. The crowd boos as Grantham gets to his feet. He lands a few hard body shots on Collum before locking in an Abdominal Stretch. Collum manages to wriggle out of the hold after a few seconds, and he attempts a springboard dropkick… Only to be hit by a MASSIVE clothesline from Grantham. The crowd is in shock at the pure impact of the blow, which has sent Collum reeling. -)

Gold: Dear God, what a shot!

Farley: That was the hardest hit I’ve seen since Monica Lewinsky went public about Bill Clinton.

Gold: Michael, I’m not sure that was necessary.

Farley: Blow it out your ass.

Gold: Now you’re stealing catchphrases?

Farley: Hell no! Matt said he’d pay me $10,000 every time I told you to “Blow It Out Your Ass” tonight. So Ricky… Blow It Out Your Ass.

Gold: Ugh.

(- Back to the action in the ring now, where Collum is still struggling to get to his feet. Grantham now locks in an Abdominal Stretch, which is weakening the already-damaged body of Eric Collum. Grantham is trash-talking Collum, and it seems to fire “The Human Highlight Reel” up. He escapes the hold again, and lands a beautiful standing dropkick on Grantham. He goes for a Superkick, but Grantham catches his leg, brings it back down to the canvas and starts to do some twisting… -)

Gold: Good God, he’s not thinking…

Farley: PH. D!!!

Gold: This is trouble for Collum.

(- Grantham locks the inverted Figure 4 in deep, practically paralyzing Collum in the middle of the ring. Slowly, Eric inches over and, by the tips of his fingers, is able to reach the bottom rope, forcing Grantham to break the hold, but not before fully utilizing the count he had to work with. The crowd is applauding with chants of “X-ELLENCE!” and “CZW!” -)

Gold: My God, Eric Collum is a determined young man.

Farley: He’s definitely one of the best guys here, but you can almost sense that Grantham’s got him on the ropes now.

(- Grantham goes in to further weaken Collum, but Eric reverses it and whips Grantham across the ropes and into a swinging neckbreaker. As the fans cheer for Collum, Grantham quickly gets up and attempts a Hammerlock. Collum reverses, and twists Grantham around… -)

Gold and Farley: COLLUMBINE!!!

Gold: What a huge win this would be for Collum if he were to overcome the odds here tonight.

Farley: If he’s going to do it, this might be his best chance. COVER HIM, BOY!!!

(- Collum does go for the cover…





- Grantham kicks out and rolls to his stomach, holding his knee. Collum capitalizes with a quick elbow drop to the knee, then another, then another. Finally he drops down and Grantham moves, Collum holding his elbow in pain. Grantham pulls himself up – The match taking it’s toll on both men as they have been trading blows throughout the match. Both men on their knees trading rights and lefts as they get to their feet. Finally Collum swings but missed, as Grantham throws him on his shoulders. -)

Gold: Oh my god… He’s done it…. He’s hit him with the 4.0.

Farley: That could be it…

(- Grantham nails a 4.0, falling on top of Collum with the cover. -)





Winner: Gregory Grantham by Pinfall after a 4.0 out of nowhere!!!

After a highlights package of the Grantham/Collum match, The scene cuts to the backstage area is buzzing with the hype of Summer Showdown. The first two match had just taken place and Eric Collum was making his way back to the X-Ellence locker room after losing to Gregory Grantham. He is wiping his face off with a towel he had borrowed from one of the tables as he turns the corner to the locker room. There at the foot of the door lies the semi-conscious body of his fellow X-Ellence member, Allyson Thorn. Eric kneels down and checks her pulse. Seeing that she’s still breathing, he gingerly gathers her up in his arms and makes a beeline for the trainer’s room. Once inside, he lays her on the table as the trainer rushes over.

Trainer: What happened?

Eric Collum: I don’t know.. I just found her like this.

Allyson begins to stir as the trainer places a pack of ice against her head. She sits up slowly, a little woozy as Eric helps her to remain stable.

Trainer: Easy, Allyson… it looks like you took a sharp blow to the back of your head. It’s possible that you could have a concussion. I wouldn’t advise you to go out there and wrestle tonight.

Allyson looks at the trainer with a look of anguish and disbelief.

Allyson Thorn: No… I have to. I’m going to… I’m the champion…

Trainer: Allyson, you’re not in the shape to wrestle tonight. I’m sorry.

Allyson holds the ice pack against her head and glares at the man.

Allyson Thorn: Not as sorry as you’re gonna be if you don’t let me out of here…

Eric eyes her and then looks at the trainer, who’s facial expression is still telling her “no.” Allyson tosses the ice pack to the floor and slides off the edge of the table, landing on her feet. She wobbles a bit but stands surprisingly stable. She carefully makes her way towards the door.

Trainer: Where are you going?

Allyson Thorn: I’m going to defend my title…

GOLD: Welcome to the 15 minute Hardcore contest...for this match, Farley and I...

FARLEY: That’s Michael K. Farley to you...

GOLD: Michael K. Farley and I will be joined by Warzone commentators Jarred Daniels and William Masters...

DANIELS: Thanks Ricky. Yes, we are about to seem 15 minutes of hardcore action...brought to you by the CZW superstars...

“Colours” by Static X hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Nashville, Tennesee...Chris Champion!

The lights go dim after a couple of minutes of commentating. Black and Red pyro erupts, and End of Heartache by Killswitch Engage blast through the PA System. After the clearing smoke, AJ Kool appears at the entrance ramp, with a huge smile on his face. He wears a black vest with the hood over his head. The black Hood has fine letters saying TCK meaning "The Comeback Kid". He wears black shorts with the same initials. He walks to the ring slapping the hands of the fans, and signing pictures and autographs. He walks around the ring getting a good look at it, before stepping inside. He slides under the ropes ands stands in the center of the arena motioning the crowd. He goes to each turnbuckle doing the same motion before he steps down and throws off the hood. When he throws off the hood the lights go dark again. And from the PA System, an automated voice from AJ Kool yells "Are You Ready For a comeback". The lights slowly come back on. And another set of pyro erupts before the opponent gets ready to make his entrance.

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from St. Matthews, South Carolina...AJ Kool!

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins then begins to play, and smoke begins pouring down from the entranceway. As the drum intro ends and the guitar kicks in, Eddie emerges through the smoke, looking back and forth to the crowd with a broad grin. He is attired in a pair of long black shorts, flame-trimmed wrestling boots, and one of many various rock band or anime character t-shirts, typically with the sleeves removed. His hands are taped from knuckle to mid-forearm, with a single black 'X' drawn on the back of each hand.

He proceeds to make his way to the ring with a bit of a hop in his step, the smile on his face is one that shows that he loves to be where he is, doing what he does. He interacts with the ringside members of the crowd (those that are fans) a bit before rolling into the ring. He stands and throws his arms up, and a small pyro blasts from the ring-posts. He poses a bit more, bouncing on the middle of the second rope a bit while waiting for his match to start.

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Seattle, Washington...Eddie Rowan!

“Sharp Dressed Man” by Nickelback hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Lincoln, Rhode Island...Dusty Davis!

“It’s Funky Enough” by The DOC hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Long Beach, California...’Big Daddy’ Brown!

“Get Back” by Ludacris hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Springfield, Massachusetts...Rob Wright!

“Harder Than a Coffin Nail” by Papa Roach hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Dallas, North Carolina...Brian Kirkland!

“Second Coming” by Juelz Santana hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from New Orleans, Louisiana...Jordan Bryant!

“Saints of LA” by Motley Crue, which happens to the SUMMER SHOWDOWN's theme song as well, hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from right here in Los Angeles, California! James Draven!

The crowd is restless and excited to see the next wrestler on his way to the ring. The loudspeakers blare as "This House is Haunted" by Alice Cooper plays to the packed house. Green spotlights focus on the curtain as a light smoke billows, surrounding the entranceway. Out steps the shadowed Thanatos, and green flames light up the entire walkway down to the ring. Thanatos moves slowly, but steadily, keeping his eyes fixed on the ring ahead. He is wearing a tattered, hooded black cloak, and underneath, black shorts and boots. The flames die out, with the music, and the lights come back to normal as Thanatos enters.

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Chicago, Illinois...Thanatos!

The sold-out crowd is on it's feet, as the lights in the arena go dim. A green strobe light pulsates throught the packed house, as they the suddenly stop. We hear words over the P.A. system...

"I'm Not Jesus....Jesus Wasn't Fair! (Wasn't Fair, Jesus Wasn't Fair)"

As an earth-shattering instrumental cause the audience to erupt in a mixed reaction, as we hear "I'm Not Jesus" by Apocalyptica blare over the arena's speakers, and a white light joins the strobe, as stepping from behind the thick black curtains of the CZW set, is Bryan McNally, his muscular frame higlighted in the glowing lights. As he presses his hands together above his head, his signature taunt, green flames from the set emerge, Ultimo Dragon style. The Irishman, makes his way to the ring, leaping on the apron, and stepping over the top rope. He walks towards the turnbuckle, climing it, and using his hand-gesture again, leaping down from the ropes, as our lights return to normal....

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...also from Chicago, Illinois...Bryan McNally!

“Palms Read” by Protest the Hero hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Devil’s Ladder, Idaho...Leo Crow!

“Missing Frame” by MDFMK hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from the City of Compton...Jigga C!

-But no one comes out?

“Hell’s Bells” by AC/DC hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Toronto, Ontario, Canada...Tim Timmons!

“Inhale” by Stone Sour hits...

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...from Albany, New York...Sean Hustle!

DANIELS: All 15 men are either in the ring, or waiting outside the ring. It looks like this match is ready to start. Let’s get the timer up on the Combatron!

A timer showing 15:00 flashes onto the screen...


-All mayhem breaks loose instantly. Timmons, AJ, Eddie and Crow all grab the nearest weapon, being a garbage can, stop sign, steel chair and a kendo stick, respectively. Meanwhile, Jordan Bryant and Bryan McNally clear the ring of all the smaller stars. McNally clotheslines Rob Wright over the top, while JB does the same to Thanatos. Champion crawls back into the ring. He runs, ducking a Bryant clothesline and vaults over the top, crashing into Timmons, Draven and the garbage can. McNally and JB look around at the empty ring. They then spy each other. They begin to punch each other back and forth. McNally gains an upper-hand. He grabs JB and prepares for a Second City Saviour. But Wright runs back in and strikes McNally in the back. McNally turns. He blocks a Wright punch and nails him with a bicycle kick! Eddie Rowan comes running into the ring with a chair, but McNally nails him with a bicycle kick as well. McNally goes for the pinfall...



-McNally gets up. He now needs to be pinned to lose the title. The other wrestlers all stop fighting and target McNally. He grabs Rowan’s chair and motions for them to bring it. Jigga, Draven and Hustle all run at McNally, but he levels them all with chair shots. Thanatos and Champion follow up, but CC gets a chair shot and Thanatos receives a bicycle kick. Davis sneaks in from behind and rolls up McNally, using the ropes as leverage...



-Dusty looks at the angry McNally and high-tails it. He spears the oncoming BDB and heads for the ramp. He gets to the ramp, but is collected by a kendo stick to the back! Leo Crow grabs Dusty and nails the Fathom-Flight onto the metal ramp!



-Crow whacks Davis a few more times with the kendo stick. Hustle whacks Leo in the back with a chair. Hustle follows up with another one. Crow stumbles back to his feet. Hustle nails him with the KTFO!


-Hustle stands up and is speared out of his boots by Timmons. Timmons then grabs the stumbling Crow and nails a T-Crusher!



-Timmons runs up the ramp and into the backstage area. The 14 other men then realise what’s happening. They all follow Timmons, but are far behind, Brian Kirkland leading the pack. A camera backstage notices Tim heading for the parking lot...WHAM! He runs right into an open door! Jigga C walks out from behind it. He laughs and pins Timmons...



-Jigga looks down at Timmons and fails to notice BK running at him. BK topples Jigga with a clothesline. JB and Rob Wright join the scene and begin stomping Jigga...til they notice each other. Wright shoves JB hard. JB grabs Wright by the hair and slams him into the wall. He then grabs Wright by the waist and lifts him up, driving him backwards into a drinks machine with a spinebuster! Soda is spurting everywhere as the rest of the wrestlers join the scene...except for Crow...the 12 available competitors begin fighting over who will pin Jigga...allowing Jigga to crawl into a nearby room and slam the door. The 12 men have paired off...Timmons vs. Hustle, McNally vs. Champion, Thanatos vs. AJ, Rowan vs. Davis, Draven vs. Brown and JB vs. BK. McNally easier overpowers the smaller Champion. McNally backs him into the door. JB whips BK hard towards the two men and the slam into the door, buckling it. JB backs up and runs at the door, but BK and Champion move, leaving McNally and JB to get driven through the door! BK and Champion rush into the room and find Jigga trying to escape through a small window. They pull him out and slam him through a glass table! BK then whips Champion to the door.


-CC crashes into Draven, who was trying to enter the room. BK pins Jigga...



-Kirkland walks over the corner of the room, where there is a lamp. He picks it up. Jigga stumbles back to his feet...CRASH! He smashes the lamp over Jigga’s head. Eddie Rowan rushes into the room and begins fighting with BK. BK bodyslams Rowan and goes to exit the room...Bicycle Kick!



-McNally turns to leaves the room...KTFO!



-Hustle walks out of the room. Timmons sneaks over and whacks him with a chair! Tim grabs Hustle and, with Dusty’s help, drives him into a nearby room...which happens to be Jesse Montana’s office! Timmons and Dusty grab Hustle. They suplex him through Jesse’s desk. Timmons grabs a set of keys off of Jesse’s shelf. He drives the keys into Hustle’s forehead and begins cutting him open. Someone grabs Dusty from behind...The Abyss. Timmons turns around and Thanatos dropkicks Timmons into Jesse’s chair. Thanatos goes to pin Hustle, but Draven comes from behind and nails a DDT. He grabs Hustle and nails a See You in Hell onto the leftover table pieces...



-Draven then takes off out the door and pelts down the hallway, towards the ring. He turns a corner and ends up in the delivery dock by mistake. Draven spies an open dumpster and dives inside it. He hears some of the superstars run past, looking for him. He breathes a sigh of relief...until he is lifted off the ground by something. Draven sticks his head and spies Leo Crow lifting the dumpster with a truck. Crow then releases the dumpster, causing it to crash to the ground. Crow exits the vehicle and climbs in the dumpster. He pins Draven...



-Crow walks out into the corridor, his opponents nowhere to be seen. He turns around...WHACK! Eddie Rowan whack Crow with a baseball bat. He beats him down repeatedly, then pins him...



-Eddie shrugs and leans against a nearby wall. He hears footsteps coming, so he walks off towards his locker room. He enters his locker room...CRACK! Jordan Bryant was waiting for him, ‘Skullbuster’ in hand!



-Bryant grabs Rowan and tosses him headfirst into Eddie’s own TV set! JB then walks out of the room. He sees BDB running at him. He grabs him and nails him with the Alley Oop! JB looks down at BDB...WHACK. JB is struck over the back by a chair held by Rob Wright. Wright strikes JB in the face with the chair, before propping JB up in the corner of the wall. Wright climbs up a nearby step-ladder. He jumps off the ladder, dropkicking the chair into JB’s face!



-Rob Wright yells in celebration. He then hears an army of footsteps. Wright runs, heading for the Parking lot. He reaches the parking and tries to get in his car, but he fumbles his keys. He turns around, only for McNally to bicycle kick his head through the car window! Wright is busted open from that shot. As Wright slumps to the ground, Dusty Davis runs in and nails a neckbreaker on Wright. Champion then vaults over the bonnet of the car and drives his feet into Wright’s back! Pretty much the rest of the wrestlers join them, except for JB , Rowan, Draven and Crow.


-They begin brawling with each other in the parking lot. Chris Champion is thrown through a car windshield by McNally. Timmons and Kirkland are fighting on top of car. Timmons nails BK with the T-Crusher through the roof of the car! Meanwhile, Dusty Davis and AJ Kool have opened a car door and are trying to whip each other into it. Dusty eventually over-powers Kool, driving him back first into the door frame! Kool leans on the seat to catch his breath...Dusty Davis dropkicks the door shut! It slams hard into Kool’s body! Thanatos nails Hustle with the Abyss. He stands and has his head kicked off by McNally. Wright crawls over to a production truck. He spies McNally and Timmons coming at him. He begins climbing the truck. McNally elbow Timmons and follows him up. Timmons is behind McNally. They meet Wright up the top. They grab him by the throat and chokeslam him off the truck!!!! He completely destroys the car below him! Dusty Davis slithers in and pins Wright!



-McNally and Timmons begin climbing down the ladder. Dusty turns and is lucky to duck Crow’s swing with the baseball bat! He nails Crow with a Dreamer’s Dream! Dusty goes to leave the parking lot...CRACK! Eddie Rowan walks in, blood gushing from a head wound, Skullbuster in hand. He pins Davis...



-Eddie Rowan cracks BDB over the head as he ran at Eddie. The other men who were running at Eddie are cautious to approach. Then, AJ Kool steps forward...WHACK! Jigga C...CRACK! Thanatos...WHACK! All men have been left bleeding after those shots! Rowan hears footsteps behind him. He spins on the spot and nails James Draven! But that gave Sean Hustle the chance to roll him up!



-Hustle hits the KTFO on the approaching McNally. He then heads over to Timmons, hoping to eliminate the last threat. They begin brawling. Hustle slams Timmons head into a metal grate, which is protecting the parking lot circuit board. He then whips Timmons into the grate, busting it open! Hustle lifts up Timmons and goes to whip Timmons into the circuit board! But Timmons reverses, driving Hustle into the circuit board head first! The power goes out for a second. The circuit board explodes in Hustle’s face! Timmons cautiously pins Hustle...



-Timmons stands up and looks relaxed, thinking everyone is down. He leans against a car and catches his breath...WHACK! Rowan drives the Skullbuster into Timmons head, busting him open!



-Eddie Rowan walks over to the exit of the parking lot, Skullbuster in hand.


He walks into the corridor, heading for the ring. He reaches the entrance to the ring. He sees someone coming for him. He prepares the skull basher. He ducks the Bryant clothesline and takes JB’s head off with the chair! Eddie breathes deeply. From his position he can hear the fans counting down...



































A buzzer is heard! Jessica Towers is heard...

TOWERS: Your winner and NEW CZW Hardcore champion...the Hardcore Master...TIM TIMMONS!

As Timmons was celebrating, the scene cuts to the back.

Immediately the crowd react as they see "The One Man Riot" Alan Fiscus, along with former Queen of Combat Sydney Vicious and her partner in crime, the recently revealed Stephanie. Alan is wearing his wrestling gear, as his match is coming up soon. Sydney is wearing a purple and black leather ensemble, as Stephanie wears a matching one, but in red and black.

FISCUS: "So let me get this straight... next week, you want a tag match against Milani Rose... and Sirena Starr?"

The crowd pops.

SYDNEY: "That's right, Fiscus! What's the problem with that? Those ladies deserve their pretty faces bruised and battered!"

FISCUS: "The trouble is... is this Stephanie even officially on the pay roll??"

Stephanie walks up to Alan, very sexually, and gets up close to his face.

STEPH: "... I am now."

Vicious & Delicious then immediately walk off, laughing to each other. Alan looks on, acting a little bothered, and cracks a smile.

ALAN: "... You are now."

The scene cuts back to the ring.

Towers: The following contest is the Extreme Crazy 8 match, where there is one half of a steel cage, ropeswings, and trampolines! The only way to win this match is to retrieve the North American Titles is aquire them atop the scaffolding located up above me.

Towers: Introducing first... They are the 5-Star Gamblers, and North American Tag Champions... Ace King and El Pablo!

"Guerilla Radio" by RATM begins playing as both Ace and EP begin their descent towards the ring, surveying the trampolines, ropeswings, and one half of a steel cage in the ring. Ace and EP then climb into the ring, and they hold up a banner sporting XTC which is paved with 5 Star Gamblers ontop of the XTC logo.

Towers: Introducing the challengers...Jamel and Sammy Giovanni... The Samoan Wrecking Crew!

"More Human Then Human" by White Zombie begins playing as Sammy and Jamel begin pacing down the ring, staring bullets into Ace and EP who are more then ready to tangle.

-Ace and EP signal, then do a pair of SUICIDE DIVES through the ropes, getting Sammy and Jamel off their feet early!

Daniels: Interesting start to this match.

-Sammy and EP start duking it out with lefts & rights, as Ace and Jamel are doing the same. Ace locks Jamel in a headlock, then throws Jamel into Sammy! EP does the same with Sammy, only the headlock hits Ace on accident!

Masters: Oh look, EP made an error early on!

-Ace doesn't mind it though as he just smirks. Sammy and Jamel go for a double clothesline on Ace, but EP counters with a flying cross body out of nowhere on both the Wrecking Crew! both Ace and EP jump on the trampolines, climbing the scaffolding for the titles!

Daniels: Is this really how this match is gonna end? It's so early on!

-with Daniels saying that, Sammy gets a hold of both Ace and EP's ankles! Sammy shakes them violently until Ace tumbles off the scaffolding and bouncing off the trampoline right into a Jamel clothesline!! Ace is writhing around in pain as Sammy pulls EP off this time! Sammy catches EP, signals to the crowd, then hits a Death Valley Driver off the scaffolding into the trampoline STEEL BAR!!!!!!!!

Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!

Masters: My god what sickening impact on El Pablo! He could seriously be injured from that DVD!

-EP looks to be unconscious at this point, as Ace tries to stir EP back onto his feet. Ace turns around into a double-clothesline by the Wrecking Crew, then follow it up with a double-suplex on Ace whose rolling around the ring in agony. EP starts to stir, as both the Wrecking Crew pull out 2 folding chairs! EP stands up only to be hit with a DOUBLE CON-CHAIR-TO to EP, NO!! EP ducked!!! Sammy and Jamel holding their hands, as EP hits a hellacious DOUBLE DDT on them both right onto the concrete floor!!!

Daniels: Woah! EP with an insane DDT!

Masters: Wow! What a turn of events!

-EP struggles to his feet, as Ace pulls EP up. Ace and EP use the rope swing to hit a pair of double drop-kicks on both the Wrecking Crew. Ace climbs the scaffolding after using the trampoline, inching closer and closer to the titles. EP uses the rope swing again, the Wrecking Crew now on the spanish announcer tables! EP times it just right, as he hits a SHOOTING STAR PRESS... NO!!! Jamel and Sammy moved at the last second, sending EP to crash through the table!!!!! Jamel and Sammy use the trampoline, springing onto the side of the steel cage. Ace attempts to grab one of the titles, but Jamel and Sammy catch Ace with right hands. Ace retaliates with a few vicious headbutts. Jamel hits an uppercut under Ace's chin, making Ace fall onto the top of the cage! Ace hits a few chops on Jamel, with Sammy hitting Ace in the head in retaliation! Ace is dangerously close to falling, but EP using the rope swing hits a double-clothesline on Jamel and Sammy, sending them crashing into the ring!!!!!

Crowd: Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit! Holy Shit!!!!

Daniels: Oh My God! What a sickening impact!!

Masters: Indeed! I think XTC now has the advantage in this match!

-Ace and EP are now up on the scaffolding, inching so close to their tag titles... closer...closer...EP and Ace collect them!!

Towers: Here is your winner, and STILL, The CZW North American Tag Team Champions... Ace King and El Pablo... The Five Star Gamblers!!!

CzW Queen Of Combat Four-Way Iron Woman Match

(10:00 minute limit)

The capacity crowd packed tightly into the Staples Center slowly calms down, quieting in preparation for the next match. The beautiful Jessica Towers walks up the steps and into the Summer Showdown ring much to the pleasure of CzW's male fans, young an old. In her hands, she has the Summer Showdown branded mic, prepared to announce the females who are to compete in the nights featured Four-Way Iron Woman Match, with the CzW Queen of Combat Title on the line.

TOWERS: Ladies and Gentleman, the following match is a Four-Way Iron Woman match for the CzW Queen of Combat Title! The winner of this match will be the woman who gets more pinfalls in the alotted time limit of Ten minutes than any other competitor! Introducing first, at 5'8" and weighing in at 136 lbs, she is a former CzW Queen of Combat, Ruthless Aggression!

("Last Resort" by Papa Roach hits on the PA and Ruth's videos are shown accross every jumbotron set up on the Summer Showdown stage as she comes excitedly into the arena, walking briskly down the ramp. She slides underneath the bottom rope and stands in the middle of the ring, hands raised high in the air as the crowd cheers for her and chants her name. She then chooses one corner of the ring as the next competitor is about to be announced...)

TOWERS: "Next up into the ring, HE is the self-proclaimed, most beautiful man in CzW, at 5'6" weighing in at 135 lbs, please welcome Alanso Fyne!"

(Alanso Fyne comes out from the Summer Showdown stage to video of himself, but with the generic music for the CzW Assault brand. On the way to the ring, a young adult male admirer grabs his derriere. Alanso turns around, giving a smile and a wink to the well-groomed man, and continues walking to the ring, along with the supporting cheers and laughs from the audience. As he climbs into the ring, using the stairs, of course, "I Don't Wanna Stop" hits on the P.A. system. The fans cheer as Tatum Regan joyfully appears on the stage...)

TOWERS: "Coming in at 5'5" and 127 lbs, a member of the CzW's Night Terrors, Tatum Regan!"

(Tatum continues to the ring, jogging to the beat of Ozzy Ozbourne and slapping hands with a few of her happily sadistic fans on the way down. She claims one of the two corners of the ring still available..)

TOWERS: "Now, ladies and gentlemen. The final competitor in tonight's Four-Way Iron Woman Match. Coming in at 5'7" and 145lbs, she is the CzW Queen of Combat Champion, ALLYSON THORN!"

("Sweet Sacrifice" hits on the Staples Center P.A., and video of the beautiful Allyson Thorn plays on the jumbotron screens throughout the arena. She gets mixed reactions from the fans, some of which favor the other competitors more. However, there are enough "Team X-Ellence" fans in the arena to keep Thorn more than full of confidence and support going into this title defense. She climbs in the ring, and all of the ladies and Alanso stand still, eyeing each other simultaniously as Thorn's entrance music fades out, Jessica Towers vacates the ring and the bell is sounded...)

All of the competitors stand observing each other before Alanso Fyne One Fyne Slaps the closest female to him, which happens to be Tatum Regan. Tatum looks at Alanso for a split second, apparently in disbelief before she and the other ladies all attack him at one. All three of the ladies pen him to the turnbuckle with force, hitting him with simulantious knife-edged chops to the chest! Alanso almost looks like his light eye make-up is going to smear, and his is visibly discomfortable. As the ladies have him where they want him, Allyson and Ruth help Tatum Regan get Alanso set up for "The Unholy Driver"! As she hits the move on Alanso, Ruth secretly heads up to the top turnbuckle. After Alanso lays lifeless on the canvas at the hands of Tatum, she goes down for the pin, still unaware that Ruth has moved to top rop behind her. Tatum goes down for the pin, but is hit by onlooker Allyson Thorn! Allyson then picks up Tatum Regan by her hair, turning her in the direction of Ruth. Ruthless Aggression hits the stunned Tatum Regan with a Shooting Star Press from the top rope! She goes for the cover, as Allyson Thorne does the same, covering Alanso Fyne who is still knocked unconcious thanks for the "Unholy Driver" given to him by Tatum Regan. The ref counts the pins simultaniously... . .

. .

. .

2! 2!

. .

. .

. .

3! 3!

. .

. .

. .

DOUBLE PINFALLS! Allyson Thorn and Ruthless Aggression both lead the match with one pinfall a piece. Allyson rolls Alanso Fyne out of the ring, as he is still incompasitated. He hits the floor outside the ring, lifeless. The two of them then begin to gang up on Tatum Regan, who is a bit out of it from the Shooting Star Press from Ruth, but still coherant as well. They each grab one of her arms in the center of the ring. SHORT ARM DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE! Tatum Regan once again hits the ground as the fans cheer at the brutality. It is more than apparent the Allyson and Ruth want the Queen of Combat Title more than anything, but have a supreme respect for each other's capability at the same time. All of the sudden, while Tatum lays motionless, Ruthless Aggression goes for Allyson, elbowing her in the face until she is in the turnbuckle. She continues to hit her, lifeless in the turnbuckle as the fans count the punches off along with the ref...





























The ref forces Ruth off of Allyson Thorn, who is now slumped over in the turnbuckle, apparently not to get up anytime soon. She leaves Allyson alone in the turnbuckle area, but not before half-tying her hands to the pole behind her where she sit with the nylon lining to secure the turnbuckle padding. Allyson, unable to defend Ruth tying her up, is barely able to object. Ruth now turns around, seeing Tatum Regan beginning to get up from the spot on the canvas, now warm from where she laid. The time in the match is now dwindling slowly as Ruth goes to Tatum, picking her up off of the mat by her short hair and putting her right back down to the mat with the Inverted Swinging Neckbreaker. She gets her up once more, Allyson still in the corner, looking for the kill, and sets Tatum up with the "Ruth Awaken", though not from the top rope as she usually does. She is looking for the win on Tatum Regan, as time is fading fast. She pins the lifeless Regan in the middle of the ring..
















----NO! Out of nowhere, Alanso Fyne appears from the outside of the ring from behind Ruth and nails her over the head and back area with a steel chair, breaking the fall! He then rolls her over on top of a still un-moved Tatum Regan, being the ultimate opportunist looking the 2-1 pin advantage before the expiration of time, vacating the chair behind him.















-----The pin is broken! In the ultimate example of irony, the champion Allyson Thorn returns the hit that Alanso Fyne put on Ruth with the same steel chair that he so arrogantly vacated! The crowd is going crazy as Allyson Thorn, with part of that nylon string used in the attempt to immobilize her in the corner of the ring still on her right wrist, goes for the pin of all three of the other competitors!

















The crowd goes insane as Allyson Thorn's pin count goes up 4-1 over Ruthless Aggression! The clock ticks off the remaining 14 seconds as Allyson Thorn stands over the defeated and the bell rings! Her hand is raised in the air, as her music and visuals hit in the arena, and the CzW Queen of Combat Title once again returned to her hands!

*The scene cuts to backstage, where El Pablo is making his way back to the Team XTC locker room from the medical room. He has a rather sour look on his face, for obvious reasons. He approaches the locker room and steps inside, closing the door behind him.*


*Suddenly, the sound of banging and struggling can be heard from inside. After a few moments though, everything goes quiet.*

VOICE: Shhhhhhhh.. It's okay now.. soon EVERYTHING will be okay...

*The door slowly opens, and the camera pulls back as.. JENA CYDE peers out. She looks up and down the corridor, before turning back inside and hoisting what appears to be a large black bag over her shoulder. What is in it is unclear, although there's definately something filling it out. Jena heads off down the corridor, the camera watching her for a few moments before cutting back to ringside.*

DANIELS: "What a sight. This match has been highly antiscipated, but what a sight, an elimination chamber with a metal X shaped beam at the top, the X Title hanging above the ring"

FARLEY: "Yeah, El Pablo was of course the first and only X Champion, the greatest Title run in CZW history, but now, one of these six men will be the new and second X Champion in history"

GOLD: "Yeah and how tough will it be for one of these men to live up to the legend that El Pablo has made"

MASTERS: "To be honest Ricky, I think these men just want to hold that Title, I doubt they are worrying about beating El Pablo's record"

FARLEY: "I love Jesse's thinking here though, creating such an environment like this, this is as sinister as Gold's eyebrow's"

GOLD: "What? I have normal eye..."

FARLEY: "Oh come of it, you look like a constipated baboon, but anyway, my point was, this is going to be one of the most violent matches in CZW history"

DANIELS: "Well guys, lets get down to this one, I can't wait"

"Headstrong" by Trapt begins to play throughout the arena as the fans roar in excitement...

TOWERS: "On his way to the ring, weighing 215 lbs, he is the Aerial Specialist and a member of X-Ellence...KRIMZON BLAZE!!!"

( Krimzon Blaze comes onto the stage, almost blown away by the huge cheers and the standing ovation. Blaze stands cooly at the top of the ramp, holding his hands up in the shape of an X, meaning two things, X-Ellence and X Title. Fireworks blast off as he puts his head down, passion in his eyes. he then makes his way down, not taking his eyes off the X title that hangs from above. The fans lean over the rail to touch him, but he is so focussed he walks past. He climbs into the ring and the cage as he jumps up onto one of the chammers and poses once more for his adoring fans, chants of 'X-Ellence' soaring through the arena)

TOWERS: "On his way to the ring, weighing 201 lbs, he is one member of the Night Terrors...ALL-AMERICAN NIGHTMARE!!!"

(The lights in the arena go out. Suddenly a deep haunting voice is heard saying "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." Then after a moment of silence "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold starts to play. On the CZWtron the word pain changes to pleasure, then the word dream changes to Nightmare. Once the word Nightmare is shown, red strobe lights start to flash on the stage. Smoke starts billowing from the entrance. A figure appears behind the smoke. Out walks the All-American Nightmare. He stands on the stage looking at the crowd. He has his ever present light tube over his shoulder. He then walks down the ramp to the apron. He then climbs to the top rope from the apron. He scans the crowd before taking a deep breath, then climbing up and over the cage as he falls to the ground on his feet posing to the fans)

TOWERS: "Next on his way to the ring, weighing 230 lbs, he is Special, he is in XTC, he is...SPECIAL ED COVEY!!!"

("Shut Me Up" by Mindless Self Indulgence plays. Ed comes stumbling out from the back and glances to each side of the ramp at the fans. He gets a big pop from the crowd. He points a finger at the ring, shaking it like he's going into convulsions as he looks at the Chamber. He grins as he approaches the ring, looking like he's constantly walking with a limp. Ed climbs in through the cage door as he starts talking to AAN, evetually AAN walks away as Ed is left dejected. The fans still going crazy for the most crazy man in CZW)

TOWERS: "Next on his way to the ring, weighing 285 lbs, being accompanied by Brenda Vixen, he is the Outlaw...BUCK EVANS!!!"

("Ramblin Man" by Allman Brothers plays throughout the arena as Buck and Brenda come out to a huge boo from the crowd. Buck is holding a can of beer as he pours the remaining lot down his throat and kisses Brenda on the cheek, singing along to Ramblin Man as he walks down the ramp. He tells Brenda to stay on the outside as Buck climbs in, towering over the other opponents)

TOWERS: "Next on his way to the ring, weighing 172 lbs, he is the Emo Prince...JACOB HAVOK!!!"

("Straight Edge" by Minor Threat plays throughout the arena as Jacob walks out onto the stage, getting a mixture of boos and cheers, being a controversial character. He poses to the fans as he looks down at the beer can that Buck left on the ramp, kicking it out of the way in disgust as the fans boo, most of them with beer in their hands. Jacob takes no notice though as he slaps the fans hands, those who do agree with him and jogs down to the ring. He climbs up quickly, up ad over as he looks straight at the X title above his head, Buck looking in disgust at the Emo Prince)

TOWERS: "And last but certainly not least, on his way to the ring, weighing 240 lbs, he is the General Manager of Warzone, he is the One Man Riot, he is the one, the only...ALAN FISCUS!!!"

("Thieves" by Ministry plays as the fans give the biggest cheer of the night so far, all going crazy for the Riot. He walks out, but to everyone's surprise, he is not alone, in fact, he comes down with Jacqui Rhodes as the fans almost burst out laughing. Alan has a cheeky smirk on his face as she poses, some of the fans chanting 'SLUT' but she doesn't care, Alan then gives her a quick kiss as the fans cheer, chanting 'FISCUS...FISCUS'. He then states he will win the X Title as he poses to the fans, fireworks blasting off for the One Man Riot. He walks to the ring as the fans reach out, Jacqui stopping at ringside as Alan smiles to the rest of the competitors, almost a sick smile. He walks through the cage door and points at the belt, all six men now ready for Ultimate X Chamber)

GOLD: "They're all in, now we just need to start it, the atmosphere here in Hollywood is unbelievable, all waiting for these six men to put on a show of a lifetime, I am telling you, this one could steal the show"

- The crowd is deafening as they are highly anticipating one of the most brutal and unique contests in CZW History, Jesse Montana's creation, The Ultimate X Chamber. As all six competitors stand inside the structure, their minds only set upon the vacant X Title that has been made so prestigious and valuable by the one man who has held it, a record title reign here in CZW, El Pablo, but he is not one of the men who has a chance to become the X Champion this night. The six men, Alan Fiscus, All-American Nightmare, Buck Evans, Jacob Havok, Ed Covey and Assault's own Krimzon Blaze stand, seconds away from the start of this hellacious battle.



- The bell finally rings. No one starts off aggressively really, all waiting for the first person to make that move until Ed, he runs across the ring towards Buck as the two stand off, lefts and right being thrown until Buck hits Ed with a knee to the gut, then throws him face first into the steel mesh nearest to him. The impact is so huge, the cage shakes as the Title belt still hangs above the nightmarish structure.

FARLEY: "Well Ed showing why he is the craziest son of a bitch in CZW, you don't try and go fist to fist with the Outlaw!"

MASTERS: "Hopefully that shot put some sense into him"

- Meanwhile, AAN and Havok are teaming up, AAN against Blaze and Havok fighting the Warzone GM, Alan Fiscus. AAN overpowers Blaze as he lifts him up and drives him spine first into the cage, the mesh slicing the skin on his back as he screams in pain. He then hits a dropkick but poorly timed as Blaze dodges it, then runs at the ropes taking down AAN with a spinning heel kick. Alan and Havok are evenly matched as both are locked up, Alan taking Havok down though with a quick headlock takedown, keeping the lock on.

DANIELS: "The General Manager sure can wrestle, alot of people ruling the GM out of this match, speculating about his actual ability, but Alan is here to prove one thing, that he is just as tough, if not more than any other superstar here at CZW"

- Buck is still on Ed as he grapples him on the floor, locking in an arm lock, Ed struggles and makes it to his feet, then starts to bite Buck's forehead as he lets go, Ed then taking Buck down with a drop toe hold, Buck smashing his face on the glass on one of the chambers, not smashing though. Ed gets up looking at the Title, but is met with a heavy clothesline from AAN. He lifts Ed up and sets him up on one of the chambers, leaning against the glass, he walks off, then turns around running at pace towards Ed, however Blaze catches AAN unexpectedly with a swinging headscissors as AAN flies towards the glass chamber head first, but spearing Ed on the way there...


GOLD: "OH MY...OH MY..."

FARLEY: "Wow, do you think Blaze planned that one out"

DANIELS: "I think Blaze does these moves on the spur of the moment, using his instincts, but that couldn't of turned out more perfectly if he tried"

MASTERS: "Yeah and poor old Ed being in the wrong place at the wrong time...WHAT IMPACT!!!"

- The glass shatters as both AAN and Ed lie motionless inside the chamber, Blaze celebrating as the fans go wild. Alan looks across, noticing Blaze on his own, comes up behind him and hits a release German Suplex, sending him flying across the ring. Havok and Buck now are fighting on the other side, Buck with a huge size advantage but Havok is too quick, ducks a right hand, then dropkicks Buck into the steel, he comes back, Havok from behind...Reverse Hurricarana!!!

MASTERS: "Wow, that cowboy just got al' tied up boy"

DANIELS: "What was that William, your Buck impression"

MASTERS: "What impression are you doing? Cos you sound like a chipmunk on a helium binge"

FARLEY: "Ha, good one!"

- Alan claps his star, then goes to shake his hand, Havok seems abit curious, goes in then Alan slaps him in the face, Havok now angry yelling asking why he did that? Alan just kicks him in the gut, picks him up...RIOT-PLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

DANIELS: "Alan taking no prisoners!"

FARLEY: "Well there are those down in his basem..."

GOLD: "Farley, let me stop you right there buddy"

- Alan gets up, staring at Havok who is out of it on the floor, Alan with a sick smile on his face. He goes over to the broken pieces of glass as AAN and Ed start to make movements. He picks up a huge shard of glass, cutting his own hands while doing. he looks around, AAN, Ed and Havok are out. Buck is recovering, then he looks at Blaze in the corner. Blaze turns around...


MASTERS: "Alan is a crazed psychopath"

- Alan smashes the slab of glass down on the face of Blaze, cutting him open as he collapses to the ground, screaming in pain. Alan again has a smile on his face, turns around...Buck kicks him in the gut....Double Arm DDT onto the shards of broken glass!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MASTERS: "That is what we love to see..."

DANIELS: "What do you mean? Alan could have glass in his eyes!"

MASTERS: "Alan has seen it all, he has been in Riot matches for goodness sake, this is light for Fiscus"

GOLD: "There wasn't anything light about that!"

- Blaze and Alan now down, both cut from the pieces of glass, remarkably AAN and Ed remain uncut, now both pulling themselves up using the mesh. Buck notices that, he walks over...Spinebuster on Ed. Now turns around...Spinebuster on AAN. Buck is now the only man standing, knowing that the only way to win this match is to climb the chambers, then across the X, he begins his journey. He climbs, almost reaches the top of the chamber but Blaze is back up, bleeding badly from the forehead, but grabs Buck's foot. Buck kicks him away, Blaze falls back but then runs and almost jumps up the mesh and on top of the chamber, both men standing on there now.

GOLD: "Blaze looking like a..."

FARLEY: "Jumping bean?"

MASTERS: "Yeah, he does doesn't he, this guy is crazy, he is the Aerial Specialist yes, but he must be half brain dead to do the moves he does"

DANIELS: "This man has passion for the fans and for his moves and he could very well be the next X Champion"

- Buck goes to hit Blaze, he ducks...DDT on top of the steel chamber. Buck is out, Blaze gets to his feet, then looks across at the X, knowing he must make his way across to grab the Title. By now though, Havok is also climbing up another chamber. Blaze looks across, making his way there, Havok seems faster though, both deep into the X now. Blaze and Havok meet in the middle, lefts and right being thrown, Blaze looks dizzy, Havok grabs him, but both keep their balance, looking down below, the 15 feet drop underneath them.


- Blaze kicks Havok in the gut, then goes for a DDT but Havok reverses, lifting Blaze up, but loses his footing as he nearly falls all the way down, but hangs onto the metal bars, swinging on it hanging above the ring. Blaze drops too, now hanging too as both men try and climb back up, but Alan and AAN are now back up, both pulling on the legs, Alan grabs Havok as he slips, falls down onto the shoulders of Alan as he hits a Powerbomb. Blaze slips onto the shoulders of AAN but manages to take him down with a Hurricarana. Both men down from above. Leaving Buck to regain consiousness above them all...


DANIELS:"What are you William, his drinking buddy?"

MASTERS: "Yeah, he said his first choice was Havok but well..."

- Buck now regains conciousness as he starts making his across the X above the ring. Alan starts to make his way up the chamber. Buck sees him coming,, gaining on him quickly as Buck turns to go back for Fiscus but loses his footing as he slips, now hanging onto the X as Fiscus approaches. Suddenly Blaze is up as he looks up towards Fiscus, Alan notices him, the crowd are going wild for Alan, but he stops, he pauses, he stands still until in a shocking twist...



MASTERS:"How can a man of his age fly that far?"

GOLD: "Fiscus flying onto Blaze, Now...I...Have...Seen...It...All!!!"

- Alan gets a raptous applause from the fans as ironically, he has leapt off the X with an aerial attack on the Aerial Specialist. Both men are out of it as they pick the shards of glass out of their bodies. Now Havok is back up as AAN and Ed are brawling it out inside the broke chamber. Havok looks up as Buck has now pulled himself back up and onto the X as once again, he goes for the Gold...

GOLD: "I am still stuck on that move from Fiscus, do you think he planned that?"

MASTERS: "I think Fiscus will laugh about that with Blaze in 2 years time, you know, when Alan is in the retirement home"

DANIELS: "Oh please..."

FARLEY: "Urh guys, Buck has got it!"

- Havok quickly leaps up the mesh and onto the chamber where Buck is crawling as fast as he can. But Havok is fast, he has time and energy, he reaches Buck as he hits an elbow drop. Buck shakes it off as he continues to crawl for the Gold, Havok hits a flip leg drop. Buck now collapses back down again. Havok picks Buck up...DDT onto the steel frame. BUCK IS CUT...BUCK IS CUT!!!

MASTERS: "What? Now I have seen it all, an emo just cut Buck open, what is wrong with the World"

DANIELS: "Would you stop it please. Now, what can Havok do, can he GET THE BELT???"

MASTERS: "He can't win the match without bleeding himself, if he does, I will not be able to trust anything anymore"

FARLEY: "Havok isn't going for the belt, I think he wants more blood!"

MASTERS: "That sounds about right"

- Buck swipes the blood from his head, still determined to get the Gold, but Havok now leaps on top of him, turns him over and starts hitting rights and lefts into the open cut of Buck, several blows as the fans start to cheer on Havok, he seems to be possessed, Buck trying to block but Havok is enraged, Buck though showing great srtength grabs Havok by the neck withstanding the blows to the head, then throws Havok off as he gets thrown right off the X...But hangs on some how. Buck lies back down trying to recover, blood pouring from his forehead.

DANIELS: "Havok living on the edge here, how long can he hold on"

GOLD: "And Buck hasn't seen him, he thinks he landed down below"

MASTERS: "Havok looking like an orangutan now"

DANIELS:"Are you sure you not looking in the mirror?"

MASTERS: "Jarred...That was lame!"

- Havok is desperate to find a way to get back up on the X, meanwhile Ed gets the better of AAN inside the chamber, suplexing him into the broken shards of glass. He then picks AAN back up, just to check if he is okay, AAN pushes him away, Ed then gets upset and within an instant...A Special Driver onto the SHARDS OF GLASS!!!


FARLEY: "Wow, Ed proving why he is so upredictable"

MASTERS: "Yeah, I may like to taunt that special crazy guy, but having seen that, I sure as hell won't ever push him"

- Fiscus is crawling towards his corner as he suddenly signals for Jacqui to grab something for him. The fans boo at this, not liking Jacqui but when she picks up a bag, revealing inside is THUMBTACKS...The crowd go wild, now passing the bag to Fiscus who has a sinister look on his face. He turns around as Blaze now back up...KODE OF SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MASTERS: "HA! Fiscus abit distracted by his own woman there, or Jesse's woman should I say"

DANIELS: "No, they split up"


FARLEY: "Dammit, I just missed all of that, all I remember is looking around, seeing Jacqui and...No...That is it"

- The bag flies from the grip of Fiscus as pointy thumbtacks fly across the ring, mixing in with the shards of glass, Havok who still hangs above all of this thinking to himself; 'Don't fall...Don't fall".

DANIELS: "Well, this match is truly turning brutal, we got steel, we got heights, we got glass and now we have TACKS"

- Blaze gets back up now, celebrating as Fiscus is down and out, but on the other side is Ed, upset that his buddy Fiscus has been hurt, he charges...SPEAR!!!


- Blaze gets speared straight into the mesh of the steel cage and collapses back to the ground in serious pain. Ed now looks up, seeing Havok dangling still from the structure. Ed starts to climb the chamber, now reaching the top, a huge smile across his face as he obviously has something in mind, Havok trying to get Ed to think clearly, knowing their are shards of glass and thumbtacks flooding the ring. But Ed is obsessed, he measures up Havok...DIVING HEADBUTT!!!!!!!!

DANIELS: "What is this?"


- While hanging in mid air, Ed coming towards him, he pulls himself up and catches Ed with his legs, hitting a THUNDEROUS HURRICARANA IN MID AIR!!!!!!!!!!





GOLD: "I don't know but I just got a whole lot of new respect for the Emo Prince, WOW!"

DANIELS: "Poor Ed, he fell onto the tacks and glass...Sliced and diced!"

- Buck is now the only one left concious inside the ring, still lying on top of the structure. Brenda throws him up a can of beer as he catches it, then throws the can away, revived from the beverage. He slowly makes his way further towards the middle of the X. He looks down, he sees that the whole ring is covered in tacks and glass, other than that, broken bodies. He reaches the center of the X!!!!!!!!!!!

MASTERS: "I knew he would do it...Not caring about flying, giving these lame fans something to cheer for, this Outlaw is all real"

DANIELS: "Sorry to say but it's not over yet"

- Slowly, the other five men start to stir, all noticing Buck in the middle just inches away from the hanging Title belt. Buck reaches...But all five men begin to climb different sides, but are they too late???












- Buck just inches away














- Fingertips on the Title













ED IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!


HAVOK IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!

AAN IS THERE!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Alan is sitting on the chamber as he signals for Jacqui to throw him another bag, wipig the blood from his own face as he catches it, stands up and holds it up high, the fans chanting...


- A BAG OF BOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MASTERS: "Now business has just picked up"

FARLEY: "Hey, that is my phrase"

MASTERS: "Whatever, but you know, Fiscus has brought to the ring one hell of a hottie, he has brought to the ring tacks, now BOLTS, I think I am starting to really like this guy"

- Alan sprays the bolts across the ring, looking down on a huge pile of broke glass, tacks and now BOLTS!!!!!!

- Blaze grabs Buck but Buck hits him with a big boot knocking him down, but he stays on the X. Havok now trying to punch the big cowboy but he headbutts him, causing Havok to fly back, but also staying on top of the structure. Now Ed has a go, kicking the legs out from under Buck but he stays tall, above the rest, literally pushing Ed as he flies across the X, but stays on. AAN now the last man to try, Buck already has him scouted though as he grabs him...OUTLAW SLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Luckily for AAN though he also stays on top of the structure, but all four men laid out on all different sides. Buck reaches again...


















ALAN WITH AN OVERTHROW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Alan hits Buck with his finisher as he lauches Buck...OFF THE X!!!!!!!!!!!

- He crashes down onto the GLASS...TACKS and BOLTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



- Buck now finally off the structure and rolling in pain as he just fell 15 feet onto items so horrific it could hospitalise him for months. Alan is way over now with the fans as they go wild for him, Alan swinging his arm around above his head like a cowboy would do. Blaze is back up though, so is Havok as they both tackle Alan, both hitting him with shots to the head.

MASTERS: "Well I guess my pick just got dismantled, my next pick is Alan"

GOLD: "Yeah, but at the moment, he is being taken apart by these two highflyers"

- AAN comes from behind, balancing on the X as he grabs Blaze...Grabs him in a full nelson, Blaze then collapses, now lying down on the X...AAN HAS THE LONG SLUMBER LOCKED IN!!!!!!!!!

MASTERS: "What is this all about?"

FARLEY: "Maybe a very intelligent move, he takes his opponent out of commission and stays under the X Title...AAN is smart"

- Blaze screams as AAN keeps it on, obviously knowing that he cannot win this way but wants to cause pain. Havok smiles at AAN as the double team seems to be apparent. Alan is back up as he now tackles Havok to the ground, hitting him and even biting him, Alan has gone insane but as usual, the fans love it!

MASTERS: "That man has rabies!!!"

- Ed stands up, clapping Fiscus on, now standing under the X Title. He looks up, Alan still fighting with Havok, AAN still with the hold locked in on Blaze. Ed looks at the belt, then ponders for a few moments, not knowing what it is for, Buck however now is back concious, but still cannot move. He looks up as he sees Ed starting to reach for the belt, he shouts at the other four men to realise this but they are too busy. Ed then looks at Buck as he stops reaching, now waving and smiling at him, Buck raises one eyebrow and falls back on his back shaking his head in disbelief. Ed look abit dejected by this and taps Alan on the shoulder, Alan turns around giving Havok the upperhand as he reverses the situation, now ramming Alan's head, the back of his skull crashing into the steel frame, Alan is out of it...

DANIELS: "Havok may have just killed his boss, the man is actually smashing his skull into the frame"

FARLEY: "All in the name of the X Title"

- Havok gets up, noticing Ed looking at him, he flies a right hand towards him as Ed gets hit, but no effect, he looks at Havok abit confused, Havok hits him again, but still no effect, Havok tries again but Ed blocks, then releases several huge shots on Havok beating the life out of him as Havok almost falls off the structure, teetering on the edge. AAN throws Blaze down letting go of the hold and catches Ed...DARKNESS FALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Only AAN loses his footing as both Ed and AAN crash down to the floor and onto the severe items below, both down and out!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

MASTERS: "OH MY...That was suicidal, and I am not talking about Havok!"

- Now, on top of the X we have Alan, who is now back up, Blaze who is back up and Havok who is reaching for the Title...
















- Both Blaze and Alan grab Havok and lift him up onto their shoulders as Havok screams to let him down. The fans are going wild as Blaze and Alan both nod at each other...THROWING HAVOK OFF!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


MASTERS: "These fans here in Hollywood are not loving the Emo Prince"

- Havok flies off and in mid air does some sort of Whisper in the Wind type offence straight onto Buck down below as both men get taken out, Alan and Blaze look on in astonishment...


GOLD: "And what was that move Havok managed to twist into after falling? I am stunned"

- Now, with the Title in the balance, both Alan and Blaze go at it, rights and lefts, Alan with a knee to the gut but loses his footing as he hits it, now Blaze taking advantage...Unprettier...

DANIELS: "Blaze just got a huge manouvre on the Warzone President, now, can he capitolize?"

FARLEY: "These two men look to be the favourites now, Blaze has it I think though..."

- Alan and Blaze are out on the X, Blaze getting back up first as he looks at Alan, lying out of it right in the center of the X. Blaze now starts to walk back the opposite way to the Title belt. He now reaches the chamber to one side as he has left Alan in the middle of the X...

DANIELS: "What is he thinking?"

- Blaze comes running down the X as he flips over...Rolls...ROLLING THUNDER!!!!!!!!!


GOLD: "I could watch this guy for hours, what an entertainer"

- Both men are now out of it again as the fans are now in the favour of Blaze. the four men below now start to stir. Buck is pulling himself up, AAN too, slowly all four men rise to their feet, all cut from falling into the items inside the ring. Now, Havok and AAN on one side, Buck and Ed on the other, they look up...

FARLEY: "Maybe these men can stop the momentum of the Aerial Specialist, all up now"

DANIELS: "Wait, what is Alan and Blaze thinking?"

- Meanwhile, Blaze and Alan begin to fight at the top, both knowing that they are so close to the X Title that hangs above them. They suddenly stop, the crowd chantig both of their names, they look down below, knowing that the others will be back up there shorty, then, in one suicidal act, Blaze and Alan dive off...

DANIELS: "HOLY MOTHER OF GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

DOUBLE 450 SPLASH ONTO THE FOUR MEN BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





FARLEY: "Alan again, how is he doing this?"


- Now, all six men are down, crawling to get back up through a sea of painful objects. The crowd are going wild as they scream for their favourites. Blaze is up first, he limps across towards the mesh steel, then begins to climb. All the others try to rise but cannot find their balance. Blaze is at the top, he screams in pain as he limps closer and closer to the belt, shards of glass, tacks, bolts even stuck to his skin, blood everywhere, but still, he keeps on going...

DANIELS: "I think Blaze is the only one up here, he just has so much passion, he never quits!"

MASTERS: "Come on Buck...GET UP!!!"

- Buck looks up and groans, he then pulls himself up but the pain is too much, he looks down, he has a bolt sticking out of his knee, he then collapses back down. Ed and AAN try desperately to rise but blood loss is effecting them. Havok is out of it still. Alan hears the crowd, he looks up at Blaze, with one last effort he pulls himself up, blood pouring from his face. He manages to pull himself up but is it too late?


GOLD: "What a hellacious battle"

FARLEY: "It is not over yet guys!"

- Blaze now reaches the middle of the X. He looks around at the massacre underneath, the fans applauding such a valiant effort from all, but the Aerial Specialist stands tall. Alan is at the top though.

GOLD: "I cannot watch anymore, Blaze and Alan back up there"


- Blaze looks around, he is thinking something, the fans are chanting for him to jump, but he doesn't, he looks back at the Title and starts to reach out...














- Alan is closing in!!!













- Fingertips on the Gold!!!
















- The fans are off their seats chanting for Blaze!!!
































BLAZE IS THE NEW X - CHAMPION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Blaze manages to pull the X title down as the fans go mental for him and his music starts to play. The other four men down below look so disappointed, lying in a pool of blood. Alan walks up to Blaze who is actually in tears, hugging the Title as he shakes his hand, Blaze then hugs him as the fans are loving it...


DANIELS: "That man just poured his heart and soul out for this match, for this Title"

GOLD: "Hey, they all did, what a performance by all of these guys"

FARLEY: "How can we top this? One of my favourite matches I have ever witnessed, WOW!"

DANIELS: "So...The second ever X Champion, what is next for this Title? El Pablo maybe will get his chance soon, but for now, Krimzon Blaze deserves everything he has got, what a match!"

We cut backstage of the Staples Center and see Brenda Vixen walking down a hallway, presumably to Buck's locker room to wait for him to finish his match. She makes a turn down another hallway and passes a few doors, when suddenly one of the doors swings open and an unknown yet familiar brunette with a cast iron frying pan hits Brenda in the back of the head causing Brenda to crash to the ground.

Unknown Woman: Yer damn disappearin act ain't helpin you now is it!? You f**kin slut!

The unknown woman begins to whip Brenda across the back with an electrical cord until CZW officials come in and pull the woman away from Brenda. Medics are right behind the officials and tend to Brenda once the unknown woman is gone.

*A chorus of boos begins to circulate around the arena as "Maynard's Dick" by Tool starts playing across the PA. As the song hits hard, the arena is filled with flashing red lights, and Maynard O'Toole steps out from the curtain. He stands at the top of the stage and arrogantly sticks his arms out to his sides as if to pose to the crowd with a smug grin on his face.*

JESSICA TOWERS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the CZW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP! Making his way to the ring, from Fayetteville, North Carolina.. he is a member of The Upstarts.. MAYNARD O'TOOLE!

*The fans continue to hurl abuse as O'Toole slowly makes his way to the ring, stepping over the top rope as he enters. He then walks to the middle of the ring and poses to the crowd, spinning around so everyone can get a good look. He climbs the closest turnbuckle and repeats his pose, before stepping down and heading to the centre of the ring. The music fades out and the lights come up, suspending the action for a few seconds, before "Mic Check" by Julez Santana kicks in, causing the crowd to erupt in cheers. O'Toole looks on intently as Kris Kash steps out onto the stage, Intercontinental Title belt raised high above his head.*

JESSICA TOWERS: And his opponent, from St. Louis, Missouri.. he is a member of X-Ellence, and the CZW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION.. KRIS KASH!

*Kash heads down the rampway, a determined look on his face, eyes locked on those of O'Toole, who braces himself for combat inside the ring. Rather than enter the ring right away though, Kash walks round the outside towards the timekeeper's area, although his gaze never moves away from O'Toole. Kash hands the IC belt over to the timekeeper, then clambers up onto the apron as O'Toole backs away.*


*O'Toole and Kash begin circling the ring, sizing each other up. They go to lock up, but suddenly Kash ducks under O'Toole's arms, then popping up behind him and slapping him lightly on the back of the head, drawing laughter from the fans in attendance. O'Toole himself can't even help smiling, as he slowly turns and gives Kash a sarcastic round of applause.*

GOLD: A few mind games in effect from Kash early on here, perhaps?

FARLEY: Certainly looks that way Gold, but he needs to be careful with how far he pushes O'Toole..

*The two go to lock up again, but once more Kash dodges, giving O'Toole another slap. The crowd cheers again, although O'Toole looks decidedly less impressed this time around. They go for it again, and for a third time Kash ducks. O'Toole is prepared this time though, and as Kash turns round, O'Toole hits him with a clothesline that almost takes the IC Champ's head clean off his shoulder.*

FARLEY: OH! WHAT did I tell you?

*O'Toole lifts a spluttering Kash back up to his feet, then gives him a knee to the gut before whipping him off the ropes. As Kash rebounds, O'Toole grabs him, and lifts him high above his head, before dropping him down in a Gorilla Press, Kash literally bouncing as he hits the mat face and chest first.

GOLD: What impact!

FARLEY: O'Toole is on a mission tonight, that's for sure!

*O'Toole picks him up again, and hits a suplex, before going for an early cover.*



GOLD: It'll take more than that to put Money down!

FARLEY: "Money"? When did you two become friends?

*O'Toole punches Kash in the face a few times, then lifts him up and leads him over to the corner. He slams Kash's forehead into the turnbuckle, then begins hammering away with his fists again. O'Toole whips Kash towards the other corner, but Kash manages to hold on, and reverses it. O'Toole also keeps hold though, and catches Kash with another huge clothesline.*

GOLD: Good lord! Kash was almost turned inside out with that one!

FARLEY: Things certainly not looking good for the X-Ellence member so far.

*O'Toole, who has spent the last few moments taunting the crowd, looks down at Kash, who is struggling to get his breath back. O'Toole grins sadistically, then drags Kash to his feet again, and whips him once more into the corner. O'Toole charges, and goes for a big boot, but Kash somehow manages to dodge it at the last second, leaving O'Toole caught up on the top rope. He frees himself, but Kash charges in and hits a devestating 540 kick that sends O'Toole tumbling over the top rope to the outside. Kash ends up lying on the mat again, and after a second or two to get his breath back, he kips up, much to the delight of the crowd, then hits the ropes, charges forward, and takes O'Toole down with a plancha.*

GOLD: What offense from the champion!

FARLEY: That move took a lot out of himself as well though Gold. He's already taken a hell of a beating so far, that might have just made things worse!

*Farley's words ring somewhat true, as Kash and O'Toole both get to their feet at the same time. They begin a slow, laboured exchange of right hands to the face, until O'Toole breaks the chain with a knee to the midsection. O'Toole attampts to ram Kash's forehead into the apron, but Kash blocks it, then elbows O'Toole in the face and rams HIS forehead into it instead. As O'Toole staggers backwards, Kash leaps up onto the apron, then turns and takes O'Toole down with a hurracanrana. Kash rolls in and out of the ring to ensure the referee doesn't start a 10 count, then leads a groggy O'Toole round to the next side of the ring. Kash points to the steel steps at the far corner of the ring, then whips O'Toole. O'Toole reverses though, and sends Kash careering towards the steps. At the last second though, Kash manages to jump up, planting his foot on top of the steps and using the turnbuckle to swing himself clear, landing harmlessly on the floor in front of the announce tables.*

GOLD: Superb reactions there, great quick thinking from the X-Ellence member!

*As O'Toole walks past the steps himself, Kash charges again, using the stairs to execute a flying spear, O'Toole sidesteps it though, and Kash goes flying into the barricade, the nasty impact audibly shocking the crowd.*

FARLEY: Not such quick thinking there though, THAT looked nasty!

GOLD: It certainly did, Kash went all in on that move and on this occasion it did NOT pay off!

FARLEY: No pun intended, right?

*O'Toole rolls into the ring as the referee begins counting Kash out, the Champion barely moving after the collision.*







*Suddenly, O'Toole seems to have had a change of heart, and rolls out of the ring again. He lifts Kash to his hands and knees, and drags him over to the ring. O'Toole rolls him inside, then slides in himself and drags Kash to the centre of the ring. O'Toole covers.*





*Kash just about manages to get his shoulder up at the last second, surprising everyone, not least Maynard O'Toole, who stares wide-eyed and open-mouthed at the referee.*

FARLEY: O'Toole CANNOT believe it, and I've gotta say, I'm pretty shocked myself! That doesn't often happen!

*O'Toole gets to his feet, considering his next move. Kash starts to get up, although he's still visibly hurt from earlier. O'Toole watches as Kash staggers round, then hoists him up over his shoulders into a fireman's carry. O'Toole slides Kash off and slams him down, but Kash counters into a DDT.*


FARLEY: But Kash can't capitalise Gold, he's taken too much punishment!

*Both Kash and O'Toole are lying on their backs in the centre of the ring. The referee starts a ten count.*




*O'Toole begins to stir.*


*Kash begins to stir.*


*Both men are now on their hands and knees.*


*Kash grabs O'Toole by the head, then slowly winds him up and hits a snap neckbreaker. Kash covers.*



*Kash struggles back to his feet, then lifts O'Toole up. O'Toole strikes Kash in the face, but Kash hits back with a kick to the gut. Kash bounces off the ropes, then comes back and floors O'Toole with an STO.*

GOLD: KASHING IN! And suddenly, it's the defending Champion who looks to have the advantage!

*The fans are now really making themselves heard as Kash ascends the turnbuckle. He leaps off, and drives an elbow right into the heart of O'Toole. He covers again..*




*Kash slams the mat in frustration, then picks O'Toole up again. Kash looks for a vertebreaker, but the punishment his body has taken thus far means he can't lift O'Toole up and over. O'Toole manages to spin out of it, and sets Kash up for a full-nelson slam. Kash, however, counters himself, into a wheelbarrow, then pushes himself up off the mat and flips O'Toole over with an arm-drag. O'Toole rolls through it, and hits the ropes, only to be caught on the return with an Arn Anderson-style spinebuster by Kash. Kash leaps to his feet, and signals to the crowd by crossing his arms into an "X" above his head, causing them to erupt into cheers.*

GOLD: Kash signals that the end may be near for O'Toole's promotion challenge!

*Kash stalks O'Toole as the Upstart member gingerly gets back to his feet. Kash grabs O'Toole in an inverted facelock, then spins under him. O'Toole somehow manages to stay on his feet though, and drops Kash back-first down onto the mat.*

GOLD: MIDWEST SWING! NO! O'Toole SOMEHOW fights out of it!

FARLEY: Brilliant counter from O'Toole there! Never rule out an Upstart!

*Kash quickly gets back to his feet, but O'Toole grabs him before he has a chance to react. O'Toole turns, and attempts to throw Kash out of the ring, but instead accidentally sends Kash crashing headfirst into the referee, who collapses backwards through the ropes and onto the floor.*



GOLD: The referee has just been taken out! A complete accident it looked like, but we now have no referee!

FARLEY: That was hilarious! Look at him! "SPLAT!" HAHAHAHA!

GOLD: How can you laugh at that? The man could be seriously hurt!

*O'Toole looks down at the motionless body of the referee, trying not to laugh himself. Suddenly though, Kash grabs him, and successfully nails the Midwest Swing.*


*Kash instinctively dives on top of O'Toole and hooks the leg.*


FARLEY: It's NOT over Gold, there's no referee, remember!?


*After a good five count, Kash realises the situation, and releases the pin. He heads over to the side of the ring, and looks down at the referee, who is still yet to make a movement. Kash slides out, and tries to revive the official. Suddenly though, his attention is drawn by a sudden chorus of boos coming from parts of the crowd. He gets up and looks round.. just in time to see Gregory Grantham flying at him with the Intercontinental Title belt.*


*Showing more of the quick thinking from earlier, Kash somehow ducks the belt, and turns to confront Grantham. However, as he does so, Grantham lifts him up over his shoulders..*

FARLEY: Uh-oh!


*Yes, this.. with a cocky smile to the irate fans at ringside, Grantham delivers a devestating 4.0 to Kash on the outside.*


*Grantham rolls Kash back inside, and attempts to revive the referee as Maynard begins to recover from the effects of the Midwest Swing. He looks over and sees Kash lying unconscious near the ropes, and Grantham shouting at him to make the cover. O'Toole starts crawling towards Kash, as suddenly the crowd erupts into increasingly loud cheers.*

GOLD: Not like this! NOT LIKE THIS!

Farley: Wait a minute! Gold, look!


*Yes, Kash's X-Ellence team-mate Eric Collum has arrived to even the score. He leaps up onto the turnbuckle as O'Toole, completely unaware, drapes himself over Kash. However, before Collum can do anything, Grantham leaps up onto the apron and shoves Collum, sending the Highlight Reel crashing face-first onto the barricade. The two rivals begin brawling on the outside, heading into the crowd, as the referee slowly pulls himself into the ring, where O'Toole is still covering Kash.*






GOLD: Oh my good lord! Right at the last split-second!

*Kash gets the shoulder up, as O'Toole is now almost foaming at the mouth with anger. He yanks Kash up to his feet, then whips him towards the ropes. Kash reverses, and leaps up for a hurricanrana. O'Toole ducks under it though, and stops himself quickly. Kash turns round, and is almost decapitated - for the umpteenth time in this match - by a superkick from O'Toole, who then raises his hands in the air with a roar, as the crowd starts screaming at Kash to get up. After a few seconds, he does so, albeit very slowly and with help from the ropes. He staggers forwards, and O'Toole kicks him in the stomach, then flips him up over his shoulders.*

FARLEY: Here it comes!

GOLD: It could be..



*O'Toole covers as the referee makes the count.*




. ...




*O'Toole rolls onto his back as "Maynard's Dick" by Tool kicks back in. The referee collapses into the corner holding his head, as Kash lies motionless in the centre of the ring.*

GOLD: Well ladies and gentlemen, somewhat of a shock here tonight! Maynard O'Toole, "The Prodigy" is the new champion, dethroning Kris Kash after just two weeks!

FARLEY: Give it up for both men though, they put on a hell of a show here tonight, and I'd say Maynard just deserved the win.

GOLD: Well, he had a little bit of help from his fellow Upstart Gregory Grantham! Who knows WHAT might have happened had an Upstart not got involved AGAIN in a match that had nothing to do with them!

FARLEY: Ifs and buts, Gold, ifs and buts. The fact is, Maynard O'Toole is the new Intercontinental Champion, and the Upstarts now have TWO titles to their name, with perhaps another still to come after tonight's main event!

*A stage hand passes the Intercontinental Title belt to O'Toole, who just slides out of the ring as the screen cuts to a promo for the CZW World Heavyweight Title match.*

TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for Summer Showdown's MAIN EVENT!"

The crowd pops

TOWERS: "This is the first ever Burial At Sea Triple Threat match to determine the CZW World Heavyweight Championship! This will be an elimination bout, with the first fall being a standard pinfall or submission. The second and final win will come with one man can dump the other man first into a coffin located near the entrance ramp, and then down into the makeshift pool at the left side of the stage!"

The crowd pops louder

TOWERS: "And now for our competitors... introducing first... hailing from Sydney, Australia... He is the current CZW World Television Champion and he is an Upstart... Mr. TV... SHAWN WATERS!!"


Shawn Waters comes out with a determined look on his face. Most of the crowd boos, but there is a small section of fans chanting his name. He has the TV title strapped around his waist. He ignores the fans and hits the ring.

TOWERS: "Introducing next... hailing from Miami, Florida... he is the leader of the Upstarts and the GM of Assault... The Sensation... JESSE MONTANA!!"


Jesse comes out to large jeers from the crowd. He smiles and acts as if he's thanking them. He walks down to the ring, confident, and enters it. He immediately goes and shakes Shawn's hand. They exchange some banter, but nothing troubling it seems.

TOWERS: "And their opponent... hailing from Cincinnatti, Ohio.. He is the undisputed and reigning CZW Heavyweight Champion of the World... The Serial Thriller... MATT STYLEZ!!"


The lights are out and neon lights spray all over the entance as the World Heavyweight champion comes dancing out from behind the curtain. Most of the crowd is booing him, but there's always been the loyal group of MFers. He has the title draped over his shoulder. He does his unique poses and then runs down to the ring, sliding in. He stares at both Upstarts. He hands the referee, Darrin Powers, the World title and each wrestler goes into a corner, in the final preparations for the match.


All three men begin circling each other, with Jesse trying to give Shawn instructions from the get go. Shawn looks at Jesse like "what are you doing?" and Jesse then lays into Matt who was looking at Shawn. Shawn, almost reluctantly, joins in and they begin to double team the champion.

GOLD: "That's the Upstart's way of thinking, isn't it!? Double teaming!"

FARLEY: "What did you expect, Gold?"

MASTERS: "Yeah Gold, What did you expect!? They are WINNERS!"

Shawn and Jesse whip Matt to the ropes after a series of kicks and punches, and nail him with a double back body drop. Jesse directs traffic, and Shawn picks Matt up. Shawn kicks Matt in the gut, and lifts him up in a powerbomb position. He slams Matt down, and Jesse comes from the ropes and nails a legdrop. Jesse goes for the cover.



Jesse picks up Matt, and chops him. He tosses him to the ropes, but Matt reverses... and Jesse runs right into Shawn! Matt then drop kicks them, sending both men over the top rope.

DANIELS: "Dangerous territory, especially with Matt Stylez stalking you from the ring!"

Both men groggily stand up just in time to see Matt running from the other side of the ring, and he leaps... nailing both men with a plancha.

GOLD: "It looks like a car wreck out here now! All three men are out on the floor."

Matt is up and picks up Shawn. Matt whips him, and CRASH Shawn smacks into the guardrail with a sickening thud. Matt then picks up Jesse, but Jesse rakes Matt's eyes rendering him temporarily blind. Jesse with a few kicks to the kidneys. He grabs Matt and slams him into the ringpost


DANIELS: "Dear God, Matt's head just bounced off of the ring post like a rock skipping water!"

FARLEY: "... What?"

Jesse starts barking orders at Shawn again, even though he said he wouldn't be like that. Shawn nods, in pain, and picks up Matt.

GOLD: "Jesse is looking to take Matt out of the equasion right now, with the Montana Express!"

Shawn holds up Matt as Jesse calls for his finisher. Like a gun, he goes off but Matt ducks at the last second! Jesse hits Shawn with that devestating Superkick!

MASTERS: "NO!!!! Jesse what have you done!?"

Jesse looks in shock at the fallen Shawn, mouth gaping. But he doesn't have much time to feel bad, as Matt nails him with a dropkick. Matt then grabs Jesse and irish whips him... right into the ringpost, getting revenge and making ringpost tosses even.


FARLEY: "It looks like Jesse might be bleeding after his forehead collided with that ringpost!"

MASTERS: "Yeah there's no give with the post, but there's letting.. BLOOD letting!"

Matt grabs Jesse and throws him back in the ring. Matt jumps up and climbs to the top turnbuckle, measuring Jesse as he stands up. Matt leaps, and nails a flying headscissors, spinning Jesse around jerkingly. Matt goes for the cover.




GOLD: "Matt with the momentum now."

Matt picks up Jesse and goes behind him. He grabs his head and nails him with a reverse DDT. He then hops to the ropes, springboarding off, and nailing an Asai moonsault onto Jesse. It lands in a pin.




GOLD: "Waters, out of nowhere!"

MASTERS: "I love it!"

Shawn kicks Matt in the gut, and nails a powerbomb into a backbreaker. Matt holds his back and squirms around on the mat. Shawn then looks at Jesse and starts hollaring at him, holding his jaw. Jesse is standing up, and Shawn shoves him. Jesse then shoves Shawn back. Shawn kicks Jesse in the gut and BANG nails a DDT. The crowd is exploding.


DANIELS: "It's every man for himself!"

GOLD: "With the ultimate prize at the end of the rainbow!"

Shawn picks up Jesse and throws him to the ropes. Shawn leaps, and nails Jesse with a hurricanrana. Jesse flys out of the ring and out onto the floor. Shawn then turns around just in time to get hit with a stunning spear! Matt with the cover.



kick out

GOLD: "The champion is a very intelligent man, and he desperately wants to retain the title!"

FARLEY: "And this is most likely his TOUGHEST challenge yet!"

Matt picks up Shawn, but Shawn blocks the right hand punch. Shawn then throws him over with an armdrag takedown. Shawn locks in an armbar as Matt yells out in pain. Shawn doesn't notice Jesse climbing the top turnbuckle behind him. Jesse is up and leaps...THUD Jesse nails a flying elbowdrop to the small of Shawn's back, forcing him to release the armbar on Matt and grabbing his own back. Jesse picks up Shawn and nails him with a release German suplex. Shawn grabs the back of his head as Jesse talks some trash. Jesse turns his attention to Matt who grabs Jesse and drops down with an inverted sit-out jawbreaker!

DANIELS: "Striking move by Matt, let's see if he can capitolize!"

Matt picks up Jesse and throws him to the ropes. Matt follows closely behind, and clotheslines Jesse over the top rope and out onto the floor. Matt then hops over to the top turnbuckle, and positions himself. As Jesse is laid out on the floor, Matt leaps... and NAILS a frog splash onto the floor! The crowd is cheering!


FARLEY: "Awesome move, but dumb move as well! He may have knocked Jesse silly, but he also may have cracked a few of his own ribs. Look at him holding his midsection!"

GOLD: "He is a daredevil to say the least, and that recklessness is the reason he is he current World Heavyweight Champ!"

As both men are laid out on the floor, Shawn starts to get his bearings in the ring. He is up and sees both men laid out. He runs to the ropes, bounces off, and goes running... He leaps and nails a somersault plancha over the top rope, right onto Jesse but he also caught a bit of Matt with it as well!


Now all three men are again laid out on the floor. Shawn is the first one up, but Jesse and Matt follow closely behind. They begin going in a circle of hitting each other, with Matt hitting Shawn, Shawn hitting Jesse, and Jesse hitting Matt.

MASTERS: "That's weird... they did it TWENTY THREE times!"

Matt kicks Jesse in the gut and then does the same to Shawn. He grabs them both by the hair and leaps.. nailing a double bulldog out on the floor!

GOLD: "Jesse is definitely bleeding profusely now, as his face is covered with the crimson mask!"

Matt is up and grabs Jesse. He irish whips him, but Jesse reverses it. Matt crashes hard into the guardrail, cringing about his back. Jesse picks up Shawn and kicks him in the gut. He irish whips him directly into Matt, slamming against him and the guardrail!

MASTERS: "That's not a sandwich I'd want to be a part of!"

FARLEY: "I heard that! OUCH!"

Jesse grabs a steel chair and folds it up. He has a smile on his face as he takes off with a full head of steam... Shawn moves at the last second, and Jesse crashes the steel chair right into Matt's face. Shawn then nails Jesse with a dropkick. Shawn grabs Jesse and throws him back into the ring. He then picks up Matt and walks him over to the spanish announce table. He starts setting Matt on the table.

DANIELS: "What is he doing!?"

GOLD: "Waters setting up Matt Stylez for what... for what appears to be a BRAINWASH THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!"

Shawn sets Matt up and looks out into the crowd who are electric. He goes to hit the move, but Matt blocks. Matt lifts up and --


MASTERS: "Matt just back body dropped Shawn through the table! There's monitors and wires everywhere!"

Jesse is finally up in the ring, and taking notice to the wasteland that used to be the spanish annouce table. He climbs out of the ring and stumbles over to Matt. He picks him up and tosses him into the ring. He leaves Shawn laid out on the floor. Jesse slides in the ring and grabs Matt, nailing a swinging neckbreaker. He then locks Matt in a Camel clutch and Matt screams out.

DANIELS: "Camel Clutch here, will Matt be able to hold on?"

FARLEY: "Matt Stylez is a sick bastard, of course he can hang on."

Jesse cinches in, but Matt refuses to give up. The refereee keeps asking, but he manages to say no every time. Matt finally manages to edge over to the ropes enough to grab ahold of the bottom one. Jesse lets go, but not until a 4 and a half count. He lays down a few boots to the back of Matt before running to the ropes. He was going to go for an Asai moonsault but as he reached the ropes, Shawn grabbed his legs and pulled them from under him. Jesse slams down on the mat and Shawn crawls in. He picks up Jesse, takes a few steps back, and nails the Waterlogged.

GOLD: "WATERLOGGED! That jumping DDT! Shawn goes for the cover!"




DANIELS: "Jesse pulling deep from within, trying to hang on and secure his first ever World Heavyweight title reign."

Shawn goes to pick up Jesse, but Matt from behind NAILS him with that Back Stabber maneuver! He hooks Shawn's leg.




GOLD: "Jesse broke up the pin! Now he's picking Matt up..."

Jesse measures Matt, and nails a hard chop to his chest. Another. Another. Jesse backs Matt into a corner, and irish whips him. Matt slams hard into the opposite corner. Jesse comes running in... but Matt gets a boot up, and Jesse tastes it!

MASTERS: "That might've knocked out some teeth!"

Matt gets up on the second turnbuckle, and comes crashing down onto Jesse with a flying ax handle. Jesse collapses. Matt turns around and Shawn is there! He scoops up Matt's legs...

FARLEY: "He's going for the Waterboard!! SAY GOODNIGHT MATT!!!"

Matt resists, but Shawn eventually turns him over and cinches in! The crowd is ecstatic as Matt screams out in pain. He again refuses to quit though, and he reaches desperately for the ring ropes.

GOLD: "Matt is reaching... reaching... he's about to get the ropes.. NO"

Just as Matt as about to touch them, Shawn drags Matt back into the center of the ring, and cinches back in. The crowd members are pretty certain Matt is about to tap out. The camera focuses on Matt who is in immense pain, and then Shawn who is gritting his teeth, pulling back. The ref keeps checking, Matt keeps saying no. Suddenly --



Jesse, out of nowhere, just nailed Shawn Waters with the Montana Express! As Matt crawls away, Jesse jumps down and hooks a leg!










GOLD: "Waters has been eliminated! SHAWN IS GONE!"

Shawn stays laid out in the ring, as Jesse immediately gets up and looks for Matt. Matt is sitting in a corner, trying to regain his composure. Jesse smiles an evil smile as Matt notices him. Jesse staggers over to Matt, and as soon as he is about to reach down and grab him, Matt locks his legs around Jesse's head and twists him, tossing him to the outside of the ring. Matt is very slow to get up now, but so is Jesse.

MASTERS: "Well now pinfalls and submission are obsolete, as the winner can only win by putting the other man in the coffin, and sending it almost literally downstream!"

FARLEY: "They have to make it to the entrance ramp first though, let's see if they even know where that is at this point!"

Shawn stays face up in the ring, as Matt finally crawls out. He picks up Jesse, walks him over to the CZW announce table, and slams his head down on the desk. Jesse's face is completely covered in blood now. Matt goes to slam his head against some guardrail, but Jesse blocks it. Jesse punches at Matt's midsection and slams HIS head down onto the guardrail!

GOLD: "It does appear that Matt is bleeding as well!"

MASTERS: "I would be too after that headshot!"

Jesse grabs Matt and nails him with a vertical suplex on the floor. He look around for something for a moment.

DANIELS: "What is he looking for?"

FARLEY: "Whatever it is, it can't be good for Stylez!"

Jesse goes to the ring and pulls out a table from underneath it! He begins setting it up.

MASTERS: "What does his evil mind have in store now!? I love it!"

Just as Jesse gets the table completely set up, he turns around to be greeted with a stiff kick to the gut from Matt. Shawn Waters is still face up in the ring, but no one is checking on him for some reason. Matt grabs Jesse and walks him over to the guardrail... He positions him, and nails Jesse with a Russian Legsweep with the back of his head slamming into the guardrail!

GOLD: "Good lord, Jesse's head looks like it's caved in!"

MASTERS: "Dastardly tactic from the World champ!"

Both men are on the ground, obviously exhausted. Jesse is seeing stars, and Matt's eyes are closed.


Matt is first up, and he grabs Jesse by the hair. He pulls him up, and walks him back over to the set up table. Matt slams Jesse's head hard onto it. Matt sets Jesse on top of the table, and gets up there with him.

DANIELS: "What could this be... another high impact move, no doubt..."

Jesse, however, starts fighting back with rights and lefts to Matt's gut. Jesse then kicks Matt RIGHT IN THE GROIN!


Jesse then grabs Matt's head and lifts him up in a piledriver position .....





FARLEY: "It looks like THEY might be in a dozen pieces too! LOOK at the both of them! They look like they've just walked through World War III!"

Shawn has hardly moved this whole time, but not even the announce team has noticed. A medical team arrives, checking on both men. Jesse is up first, and rudely swats the medical team away as if to tell them to get the hell out of here. He picks up Matt, and Matt very slowly stands up. They begin walking up the ramp.

GOLD: "Oh you know what this means!"

MASTERS: "Jesse is looking to bury Matt's career right here tonight!"

They get half way up the ramps when Jesse stops. He kicks Matt and picks him up... NAILING a power bomb onto the steel ramp.


Matt holds his back in severe pain as Jesse picks him back up. They get up to right where the coffin is, when Matt suddenly starts fighting back. They begin trading blows, punches, and kicks. Matt takes the upper hand and kicks Jesse in the groin!!


Both men have been kicked square in their private section, and will most likely have dark bruises and swollen... members. All four of the announce team are grimacing at the thought of it. Matt then grabs Jesse and nails a snap suplex on the top of the ramp, with Jesse just narrowly missing the coffin. Both men are laid out yet again.


FARLEY: "I don't know if either one of these men have the strength to put the other in the coffin and then push it downhill to the water pit below."

DANIELS: "This match has taken A LOT out of each man, but it's for the ultimate prize so of course they are putting it all on the line."

Matt is finally up, and picks up Jesse. He calls for the HIGH STYLE!

GOLD: "He's gonna hit the High Style right there on the ramp!!"

He goes for it, but Jesse throws him off. Jesse then kicks him in the gut again. He takes a few steps back... MONTANA EXPRESS!! MATT STUMBLED BACK, RIGHT INTO THE OPEN COFFIN!!!!!!!


Jesse stumbles to the coffin and SLAMS THE LID DOWN... He pushes and pushes.. the coffin goes sailing!!!!

SPLASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! * DING DING DING *


The crowd is in a frenzy. "For Whom The Bell Tolls" begins playing over the PA.

Shawn Waters is out of the ring and coming up the ramp as a specialized crew, put together just for this match, comes to the coffin's rescue which has sunken all the way into the water pit. A crew member runs by Shawn up to Jesse with the CZW World Heavyweight Title in his hands. Jesse is down on his knees, in shock. The crew member hands him the World title. Jesse just stares at it in disbelief as Shawn makes his way up the ramp. Jesse looks up at Shawn, who looks back down at Jesse. After an emotionless stare down, a smile cracks on the face of Shawn and he begins clapping his hands. Jesse stands up, and Shawn grabs his right arm and raises it in victory.


FARLEY: "These idiots need to learn some respect! That's the CZW World Heavyweight Champion... AND Assault GM, right there!"

Shawn and Jesse smile at each other, as Jesse raises the World Title high into the air. But just as the title passes his eyes on the way up, He sees a boot coming right for his face!!!!


For Whom the Bell Tolls comes to screeching halt.


Shawn looks down at the fallen Jesse, and the crowd surprisingly starts cheering for him. They hate Montana -that- much.

FARLEY: "What has that fool done!?!?!"

Shawn then leans down and starts HAMMERING Jesse's bloody face with fists of fury. But as he is doing this, he doesn't notice Gregory Grantham and Maynard O'Toole storm out from behind the curtain. They run over and crash into Shawn, nearly knocking him off of the elevated ramp. They pick him up and just gang bang his ass. The crowd is heavily booing the Upstarts, and there's even cheer sections for Shawn which are getting louder and louder.

MASTERS: "That's what he gets!! He just turned on the absolute WORSE man you could have as an enemy!"

Maynard O'Toole picks Shawn up, yelling at him about how disappointed he is. Jesse is almost up again, still collecting himself after that surprise attack. Maynard grabs Shawn and sets him up.. CELTIC CROSS on the ramp!


DANIELS: "A sickening move from the new CZW Intercontinental Champion!"

They're not done, no no, as Gregory picks Shawn back up. He positions him...


MASTERS: "The 4.0! The 4.0!"

Shawn is lifeless. Jesse is up, and has been handed a mic. As GG and Maynard hold Shawn up, grabbing his head so that his eyes are looking up at Jesse, Jesse addresses him.

JESSE: "SHAWN!! CONGRATULATIONS, BUDDY!! You made my SHIT LIST.. and that's not something ANYONE would want to do!"


JESSE: "SHAWN, you are a sore loser!! You are officially OUT of the Upstarts... and our friendship.. IS OVER!!!!"

Jesse then holds up the CZW World Heavyweight title and slams it into Shawn's beaten up face. Shawn is motionless, and his eyes are rolling up to the back of his head. As Jesse, Maynard, and Gregory stand over the fallen Television Champ... the CZW logo comes on in the right hand corner.

DANIELS: "That's our time everyone, thank you for watching, and GOOD NIGHT FROM LOS ANGELES!!!"


* cZw! *

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