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CZW - Presents ASSAULT

| July 4th | * San Jose, California * HP Pavilion at San Jose |

Combat Zone Wrestling live from - San Jose, California HP Pavilion at San Jose
July 4th 2008


Combat Zone Wrestling presents ASSAULT live from

- San Jose, California - HP Pavilion at San Jose July 4th 2008


Main Event - CZW World Tag Titles - Triple Threat Street Fight

Tim & Mike (c) vs. Nasty Damage vs. Sin City Rockers

Singles Match - (If Kash wins, he gets his re-match for the IC Title)

"The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole vs. "The Realist" Kris Kash

Singles Match

Bryan McNally vs. "The LA Angel" James Draven

Singles Match

Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham vs. "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze

Falls Count Anywhere Women's Match

Fire Angel vs. "The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn

Tag Team Match

Total Mayhem vs. Ronnie McNeil & Eric Collum

Fatal Four Way

Sean Hustle vs. Bryan Alexander vs. AJ Kool vs. 'Big Daddy' Brown




**We shoot backstage as Drew Scorpion enters the buildings car park. He carrys his back over his shoulder. Suddenly a set of headlights come into view aimed on full beam at Drew Scorpion, blinding him. Scorpion tries to shield his eyes as he does so the car screeches into gear and shoots towards Drew at a high speed and hits him full force sending Scorpion up into the windshield which shatters but remains in place as Scorpion drops to the floor the car zooms off as SJ Funk runs into shot after witnessing the tragedy. He runs to the motionless Drew Scorpion, and shouts for help as EWF backstage staff come rushing to the aid. EMT's rush in to check on the condition. Thankfully an ambulance crew are already at the building in case of emergencies and the paramedics rush to the scene with all there equipment, and slowly put a neck brace on Drew and roll him gently onto a stretcher before placing him in the ambulance, SJ tells Amy to get his car and to meet him at the hospital, he then climbs into the back of the ambulance as the driver shuts the doors behind him and goes round to the drivers door climbing into the cab of the ambulance before leaving the arena with its lights and sirens bellowing out. As we fade back to ringside.**


Combat Zone Wrestling Presents... ASSAULT! Live in San Jose, California!


-The camera then switches to a live feed inside of the HP Pavilion, where pyro of different colors shoots off, signaling the start of the show as the crowd is electric to see their favorite CZW superstars.

Gold: "Off the heels of the mega Pay-Per-View Summer Showdown, welcome everyone to Assault!'

Farley: "What a night it was Gold, as new champions were crowned... and history was made!"

Gold: "You couldn't be anymore right partner... 1/5 of the popular stable X-Ellence, made history to become the 2nd ever X-Division Champion in CZW's history... I'm talking about "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze himself!"

Farley: "This kid has got more heart then anyone i've ever seen in CZW... Not only was he crowned a champion, "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole and "The Sensation" both walked out with the Intercontinental and World Titles... It truely was a night I'll never forget!"

Gold: "I couldn't put it any better myself... The biggest shocker of the night had to have been Shawn Waters SUPERKICKING Jesse's head clean off of his body, betraying The Upstarts!"

Farley: "It was a dick move on his part Gold, seeing as though O'Toole and Grantham destroyed Waters at the end of Summer Showdown this past Sunday"

Gold: "We now move on as the next major Pay-Per-View entitled "...And Justice For All" will be at San Antonio Texas! But first is Assault which will see a huge Pay Per View, but what we all are wondering around the arena is what is the status of Drew Scorpion?"

FARLEY: "Well Ricky it doesn't look good, I mean look at Zodiac, his career could be over, all I can do is wish the Rocker good luck"

GOLD: "Absolutely Michael, well the show has to go on and what a show it is..."


The roar of the crowd and talk of the commentators is silenced as a screech of tyres against the tarmac is heard throughout the arena. Attention is diverted to the titantron as a black Sports convertible speeds into the arena car park. Climbing out is a smartly dressed, stockily built man in a black suit. His eyes hidden behind a pair of dark sunglasses and a few drops of sweat glint on his bald head. He is Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson making his way to the arena....

GOLD: For those who don’t know I’ve done a little research on this guy, he is from Orlando, Florida and a very accomplished amateur wrestler and has spent years wrestling in promotions in Florida.

FARLEY: More recently he has had a 2 year stint in Japan.

GOLD: Yes and its there he developed his infamous submission style. After winning 2 Japanese titles he decided it was time to conquer the ranks of World Wrestling

FARLEY: I was told from a reliable source that recently the Jackal and Gregory Grantham had been seen arguing in the backstage area of a house show, although little is known as to why.

As the crowds watch the titantron, the Jackal finds Jesse Montana in the back. Confidently he approaches the CZW World Champion and General Manager of Assault. He stands before him and removes his sunglasses, revealing a pair of ice cold blue eyes. He stares into the eyes of Montana... and Montana stares right back. For a second you can cut the tension with a knife but then the Jackal breaks a smile and holds out his hand.

JACKAL: 'Thanks for having me on your show tonight Montana, i truly appreciate you giving me this opportunity'

JESSE: 'Thats ok Jackson, but don't let me down - remember our deal.'

JACKAL: 'Oh i remember well, and you remember.... just like i told you.... someone is going to be hurt tonight. That is a promise!'

A serious look befalls the Jackals face and Jesse smiles in approval. As the Jackal turns to leave the area, Jesse grabs his arm and pulls him back.

JESSE: ‘But Jackson, stop this thing you got going with Grantham, he’s my boy’

JACKAL: ‘If he stays out of my way then we won’t have a problem. But he gets in my way…. Well…. Just like anyone else, I’ll take him out!

The Jackal replaces his glasses and walks off as Jesse Montana breaks a half smile.

GOLD: But the question is - what is this deal that Montana just spoke of? Why is the Jackal here?

FARLEY: "Well I guess we will find out, but first, we have a Fatal Four Way to kick off the show"


Fatal Four Way

Sean Hustle vs. Bryan Alexander vs. AJ Kool vs. 'Big Daddy' Brown


-The scene cuts to the ring announcer Jessica Towers inside the ring

Towers: Ladies and Gentleman... The following contest is a Fatal-4 Way Match!

-"Inhale" by Stone Sour hits the P.A. with authority as "Troublesome" Sean Hustle is seen at the top of the ramp, he then casually walks down to the ring, and enters.

Towers: In the ring... Weighing 216 pounds, hailing from Albany New York... "Troublesome" Sean Hustle!

-"Its Funky Enough" by THE DOC hits the P.A. as "Big Daddy" Brown makes his way to the ring, eyeing Hustle whose in a neutral corner. He steps between the ropes, and takes a different corner of the ring.

Towers: In the ring... Weighing 215 pounds, from Long Beach California... "Big Daddy" Brown!

-"The End Of Heartache" hits the PA as AJ Kool makes his way to the ring, eyeing both Hustle and Brown, with intentions of taking the victory tonight. He steps in the ropes, taking the 3rd turnbuckle corner opposite Hustle.

Towers: In the ring...Weighing 220 pounds, from St. Matthews South Carolina... AJ Kool!

-"This Moment" by Disturbed hits as the 4th competitor known as "The Great" Bryan Alexander walks down the ramp, taking the final post opposite Brown.

Towers: In the ring...Weighing 235 pounds, from Albany New York... "The Great" Bryan Alexander!

-Towers exits the ring as all 4 competitors eye each other, Brown looking at Bryan, and Hustle looking at Kool.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

-Kool and Bryan start with lefts and rights directly to the head, vice versa with Brown & Hustle. Hustle takes the advantage and hits a hip-toss. Pin predicament!





Broken up by Brown!

-Kool hits an inverted DDT on Bryan, but gets a straight kick to the head by Brown! Pin by Brown on Kool!









Broken up by Hustle!

-Brown gets in the face of Hustle, who ducks a round-house kick by Kool and Brown gets leveled to the outside! Kool gets on the top-turnbuckle, and hits a cross body on Brown on the outside!

Gold: What a move!

Farley: Impressive.

-Kool and Brown are duking it out outside of the ring, but inside, Hustle hit a dropkick on Bryan, who jumps back to his feet, runs at Hustle, and goes for a spear!!! NO!!! Hustle got out of the way! Bryan hits the middle turnbuckle hard, turning around into a Suplex turned JACKHAMMER by Hustle out of no-where for a pin!









Broken up by BOTH Brown & Kool!!

-Hustle is irate at this point, attacking both Kool and Brown with a pair of clotheslines, NO! they both duck and hit a DOUBLE REVERSE DDT on Hustle!!!

Gold: Woah!! That was awesome!

Farley: By god, that took Hustle out of the game!

-Hustle rolls around inside the ring holding his head... Bryan, Brown, and Kool all begin brawling with each other! Kool & Brown hit a double-dropkick on Bryan, who rolls on the ground to the outside. Kool then hits a Kool Kick on Brown from behind! Kool goes for the cover!









Hustle broke it up at the last second!!!

Farley: Hustle wants this win badly!

Gold: Does he have what it takes though is the real question.

-Hustle picks up Kool then hits the Guillotine Choke!!!!

Gold: Will Kool tap out?!

Farley: I don't know, but he's so close to the ropes!






He gets to the ropes!!!!!!





-Brown throws Kool out of the ring, and covers Hustle, hooking both legs!!












-Brown gets up and goes for a clothesline on Alexander, but ducks! Brown is hooked into The Calvary!


-Bryan covers Brown!



















No! AJ breaks it up...

AJ throws Bryan out of the ring and covers Brown...
























Towers: Here is your winner...AJ KOOL!!

Farley: That was a sneaky move. What a way to kick off Assault!

Gold: We'll take a commerical break, and when we return, Tag Team Action! Ronnie Mcneil along side Eric Collum versus A new debuting tag-team, Team Mayhem!

***Commerical for***

Winner is AJ Kool after 6:32 via Pinfall


Tag Team Match

Total Mayhem vs. Ronnie McNeil & Eric Collum


Total Mayhem stand in the middle of the ring as they have made their entrance, most of the fas silenced by these two monsters who wait the arrival of their opponents.

TOWERS: "The following match is scheduled for one fall. On his way to the ring, a member of X-Ellence and the Money in the Bank holder, The Franchise...RONNIE MCNEIL!!!"

Uhh, y'know

I still run with that, that blood of a slave, boilin in my veins

It's just hot - until a brother can't take it no more

Blood of a slave, heart of a King - turn my voice up

[The crowd goes wild as "Stillmatic" by Nas begins to play. As the song moves into the opening verse, Ronnie steps out from behind the curtain as he just stands there in his hooded vest, hood over his head, bouncing from side to side]

Aiyyo, the brother's "Stillmatic"

I crawled up out of that grave, wipin the dirt, cleanin my shirt

They thought I'd make another "Illmatic"

But it's always forward I'm movin

Never backwards stupid here's another classic

C-notes is fallin from the sky, by now the credits roll

They're starrin Nas, executive poet, produced directed by

the Kid slash Escobar; narration describes

the lives of lost tribes in the ghetto tryin to survive

The feature opens with this young black child, fingers scratched

Cigarette burns on the sofa, turnin the TV down

While Mary Jane Girls, 45's playin, soft in the background

Food from C-Town's, mornings was hash browns

Stepped over dopefiends, walkin out the door, all of us poor

I learned the difference between the snitches, the real ones, and who's soft

And the murderous, hungriest crews

People jumping from roofs, shotguns pumping, made it through my youth

Walking very thin lines, ages seven and nine

That's the age I was on my album cover, this is the rebirth

I know the streets thirst water like Moses

Walking through the hot desert searching to be free

This is my ending and my new beginning nostalgia

Alpha and Omega places, it's like a glitch in "The Matrix"

I seen it all, did it all, most of y'all will pop for a minute

Spit a sentence then the game'll get rid of y'all

Y'all got there but y'all didn't get it all, I want my style back

Hate to cease y'all plan it's the rap repo man

To them double up hustlers, bidders, brothers who real

Professionals, stick-up kids dreamin for mills

Let my words guide you, get inside you

From Crip to Pirus this is survival

[He makes his slow walk to the ring, casually nodding to the fans that line the aisle. He slowly walks up the ring steps, and steps through the ropes. Ronnie stands on the middle rope, holding one arm above him, before stepping down, and leaning over in a corner.]

Blood of a slave, heart of a King

Blood of a slave, heart of a King

Blood of a slave, heart of a King

[He takes the hood from off his head, then takes the vest off completely, tossing it to the floor, awaiting the beginning of the match.]

TOWERS: "And his Tag team Partner, 'The Highlight Reel'...Eric Collum!!!"

Eric doesn't come out as the fans get worried, as does Ronnie McNeil.

GOLD: "This isn't looking good, I hope he is okay"

FARLEY: "Don't say another one of our roster has been ran over"

GOLD: "Wait a sec..."

Suddenly, "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin blares over the P.A. system and the fans go nuts. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage, not dressed to compete. He is wearing a pair of black Etnies, loose fitting light blue jeans, and a Volcom T-shirt. He also has a microphone in his hand. He waits for the music and the cheering to die down before raising the microphone to his lips and speaking.

Eric Collum: Two weeks ago, Gregory Grantham offered me a ticket. A plane ticket back to Houston, so that I could "lick my wounds." As you boys can see...

Eric pulls the plane ticket from his back pocket and holds it up in the air.

Eric Collum: ...I obviously didn't cash in on that ticket. When I got to the airport, I met this little kid who was on his way back to Houston from a week of visiting his dad in L.A. He reminded me of the fire that I once had for this sport, the passion, the longing that I had to get into the middle of that ring and perform. Over the past couple of weeks, my feud with Grantham has caused that fire to slowly dwindle, but I'll be damned if I let it go out!

The fans cheer and Eric waits until the pop dies down before he continues.

Eric Collum: So the Human Highlight Reel's got a few things to take care of here tonight in San Jose!

Eric receives another cheap pop from the crowd at the mention of their hometown.

Eric Collum: The first order of business is to show up and not abandon Ronnie McNeil, not leave him hanging. Check. The second thing I've gotta do is show Gregory Grantham exactly what I think of him, his dusty college degree hanging on the wall in his big large mansion, and this coach class ticket!

The crowd again cheers, getting behind Eric as he hypes them up and feuls them with hope of an on-going feud between himself and the graduate.

Eric Collum: But wait, there's one more thing I gotta take care of, just one other teensy weensy thing I have to do before I can shove this ticket so far up Grantham's ass that they have to send that knuckle dragging neanderthale through the X-ray machine just to scan HIS ticket back home to lick his wounds, rethink his career, and rue the day he ever stepped foot in the ring with Eric Collum! And that is to come down to that very ring, tag up with Ronnie McNeil, and welcome you two ass clowns to Combat Zone Wrestling like only Team X-Ellence and the Human Highlight Reel can! So boys, I hope you said your prayers, took your vitamins, and ate your Wheaties, because the two of you are about to star in your first film since the knock-off of Buffy the Vampire slayer that skipped theaters, went straight to VHS, and literally ended the career of Sarah Michelle Gellar! Get ready slapnuts, because the two of you are about to become the newest editions to the Highlight Reel!

Eric Collum drops the microphone and takes his T-shirt off as the fans explode with cheers. He runs down the ramp and slides into the ring and the bell rings, signalling the start of the match.

***Ding Ding***

- Eric is fired up right from the get go as he runs towards the huge Jakob who has also started the match, ducks a big clothesline, bounces back off the ropes as he hits a diving shoulder block, causing the monster to get stunned, holding his sternum trying to regain his breath, Eric though is already bouncing off the ropes again as he this time catches the big man with a Swinging Neckbreaker, taking Jakob to the ground. Eric poses to the adoring fans as he runs towards the ropes for the third time, springboards off as he twists around in mid air nailing a Moonsault Leg Drop to the grounded Jakob, getting a cover, but only finding a one count.

- Eric picks the big man back up, tagging in Ronnie who climbs in and kicks Jakob in the gut, Eric gets back out of the ring. Ronnie now hits numerous European Uppercuts no Jakob, knocking him off balance, then Ronnie showing great strength picks all of the 305 lbs of Jakob up onto his shoulders...Fireman's Carry. The fans loved that move as Ronnie covers, but again Jakob kicks out just after a single count. Ronnie looking confident now picks the big man back up, irish whip to the ropes but Jakob reverses as Ronnie bounces off the ropes but Ezra gets a high knee up as Ronnie gets illegally attacked, Ronnie now completely off balance gets caught with the DERAILER!

- Jakob picks Ronnie back up again as he hits a couple of damaging throat thrusts on the Franchise, knocking him back into the corner, Jakob then whips him to the opposite corner with so much force that Ronnie collapses face first off the turnbuckle. Jakob walks slowly and confidently over to Ronnie, the crowd starting to look worried, but Ronnie sweeps the big man off his feet then locks in a Triangle Choke hold, the member of Total Mayhem roaring to try and escape, but Ronnie has it singed in. Jakob impressively starts to power out as the lock is broken and Jakob rolls out of the ring to get his breath back, meanwhile Ronnie tags back in Eric, Jakob losing concentration, then gets caught as Eric amazingly flies over the ropes...SHOOTING STAR PRESS!!!!!!!!!

- The near seven footer gets knocked down as Eric gets back up, celebrating as the crowd chants his name, not noticing Ezra dropping from the apron nearby, Eric turns around and gets caught with an illegal Big Boot, knocking Eric back into the guardrail, Ezra then picks him up as the crowd boo furiously, Ezra with a...POWERBOMB INTO THE GUARDRAIL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The crowd go silent as they all look to see if Eric is okay, he is lying on the floor face down, screaming in pain. Ronnie goes to attack Ezra but the referee stops him. Jakob, the legal man then picks up the lifeless Eric and rolls him back into the ring. He doesn't go for a cover though, instead he lifts Eric back up...TORTURE RACK!!!!!!!!!!!

- Eric is having his spine contorted by the move, jakob with a sinister smile on his face, applying as much pressure as possible as the fans are screaming for Eric, but now with a damaged back, he is being destroyed in this hold. Suddenly Ronnie comes flying into the ring as he chop blocks Jokab's leg, making him drop Eric free, Ronnie then tries to grab him again but Ezra comes storming towards him and amazingly hits a Running Roudhouse kick which catches Ronnie with enough to make him fly through the ropes and to the outside. The referee has no chance of restoring order now as Ezra grabs Eric, lifts him up...TORTURE RACK OF HIS OWN!!!

- Again Eric is being twisted as his spine gets bent. Eric is looking soimply like a rag doll as the monster Ezra rips him in half. Ronnie is still completely out of it on the outside, meanwhile Jakob is back up now, looks at Eric and as he is in the Torture Rack position held by Ezra, he comes in, as Ezra lets go, Jakob takes over...FACEBUSTER!!!!!!!

- A unique style double team move leaves Eric broken and battered on the floor as Ezra finally exits the ring, Jakob now the legal man, covers Eric...

































- Eric showing great rezilience gets a shoulder up as Jakob growls in anger. He picks Eric back up, then runs off to the ropes, bounces back towards Eric but Eric jumps up and hits a Headscissors Takedown as Jakob collapses down onto the ropes, while hung their, Eric runs off, bounces off the ropes and jumps onto the back of Jakob, choking him on the second rope, Eric flies through to the outside, he now climbs back onto the apron, Jakob up, trying to regain his breath, holding his throat in pain as Eric jumps onto the top rope and bounces off...ASAI MOONSAULT!!!!!!!!!

- Once again Eric gets the big Jakob down with an aerial attack, now Eric bouces off the ropes again, rolls towards Jakob, flips over...Frontflip Leg Drop...COVER!!!



























- Jakob kicks out so powerfully Eric bounces through the ropes onto the outside. The crowd are again stunned by the power of this team. Jakob now tags Ezra in as Eric rolls back into the ring, Ezra immediately drops a heavy elbow drop down on Eric. Ezra now lifts Eric up with one hand, knees him in the gut, knees him again right in the nose as he flies back into the corner, Ezra then starts choking Eric as the fans boo, Ronnie now back up shouting at the ref to break it up, Ezra lets go though, staring at Ronnie, Eric taking advantage as he kicks Ezra in the gut, the hits lefts and rights on the monster, but Ezra shrugs him off then hits a right thrust to the throat as Eric literally flies over the top rope with the force of Ezra's punch!

- Ezra goes to the outside to meet Eric, lifts him up above his head and drops him ribcage first onto the guardrail, the fans watch closely as Eric is coughing, spluttering even now as he tries to breath, but Ezra lifts him up again...SPINEBUSTER INTO THE TURBUCKLE!!!

- Ezra rolls Eric back into the ring as he goes for a cover...
































- Eric again getting a shoulder up, but looks as though even that hurt him severely. Ronnie tries to get Eric to gain momentum as the fans clap him on, but Ezra is straight back on him, lifts him up again, picks him up like a teddybear...PILEDRIVER!!!!!





























































- Eric wowing the whole arena as he gets another shoulder up. Ezra growling just like Jakob, now he walks around, signals the end and grabs the ankle of Eric...ANKLE LOCK!!!

- As Ezra leans into the hold, it is clear he has applied the full pressure on Eric's ankle as the X-Ellence member holds his head screaming in pain. Ezra starts pushing and pushing on the hold as Eric paics, throwing his arms out trying desperately to claw his way to the ropes, but the monster has it locked in. The referee gets into the face of Eric as he asks him if he wants to quit, Eric close to tapping but suddenly as the fans roar in excitement, Eric has rolled through, causing Ezra to fall fowards ad releasing the grip, Eric has escaped, now up on one foot hopping around as Ezra growls, turns to meet Eric but Eric amazingly hits an Esuguiri knocking Ezra's head off, the monster collapsing to the ground as both men look towards their partners...

- The fans will on Eric as does Ronnie, Ezra ow close to Jakob but it is Eric who makes the tag first...


- Ronnie jumps into the ring and knocks Jakob off the apron so Ezra cannot get to his partner, Ezra back up but Ronnie with an impressive showing of strength launches the monster across the ring with a T-BONE SUPLEX. Ronnie stays on Ezra as he picks him back up, Ezra swigs a huge right hand but Ronnie ducks, then hits Ezra with a right fist to the ribs, a left hook to the face knockig him back into the corner, Ronnie turns around as he sees Jakob storming towards him...

- Ronnie dodges as he lets Jakob fly into his partner, both men looking dizzy, Eric is now up onnto the turnbuckle as he flies off towards Jakob...AERIAL REVOLUTION TO THE STANDING JAKOB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jakob gets knocked down and rolls out of the ring as does Eric. Ronnie is then left with Ezra who still looks dizzy, Ronnie signalling the end as the fans roar...KISS OF THE ROSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!





























































- Eric gets back into the ring as both members of X-Ellence celebrate with the fans. Jakob and Ezra havig an impressive debut but licking their wounds at the hands of the experienced duo of Ronnie McNeil and Eric Collum.

Winner is Eric Collum & Ronnie McNeil after 9:45 via Ronnie getting a Pinfall




A young man backs out of an office. It’s Jesse Montana’s assistant Stephen Butler.

BUTLER: Yes, sir...Mr. Montana...I’ll be right back!

The camera pans in...Jesse Montana is in his office. He is staring out of his window, a look of frustration clearly visible. He breathes deeply...

???: Hey, Jesse...How does my boot taste?

Jesse spins around and finds Shawn Waters leaning against the door frame, smirking. Jesse stares a hole right through Shawn.

WATERS: What’s the matter? Cat got your tongue? Or did you lose up Gregory’s ass?

Jesse gets up and stands face to face with Shawn, ready to snap.

WATERS: Whoah, chill out...I’m not here to fight, Jesse...I wouldn’t want to get your blood on that lovely suit of yours...

Shawn brushes ‘dust’ off of Jesse’s suit. Jesse slaps his hand away...

JESSE: Shawn, you seem to be acting very smug seeing as your whole life has just crashed down before your very eyes. But you know what, I am glad you’re doing well, glad you’re in a good mood, you always were a very optimistic guy weren't you Shawn? But face facts boy, you made the worst decision of your short life last week, now what you got? No friends, no girl, no protection, all you got left is that TV Title...For now. You see, you shouldn't be in here shooting your mouth off, you should be preparing to LOSE the final piece of your life, when Cage Stryker takes away any last piece of hope you had...NOW GET THE HELL OUT!!!

Jesse is furious as he stares down Shawn, but Shawn doesn't seem to be going anywhere as the two rivals go face to face...

Shawn suddenly begins laughing.

WATERS: Easy tiger. I just wanted to see how my ex-leader was getting on without me. You are still a jerk, so nothing seems to have changed.

Shawn then gives Jesse a 'you-don't-intimidate-me' look.

WATERS: High and Mighty Jesse think I'm going to become another Havok just because I kicked your head off? Heh, my life is better without you, controlling, power-hungry chump! I don't need you or the Upstarts! I'll go out there tonight and I'll retain this title...this match is just for you Jesse...maybe when I win you'll finally realise how ridiculous you sound when you talk.

Shawn then leans on Jesse's desk.

WATERS: Anyway, Hannah...the real reason I'm here is to ask you for a match.

Jesse looks at Shawn with an 'are-you-for-real' look. Shawn smirks.

WATERS: Your little lackeys, Tweedle-dum and Tweedle-dee thought they'd try to start some shit after the I challenged them to a match. wanna make it happen? Gregory Grantham and Maynard O'Toole against Shawn Waters and Krimzon Blaze!

Jesse starts to smile, his smile then turns into a laugh, now a hysterical laugh as Shawn starts to look confused, Jesse then walks even closer to Shawn, deadly serious all of a sudden

JESSE: You want a match against Gregory and Maynard. Better yet, you want a match against us while teaming with Krimzon Blaze? Shawn...What has happened to you? You used to be cool, you used to make sense, you used to be an Upstart and Shawn, I respected you, but your ego took over didn't it? Well to be honest, you’re wasting my time, you want a match against Gregory and Maynard? You got it boy, but be careful what you wish for!

Shawn smirks, knowing that he has what he wanted, Jesse turns around, turning his back on the TV Champion, then mutters the words...

JESSE: Oh and Shawn, good luck this week...

Jesse smiles as both look at each other, obvious tension in the room...Shawn then smirks.

WATERS: I'm glad you find it so humourous Jesse...because come next won't be laughing. I, the CZW TV champion, and Krimzon Blaze...the X champion! We will defeat your beloved Upstarts.

Shawn then gets serious.

WATERS: I am warning you though...if you try anything in my TV title match tonight...I will make you pay. If you cost me this title...Matt Covey won't be able to stop me!

Shawn then smiles and ruffles Jesse's tidy hair.

WATERS: Have a good evening...chump.

Shawn leaves Jesse fuming at their encounter. Shawn walks out of the office, just as Stephen walks back in, coffee in his hand. He hands the coffee to Jesse. Jesse takes a sip. He spits it out.


He tosses the coffee in the poor kid’s face. The kid runs off to get another one as the camera fades...



As the CZW cameras make their way into the parking lot of the arena, the oh-too-familiar Lincoln Navigator is seen pulling in. Bryan McNally is in the driver’s seat while a terrified and understandably frustrated, Allyson Thorn sits in the passenger seat. She swallows hard as McNally smirks over at her, the mysterious man in the backseat, keeping to himself. Bryan strokes Allyson’s cheek as she tries to shy away from him. He laughs a bit and opens the door, stepping out of the vehicle.

Bryan McNally: I have to take a piss… Don’t worry, poppet, I’ll be back in a few…

Allyson scowls at him as he slams the door shut and walks into the building. The man in the backseat leans up between the front seats, almost causing Allyson to jump out the window in fright. She turns to see the face of the man and gasps in shock. Her ex-lover staring her down with his crystal blue eyes.

Allyson Thorn: Brandon?

Brandon DeVeraux: Allyson… Why did you leave me so long ago? Did you think that I would just forget about you and move on with my life? Did you think that I wouldn’t notice you had gone? Answer me!

Allyson jumps a little as he screams at her. She cowers against the window, unable to look him in the eyes as she softly begins to speak.

Allyson Thorn: I had to leave, Brandon… I had to go after my dreams..

Brandon DeVeraux: What about our dreams, Allyson?!

Allyson Thorn: I’m sorry, Brandon… I honestly am. It cut like a knife to have to leave you like that… but I knew that if I didn’t go after it right then, I would just be letting the chance slip by… You yourself told me to go after my dreams no matter what… I hated myself for leaving you and I still do. Brandon, I still care about you… I always have…

She reaches her hand out for his, taking it gently. His eyes brim with tears as he looks at her. His heart felt like it was breaking all over again.

Brandon DeVeraux: I can’t do this anymore…

He jerks his hand away from her and rushes to get out of the vehicle. Allyson quickly follows him, a concerned look on her face.

Allyson Thorn: You can’t do what anymore?

Brandon opens his mouth to speak but from out of nowhere is met with a huge boot to the side of the face, sending him plummeting to the ground in a heap. Allyson screams and throws her hands over her mouth. Bryan McNally stands over Brandon’s body and then turns to Allyson. She tries to run away from him, but for a big guy he could run rather quick. He scoops her up and puts her over his shoulder. She kicks and punches him with all her might, trying to force him to release her.

Allyson Thorn: Put me down!! Where are you taking me?! SOMEBODY HELP ME!!

McNally adjusts Allyson, causing her to groan in pain as her stomach is met forcefully with his broad shoulder.

Bryan McNally: We’re going into the arena, my sweet… Or did you forget that we each have a match tonight?

Allyson continues to scream for help as the two head into the arena, sending the cameras back down to ringside

GOLD: "A very strange situation we have here, McNally with Allyson in his clutches and I believe he is taking her out to ringside"

FARLEY:"Well I hope so because her match with Fire Angel is next Ricky"


Falls Count Anywhere Women's Match

Fire Angel vs. "The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn


Fire Angel makes her way out to the ring, gets in and poses for the crowd. She is then followed by the Queen of Combat, Allyson Thorn. Allyson though is being brought down to the ring by McNally who gets a disastorous reception from the fans. Fire Angel gets out as Allyson gets in and poses for the crowd and holds up the title in the air as the fans cheer. McNally claps sarcastically on the outside. The Ref calls for the bell and the match begins.


Both females exchange blows to the head, Fire angel throws a hay maker but Ally ducks in and grabs angel, whipping her into the ropes and following with a clothesline. Ally picks up angel and throws her into the corner, climbs on top and begins to punch angel in the face with the crowd behind her, counting;











Ally climbs down as the dizzy angel falls to the mat face first. Ally then does a standing leg drop on angel’s head. Ally then goes to the top turnbuckle, but gets put off as McNally is staring at her, Ally tries to focus back on the match and attempts an elbow drop but at the last second, Angel moves out of the way. With both women lying in agony on the mat, the ref counts







Angel gets to her feet, she grabs Ally by the hair and picks her up and sets her up on the top turn buckle, then hits a super plex. Angel gets up and begins to stomp a mud hole in Ally. Angel then climbs to the ropes and executes a moonsault and goes for the pin:




Ally kicks out as a very frustrated Fire Angel picks Ally up again and attempts a DDT but Ally reverses it into a back body bridge pin;




Ally slams her hands down on the mat in frustration. She stands to her feet only to see Angel charging at her, Ally ducks and hits a running bulldog. Ally gets up and applies a sharpshooter. The ref looks at angel as she is struggling to hang on but after a few minutes of agony, Fire Angel finally reaches the ropes and Ally lets go. Ally begins stomping on Angel again. Ally picks her up and irish whips her into the ropes but when she bounces back, Fire Angel executes a spear on Ally. Angel then gets up and stomps on Ally, she then scoops her up and sets Ally up in the tree of woe. Angel backs up and drop kicks Ally in her face as the crowd is stunned.

McNally checks on Ally in the corner as Ally tries to crawl away from him, only to get caught with a stiff kick right to the temple by Fire Angel as Ally, after being highly dazed before now seems to be out of it, Fire Angel takes advantage getting a pinfall...















- McNally climbs into the ring as Fire Angel's celebrations are cut short. He grabs Ally and rolls out of the ring with her, then taking her backstage over his shoulder as the scene fades.

GOLD: "McNally still with Allyson in his possession, of course later McNally is in action so lets see what develops their"

FARLEY: "This is true, but next, we have the Aerial Specialist against the Graduate" Winner after 4:52 is Fire Angel via Pinfall


Singles Match

Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham vs. "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze


TOWERS: "This next contest is set for one fall. First, on the way to the ring, he is the Aerial Specialist and a member of X-Ellence, and the X DIVISION CHAMPION...KRIMZON BLAZE!!!"

The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out with the X Division Championship Title around his waist, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match, followed by clips of the Ultimate X Chamber match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet as the fans go wild for the Champion.

The Graduate Theme plays throughout the arena

TOWERS: "And his opponent, a member of Upstarts, the Graduate...GREGORY GRANTHAM!!!"

Gregory walks out, posing on the top of the ramp just to add to the frustration of the fans, Gregory just confidently smirking at the fans as they boo with anger. Gregory walks down to the ring, his eyes now fixed on the X Champion Krimzon Blaze, both rivals with rival stables. Gregory obviously the least popular one as the fans make that clear. Gregory climbs into the ring as he poses again, flexing his huge muscles as Blaze looks slightly intimidated by the big man.

FARLEY: "Two very different styles here, two men though who have been on a roll of late"

GOLD: "Yeah, and I bet the rest of Upstarts and X-Ellence will be watching in the back. Lets get it on"


- Blaze clearly the most popular athelete in the ring as the fans chant his name. He begins to dace around but Gregory has a icy cold stare set o the Aerial Specialist. They lock up as Gregory gets Blaze in a strong headlock, Blaze uable to counter as Gregory squeezes hard on the skull of Blaze. Blaze suddely rolls Gregory over with a sambo suplex, Gregory straight back up though only to get hit with a standing dropkick. Blaze is on the run now as he bounces off the ropes, ducks a clothesline attempt from Gregory, ducks another, now with pace he comes towards Gregory but the Graduate shows his power ad presecnce inside the ring as he shoulder block Blaze down hard to the ground, then follows it up with a strong elbow drop.

- Gregory lifts Blaze up as the fans hiss at the Upstart. Gregory hits a heavy European Uppercut on Blaze knocking him back onto the ropes, he then whips him to the other side as Blaze springboards off the ropes taking Gregory by surprise with a diving elbow. Blaze now back up kicking Gregory with swift shots to the left shin, then a martial arts kick to the ribs, Gregory startig to get frustrated as he swigs a giant right hook but Blaze ducks, now from behind...REVERSE HURRICARANA!!

- Blaze has high momentum now as he climbs outisde the ring, standing on the apron measuring Gregory up, Blaze quickly propells himself up onto the top rope, bouncing off as Gregory catches him...POWERBOMB!!

- The momentum has clearly switched dramatically now as the fans have gone vitually silent. Gregory, a scruched up face as he starts stomping on Blaze, looking in disgust at the high flyer. he then picks him up...Shortarm Clothesline. B;aze flips around in mid air. Gregory wating more picks Blaze up again who looks out of it, his eyes rolling back into his head, Gregory tries for a secod clotheslie but thise time Blaze ducks, then out of no where...PELE KICK!!!!!!!!!!




























- Gregory with a rather easy shoulder up. Blaze is back up as he waits for Gregory to rise, as he does Blaze runs off, bouncing off the ropes ad hits a swinging heel kick which knocks Gregory straight back down, Blaze running off towards the ropes again...ROLLING THUNDER!!!

- But no...Gregory places his knees in the air as Blaze saps his spine down onto Gregory's knees. Gregory throws Blaze off him then gets to his feet. Gregory holds his head as he feels slight droplets of blood from the huge kick earlier on. Gregory turns around and picks up Blaze, spinebuster into the corner as Blaze is trapped.

- Gregory wraps Blaze'sleft arm around the top rope then starts hammering down on it, picking on a body part. Blaze fight back with elbows to the head of Gregory, he shrus it off though as he gouges the eye of Blaze, then steps back before charging towards him, Blaze though with a high boot right in the face of Grantham, then he sits on the top rope, he dives off...

- Grantham catches him yet again, now taking him down with a Belly to Back suplex. Gregory goes for a cover as the fans scream for Blaze in despiration...
































- Blaze with a late shoulder up. The fans erupt, but are soon silenced again as Gregory now has a Crossface locked in...

- Blaze wriggles around trying to find some escape, gregory clearly though has it perfectly locked in and is too strong for the Aerial Specialist. Gregory wreches back as Blaze starts to lose concionouss. The fans cheer Blaze on, getting louder and louder as Blaze starts to rapidly move aroud, Gregory slowly losing grip as finally Blaze rolls out of the hold, but instead Gregory has a modified sleeper locked in now.

- Gregory wraps his huge thighs around the waist of Blaze as he pulls back, locking in yet aother devastating submission hold. Blaze quickly loses movement in this hold as the fans do not die down though, still heavily chanting Blaze, but as the referee checks on Blaze, it is clear he is fading dangerously.

- Blaze gets abit of momentum back as he starts rolling around, trying to turn back over, but this time Gregory does not allow him. Blaze now fades. The referee counts him...














Blaze is out...















Still no sign of movement...














His arm drops...















- Shockingly Blaze is still awake as he powers through the hold, Gregory losing momentum as Blaze escapes, now rolling away but Gregory catches him with a severe leg drop landing on the back of Blaze's head.

- Gregory lifts Blaze back up as he mounts no fight, Gregory lifting him up high above his head, but out of no where yet again he proves he is not out of it as he falls behind Gregory who turns...Superkick!

- This knocks Gregory down as he falls charismatically. Blaze then gets a huge pop from the crowd he begins to climb the turnbuckle...

- Gregory is down in the middle of the ring, Blaze is measuring him up as the fans chant his name. BLAZE FLIES!!!!!!!!!!

HOLY SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


















- Blaze misses the attack as he looks hurt, holding his leg in agony as somehow he fell in a strange way. Gregory wastes no time as the fans look on in concern for the X Champion. Gregory wraps the injured leg up...THE PROSECUTER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Blaze is hurt, hurt bad as his cries echo through the arena. He injured his leg in the aerial attack as now Gregory appiles pressure to it, not letting go, Blaze finds himself in the center of the ring, locked into this devastating submission hold. The fans begin to chant his ame but it seems as though Blaze caot mout any offence, he sits up, but Gregory arrogatly pokes him in the eye as Blaze goes back down, making the ref count...























- Blaze is forced to sit back up again as Gregory scowly at Blaze, Blaze now has tears in his eyes as he looks over the fans trying to will him on, but the hold is locked in tightly, he tries to pull himself to the ropes, somehow he is getting their, the scene is amazing, but he drops again to his back...














- Blaze knows he has to get to the ropes now, he grinds away as he walks on his hands, pulling the huge frame of Gregory towards the ropes, but as Gregory twists and turns, it is claer Blaze is near the end. Tears in his eyes. Biting his lip, blood dribbling out from his mouth, he holds his head but the pain is unbearable.

- Blaze tries once again but this time gets no where. Gregory applies even more pressure as he smiles, knowing it is near the end. The referee checks on Blaze, he screams 'NO' but his leg is hurt, he looks towards the X Title as he collapses one final time, crying in pain...















BLAZE TAPS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Gregory rises to a mass of boos from the crowd, Blaze obviously hurt from the aerial attack followed by the submission from Grantham. Gregory goes to exit the ring.

TOWERS: "And here is your winner by submission, the Graduate...GREGORY GRANTHAM!!!"

Suddenly a walks down to the ring. It seems as though it is the Jackal, the mysterious man we saw earlier. He walks past Gregory as the two stare each other down, Gregory finally walking off, leaving Blaze in the ring hurt as Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson enters the ring, licking his lips at the sight of the weakened Blaze. Jackson suddely grabs the ankle of Blaze as he locks in a Jackal Lock, tearing at the ankle as Blaze rythes around the ring in serious pain. Paremedics are quick to make there way to the ring as a few referees try ad get Karl off Blaze's leg, but he seems to be possessed, a ice cold stare in his eyes as he tries to break the ankle of Blaze. Finally a group of security guard get into the ring as they hold the Jackal back but Blaze by now is out of it, Jackson with his work done.

GOLD: "What a sickening assault that was, I mean first we see him arrive and get orders from Jesse, now he has just damn near broken the ankle of the X Champion"

FARLEY: "This man seems intense, maybe a new addition to the Friday night roster, obviously looking to make an impact which he has tonight"

GOLD: "Well next we have Bryan McNally fighting his first match on Friday night Assault, but will he be with Allyson?"

Scene fades to commericals

Winner is Gregory Grantham after 11:54 via Submission


Singles Match

Bryan McNally vs. "The LA Angel" James Draven


Draven is ready in the ring as the show comes back from the commercial break.

As an earth-shattering instrumental cause the audience to erupt in a mixed reaction, as we hear "Hero" by Pop Evil blare over the arena's speakers, and a white light joins the strobe, as stepping from behind the thick black curtains of the CZW set, is Bryan McNally, his muscular frame higlighted in the glowing lights. It is also clear that he brigs down to the ring, a dazed Allyson Thorn who he tells to walk down to the ring. While she does that, he presses his hands together above his head, his signature taunt, green flames from the set emerge, Ultimo Dragon style. The Irishman, makes his way to the ring, leaping on the apron, and stepping over the top rope. He walks towards the turnbuckle, climbing it, and using his hand-gesture again, leaping down from the ropes, as our lights return to normal. McNally the tells Allyson to stay at ringside while he fights...

Draven is the one in control thanks largely to a springboard drop kick that sent McNally to the floor. Draven slapped on an arm bar with some elbows to the face before getting tossed over the monster’s shoulders.

Draven came bounding off the ropes only to get lifted and tossed to the floor hard. Draven struggled to get into the ring and ate a clothesline to the face before McNally hit a big splash for a two count.

McNally worked Draven over on the mat with punches and clubbing blows before slapping on his trusty shoulder vice. Draven managed to wiggle out of the hold and trip McNally up and into the bottom rope throat first. Draven went to follow up only to eat a thrust kick to the face.

McNally beat Draven around the ring some before settling in one corner and pounding the bejesus out of him to set up the running ass to the face. McNally roared and came rumbling in only to miss clean. Draven mounted the top rope and hit a flying forearm that floored his foe, buying him some time to recover.

Both fought to their feet before Draven came back with some strikes and a step up enzeguiri followed by the trusty bulldog. Draven hit the lion sault and went for the cover but McNally kicked out at two.

The momentum was short lived as he decked Draven, sending him right back to the canvas. McNally missed another splash attempt and Draven hit the code breaker, but McNally kicked out at 2.

McNally easily tossed Draven aside but Draven came bounding back with quick strikes before getting caught in a power slam predicament that resulted in him getting slammed into the turnbuckles. McNally hit a body slam and dropped an elbow.

McNally slammed Draven off the top buckles and began booting away at Draven in the corner. McNally gave Draven some ‘help’ out of the corner before hitting a double under hook submission hold, using his size to wear Draven down. Draven got feisty and fought out of the hold only to get nailed with a sidewalk slam for a near fall.

McNally hammered away on Draven on the mat before booting him around the ring. McNally hit a suplex but missed with a leg drop attempt. Draven came back with stinging kicks and a double drop kick but only got a one count on the cover attempt. Draven hit a moonsault but McNally kicked out.

Draven went for the See you in Hell but missed. Draven got back up and slapped him to the mat with a standing drop kick and cover but only got a 1 count before McNeally powered out.

Draven going right to the offense, scaring off McNally with a SEE YOU IN HELL AGAIN attempt. McNally let Draven chase him around the ring a bit before capitalizing on his position and taking advantage. McNally flailed away with punches but Draven came back with some strikes of his own and a neck breaker before taking McNally over with a side headlock take down.

McNally tried a roll up out of the hold twice but no dice. He struggled to his feet and tried to toss Draven to the ropes but Draven clung to the hold and was able to maintain position. Second time was a charm and McNally hit a back elbow to give himself a reprieve.

McNally stomped on Dravens face and went for a cover but didn’t get so much as a one count on the cover attempt. McNally went for a suplex but Draven wiggled out only to eat a back elbow. McNally went for an Second City Saviour but Draven kicked him through and the two fumbled through a sunset flip exchange before Draven slapped on an ankle lock.

McNally reversed the hold into a roll up for a two count but Draven went right back to the ankle lock. McNally reached the ropes

Draven wiggled out of another slam attempt and grabbed a go behind which unraveled into Draven clothes lining McNally over the top rope and to the floor. Draven went to kick McNally in the face but McNeally stepped out of the way and clocked the time keeper in the face.

McNally caught Draven on his way into the ring and hit a super nasty DDT on him. McNally went and stomped every limb Draven has. McNally dropped a knee on the head and went for a cover but only got two. McNally worked over Draven in the corner, flooring him with multiple right hands. He slapped on a body scissors and rear chin lock to keep Draven at bay.

Draven struggled to his feet and hit some shots to the gut. The two exchanged shots in the middle of the ring before hitting the swooping forearm. Draven went into his victory sequence before McNally avoided the atomic drop only to be countered into a backslide for a two count. Draven hit the scoop slam and hit the elbow drop off the top rope.

















- McNally kicks out with authority but notices Allyson trying to make an escape on the outside, he goes towards the ropes shouting at her to come back but Draven takes him down with a school boy roll up...

































- Draven celebrates as McNally dives through the ropes and catches up with Allyson as they walk out together as the fans boo McNally out of the arena...

Winner: Draven after 7.28 via Roll up Pinfall



GOLD: "Well after just witnessing the drama with McNally and Allyson, I didn't think it could get anymore stange but what is this?"

FARLEY: "It is for Montana jackass"

Coming back from commercial break, we find the ring covered with a red carpet. A table is set in the center of the ring with two chairs, on opposite sides of the table. Jesse Montana is standing in the ring with a microphone, his glorious world title draped over a shoulder of his Armani suit. The crowd is throwing boos and tantrums his way, but Jesse ignores them for the most part, waving his hands, trying to get them to calm down as he raises a mic to his face.

Jesse Montana: If you people could please try and be professional. We have a very important piece of business to attend to at this time.

The crowd boo and harass the Assault GM some more, as he expected them to. They were, after all, sheep with no minds of their own. Well, except for that one kid in the front row wearing the “Montana Express” shirt and holding up the sign that reads “Montana for President ‘08”.

Jesse Montana: Now I’m sure none of you actually tune in to that second rate show, Warzone, so I’m going to recap the events of that night before we get started. My personal enforcer and right-hand man, “Bad Ass” Matt Covey issued a challenge to his cousin “Special” Ed for a match at our upcoming premier pay per view “And Justice For All”. The deal made, entitles Matt to name the stipulation and in return, Ed gets to name the special guest referee.

The crowd begin to chant “Special Ed” repeatedly and en masse around the arena.

Jesse Montana: And that of course, brings us to the here and now. We are going to have the official contract signing for their match, right here on Assault. And what’s more, we’ll find out both the stipulation as well as the guest referee. So without further delay, let’s have them feudin’ cousins.

“Only The Strong” by Flaw erupts to a chorus of boos as Matt steps out onto the stage, lit cigarette in his mouth. He takes a few final drags, before exhaling a billow of smoke, tossing the butt to the ground where he crushes it into the steel with his boot. He approaches the ring, ignoring the crowd, but tossing a random middle finger to small children as he passes. As he reaches the ring, he takes off the leather jacket, tossing it over the ropes where it lands on the mat, near the table. He’s wearing a cut off sleeve black t-shirt, the logo on the front being a picture of half his face, half skull, blood running down both sides.

A dyke looking woman at ringside, wearing a pink shirt with an upside down purple triangle on the front, screams at him, waving a sign that reads “R.I.P Amanda”. Matt spits in the woman’s face, taking the sign and ripping it in half. She screams wildly at him, causing him to reel back and crack her in the face with his fist, effectively knocking her out. Montana winces and then calls for security.

Jesse Montana: Get that woman out of here. I want her banned from future CZW shows.

The crowd cries out angrily, Matt unremorseful in his actions as he enters the ring, taking a seat on one side if the table. He leans back in his chair, propping his feet up on the table. Montana smiles at him and mouths a few words that go unheard as he has his mic down. They appear to be conversating while waiting for Ed, who seems to be taking forever.

Jesse Montana: Where the hell is that retard? Did he get lost? Can somebody…

“Shut Me Up” interrupts Montana, Jesse realizing Ed had probably done it on purpose, just to interrupt him. The crowd erupts into roars and cheers as Ed stumbles his way out of the curtains, grinning from ear to ear. His ribs are still bandaged from Summer Showdown, his face still bruised from the brutal match. Ed points all across the arena, the crowd eating him up. He sets his eyes on Matt in the ring, who nonchalantly ignores him. Ed walks awkwardly towards the ring, still smiling as he enters under the bottom rope. He gets back on his feet where he takes his own seat across from Matt, whose’ legs are still propped up on the table.

Jesse Montana: Alright gentlemen…

Ed and Matt simultaneously look at Montana with eyes that scream “What the f**k?”

Jesse Montana: My bad. Asshole and Retard…

Matt and Ed nod affirmatively, looking back at one another once more. Jesse reaches into a briefcase on the table and pulls out twin forms, handing them to Ed and Matt.

Jesse Montana: If you guys will just sign on the dotted line, we can make this official and then find out what surprises you have in store for one another.

Ed eagerly grabs a pen and begins jotting on the paper. Montana has to step in quickly…

Jesse Montana: Ed. That’s not a dotted line, that’s the fine print. You have to sign at the bottom of the second page.

Matt and Montana laugh as a confused Ed holds up his paper, showing a smiley face he drew on the first page. Ed returns the papers to the table, flipping to the second page where he signs along the bottom. When he’s finished, Ed throws the pin, hitting Matt in the chest. Matt quickly sits upright, his face turned to a vicious snarl. Montana quickly calls for him to calm down. Matt takes a deep breath, eyes unmoving from Ed’s as he flips open the first page and signs along the bottom of the second. Matt thrusts the paper out at Montana, still looking at Ed. Montana takes both sheets and places them back in the briefcase.

Jesse Montana: Thank you, guys. There you have it folks, the first signed match for “And Justice For All”.

Matt reaches out and grabs the microphone from Montana.

Bad Ass: You know something Ed… I didn’t figure you for one to actually go through with this. But I guess that just proves how retarded you actually are. Cuz ya see, it doesn’t matter who you’ve chosen for a ref. I fear no man and in the end, you just screwed yourself. Nobody’s going to defy me. I will beat you within an inch of your life. I will win our match. And then you’ll belong to me!

Ed stares at Matt inquisitively, unsure of what’s going on.

Bad Ass: My stipulation is real simple, Ed. Once I beat your short bus riding ass, you have to do what I say, when I say it. If not, your CZW contract is terminated and you’re out of a job! Do you get it yet? It’s too late! You’ve just f**ked yourself! You can’t beat me, and in the end you’ll do what I tell you or you’re gone!

Matt grins devilishly at Ed who looks like he just got sick. Montana laughs and nods his approval as the crowd begin to hiss and hate once more. But they grow silent once more as Ed holds a single finger up in the air, his face turning back into a grin.

Special Ed: Are you done, Matt? Or would you like to toot your own horn some more? Or does Jesse do that for you?

The crowd explodes in cheers and laughter as somebody near the front row screams “BURN!” Matt continues grinning, looking wild eyed at Ed now.

Bad Ass: Go ahead, Ed. What do you got? Ace King? How about El Pablo? Are you gonna get a stupid f**king coconut to make the three count for you? You don’t get it, there’s no one you can get to ref our match that’s dumb enough to make the count for you! Hellena? She’s terrified of me. Ace and Pab? I’ll knock them the f**k out, and we’ll get a normal ref who won’t dare defy me!

Ed nods as Matt takes in his own confidence. The crowd begin chants of “XTC! XTC!”

Special Ed: You’re right. Hellena would stab you as soon as look at you. Ace and Pablo would’ve been great choices, but you would’ve found a way to work that in your favor by attacking them. So I had to find somebody who was just as willing to defy you as I am. Somebody who’s taken endless amounts of abuse from you in the past, but continues to be that annoying thorn in your side from time to time. At this time, I’d like to call down my special guest referee…

Matt and Montana look up the ramp, trying to figure out who could be dumb enough to agree to this…

“Missing Time” begins to play, the arena lights going into a strobe light effect. The crowd is surprised by the choice as Matt’s younger brother “Jigga C” hit’s the stage, thrusting both arms in the air as a shower of purple pyro rains down from the tron behind him. He takes off his hat and tosses it wildly out into the crowd, smiling and pointing out the fans. They suddenly begin loving him, throwing cheers his way as Ed claps. Matt suddenly looks pissed, standing up from the table as Montana tries to assess the situation. Jigga shakes and touches hands on his way to the ring, where he slides in, hugging his cousin Ed.

Matt looks absolutely livid as he grabs the table, tossing it out of his way. Jigga’s face quickly turns serious as he stands face to face with Matt, forcefully stealing the microphone out of Matt’s hand. The crowd chants for Jigga, the youngest Covey taking it all in before continuing.

Jigga C: That’s right, Matt. I’m the ref in your match. And I dare you to do something about it. You know me. You smack me around a bit, and then I come right on back for more. You’ve pushed this family around for far too long, and I think it’s about time the fam’ did something about it, yo.

Montana begins to step in, but Jigga shoves him back, staring at him now.

Jigga C: You stay out of this, horse f**ker. If I need help choosing some gay ass suit to wear to a premier event party, I’ll give your “Broke Back Mountain” ass a call. Until then, polish that title and keep telling yourself that people actually like you.

Jigga looks back to Matt as Ed cracks up over Jigga’s comments.

Jigga C: Hey yo, you remember when you fist showed up here? The night you kicked the shit out of me and Ed? Well payback’s a bitch, motha f**ka. Do sumthin’ about it!

Matt snaps and swings at Jigga, but he ducks and crotch taps Matt, sending Bad Ass reeling over, clutching his groin. Ed quickly runs in grabbing matt up in a suplex, turning and dropping him with a piledriver, a modified version of the “Special Driver”. Montana begins to step in, but Jigga grabs one of the steel chairs and Montana exit’s the ring. Ed covers Matt, and Jigga makes a quick 3-count. The crowd exploding as Jigga raises Ed’s hand after the mock pinfall. Matt rolls out of the ring, standing next to Montana, absolute hatred filling his eyes as he glares at the ring. Montana begins whispering things in his ear as he guides Matt to the back. Ed and Jigga celebrate the faux win, the crowd loving every minute of it as we cut to a commercial break.



Match: Maynard O'Toole V. Kris Kash

Non-Title Match

(If Kris Kash wins, he gets a re-match for the Intercontinental Title.)


(The crowd quiets down from the excitement of CzW wrestling at its best, in anticipation for the match that they know is next; the match that could very well be the most entertaining of the night's entire card. As Assault comes back from a scheduled television break, the crowd is made aware by ring announcer Jessica Towers vacating her chair and coming to the ring. As she climbs in, the energy in the HP Pavillion builds, as the faithful fans of San Jose prep for a rematch from Summer Showdown. Jessica brings the microphone up to speaking level..)


"Ladies and gentlemen! The following match is scheduled for one fall, and is a non-title match! However, if Kris Kash wins, he will receive a rematch for the CzW Intercontinental Championship! Introducing first to the ring, at 6' even and weighing in at 216lbs....KRIS KASH!!!"

(The crowd goes crazy as Team X-Ellence member, Kris Kash, enters the arena to the tune of "Mic Check" by Juelz Santana blaring through the house P.A. As he enters on the ramp, his loyal fans snap pictures of him with his pyrotechnics and jumbotron video as backdrops. He runs down the the ring, climbing on the turnbuckles upon entry, allowing for more picture opportunities as his fans chant his name...)


"And now, standing at 6'7", weighing in at 275 lbs, he is your Intercontinental Champion of the World....please welcome MAYNARD O'TOOOOOOOLE!!!"

(As "Maynard's Dick" by Tool hits on the P.A., the fans pour on heat. The tension within the arena only grows when the Intercontinental Champion shows himself from behind the curtain, title slumped over his muscular shoulders. He stops at the top of the ramp near to the jumbotron, first looking around the arena and laughing in a cocky manner, then turning his attention to Kris Kash in the ring...)

Moment by moment, the stares of O'Toole infuriate Kris Kash, and suddenly, without notice, Kash slides out of the ring and runs for O'Toole! Just as he reaches O'Toole, the Intercontinental Champion attempts to make use of his solid gold championship belt by going straight for the head of Kris Kash with the belt, however, Kash ducks underneath the attempt. As O'Toole naturally comes back up with the belt, Kris Kash hits it with a roundhouse kick, knocking the hard belt right into the chest of Maynard O'Toole! O'Toole hits the ground on the ramp, as the fans scream joyously, chanting Kris Kash's name as Kash takes the opportunity to hop on O'Toole, delivering punch after punch. After connecting with 10 straight punches to the jaw and head of Maynard O'Toole, Kris Kash gets up and begins to gloat to the audience, who are now fully behind him. As he turns his back from the Intercontinental Champion, O'Toole rises slowly with a sadistic grin on his face. O'Toole grabs Kash from behind without warning and puts him in a bear hug, despite warnings to Kash from his adoring fans. While he has Kash in the bear hug, he walks him slowly up to the ring as a CzW official comes behind the two and retrieves the fallen Intercontinental Title belt. Maynard walks the stunned Kris Kash up the stairs one by one, and then when he gets him onto the ring, he slams Kash's head into the turnbuckle post! He then throws Kris Kash into the ring, where Kash falls to the canvas. Then, O'Toole himself follows Kash into the ring, and the bell is rung. Kash is rolling around the center of the ring, holding his head in pain, as O'Toole comes back over to him, grabbing his shirt and pulling him up from the mat. As he is pulling him up, however, Kash backs out of his shirt, causing O'Toole to fall backwards, bouncing off of the ropes behind him. Using O'Toole's inertia, Kash picks him as he comes off the ropes and hits him with the Tilt-A-Whirl Slam! As he slams O'Toole to the mat, Maynard halfway pops back up grabbing his back in pain. Kris simultaniously goes up to the top turnbuckle and hits the leg drop on Maynard O'Toole while he is down! The ref slides in beside them as Kash goes for the cover...










O'Toole gets his foot up on the ropes, which apparently he was too close to. Kris Kash shakes his head at the bit of misfotrune, but instead of focusing on it, he hits Maynard with 2 quick elbow drops to the right shoulder and pulls him more into the center of the ring. He goes for a quick cover once again as the ref counts them out...






Kris Kash is visibly upset as he gets up, throwing the bandana off of his head and out of the ring, pissed that the man who took his title is now mocking him with a 1-count kickout. O'Toole hops up off of the canvas as Kash's back is turned, him still bitching, and he knocks Kash in the back of the head close-fisted. The ref sees this and pulls O'Toole back, warning him about the closed fist. O'Toole concurs, saying he understands the warning, but not before Kash comes between the two of them in an attempt to angrily retaliate against O'Toole for the dirty hit! As he comes in, however, O'Toole trips him up at the ankles, dropping him to his knees in the middle of the ring. He then roundhouse kicks Kash in the back of the head, as Kash hits the canvas! O'Toole goes for the cover...














Kash kicks out shortly before the 3 count falls. As Kash is motionless in the center of the ring, O'Toole begins to ponder of how to put him out. He leaves the ring in search of a foreign object, most likely his Intercontinental Championship belt, as the ref begins to count his time outside of the ring. O'Toole is frantically searching for the belt all around the outside of the ring, as he did not see the official come and retrieve it before the match began. He is still looking for the belt as the ref shouts the count out, Kris Kash now up in the ring and ready...8!...O'Toole looks at the ring and sees Kash up, and calls off the search for the now pointless foreign object, but still in the back of his mind is wondering what has happened to his title belt. He slides back in the ring as the ref gets to 9. As soon as he is back in the ring, Kash begins to beat him down, not allowing him to get up. As O'Toole is now a bit out of it from the beat down, Kash pulls him off the ropes abit and begins to put him in The Money Clip! O'Toole is fighting the hold, but to no avail, Kash locks it in as the crowd goes crazy! The ref is down near O'Toole, asking him if he can continue. After about ten seconds in the hold, the brute strength of Maynard O'Toole is shown as he inches closer to the ropes from which he was initially pulled from..closer and closer..until finally, much to the dismay of the fans and Kris Kash, he grabs hold of the ropes. Kash dosen't break the hold. The ref begins to count him out on it..










Kash breaks the hold..


"C'mon Kash. You're supposed to be better than that! Keep it clean!"

Kash smiles at the ref, and begins to stare down Maynard O'Toole as he prepares awaits for him to get off of the ropes and off of the mat. As O'Toole gets up, Kash grabs him by his hair and throws him into the nearest set of turnbuckles. A weakened O'Toole immideatley slumps over in the corner, as Kash delivers repetitive shots to his midsection, only causing him to drop lower and lower until his is seated on the canvas with his head hanging down almost between his knees. Kash backs up nearly to the other turnbuckle and runs towards O'Toole, hitting him with a baseball slide! O'Toole is now completley laid out in the corner of the ring. As O'Toole is laid out, Kash turns around as the mystery CzW official brings back out the championship belt and hands it in the ring to Kris Kash! As the fans begin to cheer loudly, Kash takes the Intercontinental Championship belt and positions it in front of the face of the unconscious O'Toole in the corner! Kash then mounts the top turnbuckle in the parallel corner from O'Toole in an apparent attempt for a high-risk maneuver! As he finishes the climb to the top turnbuckle and turns around, preparing to jump, the referee removes the championship belt from in front of the face of O'Toole. Kris Kash holds his hands up in a "what the hell" motion to the referee, apparently mad that the ref removed the foreign object from the position in which Kash designated it. Kash eventually jumps anyway, attempting the high-risk move from across the ring in order to please his fans, who are violently screaming for him, backing their superstar! However, as he comes down, the opportunistic O'Toole quickly vacates the corner, leaving Kris Kash to inevitably crash into the turnbuckles! As Kash lays clutching his back in pain from the awkward landing, O'Toole puts his boot to the chest of Kash, using the ropes to stand on and put additional pressure to Kash's chest area. As Kash is on the ropes, the ref comes over and makes O'Toole get off of him. O'Toole then turns around while Kash is out and taunts the crowd, causing them to boo loudly for him. "You Suck" chants begin to flair up as Maynard continues to taunt them. He turns back around to the direction of Kris Kash just in time, as Kash is slowly picking himself up off of the ground. Just as a woozy Kris Kash picks his head up to view the man in the ring with him, it's shades of Chuck Norris as O'Toole hits him with the Roundhouse Kick! The stunned Kash falls back down to the canvas, as O'Toole pulls him away from the ropes back into the center ring. O'Toole goes for the cover as the ref slides down for the count...













Kris Kash kicks out at the last minute. O'Toole is upset as the crowd cheers at the kickout, and begins to chant Kash's last name repeatedly. O'Toole turns around and brush's off the crowd, visibly mouthing the words "Shut up!" over and over. The fans chant Kash's name louder and louder as Kris Kash slowly gets back up behind the unsuspecting Maynard O'Toole. Finally, he is back all of the way up from the canvas and attacks Maynard O'Toole from behind, hitting him with the reverse DDT. O'Toole gets right back up from the move with the help of inertia, and hits him with a traditional DDT. O'Toole, slower to get up from this move, but still gets back up and Kash sets him up with a neckbreaker! But just as Kash turns O'Toole in an effort to perform the move, O'Toole reverses his way out of it, causing him and Kash to be face to face! O'Toole immediatley takes the opportunity to hit Kash with a knee to the midsection, and then picks him up for a powerful Gorilla Press Slam! O'Toole has almost all of the good fortune in his corner now, as he awaits for Kris Kash to come up off of the mat, all of the crowd anticipating a grim outcome for their beloved superstar, Kris Kash. Sure enough, Kash gets up and faces Maynard O'Toole who delivers yet another knee to the midsection, causing Kris Kash to crouch into the perfect position in which to be loaded up for the CELTIC CROSS! The fans boo loudly as O'Toole goes for the cover. The referee counts it out...



















Kris Kash kicks out of the brutal Celtic Cross, something never seen in the CzW! Maynard O'Toole is absolutley stunned as the crowd goes completley insane. Chants for Kris Kash flair up, louder than ever before, as Maynard O'Toole taunts the fans. Slowly, Kash gets up off of the mat, still a little rattled from the Celtic Cross. However, an unsuspecting O'Toole isn't even thinking Kash could get up, and is spending all of his energy still taunting the fans. Just as he turns around to finally check on Kash's status, Kris Kash is already in his face with an elbow, knocking him into the turnbuckle! Kash then connects with repetitive knife edged chops to the chest of O'Toole, causing Maynard to grab for his chest in extreme pain. Kash then grabs O'Toole from the turnbuckle and forces his head down into position, lifts the larger O'Toole into the air and hits with a Turnbuckle Powerbomb! O'Toole is now slumped into the turnbuckles, oblivous to what just happened, and in obvious pain. The crowd is going insane as Kash raises his hands in the air, attempting to get them excited. The anticipation builds as the crowd sees Kash pick up Maynard O'Toole from his warm position in the turnbuckle and pull him into the center of the ring. His pulls O'Toole to a stunned standing position, and hits him with a couple of more body punches before he puts him in an inverted facelock! The fans know what's coming, as O'Toole flails in pain in the middle of the ring, Kash hits him with the MIDWEST SWING!!! The crowd is going insane as Kash goes in for the count!
















The fans scream in shock as O'Toole somehow manages to return the favor and kick out of Kash's special move, the Midwest Swing! O'Toole still lays on the canvas, all of his energy gone, as an extremley upset Kris Kash gets off of him in frustration. Kash then kicks O'Toole while he is still down on the mat, spreading the connections from his head to midsection, as O'Toole lays unconscious in the center of the ring. Kris Kash runs to the turnbuckle and mounts the top turnbuckle, as the fans go insane. He once again attempts to get them excited before leaping off of the top turnbuckle and hitting O'Toole with an impressive Shooting Star Press. Kash, leaping off of the canvas, then decides to forego the pinfall, which has alerady failed, locking in the Money Clip one more time on O'Toole! O'Toole is awakened from his state of pain by the Money Clip, which has now introduced him to an even greater state of discomfort. The ref slides in, checking with O'Toole to see if he wants to tap out. O'Toole only lasts about 15 seconds, unable to get to the ropes, as his luck runs out. He taps out to Kris Kash by way of the brutal Money Clip! The ref calls the match as the bell rings! The fans go insane as Kris Kash is announced as the winner of the match with his hands raised over the beaten O'Toole still on the ground in pain!

GOLD: "He has it. Has has earned a re-match for the IC Title whenever that will be"


- Kash celebrates with the fans as he climbs over the guardrail, then exits the arena, knowing he has an opportunity at the IC Title again. Maynard limps out of the ring clutching his Title to his chest as the scene fades to commercial... *****-----*****


TOWERS: "Now ladies and Gentlemen, it is time for Assault's Main Event! This next match will be a Tag Team Street Fight for the CZW World Tag Team Championships, but due to an unfortunate incident, Sin City Rockers will not be able to compete tonight, therefore this match is now between The Darkside and Nasty Damage"

GOLD: "You hear that Michael, it looks as though Drew's injuries could be devastating, and now they don't get their shot at the Gold"

FARLEY: "Well it was expected, I mean the guy got ran over by a moving vehicle, if you don't see Zodiac in the ring after that, your not going to see Drew"

GOLD: "That is a good point Michael, we all know Jesse Montana has a bad 'track' record with hit and runs, you don't suppose it was him do you"

FARLEY: "Gold, if I was you, and thank God that I'm not, I would retrace that statement, I mean as you know, Jesse is scheduled to be here later tonight"

GOLD: "Well all I know is that this Street Fight has come down to two rivals, boy these guys have hatred for each other going way back, ow it has boiled down to this, Two on Two, No Rules, Tag Titles on the line"

FARLEY: "Lets get it on"

'Dreams' by Van Halen plays throughout the arena

TOWERS: "Making his way to the ring, hailing from Hartford, Conneticut, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is one half of Nasty Damage, he is the Owner of CZW, Legendary...DEREK DAMAGE!!!"

Derek struts out onto the stage as the fans shout; 'WOOOOOOOOOOOO' as it echoes throughout the area. Derek poses as fireworks blast off, his legendary career playing on the Assault-Tron. As he walks down the ramp he arrogantly ignores the fans who still cheer for him even through his recent dispicable acts. Derek makes the referee hold up the ropes for him as he climbs in, un-robing himself and strutting once more.

"You don't know me" by T.I suddenly begins to play throughout the arena

TOWERS: "And his tag tram partner, hailing from South Beach, Florida, weighing in at 295 lbs, he is also one half of Nasty Damage, the former Intercontinental Champion...BIG NASTY!!!"

Big Nasty arrives on the top of the ramp also to a mixture of boos and cheers. Nasty sigals that he will be wearing the Title at the end of the match as he makes his way down to the ring, smiling at his partner who struts around. Nasty climbs over the top rope and raises one arm up into the air as Derek stads alongside him...'WOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO'

"Running with the Devil" by Van Halen begins to play throughout the arena

TOWERS: "And now for their oppenents, they hail from Canada & Arizona, weighing at a combined weight of 478 lbs, they are CZW World Tag Team Champions...Tim Timmons & Mike King...THE DARKSIDE!!!"

Both walk out with mainly boos from the crowd, both not caring however as they wear the precious Tag Team Titles around there waists. Tim and Mike talk to each other at the top as both then pose to huge colorful fireworks blasting off. Both now walk down to the ring pointing at Nasty Damage, both looking intense. They stay on the outside as they both talk again, discussing strategies as they hand the Tag Titles to the referee, who then holds it up in the middle of the ring, all eyes on the belts.

GOLD: "Both with history together, Tim and Nasty especially, just imagine what these will do in a Street Fight Michael"

FARLEY: "Well we don't have to imagine Ricky, here it is..."


- Tim wastes no time to run straight for Derek, but in the way stands a seven foot tall monster named Big Nasty as he hits Tim with a big boot sending him flying back towards his own corner as Derek steps out onto the apron with a smile on his face. Mike gets a tag off the hurt Tim as he comes in, slightly more cautious than his tag team partner, circling Nasty as they finally lock up, Nasty again though with the advantage as he launches Mike across the ring

FARLEY: "Ha, Nasty trying to break his own record then with the furthest he can literally throw an opponent"

GOLD: "Yeah, testing your strength with Big Nasty is only going to result in one thing, defeat"

- Nasty walks towards Mike who gets his breath back in the corner, Mike quickly though with a dropkick to the knee of Nasty which makes the big man stomble, Mike then with an European Uppercut, Nasty grabbing his jaw in pain, Mike runs at the ropes too fast for Nasty to counter as he chop blocks his left leg, Nasty now down to one knee, Mike with his patented...Metallica Knee Kick Straight to the jaw of Nasty as Mike covers...

GOLD: "What a shot, nearly took his head clean off...AND A COVER!"






















(Derek Breaks up the count)

FARLEY: "Well Derek may not be known for his speed but he was as fast as a cheetah getting the break up then"

- Mike shouts words at Derek as he climbs back outside the ring. Mike now back to Nasty who is virtually back up again, kick to the gut, he takes him over to the corner of Tim as he tags him in, both Darkside members now double teaming Nasty as they both ope a ca of whoopass on him in the corner. Mike eventually climbs back to the outside. Tim now with stinging chops to the chest of Nasty, making an echo throughout the arena, Tim then turns to look at Derek, shouting 'WOOOOOOO' to Derek as he smiles, Derek looking on in frustration until Nasty suddenly, with a burst of energy elbows Mike off the apron, then throws Tim into the corner, reversing the situation, huge elbows to the jaw, then two high knees into the sterum of Tim, Nasty whips Tim over to his corner as Nasty follows, Tim bounces off...LARIAT CLOTHESLINE!!!


FARLEY: "Damn near did a 360 in mid air Timmons then, Nasty again showing his tremendous strength"

GOLD: "Yeah, Big Nasty is not a former Intercontinental Champ by fluke"

- Tim almost flies full circle as Nasty just took his head off. Derek watches on in pleasure as Nasty drops an elbow down on Tim. As Nasty gets back up, Derek signals for a tag as they make it, Derek now in the ring with Tim down and hurt. Derek takes advantage of the situation as he starts to stomp down on the left knee of Timmons. Tim screams in pain as Derek grabs his left ankle, stretches Tim's leg out then drops an elbow down onto the kneecap as his leg gets twisted badly. Derek struts off as the fans are oddly behind him, some though boo furiously as Derek just smiles at the reaction of the crowd.

GOLD: "Derek maybe contraversial here but he sure is a master of wrestling, working intensely on the left leg of Timmons"

FARLEY: "And we all know what it is leading upto, the oly hold more devastating than a Farley Lock...The LEGEND LOCK"

GOLD: "What the hell is a Farley Lock?"

FARLEY: "I can always show you Gold"

GOLD: "NO...NO...That won't be necessary"

- Derek grabs Tim, gets him back to his feet as he chops at the chest of Tim (WOOOOOOOOOOO). Again and again as Tim goes back towards the ropes, Derek with an irish whip, Tim bounces off...Back Body Drop. Derek struts towards Tim who looks to be hurting. He picks him up again but this time Tim fights back, shots to the body, lefts and rights as Derek gets knocked back towards the ropes, Tim now with the upperhand but Derek swarvely pokes Tim in the eye as the ref tries to tell him off, Derek just smiles and says calmly 'it's a street fight boy', Tim now unable to see gets caught by Derek, he lifts Tim up...Shinbreaker!

FARLEY: "Poetry emotion, and some of these fans say he is too old to wrestle"

GOLD: "You would know about being too old right Michael?"

FARLEY: "I think you are forgetting yourself Ricky, remember, you are the scrawny professional commentator, I am the charismatic former Wrestling God, so anytime I wanted, I could snap you just like...THAT"

GOLD: "Okay Mr Farley, I was just kidding..."

FARLEY: "...I am not laughing............Nasty now back in"

- Tim collapses to the ground in even more pain. Derek tags back in Nasty as Derek gives him instructions to work more on the leg of Tim. Nasty strides over the ropes headig straight for Tim's weakened leg, grabbing his foot and coming down with a heavy leg drop to the knee of Tim. He screams in even more pain as Mike has to watch on. Nasty then drags Tim over to the ropes, placing his left leg on the bottom rope, Nasty the jumping up and sitting down o the injured leg with all of his 295 lbs of weight. Tim is almost in tears now as Derek licks his lips, shouting 'WOOOOOOOO' as the fans reply.


- Nasty picks Tim back up, Tim with hardly any fight left in him now, Nasty lifts Tim up as Tim sits on the shoulder of Nasty, he runs and throws him off knee first into the turnbuckle as Tim bounces off in serious agony now. The referee looks on him checking to see if he is okay, meanwhile Nasty tags back in Mr Damage. Derek walks in, swiping the referee out of his way as he ruthlessly stomps down on the knee of Timmons. Derek the lifts him back up, Tim leaning on the ropes for balance, Derek measures him up, eyeing up the left leg in delight...CHOP BLOCK AGAIN!!!

GOLD: "I think Mr Damage is enjoying himself here"

FARLEY: "Well I believe he has had a problem with Timmons for a while now, besides, who wouldn't enjoy hurting the Hardcore Master?"

- Tim now rolls around in pain as Derek hits a knee drop into the forehead of Tim then rolls out as he gets back up hitting yet another knee drop to the head. Derek now picks up Timmons again as he hits a Double Underhook Suplex and immediately going for the cover...

GOLD: "This could be it Michael"


























(Mike King comes in to break the count but is met with a big boot by Nasty)































GOLD: "Can't be called the Hardcore Master without being tough"

- Tim with a shoulder up at the last split second. He looks as though that one movement hurt him as he tries to crawl off. Derek now looking highly frustrated slps Nasty on the chest, shouting; 'GET A WEAPON'. Nasty smiles as the fans hiss in excitement. Mike tries to get back up but Derek has spotted him, hitting him with chops to the chest knocking him towards the ropes, then finally with a clothesline taking him up and over the top rope, landing on his back down on the outside. Now, Nasty is back into the ring, but not alone, he has a steel chair in his hand.

FARLEY: "Business is about to pick up"

GOLD: "You love saying that line don't you?"

FARLEY: "Hey, everyone has to have a catchphrase, well, everyone except you I suppose"

- Derek points at Tim, telling Nasty to deliver a chair shot. Nasty positions the chair in his hand as he drives the corner of it right into the kneecap of Timmons.


- Derek smiles, but seems unsattisfied. He the signals for Nasty to do it again...


GOLD: "This has turned into a damn mugging"

FARLEY: "It is a Street Fight, what do you expect?"

- This time he swug it at the knee of Timmons. Derek seems still dissatisfied as he then takes the chair off Nasty, the fans looking confused. Derek then begins to wrap the chair around the leg of Tim, even Nasty looking worried as Derek seems possessed. He starts to stomp down on the chair covering his injured leg, Tim rything in pain. Derek then yells at Nasty to climb the turnbuckle, but Nasty seems uncertain. Derek yells at him again, Nasty looking abit upset, but goes towards the ropes anyway. Meanwhile Derek wraps Tim's leg around his...THE LEGEND LOCK AROUND A STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


FARLEY: "Never have I seen this before, Derek is putting on one hell of a show here"

GOLD: "What do you mean? This is sick Michael"

FARLEY: "No...As I said before...THIS IS A STREET FIGHT"

- The crowd are distraught now as they begin to boo the foul actions of Mr Derek Damage. Big Nasty is on the secod rope as he looks on in real confusion, even concern for Tim on his face as Derek growls, twisting and distorting the leg of Tim. Timmons rythes around in pain, biting his lip which begins to bleed. Tim is actually in tears, the pai is excruciating, Nasty knows it is unbearable for the Hardcore Master but has to do as Derek says. Derek eventually lets go leaving Tim screaming and crying in pain. Derek however is not done yet, he makes sure the chair is still in position on the knee of Timmons, then tells Nasty to jump off. Nasty shakes his head, knowing this would end the career of the Hardcore Master. Derek with a sick smile tells him to do it but Nasty refuses. Derek then goes ballistic as he walks towards Nasty, BUT MIKE IS BACK IN THE RING WITH A SLEDGEHAMMER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: "HOLY CRAP!!!!!!!!!"

- Mike takes down Derek Damage with a swing to the temple...


FARLEY: "No...He just took off Derek's head"

- Nasty is stuck on the second rope as Mike angrily swings the sledgehammer at him, smashing into the ribcage of Nasty knocking him off the ropes and onto the concrete floor on the outside...


GOLD: "OH MY...He just landed on his head"

- Mike checks on Tim who is in tears. He takes the chair off his leg as the fans actually cheer for him. Derek is somehow back up as Mike hits him in the gut with the hammer, then smashes it back down on the back of the Legend...



GOLD: "I am not going in their, besides, you weren't so bothered when Tim was the one on the recieving end"


- Mike goes back to see on Tim as the referee asks Tim if he wants to abandon the match, Tim squeezing out a word...'NO'. Mike pats Tim on the back as he turns around...




FARLEY: "IT IS BUCK EVANS & JORDAN BRYANT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"


- Buck nails Mike with a clothesline as Jordan stomps Tim out of the ring. Buck then picks up Mike as he holds him there while Jordan grabs the sledgehammer, wrapping it around the ribcage of Mike. Buck then grabs the steel chair as Jordan picks Mike up...Smasing it clean over the head of Mike King as his head busts open. Derek is now back up as he smiles to his two recruits, slapping both of them on their chests as he locks Mike up in the Legend Lock!!!

GOLD: "4 on 2 here, Outlaws with new recruits, this is disgraceful"

FARLEY: "No, Outlaws just proving they are more powerful than the Darkside here tonight"

GOLD: "Derek has Mike in this hold but he isn't even concious, his head looks like a tomato damnit...SOMEONE STOP THIS!!!"

- Mike is unconcious at the moment as Derek tightens the hold, Mike in a pool of blood. Buck and Jordan look around at the disapproving Californian crowd. 'OUTLAWS SUCK...OUTLAWS SUCK' ring around the arena but that does ot stop Derek from keeping the hold on. Big Nasty is now back up as he smiles to Buck and Jordan. He then rolls Tim, who is the legal man back into the ring as Buck and Jordan stomp him down. Nasty climbs over the ropes as he shouts in the face of Tim; 'First you lost your girl to me, now your gonna lose your gold to me', with those words, Big Nasty lifts up Tim...NASTY BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Derek eventually lets go of Mike as Buck and Jordan kick him out of the ring, Derek now wanting the final piece of Tim. The other three lift up the helpless Hardcore Master, Derek approaches...THE DAMAGE DROP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




























































GOLD: "Well of course we do, it was four on two damnit"

- The referee and most of the arena looking on in disgust as the Outlaws celebrate, with Big Nasty and Derek Damage holding up the CZW World Tag Team Titles high up into the air as the fans boo in disgust.

TOWERS: "Here are your winners and NEW CZW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS...Nasty Damage!!!!!!!!!"

- Mike and Tim are left helpless around the ring as the paramedics take them off. Outlaws then making their way to the back with the true Damage done!!!

Winners are Nasty Damage after 13:25 via Derek with a Pinfall



As CZW Assault returns from the commercial break, we can see the entrance ramp is layered with the red carpet from before. Many young veluptous women scatter the outside of the ring and all up the ramp, all wearing skimpy 'Upstarts' shirts. In the middle of the ring stands a huge baer saying 'Congratulations Jesse Montana'.

The crowd are booing furiously at the whole occasion, but soon go silent as the lights around the arena turn off. A video comes onto the Combat Assault-Tron as it clearly shows a compilation of Jesse Montana's best bits. Then 'For Whom The Bells Toll' begins to play, echoing throughout the arena as the fans continue to boo accordingly.

First walks out Stephe Butler, Jesse Montana's assistant. He has a huge fake smile on his face as he welcomes out the rest of Upstarts. Maynard is next out with the Intercontinental Title draped over his huge shoulder, followed by the Graduate, Gregory Grantham who is working up the fans into a pit of anger as they boo with frustration. 'Bad Ass' Matt Covey is next as he is shown shoving one of the cameramen out of his way as finally, walking out confidently, with the CZW World Heavyweight Championship belt draped over his shoulder, the Sensation, leader of Upstarts and President of Assault walks out, happiness shown on his face, but with a slight limp after last night's match up with Ace King. As Stephen and Matt walk him down to the ring, alongside Maynard and Gregory who are chatting up a few of the women, the fans are loudly showing their disgust for Upstarts.

Matt Covey pushes one fan back who seems to have got slightly too rowdy, Jesse immediately sigalling to the security guards to throw him out of the arena. This just makes the fans boo louder. Stephen holds the ropes for Jesse as he climbs into the ring and stands tall on the red carpet. Now with all Upstarts inside the ring, Maynard and Jesse hold up their Gold high into the air as fireworks blast off and balloons fall from the sky, 'Upstarts' wrote on every one of them.

FARLEY: "The celebrations have begun"

GOLD: "Don't you think this is abit overboard?"

FARLEY: "Not at all. Upstarts have alot to celebrate. Now holding both the IC Title and the World Title. These celebrations are great, what a sight it is"

Farley eyes up a couple of the young ladies outside the ring as they turn around chuckling, blowing kisses to the Former Commissioner

GOLD: "Michael, these women are young enough to be your Grandchildren"

FARLEY: "Correction Ricky...They are OLD enough to all be future Mrs Farley's"

GOLD: "Oh well I am sorry to disturb your perverted moment, but I think this whole celebration is a farce, clearly the fans know it and Michael, so do those men in the ring"

FARLEY: "I would shut your mouth if I were you, besides jackass, The CZW World Champion is about to speak"

Jesse now has a microphone in his hand. He begins to speak but is drowned out by the mass of boo's from all sides of the arena, the fans clearly hate Mr Montana. Jesse however interrupts, beginning to speak anyway

JESSE: "Relax, people relax, I know you don't mean that, you all appreciate your World Champion don't you?"

...Jesse Sucks...Jesse sucks...Jesse sucks...

JESSE: "Well, I couldn't really care less because the fact of the matter is, Jesse Montana is your NEW WORLD CHAMPION and there ain't a damn thing you, Shawn Waters, Matt Stylez or even Ace King can do about it"


JESSE: "Wrong show you blundering idiots. Now, as this is not only the Greatest day in Upstarts history, but the greatest day in UNITED STATES history, I welcome all of you to share July 4th celebrations with Upstarts celebrations ad you lot, even though you don't deserve it, can be apart of both"


JESSE: "That is the spirit"


JESSE: "I thought it was too good to be true, just when I was getting to like you lot, you embarress yourselves again. Well, this celebration will go on as much as you hate it, so sit down and SHUT UP!"

Matt Covey takes the microphone off Jesse as the fans boo even more loudly...

MATT: "If you guys don't SHUT YOUR TRAPS I will come over the guardrail and BEAT respect into each and every one of you...Now listen to Mr Montana NOW!"

...Upstarts Suck...Upstarts Suck...Upstarts Suck...

JESSE: "Wow, you guys don't seem to have much of a vocabulary. Anyway. At Summer Showdown, Jesse Montana made history once again, UPSTARTS made history as not only did Gregory win his match making me proud, Maynard winning the IC Title making me proud, but I, myself, beat Matt Stylez and that spoilt brat Shawn Waters to become World Champion"


JESSE: "Chant for that punk all you want but at the end of the day, Jesse is the man holdig the Gold. ow then, I have been immensely happy since then, I mean Upstarts are finally on top, especially now we got rid of your beloved Waterboy. But ever since my immortal win, I have had my mood hit down each and every day. I have people saying 'Jesse does not deserve the belt'. I have had people saying 'Were glad Shawn turned on Upstarts', people have said alot of bullshit and quite frankly I am sick of it. Shawn will get what is coming to him, just like all of you imeciles will too"


JESSE: "Then I had to fight on Warzone. I mean that place is a mental asylum, not only did I get abused by a mad man I love with a coconut, I also had to put up with threats from the Anarchist. Nevermind having to share an arena with Alan Fiscus, the most perverted man in CZW history. But after all that, I fought in the main event, I mean they had to have the Sensation in the main event, I was the only attraction that made moey for them. But what goes and happens, I get screwed out of the match by XTC"


JESSE: "Damn drug addicts, keep chanting for exctasy. Anyway, I have barealy made it to Assault today but the Sensation never dissapoints, I am here and I want to forget all of the horroros of Warzone and baske in the glory of MY own show...Assault. Fireworks please..."

More fireworks blast off, ranging in colors, loudness and creativity. The fans continue to boo but Upstarts take no notice and start to party with the lovely women who crowd the ring. Farley even tries to get up but Gold sits him back down. Finally the celebrations come to an end as Jesse grabs the microphone again...

JESSE: "Wow...Upstarts are so great. I want all of you to join in now...Hip Hip Hooray...UPSTARTS...

CROWD: "SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

JESSE: "Hip Hip Hooray...UPSTARTS...

CROWD: "SUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

JESSE: "Oh nevermid you fans don't deserve it. Now if you don't mind, me and the boys are going to take these lovely women back to our dressing rooms and truly CELEBRATE!!!"

Just as Jesse is about to escort a beautiful blonde out of the ring, and Farley is on the edge of his seat licking his lips, the party is interrupted by...

[The crowd goes wild as "Stillmatic" by Nas begins to play. As the song moves into the opening verse, Ronnie steps out from behind the curtain as he just stands there in his hooded vest, hood over his head, bouncing from side to side]

FARLEY: "What does this guy want, this was just about to get interesting when Ronnie breaks up the party, DAMN HIM"

GOLD: "Oh please, this guy has just saved this whole area being trashed by these annoyed fans, what was Jesse thinking?"

Ronnie grabs a microphone as he smiles towards the ring where Upstarts stare him down, Jesse in particular as he shuffles his World Title on his shoulder. Ronnie is about to speak...

RONNIE: "Wow, that was quite an event you guys put on their, but I have one question, why wasn't the Franchise invited?"

JESSE: "What the hell are you talking about? You don't interrupt my pl..."

RONNIE: "Oh shut your mouth boresation, these fans are on the virge of falling into a coma after your little celebrations. But the Franchise has to come clean, I am not really bothered about not being ivited to your celebrations, you see, I intend to hold my own celebrations night next week"

JESSE: "Oh yeah and what would a low life like you possibly have to celebrate?"

RONNIE: "Funny you should say that Jesse, you see, while you were boring these fans with your fireworks and balloons, I was on the phone to Malcolm Richardson. Do you know who that is Jesse?"

Jesse goes silent as he starts to look concerned, Gregory asking him what Ronnie means

RONNIE: "Not so cocky now are we Jesse? Anyway, for those who do not know, Mr Richardson is a very important face in the Board of Directors. He seemed happy when I made my announcement. Jesse, what is this I hold in my hand?"

Ronnie holds up his Money in the Bank briefcase, Jesse taking a huge gulp as the fans erupt

RONNIE: "Why wait guys, you see NEXT WEEK...In that very ring live on CZW Assault, it will be the Sensation, the President of Assault, Jesse Montana, one on one against the Franchise, Ronnie McNeil"

This gets a huge pop from the fans


This gets an eve bigger pop as the fans chant 'RONNIE...RONNIE...RONNIE', Upstarts are livid as Jesse stands with a shocked look on his face. Ronnie leaves as he smiles as Jesse, signalling that he will be the new World Champion. 'Stillmatic' plays again as Ronnie leaves, while Upstarts stand stunned inside the ring.

FARLEY: "How dare Ronnie make this announcement while Jesse was celebrating, this ws supposed to be a great day for the United States but also Jesse Montana"

GOLD: "Oh Michael it couldn't be ay better, I bet every American is saluted Ronnie McNeil right now, as he will attempt to end the reig of Montana here NEXT WEEK"

FARLEY: "He can try, but I know Jesse has it in him to beat this guy, I have faith in the Sensation"

GOLD: "Well you maybe the only one in the arena tonight that does. But what a shocker that was, next week for the World Title, leader of X-Ellence Ronnie McNeil against leader of Upstarts, Jesse Montana for the CZW World Title, I can't wait just like my broadcast partner Michael Farley can't wait to get a date with some of the young women that surround the ring. But from all of us here at San Jose, Califoria, I bid a farewell, util next time"

Jesse Montana

CZW Assault President


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