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CZW - Presents War Zone

| June 19th | * San Diego, California * PETCO Park |

Combat Zone Wrestling live from - San Diego, California
June 19th 2008


* cZw *


Before the filming started out in the parking lot it seems to be a photo shoot going on. You could see camera people and workers was everywhere. Stepping out of the arena was Ruthless Aggression wearing a rope it seems with her hair all done. She looked a bit nervous for this shoot because she never did anything like this before. She never thought she could be so girl it seems as she took off the rope and stood in front of the mirror with a soft smile and blush as she check herself out.

She had a jean like jumper that was unzipped in the front with her hair in jet black this time coming down around her face straight. She walked over to where they want to start taking shoots. It seems took awhile and the guy had Ruthless looking over the shoot it seems in his camera.

I like this one.

The man smiled over at Ruthless Aggression.

I believe your fans would love them. You really did a good job.

That when they could heard someone was screaming and seems to fussing with someone on the side. Ruthless shook her head as she walked over to where this was happening at. It was Brenda Vixen standing there all dress up herself.

She smirks and notices that Ruthless was walking over to her as she laughs and push the worker out of the way as she got all up in Ruthless’s face.

It about time you finish, bitch. You know I have better things to do then be standing here waiting for you to get finished with your shoot.

Ruthless smirks as she glare right back at Brenda.

Oh shut the f**k up. You first need to learn how to respect people around here. Yes you and I were friends before but what you did to Tatum was uncalled for. You want to say you had no choice. You felt it was right in your soul to attack a friend. That still wrong in my eyes. You could have at least been a woman and did it where she could have saw you coming but no you did the chicken way of doing things.

Brenda folds her arms and smirks as she glare back at Ruthless and it seems it was getting heated up around the girls as people were watching.

Look who's talking. The woman who pinned and got the 1..2...3.. Over with last week. I show why I am someone that you need to be in fear about. I beat the one and only true number 1 so called diva around here in this company. The fans seems to love to death but enjoy it now. Soon all your fans will be my and they will see that you old news.

Ruthless just laughs.

Look here you piece of trash that is waste of life that here on earth today. You did get the win over me last week but don’t worry. I know I can kick your ass. Little old Zoe thought she was the shit and I kick her ass over and over and over again and there was also Sydney. Right now Thorn might be thinking she can kick my ass but soon she will see she is just keeping that title warm for me. You see I am the woman that everyone need to beat to make a name for their self. It seems like thought even thought you got the win over me that little miss Brenda that you not even in the run for a shoot for the title. You see if you is this so good wrestler that you think. You will have fans behind you but it seems like you don’t. So Brenda Vixen Angel of Death. You are standing in front of the number one woman that the fans want to be in that match for that title. They want to see me with that title and not you. You have your work cut out for you. A win over me is nothing till you get to where many of the other woman here are at in the company. So till then don’t act like you the shit because you not.

Brenda give her hand and smirks.

Oh.. So you the shit..

Ruthless laughs and smirks.

Yes I am.

That's when Brenda blind sides Ruthless with a punch to her face and that's when Ruthless came back with a right of her own. Soon you see both woman are throwing punches at each other like there were man going at. Soon they both were on the ground and Brenda was on top of Ruthless and was banging her head into the ground soon you saw blood coming from Ruthless head as Ruthless still had some strength in her turn it over where she was now on top of Brenda and was banging Brenda head down in the ground and her head start to seems have blood coming out also. Soon you saw Casey along with some other guys breaking up the female with people watching in awe what just happen.



DANIELS: "Welcome to San Diego, where we are under the stars tonight on a beautiful evening for another edition of WAR ZONE!!"

MASTERS: "It is a wonderful night out, Jarred, and we're here at PETCO park, home of the San Diego Padres!"

DANIELS: "Tonight is another jam-packed episode, as we have the debutting Eddie Rowan challenging Jacob Havok! And the Battle Royal to name a challenger to Shawn Waters' World Television Title!"

MASTERS: "We'll also have the debutting Milani Rose take on Tatum Regan... these chicks are hot hot hot!!"

DANIELS: "But first we have a first ever for the CZW... Necraft vs Nigrescence in a Casket Match!!"




The fans antiscipate the entrance of one of the most strange characters ever seen in CZW. The lights turn out as a loud scream fills the arena, 'JESSICA'. Suddenly 'Schizophrenic' plays throughout the arena, the classical tunes soar through the crowd as they start to feel shivers down their spines. A figure emerges from the clouds of smoke, he is walking with a unusual posture as he comes into view. He wears a brown mask which covers up his apparent scars from an accident he was reported to of had years back. He walks down the ramp as the fans keep their distance, Nigrescence looking at them, scaring most of them with his dark presence. As he gets into the ring he sits down, starting to rock back and forth as he hums a tune, a truly disturbing sight for the fans. As the music stops he gets up finally as the lights come back on, the referee stepping around him with caution.

Nigresence looks at Xavier Necraft as both men charge at eachother with both men hitting one another with rights then lefts then rights then lefts. Nigresence gets the upper hand as he kicks Xavier in the gut and hits a huge ddt as Xavier Necraft heads bounces off of the matt as Nigresence gets back to his feet. Nigresence taunts but the crowd just boos him.

JD: Nigresence just took Xavier head off with that ddt and the fans diden't seem to like it to much.

WM: Im sorry to tell you but I don't think he gives a damn what the fans think at the moment.

Xavier gets back to his feet as Nigresence charges at Xavier with a big boot but Xavier moves and hits a german suplex as Nigresence is down on the matt holding the back of his head as Xavier looks around the ring and then at the crowd as he exits the ring and looks under the ring.

JD: What is Xavier doing? This is a Casket Match why is he going under the ring.

WM: My guess is that he is looking for a object I mean its only common sence Jarred.

Xavier pulls out a steel chair and throws it in the ring as he grabs a black bag as he puts it in the ring. Xavier rolls back into the ring as he walks over to Nigresence who is getting back to his feet as Xavier picks Nigresnse up to his feet and hits a brianbuster.

JD: Xavier is taking controle of the match and Nigresence seems to be hurt.

WM: You...Don't Say.....

Xavier walks over to the steel chair as he picks it up and walks back over to Nigresence and hits him in the back as the you can hear the sound of the steel chair bending over Nigresence back as Xavier just laughs as he walks back over to the corner of the ring and picks up the black bag.

JD: I wonder what is in that black bag?

Wm: Can be anything you never know what can happen in CZW.

Xavier opens the bag and tips it upside down in the middle of the ring as shreads of broken glass fall on the matt as Xavier raises the bag in the air as the fan go nuts.

JD: What in the hell is Xavier thinking?.

WM: Well I am going to guess he is planning on doing some damage thats what I think.

Xavier walks over to Nigresence as he grins as he picks Nigresence to his feet and grabs him by the chin and starts to trash talk him. Xavier then throws Nigresence to the ropes and goes to closeline Nigresence but Nigresence ducks as Xavier runs to the ropes to hit another colseline but Nigresence reverses and hits a spinbuster on the shreads of broken glass.

JD: Xavier plan backed fire...

WM: Look at the peices of glass sticking out of his back.

Xavier rolls on the ground in pain as he rolls on back as the blood is seen around him as Cavier screams out in pain. Nigresence rests up against the ropes for a moment to regain energy asa he look to the outside and sees the Casket. Nigresence looks back at Xavier as he goes over and tells the refferee to open the casket as Nigresence walks back over to Xavier and picks him up. Nigresence throws Xavier to the ropes as Xavier holds on as Nigresence charges at Xavier who ducks as Xavier pulls teh ropes down sending Nigresence over the top rope and crashing to the cement below.

JD: Nigresence landed on his shoulder and it looks like he might of hurt it.

WM: Xavier out smarted Nigresnce there.

Xavier leans on the ropes as he waits for Nigresence to get back to his feet. Nigresence slowly makes it to his feet and climbs on the side of the ring where Xavier is waitng as Xavier grabs Nigresence by the throat and hits the "Fade 2 Black" in to the casket as Xavier pushes the casket down and walks away thinking he has had the match won. Nigresence puts his hand out and grabs the second rope as he slowly gets in the ring and sneaks up behind Xavier.

JD: What the....Xavier shut the casket it should be over!

WM: Nigresence had his foot sticking out so the casket dident shut completly.

Xavier looks at Jessica demanding that she clames him the winner but all Jessica can do is point behind him as Xavier turns around he is met with a steel chair shot to the head as he falls back against the ropes as Nigresence kicks Xavier in the gut and sets him up for the "NECRO DRIVER"


WM: Nigresence hit that out of no where and Xavier is out cold.

Nigresence lets out a scream as he picks Xavier up forceing Xavier to stand on his own as he hits a double arm ddt as Xavier is laying out cold with blood trickleing down his forhead as well as his back. Nigresence looks at the fans as he grins as he locks in Rear Naked Choke as Xavier face turns blue as Nigresence won't let go. Nigresence finally lets go as he rolls the knocked out Xavier in to the casket as he slams the casket door shut as the bell sounds.

Jessic Towers stands as she raises the microphone to her mouth.

JT: Your winner..."Nigrescence!!"

Nigrescence then looks across at Jessica Towers. He starts murmering 'Jessica' to himself as he climbs out of the ring. Towers by this point looks to be scared as Nigrescence approaches her before applying 'Jessica' to, ironically, Jessica Towers. The security quickly grabs Nigrescence off her but fights them off as he elbows one in the mouth, then throws him over the guardrail. He then grabs another and throws him into the steps head first, screaming out 'JESSICA' as he abuses the staff. He gets the last guard, then throws him into the ring, following him inside. He eyes up the broken pieces of glass, then picks a shard up and tackles the guard to the floor. He starts shredding the guard's face using the broken shard of glass, as a blood-curdling scream is heard, the fans covering their eyes as the scene is unbearably horrific.

Finally Nigrescence stops as he licks the blood off of his hands, the camera shows the bloodied man lying on the floor, with the name 'JESSICA' cut into his forehead. All the other guards are too scared to get into the ring but luckily Nigrescence kicks the man out of the ring and out of any more harm. He then grabs a microphone as the lights throughout the arena turn off and his music begins to play...

*video music playing in background*


"Why do you animals boo me? Why do people like you, continue to taunt and abuse me? You think you are better than me because you look like the guy or girl on the cover of the latest magazine? I WILL MAKE YOU ALL UGLY JUST LIKE THAT GUTLESS COWARD OUT THERE...I hope each and everyone of you finally realise what it is like to live in pain. To live in constant fear, CONSTANT SUFFERING!!!"

*The crowd start to look confused at Nigrescence, as this new comer continues his passionate speech, shouting every other word

"Do you know what it's like to have your own mother look at you disgust...TELLING YOU SHE WISHED YOU'D NEVER BEEN BORN? Do you know what it is like to look into the eyes of the one you love one last time...WHILE SHE BLEEDS TO DEATH...Knowing soon the flames will melt was once was? Do you know what it is like to wake up alone each and every day in complete darkness...KNOWING YOUR LIFE IS MERELY A BITTER IMAGE OF THE EXISTENCE YOU ONCE HAD? Do you people know what it is like to look into the mirror and see everything that you hate, everything that is wrong with the World...INSIDE YOURSELF? You look into the mirror and notice your flesh is decaying, your face is falling apart, their is nothing the doctors can do, just like they did nothing when Jessica was lying there...BURNT TO A DAMN CRISP. They tell you everything will be okay but you know...YOU KNOW...Nothing is okay anymore...NOTHING!!!"

* Nigrescence stands in the middle of the ring, glass sticking out of his body from the brutal contest but he likes the blood, he likes the pain, the fans are mixed between shocked and disturbed

"You people judge me...WELL JUDGE YOURSELVES...YOU PITIFUL EXCUSES OF MANKIND...You have everything you have always wanted. You have looks, you have family, you have friends, but that isn't enough for you is it? You have to bully and taunt those who YOU feel are beneath you. Well the truth is, you are the scum in this World...NOT ME. You look at me and you scowl, you have disgust in your faces. What gives you the right...TO SCOWL AT ME?"

*Nigrescence stares deep into the camera as he pulls at his hair, clearly emotionally disturbed, the fans gone silent now as the arena is in pitch black, a spot light down on the beast

"For years I have lived in the dark, I have felt my soul desert me, I cannot live in peace, in happiness...BECAUSE YOU PEOPLE CONTINUE TO MAKE MY LIFE HELL...Now, I have nothing, everything is dead, all that is left is darkness, I will get my revenge upon the fake, the sick, THE f**kS of society and I will do it even if I have to go through each and every one of you...ONE BY ONE...You may laugh at me, you may taunt and abuse me, but you will all fall prey to the darkness that is around."

*The camera coming close now as his face is seen, but covered up by his mask, covering his scars. He has blood pouring out of his mouth, some of it from the security guard, now his eyes stare into the lens as the fans listen in horror

"I lost everything that night...DAMN THAT NIGHT. Jessica! Jessica! JESSICA! I screamed her name while I watch her die slowly...AS THE FLAMES ENGULFED HER BODY...Why did they keep me alive? What have I done to deserve this? Fate shines on all of you but it...SHITS ON ME! Why does God hate me so? I cannot take it anymore. My former self is dead, the light is dead, the good is gone and evil remains, soon, CZW will be engulfed by the same darkness that has slowly possessed my mind, I will do things to you all that you people can only dream of, I will bring you all the pain and suffering I felt. Jason...Jessica...Light...All gone...ALL GONE...Now...NIGRESCENCE IS HERE!!!"

*Nigrescence drops the microphone on the floor as he exits the ring, the fans and staff keeping their distance as paramedics attend to the poor brutalised security guard, Nigrescence just smiling at his work. The scene fades with the fans and commentators almost lost for words...




* cZw! *

DANIELS: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is another first in what we hope will be a long streak of expanded horizons. Alan made the decision to invite musical acts to perform a song on War Zone every week, with the first band being one of Alan's personal favorites!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, not many people seem to share in Alan's taste, but this band is pretty catchy from what I've heard."

DANIELS: "And we're talking about Enon, who hail mainly from the New York area. And we're set to go!"


After the song, the band begin tearing down as "The Flagship Player" Dusty Davis can be seen walking towards them clapping his hands manically. They all seem put off and weirded out as Dusty shakes each of their hands with a lot of enthusiasm. The scene cuts to a commercial break.




“Doomsday Clock” by Smashing Pumpkins plays and out walks Eddie Rowan making his CZW debut. He looks happy to be here and interacts with the fans on his way to the ring. He rolls in with a broad grin and appeals to the crowd a bit more before the music cuts.

“Rooftops” by Lostprophets begins playing as Jacob Havok makes his way to the ring, acknowledging fans and looking with disdain at anyone holding a beer. He rolls into the ring and stares at his opponent as the two begin to size each other up.

The ref calls for the bell and this one is underway. They begin to circle before moving in a bit more closely, and tentatively lock up with oneanother. Rowan pulls Havok into a headlock and takes him over to the ground. Havok quickly counters with a head-scissors and Rowan kips up out of it. Havok is up and Rowan takes him down with an armdrag, but Havok holds on, taking Rowan over instead. Eddie is up but Havok takes him down with a dropkick.

Rowan up to one knee eyes Havok who stands staring at him. Rowan to his feet and again they lock up. Eddie catches Havok with a quick European uppercut, and then another, rocking him against the ropes. He whips Havok to the other side and bounces of, leaping with a spinning-heel kick, but Havok rolls underneath. Rowan recovers but Jacob attempts an enziguri! Eddie ducks! Jacob quickly moving back to his feet but Rowan with a kick to the gut, staggering him. He quickly bounds off the nearest ropes and takes Havok down with a swinging neckbreaker!

Rowan now to his feet, sizing Havok up as he dazedly recovers. He scoops him up and hits a Manhattan Drop and springs up, chaining the move with a shining wizard! Havok hits the mat and rolls to the outside. Rowan sizes him up and runs to the opposite side. He gets to the ropes and leaps over with a corkscrew plancha! Havok with a dropkick to Rowan in mid-air! Eddie rolls on the ground in pain as the ref starts his 10 count. Havok is up now. He happens to glance to one of the front row fans who is cheering, and more specifically, at the beer in their hand. Jacob nods to the man and then quickly knocks the cup to the floor! The fan becomes enraged, flipping Havok with two middle-fingers.

Jacob Havok: “You should THANK me!”

Havok waves dismissively to the angry fan and rolls Rowan back into the ring. Eddie up to a knee and Havok destroys him with a shining wizard of his own! Rowan down with a glazed look after that one! Havok covers!

1…….2….Kick-out at 2!

Havok with a kick to the head of Rowan and then a standing moonsault! Cover again!

1….2….Rowan barely gets the shoulder up this time!

Havok shakes his head and begins to ascend the top rope! He sizes Eddie up, waiting for him to stand and dives off, looking for a hurricanrana! Eddie with a tumble beneath Havok who lands on his feet, but as he turns around Rowan hooks him and falls back with a reverse STO! Both men getting up slowly now! Havok up first and he runs at Rowan with a clothesline attempt, but Eddie ducks and both men run towards opposite ropes. The rush towards eachother and both attempt cross-body blocks! Both men crash into eachother and land in a heap on the ground! They both take a few moments before they begin stirring. They both get up about the same time and start punching at each other. Havok kicks Eddie in the gut, and nails a stalling brainbuster.

Havok then points to the turnbuckle and groggily climbs up the ropes. He stands up, and points into the crowd. He leaps... SENTON! TWO


Jacok Havok won this bout, but almost immediately Havok showed concern for Eddie and made sure he was okay. The ref raises Jacob's hand in victory, and Eddie walks up to him and offers a handshake. Havok shakes Eddie's hand in a mutual sign of respect As both men leave the ring, it's time for a commerical break




* cZw! *

DANIELS: Up next, we have a show I thought I wouldn’t have to watch again.

MASTERS: Yeah, Testing the Waters...on Warzone where it belongs!

DANIELS: But the host is an Assault superstar...

MASTERS: He’s Shawn Waters...he can show up where ever the hell he wants! And he’s here, gracing the Warzone ring...

DANIELS: Him gracing our ring is like Vince Khan gracing a confessional booth...seems harmless at first...but is fatal to those around!

MASTERS: Why I ought should show that man respect...did you see the Assault main event last Sunday?

“4 Words (To Choke Upon)” by Bullet for my Valentine plays...

Shawn Waters limps out on stage. The crowd are lighter on the boos than usual, some even applauding his effort in the Assault main event. Shawn holds the microphone to his mouth.

WATERS: I never thought I’d be back here after the draft...back on Alan Fiscus’s Warzone...back under his tyranny... The crowd forget Shawn’s efforts and boo louder.

WATERS: But, you know...I don’t mind being out here in front of you Warzone long as I can keep my Television title I am happy. Even though it’ll go back to the regular routine of XTC’s antics, losers chasing my title and Alan Fiscus’s mask collection.

Shawn looks around at the crowd.

WATERS: You are lucky to even be seeing me now...I would much rather be backstage, healing up after my gruelling match with Jesse Montana...but instead, I’m giving you fans some actual entertainment for once! You get to see Shawn Waters...Mr. your ring, instead of Ace King, El Pablo or Alan Fiscus!

The crowd boo even more, Shawn soaking up their boos, smirking his signature smirk.

WATERS: But, even though I have to be here...I don’t want to be for too instead of trying to communicate with you losers, I’ll just get down to business.

Shawn limps down to the ring.

WATERS: So, without further adieu...welcome my guest for tonight...Buck Evans!

“Ramblin’ Man” by The Allman Brothers plays...

Buck Evans walks out onto the stage, the fans booing him. He walks straight to the ring. He enters the ring and gets face to face with Shawn.

WATERS: Whoah, buck up Back...I mean...whatever. We have to be professional out here. Here...

Shawn holds out his hand for Buck to shake. Buck shakes it, wiping his hand on his trouser leg afterwards.

WATERS: So, are you today?

EVANS: Hell, I reckon I'm doin alright, considerin I'm in the ring with a damn Upstart. Other than that, I'm doin pretty damn good. After I beat the hell from Carnage later tonight I'll feel even better.

WATERS: That's good to hear...but, what was that you said? A damn Upstart?

Shawn smirks...

WATERS: Excuse me Buckaroo, but how many title have you held? How many World title shots do you have? None...exactly...this is my show...and you will respect me!

Shawn and Buck stare at each other. Buck rolls his eyes and sits down.

WATERS: That's better. Now, you are involved in the polls for the X title Summer Showdown match...and are pretty much guaranteed a spot. Do you really think you can win? I mean, Fiscus is in that match...he'd probably use his power to force you to lose...

EVANS: Do I think I can win? Are you really gonna ask me a dumbass question like that? Why the hell would I be here if I didn't think I could hang with the biggest names in the business? Hell yeah, I think I can win. Tell you what though, I'll do you one better, I know I can win, and it's gonna take more than GM Fiscus to keep me from that title.

Buck takes a second, and leans in a little closer to Shawn.

EVANS: And boy, I'll respect whoever I damn well please.

Shawn looks frustrated, but still keeps the trademark smirk on his face.

WATERS: It's good to hear you are confident...let's hope you can win. Let's look at all the other's who are in, or close to catching up. El Pablo...Krimzon Blaze...Ed Covey...All-American Nightmare...Jordan Bryant...Leo Crow...Jacob Havok...not a good list of contenders in there...

Shawn looks at Buck.

WATERS: I've beaten a few of those guys on that list...and I'm easily better than the rest. Buck...I gotta say, you seem to be my favourite for this match...

EVANS: Well, now yer startin to make some sense. I should be the favorite. Hell, I've beaten some of these guys too. I pinned Ed at May Massacre in the Team Warfare match, I beat El Pablo last week, and I've beaten Nightmare and Havok already, so that just leaves a basketball player and and Matt Stylez's lackey. I know I'm better than anyone in the voting, and by God, come Summer Showdown, I'll prove it.

WATERS: And tonight, you are facing Havok and Nightmare's other little buddy, Carnage. He's been jealous of you since Brenda rightly chose you over him...Carnage is as useless as Rave these days! A big, dumb ape, that's what he is...

Shawn looks at Buck and smirks...

WATERS: Does the 'Great' Buck Evans have what it take to topple this monster?

Shawn laughs at his sarcasm. A crooked smile comes across Buck's face.

EVANS: Yeah, she did make a pretty good decision didn't she?

Buck chuckles.

EVANS: And as sure as pig walla' in the mud, I will whip Carnage tonight. Hell, I done whipped the boy before, don't you remember me hawg tyin the sumbitch?

Buck laughs at his last statement. Waters raises an eyebrow...

WATERS: And I know how much you love tying up guys...I'm glad you’re not fighting me for this TV title...

Shawn holds the title up. Buck finally controls his laughter.

BUCK: Yet, Shawny. I ain't comin after that TV title yet. And hell, I reckon you got yer eye on a match tonight huh? Reckon anyone in that seven man battle royal is gonna give you any problems?

Waters looks at Buck, chuckling...

WATERS: Now, who's the one asking dumb ass questions? None of those guys worry...I can beat them all! Look at who we got...Rob Wright...Jordan Bryant...Cage Stryker...Bryan McNally...Leo Crow...Special Ed Covey...The All-American Nightmare...I'm facing most of the guys on the X match poll! And if they can't even get voted in for a shot at that silly title, what makes them think they deserve a shot at the most successful TV champ in history?

Shawn shakes his head...

WATERS: I knew there'd be no competition over here on Warzone...

Shawn looks at Buck.

WATERS: Man, I gotta ask...what was it like getting your ass handed to you at May Massacre?

Buck's face hardens after the last queston by Waters.

EVANS: Now see, things was goin pretty damn good, and now you wanna go say some dumb crap like that. See boy, I didn't have my ass handed to me. I was beatin hell from everyone that night, and after I pinned Ed, Cage Stryker attacked me from behind. Get yer stories straight you stupid sumbitch. You make one more bullshit comment like that and I'll beat the everlivin shit outta you. Buck stares a hole right through Shawn. Shawn suddenly gets serious.

WATERS: Don't you f**king threaten me on my own show! I'm not afraid to kick your ass, Buck...

Shawn stares Buck in the face. He then smirks again.

WATERS: Stryker, huh? Yeah, that assclown got me as well...I kinda hope he wins the TV title shot this week, just so I can get pay back!

Shawn then looks at Buck with a slight chuckle apparent in his tone...

WATERS: You want EP in the match? Smart move, I say, letting that stupid XTC motherf**ker kill himself, then you clean up the scraps...

Buck's expression doesn't change with Shawn's.

EVANS: Boy, you don't want a pissed off redneck comin at you. Now as for Stryker, that mother f**ker's gonna get his one day. Now as for Pablo.

The crowd erupts at the sound of El Pablo's name.

EVANS: That goddamn jumping bean jumped for the last time. He may have held that title for a long time, that don't mean he's gonna regain the title at Summer Showdown. Fact of the matter is, I'm walkin out of there as the new X Champion. And then, if you're still around here, whether it's for that TV title or not, I'll come back and beat fire from yer ass.

Shawn smirks and shakes his head...

WATERS: No wonder this interview is going to the prairie guest is delusional. You actually think you stand a chance against me? I am a world title contender! I am the TV do not even compare to the chewing gum on the sole of my shoe! Oh, are one funny redneck!

EVANS: Hey, Shawny...I hear yer in the same boat as Carnage now...

WATERS: What are you talking about, Buckaroo?

EVANS: Well, both you sumbitches gone and lost your girls...I hear Ash left yer sorry ass!

Shawn glares at Buck...

WATERS: Listen, want a match against me? Bring it on...anytime...anywhere.

Shawn smirks...

WATERS: In will do!

He strikes Buck with repeated lefts and rights. Shawn backs Buck into the corner, striking his body over and over. Buck eventually takes the advantage from Waters, blocking a punch and returning the favour. Waters is pummeled with rights and lefts. Buck gets off of Shawn, and lifts him up by his hair. Buck delivers a DDT that shakes the ring, and proceeds to stomp away at Waters. The Outlaw lifts Shawn to his feet and sets up for an Outlaw Bomb, but Shawn pokes him in the eye. Shawn slides out of the slam and nails Evans with a stiff low blow. Shawn high-tails it, grabbing his TV title he rolls out of the ring and scurries up the ramp. Buck looks down the ramp, anger in his eyes.

WATERS: Yeehaw, you son of a bitch! That’s what happens when you mess with me on my own show!

Shawn holds up his TV title as Warzone cuts to --


The cameras backstage pans in to the Queen of Combat champion, Allyson Thorn, chatting away with one of the crew members as CzW interviewer, Jenny Jacobs approaches the scene, microphone in hand. Jenny adjusts her long blonde hair and plasters a smile across her face.

Jenny Jacobs: Allyson, I’m so glad I caught you here… I was hoping to get an interview.

Thorn turns around and smiles a little uneasy.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: Oh, uh.. Sure, Jenny.

Jenny Jacobs: So, here lately you’ve been receiving mysterious phone calls, any idea as to why?

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: All I can think of is that someone’s trying to play mind games with me…

Jenny Jacobs: Do you think their technique is working?

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: We’ll just have to wait and see…

Jenny Jacobs: I guess so… But, I have to know, how do you feel about the recent attempts to take you out before the pay-per-view?

Allyson’s expression changes to anger and purses her lips.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: How do I feel? Jenny, I was attacked in the ring before I even became champion. And if you want my honest opinion about it, I think it’s f**ked up! All these women around here are jealous of the fact that I’m champion and they’re not… that’s the only solution I can think of.

???: Jealous?! Why would we be jealous of you?

The camera pans around to see Sydney Vicious and her partner in crime standing on the other side of Jenny. The two women give each other a look of arrogance and smirk before turning back to Allyson, who has now stepped closer to them.

Sydney Vicious: Just because you’re holding that belt now doesn’t mean you’ll walk out with it at Summer Showdown.

Allyson narrows her eyes and adjusts the belt up higher on her shoulder, leaning closer to Sydney.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: And what makes you think you’re actually going to be the one to take it from me? Hell, who said you’d even be in the match?

Thorn gives her a smirk as Sydney and her partner’s jaws drop in disbelief. Allyson laughs a little, once again stepping closer to Sydney.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: Look, I’m not giving up this title to anyone… especially not to either one of you skanks, so back off.

Allyson pushes Sydney a bit, sending her stumbling backwards. Sydney’s partner grabs her arm to keep her from falling to the ground. They both glare at Allyson, who raises her title into the air and then with a smirk still on her face, crosses her arms in the form of an “x”. Sirena and her friend leave the scene as the camera focuses on Allyson. Behind her, is the form of a tall and well built man, the camera pans out to reveal the face of Bryan McNally, then back in to Allyson’s face. A soft chuckle is heard but as Allyson turns around, no one is there.


Women's Single Match: TATUM REGAN vs. MILANI ROSE


Sirena Star was sitting in the makeup chair and the female makeup lady was working on her as she giggle and grin softly. She was talking with the woman as she was working on her.

I want to really look nice tonight. I want to look special for Cage because tonight will be a good match for my love. I have that feeling that tonight he dream just might come true.

She giggles softly as when Milani Rose in her wrestling gears walked over to them.

Hmm.. Excuse me I need to get a touch up on my makeup.

Sirena Star smiled softly as she offer her hand to Rose and Rose looked down at it.

I am Sirena Star and welcome to Combat Zone Wrestling. I wish you..

Before Starr could say something else that when Rose place up her hand in the young woman face. Star blinks a bit as she was in shocked.

First of all, I do not care who you are. Second I don’t need luck in my match because of the fact I will win because I am the one that put the W in wrestling here. I am the one that will make all the man fall down at my feet not only because of my great looks but also because of the fact of my skills in the ring. I bet if I ever get in a match with you. I will be making circles around you. Now I need to get my makeup finish before my match.

She then pulled Starr out of the chair and threw her on the floor. She looked down at her with a smirks as laughs softly. She then sat down in the chair and Starr just have this look in her face and then when she got up and spear Rose down in the chair and the make up lady ran off as the women start to have a little brawl and could see people breaking them apart with Starr with an anger look as Rose blew kisses to her with a smirks. The camera cuts to the ring.

“I don’t Wanna Stop” by Ozzy Osbourne fills the arena and Tatum Regan appears, with a knife in her left hand, at the top of the ramp to a huge roar from the fans. As she walks down to the ring she high fives a few fans. Tatum poses a couple times in the ring to play to the crowd.

Rob Zombie’s “Brick House 2003,” blares from the speakers in the building and a new diva walks out and down to the ring. Obviously most of the crowd saw her promo as they boo her, but some men cheer just because of her looks. The ring announcer calls her Milani Rose, as she struts around the ring.

The ref calls for the bell, and the two women tie up. Milani is the first to strike with a kick to the gut of Tatum. Tatum is doubled over, and Rose goes for a DDT, but Tatum is able to stay up when Milani drops, thus causing Milani to fall hard on her back. Tatum proceeds to stomp Milani in the torso a few times before raising Rose to her feet. Tatum executes a superb fisherman suplex on Milani, which she holds in a bridge for the pin.












Tatum is in shock that didn’t put Rose away, and Rose scrambles to her feet. Rose hits Tatum with a bitch slap, and another, and another, and now Milani is wailing away on Tatum with slaps. Tatum ducks under the barrage of slaps, and takes down Milani by both her legs. Tatums mounts Milani and begins to pummel her with rights and lefts. Milani rolls it over and dishes out some punches of her own. Tatum rolls back to the dominant position, but Milani is able to squirm out without any more punches being landed. Tatum runs at Milani and attempts a front dropkick, but Milani side steps it, leaving Tatum to fall hard on her back. Milani scales the turnbuckle and connects with a moonsault. She goes for the pin.














Milani not wasting anytime picks Tatum up and again goes for a DDT, this time connecting. Milani waits on Tatum to sit up, and hits Tatum with the Shining Wizard. Milani goes for the pin again.
















Milani is noticeably annoyed at the last 2 close calls and she throws Tatum out of the ring. Tatum hits with a thud on the floor, and Milani climbs out of the ring, picks Tatum up and goes to smash her head into the barrier, but Tatum blocks it. Two elbows to Milani’s gut from Tatum and a standing flapjack from Tatum. The ref has gotten to 3 in his count on both women. Tatum goes to get back into the ring, but Milani grabs her by the back of her pants and pulls her into the barrier. Tatum falls. The ref is at 5. Milani makes it back to the ring and the ref is at 7 on his count of Tatum, but Milani climbs the ropes again and goes for SexTreme. She misses! And the ref starts his count back over. Tatum is the first back to her feet, as the ref’s count is at 2 now. Tatum raises Milani to her feet and throws her back into the ring. Once in the ring, Tatum goes for the pin.














Tatum and Milani get to their feet at the same time, but Milani can’t hardly stand, so she uses the ropes to prop herself up. Tatum runs and clotheslines Milani over the ropes causing herself to go over the ropes as well. Milani falls hard on her back, but Tatum hit her head on the ring on the way out, and seems to be knocked out. The ref begins to count both women.





































7 and still neither woman has moved



















Double count out on both women! Medics come down to check on the women after the match, and after a few minutes, both women were able to walk out with little help.




* cZw! *




[The bell sounds, starting the match, and both men immediately lock up in the middle of the ring. Buck is pushed back against the ropes by Carnage who then brings a knee up into the gut of Buck. With Buck doubled over, Carnage uses this opportunity to hit an elbow to the back of the head and stuns Buck and starts to whip Buck. This almost causes Buck to go down, but not quite, as he grabs onto the ropes. Buck appears to be readying for another elbow, but Buck explodes from his crouched position, bring forearm up and connecting squarely with Carnage's face. Carnage stumbles backwards a few steps and then is met by a flying shoulder tackle from Buck, Buck starts to whip Carnage who is down on the mat. Carnage rolls out of it and comes forward with his arm out, clothesline a recently uprighted Buck. Buck goes down once more, but not alone, as he brings Carnage down with him by grabbing him by the neck and driving him face first into the mat as he has the strap wrapped around Carnages neck.]

[Both men are back on their feet and circling each other. Buck moves forward and launches a kick to the gut of Carnage. Carnage grabs Buck's leg mid-air. Carnage spins Buck around. As Buck comes back, he’s met with a big boot from Carnage. Buck stumbles back and Carnage starts to whip Buck in the chest. Buck is reeling now as Carnage steps forward and puts him in a reverse standing face lock, bringing him up and over with a reverse suplex, and dropping Buck on his face. Carnage immediately goes for the cover now.]

[1... 2... Not a chance!]

[Carnage rolls to the side now and gets to his feet once more. He stomps the downed Evans and starts to slash away at the flesh a few times before moving to the ropes and coming off of them, dropping an elbow to the exposed lower back of Buck Evans. Carnage then lifts Buck up and drops him across his knee with a back breaker, again going after that back of Evan's. Carnage goes around Evans now and locks in a dragon sleeper, to further apply punishment to his opponent. Carnage lets go of the hold and wraps the strap around Bucks neck and throws him over the top rope and hangs Buck there pulling on the strap as Buck is trying to fall to the floor to relieve the preasure around his neck. Carnage finally lets go and drops Buck to the floor, Carnage steps over the top and hops down to the floor to be met with a low blow from Buck, Carnage doubles over as Buck drives a big boot to the face of Carnage, Carnage stumbles back Buck then hits Carnage with a clothesline from hell and levals the big man on the floor. Buck takes his strap and starts to whip the big man, Buck finally picks up Carnage and gets him back in the ring.]

[Back in the ring the referee is checking on Carnage and seeing if he wants to give up. He doesn’t even shake his head ‘no’ but merely ignores the referee altogether. Thinking he’s punished Carnage enough, Buck finally releases his strap from Carnages neck releases the hold. A big mistake, however, because as soon as he does Carnage explode back to life. With a flurry of chops and forearms, a few knees mixed in for good measure, Buck is backed up into the ropes and then whipped across the ring. However, Buck grabs onto the ropes instead of flying back twards Carnage. Carnage doesn’t mind as he rushes forward with a diving elbow smash, connecting with Buck's chest, and sends him to the outside.]

[Buck rises to his feet on the outside only to be met with Carnage who comes off the ring apron and collapses right onto him. Both men go down to the floor on the outside. Carnage crawls over Buck with a lateral press. The referee quickly leaps to the floor for the count.]

[1... 2... KICKOUT!]

[Buck kicks out, but this does not discourage Carnage in the least. Instead it only inspires him. He grabs Buck and brings him back up to his feet smiles and whips him with the leather strap right across the face. Then hits a standing belly to belly with the man, Carnage lifts Buck up into the air and drops him neck first across the security barrier at ringside. The fans nearby cringe at the sight as Buck grabs his throat, gasping for air. Carnage meanwhile, simply sits on the floor, looking at Buck, satisfied with the work he’s done thus far and goes back to work slashing away at the flesh of Bucks back.]

[Carnage stands back up now and brings Buck to his feet as well. Carnage backs him up with a few shots to the chest, pinning him against the ring post. Carnage draws back now for another shot, but Buck ducks out of the way, and Carnage's hand connects hard with the post! Buck comes up now with a huge uppercut that catches Carnage right on the money maker and sends him stumbling back into the security barrier. Buck pulls himself up onto the ring apron and leaps off of it with a flying clothesline tackle that takes both him and Carnage over the barrier and into the crowd. The fans love this and go wild!]

[Buck climbs back to his feet, as does Carnage, security backing up the fans and giving the two men room to fight. Carnage steps forward with a straight kick to the stomach of Buck that doubles him over. Carnage then moves forward and grabs Buck, taking him down with a sit down neck breaker. Carnage takes a moment now before rising once more. He takes one of the steel folding chairs the fans were sitting on and sets it up, leaning, on the security barrier. Then, picking up Buck and hoisting him onto his shoulders, Carnage maneuvers and throws Buck back onto the chair with a Samoan drop!]


[The fans obviously liking what their seeing, the hardcore route this is going, cheer Carnage on to top his last move. Looking about, Carnage shrugs. He jumps back over the barrier and starts to dig under the ring... pulling out two tables... and... fluorescent light tubes? Nodding with a sick grin on his face, Carnage begins to set up one of the tables while shoving the other and the light tubes to the side. The fans start to murmur though as they see Buck get back to his feet, clutching his back. Shaking out the cobwebs, he looks over and sees a vulnerable Carnage who just finished setting up one table. Carnage then takes the other table and leans it up against the side of the ring, much like he had done with the chair against the security barrier. Carnage turns around now and...Buck leaps on top of the gaurd rail and nails Carnage with a flying clothesline threw the table]


[Buck, taking very little damage, is back on his feet in almost no time, a big smile on his face as he looks to the light tubes. He grabs Carnage and starts to whip him with the strap and drags him around to the bottom of the ramp. Buck then sets out some light tubes on top of Carnage's unmoving body. Buck then moves back around the ring, grabbing a steel folding chair, before sliding back in under the bottom rope. He immediately heads to the ring post nearest Carnage and begins to scale it.]

[Buck, perched precariously on that top turnbuckle now, steadies himself, holding the chair in front of him. He leaps, but as he flies through the air, Carnage, who was obviously playing possum, comes back to life. Carnage rises to his knees and with one of the light tubes firmly in hand connects HARD with the side of Buck's head, causing the tube to shatter and parts of it to turn to glass dust.]


[Buck crumbles to the ground after he connects with it. Hard. The chair under him, only adding insult to injury. Rather pleased with the situation at hand, Carnage moves around and grabs the remaining table he set up and drags it half way up the entrance ramp. He then turns back and goes down to collect the still motionless body of Buck Evans.]

[Carnage takes Buck and leads him up the ramp whipping him as he goes, laying him on top of the table. Then, going back up the ramp and through the black curtain, Carnage emerges with a steel ladder! This sends the fans into an absolute uproar as they cheer their heads off, anticipating what is to follow. Carnage sets up the ladded beside the table and begins to climb it, being rather careful, as the ladder is tilted on a slight angle, being on the ramp and all. As Carnage reaches the top of the ladder and prepares himself to jump, much to his horror, Buck stirs, his eyes flutter open, and he becomes suddenly aware of where he is and the predicament he is in!]

[Carnage pauses and this is all the time that Buck needs to throw himself off the table and into the ladder, toppling it over and sending Carnage down to the steel ramp. He connects HARD and the fans gasp loudly as Carnage head bounces off of the ramp. A thin trickle of blood runs down his forehead.]

[Buck stumbles up towards Carnage now whipping him as the fans are just in shock at the brutal match, now and drags him further up the ramp... and then to the side of the stage. Buck stands Carnage up in a standing face lock, at the edge of the stage. The fans go completely insane... And then!]


Crowd: Holy shit! Holy shit!

[Indeed, Buck leaps backwards, taking Carnage with him, and nails his Missippi Twister all the way down onto tables and electrical equipment. It takes the referee a moment or two to get down there, but when he does, he sees Buck's hand draped over Carnage's body.]

[1... 2... 3!!!]

[After the match, Chaos comes running down to the ring. She slides in, and checks on Carnage who is stirring. Buck is up, groggily, and grabs Chaos by the hair as the crowd boos. She stands up, grimacing. They turn around, and Buck is taking mad trash to Chaos. Carnage is up, and getting his bearings together. He notices what is happening and turns Buck around.. grabs him by the throat and NAILS him with a Ride of Your Life choke slam! Buck is laid out, and it's shown that Brenda is at the entrance ramp but too smart and cautious to come check on Buck until Carnage and Chaos are out of the ring. The scene cuts to a commerical as Brenda has a pissed off look on her face.]




* cZw! *


Battle Royal to name the #1 contender to the World TV Title!: CAGE STRYKER vs. SPECIAL ED COVEY vs. LEO CROW vs. THE ALL-AMERICAN NIGHTMARE vs. ROB WRIGHT vs. JORDAN BRYANT vs. BRYAN McNALLY


DANIELS: "We're set for the Battle Royal, and I'm excited for this William. Alan has stated he wants the World TV title to be more prominent on the War Zone broadcast, and this is a great first step."

MASTERS: "I agree, and I think the World TV title -should- be a bigger title for CZW than it has been."

"Second Coming" by Juelz Santana plays first, as "The Baller" Jordan Bryant is the first introduced. The crowd is mostly booing him, as he has a determined look upon his face.

"I'm Not Jesus" by Apocalyptica plays as Bryan McNally is the next introduced. Some of the crowd cheer, but most of them boo. He has the same determined look on his face as he walks to the ring.

"Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold plays next as the crowd bursts into cheers. Night Terrors leader, All-American Nightmare, comes out and plays up to the crowd. He has his signature tube with him. He high fives fans on his way down to the ring.

"Get Back" by Ludacris plays next, as the cheers turn to jeers. "The Real Deal" Rob Wright is next, and he soaks up the crowd's reaction.

MASTERS: "Wright may be on somewhat of a losing streak lately, but he is a dangerous man and a bright star in CZW. In time, you're looking at a World Television champion... hell, perhaps even a World Heavyweight champion!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva plays as the cheers return. The man who many consider the favorite to win the royal comes out, and reacts to the cheers. Cage Stryker is being accompanied to the ring by Sirena Starr, even more reason to cheer.

Protest the Hero's "Palms Read" plays as the Enigma walks out. The crowd is mostly booing him, but there seems to be a Leo Crow fan section. He comes out, not reacting to the crowd whatsoever. He methodically walks down to the ring, with his eyes set on the wrestlers already there.

And the last participant is announced to a big pop.

"Shut Me Up" by Mindless Self Indulgence plays as Special Ed Covey comes out, without Loki, but with Hellena at his side. He high fives fans on his way down to the ring.

The bell rings, and Wright and Bryant immediately go for each other. Cage and Leo are duking it out. McNally tries to blindside Ed, but Ed nails a kick to his gut. AAN is just sitting in the corner, waiting for his opportunity. Bryant kicks Wright in the gut and nails a side slam. He picks him up and tries to toss him over the rope, but Rob grabs a hold of it. Jordan pushes as Rob holds on for dear life.

McNally has taken control of Ed and slams his head into the turnbuckle. Ed looks at him oddly, and starts slamming his head in the turnbuckle on his own, like a samoan would. Bryan looks confused as Ed kicks him in the gut and nails a DDT. Ed picks him up and tosses him to the ropes... but Bryan comes back with a thundering lariat. Bryan takes a moment to hold his head though, as the DDT had an effect. He stumbles over to the ropes and AAN seizes his opportunity. He grabs Bryan from behind and tosses him over the top rope, giving us our first elimination. Bryan is extremely pissed off, and then bicycle kicks one of the officials who try to restrain him. More security comes down and escorts him out, as he shakes his head... he might have a concussion after that DDT.

ELIMINATED: Bryan McNally!

Leo and Cage are still going toe-to-toe, without someone gaining the clear advantage. Suddenly Ed comes out of nowhere and slams a forearm into the side of Leo's head. Cage and Ed then grab Leo, and nail a double suplex.

DANIELS: "This takes me back to their three way match a few shows back!"

Cages picks up Leo and tosses him to the ropes. Cage leap frogs over, but Leo nails Ed with a forearm smash of his own. Leo turns around and Cage nails him with a right fist. Cage irish whips Leo to the nearest turnbuckle. Cage comes in but Leo gets up a boot to the head. On the other side of the ring, Bryant and Wright are going at it. Bryant nails Wright with his finisher, the Alley-Oop!! But as Jordan was trying to toss Rob out, AAN comes in from behind and drops a double ax handle to the back of Jordan. He then nails Jordan with the Darkness Falls!! He in turn tries to throw Bryant over, but he struggles. After a few moments Rob gets up, and nails a spinning kick to the kidney area of AAN, causing him to let go of Bryant. He nails AAN with a Rocker Dropper. Rob then grabs Jordan and nails the No Laughing Matter!! He picks him up... and tosses him out of the ring!

ELIMINATED: Jordan Bryant!

Leo and Cage are still going at it, as Rob starts in on AAN. Ed is in the corner, gathering his bearings. Leo picks up Cage and slams him back down with a bodyslam. Rob wraps up AAN in an octopus hold, which can't gain him the win but can cause AAN a lot of pain. He wrenches back until Ed comes rearing from behind and kicking Rob's kidneys. AAN stumbles forward as Leo nails Cage with a power bomb. Leo turns his attention to AAN who is dazed. Leo grabs him and tosses him over the top rope!

ELIMINATED: All-American Nightmare!

Leo turns attentions back to Cage, as Rob and Ed are locked up in a corner. Leo picks up Cage and tosses him to the ropes, but Cage returns with a flying forearm! Cage picks up Leo and tries to throw him over the top rope, but Leo blocks it and holds on to the ropes. Cage keeps trying, as Ed and Rob are brawling on the opposite side of the ring. Rob nails Ed with a full nelson slam. Rob then leaps up and springboards off of the top rope, nailing the fallen Ed with a legdrop. Rob picks Ed back up and tries to toss him over the top, but Ed blocks it. Cage and Leo on the other side are brawling, with Cage in control. Cage tosses Leo to the ropes, and locks in a sleeperhold. The crowd cheers for Cage, as Leo seems to flicker out. Rob has Ed on the mat, and he hops to the top rope. He takes a moment to gloat, pointing to himself as he jawjacks to the fans in the front row. Ed gets up, and lunges to the ropes causing Rob to fall crotch first on the top. Ed then goes and pushes Rob off of the top and he lands to the floor, signifying another elimination.


This leaves Special Ed Covey, Leo Crow, and Cage Stryker. Ed looks on as Cage lets go of the sleeperhold.. They look at each other, as Leo is momentarily out. They walk up to each other, and get face to face. They are friends, but they are also competitors. They talk to each other, and you can only see their lips move. Ed eventually pushes Cage, who pushes Ed back in retaliation. Leo staggers up, lifting himself with the ropes. Ed and Cage continue to push each other, and nothing else. Leo comes over and they both in unison nail Leo with a fist to the head. They double team him by throwing him to the ropes. Double back body drop... and Leo is tossed over the top rope!!


Covey and Cage look at each other again, and shrug their shoulders. They then begin to brawl, throwing lefts and rights. Cage takes control and nails Ed with a piledriver. He then picks him up and nails an inverted backbreaker. He tries to throw Ed over the ropes, but Ed blocks it. Ed hits a stiff chop to Cage's throat and Cage stumbles back. Ed nails Cage with a dropkick to the knee. Ed picks up Cage and throws him to the ropes. Cage falls, with his knee in obvious pain. He cringes for it, and Ed pauses. Ed then runs to the ropes and nails Cage with a Rolling Thunder. He picks Cage up and tries to throw him over the top, but Cage grudigly blocks. Ed has Cage leaning way over the ropes, teetering on being eliminated. The crowd is electric. Cage begins fighting back. They get back into the ring, and Cage is in full control. He tosses Ed to the ropes, but Ed reverses. Ed with the leapfrog. On the rebound, Ed falls to the mat and Cage hops over him. Ed gets up and grabs Cage by the head and brings him to the ropes, hoping to throw him over. However, Cage reverses... AND TOSSES ED OVER THE TOP ROPE!!! CAGE STRYKER IS THE #1 CONTENDER TO THE WORLD TELEVISION TITLE!!

ELIMINATED: Special Ed Covey!

Ed is at ringside, laid out. After the referee holds Cage's hand up in victory, Cage leaves the ring. He staggers to the wrestler's entrance, high fiving fans. Suddenly he looks up, and Shawn Waters is there with the World Television title draped over his right shoulder. Cage and Shawn get face to face, but no blows are thrown. After a moment, Cage leaves and goes to the back with Shawn smirking and following.




*Weapon and The Wound By Days of The New hits and Ransom walks out on to the stage. He’s dressed in a powder blue suit and he’s carrying a cage. Inside the cage is Loki. Ed sees Ransom standing on the stage and begins yelling. Ransom begins to speak, clearly you can tell he’s using a voice box.*

Ransom: Special Ed Covey! *he hold up the cage* Look familiar? Yes it’s your precious friend Loki. Don’t worry I have taken very good care of him. Listen Ed. I’m out here tonight to let you know my demands. My demands which if followed correctly, you will once again have your Loki be your side.

*Ed stands outside of the ring looking confused*

Ransom: You know something? I enjoy the look you have on your face right now. I can tell that you're lost with out Loki. I think I’m going to hold on to him until I’m ready. In fact I think we’re gonna play a little game Ed. I’m sure you like games right? Good. Here’s the game. You have 4 weeks to figure out who I am…And here’s your first hint…I am a member of the cZw roster!

*Weapon and The Wound by Days of The New hits and Ransom walks to the backstage holding Loki’s cage high in the air.*

* cZw! *




::More Human Than Human hits over the PA system and::

::The Samoan Wrecking Crew come out to the roars and applause of the crowd::

::They continue there way to the ring slapping hands and giving high fives::

::They slide into the ring and await there opponents::

::Writing On The Wall hits over the PA system::

::El Pablo and Ace King Come out to the roar of the crowd and slap the hands of the fans::

::They enter the ring and each one jumps on an opposite turnbuckle and raise there hands to the crowd::

::They turn around and stare down there opponents::

::They hand there Tag Team Championships to the referee and the referee hands the titles to the outside and motions for the start of the match and the bell rings::

El Pablo and Ace King run straight at there opponents and they begin to slug it out, Sammy and Ace go at it as Jamel and El Pablo have it out Ace & El Pablo get the best of the exchange and back each of there opponents into opposite turnbuckles, Ace calls for Pablo, They look at each other and go to send there opponents form the turnbuckle only to be reversed and sent into one another. They run into one another and bounce off each other, Ace turns into a body slam from Jamel as El Pablo runs right into a big boot from Sammy. Sammy takes Ace King and tosses him over the top rope and follows him outside as they continue to battle. Jamel picks up El Pablo and give him an uppercut and backs him into the ropes, he send him off and goes for a clothesline but El Pablo ducks the line and bounces off the opposite rope and delivers a devastating Missile dropkick.

Ace King continues to take a beating from Sammy, Sammy goes to bounce Ace's head off the ring stairs but Ace puts his hands down and elbows Sammy in the gut and slams Sammy's Head off the stairs. El Pablo has taken control inside the ring as he works on the leg of Jamel, he kicks his left leg, He Continues to stomp the leg, El Pablo drags Jamel over to the turnbuckle and slides his legs between the turnbuckle and slides out of the ring, he grabs the left leg and repeatedly slams it into the buckle, Jamel Screams in pain grabbing at his knee trying to pull it out of the grasp of El Pablo.

Outside the Ring Ace and Sammy continue to go back and forth Ace swings at Sammy with a vicious left hook but Sammy ducks it and hits Ace with a neckbreaker, Ace looks out but Sammy gets up and looks over ant El Pablo & Jamel and sees what is going on and rushes over to assist his partner from the beating he is receiving, he blind sides El Pablo and bounces his head off of the metal turnbuckle, El Pablo crumples to the ground. Sammy slides in the ring to check on his partner. Jamel is grabbing his knee.

Ace & El Pablo bot recover and look underneath the ring and each of them grabs a table and slides it into the ring, they continue to slide in after. Sammy runs at Ace and they continue to slug it out before anyone has a chance to get the upper hand El Pablo assists his partner and overwhelm Sammy, they send him into the opposite turnbuckle with a double Irishwhip Ace sends El Pablo into Sammy but Sammy gets his knee up, Ace runs at Sammy but Sammy gives him a back elbow both Ace and El Pablo are Down, Jamel finally gets up, Jamel and Sammy Each grab one of the tables and sets them up one it each an opposite corner Ace gets to his feet and runs at Jamel, he dropkicks the left knee of Jamel and he goes down and rolls out of the ring, Sammy turns right around into El Pablo and gets hit with a DDT. El Pablo picks Sammy up and sends him off the rope Ace gets next to El Pablo and they give him a double kick to the gut, he bends over the sling his arms over there heads and give him a Double Suplex through the table. The Five Star Gamblers Win. Afterwards, The Giovannis show a sign of respect by shaking the hands of Ace & EP, and the crowd is going crazy as the CZW logo appears, signifying the end of the broadcast.


THE WINNERS: THE FIVE STAR GAMBLERS by putting SAMMY through a table (8:32)


* cZw! *

©2008 CZW-EFED /All rights reserved.