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CZW - Presents Assault

| June 15th | * Sacramento, California * ARCO Arena |

Combat Zone Wrestling live from - Sacramento, California ARCO Arena
June 15th 2008


cZw Assault kicks off as Assault's new theme song 'Out of My Way' by 'Seether' plays throughout the arena, along with masses of fireworks and cheers from the cZw Assault fans. The commentators start to speak over the mass of loud noise.

GOLD: "Welcome to another edition of Sunday night cZw Assault, here at the ARCO Arena in Sacramento, California. Tonight, it will be historic, for Upstarts and Darkside will be fighting each other, the winner will get an opportunity of a lifetime"

FARLEY: "Yeah, we saw during the week just what that Title means to these men, we heard alot from them and one will walk out the number one contender tonight"

GOLD: "Who would be your pick Michael?"

FARLEY:"I see it as being one of the toughest matches in cZw history, I mean we have the man in charge of Assault, the leader of Upstars, but then we have his prodigy, his underscore, but the man who has leart everything there is to learn and looks to be ready Ricky, I would have to pick Jesse though, he has wanted this for moths and remember what he said Ricky, it is destiny"

GOLD: "It sure maybe destiny happening tonight, but what else do we have? We have the Intercontinental Title on the line, we have two members of X-Ellence fighting each other, we have debuts, we have it all"

FARLEY: "Funny, that is what people say about, I have it all, but tonight, we truly do have it all Ricky"

GOLD: "Wait, what is this?"

"Only the Strong" suddenly fills the arena, the crowd immediately turning into savages, booing and hissing. The curtains part and "Bad Ass" Matt Covey emerges onto the ramp, a look of hate and disdain written upon his face. He ignores the cries of the crowd, stalking the ring like a predator. Once inside, he takes the microphone from Jessica Towers, forcefully shoving her through the ropes to the outside where she lands on her butt. Matt looks amongst the crowd as they continue to hate on him.

Bad Ass: Shut the fuck up! You're all a bunch of sheep!

The crowd begin booing harder than before.

Bad Ass: You hate me because of my actions, but what you fail to realize is your opinions of me have no effect what so ever on the outcome of anything I do. You like who you're told to like by the corporation, and you hate who you're told to hate by that same damn corporation Like I said, you're sheep with no minds of your own.. You're fucking pathetic!

The crowd is enraged by these claims.

Bad Ass: As a matter of fact, if I were to just "turn" one night and do what you morons consider to be the "right thing", you'd suddenly love me and cheer me every time I walked out here. Well guess what? you can keep your cheers and shove them up your asses because they mean about as much to me as your cries of hatred. So you can all Blow It Out Your Ass!

Matt smiles for the first time as he realizes he is right in his assumptions, some of the fans actually appearing dumb founded.

Bad Ass: Now, for the reason I came down here tonight... It seems some young punk bitch thought he could come out here last week, run his damn mouth like he owned this jizz-joint, and have our GM arrested. Well as Montana's right hand man, that doesn't sit very well with me. And I think I'm gona have to do something about it! So listen up, J.C. Mason... We can do this the easy way or the hard way. Now bring your bitch ass on down here.

Matt lowers the mic and waits, the crowd around him waiting as well, their cries of dissaproval unending. After a few moments of nothing happening, Matt lifts the mic once more.

Bad Ass: Alright backseat Betty, it's real simple. Pull up your wonder woman panties, slide on your high heels and bring your budding bossom ass down here before I go back there and drag you down here by your tampon string!

Matt waits once more, but still there is nothing.

Bad Ass: Fine then little girl, have it your way.

Matt drops the microphone in the ring and bails out, still ignoring the crowd as he marches up the ramp, a determined if not pissed look in his face.


Fatal Four Way Match

Bryan Alexander -VS- 'Tiny' CJ Williams -VS- Brian Kirkland -VS- The Leprechaun


The fans are all waiting for the first match of the evening, when all of a sudden "Who Run It" by Three 6 Mafia begins to play through out the arena as Tiny steps out from the curtains wearing a throw back #99 Warren Sapp Bucs jersey, baggy jean shorts and air force ones. He makes his way out to the ring with not much reaction from the crowd. Then the lights go out, "harder than a coffin nail" starts and when the song kicks in Kirkland makes his way to the ring as the crowd cheers. Kirkland gets in the ring and walks up to Tiny as they slap hands and stand together waiting for the next opponent. Following lead, "This Moment" by Disturbed floods the arena as "The Great" Bryan Alexander walks down the isle with a sea of Boos from the crowd.. Tiny and Kirkland step out of the ring to give Bryan his ring time as he poses to the booing crowd. Following him, the crowd looks on as the final opponent makes his way out. It’s none other than The Leprechaun; he makes his way to the ring, as Bryan steps out.

The match starts and from the bell Tiny and Kirkland team up against Bryan Alexander. The two grab Bryan A. and throw him into the ropes with a double Irish Whip followed by a two man clothesline. Tiny and Kirkland high five each other but then Tiny kicks Kirkland in the midsection and attempts a DDT but it is quickly countered into a downward spiral. Kirkland picks up Tiny and applies an elevated crab and goes for the pin…












Leprechaun grabs Kirkland and nails him with a standing drop kick. He then picks up Kirkland and applies the dragon sleeper as the ref asks Kirkland if he wants to give up, but then Alexander runs and bounces off the ropes, running toward Leprechaun and hits him with a bulldog. Alexander starts stomping Leprechaun on the ground. He picks up Leprechaun onto his shoulders, attempting "The Calvary" Alabama Slam but as Leprechaun is on Alexander’s shoulders he turns around only to be speared by Tiny. Alexander is then sent into the middle rope facing the entrance way.

Tiny then proceeds to choke Alexander’s neck on the middle rope. Tiny continues to choke out Alexander when all of a sudden, there’s a ruckus in the crowd as Alanso Fyne slowly makes his way out to the ringside. Alanso then stares down Tiny as he rubs his boots from the outside. Tiny lets go of Alexander and yells at Alanso to stop touching him. Mean while, Alexander sees his opportunity and pushes Tiny to the out side of the ring, as Tiny lands at Alanso’s feet. Alanso tries to help him up and begins to slowly rub Tiny’s shoulders. Tiny then pushes Alanso way with a frightened look on his face. Tiny backs up but Alanso starts to follow him and Alanso chases Tiny into the back locker room area.

Mean while, in the ring, Alexander is standing at the top ropes, looking at the entrance way and laughing his ass off. But behind him, Leprechaun grabs Kirkland and nails him with a DDT. He then picks up Kirkland and throws him to the outside, sending him to the hard floor. Leprechaun then sneaks up behind Alexander, who is still looking to the entrance way, laughing away. Leprechaun then walks up behind Alexander, spins him around and nails him with the "Pot O' Gold" (Asai DDT). The referee counts the pin fall.













YOUR WINNER by PIN FALL The Leprechaun after 5.48


{Jenny Jacobs stands near by with a camera crew tagging along. She wears a short skirt with a black Assault T-shirt. Her hair in a long pony-tail. She smiles and amazes the camera as she begins to speak to the fans around the world and in the arena.}

Jenny: Tonight, is the night that we get to meet the one and only AJ Kool.

{You can hear chants of "We Want Kool" Come from the arena.}

Jenny: Tonight on this jam packed Assault, he has asked for an interviewer to let you guys know a little bit about him. Now, from what I hear. He's going to be a star on the Assault Brand of CZW. Maybe he could be an all time great. Or maybe he could just be a jobber.

{The camera focuses on a movement coming from the Birdseye of the camera. A guy dressed in a black hoodie, with the hood covering face. And black and white Tights appears in the eye of the camera. He looks around at the setting for a minute, observing and thinking. He takes a look at Jenny and throws her a smile that makes her blush out of here shirt. He motions for the mic, and is handed the mic from Jenny. He throws the hood off of his face, and reveals himself to be AJ Kool. You can hear a couple of cheers from the crowd, from the ones who have already seen AJ Kool in action. He hears them from a distance and begins collecting them.}

Kool:{Shouting} Man, doesn't it feel good to be here. I've waited to get here at CZW for quite some time, and now that im finally here im more ready than ever. I'm the coolest of them all, and CZW's the best of them all. Put those together and what do you get?

{Jenny thinks for a moment.}

Jenny:{Guessing} The Coolest Show?

Kool: No, You get the Coolest, Most Coolest, and the Coolest ever. Just look at CZW and what it has become. Now it has the Coolest guy in the world. I really thought that I wouldn't make it this far. But now that I'm here.....I'm here for the long run. I know what every man desires when they step into that circle ring. I desire two things.

Jenny:{Thinking} What's that?

{Kool pulls the rubber band from his hair, taking the pony tail out.}

Kool: Respect and Gold.

Jenny: Why respect and gold?

Kool: I want to be respected for what I do in the ring. Every time I get in the ring for a fight, I'm going to put on a show for you all. Respect is something that alot of people don't get in the world, but around here im going to demand my respect. No, im no bad guy, I'm as cool as it gets, but I want respect. Now, gold. Every man wants gold. I know I do. I want to make my way up the ladder. Winning and Losing, because you know you cant win them all. I want gold, and I want stop until I get that gold that leaves me on top of the mountain. You know what I mean.

{AJ Kool leaves the camera and heads back to his locker room. The cameras begin to fade, but not before getting a shot of AJ Kool leaving the eye of the camera.}


Singles Match

Vince Khan -VS- Thanatos


CZW Assault (Thanatos vs. Vince Khan)

The Arco Arena in Sacramento, California is jam packed with the cZw Crowd. They have just witnessed a brutal fatal four way match between Bryan Alexander, Brian Kirckland, Tiny and The Leprechaun. The fans in the arena lye in wait to see what will happen next. Minutes go by as nothing has happened yet, the fans grow tired of waiting when out of no where the Jumbo Tron in the front of the arena, starts to flicker and the screen turns to complete snow as if the connection was bad. The screen as well as the lights to the arena fade to black.. All of a sudden a hush falls upon the crowd as we hear "This House Is Haunted" by Alice Cooper haunt the arena. Green spotlights focus on the curtain as a light smoke billows, surrounding the entranceway. Out steps the shadowed Thanatos, and green flames light up the entire walkway down to the ring. Thanatos moves slowly, but steadily, keeping his eyes fixed on the ring ahead. He is wearing a tattered, hooded black cloak, and underneath, black shorts and boots. The flames die out, with the music, and the lights come back to normal as Thanatos enters.

Moments later as the crowd is stunned and frightened by this new coming monster Thanatos, the all to familiar sounds of "Ambitionz As A Ridah " by Tupac is heard through out the Arco Arena. The fans welcome Khan with massive BOO’s as a spot light flashes onto the entrance way as Vince Khan walks out onto the stage.Wearing whatever color wrestling trunks with a "VK" logo on the front and patterns along the sides and back, same color elbow and knee pads, a pair of Nike gloves, wrestling boots, and doo-rag. Vince throws up a westside taunt and W forms in white sparks near the entrance way. Vince walks down the ramp, sometimes acknowledging a few crowd members sticking their arms out, and hops onto the ring apron. He climbs threw the ropes and heads to a corner. Vince gets onto the second rope and does a triple h like taunt.

The referee calls for the bell and the two combatants square off, sizing each other up. Khan then moves in on Thanatos, locking up with each other. Khan throws a hay maker and attempts an Irish whip but is reversed by Thanatos. Khan bounces off the ropes, sling shotted back to Thanatos who delivers a massive clothesline sending Khan to the mat hard. Thanatos then picks up Khan buy the dreads and drags him into the corner and begins to punish Khan with rapid, boxer like punches to the ribs. Thanatos then picks up Khan and sets him up on the top rope. Thanatos and Khan are both standing at the top rope, Thanatos then attempts a super plex but Khan blocks it and throws Thanatos to the mat. Khan, still standing on the top turnbuckle, sizes up Thanatos, who is lying flat on the mat. Then BAM!!...Khan delivers the "Compton Hangover" and goes for the pin...













Thanatos kicks out and an angry Vince Khan goes to his offense. Khan picks up Thanatos, who throws a haymaker, Khan ducks, sending Thanatos spinning around. Khan then wraps his arms around Thanatos, and hits him with "The Three Amigos" aka three belly to back suplexes. Thanatos is lying on the mat, Khan goes for the Western Figure Four. The referee gets in Thanatos’s face and asks if he wants to give up, but the big man won’t give up. You can see the pain in his face as he struggles to hold on. After a few brutal, torturing moments of pain, Thanatos finally flips Khan over and sends the pain shooting the other way. Khan is now screaming in pain but manages to reach the ropes. The ref calls for the break but Thanatos won’t let go:





Thanatos lets go and Khan grabs his leg, thriving in agony as he hangs on to the top rope for support. Thanatos sees this opening and attacks Khan’s leg, he kicks Khans’ leg out from underneath him, sending him to the mat. Khan then gets back up and leans on the ropes again for support but Thanatos repeats the same move; kicking Khans leg out from underneath him. Khan gets up again via the ropes, and then Thanatos clotheslines Khan to the outside of the ring. Khan gets up and is dazed on his feet on the outside of the ring, the ref continues to count. Thanatos stops the ref, steps on the outside of the apron and nails Khan with a flying elbow, sending Khan into the security railing. Khan is leaning on the security railing when Thanatos sends him to the other side of the railing, into the crowd by way of clothesline. The fans are all cheering and tapping Khan on the shoulder as security separates the crowd from Khan. Thanatos steps over the railings, grabs Khan and throws him back over the railings, onto the outside then back into the ring as the ref gets to a count of "8". Both men are back into the middle of the ring.

Khan gets up back away from the advancing Thanatos, but gets caught with a huge European Uppercut sending Khan down to the ground, but gets straight back up again, Thanatos whips him towards the ropes, Khan bounces off, clothesline attempt, but Khan ducks, still on the run and comes back, Thanatos catches Khan with a Sidewalk slam. Vince bounces off the mat as Thanatos does not bother going for the cover, instead he grabs Khan by the throat and guides Khan up with the one hand, staring into the eyes of Khan, then...THE ABYSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!






























Winner is Thanatos by pinfall after hitting The Abyss on Khan after 7.32


The camera opens backstage just outside of a locker room who's door has been left open. Inside, the room is an absolute mess with turned over lockers and random locker room debri cluttered everywhere. Groans can be heard in the room as the camera pans around to find "Bad Ass" Matt Covey standing over a severely beaten J.C. Mason, whose legs are pinned under an overturned locker. Matt is smoking a cigarette as he kneels over J.C.

Bad Ass: Did you think you were being cute last week? Huh? Did you think it was FUNNY?!?

Bad Ass slaps J.C. across the face.

Bad Ass: You're gonna find out real quick like what happens when you decide you wanna go around fucking with the wrong people.

Matt stands again and kicks J.C. in the jaw with his steel toe boot, blood and a tooth flying from J.C.'s mouth as he cries out in pain. Matt kneels over him once more.

Bad Ass: You like having people arrested? You like snitching on people? HUH?!?

Matt takes a final draw off his cigarette before butting it between J.C.'s eyes, Mason screaming as his flesh singes under the cherry. Matt grabs his jaw and squeezes it, forcing J.C.'s mouth open, where he then flips the cigarette butt in Mason's mouth.

Bad Ass: Do you know what we did to snitches in the pen?

Mason's eyes widen in fear as he cries and pleads.

Bad Ass: No. Not that, I don't swing that way. But this...

Matt picks up a steel baseball bat which appears to have dents in it already.

Bad Ass: This bat swings that way. And after we're done here, I bet you learn your place, assuming you ever step foot back in a CZW event again that is.

Matt slams the bat against Mason's sternum, a loud cracking sound clearly being heard as Mason continues choking up blood amongst his screams of pain and anguish. Matt pulls the defenseless man out from beneath the locker and turns him on his stomach before jerking his pants down.

Bad Ass: Just remember, you brought this on yourself bitch.

As Matt raises the bat in the air, measuring the angle, he suddenly notices the camera man in the room. He quickly approaches the door.

Bad Ass: Get the fuck out of here! Now!

Bad Ass slams the locker room door in the camera's face. Moments later a loud and high pitched scream rings out from inside the room. The scene cuts back to the arena.


Diva Tag Team Match

Allyson Thorn & Cheyenne 'Angel' Kilgore -VS- The Orton's


TOWERS: The following match-up is a Queen of Combat Tag Team match!

"Hell Yeah" by Rev Theory hits.

TOWERS: Making their way to the ring, from New York...The team of Ashley and Angel...THE ORTONS!

(The Orton sisters make their way to the ring.)

"Sweet Sacrifice" by Evanescence hits.

TOWERS: And their opponents, from Sin City and Raleigh...The team of Cheyenne Angel Kilgore and The Queen of Combat champion....ALLYSON THORN!

(Allyson and Angel walk to the ring.)


-The Angel’s start off the match. Angel O punches Angel K a few times. She grabs her and hits a spinebuster. Angel O then tags in Ashley. Ashley lifts up Angel K and hits a Side-Effect. She then kicks her leg twice, before lifting her again. Ash whips Angel K into the corner. She runs at her, but Angel K ducks and tags in Allyson. Allyson runs in and spears Ash. She locks in a leg lock. Allyson releases it pretty quickly though. She lifts Ash up. Thorn whips Ash into the ropes, then catches her on the return with a Lou Thesz Press. Allyson tags in Angel K, who kicks Ash in the ribs. She then lands a springboard moonsault on Ash and goes for the pin...















-Angel K walks over to Angel O and slaps her. Angel O grabs AK by the hair until Ash rolls up Angel K quickly...









-Angel K waits for Ash to stand and hits a DDT. Angel K tags in Allyson. Allyson dives right on Ash and locks in a STF. Ash struggles and eventually gets the ropes. Allyson lifts Ash up and looks to finish the match. She kicks Ash in the stomach and goes for the Nail in the Coffin...but AO pulls Thorn away. Thorn goes for another Nail in the Coffin, but Ash rolls her up...















-Ash quickly tags in Angel O. AO lifts Allyson up...she sets up for the Light’s Out...but Allyson reverses into a northern lights Suplex. Thorn tags in AK, who grabs the rising AO...Angel’s f**k!



-Ash breaks it up!

-AK stands and turns to Ash. Ash is ready and hits the Hell’s Angel! Ash returns to the ring apron. The two Angel’s each struggle to their respective partners. AK easily gets to Thorn. Thorn grabs AO before she can tag in Ash and lifts her to her feet...Lethal Dose! Ash easily taps out to the move...


Your winners, Cheyenne Kilgore and Allyson Thorn via submission (4:54)


The scene cuts to backstage where we see Tim and Mike walking down the corridor discussing strategies for the big match tonight. Tim looks to be abit frustrated trying to get his poit across, Mike doing the same.They stop as a few backstage staff members look at them, Tim in his frustration yells at them as they run off scared. Suddenly Mike tells Tim to be quiet and starts to look around. Tim tells Mike he is just being paranoid and carries on dictating his strategy towards Mike, but Mike seems to be slightly distracted.

Suddenly a table flies across the corridor past Tim and Mike as they look around scared, but still can't spot anyone, until a man from behind Tim takes him out, it is Derek. He hits Tim with a steel chair in the back and neck, immediately knocking him down to his knees. Mike tries to help but Big Nasty grabs him from behind, holdig his arms back as Derek takes a free swing at him with a steel chair. Tim gets back up but is met with another shot, this time straight to the forehead. Nasty smiles as Derek pats him on the chest, then orders him to pick up Mike...NASTY BOMB TO THE CONCRETE!!!

Derek is not done yet, he picks up Tim, Nasty holds his hands behind his back again as Derek slaps him, shouting abuse at him, then low blows him by spiking the edge of the chair into his groin, then yells at Big Nasty to do it. Nasty then picks Tim up...NASTY BOMB TO TIM!!!

Not only that but Derek then wraps the Legend Lock on him as Tim is out cold, but Derek is still ripping away at his legs. Nasty picks up the chair and starts hitting Tim with it while Derek has him inn the lock, shouting ....

"Those belts are ours...Darkside"

Finally Derek lets go as Big Nasty throws the chair down leavig the duo completely destroyed just a couple of hours before the main event.

As the cameraman gets one more shot of Darkside on the floor out of it, the scene fades...


The lights go dim, as the arena gets darker. White lights move throughout the arena as "Inhale" by Stone Sour hits the PA System. The crowd erupts, and most get on their feet as they await the arrival of "Troublesome" Sean Hustle. Sean makes his way to the top of the rampway, holding a small, black, zip up bag. He walks to the ring slowly hanging his head low. He slides in, walks to the other side and reaches for a microphone. He is handed a microphone, as the white lights go off, the arena gets brighter, and the music stops dead. A small "Troublesome" chant starts and gets larger, he holds the microphone to his mouth and shakes his head.

Hustle- Stop...please.

The chant starts to die off, as the crowd quites down.

Hustle- I'm glad there are so many out there that actually believe in me, and trust me I really appreciate it. I know that a lot of people were counting on me to beat Shawn Waters for the Television Title last week, and to tell you the truth I was counting on myself. You see its the story of my life, I work so hard on achieving a certain goal, and I get so close, but as soon as I stick my hand out to grab it, it gets slapped away. For the longest time I sat back and blamed it on everybody else, like I wasn't getting the opportunity, or that I was getting screwed. Only to realize that the only one to blame was myself, maybe I didn't train hard enough, maybe I didn't take it seriously enough, the only thing I honestly know is that I didn't get the job done. So part of the reason I'm out here right now is to apologize to everybody who counted on me, and everybody who believed in me.

The crowd starts to cheer once again, as Sean paces back and forth around the ring.

Hustle- Now I wish I could tell you that I'm going to be facing Shawn Waters again for the Television Title, but honestly thats not the case.

The crowd boos. Almost a howling sound.

Hustle- Wow wow wow, hold on, hold on. I had my chance, and I blew it, but I'm sure you all heard about the new division that was just started in the CzW. Of course I'm talking about the Hardcore division.

The crowd cheers and starts a "Hardcore" chant. HARDCORE, HARDCORE, HARDCORE.

Hustle- Now I know it seems like the whole "Hardcore" kind of match isin't my cup of tea, but beating people period, is my cup of tea. So I want to let everybody know I'm gunning for the gold in the Hardcore division, and I promise I'm not going to dissapoint anybody who wants me to win that title.

"Inhale" by Stone Sour hits the PA system once again, as Sean unzips the small bag, he pulls out a pair of platinum colored brass knuckles, and puts them on his right fist. He slides out of the ring, as the crowd cheers, and he makes his way backstage.


Hangman's Horror Match

"The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze -VS- Jigga C


TOWERS: The following match-up is the Hangman Horror match! The only way to win is to incapacitate your opponent in one of the collar surrounding the ring...

"Headstrong" by Trapt plays...

TOWERS: On his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan...the Aerial Specialist...KRIMZON BLAZE!

(Blaze runs to the ring, slapping hands with the fans at ringside. He eyes one of the collars before climbing into the ring.)

"Missing Time" by MDFMK plays...

TOWERS: And his opponent, from the City of Compton...Jigga C...AL COVEY! (Jigga walks to the ring, dancing occasionally. He high-fives a few fans before climbing into the ring.)


-Blaze starts the action, running at Jigga and hitting a dropkick. Blaze then hits a standing moonsault on Jigga. Blaze runs at the ropes, rebounds and hits a sliding dropkick that knocks Jigga out of the ring. Blaze then runs to the rope and dives over at Jigga. Jigga had grabbed a steel chair though...he slams the chair into Blaze’s head. Jigga sets the chair up.. He lifts Blaze up and grabs him for a suplex. But Blaze refuses to be suplexed. Blaze punches Jigga in the gut, before nailing Jigga with a spinning neckbreaker. Blaze looks under the ring...

FARLEY: What’s he doing?

GOLD: He’s getting those weapons...this won’t be pretty.

FARLEY: You are right about that! Jigga’s gotta film his new video....he can’t look all mangled with Blaze’s blood!

-He reaches in and pulls out a garbage can full of weapons...there are kendo sticks, stop signs, cookie trays and a bag of thumbtacks! Blaze rolls it into the ring, before grabbing the garbage lid. He lines up the rising Jigga and connects with a shot to the head! Blaze rolls Jigga into the ring, before fetching more weapons...he pulls out a fire extinguisher, a lead pipe...hell, there’s even an X-Box under there! Blaze grabs one last thing...a ladder! Blaze pushes the ladder into the ring. Jigga slide dropkicks the ladder though, slamming it into his chest. Jigga grabs one of the stop signs. He rolls outside. Blaze gets to his feet, only to receive a shot from the stop sign. Blaze drops to a knee and is blasted with a second shot. Jigga tosses the sign aside. He grabs the fire extinguisher and sprays some foam into Blaze’s eyes, before slamming the extinguisher into Blaze’s face. He grabs the nearest collar and drags Blaze towards it. Blaze kicks out, striking Jigga in the hip. Blaze then kicks again, hitting Jigga in the chest, knocking him back. Jigga runs at Blaze. Blaze is able to reverse though, sending Jigga flying onto the chair he set up earlier, back-first!

GOLD: Well, that backfired for him, didn’t it?

-Blaze grabs the X-Box and begins choking Jigga with the cords. Blaze then drives the X-Box into Jigga’s face. Blaze grabs Jigga and drags him towards the announcer’s desk. Blaze removes the covering.

FARLEY: Get away from here! You crazy lunatic!

-He pulls out a TV monitor and slams it into Jigga’s head, busting him open. Blaze lays Jigga down on the table. He grabs Jessica Towers’ chair and slams it into Jigga. Blaze then rolls into the ring. He climbs to the top rope.

GOLD: Blaze is asking the fans if they wanna see this...and do they ever!

-He looks around at the crowd and smiles...He leaps off with a corkscrew Moonsault! BUT JIGGA MOVES!

FARLEY: Crash and Burn! That’s what happens!

-Blaze goes crashing through the announcer’s desk! Jigga pushes himself to his feet. He grabs Blaze by the foot and drags him towards the nearest collar.

FARLEY: Come on Jigga! Move faster!

GOLD: Jigga having a bit of trouble pulling Blaze...

-Eventually, Jigga is able to prop Blaze up against the ring, but Blaze has started stirring. Jigga hurriedly fumbles with the collar, giving Blaze extra time. Jigga finally puts it around Blaze, but Blaze punches Jigga before he can latch it. Blaze takes the collar off and grabs Jigga. Blaze whips Jigga hard! He slams back first into the ring apron. Blaze grabs a camera off the camera and drives it into Jigga’s gut. Blaze then brings it down on Jigga’s head!

GOLD: We’ve lost the feed on that camera, luckily another cameraman has rushed around to recover...

-Blaze grabs Jigga and throws him head first into the guard rail. Blaze tears off some of the padding. He slams Jigga’s head onto it. Blaze then whips Jigga to the ring. Jigga rolls into the ring, where Blaze follows.. Blaze walks over to Jigga and receives a kendo stick to the knees. Jigga swings again, hitting the back of Blaze’s knees this time. Jigga drops Blaze with a spinebuster. Jigga lays the thumbtacks on the ground. Jigga lifts Blaze up and nails a Jigga Bomb on the tacks!

GOLD: OUCH! That has got to hurt!

-Jigga rolls to the outside and grabs the ladder. He brings it into the ring. He grabs Blaze and body slams him onto the ladder. Jigga then props the ladder up in the corner. Jigga lifts Blaze up and looks to whip him into the ladder. Blaze reverses though, whipping Jigga into the ladder. Blaze then grabs the trash can. He slams it into Jigga, sandwiching his head between the ladder and the trash can. Blaze then sits the bin upright. He whacks Jigga with a kendo stick, causing Jigga the fall back into the trash can. The can slightly crumples, Jigga stuck firmly in it. Blaze goes nuts, hitting Jigga’s chest five times with the kendo stick. Blaze then slide dropkicks the trash can, causing Jigga to hit the mat. Blaze places Jigga on the trash can. He sets up the ladder and climbs it...shooting star press! It connects, flattening the trash can. Blaze grabs a steel chain which was at the bottom of the trash can. He ties it around his knee. He picks up Jigga...KODE OF SILENCE WITH A CHAIN! If you thought Jigga was bleeding before...damn...Blaze smiles. He drags Jigga over to the nearest collar. He attaches it and locks it in place. The ref looks at Jigga and declares the match over!!!



"American Idiot" by Green Day hits. The fans look confused. Stephen Butler, Mr. Montana’s personal suck-up, walks out, microphone in hand.

BUTLER: Hello, all you Upstarts fans out there! I have a very important announcement from the desk of Assault GM, the Sensation, Jesse Montana....

The crowd boos.

BUTLER: Listen, do you wanna hear the announcement or not?

The crowd quieten down.

BUTLER: Now, Mr. Montana would have made this announcement himself, but he is busily preparing for tonight’s main event! This announcement involves a man who has really pissed the Upstarts off...a man who earlier tonight suffered a major beatdown at the hands of ‘Bad Ass’ Matt Covey. JC MASON!

The fans pop.

BUTLER: Mason...once you wake up from your’ll see this. I know how much you like giving bad news to us...Shawn moving to Warzone till he loses the title...arresting, tonight, I’m returning the favour...tonight I’m giving YOU some bad news! Stephen smirks.

BUTLER: At Summer Showdown...JC Mason will be involved in a match...his opponent? Stephen begin laughing...

BUTLER: The very man who sent his ass to hospital today!

The fans gasp and boo...

BUTLER: That’s right! At Summer Showdown it will be JC Mason against ‘Bad Ass’ Matt Covey!

The fans boo.

BUTLER: Oh, you don’t like that?

The fans boo as loud as they can.

BUTLER: I’d shut-up if I were you...I have more to say...and I don’t think you’ll have enough volume to increase to your booing...

The fans still boo Stephen, trying to get louder.

BUTLER: Not only will Mason fight Matt...the match will be a STREET FIGHT! Mason, I hope you get nice and comfy in that hospital bed of’ll be back there at the end of the month...

Stephen leaves the ring and walks up the stage, a chorus of boos surrounding him. He pauses when he gets to the entranceway...

BUTLER:...If you are lucky...

Stephen leaves the stage...

GOLD: That is ridiculous, the guy was just doing his job when he made those announcements last week

FARLEY: Yeah, well now he has to pay for doing his damn job, I for one am looking forward to it

GOLD: You are deranged then, you saw what kind of monster Matt Covey is, he put a cigarette out in a man's mouth dammit

FARLEY: Teach him to open his mouth in the first place then

GOLD: Not a good night for JC Mason


Singles Match (Winner progresses to 5 man)

Maynard O'Toole -VS- Gregory Grantham


Farley: This next match is going to be a chaotic one... Upstart vs Upstart, vying for a potential World Title shot, but The Upstarts face each other in a 5-man battle royal to prove who will face Matt Stylez for that very World Title.

Gold: Its all about controversy Michael... These two up-and-coming Upstarts members are gonna leave it all in the ring.

{The camera then moves toward the ring, with Jessica Towers in the ring holding a microphone}

Towers: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, with the winner of this match going onto the Battle Royal match...Introducing first...

{"Maynard's Dick" by Tool begins surfacing over the crowd, with the heavy rain of boos protruding the arena with fierce tenacity. O'Toole steps through the curtain, walking down the ramp staring at the booing fans. He gives off a cocky smile, then walks up the steel steps, and stands inside the ring with sheer determination on his face.}

Towers: In the ring, from Fayetteville North Carolina... weighing 275 pounds, Maynard O'Toole!

{The crowd ushers in a new set of booing, leaving O'Toole a bit flustered as he's now part of The Upstarts stable.}

Towers: His Opponent...

{"The Graduation Theme" starts playing, ushering a new set of booing on behalf of the crowd. Grantham poses a bit for the camera, then heads down to the ring not taking his eyes off of O'Toole for a second.}

Towers: From Beaumont Texas...weighing 245 pounds, Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham!!

{Booing is heard again as it sweeps across the arena in sheer fashion, leaving O'Toole and Grantham to soak it all up. They both shake hands being their Upstarts... The bell rings. O'Toole and Greg collar-and-elbow tie-up, O'Toole with the early on advantage, O'Toole with a wristlock, then turns it into a hammerlock on Greg, but Greg counters it into his own hammerlock. O'Toole escapes, then hits a slap right across Greg's face.}

Farley: Ooh, some teeth could've been rattled there.

Gold: They're testing each other to see who has the power advantage early on.

{Greg rears up to slap O'Toole, but O'Toole charges for a clothesline, Greg ducks, with O'Toole bouncing off the ropes. O'Toole comes back to a hard chest slap by Greg. Greg with the go-behind and hits a Release German Suplex, catching O'Toole off guard there momentarily. O'Toole stands right back up as Greg and O'Toole come nose to nose, then the right hands come in, O'Toole and Greg teeing off on each other with O'Toole getting the advantage. O'Toole with a irish whip bring Greg to a corner. O'Toole begins laying right hands to Greg's temple, then hits a running clothesline in the corner on Greg. O'Toole brings Greg out of the corner, lifts Greg up for a vertical suplex, holding for a good 5-10 seconds, then dropping down sharply, leaving Greg to hold his back with one hand.}

Farley: O'Toole is dismantling Grantham.

Gold: What a suplex by O'Toole capitalizing on Grantham's strength abilites.

{Greg picks himself up, and hits a double cross chop to O'Toole's throat, leaving him gasping. Greg then punches O'Toole in the stomach, then picks up O'Toole for a powerbomb... O'Toole punches Greg's head repeatedly, but Greg capitalizes and connects with the powerbomb on O'Toole...Greg goes for the cover}









Kick Out!

Farley: Grantham almost had O'Toole out, but he kicked out of that pin.

Gold: What an impressive match.

{Greg picks up O'Toole by the hair, hits 2 short-arm clotheslines on him. Greg attempts a third, but O'Toole ducks and hits 2 German Suplexes, but as O'Toole goes for the 3rd, Greg blocks it, leaving O'Toole to simply shove Greg. GG comes back and hits a running clothesline on O'Toole. OT back up on the offense, to another clothesline by GG. The crowd is booing for this matchup altogether. O'Toole and Grantham continue throwing rights at each other's head, where O'Toole gets the harder punch in laying GG out. O'Toole makes the cover.









Kick Out!

Farley: Kick out this time by Greg.

{O'Toole picks up Greg by the hair, then catapults him into another corner. O'Toole runs at GG, but GG moves at the last second. GG picks up O'Toole for a 4.0, but O'Toole gets out of it. O'Toole locks in the Celtic Cross, but GG counters that! GG then picks up O'Toole for an inverted 4.0 this time, and connects...O'Toole is halfway across the ring, as GG is slow to make the cover...}









Foot on the bottom rope!!

Farley: What ring-awarness by Maynard! That was briliant.

Gold: Gregory can't be to happy after that.

{Greg gets up and starts lipping the referee, with O'Toole waiting behind Greg. Greg turns around into a Spinebuster by O'Toole, leaving O'Toole to get fired up! O'Toole lifts GG to his feet, then pits Greg into a Celtic Cross, but some how Gregory powers out, Maynard turning around as Gregory hits a quick DDT to regain composure. Maynard and Gregory get back up, both looking exhausted, both fight away, right and lefts before Grantham blocks, ducks then knees Maynard in the gut, Grantham picks Maynard up, great strength shown by Gregory...Powerbomb into the turnbuckle...Maynard bounces off but straight into the 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
























Towers: Here is your winner and advancing to the Battle Royal, Gregory Grantham!

Farley: What a match! Gregory Grantham advances into the Battle Royal to compete against his fellow Upstarts for a number 1 contendership match for the World Title!

Gold: But the real question here is, will Gregory have enough left in the tank to pull out 2 victories here tonight? Well, we'll find out soon enough! We're going to take a commerical break, we'll be back!

Winner by Pinfall is Gregory Grantham after 9.54 ****************************************************************

Lumberjack Match (Upstarts as Lumberjacks)

"The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum -VS- "The Franchise" Ronnie McNeil


FARLEY: What a genious match this is, Jesse is sure an impressive GM

GOLD: I am pretty sure he only made this match to have his pack of hyenas pounce once again on X-Ellence

FARLEY: Yeah, as I said...Genious

The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans jump to their feet. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring. He slaps the hands of the fans in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, and then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. He climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and more cheers. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it into the sea of fans before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric waits in the middle of the ring.

'Remember the name' by 'Fort Minor' plays throughout the arena as Ronnie McNeil enters the arena getting a thuderous reception form the crowd. He looks abit concerned as he walks down to the ring, Eric though dancing around looking more relaxed. Ronnie climbs in as both men begin to talk

*** DING DING ***

- The bell rings as the fans try to cheer for these two great atheletes inside the ring but Upstarts start shouting insults towards them making most of the fans boo, Ronnie and Eric look on with concern as they smell a trap. Upstarts with both Maynard and Gregory, both who only just went through a hellacious battle, Shawn is also out there and so is Matt Covey, the personal bodyguard to Jesse Montana. Jesse himself though is not out at ringside,rather in the back instead apparently taking care of some business. Ronnie and Eric finally start to focus on each other as the fans chant for X-Cellence, as Upstarts shout back at the crowd. now, as they click knuckles in respect for one another, the finally lock up...

- The crowd get excited as these two X-Cellent members go at it, Ronnie overpowers Eric as he walks his way to the turnbuckle, but the referee breaks it up. Now, both men back circling each other,they lock up again, this time Eric gets the advantage as he whips Ronnie towards the ropes, Ronnie comes back and Eric connects with a perfectly timed dropkick. Ronnie gets back up quickly as Eric is on the move, runs at the ropes, bounces off and Ronnie gets caught again, this time with a flying forearm smash, but Ronnie gets back up for the third time, Eric though using his speed runs back toards the ropes as Ronnie once again gets caught, now Eric pulls of a wonderful flying headscissors which takes Ronnie across the other side of the ring. Ronnie gets his breath back as Eric soaks up the applauds of the fans here at Sacramento, California. The commentators seem impressed as does Ronnie who is back up, actually clapping his stable team-mate.

- Upstarts of course do not clap, but try and get inside the head of Ronnie as they shout 'you suck Ronnie' into, but Ronnie is not bothered that easily. They walk back up to lock up once more, Ronnie however kicks Eric in the gut as Ronnie gets a few boos throughout the arena, then follows up by hitting thunderous European Uppercuts to the face of Eric. Eric stombles back towards the corner, Ronnie now all over him as he continues to kick Eric in the gut, Ronnie pulls Eric out of the corner as he grabs him...Overhead Belly to Belly, Eric snapping off the groud as he holds his back in pain. Upstarts smile.

- Ronnie stomps Eric as these fas notice there is no alliance with them while this match is on. Ronnie kneels dow as he ties up the legs of Eric, which suddenly turns into a Texas Cloverleaf attempt, Eric doing everything in his power to stop Ronnie from turing him over in the hold, fially managing to kick Ronie off but he comes straight back with a elbow drop to the skull of Eric. Ronnie forgets about the hold and lifts Eric up, kick to the gut...Powerbomb, Eric head smashes off the ground, Ronnie not finished though, lifts Eric up again as Gold commentates on his strength, he connects with a second, then Farley realises this is actually what he calls the Angelic Execution. Ronnie does twist Eric this time and completes the move by finally locking in the devastating Texas Cloverleaf. Eric is in trouble.

- Upstarts start shout 'tap out' to Eric as he seems to be in locked in, neaer the center of the ring. Ronnie sits back as far as he can go as Eric shakes his head, telling the ref that he will not give up, but so far has had no way to counter. After a while Eric finally musters up enough energy to push himself up onto his hands as Ronnie seems to be loosening the grip, the fans begin to get right on Eric's side as they chant his name, Ronnie not disturbed though. Eric now, managing to step closer to the ropes using his arms as leverage, Ronnie almost lost the grip, Eric reaches out...GREGORY pulls the ropes away from Eric as he collapses back down, Ronnie with the hold locked in again. The fans boo as Shawn gives Gregory a high five, the referee warning him but Gregory insists that he did nothing. Now, Eric havig to build up the energy again, BUT DOES...He reaches out for the second time and GET IT...

- Ronnie lets go of the hold and immediately looks down towards Gregory, Farley mentiones their history, the fans chant X-Cellence. Eric from behind though with a roll up...




















- Eric smirks at Ronnie who seems to be slightly upset of that attack, comes up to Eric but Eric sweeps his legs, runs at the ropes and springboards off, Ronnie back up though as he knees him i the back, then connects with a German Suplex. Gold commenting on how much his back must be hurting now, Eric of course holding it as he breathes heavily. Ronnie stomps him, then picks him up, whips him to the ropes, Eric bounces off...Ronnie with a huge clothesline though...NO...Eric ducks, he runs at the other side...Springboard Dropkick, knocking Ronnie down, now Eric still on the run, as he bounces off again and again Springboards off...Elbow drop...The crowd are alive as they stad up and chat on Eric. Eric now is waitig for Ronnie to rise which after a moment he does, looking dazed, Eric again runs at the ropes...Maynard grabs the leg of Eric as he crashes down to the ground bouncing his skull off the mat. The fans this time almost make a riot as how much they are disgusted. Even Gold is getting irate in the commentary as Farley calms him down. Shawn high fives Maynard. Ronnie having seen this goes up to Eric, checks he is okay, instead of pinning him, picks him up as Eric knows exactly what he is doing...Corkscrew Dropkick...OVER THE ROPES...

- Eric knocks down all FOUR members of Upstarts who are out there...Shawn getting the worst as Eric foot catches him right in the jaw. Now Ronnie follows Eric out as he picks up Gregory and hits a Capture Suplex throwing him over the guardrail and into the fans. Ronnie now grabs Maynard, low blowig him then throws him into the steps. Eric back up as Ronnie and Eric double team on the big Matt Covey, Eric dropkicks his knees as Ronnie flies at him with a heavy clothesline, picks him back up...KISS OF THE ROSE ONTO THE CONCRETE!!!

- Matt is destroyed, now Shawn gets up, looks at the two X-Ellence members, sniffs then pegs it up the ramp runing away as the fans sing...'nah nah nah nah...nah nah nah nah...hey hey hey...Upstarts suck'. All four Upstarts are gone, now Eric and Ronnie climb back into the ring as Kris Kash and Krimzon Blaze runs down, having Shawn Waters in hand. Shawn is almost begging them not to do anything, but throw him in the ring, Shawn now praying for them not to hurt him, but Ronnie smiles, then grabs him and hits his finisher...FLAWLESS!!!

- Shawn flaps aroud in the ring like a dying fish as X-Ellence laugh. TRhe fans are loving it. Meanwhile on the outside, Blaze and Kash finsih off the job on Maynard, Gregory and Matt. Back in the ring...Eric has climbed the turnbuckle, with Shawn in his sights...AERIAL REVOLUTION!!!

- A maginificant diving attack by Erci Collum. Shawn coughs up his lungs as he rolls around the ring in pain. Kris Kash and Krimzon Blaze join Ronnie McNeil and Eric Collum inside the ring as they all pose, the fans chanting their stable name as 'Remember the name' by 'Fort Minor' plays throughout the arena.

- Suddenly the Combat-Tron flickers on as we make out an image of a man sitting down, which slowly becomes clear is it none other than Assault GM Jesse Montana. For saying his Upstarts have just been destroyed, he looks surprisingly happy, in fact is almost loving what happened. The music cuts as the fans go silent...

Jesse: "Well that couldn't have worked out better could it"

Stephen: "Not at all Mr Montana...A truly Sensation plan"

Jesse: "So, who do you think will go on and become the new number one contender for the cZw World Heavyweight Title now?"

Stephen: "You Jesse...Without a doubt"

The scene cuts off showing Jesse nodding in appreciation, looking very smug with himself as the fans boo him, some cheer knowing that Upstarts have just been destroyed...

GOLD: "Well I knew Jesse was obsessed with that Title, but he has just took his obsession to new heights tonight"

FARLEY: "Well, I am not at all surprised Gold, I mean that top prize can do strange things to these guys, trust me, I have seen it before"

GOLD: "Yeah, who can forget that? The day AMP XTC ended, Matt Stylez the man to backstab his team, now, one of Upstarts or Darkside will face him at Summer Showdown. The Five Man Elimination match is not long away now but first, we have got one hell of a battle on for you next, for the Intercontinental Title, Kris Kash challenging our Champion, Big Nasty...That is coming up next folks"

Eric Collum and Ronnie McNeil drew the match as it ended with chaos...


CZW Intercontinental Title Match

"The Realist" Kris Kash -VS- "The Living Legend" Big Nasty (C)


"Mic Check" pumps through the arena as Kris Kash comes out. He looks determined as he is ready to take on the Intercontinental Champion and gets a decent favorable crowd reaction in his favor. "U Don't Know Me" then pumps through the arena as the champion Big Nasty then walks to the ring The crowd goes wild for the Intercontinental Champion of CZW. He gets in the ring and faces off with the challenger Kash. He then surrended the title to the referee and the bell rings.

The champion and challenger square off and Nasty goes for a test of strength and Kash unwisely obliges and is easily over-power by the champion Nasty. Nasty forces Kash to the ground but Kash gets back up but is met with a series of knees into his midsection. Nasty then throws Kash into the ropes and Kash ducks a clothesline. Kash bounces off the ropes and strikes Nasty with a forearm. Kash then dropkicks Nasty's legs trying to charlie horse the leg. Kash follows it up with another dropkick. Nasty drops to his knees and instead of just hitting the third, Kash rushes to the ropes and bounces off into a dropkick. Nasty falls to his back and Kash goes for the pin. Kash only gets a two-count.

Kash gets up and goes for a Yakuza kick to the recovering Nasty but he misses. Nasty picks Kash up and drops him with a flapjack. Kash clutches his ribs as Nasty picks him back up. Nasty plants a few more knees into the midsection of Kash before tossing him into the ropes for a back bodydrop. Nasty picks Kash up off of the mat and nails him with a few punches before dropping him back down with a sidewalk slam. Nasty taunts Kash to get back up and Kash slowly obliges. Nasty drops Kash with a snap suplex. Nasty goes for a pin but it only leads to a two count. Nasty looks down at Kash and picks him up off the mat. Nasty goes to lift Kash up for a reverse suplex but Kash slides down and catches Nasty with an enziguri. Both men are down as Kash booted Nasty with the enziguri and Nasty pummeled Kash previously.

Both men crawl to their feet. Nasty gets up first but Kash is not too far behind. Nasty and Kash exchange rights and lefts. Nasty wins out and ends up tossing Kash into the ropes Nasty once again goes for another back bodydrop but Kash levels Nasty with a kick to the midsection. Kash bounces off the ropes and takes Nasty down with an STO. The crowd cheers Kash who gets up but Nasty follows him. Kash rocks Nasty with a strong European Uppercut. Kash goes for an Irish whip into the corner but Nasty reverses it. Nasty charges in with an avalanche but misses. Kash follows this with a Yakuza kick into the corner followed with a series of facewashes leading into a running facewash. Kash cockily awaits for Nasty to get back to his feet. Kash exits the ring for the apron scouting the recovering Nasty.

Nasty gets back up to his feet and Kash is on the apron. Kash leaps off and goes for his springboard flying forearm. Nasty catches Kash and throws him up in the air and down hard onto the mat. Nasty then picks Kash up and sticks him in a power bomb position. Nasty signals for his Nasty bomb and the crowd is going wild. Nasty lifts Kash up and is ready to slam him down to the mat but Kash uses the momentum of the throw and turns it into a franksteiner. Kash goes for a rana pin but Nasty powers up and pushes up causing Kash's arms to be pinned to the mat for a two count before Nasty picks Kash up off the mat and into a vicious Nasty Bomb, however, Kris rolls off, droppig down and hitting a victory roll on Big Nasty






























GOLD: Well this man truly deserves this honour, he has come a long way and now owns a highly prestigious Title here in cZw

FARLEY: Yeah, names such as Ace King, Mack Beaudin and Big Nasty having held this Title, he has alot to live up to, but for him, the journey begins...

GOLD: Yeah, speaking of a journey, one of the next five men out here will have a shot at Matt Stylez World Heavyweight Title at Summer Showdown, Jesse looks to have all the mind-games worked out, the only man not to be attacked here tonight, but will it go his way, we will be back after this folks to find out...

Winner Kris Kash via Pinfall after 8.20



Five Way Battle Royal

(Winner becomes #1 contender to the World Title!)

Jesse Montana -VS- Shawn Waters -VS- Tim Timmons -VS- Mike King -VS- Gregory Grantham


TOWERS: Ladies and gentlemen, children of all ages, now it is time for the MAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAIIIIINNNNNNNNNNNNNIN EVENT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Timmons and King come from behind the stage curtains to a shower of red pyro raining down behind them. Timmons throws his arms into the air, but then holds his ribs in pain, taking in the negative response of the fans. King stands steady, ut clearly dazed from the attack earlier, though his eyes fixated on the ring as he begins cracking his knuckles, his title draped casually over his shoulder. Timmons glares over at Mike and gives him a head nod, the two beginning their descent towards the ring. Timmons ignores the fans at rail-side as they call him every dirty name in the book. Mike however, chooses to shout menacingly in several of the fan’s faces on his way to the ring. Inside the ring, Timmons drops to one knee, posing with his arms exposing his biceps. Mike King stands behind him, holding his title high in the air with his left hand as he appears to roar.

The graduate theme begis to play as the fans contiue to boo,maybe eve getting slightly louder for the newest member of Upstarts. he comes down, still feeling bruised from the beatdown earlier on. he makes his way to the ring, a smug face as he strides past the booing fans, then stays on the outside as Tim and Mike look at him intensely.

FOUR WORDS (TO CHOKE UPON)" BY BULLET FOR MY VALENTINE blasts out as Shawn comes out to an even higher range of boos, echoing throughout the arena, managing to drown out his music. Shawn is not affected though as he stombles down to the ring, seemig hurt also, but passion in his eyes.

For whom the bells toll begins to play as Jesse Montana comes out a huge sea of boos. He is focusssed though as he looks at his four opponents,then poses as fireworks blast off, the fans fascinated by the deep range of colors. Jesse then walks down signalling he wll win the Title at Summer Showdown as the four men inside the ring wait on him.he then climbs in as more fireworks blast off.

FARLEY: Wow, the only man here who is not already in pain is Jesse Montana, smart tactics from him, but alot more pain is about to pick up

GOLD: Here we go, the match we all been waiting for and the match the fans have been waiting to boo for, Upstarts and Darkside, everyman for himself to live their dream...


- The match begins as unsurprisingly a huge roar of boos echo throughout the ARCO Arena for these five men. 'Can you get it up-starts' seem to be the main chant which gets under the skin of Jesse Montana. The bell rings as the boos are drowning out the arena as Jesse shouts to the crowd, 'shut up, this is my main event' but the boos continue to scream out. Upstarts seeming abit distracted suddenly get jumped by Tim and Mike as the crowd actually applaud it. Mike knocks Gregory down with a forearm smash, while Tim spears Shawn to the ground getting numerous shots to the face in as Shawn tries to reverse the attacks but Tim overpowers him. Mike stomps Gregory down and hits a powerful elbow drop. Jesse meanwhile leans in the corner as he watches his own Upstarts get pounded by the Darkside.

- Tim and Mike suddenly focus their attentions on Jesse, now realising that letting his own team to get beaten down may have been the wrong move, both men chase him down but Jesse rolls out of the ring and jumps over the guardrail. Security guards can be seen stopping the crowd from touching the Sensation. Jesse grabs a soda off one of the fans and drinks it before throwing the empty cup back at the kid, then climbs back over the rail as Tim and Mike wait in the ring. Jesse taunts them on the outside as both start to climb out of the ring, but from behind strikes both Shawn and Gregory, knocking Tim and Mike off the apron and both fall face first straight into the guardrail. Jesse laughs as he starts to slap both of them, Shawn and Gregory holding them back, then throw them both back into the rail.

- Finally they throw Tim and Mike innto the ring as all three Upstarts follow them in and stomping them down. Jesse sits over Tim and starts throwing punch after punch, shouting insults at him while doing it, he then picks him up and lets Gregory Gorilla Presses him up and over the TOPE ROPE!!!

GOLD: What amazing strength by Grantham!

- Shawn is still stomping down Mike as Jesse and Gregory join in. Shawn picks him up and connects with a WATERLOGGED!!! Gregory then picks Mike up and hits a short arm clothesline which has so much power in it that he does a 360 flip in mid air. Jesse then orders both Gregory and Shawn to pick the lifeless Mike up, they place him on the shoulders of Jesse as he delivers his finisher...MONTANA BAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!































- Tim doesn't just break it up, he has climbed into the ring with a steel chair in hand and took both Shawn and Gregory out, then smashed it down onto the chest of Jesse Montana!!!

( Shows the replay of Tim's brutal attack )

- Tim is the only man standing now in the ring as he still holds the steel chair in hand. He throws it down as he poses, showing off to the fans, getting a few boos but mainly cheers as he has just single handely taken out Upstarts. He then picks up Gregory and throws him to the ropes, Gregory bounces off, Tim delivers his own clothesline, one that is all the way from hell as Gregory slams to the ground holding his face. Tim then picks up Shawn and places him in the coroner, then starts kicking him in the gut using the ropes as leverage, then hits a few elbow shots, throws him to the opposite corner and as Shawn bounces back...Tim meets him half way with a thunderous Spear!!!

FARLEY: Tim has gone insane here, I wouldn't mess with the darkman at the moment

- Now, he looks at Jesse who is coughing and spluttering after the chair got driven into his ribs. Tim lifts him up, locks him up, hits a pumphandle slam ONTO THE CHAIR!!!

FARLEY: Poor Jesse, his spine just got snapped like a twig

- Tim is on fire at the moment as he celebrates to the crowd once more, all Upstarts have been destroyed, but what he does forget is his own tag team partner, Mike King, finding an opportunity, attacks Timmons as Darkside implodes, Timmons taken unaware...SHINING METALLICA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!







































Eliminated: Tim Timmons

GOLD: Wow, that proves it, everyman for himself

FARLEY: Maybe not the smartest move though, now it is basically three against one

- As Timmons comes round he looks up at Mike, anger in his face, Mike trying to shake his hand but Tim declines and walks off to the back having been eliminated by his own tag partner. The fas are actually enjoying the match now as they have already seen Upstarts get dismantled and Darkside implode. The referee starts the match again as Mike seems to be back to full health, the only oe close top getting up is Shawn as he tries to use the ropes to get himself up but Mike runs and hits a storming knee to the jaw of Shawn. Then elbow drops him, not once, but again, then again as he finally picks Shawn up, throws him to the corner and follows him running at full pace, Roaring elbow as Shawn's head bounces off his elbow and crashes back into the turnbuckle, Shawn flopping to the ground straight away.

- Mike still on the attack, this time he picks Jesse as he tries to work his way up, Mike picks him up though and whips him towards the ropes, Jesse limping as his ribs are still in pain, Mike sticks out a knee and drives it into the bad ribs of Jesse as he flips over and rolls around in pain. Mike goes after Jesse but back up on his feet now is Gregory as he catches Mike from behind with an inverted DDT the locks i a sleeper hold to slow Mike down. Gregory wraps his huge arms around the jaw of Mike as the fans try to will him on, Mike ot really listening to them though, the only thing willing him o is the thought of the World Title. Gregory rythes Matt around from side to side, Mike beginning to slip away, his eyes closing. Shawn and Jesse start to recover now to as they bring themselves to their feet, only focussing on Mike. They start stomping on the ribs of Mike as Gregory keeps him in position.

- Now Jesse sees the chair, he picks it up and tells Shawn to hold it in place hovering over Mike's chest. Gregory keeps him in place while Jesse climbs high. With Mike and the chair in sight, he flies off...

- Mike though kicks the chair into the face of Shawn knocking him back as Jesse cannot stop himself, flying straight into Shawn's shoulder as he wraps his ribs around his shoulder, both of them on the ground in pain as the fans cheer. Mike now with enough momentum to get to one knee, Gregory sensing his grip os loosening, now Mike stands, Gregory looks around as he sees the fans on their feet, Mike with an elbow, another, then a third to the gut of Gregory, Mike breaks free, runs off to the ropes but Jesse now recovered jumps up out of no where as Mike runs into the...MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: What is Jesse doing?

FARLEY: It is called punishment Ricky, just like you punish audieces throughout the World every Sunday

- Jesse however is not finished with Mike though yet as he grabs the chair, the fans booig the sensation as he places it on the face of Mike King, then climbs the top rope. Suddenly Timmons runs back down the ramp and into the ring trying to stop Jesse, but Shawn and Gregory stop him as they hold him back, Timmons not being able to do anything. Jesse leaps off...

DIVING ELBOW DROP ON TOP OF THE CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Mike has his face crushed as Jesse drives his elbow into the chair into the face of Mike King. Timmons with anger within breaks free and tackles Jesse, puinding him with rights and lefts, but Gregory throws Tim off, Tim comes back but Shawn catches him with a chair shot to the head, then locks in the SHAWNSHOOTER!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Timmons screams to let go and taps out but he is already out of the match, the referee trying to break Shawn off him but he won't let go. Gregory and Jesse shout abuse at him as Timmons is in so much anger he is frothing, Shawn finally lets go, but Jesse is not finished, Shawn and Gregory lift Tim up...MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Tim rolls out of the ring as paramedics come down to take him away. Jesse then finally pinning Mike King as he steps on his chest arrogantly...


































Eliminated: Mike King

GOLD: Now it gets interesting, every Upstart for themselves

FARLEY: Yeah, think of the brutality, not one but three Upstarts, these guys are the most sinister guys in cZw, no telling what they will do to each other for that Title

- Jesse kicks Mike out of the ring as both Tim and Mike gets taken away on stretchers. Now, the referee rings the bell again signalling the start again as Jesse Montana, Shawn Waters and Gregory Grantham, the three Upstarts in the match are left.

- The fans boo Upstarts as all three men smile with extreme arrogance. Jesse shouts to the crowd, 'Now they are out the way, lets have our main event, UPSTARTS',the fans chanting 'Can You Get It UP' still as Jesse just smiles. All three men look at each other, all men knowing each other very well, but finally Shawn is first to start an attack as he jumps Gregory and start pounding him down as he hits rights and lefts, then kicks him down, Gregory trying to crawl to the corner but Shawn drags him back, then Jesse comes up and joins in as Shawn and Jesse team up on their own stable mate. Jesse picks him up and hits a European Uppercut, then Shawn chops his chest as Gregory is stuck in the corner with the two predators hunting him down.

- Gregory tries to fight back with right and lefts of his own but Jesse gets a thumb to the eye, the fans loving this as their most hated stable are fighting each other. Shawn whips him to the other side, Gregory bounces off as Shawn comes running in,but Gregory shows his tremendous strength as he lifts Shawn up above his head and holds him there, Jesse though chops his left leg away from him as Shawn drops down on top of him, getting a cover











- Shawn gets flung across the ring as Gregory gets back up, but Jesse is waitig as he spears the huge thigh of Gregory, takig his leg out once more.. Jesse follows up as he holds the leg out, then elbow dropping the inside, then again as Gregory screams out in pain, Jesse then goes to lock in the figour four but Gregory easily kicks him off as Jesse flies through the ropes and into the guardrail, cracking his skull upon impact as blood trickles down his face. Shawn tries to contiue where Jesse left off but Gregory gets up and throws Shawn away, Shawn though like a shark that smells blood comes back and kicks away at the weakened leg, but again Gregory thows him off, Shawn comes back agai but this time Gregory unleashes a beat of a clothesline turning Shawn inside out.

- Gregory gets the blood flowing back into his leg again as he picks up Shawn, whips him to the ropes and catches him off the bounce...Spinebuster. Gregory hits it perfectly as Shawn bounces off, ow layed out unconcious. Gregory checks on Jesse as he is still lying out holding his head, Gtregory picks up Shawn again...THE 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Shawn struggles off the shoulders of Gregory though as he chops the leg again, then hits a quick desperation DDT, now both men down. The ref goes to check on Jesse as Jesse angrily pushes him off, then shouts something to a particular fan before getting back into the ring, going for Gregory again as he lifts him up and delivers a snap suplex. He doesn't stop there as he grinds his teeth picking Gregory back up again then delivers another suplex, then finally goes for a third...FISHERMAN'S AMIGO!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jesse bridges into the cover




























- Gregory barely shrugs out of the pinfall. Jesse flips up in style as he holds his back as it is still in pain, his ribs too, but maages to carry on, picking Gregory up, hitting a few hard chops on him which sting like hjell, echoing throughout the arena as the fans woo around the ARCO Arena. Gregory gets taken back to the corner again ow as Shawn is back up. Both men take shots at Gregory as both show no mercy to their newest Upstart member. Shawn then lifts him up onto the turnbuckle as Jesse continue to hit him down not allowing Gregory to mount any offence. Shawn then climbs to the turnbcukle too as Gregory sits at the top, Shawn standing on the second rope, still pounding away at the head of Gregory, his forehead starting to get redder by the second. Shawn then fially climbs right to the top as he stads up and prepares himself, then Jesse gets Shawn on his shoulder as Jesse climbs upto the second rope, Shawn with Gregory locked in, Jesse with Shawn locked in...

- The three men jump off as it ends up being a THREE MAN SUPERPLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- The fans start chanting 'CZW...CZW' as Upstarts lie, all flat out in the ring as the referee starts to count all three men down. Gregory seems to have gor the worst of it as he lies in the opposite corner, not moving, Jesse now though up at the count of 6. Jesse signals the end as he waits for either man to get up to his feet. Shawn is nearly up as Gregory fially begins to move. Jesse is waiting, focussing hard, he knows this could be the nest elimination, sweat pouring from his face, tiny trickles of blood down his forehead. Shawn is now onto his knees. Gregory suddenly gets up on the other side but Jesse is focussed on getting Shawn, now as he is up, Jesse comes in...

MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- No...SHAWN DUCKS...Jesse now loses his balance as he falls into Gregory who grabs Jesse...

THE 4.0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Jesse falls into the move and gets smashed down, the impact shaking the ring, but Jesse falls out of the ring as he was so close to the edge, Gregory rolling out to get him, then picks him up, but now Shawn with an opportunity gets out of the ring looking for both Gregory and Jesse while on the apron...


- The fans begin tolove the action in this match now as it is full of passion, one man will get a chance of a lifetime, but which Upstart will it be?

( Highlight of earlier on when Jesse crashed down on top of Mike and the chair with an top rope ebow drop is shown to the fans )

- Now both men are getting up, Shawn the first as they are right next to the commentary desks now. The referee tells them to get back into the ring but no one listens. Shawn now flies at Gregory hitting a flying forearm smash as Gregory falls back over the desk where Farley and Gold are...

- Shawn starts beating at Gregory as they both are attackig each other with their fists, Jesse meanwhile has found the chair from earlier. He comes up, then hits Gregory over the head with the chair. He tells Shwn to place his leg over the commetary desk, which he does immediately, Jesse with something sinister in mind, now cocking the chair back, aiming for Gregory's weakened leg from earlier, he swings towards it...

- HE CONNECTS...Chair to the leg, Gregory screams in pain as Jesse and Shawn seem to smile at each other, only for Jesse to then swing the chair at Shawn backstabbing him, Shawn ducks though as he grabs a monitor and wraps it around the skull of Jesse...

- Jesse falls back as the blood from earlier is now pouring out, the cut wide open. Shawn climbs onto the commentary desk as he signals to the fans that he will be the next cZw World Champion. Gregory now tries to rise but is only able to hop, using one leg as Shawn spots him, jumps off the desk htting him with a double axe handle, Gregory up again though quickly as it seemed to have little effect, but then Shawn with a smile on his face goes to kick the leg away from Gregory as he collapses, screaming in pain once again, tryig to hold his leg but Shawn grabs it and pulls him towards the steel steps, placing his injured leg on the top step and climbing up, one foot standing on Gregory's leg not allowing him to escape, then stamps down with the other foot stomping on the injured leg onto the steel steps...

FARLEY: How can you not love this? Shawn showing he is willing to do anythimg, what a talent

- Shawn screams to the fans that he will win but suddenly Jesse, now back up gets behind Shawn and pushes him face first into the turnbuckle, Shawn bounces off and falls to the ground where Jesse pounces him hitting him heavily in the face with lefts and rights, Shawn blocking though as he reverses, now Shawn with heavy blows opening the head of Jesse more. The fans cheer as the two most hated men in cZw go at it, rolling around as they try and dismatle the other...

- Shawn soo gets the advantage as he starts to rip at the forehead of Jesse, blood flowing down his head now ito his eyes, Jesse kicks him off though as he gewts back up, Shawn however with the chair in had from earlier...


- He almost takes Jesse's head off as he knocks his own mentor and stable leader down to the concrete floor. He then starts smashing the chair again and again into the ribs of the Sensation, Jesse not only bleeding from the head but now coughing up blood too. Jesse cannot defend himself as Shawn now has actually bent the steel chair into the shape of Jesse's torso. He throws it down as he stays on Jesse, now slowly ad arrogantly kicking Jesse in the head, pushing his head away by poking him with his foot. Shawn shouting to Jesse,'It is MY time not yours...MINE."

GOLD: Lots of passion here but could Upstarts be over?

FARLEY: No you fool. You heard Jesse during the week, it is the GROWTH of Upstarts

- Jesse is out of it almost now, in no man's land as he tries top get to his feet, but Shawn kicks him square in the temple. Jesse is in a dreadful state. Gregory is now back in the ring as he has been trying to get the feeling back in his leg for the past few minutes, Shawn now coming after Gregory with the another chair he has found. Gregory looks up and tries to slide away,but Shawn is too fast and belts Gregory in the leg with the steel chair, he swings it back again, again right into the knee cap as Gregory screams louder than ever, Shawn throws the chair down then locks in a modified figure four...

- Gregory is finding it hard to breathe now as the pain becomes unbearable, the referee looking like he hopes Gregory taps, but the World Title is all he can think of as he uses his amazing strength to pull and claw his way towards the ropes. Shawn finding it hard to stick with the hold lets go. Gregory rolls around in pain but Shawn straight away pulls him back to the center of the ring, twists and turns, before Gregory has just been locked into the...WATERBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: He has it locked in, not many men can withstand this FARLEY: No, and what a great name, the WATERBOARD

- This time Gregory is biting his own arm as the pain is excrusiating, his spine is being torn apart and his injured leg is being wripped too. Jesse meanwhile is trying to get to his knees but can't even muster enough strength to get up, as he falls back down on the outside. Gregory with no one to help him, the crowd chanting tap out and his leg and back in so much pain,he mounts one last attempt at freedom as he usees his strength to lift himself up onto both hands, then shimmy towards the ropes but as Shawn sits further back, Gregory soon collapses back to the ground, now no hope...

- Gregory starts to fade away, his eyes with tears filled up, his arm bleeding from the pressure he is biting down, just so he can bare the pain, Shawn endlessly twisting and distorting the spine of Gregory, the pain is too much, after being in the hold for early two minutes, as the referee bends down to ask Gregory, he begins to tap out, tapping out furiously just so the pain can stop. Shawn breaks the hold as Gregory rolls out of the ring, being eliminated in third place...

Eliminated: Gregory Grantham

GOLD: These two men have spoke alot during the week, both best friends, both now the only ones that stand in the way of each other

FARLEY: These are two warriors, I do not care what the fans think, not that I normally do anyway, but they have proved there worth here tonight, I cannot see one of these giving up

- Now, Jesse and Shawn are the only two left, after all that has happened in the match, they are both worn down but both have enough passion for the Title to continue. The fans are making much noise now as they antiscipate a great battle between these two friends. Of course still booing them to hell though. Shawn looks around as the refere calls for the match to go on. Jesse however is almost out of it, his head looks like a giant tomato just split in his face. Shawn waits for Jesse to get back in, even though Jesse is hurt, he climbs back into the ring where the two face each other, about to decide who is the best.

- Both men talk for abit, then shake each others hand, Jesse looking like a mess, Shawn not looking his best either. The fans chant 'Upstarts suck' but still a huge wave of cheers float across the arena as for one night only, Jesse Montana and Shawn Waters are about to battle it out for the ultimate prize.

- They lock up...Jesse surprisingly gets the advantage as he powers Shawn towards the ropes, then goes for a low blow but Shawn counters it, knowing exactly what Jesse was about to do. Jesse and Shawn smirk at each other as they lock up again, Jesse getting a hammerlock, Shawn trying to escape as he twists out of it, then kneels down and also goes for a low blow, but Jesse dodges out of the way as they both laugh, both o the complete same page..

- They lock up for a third time in quick succession, Shawn this time gets an armbar on Jesse, then kicks him in the sternam before whipping him to the ropes, Jesse comes back, Shawn with a clothesline, Jesse ducks, rebounds, Shawn with a back elbow, Jesse ducks again, now Jesse with great pace comes flying off the ropes as he goes for a crossbody, Shawn though quickly dives at Jesse...Shawn connects with a spear. Shawn stays on Jesse as he pounds away at the bloodied head of Jesse, now blood spraying onto the hands and arms of Shawn of his friends head. He then lets go as Jesse lies back, his eyes with blood in them, looking up above as Shawn comes crashing down with a LIONSAULT out of no where...
























GOLD: I thought he had it Michael - Shawn gets back up as he tries to think of what he can do to put away his own stable mate. He then looks at the turnbuckle, he starts to climb, looking to go for a high risk move, Jesse is back up though as he flips charismatically, then runs to grab Shawn from behind while on the secod rope, Shawn elbow at Jesse to knock him off but Jesse hangs on then delivers a Back Body Drop off the second rope. Shawn bounces off the mat as he holds his back. Jesse tries to muster up enough strength to get his arm around Shawn but passes out with blood loss.

- The referee is counting them both down, he is on 7 as Shawn begins to get up, now on 8, Shawn is on one knee, now on 9 as Jesse out of no where flips up again as Shawn stombles towards him...


MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!! MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FARLEY: The most well known move in sports entertainment, now COVER HIM

- This time Shawn flips over landing on the other side of the ring, Jesse collapsing back down again. Now, the fans cheer as Jesse again tries to find eough strength to pin Shawn, he crawls, he claws, he makes his way there as he rolls Shawn over onto his back and hooks the leg loosely...

GOLD: This is it














































- Shawn kicks out, right at the last split second as both men lie, wondering what they must do to get the win. Jesse rises slowly as he picks up Shawn, Shawn swings a right hand but Jesse ducks as he hits Shawn with a side suplex. He then runs to the ropes, bounces off and lays a heavy leg drop down on Shawn, goes for the cover but only can get a one count. He picks him back up, choips to the chest, Jesse building momentum, then whips Shawn, he comes back and Jesse on form now connects with a quick drop toe hold and into an STF!!!

- Shawn is locked in as he looks to be shocked and in pain at the same time. Jesse pulls back as Shawn screams in pain, the referee right in his face now as Jesse talks trash to his best friend, Shawn refuses to tap though.. He starts to manouvre himself to face the ropes as Jesse knowing he is losing grip pulls back for one last attempt, but Shawn uses that to roll out of the hold, both men back up...Shawn hits a hip toss, Jesse up again, another hip toss, Jesse up a third time and Shawn hits a beautiful drop kick, gaining hisow mometum now, Jesse up again but this time looking out of breath and dazed, Shawn sweeps his legs and tries for the WATERBOARD!!!!!!!!!

FARLEY: Jesse needs to escape here

- Jesse struggles as much as he can as Shawn just can't sem to be able to twist and turn him over, Shawn instead hits a catapult as Jesse flies to the outside. Jesse holds his back as he seemes to have landed heavily. Shawn gives him though as he baseball slides Jesse, but Jesse dodges, then goes for a right hand but Shawn ducks, lifts Jesse up onto his shoulders, Jesse however slips off, Jesse locks Shawn up but he twists out, both men countering everythig, until finally Jesse hits a low blow then throws Mr Television right into the cameraman.


- Jesse kicks the cameramn out of the way showing no compassion, then grabs the camera, waiting for Shawn to rise, which he does, then...


- Shawn gets his head almost taken off with a devastating swing. Shawn now starting to bleed himself now, Jesse already in a complete mess. Jesse lifts Shawn up and throws him into the ring. He follows him in and rolls him over towards the center of the ring before covering...



























- Shawn gets a late shoulder up, Jesse looking frustrated. Jesse climbs on top of Shawn as he starts peelig at the cut on his forehead, just like Shawn did earlier. Jesse then starts biting at him as Shawn is heard on the bak row of the arena, his screams so loud. Jesse gets up and starts stomping on his head, Shawn now trying to cover up but Jesse is incensed. Jesse then lift Shawn up, kick to the stomach, uppercut to the jaw, then hits an inverted atomic drop, then hits him in the forehead to knock him down,Shawn straight back up though as Jesse connects with a swinging neckbreaker.

- Jesse now sensing he could finish the match with one last attack, the climbs to the ropes, now standing on the top rope, measuring up Shawn but facing the crowd, he flips off perfectly...































- Jesse slams his fists to the ground as he starts to pace around the ring. He then looks at Shawn and yells at him to get to his feet. Shawn looks up and begins to rise. Jesse yells at Shawn, saying, 'You cannot fight destiny Shawn'. Shawn looking like he is worse for wears as he climbs to his feet, tryiing to balance but his head is pouring with blood now, also i his eyes, Jesse stomps his right leg down, Shawn turns around...MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!











NO...Shawn ducks, Jesse turns around as Shawn takes away his legs, then locks in the WATERBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: THIS IS IT...THIS IS IT FARLEY: Dammit Ricky stop shouting. Now, Jesse is losing blood rapidly here, he needs to get those ropes as soon as possible

- it is locked in as Jesse is immediately screaming like a baby who has lost it's mother. The blood flowing from his head and down his face as every nerve, every bone, every vein in his body tenses up due to the excruciating pain. Jesse is looking like he could be close to tapping as blood, tears ad sweat drip down his face and onto the mat.

- Jesse cannot move anywhere, Shawn has it singed in, locked in perfectly, his weight o the spine of Jesse, he has already injured his back, ribs and head in this match, now his spine is being torn. Shawn now places even more pressure on the hold, playing his card perfectly, perfect timing,. perfect position, Shawn within a few moments of becoming the new number one contender by beating his own mentor, his won best friend. Jesse cannot move anywhere, he has ot got enough strength. The blood continues to flow as every fan are now on their feet, cheering, chanting, booing, you name it. Suddenly, Jesse tries with all of his might to press himself up,now on his hands, clawing towards the ropes, his mouth wide open, blood in his eyes, his mouth, his nose, he is making it towards the ropes until...















Shawn places more pressure on as he leans all the way back as Jesse collapses to the ground. Now, no movement, lying in a pool of his own blood and even abit of Shawn's blood. The fans sense it is over, so does Shawn. Jesse never gave up. The referee checks him, he knows he is out of it but has to do his job anyway as Shawn conitnues to sit in place in this hold.

GOLD: He is out of it, we have a winner!

The referee raises his arm...











It falls...

The referee does it the second time...













It falls AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans are on there feet, Shawn can taste victory...

The ref raises his arm for the third and final time...


























JESSE IS AWAKE...JESSE IS AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FARLEY: Not over yet

Jesse lifts himself up again, so close to being out but he is now revived, he grabs the right leg of Shawn somehow and pulls as Shawn slips, loosing grip on the hold,, but has a strange modified leg lock still on Jesse...

Jesse grabs Shawn's legs also. He wraps his leg around!

FARLEY: Look at Mr. TV! He is in a House of Pain!

GOLD: They both are!!!

Both men are in immense pain now as the turn over doesn't change the fact that Jesse's legs are all wrapped up. Both men are squirming and in horrible pain. The referee is watching intently. The crowd is electric.

FARLEY: Both men giving it their all, what will be left of the winner?

The referee is watching... suddenly, Shawn AND Jesse both begin tapping the mat at the EXACT same time! The referee calls for the bell!

GOLD: Wait, what!? They both tapped out!

FARLEY: This won't work, we HAVE to have a winner!


The referee unties both men's legs and they are slumped down. An unknown man comes out from behind the wrestler's entrance, nearly frantic. He has a mic in his hands.

Man: Ref, we _HAVE_ to have a winner! This can't work this-- hold on.

FARLEY: Who the hell is he? why is he out here?

GOLD: He must be a director or something

The man begins holding the ear piece he has in, listening to it intently.. After a few moments he begins to smile.

Man: I have breaking news, everyone. With the controversial ending we all just witnessed... I have been informed that -BOTH- men will be put in the Main Event at Summer Showdown, facing Matt Stylez for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship! This means, that the first fall will be a normal pinfall or submission.. with the stipulation that the fans vote on taking place when we have only 2 men left!

The crowd is going crazy. Suddenly, Matt Stylez comes out from the back and looks extremely pissed off. He is yelling at the man, who in turn shakes his head and puts his hands up.

Man: Sorry, champ, but I have orders from the board of directors, these are orders I cannot change! It is done, the match is set! I suggest you start preparing to defend your belt against Jesse Montana... AND Shawn Waters!!

FARLEY: Now the match at the PPV is even bigger

GOLD: What an anouncement, now Jesse AND Shawn will face Stylez, Summer Showdown will be extreme

FARLEY: I think after this night I need a few drinks, lets go

GOLD: What a night it has been, next week will be a Summer Showdown Assault special, but for now, from me Ricky Gold and my partner in crime Michael K Farley, goodnight!


Tim Timmons and Mike King are backstage as they are being treated by paremedics after the finish of the Assault main event. The two men are talking over the ending of the match to each other and the doctors when suddenly the door bursts open!

TT: What the...

‘Bad Ass’ Matt Covey rushes into the room and begin striking Timmons and King. The doctors are fast to flee the room. Matt grabs King and hits him with the ‘Blow It Out Your Ass’. He then grabs Tim’s head and throws him into a locker. Matt then runs and kicks Timmons head into the locker again. Matt lifts Tim up and slams him through a table...

Matt: Tim! I know it was you who attacked Mack! You’ve had problems with us Upstarts for ages now...and you took your opportunity to take out the greatest Intercontinental champion of all time!

Matt kicks Timmons in the stomach with his steel-toe boot.

Matt: You have made a mistake boys!

Matt gets a sick smile on his face as he cracks his knuckles as the cameraman leaves the room as a blood-curdling scream is heard...

Assault ends...

Assault President: Jesse Montana


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