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Rochester ("This Is How You Remind Me" by Nickelback begins to blare over the PA.)

(The camera pans around to show all over the sold out crowd. At the entrance ramp a large "CZW" banner descends from the top, with fireworks going off *BOOM BOOM BOOM*) (The feed cuts to two men sitting at the commentators table, near ringside.)

MAN 1: "Hello everybody! Welcome to the Blue Cross Arena, and welcome to the first ever CZW WAR ZONE!"

(Hesitation as the crowd cheers)

MAN 1: "This is Jarred Daniels and my partner here is William Masters, and we're excited to present to you THE RUMBLE FOR THE GOLD! We're live in Rochester, New York to kick off the year 2008!"

MASTERS: "That's right, 23 entries into the Rumble until there are only 4 left. At that point, a steel cage will drop and the CZW staff will come down to sit at ringside with us, carrying the CZW World Championship."

DANIELS: "And then the only way to win the match is to make it over the top and out to the other side, where the winner will be awarded the CZW World Title!"

(crowd cheers)

MASTERS: "Well Daniels, before we get started do you have any predictions?"

DANIELS: "It's hard to say for sure, but I like a few. I like Ace King, I like the Zodiac Thrilla. El Pablo looks good."

MASTERS: "What!? You're a fool, Daniels. Those chumps couldn't survive this, it's going to be Adam Swinger. No wait, it's going to be Tim Timmons! NO WAIT! It'll be--"

DANIELS: "It'll be a war, to say the least!"

MASTERS: "Don't interrupt me, Daniels! Now as I was saying.. IT'LL BE A WAR, TO SAY THE LEAST!!"

DANIELS: "Let's get this show started everyone!"

(more fireworks go off as the crowd cheers)

("WALK" BY Pantera begins to play. Entrant #1 is The Wolf. He makes his way to the ring with the crowd being largely apathetic.)

("BULLS ON PARADE" by Rage Against the Machine begins to play. Entrant #2 is Drake.)

MASTERS: "Oh lord, here we go!"


-Drake grabs a headlock and hits a shoulder block to floor Wolf. He bullies Wolf to the corner and begins hammering away at his chest before whipping him hard to the buckles and back body dropping him to the mat. Drake looks for the elimination before Wolf rakes his eyes-

MASTERS: "That's how to do it, Daniels! By any means necessary!"

DANIELS: "There's no honor in cheating, William! And I believe in Karma!"

("PRETEND WE'RE DEAD" by L7 begins to play. The #3 Entrant is Hailey Hunter.)

MASTERS: "What the hell is a woman doing in this thing, Daniels!?"

DANIELS: "Have you not seen her in action before!? She can hold her own, I have no doubts about it!!"

-Hailey comes in and she and Wolf immediately go at it. Wolf chops the hell out of Hailey's chest before Drake came over and decked Wolf.

Hailey helped Drake but then Drake turns around and tries to toss Hailey, but Wolf makes an inadvertent save. Wolf hits a lariat-

(The main part of "ASSHOLE" by Denis Leary begins to play. The #4 Entrant is Luthen)

MASTERS: "Ha ha! I forgot about this guy, He's my new #1 pick to take it all!"

DANIELS: "This guy!?"

MASTERS: "YES, THIS GUY! Did I stutter?"

DANIELS: "His entrance music is ridiculous!"

-Luthen comes in the ring and immediately hits a spine buster on Hailey while Drake turns it around and works over Wolf. Hailey eventually gains the advantage. Wolf swaps places with Luthen and the duos switch up a bit-

("BLIND" by KoRn begins to play. The #5 Entrant is Jeff Baker)

-Jeff comes right at Wolf and hits Wolf a massive spear. He hits the same on Drake before missing Luthen in the corner. Hailey and Luthen double clothesline each other, leaving everyone down on the mat. Wolf wants to go to the outside and grab two chairs for an advantage, but Hailey low blows Wolf, allowing Jeff to dispose of him- WOLF is eliminated by JEFF BAKER (ELIMINATION #1)

DANIELS: "And there's our first elimination! The Wolf is out of the CZW World Title picture!"

MASTERS: "And good riddance. Someone tell that guy to get a hair cut and a real job!" -Hailey goes to slap Jeff only to get tossed over the top rope by the same man- HAILEY HUNTER is eliminated by JEFF BAKER (ELIMINATION #2)

MASTERS: "WHOA OHH!!! What did I say, Daniels, NO PLACE for a woman!"

DANIELS: "She held her own there for a while, you've got to admit it! I have a feeling she can get past this!"

MASTERS: "I've got a feeling she needs to go back to the kitchen and make me some lasagna! HOLY HELL!" ("Evolution" by KoRn begins to play. The #6 Entrant is Impaler)


DANIELS: "Impaler is quite impressive! He is 7'0" and weighs 375 pounds!"

MASTERS: "And it looks like he could eat my car for dinner!"

-Impaler goes after Drake but finds himself nearly eliminated as Drake ducks and tries to use Impaler's mass against him. Impaler reverses and when Drake tries to duck again, he is grabbed by his throat and lifted up from the ground, showing the strength of Impaler. Jeff and Luthen grapple all over the second rope and neither really switch places for the entire time- ("COLD AND JADED" by Adema begins to play. The #7 Entrant is "The King of Crash" Ryan Konkers)

MASTERS: "Yes, the King of Crash! This is the guy, Jarred! THIS IS MY #1 PICK!"

DANIELS: "Didn't you just say earlier that--"

MASTERS: "YES I DID! I did say earlier that Konkers is the guy!"

DANIELS: "Oh brother!"

-Ryan goes immediately under the ring and gets out a table. He sets it up, and then goes into the ring. Impaler and Ryan go at each other before Ryan hits a inverted swinging DDT on him, some how. Jeff works over Drake in the corner while Luthen comes really close to eliminating Ryan-

("YOU COULD BE MINE" by Guns N' Roses begins to play. The #8 Entrant is Ice Breaker)

MASTERS: "470 pounds of might, that'll get Impaler out of there!"

DANIELS: "This guy is huge!"

-Ice comes right for Luthen. Ice chokes out Luthen on the mat while Jeff and Impaler toil around the top rope. Drake picks up Ryan and almost tosses him over the top rope and through the table, but Ryan saves himself- ("STARING THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD" by Cannibal Corpse begins to play. The #9 Entrant is Teddy Chainsaw)

MASTERS: "Oh no, THIS freak!? At least this one can talk, the other one just sits there all creepily, staring you like a dog would!" -Teddy hit the ring and comes at Luthen and almost tosses him over the top rope. Teddy lays the boots to Luthen on the mat while Drake sneaks up on him and tried to eliminate him, but no dice. Luthen tries to dump both Teddy and Drake, but nothing going-

("YOU COULD BE MINE" by Guns N' Roses plays. The #10 Entrant is


DANIELS: "The other half of the Alaskan Warriors! We're bound to see some team work here!"

MASTERS: "Of course, haven't you see these guys? They're like a well oiled machine together! My bid to win the CZW Tag gold!" -Glacier comes in and immediately begins to clean house. Ice Breaker and Glacier make eye contact and then both look at Impaler, whose back is turned. They both charge and toss Impaler over the top rope and to the floor-



DANIELS: "Wouldn't that be jolly RED giant?"

MASTERS: "Shut up Daniels!"

-Konkers was about to hit Ice Breaker with a springboard clothesline, but Ryan was grabbed mid air and choke slammed over the top rope, through the table on the outside by Glacier- *CROWD BURSTS INTO CHEERS* RYAN KONKERS was eliminated by GLACIER (ELIMINATION #4)

DANIELS: "OH MY GOD!! Konkers is laid out and bleeding!! There goes your #1 pick, Masters!"

MASTERS: "CORRECTION! I haven't said who my #1 pick is yet, dummy! Why the hell did he set that table up from anyway!? Dumb ass!"

("STARING THROUGH THE EYES OF THE DEAD" by Cannibal Corpse plays. The #11 Entrant is Jimmy Chainsaw)

DANIELS: "Herrrrrrrrrrrrrrrre's JIMMY!"

MASTERS: "That guy scares the hell out of me!!"

-Jimmy comes out and goes right after Jeff. Drake low blows Jeff and tries to eliminate Jimmy, but Jimmy skins the cat. Jimmy lays some nasty head butts in on Drake as the clock counts down- ("SAVE A HORSE (RIDE A COWBOY)" By Big & Rich begins to play. The #12

Entrant is "The Cowboy" Jeremy Dart)

MASTERS: "Here he is, Jarred, my #1 PICK!"

DANIELS: "Subject to change, right?"

MASTERS: "Nope! This is the guy I've been going for all along. Pay attention!!" -Jeremy is ready to Rumble and comes to the ring ready to beat some CZW superstars. Jeremy immediately comes out and makes an impact, eliminating the big man Ice Breaker with a jumping lariat over the rope-


DANIELS: "Whoa, William, maybe you're right! He just tossed out some big opposition!"

MASTERS: "I'm never wrong, Daniels!" -Jeremy then goes to work over Jimmy, who was beating on Drake in the corner. Teddy and Glacier are going head to head, as Jeff Baker is beating down on Luthen-

("CRUSHCRUSHCRUSH" by Paramore plays. The #13 Entrant is Chris Dee) -Chris Dee comes in and goes after Jeremy in the corner. Glacier picks his scraps up off the mat and lays him out with a big upper cut. Teddy then lariats the back of Glacier's neck. Luthen turns things around on Jeff Baker, and pokes him in the eye-

MASTERS: "That's how you're going to win this thing, Luthen!" ("WATCH UR MOUF" by the Wu-Tang Clan plays. The #14 Entrant is Mack Beaudin)

DANIELS: "Mack looks pretty good, he might have what it takes to win this thing!"

MASTERS: "Pbbbth, this guy!?"

DANIELS: "Yes, this guy!" -Mack begins to work on Chris and hits a wheel barrel suplex. Mack then hits a DDT on Glacier leaving him slumped in the corner. He then dropkicks Teddy, gets right back up and then dropkicks Jimmy as the crowd cheers-

DANIELS: "Beaudin has the crowd behind him, can you hear it?"

MASTERS: "Oh lord, I can SMELL IT!!!" ("STRICKEN" by Disturbed begins to play. The #15 Entrant is "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons)

MASTERS: "OH YEAH!!! Timmons is going to take care of business right here!" -Tim comes through the crowd with his cane and nails Mack and then Jimmy until Teddy comes out of nowhere and levels him. He picks him up, and claws his head. Picks him up, and SLAM! The Chainsaw Claw Bomb! He picks up Timmons and tosses him out as quickly as he came in- TIM TIMMONS is eliminated by TEDDY CHAINSAW (ELIMINATION #6)

DANIELS: "OH YEAH HE DID, MASTERS!! He took care of business right quick-like!!"

MASTERS: "D'OH!! That was a fluke if I've ever seen one, and I've seen plenty!!"

DANIELS: "Zodiac and Timmons have had a few words, and everyone was hoping to see them go at it here tonight, but that's now been postponed!" ("ANIMALS" by Nickelback begins to play. The #16 Entrant is Caleb "The Franchise" Walker)


DANIELS: "WHAT!? You said you were going with--"

MASTERS: "I've been saying all along that THE FRANCHISE is the man, Jarred!!! HOOKT ON FONICS WURKD FOR U DIDN'T IT!?!" -Caleb and Jeff team together right away and toss out Chris Dee- CHRIS DEE is eliminated by CALEB WALKER and JEFF BAKER (ELIMINATION #7)

MASTERS: "See what I'm talkin' about!?" -Caleb starts to work on Luthen and hits him with a big boot. He jumps down and puts Luthen in the BONE CRUSHER ankle lock! Luthen cries and screams in pain as Caleb has a sadistic look on his face. He finally lets go and then tosses Luthen over the top- LUTHEN was eliminated by CALEB WALKER (ELIMINATION #8)

DANIELS: "And Walker eliminates another one, Luthen is GONE!"

MASTERS: "Leave guys like that alone, Caleb! Go after those idiot Chainsaw boys!" -Caleb then goes after Mack and hits him with a boot to the face. He goes to pick him up, but Mack pushes him off and jumps back. Mack goes to hit Caleb with a spear, but Caleb side steps and attempts to throw Mack over the ropes. Mack holds on. Jeff continues to work over Jimmy in the corner, while Teddy and Glacier are duking it out-

MASTERS: "Or Beaudin, yeah! That's the right thinking!"

DANIELS: "It's every man for himself, winner takes all! There is no teams here, William!"

MASTERS: "Go get me some nachos and a beer!"

("TUBTHUMPING" by Chumbawumba begins to play. The #17 Entrant is "Irish" Ian Chadwick) DANIELS: "Now here's a fighter!"

MASTERS: "NOW HERE'S A DRUNK!!" -Ian comes right after Caleb and Jeff. Ian gives everyone chops and boots to the guts before German suplexing Drake out of his boots. Ian hands out the favor to both Teddy and Jeremy with stiff shots, before he is finally cooled off by Caleb, who catches him with an eye rake- ("SIMPLE SURVIVAL" by Mushroomhead begins to play. The #18 Entrant is Adam Swinger)

MASTERS: "Adam Swinger has my full endorsement to take home the GOLD!"

DANIELS: "I'm not even going to acknowledge your foolishness."

MASTERS: "Well, I'd acknowledge that bad hair cut if I were you!" -Adam comes into the ring fast. He goes after Jeremy Dart. Teddy and Jimmy are taking turns knocking the spit out of Drake. Jeff Baker and Caleb are double teaming up on Ian. Adam boots Jeremy in the head and Glacier took him and tosses him to the outside- JEREMY DART is eliminated by GLACIER (ELIMINATION #9) -While Glacier was looking out down at Jeremy, Jimmy and Teddy both come up from behind and toss him out. Glacier and Jeremy continue to brawl all around the ring side while the clock counts down- GLACIER is eliminated by TEDDY and JIMMY CHAINSAW (ELIMINATION #10) ("BLUR THE TECHNICOLOR" by White Zombie begins to play. The #19 Entrant is Andrew Arashavin)

DANIELS: "One of our imports from England! The NORTHERN LIGHT!"

MASTERS: "You're supposed to be getting ME an import!" -While the officials try to break up Glacier and Jeremy on the outside, Andrew and Teddy try desperately to eliminate Jeff in the corner, but he holds on. Andrew picks up Jeff.. and throws into a corner. He lifts Jeff up, and climbs up with him.. positions him... and hits the A GRADE!- ("BLUE COLLAR MAN" by Styx plays. The #20 Entrant is "The Working Man" J.A. Sawyer)

MASTERS: "Oh, I -HATE- this guy!! Go back to fixing my toilet, fat boy!"

DANIELS: "Sawyer could fix that toilet you call a mouth in a heartbeat, I'm sure!" -Sawyer goes right for Ian, and vice versa. They are just having it out. Jeff almost eliminates Teddy while Drake comes close to tossing out Adam. Jimmy and Caleb are double teaming on Beaudin.. Caleb throws Mack into the ropes, Mack ducks a clothesline.. and nails Jimmy with a huge lariat!- ("ACE OF SPADES" by Motorhead begins to play. The #21 Entrant is Ace King)

DANIELS: "Now THIS is quite possibly the man to win the title!"

MASTERS: "I don't trust this guy, Daniels, He has a gambling problem!"

DANIELS: "IF YOU CALL WINNING MONEY A PROBLEM!" -Ace comes in and works over Teddy in the corner. Adam was trying to use a clothesline to knock Andrew over the top rope before getting flat backed by the big man in the middle of the ring. Ian and Sawyer are STILL going at it, all out, with no apparant advantage- ("BEEN TRAINING DOGS" by the Cooper Temple Clause plays. The #22 Entrant is El Pablo)

DANIELS: "And our second english signee, EL PABLOOOOO!!!!"

MASTERS: "This guy is a loser, look at him!"

DANIELS: "It's time you felt the El Pablo Experience, William!" -Pablo comes out of the shoot and starts beating Swinger down before coming across Andrew and punching him across the face. Andrew punches back, flooring Pablo. The ring is very full at this point. Eleven are in the ring as six of them attempt to get Andrew out of the ring- ("ANOTHER BODY MURDERED" by Boo-Yaa T.R.I.B.E. & Faith No More plays. The #23 Entrant is The Zodiac Thrilla)

MASTERS: "This guy has a mouth on him, but not very much height to back it up!"

DANIELS: "I've been watching everyone in the CZW as they train, and THIS guy has trained the hardest!"

MASTERS: "He needs it!" -Zodiac comes into the ring with fists of fury and goes right at Drake. He hits a atomic drop as the two stood one on one in the middle of the ring. He throws Drake to the ropes, but Drake reverses, ducking down for a body drop. Zodiac stops, knees Drake in the face and bends him down further. He puts his legs in between Drake's arms and they rise up. Zodiac lifts up and then *CRASH* hits the SIGN OF THE ZODIAC, a sunset flip powerbomb! Zodiac picks him and tosses Drake aggressively over the top and to the floor- DRAKE is eliminated by ZODIAC (ELIMINATION #11) -Zodiac then hits a super kick on Andrew who stumbles back to the ropes where the entire group tosses him up and over-

ANDREW ARASHAVIN is eliminated by EVERYONE (ELIMINATION #12) DANIELS: "And there goes The Northern Light, courtesy of everyone!" -Zodiac then hits Teddy with a dropkick. He dumps Teddy up and over the top rope and to the floor- TEDDY CHAINSAW was eliminated by ZODIAC (ELIMINATION #13)

MASTERS: "How did that little fella pick up that giant like that!?"

DANIELS: "You should never under estimate a man with such heart!" -Mack Beaudin grabs Zodiac and turns him around. He kicks him in the gut and then delivers THE MEANS TO AN END, his cradle piledriver. Ian starts to work on Jeff and set him on the top turnbuckle and nailed Jeff with a huge upper cut- JEFF BAKER is eliminated by IAN CHADWICK (ELIMINATION #14)

DANIELS: "They're starting to fall quicker now, William. Who will be the final four?"

MASTERS: "It'll be Walker, It'll be Swinger.. who cares who else!!" -Mack beats down Chadwick while Sawyer and El Pablo literally beat the crud out of each other in the corner. Jimmy grabs at Zodiac and hits a reverse DDT, a measure of revenge from Teddy. He then goes after Swinger. Adam flipped out of a power bomb attempt and drop kicked Jimmy from behind, up and over the top rope and to the floor- JIMMY CHAINSAW is eliminated by ADAM SWINGER (ELIMINATION #15)

MASTERS: "Yeah, both of the freaks are out!! Can you imagine what it would've been like if one of THEM was the World Champ!? Disgusting!"

DANIELS: "Either one of them could wear that belt with honor, Masters!"

MASTERS: "Didn't I tell you to get me some food and beer, dammit!?" -Ian is desperately hanging on to the ring post while Caleb works him over. Zodiac almost finds himself dumped by Sawyer and Ace. The ring is getting mighty full yet again. Walker nails Ian with a massive head butt, Ian turns around and hits Caleb with a dropkick. Caleb stumbles towards the ropes and Sawyer, Ace, and Zodiac dump Caleb Walker over the top- CALEB WALKER is eliminated by ZODIAC, JA SAWYER and ACE KING (ELIMINATION #16)


DANIELS: "He's through, William! DONE FOR THE NIGHT!!" -Zodiac and Sawyer start to rumble throwing punches back and forth, as Ian and Ace King start to beat down El Pablo. El Pablo gets out of his predicament and nails Ace King with a eye rake and kicks Ian in the stomach. He then stands Ian up and hits.. THE PABLO SLAM! He picks up Ian and tosses him over the top- IAN CHADWICK is eliminated by EL PABLO (ELIMINATION #17)

MASTERS: "He's okay with that, though, Jarred! Now he can go get another drink!" -Sawyer turns his attention to El Pablo, and levels him with a massive flying body block. He picks him up and hits a belly-to-belly suplex. As Pablo is stunned and laying down, Sawyer gets to the top rope... and hits THE WRECKING BALL!!! He picks up El Pablo and tosses El Pablo over the top- EL PABLO is eliminated by J.A. SAWYER (ELIMINATION #18)

DANIELS: "Well, both England imports have been eliminated!"

MASTERS: "This is the U.S.A., anyway, Daniels! Tell Mary Poppins and Tony Blair to go back home!" -Zodiac, Ace, and Mack are going at it in a triangle. Ace grabs Mack and tosses in an irish whip.. and hits his FULL HOUSE! Mack is flapping around like a fish. Ace picks Mack up, tosses him to the ropes.. and Zodiac lowers the top rope! Mack goes flying out onto the floor- MACK BEAUDIN is eliminated by ACE KING and ZODIAC (ELIMINATION #19)

DANIELS: "You know what this means!! We're down to our FINAL FOUR!!"

MASTERS: "Finally, my #1 pick Swinger will get his title!!" *DING DING*

MASTERS: "Now is the time to get a little rest in, as the 4 cage walls are lowered!"

DANIELS: "These four have the fortitude and the courage and the--"

MASTERS: "Shut up about that fluffy fairy tale crap, Daniels! THEY HAVE THE BALLS and that's all you need to say!" ("HIGHWAY TO HELL" by AC/DC begins to play) DANIELS: "Here come the CZW staff!" -Masters straightens up his tie in a brown-nosing way, as Derek Damage, Brian Damage, George Williams, Alan Fiscus and Haywire come out the entrance ramp, all dressed in suits. Derek has the newly designed CZW World Championship title draped over his right shoulder. They make their way down to ringside, where chairs are set up for them next to the commentating booth- REFEREE: "Now that we're down to the final four combatants, the cage has been lowered, and the only way to win now is to climb up over the 20 foot cage walls and land down on the floor with both feet!"



DANIELS: "Here we go! Ace King is sizing up Adam Swinger, as Sawyer and Zodiac lock up!"

MASTERS: "Ha, look at how quickly Sawyer pushes Zodiac into the corner! I don't know who to make fun of, Zodiac for being a midget or Sawyer for being a BLIMP!"

DANIELS: "You do realize this is going to be on tape right? They WILL hear what you've said!"

MASTERS: "What-WHAT!? .. Oh, well.. that's fine! I mean every word!"

DANIELS: "It's your funeral."

-Ace grabs Adam by the head and SLAMS him into the cage, getting a loud crowd reaction. Sawyer headbutts Zodiac, and sets him up for an irish whip. Zodiac reverses... and comes running in with a Running Dropkick to Sawyer's face-

MASTERS: "That looked painful!"

DANIELS: "Maybe we can ask Zodiac to do that to you next?"

MASTERS: "Daniels, if you don't retrieve me a beer in the next 5 minutes, I'll talk to Derek about getting you FIRED!"

DANIELS: "Good thing I have a guaranteed contract then, huh?" -Adam rakes King in the face, and then hits a reverse neckbreaker. He makes the first attempt to climb the cage, but Zodiac and Sawyer see this and stop fighting. They grab Swinger from each side, and SMASH him down to the canvas. Sawyer then grabs Zodiac, and picks him up for an elevated power bomb! Zodiac's head bounces off of the floor. Sawyer then goes to climb the walls, but King is recovered and forearms JA in the back a few times,and climbs up to get next to him. He grabs Sawyer's head.. and falls back with a Russian Legsweep from off of the cage- *SLAM!*


DANIELS: "Sawyer is twitching and shaking in pain! and King doesn't look too good himself, as he is slow to get back up!" -Zodiac and Swinger are going at it when Zodiac ducks a punch and jabs Adam in the throat. He then kicks him in the gut, and stick his head between his legs. Zodiac lunges forward, and smashes Adam's head down, with a sunset flip piledriver, which Zodiac calls The SAN FRAN PLAN-

DANIELS: "My dear god, Adam's neck has GOT to be broken from that!"

MASTERS: "I'll give Adam my lawyer's number, because he should SUE!" -Just then, King gets back and lariats Zodiac from behind. He picks Zodiac up, and then chops him hard across the chest- CROWD: "WOOOOOOO!"

MASTERS: "These idiots need to shut up!" -King hits a few more chops on Zodiac in the corner. Sawyer is sluggishly up, and drops a legdrop onto the back of Swinger's head, who is still laying down on the canvas. He picks Swinger up, and slams his face into the cage-

DANIELS: "Do I-? Yes! Yes I do!"

MASTERS: "You do wish you were a woman?"

DANIELS: "No, you jackass, I SEE BLOOD!!" -Swinger is slowly beginning to bleed profusely from his forehead, where Sawyer slammed him into the cage. King positions Zodiac.. and hits a vicious German suplex, where Zodiac flips all the way over and lands on his face-

MASTERS: "I just realized something.. Swinger and El Pablo got into an ego match and I thought for SURE they'd go at each other.. but did they even pay attention?"

DANIELS: "In a match like this, the ONLY thing that should be on everyone's mind is winning the World Title! We have time for personal grudges later!"

MASTERS: "You need to have a personal grudge with yourself. Do us a favor, and have a 'Loser-Leaves-Town' match!" -Sawyer goes to set the bleeding Swinger up on the top rope, and begins to join him. Swinger slams him in the back some forearms and grabs his head. He leaps and nails a swinging DDT from the top rope! Both men are laid out. King goes to pick Zodiac up, but with a slyness Zodiac suddenly jumps up and dropkicks King's ankle. He then goes to rope and jumps back with a springboard corkscrew legdrop-

MASTERS: "Flying 'gangstas' unite!" -Swinger slowly gets up and starts punching on the downed Sawyer. Zodiac picks up King and throws him into the ropes.. King ducks a clothesline.. King comes back with a flying shoulderblock. He picks up Zodiac and slams his head into the cage repeatedly-

DANIELS: "Look at Zodiac's face! He's now bleeding from his forehead and his mouth!"

MASTERS: "Ugly bastards getting uglier, here in the CZW!" -King drops Zodiac as he flops onto the floor. Swinger then blindsides King with a vicious Superkick. He goes to the top rope, as King dazedly stands up.. Swinger leaps..-


MASTERS: "Daniels, that is going to be the CZW finishing move of the year, I'm telling you right now!" -Sawyer gets up and grabs Swinger in a bear hug, as King and Zodiac are laid out. Zodiac slowly gets up, and notices that no one is paying attention. He begins to climb the cage, as Sawyer lets go of Swinger. Both Sawyer and Swinger go over to where Zodiac is climbing, but Zodiac sees them. He measures them up... and hits a TWISTING ZODIAC PLANCHA FROM THE CAGE WALL!!-

MASTERS: "HOLY CRAP! Have you ever had a black man fall from the sky, right on top on your skull!? I HAVE AND IT'S NOT FUN!"

DANIELS: "Dear Lord, what are you TALKING about?? Zodiac just took out both Adam Swinger, and J.A. Sawyer! And look, he's picking up King who is still dazed from the C.O.D. and he hits a DDT of his own, for good measure!" -With all three men laid out, Zodiac climbs the cage, but slowly and in pain. The crowd begins to get excited as he makes it 3/4 of the way there.. and then the crowd EXPLODES as he reaches the top-

DANIELS: "He's going to do it, Masters! THE ZODIAC THRILLA IS GONNA DO IT, BROTHER!!!"

MASTERS: "NO NO NO NO!!! GET UP SWINGER, GET UP!!!" -Zodiac climbs over the top and slowly descends on the other side... jumps down and wins it!- ~~~ D I N G D I N G D I N G !!!!!! ~~~ -The crowd explodes as The Zodiac Thrilla survives to become the CZW's first ever World Champion!- DANIELS: "YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!" MASTERS: "THIS IS AN OUTRAGE!!" -Derek, Brian, Alan, George and Haywire stand up, clapping their hands and smiling to each other. Zodiac is attended to by medics, as the cage walls are slowly pulled back up into the ceiling. The staff make their way over to Zodiac- DANIELS: "Look at Zodiac, with tears in his eyes and blood on his face!" MASTERS: "On his ugly, ugly face!" -Derek hands the CZW World Title to Zodiac as he clenches it and sits on his knees. He stares at the title for awhile, and then raises it up for the crowd as they have been electric this whole time- DANIELS: "And that concludes the first ever CZW War Zone, live from ROCHESTER NEW YORK!" MASTERS: "Yes, CZW fans, stay tuned for next week as someone has GOT to take that title away from Zodiac! Check out our website to see next week's card, which shall be posted within a day or two!" DANIELS: "FROM ALL OF US AT THE CZW, THANK YOU AND GOOD NIGHT!!!!!" (C) CZW 2008