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CZW - Presents War Zone

| July 10th | * Phoenix, Arizona * US Airways Center |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents WAR ZONE live from
- Phoenix, Arizona -
US Airways Center
July 10th 2008

(Deadline is Weds. July 9th 9 pm EST)

Special Ed Covey -VS- "The Serial Thriller" Matt Stylez

Cage Stryker -VS- "Mr. TV" Shawn Waters (c)

Allyson Thorn -VS- Milani Rose -VS- Ruthless Aggression -VS- Jena Cyde

Eddie Rowan -VS- "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze (c)

"Outlaw" Buck Evans -VS- "The Flagship Player" Dusty Davis


"The Baller" Jordan Bryant -VS- Thanatos

* cZw *




DANIELS: "Welcome to Phoenix, everyone, and welcome to the US Airways Center! Tonight we have an action packed show and also, tonight --"

MASTERS: "Tonight is Alan Fiscus' last night as General Manager!! What does this mean for Fiscus, who cares!"

DANIELS: "EVERYONE cares, William! Although we don't know for sure what Alan's future holds, we do know that a replacement has already been announced. This man's name? Christian Aleksander! The word backstage is that he is a very capable and commanding general, and in his vision War Zone will continue to grow in the right direction and become the flagship wrestling television show from ANY promotion!"

MASTERS: "I am excited about the change of power, for sure. But let's not forget.. tonight.. we see Special Ed Covey take on our former 2 time World Champion, Matt Stylez!"

DANIELS: "And to kick things off, we have the bizarre Thanatos taking on the frustrated Jordan Bryant.. both men looking to make a name for themselves and climb up the ranks, who's gonna prevail in this one? We'll find out RIGHT NOW."




The crowd is restless and excited to see the next wrestler on his way to the ring. The loudspeakers blare as "This House is Haunted" by Alice Cooper plays to the packed house. Green spotlights focus on the curtain as a light smoke billows, surrounding the entranceway. Out steps the shadowed Thanatos, and green flames light up the entire walkway down to the ring. Thanatos moves slowly, but steadily, keeping his eyes fixed on the ring ahead. He is wearing a tattered, hooded black cloak, and underneath, black shorts and boots. The flames die out, with the music, and the lights come back to normal as Thanatos enters.

Daniels: He scares the poo out of me!

Masters: The poo?

Daniels: Yes, the poo.

�Second Coming� by Juelz Santana comes over the PA system, and out comes to Jordan Bryant. Jordan is not dressed in his normal wrestling attire however.

Masters: Holy crap! He�s dressed like Thanatos!

Daniels: Thanatos thought he could play head games, well Jordan Bryant has upped the ante!

Immediately the crowd begins to boo as Bryant makes his way to the ring. Walking down the ramp Bryant gets into a couple verbal altercations with a few fans. Once in the ring, Jordan leans back against one of the sets turnbuckles and waits for the bell.

The ref calls for the bell, and the two men meet at the center of the ring. Jordan�s obvious size difference is astonishing, and he calls for a test of strength.

Masters: This is going to be a difficult climb for Thanatos tonight.

Daniels: Yeah it is, look at the size difference between these two guys.

Thanatos agrees and raises his hands waiting on Bryant to lock up. Jordan raises his hands as high as he can, which is obviously too high for Thanatos. Jordan begins to laugh as Thanatos walks away. When Thanatos returns �The Baller,� raises his hands again, but instead of being laughed at, Thanatos kicks Bryant in the gut and connects with a DDT. Than goes for a quick cover.


Masters: That�s what Thanatos is going to have to do � out quick the bigger man.

Daniels: Yeah, but I�m not sure he can.

Bryant is quickly back to his feet and looks at Than with a scowl. The two men circle each other and lock up. Bryant walks Than to the turnbuckle and proceeds to put knees to the torso of Than. Jordan whips Than across the ring to the opposite corner and Than hits with a thud. Jordan comes charging at Than, but he moves just in time making Bryant hit sternum first. Than climbs to the top of the turnbuckle, and walks to the middle of the ropes. Once Jordan turns back to him Than jumps and nails a hurricanrana on the big man. With Bryant down, Than puts the boots to him, followed by a standing moonsault. Than goes for the pin again.


Daniels: This is when we need Buck here to call the real Thanatos a jumping bean.

Masters: I think you just did it for Buck.

Than wastes little time and raises JB back to his feet. Than runs to one side of the ring and bounces off the ropes behind Bryant. Bryant turns right into a flying forearm from Than. Than climbs the turnbuckle again and sizes up JB who is still down. Than goes for a leg drop, but misses. Both men are down, and JB makes it to his feet first. He walks over the Than and goes to pick him up, but Than counters with a low blow. JB falls to his knees, and Than connects with a flying dropkick to JB�s face. Than goes for another pin.


Daniels: The jumping bean strikes again, and he almost gets the pin.

Masters: Yeah, he was close!

Than is noticeably upset that he can�t seem to put �The Baller� away. Than picks Jordan up and goes behind him to set up for the The Abyss. He finally gets the bigger man set up, but Jordan, using all of his lower back muscles, stands up with Than still holding on. JB pulls Than off of him and Than lands on his feet with his back to JB. Bryant locks in The Timeout, and takes Than to the mat. Than won�t submit, but he seems to have been choked out. The ref goes to check on him. The ref raises the right arm of Thanatos.















Daniels: JB, dressed as Thanatos, just choked the real Thanatos out!

Bryant lets the hold go, and raises his arms in victory.

Your winner: Jordan Bryant via The Timeout (5:21)




* cZw! *

The sounds of the crowd are heard throughout the hallways as Milani Rose finds herself making her way to her locker room. Once she reaches the door, she sees a bundle of black roses sitting at her door. She frowns at them and tosses them into the nearby waste recepticle. Afterwards she turns away in disgust and opens her door. To her surprise the door creeps open.

"Now what..."

She proceeds with caution into her room. The room is illuminated by candles. She tries to flip a switch, but only gets dim moodlights. A robe lies discarded on a chair with a note on it that reads...'Put This On...and Only This.' Milani snubs it and tosses it into a trash can as she continues on into her room only now noticing there are pictures of her and Sirena in all kinds of provocative and sexual poses. Milani starts ripping posters of the wall as 'Be My Heaven Tonight' begins playing from her shower. Without noticing the trail of candles leading her there, she begins heading toward the shower only to find herself staring at the nude form of Sirena in her shower smiling at her. Suds from the soap are Sirena's only cover.

"Hello love...I hope you enjoyed your gifts. It's just a pity you're not weatring the velvet robe I bought you. You would look absolutely exquisite."

Milani slowly starts backing away from the shower.

"I know I was a very naughty girl last week...that's why you left me at the mercy of Vicious and delicious, but that's okay Love...I understand you were just teaching me a lesson...and I promise I will never do that again. After all, you are what I want to be right...and only you would know how to make me that way."

Sirena starts stepping toward a stunned Milani Rose who notices her hair Sirena took a couple of weeks ago braided into Sirena's own.

TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen... now it's time for our live act of the night!"

Crowd cheers

TOWERS: "Coming to us from Seattle, Washington and playing the song "Subtle Body" off their most recent album, EASTER... this is THESE ARMS ARE SNAKES!!"




:: �Ramblin� Man� by The Allman Brothers Band blasts through the PA, and the crowd instantly boos as Buck Evans comes out onto the entrance ramp with Brenda Vixen in tow.::

Towers: �Making his way to the ring, accompanied by Brenda Vixen, hailing from Algoma, Mississippi, weighing in at 285lbs., he is �The Outlaw,� Buck Evans!�

Buck pops a can of beer and shoots the whole thing straight before crushing the can and tossing it behind him as the two head towards the ring.::

Daniels: �Here comes Buck Evans, ready to settle the score between himself and Dusty Davis, after Davis� downright heinous attack last week.�

Masters: �I tell you, Jarred, I can�t decide who I like more in this match. Dusty has something to prove to the world, and Buck is as tough as they come here in CZW.�

Daniels: �If you ask me, Dusty Davis already HAS proven a lot to the world, and that is-�

::As Brenda and Buck make it halfway to the ring, Davis comes charging out of the back down the ramp with a chair! He cracks Evans across the back, knocking him off his feet and sending him rolling down!::

Daniels: �OH! And again Davis sneak-attacking the Outlaw!�

Masters: �Yeah, I think I might have to go with Davis on this one. Clearly he�s the smarter of the two! That plan worked out perfectly!�

::Brenda almost makes a move against Dusty, but he threatens her with the chair and she backs off before Ashley Valentine appears to cut her off from the fight. Inside the ring, the ref calls for the opening bell, and this match has officially started. Davis moves down the ramp towards Buck with the chair raised high to strike, but Evans lunges at Dusty and spears him to the ground!::

Masters: �Buck Evans not done yet! Both men rolling on the ramp just brawling!�

Daniels: �I doubt there is a single person in this arena who expected this to be anything more than a fight.�

::Buck eventually gains the upper hand, drilling Davis with lefts and rights. He pulls Dusty�s head up by the hair and drives home a sick headbutt, knocking Dusty�s head back against the floor of the ramp!::

Daniels: �What sickening impact! This one might be over quickly!�

Masters: �I doubt it, neither of these men want it to be finished early. They�re going to take their time decimating eachother, and I for one happen to love it!�

::Buck pulls Davis to his feet and walks him down to the ring, slamming him head-first into the apron. Dusty�s head bounces up and Evans levels him with another stiff right hand. Davis down and he begins to crawl away, but Buck hauls him back to his feet, and sends him into the barricade with an Irish whip! Buck presses the attack by stomping Dusty in the gut when suddenly a fan in the front row waves a sign with the words �BUCK HIM UP, BUCK!� written on it. Evans smirks at the fan and then snags the sign, tearing it in half and throwing it back at him! He then gives the kid a little shove back!::

Daniels: �What a JERK, Buck Evans is! He could show a little appreciation for the four or five fans he has!�

Masters: �He doesn�t care what they or anyone else thinks, Daniels. You know that! That�s how the Outlaws roll. Err�ride.�

Daniels: �Well, I think it�s wrong!�

Masters. �Of course you do. You�re a sissy.�

Daniels: �Look, can you just focus on the match, please? Buck now whipping Dusty towards the steel steps! NO! REVERSAL!�

::Davis counters another whip and sends Buck crashing into the steps, Buck smacking his injured knee on them and flipping over! Dusty rests on the railing, catching his breath for a moment before following up on the attack. He waits for Buck to use the apron and bottom rope to get to his feet before he dives down and chop-blocks him!::

Masters: �More evidence of the tactical genius of Dusty Davis! Singling out Buck�s injury and attacking!�

::Dusty moves up to the ring apron and again Buck fighting to get to his feet. Evans up and Davis runs along the apron, jumping off and catching Buck with a TORNADO DDT!::

Daniels and Masters: �OOOOOOH!�

Daniels: �What a maneuver by �The Flagship Player! This one may be over!�

Masters: �Buck�s tough, but that was crippling DDT from Dusty Davis!�

::Davis pulls Buck to his knees by his shirt, and Buck looks incredibly dazed. Dusty with an insulting slap across the face, then pointing at Buck and badmouthing him!::

Davis: �Who needs you NOW, Buck!? I don�t need you! I NEVER NEEDED YOU!�

::Davis with a kick to the head and Buck is down again. Once more he yanks him up to his knees and begins shouting at him. He slaps Evans across the face, but out of nowhere Buck retaliates with a right hand that staggers Dusty!::

Masters: �Signs of life from the Outlaw!�

::Dusty now with a right hand and Buck with another stiff uppercut shot! Davis rocks back as Buck gets one foot underneath him. Davis moving in again and Buck throws a forearm shot right between Dusty�s legs! Davis with a loud groan before his knees buckle and he falls next to Buck!::

Daniels: �There�s a move that will stop ANY offence dead in it�s tracks!�

Masters: �This is one of those rare occasions where I will wholeheartedly agree with you! Don�t get used to it.�

Daniels: �Mark this day on the calendar folks��

::Buck pulls Dusty up and rolls him into the ring, pulling himself up to the ring apron. Dusty moves in desperation, attempting to guillotine Buck, but Evans reverses, dropping to his knees on the apron and snapping Davis� neck over the top rope! Dusty on his back in the ring holding his throat!::

Daniels: �Excellent counter by Buck Evans! The tide of momentum now shifting to the Outlaw!�

::Evans into the ring and picks Dusty up. He lifts him and tosses him down with a thunderous body slam before walking around a bit, limping slightly. He crouches over Davis and begins pummeling him with measured right hands, holding Dusty pinned in place with the left! The crowd counts along, and Buck stands after 10, grinning at his fist which is now red with Dusty�s blood!::

Masters: �Davis is busted open after that ground-and-pound! That doesn�t bode well for �The Flagship Player!�

::Buck looks back and forth at the crowd before he goes for a steel chair, sliding it into the ring. He drags Dusty over to it and lifts him to his feet, locking him into a front-facelock.::

Daniels: �No! Don�t tell me�BTW on the steel chair!?�

Masters: �Evans looking to end more than just this match! He has him up! BTW!!!�


::Dusty wriggles free of Buck�s grasp and drops behind him, grabbing him around the waist and lifting him up, spinning as to drop him over the chair with a German suplex!::

Daniels: �German suplex onto the steel chair!! Both men are down!�

::Davis crawls to the ropes facing the ramp. He pulls himself up to the middle rope and begins waving towards the back!::

Daniels: �Dusty Davis summoning back-up?�

Masters: �I told you! Davis has all his bases covered! He�s brilliant!�

::After a minute of waiting, still no one has showed up. The Combat-tron kicks on and we see a shot of the backstage area, and West and Mercy are laying on the ground unconscious with Big Nasty, Jordan Bryant, and Derek Damage all standing over them!::

Bryant: �Lookin� for someone, Dusty? Looks like your girlfriends are sleepin� on the job!�

Daniels:: �It�s the rest of the Outlaws! Dusty�s goons have been neutralized! How do you like that, Dusty has been outsmarted by �the redneck!�

::Davis stares in horror at the screen, turning around to see Buck back on his feet slowly approaching him with the chair! Davis holding his hands out to Buck, shaking his head, begging for mercy!::

Daniels: �It doesn�t look like Dusty Davis wants any more of Buck Evans! He�s- wait, what the hell!?�

Masters �Who is THAT!?�

::A figure leaps over the guard-rail and slides into the ring, walking swiftly up behind Buck!::

Daniels: �Jason Moore!? What�s HE doing here!?�

Masters: �I don�t know, but he has no business in this match whatsoever!�

::Davis looks slightly confused and Buck glances over his shoulder. Moore jerks Evans around by his shoulder and plants him with an STO! Moore back up quickly, staring down at Buck. He glances to Davis, who has started to smile wickedly! The crowd boos heavily as Moore smiles back. Dusty up, clapping his hands. He extends one to Moore who looks at it and returns the handshake!::

Daniels: �What is this? A new member of �The Featured Attraction�? I don�t believe this! Buck had Dusty beat!�

Masters: �Well-wait!�

::Dusty looks to move to go for a pin, but Moore holds on! Davis looks back at him confusedly for a moment before Jason pulls him back suddenly, driving his knee into Dusty�s midsection! As he doubles over, Moore gutwrenches him and lifts him onto his shoulder, whipping him back down face-first, and at the same time throwing a knee-lift up right into Davis� face, much to the delight of the crowd!::

Masters: �What is going ON here!?�

Daniels: �I don�t know, but this man has just taken down BOTH competitors!�

::Moore slides out of the ring as Buck makes it up to his knees, glaring at the interloper. Moore returns his stare before leaping the barrier and heading back into the crowd. Evans is up and he is furious! He glares out into the crowd before directing his attention back to Dusty!::

Masters: �Uh-oh�Buck looking like he�s about to literally snap!�

Daniels: �It looks like he�ll be taking his frustrations out on Dusty Davis!�

Masters: �But Davis is out after that outside interference! That man had no business being out here!�

::Buck scoops Davis up and carries him towards the chair, glaring out into the crowd!::


Daniels: �Buck with the cover!�




::Buck stands and spits onto an unconscious Dusty Davis, giving him a swift kick to add insult to injury before leaving the ring as �Ramblin� Man� begins to play.::




* cZw! *

Masters: "Ladies and Gentlemen let's go to the ring for our next match...wait a minute. What is this?"

"I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf starts to play as the crowd wonders who is coming out. The crowd lets out a huge cheer as they see Tatum Regan come out from backstage. She has a different look on her face as she makes her way to the ring.

Tatum: "Ladies and gentlemen, let me introduce you to the wrestler formerly known as the All-American Nightmare. The one, the only... Mike Monroe!"

"How Can I Live" by Ill Nino starts to play as the crowd cheers for the new apperance of AAN. He has the word "Faith" written across his forehead, but has one line through it. He is also wearing baggy jean shorts and black Etnies with red trim. He has a slightly pissed-off look on his face as he makes his way to the ring. He takes the mike from Tatum before looking out to the crowd.

Mike: "First off, let me get some thing off my chest. one, AAN is dead. He won't be back. The Night Terrors are no more. They cease to exist. It is time to drop the stupid gimmick. What you see is the real me. You see I didn't come here initially to make friends. Yeah, I made some allies. But where were they when I neededthem? I was one of the first people to come to their side, but when I was getting stomped, they were trying the buffet table. Guess what, Xavier? Good riddence. Don't let the door knob hit you where the Good Lord split you. Carnage, you know what? You're on your own, brah."

The crowd starts to cheer at this. They start to chant "Dump their Ass".

Mike: "You know, there was one person that had my back. For being a loner, this dude has been solid since we tagged. So let's go ahead and bring out the other half of what I like to call Beautiful Agony."

"Straight Edge" by Minor Threat starts to play as the crowd starts to cheer for Jacob Havok walks to the ring. He gets into the ring and shakes the hand of Mike as the crowd goes nuts for this newly formed alliance.

Mike:"We are putting this roster on notice. Just because there are two of us don't think we are just a tag team. Everybody is on our shitlist. As a matter of a fact let's bring out our friend Ryan Lewis to show our how do you say...Lack of Faith"

As Ryan looks warily around the ring, Jacob sneaks behind him. Mike superkicks him in the face as Jacob superkicks him in the back of the head of the same time. The crowd lets out a big "OOOOOOOOOOOOOHHHHHHH" as Ryan crumples to the ground. Mike looks at the camera with a serious look on his face.

Mike:"The Nightmare is over, it's time for a cold hard dose of reality."

"Wings of a Butterfly" by HIM starts to play as both of them pose as the crowd cheers.




Masters: �And this, is for the CZW X Championship..�

Daniels: �Eddie Rowan has earned a shot against X-Ellence�s, Krimzon Blaze, let�s see if the champ retains his gold.�

Masters: �Well, this is CZW and if anything is for sure�anything is possible. �

Daniels: �That�s right partner, now let�s got to ringside��

The bell rings and the camera focuses on ring announcer, Jessica Towers.

Towers: �The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the X Championship! Introducing first, the challenger from Seattle, Washington...EDDIE ROWAN!�

A quick countdown appears on the screen, followed by an old-time announcer's voice.

"You are watching Ed-E.T.V."

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins then begins to play, and smoke begins pouring down from the entranceway. As the drum intro ends and the guitar kicks in, Eddie emerges through the smoke, looking back and forth to the crowd with a broad grin. He is attired in a pair of long black shorts, flame-trimmed wrestling boots, and one of many various rock band or anime character t-shirts, typically with the sleeves removed. His hands are taped from knuckle to mid-forearm, with a single black 'X' drawn on the back of each hand.

He proceeds to make his way to the ring with a bit of a hop in his step, the smile on his face is one that shows that he loves to be where he is, doing what he does. He interacts with the ringside members of the crowd a bit before rolling into the ring. He stands and throws his arms up, and a small pyro blasts from the ring-posts. He poses a bit more, bouncing on the middle of the second rope a bit while waiting for his opponent, the champion...

Towers: �And his opponent.from Detroit, Michigan he is the CZW X Champion�KRIMZON BLAZE!�

The lights go out. �Headstrong� by Trapt hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. Around his waist is what this match is all about, the X gold. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet. Eddie then attacks Blaze from behind, as our referee signals for the bell, the match officially starting.


Daniels: �Rowan, blindsiding the champion early. Good strategy on the part of the challenger.�

Masters: �Krimzon Blaze made a huge mistake there, as Eddie isn�t the type to turn your back on. Rowan pounding away at the small of the back of the champion, pressing him in the corner. �

Eddie delivers repeated forearms to the back of K-B, as the referee reprimands Rowan in the corner�





A clean break by Rowan, as Blaze holds his back. Eddie moves in as K-B counters with a sharp kick to the gut. Blaze battles out of the corner with rights and lefts, as he charges�but Eddie counters!

Masters: �Drop toe hold by Eddie Rowan, as he rolls over and places K-B in a side headlock. Wearing down the high flyer. A smart move by the challenger. �

Daniels: �But the question is, can Rowan keep on the pressure? Blaze is champion for a reason.�

Masters: �We haven�t seen much technicality from Blaze, so who knows if he can operate without his high flying arsenal. �

K-B is up on one knee, now he�s on both feet�elbow to the gut�a second one�and now a third�Blaze runs and rebounds off the ropes�headscissors! Eddie snaps off that maneuver, as he tries to connect with a clothesline�Blaze ducks, and hooks Rowan�s arms for a backslide�

Masters: �Backslide, the cover! �





Daniels: �Near fall�watch Eddie!�

As soon as Daniels� words reach our ears, Rowan rolls out of the pin, and connects with a Shining Wizard across the temple of Blaze. K-B falls to the canvas in a heap, as Eddie hooks the leg.




Daniels: �I was sure we had a new champion there.�

Masters: �K-B is showing the heart of a champion, refusing to go down easy. �

Daniels: �Speaking of going down easy�our next match is a fatal four way featuring our Queens. �

Masters: �You mean three queens and an it�Eddie, has Blaze up�EUROPEAN UPPERCUT nails Blaze! �

Eddie hits another Uppercut, as he goes for a third, Blaze blocks and leaps up attempting a hurracanrana�countered by Rowan into a powerbomb. Eddie uses the ropes for leverage�caught by the referee. Eddie shoots a look of disgust towards the official, as K-B is on his feet�LOW DROPKICK! K-B signals towards the turnbuckles, as he begins to climb. The crowd is electric, as Blaze is perched on the top rope.

Daniels: �Blaze on the top�Eddie turns around� �

K-B leaps off, wrapping his legs around Rowan�s neck in the senton position, as Rowan turns�K-B then flips backwards, taking Eddie with him, as Rowan lands flush on his head!


Masters: �DRAGONRANA! �




K-B holds up three fingers in shock, pleading with the referee as the crowd feels his emotion. Eddie is stalking him, holding his head�as he then wraps his arms around Blaze�s waist�GERMAN SUPLEX�.but Blaze lands on his feet. Eddie turns around, as Blaze delivers a kick to the gut. He pulls in Eddie with a headlock�

Masters: �K-B going for a DDT perhaps? �

K-B leaps up, attempting a Tornado DDT, as Eddie counters with a double leg takedown. Eddie then crosses K-B�s left leg, and turns him over onto his stomach, locking in the Texas Cloverleaf. You can see the pain on Blaze�s face as he tries to get to the ropes...clawing�scraping�wriggling his way there.

Daniels: �He�s just fingertips away�.and there we are! K-B grabs the ropes�but Eddie refuses to let go.






Eddie relinquishes his grip, as he once again stalks K-B�once again, Blaze is ready, as he rolls though hitting a reverse dropkick to the chest of Rowan, sending Eddie stumbling to the turnbuckles. K-B charges towards Rowan, and hit�s a monkey flip�.


K-B then backflips attempting a moonsault, as Rowan catches him. He tosses K-B on his shoulders, and spins out into a Sit-Down Piledriver�ED-DVD!

Daniels: �The ED-DVD! That�s got to be all��

Eddie then steps over the fallen K-B, and climbs the turnbuckles for himself. Eddie makes a �screen-like� gesture with his fingers, as he then rolls once�.twice�LEGDROP!


Masters: �The cover!�






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Towers: �Your winner, and the NEWWWWWWWW CZW X CHAMPION, EDDIE ROWAN!

Masters: �There we have it folks�a change in power has come to CZW, as Eddie Rowan is our new X Champion.

Eddie is awarded the belt, as he clutches it to his chest. He then looks down at the now former champion, as he holds the X Championship high.




* cZw! *




Masters: �This is the match, I know I�ve been waiting for, Jarred.�

Daniels: �And why is that?�

Masters: �I get to see Milani in action!�

Daniels: �I should�ve known��

The bell rings and the camera focuses on the lovely ring announcer, Jessica Towers.

Towers: �This contest is scheduled for one fall. Introducing first, from Brooklyn, New York�. MILANI ROSE!�

�Brick House 2003� by Rob Zombie begins to blast through the speakers as Milani makes her way out to the ring. She blows a kiss out to the crowd, much to the males� delight, and climbs into the ring, awaiting her opponents. Immediately after her music dies down, the very muscular Jena Cyde begins to walk out from behind the curtain. Jessica Towers looks startled by the abrupt arrival of the woman and quickly announces her to the ring.

Towers: �The second opponent, from Reno, Nevada��

Jena rolls into the ring and stands up by Towers, who�s eyes widen in uncertainty. Jena leans down and whispers something in Jessica�s ear. She scrunches her face in confusion then smiles, as to not anger Jena.

Towers: �As well as �The Five Star Superstar� El Pablo�s fianc�, �.. JENA CYDE!�

Jena smiles at the announcement and takes her position leaning against the ropes, adjacent Milani. Milani takes a few steps away from her, her face in a mixture of confusion and disgust.

Towers: �The next opponent, from Brooklyn, New York�.. RUTHLESS AGGRESSION!�

�Last Resort� by Papa Roach resonates around the arena as Ruth makes her way out to the ring. The fans cheer for her as she walks down the ring, a determined look on her face. She steps into the ring and taunts the fans a little, letting them know she was thankful for their support.

Towers: �And the final competitor, hailing from Sin City by way of Memphis, Tennessee, the CZW Queen of Combat Champion� ALLYSON THORN!�

�Sweet Sacrifice� by Evanescence begins to play throughout the arena as Allyson walks out onto the stage. Slightly limping, she manages a small smile as she walks down to the ring.

Masters: �I wonder if she�s one hundred percent for this match-up?�

As soon as Allyson steps into the ring, the three other women immediately go after her. Allyson falls through the first and second ropes to the outside as the match-up continues in the ring. Jena and Ruthless have locked up and are testing each other�s strengths. Jena slowly begins to get the advantage, causing Ruthless to literally bend over backwards. From out of nowhere, Milani chop blocks Jena�s knee, causing her to fall on top of Ruthless. The referee begins to count.

1! .











Thr- Milani comes flying in and lands on top of Jena, breaking up the pin.

Daniels: �And the save by Milani!�

Milani slowly gets up from the break-up and is quickly attacked by a running lariat by Ruthless, sending her right back to the mat. The crowd cheers at Ruthless� action but quickly stop as Ruthless is met with a big boot to the back of the head from Jena Cyde. Jena quickly rolls Ruthless onto her back and hooks the leg.














Jena is quick to stand up, as she begins to argue with the referee.

Masters: �How did Ruth do that after that kick?!�

Daniels: �I don�t know, but it looks like the champ is getting back in the ring!�

Allyson had slid back into the ring and was watching as Jena argued the ref into the corner. She motioned for Jena to turn around. As Jena turned around, Allyson quickly hits her with a spear, sending her into the mat. Milani and Ruthless were exchanging blows in the middle of the ring now. Ruthless quickly knees Milani in the gut, sending her hurtling over. Ruth sees this as an opportunity for a snap suplex. The maneuver was so quick, Milani goes skidding out of the ring onto the mat below. Ruthless suddenly turns her attention to Allyson and Jena, she gets merely a foot away and is met with Allyson flying backwards into her.

Daniels: �What the hell just happened!?�

Masters: �I think Jena just taught Allyson how to fly!�

Ruth and Thorn are laid out in the ring as Jena stands up and reviews the wreckage. She quickly turns around and is met with a bitch slap from Milani. Jena doesn�t move but simply turns around, facing Milani and cracks her neck. Picking Milani up into a gorilla press, Jena holds her in the air for quite a while before bringing her to her shoulders and falling over in a power slam, sending Milani to the mat once more. Milani appears unconscious as she is laid out in the ring. Allyson and Ruth begin to stir, slowly making their way to their feet. Staggering they turn their attention to Jena Cyde, who comes running at them with a double clothesline. NO! Ruth manages to dodge it as Allyson falls hard to the mat, rolling out of the ring. Ruthless wastes no time going after Jena. She hits her hard with a spinning heel kick right to the temple. Jena falls to the mat and Ruthless quickly goes for the pin.














Daniels: �Jena Cyde is not going down that easily!�

Masters: �You got that right. Look at this! She�s going for a chokeslam!!�

Jena was too quick for Ruthless as she grabbed her up by the neck, lifting her into the air. She lets her kick and scream in midair for a few seconds, enjoying Ruth�s punishment. She then slams her hard onto� Milani. Ruthless and Milani were laid out together as Jena hooks Ruth�s leg, going for the pin.













3... NO! Allyson breaks up the pin. Quick on her feet, Allyson lifts the slightly dazed Jena up, hooking her leg behind Jena�s head and taking her arm.

Daniels: �Looks like she�s going for the Nail In The Coffin!� And she is! There it is!�

Allyson spins out the overdrive maneuver and as fast as she can, makes the cover as the ref begins to count.














The ref calls for the bell and Allyson rolls off of Jena, as she struggles to stand up.

Towers: �Here is your winner, ALLYSON THORN!!�

The ref raises Allyson�s hand in the air and hands her the Queen of Combat championship. Thorn takes a look around the ring and leaves the ring, holding her neck.

Daniels: �If one thing needs to be said, it�s that Allyson Thorn is surely defying all the odds as of lately!�

Masters: �I thought it was Allyson Thorn-McNally?�

Daniels: �Whatever it is, this woman has definitely shown why she is champion.�

After a few moments, Jena Cyde slowly gets back to her feet, as the crowd suddenly erupts into almost deafening cheers. As Jena turns round, somewhat off-balance, El Pablo suddenly appears on the ring apron, holding a garbage can in his hand. El Pablo leaps up onto the top rope, and springboards off, nailing Jena between the eyes with the can and sending her crashing back to the canvas.

El Pablo leaps back to his feet and cries out, his hands held almost triumphantly above his head. He turns and calls to Ruthless to get back in the ring, pointing at Jena Cyde. Ruthless duly obliges, then lifts Jena up off the floor, before nailing her with a spinning sitout pedigree. Ruthless then places the can on top of Jena' prone body as El Pablo steps through the ropes and leaps up onto the turnbuckle. El Pablo raises his hands again as the crowd cheers, then he leaps off, hitting the Pablo Splash onto Jena through the trash can!

El Pablo gets back to his feet, and he and Ruthless hug briefly in reunion, before El Pablo calls for a microphone from one of the crew members. He catches one, then stands over Jena's body as he raises it to his lips.


El Pablo raises the microphone above his head as the crowd pops.

EL PABLO: Jena? Can you hear me in there you sick, psychotic transexual FREAK? You want us to get married at "Justice For All"? Well.. I'm a fair person, I'll give you the chance to make that happen. BUT.. there is a condition. You see, at "Justice For All".. I'm proposing that you and I compete.. in a LADDER match!

The crowd erupts again, clearly in support of this idea.

EL PABLO: Oh yes! Now, hanging above the ring will be two legally-binding contracts. One of these will be a marriage contract. If you get that down first, then fair enough, I will join you in holy matrimony. HOWEVER, the OTHER contract.. will be a restraining order! If I get to that first, you will not be allowed within 100 feet of me, any time, anywhere!

The crowd pops again. Ruthless looks on, joining in the applause with a smile on her face.

EL PABLO: And Jena, let me tell you.. there is NO WAY I'm gonna let you climb to the top of that ladder before me! Because I am gonna make you pay for everything you've done to me! All the stalking.. all the chasing.. all the letters and e-mails.. the kidnapping.. the sexual assault.. it ALL ENDS, AT "JUSTICE FOR ALL"!!!

El Pablo looks up at the fans as the arena once again is filled with the sound of wild cheers.


El Pablo throws the microphone down and stands over Jena, arms aloft. He milks the fans' adulation for a few moments, before heading over to Ruth and hugging her again. The two then leave the ring and head up the rampway to the back.




* cZw! *

After her brutal match-up with Jena Cyde, Ruthless Aggression and Milani Rose, the Queen of Combat champion is seen making her way towards the locker room, eager to get out of her sweaty clothes. She opens the door and inside, already cleaned up from his match is Krimzon Blaze. He gives her a warm smile as she walks in and goes over to her bag.

�The Dark Kiss� Allyson Thorn: I�m surprised Brandon was able to sneak all of this out of the house without McNally noticing� I�m just thankful he was able to ship it to the arena�

�The Aerial Specialist� Krimzon Blaze: Yeah� I�m glad that you�re okay, Allyson� That McNally character is a bit deranged if you ask me�

Allyson nods and finds a clean pair of clothes in her bag, pulling them out.

�The Dark Kiss� Allyson Thorn: Well, I�m about to go clean up�

�The Aerial Specialist� Krimzon Blaze: Alright� Damn, I must have dropped one of my elbow pads on my way back here� I�m gonna go see if I can find it, ok?

Allyson nods and heads into the showers. She sits her clothes down on the bench just outside the stall and then turns on the water. She adjusts it to just the right amount of heat and then strips off her wrestling attire. As she begins to rinse off, she hears the locker room door swing shut, slamming against the threshold. It was probably KB. She continues to let the water overwhelm her until suddenly something thuds against her shoulder, almost causing her to lose her balance. She wipes the water from her eyes and looks down at the ground. Lying in front of her was the soap that had disappeared a few weeks ago. Allyson�s eyes widen as the hairs on the back of her neck stand up. She slowly begins to turn around and standing in front of her, with a grimace on his face like no other, is Bryan McNally.

�The Second City Savior� Bryan McNally: Hello poppet�

Allyson screams at the top of her lungs and tries to run past him, but he is too quick. He grabs her up in his arms as she begins to kick and hit him as hard as she can with her hands and feet. She screams for help but is quickly muffled by a towel being stuffed into her mouth. McNally grabs another towel from the rack and quickly wraps it around Allyson�s torso, as she continues to kick and squirm.

�The Second City Savior� Bryan McNally: Now, now� wouldn�t want anyone seeing you in your birthday suit, now would we?

He hoists Allyson up on his shoulder like he had done in the past and proceeds in carrying her out of the locker room. Instead of going to the left, he turns to the right and heads further down the hallway towards one of the fire exits. Allyson looks at the hallway behind them and sees Blaze in a dazed state, trying to get to his feet.

�The Second City Savior� Bryan McNally: Never mind him, dearie� It was just a little kick� As for you, well, I�m taking you home�

Bryan smirks as he pushes open the door, with Allyson still punching and kicking him, sending the scene back down to ringside.


World Television Title Match: CAGE STRYKER vs. SHAWN WATERS


TOWERS: "This next match is the re-scheduled WORLD TELEVISION TITLE match scheduled for one fall!"

Crowd cheers

TOWERS: "Introducing first.. the challenger.. being led to the ring by Sirena Starr and hailing from Hollywood... CAGE STRYKER!"

Cage and Sirena come out to a large pop. They play up to the crowd as they make their way down to the ring. Sirena gives Cage a kiss for good luck as she stays on the outside and he enters the ring.

TOWERS: "And his opponent... he has been the CZW World Television Champion since April 17th and hailing from Sydney, Australia... "MR. TV" SHAWN WATERS!"

The crowd gives a surprisingly loud cheer as the reigning TV champ comes out. He has a surprised look on his face from the reaction, and bows his head with respect to the crowd. He runs down to the ring, and slides in. The ref takes the TV title from him, and Shawn and Cage momentarily shake hands as the ref quickly goes over the rules.

DANIELS: "A sign of respect there, this should be one heck of a match."

MASTERS: "Shawn is an idiot for turning on the Upstarts, I have NO respect for him now."

DANIELS: "I doubt it's YOUR respect he's after, William."


The bell rings and the men being to circle each other, feeling each other out. They lock up, and seem at a stand still as both men are very equally matched in terms of skill and stature. Shawn pushes Cage back into a corner, and the ref calls for the break. Shawn lets go and backs off, giving it to him cleanly.

DANIELS: "Shawn's really done a 180 in terms of his ring presence, I am impressed!"

MASTERS: "He is a pansy, just look at him!"

Cage nods to Shawn and they lock up again. This time, Cage grabs Shawn's head and holds him in a headlock. Shawn pushes Cage off of the ropes and sends him running. Shawn falls down to his belly and Cage leaps over him. On the rebound, Shawn jumps up, leap frogging over Cage. Third time around, and Shawn nails a perfectly placed standing dropkick. The crowd cheers as Cage is on his ass, checking his mouth for blood.

DANIELS: "And Shawn is the first to strike!"

Shawn smiles at Cage, as Cage stands up. They lock up again, and Cage nails a knee to Shawn's ribs. He then brings down a forearm across Shawn's back. He then kicks him in the gut and grabs him.. lifts up and spins... NAILING a spin-out Powerbomb. He holds it for the cover.




Cage picks Shawn up and tosses him to the ropes. Shawn ducks a clotheslines. Shawn with the rebound, nails a flying forearm. He grabs Cage and hits him with a Fame Asser-like move. He goes for the pin.



DANIELS: "Both men hungry tonight, one wants the gold.. the other wants to keep it."

MASTERS: "The TV title is getting more and more prestigious over the last few weeks, becoming a staple of the War Zone experience."

Shawn picks up Cage and chops him hard.


Shawn then irish whips Cage into a turnbuckle. Shawn follows immediately behind, and nails a lariat to the back of Cage's neck as soon as he hits the corner. He then grabs Cage and rolls him over with a school boy out of the corner.



kick out

Shawn is up quickly, and as soon as Cage is up as well Shawn nails a hurricanrana. He holds it for the pin.




DANIELS: "Water is trying to put him away methodically. Smart thinking by the TV champ."

MASTERS: "It's because he knows, the longer the match goes, the more it is in Cage's favor to win."


MASTERS: "... Because I just said so, Jarred!"

Shawn is up and grabs Cage again. He tosses him to the ropes, but Cage reverses. On the rebound, and Cage nails Shawn with a blistering spinning heel kick. He then grabs Shawn, and locks in a Triangle Choke.

MASTERS: "Stryker going for the submission victory here, I love it!"

DANIELS: "You just want to see Shawn Waters in pain!"

Cage has it locked in, but the champ refuses to give up. The ref is on top of it. Shawn repeatedly yelling out no when he is asked though. They are fairly close to the ropes, and Shawn manages to maneuvar them around and grab the bottom one. Cage immediately lets go, standing back up. He kicks at Shawn a few times before picking him up. He irish whips him into a corner and Shawn nails it hard. Cage then picks up Shawn and places him on the top turnbuckle, with Shawn facing outward. He grabs Shawn's neck and ...


DANIELS: "Cage with the top-rope neckbreaker! Shawn landed hard on the back of his neck, and he's now holding it!"

Cage pauses for a moment and then grabs Shawn in a lateral press.




DANIELS: "Shawn's not done yet!"

MASTERS: "Well he should be, dammit!"

Cage picks Shawn back up and nails him with a fallaway slam. He doesn't go for the pin again, however, as he picks Shawn back up. He throws Shawn to the ropes. On the rebound, Cage lifts him up and --


MASTERS: "Cage with an AWESOME spinning spine buster!"




DANIELS: "Shawn kicked out at the very last moment!"

The crowd gasp as Cage is suprised. Cage picks Shawn back up and locks in a sleeperhold as they are standing. Shawn struggles, and after a few moments grabs Cage's head and comes down, nailing a jawbreaker. Both men are laid out in the ring.

DANIELS: "Both men pulling out all the stops in this magnificent World Television title match!"

MASTERS: "Don't get your panties in a twist there, Jarred, but yes.. these guys are rocking the house."

Cage is up first. with Shawn right behind. They begin throwing punches at each other, tiredly. Shawn kicks Cage in the gut and nails a tigerbomb backbreaker. He goes for the cover.




Shawn then grabs Cage's legs, and locks in the Waterboard!!

MASTERS: "Oh no, this might be it!"

DANIELS: "Cage might find himself ship wrecked if he can't get out of this one!"

Cage inches to and reaches the lowest rope in 45 seconds time. Shawn then sluggishly drags Cage into the middle of the ring and goes for the cover.




Shawn slams the mat in frustration and picks up Cage, who is dazed. Shawn measures him up and runs to the ropes. He saults over, nailing the Saulty Waters to a standing Cage... but wait! Cage seems to grabs Shawn in midair! Shawn has a surprised look on his face, as Cage turns around... positions Shawn... and....




Cage goes for the cover!











TOWERS: "Your winner and NEWWWWW CZW World Television Champion.... CAGE STRYKER!!!!"

Cage rolls out of the ring and walks over to the timekeeper. He asks for a mic and then rolls back in the ring stopping Shawn from leaving.

"Hey yo Shawn. Before you leave I have a surprise for you."

The crowd cheers.

"Man, we had one hell of a match didn't we. We beat the holy shit out of one another, but unfortunately...there could only be one winner. Now, that's not what I'm here to do. I honestly do have a surprise for you. I'm not Jesse Montana, so no worries about me superkickin' you or anything."

The crowd roars more.

"Now, I see you've been havin a lot of issues lately...leavin the Upstarts...Ash dumpin you for that piece of crap Davis."

The crowd boos the name.

"Yeah...yeah, I know. But again, I'm not here to rub that in your face either Shawn. No, I like you Shawn, you are probably one of the most talented superstars I have ever had the pleasure of facing since joining CzW. It was an honor. Now, you and I...we are nice guys. We deserve a break every now and then too. So here it is Shawn, the answer to all your prayers."

Cage points to the tron with a smile.

The crowd explodes as they lay eyes on the fiery red head on the screen. She seems to be in Shawn's dressing roomwearing a school girl outfit.

"Shawn allow me to introduce you to my future sister-in-law...and the lovely sister of my beloved...yet psycho fiance...she just recently guest stared in my debut episode of LA Stryker. Granted she was dead...but we can't hold that against her. She played the roll flawlessly. After the show she told me she just had to meet you Mr. Waters and I was the guy to make that happen. Allow me to introduce you to Serena Starr."

The crowd erupts into Shawn chants.

"Hiya Shawn. I've been a huge fan of yours for a while now...and I never missed an episode of 'Testing The Waters.' And I won't lie...I've got them all recorded and catalogued. And the hair cut...magnifice...that made you that much more sexy. The only thing I didn't like about you...was Ashley. I always knew she'd be a two timin whore. You deserved better...and that's why I'm here."

She smiled at the camera as the crowd applauded. Cage looked back at Shawn.

"The ball is in your court now buddy. Sirena and I are goin out tonight...and the two of you are more than welcomed to join us."

Cage shook Waters hand and rolled out of the ring.

"She's waitin for you man."

Shawn seems to have a slight smile on his face. Cage heads to the back as Shawn rolls out of the ring.




* cZw! *


Main Event Singles Match: SPECIAL ED COVEY vs. MATT STYLEZ


TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen, out next bout is set for one fall and is the Warzone MAIN EVENT"

DANIELS: "Main event time William. This one will be interesting, never before have these two fought one on one, the former two times CZW World Champion against the ever so crazy member of XTC, what are your thoughts William?"

MASTERS: "Well if I was Ed Covey tonight I would be shaking in my boots. Stylez cannot be in such a good mood after Summer Showdown. I mean getting washed away like that, I have seen anything like that since I saw Rave's career get washed right down the drain"

DANIELS: "Certainly William. Another factor in this match has to be what is transpiring with the Covey's, Matt Covey, who is over on Assault seems to have challenged Ed Covey to a match up, maybe Matt might show up during this match"

MASTERS: "Well Matt Covey can do anything he likes, he has the backing of the CZW World Champion and owner of Assault, so if I were Ed or Jigga, I would listen to what he has to say"

DANIELS: "Well I doubt they see it the same way, in my mind, Matt Covey is nothing more than a big bully. Picking on people like Mason, Timmons then he was injured, this guy has too much power around here and he uses it to his advantage"

MASTERS: "Keep talking, maybe you will get a special visit from Mr Bad Ass. Anyway, Stylez will be looking to get the win over Ed fairly tonight and stake his claim back on the CZW World Title, what a match that would be, Stylez...Montana...World Title"

DANIELS: "Yeah, well step dreaming big guy, we have a match to call...Hear it is folks, Matt Stylez...Ed Covey...MAIN EVENT"

TOWERS: "Entering first, on his way to the ring, weighing 230 lbs, being accompanied by Hellena and Jigga C...ED COVEY!!!"

( 'Shut me up' by MSI is playing in the bakground as Ed appears on top of the stage. Alongside him is Jigga C who starts bounding back and forth on the stage getting a reaction from the crowd, also Hellena who sticks by Ed's side talking to him. Ed raises his arm in the air getting a huge pop from the crowd. Jigga C has already made it to ringside, bouncing down the ramp slapping the fans hands. Ed follows abit more slowly as he gets comforted by many fans and Hellena, Ed not looking his happy normal self. Ed gets to ring side as Hellena kisses him on the cheek, Jigga C powerfully slaps Ed on the chest, Jigga looking more pumped up than Ed himself. Ed rolls into the ring as he climbs the turnbuckle, raising his arm again as the fans chant his name )

TOWERS: "His opponent, weighing in at 235 lbs, he is a former TWO times CZW World Champion, the Serial Thrilla...MATT STYLEZ!!!"

DANIELS: "Well Ed having Jigga C at ringside, at least he shouldn't have to worry about Matt Covey attacking him now"

MASTERS: "Well I don;t know about that, Matt is in the building tonight and if he wanted, he could plough straight through Jigga C in an instant"

DANIELS: "Maybe so William, lets hope not, these fans want to see a great match here tonight and that is what it should be"

MASTERS: "Do you think Matt Covey cares what the fans want?"

DANIELS: "...Here we go then"


- Stylez looks confident as he starts to walk around the ring. Jigga C and Hellena at ringside will Ed on, but is attacked by Stylez after a split second loss in concentration. Stylez hits a high knee which winds Ed momentarily, Matt then smashes Ed's head into the turnbuckle, Ed now stuck in the turnbuckle early on in the match. Matt starts to choke Ed, Jigga C shouting obsenities to Matt who keeps the choke on, smiling at Jigga C which agrivates him even more, Hellena looking worried. Matt finally releases the choke as the referee pulls him off

MASTERS: "What did I tell you Jarred? Matt is looking to hurt someone tonight, in his mind, he should stillbe the World Champion, I feel sorry for Ed here tonight"

DANIELS: "Wait, Ed has caught him..."

- Matt straight back on the attack but is caught by Ed though, a quick elbow to the temple, Ed with a kick to the gut, Matt bends over cringing in pain as Ed hits a snapmare takedown followed by a dropkick to the back of Matt's head. Ed starts marching around as the fans cheer for him. Ed picks Matt back up and locks his arms up, then starts to headbutt Matt consistantly as Matt gets dazed, Ed then bounces off the ropes and hits a flying elbow attack knocking the Former 2 x World Champion down again

MASTERS: "Stop showing off to your girlfriend and get back on the attack you idiot"

DANIELS: "I don't think he can hear you...Now who's the idiot!"

MASTERS: "You are Jarred if you think you can talk to me in that way, I may just pay Matt Covey to take you out Jarred, I have connections"

DANIELS: "Well all I was saying is Ed is doing it his way, and his way seems to work well...Wait, OH MY...RING THE DAMN BELL"

- Ed had his thumbs up to Hellena as she smiled back, then while Ed was picking Matt back up but, Matt blatantly hit a disgraceful low blow on Ed as he collapsed to the ground starting to convulge. Matt calms the referee down who is angered, Matt then starts to stomp on the poor defensless Ed Covey as the crowd get livid by the actions of the Anarchist. Matt lifts Ed back up who can hardly stand after the previous illegal attack, throws him to the ropes as Ed bounces off, then is caught by another high knee from Matt, as Ed spins around and falls back down to the ground

MASTERS: "Now your going to see how a champion performs"

DANIELS: "What by hitting blatant illegal moves?"

MASTERS: "Champions do anything they can to win, you should know that, look at Jesse Montana"

DANIELS: "William...You have a point there"

MASTERS: "Yeah...Hey wait...What is that supposed to mean?"

DANIELS: "...Idiot"

- Matt smirks at Jigga C and Hellena once again, as he starts choking Ed with his foot this time. Matt goes to the ground, then starts pressing his thumbs into the eyes of Ed as he screams frantically in pain. Matt just chuckles to himself as the referee yells at him. Matt now picks Ed back up, places his throat over the top rope and leans on the back of Ed's head, another form of a choke as Ed is finding it hard to breathe. Matt keeps it on for another long 4 count, then lets go, Ed finding his breath back but is caught by a chop block to the back of his leg by Stylez, Ed falling straight back to the ground

DANIELS: "Matt is methodically taking apart Ed in this ring tonight and quite frankly, it is making me sick"

MASTERS: "Well what makes you feel sick, makes me smile in delight, I love the sound of bones cracking and I think I just heard it then after that attack"

DANIELS: "Oh my...What is Stylez doing now? Why doesn't the referee stop this?"

- Matt mounts Ed, starting to violently press his forearm into the face of Ed, rubbing Ed's ose with his forearm as again Ed frantically screams. Jigga C is clearly getting frustrated on the outside as Matt winks at him, getting up, then dropping a devastating elbow to the face of Ed, getting a cover...


















MASTERS: "Nearly Jarred, Matt on his way to victory here tonight"

- Ed tries to get back up but Matt pulls him back to the ground, then mounts him again, this time driving closed fists into the side of Ed's head. Ed endures numerous shots to the head, then finally catches the fist of Stylez, starting to drive it ito his own head, Matt looks confused as Ed hits himself in the face using Matt's fist. The fans cheer as Matt stands up, looking shocked by this unique activity, Ed gets up, hitting himself in the face walking towards Matt. Matt then tries to escape to the outside but he sees Jigga C waiting for him, so turns back around only to be caught in the jaw with a right hand from Ed, then a left, another right, Ed with a kick to the gut, he runs to the ropes, knee to the face as Matt falls to the ground. Ed mounts Matt, rights and lefts, Ed has snapped...

MASTERS: "Somebody get this freak off of him, this is a former World Champion he is doing this too"

DANIELS: "Oh so now your suddenly bothered"

MASTERS: "Stop being biased Jarred and do something"


- Ed finally lets up as Matt rolls out of danger, holding his head, looking to see if he is bleeding. Ed raises one arm to the fans who cheer for him. Ed comes back to Matt, picks him up, then chops him in the chest as the fans woo. Ed irish whips Matt who bounces heavily off the rope, great pace as Ed spears Matt using his own head. Ed holds his own head in pain, but finally laughs about it, meanwhile Matt is rolling around on the floor winded. Ed runs off to the ropes, bounces off and drops his head straight back down into the gut of Matt. Ed gets back up as he slaps himself in the face getting the crowd pumped up

MASTERS: "My God, this goof has gone bizurk, he is actually slapping himself in the face Jarred"

DANIELS: "And these fans are getting pumped up for the Special one here tonight"

MASTERS: "These fans like to see a man slap himself, wow, who are they...ALL of the Covey family???"

DANIELS: "Ha! Mrs Covey, stop breeding them"

- Ed picks up Matt, whips him to the ropes, Ed catches him on the bounce...Scoop Slam. Ed then decides to climb the turnbuckle as the crowd goes wild for him. Jigga C claps him on as he reaches the top, Matt laid out below. Ed positions himself, he flies...


DIVING HEADBUTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!













MATT MOVES!!!!!!!!!!!

- Stylez rolls out of the way at the last second as Ed bounces head first off the canvas. Matt then scurries over getting a quick cover...





























- Ed gets a shoulder up, but looks dazed badly. Matt starts to rise, holding his stomach. He then leaps onto as he locks in a sleeper/choke hold, his arms wrapped around the waist of Ed, locked in the middle of the ring, Ed is struggling. The fans boo as Matt wrenches back, growling almost as he tries to choke the Covey out. Jigga C bashes his fist on the side of the apron trying to will Ed on, the fans also. Ed manages to roll over, but Matt still has a sleeper locked in, Ed somehow though manages to rise with Matt clutched onto his back. The fans cheer as Ed gets to his feet amazigly still with Matt on his back, then bounces back into the ropes as Matt loses his grip, gets stuck on the ropes, Ed then turns quickly, grabbing his legs, then somehow locks in the TURANTULA!!!

DANIELS: "What a reversal William, pretty impressive huh?"

MASTERS: "Well I am impressed Ed can actually find his way to the yeah I guess so"

- Matt now screams in pain as the referee tries to break up the hold. The fans are excited as Hellena is too. Jigga C strolls up and slaps Matt in the face, Matt in serious pain. Ed finally releases the hold as Matt collapses onto the apron, just outside the ropes. Ed then climbs the turnbuckle again, Ed dives off catching Matt who was on the apron with a Diving Clothesline...MATT FALLS ONTO THE CONCRETE!!!


- The fans lift up off their seats for Ed who has taken Matt down again. Ed gets back into the ring as he raises his arms, the fans chanting his name with passion. Matt starts to rise. He holds his head a he looks up into the ring, seeing Ed prancing around. Suddenly he slides in, weighing up his prey as Ed walks towards him, Matt pokes Ed in the left eye then quickly taking advantage of the situation, hitting a Swinging Neckbreaker


- The fans are booing the sneaky attack by Matt. Matt lits Ed back up, this time hitting a prefect Neckbreaker, Ed starting to hold his neck now as Matt works on it. He starts to stomp on the nack of Ed's head, then sits down on the back of Ed, placig his knee right in the top of the spine while he wrenches the neck back of Ed, pulling at his head, Matt screaming, his eyes flaring up, he has gone mad. Matt lets go, then starts clobbering at the back of Ed's neck. Matt then locks in a Camel Clutch.

MASTERS: "These fans may not like it, but Stylez is a great opportunist, he spots a weakness, he goes straight for it!"

DANIELS: "How can they like a man who hits low blows and pokes people in the eyes?"


- Matt sits back, wrenching at the head of Ed as the spine of Ed is being highly distorted. The fans boo the vicious assault from Stylez. Matt applies more pressure. Ed squinting with pain. Ed still though, not giving up as he starts to claw his way towards the ropes. Jigga C and Hellena are willing him on, but Ed still has a long way to go. He grits his teeth as he lifts himself up, managing to get his knees up into a more vertical base, Matt though releases it, jumps up sitting back down using all his weight, making Ed collapse back to the ground, then locks it in again


DANIELS: "Ed may ot be the most clever superstar here in CZW but he has a heart of a lion, he just keeps going and going"

MASTERS: "Funny, that is what your wife said about me Jarred"

DANIELS: "Ha ha...Very funny"

MASTERS: "Yeah it was abit stupid, I mean...As if you...Jarred Daniels...would ever have a wife!"

- Ed again tries to make his way to the ropes, this time getting much closer. Ed reaches out, tears forming in his eyes as the pain is now unbearable. Matt jumps back up again but Ed moves backwards, Matt landing right on his ass as Ed rolls away out of harm, The fans laugh as Matt opens his mouth wide, screaming in pain as he holds the bottom of his spine.


DANIELS: "Matt could have anal injuries there..."

MASTERS: "Yeah, you would know all about that wouldn't you Jarred!"

- He starts to make his way up, using the ropes as guidance. Now, both Matt and Ed is back up, both locking back up as the fans cheers. Ed gets a headlock on Matt, but Matt quickly hits a side suplex, Ed holding his back in pain again. Matt lifts him back up, then hits a back breaker. Matt now stomping once again on Ed's spine, Matt with the complete upperhand

MASTERS: "Stylez is dominant in this match"

DANIELS: "He certainly has been impressive, although I do disagree with his move choices"

- Matt drops an elbow on the spine. He gets back up and hits another. Matt then quickly bounces off the ropes, looking for a third, this time hitting a springboard somersault flip landing spine first straight onto Ed's spine, both men seeming hurt from the attack. Matt is first up though, looking to stealthfully wait on Ed, just like a tiger waits on it's prey. Ed is up, he turns around...HIGH STYLE!!!













- Ed rolls out of the cutter hitting a snap DDT. Both men are out on the floor, both seeing stars as they try and recover. The fans chant for Ed as does Jigga C and Hellena. Matt though starts to move first, then on the count of 7, he is up on his feet. Ed is on his knees as Matt walks over, Ed hits a right hand to the ribs, then a left, then starts headbanging his own head into the ribcage of Matt as he steps backwards clutching at his stomach, Ed now back up...Fireman's Carry. Matt is down, Ed already looking for another attack as he climbs the ropes for a second time with Matt flat out in the ring. He climbs as fast as he can, clearly hurting from previous attacks by Stylez. Ed is ow at the top, he looks around the arena, every fan is up on their feet for him. He measures Matt up, abit of de ja vu in Ed's mind, he flies...








































































- Matt gets his shoulder up as Ed rolls back over, looking up at the skies above. He then rolls over as Hellena talks to him. Matt starts to rise. Ed turns around...

HIGH STYLE OUT OF NO WHERE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















































MASTERS: "Holy crap! This Covey just doesn't know when to stay down!"

- Matt looks shocked that the Covey kicked out his biggest move. The fans are on fire as they chant for Ed to get back to his feet. Both men are soon up, both start to lay rights and lefts on each other. Ed gets the advantage as he starts to hit several headbutts on the Former World Champion. Ed hits a shoulder thrust, Matt tight in the corner, Ed runs off, then runs back towards Stylez...Body Splash!

CROWD: "ED...ED...ED...ED...ED...ED"

- Ed now lifts Matt up onto the second rope as the fans cheer, knowing what is coming. Ed climbs up onto the second rope too, hitting rights and lefts, then a few headbutts, Matt seems out of it. Ed then climbs to the third rope as he pulls the lifeless body of Stylez up. Both men now purched on the third rope...













Matt hits a low blow as Ed falls back onto his back, rolling around in agony. The referee tends to Ed, Jigga C and Hellena furious. The fans boo, but Matt takes no notice, now back up on his feet, up on the top rope, he measures Ed up...





















JIGGA C grabs the leg of Matt who falls back onto his groin. The referee was distracted by tending to Ed. Hellena screams at Ed who rises somehow, then climbs back up the turnbuckle to meet Stylez...






































SPECIAL DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Ed covers...
















































- Jigga C and Hellena jump into the ring bouncing up and down. Jigga C raises Ed up and holds his hand in the air, both Stylez and Covey have been through a hellacious affair. Matt rolls out of the ring as he walks off, not even looking back, his eyes are stuck upon the floor, exiting the arena.

DANIELS: "Wow, I have never seen Matt Stylez look so upset"

MASTERS: "He should be upset, he just lost to damn joke"

Suddenly though the celebrations for Ed, Hellena and Jigga C are cut short as Bad Ass Matt Covey appears on the ramp with a microphone...

Bad Ass: I hate to break up this little celebration of lesser men and weaker wills... On second though, I actually love it, because what I have to say is going to rock both your feeble little worlds. How about you, Ed? You thought you were real f**kin' slick last week, having my own brother side against me. That's fine! Take the little wigger. He's about as useful as a girl in a "who's cock is bigger" contest. That's fine, take the runt. But I'll have you know that two can play that game. I just spent the week at your folks place as you already know, slapping Uncle Rufus around and feeding your mom the scraps off the table that the dogs wouldn't even touch. And while I was there, I decided to flip through the family phone numbers and I just happened to call in a favor...From YOUR brother!!!

The joy on Ed's face drops, Ed suddenly beginning to quiver. Jigga is trying his best to reassure Ed, and kep him confident as Matt laughs, walking out of the arena to a chorus of boos.

Daniels: Oh my God! Did you hear that? Ed has a brother?

Masters: The one family that should have stayed on the damn pill, and here they keep breeding and multiplying like rabbits!

Daniels: Ed had recently stated that he feared no man. But this news appears to have shaken him to his very core!




* cZw! *

�2008 CZW-EFED /All rights reserved.