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CZW - Presents War Zone

| July 17th | * Oklahoma City, Oklahoma * Ford Center |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents WAR ZONE live from - Oklahoma City, Oklahoma -

Ford Center
July 17th 2008
(Deadline is Weds. July 16th 9 pm EST)

Nigrescence & Thanatos -VS- The Five Star Gamblers (Ace & EP) (c)

Milani Rose -VS- Hellena -VS- Sirena Starr

Beautiful Agony (Mike & Jacob) -VS- The Samoan Wrecking Crew (Sammy & Jamel)

Eddie Rowan -VS- Angel Suicide

"The Real Deal" Rob Wright -VS- "The Flagship Player" Dusty Davis


Brenda Vixen -VS- Karen Evans



DANIELS: "Welcome to Oklahoma City, folks, and welcome to the Ford Center! What a tag-team main event we have in store for you tonight!"

MASTERS: "Tonight it’ll be the North American Tag-Team Champions, The Five Star Gamblers, Ace King and EL Pablo…to take on the scary tag-team of Nigrescence and Thanatos, with the straps on the line."

DANIELS: "This is also, new Warzone General Manager, Christian Aleksander’s first day on the job…and rumor is backstage, that not everyone is for this power shift. "

MASTERS: "Well, that’s too damn bad, isn’t it? As long as he doesn’t pull a Heyman and our check bounces…or Rave and bitch and moan about his superstars..then we should all get along. "

DANIELS: "Also tonight, we’ll see Buck Evans’ world come to a fork in the road as one of his two love interests will be forced to leave the CZW forever. It’s a loser leaves town match, between Brenda Vixen and Karen Evans. And well----”


CZW Warzone opens to the a red door with a sign that says "The Outlaws." The door opens and the camera shows Jordan Bryant and Buck Evans sitting in blue folding chairs facing each other, playing some kind of card game. Both are dressed in street clothes, and Buck, of course, has a beer next to him.

Buck: Hell JB, what you reckon that new GM was thinkin for his first show not puttin us in a match in his first show? Goddamn dumbass.

Bryant: Shit man I dont know. Hopefully hes just got us planned to rest up for something big next week.... Alright man, I call you and raise you five dollars.

Buck and Bryant both look at their cards. For Buck to match Bryant's bet he would have to go all-in.

Buck: Call.

Buck pushes all of his chips in lays down his cards.

Bryant sees the flush draw and shakes his head.

Bryant: Its just a damn shame.

Buck begins to smile and says....

Buck: Yer damn right boy, I just hawg-tied yer ass.

Bryant lays down his hand.

Bryant: Haha, King, Jack... Straight flush bitch...

Buck: Dammit boy.

Screw doing somethin big next week.

I say we dont wait till then.

Bryant smiles at Buck's last statement.

Buck: Now, gimme a shot to git my money back. I'mma need more beer fer later tonight.

Alright big fella calm your ass down. We got all night for you to lose more money... I mean win your money back playa. I say in the mean time we take care of a little business.

Bryant looks over to a picture he taped on the wall.

Buck: Yeah we got somethings to take care of, but first I gotta go talk durin Karen and Brenda's match. I reckon GM Aleksander knows that I equal ratings and has to git me on screen somehow.

Buck gets up, straightens his hat out on his head and walks out the door as the scene fades.


“Ramblin’ Man” fills the arena as “Outlaw” Buck Evans makes his way down to the ring side area to do color commentary for this match.Buck is obviously hated by the whole crowd and he loves it, soaking in each and every boo.

Daniels: Well, it looks like we got some company for this match.

Masters: Yeah, and I can’t think of anyone better to call this match.

Buck gets to the announce table and grabs a chair, setting it up next to Masters.

Buck: How ya’ll doin?

Daniels: Well I’m do…….

Buck: Hell, I don’t give a damn how yer ass is doin Daniels.

Masters: I’m doin great now that I got a real superstar to work with instead of Daniels over there.

Buck and William have a laugh at Jarred’s expense.

The arena goes pitch black as the theme song “Getting away with Murder” came blasting over the speakers. At the top of the ramp it seems smoke seems to appear as it clears they see the a woman wearing a long trench coat and black shades on her head and start walking down to the ring not playing to the crowd at all just have this serious looked as she get inside of the ring. She stop a bit in the middle of the ramp and looked around a bit as it seems pryos when off in the back of her as a sick smirk came across her face. Brenda she jump up on the on the apron and climb inside of the ring and stood in the middle as she raise her hands up in the air in a form of a “X” and in the back of her pryos when off again in the color of red when the words “Getting away with Murder” came blasting loud over the speakers. She got a mix reaction from the crowd. It seems they did place a good appearance on some of the fans and other still don't know how to react to her just yet. The music calm down a bit as you saw Brenda sitting up on turnbuckle in the corner as she smirks with a smile. Brenda take off her jacket from the turnbuckle and give it to the person outside of the ring.

Buck: Look at ‘er, ain’t she pretty?

Masters: Yeah she is. Your one lucky guy there Buck

Hank Jr.’s “Outlaw Women,” comes blasting over the PA, and out walks Karen Evans. She is dressed in jeans and a white, frilly bandeau top. The women in the crowd shower her with boos along with some of the men, but some of the men cheer only because they like the way she looks. She walks to the ring and climbs in, without posing or playing to the crowd at all. When Brenda turns her back to stretch just a little Karen attacks her pummeling Brenda with rights and left.

Daniels: And they are off, Karen wasting no time getting started!

Brenda finally turns to face Karen, but is still just trying to absorb all of Karen’s strikes.

Masters: This isn’t looking good for you Buck, Karen is beating Brenda with a barrage of rights and lefts.

Buck: Just give it time Willie, Brenda’s like beer, just give ‘er time and she’ll always do the job.

Masters: Yeah, I hear she does a good job too.

Buck: You gotta git yer self a lady, Willie.

Brenda finally blocks a couple of Karen’s punches and kicks her in the gut followed by a DDT. Brenda rolls out of the ring to catch her breath. Karen rolls out of ring and chases Brenda around, until Brenda slides in under the bottom rope. Brenda gets to her feet quickly and stomps Karen as she slides in behind Brenda.

Masters: What a wonderful move by Brenda, out smarting the over aggressive Karen!

Daniels: And Brenda is returning the all those fists she took just a few moments ago with boots to Karen.

Brenda picks Karen up, and slings her by her hair across the ring. Karen rolls to her back and is picked up and slammed back down by her hair again, courtesy of Brenda. Brenda takes time to pose and play to the crowd before she turns her attention back to Karen. Brenda goes to drop an elbow on the sternum of Karen.

Daniels: Nobody’s home!

Buck: I never said Karen’d go down easy, she’s tough as rawhide.

Masters: What’d you just say?

Both women get to their feet about the same time, and Brenda is met with a hard clothesline from Karen.

Karen mounts Brenda and proceeds to pound Brenda’s head to the mat, followed by a few rights and lefts.

Evans picks Vixen up and connects with a over head belly to belly suplex.

Karen goes for the pin.


Daniels: Not yet, Brenda won’t give in that easy.

Buck: She better not at least.

Masters: Did you get nervous there Buck?

Buck: Hell naw, I knew she was gonna kick out.

Karen is back on the attack and picks Vixen up, only to slam her back down with a body slam.

Evans climbs the near turnbuckle and dives off looking for a splash only to taste mat when Brenda moved at the very last second.

Buck: ‘Ere ya go!

Masters: Jarred, are you catching what he said?

Daniels: Of course not, I don’t speak redneck.

Masters: Me neither.

Buck: Why don’t ya’ll two sumbitches call the damn match and don’t worry bout what I’m sayin.

Brenda walks over to Karen, and puts her in the Sharpshooter with her back to the announce table.

Karen screams in pain as she tries to make it to the ropes.

She crawls slowly to the ropes and grabs the bottom one causing the ref to call for the break of the hold.

Brenda has another idea, and walks Karen back to the center of the ring and re-applies the hold.

Buck: All right, that’s it.

Buck gets up from the table.

Daniels: Where is he goin?

Masters: He’s goin to celebrate with Brenda, cause she’s about to send Karen back to the trailer park where she belongs.

Buck climbs in the ring and walks over in front of Brenda, where he applauds her.

She smiles, but is then greeted by a hard boot to the face from Buck.

Daniels: What the hell?!

Masters: I knew it, Buck had this planned out from the get go.

He’s showing that tramp Vixen the door, and he’s back with his wife.

See Jarred, he’s not such a bad guy.

Daniels: Not a bad guy?!

He just kicked his girlfriend in the face!

Buck picks the lifeless Brenda off the mat and hits her with the Outlaw Slam.

Buck then instructs Karen to put Brenda in the brainbuster DDT, and Karen happily obliges.

Daniels: This is awful! Karen goes for the pin.




Daniels: And Brenda Vixen is out of the CZW.

Here is the outlaw couple of the CZW Buck and Karen Evans.

Buck and Karen, pose in the ring over Brenda before they climb out of the ring and head back up the ramp.



Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, this match is scheduled for one fall!

”Get Back” by Ludacris plays, and Rob Wright makes his way to the ring, somewhat of a distant look on his face.

Towers: “Now making his way to the ring, he hails from Springfield, Massachusetts, he is ‘The Real Deal,’ ROB WRIGHT!”

Daniels: “Rob Wright now making his way out for his match, and did you hear what Rob’s wife, Tabatha Wright said prior to this match?

That ‘The Real Deal’ was suffering from a case of amnesia?”

Masters: “Indeed I did, partner, but he’d better hope that he still remembers how to get it done in the ring, or else he’s going to be in a lot of trouble against ‘The Flagship Player,’ Dusty Davis. “

Wright slides into the ring and ascends to the second turnbuckle, looking out at the crowd and posing somewhat hesitantly.

His music cuts and Godsmack’s “Keep Away” begins to play, to a thunderous chorus of boos from the crowd.

Dusty Davis makes his way out onto the entrance ramp hand-in-hand with Ashley, his trademark smile showing as always. Following them are Jimmy Mercy and Jacob West.

Towers: “And his opponent, accompanied by ‘The Featured Attraction,’ he hails from Lincoln, Rhode Island, ‘The Flagship Player,’ DUSTY DAVIS!’

Masters: “Here he is, folks! The one, the only ‘Flagship Player!’

As well as the lovely Ms. Valentine!”

Daniels: “Yes, and conveniently following him are his henchmen.

Apparently nobody has gotten around to pummeling them backstage yet, tonight.”

Masters: “Hey, those are Mr. Davis’ bodyguards, I’ll have you know.

They have a right to be out here!”

Daniels: “A right? It’s basically four-on-one!”

Masters: “Nonsense, they’re just here for moral support!”

Davis steps through the ropes as the others all take their places at ringside.

A bit of posing for ‘The Flagship Player’ before his music cuts and they begin to pace about sizing eachother up.

The bell rings and Rob Wright looks suddenly focused while Dusty just sneers at him.

They move to lock up but Davis throws a knee, catching Wright in the gut, grinning broadly before throwing a forearm down across his back.

Daniels: “Davis taking control right off the bat here.”

Masters: “That’s why he’s ‘The-“

Daniels: “Yes, we know.”

Davis locks Wright in a headlock. Wright struggles a bit before leaning into the rope and shoving Davis off.

Davis rebounds and swings a clothesline, but Wright ducks.

Davis again off the far ropes and Wright catches him with an armdrag.

Davis up and Wright with a second armdrag!

Wright moves in but Davis jabs a thumb into his eye to another round of jeers from the crowd.

Daniels: “A trademark cheap-shot from Davis there, regaining the momentum.”

Dusty connects with two stiff European uppercuts and then takes Wright down with a Mongolian chop! Dusty paces the ring with a wide smile.

He moves back to Rob Wright and gives him an insulting light kick to the head, and a second…but Wright grabs his foot!

He kicks Dusty’s leg out from under him and then rolls over Davis’ leg, still holding on! He gets the other leg and hooks in a figure-four leglock out of nowhere!

Daniels: “What athleticism from ‘The Real Deal!’ Amazing quickness!

Masters: “Great maneuver! Dusty struggling to get free! Get to the ropes, Dusty!”

Daniels: “Why don’t you join his posse at ringside if you love him so much?”

Masters: “The company would sure be an improvement, for sure!”

Dusty pulling at Wright’s leg, trying to alleviate the pressure, but ‘The Real Deal’ has the figure-four locked in tightly!

Dusty scrambling, trying to reach the ropes!

He’s just inches away, but he can’t quite make it! Just then, Jimmy Mercy leans on the bottom rope, getting it just close enough for Davis to grab!

Daniels: “Oh, come on, ref! Open your eyes!”

Masters: “Break the hold, he’s in the rope!”

The ref forces Wright to break the hold, which he does, reluctantly.

Davis begins pulling himself up by the ropes as ‘The Real Deal’ moves in to attack, stomping at Dusty’s leg.

Wright shoves Davis against the ropes and sends him for an Irish whip, but he holds on!

Pulling Davis back suddenly and hitting a short-arm clothesline, followed up quickly by a leg-drop! He goes for the cover!



Kick-out at 2!

Daniels: “Davis able to escape a pinning predicament. Wright still on the attack.”

Wright pulls Davis up by his hair and whips him into the ropes he lifts him up for a spinebuster, but Davis counters in mid-move, dropping Wright with a running tornado-style DDT! Wright rolls up into a seated position, dazed!

Davis is up with a focused look now. He springs up over Wright and bounds off the ropes, leaping and hitting a seated Rob Wright with a flying clothesline! Davis now with the cover!



Shoulder up!

Masters: “Oh! I could’ve sworn he had him!”

Daniels: “Wright showing resiliency of his own!”

Davis now pulling him to his feet, whipping him into the turnbuckle, but Wright reverses!

Davis crashes into the corner and Wright charges in going for a big splash, but Davis evades! Rob Wright crashes face first into the turnbuckle.

He shakes the cobwebs loose and turns around, only for Davis to catch him in the jaw with a superkick! Wright is down! Davis with another cover!



3-NO! Kickout at 2 ½!

Masters: “Oh, so close!”

Daniels: “Signs of frustration from Dusty Davis now, as his cronies look on!”

Davis pulls Rob to his feet as the rest of ‘The Featured Attraction’ look on, slapping the ring apron and yelling encouragement.

Wright gets a punch to the stomach in, but Davis gives him a swift knee, staggering him. Davis lifts him up for a suplex…

Masters: “POWERPLEX! It’s over!”

Davis drops Wright down into a seated powerbomb! The ref goes for the count!




Daniels: “Wright escapes!”

Masters: “WHAT!? HOW!?”

Davis now frantic! He pulls Wright up by his hair, but Wright reverses into an inside cradle! Pin!



Davis kicks out!

Daniels: “Wright almost stealing the victory there!”

Masters: “No! Come ON, Dusty!”

Davis is up and he rushes ‘The Real Deal,’ but Wright counters with a powerslam!

He rolls off as he tries to regain some composure, while Mercy and West yell frantically for Davis to get up.

Wright is to his feet first, sizing Davis up!

He prepares to move in for the kill but Ashley jumps onto the apron, screaming at him.

Wright and the referee are both distracted, and Jimmy Mercy slides in behind Wright!

He moves in to take a shot, but Rob turns just in time, meeting the charge with a big boot!

Daniels: “Oh, my! West just got dropped with that kick from Wright!”

Masters: “This isn’t good! And it was Mercy, not West!”

Daniels: “You’re probably the only one in the building who can tell them apart!”

Davis is up! Wright turns around and Davis kicks him in the gut! He lifts him up over his shoulders!


Wright struggles, and drops down behind him! ‘NO LAUGHING MATTER!’

Daniels: “An amazing counter! Wright has him!

WRIGHT WITH ‘NO LAUGHING MATTER!!’ Wright with the cover!”

Masters: “NOOOOOO!”




At the last moment, Ashley pulls Davis’ foot onto the bottom rope!

The arena fills with jeers!

Daniels: “No! Wright had him!”

Masters: “Nonsense, Davis clearly got his foot onto the bottom rope before the 3!”

Daniels: “No, ASHLEY put his foot onto the bottom rope before the 3!”

Masters: “Same thing.”

Wright is up and he is livid! He reaches through the ropes and grabs Ashley by the hair, much to the crowd’s approval!

Mercy comes to try and pry him off of her as the referee gets involved, trying to break it up!

They pull them apart, but Wright accidently catches the ref with an elbow, staggering him! West sneaks in and nails Wright with a low blow!

Davis up and he grabs Wright, lifting him up in a powerbomb position…he extends him up and drops into a sit-out powerbomb, with West forcing Wright down by his shoulders, adding to the impact!

Masters: “DAVIS SLAM!”

West bails as the ref comes to his senses. He sees the pin and makes the count!




The bell rings and “Keep Away” by Godsmack plays. Daniels: “Davis steals another one!”

Masters: “He’s just proving why he’s ‘The Flagship Player!’”

’The Featured Attraction’ celebrate in the ring, West and Mercy lifting Davis on their shoulders. Suddenly two people come rushing down the entrance ramp!


::Buck and Jordan nail Mercy and West, and Davis hits the ground!

Bryant nails Mercy with an inverted DDT and Buck takes West down with the Mississippi Twister!

Davis tries to bail but JB grabs his leg and they drag him back in, stomping away!

They pull Dusty up and take turns pummeling him, taking a couple shots and passing him to the other! Mercy is up and he takes down Bryant with a chop-block!

Buck with a kick to Mercy’s face, but Davis and West grab him and start throwing punches!

Masters: “Someone stop this! Dusty is gonna get hurt!”

Daniels: “It’s total anarchy in there! Buck is looking to settle the score right now!”

Rob Wright now rushing into the fray, pounding on the back of West! Buck and Dusty fall to the ground swinging at eachother as Mercy chokes JB in the corner!

Suddenly someone leaps the guard-rail!

Daniels: “Jason Moore is here again!”

Moore slides under the ropes and slams into the back of Mercy, breaking him off of Bryant, only to give JB a swift kick of his own! He starts kicking at Mercy until West jumps him, pounding on his back! Wright dashes and dives on them both, taking them both down! Bryant up now, and he pulls Wright back, locking in The Timeout! Ashley now in the ring and she jumps up onto Bryant’s back, trying to choke him! Moore over to Buck and Dusty, diving onto them in the corner, starting a three-way slugfest, everyone taking shots at everyone else! Finally several officials and CZW security personnel hit the ring, prying all of the combatants away from eachother, as we cut to a commercial!


"From the Cradle To Enslave" plays over the PA system, our cameras cut to the ring, and the lovely Jessica Towers.

Towers: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall, introducing first, in the ring, he hails from Atlanta, Georgia…Angel Suicide!”

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins then begins to play, and smoke begins pouring down from the entranceway. As the drum intro ends and the guitar kicks in, Eddie emerges through the smoke, looking back and forth to the crowd with a broad grin. He is attired in a pair of long black shorts, flame-trimmed wrestling boots, and one of many various rock band or anime character t-shirts, typically with the sleeves removed. His hands are taped from knuckle to mid-forearm, with a single black 'X' drawn on the back of each hand.

Towers: “And his opponent, from Seattle, Washington…He is the CZW X Champion, Eddie Rowan!”

He proceeds to make his way to the ring with a bit of a hop in his step, the smile on his face is one that shows that he loves to be where he is, doing what he does. He interacts with the ringside members of the crowd a bit before rolling into the ring. He stands and throws his arms up, and a small pyro blasts from the ring-posts. He poses a bit more, bouncing on the middle of the second rope a bit, as he then hops off, removing the belt from around his waist. He then hands it to the timekeeper, as the referee signals for the bell.



Daniels: “And here we go, ladies and gentlemen.

Non-title contest between the newly crowned X Champion, Eddie Rowan and the freshest face of Warzone, Angel Suicide.”

Masters: “Both men tie up in the center of the ring.

The match gets off to a rough start…both men feeling eachother out.

Eddie locks in standing side headlock, as Angel pushes him off.

Eddie rebounds off the ropes, nailing a shoulder block upon Angel.

He looks down as Angel rolls over onto his stomach, Eddie leaps over as Angel is up on his feet…


Daniels: “The champ nails Angel, with that heel kick!

Masters: “Here’s the cover.”




Daniels: “Near fall there. Oh my God!”

Masters: “That’ll kill a few thousand brain cells. “

Eddie shows his aggressive streak, pounding Angel Suicide’s head against the canvas.

The referee admonishes Rowan, as he releases the hair of Suicide.

Rowan lifts Angel up to his feet by the hair, as Suicide then battles back throwing rights and lefts to the mid-section.

Daniels: “There’s some fight in the kid, Masters!”

Masters: “Not for long…devastating move by the champ.”

Rowan counters with a knee to the gut, as he forces Suicide between his legs.


Masters: “He’s dead…

I’m tellin’ you, Rowan killed him.







Towers: “Here is your winner, Eddie Rowan!”

Eddie rolls out of the ring, grabbing his X Championship, and draping it across his shoulder.

Daniels: “Eddie Rowan is holding on to that belt, and I would love to see someone take it from him.”

Masters: “Yeah, well only time will tell.

The cameras of Ed-ETV, are still rolling, for now.


Towers: “This match is a tag-team contest, scheduled for one fall.”



Towers: “In the ring, being accompanied by Medez…from The Isle of Samoa…Sammy and Jamel Giovanni….The Samoan Wrecking Crew!”

The Samoans roar towards the crowd, as the cameras focus now on the other side of the ring.

Towers: “And their opponents, Mike Monroe…Jacob Havok...Beautiful Agony!”

The Samoan Wrecking Crew, attack early on with double flying forearms to Monroe and Havok, quickly gaining the upper hand. As Sammy rolls out of the ring, dragging Mike with him, Jamel applies a chinlock onto Havok. Havok is reaching desperately for the ropes as Jamel applies more pressure.

Meanwhile, Sammy was sitting in anticipation in his corner as Mike is struggling to get onto the apron. Jamel releases the hold on Havok and pushes him face first into the mat before striking him with a stiff kick to the back. Jacob screams in agony as he begins to crawl towards his corner.

Jamel tags in Sammy, exiting the ring as Sammy is quick to drop an elbow on Havok’s back.

Daniels: “Oh, that had to hurt!”

Masters: “And Havok’s partner is antsy in the corner. Mike Monroe is begging for a tag!”

Sammy wastes no time on keeping the upper hand as he quickly places Jacob’s arms over his legs and locks in a camel clutch. The ref asks Jacob if he gives, but the emo prince refuses.

Mike Monroe puts his foot into the ring and makes it look like he is going to enter the ring, distracting Sammy as he releases the hold from Havok. As Monroe moves back into the neutral position, Sammy comes over to confront him.

As they argue, Jacob is able to stand up and just before Giovanni turns around, he plants him harshly with backbreaker. Havok rolls Sammy up.

1 . . . 2 . . . Thr-KICKOUT!

Daniels: “ Oh, that was close!”

Havok wastes no time in tagging in his partner. As Mike rushes into the ring he quickly runs at Sammy with a kick to the gut. Sammy doubles over in pain, as he falls to the mat and Mike hooks his arm around Giovanni’s neck, hitting a spinning neckbreaker. He rolls Sammy over and hooks the leg.

Masters: “Looks like he’s trying to get this over with fast.”

1 . . . 2 . . . KICKOUT!

Monroe is in disbelief as the ref signals the two count. As Monroe begins to argue with the referee, Sammy makes his way over to his corner. Just as the ref turns around, Sammy slaps the hand of his partner. Jamel gets into the ring and knocks Monroe down with a stiff clothesline.

Havok is still resting against the ropes, tired from his encounter with both Giovannis. As Mike begins to get up, Jamel powerfully scoops him up on his shoulders.

Daniels: “Looks like he’s going for that Samoan drop!”

Master: “Well, it makes sense…”

Jamel screams an incoherent ramble at the top of his lungs and drops Monroe to the mat with a powerful Samoan drop. He quickly covers him for the pin.

As Havok goes to break up the pin, Sammy cuts him off. 1 . . . 2 . . . 3!!

The ref rings the bell as the Giovannis celebrate their impressive victory.

The fans are on fire for a great show thus far till all of a sudden, the lights dim and are replaced by strobing red and green lights.

Fans are stunned as flakes of snow begin to fall from the rafters.

Once 'Ladies and Gentlemen' hits the PA, the fans erupt.

From the rafters drops a man in a red cammo Santa suit wearing the gold TV Title around his waist...followed by a huge bag…

"HO HO HO!! Cage Clause in the house.

Now, last week was an awesome week for Cage Stryker. His dream came true.

He scaled that proverbial ladder and captured his first piece of gold in the CzW.

And now...Cage Clause has came to you all here in Buckeye Country to spread a little early Christmas cheer."

The fans explode into cheers from the obvious cheap pop.

"If Wal~Mart can do it...why can't I."

The fans boo Wal~Mart.

"There are some special people in the back who have been exceptionally good boys and girls...and it's only right that I give a little back to them."

From his pocket, Cage pulls out a piece of paper and looks over it.

"All these wonderful boys and girls unfortunately I only have time for a few of lets begin. The first on my list is Edward Thadius Covey.

He has been bringing smiles to the children of the world for a long time...making each one feel as little bit special. So Edward...this is for you."

Cage points to the Tron and right there in Ed's Locker room…

"As promised, there you go Special Ed...just for you.

And now...the next one is the man who stepped up and took the reigns of Warzone for himself...the new GM Christian Aleksander...though I don't know him...the list never lies.

So just for him..."

Cage points at the tron again.

"And just because, I left a jar of cookies on his desk for him.

Welcome to CzW Mr. Aleksander.

Then there's the man who truly gave me the fight of my life just last week for the TV Title.

And Shawn, just remember, Cage Clause does deliver."

Cage points to the bag beside him.

It drops and the same fiery red head from the week prior steps out.

Cage Clause smiles.

"And time has came to a close...but hopefully I've made a few people very happy."

Cage clause begins packing up when all of a sudden 'Heaven Tonight' hits the PA. Cage looks to the ramp as Sirena comes running down carrying a chair.

She rolls into the ring and sets the chair up and shoves Cage Clause down on it.

She sits on his lap.

"Well well well little girl...what would you like for Christmas?"

Sirena whispers in his ear with a huge smile on her face.

Cage smirks.

"Well, the one thing you have to wait for but let me see what else I have in the bag.

Excuse me Serena."

Serena steps aside as Cage picks up his bag and rummages through it.

He pulls out a pair of black thongs and hands them to Sirena.

"There you go...a pair of Milani Rose's used thongs.

It's rumored that's the pair she was wearin when she lost her virginity.

Just be careful with them...there's no tellin what you might catch."

Sirena jumps up for joy and begins bouncing around the ring cradling the under wear she was given. Cage shrugs. The three leave so the next match can begin.

Daniels: “This women’s contest should be an impressive battle for the ages.”

Masters: “A triple threat including Milani Rose, Hellena, and Sirena Starr.. You are right my friend.”

The bell rings as all three ladies are already in the ring. They begin to stare one another down, when suddenly Hellena and Sirena both go after Milani.

The two women pound away on the woman as she tries to shield her lovely face from the brutality. Once they feel like Milani may have had enough, they quickly turn on each other.

Hitting one another with hard rights and lefts, Hellena and Sirena then lock up, but not at the shoulders.. AT THE HAIR!

Daniels: “They’re going to pull one another’s hair out!”

Sirena gets the advantage and slings Hellena across the ring by the hair. As Hellena lands hard on her back, Sirena rushes over and begins to stomp away at her.

Starr, in a bit of outrage, drags Hellena up by the hair and grabs her by the face. She begins to scream at her, when suddenly Milani comes from nowhere and delivers a hard doubly axe handle to the back of Sirena.

Both Sirena and Hellena go flying into the turnbuckle, almost colliding heads. Milani is surprised at her own boost of strength and decides to taunt the fans a little.

Daniels: “This might not be a smart move by Milani.”

Masters: “Any move Milani does is smart… C’mon, Daniels.”

Daniels: “What’s your definition of smart? Oh my, and Milani is hit hard by Sirena in the back of the head. What a brutal dropkick.”

Milani falls face first onto the mat as Sirena rolls her over and hooks the leg for the pin.










Milani just kicks out as Hellena now gets back into the action, delivering an elbow drop to the back of Sirena. As the three women straighten up after the breakup, they once again stare each other down.

This time Milani makes the first move, delivering a Lou Thesz press to Hellena. Before she can even begin to wail away on Hellena, Sirena quickly scoops her up in a full nelson.

The ref keeps watch on the fading Milani as Hellena begins to climb the top rope.

Daniels: “What can she be thinking?”

As Hellena crouches on the top rope, Sirena becomes aware of what is about to happen and quickly releases Milani. As she voluptuous beauty tries to regain her composure, Hellena stands up and not so gracefully, falls into a head on collision with Milani.

The two women fall to the mat in pain, both holding their heads. This was the opportunity Sirena had waited for.

She quickly grabs up the nearly unconscious Milani and delivers a deadly tornado DDT. She hooks the leg of Milani for the pin.










The bell rings and the ref raises Sirena’s hand in the air, signaling her victory.

Daniels: “What an impressive victory by Sirena Starr!”

Masters: “What about Milani?”

Daniels: “Well, I’d say she’s knocked out…”

TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for our main event!"

Crowd cheers

TOWERS: "This is a tag team match and it is for the CZW North American Tag Team Titles!"

Crowd continues to cheer

TOWERS: "Introducing first...."

"This House is Haunted" by Alice Cooper begins to play as the lights dim out and smoke fills the wrestler's entrance ramp

TOWERS: "Hailing from Chicago and weighing in at 185 pounds... he is the stuff nightmares are made of.. THANATOS!!"

Green spotlights focus on the curtain as a light smoke billows, surrounding the entranceway. Out steps the shadowed Thanatos, and green flames light up the entire walkway down to the ring. Thanatos moves slowly, but steadily, keeping his eyes fixed on the ring ahead. He is wearing a tattered, hooded black cloak, and underneath, black shorts and boots. The flames die out, with the music, and the lights come back to normal as Thanatos enters

TOWERS: "And his partner..."

Eerie classical music plays as the crowd mostly boo

TOWERS: "Weighing in at 275 pounds... he is the Mayor of Parts Unknown... NIGRESCENCE!!"

The creep lumbers out from behind the entrance, staring out into the crowd with a madman's eyes. He runs down to the ring and slides in, immediately heading to a corner to sit down and rock back and forth.

TOWERS: "And their opponents.. the CZW North American Tag Team Champions... Ace King and El Pablo... THE FIVE STAR GAMBLERS!!"

The crowd cheers loudly as The Tea Party's "The Writing's On The Wall" begins to play. Both XTC members come out, and hold their tag belts high in the air. They pose for a moment and then each drape their titles on their shoulders, walking to the ring. They get in, keeping their eyes on their opponents, and pose each at a turnbuckle

DANIELS: "This is an exciting match up here, William, Team XTC versus two of the bizarrest superstars War Zone has ever seen!"

MASTERS: "Yes, indeed.. I like the pairing of Nigrescence and Thanatos, they might just take those belts away from Ace and Pablo here tonight."

The bell rings, and both teams discuss strategy. Ace and Thanatos are the two going to start this one off.

DANIELS: "Ace King, former Intercontinental and former World Heavyweight champion, has grown accustomed to having gold around his waist. Thanatos is a hungry, fresh superstar looking to build on his own legacy."

Both men lock up, and neither take the immediate advantage. Thanatos tricks Ace and nails him in the ribs with a hard knee lift. He then chops Ace. Again. He backs him to the ropes and sends him on his way. Thanatos goes for a clothesline, but Ace ducks it. Ace on the rebound.. flying forearm!

MASTERS: "I'd be scared to death to hit that man, NOW how is Ace going to sleep at night?"

Ace is up and grabs Thanatos. He whips him to XTC's corner, and tags in El Pablo. As Ace holds Thanatos' arm in a lock, El Pablo shows his skill by jumping on the top rope, walking a few feet to reach the middle, and jumping down on Thanatos with a clothesline.

DANIELS: "Such skill from the Five Star Superstar!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, yeah. Rave still thinks he's a Mexican, ya know."

El Pablo takes control and wrings the same arm Ace had locked up. As he turns it, though, Thanatos pokes him in the eyes. He then grabs EP and body slams him hard. He goes and tags in Nigrescence. Nigrescence springboards in, nailing an elbowdrop to EP.

MASTERS: "Wow, didn't see that one coming."

Nigrescence picks up EP and locks in an abdominal stretch. After only a few moments, however, he turns it over and grabs EP's other hand and slams him down with a pumphandle slam. He goes for the cover.



kick out

DANIELS: "Good move there, going for the cover. How badly does this team want the gold?"

MASTERS: "With these freaks, who knows... I sure wouldn't want to be on their bad side though!"

DANIELS: "Perhaps you should refrain from referencing them as freaks then?"

MASTERS: "Oh yeah."

Nigrescence picks up EP, but EP surprises him with a forearm to the face. Another one. EP runs to the ropes, and jumps up at Nigrescence, twisting him, and nailing a corkscrew monkey flip. Both men stay down for a moment, but the quicker EP is up first. As Nigrescence stands up, El Pablo grabs him and nails him with a Twist of Fate. He goes for the cover.



Thanatos breaks it up!

DANIELS: "Ace isn't taking too kindly to that though!"

Ace hops into the ring and tries to intervene, but the referee stops him. With the ref's back turned, Thanatos blatantly kicks El Pablo square in the groin. The crowd gasps as El Pablo falls back down. Thanatos goes back to his corner, and Nigrescence crawls over. The ref turns around just in time to see the tag.

MASTERS: "That's my kind of guy, this Thanatos knows an opportunity when he sees it!"

Thanatos grabs EP and nails him with a powerful choke slam. He goes for the cover.



Ace King's turn to break it up!

MASTERS: "Get that Gambler out of there, he's not the legal man!"

DANIELS: "You're supposed to be unbiased here, William."

MASTERS: "There's not a racist bone in my body!"

DANIELS: "That's not... nevermind."

The ref does, however, focus on getting Ace out of the ring and Ace is pissed. Thanatos seizes another opportunity by trying to choke the life out of El Pablo while the ref's back is turned. He lets go right before the ref sees. Thanatos then picks up EP and slams him into a neutral corner, hard enough that EP holds the back of his neck. Thanatos comes running in.. but EP moves at the last moment, and Thanatos slams into the corner face first! Thanatos stumbles backwards and EP nails him with a neckbreaker. The crowd is totally behind EP as he crawls over to Ace... and makes the tag!

DANIELS: "King is HOT!"

MASTERS: "You do think so, don't you!?"

Ace comes in and levels Thanatos. Nigrescence comes in, but gets levelled too. Back and forth, Ace punches them both. Ace grabs Nigrescence and tosses him out of the ring, and onto the floor. He grabs Thanatos and nails a DDT. He goes for the cover.




DANIELS: "Thanatos kicked out!"

MASTERS: "Don't be too surprised, Ace isn't the golden boy you think he is!"

Ace stands up and runs to the ropes. As Thanatos is beginning to stand up, Ace comes crashing into him with a dropkick. EP surprises Thanatos as he was on his back, with a springboard senton out from Team XTC's corner. EP rolls out of the ring. Ace goes for another cover.



Nigrescence breaks it up!

DANIELS: "Blast!"

Ace stands up, and chops the hell out of Nigrescence a few times. Thanatos is up and forearms the back of Ace's head. He then nails Ace with a back suplex. Thanatos then, surprisingly almost, climbs to the top rope with a rather quickness. He leaps, and he NAILS Ace with a flying headbutt! The cover!





MASTERS: "I'm surprised too, that flying headbutt was a thing of beauty!"

Thanatos tags in Nigrescence. He picks Ace up in a torture rack, and Nigrescence goes to the top rope..

DANIELS: "What are they doing.."

Nigrescence leaps and nails an elbow onto Ace, twisting him out of the torture rack and onto his belly. The ref tells Thanatos to leave the ring. Nigrescence picks up Ace and nails a double arm DDT. He then locks Ace in a rear naked choke. The crowd is frantic as the ref asks Ace, but Ace says no. Slowly, he arm drops. The ref holds up his arm once..


DANIELS: "This can't be good."

The ref lifts him his arm a second time.


MASTERS: "Ha ha, The Gambler is about to lose all his money!"

The ref slowly raises Ace's arm a third time and... Flo---NO!

The crowd flips out as Ace's arm stays up and begins to shake


Ace somehow finds the strength to stand him and Nigrescence up. He elbows Nigrescence in the chest. Again. Again, and it breaks the hold. Ace runs to the ropes and clotheslines Nigrescence so viciously that he almost comes out of his boots. Ace then runs and knocks Thanatos off of the ring apron. Ace goes and tags in El Pablo. Ace lifts Nigrescence up.. and slams him back down hard with a violent German Suplex. EP has climbed up on the top turnbuckle..

DANIELS: "Is this!? I think it is!"

MASTERS: "I'm afraid you're right... moron."

El Pablo leaps up and NAILS the Pablo Splash! He covers Nigrescence as Ace looks out at Thanatos who is still down on the floor, but standing now.




DANIELS: "The Five Star Gamblers retain the belts!"

MASTERS: "Lovely."

Ace and El Pablo are handed their belts and they celebrate in the ring. "The Writing's on the Wall" is playing over the PA. On the outside, Thanatos is furious. He starts yelling out at Ace and EP in some strange language that no one understands.

MASTERS: "What the hell is he saying?"

DANIELS: "I don't know, but I don't like the sound of it!"

Nigrescence rolls out of the ring, and Thanatos starts yelling louder, and more in a chant like mode. Ace and EP stop celebrating and look down at him. Thanatos raises his arms slowly, and his eyes begin to roll to the back of his head. Suddenly, the lights go out.

DANIELS: "What the!?"

MASTERS: "Holy mother of God what is he doing!? I can't see a thing!!"

The crowd is in a frenzy as flashes from cameras and cell phones are going off.

DANIELS: "Did you hear that? Something just happened in the ring! I can't see a damn thing."

MASTERS: "I didn't hear anything, shut up!"

The lights come back on, and EVERYONE in the arena gasp.

Ace King and El Pablo are laying in the middle of the ring, with their belts laying on their chests. Thanatos and Nigrescence are nowhere to be seen. Both Gamblers are unconcious and COVERED in blood.

DANIELS: "Holy Hell we need some medics down here!? What the hell did Thanatos do!?!"

MASTERS: "I-- I-- I don't know what to say!"

As the camera zooms in on the fallen XTC members, the cZw logo appears at the bottom of the screen. War Zone ends in a state of shock and worry.


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