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CZW - Presents WAR ZONE

| August 14th | * New Orleans, Louisiana * New Orleans Arena |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents War Zone live from
- New Orleans, Louisiana -
New Orleans Arena
August 14th 2008

(RP deadline is Aug. 13th 9 PM EST)


"The Real Deal" ROB WRIGHT vs. "Outlaw" BUCK EVANS


THE STORM BROS. (Travis & Douglas) vs. BEAUTIFUL AGONY (Rowan & Havok)

MIKE MONROE vs. "The Voodoo Machine" THANATOS




* cZw *



The Show Opens and the first sound you hear is “Second Coming” by Juelz Santana.

Out walks “The Baller” Jordan Bryant. As soon as he shows himself through the entrance way the crowd explodes for their favorite son.

Jarred Daniels:
Look here Masters, it’s New Orleans’s own “The Baller” Jordan Bryant.

William Masters:
Yeah, I didn’t think he was supposed to be here tonight… Listen to these fans!

Bryant begins to walk down the ramp and is shocked by the reception he is getting but is really enjoying it smiling and giving out high fives to fans who are sporting his jersey and holding up signs with his name on them.

Yeah, they are going crazy for their hometown hero. I don’t believe Bryant has ever gotten a reception like this in the CZW.

Yeah, and it looks like he’s enjoying it!

Bryant gets into the ring and asks the ring announcer for a mic.

Looks like Bryant is going to address his hometown fans. Im sure the fans will end up disappointed just like they were at Bryant’s basketball playing career.

Hey now Masters, Bryant is the Southwestern Louisiana all-time leading scorer… lets see what “The Baller” has to say….

Bryant takes the microphone and holds it up to his mouth.


Bryant screams and pauses as the fans go crazy

It is SOOOO good to be home baby. And to think the stupid ass GM didn’t even book me for a match in my hometown. What’s up with that shit?

The soldout crowd begins to boo.

But its okay, cause there was no way I was letting Warzone go down in my hometown and not make an appearance, you know what im sayin?

Crowd Cheers loudly again.

Okay, well since Im out here I got a lil business to take care of. Ive done put my match last week out of my mind so I aint gonna come out here and talk about that. I was more worried about putting on a show for the troops and I got beat by Mike Monroe. But I want to take yall back two weeks ago. And Justice For All Pay-Per-View…. You had New Orleans’s own The Baller Jordan Bryant, against the TV Champ Cage Stryker and that Damn Dusty Davis. How many of yall saw that match?

Crowd yells and in the background there is a chant of “Bryant” that is beginning to pick up.

Yeah, and how many of yall saw Cage Stryker steal a win against me when I had him in the timeout and beat?

Crowd yells again

That’s right. Now I aint gonna come out here and run my mouth like a damn baby like most of the CZW superstars do. Hell, Im an Outlaw baby, I aint gotta do no talking, I gotta do some walkin and I am you know, since Im in the best city in the whole damn world….

Crowd erupts

I might as well take business into my own hands. Now I know that Cage Stryker has a match tonight, and quite frankly it doesn’t matter to me who the damn champion is.

Bryant cracks a smirk and the crowd begins chanting “Bryant” once again…

What the hell is he talking about? What’s Bryant up to?

So here is my challenge to you Cage Stryker or whomever wins tonight and is the TV Champ next week… next week at Warzone I want the TV Champ in a non-title match. One on one baby. And when I win… that person gives me a shot at the TV title at Hatewave.

The Crowd erupts again

And Cage if you don’t like it? Haha, well why don’t you go make a little TV show about it and maybe you can beat up some TV character because I promise you this Stryker, you got lucky at And Justice For All… and you wont be so lucky the next time. So if yall be down… Then Im gonna beat yo ass into the ground.

Crowd erupts with cheers for their hometown hero. “Second Coming” by Juelz Santana comes back on and Bryant throws down the mic and points out to the crowd and walks back up the ramp giving out high fives to fans.



“Roll Call” by Ice Cube hits the loudspeakers as Jody “Little Evil” Breeze makes his way down the aisle to the ring. He walks slow, almost strutting, to the ring, slides under the ropes and backs into a corner, awaiting his next two opponents.

The Ice Cube song cuts out and “From The Cradle to Enslave” by Cradle of Filth rips through the P.A. System, and out from the back of the curtain steps Angel Suicide. A couple fans close to the guardrail stretch to get there hands out there hoping for a high five, and Angel reluctantly smacks a couple hands on his way down to the ring. He pauses for a second, eyeing up Jody Breeze, and then slides under the ropes. The two look almost ready for a rumble immediately, when…

Rob Zombie’s “I’m your boogeyman” erupts and the crowd pops in shock and awe, anticipating the monster Purgatory to enter from behind the curtain any time now. Both Breeze and Angel back off each other and get in a fighting stance, and both seem to miss the monster Purgatory coming out from under the ring apron. He gets up on the apron, takes one step over the ring ropes, and blindsides the other two wrestlers.

The bell rings, and action is underway. Purgatory hits both men with running clotheslines to their backs, knocking both smaller men down to the canvas. Purgatory picks up Angel Suicide with ease, and gorilla press slams Suicide hard on the mat. Purgatory turns to get Jody Breeze, but Jody has already stood up and surprises the big man with a standing dropkick. Purgatory stumbles back, but doesn’t fall. Jody quickly hits the monster with another dropkick, backing Purgatory up a little more. Jody goes for the third standing dropkick but Purg catches Breeze midair and drops him to the mat. Angel Suicide slowly gets up, reeling from the powerful gorilla press slam, but regains his senses. Purgatory sees Angel, and throws a haymaker in Suicide’s direction, but it is dodged. Purg furiously swings and misses several times, as the quicker Angel Suicide is able to avoid all the blows.

This allows “Little Evil” Jody Breeze to get back to his feet, and now the two of them have Purgatory surrounded. Purg isn’t sure which direction to face, and when he lunges at Angel, Angel ducks, spins around to the back of Purgatory, and both Angel and Breeze give Purgatory a running bulldog. The two smaller men begin a relentless assault on Purgatory’s ribs, with vicious elbows and kicks, dropping knees whenever they can. The two men stand Purg up, and attempt a double suplex on the monster, but it’s reversed! Purgatory gives both men a ride, slamming Breeze and Suicide down with a double suplex of his own. Purg, slow to get up, clutches his sides where he just got pounded on. He stumbles over to the fallen Breeze, picking him up and whipping him into the ropes. As Breeze comes running back towards Purg, Jody leaps in the air at Purg, attempting a cross body block. Purgatory sees this coming, and catches Breeze midair. He is about to give Jody a backbreaker, when Suicide comes to the rescue.

Angel Suicide kicks the back of Purg’s leg, making the big man stumble a bit more. Angel, seeing it will take more than a kick to bring him down, unleashes on the back of Purg’s legs, and finally drops the big man, with Breeze falling on top of him. The pin



no, Suicide, realizing they can’t team up forever, pulls Breeze off the big fellow. Suicide and Breeze lock up, and with a quick knee to the gut, Jody bends Angel over and hits a diamond cutter on Angel Suicide. He is about to cover, when he sees, and feels, the big man Purgatory charging at him. Right before getting blasted with a powerful clothesline, Jody pulls the top rope down, and Purgatory goes crashing onto the concrete outside the ring.

Breeze turns around and it greeted by a kick to the abdomen from Suicide. Angel has Breeze in position for the Suicide Silence, and attempts it, but it’s BLOCKED! Breeze won’t let Suicide finish the rock bottom, and instead, spins Suicide around, shoulders Angel in the gut and, YES! An EVILBOMB! Jody with a quick cover




Winner by Pin fall via the Evilbomb, Jody “Little Evil” Breeze (9:23)

The Winner of the bout... with the Evilbomb... JODY BREEZE!!




TOWERS: "This next match is schedule for one fall. Introducing first... hailing from Tiffin, Ohio... here is TATUM REGAN!!"

"I'm So Sick" by Flyleaf begins to play, and the vixen of Beautiful Agony makes her entrance. The crowd cheers as she walks down to the ring with confidence in her eyes. She poses at a turnbuckle once she is in the ring.

TOWERS: "And her opponent... hailing from Algoma, Mississippi... this is KAREN EVANS!!"

"Outlaw Women" begins to play, and Karen comes out in full on cowgirl attire. She even has a lasso tied to her belt. As she makes a few steps forward, she is blindsided by someone.

DANIELS: "Who is that!? Security!"

The camera gets in for a closer look and reveals that it is former CZW diva, Brenda Vixen! She's dropped Karen and is stomping at her. A group of 4 security guards come and eventually sedue her. Karen has taken a small licking, and is very pissed off. The security swifty take Vixen to the back, and Karen yells out some trash to her on her way out. Karen dusts over her attire and makes her way to the ring. Brenda looked different. More primal, darker. Karen turns her anger towards Tatum, and the bell rings.

DANIELS: "This should be an excellent match up, we have some of the best female wrestlers in the WORLD here in CZW!"

MASTERS: "Damn straight we do.. .and the HOTTEST as well."

They lock up and Karen immediately nails a knee to Tatum's gut. She nails a few forearms to her head before throwing her to the ropes. Tatum ducks a clothesline. Karen goes for a back body drop on the rebound, but Tatum leapfrogs over her. On the third rebound, Tatum comes crashing into Karen with a flying forearm. The crowd pops.

DANIELS: "Beautiful Agony are surely becoming one of the premiere wrestling groups here in the States, and soon the world. Tatum is such a hungry competitor.. but I can't take anything away from Karen, she's a fox!"

MASTERS: "Keep your twinkie in the wrapper there, Jarred, we all know they're both beautiful women."

Tatum irish whips Karen hard into a corner. Karen slopes down. Tatum comes in running, and nails a running knee to the face of Karen! The crowd gasps. Karen looks to be in a daze, and Tatum plays up to the fans for a second before picking Karen back up. She nails a vertical suplex, and goes for the pin.














MASTERS: "Karen's too resiliant to go down that easy! Uh, er..."

DANIELS: "William!"

Tatum picks Karen back up, but Karen surprises her with a chop to the throat. Karen then rakes the eyes of Tatum, getting boos from the crowd. Karen then nails a back suplex. She yells at the front row who are heckling her. She picks up Tatum and throws her to the ropes.. and Tatum is met with a stiff double ax-handle to the chest. Karen goes for the pin.








Karen shows a little bit of frustration as she picks Tatum back up. She throws Tatum to the ropes, and looks for the back body drop. Tatum comes in and kicks Karen hard in the tits! Karen flails backwards, and Tatum nails a standing dropkick. The crowd is behind her as she picks up Karen and nails a flapjack. She goes for the cover.








Tatum picks Karen back up and throws him to the ropes. Tatum jumps up and nails a Lou Thesz press, dropping down as well with a flurry of fists. She gets up, fired up, and yells out to the crowd who cheer her back. She goes back and picks up Karen. She kicks her in the gut, and positions her for a power bomb. She lifts her up, but Karen rakes her eyes when she is up and drops down. Although hurt, Karen nails Tatum with a kick to the gut. She positions her...

DANIELS: "Oh my, this might be it."


MASTERS: "Brainbuster DDT!"













DANIELS: "Karen has won this event, but look at Tatum.. she is pissed! Karen leaves the ring in a hurry, with the ref on the outside raising her hand in victory. I don't think this is the last time we'll see this two against each other in a match."

MASTERS: "I hope not.. that was HOT."

The Winner... with the Brainbuster DDT... KAREN EVANS!!!




TOWERS: "This next match is a 2nd round match for the King of Combat tournament!"

Crowd pops

TOWERS: "Introducing first... being led to the ring by Tatum Regan... he is a member of Beautiful Agony... hailing from Tiffin, Ohio... here is MIKE MONROE!!"

"How Can I Live" by El Nino blares, and the crowd is cheering. Out comes Mike Monroe, out with the recently defeated Tatum. Tatum exudes confidence however, and you can tell she'll get her revenge. They down to the ring hand in hand, high fiving fans on the way in.

TOWERS: "And his opponent... from the mean streets of Chicago, Illinois... he is the Voodoo Machine... THANATOS!!"

"This Haunted House" begins to play as the lights go out. The entrance way fills with dry ice, as Thanatos slowly creeps out into view. The New Orleans crowd are actually cheering him, and if you don't understand why, read up on New Orleans. He makes his way to the ring, and the lights go back up."

MASTERS: "That. Creepy. Son. Of. A. Bitch."

DANIELS: "SSSSHHHH Be careful, he might hex your ass."

Tatum leaves the ring, as both men get ready for combat. The bell rings.


Monroe went right at Thanatos, trying to take him down. Thantos easily tossed him aside and worked him into the corner before whipping Monroe into the buckle. Monroe caught Thanatos with a boot to the grill before charging right back at him.

Monroe planted a kick to the face of Thanatos before getting lifted with ease and planted on the mat for a two count. Thanatos kept up the pressure, choking Monroe out with his boot in the corner before tossing Monroe across the ring. Monroe whimpered on the ring apron looking like he hurt his knee. Thanatos doesn’t seem ready to fall for it.

The two went at it pretty hard before Monroe chucked Thanatos to the outside, Thanatos landed on his leg and seemed like he hurt it, Monroer went at the leg of Thanatos with some kicks before chop blocking the limb. Monroe slapped on a leg lock which evolved into a toe hold.

Thanatos powered out of the hold, but Monroe flew back with knee to the leg. He draped the limb on the bottom rope and sat out on it a couple of times before Monroe went to wrap it around the ring post. Thanatos kicked him into the announce table buying some time. Monroe charged back in the ring only to meet a huge Thanatos boot.

Thanatos caught the spin buster and looked for a power bomb but Monroe countered out with the boston crab. Monroe couldn’t hold the whole hold and ended up in a half crab focused on one limb.

Thanatos finally reached the bottom rope. Monroe kept kicking away at the leg and hit another chop block after a whiffed clothesline from Thanatos. Monroe missed a standing moon sault and he got caught by Thanatos and hit a massive power bomb.

Thanatos went for the cover but Thanatos kicked out at 2.

Monroe grabbed a headlock Thanatos pushed him off only to eat a shoulder block. Monroe stared down Thanatos long enough for Thanatos to capitalize and hit a swinging neck breaker. Thanatos hammered away on Monroe in the corner before hitting a take down for a two count.

Thanatos hit a big boot and Monroe staggered into the corner only to be met by a running clothesline in the corner for another near fall. Thanatos looked for The Abyss prematurely and paid for it with a big Monroe spine buster.

Monroe struggled to his feet before gathering Thanatos and reigning right hands down on the head of Thanatos. Thanatos got sent into the rope and got bashed with a Monroe knee lift for a quick two count before Monroe dropped a pair of knee drops down across Thanatos' face.

Monroe slapped on the abdominal stretch. After a struggle, the hold was broken and Monroe kept up the pace, sending Thanatos into the corner with a hard Irish whip. After going for a cover, Monroe whipped Thanatos to the corner but was met with a Thanatos dropkick. Thanatos came flailing back with right hands before eating a face buster for yet another near fall.

Monroe connected with a big right hand before bringing Thanatos back to his feet to only send him careening back down to the mat with another. Thanatos fought back again though and backed Monroe up and was able to squeak out a top rope moonsault attempt that Monroe barely side stepped.

Thanatos struggled to hold himself up on the ropes as Monroe came bounding at him with a big clothesline that sent Thanatos clattering to the floor. Monroe followed him to the outside and smashed Thanato's face off the guardrail. The match would take a turn for the worse for Monroe however, as Thanatos managed to reverse an irish whip and Monroe was sent smashing into the barricade.

The ref started to count finally Thanatos had enough sence to grab Monroe and get them both back in the ring before the ten count.

Thanatos kicked Monroe in the gut and went for The Abyss...

MASTERS: "That's it!"














The Winner... advancing in the King of Combat tournament... THANATOS!!!!


He's coming...

Next Thursday... in Mobile, Alabama...

Alexander Furiya debuts!



"Rising Storm" comes over the PA system and out walk the newest tag team on the Warzone roster, the Storm Brothers. They walk out smiling and high five the fans as they walk down the ramp. Travis even takes a few pictures with the fans, until his brother gives him a look. In the ring the brothers discuss strategy for the match.

HIM's "Wings of a Butterfly" blares from the speakers in the arena and out walks two of the members of Beautiful Agony, "Rated E for everyone" Eddie Rowan, and "The Emo Prince" Jacob Havok. The fans erupt and the two stars love it. Once in the ring Eddie and Jacob walk up to the new comers and offer a hand shake.

Masters: The Storm brothers shouldn't do it, you know you can't trust an emo!

Daniels: Would you stop it?! I think it's great sportsmanship.

The Storms eventually shake Beautiful Agony's hands and both teams go back to their respective corner and wait on the bell. Eddie and Jacob play paper-rock-scissors to see who starts the match, and not-so-surprisingly Havok throws scissors to beat Eddie's paper.

Daniels: And it's gonna be Travis Storm and Jacob Havok starting things off.

Masters: I hope this new guy treat's that damn emo like the bitch he is.

Daniels: That's real objective William.

Masters: What?! I'm not objectifying anyone!

Travis and Jacob circle each other for a while before finally tying up. Neither man can get an advantage, and Travis connects with a boot to Jacob's mid-section. Storm hits Havok in the back with a forearm, knocking Havok to the ground. Havok is picked up and slung into the Storm corner. Tag to Douglas.

Masters: That's good tag team wrestling; quick tags.

Daniels: That may be the first time I've heard you say something relevant to the match.

Masters: Yeah, I just want to see that emo punk get his ass beaten.

Daniels: There we go, that's the William Masters I know.

Douglas keeps Havok in the corner with hard chops to Havok's chest followed by a kick to the gut. Douglas tags his brother back in and pulls Havoks arm up exposing his ribs. A hard shot from Travis to the kidney of Havok. Travis picks Jacob back up and pulls him closer to the center of the ring by his hair. Irish whip and on the rebound Travis attempts a hip toss, but Havok blocks it! Again Storm trys, and again Havok blocks. Havok punches Travis in the gut causing Travis to bend, and Havok connects with a famasser on Storm. Havok makes the tag to Eddie who comes in and begins work on Travis, who had reached his feet by this time. A hard right by Eddie, and another. A left forearm to the face of Travis from Eddie, and Storm falls back to the ropes. Eddie with an Irish Whip and a spinning wheel kick that connects perfectly.

Daniels: Oh my God! Eddie almost took his head off!

Eddie follows the kick up with a pin.


Eddie drags Travis to the BA corner and tags a refreshed Havok back in. Havok starts out with a few boots the the lower back of Travis. Havok picks Storm up and pushes him back into the BA corner. A couple hard chops to Storm's chest and Havok tags Eddie back in. They both set Travis on the top rope, and then they begin to climb up to the same rope.

Daniels: Oh my God, I think they're setting up for a double superplex!

Masters: Only and emo would risk a match that was in control for something like this.

Eddie and Havok set up, and execute an amazing double superplex! Eddie goes for the pin.

1....2....Save by Douglas!

Daniels: A last second save by Douglas! But he may have just bought his brother an even worse beating.

Eddie picks up Travis, but gets a thumb to the eye.

Masters: I knew I liked that guy for some reason.

Travis gets a much needed tag to his brother who comes in wrecking shop. A right puts Eddie down and a right for Havok knocks the "Emo Prince" off the apron.

Daniels: Doug has come in like a bat out of hell!

Doug delivers a snap suplex to Eddie and applies a triangle arm choke. Doug really cinches it in and Eddie starts to fade. The ref comes over to check on the X champion as he falls to the mat. The crowd begins to get loud, urging Eddie to get back up.

Crowd: Ed-die! Ed-die! Ed-die!

Finally Eddie shows signs of life and fights his way back to his feet. An elbow to Doug's stomach and Eddie runs to the ropes, on the rebound he hits a STO on Doug, and slowly Eddie crawls to his corner. Tag to Havok who comes in and starts his attack on Doug. A couple stomps and he picks Storm up. Doug is whipped to the ropes and ducks a clothesline, off the opposite ropes Doug connects with a clothesline of his own. He runs over and knocks Eddie off the apron, and signals to his brother who drops down and goes to attack Eddie. While the two brawl outside, Doug sets Havok up, and THUD!!!! THUNDERSNAP!!!!!!!!!!!!! Doug goes for the pin.


As soon as the bell rings Cowboys from Hell blares over the PA system. Surprised, Rowan & Havok stand up ready to fight as the Storm Brothers try to make it up, out of nowere Kevin Abbott and James Anselmo rush Rowan & Havok and lay them out with stereo DDT's

MASTERS:They must have came out of the crowd!

Douglas Storm Stumbles up and walks right into a boot to the gut from Anselmo, Anselmo stuffs storms head between his knees and hits a devistating falling powerbomb, while doing this Rita Abbott comes out of the crowd and stands at ring side. Travis is next up but gets taken down with a spear from Kevin Abbott. Kevin looks down at at Travis and points Anselmo towords the ropes. Kevin draggs Douglas to the middle of the ring then picks Travis up. Anselmo sits on the top rope while Kevin bad mouthes Storm, Kevin pulls Travis over to the corner and suplexes him onto a waiting Alselmo's shoulders who jumps off the top delivering a brutal powerbomb to Travis right on top of of Douglas. Rita climbs into the ring and Kevin grabs a mic from the side of the ring.

Kevin:Haha boys, I bet your wondering who just beat the hell out of you guys, well My name is Kevin Abbott and this big fellow right here.

Kevin points to James Anselmo.

Kevin:This is my best friend James Anselmo. And we are--

Rita:Hey dont forget about me!

Kevin:oh yeah, almost forgot baby

Kevin hands the mic to Rita

Rita:My name is Rita Abbott, wife of the one and only Kevin Abbott, Sister of James Anselmo and Manager of the greatest Tag team in CZW.....

Kevin bends his head over Rita's shoulder and speaks into the mic

Kevin:The Cowboys from Hell!

CZW goes to break

The Winners of the bout... with the Thundersnap... THE STORM BROTHERS!!!!


TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen... performing their new single 'Psychosocial'.... here is SLIPKNOT!!!"



“Get Back” by Ludacris plays and out walks ‘The Real Deal’ Rob Wright, the crowd booing his arrival.

Towers: “Making his way to the ring, hailing from Springfield Massachusetts, he is ‘The Real Deal,’ ROB WRIGHT!

He makes his way down to ringside with a new air of confidence after snapping out of his slump. He rolls into the ring and poses from the second turnbuckle.

“Ramblin’ Man” by the Allman Brothers plays, and Buck Evans makes his way out onto the ramp to even louder jeers. He looks around for a moment and then nods toward the backstage area, and Jordan Bryant makes his way out.

Towers: “And his opponent, being accompanied by Jordan Bryant, from Algoma, Mississippi, “Outlaw” BUCK EVANS!

Daniels: “It looks like Buck Evans is bringing some back-up in case ‘Michael Meyers’ makes another appearance tonight.”

Masters: “That’s a wise move after what happened last week at the Tribute to the Troops show. If not for him, it may be El Pablo here in this match and not ‘The Real Deal.”

Buck and JB get to ringside and have a little discussion, nodding in agreement before Buck rolls into the ring. Buck puts his hat in the corner and the ref calls for the bell. Rob immediately makes a run but Buck is ready and he throws up a huge boot, catching ‘The Real Deal’ square in the mouth.

Masters: “Great counter there from Evans!”

Buck paces around Wright a bit before putting the boots to him, stomping away at his head. Buck then takes a walk away, glaring at the crowd. Wright moves up to all fours but Buck rushes in and delivers a solid kick right to the ribs!

Daniels: “Buck dominating in the early-goings of this match!”

Masters: “You don’t want to make this cowboy angry, that’s for sure.”

Buck pulls Rob to his feet by the hair, and whips him in for an Irish whip, but Wright holds on, pulling Buck into a short-arm clothesline!

Daniels: “Great counter from ‘The Real Deal’!”

Both men make their way to their feet, Wright just moments before Buck. Rob with a kick to the gut, followed up quickly with a pair of forearm shots across the cowboy’s back! He pulls him in and takes him over with a vertical suplex! Rob to his feet, posing for the crowd who respond with jeers for ‘The Real Deal’! Wright hits the ropes and drops a leg onto Evans, and follows up with a quick cover.

Masters: “Pinfall situation, here!”



Buck kicks out. Rob stays on the attack, driving an elbow into the shoulder of Evans, and cinching in a sitting sleeper-hold! Buck struggles, trying to break the hold as JB pounds on the apron, cheering him on! Buck makes it to his feet and shoves backwards, slamming Wright into the corner, breaking the hold. He staggers away and Rob shakes off the stun and then charges in! Buck counters by scooping Wright up with a sidewalk slam!

Daniels: “Excellent counter! Buck with the cover, now!”



Wright with the kick-out now!

Buck now looking a little frustrated. He pulls Wright up and slugs him in the stomach, and then again. He then shoves Wright into the corner and begins to pummel him with his fists!

Daniels: “Pure brutality from ‘the Outlaw!’

Buck backs off as the ref tries to intervene, only to charge back in with a clothesline! Wright is rocked heavily and falls to the ground. Buck lifts him up by the neck and shoves him into the corner again. He goes for another clothesline, but Wright gets a foot up, right into the jaw!

Masters: “Wright turns the tide with that kick to the face, using all of Evans’ momentum against him!”

Buck staggers and then turns around, and Wright takes him down with a huge spear! Cover!



3……! No! Evans kicks out!

Masters: “Near fall, but Evans barely breaking free! Wright now going to the top!”

‘The Real Deal’ makes his way to the top and he signals for the end! He leaps off! “No More Fun and Games!” No! Buck just barely able to move! Wright crashes and burns with nobody home for the high-elevation frog splash! Both men are down!

Daniels: “Who will be first to make it to their feet!?”

Masters: “I don’t know, but…hey, wait, look-out!”

The fans all start making a commotion as Michael Meyers emerges from the entrance ramp! He makes it about half-way before Bryant notices him and runs right at him! The two begin brawling, trading blows! Meyers finally gouges the eyes, and as Bryant steps back dazed for a moment, Meyers runs to the back! JB then takes off in hot pursuit!

Daniels: “Jordan Bryant chasing the masked man into the back!”

Buck is up and somewhat distracted by what is transpiring. Rob Wright is up and he pulls him back by the hair, loading him up for No Laughing Matter! Buck with a back elbow to the gut counters, and turns to face Wright, suplexing him over!

Daniels: “Great counter from Buck! If he’d hit that, this match would probably be over!”

Buck with a big elbow drop, and then another. He picks Wright up and measures him, sending him corkscrewing through the air with a clothesline!

Masters: “What impact!”

Buck is up and he’s pumped! He taunts Wright who is making his way up to his feet, slowly. Buck whirls him around and lifts him up in a fireman’s carry!

Masters: “Here he goes! Mississippi Twister!”

Daniels: “And-NO!”

As Buck swings Rob around with the Twister, Rob counters, falling down in front of Evans and rolling him up with an inside cradle!





Masters: “He rolled him up out of nowhere!”

Buck is up and he looks around in disbelief! "Get Back" by Ludacris plays and Rob instantly rolls out of the ring almost jumping with excitement. He’s quick to put some distance between himself and the angry redneck and he jogs up the stage where he continues to celebrate! Buck stares daggers into him from the ring, absolutely fuming!

Our cameras suddenly cut to backstage where Jordan Bryant is slumped in a corner, a thin line of blood running down the side of his head! CZW backstage interviewer Jenny Jacobs runs up.

Jenny: “Oh my GOD! Somebody call some help!”

She and a couple other CZW backstage personnel attempt to tend to JB, and the camera catches a glimpse of Michael Meyers in the background, hiding in the shadows. He is there for only a brief instant and then…gone.

The Winner of the bout... advancing in the King of Combat tournament... ROB WRIGHT!!!!


We cut to the back, and we see Ace King watching a monitor. The crowd cheers. He is set to watch his partner contest for the World TV title. Suddenly he is tapped on his shoulder.

?: Hey Buddy.

Ace turns around, and finds himself face to face with Matt Covey, Mikkel, Borgia, and Jigga C. Ace pauses for a moment, and then.. being who he is... suddenly strikes Matt, knocking him down. he does the same to Mikkel. He does the same to Jigga C! He faces Borgia and --


Borgia kicks Ace SQUARE in the balls. He grimaces, and then the Coveys begin a beatdown. All three men kick at the fallen Ace for a solid 30 seconds. During it, Hellena comes into view as she is holding back Special Ed, who looks absolutely horrified. You can see remorse in his eyes. They end the beatdown, with Jigga yelling out "Looks like you're the big winner this week, bitch."

They each spit on the fallen Ace, as a medical team arrives and runs them off. War Zone cuts to a commercial as they begin to attend to King.



DANIELS: "It's time for this hellacious main event!"

TOWERS: "This match is a CZW WORLD TELEVISION TITLE LADDER MATCH... and it involves five individuals!"

The crowd pops

TOWERS: "Introducing first... hailing from Devil's Ladder, Idaho... He is the Enigma.. LEO CROW!"

Leo comes down to the ring, to the tune of "Palms Read" by Protest the Hero. He is wearing a "Cancer Bats" t-shirt. He is oblivious the crowd's reaction, as he studies the ladder places right at the foot of the entrance ramp. He then makes his way into the ring.

TOWERS: "Next... hailing from Birmingham, Alabama... the newly acquired and the Franchise... RONNIE McNEIL!"

The first ever World Television champion comes out to thunderous cheers. He doesn't acknowledge them however, as he seems focused and determined. He comes down to the ring and checks out the ladder as well before entering the ring.

TOWERS: "Next... hailing from Portsmouth, England... one half of the CZW North American Tag Team Champions... The Five Star Superstar... EL PABLO!"

A hush descends over the crowd as the lights go out, leaving the arena in total darkness. The opening riff to "Been Training Dogs" kicks in, with bright white spotlights switching on and off in various places across the arena, keeping time with the beat. As the drums kick in, a huge wall of pyro shoots up from the stage, and El Pablo steps out to huge cheers from the crowd, dressed in his ring gear with dark sunglasses on his face. He stands on the stage for a few seconds playing to the crowd, before bounding down the ramp. He jumps up onto the apron and vaults over the top rope, then heads over to one of the far turnbuckles and climbs up, saluting the crowd. He repeats this on the adjacent turnbuckle, then removes his sunglasses and tosses them to a stagehand outside the ring.

TOWERS: "Next... from wherever he damn well pleases... He is CZW's #1 Bad Ass... MATT COVEY!"

Matt Covey comes out, with Mikkel at his side, to the tune of "Only The Strong Survive" by Flaw. The crowd is booing him immensely. A large portion of the crowd begins to chant "ED! ED! ED! ED!" and Covey is pissed. He holds his hands over his head as he walks down to the ring, with Mikkel staying behind and eventually going back to the back.

TOWERS: "And finally... hailing from Hollywood, California... He is the reigning and defending CZW World Television Champion... CAGE STRYKER!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva begins to play and the crowd cheers as Cage comes out. He isn't wearing the belt, as it's already placed above the ring. He raises his arms up for the crowd, and then proceeds to run down to the ring. He slides in and immediately attacks Leo Crow, and the melee begins.


DANIELS: "The Mad House is open for business!"

MASTERS: "This is going to be SICK."

Cage is pounding down on Leo, as El Pablo and Matt Covey make a bee line for each other. A furious brawl, that spills out of the ring almost immediately. Ronnie stands still, realizing no one is paying attention to him. He slyly gets out of the ring, sneaking over to the ladder. He closes it and and grabs it, turning around to take it to the ring... but NO! El Pablo took a moment to run over and dropkick the ladder into Ronnie's chest.

DANIELS: "Ronnie thought he was gonna outwit them all!"

MASTERS: "Ronnie McNeil can outwit at least two of these idiots in his sleep. He did the RIGHT thing, and that was go for the objective. The title!"

EP immediately turns around and is greeted by a stiff lariat from Covey which almost takes EP's head off. In the ring, Cage tosses Leo to the ropes and bends over for the body drop, but Leo kicks him in the chest. Leo then nails Cage with a Russian legsweep. Leo is back up and picks Cage up. Leo goes for a piledriver... but Cage turns it over into a back body drop.

DANIELS: "Utter chaos."

Ronnie is back up, and manages to slide the ladder into the ring. He slides in, and Cage immediately nails him with a stiff right handed punch. They begin exchanging blows, going back and forth. Leo stumbles over and punches at Cage. Cage punches at Ronnie. Ronnie punches at Leo. They repeat this sequence three times, to the snickers of the crowd.

DANIELS: "Triple dipper!"

MASTERS: "What the hell did you say?"

DANIELS: "Nothing.."

Outside, Matt goes to irish whip EP into the guardrail.. but EP reverses, and Matt crashes into them hard. EP takes a second to gather his bearings, but leaps up on the opposite guardrail and springboards, twisting towards Matt and nailing a high kick to his head. He picks Matt up and chops him very hard, causing his chest to burn bright red. On the inside of the ring, Ronnie and Cage are double teaming Leo. Cage nails a power bomb, as Ronnie comes running in with a legdrop.

DANIELS: "Nice tag team move from Ronnie and Cage, let's see if they can take Leo Crow out of the equasion."

MASTERS: "That psycho? I bet he can take them both, just keep watching."

El Pablo takes a few steps back and runs, clotheslining Matt over the guardrail and into the crowd with him coming along. They spill out into the crowd, brawling back and forth and touring all through the crowd. Multiple cameras try to get in for a good shot, but all face trouble trying to sift through the crowd. In the ring, Ronnie and Cage nail Leo with a double suplex, and he rolls out of the ring. Ronnie and Cage look at each other. Cage extends his hand as a good will gesture. Ronnie, cautious, accepts it slowly. Ronnie then kicks Cage in the gut! Ronnie then nails a scissors kick, collapsing Stryker.

DANIELS: "Where are EP and Covey... can we get a good shot?"

MASTERS: "Doesn't look like it... tell these cretins to move out of the way, we need this on film!"

Ronnie picks up Cage, and nails a hangman's neckbreaker. As Ronnie is getting up he is greeted with the top of the ladder crashing into him, as Leo has come back in the ring and picked the ladder up. Leo then positions and sets up the ladder in the middle of the ring, right underneath the CZW World Television title. Ronnie is hurt, but back up and immediately stops Leo from climbing the ladder. Ronnie nails a chop, Leo returns it. Again, the exchange. Leo kicks Ronnie in the gut and nails the Plague of Crows reverse DDT.

DANIELS: "Everyone is hungry for the title, but it looks like it'll either be Cage, Ronnie, or Leo winning this one. No one knows where Matt and EP are.. WAIT! There they are!"

Matt and EP have brawled all around the arena, and are back out on the wrestler's entrance ramp. Each man is bleeding from their forehead. They tumble forward, actually falling as they punch at each other. Inside the ring, Leo is again trying to climb the ladder. Cage is up and grabs him... power bomb off of the ladder!

DANIELS: "Did you see Leo's head bounce off of the mat? Yikes!"

MASTERS: "Dat's Dem Brakes!"

Cage then goes to climb up the ladder himself, and gets all the way to the top. As he is reaching for the belt, however, Ronnie is up and pushes the ladder over! Cage gets draped over the top rope, bouncing, and falling onto the floor. The crowd gasps.

DANIELS: "What a nasty spill!"

MASTERS: "I think Cage has just got his cable disconnected!"

In the ring, Ronnie picks up Leo and nails the Flawless! Leo is bouncing around like a fish! Ronnie then grabs the ladder tries to set it back up. On the outside, El Pablo is in control of Matt, as both men are bleeding more profusely. El Pablo throws Covey into the ring, as Ronnie begins to ascend. EP gets on the apron and then goes to the top rope... He positions, measures.. leaps.. and NAILS Ronnie with a Missile dropkick, knocking him and the ladder over. Ronnie gets himself draped over the top rope, but he doesn't fall to the ground.

DANIELS: "This match is career shortening for someone, I can sense it! Ronnie's ribs have to be bruised after that fall."

El Pablo is slow to get back up though, as he and Covey are pretty beaten up. Leo is pulling himself up with the ropes opposite of where Ronnie is hanging. Cage is crawling around on the floor, but not on his feet yet. El Pablo is the first one up, just as Ronnie falls backwards and back into the ring. EP goes for Matt Covey but Covey nails him with a blistering low blow!!


The crowd is booing Matt heavily at this point. He picks up EP, and nails him with a backbreaker. He holds it in, pushing down on EP as he cringes in pain. After a few moments, Ronnie comes over and breaks it up, kicking Matt in the back. Just then Cage slides into the ring. He turns Ronnie around and kicks him in the gut... STRYKER DRIVER!

DANIELS: "Cage just put Ronnie out to the pasture!"

MASTERS: "Leave the 'Little House on the Prairie' schtick to Buck, Daniels!"

Cage picks Ronnie back up and throws him out of the ring. Cage then turns around and kicks Matt in the gut... Another Stryker Driver!

DANIELS: "Another one!"

Cage then throws Matt out of the ring. Just then Leo Crow comes crashing into Cage, blindsiding him. He chops Cage hard. He throws him to the ropes, but Cage holds on. Leo, stunned, runs at him but Cage ducks and Leo goes crashing over the top rope and onto the floor. Cage then grabs the ladder and begins setting it up.

MASTERS: "EP's up, do something you british freak! Stop Cage!"

Cage and EP look at each other, and then EP looks down at the three men who are coincidently lined up together. Instead of stopping Cage, EP opts to run to the ropes and head towards the men outside. He leaps up, springboards off of the top rope.. and NAILS a plancha, with all four men collapsing in what looks like a car wreck.

MASTERS: "Doh, you fool!"

Cage is almost all the way up to the top.. he reaches it... he extends his hand out, grasping for the title... inches... his hands are on it.... and he's got it!!!

DANIELS: "Cage retains the CZW World TV title!!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, yeah, we can all see it."

The Winner of the bout... and _STILL_ CZW World Television Champion ... CAGE STRYKER!!

DANIELS: "Wait... here we go again!!"

Rob Wright and... "Michael Myers" comes running down to the ring, after the match is over. They immediately begin attacking Ronnie McNeil and Cage Stryker. Covey is back up, and nails EP with a stiff boot to the head. Rob Wright nails the No Laughing Matter on McNeil. "Michael Myers" nails Cage with a DDT. Matt picks up EP and nails him with a vicious chair shot.

After the complete beat down, Matt Covey, Leo Crow, Rob Wright and Michael Myers stand over the fallen Ronnie, El Pablo, and Cage Stryker. Covey calls for and receives a mic.

MATT: You know what Pab? Seeing you marry a Man-bitch, kicking your ass, and watching you get jumped just isn't enough to satisfy the hunger for chaos that boils beneath my veins. I want to take away everything you hold dear. I already took your social life, and your best friend, my cousin Ed... So how is it, having to explain to your friends that She-Man is your wife? No... I want the things you treasure that I do not. All it is you have left that makes you a star. I've even taken someone else out of your pocket...

Covey looks over at Michael Myers, and Myers is motionless. He slowly lifts his hands up to his mask... and begins removing the mask! The crowd is in an electric frenzy....



The crowd is in a state of shock. It is their former, yet beloved War Zone General Manager Alan Fiscus! The man who had the whole world behind him as he defeated Jesse Montana in the Riot Match in Germany. Covey, Wright, and Crow have large smiles on their evil faces. The crowd begins to start booing, with it quickly getting louder and louder.

ALAN: "Ohhh BOO HOOO!!!!!!! You can't begin to tell me you're SURPRISED... you mean to tell me you had NO IDEA that it was me behind the mask!? Look at these idiots we just laid out. You've got your beloved California Dream.. Cage Stryker. Mr. Poster Boy. You've got someone who laughibly uses the moniker 'The Franchise' ... a somebody who came over to War Zone, excuse me.. came RUNNING over to War Zone, with his tail between his legs, because his precious faction held mutiny. Ronnie McNeil, you may not like anybody.. but I certainly don't like YOU. And last and most definitely least.. El Friggin' Pablo. EVERYONE's favorite bouncin' british boy. Little man, it's time reality came raining down on your parade. This is but a taste, puppy. Too bad your precious partner isn't here tonight, or he'd be laying there right next to you --"

The crowd is getting louder and louder, yelling "FISCUS SUCKS! FISCUS SUCKS!" But Alan can only smile largely as he pauses for a moment.

ALAN: "Correction! I NO LONGER suck! For months I sucked up to EVERYONE, playing the suit, the man in the charge, the LEADER. I had to put my personal beliefs and lifestyle to the wayside, be the constant professional. The only Alan Fiscus you people have seen in the last 4 years has been only a shell. A ghost. A wraith. A silent fury that was sitting, waiting, building. I sat idly by as men who are half as good as me were winning world titles. That shit is over now. The One Man Riot is here. No longer am I the puppet master BEHIND the desk.. now I am the puppet master INSIDE the ring, once again. and El Pablo... the four of us right here... we're the bringers of DEATH, baby. But two of us --"

Fiscus wraps his arm around Matt Covey and they both look psychotic.

ALAN: "We're the Two Man Apocalypse, brother. We're the Nightmare Men. And at Hatewave... you are your XTC circle jerk partner are going to defend those CZW North American Tag Team Titles. AGAINST US. You ask, why did I cause you to lose to Rob Wright? Because I WANTED to."

DANIELS: "WHAT!? You can't make matches anymore, you're no longer the GM! You lying bastard."

ALAN: "And you see, I know it to be true because before I stepped down, I signed ONE more match. and that match was me with a partner of my choosing to face the North American tag champions whenever I please. Take it to the bank, boys. We'll be seeing you in Miami, if you can even show up. Oh, by the way... ask Ace how hard that mist is to get out of his eyes. HAHAHA"

Fiscus drops the mic and "Thieves" by Ministry begins to play, as the four men remain standing over their fallen foes. Is this a one time alliance? Or are have Fiscus, Covey, Crow and Wright just started something much bigger than that? Only time can tell.

MASTERS: "This is a masterpiece! That's all the time we have tonight, catch Assault tomorrow night from Beaumont!"

DANIELS: "Good night, everyone!"

* cZw! *


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