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CZW - Presents Assault

| July 18th | * Albuquerque, New Mexico * |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents ASSAULT live from - Albuquerque, New Mexico- University Stadium July 18th 2008

HARDCORE TITLE MAIN EVENT - HOUSE OF PAIN MATCH "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons (c) -VS- "Legendary" Derek Damage

Tag Team Match Shawn Waters & Krimzon Blaze -VS- Gregory Grantham & Maynard O'Toole

Singles Match "The Realist" Kris Kash -VS- "The Franchise" Ronnie McNeil

Triple Threat Diva Contest (With Managers) Allyson Thorn/w Bryan McNally -VS- Fire Angel/w Jigga C -VS- Rebecca Fury/w Jessica Love

Singles Match "The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum -VS- Big Nasty


Singles Match Karl "The Jackal" Jackson -VS- "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland

Triple Threat Match "The Phoenix" Mike King -VS- Ezra Mayhem -VS- Johnny Blade


Out of My Way begins to play as the start of Assault proceeds. The camera scrolls through the crowd here at the McKale Center, the atmosphere electric, also the huge structure for the main event is viewable which send chills down spines. Fireworks blast off as the cameras cut to commentary

GOLD: “What a noise these fans are making, and the main reason they cheer so loud, if you look up, you will see why!”

FARLEY: “Yeah, tonight thee will be pain and plenty of it Ricky as the heated feud between Derek Damage and Tim Timmons could very well end in dramatic fashion tonight”

GOLD: “Not only that but Shawn Waters teams with Krimzon Blaze, what a first that is, they will fight there rival Upstarts I tag team action. Then we have Ronnie facing Kash, tempers could boil high tonight, Michael”

FARLEY: “Yeah we have it all here tonight, but really the chills that structure above our heads is giving is all is immense, I just can’t wait Ricky”

GOLD: “Neither can I, Assault is here once again!”


Cameras shoot backstage. Shawn Waters and Krimzon Blaze are seen backstage after a tag match for the records. Their conversation just seems to be idle chatter. As they near their locker room., the fiery red head from the last couple of weeks stands in front of the door.

She has a wicked smile on her face as she waves Shawn to come into the locker room.

Waters and Blaze look at one another. A smile seems to creep over Waters face.

"I tell you what. I'll catch you later Blaze...I have to discuss with her."

The camera fades as Krimzon Blaze just stares as Shawn Waters and Serena Starr disappear into the room.


Triple Threat Match "The Phoenix" Mike King -VS- Ezra Mayhem -VS- Johnny Blade


GOLD: “Well time for our first match here tonight, triple threat action”

Mike King and Johnny Blade look at one another as they both look over to Ezra who is looking at them both with a twisted expression on there faces as Johnny Blade charges at Ezra who ketchs Johnny Blade with a huge right hand on the side of the temple as Johnny Blade drops to the matt as Johnny Blades head smashes off the matt with a sickening thud as Ezra quickle goes for the pin.

Referee: 1...2...Mike King kicks Ezra in the back of the head.

Ezra gets to his feet as he stares right in the eyes of Mike King who is not backing down as both men goes nose to nose as noth Mike King and Ezra strt punching each other with rights and left causeing both men to stagger but it is Mike King who gets the advanatge as he backs Ezra in to the corner punching Ezra in the temple again..and again..and again. Until the referee gets in between the two and breaks them up as Ezra charges at MIke King and hits him with a running DDT as Mike King smashs his head off the matt as Ezra gets up and starts to laugh as he sees Mike King holding his head in pain.

Ezra walks over to Johnny Blade who still hasen't gotten back to his feet as Ezra picks Johnny Blade up by the hair and throws him into the corner where he charges at Johnny Blade but misses the big splash as Exra crashes into the ring post while Johnny Blade goes picks up Mike King and throws him towords Ezra as Mike King back smashes into the face og Ezra while both men are daized in the the corner as Johnny Blade charges at both men but Mike King moves as Ezra hits a huge closeline causeing Johnny Blade to flip in mid air and land on his ass.

Mike King qucikly goes for the cover

Referee: 1...2....thrrrrr Ezra kicks Mike King in the side of the head this time as Mike King and Ezra once again go face to face as Johnny Blade slowly gets back to his feet but is caught standing in the middle of Ezra and Mike King as Ezra and Mike King starts punching both the back and front head of Johnny Blade as Blade falls to his knees and the onto his face as Eztra locks in the Crippler Crossface while Mike King locks in the Boston Crab.

Mike King is pulling with everything he has while Ezra tightens the grip around Johnny Blades through causeing Johnny Blade face to go a light blue as the referee looks at johnny Blade and calls for the bell as hew alks over to the announcer and whispers something in the anouncer ear as the referee rushes back over to Johnny Blade while Mike King and Ezra both have there hands raises in the air as the referee looks at the two men and then walks over to the announcer.

Announcer: The Winners of this match.....Mike King....

Mike King climbs both turnbuckles as he seems to be happy with the victory as Ezra looks on running his fingers through his hair with a confused expression that comes upoon his face.

Announcer: AND...Ezra....

Mike King looks at the announcer with a shocked expression as Ezra looks at Mike King as Ezra snapps and kicks Mike King in the gut and hits the " Crash landing" on Mike King as he then walks over to Johnny Blade and throws the referee off of Johnny Blade as Ezra locks in the “Python” as the scene cuts to commercials

Winner is Mike King & Ezra Mayhem in a draw after 5.48 via Double Submission


Singles Match Karl "The Jackal" Jackson -VS- "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland


GOLD: “This ext one will be interesting, Jackal of course making one of the biggest impression on Assault in ages, snapping poor old AJ Kool’s ankle, we wish him good luck in recovery”

FARLEY: “Yeah and what must Kirkland be thinking about to step into the ring with a man who wants to snap his ankle? He maybe a zombie Ricky but I bet he is feeling the pressure here tonight”


- With Dwayne now on the outside and Jackal and Kirkland inside the ring, the bell sounds. Jackal licks his lips as he begins to circle around his prey ready to pounce, but Kirkland is first to attack as he spears Jackal straight through the ropes as Jackal falls to the outside straight away. Dwayne smirks as Jackal rises, looking highly embarrassed. He climbs back into the ring as Kirkland smiles at him, trying to get into the head of Jackal. They circle each other again as this time Jackal gets the advantage, headlock o Kirkland, he slips out though as he throws Jackal to the ropes, then knocks him down with a shoulder block on the rebound, again smirking at Jackal who gets up looking infuriated.

- Kirkland comes up to mount an attack but Jackal quickly kicks Kirkland in the shin, then whips around behind Kirkland as he wraps his arms around the waist, the takes him down with a suplex, Kirkland landing o his front as Jackal has him mounted, hitting him with forearms to the back of the head. Jackal tries to apply an armlock but Kirkland fights out of the attempt, until Jackal grabs his arm, then rolls around turning Kirkland onto his back, having the arm of Kirkland securely locked into an armbar.

- Kirkland cringes in pain as Jackal rips away at the joints in Kirkland’s arm. As the crowd and Dwayne will him on, Kirkland makes his way to one knee, the rolls over somehow escaping the hold, staying on one knee as the two men face off, both smiling now, both believing to have the advantage.

- Kirkland now back up as he exorcises his arm, Jackal straight away though kicks him I the same arm, wraps it around as he hits an elbow down on the shoulder blade of Kirkland. Jackal then kicks him in the gut, grabs his head into a front face lock, then hits high knees up into the face of Kirkland, but catches the left leg of Jackal as he takes him down with a Leg Drag, then keeping hold of the same leg as he jumps up and hit’s a double leg drop into the groin of Jackal. The fans cheer as Jackal screams while charismatically rolling around the ring in pain.

- Kirkland lifts Jackal back up, then hit’s a few knife-edge chops knocking Jackal back into the turnbuckle. Kirkland starts to stomp a mud-hole in Jackal who is starting to lose strength. Kirkland then climbs the turnbuckle up onto the second rope, standing above Jackal, the fans cheer as he starts hitting Jackal with fists to the forehead.













Jackal Grabs Kirkland…







Jackal lifts Kirkland up for a power bomb but Kirkland slips off behind him, Jackal turns and gets caught!


- Jackal stumbles back but does not fall to the ground, Kirkland runs in…



























- Jackal gets a shoulder up. Kirkland rolls off as he starts to get right back up. He picks Jackal up but he pokes him in the eye, Kirkland now unable to see as Jackal catches him…T-BONE SUPLEX!

- Jackal does not go for a cover. He rolls to the outside instead as he sets his sights on Dwayne, the man he attacked the other night. Kirkland is out as Dwayne attempts to hobble away, his ankle still sore from the other night. Jackal grabs him, the crowd booing, he then hits him with the Overhead Belly to Belly Suplex as Dwayne flies over the guardrail and into the fans. Jackal looking like he has snapped, turns around but there is KIRKLAND…

Suicide Dive through the ropes!!!

Jackal and Kirkland are both hurt on the outside as the fans chant Kirkland on. He is first up, he rams Jackal’s forehead into the guardrail, then a second time, then rolls him back into the ring. Dwayne is still out but Kirkland is more focused on his opponent. He lifts up Jackal…Powerslam!

No…Jackal slips off the back!

- Jackal now behind Kirkland hit’s a beautifully timed chop block to the back of the left knee of Kirkland. He the starts aggressively stomping on the hurt leg of Kirkland, then grabs it, locking him up…Half Indian Deathlock, Kirkland now screaming in pain.

- Jackal stands back up, the falls down again as Kirkland is hurting bad. Jackal walks dominantly around Kirkland, looking at the may fans who boo him. Jackal smirks, then lifts up Kirkland, only to hit him with a Leg Breaker, keeping hold of the foot, then hitting an elbow drop down onto the left shin of Kirkland. Jackal bounces off the ropes as he jumps up, perfectly hitting a knee drop down onto the weakened leg. Dwayne seems to be back up now as he climbs over the guardrail and gets into the ring, Jackal immediately going on the attack but Dwayne ducks a right hand, hit’s a right of his own, a left, a right, then knocks Jackal down with a European Uppercut to the jaw. Kirkland rolls out of harms way as he tries to get life back into the hurt leg. Jackal is now back up and gets knocked back down with a dropkick from Dwayne. Jackal back up again, Dwayne whips him to the ropes, Jackal rolls under a clothesline from Dwayne, then low blows him, now locking him up…JACKAL DROP!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jackal celebrates as he kicks Dwayne out of the ring, but Kirkland is now up, grabs Jackal…Spinebuster!!

- Kirkland now with Jackal down looks over at Dwayne, making sure he is okay. He then walks back towards Jackal, lifting him up, Kirkland still holding that left leg as he then lifts Jackal up onto his shoulders…But his left leg buckles as He falls to one knee, Jackal straight on the attack now as he knees Kirkland in the face, then again, lifts him back up to his feet before taking him down with a Belly to Belly suplex. Jackal then pulls down his straps as he screams, the fans knowing what is about to come next…

Jackal rolls Kirkland over grabbing his left ankle…

JACKAL LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Kirkland begins to scream I pain, all the training he has been doing to counter this hold floods his mind but the pain seems to be too much. Dwayne is still unconscious, nobody to help him, Jackal ripping at the ankle as the fans try and will Kirkland on, but he is stuck in the middle of the ring. Kirkland bites his bottom lip, trying to withstand the pain but his eyes are now watering, the pain is unbearable…












- Kirkland manages to roll through as Jackal releases the hold, Kirkland then rolling straight out of the ring to recover. He cannot even stand up on his injured leg now as Jackal yells at him to return to the ring. He eventually does as Jackal goes straight back to the leg as he grabs the same ankle, literally pulling Kirkland into the center of the ring, Kirkland though hit’s a quick ensuiguri as Jackal comically collapses down to the ground.

- Kirkland gets back to his feet as he picks Jackal up, hitting him with European Uppercuts to knock Jackal back to the ropes, he then whips him to the other side, Jackal bounces off the ropes, Kirkland with a clothesline, Jackal ducks, now from behind…GERMAN SUPLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jackal leaves it at one. He looks confident now as he strolls over, picks up the leg of Kirkland, then gets the Jackal Lock in again, applies pressure for a few second but Kirkland is fast to counter with an explosive reversal, grabbing Jackal in a SMALL PACKAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




















































- Unbelievably Jackal kicks out at the last split second as the fans fall back down to the seats. Jackal gets back up on fire but Kirkland sweeps the legs of Jackal, then hit’s an elbow drop. Kirkland lifts Jackal up, hitting a few rights hands, Jackal gets whipped to the ropes, Kirkland follows as he hit’s a knee to the jaw, then comes back with a bulldog on Jackal. Kirkland now with huge momentum as he lifts Jackal back up…Chokeslam!!!

- Jackal counters as he slips off the grip of Kirkland, trying to grab the ankle again, Kirkland rolls out of harm though as they both lock up again…Kirkland though impressively out of no where hit’s a SIDE EFFECT!

- The fans are on their feet as Kirkland screams with emotion, bends down to lift Jackal up for his final attack but Jackal catches Kirkland, locking him up, Jackal with possession of Kirkland arm as Jackal lies on his back, Kirkland kneeling over Jackal who then wraps his legs around the throat of Kirkland, ot a Triangle hold but he amazingly has locked in…The…


- The fans look amazed as does Dwayne who is nearly back up on his feet. Kirkland struggles, trying desperately to wriggle out of the hold, Jackal applies more pressure, growling at his opponent as he wills Kirkland on to pass out. Kirkland now is writhing around frantically, the fans trying to chant his name but hope seems to be lost. Within ten seconds of the hold being locked in, Kirkland stops moving, he has not tapped but he seems to have passed out, Jackal still squeezing the life out of Kirkland.

- The referee signals for the match to be over as Jackal keeps the hold on, not releasing. Dwayne then enters the ring as he prizes Jackal off, who then rolls out of the ring with a sinister smile on his face, raising his arms celebrating his impressive victory.

TOWERS: “And the winner of the match by way of submission…Karl ‘THE JACKAL’ Jackson”

- The referee and Dwayne check on Kirkland who is frothing and actually bleeding from the mouth. Jackal exit’s the arena as the fans are left silenced by this event.

FARLEY: “Well looks like this Jackal has an array of submission holds”

GOLD: “he does but damnit he should calm it down if he wants to be respected here”

FARLEY: “Maybe so but two wins I impressive fashion, I would say he is respected by most now!”

Winner is Karl ‘The Jackal’ Jackson after 10.54 via Knockout (Submission)


GOLD: “Oh my goodness me, I thought this was a mistake in the booking but it looks as though Alanso’s Playing it Straight is about to happen”

FARLEY: “Oh come of it Ricky, you know you have been looking forward to this all week long!”

After the Commercial Break, the cameras pan around the sold out crowd in Tucson Arizona. The appearance of the cZw ring has changed since the commercial break. The ring is covered with a deep burgundy shag rug, with a red heart couch, and a fake fire place. The Lights begin to flash pink and purple, and the fans start going crazy as "Wake Me Up Before you Go" by WHAM! begins to play. Alanso appears from behind the curtain. He is wearing a pink smoker's jacket with no shirt on underneath. He has drawn fake chest hair on his chest, and is smoking a fake pipe that is producing bubbles. He is wearing pink fuzzy slippers to top off the ensemble. He walks down the aisle with a huge pop from the crowd. He makes his way into the ring slowly sexily walking under the third rope. A member of the audience in the front row begins to vomit as he gets a sneak peak of Alanso's "Featured Attractions." He gets in the middle of the ring and poses. Numerous cameras flash. He makes a signal to cut, and the music stops. The fans are cheering, as Alanso calls for a mic. A Lackey on the sides throws a mic at Alanso. Alanso jumps out of the way as if a grenade was being chucked at his head. He pulls himself up, and dusts himself off. He pics up the mic.

Alanso: You bitch! I'm a DIVA, you don't throw stuff at DIVAS!!! NOW GET OFF OF MY SHOW! Ok my sexy Tucsonians, it's time for ME! You are all just ever so lucky, because you get to have a whole segment dedicated to me. I decided to call it "Playing it Straight."

Alanso pauses as there is a huge pop, and an explosion of laughter at the irony of the name.

Alanso: Now ladies and gentlemen, I know you all came to see me, so without further ado, heres what we are going to cover in MY segment. I want to go over the new top five hot list. Who are the hottest of the hot in the cZw? I don't know...or wait, maybe I DO know, but you're going to have to wait. We are also going to talk to that whore who changed my favorite man in the world Big Nasty for the worse! We'll get real down and dirty with her, to see what the REAL Big Nasty is like!

All of the ladies pop as the mention of the Real Big Nasty is made.

Alanso: Shut up all you sluts! Big Nasty is a man whore! So lets get started!

Alanso sits down and crosses his legs, opening up a shot for his "cash and prizes." The crowd reacts horribly to this.

Alanso: Ok ladies and gentlemen, without further ado, lets get our top five started.

The #5 sexiest man in this fine federation is Dusty Davis! He's the bad boy that I ABSOLUTELY hate! He seems like a huge ass hole, but get him backstage, and...

Alanso winks at the camera, as the crowd errupts in laughter.

Alanso: #4 Krimzon Blaze. Oooh, he could be my little Mexican Jumping Bean! I would keep him in my pocket only for special occasions! I love the way he just flies around that ring, I'm sure he would be quick in bed...but in the good way! I don't know if I could handle him in the ring, but I'd let him handle me in the bed anytime!!!!

The crowd becomes more and more disturbed as the countdown goes on.

Alanso: #3 has unfortunately moved down the list. He was sexy until he lost his Title. That man is super-dee-duper hott, but has no Gold, so he can't be in my top five! His long hair is just AMAZING!

Before I go onto my number 2 spot, I want to give a shout out to my honerable mention! The Jackal is #6 on my list. Ooooh, I would love to polish his big beautiful Bald head! I could just rub my...well, lets just move on, before I blow it...LITERALLY!!!!

The crowd errupts into a very akward cheer and laughter.

Alanso: Now onto my #2 spot. This man is new to my top five, but when you see who he is, you'll understand! He is the most powerful man in the cZw. He holds gold, and a staff position, and we all know that POWER is the most sexy thing to the Queen of South Beach! He is the current cZw World Heavyweight Champion, and the GM of the Assault Roster. He has the most gorgeous hair I've ever seen. I could just cut it off, and rub it all over my BODY! Ladies and gentlemen...Jesse MONTANA!

And finally, we have the #1 spot. He's number one in the cZw and in MY heart! He has been known as none other than the Chuck Norris of the Damn Dirty Commies, the Lance Armstrong of the cZw, and BATMAN! Oooh, even if he only has one testicle, I'd still take this man to task! This man is ACE KING! He is the KING in my dreams, the only thing he is missing is a beard! That would make him the ultimate #1!!!! Ooooooooooh I love this man!

The crowd begins to clap as Alanso stretches out and lays in a provocative position on the couch.

Alanso: Now ladies and gentlemen, I would like to invite to the show, Leslie Stokes! She is knows as the imfamous ex of Tim Timmons, and the new lady of the hour for Big Nasty.

Leslie comes down to the ring accompanied by whistles and cat calls from the crowd. A man pulls a sign out in the front row that states: "I found Leslie under my desk too!" She slides into the ring, and tries to sit down, but Alanso will not move from laying down on the couch!


Leslie looks very preterbed at the attitude that Alanso has taken to her.

Alanso: Ok Slutty McSlutt-Slutt! We all have to know, whats it like "being" with Big Nasty?

Leslie looks at Alanso and rolls her eyes!

Leslie: Well, since you have to know, they don't call him the Italian Stallion for nothing!!!!!!

Alanso: AHA! You Hussey! You are sleeping with Big Nasty! I hate you! You made Big Nasty into a Big ASSHOLE!

Leslie is getting angrier and angrier by the moment!

Leslie: Look you little HOMOSEXUAL! Don't be mad because Nasty wouldn't touch you with a ten foot pole. You can have keep going after Jesse Montana, and hell, you can even have Tim Timmons!

Alanso looks at Leslie and stands up.

Alanso: You BITCH...I WOULD NEVER EVEN CONSIDER BEING WITH A MAN LIKE TIM TIMMONS! How could you even spread a nasty rumor like that.

Leslie: Look Alanso, you little Queer Face! I don't like you, and you better stay away from me and my man, or I'm going to have to off you! I don't mess around when it comes to my men! Big Nasty would never look at you. He HATES you! You need to--

Alanso slaps the ever loving crap out of Leslie, who falls down to the mat like a sack of potatos! Alanso kicks the fallen Leslie in the face, and then drags her to the corner. He sets her up, and turns around motioning to the crowd! He takes the mic.

Alanso: I'm gay...then why are you {crowd pops and repeats} TOSSING MY SALAD!!!!

Alanso performs his patended move. He turns around, and looks at Leslie.

Alanso: Bitch!

Alanso leaves the ring as the arena begins to chant his name.


Singles Match "The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum -VS- Big Nasty


TOWERS: “The next contest is set for one fall”

GOLD: “Well normally I would say these fans are eager to see Eric Collum, he is high flying and fan pleasing, but after last week, after that despicable attack on his own team mate, how can these fans cheer him like they used to?”

FARLEY: “Well not only did he turn his back on his own stable-mate, he attacked the General Manager of Assault, you just don’t do that Ricky if you want to survive here in CZW”

GOLD: “Well if it wasn’t for that assault by Kash & Collum, Jesse may have not beaten Ronnie for the Title”

FARLEY: “What kind of claim is that Ricky? Jesse had him beat, then was savaged by Collum and Kash. I just hope Big Nasty can beat some respect into this punk here tonight”

GOLD: “Well Big Nasty is no saint, many violent attacks with his partner Derek Damage. But after last week, after Timmons got his revenge on the World Tag Champions, Big Nasty cannot be in a good mood, Michael”

FARLEY: “That is correct Ricky, and for Collum tonight, he has an enraged seven footer as his opponent, this could be a classic!”

(‘U Don’t Know Me’ by T.I begins to play as the crowd immediately react with a mixture of boos and cheers)

TOWERS: “On his way to the ring, hailing from South Beach, Florida, weighing in at 295 lbs, he is one half of the CZW World Tag team Champions…The Living Legend…BIG NASTY!!!”

(Nasty comes out with the CZW World Tag Title on his shoulder. He takes no notice of the fans as he stares down at the ring, then lifts his arms up as the huge seven footer stands tall at the top of the ramp. Fireworks blast off. Nasty then walks down to the ring swiping his arm away from any contact from fans. He climbs over the top rope then stands waiting for his opponent)

TOWERS: “And his opponent, from Houston, Texas, weighing in at 215 lbs…The Highlight Reel…ERIC COLLUM!!!”

The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans immediately throw abuse at him after last weeks turn. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring, but has a little smirk on his face as he notices the fans trying to boo him with all their mite. He ignores fans in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. He climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and more boos. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it at the timekeeper before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric stares at his opponent in the middle of the ring.

GOLD: “He used to be a fan favorite but as you just heard, these fans here in New Mexico are hating Eric Collum”

FARLEY: Well I seriously doubt he gives a crap about what they think, what he should be worried about is how he is going to escape this match alive”

GOLD: “Yeah, just look at the determination in the face of Big Nasty, I think these fans are bhind him here tonight Michael, which is surprising to say the least”

FARLEY: “That means absolutely nothing to Nasty I promise you that, all he wants tonight is to prove himself to be back in contention for the IC Title”

GOLD: “that is true, it has to be said, whoever wins this match will be getting even closer to a Title match. Looks like it’s about to start!”


- Eric musters up a smirk as the fans chant ‘Eric Sucks’. Big Nasty straight away looks to be all about the attack as he runs at Eric, misses with a body splash as Nasty falls into the corner, Eric gets a few kicks to the gut in as Nasty looks slightly dazed, Eric with shots to the chest but Nasty soon throws him off as he goes flying across the ring. Nasty walks out as Eric tries to defend himself, but Nasty hit’s a knee to the gut, then a clobbering smash on the back as Eric bounces to the ground. Nasty picks him back up, throat thrust, then whips him to the ropes, Eric ducks a Big Boot attempt by Nasty, then a clothesline, Eric now on the second rebound hit’s a flying forearm, but it does not even budge Nasty who picks Eric up…Headbutt to the skull of Collum!

- Nasty slowly prowls around Eric as he waits for him to rise, he the picks Eric up for a Sidewalk Slam, but Eric with momentum reverses and hit’s a Head scissors attack on Nasty who finally collapses to the ground, Eric then follows it up with a standing Moonsault onto the back of Nasty. Eric stomps down Nasty who tries to get to his feet, Eric though bounces off the ropes and spears the left leg of Nasty, making him tumble down to one knee, Eric then with a standing Ensuiguri on the back of the head of Nasty…Eric then covers!

























- Nasty powerfully kicks out. Eric gets up, looking around the area as the fans jump off their seats throwing abuse at the former X-Ellence member. Eric poses out of arrogance, Nasty then with a roll up!













- Eric kicks out quickly looking surprised as the fans cheer. He runs off the ropes as Nasty is about to finally get back up, but Eric is there…Only to get caught by Nasty as he hits a…Sidewalk Slam!

- Nasty gets up looking fired up. He picks Eric up then chips him in the chest taking him back to the corner. Nasty then with knees to the sternum, then chokes Eric with his huge boot. The fans would normally boo Nasty here but they all cheer him on, Nasty whips Eric to the other corner, the impact so heavy Eric nearly flies right over the turnbuckle, Nasty runs in…Clothesline.

- Eric is losing balance now as he stumbles around the ring dazed, Nasty on the prowl again…Big Boot. Eric crashes to the ground as Nasty raises one arm I a sign of dominance. Nasty now stands on the stomach of Eric, just staying thee as Eric screams in pain. Nasty then lifts him back up again…Kick to the gut…Nasty sets Eric up for a Powerbomb…Eric escapes though as he crawls under the legs of Nasty, Nasty turns around…PELE KICK TO THE TEMPLE OF NASTY!!!










































- Nasty somehow getting a shoulder up, he holds his head as his ears ring. Eric is back up, stomping down Nasty, again trying to keep the big man down. Eric runs off to the ropes, springboards off athletically then hit’s a front flip leg drop on Nasty. Nasty seems to back out of it now as Eric looks to the top rope. Eric climbs out onto the apron, then starts to climb the turnbuckle as Nasty still makes no movement. Eric is at the top as he smiles at the disapproving fans as he sets up Nasty…


























NASTY MOVES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Eric crashes hard to the mat as the fans explode. Nasty is trying to get back up now as Eric looks to be hurt. Nasty is back up as he signals the end. Eric makes no movement. Nasty goes to pick Eric up but…































































- Collum immediately slides out of the ring as Nasty gets up highly angry, kicking the bottom rope I frustration, Eric smirks as he exit’s the area, his hands raises in the air

FARLEY: “Love him or hate him, but this man is going to high places, just happens to be without Ronnie McNeil and Krimzon Blaze”

GOLD: “The way he turned his back on his friends was sick Michael, I can’t forgive him, but it’s true, he is going big places, Big Nasty will also be looking to get back into his stride next week”

FARLEY: “Anyway, next we have our divas match-up, and you know, I can’t wait to see that Fury and Love combination again, they just get my blood boiling”

GOLD: “Calm down Michael, you may give yourself a HERNIA!”

Winner is Eric Collum after 9.34 via Pinfall


Triple Threat Diva Contest (With Managers) Allyson Thorn/w Bryan McNally -VS- Fire Angel/w Jigga C -VS- Rebecca Fury/w Jessica Love


Rebecca Fury is in the middle of the ring with Jessica Tower and the referee for her match as her second Jessica Love.

Jessica Tower: Ladies and gentlemen the following contest is a triple threat divas contest scheduled for one-fall. Introducing first with her second Jessica Love, Rebecca Fury.

Fire Angels entrance is she comes out stands on the stage and as Jigga stands behind her she kneels down with her arms up and hands on Jigga's chest, while Jigga stands there with his arms raised in the air while blue fire rises from both sides of the ramp. She stands up and they both walk down to the ring as Jigga dances around a little bit, then Jigga slides into the ring holding the ropes for Fire Angel as she moves slowly and erotically into the ring where they do the same pose from from on top of the stage in the middle of the ring and the turnbuckles light up with blue fire.

Tower: Introducing her opponent with Jigga C, from Las Vegas, weighting in at 165 pounds, Fire Angel.

Jigga C exits the ring as Fire Angel and Rebecca await their opponent the cZw Queen of Chaos champion. The lights around the arena go out as "Sweet Sacrifice" by Evanescence begins to play. As it does, bright white lights begin to flash along with beat of the music. As the first lyrics (Fear is only in our minds, etc.) begin, the lights stop flickering and the stage begins to fill with red smoke. The arena has a red hue as well. Allyson begins making her way out from behind the curtain wearing a red tank top with a white biohazard symbol on the back and short white nylon shorts with white trim. As Amy Lee begins to sing the last line "And it's taking over all the time" Allyson begins to move her body seductively, feeling along her neck with one hand and down her torso with the other. Bryan McNally tries to touch his wife but she gets away from him Once the line is finished and the hard rock beats begin to play, Allyson makes her way down to the ring, licking her fangs to taunt the fans. She walks up the steel steps and carefully crawls under the bottom rope, emerging on the other side with an evil smirk on her face.

Tower: Their opponent with Bryan McNally, from Sin City, weighting in at 145 pounds, the Queen of Chaos champion, Allyson Thorn.

Fire Angel attacks Rebecca as Thorn takes off her title and leaves it on the canvas. Bryan McNally takes the belt and holds it for his wife as Thorn charges at Angel with a double leg take down. Angel and Thorn exchange blows and roll around the ring as the ref calls for the bell. The two women get up as the bell rings and an injured Rebecca gets to her feet but she is taken down by a charging Fire Angel due to an Allyson Irish whip. Angel bounces off the ropes and takes down Allyson with a shoulder tackle. Angel shows her strength and Allyson gets back to her feet.

Allyson punches Angel and Angel responds with a punch that Allyson ducks into a cravat. Angel struggles in the hold until Rebecca comes over and breaks the hold. Rebecca goes for a punch but Allyson ducks and super kick Rebecca. Rebecca holds her jaw and rolls on the mat in pain. Fire Angel takes Allyson and slams her down to the mat with a body slam. She picks Allyson up and goes for a back suplex but Allyson reverses and goes for Dragon suplex but Angel is too strong. Allyson ducks a back-elbow and turns it into a snapmare. Allyson follows up with a reverse chin lock but Angel recovers and lifts and drops Allyson down with a brutal back suplex. She picks up Allyson once again and throws her to the ropes. Allyson bounces off the ropes and ducks a clothesline. Angel turns around and Allyson goes for a kick but Angel blocks it and holds on. Allyson turns the reversal into her dragon whip spinning heel kick.

Allyson walks over by the ropes and awaits for Angel to get back up but Rebecca recovers and goes for a small package. Allyson blocks it with a stomp. Rebecca holds her midsection as Allyson charges at Angel with a running high knee. She bounces off the ropes again and goes for a high cross body but Angel rolls through pinning Allyson to the mat.



Allyson kicks out and the two exchange blows. Allyson gets the upper hand and Irish whips Angle. Angel bounces off the ropes but holds onto for the stop as Allyson leaps for a front drokick and hits nothing but air. McNally cringes in pain outside. Fire Angel measures the recovering Allyson and drops an elbow. Angel cockily looks at her opponent as Rebecca recovers and goes for a quick pin.

She barely gets a one before Angel breaks it up. Angel tosses Rebecca out to the floor like a hunk of meat. Allyson gets to her feet as Angel dealt with Rebecca. Angel turns her attention to Allyson once again with an enziguri. Angel goes for the pin as Jigga C is happy for her.



Allyson kicks out. Angel picks up Allyson and signals for a Power Bomb but Allyson turns it into a picture perfect Hurricanrana. Bryan McNally cheers on the outside while Allyson signals for her Euthanasia. Allyson has the arms hooked and spins Angel around but Angel shoves Allyson off into the turnbuckle. Rebecca runs into the ring again and goes for a quick school-girl roll-up.



Angel kicks out. Allyson goes for a shining wizard on Rebecca but she ducks and instead nails Angel. Angel is knocked out from the knee attack. Rebecca goes for a quick pin but is cut off by Allyson. Allyson drops Rebecca with a Dragon suplex and then transitions it into her Nail In The Coffin. Allyson goes for the pin.












Winner is Allyson Thorn after 6.33 via Pinfall


The CZW cameras are in full impact as they watch “The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn after her match-up with Fire Angel and Rebecca Fury, making her way towards the locker rooms. Close on her heels in Bryan McNally, but Allyson quickly turns the corner into her locker room and slams the door in his face. She storms into the locker room and the scowl on her face signifies the distaste she has for McNally. The door swings open and he walks in, a smirk planted across his face.

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “What’s wrong, dear?”

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: “For the last time… Leave me the hell alone!”

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “What ever do you mean?”

Allyson glares at him and then steps close to him, staring up at him with nothing but pure hatred. McNally then grabs Allyson by the waste and places her against the wall, running his hand along her thigh. Allyson snarls her nose and slaps him hard across the face.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: “Pervert!”

McNally smirks, getting a sick pleasure out of this as he turns slowly back to face Allyson. She rears her arm back again, but he cuts her off.

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “Ah, ah, ah, poppet… Wouldn’t want me to file a case of spousal abuse now would you?”

Allyson scrunches her face in confusion as she looks at Bryan, still in anger. McNally smiles and starts to laugh cynically as he looks to his duffel bag on the bench.

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “Go reach inside there and pull out that piece of paper…”

Thorn looks at him cautiously but does as he request, simply to get away from his grasp. As she digs her hand into the bag, she pulls out a piece of parchment, sealed in lamination. She reads it and as she does her jaw drops in shock and horror. Allyson tosses the paper on the ground and scowls at McNally, who has a satisfied smile across his lips.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: “You’re a sick bastard… You drugged me and took me to a wedding chapel in Vegas?! You should be in prison for that!”

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “But I’m not, now am I, sweetheart?”

He then walks towards her, wrapping his arm around her waist and pulling her close to him. She tries to wriggle out of his grasp, but he holds her tighter as he smiles down at his bride.

“The Second City Savior” Bryan McNally: “Now, let’s share true love’s first kiss, shall we?”

Allyson’s face forms into an expression of revolt as McNally goes in for the kill, pressing his lips firmly against hers. Allyson squirms in his grasp, but McNally only kisses her more passionately as the cameras go back to ringside.


Singles Match "The Realist" Kris Kash -VS- "The Franchise" Ronnie McNeil


TOWERS: “This next contest is scheduled for one fall”

GOLD: “Now this is not going to be for the feint hearted, can you imagine the anger which Ronnie must be feeling here tonight?”

FARLEY: “I am glad I can only guess, I mean I his mid, he was not only screwed out of the World Title Ricky, he was also screwed out of his Stable that he helped create”

GOLD: “This man must want revenge here tonight, but can Kash get a win just like his partner in crime Eric Collum? Let’s find out!”


- The fans are firmly on the side of Ronnie McNeil, but he seems unresponsive, he seems depressed, he normally looks intense in this sort of contest but clearly he doesn’t look himself. Kash starts off bouncing around the ring smirking at Ronnie, getting inside his head. Kash comes up and slaps Ronnie straight in the face, Ronnie makes no movement. Kash laughs as the fans are getting annoyed. Ronnie however has not even changed his facial expression. Kash comes I again and slaps Ronnie, again no reaction. Kash now starts to throw insults at Ronnie, shouting ‘What? What? What ,you gonna do?” Ronnie stands still, Kash decides to go for another slap but this time Ronnie blocks his efforts then snaps!

- Ronnie unleashes left and rights on Kash, knee to the gut, driving him back towards the ropes, he whips Kash at the ropes hard as he comes back, ducks a clothesline from Ronnie, then ducks a forearm, Kash running at great pace now as Ronnie finally catching him…Overhead Belly to Belly


- Kash flew straight over the ropes as he lands slightly awkwardly. Ronnie now getting a great reception from the crowd goes to the outside after him. Ronnie grabs the head of Kash and rams it into the commentary desk, then again, now picks him up for a Spine buster ad runs him spine first into the turnbuckle, Kash looks hurt as Ronnie knees him in the gut then rolls him inside the ring. Ronnie refuses to go for a cover, instead he mounts over Kash and starts hitting right closes fists into the forehead of Kash, shot after shot, the fans are on their feet. Eventually the referee has to try and get Ronnie off but he pushes the ref, continuing to beat down Kash who looks to be bleeding from the nose and mouth now.

- Ronnie starts slamming Kash’s head back into the canvas as the fans cheer, some though start to go silent getting a bit concerned. Ronnie keeps the attack going, Kash bleeding badly from the nose and mouth until more referees come down to the ring. Ronnie pushes them all off as he tries to get back on the attack, but more and more staff members flood the ring as they finally grab Ronnie off the lifeless body of Kris Kash.

- The staff look on Kash as he begins to rise with help of the referees, Ronnie though dives straight back on him as he again hits Kash with lefts and rights, the security this time use force as they grab hold of Ronnie and escort him out of the ring. Eric suddenly arrives as he walks past Ronnie who seems to be in a trance, Eric shouting abuse at him, the fans cheering as Ronnie gets some payback on his former stable mates.

- Eric tells the referee to leave as he picks up Kash, blood pouring from his face. Eric then yells again at Ronnie who leaves the arena having absolutely snapped. Kash the falls back to the ground as he holds his head, at this point paramedics come down, with Eric looking concerned. Kash manages to stand to his feet again but has to be carried out from ringside as the fans continue to chant;


FARLEY: “How can these fans cheer that? It was disgraceful”

GOLD: “The only thing that was disgraceful was Eric and Kash’s actions last week, he had this coming to him damnit”

Winner is Kris Kash after 2.22 via Ronnie getting thrown out of ringside







The scene cuts to backstage as Jesse is waiting for the security to carry Ronnie out of the arena. Jesse stops them as Ronnie scowls at him. Jesse then walks right up to his face…

Jesse: “You want to destroy my Assault? You want to wreck a booking I made? Well Ronnie, I could not care whether your Stable just split, whether you lost your Money in the Bank, whether you lost your World Title shot, I am Jesse Montana and what I say…Goes”

Ronnie is almost frothing from the mouth now as Jesse gets within inches of his face then growls…


The camera fades as Ronnie is heard screaming, the security carting him off and Jesse smiling…


Tag Team Match Shawn Waters & Krimzon Blaze -VS- Gregory Grantham & Maynard O'Toole


TOWERS: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall”

GOLD: “Well I have to say, at this point last month, I never would of expected to say Shawn Waters is teaming with Krimzon Blaze, I mean their rivalry over the TV Title was bitter Michael, but now, times have changed”

FARLEY: “Times have changed and people have lost intelligence, the day Shawn Waters turned his back on Jesse Montana, well that was the day his career ended Ricky”

GOLD: “TOTAL RUBBISH! He has gone his own way, he has developed, he wants the World Title, there is nothing wrong with that, do you really think he would be getting a Title shot if he was working for Montana, I mean that guy is only thinking of himself, I believe the fact that Shawn has gone his ow way has scared him to the core”

FARLEY: “Believe what you want Ricky, fact is Shawn is no longer Mr TV, no longer I the comfort of having Montana to rescue him, he is on his own and that is not a good place to be here on Assault”

GOLD: Well I believe it’s just a matter of time before Shawn gets a World Title shot. His partner hasn’t exactly had the best of times either, losing to Gregory, losing his X Title, getting attacked by Jackal, then having his stable X-Ellence implode, Blaze will be fired up here tonight I ca bet that”

FARLEY: “Your right, Shawn and Blaze are not having the best of times at the moment, do you know why Ricky?”

GOLD: “No, but I guess your going to tell me”

FARLEY: “There not with Upstarts, it is that simple. I mean look at Upstarts, they have the Assault GM, plus World Champion as there leader, then you have his bodyguard, a man who no body would want to get in the ring with, Maynard O’Toole, the Intercontinental Champion, then his tag team partner here tonight, the future of CZW and soon to be World Tag Team Champion, Gregory Grantham, what a line up, Ricky”

GOLD: “Wow Michael, anybody would think your Upstarts advertising campaign manager”

FARLEY: “Well if they wanted me to be Ricky, I would accept, you see, I know this because I am very familiar with clever business Ricky, when there is a force more powerful and rich than you, instead of competing with it, you join it, I am sure there will be a day when everyone will just join Upstarts, they are dominant here Ricky”

GOLD: “Well I speak for everyone packing out the McKale center this evening when I say, that would be a sad day for CZW”

FARLEY: “What are you talking about Gold? Upstarts are the greatest force in CZW, you sho…”

GOLD: “Yeah, I would listen but I have to do my job ad so do you, we have a match to call not an ass to lick”

FARLEY: “How dar…”

GOLD: “Here it is folks, the day Shawn Waters has been waiting for, revenge upon Upstarts, let’s get down to action”

(The ever so familiar Graduate theme begins to play throughout the arena as the fans boo furiously)

TOWERS: “On his way to the ring, from Beaumont, Texas, weighing in at 245 lbs, he is the Graduate…Gregory GRANTHAM!”

(Gregory walks out looking confident. The fans boo just from the sight of his cocky face. Gregory makes them riot as he kisses his biceps at the top of the ramp, then strides down to the ring proud of himself. As he gets into the ring, Maynard O’Toole begins to comes out)

TOWERS: “And his tag team partner, hailing from Fayetteville, North Carolina, weighing in at 275 lbs, he is the CZW Intercontinental Champion…The Prodigy…Maynard O’TOOLE!”

(Maynard wears the IC Title with pride as he walks down the ramp, then stops at the bottom as he looks around, then winks to Gregory as he lifts his Gold up into the air as fireworks blast off. He then enters the rig as the fans wait for their favorites to arrive, as does Upstarts)

TOWERS: “And there opponent, first, on his way to the ring, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing 215 lbs…The Aerial Specialist…Krimzon BLAZE!”

(Both me walk out as the fans go wild)

TOWERS: “And his tag team partner, hailing from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 225 lbs…Shawn WATERS!”

(Blaze and Shaw run down to the ring looking fired up, both slapping the hands of the adoring fans. Gregory and Maynard both scowl at them but Shawn ad Blaze jump right into the rig as the four men get up close, shouting abuse at each other as the referee has to step in, then quickly signals to ring the bell)


- Blaze and Gregory start the match off, the fans chanting for both Blaze and Shawn drowning out any other sounds. Gregory whispers something to Maynard then they both laugh, Blaze and Shawn looking more focused. Blaze comes in to lock up with Gregory but he picks him up and calmly places him down on the other side, the stares at him while he poses, showing off his huge muscles, the fans booing as Gregory chuckles. Blaze wastes no time though as he dropkicks the left leg of Gregory this time, then starts hitting fast and strong rights ad lefts to the forehead of the Graduate. Gregory pushes him off but Blaze is like glue as he comes straight back, more left and rights until Gregory lifts him up and hit’s a strong Spinebuster, posing this time to Waters who scowls at him angrily

- Gregory picks Blaze up as he whips him to the ropes, Blaze though springboards off, doing a handstand then bounces off the ropes as Gregory is caught with a flying back elbow, Gregory stumbling back holding his nose, Blaze the runs off behind Gregory, bounces off the ropes ad slides under his legs, Gregory turns around to fid him on the other side, Gregory starting to get confused as he turns again, but again Blaze rolls behind Gregory until he finally jumps up, Gregory turning into a fast Pele Kick as Gregory falls to the mat looking dazed. Shawn points and laughs at Gregory which angers him even more, he gets up growling but Blaze once again catches him off guard with a SECOND PELE KICK!!!

- Gregory is now out of it on the ground as Blaze hit’s a neat front flip leg drop, the quickly skipping towards Shawn to get the tag in. Shawn gets a huge roar from the crowd as he strides in, picking Gregory up as he hits him with knife-edge chops, Shawn whips him to the ropes as Gregory bounces off, the is caught with a hugely athletic dropkick from the former TV Champ. Shawn looking good now as he poses to the fans. He tags Blaze back in as he holds Gregory in place, Blaze jumps up off the apron onto the top rope, then bounces off from there hitting a front dropkick off the ropes, Gregory getting kicked straight across the ring ad out through the ropes.

- Maynard decides to drop from the apron as he comforts Gregory, the Graduate looking stunned and out of breath as he looks up and screams, Shawn Waters has gone on all fours inside the ring while Blaze has run, jumped off the back of Waters and comes crashing down on the outside with a SUICIDE DIVE!


- Maynard getting the full force of that move as Gregory gets his breath back, almost smiling, only then to look up and see Waters fly through the ropes…


- The fans go ballistic as both Upstarts are down on the outside after the high flying attacks by Shawn and Blaze. Blaze is back up as he lifts up Gregory, the rolls him back into the ring. Blaze climbs up onto the apron then bounces up onto the top rope again, this time hitting a diving leg drop onto Grantham…COVER!




















- Blaze gets thrown off as Gregory kicks out. Blaze though lands on his feet as he comes straight back at Gregory, mounting him as he hits rights ad lefts at the Upstart, but Gregory showing his amazing strength grabs Blaze by the throat then rises up onto his feet with Blaze still in hold, Gregory then with a choke toss as Blaze gets launched across the ring. The fans boo as Gregory kisses his right bicep in complete and utter narcissism.

- Gregory strolls over as he tags in Maynard who is back feeling okay. He climbs in, still a little pissed about the previous attack as he starts to stomp Blaze into the ground, then drops and chokes him with his bare hands, the referee trying to stop him but he seems possessed. Shawn tries to come into the rig to stop the assault but the referee stops him, Maynard then taking the opportunity to throw Blaze into the corner where Gregory is so they can double team him. Finally Shawn gives up as the referee can turn around, Gregory making sure he is not caught as he lets go of Blaze, the fans getting riled by it.

- Maynard picks Blaze back up as he takes him down with a snap mare, then locks in a sleeper, his huge biceps wrapped around the jaw of Blaze. Shawn immediately starts stomping on the apron trying to will Blaze on, the fans getting involved as they clap him, but the strength of Maynard seems to be too much, Blaze starts to fade rapidly.

- The fans don’t quiet down as Blaze starts to fid some hidden energy, he starts shaking his legs, then his arms, Maynard feeling the momentum turning around as Blaze gets to one knee, Maynard though shows his experience as he grabs the head of Blaze and slams him back to the ground, then dropping a huge elbow on the Aerial Specialist, getting a cover but Blaze kicks out after a long one count. Maynard gets him back in the sleeper position as he is shown to smile at Shawn which makes him walk up and down on the apron looking like a wild animal. Maynard rises to his feet as he pulls Blaze to his corner, letting go of the sleeper then tagging in Gregory who walks in, Maynard unveiling Blaze’s abdomen for Gregory to give it a swift kick, then locks Blaze in an abdominal stretch.

- Gregory with his huge rippling muscles rips away at Blaze, pain is wrote across his face. Gregory hits Blaze with a few forearms to the ribs before letting go of the hold then lifting him up for a obvious Gorilla Press attempt but Blaze slips off, ducks a clothesline, runs at the ropes bouncing off and hitting Gregory with a flying forearm, Gregory losing his balance as Blaze hits another dropkick, then grabs Gregory before finally going for an Unprettier but Gregory turns out of it, keeping hold of his arm as he pulls Blaze I for a HUGE short arm clothesline as Blaze flips around about 360 degrees, making the fans hiss with pain for there favorite high flyer

- Shawn sighs as he is desperately wanting to get involved, instead though he has to watch Gregory kiss his huge biceps again with a smug look on his face. Gregory stands on Blaze trying for a cover, Blaze kicking out straight after the 2 count though. Gregory lifts Blaze back up as he props him up in the corner with Maynard, then tags him in, while choking Blaze with his foot. The referee has to pull the boot away from his throat as Maynard hits shoulder thrusts into his ribcage. Maynard then pulls him out as he hits Blaze hard with a strong European Uppercut which makes Blaze crash back into the corner. Maynard now tagging Gregory straight back I as he whips Blaze to the ropes…Gorilla Presses Blaze but he miraculously leap frogs over Maynard’s head then lands on Gregory’s shoulders as he takes him down with a Hurricarana…The fans exploding!

- Maynard turns around only to get hit by a spinning heel kick. Blaze gets up as he poses to the fans, then walks up to Shawn who is frothing from the mouth just to get into this match, he tags him in as the fans again explode!

- Shawn jumps over the ropes as he runs at Maynard, hitting him so hard with a shoulder block he falls out of the ring through the ropes. Gregory now up only to find Shawn stalking him…Fame Asser!

- Maynard rolls back into the ring but Shawn has him scouted as he hits him with an arm drag, then another, Maynard now up again but losing energy, Shawn whips him to the ropes, he bounces off as Shawn waits on him…Tiger bomb!!!

- The commentators mention how impressive he looks. Shawn now picking Gregory back up as he runs him into the turnbuckle, kick to the gut, the a few right hands…Shawn then climbs up as he stands over Maynard…More right hands!














Maynard though lifts him up, Gregory behind Shawn…

DOUBLE TEAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maynard hit’s a severe Powerbomb on Shawn as Gregory hit’s a reverse RKO…Shawn is devastated!!!

- Blaze tries to get into the ring but Maynard quickly knocks him off the apron with a forearm, Blaze flying off and hitting his spine on the guardrail. Gregory now covers Shawn…


















































- Shawn somehow gets a late shoulder up much to the fans delight. Gregory orders Maynard to get back into the rig as he lifts him back up. Gregory whips Shawn to the ropes as he ducks a clothesline from Gregory after the bounce, then hit’s a Flying Forearm smash on Maynard. He flips up Montana style then kicks Gregory…WATERS EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Maynard is back up…

WATERS EXPRESS AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Both Upstarts roll out of the ring holding their jaw as Shawn climbs the turnbuckle, then signals that he will soon wear the CZW World Title as the fans cheer him on strongly. Blaze now back up suddenly is seen rushing along the apron as Maynard and Gregory look up…Both taken out by BLAZE!


- Blaze the picks up Maynard as he rolls him into the ring. The he rolls Gregory into the ring too. Blaze then climbs the turnbuckle looking for yet another high flying attack. He sets up Maynard as the fans cheer him on…

HOLY SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Maynard and Blaze are now both out of it as Shawn is left as the legal man along with Gregory. Shawn goes to lift Gregory up but Gregory pokes him in the eye…He then hit’s a light Spinebuster with the emphasis on holding Shawn’s legs, then looks for the PROSECUTER!!!












Shawn kicks him off though as he flips up again like Montana does, Gregory turning around…Shawn then sweeps the legs of Gregory as he twists Gregory over for the WATERBOARD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











Shawn has it locked in perfectly as Gregory starts to loudly scream, or groan as it seems. The crowd are up on their feet, Maynard ad Blaze still down. Shawn Waters applies as much pressure as he can, Gregory’s spine almost at a 90 degree angle now as it seems obvious he has no where to go…Util Maynard gets back up…














Blaze meets him though…KODE OF SILENCE!

- Shawn able to keep the hold singed in as Gregory is almost passing out. Maynard is completely out of it now after being hit with two finishers by the Aerial Specialist. The referee checks on Gregory one more time as the fans sense victory for their favorites…














Gregory is forced to TAP OUT!!!

- Shawn drops the legs of the Graduate as Blaze meets him with a huge hug, both men are ecstatic they have beaten Upstarts, so are the fans!

- Suddenly For Whom The Bell Tolls begins to play as Shawn and Blaze look wearily towards the ramp, sure enough, Jesse is standing there as the fans erupt into a sea of boos. The problem is though, Jesse is not alone, standing alongside him is several policeman. Also Karl ‘The Jackal’ Jackson seems to be there, a slight confusion around the arena, but then Jesse begins to speak, almost being drowned out by the boos.

Jesse: “Very impressive performance there Shawn, just like the performance you have been playing for the past 6 weeks. That is right, ever since…YOU PUSHED MACK BEAUDIN DOWN THE STEPS!!!”

- The fans boo with confusion as Shawn starts to go mental inside the ring. Blaze looks at him a bit wearily.

Jesse: “Don’t try and deny it to me Shawn, try and explain it to these guys, I mean, I know you did it and so do all of these fans, there maybe dumb but they can see through an actor like you Waters…Boys…Take him AWAY!”

GOLD: “What is the meaning of this, Shawn has an alibi for that attack, how can he of done it?”

FARLEY: “New evidence, Jesse must have found him out, I knew it all along though, jealousy does strange things to a man”

GOLD: “Power does worse things to a man, we all know Shawn is innocent yet Jesse has had him arrested, what cowardly actions from the GM”

FARLEY: “Careful Ricky…He could have you arrested!”

- The guards run down to the ring as Shawn stands ready to fight, but the sea of guards knock Waters straight down to the floor where they handcuff him. The fans are booing violently as Shaw gets taken out of the arena, as he walks past Jesse, Montana smirks at him, both knowing something we don’t, both hate each other.

- Blaze who is still in the ring as he looks over his shoulder, both Maynard and Gregory ready to pounce on him, but Jesse begins to talk again.

Jesse: “Now that we have that criminal out of my arena, I can address my other piece of business. Krimzon Blaze, for months you have dreamed of beating Upstarts and living out your dreams of being in the greatest stable, wearing the greatest prize, but boy, I shattered all those dreams just like this man right here wants to shatter you damn ankle…Jackal…Go GET HIM!!!”

GOLD: “The only criminal here is you JESSE MONTANA!”

FARLEY: “Jesse, just for when you watch this on playback, I have no part in Ricky Gold’s accusations, thank you”

GOLD: “Jackal is on Upstarts side??? I am confused, all I know is that Blaze does not deserve this, this makes me SICK!”

- Blaze stands ready to fight but Gregory attacks him with a forearm from behind as Maynard and Gregory start stomping him down, however Jackal gets into the ring as he moves both Upstarts aside, both Gregory and Maynard looking at him with evil intentions. Jesse comes down to the rig as he yells at Jackal to grab Blaze in the Jackal Lock which he does again. Blaze screams in pain but to no success. Gregory a bit irate then pulls Jackal off Blaze staring into his eyes, both men facing off looking intense. Amazingly though Jesse tells Gregory to back away as Jackal smiles, then goes back to destroying the ankle of poor Blaze. Jesse, after a few more moments finally tells Jackal to let go which he does, then the four men leave the ring, Maynard and Gregory looking pissed as they talk about Jackal to each other, Jesse and Jackal smiling as the fans boo them out of the arena. Blaze looks up at Upstarts who leaves, grimacing in pain as the scene fades to commercials…

Winner is Waters & Blaze after 14.57 via Submission


HARDCORE TITLE MAIN EVENT - HOUSE OF PAIN MATCH "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons (c) -VS- "Legendary" Derek Damage


TOWERS: “Ladies and Gentlemen, our next contest is Assault’s MAIN EVENT. This contest will be contested in a House of Pain match where there are two floors, the first floor a steel cage, the second a steel cage with a barbwire mesh flooring and weapons scattered around. And this is for the CZW HARDCORE TITLE!!!”

GOLD: “Yeah, let me tell you people watching at home, that description really does not give this structure justice, I swear to you, the atmosphere inside the McKale Center is electric, and I am just getting chills looking straight above me and seeing that contraption about to be our main event”

FARLEY: “Only one word to describe this Gold and that is sick. This rivalry has come to this, and Ricky, the sickest thing is, I doubt the rivalry will even be settled here tonight, these two me will mame and hurt each other inside that cage, but I bet ya Ricky, next week, they will be just as passionate about their fued, this is what CZW is all about, these guys are insane!”

GOLD: “And what must be going through the minds of these two men Michael? I mean I am about to hurl just thinking about this”

FARLEY: “Well I am no fool in the ring Ricky but never have I come anywhere near a match this brutal before, the only thing I can say is that Derek and Tim, they are damn excited about this and that is the thing that scares me the most Ricky”

GOLD: “I bet your not wrong there Michael. Tim, quite obviously no stranger to extreme matches, everyone will remember the Greenhouse match he had with El Pablo, but I have to say, everyone are gonna remember this after tonight”

FARLEY: “Oh they will Ricky, but I just hope they don’t remember this for the wrong reason. I have so much respect for these men, especially Derek Damage, he built this whole Company damnit, but I just feel he is out of his depths here, he is locked inside a hellacious cage with a man who will stop at nothing to get his revenge, judgment will be served here tonight!”

GOLD: “Well a lot of people sometimes underestimate Derek, I mean he is no spring chicken but this man knows it all, he has been in the business for decades and maybe tonight, he will prove this to the World. Hey, rather him than me though”

FARLEY: “I don’t know about that, I wouldn’t mind seeing Ricky falling through the barbwire floor”

GOLD: “Harsh Michael, that was harsh”

FARLEY: “So then, steel cage below, steel cage above, except a damn barbwire floor and weapons all around, this is going to be bloody folks so put your children to bed”

GOLD: “And it is for the Hardcore Title baby. Here it is!”

(‘Dreams’ by Van Halen begins to play throughout the arena)

TOWERS: “Coming down to the ring, he is the challenger, hailing from Hartford Connecticut, weighing in at 250 lbs, he is one half of the CZW World Tag Team Champions…Legendary…DEREK DAMAGE!!!”

(Derek walks out through the smoke as he stands tall, looking just as fired up as he did many decades ago. He wears a log flowing blue and glittery silver over-gown, his head is clean and wavy, his teeth white. The fans boo heavily but chants of ‘WOOOOO’ still ring through the arena like always. Derek begins to strut down to the ring very slowly as he looks around at the fans, then up towards the structure he is about to be apart of, no fear in his face. As he reaches the ring, he clicks his finger as a staff member open the ropes for him. He climbs I then struts towards the center of the ring, the spins around with his arms out wide as fireworks blast off. Derek then charismatically lets out a huge ‘WOOOOOO’ as the fans respond. He looks once again at the cage that hovers above his head, then back towards the ramp as Tim is about to arrive)

TOWERS: “And his opponent, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 268 lbs, he is the CZW Hardcore Champion…The Hardcore Master…TIM TIMMONS!!!”

(‘Inside the Fire’ by Disturbed starts to play throughout the arena as the fans stand on their feet. Tim shows up o the top of the ramp looking more intense than ever, veins popping out of his body. The camera cuts to show Derek as he takes a gulp. Then it shows the fans who are applauding the Hardcore Master, Tim getting a rapturous reception. The fireworks blast off as Tim raises his Hardcore Title, then starts to walk down the ramp, so focused he does not even acknowledge the fans either side of him. Tim points up to the cage trying to scare Derek, but Derek points to that Title as the two men scowl at each other. Tim climbs into the ring as he climbs all four turnbuckles, raising his precious Title above his head. The referee stays on the outside for this contest as finally the cage begins to lower down, these two competitors inside the ring about to Main Event Assault)

GOLD: “Why do they have to play that ominous music while lowering the cage, Michael?”

FARLEY: “Why, getting scared are you?”

GOLD: “Hell Yeah!”

FARLEY: “And the strange thing is, these two men who are about to compete inside this hell are not even flinching, maybe they are just great actors but my money is on them being so focused on hurting the other, they are not even worried about themselves”

GOLD: “This rivalry is bitter, it is sick, it is twisted, just like this fight tonight, but what a match it is set to be, even if I have to watch it from hiding behind my desk”

FARLEY: “The cage is down, the fight is on, here it is, Tim and Derek…HOUSE OF PAIN!”

GOLD: “Time to cover my eyes!”

(The crowd are up on their feet for the first House of Pain match in CZW ever…)


- Both men look around the site as the atmosphere is intense. Tim makes the first move as they lock up, but Derek gets an arm bar locked in, the twists it around, hitting an elbow into his joint, Tim walks off in pain, Derek then walks up but Tim hit’s a quick knee to the gut, then straight away, throws Derek into the steel cage as the structure vibrates, the fans on their feet.

- Derek flaps around like a fish out of water as Tim smirks. He lifts Derek up then runs him into the corner, shoulder thrust to the gut, then an elbow to the face, Tim then stomps a mud-hole on Derek as Tim seems to be on fire, the fans on their feet. Tim runs Derek into the other corner as he bounces off, then Tim from behind…Reverse DDT!

- Tim bounces off the ropes as Derek lies motionless in the middle of the ring, elbow drop…Then another, Tim now up again, hit’s a third one on his rival! Tim gets Derek up again as he runs him straight into the mesh head first, Derek in no mans land already, Tim keeps hold of him, then runs him into the other side of the cage. The structure is echoing throughout the arena as Derek head smashes off the mesh. Tim lifts Derek above his head…Pumphandle slam!!

- Tim raises his arms in the air as he quite simply has destroyed the legend Derek Damage. Tim then gets a sick smile across his face as he looks up, weapons above him. He points up above his head as the fans jump off their seats, chanting Tim’s name. Tim then begins to climb. There is a opening above his head where the entrance is, but somehow Derek is up, he climbs up behind Tim the hit’s a low blow on him as he CRASHES BACK TO THE GROUND!

- Derek regains his breath as Tim starts to rise, Derek though grabs his head and starts hitting right fists into the temple of Timmons. Derek struts off shouting


As the fans respond, then measures up Tim as Derek drops a knee drop to the skull of Tim, rolls through the hit’s a second as Derek rolls back up again. Derek now picks up Tim to his feet as he hits knife-edge chops to his chest, making it look like a piece of red raw meat. The fans shout the ever so obvious Woo sound as Tim falls back into the ropes, Derek with one more nasty knife-edged chop before whipping Tim to the opposite side, Tim bounces off the ropes, Derek hitting a back body drop

- Tim holds his back in pain as Derek struts around the ring once more. He the kneels down as he locks Tim up into a sleeper hold, slowing the match down and grinding all or any momentum that Tim had left out of him. Tim reaches for the ropes but is a long way away from then, the fans cheer him on but Derek applies even more pressure to the hold. Tim though shows passion as he gets to his knees, the fans making a ruckus of noise for the Hardcore Master. Tim now on his feet as Derek shakes his head, refusing to release the hold, but seems surprised by the intensity of Timmons. Tim gets an elbow into Derek’s gut, then another, Derek tries to apply even more pressure but has no effect though as Tim lifts Derek up into a Back Body Drop!

- Tim rolls out of harms way as he holds his head. Both me now down. The fans are loving this contest, firmly chanting in the favor of the Hardcore Champion. Tim is first to get to his knees then onto his feet as he walks towards Derek only to be poked in the eye, Derek now up hitting more knife-edge chops on Tim, knocking him back into the corner. Derek hit’s a right hand, followed by a knife-edge chop, then a right elbow, then another right hand, Tim seems to be getting worn down. Derek sets Tim up in the corner as he struts off, then comes running back towards him but Tim is ready, he moves out of the way as Derek wraps his head around the ring post, turning around looking dazed as he sees Tim bounce off the opposite ropes, storming towards him at great pace…Then…



THE CAGE SHAKES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans are cheering, ecstatic about that move, but both Tim and Derek are out, both hitting the mesh with some force. They are both down for about 10 seconds before Tim finally gets to his feet, a slight trickle of blood can be seen from the top of his head after spearing Derek into the cage wall. Tim feels his head as he sees the blood, then smiles as he goes to pick Derek up, Derek looking out of it almost as Tim lifts him up…Cradle Piledriver!

- Derek takes another shot to the head as he seems to be hurt. Tim leas on the ropes for a few moments thinking, then goes to pick Derek up again but Derek pulls on the tights of Timmons as he pulls him head first into the steel mesh. Derek is now up as he prowls around Tim, who is now back on his feet but unaware that Derek is attacking him, Derek hitting a devastating chop block to the left leg. The same left leg that was destroyed last week on Assault. Tim rolls around the ring in pain as Derek licks his lips, knowing this is his opening.

- Derek holds out the left leg, then lays an elbow drop down on it, then a second, this time keeping it in place as he digs his elbow down into the kneecap of Tim’s left leg. Derek rips the leg into an angle that it shouldn’t be, Tim screaming in pain. Derek then releases the hold, strutting around the rig again as Timmons tries to crawl away, but Derek catches him then locks Tim into a half STF.

- Tim’s leg is being twisted and distorted as Derek lifts himself up, applying more pressure, all his weight into the hold. Tim tries to crawl, just reaching for the ropes but Derek has it locked in. The fans try and will Timmons on, the blood starting to trickle down the front of his face as the pain becomes unbearable. Tim the in one amazing motion lifts himself up, then turns himself around as the hold is broken, but the damage is simply been done.

- Derek is now back up as he pulls Tim to the center of the ring, then lifts the leg up high, throwing it almost into the canvas, his knee bouncing off hard. Derek then starts to stomp down on the leg as Tim tries to get away but Derek is like a man possessed. He lifts Tim up as he hit’s a few knife-edge chops on him, then kicks him straight into the knee cap as Tim collapses to one knee, Derek then hit’s a high knee straight into the jaw of Tim.

- Derek Woo’s again as this time the crowd do not respond, all concerned about the Hardcore Master. Derek then smiles as he looks towards the ropes. He then starts dragging Tim towards the ropes, Tim trying to fight him off but Derek kicks him straight in the temple, still dragging him towards the ropes. He then grabs the left leg of Timmons and demonically starts to wrap the ropes around his leg, finally it is seen that Derek that wrapped the bottom and middle ropes around the leg of Tim, it’s all locked up.

- Derek then starts to kick Tim in the leg, stomping it down, Tim cannot move, he is I serious pain. Derek then struts off as he turns around, signaling to Tim he will be the next Hardcore Champion, then in a sick act he runs Tim who still has his injured leg tied up in the ropes, Derek with a…


- The fans seem sickened by this maneuver as Tim becomes untied from the ropes but has had the bones in his keg crushed up against the steel cage. Tim screams in pain as Derek celebrates, strutting around the ring amassing a sea of boo’s within the arena from the disapproving crowd.

- Derek the pulls Tim to the center of the ring, with only one move left to attack Tim with, the fans sigh, Derek licks his lips again then wraps up the leg of Tim…

LEGEND LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Many fans boo as Derek clearly has his finisher locked in, Tim already having his leg injured, but now locked deeply this hold. Derek smile as Tim as they look into each others eyes, Tim’s veins popping out of his body, he seems determined to escape the hold, but as the blood starts to flow more seriously, dripping over Tim’s eyelids and into his eyes and mouth, he falls back flat on his back, the referee counting him down.

- Tim doesn’t stay down though, he pulls himself up again, the fans still behind him willing him on, Tim starts to pull himself towards the ropes, Derek starting to look confused, Tim with blood pouring out of his head now, his face simply red, but he is close to the ropes now!

- Derek though starts to pull Tim back into the middle of the ring, his experience showing through as Tim falls back to the ground, his eyes leaking with tears, the pain has become excruciating. Tim again though starts to pull himself, biting his lip just to try and faze out the pain. As the fans chant him o, he suddenly turns Derek over, Derek tries not to turn but in the end, the submission is reversed and the pain is now all on Derek!

- Derek immediately pulls himself towards the ropes as the hold is broken and both men lie on the canvas trying to regain strength, Tim in a pool of blood. The fans chat the name of The Hardcore Master as he tries to get to his feet, but he cannot stand. Derek is up now through as he lifts up Tim, but Tim explodes out of no where, while on one leg…SPINEBUSTER!!!

- Derek crashes to the ground as Tim gets up, now hopping around on one leg as he waits for Derek to rise which he does shortly, Tim hops on one leg towards him…Flipping Dropkick!

- Tim this time though lands awkwardly on his hurt leg as he rolls around in pain. Derek gets up quickly as he takes advantage, now looking to lock in the Legend lock again but Tim pushes him off the ropes as Derek comes back…Small Package by Timmons!



































-> -




- Derek very barely gets out as the fans sit back down on their seat, but explode again after both men get back up but Timmons out of no where…

THE CANADIAN DRIVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Timmons rolls around holding his knee as Derek lies motionless on the mat. The fans will Tim to cover Derek, but he is too busy comforting his leg. Tim though suddenly starts to crawl towards Derek as he reaches over, the fans on their feet…TIM COVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!














































- Miraculously this match continues, both men with nothing left though.

- The fans chant ‘CZW’ as these two men try to recover, trying desperately to muster the strength to get back to their feet. Timmons is bleeding heavily now, losing dangerous amounts of blood. Derek is first to his feet as Timmons straight up after, both men brawl once again, Derek with a knee to the gut, then goes to throw Tim into the mash steel but Tim reverses, throwing Derek straight into the steel, Derek then stomps around, looking like he is out of it, charismatically falling to the ground face first. Tim then checks on his leg before raising his arm, pointing up towards the second level!!!!!

- Tim gets a huge reception as he amazingly starts to climb the cage, his leg starting to recover slightly. Derek is back up now through as he catches Tim up, both men at the top where the barbwire ceiling (second floor) is. Tim elbows Derek, Derek chops at the neck of Tim. Derek then actually starts to bite the head of Timmons as the blood flows from the cut. Derek then rams Tim’s head into the mesh, but Tim is still hanging on, finally climbing all the way to the top as Derek follows…

BOTH MEN ON THE SECOND FLOOR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans are alive inside the arena as both men stand tall on this second cage, basically the floor of the cage covered in barbwire steel mesh, with weapons scattered all around. Derek and Tim square off again as they lock up, Tim tries to lift Derek up looking to drive him into the barbwire floor but his leg buckles, Derek then hits knees to the face, then right fists to the temple, Tim starting to lose balance, Derek then with a clothesline…But Tim ducks!!!

- Tim now from behind Derek lifts him up…Release German Suplex!!!

- Derek falls flat out right onto the barbwire flooring, his back, arms and legs being grated as he tries not to move around. Tim smiles as Derek clearly is bleeding from all parts of his body now. Tim with a sinister act falls to his knees then starts to grid the face of Derek into the barbwire floor as it rips into his face, his eyes, his mouth, a loud sick scream is heard throughout the arena. Derek is now shown to be bleeding profusely from the head just the same as Timmons. Tim gets up, looks around as his eyes light up, blood dripping from both men’s faces, but Tim has just seen his friends…Weapons!

- Tim walks over, picking up a Kendo stick. He turns around as Derek is now back o his feet, Tim swings…

CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! - The Kendo stick bends around the skull of Derek as he collapses back down onto the barbwire flooring, flapping around charismatically, funny as every time he moves in pain, another piece of metal sticks into a new body part, Timmons literally laughing at his enemy. Timmons starts swinging away as the stick drives into the ribs of Derek. Timmons lifts his arms into the air as the fans cheer on the CZW Hardcore Champion!

- Tim drops the stick down as he searches for more weapons. He finds what looks to be a plank of wood, yes…A 2 x 4 plank of wood. He lifts it up as he awaits on Derek to rise, he runs in and swings…









- Derek ducks though as he drops to his knees and hit’s a low blow, then grabs the 2 x 4 off Tim and snapping it literally over the spine of Timmons as he collapses on his front onto the barbwire floor.

- Derek begins to go berserk as he screams at Tim, holding his head up, then grating it into the barbwire mesh just like Tim did before. Both men with severe cuts and gashes all over their bodies. Derek the looks around, finding a pair of brass knucks. He places then on his fist, then walks over to Tim as he turns him over, mounts on top of him then starts hitting right fists, with the brass knucks on right into the open cut of Timmons, blood pouring out of his head. Derek seems incensed as the fans boo him, but he takes o notice, pummeling Tim into a pool of flood.

- Derek gets up, blood in his own eyes. He looks around, growling at the fans. He looks and finally sees what looks to be canister of petrol. The fans hiss in shock as Derek with a trance look in his eyes picks it up. Timmons is down, helpless on the floor as Derek struts over with the canister.

- Security flood around the ring, referees and staff members, all telling Derek to stop, but he has gone simply insane. Derek starts to pour the contents on Tim, the fans literally shocked for words at the sickness of Derek Damage. Timmons though is up!

- Timmons knocks the canister out of his hands as the contents spill on the barbwire mesh and on the ring below. Timmons and Derek start brawling, both covered in blood, Timmons gets the advantage as he runs Derek’s head into the steel wall, then again, Tim eventually lifts him up but again his weakened leg buckles, Derek adding to the damage by chop blocking his knee out from underneath him. Then in a shocking twist, Derek picks up what appears to be matches. The fans boo heavily as the security plead him to stop. Derek though lights the match but Tim is back up as he grabs the Derek who drops the lit match…


Timmons continues though as the fans are amazed, security look worried as does Farley and Gold. Timmons with Derek…












BOTH MEN FALL TO THE FLOOR 15 FEET BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE RING BLOWS UP AS IT COLLAPSES…NOW ON FIRE…THE CAGE STRUCTURE COLLAPSES ON TOP OF THE TWO MEN INSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Paramedics rush around the ring as does many staff members. The crowd have gone silent at the view in front of them. Suddenly Buck Evans, Big Nasty and Jordan Bryant run out from the backstage and jump into the ring which is partly on fire, the cage collapsed and the barbwire mesh on top. They manage to all pull Derek Damage out of the ring who is simply not moving. The crowd are stunned as everyone in the whole arena is heavily concerned.

GOLD: “This could be a sad day for CZW, this rivalry has gone too far, these men could be dead, Michael!”

FARLEY: “I am lost for words!”

The structure brig flames, smoke, simply chaos as Timmons is still trapped inside. Buck, Nasty and Bryant all try and wake up Derek but he is out cold. SUDDENLY THOUGH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE LIGHTS GO OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









GOLD: “What in the name of God is going on here???”

The crowd are silenced as a few moments pass, then when the lights come back on, the fire has been put out and Timmons is no where to be seen. All members of Outlaws look o as at the top of the ramp are four figures standing tall…





Then after all that, Timmons stumbles out from behind them as he raises his Hardcore Title I the air, looking like he is about to collapse, Outlaws look on as the NEW DARKSIDE ARE SEEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: “What a climax to a hellacious match, what repercussions will be taken from this? Do we have a new Darkside? Is Derek Damage okay? My God what an Assault this was!”

FARLEY: “All answers next week folks!”

GOLD: “From all of us here in the McKale center here tonight, it is a goodnight from us…Take care folks!”

( The event goes off air as it shows the demonic structure and devastating disaster in the ring as paramedics swarm around…)




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