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Combat Zone Wrestling is now global around the world! We will be in a your country if not you want to book CZW E-FED let us know and we will make all the efforts to show up!

Combat Zone Wrestling E-Fed Complete Results


    *cZw ASSAULT!!!*





    Vince Khan came out first, to "Ambitionz Az A Ridah." The crowd didn't seem to hate him, but they weren't cheering him either. Once he hit the ring, "Ramblin' Man" came on. Out came Buck Evans, who immediately heeled it up to the crowd. They began booing him, as he was talking trash to the crowd on the way down the aisle. Once in the ring, Buck and Vince seemed like polar opposites. The bell rang, and Buck immediately kicks Vince in the gut. He threw him to the ropes, but Vince reversed it and nailed Buck with a lariat. The crowd got more and more behind Khan, mainly because they didn't like Evans so much. Vince nailed a running Knee lift, and got a two count. As Vince went to pick up Buck, Buck poked Vince in the eyes. He then nailed a Double Arm DDT and got a two count of his own. Buck whipped Khan into the corner and nailed a running lariat. He then nailed a Full Nelson slam, and got another two count. He locked on a sleeperhold, and the crowd was getting behind Khan. Khan broke out of it, and nailed a chop. Another. Another. He kicked Buck in the gut, and nailed a standing Vertical suplex and then dropped it down with a neckbreaker. Vince almost got the three count with that one, but not quite. He tossed Buck to the ropes, but Buck reversed. Buck nailed a flying chop to Vince's throat on the rebound. Buck then picked up Vince, and nailed the Outlaw Slam. He got the three count, and Vince seemed very disappointed that he lost. Buck got out of the ring before Vince could come after him.




    * cZw *




    Allyson came down to the ring to "Sweet Sacrifice" by Evanescence. Ashley's music hit, but she never showed up. After a few moments, the referee concurred with the timekeeper and decided to award Allyson the match by forfeit, giving her entry into May Massacre's "Cage of Doom" Queen of Combat Title match. Allyson seemed disappointed that she couldn't show off her skills just yet, but was excited to get an opportunity at the Women's title. The crowd seemed to like her, as this was her debut. She had a very confident smirk on her face as she left the ring and went back up the aisle.




    * cZw *




    Charles Max came out first, being accompanied by Lizzette Morgan. Michael King then came out, to "Iron Man" by Ozzy and Therapy?. Charles Max was more of a face in this match, as the crowd was cheering his name. It was announced that Michael King is fighting an ear infection, but was cleared by his doctor to compete this evening. The crowd liked both men, but King seemed a little more heelish than before. He gave up some height and weight to Max, who powerered him into the corner right after the lock up. Max gave it a clean break. The lock up again, and Max hit a knee to the chest of King. He tossed him to the ropes, and nailed a Powerslam. He got a two count for his efforts. Lizzette cheered on, as Max nailed a standing release Sidewalk slam. He then picked King up and tossed him to the ropes again. King ducked the boot, and rebounded. King nailed a perfect dropkick, but didn't drop Max. He nailed a standing dropkick, but Max swiped it away. Max picked him up, and nailed a perfect Power bomb. King's head bounced off the mat and he grasped his ear. Max hesitated, seeing this, and King took advantage with a surprise uppercut. He then dropkicked Max's knee from under him. He looked pissed off about the power bomb, and began dropping a barage of stomps to Max's sternum. King picked up Max and irish whipped him to the corner. King comes storming in with a Roaring elbow, knocking Max down to the mat. King is hurt, and he pauses to reflect this briefly. He then hopped up to the top rope with surprisingly ease, positioned and nailed a perfect top-rope Hart attack. He got the three count, and Lizzette seemed very disappointed in her man. Max has a surprised look on his face, as King's hand is raised. Max then shook King's hand, and left the ring.




    * cZw *


    MATCH 4



    Sean Hustle came down to the ring, with somewhat of a new attitude. All-American Nightmare came down next, wearing a "Team Riot" t-shirt. Sean looked dead set on Nightmare as he entered the ring. Sean immediately ran at AAN, attacking him as he was putting his trademark weapon down. Sean nailed AAN with a release German suplex out of the corner. He went for a cover, but got only a two count. He then slapped on a Crossface Chickenwing, showing his MMA-like skills. AAN wouldn't surrender though, and Hustle kept it locked in for almost a minute and a half. He let go, and kicked at the hurt AAN. The crowd booed this. Sean seemed to smile about it. He picked up Nightmare, and tossed him to the ropes. Nightmare ducked a clothesline! He comes back with a flying forearm to Sean's head. Nightmare then got the crowd behind him as he hit Sean with two armdrag takedowns in a row. Nightmare then tossed Sean into the corner, and the crowd counted with him as he hit Sean with 10 punches to the head. Sean came walking out, and instantly dropped to the mat like Ric Flair would. AAN went for the cover, but got one and a half. He then picked up Sean and nailed a piledriver. He went for another cover, this time a two count. The match went on, and the crowd was really into it. After three more minutes of action, the crowd booed when Rob Wright unexpectedly came running down to ringside. Nightmare is distracted by this, but ducks Hustle's attempt at capitolizing. Eventually Nightmare climbed the ropes, and nailed a Top Rope Flying Cross body.... only to have Sean turn it over and as Sean was holding Nightmare's tights, he got the three count. Rob Wright then came into the ring and started laying into AAN, as Sean just smirked and left the ring.





    cZw: WAR ZONE!


    DANIELS: "Welcome everyone to another edition of War Zone! We're live in Montreal, Canada!"

    MASTERS: "And our first show under the Montana regime! I can't wait, Jarred!"

    DANIELS: "I will agree, EVERYONE is anxious to see how things will be ran this month!"

    MASTERS: "I'll tell you how they're going to be ran... SENSATIONALLY!"

    DANIELS: "Oh dear God. Our first match tonight is a grudge match, pitting The Prodigy against the Emo Prince in a first blood match! Maynard and Jacob have been at each other's throats the last few weeks, in fact --"

    *Suddenly, the lights in the arena all switch off, plunging the whole place into darkness.*

    DANIELS: Now then, what's going on here?

    MASTERS: Damn Canadian machinery!

    *After a few moments, the CombatTron screen flickers into life. The crowd watches in silence as a series of clips come up, accompanied by the sound of an orchestra slowly building up to a crescendo. The clips are various highlights and lowlights of the careers of Ace King, Matt Stylez and El Pablo in the CZW so far, all shown in slow motion. The final shots are of Matt Stylez' betrayals, first destroying El Pablo with the sledgehammer at Road To Glory, and then beating Ace King down backstage in Beijing. As the music reaches its apex, it suddenly cuts out, and the screen turns black again. From the bottom of the screen, a small green phoenix shoots up, screeches, then swoops back down and "into" the camera, triggering a huge explosion of pyro across the stage. The crowd explodes as the letters "XTC" come up on the screen in green flames, and the opening riff to "Guerilla Radio" by Rage Against The Machine starts playing out of the speakers. As the main song kicks in, El Pablo and Ace King step out onto the stage to a standing ovation. They stand at the top of the ramp for a few moments, soaking up the reception, then head down towards the ring, each taking a side of the ramp and slapping hands with the fans alongside it. The two of them reach the ring and climb in, then head round the various sides, saluting the crowd. El Pablo motions to a stagehand, and gets tossed a microphone. Him and Ace continue to pace round the ring as the music fades out and the lights come on, still grinning at the reaction from the Montreal crowd. El Pablo raises the microphone to his lips and waits for the crowd to quieten down a little bit, which - eventually - they do.*

    EL PABLO: Yes, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water..

    *The crowd continues to cheer and applaud as El Pablo stops pacing, turns, and tosses the microphone to Ace. The crowd starts an "XTC!" chant as the new World Champion takes the microphone.*

    ACE KING: ...Nicole Bass shows up in a bikini.

    *The crowd laughs, but then a few people start puking once they realize who Nicole Bass is. El Pablo has a look of disgust on his face as he tells Ace that the joke was going against their script. Ace and El Pablo quickly mend fences over the tasteless joke with a bit of a grin as Ace continues talking.*

    ACE KING: But seriously... Just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water... XTC has returned to wreak some serious havoc on CZW.

    *The crowd explodes, but there are a few boos from people who believe that Matt Stylez is also involved in the reunion. Ace starts talking again.*

    ACE KING: The only thing is that we aren't exactly the same as we were before. I'll allow El Pablo to explain what I mean.

    *Ace takes a piece of paper out of his pocket before handing the microphone back to El Pablo, who is grinning like a Cheshire cat.*

    EL PABLO: Yes! Now then, over the last few weeks there have been a lot of rumours flying around, both backstage and out there amongst all you guys, about the future and wellbeing of AMP XTC. And, tonight I can reveal, that UNFORTUNATELY, the rumours are true. AMP XTC is, for the forseeable future, dead.

    *El Pablo nods his head with a solemn look on his face as the crowd expresses their disappointment. After a few moments though, his grin returns.*

    EL PABLO: BUT.. Ace and I decided that we couldn't just sit back and let The Upstarts throw their weight around here and cause all kinds of trouble... we decided that we couldn't leave all of YOU - the faithful and adoring CZW fans - in the copyright-infringing hands of *coughs* X-Ellence... no, we decided that wouldn't be right. SO.. we decided to pick ourselves up, dust ourselves off, and get back to doing what we do best, bringing YOU an endless supply of 100% guaranteed FIVE STAR ENTERTAINMENT!

    *The crowd explodes again as El Pablo pauses for a second.*

    EL PABLO: So we got to thinking.. how do we go about doing this? How do we take all the good bits of AMP XTC *points at himself and Ace* and make them even bigger and better than ever before? How do we make sure that this new and improved XTC goes down in history as something truly... special? Ace?

    *El Pablo and Ace share another grin as El Pablo tosses the microphone back over his head towards Ace.*

    ACE KING: Yeah, I think I've got something that might fit the description. See, a long time ago, I received a mysterious piece of paper with the word "APPLICATION" at the top, only to be filled with unreadable scribbles and what appear to be monkey tracks on it. However, the mysterious applicant did leave a phone number on it. Sure, that phone number led to an adult entertainment shop, which turns out to be an exclusive carrier of... *Takes a DVD from an embarrassed El Pablo, and shows it to the fans*... "Can You Get It Up-Starts?", but they were kind enough to tell me exactly who left this application for me. After another phone call, I was finally able to talk to this man, and I couldn't be any happier about how everything turned out. LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, may I introduce to you, the newest member of TEAM XTC...

    *The crowd goes nuts as "Shut Me Up" blasts through the Bell Centre. A lot of "Oui! Oui! Oui!" chants are going through the arena.*


    *Ed bursts out onto the stage, his eyes wide as he gazes from the left to the right side of the arena before head banging wildly. The fans are on their feet at the sudden realization of their dream team. Ed thrusts his hands high into the air, shaking the hair out of his face as an explosive shot of pyro erupts just behind him. He begins to approach the ring, smiling at his friends Ace and Pablo, when he suddenly comes to a stop, holding his finger up as if to say "I forgot something". He turns back towards the ramp and motions for somebody. Hellena and Loki emerge onto the ramp, making their way down to where Ed is before all three make their way into the ring. Ace smiles warmly as he goes to shake Ed's hand, but Ed pushes his hand away and gives him a big hug instead, to which Ace laughs nervously, patting Ed on the back. Ed then turns to Pablo, who launches himself into a hug before Ed can. Hellena stands smiling, stil clutching Loki as Ace hands Ed the microphone.*

    SPECIAL ED: Hello you beautiful bunch of mother quebecers!

    *The crowd erupts into a mix of cheers and raunchy laughter.*

    SPECIAL ED: You know, things have been pretty hectic in the life of ol' Ed recently. I mean, I lost my best friend. I lost to Mack Beaudin. I made a new friend. I got my best friend back. I lost to Mack Beaudin again... It's kinda been one hell of a ride here in the past few weeks. But nothing, not beating that stupid grin off of Mack's face. Not even had I won the IC title...compares to THIS!

    *Ace nods with approval as Pablo claps.*

    SPECIAL ED: I mean, my friends here have been having their own problems as of late, of course. But then something just kinda made sense. The kinda sense you make when you wash your socks with Lemon Pledge and air duster. Why face your troubles alone when you have friends? And I think that's when Ace and EP here decided that that they shouldn't have to let a good thing die because one bad apple fell out of the tree and knocked the hell out of Sir Issac Newton. So here we are, the Yin to the Upstarts Yang. The day to their night. Keeping the balance and showing the entire world one hell of a good time while we do it! We are XTC!

    *The crowd erupts, leaving the men and woman in the ring feeling a greatly earned sense of pride.*

    SPECIAL ED: So go ahead guys, make our day. In the end it just means you're "Gambling" with your life, right before you have an eye opening "Experience", and are left feeling just a little bit "Special"! Whooooo!

    *Ed tosses the mic off to Ace and grabs Loki from Hellena before climbing a turnbuckle and raising his friend high into the air for all to see. Pablo climbs an adjacent corner, wearing a huge grin as Ed tosses Loki over to him. Pablo now holds Loki high into the air, the crowd eating the moment up. El Pablo hops down, Loki still in hand, and heads over to Ace. Ace holds the mic up for El Pablo, who leans in and looks over to Ed.*

    EL PABLO: You're absolutely right Ed, and we figured that, since you've already made us - I mean the company - so much money with your exquisite salesmanship, it would just be downright rude NOT to make you and Loki full-time members.. and Hellena, of course!

    *The crowd cheers again.*

    EL PABLO: BUT.. there's one more thing we need to do to, uh, "seal the deal"!

    *El Pablo heads over towards the side of the ring and gestures to the staff again. One of them tosses over a can of green spraypaint, which El Pablo catches. He heads over to Ed, who has now rejoined the group in the centre of the ring, and hands Loki back to him. Ed has a quick word with his buddy, and then holds him out to El Pablo, who shakes up the can and sprays a green "X" on Loki's stomach as the crowd, once again, explodes into cheers. Ace takes the microphone once again. He looks at Ed with a huge grin on his face as he adjusts the World Heavyweight Championship on his shoulder.*

    ACE KING: With that, we are excited, honored, and privileged to officially welcome the three of you to Team XTC.

    *In a really bad French accent* Nous sommes excité à dire officiellement dire à Spécial Ed Covey, Hellena, et Loki... "Bienvenue" à L'Équipe XTC.

    *The crowd roars as Ace and El Pablo embrace the three of them in the ring after Ace's display of French. After a few seconds, Ace raises the microphone to his mouth and starts to talk again.*

    ACE KING: Alas, we are not through with this ceremony, not by any stretch of the imagination! Now, I'm sure all of the faithful CZW fans in Montréal watched No Remorse, and I'm sure that each... and every one of you... saw what happened before the World Heavyweight Championship match. After that, I came to an important realization: What's a King without a Queen? Once again, I'll turn it over to El Pablo for a Five-Star explanation.

    *A beet-red Ace hands the microphone back to El Pablo. Ace can hardly contain the excitement of the impending announcement, and the crowd turns the excitement into another "XTC!" chant. El Pablo looks at the mic, then at Ace, then at the mic again.*

    EL PABLO: Ohhhh no, you're on your own with that one buddy!

    *El Pablo tosses the mic back at Ace with a grossed-out look on his face, then grins and winks at the World Champion.*

    ACE KING: Ehh, I guess it serves me right, doesn't it? I mean, that was a pretty cheesy line from me there a second ago... Anyhow, I suppose I gotta do what I gotta do.

    *Ace gulps and turns beet-red once again as the crowd chants "SPIT IT OUT ALREADY!" with increasing volume.*

    ACE KING: L-L-Ladies and G-G-Gentlemen... PLEASE WELCOME, the second major addition to Team XTC... This person is someone I hold dear to me, and this is a person who knows better than most people how to kick ass and take names. Just ask Mack Beaudin and The Lovely Zoe *Looks over at camera* But don't get too close to her, you'll catch crabs *Looks back at the crowd*, and they'll tell you that this person is one rough, tough competitor. With all that being said, PLEASE JOIN ME IN WELCOMING...

    *The arena turns dark once again. The crowd wonders what's going on, then "Last Resort" blasts through the sound system. The crowd explodes when the first few bars of the song hit. Ace raises the microphone to his mouth again, with a bit of a smile on his face.*


    *Ace has a bit of a relieved smile on his face as the arena was still pitch black as it the songs and lights was flashing with her theme song playing loud and the crowd was signing it on the top of their lungs. Ruthless came out of the curtains as she took in the fans cheering as she just have this grin on her face as she raise the title in the air above her head. She then smirks chewing a piece of gum wearing it seems green and black shirt with a big green X on the front of it and a couple of shirts in her hand as she play to the crowd a bit before getting into the ring. She threw the other shirts to each member as they place them on. She took the microphone from Ace as they just smirks at each a bit.

    RUTHLESS: Right now standing in this ring is some of the best this company has to give. Every match we do is not for ourselves but we do it for your guys the fans. We know we wouldn’t be here without your guys and this is also maybe a word to the back. You want to try to f**k with us. I have one thing to say to. f**king try.

    *Ace and El Pablo act like they were shocked at her words as El Pablo took the microphone from her.*

    EL PABLO: Ruthless, you can’t use those words out here! You could get us in trouble!

    *Ruthless smirks and then microphone as she spoke.*

    RUTHLESS: I can’t say f**k, pu**y, dick, bitch,…

    *Ed and Hellena cover their ears and also try as Ace cover Loki ears as the crowd starts to chant Ruthless. As you can tell that Ruthless and El trying not to laugh their self as El look over at her as Ruthless just give him this look.*

    EL PABLO: No you can’t.

    RUTHLESS: Oh the f**k!

    *The crowd just burst into laughing some more as they all start to laugh their self in the ring. El Pablo nabs the microphone back from Ruthless, grimacing slightly in mock embarrassment. Ruthless goes and stands next to Ace as El Pablo once again takes "center stage". As El Pablo goes to say something, Ace snatches the microphone from him, leaving the X-Champion in a Five-Star state of shock.*

    ACE KING: Oh come on buddy, lighten up a bit! You know as well as I do that you loved to hear all the f**king swearing done by our resident Queen of Combat just a few moments ago. I think it only adds to that... rebellious dimension to Team XTC. And no, I'm not just saying that because of who she is and her significance to me. I really f**king mean that. We can't have people thinking we're soft, so we have to use a little bit of dirty language from time to time.

    Of course, another main trait of Team XTC is that we prefer our actions to speak louder than our words. We're still committed to kicking some serious ass in the ring, and we won't stop until we succeed in our goals.

    *The crowd pops as Ace starts pacing around the ring. As he is about to break into one of his energetic rants, El Pablo winks and swipes the microphone from him. This leaves Ace distraught in the ring, yet he finds solace in putting his arm around the waist of Ruth. El Pablo starts talking again.*

    EL PABLO: Anyhoo... on that note, I think it's fair to say that, while the broken shards of AMP XTC may lie scattered across the most part of Europe and Asia.. we have a team here now, capable of dominating every.. single.. part of the CZW. We ARE special.. we ARE ruthless.. we ARE high-stakes.. we ARE five star entertainment, guaranteed.. WE ARE.. TEAM XTC!

    *The crowd roars again as El Pablo heads over to the ropes and looks right down into the camera.*

    EL PABLO: You don't like it? ... *turns head sideways and sighs, then looks back at the camera* ... Tough shit!

    *"Guerilla Radio" kicks back in as El Pablo launches the microphone up into the air over his head. The others all duck and cover as it hits the floor just behind Ruthless and Ace, who glare at El Pablo as he turns back round. With a quick shrug of the shoulders, however, the smiles return, and all 6 members embrace each other in the centre of the ring as the crowd applauds. After a few moments, the huddle breaks, and El Pablo, Ace, Ed and Ruthless each climb a turnbuckle and salute the fans, as Hellena holds Loki above her head in the centre of the ring.*

    DANIELS: What an announcement! What a start to Warzone! XTC are back, and they're better than ever! Masters, what on earth could this mean for the rest of the CZW locker-room?

    MASTERS: I don't know, but I'll tell you one thing, President Montana and the rest of The Upstarts ain't gonna like this one bit!

    DANIELS: You're damn right about that, and especially not tonight of all nights! This was supposed to be all about Jesse Montana and his Appreciation Ceremony, but so far, it's ALL about TEAM XTC!

    *The screen cuts to two short commercials before returning for the first match of the night. *




    Maynard comes down to the ring first, with Cameron accompanying him. "Loco" by Coal Chamber plays and the crowd boos them both. They lap it up and jawjack with a few fans. One fan has a "Maynard Fears Havok" sign and Maynard grabs it and rips it up. Once they hit the ring, the referee gets a pop as he orders for Cameron to go back to the dressing room. Maynard throws a fit, but eventually she relents. Then "Rooftops (A Liberation Broadcast)" by Lostprophets begins to play as the crowd cheers. Jacob Havok comes out, and Masters and Daniels are surprised at how much the crowd are behind this young man. He comes running down to the ring and slides in, immediately going after O'Toole and both men begin to brawl.

    Jacob surprisingly gains the advantage, and nails Maynard with a knee to the head. He then chops Maynard, making Maynard's chest turn beet red. He throws Maynard to the ropes, but Maynard holds onto Jacob's hand. He pulls him and levels him with a short lariat. He then yells at some fans in the front row before picking Jacob back up. He grabs Jacob and hits a Full Nelson slam. he then begins to bully Jacob, doing cheap tactics such as going for a pin attempt with his elbow grinding in Jacob's face. Maynard throws Jacob to the ropes, but Jacob comes flying back with a leaping clothesline making the crowd pop. Jacob picks up Maynard withand hops to the ropes... nailing a spinning headscissors on O'Toole, causing him to fall out of the ring. As Maynard tries to regain his composure, Jacob takes aim and runs... leaps and nails Maynard with a suicide dive. They begin to brawl on the outside, neither gaining the leverage until Maynard irish whips Jacob Havok into the guardrail, causing him to scream out in anguish.

    Maynard tosses Havok back in the ring, and follows. He kicks Jacob hard in the gut, as he was on all fours in pain. He picks Jacob up and nails a very powerful Fireman's Carry DDT. The crowd begin to chant "Maynard is O'Toole! Maynard is O'Toole!" and Maynard just lets them have it. He gets very perturbed by this, and very distracted. He picks up Jacob, and sets him up for a power bomb. He lifts up, but Jacob was waiting for it and begins to nail Maynard in the head. He pulls back and hits Maynard with a Frankensteiner. The crowd erupts as Havoks gets a fire under him, nailing Maynard with a slew of punches. He backs up, and Maynard is on his knees... Havok runs and nails a hard Shining Wizard, and Daniels yells out he thinks he sees blood. Maynard isn't bleeding however, and Jacob picks him up. He hits him with a knee to the head, and slams him down with a bodyslam. He climbs the ropes, and gets the crowd behind him. Suddenly, someone leaps over the guardrail.

    This man jumps up and pushes Jacob forward, having him land awkward on his side. The referee can't do anything, as there are no disqualifications in the CZW. This man gets in the ring, and Maynard just sits by. This man grabs a mic and tells Jacob who he is."THE FLAGSHIP PLAYER" DUSTY DAVIS! Masters comments on what a way to make a debut, and Dusty begins punching Jacob hard in the forehead. He picks Jacob up and nails the Dreamer's Dream. Masters calls it the best move he's seen all night. He then lifts Jacob up, and holds him from behind. Maynard measures him up, and nails a very stiff Yakuza kick. The kick causes Jacob's nose to start bleeding profusely, and the referee calls for the bell. Maynard ignores Dusty as he raises his hands, and Dusty leaves the ring. Jacob is going to need some help out of the ring.




    * cZw! *




    As the bleeding Havok is taken to the back, the crew rush out and begin setting up the ring.

    DANIELS: Oh no. What’s going on here?

    MASTERS: Yes! Finally! ‘Testing the Waters’ is on War Zone!

    DANIELS: If you checked our website,, you’ll have read that Shawn’s guest tonight...

    MASTERS: That’s Mr. TV to you!

    DANIELS: You’ll have read that Mr. TV’s guest will be the biggest shock on ‘Testing the Waters’’ history!

    MASTERS: OK, we get it. Now, shut up. Shawn’s coming out!

    “4 Words (To Choke Upon)” hits. Shawn Waters walks out onto the stage. He scans the set.

    WATERS: Perfect! My set is perfect this week.

    Shawn walks down the ramp, TV title on his shoulder. The fans boo.

    WATERS: Welcome to ‘Testing the Waters’!

    Shawn climbs into the ring. He looks around at the booing Canadian crowd.

    WATERS: Good evening, my north of the border fans. Welcome to War Zone is Montana!

    The fans boo at the president’s name.

    WATERS: I’d normally do my usual fan address before introducing my guest, but, since we are in Montreal...

    The fans cheer at the name of Montreal.

    WATERS: Since we are in Montreal, I’d need to repeat my words twice before you’d understand them. Plus, half of you don’t even speak English. Luckily, I have prepared for this.

    Shawn looks around. He smiles and puts the mic to his lips.

    WATERS: Mon nom est les eaux de Shawn et ceci examine les eaux! Mon invité est ce soir Ronnie McNeil!

    The French-Canadians cheer. Everyone looks on in confusion.

    WATERS: OK, now that they are happy. Let me introduce you to my guest. RONNIE MCNEIL!

    The fans look towards the entrance ramp, but no one comes down.

    WATERS: What? You actually thought I’d conduct an interview, just me and him? Please, I’d end up getting assaulted by his friends. No, I first want to bring out the CZW security team.

    A large group of security, lead by Casey ‘Big Daddy’ Rogers. They all encircle the ring, except for Rogers, who enters the ring and stands next to Shawn.

    WATERS: Welcome to the show, ‘Big Daddy’. Now, it looks like we are all ready to bring out my guest. He is the FORMER CZW Television champion. He was able to beat 7 other losers for a briefcase that should have been mine. He is Ronnie McNeil!

    "Remember the Name" by Fort Minor hits. McNeil walks out onto the stage, the cheers deafening out the music. McNeil’s MitB briefcase is in his hands. He walks down the stage, staring at Waters the whole time. He walks past the line of security. He enters the ring and walks straight towards Waters, but Rogers stands in his way. McNeil shrugs and sits down. Shawn holds out his hand to shake, but Ronnie slaps it away.

    WATERS: No need for hostilities today. This is a straight interview. Welcome to ‘Testing the Waters’. So, Ronnie McNeil. How are you today?

    RONNIE: I'm fine. Security makes me feel better though...keeps you guys from ganging up on me.

    WATERS: It’s a double sided deal then. So, what was it like winning MitB last week? I’m guessing it’s the same feeling I had when I won this...

    Shawn holds up the TV title.

    RONNIE: Actually it was much better. You see, with this, I control the title picture in cZw. I am the number one contender to every championship. And unlike you, who needed his woman to do the job that he couldn't, I won this on my own.

    Shawn holds back some words.

    WATERS: So, Ronnie. I’m guessing you must feel really disappointed that you lost your beloved TV title? What were you feeling after the match two weeks ago, after X-Ellence left me in the ring after that cowardly and unwarranted attack of jealousy?

    RONNIE: To be honest, Shawn, you were gonna get that beat down no matter the outcome. Yeah, it was a little bittersweet, but worth it in the end. You're lucky that I didn't press charges against your little woman. My fiancé is a damn good lawyer, and would have won.

    WATERS: I honestly don’t see you having a case. But anyway, you guys really gave me a beating after that, but you know, I’m still breathing. So, you now hold a contract to face any champion in CZW. Now, it’s obvious you are going to face Ace King for the CZW World championship, right?

    RONNIE: I could face anyone. I could use it to claim the vacant tag titles and take them, but that isn't X-Ellence's style. I could look to end Pablo's streak, or relieve you or Mack of your gold, or I could go for the number one spot, but considering that I have a rematch clause against you if I choose, and I've beaten Mack one on one, which gives me a claim to him, I might not need it to get where I want.

    WATERS: Those are your options, but that’s if you still have the contract after tonight. If I remember correctly, you are facing Krimzon Blaze for it tonight. That must really tick you off. What are you thinking?

    RONNIE: Like I just said, I don't really need this briefcase to get a title. This just guarantees me that I control when and where. If Blaze beats me, then so be it. It's still in the family. And I'll cheer on and help Blaze for whatever title he chooses to cash in for.

    WATERS (under his breath): I’m sure you love keeping it in the family.

    Shawn chuckles. Ronnie looks at him, confused.

    WATERS: Sorry, just remembered a funny joke. It really seems like the bosses here don’t like stables, huh? Well, except the Upstarts, everyone loves us.

    The fans boo.

    WATERS: So, how long do you reckon you can last?

    RONNIE: We are friends. We are competitors. I may be the leader, but we compete hard, and that is what fuels us. We'll be here long after you guys have split up.

    WATERS: I’m sure you will.

    Shawn rolls his eyes.

    WATERS: So, what do you think of Derek Damage’s decisions as of late? Making Jesse the president? It’s great.

    RONNIE: Double D has his reasons...personally, I think he was jealous of Alan's work and decided to remind the world that he was the money man. As far as Jesse goes, as long as X-Ellence gets what we want out of this month, then it's whatever.

    WATERS: I’m sure you’ll get what you truly deserve. What if you were president? What is one match you would make?

    RONNIE: If I was president, I'd make Zodiac vs. Jesse...inside the Cell. No escape, man to man.

    WATERS: You like seeing Zodiac gets his ass whooped? But, anyway, you know what match I’d make? I’d make Shawn Waters vs. Ronnie McNeil for that briefcase. I’ll prove to you that I am clearly the better wrestler. I mean honestly, the only time you’ve had the upper hand over me in the last month is when Blaze and Kash were helping you. I am thinking that you really are nothing but talk. You always say you’re the best, and you can win matches, I’ve seen that. But, It’s really looking like I am better than you. I took your title off of you, without any help from my Upstarts stable mates. You know what would be good? If you could acknowledge my greatness as well. Just to show you aren’t living in a dream. It’s easy. Just say ‘Shawn, I realise now that you are better than me!’ Say, come on.

    RONNIE (angrily): Ashley won that for you. You can't beat me straight up. You know it, I know it, and these fans know it. You may have this title, but I've already passed it, and you, on by. You'll never be anything more than the pole licker of Upstarts, Shawn. The second that you do anything to rise above that, Jesse will smack you back in your place. You're nothing to them, and you can't do shit about it.

    Waters looks at McNeil. He looks very annoyed. He appears to be trying to keep his composure

    WATERS: Still denying? You don’t want to admit I’m better. You can’t accept it? Oh well. I guess the interview is over then. Go prepare for your little match.

    McNeil mouths “finally” and turns around to leave.

    WATERS: Hey, Ronnie. One more thing...

    McNeil turns around. Shawn slaps him hard. McNeil recoils. Shawn hits him with a SAW.

    WATERS: I am an Upstart. And the rest of the Upstarts will support me, no matter what!

    Shawn stomps on the body of McNeil.

    WATERS: Security. Stand blocking the entrance ramp. No one is to past, especially not Kash or Blaze.

    The security move, blocking the entrance ramp. Shawn locks in a Waterboard on McNeil.

    WATERS: How Excellent is he now?


    Shawn falls back, blood seeping from where the chair hit him. He rolls outside to regain himself. Security encircles him. He looks into the ring. K-Blaze and Kris Kash are tending to McNeil.

    WATERS: What the..? How the..? Huh? I told you security not to let anyone through.

    ROGERS: We didn’t. They came from the crowd.

    Shawn looks at Blaze and Kash, who are staring on angrily.

    WATERS: Well since we are all out here, I better announce a match which President Montana granted me. On May 15th at the MTS centre in Winnipeg, Manitoba, it will be the team of Ronnie McNeil, Kris Kash and Krimzon Blaze, X-Ellence as they are known, against Shawn Waters and his two partners.

    BLAZE: Who are you gonna find? You Upstarts can’t team up anymore. Your TV title is not safe!

    WATERS: Did I say The Upstarts? No. My two partners will be revealed in!

    Blaze and Kash turn around. Blaze is on the receiving end of a Celtic Cross from Maynard O’Toole, whilst Kash gets a Chair shot from Sean Hustle. Maynard locks the Celtic Clutch on Blaze, and Hustle throws Kash out of the ring. Waters walks to the ring, kicking Kash as he passes. He gets right in the fading Blaze’s face.

    WATERS: You, my friend. I will see you next week. One on one, no interference!

    Waters signals for O’Toole and Hustle to let go. Shawn smirks at X-Ellence lying beaten in the ring. Security follows Shawn backstage.

    MASTERS: That’s right! Mr. TV gets his revenge!

    DANIELS: Two amazing match-ups announced tonight. Next week we’ll see Shawn Waters face Krimzon Blaze! And the week after it’ll be Shawn Waters, Maynard O’Toole and Sean Hustle vs. Ronnie McNeil, Kris Kash and Krimzon Blaze. Montana is allowing Shawn Waters to name matches here.

    MASTERS: It’s a brilliant idea. Montana’s just easing up on the entire decision making process. Look at what’s it’s done to Alan Fiscus. He a loony!

    DANIELS: Watch yourself; Alan will be back in charge in a month. Blaze and McNeil are being helped to the back, but Kash is due to wrestle up next. Let’s hope he can recover in time.

    * cZw! *


    Extreme Battle Royal X Title #1 Contendership Match


    "War Machine" plays as Impaler is the first man introduced. The next song is "Shut Me Up" but Special Ed Covey doesn't come out. The song plays for about a minute, and then fades out. Next, "Getting Away with Murder" plays as the crowd boos Tim Timmons. Timmons doesn't enter the ring, as Impaler is begging him to. The crowd seems to be really behind Impaler, who was recently announced as a member of Team Riot at May Massacre's Combat Zone Team Warfare match. "Here Comes the Pain" plays as Mido Makkaido is lead down to the ring by his manager, Mr. Tiko. The crowd boos both men. "Get Back" plays next, and Rob Wright receives even larger boos, but he shrugs off the boos as he is always very confident. Next, and last, "Realist Killaz" plays and the crowd pop loudly for X-Ellence member Kris Kash. He comes running down to the ring, and an all-out melee begins as the bell rings.

    Impaler and Timmons are brawling, and Daniels questions where Covey could possibly be. Masters says he's probably too busy talking to a piece of dog crap, and Daniels looks at him puzzlingly. Wright and Kash are going back and forth, and Mido is stalking Kash from behind. Kash ducks a clothesline attempt by Wright, and Rob collides into Mido who was about to strike. Kash grabs Mido, and hits a stunning Midwest Swing. Kash picks up Mido and immediately sends him over the top rope, eliminating him first.


    Wright jumps Kash from behind, as he was talking trash down to Mido. Mr. Tiko is very upset with Mido, and yells at him as they exit back up the aisle. Wright drops Kash with a reverse neckbreaker. On the other side of the ring, Impaler has control of Timmons. The crowd is more and more behind Impaler these days, and Daniels comments on it. Masters says he was surprised that Impaler won at No Remorse, and doesn't think he'll win ever again. Impaler nails Timmons with a powerful choke slam, making Tim flop around like a fish. Impaler raises his arms out to the crowd as they cheer him. Wright has Kash locked up in a Octopus hold on hte other side of the ring, and suddenly The All-American Nightmare comes running down wearing street clothes. He gets in the ring and nails Rob Wright from behind with a kendo stick he had brought with him. Rob lets go of the move and falls to the ground, clenching his back. Nightmare then berates Wright as Kash regains his composure. Nightmare leaves the ring, satisfied, and Kash picks up Wright.. and easily tosses him over the top rope.


    As Impaler is distracted by Kash eliminating Wright, Timmons nails him with a low blow. Timmons then nails Impaler with a DDT. He looks over to Kash just in time to see him running at him, and Kash almost takes Tim out of his boots with a lariat. Daniels mentions that it's down to these three men, whoever wins is the new X title #1 contender. Kash is laying into Timmons, and throws him to the ropes. Tim reverses and nails a spinning elbow on the rebounding Kash. As soon as Timmons gets up though, Impaler nails him with a big boot to the face. He picks up Tim and power bombs him. He then goes to pick Tim back up, and Kash is up from behind. Kash runs to the ropes and leaps, springboarding and nailing Impaler with a dropkick knocking him down. He picks up Tim and nails a snapmere.

    Impaler is back up, and grabs Kash from behind. He nails him with a reverse DDT. All three men seem to be tiring. Tim is back up and chop blocks Impaler's knee from under him. He picks Impaler up, and they begin to brawl with Impaler mounting some opposition. They are positioned just by the ropes, and Kash is groggily up. Kash runs and nails both men with a clothesline...

    DANIELS: "ALL THREE MEN HIT THE FLOOR AT ONCE!!!! What does this mean, William!?"

    The crowd is going crazy as all three men hit the floor at once, after Kash clotheslined Timmons and Impaler over the top rope. The referee is confused in the ring, as are the crowd. Finally he declares the match a draw, much to the dismay of everyone. Daniels says this means there is no #1 contender and Masters says it should be Timmons "just because!"


    THE WINNER: UNDECIDED as the last three men fell out at the same time (9:44)


    * cZw! *




    Rave is introduced first, and he comes out alone. His new theme music, "Blooddrunk" plays and the crowd absolutely hates him. He makes it the ring, and takes notice of the multiple bags scattered around, full of thumbtacks. He enters the ring. The crowd then pops hugely as the reigning X Champion's music hits. El Pablo comes out, and plays up to the crowd. He then locks eyes with Rave, points down at his X title which is strapped around his waist, and then he points at Rave in the ring. He comes running down, and slides into the ring still wearing the X belt. Masters comments about the trays of tacks that are placed on the outside of the ring. Daniels talks about how dangerous this match is, and how twisted Jesse is for booking it. Rave has attacked El Pablo as he slid into the ring, and is tearing into him.

    Rave picks up El Pablo after nailing some forearms to his back, and very recklessly pulls the X title off from around El Pablo's waist. He then smacks EP over the head with the belt. Rave takes a moment to look at the title, and then throws it to the outside where an attendant fetches it. Masters talks about how Rave has joined Derek Damage's team for the Team Warfare match. Rave picks up El Pablo, and nails him with a cradle piledriver. He screams out to the crowd, who are booing him. He picks up El Pablo and tosses him to the ropes, but El Pablo reverses. Rave comes back and tries a clothesline, but EP ducks... El Pablo nails a standing dropkick on Rave, but Rave just staggers back. He nails another one, with the same result. He runs to the ropes, and Rave comes running and nails him with a vicious lariat, taking him almost out of his boots. The crowd is hating it. Rave grabs one of the bags full of tacks and the crowd gets hotter.

    He opens up the bag, and begins to pour the hundreds of tacks in the ring, just off center of the ring and towards a turnbuckle. He picks up EP, and nails some strong forearms to his back. Masters tells us this is Rave's time and we're looking at the next CZW X Champion. He goes to bodyslam EP onto the tacks, but El Pablo fights back getting out of the move. EP kicks Rave in the gut, and nails a Straightjacket neckbreaker. He goes for the first pin, but Rave kicks out at two. El Pablo takes a moment to leave the ring and grabs a steel chair. He throws it into the ring, and it hits Rave in the head. El Pablo then climbs up to the top rope and positions. He leaps, and nails a Missile dropkick onto Rave who had just stood back up. El Pablo goes for another cover, but again gets a two count. He picks up Rave and points down to the 'sea of tacks' Rave poured on the floor. He positions Rave, and makes for a DDT onto the tacks.. but Rave punches EP in the gut.. and nails a release Northern Lights suplex. He picks up El Pablo, and puts him in a Dragon sleeper. Rave is trying to gain his composure as he chokes on EP, who refuses to give up. Rave keeps the hold on for roughly 43 seconds before releasing the hold.

    Rave picks up El Pablo and chops him hard in the chest. EP is stunned. Rave then grabs him and nails him with a version of the Pedigree. He goes for the cover.



    Kick out! The crowd is cheering "He's not Mexican! He's not Mexican!" at Rave, who scowls at them. Rave throws El Pablo to the ropes in just the right placing, and plans to back body drop EP onto the tacks. Instead, El Pablo kicks him hard in the chest as he was bent down. El Pablo goes to throw him to the ropes, but Rave reverses. El Pablo grabs a hold of the ropes, and doesn't rebound. Rave is thrown off by this and takes a second before running at EP. El Pablo back body drops him over the ropes... and right into one of the trays of tacks on the outside! The crowd chants "CZW! CZW!" as Rave is shown with tacks sticking out of his upper arm and back area. El Pablo sluggishly gets out of the ring, and it takes an effort to pick Rave back up. He goes to irish whip him into the guardrail, but Rave doesn't run he just falls to the ground. El Pablo picks him up, and sluggishly gets him back in the ring.

    El Pablo eventually goes for the cover, but only gets a two count. He picks Rave back up... and bodyslams him onto the tacks! The crowd is going wild. El Pablo then sets up the steel chair towards the ropes. As Rave is withering in pain on his back, El Pablo goes and leaps off of the chair, onto the ropes, in a Triple Jump Moonsault attempt.


    Daniels is freaking out as Rave has moved, and El Pablo landed face first onto the tacks. Rave sluggishly turns EP over, and goes for the cover.




    Masters is surprised that EP has kicked out, who has tacks stuck in his chest and shoulders. Rave has blood trickling down his arms, from the tacks. EP is bleeding from his puncture wounds as well. Rave picks up EP and choke slams him down. He goes for another cover, but again only a near fall. Rave shows frustration, as he expected to put the Five Star Superstar away already. He pounds down on the mat, and as the crowd chants "Rave, you suck! Rave, you suck!" He shows his anger and yells out at them. He then picks up EP again, but EP throws his hands up and begins delivering forearms to Rave's face. They sluggishly punch at each other, going back and forth. Rave throws EP to the ring, and EP ducks a clothesline. On the rebound, El Pablo kicks Rave in the gut and grabs him... NAILING a Pablo Slam! The crowd is going wild as Rave is laid out on the tacks. EP grabs the steel chair, and folds it back up. He climbs to the nearest top rope, and positions himself with the chair in hand. He leaps!


    El Pablo nails the Steel Elbow, that chair assisted flying elbowdrop! He goes for the cover!




    Daniels is giddy like a school girl as Masters is livid. El Pablo's hand is raised as Rave is laid out. The ring crew comes and begins to clean up the ringside area, as El Pablo makes his exit with the X title in hand. Rave is finally up, and very livid that he lost another chance to become X champion.




    * cZw! *




    "Remember The Name" begins to play as Ronnie McNeil is introduced first. He comes out with the MITB brief case in his hands, and the crowd pops. He shows little affects from the attack before, but you can tell he is in pain. Masters loves the fact that this is X-Ellence member against X-Ellence member. Ronnie makes it to the ring and holds up the brief case as the crowd cheers. Then, "Headstrong" begins to play and out comes Krimzon Blaze. He also is hurt, but still willing to go through the match and give the crowd what they want. The crowd is torn in this match, as both men have become fan favorites. Blaze gets in the ring, and poses for the crowd. Ronnie and Blaze then shake hands, and the referee calls for the bell.

    They lock up, and neither men get the clear advantage right away. Eventually Ronnie, who is the bigger of the men, overwhelms Blaze and backs him up into a corner. Masters recalls them both being hurt earlier during Testing the Waters. Daniels says both men have a lot of heart for continuing the match, and that we are in for a treat. Ronnie backs off of Blaze cleanly. They lock back up, and Ronnie grabs Blaze in a headlock. He turns around and gets behind Blaze. Blaze surprises him with a snapmere. Both men are up and ready to strike. The crowd is loving it. They shake hands again, and then proceed to lock up for a third time. Ronnie again with a headlock, and this time he brings him over with a takedown. Ronnie holds onto the headlock for a moment but then stands up and dropkicks K-Blaze in the back, taking control. He picks Blaze up and chops him.

    CROWD: WOOOO!!!!

    Masters is disgusted. Ronnie grabs K-Blaze and nails him with a belly-to-back suplex. He hops to the ropes, comes back and drops a legdrop across the throat of Blaze. Ronnie goes for the cover, but barely gets a two count. The crowd begins to chant "X-Ellence! X-Ellence!" as both men are giving it their all. Ronnie picks up K-Blaze and throws him to the ropes, but Blaze slides underneath a boot attempt from Ronnie. Blaze then nails a standing dropkick. Ronnie is down, and Blaze amazes the crowd with a perfectly placed standing shooting star press. The Holy Shot!




    Perhaps Blaze went for the Holy Shot just a little too early. Ronnie sits up, and Blaze nails a stiff kick to his back. Another one to his chest, knocking him back down. Blaze then leaps to the ropes and springboards, but Ronnie lifts up his knees and in the attempted Asai moonsault, Blaze's ribs land on the knees. Blaze grasps his chest in pain, as Ronnie gets up. He grabs Blaze, and places him into a Mexican Surfboard. Blaze screams out in pain, but refuses to submit. After forty seconds Ronnie lets go, only to place Blaze back into the Sharpe Shooter. The crowd is electric, and Blaze still refuses to give up. He edges over to the ropes eventually, and the referee forces Ronnie to release the hold. Ronnie questions the referee for a moment, and then goes to pick up Blaze. But Blaze nails a Pele kick!

    Daniels comments on Blaze's quickness, as he goes for a pin. Only a two count. He picks up Ronnie, and positions him.. nailing him with a front slam, his version of the Styles Clash. He goes for the pin, but again only a two count. K-Blaze then points to the top rope and the crowd cheers. He leaps up with ease, and turns around. He leaps up and nails a 450 Splash. Ronnie screams out in pain. Blaze goes for the pin.




    Masters is amazed that Ronnie kicked out. As is Blaze. Blaze picks up Ronnie and throws him to the ropes. He nails Ronnie with a Spinning heel kick. He picks up Ronnie, and throws him to the ropes again. K-Blaze leaps up for the leap frog, but Ronnie catches him in mid-air and slams him down with a Spinebuster. He then picks Blaze up and gets him in a fireman's carry... nailing the Birmingham Driver, his version of the DVD. He goes for the cover, and almost gets a three count. He picks Blaze back up and nails a Fall From Grace! He goes for the cover!




    Daniels is shocked at the heart of Blaze. Both men are obviously blown up and in pain, from the attack before and this instant classic of a match. They finally get to their feet, and begin brawling. Ronnie takes advantage and goes for a DDT. Blaze reverses and slams Ronnie down. He picks Ronnie up and goes for the Kode Of Silence! He lifts Ronnie up in a fireman's carry... but Ronnie gets out! He kicks Blaze in the gut... and NAILS THE IDLEWILD!!




    Ronnie McNeil retains the Money in the Back briefcase, beating his friend and partner in a match Jesse Montana designed to cause them pain. Ronnie lifts up K-Blaze, making sure he's okay. They hug, and the crowd is going wild. Ronnie holds up Blaze's hands, and then Blaze does the same for Ronnie. It looks like Jesse's plan backfired. A commercial for May Massacre plays as the ring crew lower down a small cage structure that was above the ring.




    * cZw! *


    Intercontinental Title Cage Match: BIG NASTY vs. "#1 DRAFT PICK" MACK BEAUDIN (C)


    Big Nasty comes to the ring first, and the crowd is astonished to see that the newly introduced gay friend of Nasty's, Alanso, is coming to the ring with him. They make it to the cage, and Alanso stays on the outside. Big Nasty enters through the cage door. The crowd seem to be behind Nasty, and we're not sure if it's because they genuinely like him, or if it's because of how much they don't like the current Intercontinental Champion. "Man Up" begins to play and the crowd boos. Mack Beaudin comes out, with the belt around his waist, but the Lovely Zoe cannot come down with him. They kiss, and she goes back to the back as Mack makes his way down to the ring, ignoring the crowd altogether. Mack hits the ring, and shakes the cage wall to see how sturdy it is. He enters through the door and walks right up to Big Nasty. He takes off the IC belt and points to it, saying he is the champion. He hands the title to the referee, and then blindsides Nasty as he was looking at the ref. Mack takes charge, as the ref rings the bell.

    Masters comments on how the Upstarts are the premiere group in wrestling, temporarily disbanned or not, and says Mack will prevail. He questions Nasty for having Alanso down to the ring with him. Alanso is creeping out the front row, as he is very much like Big Nasty's personal cheerleader. Mack takes control and chops the hell out of Nasty's chest. He moves Nasty towards a corner, and tries to slam Nasty's head into the turnbuckle. Nasty blocks it. Again. Nasty then surprises Mack with an elbow to the head, and then throws him in the corner. Nasty nails four big knees to Mack's gut, causing Mack to take a few steps out and then fall on his face. The crowd begins to chant "Nasty! Nasty!" and Big Nasty yells back "As Nasty As I Wanna Be, Baby!" The crowd are getting more and more behind him. He picks up Mack, and nails a big chop of his own sending Mack right back down to the mat.

    Nasty picks up Mack, and goes to irish whip him into the ropes. Mack slams into the cage wall as he gets to the ropes, and he staggers back forward. Big Nasty nails Mack with a quick Big Boot and goes for the cover.




    Nasty picks up Mack, and grabs him by the hair. He tries to take Mack back to a corner, but Mack viciously kicks at Nasty's knee. Nasty drops to his knees after a few more kicks, and then Mack hits a stiff kick to Nasty's back. Mack takes a few steps back and runs, nailing Nasty with a vicious kick to the head. He goes for the cover, but only gets two. He picks up Nasty, and nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. He gets another two count. He picks Nasty back up and whips him into the ropes.. this time Nasty slamming into the cage wall. Nasty on the stagger back, and Mack nails him with a overhead belly-to-belly suplex. He goes for another cover, and again, a two count. Mack is back up and stomping down on Nasty. Mack tells Alanso to shut the hell up, as he is yelling out cheers in a very annoyingly high voice. Mack picks up Nasty, and tosses him to a corner. Mack comes running in but Nasty lifts up a boot and Mack takes a big bite of it. Nasty then moves up to the second turnbuckle, and leaps. He drops down a powerful double ax-handle across the back of Mack. He then takes Mack, and slams him into the cage wall face first. Mack begins to bleed from his forehead as he is slopped down on the mat.

    Nasty goes to pick Mack up, and nails a thundering TKO. He goes for the pin.




    Daniels is freaking out, saying we almost had a new IC champ. Masters is down playing Nasty's near fall. Mack's cut is quickly getting larger, as more blood flows. Nasty picks Mack up, and positions for a piledriver. Beaudin surprises everyone with a display of strength by reversing it and back body dropping Big Nasty. Mack takes an opportunity to drop a knee across the head of Nasty as he was laying on the mat. Mack picks up Nasty, and delivers a successful piledriver. He goes for the cover, but only gets two. He picks Nasty up and --


    Mack nails Nasty with the Greetings From Tampa!! Nasty is laid out in the ring. Instead of going for the cover, though, Mack wants to win by walking out of the cage. He groggily walks towards the door. The crowd gives a loud pop when they see that from underneath the ring, the missing Special Ed Covey has crawled out. Masters questions how he got there, because he was seen earlier in the Team XTC segment. Ed sees Mack, but Mack does not see him. As soon as Mack gets the door, he opens it up. Ed runs to the door, and --


    Masters is freaking out as Ed just smashed Mack in the face with the cage door. Mack stumbles back, and Nasty is up. Nasty kicks Mack in the gut. He lifts him up!


    Daniels is freaking out. Masters is freaking out. Big Nasty just nailed Mack Beaudin with the Nasty Bomb. He groggily slops down on top of Mack, in a pinning predicament





    The crowd is going wild, and Mack is out cold. He wears a thick crimson mask now. Nasty is handed the IC belt, becoming the third ever champion. The cage is risen back up, and Nasty celebrates in the ring. Alanso is jumping up and down excitedly, and cheering on Nasty. Special Ed is nowhere to be found. Mack requires medical attention. Perfect time for a commercial break!




    * cZw! *




    Derek comes to the ring first, following every single member of the Damage Plan. O'Toole, Wright, Rave and the new Intercontinental Champion Big Nasty. Nasty seems a little estranged from the rest of the group, but business is business. Rave is bandaged up and looks miserably pissed off. Wright is in street clothes. The Van Halen song "Dreams" plays as Derek is wearing a royal blue robe, with red wrestling tights on underneath. He makes his way down to the ring, and all the members of Damage Plan appear to be the lumberjacks. The crowd aren't quite sure how to take Damage, but he seems ready for action. Suddenly, "Thieves" comes on and the crowd pops. After a few moments of Alan's Tron playing, He comes out. And he's not alone.

    The newly assembled Team Riot is with him, being Impaler, The All-American Nightmare, Special Ed Covey, and Krimzon Blaze. Fiscus picked a representative from three of the big stables and CZW mainstay Impaler rounds it off. Damage Plan is on the left side of the ring, and The Riot Squad goes to the right. Fiscus is wearing black tights and no t-shirt. Each team holds their side, and yells out coaching words to both their leaders. The bell rings, and Derek goes to shake Alan's hand. Alan grabs his hand, and begins delivering left punches to Derek's face. Masters belittles Fiscus for his lack of respect. Daniels mentions how much older Derek is than Alan.

    Alan knocks Damage down, and picks him up. He hits a stiff European uppercut. He then kicks Derek in the gut, and sends him to the ropes. He goes for a back body drop, but Derek nails him with a DDT. Derek then picks up Fiscus and tosses him out to Damage Plan. They grab him and aggressively slam him against the apron, and then throw him back in. Derek picks Alan up, and delivers a right-left combo. He pokes Alan in the eyes, and Alan screams out. Derek nails a Russian legsweep and goes for the pin. Only a two count. Derek picks Alan back up, and slams him into a corner. Derek chops Alan. Alan's had enough and grabs Derek, reversing it. He nails a chop of his own.


    Derek comes stumbling out of the corner, and Alan runs to the ropes. He grabs Dereks head, and hits a twisting, spinning DDT of his own. He goes for the cover.




    Alan picks up Derek, and tosses him out to Team Riot. They each take turns punching Derek in the head. Impaler then tosses Derek back into the ring. Alan greets him with an OVERTHROW ---





    Daniels and Masters can't believe how quickly this match is over. Team Riot enters the ring and celebrates with Alan, as Derek rolls out of the ring with the rest of Damage Plan.

    -Derek Damage stands outside the ring looking up at Alan Fiscus, his eyes full of disbelief. He pulls himself up into ring and walks over to Jessica Towers where he is presented with a microphone. Alan has as sadistic grin on his face, all of his cronies around him, glaring through Derek as Derek raises the microphone to his lips.-

    Derek Damage: Well, You got me Alan. I guess you really were the better of the two of us.

    -Alan stands smiling at Derek, Team Riot starts to leave the ring but Derek only stops Alan..-

    Derek Damage: Alan, before you go. You might want to hear this. Due to some circumstances beyond my control, and a lackluster performance here to night. I want to take this time to announce that I am relinquishing my role as the Combat Zone Wrestling Chairman and CEO.

    -Alans’ eyes light up and he walks toward Derek with his hand out. The Riot Squad smiling on the outside, Damage Plan outside the ring glaring in disbelief. Derek only smirks.-

    Derek Damage: What makes you think I am turning the position over to you? Fans, I would like to announce to you… The NEW Chairmen and CEO of Combat Zone…

    (“Money in the Bank” plays as none other than Shawn McCallister steps from behind the curtain. Wearing an expensive Armani suit, black with a red undershirt and a set of rayban shades over his eyes. He smiles as he walks, He climbs into the ring and Alan backs into a corner disgruntled. Derek smiles and shakes hands with the new CEO, handing him the microphone. )

    Shawn McCallister: Alan Fiscus, What a performance… You beat a man that is almost too old to beat himself anymore. You really set the standard for the cZw here. You see Alan, Derek and myself met backstage and we signed the contract of his resignation. While you were too busy, once again worrying about wrestling, we were handling the federation. So since you are more into yourself anymore than this business… I want you to know that this is NOW… MY… SHOW… as far as Team Damage does… From here on out… You will be known as McCallister's Protection and Security. You will do WHAT I SAY… WHEN I SAY IT. That goes for EVERYONE IN THE BACK… Including you Mr. Fiscus.

    -The fans boo as Shawn glares at Alan, Alan just has a smirk on his face. Alan reaches for the microphone but Shawn pulls back.-

    Shawn McCallister: You think you have a right to talk into MY microphone? You don’t even have a right to stand in my ring. Team Riot… Alan Fiscus… GET THE HELL OUT OF MY BUILDING!

    -Alan starts to walk off pissed, but Shawn catches him and calls him back before he gets out.-

    Shawn McCallister: No wait… The fans want to hear you give your feelings on the NEW BRAND of Sports Entertainment. So Alan, come on back and give the fans what they want. Team Riot keep on walking because I am sick of looking at you!

    -Alan looks at Shawn and snatches the microphone. Shawn pulls another out of his back pocket, grinning and watches as Alan starts to speak. Team Riot tries to stop but Shawn yells “Get the Hell Out” and they walk to the back.-

    Alan Fiscus: This is the stupidest thing I have ever seen. I mean seriously Derek, Moneyboy over here sits in the back and you think he gets a right to take the Chair….


    -Alan definitely didn’t see it coming, but Shawn McCallister came from nowhere with the Cash Flow (a roundhouse kick to the temple). Alan falls to the mat and the fans explode into Boos. Derek smirks and then dances around a minute before locking in the Inverted Figure Four leg lock. Shawn picks up the Microphone and Alan starts to swell with pain. Shawn stands over Alan yelling.-

    Shawn McCallister: When I tell you to get the HELL OUT OF MY RING YOU DO IT!!

    -Derek locks it in until Alan reaches the brink of being passed out. Team Riot runs back out and Shawn looks at them stopping them in their tracks. Alan pleas to them for assistance but Shawn tells them not to move. Shawn is enjoying every minute of pain that courses through Alans veins. McCallisters Protection and Security team stands between Team Riot and the ring. Team Riot watches, but can’t do anything because of McCallister. Finally Alan is let go. Shawn kicks Alan from the ring and smiles a hearty smile.-

    Shawn McCallister: Let that be a lesson. You mess with McCallister… You mess with the cZw… You mess with my money… You’re finished…

    -Shawn drops the mic on the mat as himself and Derek share a hand-shake and mock Alan. Team Riot gathers the broken remains of Alan Fiscus and carries him to the back to seek medical attention. Team McCallister, Shawn, and Damage all exit laughing at the entire incident.-




    * cZw! *

    TOWERS: "The next match is an IRON MAN MAIN EVENT match scheduled for THIRTY minutes!"

    (The crowd pops loudly)

    TOWERS: "Introducing first... hailing from Ohio... "THE SERIAL THRILLER" MATT STYLEZ!!!"

    - "Change" by Deftones plays, introducing itself as Matt's new theme music. Matt comes out, and there's still a few Matt fans but most of them boo. He ignores them. He runs to the ring, slides in, and poses to the crowd on a turnbuckle.

    TOWERS: "And his opponent... hailing from Nevada... he is the current CZW World Heavyweight Champion... "THE GAMBLER" ACE KING!!"

    - The opening guitar riff plays, and the crowd goes crazy. As the drums start, pyro starts to go off with increasing intensity, culminating with a huge explosion when the drums climax. Ace makes his way out to the ring and the crowd cheers hard. He wears the CZW World Heavyweight Title around his waist. Ace walks down casually to the ring, slapping hands with fans lining the ramp. He then slides into the ring. Another pyro explosion happens when he slides into the ring, right after the line "Don't Forget The Joker". -

    ***DING DING ***

    - Ace and Matt both give a look to Jesse uncertain about the situation, then both look back at each other, staring as they begin to lock up, Ace hits a forearm to the temple of Matt, then another, Matt goes for a forearm of his own but Ace ducks it, then hits a forearm to the spine of Matt. Ace locks his arms around the waist of Matt, trying to elevate him off the floor for a suplex, but Matt reverses the situation, skipping behind Ace locking in the same maneuver. Ace travels around the ring trying to break free but Matt keeps it on, running Ace into the ropes, Ace however holds on as Matt falls backwards doing a backroll, then comes storming towards Ace who still holds onto the top rope, Ace pulls it down as Matt's own momentum takes him over the ropes and crashing to the concrete floor below

    DANIELS: "Matt didn't see that one coming"

    JESSE: "These fans make me sick, they cheer loud for a man pulling down the ropes like a coward, then boo people like me and Matt when we do what we do best, dominate"

    DANIELS: "Yeah, there are rumors around Jesse that you"

    JESSE: "What the hell is that suppose to mean"

    MASTERS: "I think he meant that it is common knowledge that Upstarts are the best"

    DANIELS: "Oh yes of course, that is what I meant...Sure"

    JESSE: "It better had been, otherwise William might be lonely out here from now on, after his partner GOES MISSING"

    - Ace poses to the fans as Matt slams his fist on the top of the guardrail in disgust. Ace goes to grab the head of Matt as he climbs up on the apron, but Matt slips off holding onto Ace as he drives Ace's throat down on the top rope. Matt slides into the ring as Ace is trying to breathe, Matt runs behind him and takes his left leg out with a chop block to the back of the knee. Matt continues the attack as he drives his boot into the back of the same knee of Ace, over and over again. Matt pulls him towards the bottom rope as he props the left leg of Ace up on the bottom rope, then jumping up and landing with all his weight on the knee. As Ace screams in pain Matt gives a slight smirk as he looks at Jesse who claps him on. Matt picks Ace up, lifting him up and hitting a knee breaker on Ace, then holding on as Ace falls to the ground, Matt then locks in an Indian Deathlock

    JESSE: "Wow, I never noticed it before, as I was normally too busy kicking his ass, but Matt is a clever wrestler"

    MASTERS: "He certainly is, he was not the World Champion for nothing, he is taking apart a limb of Ace which severely disadvantages him for the thirty minutes to go" DANIELS: "Since Matt snapped and changed his persona, he has been nothing other than ruthless in th..."

    JESSE: "Shut up jackass, did I say you could speak?"

    MASTERS: "Haha, it is so exciting to finally have someone with a similar IQ as me as a commentating partner"

    DANIELS: "I am not arguing with that point"

    - Matt holds it on for a while as Ace is clearly in alot of pain, Jesse starting to smile as he looks on at Matt wrenching the knee of Ace. Matt lets him out only to pull him nearer the center of the ring where he picks up the left leg of Ace, pulls it up and drives the knee straight into the ground. He does it again, then a third time. Ace rolls around holding his leg as Matt stalks him, waiting for Ace to get up. Matt stands behind him, stalking his prey as Ace makes it to his feet, Matt dives in from behind attempting a kick to the back of the knee but fails as Ace quickly turns around dropping Matt down with a drop toe told

    DANIELS: "Ace is not out of it yet, his movement there was supreme"

    JESSE: "Why don't you use a little 'supreme' movement and get the hell out of here, besides, I don't want you commentating for my big appreciation night"

    MASTERS: "Yes I have been looking forward to this all week, let me just say Mr Montana, I will be the first to appreciate you"

    DANIELS: "I bet you will..."

    MASTERS: "You always have to have the last comment, the little mutter under your breathe don't you?"

    JESSE: "Don't worry William, I think he is just abit stressed, he has not had any for the last 42 years, how old are you again Jarred?"

    DANIELS: "42"

    JESSE: "Exactly"

    DANIELS: "Yes...Erm anyway...Matt is back on the attack again, he is like a bloodthirsty animal"

    - Ace tries to recover but Matt gets straight back up, Ace fights him off though with shots to the head. Ace changes the attack as he starts chopping away at the chest of Matt, the crowd loving it as the sound of the cops echo around the area. Matt holds his sternum which has now gone red, Ace backing him into the corner. Ace now intense, he kicks Matt in the gut, one, two, three, four, five times, Matt looking to of had his breathe take away, Ace now throws him into the opposite corner, Matt bounces off, Ace comes running towards him, limping, but still catches Matt with a strong block attack knocking Matt to the ground

    DANIELS: "The crowd are now getting behind there hero, the place has lit up, what an atmosphere"



    DANIELS: "The only clowns here are y..."

    JESSE: "I beg you Jarred, for your own well-being, do not finish that sentence"

    MASTERS: "You should listen to him Jarred, he can not only break you in several different ways, he can also fire your ass"

    - Ace now with momentum and adrenaline in his favor, he picks Matt up and drops him down with an inverted atomic drop, Mack cringing in pain as Ace follows up with a clothesline, Matt ducks though as he drops Ace down with a perfectly timed neckbreaker. Matt now back on the attack goes back to the injured left knee. He grabs his foot as he leg drops the knee of Ace, then stands back up and hits another leg drop. Matt pulls Ace to the corner as he looks around, something going around his mind as he smirks, then places Ace in the corner so that his legs are dangling over the apron and the corner post is in between them. Matt quickly rolls out of the ring as Ace is helpless in the corner

    MASTERS: "Matt shut these people up right then, now he is planning on making these people cry"

    JESSE: "Yes, I love that feeling, I always feel proud when I see a member of the audience cry, it really makes my day"

    DANIELS: "I apologize if you have just tuned in, cZw has been overrun by two satanic demons"

    JESSE: "And if you have just turned in, please understand that my employee Jarred Daniels is one word away from not only being fired, but crippled too"

    MASTERS: "Good one boss"

    DANIELS: "WAIT...What is Matt thinking here? He has that look in his eyes again"

    - Matt looks at the crowd who look on with pain on their faces, some looking away as Ace is in desperation. Matt licks his lips in delight. He strolls over to Ace, grabs his leg and viciously slams it into the turnbuckle, the sound is unbearable for the fans to listen to. The camera scrolls over the fans, most of them looking away, some looking like they are about to cry. Matt continues to slam the leg into the turnbuckle over and over again as the referee comes out to try and stop him, but Matt shoves him off. As Matt finally lets go, Ace tries to crawl away but he is in too much pain, he can't move. Matt, now with his eyes wide open, the same strange look on his face every time he snaps. He grabs a steel chair from the side of the commentary table as he walks past Jesse who nods to him. The fans begin to boo as Matt walks past them, a chair in hand. Ace looks on as he notices, starting to panic but is stuck in the position somehow. Matt swings the chair back, Ace with fear in his face, Matt swings forward...




    - Ace manages to kick out with his right leg as the chair smacks straight into the face of Matt who falls over as the chant chant Ace King. Ace now is free and rolls out from being stuck at the turnbuckle. Both men trying to recover, Matt beginning to stagger up, holding his head, Ace beginning climb to his feet, clearly unable to stand up on his left leg. Matt gets into the ring as Ace jumps on him, kicking him in the head as Matt gets up, Ace with a knee to the gut, irish whips Matt, hip toss, then another, Matt back up but shaky, Ace grabs him around the waist, belly to back suplex. Ace covers...




    - Matt kicks out with ease, Ace gets back up as Matt does too, Matt kicking the knee of Ace to stop his momentum again. Ace tries to fight back, chopping the chest of matt but Matt again goes back to the knee, kick after kick as Ace collapses down to one knee, Matt runs off bouncing off the ropes as he hits Ace, who is down on one knee, with a diving dropkick. Matt gets up again as he climbs to the top rope, Ace still down on the ground, Matt dives off attempting a flying leg drop, which he hits, then covers...





    - They both stand to their feet, Ace trying to get the feeling back in his leg. Both me look at the clock...



    DANIELS: "Look as these two men notice the clock ticking down, Matt of course eeds to win this match, which means he needs to get a fall over Ace within 30 minutes. So Jesse, why exactly did you decide to make it an Iron Man Match, another cZw first?"

    JESSE: "First, it is Mr Montana, but to answer your shockingly disgraceful question, I decided on this match as I want to see them beat up on each other for a good amount of time, and I doubt I will be disappointed. I am in power for 30 days and I promise you the cZw ratings will be the highest ever during my reign"

    MASTERS: "Well I have always wanted to see you as President, and what a great job you have done so far, this is probably the biggest Main Event on Warzone I have ever seen"

    JESSE: "Thankyou William, tell me this, why are you stuck out here infront of these vermins, next to a mutant like Jarred when you could be in the offices making decisions, i would happily employ you as my assistant, but as you know, that job is taken, and she is much nicer to look at"

    MASTERS: "I could not agree more"

    DANIELS: "I am surprised you cannot excrament William, the amount you are brown nosing and all"

    MASTERS: "I do not care what you say mutant boy, I am much further up the educational ladder than you, just like our boss is, Jesse Montana"

    DANIELS: "No wonder these fans boo you, your such a prick"

    JESSE: "You call him that once more and I will make you the first member of the exclusive, Jesse Montana, kiss my ass club, right here tonight, on Warzone"

    - Matt walks towards Ace, ducks an attack of Ace, swings around facing the back of Ace and sweeps his legs as Ace falls face first into the mat. Matt then ties up his legs as he places the right foot over the back of the left knee, then grabbing the left foot and pulls it back, locking in a type of leg lock which seems to focus the attack right on the back of the left knee, Ace screamig in pain once more. Ace begins to slam his fists down on the mat, the referee checks to see if he quits but Ace screams out with passion the word 'NO'

    JESSE: "I think Ace just quit, he shouted out 'Yes'"

    DANIELS: "I clearly heard him saying 'no', I think you eed your ears cleaning"

    JESSE: "And you need your head cleaning, you need it being taken clean off as I Montana Express your ass"

    MASTERS: "Don't trouble yourself boss, he is not worth it"

    - Ace tries to power out the move as he lifts himself up on his hands, but Matt applies more pressure. Ace, with his head in his hands, cringing in pain is lookig like he is about to tap out, Matt screaming at him to do so. Ace raises his left arm, his hand close to the mat, close to tapping out, but the fans start to chant louder, making more noise as Ace tries once more to escape, this time walkig on his hands towards the ropes, reaches out and tries to grab the bottom rope, but he is just inches away, he misses, Matt pulls him towards the center of the ring again. Ace now almost passing out...

    DANIELS: "The fas are behind Ace all the way but is seems as though Matt has it locked in, Ace is begiing to fade here"

    MASTERS: "Matt has worked at this one body part throughoout this match so far, such great tactics"

    JESSE: "Yeah, if I was Ace, and believe me when I say, thank God I am not, I would tap out here, he would still have over twenty minutes left to even it out, he is risking being injured here, but you know what, that might not be so bad"

    DANIELS: "How dare you say that, this man has worked his whole life to become World Champion and now he is, onyl to have you sit here and sa..."

    JESSE: "I cannot take this anymore, Masters, shut him up before I fire him, seriously, I am this close"


    DANIELS: "...Whatever...Ace has been in this hold for over a minute now, but still he tries to power out"

    - Ace has one more rush of adrenaline, the hold has been on for over a minute now, the fans chanting his name still. Ace pushes himself up once more, this time managing to roll himself over doing a front roll as Matt has to let go, Ace quickly crawls out of the ring as he tries to recover, but Matt not letting up dives out of the ring hitting a Suicide Dive on Ace, both men crashing into the guardrail as the fans go wild, Jesse looking on as both men seem hurt, only making the President more delighted

    JESSE: "This really is a great view isn't it, I could get used to this"

    DANIELS: "Ace powered out the hold, who knows what damage has been done, but Matt enraged decided to dive out on top of him, now both men are down"

    MASTERS: "Matt not letting up on his rival, he wants his Title back so bad and is ready to do anything to get it"

    JESSE: "HIS Title? I think you are overseeing things here, as soon as Jesse has made his mark on the politics side of things, I am coming straight for that belt, and I will win it..."

    MASTERS: "No doubt about that Mr Montana"

    DANIELS: "WOW...They are begining to stir, these men are the toughest in the business"

    JESSE: "What? Even tougher than the 'Toughest Act to Follow'?"

    MASTERS: "I have been curious about this actually for a while now, what did you think Mr Montana when you saw Alan doig sexual acts to a woman with a Jesse mask on?"

    JESSE: "William...Be quiet"

    DANIELS: "HAHA...I think for once in his life, Jesse Montana, the Sensation himself, is tongue tied"

    - Both men begin to stir, Ace finding it hard to stand on his feet at all now, Matt finding it hard to get up after the heavy landing off that suicide dive. Both men however now on their feet, Ace grabs the head of Matt and slams it into the apron, then picks Matt up, trying to deliver a side suplex but his leg buckles, Matt now back on his feet, picks Ace up going for a leg breaker, but instead slams the injured knee of Ace straight down onto the guardrail as he falls over into the crowd

    JESSE: "That is it, if these fas love him so much, try and make him better"

    MASTERS: "That knee of Ace must have been cracked in half right then, Matt is a true cerebral assassin"

    DANIELS: "I have to admit, I like his tactics, but do not underestimate the will and passion of Ace King, he will not give up his World Title easily, even though this is a non title match, Ace will give 110 percent in it"

    JESSE: "Oh Jarred, why do you have to make everything sound like an advert for Ace King and how apparently good he is?"

    DANIELS: "Well, he beat you didn't he?"

    JESSE: "You little SQUIRT...I am going to eat your damn heart you...No, calm down...He is not worth it, calm down, you are Jesse Montana, you are the President, in fact, you know what, two weeks from now, it is going to be, 'The Sensation' Jesse Montana versus...Wait for this one...'Colour Commentator' Jarred Daniels...IN A STREET FIGHT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    MASTERS: "HA HA That is awesome, you are a true genious"

    DANIELS: "You have got to be kidding me"


    - Ace in serious pain stands up again, the fans clapping him on, but Matt is back on the assault again, grabbing the head of Ace, Ace maages to push him off, then landing a few punches, Ace still not able to climb back over the guardrail, as he tries Matt hits the skull of Ace into teh top of the guardrail, then grabs his head and pulls him over the rail, only he props the legs of Ace on the top, Matt with Ace's head under his arm;pit as he has locked him into a front facelock. Now, as the fans look o worried, Matt smiles at them as he looks at them with a sinister face, Ace in a devastating postion, Matt drops down suddenly as he hits a huge DDT on the concrete floor...

    MASTERS: "Lights are now OUT"

    DANIELS: "This has turned devastating, Matt is insensed on getting not only his Title back, but getting revenge too"

    JESSE: "This is not nearly as bad as our match will be in a couple of weeks time"

    DANIELS: "Oh please..."

    - Ace is out of it as Matt notices. He pulls Ace up ad tries to lever him into teh ring, he gets him up onto the apron and rolls him in successfully. Matt rolls in himself as he covers...






    - Matt looks to be in shock as Ace gets a shoulder up. Matt begins to pick Ace up who is seeing treble vision at the moment. Matt hits him back down with a suplex. Matt in complete control, the crowd looking upset, Jesse looking pleased. Matt picks Ace up again, this time looking like Ace is completely out of it, Matt holds him up thinking of what to do, smiling as Ace’s eyes roll into the back of his head, but, all of a sudden, Ace grabs Matt and locks him into a crossface, Ace was playing possum, Matt was taken unaware, now is screaming in pain as Ace wrenches back, emotion in his face, anger flooding out. Matt tries to move himself towards the rope, Ace applying more and more pressure, Matt tries to roll backwards but Ace rolls over, keeping the hold on, Matt now back in the middle of the ring. The crowd al riot with excitement as Matt seems to have no where else to go, his spine being torn, he grimaces in pain. Eventually, after trying to move himself and Ace near the ropes, he drops back down, his hand hovering over the mat, so close to tapping out. Ace wrenches back one more time, but Matt takes advantage of the move, rolls backwards once again and this time slips out of the hold, Ace desperately tries to put it back on but Matt manages to roll out of the ring to freedom…

    DANIELS: "Every time Ace starts to get the advantage, Matt sneaks off outside to get his breathe back, must be tactical"

    MASTERS: "Of course it is you dufus, Matt is playig mind games with the World Champion, also not allowing himself to be pinned, Matt is playing this one perfectly if you ask me"

    DANIELS: "Yes, Matt is technically breaking down the World Champion, but as we just saw, Ace King can come back and put you in a match ending move in a second, I mean look at the eyes of Matt, he is shocked how quick Ace put that move on"

    - Matt looks in shock, Ace staring at Matt who has to get back into the ring sometime, Ace knows this and is waiting for him. Matt walks around the ring, obviously playing mind games with Ace. Ace almost now frothing from the mouth, his leg gotten better, his momentum up sky high. Ace loses his patience and goes to the outside to catch Matt, grabs him to turn him around but Matt hits him, in fact, he hits him with something, brass knuckles, he quickly puts them away, everyone in the arena unaware of this blatant act. Ace once again falls to the floor, once again unconscious. Matt now crawls back into the ring, still in pain from the earlier move, now resting inside as the ref tends to Ace

    DANIELS: "What just happened, Matt hit Ace in the forehead and he is completewly out of it, I am sure I saw him throw somethig away after hitting him"

    JESSE: "You are paranoid Jarred, you should get that taken care of"

    DANIELS: "The referee looks concerned about our Champion here, what was that Matt did?"

    MASTERS: "He hit him with an almighty right hand Jarred, Matt may ot be the biggest of men, but he has one nasty right hook"

    DANIELS: "The crowd seem to have seen something, let's take a look at the replay here"

    (Replay shows matt clearly hit Ace with brass knuckles)

    DANIELS: "How disgraceful"

    JESSE: "Weapons are legal Jarred, get with the times"

    DANIELS: "Yes, Upstarts would know all about weapons wouldn't they"

    MASTERS: "Look, stop annoying our President,. he has already made a match with you in, next he will make you Jena Cyde's PA"

    - The clock ticks down, Matt needing to get the win to qualify himself for a shot at the title. Matt now goes to the outside, his strength back up, he rolls Ace into the ring and covers, and the ref seems reluctant as he suspects something is wrong, but has to make the cover…






    - Matt again looking shocked as it was a split second difference. Matt slams his fists to the ground and looks at the clock, anxiety upon his face…



    JESSE: "Half the match gone, plus I only have to sit with Jarred for another fifteen minutes"

    MASTERS: "Trust me Jesse, that feels like a lifetime"

    - Ace begins to stir, a slight cut can be seen on his forehead, not yet bleeding. Matt pounces on him, while mounting him, he releases with a series of lefts and rights, Ace trying to block, you can see the aggression on the face of Stylez. He even begins biting at the cut which slowly begins to bleed, blood trickling down the forehead of King. Matt grabs his head, then starts pushing it down, smashing the back of his head into the canvas. Finally Matt gets up as Ace tries to regain his breathe, now noticing the blood as he presses his right hand against his skin trying to stop the bleeding. Matt then starts vicously stomping on Ace, picking out weakened spots in his body, mainly focussing on the injured left knee. Matt lets up finally as he walks around the ring, staring at the hundreds of fans all looking concerned

    JESSE: "That is it Matt, make him bleed more, I want to see blood all over the ring"

    MASTERS: "Not too much though because you need to hold a celebration in there after this"

    JESSE: "That is true, maybe I will just mop the blood up using Daniels, he can't get anymore bloody...Bloody boring that is"

    DANIELS: "Wow, that was so funny I actually forgot to laugh"

    JESSE: "Matt is stalking his prey here, GET HIM...GET HIM"

    - Matt waits for Ace to rise, Ace in fact signals to Matt to try harder, signalling the ‘Come On’ sign as Matt smiles, then walks towards Ace, giving him a hard right hand and knocking him straight back down again. Ace again rises though, the blood starting to flow harder, clearly busted after the bras knuckles were indented into his forehead. Matt again hits in square in the head, Ace stumbles, but stays standing. Matt smiles again, kicking Ace in the gut and delivering a DDT. He then picks Ace up again as he delivers a second DDT. Blood is now staining the floor as matt purposely rubs Ace’s head in the mess, then picks Ace up once more, this time placing him into position, Matt smiling to Jesse as Jesse puts his thumbs up, then dropping them down as to say ‘do it’, Matt then hits Ace with a devastating Piledriver. Ace’s head bouncing off the ground as Matt covers him…





    - Ace cannot stay down, Matt not smirking any more as anger grows on his face. Ace’s forehead is now red, his anguish is noticeable. Matt decides to keep on the pressure to the head as he locks in a sleeper hold, Ace is now in no mans land. The blood trickling onto the arms of Matt. The crowd trying to get behind there World Champion but is now obvious Ace is trying to hand on, Matt in control but still technically behind as he has to win the match. Matt begins to swing Ace from side to side, the pressure now immense. Still though the passion of Ace, the resilience making him get up to one knee, the crowd getting behind him, Matt grimacing as Ace gets to his feet, matt kicking the back of the left knee to knock him straight back down though, but Ace has momentum, he stands, he elbows Matt in the gut, twice, three times, matt lets go, Ace whips Matt into the ropes, the rebound…FULL HOUSE!!!!!!!

    DANIELS: "OUT OF NO WHERE!!!!!!!!!"


    - The crowd erupt, the place filling with noise, delight, HOPE. Matt is down, not moving, Ace is down, looking to try and cover Matt. He crawls, the fans clapping him on, Daniels in commentary willing him on, Matt still not moving, Ace reaches over, he is desperate, he lands his arm on the chest of Matt as the referee covers…






    - Matt just getting his shoulder up as the whole arena collapses back into their seats with disappointment. Ace holding his head, the blood in his hands as he knows he was so close. Matt beginning to rise. Both men now on their feet as they look at the clock…



    - They begin to circle each other, Matt almost growling with aggression, Ace looking determined also, although the blood is starting to fill up his eyes as he swipes his forehead with his left arm, clearing the blood away from his eyes. They lock up, Matt dances to go behind Ace, picks him up and slams him to the ground as Matt has the advantage, Ace struggles away as he stands back up, locking in an armbar on Matt, Matt walks around the ring as he front rolls and sweeps the legs of Ace, now elbow drops Ace but Ace moves. Both men back on their feet again as Matt tries for a dropkick, but Ace moves again. Ace takes advantage of this as he chops Matt back to the corner, the a la Ric Flair chops doing damage to Matt, Matt now in the corner, skips away from a final chop as he switches the situation around, placing Ace in the corner. Matt hits Ace with a few hard shots to the bloody head, then kicks to the gut, finally whipping him into the opposite corner, Ace bounces of, both men now running towards each other as they hit each other with similar clotheslines as they both fall to the ground

    DANIELS: "Both these men with similar ideas, both connecting as now both are down, only nine minutes to go"

    JESSE: "Get up Matt, you need to win"

    DANIELS: "I am confused, I thought you and Matt hated each other, why are you wanting Matt to win so badly"

    JESSE: "Look, as I have explained before, me ad Matt may despise each other, but we both respect each other, we both have similar personalities ad we both want the same thing, well things, the cZw World Title and we both want to dominate and be the best, we both have enough talent to be the best and we both do not give one crap about what these fans or what you say for that matter. So, I would rather see Matt with the belt, for the meanwhile that is, than Ace King, the biggest suck up sheep in the whole Company"

    MASTERS: "Well said Mr President"

    - The ref checks on both of them as they both lie flat out in the middle of the ring, both trying to regain their breathes. Matt is the first up, goes over to Ace who is on his knees, Ace defends himself by hitting Matt with shots to the sternum, Matt temporarily is back-pedalling, but jumps at Ace hitting him in the head with a dropkick to the face. Matt picks up Ace as he throws him onto the ropes, Ace comes back, Matt cleverly locks in a sleeper hold while Ace is running, Ace quickly gets out of it though as he side suplexes Matt, then picks him up again, then out of no where goes for the BLACKJACK BOMB…


    - Matt counters though as he takes Ace down with a neck breaker. The crowd again disappointed that Matt escaped trouble, Matt smiles as he hovers over Ace, starting to stand on him, showing no respect, Ace though quickly grabs his leg as he takes Matt down, turns him over and locks in a Boston Crab…

    DANIELS: "Matt trying to be cocky then, Ace punished him, now Matt is in yet another devastating hold"

    MASTERS: "Yeah and Matt only has about eight minutes left to go, and he needs to WIN"

    - Ace sits on the spine of Matt as the crowd chant ‘Tap Out’. Matt though has no intention of doing so as he pushes himself up onto his hands, He makes his way towards the ropes, Ace sitting as far back as he can, but Matt looks at the clock, now desperate to escape and get the fall he needs



    - Matt makes it to the bottom rope as Ace is forced to release the hold. Both men seem to be exhausted, Ace limps off, his left leg injured, his head bleeding, his vision blurred. Matt comes up behind him and chops his leg as it gives way again. Now Matt stomps on his leg again, this time with more desperation as he hits it, kicks it and then elbow drops it. He lifts Ace up, now standing on one leg as he throws Ace into the ropes, Ace almost collapsing as his leg is giving way, Ace bounces off as matt comes running towards him and goes for a spear, Ace jumps over but collapses to his knees as his leg finally gives way, Matt springboards off the ropes as he runs at speed coming up behind Ace who is back on his feet…SPEAR TO THE INJURED KNEE…


    - Ace now rolls around holding onto his leg as Matt climbs the turnbuckle, gets to the top rope with Ace in his sights, jumps off… THRILL KILL………

    Matt hits Ace right in the head with the flying somersault leg drop. Matt covers as he puts all his weight into the pin…





    - Ace kicks out again, the referee signals to matt it was only a two count, Matt goes berserk as he gets up, picks Ace up who is now bleeding profusely. Matt grabs him…

    HIGH STYLE……….

    - Matt delivers it with perfection as Ace bounces off the mat. He covers, again with all his weight on the fall…







    MASTERS: "What is it going to take, Ace is a machine"

    DANIELS: "It is the heart and passion we talk about all the time, Ace is in this business because he loves it, he loves the fans and he loves the competition, he thinks the World Title is worht giving it all for and that is what he is doing here"

    JESSE: "If it was me, I would finish him in an instant"

    - Matt cannot believe it; Ace has kicked out two of his finishers. Ace though looks to be on the verge of being hospitalised. Matt looks at the clock…


    DANIELS: "Matt is anxious, what is he doing now?"

    MASTERS: "Jesse is helping him I think"

    - Matt starts to panic; he rolls to the outside as Jesse is now standing up pointing to a steel chair. Matt smiles as he throws the announcer off and grabs his chair, then rolls back into the ring with the steel weapon in hand

    DANIELS: "What did you do that for...President?"

    JESSE: "Matt looks to be tired here, I just thought I would offer him a sit down"


    - Ace is still down; Matt stands in the corner, the chair in his grasp as he shouts to King to get up. The fans are booing loudly as Jesse looks on in excitement. Ace begins to stir, not knowing what awaits him, Matt walks up to Ace, Ace turns as Matt swings the chair at his skull…


    - Matt hits Ace with chair, blood staining the steel. Ace falls hard to the ground as the fans riot in anger, the referee not being able to do a thing as Matt covers, Jesse screaming to the referee to count Ace down, which he eventually does…







    DANIELS: "ACE IS STILL ALIVE BABY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    JESSE: "I am getting sick of this"

    - The crowd erupts, chanting Ace King...Matt now knows he has to do something big, he only has three minutes left to get a fall. Matt walks around thiking of what to do, Ace is still on the floor in a bloodied mess, trying to get to his feet but he has no chance. Matt kicks the chair out of the rig, then stares at Ace who is totally defensless on the floor. Matt walks up and grabs his legs, one last move to try and get the win...THRILL SHOTTTTTTTTTTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    JESSE: "Finally, now it is all over, sorry Daniels but your beloved Champ is going to be snapped in HALF"

    DANIELS: "We shall see"

    MASTERS: "This is fantastic"

    - Matt locks the submission in as Ace lies with his face stuffed into the ground, blood flowing from his head. Matt sits back perfectly in position, Ace right in the center of the ring



    CROWD: "ACE...ACE...ACE...ACE...ACE"

    - The crowd try and will Ace on but Matt has it singed in, leaning far back, tistig and torting the spie of Ace King who looks to be in a bloodied broken mess. Ace tries hard to get up one two hands but has not even got the strength left to do that. He now is stuffing his face into the ground, his spine at a horrifically scary angle. Matt wrenches back again as his eyes have gone different, staring, eye-balling the crowd. Ace is not moving anymore

    MASTERS: "He is out of it"

    - The referee comes up to check on Ace, but gets no response. Matt is grinning, licking his lips as the referee raises the right arm of Ace ad it drops down.


    - The crowd are making as much noise as possible now as Jesse is standing up shouting 'Shut Up' to the fans. Mat keeps the hold on as the referee raises the same hand, the same hand crashes back down


    - Ace looks to be out of it, one more count and Matt has his wining fall. Jesse is grinning, Matt his grinning, the referee goes back to his hand, raises it, the fans on their feet begging Ace to awaken...

    ACE IS AWAKE!!!!!!!!!!!

    - Ace holds his arm up, the fans go mental, the referee tells Matt as Jesse crashes back down to his chair checking his watch, Matt checks on the Combat-Tron...



    - Matt screams out 'Tap you bitch', Ace now gaining momentum, the look on his face tells the story, he pushes himself up onto two hands as the blood flows down his face, now in his mouth as he tastes his own pain, his own blood, his passion...

    DANIELS: "Ace is hanging on for dear life here, the blood now covering his face, he must be able to taste it, what a horrific sight"

    JESSE: "I actually like this sight, it reminds me of good times"

    DANIELS: "Your sick"

    MASTERS: "Speaking of good times, your celebration is so close now"

    DANIELS: "ACE WILL NOT QUIT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    JESSE: "Yeah it is up next, I was about to say before that trout interrupted me yet again, but guys, if you have just joined us, it will be Jesse Montana against Jarred Daniels, in a street fight, May 15th"

    MASTERS: "Genious"

    - Matt wrenches back as Ace collapses back to the ground, the referee right next to him asking him if he wants to submit, but Ace shakes his head. Matt wrenches hard, but Ace starts to drag himself towards the ropes, Matt decides to drag Ace back to the middle of the ring which he does, Ace now trying just to hang on, but still a minute is on the clock...


    DANIELS: "The one minute countdown begins"

    - The fans still chant 'Ace King', they are willing him on, but the pain is excrusiating. The blood has poured out and has made a slight puddle under the body of Ace. He once again lies with his face pressing into the blood stained mat. The referee lookig concerned. Jesse now gets up agai as he tells Matt to release the hold and do something else but Matt wrenches back one last time, this time Ace lifts his head up as he starts screaming loud in pain, his voice echoing throughout the arena...



    - Matt now rocking back ad forth as the pressure gains, the movement making the spine of Ace to be compressed. Ace has only 20 seconds now to hang on, but his hand begins to hover over the mat as the pain is now unbearable. Ace begins to bite down hard on his own arm, trying to withstand the last few seconds, Matt is trying hardest...

    DANIELS: "He is so close now, he is biting his own arm it is that excrusiating:


    - Ace hovers his hand over the mat...


    Matt yells at Ace to tap


    The ref checks on Ace


    The crowd are willing Ace on


    Jesse is standing


    Matt looks at the time


    Ace has tears in his eyes, mixed with blood as he screams out, biting his arm


    Matt wrenches back again and again and again in desperation


    Ace hovers his hand, the ref looking closely


    Matt begins to frown in anguish, he has tried but failed



    TIME IS UP...

    Matt Stylez - 0

    Ace King - 0

    TOWERS: "And so at the ed of the thirty minutes, Ace King and Matt Stylez draw by zero falls each, therefore, as the rules stated matt Stylez needed the win to gain a Title shot next week, and did not manage this, Ace King will NOT have to defend his Title next week on Warzone"

    DANIELS" What the hell is Jesse doing?"

    MASTERS: "Only he knows that Jarred"

    - Jesse jumps up out of his chair and grabs the microphone of Jessica Towers, almost knocking her over in the process. The fans begin to boo as Jesse holds the microphine to his mouth

    JESSE: "NO NO NO...Boo all you want but I am the cZw President and I decide when matches are over, so as both competitors are drawing after the full thirty minutes, I enduce extra time in order to find a winner, so fat man over there, ring the DAMN bell"

    DANIELS: "What is the meaning of this, our President is a biased idiot"

    MASTERS: "How dare you, he just does not want to see a match end on a draw, i find it very credible what he is doing"

    DANIELS: "Rubbish, he knows Ace is injured, he knows he has technically won the match, but he can't stand it so he goes and does this...NOW WHERE IS HE GOING???"

    - Jesse throws the microphone down and starts to search under the ring, then pulls out a sledgehammer as the fans boo in disgust. Ace is starting to rise now, his head in a drastic state. Jesse slides the hammer into the ring as he climbs onto the apron, the referee trying to restore order but Jesse threatens to fire him. Matt now has the hammer, he holds it up to his face as his eyes glow in delight, a sinister smile across his face. Ace is now on his feet, staggering as he turns to face Matt. Matt runs in, swings the SLEDGEHAMMER...




    - Ace ducks. Jesse gets hit with the sledgehammer. Matt holds his head in his hands as he drops the hammer and looks out at Jesse, not bothered that he hit the President, just annoyed he missed Ace. Ace then from behind...

    - ROLLS MATT UP...







    MASTERS: "I am shocked"

    DANIELS: "He overcame all of the odds to get this win, he is a true inspiration"

    - The crowd erupt as Ace gets the win, Matt rolls out of the ring angry, kicking the guardrail, Jesse however lies on the flor outside knocked out after being hit in the skull with the sledgehammer

    MASTERS: "How is poor Mr Montana goig to have his celebration now, I should help him"

    DANIELS: "He got what he deserved, I am exstatic, what a match"


    TOWERS: And the winner of this man and the Iron Man, he is the Gambler, he is the cZw World Heavyweight Champion...ACE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

    - Ace celebrates and then leaves the ring. Matt has already rolled out -

    - Jesse climbs into the ring and grabs the microphone

    "That damn Ace...I am gonna kill him..."

    - Jesse finally calming down

    Jesse: "Okay, even though I am severely pissed off right now, I am the cZw President and I will still hold the Appreciation night, just for all of you. I have a little speech prepared so I shall start, so please be quiet...Thank you"

    - The fans boo even louder

    Jesse: "Well...Well...Well, at No Remorse we certainly saw alot of things, we gained alot of memories. We had flesh being engulfed by flames while piling into wood, we had two big men whipping each other with straps, (no, that was not in Alan's dungeon, that was Caleb and Impaler), we also saw the World Title change hands, we saw Alan's old pal Jake Jarvis, we saw the drug taking, pimp shaking, rap faking Zodiac Thrilla, hell we even saw a coconut being anally probed by a metal pole, yes my friends we saw it all, but the greatest of all things, the greatest moment in cZw history in fact was when we saw moi, Jesse Montana, the 'Sensation' himself, being made the NEW, and better, cZw President..."


    "Yes, I know, it is genious, I mean for the next thirty days the ratings are going to go sky high, through the roof, Jesse runs the show, makes the cards, controls the superstarts fates, I have all the power in the World..."

    "But it seems as though some people do not have the same confidence as my Presidential skills as I do, all I can say to them is, wait and see, cZw will be bigger than any other show, any other brand, it will be the pinnacle of Sports Entertainment. Yes, I do want to do the best for the show, I really do, I am not the egotistical man you all think I am really, I am a good...Loving...OH who am I kidding, I AM THE SENSATION and finally I have the power to do what I want here, I will do what I want when I want, and if any of you back there have a problem with this, you know where the door is..."

    "Now, I am aware Mr Bishop Strong asked a few of the cZw Superstars their opinions on Jesse, me, becoming the new cZw President, lets take a look at what they said..."

    - Videos come up on the Combat-Tron


    How the hell do you think I feel about it? I think it f**king bulls**t.

    and you can quote me on that

    - Jesse loses his grin and begins to frown

    All-American Nightmare

    I think it's a load of crap. If he's not careful, it's gonna blow up in his face. All I know is that there will be a lot of pissed off people in a month.

    - Jesse now looks enraged, his face turning red as the fans chant 'You Suck'

    Krimzon Blaze

    How do I feel? well, I feel something in the pit of my stomach that I've never felt before... I feel like CZW has been taken to another level, now that Montana is Prez... but for once in my lifetime, I'm actually afraid for my own safety... Montana was hell-bent on ending Zodiac's career, and now he's made President a few months after? I mean, I'm shocked in all honesty that Derek would betray Fiscus like that... I don't know whats going to happen to me, but I'm hell-bent on getting some damn revenge on Matt Stylez for what he pulled at No Remorse. Matt Stylez, The Kode Of Silence... Has...Chosen...YOU!

    - This one tips Jesse over the edge as he runs around the ring screaming 'shut up' to the fans, totally embarrassed.

    Jesse: "You know what, I do not care, these people will have to get taught a damn lesson won't they. You see, they may share their little opinions, but I am the man who pays them, I am the man who has their careers in the palm of my hand and if I wanted..."

    - Jesse slams his fist against the microphone

    Jesse: "I could squash them like a dam BUG..."

    Jesse: "Now, what I wanted to do was get the entire roster down here and stand on the ramp, not too close to me as a few of them stink, but all lined up on the ramp so they can APPRECIATE me...


    - As Bodies by Drowning Pool begins to play throughout the arena, the cZw roster makes their way out, all standing at the bottom of the ramp, Ace, El Pablo and Matt Stylez not there, along with obviously Shawn Waters and Mack Beaudin too, Alan Fiscus to everyone's surprise though is out there, looking intense as he stares a hole through Jesse. They all stand still as Jesse smiles

    Jesse: "Hey guys, welcome to my appreciation night, now I hope you are all ready to do that, appreciate me. Even you...Alan. Yeah, I know you felt hard done by when Derek made me President, leaving you to be just another bum, but he did it for a reason, just like he made Shawn McCallister the new cZw Chairman, he knew you were slowly running thos Company into the ground and needed fresh talent, like me, to take it to new heights"



    Jesse: "Huh, it seems as though you still have these fans brainwashed, but hey, who needs Canadians cheering for them anyway, I would be sickened if they did cheer for me, to be on the level of a Canadian, truly disgusting"

    Jesse: "Now, before I carry on, I would just like to take a minute out, where we acknowledge the life and achievements of one of the true greats, he is a pioneer for all people, of all nationalities, he is an ispiration, he certainly inspired me, hell...He is me, let us all put our hands together, for the Sensation, the cZw President...Me...Jesse Montana"

    - Most of the superstars stand, grimmaces on their faces, not moving at all, their arms folded, while a few others actually do clap in Jesse's honour. The fans boo furiously as they chant 'Jesse Sucks', even the superstars begin to join in. Jesse getting annoyed as he yells down the microphone

    Jesse: "HOW DARE YOU...This is my night, you should resp..."

    - Jesse gets cut off as music begins to play...

    Jesse's grand speech slagging every CZW Superstar and fan is interrupted by the eponymous words "I wish I knew how to quit you". This leads into "Achy Breaky Heart" by Billy Ray Cyrus. (OOC: The video) An image of a sunset appears on the CombatTron as a horse, a grizzly bear, and a kangaroo come out to the stage to join all the other CZW Superstars. Montana is confused as the animals make their way down the ramp single file and surround the ring. Jesse looks at each of the animals and adjusts his collar.

    Jesse Montana: What is the meaning of this? If you're trying to reenact Noah's Ark, you've only got it half right.

    Horse: Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck, you silly goose! Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck, we're the ess-corts you asked for, Mr. Montan-uh, sir. YEEEEEEEEEE HAW!!!

    The crowd bursts out laughing as Jesse's face remains a mixture of confusion and embarassment.

    Horse: See, we heard how much you and your "special friends" love asses.. but unfortunately, the Donkey Sanctuary was closed for the evening, so we had to plump for a few alternatives.. Mind you, if anything could give you the sort of satisfaction you need here on your special night, it's a horse!

    Any embarrassment on Jesse's face before has been replaced by a smoldering anger. He appears to be getting an idea of who exactly these animals are. Then, the grizzly bear steps forward to talk. Jesse just rolls his eyes as the grizzly bear starts to talk.

    Grizzly Bear: You ever seen a bear wipe it's ass in the woods?

    The crowd gives a large "WHAT?" chant, mainly because they can't figure out what the bear is saying. Jesse's left eyebrow cocks slightly above his eye in a bewildered look of befuddlement.

    Grizzly Bear: Oh, I bet you have. Ain't nothing quite like it, right? I'm sure you've "skinned" a few bears in your time. We know how you like it rough. Hell, Mack won't quit talking about it!

    Jesse's rage begins to boil over, and the crowd responds with a combination of an "OOOOOOOOOOOO!" chant and a huge pop at Jesse's anger. Suddenly, the kangaroo starts to hop madly with excitement, as though it also wants to say something to CZW's "esteemed" new President.

    Kangaroo: Mack? That's nothing. You should have heard Waters! Tell me if this rings a bell, Mr. President... How's about a little trip "down under", mate? Go ahead, just hop in my pouch and you can get your bounce on!

    Jesse is now incensed, and the crowd gives a huge pop for the smart-mouthed kangaroo hopping around the ring. The grizzly bear looks menacingly at a seething Jesse, who takes the microphone and starts talking again.


    The crowd explodes in a fit of boos as Jesse continues to fester in the middle of the ring. The horse looks away and then back up at Jesse.

    Horse: Hyuck-hyuck-hyuck, don't get angry, son! We don't wanna hurt nobody here, Mr. Mahn-tahn-uh. Of course, we know you like to kiss the ass! How else did you get that there fancy title of yours?

    The crowd is firmly behind the horse as he trashes Jesse. The horse continues talking.

    Horse: Yep, you like the ass, which is why we wanted to be here tonight. We wanted to make sure that this here posh ceremony of yours is nothing but a joyous... LIVING HELL FOR YOU!

    Smoke starts to figuratively come out of Jesse's ears as the animals reveal themselves to be... TEAM XTC!!! The crowd explodes as CZW World Heavyweight Champion Ace King and CZW X-Champion El Pablo step out of the horse costume, CZW Queen Of Combat Ruthless Aggression and Hellena emerge from the grizzly bear, and the kangaroo consists of Special Ed as the mother with Loki in his pouch. Jesse is livid with the fact that his appreciation ceremony has been ruined. Team XTC makes their way forward towards the ring. They slide in, and stand in a line in front of the President. El Pablo steps forwards towards Jesse, mic in hand.

    El Pablo: OK, OK.. Now, I know you must already be pretty excited having seen 3 athletic, musclebound men strip a layer of clothing off.. but it gets even better!

    Ace King: Oh yes! You see, as much as we knew you'd appreciate that little display we just gave you, we really wanted to give you a more permanent token of our appreciation, something physical that would forever remind you of this great day, YOUR great day!

    El Pablo: So we racked our brains for a good few days, trying to come up with something we knew you'd like. And then Ed here came up with the PERFECT suggestion... boys, bring it on out here!

    El Pablo signals to the CombatTron as Big Daddy and members of the security team come out carrying a large rectangular object covered in wrapping paper. Jesse looks on as the "gift" is brought up to ringside and slid into the ring. Team XTC grab hold of the package and lift it up, propping it up in the corner of the ring. It's at least 10ft high. Team XTC step back as Jesse stares inquisitively at the "gift".

    Special Ed: Go ahead Mr President, open it!

    Jesse steps gingerly towards the package as Team XTC lead the crowd in a chant of "Open It, Open It". Jesse examines the package, then grabs ahold of the wrapping paper with both hands and pulls, tearing it off in one go to reveal... a jumbo-sized copy of "Can You Get It Up-Starts?"! The President goes absolutely livid as Team XTC slip out of the ring, the crowd in complete hysterics. "Guerilla Radio" by Rage Against The Machine kicks in as Team XTC head to the back, still laughing and looking back at a humiliated and enraged Jesse Montana. The music soon fades out again though, as the President grabs his microphone again and glares up at the CombatTron.

    "Team XTC...You think you can come back and embarress the cZw President? HOW DARE YOU YOU SONS O' BITCHES. I AM GONNA MAKE YOUR LIVES A LIVING HELL"

    - XTC still look on with smiles on their faces as Jesse is almost in tears, but then starts to strangely smile

    Jesse: "Ace King...I was gonna mention this earlier, when you got your little win against Matt, but now is the perfect time. You see, you may of beat Matt, but I forgot to mention something, I forgot to mention Matt already signed a re match clause, so well done, you may have won tonight, but all that was really for was my own enjoyment, you WILL defend your title, whether you like it or not..."

    - Jesse interrupts the crowd as they react

    Jesse: "BUT...That is not all, you see, Matt has decided to have his re match, at none other than the next cZw Pay-Per-View...MAY MASSACRE. Only, it is not that simple, for it will not just be Matt Stylez against Ace King, oh no...It is gonna be Ace King versus Matt Stylez versus...............EL PABLO!!!"

    - XTC look at each other in uncertainty as Jesse continues

    Jesse: "Oh yeah, try this one out for size, the winner of the match has to choose which belt they want, the World Title or the X Title...The belt they do not choose...WILL BE VACATED...STRIPPED OF THE CHAMPIONSHIP!!!"

    - The crowd make a riot as Jesse laughs, the other superstars around the ring all look at XTC who still do not know what to make of everything, El Pablo looking more angry, Ace is trying not to stress out too much as his head pours with blood, a bandage over it. Jesse now is smiling, in a sinister way as he still is emotional from the previous embarrassment

    "How do you like me now XTC? Oh and to water everyone's appetite, I have decided to pit Ace King against El Pablo, next week on Warzone...With Matt Stylez as REFEREE..."

    - The camera cuts on to Jesse who winks at XTC

    "XTC...Welcome back...Have a Nice Day"

    - The camera cuts off as the last scene is Jesse Montana...


Combat Zone Wrestling E-Fed Complete Card May 1rst

  • The Bell Centre
    May 1st 2008

    cZw : WAR ZONE!



    (if Matt wins, he gets a Title shot next week!) "The Gambler" Ace King -VS- "The Serial Thriller" Matt Stylez


    "The One Man Riot" Alan Fiscus -VS- "The Chairman" Derek Damage


    Big Nasty -VS- "#1 Draft Pick" Mack Beaudin ©


    "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze -VS- "Your Living Legend" Ronnie McNeil


    "The Dark Prince" Rave -VS- "The 5 Star Superstar" El Pablo ©


    Special Ed Covey + Kris Kash + Mido Makkaido + Rob Wright + Impaler + Tim Timmons

    SHAWN WATERS presents "TESTING THE WATERS" **********************************

    "The Emo Prince" Jacob Havok -VS- "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole


    cZw: ASSAULT!


    The All-American Nightmare -VS- "Troublesome" Sean Hustle


    Charles Max -VS- "The Phoenix" Michael King


    Allyson Thorn -VS- Ashley Valentine


    Vince Khan -VS- "Outlaw" Buck Evans
