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Wolrd Champion
Jesse Montana

Queen of Combat

TV Champion
Eric Collum

Eddie Rowan

Global Tag Team Champions
Fiscus & Covey

Intercontinental Champion
Maynard Otoole

World Tag Team Champions

Hardcore Champion
Mike King


-=- WORLD TITLE CAGE MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) ‘The Sensation’ JESSE MONTANA © -VS- ’The Hardcore Master’ TIM TIMMONS
OVERDRIVE LIVE OCTOBER 23RD 2008 Combat Zone Wrestling Tour Dates
Combat Zone Wrestling
OVERDRIVE live from
Louisville, Kentucky
October 24rd (Deadline is October 23rd 9pm Eastern)
(2 RP’s per person)
‘The Sensation’ JESSE MONTANA © -VS- ’The Hardcore Master’ TIM TIMMONS

(2 RP’s per person)

(2 RP’s per team)
MATT COVEY & ED COVEY © -VS- FIRE & ICE (Krimzon & Shawn) ©

(2 RP’s per person)
‘Five Star Superstar’ EL PABLO -VS- ’The Franchise’ RONNIE McNEIL


(2 RP’s per person)

-=- BARBED WIRE ROPE MATCH (Loser changes their name)
-=- (2 RP’s per person)

(2 RP’s per team)
BEAUTIFUL AGONY (Havok & Monroe) -VS- TOTAL MAYHEM (Ezra & Jakob)

(2 RP’s per person)

(2 RP’s per person)
‘Mr. Entertainment’ BRIAN BLAZE -VS- ‘The Real Deal’ ROB WRIGHT

(2 RP’s per person)


* cZw *



"Give It All" by Rise Against plays as the first Overdrive begins, the roar from the fans echoing throughout the arena. The cameras span around the arena where many fans are feeling the unique atmosphere, many sings, many chants, different from any before. As the sequence continues, we see all the CZW greats fighting from previous matches on the combat-tron. The cameras now point towards Jarred Daniels and William Masters who are the commentators for Overdrive.

DANIELS: We are live here at the Freedom Hall Arena in Louisville, Kentucky and the fans are blowing this place through the roof for the first ever edition of CZW Overdrive. We are living a historical day here in CZW, the joining of the brands has had immediate effect and oh boy, what an event we have for these folks, William.

MASTERS: Yes, a creation by the President of CZW, Jesse Montana, and what opportunities this may bring, the matches this week just a taster of things to come.

DANIELS: Just a taster? Well it tastes pretty delicious William, we have World Title match, the somewhat controversial opponent for Montana’s Title, Tim Timmons finally gets a shot at glory.

MASTERS: I can top that, what about 3 men…3 champions…IC, TV and X Title holders facing each other in a triple threat match, only Montana can think of something like that.

DANIELS: Yes we also have unification matches, tag team action, matches we never seen before…feuds may end here tonight or maybe, they just begin, who knows. First up though, we have the newcomers who are vying for that push, they fight in a Fatal Four Way Match.




Mortius, Sid and Mountain Man are all standing in the ring studying each other but it is Mortius who charges at Sid causing both superstars to fly over the top rope at the start of the match. Sid gets back to his feet and Mortius and Sid exchange rights and lefts until Mountain Man flies over the top rope crashing on to Mortius and Sid causing the CZW arena to go nuts with excitement. After a few moments of fighting on the outside of the ring Mortius and Sid find themselves teaming up on Mountain Man hitting a double suplex until Mortius goes for a quick pin and is pulled off by Sid. Mortius gets back to his feet and while the referee back is turned hits a low blow causing Sid to drop to his knees allowing Mortius to hit a ddt driving Sid head into the matt. Mortius picks Mountain man up throw him in to the corner and then throws Sid in to Mountain Man. Sid staggers back and forth but falls on his back causing Mountain man to drive his head in to the grape fruits of Sid. Mortius takes advantage and hits a roll up for the ring at 3 minutes and 25 seconds....

Winner Mortius


Scene fades in to the sight of a mustang pulling up from the entrance of the parking lot. There is the sound of music coming from the car while it makes it's way to its destination as the car stops and Tim Timmons makes his way out of the car with a smirk on his face. Tim starts to walk up the steps but stops and looks behind him seeing this black tinted window truck parked behind him with the lights off. Tim looks at the truck for a brief moment and then makes his way in to the building and makes his way down the hall way leading to the locker rooms. Tim reaches his locker room opens the door and walks in not thinking on shutting the door behind him, while Tim is putting his duffel bags down on the chair the sound of the door creaking causes Tim to drop his bags and looks behind him.

TT: Who in the hell are you and what are you doing here???

**The camera moves to view the person to whom is standing in front of the closed door, the man stands somewhat tall with long scraggy hair and a thick black mustache, he looks at Timmons for a second before answering, with a slight Australian accent to his twang.**

Man - Who am I, you ask that in such a scared little punk ass manor boy. You want to go far in this business yet you take no notice of a big truck following you in the parking lot. You come here in this little shitty dressing room and leave the door wide open. Anyone who has any sense and knowledge of how to get things done the easy way could have easily slipped in and beat the crap out of you where you stand right now. I've been in the wrestling business for quite some time now, I've been a champion and I've hustled and made champions. You, I see things in you Mr. Timmons that I've seen in my biggest protogue of a guy named Chris Perks. But you Timmons, at this moment in time your lackluster. I can make you better, I can take you up to the next step. I'll tell you who I am but first you got to ask yourself a question. Do you want to step up your game and take it to the next level?

**There is a pause as Timmons thinks to himself.**

Man - Well answer the question boy.

Tim looks at the man and laughs before turning to him and speaking.

TT: Firstly don't you ever barge in here again and dare call me a kid because the next time you or anyone else plans on doing that I will destroy them. Secondly I am Tim Timmons the " Hardcore Master" .

**The man takes a few steps towards Timmons and looks him dead in the eye, with an evil look upon his face.**

Man - You want to threaten me do you BOY! I'll call you what ever I damn well want, and you think for one second that you will destroy me. Don’t make me laugh, you little punk. You've got nothing on me, you've not got anything on anyone. You walking around thinking you own everything, you think your some big shot superstar here in the CZW. You threaten me, saying if I call you boy again your gonna destroy me. I'd Like to see you try BOY!

**Timmons is starting to get annoyed and throws a punch at the man who see's it coming and grabs his arm and forces him to the ground where he instantly locks in a Dragon sleeper Camel clutch combination move, he waits a minute or so before releasing the hold, Timmons gets to his feet holding his back and looks mightily pissed off.**

Man - Is that what you call destroying me. Maybe I was wrong about you, maybe you don't have the desire to be something big, maybe you are what the fans say you are, a low card wuss. You don't even get the fact that I'm giving you an opportunity to become a great like I was. Become someone of the stature someone the fans despise for being an athlete they could never be. As for Hardcore Master, your not even that much Hardcore, never mind a master. Maybe I should take my offer and go see if your former tag team partner, the current Hardcore Champion Mike King wants to step his game up to the next level. Because you obviously do not want to do it.

But since I'm a nice guy, I'll give you one last chance. Do you want to take things up a notch or do you just wanna rot in the lower card division here at CZW? Do you join the "EVIL" one that is Mike Luthers? Or do you go solo it's your choice, what's the answer? One answer is the right one, one is not - which do you choose?

**Luthers steps closer to Timmons to await his answer.**

Tim looks at the man looks around the room and then starts to speak.

TT: Mike King don't deserve shit he stole that Hardcore title from me.....But I accept your offer just tell me what I got to do.

Luthers - Well I'm glad you made the right choice, as for what you have to do. We'll get to that later. Right now, you've got to prepared to face That bitch ass GM known as Jesse Montana. Next week we start, the Revolution is upon the Combat Zone Wrestling. The New Aged Evil "Red Star Revolution" As brought to you by the man that locks horns with evil everyday. The CZW is gonna need to be prepared for what is about to come, that Timmons, I'll let you warn them.


-=- SINGLES MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) ‘Mr. Entertainment’ BRIAN BLAZE -VS- ‘The Real Deal’ ROB WRIGHT


"Let me Entertain You" starts to play over the sound system. It plays until the "Let Me Entertain you" has started to be sung. One that has been said a big explosion goes off on the stage. Then Mr. Entertainment appears on stage and lifts his hands in the air as sparks flows down behind him. He is wearing a long coat that has "Mr. Entertainment" written on the back. He enters the ring ignoring the peoples cheers or boos being focused for his match. Once he enters the ring he takes his coat off revealing black Wrestling pants with Brian written on one leg and Blaze on the other both in blue. "Get Back" by Ludacris begins to play as the crowd boos loudly as Rob Wright makes his way to the stage. He makes his way down the ramp with a sneer on his face, showing his disdain to the crowd. As he gets on the ring, he poses to the crowd which garners more boos from the crowd.

Rob and Brian walk into the middle of the ring and start trash talking. After a minute, Rob grins at Brian and slaps him across the face. Brian looks back and Rob with a smile of own before hitting Rob with a standing enzugiri. Rob falls face first on the mat and Brian quickly pounces on Rob. He pulls up Rob so he is on all fours and starts laying in with hard crossface punches. Brian that bounced off the ropes and landed a dropkick to Rob's head. Brian goes for a cover but only gets a two count.

Brian picks Wright up and lands a viscious european uppercut. Blaze that whips him to the ropes and hits a powerslam for another two count. Brian then gets on the top rope to get ready for an aireal move, but Rob jumped up to the top rope and stood face to face with Brian. They started trading blows back and forth on the top rope, before Rob poked Brian in the eye. Rob looked behind him, jumped up, and landed a hurricarana from the top rope to the arena floor. The crowd started a "Holy Shit" chant as both men laid on the floor writhing in pain.

As they both struggle to get up, Rob clotheslines Blaze over the barrier out to the crowd. Rob rushes out to the ring and gets on the top rope again. He waits for Brian to stands up and jumps towards him with a front flip senton... but Brian moves at the last second! Rob lands hard onto several folding chairs. Brian takes Wright an dumps him back to ringside and slides him back into the ring. Blaze signals for the Blaze of Glory. Before he can land it, Rob shifts his weight and falls on top of Blaze in a pinning position, and gets a two count. Blaze then uses his upper body strength to pull Rob up, spin him around, and hit a backslide for a two count.

They both get up and Rob hits a big boot for another two count. Rob picks Blaze and hits a powerbomb. Rob then gets on the top rope and hits a huge elbow drop. Rob whips Brian into the ropes and goes for a spinebuster, but Brian counters into a sunset flip for a two count. They both begin to trade blows back and forth. The crowd starts to really get into the match and begin to pop really loud for the exchange. Rob whips Brian into the ropes, but Brian reverses and throws Rob into the ropes. Rob springboards off the ropes into a body press, but Blaze lands a Blazing Arrow that turns Rob inside out. Brian goes for the pin.............1...............2...........3! Brian celebrates the hard fought win.


A match just finish and that when out of nowhere All The things she said came blasting over the speakers. The fans could look up on the ramp and stood there along with Tatum were two other females they never saw before. All three females had on a shirt that read “ Unbridled Fury” across their chest in white letters on a black shirt. They play a bit to the crowd as Tatum pull out a microphone as she clear her throat.

Now I know you all in the back was hoping that the Women Division would just drop dead and go away but it hasn’t. Just because of the fact that Ruthless Aggression has step down from the roster and from wrestling doesn’t mean the division was made around her only.

She smirks a bit.

You see I have also done a lot for this company and have been in some great matches with many of the female roster. Us three came out here to show that the division isn’t die it just getting started.

She hand the microphone over to Debra Lopez who waited for the crowd quiet down a bit. Once they have she brought the microphone to her lips and begin to speak.

Many around here don’t know who I am but when I get the chance to show you. You will be asking why I haven’t been here from the start. My name is Debra Lopez a woman who is ready to show just because I have big tits and a nice beautiful ass can actually come out here and show I can roll with the big boys. You see us three is ready to dethrone that so called Women Champion of this company that goes by the name of Sirena Starr. She is a sorry of excuse of a champion in my eyes. She no true champion in my book and never will be. She hasn’t done anything in my eyes for this company to keep this Women Division be the talk of the town. So it seems us three will have to take things in our hands to make it happen.

She then hand the microphone over to Reva as she flips her hair to the side as she shook her head.

Every time I heard the name of Sirena Starr it make my skin crawls. Many around here in America might not have heard of me but in Japan I am one the best youngest star of their time. I am Reva “Star” Douglas. I am only 18 years old and have about 1 year and a few months of this business under my chain. I have done great things over seas till the point that Ruthless Aggression. Who you.. Miss Starr look up to I have heard brought over to up this division. You have drop the ball and it seems we have to be the ones to clean up the mess you have done here.

She smirks as then “Last Resort” came blasting over the speakers as the three women with a bit of confuse look had on their faces was wondering what was going on. Ruthless Aggression has came out as it seems she have her own little microphone in her hand.

Now, now ladies don’t worry I am not out here to start any trouble but just to give your three and also any other Women Wrestler that could be listening. Right now I am in talks with the company to help the Women Division in a way I believe will only make it better. So I want all the Women Wrestlers in the company and also around the world have a listening ear. A big announcement about the Women Division and about the Queen Combat Champion title will be made soon. Now your three have a nice day.

She smirks as the women wonders what it could as the crowd was cheering in the background with Ruthless standing there with a grin on her face as the show goes to a commercial.




-Mike and KS start the match with a lock-up. KS overpowers the Hardcore champ, using a headlock takedown to ground King. KS stands up, and Mike follows. Mike runs at KS, who ducks a clothesline and nails one of his own. KS then picks Mike up and nails a DDT. Mike rolls to the outside to recover and KS follows. KS goes to pick Mike up, but Mike drives his head into KS’s stomach, winding him. Mike then reaches under the ring and pulls out...a street sign. He swings it, nailing KS in the side of the face. Mike swings it another three times, connecting each time. Mike then wait for KS to rise to his knees, and when he does so Mike chucks the sign at KS, who catches it, but Mike runs in with a Shining Metallica, driving the sign into KS’s face.

-Mike then searches under the ring for another weapon and pulls out a trash can. He dumps the trash over KS before raising the can, the fans cheering. KS rises to one knee and Mike brings it down on his head. Mike puts it on the floor. He picks KS up...


Mike goes for the pinfall...






-=- TAG TEAM MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per team) BEAUTIFUL AGONY (Havok & Monroe) -VS- TOTAL MAYHEM (Ezra & Jakob)


“Born in a Burial Gown” plays as Jacob and Erza, Total Mayhem stand in the middle of the ring as they have made their entrance during the commercial break, most of the fans silenced in awe by these two monsters who await the arrival of their opponents for the inaugural edition of cZw Overdrive.

TOWERS: "The following match is a tag team match, scheduled for one fall. Currently in the ring, at a total combined weight of 585 pounds, Jakob and Erza, TOTAL MAYHEM."

Their theme dissipates as The lights in the arena goes out. "Almost Easy" by Avenged Sevenfold starts to play. As the singer first shouts, pyro explodes in front of the entrance and the fans suddenly go into an uproar of cheers when the team of Beautiful Agony of Jacob Havok and Mike Monroe step out onto the ramp and look the action over before giving each other matching sly grins. They make a break for the ring.

TOWERS: "On their way to the ring, at a total combined weight of 373 pounds, representing Beautiful Agony, Mike Monroe and Jacob Havok."

As they get to the ringside area, Havok heads to the ring steps as Monroe heads towards the center of the ring. Havok leaps up onto the apron and climbs the turnbuckle as Monroe slides in under the ropes. Monroe gets to his feet and hi-5’s his tag team partner. The fans cheer loudly for Beautiful Agony.

MASTERS: “Beautiful Agony has had some success in the past few weeks.”

DANIELS: “Yeah, except when it came to title matches. They are at least 2-0.”

Their theme ends as Ezra heads to the apron and Havok climbs down the turnbuckle leaving Monroe and Jakob in the ring to start the match.

***Ding Ding***

Monroe and Jakob are fired up right from the get go. Jakob goes for a punch but misses with it when Monroe ducks. Monroe then swings and connects with a punch on Jakob. He tees off with three others and then he tries to whip Jakob into the ropes. Jakob stands his ground and blocks the whip. Monroe goes for it again but Jakob blocks again. Jakob then whips Monroe into the ropes. Monroe ducks a big clothesline attempt by the 6’9”, 305 pound monster Jakob Mahem. Monroe bounces back off the ropes as he hits a diving shoulder block, causing the monster Jakob to get rocked, Monroe bounces off the ropes again and hits a battering ram headbutt to the midsection causing Jakob to hold his sternum trying to regain his breath. Monroe though is already bouncing off the ropes again as he this time tries an attempt at a Yakuza Kick. This time Jakob catches the foot of Monroe and drops him with a leg-hook spinebuster. Jakob tags out to Ezra so he can catch his breathe.

MASTERS: “That’s a mistake, trying to take Jakob Mayhem down with a Yakuza Kick when you are only 6’0”. Real smart Mike Monroe.”

Jakob then appeals to the crowd before tagging out to Ezra. Monroe gets back up to his feet slowly. Ezra enters the ring and goes back on the attack but walks straight into a knee to the gut by Monroe. Monroe then follows up with a heavy chop which echoes throughout the arena, it even makes the monster Ezra cringe in pain, Monroe now whips Ezra to the ropes, he bounces off as Monroe goes for a front dropkick, but Ezra hooks the ropes. Ezra stalks his downed opponent who is now rolling towards his partner Jacob Havok. Monore is able to tag him in.

Havok starts to walk towards Ezra, looking up into his eyes as the fans cheering for Havok. Ezra walks in to lock up but is blocked by Havok who ducks down and rolls into a sunset flip for a pin attempt taking Ezra to the ground. Havok poses to the adoring fans as he runs towards the ropes and springboards off as he twists around in mid air nailing a hurracanrana taking Ezra to the mat. Havok get back to his feet and the crowd cheers as Jakob Mayhem enters the ring taking Havok down with a kick causing the fans to boo.

DANIELS: “Well it looks like Jacob Havok has pissed off Jakob who was on the apron.”

Jakob goes back on the apron. Ezra gets back up and picks Jacob off the mat. used his definite size advantage to overpower the smaller Emo, and tossed him carelessly off the ropes, dropping him with a big boot when he came back. Carnage seemed to be quite cocky, sluggishly yanking Havok up and pounding on his chest with back hands. Havok was reeling, and Ezra dropped Havok with a huge gorilla press slam. He then flexed for the crowd, getting showered with boos, and tagged in Jakob. Jakob walks over to the fallen Havok, but he surprises Jakob with a quick leg sweep. Havok hobbles over towards his corner, and makes the bringing in Monroe.

Monroe climbs in, picks the big man back up, and kicks Jakob in the gut. Monroe now hits numerous European Uppercuts no Jakob, knocking him off balance, then Monroe trying to show great strength picks all of the 305 lbs of Jakob up onto his shoulders in a Fireman's Carry, which Jakob blocks. Jakob Irish whips Monore and bounces off the ropes but Ezra gets a high knee up as Monroe gets illegally attacked. Monroe now knocked off balance walks into Jakob and gets caught with the Derailer to the boos of the crowd.

MASTERS: “Come on, that was an illegal move.”

Jakob fakes a pin attempt but then picks Monroe back up again as he hits a couple of damaging throat thrusts on him, knocking him back into the corner, Jakob then whips him to the opposite corner with so much force that Monroe collapses back first off the turnbuckles. Monroe nearly slumps down as Jakob walks slowly and confidently over towards him. The crowd starting to look worried, but Monroe sweeps the big man off his feet into the turnbuckle. Monroe then catches his breathe and jumps on the back and neck of Jakob and tries to smother the life out of the member of Total Mayhem. Jakob surprisingly is roaring to try and escape, but Monroe is relentless until the ref calls for the break. Monroe allows for the break but has the crowd in the palm of his hand.

DANIELS: “Now that was illegal.”

Monroe tags in Havok. Havok slingshots himself in and hits a dropkick to back of Jakob’s head. Havok then runs into the ropes as Jakob gets up. Havok bounces off and tries for a spinning head scissors but it gets block from taking the monster so instead Havok locks in an octopus stretch. Jakob is reeling once again. Jakob impressively starts to power out as the lock is broken and slams Havok on his back. Jakob rolls out of the ring to get his breath back, meanwhile Havok recovers and tags back in Monroe, Jakob losing concentration, then gets caught as Eric amazingly flies over the ropes with a beautiful shooting star plancha to the floor. The crowd goes nuts. The near seven footer gets knocked down as Monroe gets back up, celebrating as the crowd chants his name.

MASTERS: “That was great.”

DANIELS: “I’ll give it a 7 for style, he splash upon entry.”

Monroe continues to appeal to the crowd, not noticing Ezra dropping from the apron nearby, Monroe turns around and gets caught with an illegal Big Boot, knocking him back into the guardrail. The referee tries to get Ezra back to corner but Ezra scoffs the idea and then picks Monroe up as the crowd boos furiously. Ezra drops Monroe with a… release power bomb into the steel guardrail.

MASTERS: “Aw, come on. Referee do your job and get Ezra to his corner.”

The crowd go silent as they all look to see if Monroe is okay, he is lying on the floor face down, screaming in pain. Havok goes to attack Ezra but the referee stops him. Jakob, the legal man then picks up the lifeless body that use to be Mike Monroe and rolls him back into the ring. He doesn't go for a cover though, instead he lifts Monroe back up and into a life squeezing torture rack backbreaker submission.

Monroe who is now having his spine contorted and compressed by the move is screaming as Jakob with a sinister smile on his face for making his opponent suffer as much as he could. Jakob applies as much pressure as possible as the fans are screaming for Monroe, but now with a damaged back from the power bomb, he is being destroyed in this hold. Suddenly Havok comes flying into the ring as he enziguris Jakob, forcing him to free Monroe. Havok wants some more but referee cuts him off, trying to bring him into his corner to await the tag. This leaves Monroe open to a double team attack as Ezra picks Monroe in another Torture Rack but does not go to apply too much pressure as he lets go rather quickly and right into a facebuster by Jakob. Monroe clutches his face.

DANIELS: “This is great!”

Jakob Mayhem then fakes a tag leading the ref to think Ezra is the legal man. Jakob in one last move as the ref tries to get him out of the ring, picks up Monroe’s lifesless body and drops him with backbreaker onto the knee but holds on as he calls his brother Ezra. The ref starts his count as Ezra climbs to the second rope on the inside. Ezra drops the elbow on the throat of Monroe.

MASTERS: “The Decapitator finds the mark.”

DANIELS: “That unique style double team move had just left Mike Monroe broken and battered on the canvas.”

Monroe rolls on the canvas as Jakob finally exits the ring, breaking the count. Ezra now makes the covers.



Kick out!

MASTERS: “How did that happen?”

Ezra in a fit of rage, rips Monroe up, grappling with him, and trying to lift him up with a suplex but he holds his ground, and Ezra nails him in the ribs. Ezra cashes in hisrecipet by hitting Monroe in the back. Ezra tries to lift him again. Once again, Monroe holds his ground, and Ezra cannot lift him. Monroe gets a deadlift exploder suplex on Ezra. Monroe then summons the strength to dash to his partner.

Daniels: “What a reversal! Monroe reaches out a hand and tags Jacob Havok!”

Havok comes in a house of fire and hits Ezra with a series of spinning head scissors. Havok is enraged but is cut off when Jakob comes in. he takes Havok out with an eye gouge much to the cergrin of the referee. Jakob then tosses him into the ropes but gets more than what he bargained for when Havok takes him down with a rana. Both Jakob and his brother Ezra get back up Ezra, as Monroe hops to the top turnbuckle to even it up. Havok hits a Manhattan Drop on Ezra. Ezra stumbles around holding his groin as Monroe leaps off with a missile dropkick. Havok follows that up with tossing Jakob Mayhem to the floor.

MASTERS: “Ezra Mayhem is down and Jaokb Mayhem is on the arena floor.”

DANIELS: “Yeah, but what’s Monroe planning?”

Monroe runs into the ropes and hits an Asai corkscrew senton which he rolls through into an Asai Moonsault double kneedrop and the crowd goes nuts.

DANIELS: “No way…a a huge moonsault kneedrop!“

Havok rushes over and goes for the pin as Monroe rolls out of the ring.

MASTERS: “That’s it, Total Mayhem are done!”





Jakob, saves his brother by breaking up the pin.

DANIELS: “Damn it, Jakob Mayhem broke up the pin!”

MASTERS: “Beautiful Agony damn near had Ezra with that one.”

Jakob picks Havok up and drops him with a sitout Canadian backbreaker drop.

DANIELS: “Train wreck!”

Mike Monroe gets back in and takes Jakob down with a top rope spin kick. He then mounts Jakob and takes him out with punches as Ezra picks Havok up. Ezra goes for a powerbomb but Havok rolls through and into a sunset flip prawn hold for a pin.




MASTERS: “That was close. Havok had Ezra rolled up into a ball and had most of his weight on his own shoulders. How could Ezra kick out?”

Monroe gets up and kicks Ezra in the guts and calls for Havok to hit his Agony Moonsault as he holds Ezra in position. Havok climbs up and leaps off but not before Ezra moves and Havok accidentally crushes Monroe with a bodyblock variation of his Agony Moonsault. This leaves Havok two-on-one against both Jakob and Ezra Mayhem. Havok goes for another rana on Jakob but gets caught for his troubles and dropped with a lights out for his troubles.

DANIELS: “It’s over, the Ganzo Bomb on Havok and Monroe was taken out with the Agony Moonsault bodyblock.”

Ezra drags Havok to the corner where Jakob is pearched on. Once Havok is positioned properly Erza climbs on his brother shoulders and leaps off with a splash and goes for a pin.




Havok did not kick out and the referee calls for the bell.

TOWERS: “Your winners, Total Mayhem.”

Total Mayhem celebrate as Beautiful Agony are left broken and beaten.

MASTERS: “The Lights Out followed by The Rocket Launcher finally did Jacob Havok and Beautiful Agony in.”


-=- BARBED WIRE ROPE MATCH (Loser changes their name) -=- (2 RP’s per person) ‘The Reaper’ BRIAN KIRKLAND -VS- ‘The Reaper’ DAMIEN NATAS


Towers: The following contest is a Barbed Wire Rope Match, where the loser of this match must change their name!

Daniels: This match is gonna be brutal.

Masters: I'm just looking forward to seeing Natas destroy Kirkland!

"The Funeral March" begins playing as Damien Natas begins his descent to the ring, ever so ominously with the wide-brimmed hat and long black trenchcoat.

Daniels: He's a scary individual with no love for Brian Kirkland.

Masters: This guy could eat you for breakfast if he wanted to Jarred.

-Damien then makes his way into the ring, taking his hat and trenchcoat off.

Towers: From Parts Unknown, standing 6'10 and weighing 325 pounds, "The Soul Reaper" Damien Natas!

Daniels: You'd think that Kirkland would be scared of Damien, but he showed him last week on the last airing of Assault he isn't.

Masters: Yeah, you'd think that, but the truth is, Damien isn't afraid of anyone, especially Brian Kirkland.

"Walking In Barbed Wire" by Papa Roach begins playing as Kirkland is shown at the top of the ramp, the crowd easily on his side as he makes his way to the ring.

Daniels: Interesting theme music to come out to in this unpredictable match.

Masters: Music is Music Jarred, and these cretins called fans are buying every second into it.

-Kirkland slides underneath the barbed wire covered third rope, and stands there in the ring on the other side of Damien.

Towers: From Dallas North Carolina, standing 6'4 and weighing 228 pounds, "The Reaper" Brian Kirkland!

*BK! BK! BK! BK!*

Daniels: The crowd are certainly in favor for BK tonight!

Masters: I hope Damien destroys him.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

Daniels: Here we go!

-Damien and BK circle the ring, collar-and-elbow-tie-up! Damien just shoves him off! same tie-up! BK hits a stiff right kick to Damien's knee! Another! and Another! Damien throws BK off, right into the barbed wire rope!!

Masters: Brutal!

-Damien picks BK up after that throw, then throws him into a neutral corner. He goes to the other side opposite BK, runs... BK DODGES! Damien hits nothing but turnbuckle, but BK then sends Damien into the ropes, TYING THE BIG MAN UP!!!!

Daniels: Things are not looking good for Damien now.

-BK goes to the outside, and picks up, oddly enough, a barbed-wire baseball bat! BK returns to the ring, holds the object over his head... AND... NO! Damien with a low-blow with his foot onto BK who drops to the canvas!

Masters: Intelligent minds think alike, eh Damien?!

-Damien then unrestrains himself from the ropes, his arms bleeding. He then picks up BK, who still has the baseball bat, but forcefully takes it from BK! Damien then unleashes one hell of a baseball swing connecting right into the STOMACH of BK!! He's in a TON of pain at this point! Damien then hits BK on his back with the bat, then drops it after that fatal and brutal shot!

*Replay then shows in slow motion Damien catching BK on the back with the bat*

Daniels: That looked sickening even in slow motion!

-Damien picks up BK, but BK hits a major low-blow on Damien who crumples over in pain as BK uses the turnbuckle to get back to his feet. BK then measures up Damien... SHINING WIZARD!












Kick Out!

Daniels: Damien isn't going down that easily!

-BK then climbs the turnbuckle, making sure not to touch the barbed wire... JUMPS OFF.... HOLY SHIT! BK JUMPS RIGHT INTO ANOTHER WICKED SHOT THIS TIME TO THE FACE WITH THE BARBED WIRE BAT BY DAMIEN!!!!!!!


Daniels (ala Joey Styles): OH MY GOD!!!!!

Masters: I have nothing to say to that!

-BK is busted open and bleeding profusely now! Damien smiles seeing BK in a tremendous amount of pain. Damien then exits the ring and pulls out... a 20 foot ladder!!!! Damien then picks the ladder up and tosses it into the ring while BK narrowly avoided the ladder as it came in!!

-BK uses the turnbuckles again to get to his feet, running start... BK with a clothesline from hell on Damien out of nowhere! BK then picks up Damien and drags him outside, right onto the announce table!!

-BK then picks up the ladder, sets it up toward the announcers table, climbs... OH MY GOD! BK WITH A SWANTON BOMB ONTO DAMIEN THROUGH THE ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!!!

*BK! BK! BK! BK!*

Daniels: What a match!

Masters: I can't help but agree with you.

-BK and Damien are at this point "blown up", but still carry on! BK the first to his feet, pushes the 6'10 frame of Natas back into the ring... BK picks up Damien...BK attempts THE INTERVENTION, BUT NO! COUNTERED! DAMIEN WITH A NAIL IN THE COFFIN!! COUNTERED AGAIN!! MURDER 101 CONNECTED!!!!!!!

-BK wrenches hard pulling and tearing into Damien with the Elevated Crab, but can Damien get to the barbed wire rope in time?! NO... BK pulls him back to the middle of the ring!!! Damien... will he tap?!? NO! Damien got to the ropes in time!! But is it enough?! BK WITH THE COVER!












Daniels: Oh Man, Damien is Pissed!

Masters: Hey you can't say that, this a family show!

Daniels: CZW isn't for the family Will!

-Damien sits right up then looks over at BK who seems a bit winded after that kick-out. Damien and BK trash-talk in the ring a bit before a big right hand on BK by Damien connects! It's an all-out slugfest between Damien and BK now!! Rights and lefts being thrown before Damien catapults BK into the barbed wire ropes cutting into BK's flesh again for a 2nd time! Damien then runs over and BIG BOOTS THE HELL OUT OF BK OVER THE TOP ROPE!


-BK is out of it as Damien is left in the ring to catch his breath. He exits the ring... searches for BK... BK USES A FIRE EXTINGUISHER ON THE FACE OF DAMIEN!!!!

Masters: Hey now, where's the fire?!

Daniels: Shut it William.

-Damien is blinded by the Co2 from the fire extinguisher as BK then levels Damien with a thunderous clothesline turning Damien inside out as the fans in the arena are chanting "BK".

BK then picks Damien back up and puts him back in the ring... BK follows suit and hits yet another CLOTHESLINE FROM HELL... NO! Damien ducked! Damien... SOUL SNATCHER!! NO! BK reverses into THE STRAIGHTLACE CROSSFACE!!! Damien can't reach the ropes this time as BK wrenches back on Damien HARD with the crossface... Damien looks out of it... the ref comes to check on Damien, raises his arm...

















Towers: Here is your winner by submission, "The Reaper" Brian Kirkland!!

Daniels: That match was a catastrophe! Our announce table is completely demolished!

Masters: Hey, better us then Damien... When he comes too, he's gonna be pissed!


-=- SINGLES MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) JERAN ‘Ra’ HUDSON -VS- ‘The Living Legend’ BIG NASTY w/DEREK DAMAGE


Daniels: What a show it has been so far and it’s only going to get better folks as the World Title cage match is still to come.

I’m not Jesus then starts to play over the sound system.

Daniels: And, here comes Jeran Hudson making his way to the ring the newest member of the System of Supremacy.

Masters; I like this kid huge upside plus he’s obviously smart for pairing himself with our World Heavyweight Champion Jesse Montana.

Jeran is in the ring waiting for his opponent as Swagga like us starts to play over the sound system.

Daniels: Here he comes, Jeran Hudson’s opponent, “The Living Legend” Big Nasty.

Masters: Look Daniels, Big Nasty isn’t alone as long time friend Derek Damage appears to be out here with him.

Daniels: Don’t like him, but he’s the boss so whatever.

Masters: yes, good for you well it appears the match is getting under way as Nasty goes charging at J-Ra. However, J-Ra uses his quickness to evade and hits a standing dropkick onto Nasty. Nasty isn’t down yet but he is a little rattled as Jeran comes flying off the ropes and hits a running STO. He then goes to Nasty and hits a standing star press.

Daniels: Cover 1…..2… Nasty powers J-Ra off as this match will continue. Its obvious Jeran will need to use some quickness if he wants to prevail as he just nails Big Nasty with a standing back flip kick. Nasty again is wobbly as Jeran tries for another running STO and is met with a huge boot from Nasty.

Masters: But, Jeran is up quickly as he starts running again as Nasty throws him in the air and cause shim to come crashing down. What a Flapjack Daniels!

Daniels: Yes Jeran is down as Nasty picks him up and hits a big sidewalk slam. He goes for a cover now 1….2….no. Jeran gets the shoulder up as Nasty is waiting in a corner. Jeran crawls to a corner and uses it to help him up as he goes for a corner splash but no. Jeran moves out of the way. Nasty starts stumbling towards Jeran as he hits a European Uppercut. J-Ra then bounces off the ropes and takes nasty off of his feet with a running hurracarana.

Masters: Cover 1….2…no Nasty again kicks out as Jeran is starting to look a little frustrated. He picks Nasty up and could it be? Eye of Ra? No, Nasty pushes him and nails J-Ra with a huge spinebuster.

Masters: Who in the hell is this coming to the ring?

Daniels: I don’t know he’s in a damn mask Masters?

Masters: What is he doing he's looking at the Chairman like he's ready to kill him.

Daniels: DD is backing up he's yelling at Big Nasty to come down and help....

Masters: Finally Nasty notices what’s going on and stops the fight.....What the hell is Nasty doing he’s just spun the masked man around before he could get to DD.

Daniels: This is crazy what’s going on here all hell is breaking loose tonight.

Masters: Sure is. Nasty is getting in the face of the masked man and is yelling at him to get out of here, J-Ra now sees this and looks at what is going on and gets over to the ring side and is yelling at Nasty to get back in the ring and finish the fight, just as that happens Nasty and masked man grab J-Ra’s legs and pull him out from under the bottom rope and start a beat down on J-ra, masked man picks up JR and drags him away from Nasty and whips him two Nasty as Nasty nails him with a massive big boot, Nasty picks up J-ra and whips him to the masked man as he catches him and nails him with a belly to belly suplex on the floor, masked man picks up j-ra and slides him back in the ring as nasty gets back in before the 10 count and nails J-ra with the Nasty bomb.

Daniels: There it is the damn Nasty Bomb. He goes for a cover 1….2….what. Jeran has his foot on the bottom rope the ref stops counting as he shows nasty. Nasty then drags him to the middle of the ring and goes for another cover. 1….2… this time Jeran gets the shoulder up.

Masters: Great ring presence there by Jeran to know where he was and get his foot on the rope. Nasty is looking a little frustrated as he goes for a suplex. But, Jeran counters and hits a snap suplex on Nasty. Nasty is quick to his feet as Jeran plants Nasty with a DDT. J-Ra then starts running and hits a springboard moonsault. He covers Nasty 1….2….no Nasty gets the shoulder up as Jeran gets up slowly.

Masters: Jeran is picking Nasty up by the hair as he is then booted in the midsection. Nasty tries for the Nasty Bomb but Jeran is punching his way out of it. Nasty drops Jeran as Nasty is charging with a big boot. Jeran ducks and spins Nasty around.

Daniels: EYE OF RA CONNECTS. He goes for the cover 1…..2….3!

Derek slams his fists down on the ring apron as Jeran escapes under the ropes with the victory and a smile on his face, licking his lips as he leaves Derek, Big Nasty and the masked man angered in the ring.

Daniels: Jeran out-smarted them there and picks up his fourth win here in CZW. And who the hell is this masked man that keeps appearing??? Anyway…I guess I better leave commentary down to you now William, I am going to go and sort this contract signing out.

Masters: They let an imbecile like you do such an important job as that???


Suddenly the lights of the arena dim, the Combatron screens light up with images from Horror movies, and a high-pitched woman's scream engulfs the audience from the sound system. Enigma, still in a black hooded robe and a glow-in-the-dark white face mask that looks like an old ghostly man appears on the screen.

MASTERS: Another masked man???

"You at the announce table should be quiet," Enigma stated with an electronically altered voice, "You should learn to listen when something important is about to happen. Welcome to Overdrive, everyone in the back and everyone at home watching." The camera angle moves slightly and we see that Enigma is in a darkened, shadowy butcher shop with blood on the floor and parts of large animals hanging from the ceiling. "Do you like my decor? It is truly a masterpiece, is it not? Of course, these are from cows and pigs. I would get in trouble if I displayed...more interesting pieces, to say the least!"

Masters voice breaks in to say, "He said he has something important to say. He needs to get on with it!"

Enigma moves his head as if listening then says, "Ah, yes, Mr. Masters. Interrupt again and I will pay you...a special visit!" Enigma produces what appears to be a surgical scalpel as he continues, "But I will cut to the chase. It is not really what I have to say but what I have to show you. It is still one week before Horrorcore, one more week for me to plan what will be a great day for CZW on what is already a monstrously wonderful day! Let me take you on a little journey..."

The screen goes black for a moment and suddenly goes to a camera in a hallway of the arena. We see an nameless interviewer knocking on a locker room door. The door opens and reveals Big Nasty, still in his wrestling clothes from his previous match, only just arrived back.

"What in hell do you guys want? Can't I even shower up before you vultures start to gather?"

The interviewer looks a bit nervous at Nasty's reaction. "We were told you had a special statement to make, sir?"

Nasty grimaces as he says, "I didn't tell anyone I wanted to..." At that the lights in the hallway and Nasty's locker room go out and the viewer can only see shadows and silhouettes. Suddenly Nasty shouts out, "What the...?" There is a muffled thump and we sort of see Nasty's locker room door open up even further and another shadowy figure behind Nasty. There is a scuffle and then silence. The lights come back on and we see Big Nasty sitting propped up in the corner of his locker room with Enigma's mask over his head! The interviewer shouts, "What just happened?", and then the scene goes to black.




The fans cheer as in the ring is a table, two chairs and Jarred Daniels alone, holding a clipboard in one hand and a microphone in the other.

Jarred: Ladies and Gentlemen, we are just one week away from Horrorcore. A pay-per view which will be the first event since the joining of both the Warzone and Assault rosters. An event whereby we will see several big matches... but one match which we are all looking forward to is the intercontinental championship match with the champion Maynard O'Toole defending against Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson.

And this brings me to tonights contract signing. Let me not make these guys wait any longer as I know they are both eager to sign up for this match, a match up which will put the longest reigning Intercontinental Champion of all time against a man who has been called CZW's most dangerous man.

Gold Medal by Trademarc begins to play....

Jarred: First up is the challenger... he is a man with an impressive win loss record and the number one contender for the CZW intercontinental championship.... Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson.

The fans cheer as Karl Jackson appears on the stage. He is dressed in a black suit and is eyes are focused on the ring, they are cold and staring as he walks to the ring, his eyes not moving... no emotion showing on his face.

As he enters the ring, he does not acknowledge the fans or Jarred Daniels, he simply walks to stand behind one of the chairs and awaits the arrival of his Horrorcore opponent.

Tool's "Die Eier von Satan" begins to play as the fans boo the champion.

Jarred: And the man who will be defending. He is the current and reigning CZW intercontinental champion and a man who has held the title for an impressive 100 plus days... Maynard O'Toole.

Maynard O'Toole appears on the stage. He is also dressed in a black suit, but he appears to be smirking as he looks at the sea of fans booing at him. As he walks to the ring he locks eyes with the Jackal and his smile drops. He enters the ring and immediately pushes past Jarred Daniels, walks over to the Jackal and the two lock stares, nose to nose. Both man stare each other down as the fans fall silent, lapping up the intense atmosphere as these two men look ready to go... sheer hatred in both there eyes.

Jarred: Okay guys, there will plenty of time to fight come Horrorcore. For now could I ask both you gentlemen to be seated.

Maynard O'Toole backs away towards his side of the table, his eyes still locked on the Jackal. The Jackal takes a seat as does Maynard... both men still staring at each other.

Jarred: Okay, in my hand is the contract for your match at Horrorcore. Before we get to signing I am going to give both you guys chance to say any last minute comments.

Jarred turns to the Jackal and puts the microphone in front of him. The Jackal takes the microphone and stands up, his eyes still locked on Maynard.

Jackson: I have done all my talking. The rest of what I have to say can be said in the ring... when I give you the worst beating of your life and take what is most precious to you... your CZW Intercontinental championship.

The Jackal passes the microphone back to Jarred. Jarred is about to hand the microphone to Maynard, but instead he snatches it from him and stands up... his eyes locked on the Jackal. He then turns to Jarred Daniels.

Maynard: What the hell are you doing in here? This isn't your match... this is between me and that bald piece of crap over there! I think its about time you took your leave.

Maynard points to the outside of the ring and Jarred, not wanting to argue, quickly puts the contracts on the table and then exits the ring. Maynard then turns to the Jackal... taking a couple of steps closer.

Maynard: Jackal... how many times do you think I have had some pumped up, angry wannabe coming after me for my title? And how many times have they actually been successful? Well... Newsflash! I'm still the champ and so that means the answer is never. Not one of these punks have been able to knock me off my throne... and you will be no different. Sure, you have beaten some stiff competition here in CZW... but you have never beaten me. Infact, the last time we met... I remember it was me walking out with the victory. I understand this is different, its for the title. Damn right its different. This time I'm going to take it to the next level, I won't be going easy on you anymore. I'm going to show you for what you are... and that is a hyped up midcarder.

The Jackal throws his chair out of the way and moves closer to Maynard, his eyes still fixated on the champ. As Jackal looks deadly serious Maynard begins to smile cockily.

Maynard: That doesn't intimidate me Jackal... you don't intimidate me.

The Jackal snatches the microphone from Maynard and moves closer so they are once again nose to nose.

Jackson: If you want to believe I am like those other guys that you have beat, then believe it. Because by Horrorcore, when you realise I'm no mid carder... it will be too late. Too late for you to prepare for the most dangerous man in CZW, too late for you to think up a strategy to counter the submissions master and too late to save your reign as champ. At Horrorcore you are losing that title... and that is a promise!

The Jackal picks up the clipboard and takes a pen from his inner pocket, and then signs his name on the dotted line before pushing the clipboard into Maynards chest.

Jackson: Think about it Maynard... do you really want to sign your Intercontinental Title away... have you really got the balls... do you really believe that I am like all the others? Or do you know I can beat you? Are you really not intimidated... cos I think you are... and I think you're scared. If I were you, I'd be scared.

Maynard gulps as he sees the intensity in the Jackal's eyes. He backs up a bit and puts the contract down on the table. He then goes to get a microphone off someone at ringside before holding his arms out to his side.

Maynard: Jackal... you got me. You are right... I can't beat you. You are better than me and I know it. Thats why I am pulling out of the match. Thats right... I'm not signing the contract. I'm sorry.

The fans boo as Jackal frowns, a confused look on his face.

Jackson: You can't do that! I'm the freakin number one contender!

Maynard shakes his head and begins to leave the ring as the fans continue to boo. Suddenly the booing is interrupted by a familiar voice from the staging area.

Montana: That is where you are wrong Jackson. You may have become number one contender but since the shows joined forces I now have full power over the entire CZW roster. And I agree with Maynard. You seem to want to injure all my competitors... and I can't allow that to happen to a star like Maynard O'Toole. He's my Intercontinental champion and a well respected member of the System of Supremacy...

Jackson: That is bull-shit Jesse and you know it. I earnt my rights...

Suddenly Maynard attacks the Jackal from behind as he is distracted by Montana on the stage. He hits Jackal hard but as he goes for a second shot the Jackal blocks and hits a shot of his own to Maynards head... dazing him. He then dives on Maynard with a flurry of shots, sending Maynard to the canvas. The Jackal is relentless, hitting hard lefts and rights as Maynard covers his head in an attempt to protect himself. The fans cheer as the Jackal stands up and rips off his suit jacket, signalling the ankle lock. He grabs hold of Maynards leg...

Montana: Okay... okay!!! Jackal... its not Maynard you want, its me isn't it? Its me you really want... the CZW World Champion.

The Jackal lets go of Maynard's leg and turns to face Montana, his eyes filled with rage as he licks his lips thinking of getting Jesse Montana in the ring.

Montana: Well Jackal, you want me...

Montana pauses.... Jackal stares down Montana.

Montana: You want me... well you will have to wait because at Horrorcore... you are fighting....


Maynard hits the Jackal from behind with a metal tool box, sending him to the canvas face first. Montana pretends to feel Jackal's pain before laughing and giving the thumbs up to Maynard. Maynard then hits the Jackal again.... then again.... then a third time as he lies defenceless in the ring, blood flowing from a laceration on the back of his head from the initial shot. Maynard then goes over to the table and signs the contract before throwing it onto the fallen Jackal, who is now on his back. He then folds up a chair and places it in the Jackal's throat as he leans on the other end choking the Jackal. The fans boo as Montana enters the ring, microphone in hand.

Montana: At Horrorcore.... you will face Maynard for the Intercontinental Title... and it will be in a Toole Shed match. Jackal... be careful what you wish for.

Maynard releases the Jackal as he turns a dark shade of red, appearing to foam at the mouth. He takes the microphone from Jesse Montana and then kneels over the fallen Jackal.

Maynard: The rules are simple... there are no rules. Just you... me... and a ring surrounded by scaffolding, laden with glass tables. Around that scaffolding is a series of tools that I can use to mutilate and maim you! You think that little beating was bad, imagine what I can do with a hammer, a screwdriver, a glass table. At Horrorcore, I won't just beat you, i will beat you into oblivion and remain the Intercontinental Champion. And after Horrorcore, the System of Supremacy will have rid the CZW of you for good! You have had one hell of a run Jackal, but at Horrorcore that run comes to a painful, sadistic end. And it will be me that ends it... as I take you to the Toole Shed!!!!

Tool's "Die Eier von Satan" plays as Maynard and Montana stand over the fallen Jackal. Montana mocking the fans as Maynard stares down at his Horrorcore opponent.


-=- SINGLES MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) ‘Five Star Superstar’ EL PABLO -VS- ’The Franchise’ RONNIE McNEIL


DANIELS: Well, Karl Jackson finally made it out of the ring and we wish him a speedy recovery, now we have to continue the show and what a match we have next.

MASTERS: Yes these two don’t like each other, in fact they both have a history together and next Friday, we will see another piece of history made as these two, along with Matt Stylez and the World Champion will fight in a match never once been fought in, a monsters ball Punjabi prison match…what a sick creation…and I love it!

DANIELS: Well that is just scary, but next, one of these men have the opportunity to gain the advantage going into that World Title match, who will it be?

"Been Training Dogs" by The Cooper Temple Clause begins to play.

TOWERS: On his way to the ring, from Portsmouth, England and weighing in at 205 lbs…The Five Star Gambler…EL PABLO!

A hush descends over the crowd as the lights go out, leaving the arena in total darkness. The opening riff to "Been Training Dogs" kicks in, with bright white spotlights switching on and off in various places across the arena, keeping time with the beat. As the drums kick in, a huge wall of pyro shoots up from the stage, and El Pablo steps out to huge cheers from the crowd, dressed in his ring gear with dark sunglasses on his face. He stands on the stage for a few seconds playing to the crowd, before bounding down the ramp. He jumps up onto the apron and vaults over the top rope, then heads over to one of the far turnbuckles and climbs up, saluting the crowd. He repeats this on the adjacent turnbuckle, then removes his sunglasses and tosses them to a stagehand outside the ring.

TOWERS: And his opponent, weighing in at 260 lbs and hailing from Birmingham, Alabama…The Franchise…RONNIE McNEIL!

[The crowd boos loudly as "Do You Know My Name" by Chris Cornell begins to play. As the song moves into the opening verse, Ronnie steps out from behind the curtain as he just stands there in his hooded vest, hood over his head, bouncing from side to side]

If you take a life, do you know what you'll give Odds are, you won't like what it is When the storm arrives, would you be seen with me By the merciless eyes I've deceived

I've seen angels fall from blinding heights But you yourself are nothing so divine Just next in line

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die

[He makes his slow walk to the ring, ignoring the booing fans that line the aisle.]

If you come inside, things will not be the same When you return to my night If you think you've won You never saw me change The game that we have been playing

I've seen diamonds cut through harder men Than you yourself but if you must pretend You may meet your end

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins

[Ronnie slowly walks up the ring steps, and steps through the ropes. He then stands on the middle rope, holding one arm above him, before stepping down, and leaning over in a corner.]

Try to hide your hand Forget how to feel (Forget how to feel) Life is gone with just a spin of the wheel (A spin of the wheel)

Arm yourself because no-one else here will save you The odds will betray you And I will replace you You can't deny the prize; it may never fulfill you It longs to kill you Are you willing to die

The coldest blood runs through my veins You know my name (You know my name) You know my name (You know my name) you know my name! You know my name! You know my name!

[He takes the hood from off his head, then takes the vest off completely, tossing it to the floor, awaiting the beginning of the match.]


- Ronnie and El Pablo eye each other up, both of them opponents at Horrorcore where they fight for the World Title. Ronnie makes the first move locking up and immediately showing his strength, pushing EP back into the ropes. Ronnie gets a quick cheap shot in as he slaps the chest of EP, the crowd reacting with boos. EP comes back with rights and lefts, only Ronnie cuts him off as he knees him in the gut, then takes him down with a sambo suplex, now locking in a hammerlock as EP is trapped on the ground.

- EP quickly maneuvers around as he flips up, reversing the hold, now with a hammerlock on Ronnie. Ronnie gets an elbow to the jaw of EP as both men stand off once again, Ronnie trying to act first again but EP ducks the right hand and runs at the ropes, Ronnie turns around to be caught with a high flying forearm. EP shoots back up as he hit’s a hip toss on Ronnie, then a standing dropkick, the fans getting louder. EP whips Ronnie to the ropes as he comes bounding back, EP jumps up and over Ronnie as he bounces off the ropes again, EP now with a standing dropkick again, only this time Ronnie dodges, EP falls to the ground and Ronnie drops an elbow and covers, but only just getting a one count.

- Ronnie picks up EP as he hit’s a few European uppercuts, taken him swirling back to the corner. Ronnie then chokes him with his huge boot, right across the jaw of EP. As the referee pulls him off, Ronnie loses his temper, EP now bounces up onto the second rope and flies off with a double axe handle. Ronnie goes down but gets straight back up again, now taking EP down with a short arm clothesline.

- Ronnie drops another elbow but EP moves as he jumps up, runs at the ropes and comes back towards Ronnie who counters with a big boot, right into the ribs of EP as he was trying to go for a cross body. Ronnie now begins to stomp the hurt EP down into the canvas, the fans booing but Ronnie not caring at all. He picks EP back up as he grabs him in a bare hug, targeting the ribs he just weakened. EP fights out of it quickly, but the damage has been done, Ronnie now picks EP up…
















- EP kicks out, Ronnie getting up and eye-baling the ref before strolling back, now grabbing RP in a half boston crab. He pulls back,. The ribs of EP exposed as Ronnie begins to hit him with his right arm, right in the ribs. EP eventually powers out but he cannot seem to get his breath back, Ronnie yet again dropping another elbow. Ronnie now lifts him up as he hit’s a suplex. Ronnie then lifts EP up again as he goes for a Russian leg sweep, however Ronnie changes it into something else as he drops him ribs first onto his left leg, extending out the knee to drive it into the gut of EP. EP rolls around on the floor as the fans are almost silent. Ronnie now signals the end as he picks up EP, goes for his modified Russian leg sweep, the one he calls Flawless, however EP hit’s a Russian leg sweep of his own, both men now down and feeling the pains of the contest.

- The fans are loud as they chant for their fan favorite, El Pablo. However, Ronnie McNeil is the first to his feet, he comes charging at EP who is leaning on the ropes, EP intelligently pulls the top rope down as Ronnie crash-lands onto the concrete floor. EP now, even though his ribs are in severe pain, he runs at the ropes and flies over…


- Both men crash to the ground as they lie against the guardrail. The fans cheer as they appreciate the ability of these two men. EP is first up as he grabs Ronnie, crashing him face first onto the commentary desks. EP now rolls him back into the ring as he climbs onto the apron. Ronnie gets up, almost looking dazed as EP flies again…

















- Ronnie climbs up looking mad, but EP has him scouted as he hit’s a sit-down Jawbreaker, making Ronnie fly back into the ropes, he gets tangled up. The referee tries to free him, but he can’t. The fans cheer as EP immediately runs towards the corner, then climbs to the top rope, Ronnie stuck in the middle of the ring, tangled up. Without hesitation, EP flies off…


- Ronnie gets smashed in the face as the impact untangles him from the ropes, now he collapses to the canvas. EP gets back up as he starts to pose to his adoring fans. EP walks over to Ronnie and lifts him up, Ronnie looking out of it…




- The move shakes the ring as the fans are shocked at the speed of the attack. Ronnie tries to scramble over to EP to make the cover, but he is slow, but eventually, he gets his arm over the body of El Pablo…





















- Unbelievably, EP gets a shoulder up at the last second. Both men now on the floor, unable to rise. Eventually Ronnie gets up as he grabs EP, looking for another finisher, one which he won’t get up from, he lifts him up for the powerbomb, but EP rolls through…VICTORY ROLL!!!


















- Ronnie kicks out but it is too late, he looks up at EP who rolls under the ropes, one arm in the air as he celebrates with his fans, Ronnie is shocked.

TOWERS: And here is your winner…The Five Star Superstar…EL PABLO!!!

DANIELS: Well El Pablo may have got the better of Ronnie tonight, but it all matters next week when they both fight for their chance to claim their first World Title reigns here in CZW.

MASTERS: That promises to be a spectacle and a half…

DANIELS: But will Montana be the champion by then? We find out later…but now, we have our Title unification match, and from what happened to Ed earlier in the week, I guess it will be a handicap match!




Jessica Towers is standing the middle of the ring with mic in hand to introduce the next match…

Towers- Ladies and Gentlemen….this next match is set for one fall and it is the CZW tag team unification match for the CZW World Tag Team Championship.

With that said, “Survive” by Rise Against floods the arena as the fans all go nuts. Out of the curtains walks Shawn Waters and Krimzon Blaze aka “Fire and Ice”. Both men make their way out, slapping the hands of the fans that stand at the security rails….Waters and Blaze then slide into the ring, climb opposite turnbuckles and hold their World Tag Titles proudly in the air as the fans continue to cheer. Both men then jump down back onto the mat as the song fades out. Then all of a sudden "Puritania" by Dimmu Borgir blasts the speakers and the fans cheers quickly turn into BOO’s…”Bad Ass” Matt Covey makes his way out to the ring….beer in one hand, tire iron in the other hand and cigarette in his mouth. Matt stops at the entrance ramp and looks on at all the fans….he then flips them off as the boos get louder. Covey approaches the ring as Fire and Ice get out of the ring….Covey gets in and climbs the turnbuckle….he flips off the fans with both hands and then throws the beer can in the crowd, then he flicks his cigarette into the crowd as well. Fire and Ice get in the ring and have a stare down with Covey as Jessica Towers begins to speak.

Towers- Ladies and gentlemen….introducing first….in this corner….at a combined weight of 440 pounds….they are the reigning CZW World tag team champions…Shawn Waters, Krimzon Blaze…..FIRE AND ICE!!!!!

The fans cheer loudly for Fire and Ice….

Towers- In this corner…. Standing at 6 feet…1 inches tall….weighting in at 225 pounds. He one half of the current reigning Global Tag Team champions….Bad Ass….MATT COVEY!!!!

The fans all boo loudly as the referee is about to call for the bell but all of a sudden…”Paralyzer” by Finger Eleven begins to play through out the arena as the fans all boo. Waters and Blaze look on in disbelief as Evan and Kyle make their way to the announcer’s booth but before taking their seats, Kyle takes a mic from the stage hand and begins to speak…

Riley: “I hope you were all paying attention to that. That was us heading to the ring minus the tag-team gold. Credit has to be given where credit is due, and yeah, Waters and Blaze got past us and took our titles.”

The fans cheer loudly at the mention of Fire & Ice. Kyle smarmily holds the microphone out towards them as they cheer. Evan claps as well with a smug grin on his face.

Riley: “They did it. They beat us. Does that mean they’re better than us? Of course not. Everyone loses. We’re not going to call them flukes, but I know that if we wrestle ten times, then we’re winning seven at least. WE are the epitome of tag-team wrestling in this organization, and in the sport in general!”

Few cheers are drowned out by the mass of boos from the crowd. Kyle passes Evan the mic.

Tyler: “The real travesty here is that now THEY are competing in the tag-title unification match. Gee. I seem to remember a couple of guys and a very lovely lady who were vowing that they’d make that very thing happen mere MOMENTS after their contract signing. You know what though? It’s cool. We may not be in the match, but the way I see it, our will is done regardless. And anyone with half a brain can tell that we’re going to be wearing those belts again very, very soon.”

With that said, Kyle and Evan walk over to Masters and Daniels….

Kyle- OK…Masters…Daniels…this is where you two get off. Now take a hike before you get handed an ass whippin courtesy of System of Supremacy.

Masters- DAMN IT, Jarred….this is all your fault.

Masters and Daniels get the hell out of dodge and Idolized proudly take their seats as interim commentators. The referee then calls for the bell which starts the match.

Kyle- Well folks, this should make for a very interesting match to say the least

Evan- Correctimundo there partner, after what Matt Covey did to his fearless cousin, it seems as though, Matt will be taking on Fire and Ice in a handicapped match.

Matt Covey waits to see which member of Fire and Ice will step up to the plate first. Blaze begins to head toward Covey but Shawn stops him and they switch places. Shawn will start off the match against Covey. Covey and Shawn have a deeply heated stardown….Covey then reaches into his shirt pocket and lights up a cigarette…Shawn smirks and looks on into crowd….he turns around as Covey flicks his cigarette into Shawn’s face. Covey then kicks Shawn in the midsection then nails him with an even flow DDT. Shawn is now helplessly laying on the mat as Covey begins the outlaw stomp.


Covey then picks Shawn up by his hair and violently throws him into the corner, beginning massive body blows…Covey then stops…turns around and stares a hole straight through Blaze and then proceeds to flip Blaze the finger. Covey turns around only to be greeted with a kick to the midsection but Covey catches Shawn’s leg…Covey has Shawn’s leg in his grasp but Shawn then nails Covey with an enzuiguri…..Covey hits the mat hard. Shawn climbs the ropes and nails Covey with a moonsault…Shawn goes for the cover….
























KICK OUT!!!!!!

Shawn gets back to his feet and then drags Covey over to the corner of Fire and Ice….Shawn tags in Blaze….both men proceed to stomp a mud hole in Covey and walk that sum bitch dry. Shawn throws Covey into the corner and then gets on all fours. Blaze then backs up to the opposite corner….Blaze gets a running start then leaps off of Shawn and nails Covey with a knee to the face. The fans in attendance cheer so hard for Fire and Ice….so Blaze backs up again and runs at Covey….Blaze leaps off Shawn but Covey nails Blaze with a hard clothesline in mid air. Covey then nails Shawn with a hard punt kick to the head and Shawn rolls out of the ring. Covey walks over to Blaze and begins stomping on Blaze’s head. Shawn is gets back to his feet on the outside of the ring. Shawn then reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a table. He sets it up and climbs the ring apron, Shawn is now standing on the ring apron on the outside…..Covey, standing by Blaze, has no idea that Shawn is right behind him on the ring apron. Shawn hits Covey from behind…Covey and Shawn then tie up with eachother…Covey is trying to suplex Shawn back into the ring, Shawn is trying to suplex Covey to the outside of the ring and onto the table. Blaze runs at Covey but Covey ducks out of the way in time just as Blaze jumps at him. Blaze accidentally nails Shawn, causing Shawn to fall back right into the table. Blaze lands on the announcers table. Covey then climbs the turnbuckle…HE JUMPS OFF….COVEY NAILS BLAZE WITH A FLYING ELBOW!!!!.....BLAZE GOES CRASHING RIGHT THROUGH THE SPANISH ANNOUNCE TABLE!!!!!

Kyle- AH MI DIOS!.....AH MI DIOS!!!!!

All 3 men are lying helplessly on the outside of the ring. After a few minutes, Covey stumbles back to his feet. Covey then reaches underneath the ring and pulls out yet another table and sets it up. Covey grabs Shawn and throws him back in the ring before the 10 count. Covey goes for the pin….































KICK OUT!!!!!!

Shawn kicks out and Blaze is still lying motionless on the outside of the ring. Covey picks Shawn up but Shawn quickly hits an eye gouge on Covey. Covey grabs his face in pain. Shawn then nails Covey with a DDT, Covey hits the mat, Shawn then nails Covey with a lionsault but Covey lifts his knees and Shawn lands on Covey’s knees hard. Both men are rolling around on the mat in serious pain. Blaze gets back to his feet and then back onto the ring apron. Blaze then extends his hand out to Shawn and begins pounding the turnbuckle with his other hand as the crowd goes nuts and begins a “FIRE AND ICE” chant. After a few minutes, Shawn leaps toward his corner and gets the tag. Blaze runs over to Covey and begins stomping on him. Blaze then picks up Covey and sets him up on the turnbuckle.

Evan- OH this cannot be good. I say he is probably going to attempt a hurricanranna.

Kyle- A…TOP ROPE hurricanranna at that.

Evan- Why I do believe you are correct.

Blaze climbs the turnbuckle but Covey begins punching Blaze to get leverage. Both men are now teetering on the top turnbuckle, each man trying to gain leverage. Covey then gains the upperhand….HE HOOKS BLAZE’S HEAD AND LEAPS OFF THE ROPES….OMG!!!!!! COVEY WITH A TOP ROPE DDT INTO THE TABLE HE SET UP!!!!!

Kyle- OH MY GOD!!!! Folks, that did not look pretty.

Evan- Krimzon Blaze has got to be out of commission after that vicious top rope DDT. His head went crashing through that table hard.

Shawn is miraculously back to his feet as he has just gained his way back into this match. Shawn looks on in absolute shock to see what has just occurred. Shawn then walks over to Covey and begins abusing him like a red headed step child. Shawn launches Covey right into the steel steps. Shawn then throws Covey back into the ring, Shawn looks extremely pissed as he begins stalking Covey. Shawn grabs Covey and locks in the “Waterboard”

Evan- OH MY….Shawn has his signature submission move locked in and it doesn’t look good for Bad Ass at this point.

Kyle- Yes indeed it does not, Evan. Covey had nobody in his corner to help him out of the situation.

Covey is fighting through the pain, the referee is in Covey’s face, asking him if he wants to give up and submit but Covey is growing an annoyance of the referee. Covey then shoves the referee and he rolls right out of the ring. Covey is stuck in the Waterboard with no referee to be seen. Shawn lets go of the hold….Covey gets back to his feet. Covey then swings a haymaker at Shawn but Shawn ducks and nails Covey with “The Brainwash”……Shawn goes for the cover, hoping that a referee will run in for the count. All of a sudden, Jesse Montana runs down to the ring, wearing a referee shirt. Jesse slides into the ring and begins the 3 count….
























Shawn gets in Jesse’s face as they begin to argue when all of a sudden Maynard O’Toole runs down and slides into the ring. Jesse then turns around as to pretend not to notice what is going on. Maynard spins Shawn around and nails him with the “Opiate”. Blaze then, out of nowhere, slides into the ring and runs after Maynard but Jesse sees him and nails Blaze with the Montana express. Maynard pulls Covey on top of Shawn….JESSE COUNTS!!!!




























Evan and Kyle get in the ring then all four men: Jesse, Maynard, Kyle and Evan celebrate as they hold Covey up on their shoulders with Covey holding all four tag belts on his shoulders. The fans boo massively, Covey then gets down and lights up a cigarette.....Covey stands over Shawn's fallen body....Covey takes a drag from his cigarette and the proceeds to put it out on Shawn's forehead.

DANIELS: Absolutely sickening scenes here ladies and gentlemen…WAIT…WILLIAM…PUT THAM CAMERA AWAY!

MASTERS: Hey, I just want to take a photo of this, I want the picture framed on my wall.

DANIELS: Damn the System and Maynard, Maynard damn him to hell, he has already assaulted the Jackal, and Jesse, now they both assault Fire and Ice, and Maynard should be ready for his match, it’s up next…damnit.




TOWERS: This next contest is an all champions affair and it is scheduled for one fall.

DANIELS: Yes we have 3 of the greatest champions in one match here, and Maynard, damn him, he is still in the ring and smiling at the chaos he has caused along with his friends.

MASTERS: Oh please don’t start cursing Maynard again, he is by far the greatest IC Champion we have ever seen, so show the man some respect, and remember this, when Jesse is not around, this man is our boss, whether you like it or not.

DANIELS: Well that is certainly debatable but lets get ready for action anyway, Maynard certainly is as he stands ready in the center of the ring.

Suddenly "Fly From the Inside" by Shinedown begins to play.

TOWERS: On his way to the ring, weighing in at 215 lbs and hailing from Houston, Texas…The Human Highlight Reel and CZW TV Champion…ERIC COLLUM!

The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans jump to their feet to boo. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring. He slaps the hands of the fans in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. He climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and boos. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it into the sea of fans before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric waits in the middle of the ring.

TOWERS: And finally, on his way to the ring weighing in at 205 lbs and hailing from Seattle, Washington…He is the X Champion…EDDIE ROWAN!

A quick countdown appears on the screen, followed by an old-time announcer's voice.

"You are watching Ed-E.T.V."

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins then begins to play, and smoke begins pouring down from the entranceway. As the drum intro ends and the guitar kicks in, Eddie emerges through the smoke, looking back and forth to the crowd with a broad grin. He is attired in a pair of long black shorts, flame-trimmed wrestling boots, and one of many various rock band or anime character t-shirts, typically with the sleeves removed. His hands are taped from knuckle to mid-forearm, with a single black 'X' drawn on the back of each hand.

He proceeds to make his way to the ring with a bit of a hop in his step, the smile on his face is one that shows that he loves to be where he is, doing what he does. He interacts with the ringside members of the crowd (those that are fans) a bit before rolling into the ring. He stands and throws his arms up, and a small pyro blasts from the ring-posts. He poses a bit more, bouncing on the middle of the second rope a bit while waiting for his match to start.


Maynard O'Toole heads to the outside, leaving Eric Collum and Eddie Rowan in the ring together. Both men face up and are speaking to each other, Collum appearing to indicate he is the real champ. As they continue to argue Maynard sneaks back into ring behind Collum and pushes Collum into Rowan. They clash heads, Rowan falls to the floor and Collum stumbles back into a Maynard schoolboy.









Kick out!

Daniels: Smart move by Maynard... it could've been over early.

As Collum gets back up he now begins arguing with Maynard. Whilst they argue Eddie Rowan comes running off the ropes... double dropkick, taking down both Maynard and Collum. Maynard again rolls out of the ring as Eddie runs at Collum and drops a quick legdrop. He then notices Maynard on the outside mocking the booing fans. He rebounds off the far ropes and flies over the top rope to the outside with a beautiful Flying Body Press.

In the ring Eric Collum recovers, positions himself on the outside ring apron above both Maynard and Rowan... Springboard Moonsault!!!

Eric Collum takes out both men as the fans begin chanting CZW!!!

Masters: All three men are out now on the outside.

Daniels: I think Collum is going to be the first up.

Collum gets up and rolls Eddie Rowan into the ring. He then follows him in and begins stomping on him, mocking the fans as he does so. Collum then mounts Eddie and delivers a sucession of right hands to his cranium. The fans boo as Collum has clearly taken control of the match. As Eddie attempts to get back to his feet Eric is waiting... kick to the gut... snap suplex...cover!












Collum immediately applies a chinlock on Eddie to try and wear him out. The fans try and will Eddie on but he appears to be fading. Collum then turns into a Rear Naked choke and traps Eddie's body in a body scissors at the same time.

Meanwhile Maynard is back up, but does not help Eddie. Instead he stands in the corner behind Eric and appears to rest... a cocky smile on his face. As Eric pulls tighter around the throat of Eddie he is appearing to fade quickly. Maynard then runs and delivers a kneedrop into the forehead of Collum causing him to both release the hold and hold his hands over his face. Seeing Eddie is down and out he goes for the cover.









Daniels: Maynard is going to steal one!!!!




Maynard then lifts up Eddie and delivers a devastating powerbomb!!! He is about to cover Eddie but sees Eric is getting back up and so he runs at him... clothesline!!!


Collum ducks.... German Suplex.... Collum holds on and delivers a second and then a third, releasing on the third!!!

Maynard is down and Eric goes for the cover.










Eddie breaks up the count. back on his feet Eddie immediately goes to kick Eric but his foot is caught.... Enziguri.... Eric ducks and Eddie misses the kick. Eric goes to grab Eddies legs but he turns onto his back and kicks Eric off, who rebounds off the ropes...he jumps over Eddie and runs to the opposite rope. Eddie is now standing and ducks Eric's clothesline. He goes for a rear waistlock... German Suplex.... No Eric slips behind Eddie and gets a rear waistlock of his own, but Eddie delivers a hard elbow to Eric.... DOUBLE CLOTHESLINE!!!!

Maynard hits a devastating double clothesline, sending Eric Collum down and causing Eddie Rowan to spin 360 degrees in the air. He then lifts up the fallen Eddie and delivers.... THE OPIATE!!!!

He goes for the cover.











Eric breaks up the count. He immediately goes to clothesline Maynard but Maynard ducks and as Eric rebounds off the rope he gets caught with a spinebuster.

Masters: Maynard in control of this match now.

The fans suddenly begin to cheer as the Jackal appears on the stage area with a steel chair in his hand. He walks gingerley towards the ring, a blood stained bandage on the back of his head.

Daniels: Its the Jackal!!! And he is coming armed with a weapon!!!

Maynard does not see the Jackal coming to the ringside area and is now stomping on Eric after he broke up the count. Eddie Rowan is starting to stir after the devastating Opiate that almost meant the end of the match for him. Maynard stands over Eric, talking trash and slapping him around the head. He then turns around just in time to see Eddie flying off the tope rope... Missile Dropkick!!!!

Maynard is down and Eddie now focuses on Eric Collum. He stands in wait as Eric begins to stand up. As he does he goes for the Manhattan Drop and then rebounds off the rope with a devastating Shining Wizard kick to Eric's head!!!

Eric Collum is down, but smartly rolls out of the ring.

Maynard is now back to his feet but sees the Jackal. He turns to face him and begins ordering the referee to have him taken away. With the distraction Eddie is able to get onto the ring apron, spring off the top rope and hit Maynard with a flying wheelkick. The crowd roar in apprecitation at Eddie's athleticism as The Jackal watches on. Eddie... now the only man standing makes his way to the top rope. As he does so Eric is back on his feet and is able to tug on Eddie's foot, causing him to slip and hit his crotch on the top turnbuckle. Eric then makes runs across the ring apron and, holding onto the top rope, hits a devastating enziguri to the back of Eddie's head... sending him to the floor on the outside... where he hits with a loud smack.

Eric is on the top rope, but Maynard is up and joins him, appearing to try for a superplex. Eric holds on to the top rope and attempts to fight out of it, but Maynard begins firing right hands into his forehead. Eric is beginning to look dazed....


The Jackal runs at them both and strikes Maynard hard in the knee with the edge of the steel chair. Maynard immediately falls back into the ring, clutching his knee and roaring in pain.

Daniels: My God!!! Did you hear that? Jackal just destroyed Maynard with that shot!!!

Masters: This is Eric's chance. Eddie is still out in front of our announce tables and Maynard is clearly hurt.

Eric Collum realises what has happened and after a moment to catch his breath he stands up and hits.... THE AERIAL REVOLUTION!!!

He makes the cover.

















The Jackal walks back out of the ring area, a smile on his face as Maynard rolls to the outside. He struggles to put weight on his leg, but in his face he looks angry. Meanwhile, Eric Collum stands in the ring, holding his arms above his head as he celebrates his win.

Towers: The winner of the match.... Eric Collum!!!!


-=- WORLD TITLE CAGE MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) ‘The Sensation’ JESSE MONTANA © -VS- ’The Hardcore Master’ TIM TIMMONS


Jessica Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, it is now time for the main event, and it is for the CZW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPIONSHIP!!”

The lights dim and the fans in Freedom Hall cheer loudly as “Inside the Fire” blares throughout the arena. Tim Timmons walks out onto the entrance ramp looking extremely focused. He stares out at the crowd like a man possessed, clenching his fists and then raising them high into the air before heading down towards the ring.

Towers: “Introducing first, the challenger, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, ‘the Hardcore Master,’ TIM TIMMONS!!”

Timmons proceeds slowly down to the ring, walking up the steps and glancing out to the capacity crowd as they cheer him on. He enters the ring, slowly pacing around it before he stands in the center, staring down to the entrance ramp.

Daniels: “Tim Timmons with the opportunity of a lifetime here! Not only could he be the one to dethrone Jesse Montana as the World Heavyweight Champion, but he could do it in the main event of the first EVER broadcast of CZW’s newest flagship, Overdrive!”

Masters: “Could’ doesn’t count for much, Jarred. Jesse Montana has defended his title countless times since winning it at Summer Showdown. He’s beaten all challengers, and I have a feeling Timmons will be no exception.”

Daniels: “No one can really tell. Montana has been extremely successful in holding onto the strap for a record length of time, but I don’t know if I’ve seen anyone as determined to take it from him as ‘the Hardcore Master.”

Instantly the crowd boos as once again, the light dims. The opening rings of “For Whom the Bell Tolls” sound out over the PA, heralding the arrival of the World Heavyweight Champion. Jesse Montana heads out onto the ramp, animatedly chewing his gum with a cocky smirk. He poses to the crowd in spite of their jeers and shows off his gold as he struts down to ringside.

Towers: “And his opponent, hailing from Miami, Florida, representing System of Supremacy, he is the CZW WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT CHAMPION, ‘the Sensation,’ JESSE MONTANA!!”

The boos increase even as Montana moves to the second turnbuckle, smack-talking the whole crowd before showing his gold off to Timmons. Tim looks on unperturbed as Montana makes a grand show of his entrance before heading to the middle of the ring.

Daniels: “Love him or hate him, folks, nobody can argue that this man is the greatest champion in the business today.”

Masters: “Something that so few people seem to realize, and something that Tim Timmons is soon going to find out first-hand!”

Jesse hands his belt to the referee who holds it high, showing it to the fans in attendance. He passes the belt to the ring attendant and signals for the bell! Tim stares holes right through Jesse as Montana gets right in his face, smirking and chomping away on his gum. Montana badmouths Tim a bit and Timmons responds with a sudden right fist!

Daniels: “Timmons flying out of the gate and Montana’s gum goes flying out of his mouth!”

Timmons rains into the champ with a series of rights, rocking him against the ropes and hitting a hard knife-edge chop! Left hand! Right forearm shot! Left hook to the body! Knee-lift to the face!

Daniels: “Timmons going ballistic here!”

Timmons whips Montana to the far ropes and snags him on the rebound with a huge snap-powerslam! He hooks the leg for a pin, but Montana is able to kick out before a one count. Timmons up and he drops a hard elbow onto the champ, followed by a second! He moves quickly back up and grabs Jesse’s legs, trying to hook him into a sharpshooter! Montana frantically scrambles and grabs the bottom rope, using it to slide to the outside of the ring! The fans cheer Timmons on as Jesse retreats!

Masters: “Smart move there by Montana, getting a little distance between them so he can catch his breath!”

Daniels: “I don’t know if that’s going to help, because here comes Timmons!”

Timmons runs along the apron, diving at Montana, connecting with a huge shoulder-block! Jesse falls back hard against the side of the steel stairs, jarring them away from the ring!! Timmons is up again, looking jacked as the fans’ cheers reach a fever pitch! He picks Jesse up and nails him with another forearm shot before rolling him into the ring. Jesse trying to get to his feet as Timmons hops onto the apron in pursuit. He steps between the ropes, and out of desperation, Jesse lunges to his feet, kicking the middle rope up into the groin of Timmons! The fans boo loudly as he is caught off guard by the dirty attack!

Daniels: “That will DEFINITELY incapacitate ANYONE for a minute!”

Jesse catches his breath for a moment and bounds off the adjacent ropes, running back and grabbing Tim’s head, driving him to the mat with a vicious bulldog! Again, he pauses for just a moment before standing up and grabbing the top rope, holding it for leverage as he rains down stomp after stomp onto the head and torso of Tim Timmons! He plants his foot on the bottom rope and springs up, dropping a big knee right to the chest!! Montana glares at the booing fans before he rolls Tim over, draping his throat over the bottom rope. He grabs the top rope and plants his foot right on the back of Tim’s neck, applying as much pressure as he can, strangling him!!

Masters: “Timmons’ fire has gone out, it looks like!”

Daniels: “His tactics may not be honorable, but they’re definitely effective. Montana showing excellent ring presence, as one would always expect from the World Champion.”

Jesse is starting to get a little cocky now, grinning broadly as he lifts the challenger to his feet, only to drop him back down with a Russian leg-sweep. Montana nips-up and poses as the fans boo. He cups a hand to his ear, soaking it in and then hops over Timmons, leaping onto the middle rope and moonsaulting back onto Timmons! KNEES UP! The crowd goes nuts as Montana rolls onto his back, clutching his ribs and gasping for air. Timmons rolls to his stomach and pushes himself up to his feet. Jesse struggles to stand and Timmons charges! SPEAR!!

Daniels: “What impact from that spear! Both men fall to the outside after that hit!”

Masters: “A reckless move by Timmons, but it looks like Montana got the worst of that one!”

Timmons pulls himself up by the barricade, the ringside fans patting him on the back, encouraging him. Tim pulls Jesse up by his hair and slams him face-first into the separated ring-steps! He then whips the champ around, setting him up for a suplex! BRAINBUSTER ONTO THE STAIRS!! Montana rolls off his head into a sitting position with a dazed look on his face! A thin red line begins trickling down his face!

Daniels: “That’s why he’s called ‘the Hardcore Master!’ The champion is busted open after that vicious maneuver!”

Timmons pulls Montana up by his hair again and whips him hard against the announce table, following in with a clothesline that impacts with such force that it actually flings Jesse ONTO the table! The crowd voices their approval as Timmons climbs onto the table with Jesse picking him up and pump-handling his arm!

Masters: “Not the announce table, come on!”

Daniels: “Timmons looking to finish Montana off right here in front of us!”

Timmons hoists Montana up for a pump-handle slam! Montana slips over Timmons’ shoulder and drops down behind him! He quickly lifts Timmons up for the Montana Bay!


Masters: “OH MY GOD!!”

Contact with the announcers is lost as both men go crashing through the table, lying motionless in a heap of bodies, wood, and broadcasting equipment. Timmons holds his head and neck in pain and Montana lies staring straight up at the lights, his hair and forehead caked with blood. After several minutes, Montana slowly begins to stir, crawling to the ring, pulling himself up by the apron and rolling into the ring. Timmons is still not moving as we hear headsets being jostled around.

Daniels: “Is this working?”

Masters: “I think so. Yes.”

Daniels: “I apologize for the loss of contact there, ladies and gentlemen. If you’re just joining us, Timmons and Montana are battling for the World Heavyweight Championship, and the action has spilled out here to ringside where both men just came crashing through our table thanks to Jesse Montana’s Montana Bay!”

Masters: “Hey, Timmons was the one who brought the fight out here, he got what he deserved! Now I don’t even know if he can continue!”

Daniels: “Timmons is refusing to let this opportunity slip by! Look at him now, clawing his way back to the ring!”

Tim looks hurt and hurt bad, but he grits his teeth in determination, dragging himself across the floor to the ring. He slowly slides in under the bottom rope and moves to stand, using the turnbuckle for support. Jesse slowly stands in the middle of the ring, but he’s faster than Timmons.

Daniels: “LOOK OUT!!”


Jesse goes for the superkick, but Timmons catches his foot! He flings it back down to the ground and grabs Montana in a fireman’s carry!

Daniels: “Reversal! DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!!”

Timmons drills the champ to the mat and rolls onto him for the cover!










NO!! Montana barely inches the shoulder up before the three count! The entire arena is out of their seats after that one! Tim can’t believe it. He grits his teeth and moves to his feet, slowly pulling Montana up. He hefts him up for a powerbomb!

Masters: “Montana reverses! Hurricanrana!!”

Daniels: “Excellent counter by the champion, now he’s heading to the top!”

Jesse slowly makes his way to the top turnbuckle, wiping the blood and hair from his eyes before glaring down at his fallen opponent. He leaps off with the diving elbow! IT CONNECTS!!










NO, TIMMONS KICKS OUT!! Jesse sits up with an extremely frustrated look on his face. He pulls Tim to his feet, hooking him for a suplex.

Jesse: “That’s it!!”

He nails a quick suplex! Rolls it over, stands and hits a second! He rolls again, this time hooking Tim’s leg!


Daniels: “Tim counters! Inside cradle!!”











Running on adrenaline alone, both men stand! Montana reacts! MONTANA EXPRESS!! Timmons ducks and Jesse kicks his leg over the top rope! Tim gets a measure of revenge by kicking the top rope!! The crowd cheers loudly as Jesse straddles the top rope in pain! Exhausted, Timmons hops up to the middle turnbuckle, sitting on the top as he pulls Jesse over his shoulders into a fireman’s carry!

Daniels: “Timmons looking for the Canadian Driver!!”

Masters: “Look at him! He can barely stand!!”

Timmons slowly stands on the middle turnbuckle, pulling Montana up. He grits his teeth, ignoring the pain and fatigue, and leaps!! CANADIAN DRIVER!! An exhausted Timmons lays over Montana as they land!






















*Ding ding ding!!*

Timmons kicks out, but just after the three! He slumps over the bottom rope with a completely bewildered look on his face, the reality of the situation slowly washing over him. Montana has his hand raised, lying in a small pool of blood on the mat!

Daniels: “Unbelievable! Montana did it!”

Masters: “I TOLD you he would!”

Daniels: “Timmons was so close, but in the end Jesse proved to be just that half-step ahead.”

Masters: “That’s all it takes to win, Daniels!”

Daniels: “Montana retains, but Timmons has impressed everyone here tonight, I think.”

Masters: “I’m sure that make him feel better, Jarred. Why don’t you go up there and tell him that right now?”

Daniels: “Stick it, William.”

Montana is aided out of the ring by the referee and handed his belt. He holds it up, staggering away as Tim looks on, shaking his head in disappointment.

Daniels: Well there it was folks, Overdrive, and I am sure we will have many historic moments with this new show in months to come, but next week live from Cincinnati, Ohio, it’s the big one folks, live on Halloween day…HORRORCORE! But until then and for now, goodnight all!

CZW President
Jesse Montana

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