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CZW - War Zone

| Oct 2nd | * Wichita, Kansas | Kansas Coliseum

Combat Zone Wrestling presents WAR ZONE

Kansas City, Missouri Kemper Arena October 9th

~~ MAIN EVENT ~~ -=- WORLD HEAVYWEIGHT TITLE MATCH -=- (Matt finally gets his rematch!)

"The Serial Thriller" MATT STYLEZ vs. "The Sensation" JESSE MONTANA (c)



-=- SINGLES MATCH -=- "The Real Deal" ROB WRIGHT vs. "Faithless" MIKE MONROE




...whiskey in the jar Metallica



Ding Ding Ding!!!

Masters: look at the expressions on the face of these 2 men. They definitely have Intensity. I really do doubt that they have integrity and they both look kinda stupid, so I think they're lacking in the intelligence area. But hey, one "I" is better than none.

Daniels: That sounds like Jesse Montana's last date.

Masters: Shut up! This Mountain Man looks a little crazy. I had a talk with him in the back and he believes that he's the last in a race of ancient warriors…that's some interesting sh*t! There's the lock up…rake to the face by MM!!! Boot to the midsection…club to the back of the neck. This MM is quite impressive…whoa!!!! BDB tosses him back to the buckle and is hammering away with right hands to the face…Irish whip to the buck…OH!!! BDB almost took his head off with that lariat!!!

Daniels: Looks like MM is going to get his head ripped off oh well kind of liked the guy?

Masters:.Cover by the BDB…1…2…kickout! Damn that was close! BDB picks up MM…. Backbreaker!!! And there's another one! BDB hits the big man with 2 back breakers man hits off the ropes…big leg drop right to the head! He hooks the leg…1…2…no!!!! MM is a powerhouse but he's simply no match for BDB just over powering him.

Daniels: Yeah cuz he has no brains to stay down. Watch in a few minutes when BDB splits his head wide open and nothing falls out, you'll see.

Masters: Reverse chinlock by the BDB on the MM. MM is in some serious trouble and he's been in it since the beginning of this match. He's bleeding from the mouth too…this is very bad. The crowd is trying to rally behind him…

Daniels: Well tell them to shut up. These damn Kansas people dont know whats good and BDB is good not Mountain Man.

Masters: Is that right? MM is trying to fight back…right hand to the midsection…there's another one…low blow!!!! BDB runs to the ropes…he locks on the sleeper…BDB with a jaw breaker on MM and he backs into the buckle. BDB charges in for an avalanche…MM moved…he grabs him by the hair and blasts him with an inverted DDT!!!! Both men are down!!! Now is the time for the MM to turn this match around. He makes the cover…1…2…no!!!! MM almost stole this match right out from under BDB nose. Both of them climb back to their feet…BDB swings and misses with a clothesline…spinebuster by the MM!! He almost drove him through the canvas and now he's measuring him for something…flying clothesline by MM just send BDB to the canvas! He's headed to the ring apron now…he's going to the top rope.

Daniels: I told you this guy was an idiot. Call the white coats cuz this guys is crazy!

Masters: MM looks like he's setting bdb up for his Bulldog off the top! BDB is up…oh my gawd what a move MM just planted BDB's face right into the mat and looks like he is not getting up from this move.

Daniels: Damn we could not even get threw the first match with out some one getting destroyed.....

Masters: MM picks up BDB..BDB is just staggering from that massive bulldog from the 300+ pounder MM kicks BDB in the gut oh no whats he doing now its his finisher....FALLEN TIMBBER....he's going to finish BDB now folks.

Daniels: I am suprised this big guy knows how to even wrestle....

Masters: NO...NO....NO.....BDB is done MM hooks the leg REF has the count 1.................2......................3......................This match is over MM is showing CZW that he is the real deal he is 2-0 folks watch out...

Daniels: 2-0 are you kidding me what do you think he's ready for a world title shot?

Ding Ding Ding!!!

-=- SINGLES MATCH -=- #1 Contender for the TV Title (2 RP limit)

"The Real Deal" ROB WRIGHT vs. "Faithless" MIKE MONROE

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Masters: Here we go! Rob Wright Vs Mike Monroe for the #1 contenders match for the CZW TV Title that Eric Collum holds.

Daniels: I see that this match is going to probably be better than the last match Masters I felt like taking a nap.

Masters: Would you stop it that was a very good opening match.

Daniels: It was?

Masters: Monroe just slapped Rob. across the face! Rob. misses with a right hand and Monroe is firing off with right hands to the side of the head! Oh, that damn ref is holding MMonroe back!

Daniels: No he's not! Right hands are illegal!

Masters: They are but you don't put the wrestler in a full nelson and allow his opponent to kick him in the ribs! Monroe is about to knock his head off…Rob. charges in from behind and gets blasted with a powerslam! He hooks the leg…1…2…3!!!

Daniels: Learn how to count jackass!

Masters: I did count right! That was a 3 damn it! 3!!! We have a new #1 contender and that damn ref won't count the 3!!!! Monroe has the ref by the throat…Rob Wright with a clothesline from behind! Rob drives him back to the buckle and he buries a knee to the midsection! And another one! He picks Mike up and drives him down to the canvas with a sidewalk slam. He hooks the leg…1…2…Mike gets his foot on the ropes. I'm surprised that damn red didn't say that was a 3 right there the way he's been trying to screw Monroe!

Daniels: Why do you think hes screwing Monroe he just may like Rob better you dont know that for a fact so shut up.

Master: What in the hell are you talking about?

Daniels: Just watch the match....

Masters: (laughing) OK Rob viciously whips Monroe into the buckle hard! And again! He's whipping him from pillar to post and he's laughing to all of these fans about it! Rob sets up Monroe for the Power Bomb! Here it comes…no! Back body drop by Monroe…look out!!! He just clotheslined the ref's head off!!!!!!

Daniels: Disqualify him! You cannot put your hands on the referee!

Masters: Monroe is putting the boots to the referee! Watch Rob from behind…he went for the Superkick but it was blocked…Monroe turns him around and drills him with a clothesline! Rob back up and Mike nails him with a few right hands to the jaw…Rob is staggered on the ropes and Monroe sends him over the top rope and to the floor with that clothesline!!!! Mike follows him out and slams Rob headfirst into the announcer's table!

Daniels: See he should be counted out for that Monroe is not right in the head tonight.

Masters: You know something its about survival and Mike is surviving trying to win any way he can he wants that #1 contender just as bad as Rob does now stop lets focus on the match.

Daniels: Your wrong...Your wrong....

Masters: Mike has a steel chair…BOOM! He just nailed him in the head and Rob goes down hard! He tries to get back up…he catches another chairshot that sends Rob into the crowd! Monroe follows him out and he is beating the life out of Rob Wright, and he's getting exactly what he deserves! Irish whip by Mike sends Rob hard into the guardrail!!! He grabs him by the head and is beating the living life out of Rob Wright The back of Rob's head is busted open and it looks like he's running from Mike!

Daniels: He's not running he's just got bad asthma!

Masters: That has to be the worst excuse I've ever heard! Monroe has that steel chair and he's searching for Rob in the fans…look out Monroe he's hiding behind that wall! Oh no!!! Rob jumps out and he's strangling Mike with some kind of wire! Rob is trying to choke Mike out and now where's he going? He's dragging him up that flight of stairs by his neck!

Danlies: He's got Monroe on a leash like he's a filthy dog!

Masters: Mike tries to hold onto a chair but Rob over powers him and is dragging him to the lobby it looks like! Blood is coming from Mike's mouth…They're at the top of those stairs…Rob just got nailed with a low blow!!! Mike snatches that wire from around his neck and he's whipping Rob with it!!! He's wraps it around Rob's throat and now he's gonna show him how it feels…oh no! Look out!!! OH MY GOD!!!! Mike just tossed Rob down that flight of stairs and he goes crashing all the way down to the arena floor!!!

Daniels: That idiot!!!! Rob hit his head on that steel banister! Monroe deserves to be DQ'd!

Masters: Well referee hasn't moved since Mike beat him up in the ring, and now Mike has a trash can and he's walking down the stairs to Rob! He's hurt badly. He sees Mike and he's trying to get out of the way but Mike bashes him in the head with the trashcan! And again! Mike is trying to destroy Rob! He grabs him by the hair and he's dragging him back to ringside. This is not a technical match, this is a war between 2 of the CZW's finest! Irish whip by Mike…reversal by Rob and Mike crashes into the guardrail! Rob is laughing and he just slapped a fan! That SOB! He charges in at Mike…OH MY GOODNESS! He just got back body dropped over the barricade and through the announce table! Rob Wright is in a really bad way right now!

Daniels: Damn it! What is that idiot Ref doing?! Get up and disqualify him.

Masters: Mike climbs back over the barricade and he has Rob by the hair…right hand sends him to the floor! He throws him in the ring now and this crowd in Kemper Arena is going crazy! Mike picks Rob back up…spinebuster!!! He goes for the cover…Ref is still out cold!!! Mike is shaking him to try and wake him up! Rob is back to his feet…Mike turns around and just got his head knocked off with a bad ass superkick! Rob looks like he's ready to finish this match off…he picks Mike back up and it looks like he's gonna go for the GAME OVER…low blow by Mike! He grabs Rob by the neck and nails a neck breaker on RobThis crowd is actually cheering for Mike now?!

Daniels: These idiots are the only people dumb enough to like him!

Masters: He picks Rob up…there's the Shock Trauma ! Monroe is just moments away from becoming the brand new #1 contender for the TV Title! He picks Rob up…Shock Trauma again!!! It's all over for Rob but the ref is still…hey wait a minute!!! I saw the ref open his eyes and then close them again! He saw the pin!

Daniels: No he didn't! He's still out cold! Dead guys open and close there eyes every 5 minutes, and he's not even dead yet!

Masters: He's gonna be dead after Monroe gets done with him! Monroe tries to shake the ref again but no luck what the hell Rob is up Rob is up turn around Mike BAMB Mike just got blasted by Rob with the No Laughing Matter....No Laughing Matter....Mike is down and out on the mat Rob hooks the legs the ref is up amazing recovery from the ref 1............2.................3.........................

Daniels: Damn it can you believe it that damn ref just recovered like he was not even hurt.

Masters: We have a new #1 contender for the TV Title Rob Wright......

Scene fades in from commercial to show a familiar room adorned with various animals heads. The camera pans around the room before finally stopping on a familiar face - the face of CZW's original Outlaw...Buck Evans. Buck is dressed in his usual blue jeans with a black t-shirt. He is sitting in a recliner with a smile on his face.

Buck: How ya'll doin? There's been a lot of shit happen since I've been out, but now ain' t the time to talk bout all that. Right now I just wanna let ya'll know that I'm doin alright, and I'm on schedule fer my return. So boys, take this time to feel safe, cause when I get back, you sumbitches ain't got nothin to help you. I'm comin back, and I'm gonna be ready to beat fire from all ya'll. And by God, if nobody else is gonna beat Jess fer that World Title, I reckon I'll do it myself. You can write it in, cause I will be in the main event at Beginning of the End in Milwaukee. So Derek, git that shit done. Don't f**kin pencil me in, but put it in goddamn ink. Cause I'll be back swigin beer and rasin hell by that time. Jesse, that means you got bout two months to lose that title or you'll lose a lot more.

Buck reaches down beside his chair and pulls up a bottle of beer, takes a swig, and sets it back down.

Buck: Now, Eddie, don't think I ain't fergot bout you. Yer still gonna git what's comin to you. Either before Beginning of the End or after, you'll pay the price fer what you did to me at Hatewave. Times 'a tickin boys, and this drunk redneck is comin back soon.

-=- TAG TEAM MATCH -=- (Special Ed's last CZW match!) (2 RP per team limit)


Ding Ding Ding!!!

Masters: This one is under way! It's Pablo fighting Matt, Ed fighting Leo, what a way to begin this match all hell as broken lose!

Daniels: Yeah, it sue has i say just let them beat the hell out of each other and see who wins.

Masters: The ref has cleared the ring and it's Pablo starting off against Matt Covey! Pablo is taking it to Covey with a few dropkicks and he's back into the Pablo's and Covey's corner! Watch Pablo…1…2…3…4…oh! He was going for the 10 count punch but Leo came in and hit the low blow.

Daniels: What a shot by Leo to Pablo?

Masters: Matt with some straight right punches on El-Pablo and now he brings him over to the corner of Crow and Covey. There's the tag and here we go! Spin kick combo in the corner followed up by and Irish-whip to the buckle! Pablo moves and slams Crow down. Arabian Press…1…2…Crow with the foot on the rope! Tag to Ed and he and Pablo hit a vicious double team move on Crow! Ed hits a leg drop off the 2nd rope onto the fallen Crow! Cover…1…2…kickout once again by Leo. Here comes El-Pablo and he locks Leo in a belly to belly suplex.....!

Daniels: Pablo can kick any ones ass he awesome!

Masters: I suppose that he could…if I actually gave a rat's ass about Pablo then I wouldn't be ignoring you right now. Leo is trying to get out of the hold…he breaks it. Pablo catches a right on the jaw! Another! He misses with a clothesline and Leo tried to take his head off!!!! Can Leo make the tag? He's reaching…yes! Here comes Matt and he's hammering with fists to the head of Pablo! Matt picks him up and she just slammed him! Pablo is in the ring Matt clotheslines him! Matt slingshots Pablo into the ring and Matt and Leo are in control! Leo tags in with a flying clothesline on Pablo sends him to the floor! Ed runs in and Matt throws Ed to the floor! Pablo gets up and nails Matt in the gut and is going for a power bomb on Matt and Leo and Ed start battling it out outside the ring the ref starts the 10 cound gets up to 8 Pablo slides back into the ring as Matt does as well and the two hook up and start beating each other with lefts and rights finally Matt gets the upper hand and hits Pablo with a side suplex finally Ed and Leo get back to there corners Matt tags in Leo...Leo goes after Pablo but manages to tag in Ed, Ed kicks Leo in the face with a straigh boot shot, drops Leo...Ed picks up Leo and nails him with a huge snap DDT... Ed goes for the cover and Leo kicks out. Leo pokes Ed in the eyes and gets a side head lock on Ed and brings him back over to there corner and tags in Matt.....

Daniels: Finally Covey vs Covey this should be good.

Masters: This is what the fans have been waiting for folks...

Daniels: Sure has what Covey is better?

Masters: If i had to pick i would say Ed

Daniels: Figures you like the morons better....

Masters: Here they go hook up Ed gets a side head lock on Matt, Matt jabs Ed in the ribs but no luck Ed still holds on Ed snaps Matt over on the mat and puts a reverse chin lock on Matt, Ed drives his knee into Matt's back, Ed lets go and hits Matt with a standing dropkick to the back of Matts head. Ed picks up Matt and smacks him in the face and delivers a spinning clothesline to Matt, Matt drops Ed goes for a elbow drop but Matt rolls out of the way and Matt now is on the offence, Matt starts clubbing away at Ed and beating the hell out of Special Ed he picks up Ed and whips him into the corner and follows threw with a huge clothesline Ed head snaps back and Ed falls to the mat. Matt picks up Ed and sets him on the top turnbuckle looks like Matt may be doing some kind of stunner off the top, Matt smacks Ed in the face and then in the gut and manages to deliever a stunner off the top to Ed, Matt goes for the cover ref counts 1.............2..................NO NO NO NO Ed kicks out at 2....Matt gets up and cant believe it, he goes in and tags Leo....Leo goes right after Ed but Ed manages to hit Leo with a running spear to level Leo, Ed tags in Pablo..

Daniels: this has turned out to be a hell of a match Masters....

Masters: Sure has...

Daniels: I still say Leo and Matt are going to win...

Masters: Pablo goes after Leo and starts hiting Leo with boots to the face while he is down, Pablo picks up Leo and out of no where PABLO SLAM....PABLO Leo Crow, Leo is out cold Pablo goes for the cover, Matt Covey comes in but is met with a special Ed big Boot to the Face Ref....1....2....3....Covey and Pablo win....

Daniels: Wow I can not believe it....what a way to end this match....

Masters: What the hell Matt has grabbed something from under the ring its a kendo stick he slides in and wails Ed with it nails Pablo in the gut with it cracks Pablo over the head with the Kendo stick Pablo falls and rolls out of the ring Leo gets up and grabs a chair and slides it in Matt grabs Ed with the kendo stick and starts to chock him, Leo sets the chair up what the hell are they doing to Ed....Matt lets go of Ed and cracks him in the gut with the stick and nails Ed with a DDT on the chair Matt throws the stick out of the ring and Leo and Matt set Eds head in the chair no way ConChairto to special Ed, Matt gets ready to bounce off the ropes and nail Ed with a leg drop but out of no where Pablo is in with his own chair and levels Matt and Leo takes off.........

Daniels: WOW What a turn around that was not expecting Covey to do that to Ed.

Ding Ding Ding!!!


Derek Damage: Thanatos is not in this match this week just Ronnie vs Eric

Ding Ding Ding!!!!

Masters: Well here we go!

Daniels: Should be great..

Masters: These are two top wrestlers for CZW should be one hell of a battle

Daniels: With out a doubt?

Masters: There's the lock up…Ronnie is being pushed back to the buckle…the ref is getting in there to break them up…OH!!!! Ronnie with a cheap shot caught Eric right in the throat! Eric is gasping for air and Ronnie is choking him on the ropes! Get in there, ref!!!

Daniels: I like Ronnie haha!

Masters: Ronnie breaks the choke…OH!!! Stiff kick to the spine of Eric Collum! Ronnie grabs Eric by the hair…big right hand to the jaw!!! Irish whip sends Eric to the ropes…clothesline!!!! He hooks the leg!!! 1…2…Storm got the shoulder up!!!!

Daniels: That was a close one!

Masters: Ronnie with a big boot to the head of Eric and he's climbing to the top rope…Moonsault…misses..why did Ronnie do that?!!! Eric rolled out of the way and Ronnie hit facefirst off of the canvas…Eric is running off the ropes…Ronnie back to his feet and he gets met with a flying forearm!!! The leg is hooked…1…2…kickout by Ronnie! That was close. Eric lifts him back up…suplex coming up…it's blocked by Ronnie…Ronnie tries a reversal that's also blocked! Ronnie caught Eric with a knee to the midsection…he charges in and gets met with an unbelievable Savate Kick!!! Eric hooks the leg…1…2…he got the shoulder up! Eric Collum is jaw-jacking with the ref about the count there. He has Ronnie again…backbreaker, perfectly executed! Eric is showing that arrogant side once again…where's he going?

Daniels: To the top…to the very top!!!

Masters: Eric is on the top rope…Ronnie is back up and he got blasted with a missile dropkick…1…2…kickout by Ronnie once again! Eric immediately cinches him up in the reverse chinlock.

Daniels: What a match…

Masters: Eric has his feet on the ropes trying to get leverage on that chinlock!! Ref, get in there!

Daniels: Shut up!

Masters: The referee is checking the arms of Ronnie…Ronnie is trying to keep it in the air…Eric has his feet on the ropes again, damn it!!! Ref…look! The ref still hasn't seen it and now Ronnie is fading…the arm drops once…twice…a 3rd time…no!!! He kept the arm up!!!! Eric can't believe it and the ref just kicked his feet off of the ropes!!!

Daniels: He can't hit a wrestler!

Masters: Eric looks mad and he's getting in the ref's face…Ronnie is back up and he charges at Eric…Eric moves and the ref just got smashed in the corner!!! The ref is down and Eric just rolled to the floor…

Daniels: Uh oh!!! Ronnie is gonna get some…STEEL!!! Not wood! Steel!!!!

Masters: You jackass! Eric slides the chair into the ring…he climbs in and Ronnie hits off the ropes…bulldog on the steel chair by the RONNIE MCNIEL!!!!Eric hurt and Ronnie has that steel chair…look out Eric…OH!!! Chairshot knocks him right to the floor!!!

Daniels: He had to knock his face off!

Masters: Eric is out of it! He doesn't even know where he is…Ronnie is on the top rope…Senton Bomb!!!!! Ronnie is all over the champ with huge rights to the head! He picks Eric up…he's carrying him over to the steel ramp…OH!!! Sidewalk Slam on the steel!!!

Daniels: More Steel, Masters!!! I love it!

Masters: I'm sure you do. Ronnie just springboarded off the guardrail…moonsault on Eric!!! Ronnie is on fire and using high risks moves to put Eric off gaurd!!!!! He picks Eric up by the hair and throws him back into the ring. This crowd is getting great action here tonight. Eric doesn't even know where he is and Ronnie is standing over him…there's the KISS OF THE ROSE!!!!

Daniels: Its over

Masters: Ronnie hooks the leg…the ref is out of position…1…2…kickout!!! Ronnie thought it was over! Well it wasn't over before, but it's about to end now cuz he's setting him up for the FLAWLESS! This will be the end of Eric Collum…OH!! Low blow by Eric behind the ref's back…Collumbine!!!! 1…2…3!!!!! and the winer is Eric Collum.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

matt stylez vs jesse montana

Masters: Stylez and Montana ready to get it on here and we have the General Manager for War Zone Derek Damage sitting here to do commentary. DD, what do you have to say about this match tonight?.

DD: What do I got to say all I can say is this that Matt Stylez better step up and kick the hell out of Montana tonight and bring back the world title to War Zone..

Daniels: DD...Jesse is one of the most dominant world champions here to ever hold the title.

DD: Yeah well Matt will win it tonight I just feel its time for a change?

Masters: Both of you quiet. We have two guys who are ready to wrestle and we need to call this match. Matt with a headlock on Jesse. Jesse now throws him in the rope and knockdown by Stylez. He runs back in the rope, Montana drops down, Stylez around and Jesse nailed him with a clothesline.

DD: Montana, I cant stand this punk. He talks so much shit and...

Daniels: Yeah like somebody I know. Dont want to mention any names. (Coughs) DD!!!

DD: You're pushing it Daniels.

Masters: Will you two stop it. I dont want to be babysitting you all night.

Daniels: He started it.

Masters: Jesse now with punches to the jaw of Stylez. Matt kicks him to the stomach and now he is up. Matt throws Jesse in the turnbuckle and follows up with a clothesline and throws him to the mat. Matt up to the top and he is going for for for The Thrill Kill.

Daniels: I think he is going for a "The Thrill Kill". It is he just nailed Montana with the Thrill Kill.

Masters: Ref counts 1.....2....kickout by Jesse. Jesse is hurting now. Matt starts kicking the head of Jesse. Making him feel like no good trash.

DD: Thats what I am going to do to Jesse tonight win or lose he will feel my wrath, I am going to make him feel like trash.

Daniels: This is wrestling DD, not prison. Ok.

Masters: Derek and Daniels, I am not going to tell you anymore SHUT THE HELL UP. Jesse is backup and he is fighting back against the Matt. Matt back into the ropes and Dropkick by Jesse. Jesse is up and now Matt is reeling on the ropes. Clothesline by Jesse and the crowd is going wild. Jesse now going to the outside. He is right here by us right in front. Jesse spits in Matt's face. He grabs him and slams his head over the Announce Table.

Daniels: Is that a cut on the forehead on Matt? I think he is already busted open.

DD: Well if you want to see blood you better watch what I do to Jesse if he manages to win.

Daniels: You know what DD? If I had a choice I would rather watch re-runs of Saved by the Bell then listen to you run your mouth. .

Masters: Daniels and DD you two are getting out of hand. Am I going to have to call for security and have you both escorted out of here tonight?

DD: You call security and I am going to bust some ass starting with you Daniels then hit the ring and take out that piece of crap world champion or hopefully soon to be world champion Jesse Montana.

Masters: Please both of you. We have to show some respect for these guys who are putting there bodies on the line for this match and for the CZW. Jesse has Matt and throws him into the steel steps. Matt is getting his ass kicked by the CZW World Champion. Jesse is pretty damn crazy tonight. Matt with shots to the side but Jesse isnt feeling it. Matt is week. OHH SHIT. UPPERCUT TO THE THROAT OF JESSE!!!! Out of the blue Matt nails Jesse big time Jesse is gasping for air.

Daniels: That was a mean shot.

DD: Well if you want to see some mean shots....Let me in the ring and I will personally show Montana who's the man here in CZW....


Masters: Jesse just took a mean blow to the throat and he is turning red. The ref is checking it out. Jesse is hurt folks. Matt doesnt know what to do now. Matt is actually stomping on Jesse now. What the hell is this guy thinking. He wants to end Jesse's career.

Daniels: Looks like Jesse needs some medical attention. Hey, DD give him some mouth to mouth.

DD: Thats it Daniels you say one more word about me and its over.

Daniels: Ohh no Im scared.

Masters: Matt doesnt care who he hurts just as long as he wins, he really wants that world title back bad.

Daniels: Thats all its about in the world of wrestling.

Masters: Matt with a piledriver. Is he going to do it on the mat on the outside??? Jesse's head just bounced off the mat. Jesse is taking a grade ass ass whoopin.

DD: Yeah Matt bring that world title back to War Zone buddy....

Masters: Look DD I know you want the world title back on War Zone but still don't count out Jesse quiet yet.

Daniels: Yeah DD Jesse is the champ not Matt remember that....

DD: Look I know Jesse is well was great but its time that CZW has a new world champion and it will be Matt Stylez.

Masters: Matt is getting a chair. What the hell is he doing?

Daniels: He is flipping out on Jesse...Matt has lost it DD.

Masters: He is going to blast Jesse in the head. Wait. Jesse low blowed Stylez. He has the chair and he leveled Stylez in the head with it. Matt is out. He throws him in the ring. Jesse is going to steal this match with a cheap chair shot and low blow.

DD: Damn it Jesse.

Masters: DD is yelling at Jesse what the hell is Damage doing now trying to get Jesse not to go for the cover....Matt stagers to his feet and rolls up Jesse in a small package

Daniels: Damn it Derek what the hell did u do that for?

DD: Cause I can.....

Masters: Jesse staggers back to his feet in shock from the roll up from Stylez, Stylez goes for a sleeper but Jesse drops to his knees and nails Matt in the face on the way down (chin breaker)........Matt stumbles back to the rope holding his jaw, Jesse spins around and nails Matt in the gut with a massive kick, Matt bends over in pain holding his rib area....

Daniels: HAHAHAHA looks like Jesse now has the upper hand DD...

Derek: Not for long, Jesse was just lucky like useual.

Masters: You two stop it your worst than a pair of 10 year olds bickering who stole who's candy....STOP IT...

DD: You need to mellow out Masters....

Masters: Back to the ring now......Jesse looks like hes setting Matt up for the Three Amigos, Jesse hits one, two and goes for the 3rd but Matt blocks it and hits Jesse with a snap suplex of his own, both men are down......

Daniels: The ref starts the count DD if they don't get up Jesse still retains his title.

DD: I know that what the hell is wrong with you, think I am stupid or what?

Daniels: Well do you really want me to answer that...

Masters: REF....1.......2.......3..........4.....5.....6......7... finally get some life out of Matt Stylez he gets up to one knee to stop the count....Amazing these two warriors going at it full bore like this. Matt gets to his feet first Jesse now is getting up slow, Matt and Jesse lock up and Jesse gets Matt in a side head lock and has locked in good Jesse starts to turn twards Derek and has a evil smile on his face but Matt manages to turn the head lock into a back body drop to make Jesse let go of the hold.

Daniels: Wow what a move by Stylez.....

DD: Sure was why do you think hes the best....

Daniels: If he's the best DD why does Jesse hold the title...

DD: Not for long my friend.

Masters: two grow up....Matt gets up and drops a massive elbow across Jesse's chest, gets up again and drops another across and another, Matt gets up from the third elbow drop and pulls Jesse up by the hair puts on a headlock of his own to Montana, Jesse does the same nails Matt with a massive back body drop.

Daniels: Damn DD your guy is down again does not look good for the former champ.

DD: Don't count him out just yet...

Masters: Jesse gets up and picks up Matt smacks Matt right in the face bounces off the ropes and nails him with a massive clothesline drops Matt to one knee, Jesse bounces off the ropes and nails Matt with a dropkick right to the face, Matt lands on his back Jesse is going to the top, Matt gets up and runs over and shakes the rope Jesse falls and lands on the outside of the ring on the mat he looks to be hurt, Matt is still hanging on to the ropes Matt is really feeling the attack from Montana earlier.

Daniels: Wow what a fall Jesse looks like he could be hurt.

DD: I hope the hell so...

Daniels: You know DD Your a real prick and I dont care if you are the boss or not?

DD: Well you know...

Masters: SHUT UP ONE MORE TIME.... can we please focus on the match at hand here guys stop your bullshit this is CZW not a damn soap opra....Matt gets enough strength up to go outside the ref starts the count Matt picks up Jesse and whips him hard into the steel stairs Jesse drops to the floor holding his ribs in pain, Matt rolls in the ring to stop the count and rolls back out and goes over to Jesse and kicks him in the gut High Style but Jesse counters it into a back body drop and Matt smacks the floor hard what a battle....

Daniels: I do have to give it to these guys there showing us all why CZW is the best.

DD: I do finally agree this is just amazing.

Masters: Finally you two agree....Jesse gets up and picks up Matt and rolls him into the ring Jesse slides in as well to stop the count, Jesse gets up to his feet holding his ribs in pain, Jesse picks up Matt and hits a reverse automic drop on him, then bounces off the rops and hits Matt with a flying body press and hooks the legs and the ref counts 1.....2......Matt kicks out with authority Jesse gets up cant believing what just happened looked at the ref and said three and the ref said no two, Matt staggers to his feet while Jesse is yelling at the ref and Matt rolls him up in a small package ref counts 1....2.....No Jesse kicks out......Both men get up and stare down each other...The fans are going nuts chanting CZW....


DD: I agree 100% they are two of the best in CZW there giving the fans a great show.

Masters: DD you ok?.....Matt and Jesse lock back up in the center of the ring Jesse gets a side head lock on Matt....Matt goes to bounce of the rope but Jesse manages to hold on the head lock and stop Matt back in the center of the ring, Matt drives some rights into Jesse ribs that where hurt earlier in the match and Jesse lets go holding his ribs, Matt grabs Jesse and nails him with a swinging neck breaker that sends Jesse to the mat still holding his ribs.....

Daniels: Damn that hurt I felt it out here.

DD: Shut up....

Masters: Well your friendship did not last long....

Daniels: Did you expect it to?

DD: I should just fire you both and call it a night.

Masters: Stylez is up and going back to the top whats he going to do?.......he's doing the thrill kill if this connects Jesse is done......

DD: Hmm you think and the world title is coming back to War Zone baby.....

Daniels: What the hell are you talking about DD Jesse will not lose this match no way hes the champ.

Masters: OH MY GOD CRASH AND BURN STYLEZ MISSES THE THRILL KILL.........Jesse rolls out of the way as Matt is holding his leg in pain..Matt gets back up slowly Jesse stands in the corner waiting for Matt to get up.................................MONTANA EXPRESS................................MONTANA EXPRESS................STYLEZ is down Jesse is going to the top hes going to finish Stylez off with that flying elbow he does so well.

Daniels: Theres your champion DD hes out...

DD: (Gets out of his chair yelling at Stylez)........GET UP MATT COME ON GET UP AND KICK HIS ASS......

Masters: Jesse nails Stylez with the flying elbow looked like Stylez chest just caved in what a move from the champ, Jesse hooks the legs ref counts 1....2.....3....

Anoucner: Winer and still CZW World Champion Jesse Montana.........

Masters: Alright that's all we have got for this week's Warzone! Great show Daniels!

Daniels: Yeah Masters great matches tonight well for William Masters, Im Jerred Dan.....

Masters: What tha?

The Second Coming by Juelz Santana comes across the PA system and the fans jump to their feet in excitement.

Daniels: Masters, that music can only mean one thing?

Masters: Yeah I know, but where is he at?

Daniels: There he is!

The Baller, Jordan Bryant walks in from behind the curtains and the crowd goes crazy.

Masters: The Baller is back!

Daniels: Yeah and not only does he look like he is ready to go to Assault with all of that Chicago Bulls apparel on, but look at his face... he means business....

Bryant pauses on the ramp and looks out to the crowd who begin chanting.....


Masters: Bryant, the former TV Champion was forced to give up his belt after severely injuring his ankle...

Daniels: Yeah and who could forget that hellacious match that Bryant had against Michael Myers, who ended up being his longtime friend Jeremiah Short!

Bryant slides into the ring and picks up the mic that has been tossed in....


The crowd erupts once again.


The crowd begins to chant... BALLER, BALLER, BALLER...

Bryant: That's right baby, and I am sure yall are all smart people... let me guess. Yall are fans of Chase Daniel and the #3 Tigers?

The crowd erupts again and Bryant cracks a smile....

Bryant: Well I know since yall are smart people that you notice there is something a little different about The Baller...

Masters: What the hell is he talking about Daniels? He doesn't look any different?

Daniels: He did say smart people would notice the difference Masters....

Masters: Shut up Daniels....

Bryant: Yeah, seems like that punk Eric Collum is goin around here wearing the belt that I NEVER LOST! Now I had a nasty injury and some personal issues to take care of but yall don't have to worry cause in a little over two weeks from now... Your boy... The Baller... Jordan Bryant... will make his fabulous return to CZW at Horrocore! And Eric Collum, enjoy your reign as TV Champion because just like the Boston Celtics... Im due a repeat!

Bryant throws down the mic and slightly limps over to the ropes and exits the ring. Bryant high-fives fans as he walks back up the ramp and out of the scene.


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