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CZW - Presents ASSAULT!

| October 17th | * Des Moines, Iowa * Wells Fargo Arena |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents ASSAULT live from
- Des Moines, Iowa -
Wells Fargo Arena
October 17th 2008


IDOLIZED (Evan & Kyle) -vs- FIRE & ICE (Krimzon & Shawn)

PARKER McVEY -vs- "Mr. Entertainment" BRIAN BLAZE



* cZw *



Assault kicks off for the final time as the fireworks shoot off and the fans shoot off their seats. ‘Out of my Way’ is heard also for the final time, the theme song for Friday night Assault. The cameras scroll over the arena then straight onto the commentators for Assault, Ricky Gold and Michael Farley.

GOLD: Hello and welcome to the final Assault in CZW, we are live here at the Wells Fargo Arena in Des Moines, Iowa, and already we are buzzing about the start of CZW’s new show, CZW - Overdrive.

FARLEY: Yes the rosters will be joined together for the first time since Portland, Oregon back in June. And I think this will be best all round for CZW and it even may mean I won’t have to be partnered with you, and that is always a bonus!

GOLD: Likewise, but here tonight we still have a great show packed full of action for you folks, we will see the CZW World Tag Team Titles on the line.

FARLEY: Yeah and that is not even our main event, we also will see rivalries collide in our featured 6 man tag match.

GOLD: All to come tonight on Assault folks, but first, three men making their debuts here in CZW, but who will survive?




All three men stand in the ring, all poised on making that one impact which propels them into the spotlight.

The bell sounds as both Dakota and Karamatic clearly persuade each other to attack Jax, the biggest man in this contest. Both men hit numerous lefts and rights, hardly fazing the monster, Karamatic gets a kick to the sternum as Jax is knocked back into the corner, still getting hit with rights and lefts. After a few more seconds, Jax screams as he throws both men off their attacks as they fall across the ring. Jax then explodes from the corner, leveling both men with a devastating clothesline.

The fans look shocked at the power of this bull like man, he leans over the top rope staring at each one of them. Suddenly Karamatic is back up though as he hit’s a chop block to the left leg of Jax, he falls to his knees. Karamatic then runs and hit’s a knee into the jaw, Jax looking slightly shaky now. Dakota gets back up as he hit’s a flying yakuza kick to Jax, this time he falls to the ground. Dakota then continues as he rolls to the outside, grabbing the left leg of Jax, then viciously smashing it onto the apron. Karamatic soon follows as he does exactly the same with his other leg. Jax fights them off as he pushes both of them into the guardrail with his legs, then rolls under the ropes, but both Karamatic and Dakota drop toe hold him as he flies face first into the guardrail, momentarily, knocking the beast out.

The fans cheer as Dakota and Karamatic get back into the ring and begin pouring away at each other with hard fists. Karamatic gets a knee to the gut, then follows with the first big move of the night…Fisherman’s Suplex, bridging for the cover…










Karamatic lifts Dakota back up as he chops him back into the corner, then hits lefts and rights. He then goes to kick him but the foot is caught, Dakota looking mad as he walks Karamatic into the center of the ring…ENZIGURI!!!

Dakota got leveled with the kick to the skull as Karamatic gains even more momentum. He climbs to the top rope, but before he can dive off, Jax bounds back into the ring, picks up Dakota and chucks him over his shoulders. Jax is growling as the fans look scared, Jax then launching Dakota from a Torture Rack Position…


Jax hits some kind of F-5 over the ropes as Dakota landed on his neck. The referee immediately looks on him calling for help. Jax just smiles, looking at his work, Dakota not moving at all. A few paramedics come down and take him away as best they can, leaving Karamatic on the top rope…Jax turns around…


As Karamatic lands, he manages to roll up the tree-trunk-like legs of Jax Schneider as the ref counts…














The crowd are shocked as are the commentators as Jax gets pinned. He gets up and tries to grab Karamatic but he is already under the ropes and celebrating his win, leaving the furious Jax Schneider inside the ring fuming. As Karamatic gets up to about mid-way on the ramp, Mike King is seen to appear at the top. He holds his Hardcore Title as he begins to clap Karamatic, the fans and Karamatic shocked.

All of a sudden as Jax is shouting and moaning, a masked man leaps into the ring as the fans go wild, he then walks up behind Schneider…



GOLD: And the masked man has hightailed it out of the ring and through the crowd, but Jax, oh the embarrassment, oh the humiliation!

FARLEY: Yeah, this man maybe a beast on the outside, but oh boy, his winky was smaller than yours RICKY!

GOLD: Erm…Anyway, I think we should take a break folks, but my goodness, I think this could be the last time we ever see LITTLE Jax Schneider!

FARLEY: End of his career without a doubt!

GOLD: And who was the masked man? Things to think about while we take a break folks…

Scene fades as the fans are in hysterics.

Winner after 7.34 via pinfall is Karamatic Syptom


PARKER McVEY -vs- "Mr. Entertainment" BRIAN BLAZE


(Parker stands in the ring as we wait for the arrival of Brian Blaze)

GOLD: Parker doesn’t look right here, he seems to have a defeated look in his eyes, nothing like we saw last week when he was confident and cocky.

FARLEY: This is a tough business Ricky and anything can happen, maybe the pressure is getting to him.

GOLD: One man who isn’t letting pressure get to him is this man Michael, Brian Blaze, in fact he looks more and more impressive each time we see him.

FARLEY: This guy was born to entertain, Ricky, and in my opinion, that is exactly what he does.

TOWERS: And coming down the ring now, hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada and weighing in at 220 lbs…Mr. Entertainment…BRIAN BLAZE!

Let me Entertain You starts to play over the sound system. It plays until the Let Me Entertain you has started to be sung. One that has been said a big explosion goes off on the stage. Then Mr. Entertainment appears on stage and lifts his hands in the air as sparks flows down behind him. He is wearing a long coat that has Mr. Entertainment written on the back. He enters the ring ignoring the peoples cheers or boos being focused for his match. Once he enters the ring he takes his coat off revealing black Wrestling pants with Brian written on one leg and Blaze on the other both in blue. He then starts taunting the fans if his opponent is not in the ring. However, if his opponent is in the ring he begins trash talking with them

GOLD: The match starts here as Blaze seems quite popular with these fans tonight, Michael.

FARLEY: He is working his way up the ladder Ricky and yes, I am sure they like him more than Parker, after last week and his highly controversial words that is.

GOLD: Look out, Brian straight away with an arm drag, Parker back up though as Brian goes for a dropkick, his vertical leap is outstanding.

FARLEY: Shame he missed the move though, Parker a very intelligent superstar. Parker picks Brian up, chop to the chest, the sound stinging our ears, then another, Brian needs to find his breath here

GOLD: But Parker wastes no time as he whips Blaze into the corner, he follows him up…NO…BLAZE DODGES…What’s this?

FARLEY: A modified victory roll, one…two…He’s got him…NO…KICKOUT!

GOLD: The speed of Brian Blaze was just phenomenal there as Parker was taken completely unaware. Brian is back up now as he springs off the ropes, what’s he thinking, Head scissors takedown, and the fans are on their feet.

FARLEY: These fans jump of their feet for a fart Ricky, they are insane. Speaking of insane, Parker looks upset as he gets to his feet, Blaze kicks him but no, Parker grabs his foot, what is he thinking?

GOLD: WOAH! Beautiful Enziguri by Blaze, and I think the only thought that went through the mind of Parker then was that boot from Brian Blaze. Brian’s back up as Parker tries to rise, but his head must be spinning, Michael.

FARLEY: We mentioned before this match, he was not looking himself, I think we were spot on as Brian grabs Parker and brings him to the center of the ring, he hooks him up…He lifts him up high…The blood must be rushing to his head now…

GOLD: And down he goes, a great stalling suplex there and he covers…










GOLD: Just raising his shoulder in time there, but he seems to have lost all momentum, and Brian just keeps gaining more and more!

FARLEY: Again he picks the lost Parker up, he Irish whips him to the ropes, Parker bounces off not with any great force, and gets caught straight away.

GOLD: Yeah great Powerslam there. And Brian is back up looking to finish this thing, and clearly it hasn’t been much of a challenge. He lifts Parker up, but what is this, shot to the stomach, Parker may be fighting back, but has he already taken too much punishment?

FARLEY: BLAZE OF GLORY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: Well it was an easy victory here as the ref counts down…









3! PINFALL!!!!!!!!!

FARLEY: Yeah Blaze has it and he should be proud of yet another great performance, but Parker McVey, wow, that was pretty damaging, and he just rolls out of the ring and walks off with his head down. Have we seen the last of him?

GOLD: Who knows Michael. But you know, next we have a match we and the whole World have been waiting for now for weeks, a lot has built up between these men, and next the Titles are on the line.

FARLEY: Yeah, Tag team Gold, coming up…

Winner after 5.44 via Pinfall is Brian Blaze


The scene cuts to a shot of the backstage halls. We see Jeran Hudson leaning on one of the box cases as he reads a CZW magazine. All of a sudden Jax Schneider slowly walks by with his head down in shame. Jeran lifts his head from reading to see Jax walking by, not even acknowledging him. Jeran quickly closes the magazine and sets it on the case as he runs to catch up with Jax.

HUDSON: Jax! Jax! Buddy, I just saw what happened.

Jax stops but does not turn to look at Jeran. Jeran catches up and puts his arm around Jax. Quietly catching his breath, Jeran proceeds to speak.

HUDSON: Look, I know what happened out there was not one of your finest moments. But I mean look at the bright side. At least you're leaving with the same amount of dignity then when you came in here!

The crowd's laughter can be heard echoing through the halls as they watch. Jeran chuckles a bit as Jax's anger seeps through his expression. He suddenly turns towards Jeran with a hostile look in his eyes. Jeran throws his hands up as he speaks.

HUDSON: Whoa whoa. No need to get all violent, Big Guy. Oops sorry, I take that back.

Jax becomes spastic with anger as he stares into Jeran's eyes. Jeran only smiles back as he continues.

HUDSON: What are you gonna do, hit me? Please do. I would love for you to throw the first punch, Jax. That way I can personally take out the trash.

Jax clinches his fist as he continues to stare a hole through Hudson. Jeran sticks his chin out with a smirk as he stares back. Seconds later, Jax retreats and walks off. He continues to walk away with his head down as Jeran looks on. Seconds later, Jesse Montana walks up to Jeran from behind as he speaks.

MONTANA: Poor guy. You think I should go talk to him? See if I can cheer him up?

Jeran continues to look at Jax walk off as he replies.

HUDSON: I wouldn't worry about it. I mean it's not a BIG deal. You know what I mean?

MONTANA: Good point.

HUDSON: I mean maybe someone just happened to turn the arena A/C to like 20 degrees for that match.

MONTANA: Uh huh.

HUDSON: Or maybe......ah who am I kidding? The guy couldn't f*ck a mouse with that thing.

MONTANA: No joke.

HUDSON: Indeed.

Jeran turns his attention towards Jesse as he speaks.

HUDSON: So what's up, Jess? What news do you have for me?

MONTANA: Well I gave it some thought and I decided to give you this.

Jesse gives Jeran a rolled up T-Shirt. He looks at it as he unrolls it.

MONTANA: It's an S.O.S. T-Shirt, Hudson. I'm making you our new member.

HUDSON: Well thank you, Jess. I appreciate that. But I'm sorry if i don't sound too excited. You see, I lost my first match last week. And well, I kinda have some anger that I haven't released from that yet. So since The Jackal and Damien Natas are not here tonight, It's going to be Maynard and I against the wonder twins, Brian Kirkland and Mike King.

MONTANA: Well I know this much, you're not going to get beat by neither of those two. Believe me. I just wish Dusty was still around. We would be a stronger faction with him. But you are a hidden gem, Hudson. That's why I decided to choose you. And from what I saw last week, you belong here in this federation. I couldn't be happier to have you on my side.

HUDSON: All I have to say is, tonight, I'm going to show those two punk ass bitches what an 'Eye of Ra' looks like from up close.

Jeran shakes Montana's hand as they walk off.


IDOLIZED (Tyler & Riley) -vs- FIRE & ICE (Krimzon & Shawn)


TOWERS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and is for the CZW WORLD TAG TEAM TITLES!

GOLD: Tag team gold on the line folks, and Idolized have held these belts ever since they made their debut here in CZW, 8th August I believe it was.

FARLEY: That is impressive Ricky and this team is exactly that, impressive, well all of System of Supremacy are impressive and as we just saw a few minutes back, Jeran Hudson, the new member of the dominant group.

GOLD: Well I could see that one coming, ever since he started here he has kissed Montana’s ass, and this team, they do exactly the same.

FARLEY: It’s words like that which make Masters and Daniels the highest paid commentators in CZW.

GOLD: Yeah, well I am going to enjoy calling this match and seeing Fire and Ice finally achieve what they deserve, we have seen this rivalry grow over the past couple of months, but now they finally get their shot at the gold.

TOWERS: On their way to the ring, at a combined weight of 448 lbs…Both hailing from Hollywood, California…Evan Tyler & Kyle Riley…The CZW World Tag Team Champions…IDOLIZED!

The lights dim slightly as ‘Paralyzer’ by Finger Eleven begins to play, a green strobe slowly pulsing with the opening drum beats. As the rest of the band kicks in, Kristyl Marie walks out onto the stage in step with the beat. She rests her hands on her hips a moment before Kyle and Evan likewise move out, flanking her, clad in their respective green and black wrestling attires, as well as matching green longcoats. She takes both of their hands and they pose for a moment, with Kyle then pulling her close with a twirl. They turn to face eachother but then quickly snap their gazes back to the camera, their movements on step with the rhythm of the music. He then spins her away and she allows herself to fall backwards, Evan Tyler catching her with a low dip. Again, their eyes meet, but then snap back towards the camera. He quickly moves her back to her feet and the three of them link arms, making their way to the ring where they appeal more to the crowd, garnering a mixed reaction

TOWERS: And one half of their opponents, one half of Fire & Ice, weighing in at 215 lbs and hailing from Detroit, Michigan…The Aerial Specialist…KRIMZON BLAZE!

The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

FARLEY: And that just shows the weakness of this team Ricky, they come down separately.

GOLD: That is ridiculous, they are as solid as any tag champions we have had before!

TOWERS: And his partner…Hailing from Sydney, Australia, weighing in at 225 lbs…The final part of Fire & Ice…SHAWN WATERS!

'Our Revolution' by Halifax plays throughout the arena as Krimzon claps him on as he stands inside the ring. Shawn stands on the ramp as he holds his arms out to both sides, the fans louder than ever. He then turns around as he begins to walk down towards the ring, Idolized as far away as possible, standing near the commentary desks. Shawn climbs into the ring as he hugs Blaze, then both of them take to the turnbuckles, the fans on their feet.

GOLD: Look at the passion in these guys eyes, they are hungry for gold like never before, Michael.

FARLEY: Yeah, I’m a bit hungry too, my stomach is rumbling and that fat guy opposite me in the second row, does he ever not have his hands full of food?!

GOLD: No, it’s comments like that which makes us the lowest paid commentators in CZW.

FARLEY: Whatever, all I know is that Idolized are ready for action, ready to defend their belts with honor, System of Supremacy are stronger than the force of Fire and Ice, they are like ROCK Ricky, it’s simple elemental rules.

GOLD: What in the hell are you talking about? Anyway, lets get down to action!


- Shawn and Kyle are the first men in the ring as they begin the match. Both men lock up as Shawn gets the strength advantage, taking to the ropes, then hit’s a stinging chop to the chest. Kyle complains to the referee who doesn’t want to hear anything of it, then Shawn gets a kick to the gut as he whips him to the ropes, Kyle bounces off and gets taken down with a hip toss, leaps straight back up but Shawn hit’s a standing dropkick. Kyle rolls towards his partner as the two begin to discuss strategy.

FARLEY: Clever thinking here, both working out ways of beating Shawn, great minds think alike.

- Kyle suddenly springs out of the corner to take Shawn out with a hard forearm smash to the side of the skull. Kyle grabs Shawn by the hair and as he lifts him back up, hitting a Russian Leg Sweep. Evan claps his partner on as he begins to kick Shawn in various places, keeping the attack going. He lifts him back up as he pushes him towards the ropes, Irish whips him to the other side as Shawn bounces off at pace, ducks a clothesline then hit’s a quick neck breaker on the counter. Both men take a slight breather as both get up, Kyle swings a wicked right hand Shawn blocks, then hit’s a right of his own, Shawn then swings for another but Kyle ducks as Shawn swings around, Kyle grabbing him from behind as he lifts him up for the side suplex, but he doesn’t, instead he launches Shawn off his shoulder as the Australian lands awkwardly on the top rope, his groin getting the brunt of that attack.

GOLD: I think I saw a tear fall down the cheek of Waters then.

FARLEY: Yeah and Shawn is not the only one crying, I think Serena must be in tears after that one too.

Kyle now makes a tag as Evan comes in, both Idolized members stay in the ring as they begin to vibrate the ropes rapidly as Shawn is still stuck on the tope rope. Blaze tries to get in but the referee stops him, giving Kyle a chance to illegally kick Shawn in the head as he falls to the floor.

GOLD: How did they get away with that, Shawn could have a concussion after that blow.

FARLEY: Well at least it takes the pain off somewhere else, Ricky.

Evan now begins to stomp down Shawn as he starts an aggressive attack of his own. He grabs Shawn’s left leg, then drops an elbow down on the groin area, Shawn screaming in pain. Evan gets back up as he lifts Shawn to his feet, gets a knee into the gut, looking slightly low as if he purposely went for the groin, then lifts Shawn up…Hanging him up in the air for a suplex…

FARLEY: Wait he seems to be walking towards the ropes…NOT AGAIN! HAHAHAHA!

GOLD: This is despicable!

Evan drops Shawn down on the top rope once again as Shawn screams in pain, trying to regain his breath his groin feeling the effects. The fans boo as Evan now begins to slap the face of Shawn, a grimace becoming visible on his face. Evan then grab the head of Shawn as he levers him over the top rope, the fans looking on with pain in their faces for Shawn…


Evan drops Shawn down as the move devastates him, clearly no movement from Waters now. Evan covers…














Kyle dives in through the ropes and spears Blaze to the outside as the referee goes to follow them. Shawn begins to rise as Evan is pounding the ground on the other side of the ring. Evan walks up to Shawn but he gets leveled with a snap DDT. Shawn has enough energy now to get to the corner to make a tag, but no body is there!

FARLEY: Some partner Blaze is, not even there for the tag when his partner needs it.

GOLD: it’s not his fault he is being assaulted on the outside by Kyle Riley.

FARLEY: He shouldn’t have illegally broke the count then!

Shawn looks slightly confused as he makes his way to his feet, looking dazed, then turns around…SPINNING SPINEBUSTER!

FARLEY: Now that is impressive!

Evan now tags in Kyle as he has made it back to his corner, so has Blaze. Shawn is stuck in the middle of the ring, seeing stars after that impact. Kyle drops an elbow down onto the heart of Shawn as the fans are starting to get frustrated. Kyle now locks Shawn up into a sleeper hold, squeezing the life out of Waters. Blaze jumps up and down on the apron as he frantically tries to build up some momentum for his tag team partner and the fans, but Kyle does not let go. Shawn begins to make movements, but his energy has dissolved.

GOLD: I hate to say it but these are great strategies from the champs, isolating the man who has seen all of the action, and not let him build an offence.

FARLEY: Exactly why they are almost unbeatable, and Tag Team Champions!

GOLD: These fans do not give up, and neither does Fire & Ice as Shawn gets to his knees…

Shawn manages to fight back as his adrenaline pumps hard through his worn out body. Shawn wit a shot to the gut, then another, Kyle lets go as Shawn runs off but Kyle grabs his hair as he flops back to the ground, Kyle then aggressively drops another elbow landing on the face of Shawn. The fans sit back down as Kyle lifts Shawn up, driving him back towards Evan as he gets the tag. Evan comes in as he shouts a few words at Blaze, enraging the fiery Blaze. Evan though is in complete control as he chops the chest of Waters, then again, and then a third time. Evan pulls him from the corner and perfectly bridges into a Northern Lights Suplex, and a cover…













GOLD: Shawn kicks out, he just won’t stay down.

FARLEY: And that might be the smartest thing soon, just to stay down, Ricky.

Evan drags Shawn over towards the corner as he tags in his partner again, both making frequent tag ins. Kyle propels himself over the ropes hitting a leg drop on Shawn, then covering but only getting a one count. Kyle now picks Shawn up as he Irish whips him to the corner, clothesline…No Shawn ducks as he carries on, rebounds again, Kyle with a spinning heel kick…


Shawn now rebounds for a third time as he comes back…SPEAR!!!!!!!!

Shawn gets up and immediately runs towards the ropes as he jumps and moonsaults off the second rope…

SAULTY WATERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

FARLEY: What just happened?

GOLD: Shawn has turned this thing around, that is what you just saw, Michael, now he just needs to get a tag in to Blaze!

Shawn and Kyle both start crawling to their designated corners. Kyle seems a little quicker as he is the fitter of the two men, bit Shawn is desperate for that tag. Kyle gets the tag but…


FARLEY: Oh hell.

Blaze leaps over the ropes as he baseball slides past Kyle and knocks Evan off the apron before he can even get inside the ring. Blaze now gets back up as Kyle goes for a right hand, Blaze ducks, then swings backwards…


The crowd is electric as Blaze is back up now, focusing on Evan who is on the outside. Krimzon bounces off the ropes and dives through the other side…SUICIDE DIVE…

FARLEY: Oh my…Blaze managed to land on his feet, what is he? A cat?

Krimzon now jumps back onto the apron as Kyle is back up, Blaze propels himself up and jumps off the top rope and lands hitting a DIVING HURRICARANA!!!!!!!!!


Krimzon is now back up as he begins to power run at the ropes, bouncing off and at pace bouncing off the other side, he does a few laps as he waits for Kyle to get to his knees, as he does, Blaze measures him up while running over 20mph and leaps…SHINING WHIZARD!

FARLEY: Okay somebody stop this man, I think he has a freakin’ rocket up his ass!

GOLD: NO…He is just fired up, and these fans are deafening.

Blaze now notices Evan who gets back into the ring. Blaze ducks a right hand, then hit’s a few of his own, he then kicks Evan in the gut but Evan catches his leg and flips him over but amazingly Blaze lands on his feet doing a standing moonsault, Evan then goes to hit him again but this time Blaze locks up his arm, then the other…He goes for the Unprettier but Evan is back up. Blaze with the arms still locked up of Evan, in the Unprettier angle, he then jumps up and grabs the neck of Kyle with his legs, now tying up both members of Idolized…


FARLEY: DOUBLE IMPACT…Blaze just took out Idolized with a hurricarana while doing the Unprettier!

The fans are amazed as they continue to chant his name. Blaze now picks up Kyle as he lifts him up onto his shoulders…

KODE OF SILENCE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








GOLD: NO…Evan…Damn him…He takes the legs out underneath Blaze.

FARLEY: Eventually his momentum had to run out, I am just glad that it did, I mean I am left dizzy after that onslaught.

Kyle and Evan now both picks Krimzon up as they fall back, wrapping the top rope around the throat of Blaze. Both men now start to stomp on him. Evan picks him up and ties his arms up, waiting for Kyle ot hit him, which he does. He then slaps him and again.

GOLD: This is demoralizing…WAIT!

Shawn Waters is finally back up as he dropkicks Kyle through the ropes. Evan then turns around as Shawn kicks him in the gut, then…


FARLEY: What in the lord was that?

GOLD: I believe it was the BRAINWASH…Shawn’s most devastating attack or so he says, I doubt Evan will get up from that!

Shawn then looks around and notices Kyle trying to grab one half of the Tag Titles on the outside, so in one swift movement… GOLD: SHAWN FLIES!!!!!!!!!!!! SPEAR ONTO THE OUTSIDE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Both Shawn and Kyle are sprawled out on the outside after that monstrous attack. The fans are absolutely loving it. Blaze now begins to rise as he notices Evan who is the legal man, laid out in the center of the ring. The fans will Blaze on as he does begin to climb the turnbuckle, his legs are shaky, his eyes seeing stars, but he knows this could be his chance to gain Gold.

GOLD: Can he make it? Can he finally claim the Tag Titles which Fire and Ice have wanted for a long time?

FARLEY: I doubt it, he seems hurt!

With his sights set on Evan, Blaze makes one final movement in which he tries to connect with the HOLY SHOT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










HE CONNECTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

GOLD: Now all he needs to do is make the cover and e have new tag team champions!





























FARLEY: Oh dear, what must Montana be thinking?

GOLD: Well I have to give Idolized credit, they put on quite the performance tonight, but the fans favorite came out on top and this place has gone crazy!

(Fans jump off their seats as they chant the names of Fire and Ice members Krimzon Blaze and Shawn Waters. Idolized walk off backstage looking upset, Fire & Ice relishing the moment.)

TOWERS: Here are your winners and NEW CZW WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS…Fire and Ice…BLAZE & WATERS!




TOWERS: The following contest is set for one fall and is Assault’s…MAIN EVENT!

GOLD: We could very easily see rivalries and tempers explode during this contest, sit back and listen to this…Jackal and Maynard are long term rivals and will fight for the IC Title at Horrorcore, but Jackal last week beat Jeran who has now joined forces with Maynard in System of Supremacy and is wanting revenge on Jackal…Then we have Natas who was after Kirkland ever since he came to CZW, both with similar names and both sharing hatred for one another, but then we Mike King who fought Natas last week, they clearly do not like each other and now King and Kirkland have joined forces, they are both after Natas…But then Jackal and Kirkland have never liked each other…


GOLD: Well…What is it? What are you wanting to say?

FARLEY: Oh nothing, I was just getting sick of your whiny voice down my damn ear!

GOLD: Well anyway, what I tried to say before was situations could implode here tonight.

(All competitors have come down to the ring and are sizing each other up for action)

Gold: The match sees to be starting very soon as The Jackal is in the ring looking across at Jeran Hudson.

Farley: I still say that Jeran should have won last week. It’s a damn miracle The Jackal walked out with the victory.

The Jackal and Jeran then meet in the middle of the ring and tie up. The Jackal then grabs Jeran Hudson in a Belly to Belly and throws him into the corner with Mike King and Brian Kirkland looking on. Jeran quickly uses the rope to get to his feet as he slaps Brian Kirkland in the face. Mike King tries to run in as the referee stops him. The Jackal comes running after Jeran as he hits him in the gut with a boot to the midsection he then slams Jackal down with a Spine buster and drags him to his corner and tags in Maynard O’Toole.

Farley: Here we go Mayo! Time to show jackal exactly why you are the best Intercontinental Champion in CZW history.

He then picks up jackal and hits a suplex. He then tries for another one but the Jackal reverses and turns him around. He then sends Maynard flying with a reverse German Suplex as he tags in Mike King. Mike King Maynard is slow to his feet as he turns around into a roaring elbow from Mike King. Mike continues the attack as he hits some quick punches and kicks into the mid section of Maynard. Maynard is wobbly in the corner as Mike comes charging at him as Maynard sidestep and slams his head into the corner turnbuckle. Mike stumbles and turns right into a Maynard super kick as he tags in Damien Natas.

Natas comes in and stands over the down and out body of Mike King as he goes for a pin.


Mike gets the shoulder up as Natas grabs him and hits a sitout spine buster on Mike King. Mike King then tries to crawl for a tag as Natas is toying with him dragging him into the middle of the ring and jumping up high and coming down with a leg drop to Mike’s back. Natas then picks King back up and hits a running powerslam into the corner of his teammates. Natas then tags in O’Toole as he starts taunting Mike. He then waits for him to get up as he throws a right hand that Mike blocks. Mike then tries to kick him in the gut but Maynard grabs his foot. Mike then hits an enzuguiri on Mayo knocking him down. Mike then crawls over to the corner and hot tags Brian Kirkland.

Brian is in the ring as he knocks Mayo down. Jeran then comes into the ring and is met with a side effect from Kirkland. Natas then comes in and he is met with a springboard close line from Kirkland knocking him down as Kirkland taunts for the crowd getting pumped up. Jeran then exits the ring and waves his hand as he starts walking up the ramp.

Gold: Jeran is leaving his teammates high and dry. What a damn coward?

Farley: Jeran is no coward besides Maynard and Natas have this match beat on their own.

The Jackal then storms into the ring and starts brawling with Maynard as it spills to the outside. Kirkland tries another flying close line but is caught in mid air as Natas is holding him for a sidewalk slam. Mike tries to run in but is hit with a big boot as Natas slams down Kirkland. Natas goes for the pin but the referee is too occupied with Jackal and Maynard.


Gold: Wait what is this? Mr. Entertainment Brian Blaze is running to the ring.

Natas gets up and looks at the referee. He then turns around as Brian nails him in the face.

Gold: Brian just hit the sick kick he calls the Blazing Arrow.


Natas is woozy as Mike King gets up and this him with Shining Metallica. Brian Kirkland then comes in and hits…

Gold: KIRKLAND HIT THE INTERVENTION. He got Natas to the top rope and hits the Intervention. Natas is down and he goes for the cover.


Farley: Yeah now the friggin ref looks.


Gold: Yeah and Kirkland just got a massive win over Natas, and this rivalry I think is not over by a long shot.

Farley: No and what about Jackal and Maynard, these guys are up in the crowd now I think.

Gold: And Jeran was apparently too classy to fight with these men tonight.

Farley: Hey don’t be degrading his performance tonight, he did all he needed to do, and besides, I dare say Montana needed a coffee backstage!

Gold: Nice one! Anyway, looks as though Mike King, Brian Kirkland and Brian Blaze could all be some sort of force, things are just getting more and more interesting.

Farley: Yeah. Well Assault has been inspirational over the past few months, it has gave us many questions, the main one still unanswered, how in the hell you…RICKY GOLD…Ever got a job in CZW?!

Gold: Thanks Michael, it has been a pleasure…Anyway, Assault is over folks for the near future so we say goodbye and now, we all look forward to next week…FIRST EVER OVERDRIVE!


Gold: Goodnight folks!

General Manager
Jesse Montana


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