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| August 8th | * Houston, Texas * Toyota Center |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents TRIBUTE TO THE TROOPS live from
- Houston, Texas -
Toyota Center
August 8th 2008

"The Gambler" Ace King VS. Shawn Waters VS. "The Sensation" Jesse Montana


"The Real Deal" Rob Wright VS. "The Five Star Superstar" El Pablo

"The Phoenix, Badd Company" Mike King VS. "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole

"Outlaw" Buck Evans VS. "Rated E For Everyone" Eddie Rowan

"The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum VS. Karl "The Jackal" Jackson

"Malevolent" Mike Monroe VS. "The Baller" Jordan Bryant

"The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze VS. "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland

"The Prince of New York" K.C. Kash VS. "The Voodoo Machine" Thanatos

Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham VS. "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons

Sirena Starr VS. Cameron VS. Karen Evans VS. Mandy Davis

"The Enigma" Leo Crow VS. "The Living Legend" Big Nasty

Total Mayhem (Ezra & Jakob) VS. America's Most Wanted (Garrett & McCade)

Big Daddy Brown VS. Showtime VS. Corey Jackson

Purgatory VS. Craig Callous



* cZw *



A spectacular red, white, and blue pyro display goes off as the crowd goes crazy. The cameras pan as members of all the branches of the military are seated at all the ringside seats.

Masters- Welcome to a very special edition of War Zone. This our first ever tribute to the troops show. We hope that this becomes an annual event. We have been all over Texas visiting the troops and it has been our pleasure to do so. And since this is a supershow we are joined by our Assault counterparts, Michael K. Farley and Ricky Gold.

Gold- Thanks, fellas. It is our pleasure and honor to be here. We have a hell of a line-up for these brave men and women tonight. We have the first round of our King of Combat tournament tonight. Eight men from Warzone. Eight men from Assault. Withe the finals at Hatewave. The winner of this tournament will get a world title shot at Extreme Intervention. We also have a number one contenders amtch for the QoC title. And if that wasn't enough, we will see fallout for our ppv as we see a triple threat match with Ace King, Shawn Waters and the World Heavyweight Champion- Jesse Montana.

Daniels- We have a huge show for you. Let's take it down to Jessica Towers.

Jessica Towers is standing in the middle of the ring. A color guard made up of members of all five branches of the military are on both sides of the entrance ramp.

Towers- Ladies and gentlemen, please stand and remember those who have fallen with a ten bell salute.

The ringside bell is rung ten times as audience members are in various forms of rememberance.

Towers- Now ladies and gentlemen, please welcome the entire CZW roster to ringside.

"The Star-Spangled Banner" by Jimi Hendrix starts to play as the entire roster comes down the ramp in either street clothes or their wrestling gear. They high five and shake hands down the ramp and aroung ringside.Some stand in the ring and some stand ringside. Alan takes the mike from Jessica.

Alan Fiscus- Welcome to CZW's tribute to the troops. This is being planned on being a annual show. You men and women arew not thanked enough. And this a way for us to do that. As a matter of fact we applaud you for your sacrifice.

Alan put the microphone down as he and the entire roster started to applaud the members of the military in attendance and abroad. The crowd replied with a loud "C-Z-W" chant. As the applause started to die down, Derek Damage said something to Alan and took the microphone from him.

Damage- Ladies and gentlemen, I have a major announcement. Effective immediately, I am stepping down as an active wrestler, but will still be a member of the Outlaws. However I will stay on as a spokesperson or manager type position. Because of this I must vacate my tag team title. I would like to have Big Nasty and Alanso Fyne come up here.

Nasty and Alanso walk over to Derek. Nasty has his tag title over his shoulder and Alanso has an eagar look on his face.

Damage- I have thought this over long and hard and I have decided to give my belt to Alanso. Wear it with pride and defend it with honor.

Alanso took the belt from Derek and started dancing around very excitedly until he was stopped by someone clearing their throat into another microphone. They turned around to see Jesse Montana with an agitated look on his face.

Jesse- You guys are forgetting one thing. Derek is not in charge of Assault. He doesn't get to go around and give titles to whoever he deems worthy. I do. And I don't think either one of you are worthy of those titles. So as of right now, you both are stripped of those belts.

Nasty had a look on his face like he could hurt Jesse. But Jesse still kept the smirk on his face.

Jesse- I wouldn't do that if I were you. You lift one finger and you will disappear quicker that you could ever think. Now hand them over.

Alanso and Nasty reluctantly handed the belts over. Alanso looked like almost wanted to cry.

Jesse- Now this is what we are going to do with these belts. We will have a match next week on Assault. It will be a four-way tag team match for these world tag titles. The teams will be...Total Mayhem, Tim Timmons and Carnage, America's Most Wanted, and making their CZW debut, the team of Kyle Riley and Evan Tyler, also known as Idolized.

The members of the Outlaws looked pissed off at this.

Jesse- Now before you get your panties in a bunch, I have something in store for you Big Nasty. There have been rumors that you would want a shot at the Intercontinental title again. Well I will give you an opportunity. Next week you will have a match to be the number one contender for Maynard's title. Your opponent... depending on the outcome of his match later this evening.. "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland! And the winner will face Maynard at Hatewave. If Kirkland wins tonight, we'll figure something else out. But you have to EARN your rematch, because as of late.. you're not Intercontinental Title material.

The crowd started to cheer at all of this that just happened. Jesse dropped the microphone which Alan picked up.

Alan- Ladies and gentlemen we have one more announcement for you. And I can't think of no better person to give this that the man who came up with this idea. He has been where you are right now. Please welcome Mike Monroe!

The crowd started to cheer very loudly for this as Mike took the microphone.

Mike- Thanks for the welcome. Now as you may know we got Pearl Jam rocking the stage later tonight. But I thought it would only be appropriate that we would kick off with some Texas flavor. Ladies and gentleme, straight from central Texas I give you...KRITICKILL!

The crowd went nuts as Kritickill played one of their crowd favorites.


tribute to the troops

** WAR ZONE DEBUTTING SINGLES 'DARK' MATCH: Purgatory VS. Craig Callous **

The match was a one sided event from the very get go. Craig Callous got absolutely NO offense in, as "The Monster" Purgatory just destroyed him within minutes. After a vicious lariat, Purgatory picked Craig up and nailed a devestating jacknife powerbomb, a move he calls the Ride To Hell. He gets the pinfall in his debut match.

The Winner of the bout... with the Ride To Hell... PURGATORY!!



** ASSAULT SINGLES 'DARK' TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: Big Daddy Brown VS. Showtime VS. Corey Jackson **

All three men circled each other, with Big Daddy Brown being the most experienced in the CZW world of the three. Showtime got sideswiped by Corey, with Brown joining in on the double teaming. They hit a few double team moves on him, before turning on each other. They got cheers from the crowd as they went back and forth, really showing their talents in the ring.

Eventually, Big Daddy Brown had Showtime up on the top rope, with Corey laid out on the outside floor. Big Daddy positioned him, and nailed the Pimp Or Die! as the crowd cheered. Brown went for and received the three count pin.

The Winner... with the Pimp Or Die!... BIG DADDY BROWN!!!!!



**ASSAULT VS. WAR ZONE TAG TEAM 'DARK' MATCH :Total Mayhem (Ezra & Jakob) VS. America's Most Wanted (Garrett & McCade) **

Ezra and McCade started this one, actually going toe to toe for a while with the power moves. The crowd seemed to enjoy this match a lot, as the teams had good chemistry with one another. Ezra took control and beat McCade down hard before tagging in his brother. They nailed McCade with a double powerbomb, and the ref won't let Garrett help. The cover, but 2 and a half.

Jakob took control over McCade, with the crowd really getting behind AMW. McCade powered out of a sleeperhold, only to run into a big boot. Jakob picked McCade up and tossed him to the ropes, but it was reversed and Jakob was back body dropped. McCade dramatically crawled to his corner and got the hot tag. Garrett came in and demolished both Mayhem brothers, going back and forth with lariats. The crowd was firmly behind AMW by this point. After a few more moves though, Garrett was tricked and the Mayhems got the upper hand. Ezra ran and slammed into McCade in his corner, knocking him down to the floor. The Mayhems set up Garrett... and NAIL the Rocket Launcher!














Total Mayhem pick up the win on this War Zone vs. Assault affair!

The Winners... by way of the Rocket Launcher... TOTAL MAYHEM!!!!


** WAR ZONE VS. ASSAULT SINGLES 'DARK' MATCH: "The Enigma" Leo Crow VS. "The Living Legend" Big Nasty **

Leo Crow came out first, to the crowd mostly booing him. He slid into the ring with a smirk on his face. He doesn't acknowledge any of the fans booing or cheering him. When Big Nasty's music hits, The crowd pops. Nasty comes out, looking very pissed off about what happened earlier with his World Tag titles. He storms the ring and immediately goes after Leo, as the bell sounds when he's pounding away.

The match was mostly in Big Nasty's favor for the beginning, doing power moves such as powerslams, and big boots, but not getting the three count. When the referee wasn't looking, Leo low blowed Nasty blatantly. He took control for the rest of the match, doing every dirty trick in the book that he could think of. After Nasty mounted a come back, Leo poked him in the eyes and nailed a breakneck DDT out of nowhere. He got the three count.

The Winner of the bout... with a snap DDT... LEO CROW!!


** FOUR WAY DANCE FOR QUEEN OF COMBAT #1 CONTENDER: Sirena Starr VS. Cameron VS. Karen Evans VS. Mandy Davis **

We’re set for the fatal four-way for number one contendership to the QoC title, and out first is Mandy Davis to a rousing applause. “Brackish” by Kittie kicks in, and Cameron makes her way to the ring, the crowd jeering loudly. Next, Hank Williams, Jr.’s “Outlaw Women” is played, and even more boos for Karen Evans as she makes her way to the ring. Finally, Sirena Starr comes out sporting her new look, as Him’s “Heaven Tonight” is played. All four women take a corner for a moment and the ref calls for the bell.

They all seem to move hesitantly at first, but Mandy and Sirena nod to eachother and rush the other two, Mandy hitting Karen with a leaping shoulder-block, while Cameron is struck by a Sirena Starr spinning heel kick. Mandy stomps away at Karen while Sirena pulls Cameron to her feet, setting her up for a neckbreaker, but Cameron reverses and hits a big inverted DDT! Mandy moves in, but Cameron is back up. She chops Mandy, knife-edge style! And again! Karen Evans back up now, and she spins Mandy around by the shoulder and scoops her up. Running Powerslam! Karen and Cameron appeal to the crowd, even giving eachother a grin and a nod, and then turning back on their opponents. Only to both turn back and attempt to attack eachother at the same time! Cameron attempts to protest, but Karen SLAPS the taste out of her mouth! Cameron retaliates with a knife-edge chop and Karen tackles her to the ground! Mandy is back up and she yanks Karen off by the hair, whipping her around and stunning her with an inverted atomic drop! Mandy turns and sees Sirena diving towards her with a crossbody! Mandy ducks and Sirena nails Karen, who trips over Cameron! Pin!



Mandy breaks the count!

Cameron from behind Mandy with a Russian legsweep, and she rolls over with a cover!



Karen with a boot to Cameron’s head! She pulls Cameron up and scoops her into a fireman’s carry! Samoan drop! Cover!



Broken by Sirena! She pulls Karen up, but Evans with a stiff clothesline!

Cameron leaping up suddenly onto Karen’s back with a sleeper hold! Karen slowly moving towards the ropes, staggering! She almost reaches them, but suddenly Mandy Davis charges in, slamming into them and sending both Karen AND Cameron over the top rope! The crowd cheers loudly as Mandy looks at the two fallen women outside the ring. She turns back to Sirena only to find herself on the receiving end of a spinning roundhouse kick to the face! Sirena wastes no time in moving to the turnbuckle, and leaping up, hitting a split-leg moonsault! HOLLYWOOD STARR PRESS!





DANIELS: "In what was a hard fought battle, in a relatively short match, Sirena Starr will now face Allyson Thorn at some point for the Queen of Combat championship!"

The Winner of the bout... and #1 Contender to the QoC Title... SIRENA STARR!!


A video package airs, chronicling the visits of CZW Superstars to various military bases in Texas, set to “Be Like That” by 3 Doors Down.

As the pictures of the troops interacting with the Superstars fill the screen, we get the chance to hear from some of the Superstars…

TJ Hix: I may not like this war...I may have a hard time understanding what we truly are fighting for...but that doesn't stop me from wishing I had made it all the way through and joined you all over there bringing back truth, justice, freedom and the American way. I still consider trying again, so maybe, just maybe you all will see me over there yet. Take care all, and God Bless.

A shot of the military personnel lining the first few rows around ringside at the Toyota Center draws the biggest pop of the night thus far as Hardcore Champion Mike King now gives his thoughts.

Mike King: I know it sounds cliché but I am all for the protection of our freedoms. Our fore-fathers wanted us to be free and so we fought for it against Britain in the Revolutionary War. The South wanted freedom going into the Civil War and the North fought for freedom of all people. World War I & II and Operation Enduring Freedom were fought to protect our freedom. Now tonight we as a company give our hearts and souls for those who put theirs on the line everyday protecting us. God bless America and God bless the troops and their families.

As the focus turns to briefly Ace King’s visit with the troops as part of “The Colbert Report”, “The Gambler” himself can be heard in the background talking about the soldiers.

Ace King: While the people giving the orders to fight may have no idea what the hell they’re doing, I still tip my hat to the noble men and women who make sacrifices in the name of their families, their friends, and most importantly… The sacrifices they make in the name of American freedom. To think that some of these people serving in the military look to us as heroes… It’s almost an embarrassing thought, considering everything they do for us. From the bottom of my heart, I have nothing but the utmost respect for each and every one of you, and I can’t imagine the world.

Ace’s interview with Colbert and subsequent celebration with the troops quickly fades into an address from former CZW President and current War Zone Superstar Alan Fiscus.

Alan Fiscus: I think it's awesome that we're showing love to the men and women who put their lives on the line every day defending our home country. I absolutely detest this war, and I get ill just thinking about the state of economics and such as is America under the Bush administration, but I highly respect those brave people for doing what they do and I want to thank them personally from my heart. Thank you for what you do, and God speed.

A final shot of the troops celebrating with various CZW Superstars around Texas is shown as the song ends. The scene then fades to black, before the camera returns their focus to the War Zone announce table, where we rejoin an emotional Jarred and an apathetic William.

Jarred Daniels: Oh, that... That was just so beautiful.

William Masters: Now, I won’t quite go to the emo-like extremes you’ve gone to, Dorkstick. But I will say that, although I am an asshole most of the time, I am truly grateful to the military for everything they do to preserve America’s liberty.

Jarred Daniels: Well, with all of this in mind, we must also focus our attention to the upcoming Pay-Per-View, Hatewave. This is the first incarnation of CZW’s flagship Pay-Per-View, and it will feature the King Of Combat Finals. Will one of the next two men be in that match? Let’s find out, as we rejoin Jessica in the ring for the introductions.


**ASSAULT KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham VS. "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons **

Timmons came right after him and chopped him up against the ropes. He slung the big man off the ropes and tried a sunset flip but to no avail. Timmons rolled Grantham up for the pin attempt but couldn’t get the tree there either. Timmons caught Grantham with some more chops and a high cross body block, but Grantham plastered him with a massive clothesline.

In control of the match, Grantham smashed Timmons off the turnbuckles twice before following up with a big sidewalk slam and a pin fall attempt. He eventually ejected Timmons over the ropes and followed him to the floor to inflict further punishment. Grantham slammed Timmons into the ring apron before tossing his limp body back into the ring and attempting another unsuccessful pin attempt.

Grantham hit a big scoop slam before dropping four elbows and got a two count on the cover attempt. Timmons fought back with some punches to the mid section but Grantham hit a knee that sent Timmons to the corner. Slumped in the corner, Timmons was gathered and placed in a big bear hug by Grantham dead center in the middle of the ring. Timmons punched away at the big man and exchanged some chops and punches with him towards the middle of the ring.

Timmons caught Grantham with a clothesline and hi inverted atomic drop. Timmons planted him with two more clotheslines but his back nearly gave way on the scoop slam attempt. Timmons got pasted with a Grantham clothesline. Timmons rolled to the apron and tried to get to the top of the ropes with Grantham in hot pursuit. The two exchanged punches and Grantham eventually plummeted to the mat. Timmons hit the elbow drop off the top rope and nipped up to tune up the band. Grantham however hit a boot to the face on Timmons. He gathered Timmons and choked away at him in the corner. The referee went to break the two up and he did Timmons cold cocked Grantham with standing clothesline. Timmons went for the cover but Grantham kicked out at 2.

The two circled each other before Timmons smacked Grantham right across the face. Grantham missed a punch and was rolled up but only for a two count. Timmons rolled to the outside quick before coming back in again and attempting the roll up. Grantham whipped Timmons to the buckles and missed the follow up and found himself drop kicked to the outside.

Timmons flew over the ropes but was caught and slammed hard into the apron. Grantham tossed Timmons back in and went for the cover but only got a two count. Grantham hit some axe handles and a body slam before sizing up Timmons for the 4.0. Timmons fought the hold and elbowed his way out of it. He came in for a high cross body attempt but was caught again and tossed via a fall away slam by Grantham .

Grantham went for the pin fall but only got a one count. Timmons kept fighting back but got nailed with another body slam and a leg drop. Timmons barely kicked out of the cover attempt before Grantham back body dropped Timmons back down to the mat. Another cover attempt on the part of Grantham and again Timmons kicked out.

Grantham hit some elbows to the back and went again for a full nelson and Timmons beautifully countered the hold. Grantham immediately went for it again and Timmons slid out of it and hit a kick and some punches. Timmons hit some European uppercuts before countering a fireman’s carry into a roll up attempt. Grantham managed to whip Timmons to the corner but missed the follow up. Timmons leapt to the outside but Grantham caught the 4.0 and dragged Timmons back in. Timmons once again managed to slip out before Grantham could plant Timmons.

Timmons sent Grantham off the ropes but got caught with a shoulder block but kicked out at one. Grantham went for an 4.0 but Timmons fought out again. Grantham tried to hit an arm ringer but Timmons spring boarded off he ropes. Grantham went for another 4.0 but Timmons countered and got a two count on the pin attempt.

Grantham hit a back elbow and got a one count on the cover and went for a suplex, but it was countered into a neck breaker. Timmons went for the pin but only got a two count. Timmons whipped Grantham into the buckles but missed the follow up. Grantham dropped Timmons with a slam and then an elbow to the chest and got a two count.Timmons ducked under a clothesline attempt and got a high cross body and then a neck breaker to take control.

Timmons had an Irish whip attempt countered into two buckle shots and a side slam. Grantham got a two count on two cover attempts. Timmons scored with a spine buster and got a two count on the cover. Timmons missed a stinger splash attempt and almost got nailed in an 4.0 but wiggled out of it and hit a Samoan drop. Timmons spring boarded off the buckle with a back elbow but only got the one count on the cover attempt.

Timmons clamped on a sleeper hold but Grantham tossed him off. Timmons snared Grantham in a reverse chin lock and Grantham again fought out with his inverted belly to back suplex. Grantham ducked under clothesline and hit a shoulder block. Grantham clotheslined Timmons twice before hitting a massive power slam. Timmons managed to get up from the power slam and jumped onto the buckles again but got caught in the 4.0. Timmons hung onto the ropes Grantham powered Timmons to let go and nailed him finally with the 4.0....

The Winner of the bout... advancing in the KoC tournament ... GREGORY GRANTHAM!!


Immediately following the match, a second video montage is shown chronicling more CZW Superstar visits to different military bases around Texas. This second montage is set to the Johnny Cash cover of “Hurt” by Nine Inch Nails.

As more and more visits are shown on the CombatTron, the voices of more CZW Superstars can be heard in the background…

Maynard O’Toole: I for one am all for war, unlike the people who are against war, that is their opinion but I am all for defending our country. If anybody comes into your home and kills your family, you are going to retaliate, or at least I hope you would. America is our home and our troops are defending our home. … Each and every person in this country has the right to serve or not serve, nobody held a gun to their head but I'm glad the people who did decide to join are happy to kick ass and take names. I am happy to have a father who served in "Desert Storm", a grandfather who served in "Vietnam" and a brother in law who is currently working his way up into the military.

As “The Prodigy” speaks, the Intercontinental Champion’s visit to the base in Fort Bragg, North Carolina is shown on television. As his visit slowly draws to a close, the voice of Shawn Waters is audible, as he gives his thoughts on the war.

Shawn Waters: I'm majorly against war...but I can't blame the troops for the war...they just do what they are told...I'm not that sure of the system in America, so I can't really comment much on whether the soldiers choose to go, or a forced to...but yeah...hopefully they go home soon.

Shawn’s visit to a military base is shown. As Shawn is shown talking with the troops, the voice of “The Zombie” Brian Kirkland can be heard in the background.

Brian Kirkland: These people risk their lives protecting freedom and should have your respect even if you hate the war, glad we're honouring such great people.

More great moments from the military visits are shown, including “Big Daddy” Brown going out clubbing with a couple of soldiers. As more scenes are shown, the voice of Thanatos is heard in the background. Shortly thereafter, “The Voodoo Machine” appears on camera.

Thanatos: Freedom, justice, and liberty all come at a price higher than most of us wish to pay. But for those fearless few of you that risk everything so we can have something, thanks.

A final shot of the CZW Superstars interacting with the men and women of the military around the United States is shown as the song ends. The scene then fades to black, before the camera returns their focus to the Assault announce table.

Ricky Gold: It’s little things like this that make life great, don’t you think Michael?

Michael K. Farley: For once Ricky, I have to agree with you. Without these brave men and women, we wouldn’t be having this show tonight, and it feels amazing to be able to do something for those who have given so much in our name.

Ricky Gold: I couldn’t have said it better myself. Now, let’s go back up to Jessica in the ring for the introductions for our next match!


**WAR ZONE KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "The Prince of New York" K.C. Kash VS. "The Voodoo Machine" Thanatos **

The crowd is restless and excited to see the next wrestler on his way to the ring. The loudspeakers blare as "This House is Haunted" by Alice Cooper plays to the packed house. Green spotlights focus on the curtain as a light smoke billows, surrounding the entranceway. Out steps the shadowed Thanatos, and green flames light up the entire walkway down to the ring. Thanatos moves slowly, but steadily, keeping his eyes fixed on the ring ahead. He is wearing a tattered, hooded black cloak, and underneath, black shorts and boots. The flames die out, with the music, and the lights come back to normal as Thanatos enters.

“Mony Mony” by Billy Idol blares through the arena and K.C. Kash walks out through the curtain on to the stage where he is met with a chorus of boos. He dances a little as he arrogantly walks down the ramp and climbs into the ring.

Kash doesn’t wait on the bell and attacks Than before the bell from behind. A couple forearms from Kash put Than on the mat and Kash follows them up with boots to the lower back of Thanatos. Kash picks Than up and throws him into the ropes, Than on the rebound ducks under a clothesline attempt, and catches Kash with a spinning elbow. Than wastes no time and drops a fist on Kash, followed by an elbow, then a few boots to Kash’s midsection. Than moves to the corner and hops up to the top rope. He signals to the crowd and connects with a flying headbutt. Kash seems out, and Than goes for the pin.













Than climbs back to the top, but Kash is able to get up and catch him. Kash throws Than off the ropes and locks in a crossface. Than is in trouble and begins to fade. Slowly Than moves toward the ropes and right before he taps, grabs the bottom rope causing the break of the hold by Kash. Than rolls out of the ring to catch his breath, and before climbing back in, Than grabs a chair. He slides in, under the bottom rope, and is met with boot from Kash. K.C. picks up the chair and swings for Than’s head, but misses. Than gets to his feet quickly and kicks Kash in the gut causing Kash to drop the chair. Than follows his kick with a DDT on the chair that opens Kash up. With Kash bleeding out from his head Than moves in sensing Kash’s end. Boots to Kash, and Than climbs the turnbuckle again. FROG SPLASH!!! Than picks Kash up and sets him up for the Abyss, and with his foot drags the chair under Kash….THE ABYSS ON THE CHAIR!!!!!!!!!! Than for the pin!














Winner is Thanatos via the Abyss.


The Winner of the bout... advancing in the KoC tournament ... THANATOS!!


Love Addict By Family Force 5 hits and out runs Dusty Davis dressed in a American Flag outfit. He slides into the ring, the crowd starts cheering for him. Dusty pulls his shirt off and throws it into the crowd. He stands in the middle of the ring for a photo opt. A mic flies threw the and Dusty catches it.

Dusty: Wow that was fun! Can everyone here me?

Dusty walks over to the ropes

Dusty: Can all of you hear me?

Crowd starts booing Dusty

Dusty: Good. I just wanted to come down to the ring and show my face. Seeing as I wasn’t booked for this show! But that’s not all. I’ve come down here to announce some breaking CZW news! And I’m gonna focus it on someone in the locker room as we speak. Shawn Waters. I wanted to let you know that your gonna have to watch your back a lot more now. You see a couple of weeks ago I asked to be sent to Assault. It’s official now. Dusty Davis is now a member of the CZW Assault Roster. Now many of you are asking who did he get traded for? Ronnie McNeil!

Now many of you are wondering why the jump Dusty? Well you see the gears are always turning up here *Dusty points to his head* and what fun would it be if I told any of you? So from this moment forth I am no longer War Zones Flagship Player but Assault Featured Attraction!

Dusty’s music hits as he exits the ring threw the crowed stopping to take pictures and sign a few autographs.


** ASSAULT KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze VS. "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland **

TOWERS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is an Assault King Of Combat Match.

The lights go out as “Zombie” by Breed 77 hits the PA system.

TOWERS: Introducing first, from Dallas, NC, weighing in at 260 lbs, BRIAN KIRKLAND!

Brian Kirkland makes his way out to the ring alongside his manager, Dwayne Campbell. Stepping inside and climbing up to the second turnbuckle, Kirkland raises a single arm in the air as his manager waits patiently at ringside.

The lights go out as “Headstrong” by Trapt plays throughout the arena.

TOWERS: And introducing his opponent, from Detroit, MI, weighing in at 215 lbs, KRIMZON BLAZE!

With only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way, K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, sending red “x’s” to shoot off on either side of him. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves on past opponents as K-Blaze gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

The bell rings as the two men lock up in the center of the ring. Kirkland uses his weight to his advantage and pushes Blaze off and into the corner. Quick to take the advantage Kirkland rushes towards K-Blaze for some hard rights, but is met with a drop toe hold as Blaze uses his quickness to get the upperhand. He turns Kirkland over, picking him up and Irish whips him into the opposing turnbuckle.

GOLD: Wait a minute! Kirkland just stopped himself from going chest first into that turnbuckle.

Kirkland steadies himself in the ring, onto to turn around to Blaze knocking him down hard with a right fist. Just as Blaze goes to do more damage, Kirkland chops the back of K-Blaze’s knee, sending him to the mat. Using the slightly tweaked knee to his advantage, Kirkland quickly locks in a half-crab on Blaze.

FARLEY: Oh wow, that looks like it hurts!

GOLD: Looks also like Kirkland underestimated the will power of Blaze, he just got to the ropes in almost no time at all!

K-Blaze clutches onto the bottom rope as Kirkland begins to kick away at his back. Blaze screams in pain as the ref begins to count for Kirkland to get off the ropes.





















Kirkland backs away, putting both hands up in the air, allowing K-Blaze to stand up and get readjusted. Blaze shakes his slightly injured leg a little and lets the ref and Kirkland know that he’s ready to fight again. Kirkland and Blaze lock up again in the center of the ring and this time Blaze gets the upperhand using a standing dropkick right to the chest of Kirkland, sending him to the mat. Blaze immediately rushes over and starts to give Kirkland harsh kicks to the spinal column. Kirkland writhes in pain as Blaze continues to work on him.

GOLD: Looks like Blaze is using some classic moves here to get the advantage.

FARLEY: Actually, looks like he’s already gotten the advantage… Think he might stomp a mudhole next?

GOLD: I doubt it, ‘cause Kirkland’s caught his leg. And there goes a stiff lariat to K-Blaze!

Blaze falls hard to the mat as Kirkland goes for the pin.












Blaze manages to get back to his feet and this time delivers a low dropkick to Kirkland, sending him face first to the mat. K-Blaze then turns around and signals for the top rope. As he makes his way up the second turnbuckle, Kirkland quickly stands up and rushes forward, sending K-Blaze to go split-legged between the top turnbuckle. Blaze groans in pain as Kirkland wraps his arms around Blaze’s waist for a belly to belly suplex.

GOLD: Oh but look! Blaze just flipped out of it! And he’s on his feet!

Blaze quickly jumps up, grabbing Kirkland’s shoulder’s and falls to the mat, driving his knees into Kirkland’s back. As Kirkland flops to the mat in pain, Blaze goes for the cover.












The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... K-BLAZE!!


Our CZW cameras pick up backstage, the “American Beauty” Azure Nicholette chatting it up with a few of the men and women of our United States military, who were granted permission backstage as a thank you for their service and dedication. Azure’s friendly nature has the men all smiles, as they go silent…standing behind the brunette beauty, is the seven foot tall, Bryan McNally, practically frothing at the mouth. The soldiers walk away, as McNally shoos them towards another CZW roster member. Azure looks around confused, as to why McNally has approached her. Bryan gently strokes Azure’s cheek, as the woman now shudders at his touch…his hands, cold as death….

“The Ripper” Bryan McNally: Hello there popp----

From behind McNally attacks Warzone’s General Manager, Christian Aleksander, who is delivering clubbing forearms to the back of the “Second City Savior”. Christian throws a sharp, low roundhouse kick at the tree-like thigh of McNally. And another…

Christian Aleksander: Stay away from her!

Aleksander attemps to deliver another kick, as Bryan catches the leg, and hits a strong lariat to the throat of the General Manager…McNally now hoists Aleksander onto his shoulders, and brings him over towards the “Gorilla position” of the CZW entranceway. McNally pushes over one of our cameramen, as he takes the cable wire and wraps it around Christian’s throat. Bryan drags Aleksander towards one of the steel beams, supporting the Combatron, as he runs the wire through it, pulling tightly, as Christian is being hung from the structure! Christian is coughing up blood, as Azure runs out to try to save her brother…but to no avail, as the shark-like McNally, continues his relentless assault, pushing the young girl to the floor, holding her down using his foot upon her ankle, using the pressure to keep his hold on Aleksander. CZW Head Of Security, Casey Rogers rushes towards McNally taking him down by the waist, as EMT’s and military personnel alike come to the aid of Christian Aleksander. McNally’s eyes, cold and heartless tell the story, as Christian is unwrapped, and his body hits the floor…our scene fades to black, with the screams of Azure Nicholette, pleading for them to help her brother….


** WAR ZONE KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "Malevolent" Mike Monroe VS. "The Baller" Jordan Bryant **

"Second Coming" plays first, and Jordan Bryant walks out to a mixed reaction. He dribbles a basketball all the way to the ring. He gets in the ring and poses for the crowd.

"How Can I Live" then plays, and the crowd is electic. Out comes Mike Monroe, and he is wearing a shirt that says "R.I.P Cpt. Funkhouser." He is also being accompanied to the ring by the Guidon Bearer for HHC 1/12 INF. The soldiers are all standing up and clapping for Mike, knowing he was the driving force behind CZW putting together the Tribute show. Mike high fives as many as he can on the way down to the ring. He enters the ring, and the bell is rung.

Monroe with some sort of choke on Bryant. Bryant tries to fight out but after going into the ropes is hit with a knee to the gut. Monroe then perched Bryant on the top rope and went for a superplex. Bryant began to muster a little offense and knocked Monroe down to the mat before nailing his flying lariat off the top rope. Cover 1.. kick out.

Monroe goes back on the offensive hitting Bryant with a few stiff shots to the face before getting caught twice with a shoulder block after trying to come off the ropes. The two are on the mat and the ref begins his count to 10, and both wrestlers are up by 7.

Bryant eventually against the advantage hitting some big shots up against the ropes and hitting a big back body drop. Bryant hit a huge leap frog over Monroe who avoided him into the corner and hit a roll up for a 2 count.

Monroe countered the next high flying attempt with a big power slam and a pin attempt for a 2 count. He set up for the spear but Bryant leapfrogged the attempt and went to hit a super kick which was blocked by Monroe. Bryant countered that too and nailed the ref instead.

Monroe and Bryant hook up Bryant responds with a kick to the gut and a irish whip then follows with a shoulder block, but Monroe wastes no time and gives him a few rights and lefts. Monroe continues with some more hard lefts and rights. Monroe charges at Bryant, but gets taken down once again with a big shoulder block. Bryant gets in a few elbows on Monroe in the corner and then chokes him on the bottom rope with his boot. Monroe fights back with a few punches and kicks. Bryant responds with a stiff elbow as Monroe came off the ropes. Monroe gives Bryant a big standing dropkick, knocking him to the outside. Bryant gets back in the ring before the ref gets to 8.

Monroe is giving Bryant some hard rights in the corner. Monroe knocks Bryant outside of the ring. Once outside, Bryant grabs Monroe and nails his head off both the guard railing and ring apron. Bryant puts Monroe back in the ring, covers, but only gets a two count. Bryant puts Monroe on the second rope and gives Monroe some knees to the back. Bryant then chokes Monroe with his boot until the referee breaks it up. Monroe then slams into the ring post with direction from Bryant. Bryant then pushes Monroes head against the ring post until the referee breaks it up quickly. Bryant then works on Monroes neck on the ring apron. Bryant gives Monroe a big neckbreaker in the middle of the ring, covers, but only gets a two count. Bryant applies a headlock on Monroe as he reaches for the ropes. Monroe eventually gets the ropes and Bryant starts to give him some hard forearms in return. Bryant gives Monroe a massive powerslam, covers, but only gets a two count. Monroe tries to fight back with some rights and lefts, but Bryant stops the comeback with a huge spinebuster.

Bryant then picks up Monroe, lifts him up, Monroe gets in some punches, comes back down and gives Bryant a big DDT. Monroe drop toe holds Bryant face first into the turnbuckle when he charges at him. Monroe gives Bryant some hard kicks in the corner when . Bryant gives Monroe a low blow. Monroe counters an attack from Bryant and hits a reverse backbreaker. Bryant gets back on his feet, Monroe jumps, but Bryant counters the Shock Trauma . Bryant hits a massive spinebuster to Monroe and goes for the cover for only a 2 count .

Bryant picked up Monroe and hooked up with him in the center of the ring went for another whip but Monroe held on to the ropes, Bryant yanked Monroe off the ropes and put him in a side headlock. Monroe fought out of it eventually but got nailed with a big shoulder block. Benoit tried to get a backslide on Monroe but when it didn t work he tried to move into the cross-face twice. Monroe slid out underneath the ropes and took a breather.

Back in the ring, Bryant landed some hard chops in the corner and hit an snap sumplex. Monroe rolled out of the ring and tried to get away from Bryant but to no avail. Bryant landed some more chops before tossing the Monroe into the barricade at the bottom of the ramp. After some more forearms to the face, Bryant tossed Monroe back into the ring.

Monroe however was able to knock Bryant off the apron to the floor.

Bryant chopping his way out of a corner but was unable to counter a big Monroe spine-buster. Monroe goes for the cover 1, kick out. Monroe went right to his ground-based style, throwing Bryant into the corner on a hard irish whip. He covers again for a 2 count but Bryant kicks out.

Monroe places Bryant on the top rope and goes for some more damage. The two exchange blows until Bryant hits about five head-butts. Monroe nips back up though and knocks Bryant back down onto the buckle. After hitting some more shots to the ribs, he hits a super-plex and covers but only gets the two count.

Monroe then loads Bryant up fore the pedigree but it s countered into a catapult. Both men are now down and the ref begins his count. The two are up at seven and trade chops and punches. Bryant gets the advantage and throws the game into the ropes where he s met with a stiff kick to the face. Monroe goes to get Bryant but it s countered by Bryant with a belly to back suplex.

Bryant picked up Monroe and hit him with a huge DDT. and goes for the cover but only gets two. He drags Monroe back to his feet and hits yet another massive spine buster to Monroe.

Bryant picks up Monroe whips him into the corner and hits ten punches to the head followed by a bunch of really hard chops. He goes to whip Monroe to the opposite corner, but Monroe counters and Bryant flies chest first into the buckles.

Monroe crawled over to Bryant and went for another cover but only got a two count. He tried to load Bryant up again for the "Time Out" but Bryant countered into the sharpshooter. Monroe kicked Bryant into the ropes then went to hit Bryant with a spear but Bryant side stepped and Monroe went flying out side to the mat, Bryant went after Monroe and put the boots to Monroe, then he picked up Monroe and shoved him back in the ring before the 9 count.

Bryant got back into the ring just as Monroe was getting up, Monroe hit Bryant with a standing dropkick to the face staggered Bryant back into the ropes Bryant got tangled in the rops Monroe chopped Bryant a few times before pulling Bryant out of the ropes irished whipped Bryant and hit him with a flying shoulder tackle that dropped Bryant, Monroe got up and went to the top and as soon as Bryant got up nailed him with a top rope spin kick to the face dropped Bryant again, Monroe picked up Bryant and nailed him with the Shock Trauma. He gets the three count fall.

The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... MIKE MONROE!!



** ASSAULT KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum VS. Karl "The Jackal" Jackson **

TOWERS: “The following contest is set for one fall and is part of the King of Combat Tournament…First…On his way to the ring, hailing from Orlando, Florida…Weighing in at 235 lbs…Karl ‘THE JACKAL’ Jackson!”

The lights go out and darkness fills the arena as only the dim glow of spotlights can be see scattered around the arena roof. After a moment of darkness and silence, the quiet tones of single guitar tones can be heard as the Combat-Tron explodes into life with images of Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson. Fans are kept waiting for a few moments as the images and guitar tomes continue to play. Suddenly a single explosion of sparkling red fireworks and the playing of 'Gold Metal' by Trademarc announce the arrival of The Jackal to the stage area as he stands with eyes focused on the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other. He then walks slowly to the ring, not taking his eyes off the ring, his cold stare piercing a hole into the eyes of his opponent. As he reaches the ring he climbs the steps and climbs carefully through the middle and top rope. Once inside he mounts the second turnbuckle of the corner post which is above the steps he has just used to enter the ring. He performs a breaking action with his hands, indicating his intentions in the match he is about to have. He then descends off the turnbuckle and turns to re-establish the stare to his opponent, walking closer as if more than ready to engage in combat.

TOWERS: “And his opponent, hailing from RIGHT HERE in Houston, Texas…Weighing in at 215 lbs…The Highlight Reel…ERIC COLLUM!”

The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans jump to their feet booing. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring. He slaps the hands of the troops in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. He climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and more boos. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it into the sea of fans before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric waits in the middle of the ring.


The two very technical yet very different styles of these two men create a huge atmosphere within the crowd, especially as the arena is packed full of Eric’s home fans and troops from all around Houston, Texas. Though they are from his home town, they still boo for the Human Highlight Reel, an occurrence that has become quite familiar ever since turning on Ronnie and the implosion of X-Ellence. Both men square up as the match begins…The lock up…

Jackal gets the advantage quickly locking in a headlock, then applies the pressure, then quickly switching it into a hammerlock…Eric get bombarded with grapples as Jackal then switches it once more into a chicken wing, but Eric manages to counter this time as he lifts Jackal up then falling back hitting a side suplex

Eric gets up and poses only to get booed by the fans of his own hometown. Jackal takes this opportunity to rise up and grab Eric from behind, hitting an Overhead German Suplex…The same move that he used at And Justice For All when he put Gregory Grantham through a glass table…Eric though counters once again, landing on his feet showing great balance, then jumps up wrapping his right foot around the back of Jackal’s head taking him down with a diving ensuguiri.

Eric this time wastes no time posing, he hits a jumping knee drop right down on the shoulder and neck of the Jackal, the same body parts that were weakened just a week previous to this event. Eric then grabs Jackal in a Dragon Sleeper position trying to lock in the hold, but hasn’t got it applied fully, so instead he decides to hit a Backstabber instead, only he purposely positions Jackal to land neck first on his knees, Jackal rolling around looking hurt bad, Eric re-injuring that neck.

Eric then poses once more, the same response occurs, only this time, Jackal does not get back up. Eric goes back to him, hitting a front flip leg drop, landing once again on the back of the neck of Jackal. Eric lifts Jackal up and hits a European Uppercut, then hits a reverse European Uppercut to the back of Jackal’s neck…then throws Jackal to the ropes and goes for the standing Dropkick, Eric gets up high but Jackal intelligently holds on to the ropes and does not rebound off the ropes thus making Eric land on his own back down on the canvas. Jackal then strides towards him, Eric looking up, virtually begging Jackal not to attack, then grabs the leg of the referee to drag him in front of himself so Jackal cannot attack him. This does not stop Jackal though as he pushes the referee out of the way in frustration, then while the referee turns away, Eric LOW BLOWS JACKAL…

Eric then gets up quickly and hits the TWIST OF FATE!!!


















Jackal throws Eric off the pin, Eric tries to come back but Jackal is now up, walking slowly towards Eric, closing him down, a heavily angered look on his face. The fans boo for both men, but cheer Jackal as they want revenge upon Eric Collum. Jackal grabs Eric as he dances around, a huge wide open mouth looking both shocked and scared…Jackal lifts him up…Belly to Belly suplex!

Jackal picks Eric back up, throws him into the corner, he runs in but Eric gets the boot up, Jackal however catches both feet as he pulls him viciously from the corner into the center of the ring, Eric bouncing off the mat causing him to wince in pain. Jackal then hits a first drop down on Eric, gets back up, and then hits another fist drop. Jackal picks him back up and whips him to the ropes, Jackal goes for a back body drop but Eric rolls over his back with speed, then from behind dropkicks the leg of Jackal, then runs back off towards the ropes as he lunges as Jackal with a head-scissors takedown, but Jackal somehow manages to counter as Eric falls flat on his face…Jackal then quickly grabs the left ankle and lock it in…JACKAL LOCK!!!

Eric dances around the ring using his hands to push himself up, trying to get to the ropes, even after a few seconds in the hold; it is clearly unbearable to be locked in. Eric rolls out of it as Jackal gets propelled towards the ropes, he bounces off though then lands an elbow drop down on Eric…Then while on the ground, he locks in another hold…FUJIWARA ARMBAR!!!

The array of moves from Jackal is impressive, now Eric finally locked into a hold, it seems perfectly locked in, Eric with no where to go. He tries to power out but to no success, then he rolls over and balances on his head while still in the hold, then flips over as Jackal loses grip…Eric then up on his feet s he swings another ensuguiri at Karl, only this time he ducks, then once again like a piranha, goes straight back for the Jackal Lock…But once again Eric rolls out of it straight away, then rolls out of the ring in frustration.

The crowd throw abuse at the home man, Eric looking around with a face of anger, no more cockiness on his face, seeing his own home throwing hatred towards him seems to have got to him…


Jackal hit’s a baseball slide on the unsuspecting Collum as he goes crashing at pace into the guardrail, shaking the floor. The troops like what they see, but continue to boo the two men charismatically, Jackal taking it well though as he smirks at them, then points to Eric and shouts out…

“Do you want me to snap his ankle?”

The fans shout ‘YES’ loudly back to Jackal as he picks Eric up, stomps on his foot, then bouces his head off the apron before rolling him back into the ring, climbing in himself acting as a predator, pouncing on his victim. Eric tries to roll back out of the ring but Jackal stands on his left leg, almost laughing in a sick way, then picking Eric up virtually by his eyelids before grabbing him and plating him down on the canvas with nicely timed T-BONE SUPLEX…The impact devastating!

Eric looks demolished. Jackal carries on his assault. He grabs the left ankle of Eric then traps it in his two shins, dropping down a knee drop trapping Eric’s ankle. Jackal stomps on his leg a few more times before shouting out to the fans…


Jackal then viciously starts throwing Eric’s knee into the canvas over and over again as Eric screams in pain, before finally posing once more, then confidently goes for his most devastating submission hold…

JACKAL LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric flips and rolls around trying to weasel his way out of the hold, Jackal wastes no time though to sit back, lying back in fact as he locks his own legs around the weakened leg of Eric, sapping at his ankle, growling and hissing, putting all his weight and energy into the hold, screaming down the camera…


Jackal ripping at the ankle as the fans don’t know whether to boo or cheer, most are quite shocked at the dominance and anger the Jackal shows…











The referee immediately tries to pries Jackson off but he keeps it on, like always until he feels like letting go…Clearly sending a message to the rest of the KoC competitors and most of all…Jesse Montana!

Jackal lets go, gets up and kick Eric out of the ring so he can celebrate his easy victory. The fans boo him just as much as always, Jackal though gives a wink at the many troops on the front row before saying down the camera…

‘Jesse…Look at Eric…Watch him scream in pain as his ankle has been bent out of place…This is your fate…The deal maybe off…But I am still here…And after I win King of Combat…There will be nowhere for you to hide!’

Jackal leaves the ring…

[After the match, Eric struggles to his feet, when out of nowhere, the lights go out.]


[The lights come back on, and there’s Ronnie McNeil…standing behind Eric, ready to strike. Eric hears the cheers, turns around, and….Flawless!]

GOLD: "Ronnie! It's RONNIE McNEIL!"

FARLEY: "What is he doing here!?"

[L-A-X by Xzibit starts to play, while Ronnie slides outside to grab a chair. Eric starts to move, but Ronnie kicks him in the head, stopping him in his tracks. Ronnie picks Eric up, sets him in position, and drops him with the Kiss of the Rose on the chair, bloodying Eric up, and leaving him in the middle of the ring. Ronnie grabs a mic, and starts to speak, but then CZW security comes out to get him, but Ronnie pulls out a rolled up paper, waves it at security, and speaks.]

RM: No no no….you can’t touch me. Not tonight. This right here, is a contract. More importantly, MY contract. And in this contract, is a clause that I cannot be fired for any reason that wasn’t of my own doing. I know you were trying to get me fired, Jesse. But this right here, is an unsackable agreement. Eric and Kris saved your title reign, and you thought you could suspend me and get rid of me. No sir, not gonna happen.

FARLEY: "What are you talking about... get him out of here!"

RM: Consider what I did to Eric as me punching back in to work. I’ve been gone long enough, and I’m back…as a member of War Zone!

GOLD: "It looks like before Christian Aleksander was destroyed earlier this evening, he pulled off a blockbuster by signing Ronnie!"

RM: And my first order of business is to take back the first title I held in CZW…one I never got a return shot for. Cage, I’ll be seeing you real soon, so get my gold ready, cause it’s coming home. After that, I’m coming for you Jesse…believe that!!

The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... THE JACKAL!!



** WAR ZONE KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "Outlaw" Buck Evans VS. "Rated E For Everyone" Eddie Rowan **

A quick countdown appears on the screen, followed by an old-time announcer's voice.

"You are watching Ed-E.T.V."

Rated E For Everyone

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins then begins to play, and smoke begins pouring down from the entranceway. As the drum intro ends and the guitar kicks in, Eddie emerges through the smoke, looking back and forth to the crowd with a broad grin. He is attired in a pair of long black shorts, flame-trimmed wrestling boots, and one of many various rock band or anime character t-shirts, typically with the sleeves removed. His hands are taped from knuckle to mid-forearm, with a single black 'X' drawn on the back of each hand. He has his championship title belt hooked his actual belt so that it hangs sideways down over his right leg.

He proceeds to make his way to the ring with a bit of a hop in his step, the smile on his face is one that shows that he loves to be where he is, doing what he does. Eddie gestures at his gold, showing it off for the crowd a bit before rolling into the ring. He stands and throws his arms up, and a small pyro blasts from the ring-posts. He poses a bit more, bouncing on the middle of the second rope with his title belt held high in one hand.

"Ramblin' Man" begins to play and the crowd boos. Buck Evans comes out, ready for a fight. His sights are automatically locked on Eddie in the ring, and never acknowledges any of the fans on his way down to the ring. He climbs into the ring, already talking smack to Eddie, pointing at him and telling him he's gonna lose.

DANIELS: "This might be my favorite match up in the King of Combat tournament!"

MASTERS: "It's quite a pairing, I'm anxious for Buck to kick that smug smile off of Eddie's face!"

The bell rings, and Buck is still talking trash. Eddie nods to Buck and they begin to circle each other. They lock up and Buck immediately pushes Eddie to a corner. As the ref tries to break it up, Buck slaps Eddie right across the mouth. The crowd goes oooh

DANIELS: "Damn!"

MASTERS: "Tastes so good, makes you wanna smack your momma!"

Eddie is pissed and pushes the ref out of the way and lunges at Buck, nailing forearm after forearm to his forehead. He leaps to the ropes and comes crashing back into Buck with a dropkick to his knees. He then picks Buck up and slams him in the corner, and Buck falls down. Eddie goes and grabs Buck's cowboy hat.. and puts it on! He makes a motion like he's in a rodeo for a few seconds, before running at Buck and NAILING him with a Bronco Buster while wearing his hat!

MASTERS: "That is going to get you KILLED, little man!"

The crowd loves it as Eddie gets off and acts like he's in the rodeo still. Just as he takes the hat off and throws it to the outside, Buck comes running but Eddie chops him in the throat. Buck falls to his knees, and Eddie is back up. He kicks him in the chest once.. twice.. and then rears back... HUGE kick to the back of Buck!

MASTERS: "The smack of the flesh!"

The crowd is behind Eddie as he roars out to them. He picks up Buck off of his knees and runs to the ropes. He ducks a lariat that Buck was hoping would surprise him. Eddie comes back, and goes for a dropkick.. but Buck shrugs it off and Eddie lands awkwardly on his face. Buck then picks Eddie up and positions him... Double Arm DDT. Buck goes for the cover














DANIELS: "Eddie's got too much heart to go out that quickly, Buck."

MASTERS: "All it takes is time.."

Buck picks Eddie back up and throws him to the ropes. He goes for a stiff lariat, but Eddie ducks. Eddie on the rebound, nails a flying leg lariat that sends Buck sprawling, but doesn't take him off his feet. Eddie is back up and runs, nailing a dropkick that this time, DOES take Buck off of his feet. Eddie then lays a few stomps in before going to the outside. He positions, and leaps... springboarding back onto Buck with a senton. He goes for the cover.














MASTERS: "Damn that kid is fast!"

DANIELS: "He's not the CZW X Champion for nothing!"

Eddie is back up and picks Buck up, nailing forearms to his face to keep him dazed. He then kicks Buck in the gut, and nails a swinging neckbreaker. He then takes the opportunity to go to a top turnbuckle.

DANIELS: "Eddie's gonna fly!"

Eddie leaps, looking for a frog splash, but Buck rolls out of the way at the last moment. Both men stay on the mat for a little bit, before they both begin stirring. Eddie is up first, but when he gets to Buck he gets poked in the eyes by two large redneck fingers. Buck then nails Eddie with a Russian legsweep. Buck talks some trash before picking Eddie back up. He irish whips him into the nearest corner, and he hits with such a force the ring almost shakes and he slams down on the mat face first.

MASTERS: "What a power display from Evans. Nice!"

Buck walks over to Eddie and picks him up. NASTY chop to the chest. Another one. He goes and irish whips Eddie again, but this time Eddie leaps up when he gets to the corner, and so high that Buck comes running underneath him. Buck is face first in the corner, and Eddie dropkicks his back. He gets up and hits another one. He then goes to the opposite side of the ring, and with a running start nails a THIRD dropkick to the back of Buck Evans. He falls backwards, and lands face up on the mat.

MASTERS: "I have to admit, this Rowan kid is impressive."

Rowan drags Buck closer to the center of the ring and goes for the pin.














Eddie showing a little bit of frustration, as he slams him palm down on the mat. He picks Buck up, and positions him. He hits a Manhattan drop.... and then.... a shining wizard kick!


Eddie with another pin attempt.














Eddie picks Buck back and runs to the ropes. On the collision though, Buck nails Eddie with a vicious big boot to the face with such force, that Eddie violently falls backwards on the mat. Buck takes a moment to gather himself, as Eddie holds him jaw with both hands.

MASTERS: "Eddie might need a new jaw that that reality check."

DANIELS: "Buck's not exactly A-OK himself."

Buck eventually picks Eddie up, and nails a Side Walk Slam. He goes for the cover.














Buck picks Eddie back up, turns him around.. and nails a release German suplex! Eddie falls back on his head violently again. The crowd gasps when he lands. Buck crawls over to him on his knees and goes for another cover.














MASTERS: "Okay, dammit. What does Buck have to do?"

DANIELS: "More than what he's done so far, apparently!"

Buck lays a few boots down on Eddie's chest before picking him back up. He then tosses him right out of the ring, and down to the floor. Eddie lands badly on the concrete. Buck gets out of the ring and grabs Eddie. He walks him over to the guardrail and slams his head into it. A fan is yelling at Buck and Buck gets up in his face. Buck pushes the fan back into his chair and leaves before the fans around him get involved. Buck grabs Eddie and slams him back first into the ring apron. He blantantly slaps Eddie across the face. The crowd is livid. Buck throws Eddie back into the ring.

DANIELS: "These soldiers are really getting into heckling Buck Evans... I'm glad they're having fun."

MASTERS: "OF COURSE they are, dumbass.. it's a CZW show!"

Buck climbs back into the ring, and kicks Eddie in the head. He picks him up and tosses him to the ropes. Eddie comes flying back with a spinning heel kick in desperation! Now both men are laid out. Eddie manages to roll over and drape his arm over Buck's chest.














The crowd is really into this match, as both men stir about trying to get up. Eddie, almost surprisingly, is the first man up and he nails a stiff kick to Buck's thigh. Then one to his chest. THEN one to his head, causing Buck to fall back down. Eddie takes this chance to go to the top turnbuckle. He takes a bit getting up there though, as a lot has been taken out of him.

Buck is back up, and by the time Eddie is positioned, Buck is there and nails a stiff right to Eddie's face. He then grabs Eddie, and although Eddie resists as much as he can, Buck has him now in a samoan drop position.

MASTERS: "Uh oh, I know what this is!"

Buck walks to the center of the ring, twists him around.... MISSISSIPPI TWISTER!!!!















DANIELS: "Buck Evans has defeated the X Champion to advance to round 2 of the King of Combat tournament!"

MASTERS: "Wow what an awesome match, awesome move, and an awesome finish! Go Buck!"

DANIELS: "So Buck will face either El Pablo or Rob Wright next week in New Orleans!"

The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... BUCK EVANS!!



** ASSAULT KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "The Phoenix, Badd Company" Mike King VS. "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole **

TOWERS: “This next match is set for one fall and is part of the King of Combat Tournament. First…On his way to the ring…Hailing from Buckeye, Arizona…Weighing in at 210 lbs…He is the CZW Hardcore Champion…The Phoenix…MIKE KING!”

Mike makes his way out, his newly won Hardcore Title perched on his shoulder as he shows it off, getting a hue boo from the crowd…Part of them chanting …‘TIMMONS…TIMMONS’… Mike snarls, the walks down to the rig deciding to walk past the section of fans chanting for his enemy. Mike salutes the troops as he hands the Title to the referee, then climbs into the ring as he awaits his opponent.

TOWERS: “And his opponent…Hailing from Fayetteville, North Carolina…Weighing in at 275 lbs…He is the CZW Intercontinental Champion…The Prodigy…MAYNARD O’TOOLE!”

Maynard shows up behind the dark lights, as a bright green light shines on the top of the ramp, Maynard standing still with his Intercontinental Title wrapped around his waist, Maynard looking ready for action. Maynard looks up, fire in his eyes for this contest. He the pounds his chest as to appreciate the troops then starts walking down the aisle. Maynard is booed, but still he talks to a few of the brave soldiers, then notices Mike as both men lock stares. Maynard takes off his Title and throws it in the face of the referee, not taking his eyes off his opponent as the lights fade and the music stops.

*Ding Ding*

- Both men square up, Maynard clearly having the size and height advantage, both men seem very unpopular with he fans, the troops at the front though make plenty of noise. Maynard initiates the lock up, pushing the smaller man towards the ropes, then chopping him making a stinging echo throughout the arena. Maynard then hits vicious right fists in the temple of Mike , the referee having to break up the assault before it gets to dangerous. Mike, a bit irate now jumps out of the corner hitting a flying forearm smash which takes Maynard down to his knees, then straight away follows up with a quick roundhouse kick straight across the face of Maynard.

- Maynard rolls out of danger, looking slightly surprised by the speed of King. He gets up holding his jaw, then pounces on Mike but he dodges, the hits several right hands knocking Maynard off balance, finally ends the combinations with a jumping ensuiguri knocking Maynard on his ass in the corner.

- Mike runs in with a knee, but Maynard scouts it as he rolls away, Mike stuck in the corner as Maynard gets a school boy pin, cheating as he leans on the ropes for leverage…

But can only find a one count. Mike gets up as Maynard hits another stinging chop, then a knee to the gut, whips him to the ropes, Mike at pace dives over the attack by Maynard as he hits a flying elbow, Maynard a bit stunned turns his back on Mike as he takes advantage…German Facebust!

Mike gets a cover of his own, but also can only find a one count. Maynard tries to rise, Mike though hits several hard kicks to the shins of Maynard to keep him grounded, then runs off to the ropes as he attempts his patented Shining Whizard…Maynard catches him though in mid air, rising with him at hand, great strength shown by the IC Champ, Mike though wriggles off as he locks up a victory roll…




















- Maynard again getting shocked by the pace of the counter. King back up, kicking Maynard in the ribs with more stinging lightening quick kicks, Maynard grabs the right leg of King, then drives his elbow into the joint of the leg, temporarily taking his legs out of action, then hits a powerful short-arm clothesline as King falls to the canvas with authority.

- Maynard starts stomping on him, mainly on the limbs of King, taking out his main arsenal. Maynard picks his right leg up, then falls dropping an elbow drop on the back of the knee, Mike screaming in pain as Maynard locks in a Bow and Arrow lock, squeezing the legs of King as he seems as though he is stuck in the hold.

- The troops seem to be getting into the action as they scream out ‘Tap’ and ‘Break his legs’, Maynard smirking as he contracts even further applying even more pressure. Mike pulls himself up onto his hands as he tries to crawl to the ropes, but cannot make it, getting ever so close. Maynard then releases the hold then quickly hits an elbow drop to the back, then changes the hold to a single leg Boston crab, Mike once again stuck in no man’s land.

- Mike is slowly getting worn down, a lot of pressure being applied to his legs. Maynard eventually releases this hold too as he stands up, posing to the troops as they boo him charismatically. Maynard turns back as Mike tries to rise, Maynard grabs him around the waist, applying a kind of bare hug waist lock…Mike though quickly trying to escape as he elbows Maynard, then again, then takes him down with a Headlock take down, regaining his energy as Maynard stays down for a while.

- Mike now picks Maynard up, hitting fists to the face instead of using his fast kicks, and then jumps up high as he connects with a perfect dropkick, knocking Maynard right out of the ring, through the ropes.

- Maynard walks around on the outside, trying to rile up the fans, Mike though without hesitation comes flying to the outside…SHOOTING STAR PRESS!!


Both men crash into the guardrail as the fans and troops chant ‘CZW…CZW…CZW’

- Mike is first up, hitting Maynard as he tries to rise. Mike throws him back into the ring, then jumps up onto the top rope as Maynard gets to his feet, Mike slings himself off hitting a Metallica Knee kick in mid-air…Maynard back down to the mat as King covers…

























- Maynard manages to get a weak shoulder up. Mike looks agitated as he gets back up, picking Maynard up with him but Maynard cheaply pokes Mike in the eyes, then delivers a strong European Uppercut as Mike bounces off the ropes coming back into Maynard’s reach, he lifts him up…DEATH VALLEY DRIVER!





































- Mike unbelievably managing to get a shoulder up as the troops cheer for the match to continue. Maynard does not let up though, mounting the new Hardcore Champ, then driving his huge forearms into the face of Mike, making him see stars. He then lifts him back up, presses him above his head as he winks at the troops, Mike though once again wriggles free as he falls down behind Maynard, the IC Champ turns around…Cravate Oclasm!!

- Mike kicking Maynard in the gut, then lifting him p into an Electric Chair position, finally hitting a Cravate-Oclasm…He covers!





































- The troops start to applaud these two guys as they seem worn out. Maynard places his hand over his face, now noticeably bleeding from the mouth and nose. Mike picks him slowly back up as both men go fist to fist, Maynard getting the power advantage but Mike ducks as he tries to lift him up for a side suplex, Maynard counters though, then drives an elbow into the spine of King, throws him to the ropes, then hits him with a high knee attack. Maynard lifts him back up and chops him into the corner…Then whips him to the opposite side as Mike powers straight into the post and bounces off falling straight into the grip of Maynard…SPINEBUSTER!

The move connects heavily, an Arn Anderson style Spinebuster, Maynard starting to finally gain some momentum. The troops begin to cheer for the Intercontinental Champion, respecting him. Maynard takes a breather, then finally poses as he lifts Mike up…But he fight back, right kick to the ribs, then a left knee to the gut…He runs ad bounces off the ropes…

CELTIC CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Mike running straight into a boot, then powerfully Maynard hit the attack…Maynard covering quickly!






































Winner is Maynard O’Toole after 10.29 via Pinfall

The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... MAYNARD O'TOOLE!!



** WAR ZONE KING OF COMBAT 1ST ROUND MATCH: "The Real Deal" Rob Wright VS. "The Five Star Superstar" El Pablo **

A hush descends over the crowd as the lights go out, leaving the arena in total darkness. The opening riff to "Been Training Dogs" kicks in, with bright white spotlights switching on and off in various places across the arena, keeping time with the beat. As the drums kick in, a huge wall of pyro shoots up from the stage, and El Pablo steps out to huge cheers from the crowd, dressed in his ring gear with dark sunglasses on his face. He stands on the stage for a few seconds playing to the crowd, before bounding down the ramp. He jumps up onto the apron and vaults over the top rope, then heads over to one of the far turnbuckles and climbs up, saluting the crowd. He repeats this on the adjacent turnbuckle, then removes his sunglasses and tosses them to a stagehand outside the ring.

"Get Back" plays and the crowd is actually mixed on Rob Wright, seeing how his recent promos have gone. He is kind of surprised by the positive reception, and points to himself like he's the best ever. He walks down to the ring, and hops up on the apron, springboarding into the ring with an acrobatic move. He looks at El Pablo and smiles, saying he's the Real Deal. El Pablo has a determined look on his face. The bell rings.

Rob immediately runs at EP, going for a dropkick to the knee but EP hops up and lands on Rob's stomach as he was on his back. EP then runs to the ropes, and nails a running somersault legdrop on Rob. He goes for the pin, but it's short lived. EP picks up Rob and tosses him to a corner. EP comes running in, but Rob lifts up and twists, hitting a sunset flip from the corner.



kick out

Both men are up, and on strike. The crowd cheers their skills. They lock up, and Rob nails a kneelift. He then rakes EP's eyes with the laces on his boots. The crowd don't like that much. Rob then walks EP over to the ropes and rakes his eyes across the top one.

MASTERS: "Rob rules."

DANIELS: "Rob's dirty!"

Rob yells out to the crowd for them to shut up, and the cheers he got earlier have quickly dissipated. He grabs at EP's face and rakes it with his hands. He then picks EP up and slams him down with a bodyslam. He leaps up to the ropes, and nails an Asai moonsault for the pin














Rob questions the ref and picks EP back up. He tosses him to the ropes, but EP reverses. Rob comes running back and EP nails a picture perfect dropkick to Rob's face. Rob falls back violently. EP picks him up and posiitons him... nailing a Straightjacket Neckbreaker! He goes for the pin.














MASTERS: "C'mon Rob, turn this thing around!"

DANIELS: "You are supposed to be unbiased."

MASTERS: "I am as long as the person who I want to win... wins!"

EP picks up Rob and tosses him to the outside, with an aggression we haven't seen in EP before. As Rob is getting up, he is being measured... EP runs, and leaps... and NAILS Rob with a Running Suicide Front Flip! Both men are laid out now.

The crowd chants "EP! EP! EP!"

EP is up and picks Rob up. He goes to throw him into the guardrail.. but Rob reverses, and EP smacks hard into it himself! Rob then nails a running spinning heel kick, knocking EP up and over the guardrail and into the crowd. Rob leaps over the guardrail and grabs EP, but they both begin brawling.

DANIELS: "This has spilled out into the crowd, we need order! We need this back in the ring!"

MASTERS: "Hold your horses, Jarred, they'll get back there in due time."

A fan hands EP his beer and EP smashes it across Rob's face, much to the crowd's delight. He then irish whips Rob right into a row of chairs, sending them sprawling. The crowd is firmly behind El Pablo. He picks up Rob, but Rob chops him in the throat. Rob then irish whips EP into the nearest wall, and EP smacks into it face first.

MASTERS: "Ha, look. The Five Star Superstar's now 4 and 1/2!"

DANIELS: "It appears EP is bleeding from the forehead now, after that horrible collision."

Rob grabs EP and walks him back towards the front, throwing him over the guardrail when they reach. Rob measures EP, and waits for him to stand. When he finally does, Rob leaps up and springboards off of the guardrail, and nails EP with another spinning heel kick. DANIELS: "They need to get back to the ring."

MASTERS: "Quit your belly aching, they will."

Rob picks up EP and slams his head down across the ring apron before throwing him back into the ring. As EP is dazed, Rob climbs up to the top turnbuckle. He measures EP, and leaps... Flying Elbowdrop and it connects perfectly! Rob with the cover.














DANIELS: "Who is this!?"

A man wearing a dark blue work suit and a Michael Myers mask just leaps over the guardrail, as the ref is out. Both El Pablo and Rob Wright are woozey and trying to stand up. The man slides into the ring, and he has a slapjack in his hand! He stalks EP.. and as EP stands up...


DANIELS: "That bastard!"

MASTERS: "Who is that?"

DANIELS: "It's got to be Matt Covey! It just _HAS_ to be!"

MASTERS: "That's who I think it is too, I mean after... wait look at the monitor!"

The scene cuts to a camera who is zooming in on an area of the crowd. Standing there, with a sick smile on his face, is Matt Covey. After a few moments, he turns around and leaves.


Rob Wright crawls over to El Pablo, and the referee is just getting it together. As Rob goes for the pin, the referee makes a sluggish pin count















DANIELS: "The dirty attack didn't work!"

The crowd is electric, chanting "EP! EP! EP!"

The man in the Michael Myers mask is surprised EP kicked out, and quickly gets out of the ring before the ref sees him. He stays at ringside though, looking on.

El Pablo and Rob Wright are up, and beginning to groggily duke it out. Rob kicks EP in the gut and sets him up... nailing a piledriver. He goes for another pin.














MASTERS: "What is it going to take?"

DANIELS: "Both men want it so badly!"

Rob is up first, but both men are taking a toll. He picks up EP and sluggishly throws him to the ropes. He bends down for a back drop.. but EP delivers a kick to his chest. EP then grudgily chops Rob before sending him to the ropes. EP kicks him in the gut again.. positions him...















DANIELS: "El Pablo almost advances in the tournament!"

MASTERS: "Damn. That was close!"

They both slowly get up, and after another short brawl EP kicks Rob in the gut. He throws him to the ropes, but Rob reverses. As EP hits the ropes.. the Michael Myers man smacks him in the back of the head with that slapjack! EP stumbles forward and Rob kicks him in the gut. Positions him... NO LAUGHING MATTER!!















DANIELS: "You can't call that a fair win by any means! Who is that bastard!?"

The man slides in, and begins laying the boots to EP before he can stand back up. He picks EP up and slams him back down with a thundering power bomb. Rob is sluggishly back up, and begins helping the man stomp a mudhole in EP's ass. The crowd erupts when they see Ace King come running down to the ring with a steel chair in hand. Rob and the mystery man high tail it out of the ring, both men hopping over the guardrail and existing through the crowd. Together. Ace tends to the fallen EP as we cut to a commercial break

The Winner of the bout... and advancing in the KoC tournament ... ROB WRIGHT!!


JESSICA: "Ladies and gentlemen... now it is time for our second live act!"

The crowd pops

JESSICA: "Performing one of their hits, "World Wide Suicide," here is.... PEARL JAM!"


Shortly following the conclusion of the match, a third video montage featuring the men and women of the military interacting with the stars of CZW airs, with this video being set to “My Hero” by Foo Fighters.

As scenes of soldiers in Iraq and Afghanistan play on the screen, more CZW Superstars get to voice their opinions regarding the war.

Cage Stryker and Sirena Starr: I don't want people to misunderstand me when I say this. I do disagree with this war, and I think we've already overstayed our welcome as is. However, I still respect our troops, I respect every last one of them out there who had what it took to become US Military. You all are fine men and women, and I just hope that each and every one of you get to come home and be reunited with your friends and family. Thank you all for everything you all are doing...and like I said, just come home safe.

Krimzon Blaze’s encounters with the military are then showcased on the CombatTron, and “The Aerial Specialist” himself begins to speak shortly thereafter.

Krimzon Blaze: To say that we're fighting for oil over there is one thing, but we need to realize that the men and women of the United States Armed Forces and any other military branch put their hearts, their souls, and their lives on the line to preserve the freedoms of each and every American, and that by god, to me, is the ultimate sacrifice... I'm against war, as most of the USA is as well, but if it is a war that we must win in order to preserve foreign oil, then by god, give them hell ladies and gentleman... Once again, I deeply thank you from my heart for all that you do out there... God bless you all.

With only a few dry eyes remaining in the Toyota Center, Ezra and Jacob Mayhem appear on camera to give their thoughts on the war and the military.

Total Mayhem: No one understands the strength it takes to go into a situation like the troops are in now. The fear, the anxiety and yes the pride and determination that they show is to be admired. Above all everyone should be behind them 1000%. They are not there if they really had a choice. But they will be there to do a job that no one else sitting safe and sound in their homes. The troops serve not just the military, but the entire United States. They went into the situation because no one thought some fool would have the guts to attack us here. Well it happened and they answered the call. We as a people owe them so much. It is time to stand up, put your hands together and applaud them. Cheer them loud and long. And when they are able to return for good, pat them on the back and say thank you for the sacrifices you have made. It is appreciated and honoured.

CZW veteran “Malevolent” Mike Monroe, one of the men credited with creating the concept for tonight’s broadcast, is the final person to address the war, and give thanks.

Mike Monroe: I have been overseas twice for a year apiece, so I know what these men and women are sacrificing, along with the kind of burden that is being placed on them. The military will never lose respect from me. I felt that this show is the least we can do for the only real heroes we have left in this country. God Bless America.

With those final words, an army chant can be heard in the background, with the American flag flying at full mast, towering above all else. As an eagle flies freely over the flag, the scene fades to black. After a few seconds, the camera returns to the War Zone announce table, to rejoin Jarred Daniels and William Masters.

Jarred Daniels: What a great night it’s been so far! We’ve witnessed some debuts, returns, and a plethora of spectacular wrestling matches. But now, it’s time for the grand-daddy of them all! IT’S TIME FOR THE MAIN EVENT!!!


** MAIN EVENT NON-TITLE TRIPLE THREAT MATCH: "The Gambler" Ace King VS. "The Australian Shark" Shawn Waters VS. "The Sensation" Jesse Montana **

Jessica Towers- Our next bout is set for one fall and is the main event of the evening.

The familiar sound of Metallica is heard as the fans all boo loudly. Jesse makes his way to the ring, gets in and blows kisses to the crowd. Just as Jesse climbs the turnbuckle to pose to the crowd, Bullet for my Valentine blasts the PA speakers as Shawn Waters steps out from the curtains, the fans go crazy in cheers. Shawn walks down the isle but stops before getting in the ring, he looks back at the entrance. Then, Ace of spades is heard as Ace King makes his way out and up to Shawn. Shawn and Ace stand side by side as Jesse looks down at them with an evil eye.

Shawn and Ace get in the ring, the bell rings and Jesse gets double teamed right off the bat. Shawn and Ace start with a double clothesline, sending Jesse to the mat hard. Shawn stands Jesse up and delivers jumping DDT, sending Jesse flat on the mat. Ace then climbs the turnbuckle, and lands an AK Russian Roulette on Jesse. The beating continues as Ace grabs Jesse and hits him with a brutal DDT. Ace then stands Jesse up and holds him in place for Shawn. Shawn backs up and goes for the clothesline but Jesse ducks and Shawn lays Ace out cold. Shawn looks at Ace and shrugs his head then turns around, only to be greeted by a fisherman’s suplex for the pin attempt…















Shawn gets to his feet only to be dropped kick out of the ring by Jesse. Jesse looks at Shawn on the outside and smiles. Jesse then turns around as Ace is running toward him, Jesse ducks and flips Ace to the outside of the ring by Shawn. Shawn and Ace begin beating each other, they tie up, Jesse grabs the ropes for leverage and executes a suicide dive to the outside, landing on top of Ace and Shawn. All three men are laying on the floor, Jesse stands to his feet. Jesse grabs Ace, pulls him over to the ring post and slams his head hard on the post. Jesse grabs Ace again and attempts to slam Ace’s head on the steel steps but Shawn runs at Jesse and pushes him right into the ring post. Jesse is knocked out cold as Shawn throws Ace into the ring. Shawn slaps on the Waterboard for the submission. Ace is fighting the urge to tap as the referee gets in his face. Jesse is back to his feet, he climbs the turnbuckle behind Shawn. Jesse jumps off and hits Shawn with a top rope bull dog.

Ace stands to his feet, he spins Jesse around and swings at him but Jesse ducks and…..MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!....Jesse goes for the pin….















Shawn hits a falling elbow drop on Jesse to break up the count. Jesse is on the ground in agony as Ace and Shawn start to argue with each other. Jesse is back to his feet, Ace and Shawn run at him in an attempt at a double clothes line but Jesse ducks it and hits a clothesline on both men. Then all of a sudden “Man Up” by Sticky Fingaz is heard through out the arena, the fans go nuts. Jesse walks over to the ropes, waiting for Mack to come out but no one is there. Ace and Shawn stand to their feet and sneak up behind Jesse. Jesse turns around only to be met by a double drop kick by Ace and Shawn. Shawn then applies the Waterboard again as Ace applies a cross face on Jesse also at the same time. Jesse fights it for a few minutes but the double man submission is just too much....JESSE TAPS!


The Winners of the bout... with the double submission... ACE KING and SHAWN WATERS!!

Shawn and Ace are celebrating their collective victory in the middle of the ring, complete with a handshake afterwards. They are talking in the middle of the ring when the lights suddenly go out at the Toyota Center.

Ricky Gold: Uh-oh…

Michael K. Farley: What the hell’s going on here?

Jarred Daniels: I’m not sure, guys, but I think we’re about to find out…

As if on cue, there is a loud thud on the canvas that could be heard from miles around. The lights come back on, only to reveal KRIMZON BLAZE standing over Jesse Montana! The crowd goes nuts as this discovery.



Ricky Gold: Oh, but it appears as though “The Aerial Specialist” has made another choice tonight as well, guys!

At this point, Blaze rips off his t-shirt to reveal the signature green phoenix across his chest. The crowd goes insane as he tosses a shirt to Waters as well! El Pablo hurries down to ringside to join in the festivities, and shakes hands with the two Assault Superstars. Ace then beckons for a microphone from ringside. He gets it, and addresses the crowd with a huge smile on his face.



Masters and Farley: Oh great, MORE XTC scum to deal with.

Just then, "#1 Draft Pick" Mack Beaudin and The Lovely Zoe come out and they are laughing at Jesse Montana.

Jarred Daniels: What a shocking turn of events here, folks! It appears as though there has been a MAJOR shake-up in the ranks of CZW! XTC WILL NOW WREAK HAVOC ON ASSAULT THROUGH FIRE AND ICE!!! For all of us here at CZW, this is Jarred Daniels saying GOOD NIGHT from Houston, Texas, and THANK YOU to all the brave troops who have sacrificed their lives for us!

At this point, all four men raise their arms high into the air as the CZW logo appears at the bottom of the screen, signaling the end of the broadcast.



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