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Wolrd Champion
Jesse Montana

Queen of Combat

TV Champion
Eric Collum

Eddie Rowan

Global Tag Team Champions
Fiscus & Covey

Intercontinental Champion
Maynard Otoole

World Tag Team Champions

Hardcore Champion
Mike King

Beautiful People"

HORROCORE LIVE OCTOBER 31ST 2008 Combat Zone Wrestling Tour Dates
Combat Zone Wrestling
HORRORCORE live from
Cincinatti, Ohio
October 31st
Horrorcore begins as the camera swirl around the US Bank Arena in Cincinnati, Ohio. The fireworks light up the arena as the fans jump off their seats. To open the show, Marilyn Manson appears on stage to sing the theme song…LIVE for HORRORCORE!

VID! DANIELS: Thank you to Marilyn there, dressed up for Halloween as is everyone else…

MASTERS: Nope, I think that is just the way he dresses normally…

DANIELS: Well anyway…Welcome to Horrorcore ladies and gentlemen! We’re glad you could join us here tonight, for an event that promises ghoulish surprises and ghastly hardcore action!

MASTERS: My, Daniels. Ghoulish and ghastly? Did you come up with that all on your own?

DANIELS: As always, I’m joined here at ringside by my colleague, Mr. William Masters.

MASTERS: Right you are Daniels. We have an event tonight, packed with so many matches, the dvd is bound to be at least three hours long, with another possible hour devoted to bonus footage!

DANIELS: You’re absolutely right. Recently, the company chose to go in a new direction, combining both of the company’s premier shows into one ultimate show of talent and action. Overdrive was born, and this is the first pay per view to take advantage of the combined roster, placing guys in matches with other superstars they may have never faced before!

MASTERS: Yes…Luckily the card for tonight isn’t as ugly as Jarred‘s suit, we have 5 Titles on the line tonight

DANIELS: We also have a Battle Royal Costume Invitational…

MASTERS: My favorite of the night by far. We also have cages, ladders, tool sheds, hell we even got Tim Timmons fighting for yet another Title, what a surprise…

DANIELS: Yeah folks, we have it all here tonight, for what could be the most successful PPV CZW has ever seen…Horrorcore!

Suddenly, the lights cut out in the U.S. Bank Arena. Darkness falls over the hushed Cincinnati crowd. Only the slight flicker of a random camera or cell phone light is seen, and murmurs quickly spread throughout as to the events that are occurring. Then, a circle of green flames erupt around the entryway, making that entryway the only visible sight in the entire arena.. The flames dance mysteriously back and forth, captivating even the dullest of eyes. Thick smoke rolls, and clouds the entryway. The P.A. system begins to blare 'This House is Haunted' by Alice Cooper, and the gasps of 15,000 can be heard.

Voice: "Fear. It grips all of us."

An explosion of pyro goes off and out from the smoke emerges "The Voodoo King", Thanatos. He takes just a couple steps forward, and stops. The music slowly fades and the silence once again fills the air.

Thanatos: "It has been some time since I have stepped foot back into an arena. The last time I was here, I suffered a tremendous defeat at the hands of the current CZW World Heavyweight Champion, Mr. Montana. It was then that I realized, perhaps my services should be rendered elsewhere. There are many souls left wandering, looking for the collector, looking for their reaper. So I shall make my departure from the CZW, from wrestling all together. But I could not leave before showing my face, here, tonight, at the biggest Pay Per View this federation, this industry has even seen. What would Horrorcore be without one of the most terrifying monsters ever to set foot in the ring? So to all of you, to the staff, to the spectators, to the wrestlers themselves. May your travels be long, may your victories be grand, and may you steer clear of the fear inside you, for it will destroy you. It takes us all by surprise, gripping our souls with the cold grasp of its chilly hands. You will not come across my body again, but I will never be too far from you. I will be the echo in the wind, howling out in anger. I will be the icy shiver that runs down your spine, making the hair stand on the back of your neck. I will be the terror in the eyes of the innocent when their gaze turns upon you. And if that is not enough. Close your eyes, and you all shall find me. And now, I present to you.......Horrorcore...."

Another huge pyro explodes and then Thanatos is gone.. Those dancing green flames move down the walkway, all the way to the ring, lighting up the perimeter. The arena lights come back to life, and the ring has been transformed from its traditional canvas and rope. The mat of the apron is splattered from every corner with deep crimson blood. The ring ropes themselves are tattered and black. The four turnbuckles are adorned with skulls atop each one, smoke exiting from the mouths and the eyes lighting up, a fiery red...

DANIELS: Well I guess it wouldn’t have been Horrorcore and Halloween officially in CZW until Thanatos made his appearance, shame it may be his last, but we wish him all the best.

MASTERS: I am so excited…

DANIELS: Why is that William?

MASTERS: Costume time!

DANIELS: You do know it is men dressing up right?


Jessica Towers: Ladies and Gentlemen, this first match is “Matt Covey’s Costume Ball Battle Royal”! The rules are simple. Every contest will come to the ring in a costume and mask. When a mask is removed, revealing the superstar beneath, that superstar is eliminated. The last man standing will be granted a title shot of choice at any upcoming CZW event! We now take you “Bad Ass” Matt Covey up on the stage!

The crowd boos as Matt enters the top of the ramp, microphone in hand and wearing the Global tag titles around his waist and the World tag titles draped over each shoulder. He wait for the crowd to calm down before beginning.

Bad Ass: Yeah, you can all blow it out your ass. I’m not here to please you. Your mothers? Maybe. But not any of you sheep.

The boos swarm him once more.

Bad Ass: First thing’s first. I have business to take care of, and it begins with these titles that I wear. I proved one week ago, without a shadow of a doubt, that even outnumbered I was better than not one, but two men! I defeated your childhood heroes, Fire and Ice and stripped them of their World Tag Titles, handing them the record for CZW’s shortest title reign…

The fans boo and hate, children beginning to weep and adults throwing curse words aplenty.

Bad Ass: Now, if any of you know me, which you’re all a bunch of sick stalker freaks if you do… Then you know that titles don’t mean shit to me! I wear these Global belts in honor of a man who isn’t currently with us, and I will continue to do so until that man returns. But as for these Assault titles…

Matt approaches the side of the stage where a large oil drum rests. He drops the World tag titles off of his shoulders and then tosses them into the oil drum. He reaches into the pocket of his leather jacket and retrieves a can of liquid charcoal fluid, dousing the inside of the can until the bottle runs empty. He then tosses the bottle into the drum as well. He finally goes into his pocket and grabs a pack of matches, using one match to light the entire pack before tossing the blazing matches into the oil drum, the can igniting in a huge blaze as the World tag titles burn within. Matt’s eyes flash a sinister gaze from behind the flames, grinning from one ear to the other as he watches the titles burn.

Jared Daniels: My God! He’s just set CZW’s first set of tag titles on fire! There was history behind those belts! He’s just spitting on the memory of all the other teams in CZW’s history who have worn those belts!

William Masters: You know what they say, Daniels. Out with the old, in with the new.

Matt gazes at the fire a moment longer as the boos and hisses continue to rain down upon him from the sold out arena. Finally, he walks away from the fire and speaks again.

Bad Ass: As for this Costume Ball blah, blah, blah… I didn’t ask for my name to be put on the thing. I just had the idea while I was drunk, waiting for some sank to roll by and toss me a quickie. This match means absolutely nothing to me, and personally, I would love it if everyone involved could just do me a favor and kill themselves out here in the ring tonight. Saves me the job of having to do it later. And to the winner, let me say this, you better choose another title son. Because these here around my waist? They belong to Alan Fiscus and they’ll stay right here, around my waist, til he returns.. So why not take a chance on a belt you might actually win and don’t go looking to dig yourself an early grave. Fuck this shit. I’m goin’ for a beer.

He begins to walk away, but suddenly stops in his tracks.

Bad Ass: I almost forgot. Somebody hit that shit.

Ring crew members come to the blazing oil drum and unleash the contents of several fire extinguishers on it. Matt approaches the drum and waves the fog out of his face before reaching down inside and retrieving a charred and disfigured leather strap with melted and ruined pieces of what was once gold plates attached loosely. He holds it up to the crowd and laughs as they get louder with their jeers. He then tosses it back in the drum and spits on it.

Bad Ass: Beautiful.

He turns and walks to the back as the arena sits in a mix of chaos and sadness. Suddenly “Scream” by the Misfits begins to play across the arena as what looks like several people in costumes begin taking to the stage, marching their way towards the ring.

Jared Daniels: What do we have here? I see Ronald McDonald, over there’s the Burger King…

William Masters: There’s Pinhead, Batman, a biker…

Jared Daniels: Shrek. Wait…is that Hannah Montana and Emily Osment?!?

William Masters: I believe it is. And look who’s behind them! That’s Jesse Montana and Derek Damage!

Jared Daniels: Very good likeness in those masks! Here comes creepy killer doll Chucky and his bride, Tiffany. There’s what appears to be a bum in a skull mask. What the hell?

William Masters: It’s a giant Alanso Fyne! Ha, ha! There’s a panda bear and a pirate. Who is that in the jersey and mask?

Jared Daniels: The jersey reads “Bryant”, so I’m assuming he’s Kobe Bryant! And he’s followed by what looks like NFL quarterback, Eli Manning!

William Masters: If you thought that was something, wait til you see who’s behind him! Hail to the chief, it’s George W. Bush!

Jared Daniels: You’re correct, my friend. And now he appears to be the last in the ring and… Wait… One, two, three… There’s only nineteen of them in there. Where’s number twenty?

Suddenly a song and voice breaks out over the arena. “Earth. Fire. Wind. Water. Heart. Go planet!” The Captain Planet theme song begins to play as somebody in silver painted skin and a green mullet bursts onto the stage, the fans applauding and laughing simultaneously. The second he enters the ring, the bell sounds and everybody begins to eye each other closely, realizing there’s not a lot of room to spare. Suddenly, bodies collide as people begin shoving and tearing at each other, going right away for the masks!

Jared Daniels: This match is underway! Any predictions as to who’s under those masks, Masters?

William Masters: I can’t say, but you can bet a lot of the upper brass is in there somewhere, looking to gain that shot!

In the ring, President Bush appears to be gaining an advantage over the Bum in the skull mask, hammering away at him massive right hands, rocking him back towards a corner. Eli Manning has jumped the gun on the pirate and the massive Panda Bear is wailing away on Ronald McDonald before the Burger King delivers a double axe handle to him from behind. Shrek and Pinhead nail a double clothesline on the biker, sending him over the ropes to the arena floor.

Jared Daniels: I don’t think they realize that this isn’t an over the rope elimination style battle royal.

Chucky and his bride suddenly assault Batman, putting him on defense. The biker slides back into the ring and plows with a tackle into the Derek Damage costume. Meanwhile, Hannah Montana and Emily Osment find that Captain Planet is eerily trying to stay away from them. They begin to give chase, but Hannah Montana is cut off with a super kick from Jesse Montana. Jesse goes for Hannah’s mask, but Hannah monkey flips him off and into the Burger King. Near the ropes, President Bush forces the bum’s neck between the top and middle ropes, twisting them so that they tightly encase the bum’s neck, choking him and making it all but too easy for Bush to rip his mask off!

William Masters: What the hell?!? It was KC Kash under the mask! Kash has just been eliminated!

Jared Daniels: Former stars appear to have come out of the woodwork for a shot at this as well!

William Masters: Too bad. Back to the unemployment line for Mr. Kash!

Alanso Fyne suddenly takes advantage and grabs Bush from behind, delivering a headbutt to the back of the President’s skull. Bush is rocked on the ropes.. Alanso goes for the mask, pulling at it. But the president struggles to hold on to his mask, kicking Alanso in the groin. Alanso lets go and the president makes his way into a corner to readjust and replace his mask. Ronald McDonald suddenly boots Chucky in the face, sending him to the mat. As Tiffany turns to see, she is nailed in the gut and bent over. Ronald McDonald nails a power bomb on the bride before mounting her and easily tearing away the mask to reveal Tatum Reagan!

William Masters: Reagan was the Bride of Chucky!

Jared Daniels: Well, we now have a good idea as to who Chucky himself is, but he can’t be eliminated on knowledge alone. His mask has to come off!

Ronald crouches over Chucky and begins to go for his mask as well, but finds himself on the receiving end of a super kick from Jesse Montana. Before he can unmask Ronald, the massive panda comes hurtling backwards towards him. Montana goes for a second super kick, but the panda ducks and the Burger King is nailed instead! Montana and the panda look each other over and then quickly take a different restaurant mogul icon, unmasking them simultaneously to reveal Anthony and Gabriel of the Brothers of Destruction!

Jared Daniels: Gabe and Ant were the fast food icons! Genius!

William Masters: Better luck next year, guys.

Before leaving the ring, Gabe shoves Jesse Montana out of the ring and then turns to help his brother deliver a devastating double power bomb on the panda before they are forced out of the ring. Taking advantage, Batman unmasks the panda to reveal the Mountain Man! Mountain Man hangs his head as he exit’s the ring. Jesse Montana doesn’t appear to be in a hurry to get back into the fray as he waits outside, eyeing the situation. Captain Planet is still running from Emily Osment while Shrek and Pinhead have begun thrashing away at Derek Damage. But Kobe Bryant and Eli manning make the save as they simultaneously dropkick the two into each other. Derek Damage graciously thanks the two of them, then suddenly low blows Kobe Bryant after Eli Manning has turned away elsewhere! Derek Damage takes advantage of the situation and goes straight for the Kobe mask, but Bryant struggles to keep it in place. The biker suddenly sails into action, delivering a hard headbutt with his helmet to Derek Damage, knocking him out on the mat. President Bush attempts to jump in, but the biker, still using his helmet, headbutt him in the face as well, sending him reeling.

William Masters: Mountain Man is gone and it looks like the biker and Eli may have an advantage with their helmets being used as weapons!

Jared Daniels: They clearly planned in advance to this match up!

Hannah Montana is back in the game, tripping up Captain Planet and placing him in an armbar on the mat while Emily Osment locks in a Boston crab! Eli manning goes for his mask, but is intercepted by Pinhead and Shrek who hoist him into the air, dropping him hard with a flapjack. The biker climbs to the top of a nearby turnbuckle and sails off the top with a diving headbutt, his helmet colliding with Kobe Bryant’s skull! The biker appears woozy and stumbles about as Batman swoops in for the unmasking to find…Jeran Hudson!

Jared Daniels: We find out that Jeran was Kobe Bryant, and now he’s out of the chase!

Batman then makes a go at Derek Damage, but Damage is coming around and thrusts an elbow into the dark knight’s gut, stunning him. The biker suddenly runs at them both for a spear, but both men dodge at the last second, sending the biker colliding helmet first with the steel turnbuckle post! Damage jumps at the opportunity, trying to get the helmet off, but to no such luck as it’s fastened beneath the biker’s chin. Batman then points out the obvious crack in the top of the helmet that formed when the biker collided with the turnbuckle. Derek Damage grabs the biker again and throws him into the steel once more, widening the crack. Then Batman grabs the biker and throws him into the steel again, causing more of the helmet to give away. Derek Damage and Batman then each place their hands inside the helmet and begin pulling from opposite sides, the biker in a daze trying to wriggle free. Suddenly, the helmet splits in two, revealing Mike King in biker clothing! Batman grabs Mike King and tosses him over the top rope and to the arena floor. As he turns around, Damage charges in with a clothesline, but Batman ducks it and runs up the turnbuckle nailing Damage with a whisper in the wind! Damage collapses to the mat and Alanso Fyne suddenly runs in with a big boot on Batman, knocking the spit from his mouth. Alanso grabs Batman up and hoists him into the air for a power bomb, but Chucky makes the save with a dropkick to Alanso’s knee cap, forcing the big man to collapse beneath his own weight.

Jared Daniels: With Mike King gone, the tally is now down to thirteen. Room is beginning to grow in the ring, and more room equals flashier moves and daring escapes!

William Masters: Daring? That was so gay, Liberace left you his phone number.

Jesse Montana suddenly enters the match again and super kicks the pirate who had been avoiding most of the match in the corner. Caught by surprise, the super kick forces the pirate face first into a turnbuckle before he falls back against the mat. Playing it safe, Montana picks him up and places the pirate’s neck against the top rope, before grabbing his mask and jumping off the apron, tearing the identity away to reveal Tim Timmons! Montana then reaches under the ropes and grabs him by the legs, pulling him out of the ring and kicking him in the ass. Inside the ring Chucky and Batman deliver double spinning leg lariats to Alanso, taking him down once more. Derek Damage runs in, clubbing Chucky across the back. Batman turns and delivers a shining wizard to Derek Damage! Damage stumbles out through the ropes, but manages to grab onto the top rope with one hand. Batman and Chucky swoop in on him. Batman grabs his mask while chucky assault his hand, forcing him to let go. As he falls to the floor, his mask remains in Batman’s hand, revealing him to be… DEREK DAMAGE!!!

Jared Damage: WHAT?!?

William Masters: Brilliant! Derek Damage and his make over, competed under the disguise of his former looks! Best costume so far!

Jared Daniels: You don’t suppose that’s Jesse Montana under the Jesse Montana mask do you?

William Masters: Could be. He has been nailing a lot of Montana Expresses here tonight so far. As Batman and Chucky stand by the ropes peering and laughing at Damage, Alanso’s massive frame suddenly rises from behind them. With a single powerful side axe kick, he pins their necks against the top rope and easily pulls off both of their mask to reveal Krimzon Blaze as Batman and Mike Monroe as Chucky! He laughs at them before clothes lining them over the top rope to the arena floor.

Jared Daniels: Blaze was Batman. Monroe was Chucky. Both are out.

William masters: I tell you, to be dressed in drag, that Alanso Fyne is cleaning house!

Back in the ring, President Bush is wailing away on Hannah Montana’s face, smacking the pop icon around like a child. Captain Planet musters the strength and forcefully kicks Emily Osment into a corner before crawling away for a breather. But he finds himself beneath the legs of Shrek and Pinhead. Shrek thrusts Captain Planet between his legs and hoists him upwards for a piledriver, but Captain Planet latches on to the pins sticking out of the pinhead mask. Shrek doesn’t see Pinhead waving at him frantically as he delivers the piledriver, forcing Pinhead’s mask to tear away and reveal Jakob Mayhem! Planet appears out of it, but Shrek isn’t bothering as Jakob is shouting at him. Shrek shrugs and then Jakob Mayhem angrily grabs the Shrek mask and pulls it off to reveal Ezra Mayhem!

William Masters: HA, HA, HA!!! Jakob got mad and unveiled his brother!

Jared Daniels: I have to admit, that’s pretty funny. I guess if Jakob can’t win, he isn’t going to let Ezra win either.

William Masters: And now we’re down to Jesse Montana, Hannah Montana, Emily Osment, Eli Manning, Captain Planet, Alanso Fyne, and President George W. Bush!

Bush is still having his way with Hannah Montana While Emily Osment and Eli Manning have resorted to trading blows. Alanso merely watches from a corner, waiting for an opportune moment. Jesse Montana slides back into the ring as President Bush goes to Irish whip Hannah towards him. Montana goes for another Montana Express, but Hannah ducks, and Jesse nails the president! Bush collapses as Jesse turns around to find himself caught in a Lou Thesz press courtesy of Hannah Montana! Alanso quickly strolls over to the president and removes his mask…revealing another mask!!!

Jared Daniels: Oh my God! President Bush was really Enigma!

William Masters: Are you sure? Maybe it’s somebody else in an Enigma mask…

Jared Daniels: Whatever the case, the refs have made the call. President Bush Enigma is eliminated!

William masters: And now we have some Montana on Montana violence!

Enigma argues with the refs and protests, but ultimately they send him to the back. Inside, the buff Emily Osment’s punches appear to have little effect on Eli Manning with all of his shoulder pads and gear. Undaunted, Eli growls in Emily’s face. Emily responds with a kick to the nuts, but Eli seems unfazed by that as well. Emily finally resorts to running of the ropes, nailing Emily with a vicious clothesline, turning the quarterback inside out! Hannah Montana suddenly lets up on Jesse, watching as he stumbles back up onto his feet. As he spins around, Hannah Montana nails him with the code breaker! Jesse clutches his chest but quickly rolls out of the ring before Hannah can get at his mask. Jesse waves his arms at the ring and walks away from the match of his own free will with his mask still on! The referees consider it a forfeit!

Jared Daniels: And Jesse Montana just eliminates himself!

William Masters: Rats. I wanted to find out who was under there. Ten to one says it’s the real Montana.

Hannah looks confused, but isn’t for long as Alanso suddenly presses her over his head, dropping her with a huge military press slam! Meanwhile, Emily Osment has grown aggravated trying to unfasten the football helmet on Eli Manning. So Emily turns her attention elsewhere, only to be caught with a flying head scissors by Captain Planet! Emily Osment sails against the ropes, landing with her massive arms and chin on the middle rope. Captain Planet raises his hands in the air and then runs at the ropes, nailing Emily Osment with a West Coast Pop! Captain Planet leaps atop the ropes and dives into the ring, but finds himself on the receiving end of a big boot from Alanso!

Jared Daniels: Alanso looks dominant here tonight!

William Masters: Yes folks, that’s the first and last time you will ever hear that sentence spoken ever again.

Alanso looks on defiantly at the bodies strewn about him, counting them up until he appears to realize he missed one. He turns in time to catch a running headbutt to his testicles from the helmet wearing Eli Manning! Alanso’s eyes bulge as he grabs his groin, toppling over to the mat. Eli climbs over top of hi and forcefully headbutts Alanso in the face with his helmet. Seizing the moment, Eli unmasks Alanso to reveal…Big Nasty!

Jared Daniels: And Nasty is out! Which his costume was kind of obvious, what with his massive frame and helping out of Derek Damage there for a while. But his presence was devastating none the less. It took a football helmet to the groin to put him down!

William Masters: And you can’t fault him for that. That’ll break a man.

Captain Planet begins to come to as does Hannah Montana. Eli Manning approaches Hannah, but Captain Planet dropkicks the back of his helmet, sending him face first into a turnbuckle. Feeling the second wind, Captain Planet waist as Hannah Montana gets to her feet before he hits her with a hiptoss. She rebounds back up, but he plants her with a second hiptoss. She’s up once more, and the Captain nails her with a spinning dropkick, landing on his knees in a pose and flexing. But the pose doesn’t last as Emily Osment leaps on his beck with a sleeper hold! Hannah Montana struggles to get back up and then joins in, kicking Captain Planet in the stomach, trying to drive the wind from him so he’ll go to sleep sooner. But Cap struggles and fights to keep his mask in place. Undaunted, the girls force him to the side of the ring and attempt to choke him out on the top rope. But the Cap reverses and punches them both in the gut repeatedly, causing them to double over. Captain Planet then launches himself off the opposite ropes and runs towards them, but they recover and duck, shoulder tossing him over the top ropes, but not before Emily Osment latches on to his mask, unveiling Captain Planet as he hit’s the floor with a thud.

William Masters: What the?!? Brian Kirkland?!?

Jared Daniels: Brian Kirkland was the savior of the eco system! The fans seem to love it, and BK seems pleased with his performance!

The crowd applauds BK, but Emily Osment seems to be peeved. Emily exit’s the ring and confront BK. Figuring he has nothing left to lose anyway, BK rips the Emily mask off to reveal…Maynard O’Toole!!!

Jared Daniels: The IC champ was Emily Osment! Outrageous!

BK suddenly smiles nervously before breaking off into a full sprint for the back, Maynard in hot pursuit, looking angered as he runs in his skirt and halter top to the applaud and laughter of the crowd. Inside the ring, Hannah shrugs and then sizes up Eli Manning as the quarterback comes around. Hannah runs if for a bulldog on Eli from behind, but her arms slide over the smooth surface of the helmet and she busts her ass on the mat. Eli begins driving kicks into the square of Hannah’s spine before grabbing Montana’s arms in a surfboard stretch. Hannah screams from behind her mask, bellowing in pain. Eli lets go of one arm and goes for the mask, but Hannah suddenly rolls backwards and latches her legs around the helmet, using a corkscrew to send Eli into the ropes. Grabbing her back as she gets back on her feet, Hannah pounces on Eli’s back, tearing like a wild cat at the helmet, but it’s still fastened, and Eli’s hands keep fighting Hannah’s away from the straps. Annoyed, Hannah leaps over the top rope to the outside, choking Eli on the middle rope as he comes down. She then shoos the time keeper away from his seat and takes the steel chair. Without remorse, Hannah lets loose on the football helmet, causing Eli’s body to jerk about violently. Unfazed, Hannah swings again and again, each shot colliding with the helmet and ricocheting its sound across the arena as the fans cheer on the violence. Finally, Hannah slides back into the ring with the steel chair and stands over the fallen body of Eli manning. Eli weakly raises both arms in the air, grasping at Hannah’s knees, trying to find support. But Hannah raises the chair one final time and brings it crashing against the face mask of Eli, as he peers up at her.

William Masters: That has to do it! There’s no way that guy’s brains aren’t scrambled!

Jared Daniels: But who’s savage enough to have gone that far out to get the win?

Hannah finally kneels over Eli’s body and easily grasps the straps, unfastening the helmet and removing it to find… The fans sit in silent shock. Nobody is saying a word. Hannah appears frozen in place, slowly moving away from the body to reveal… Deborah Lopez…

William Masters: Ouch. That sucks.

Jared Daniels: Oh my God… Whoever is under the Hannah Montana mask, just beat that poor girl senseless with a steel chair…

William Masters: Whoever is under that Hannah Montana mask is our Costume Ball Battle Royal winner.

EMTs rush to the ring and help Deborah out on a stretcher, placing a temporary cast around her neck as they wheel her to the back, the crowd still silent. The bell sounds, and the referees enter the ring surrounding Hannah. Referee Darrin Powers is holding a contract in one hand, and extending his other hand, waiting for Hannah to give him her mask. The crowd, the announcers and the refs are all silent and waiting. Hannah looks over the contract and then back up the ramp as Deborah disappears behind the curtains. He then looks back to the contract once more as Darrin demands the mask. Slowly, Hannah’s hands move up to her mask and slowly peel it away to reveal the winner…

Jared Daniels: SHAWN WATERS!!!

William Masters: HA, HA!!! Shawn Waters blasted that poor girl with a steel chair repeatedly. I love it!

Jared Daniels: Shawn doesn’t look too happy with himself at the moment. He won the title shot, but at what cost?

William Masters: Yes, it’s sad. But there was no way he could have known. And besides, everybody, male or female, knows the risks you take when you step in a CZW ring.

Jared Daniels: We’ll be waiting for a response from the medics concerning Deborah’s condition. My God man, she has a match tonight!

In the ring, Darrin has handed Shawn the contract. He still looks sad, but the fans slowly begin to clap for him, until their clapping turns into a full on applause. Trying not to look so sad, Shawn waves to the crowd and nods to his fans as he makes his way back up the ramp.

MASTERS: Well the show must go on, even though my favorite part is over.

DANIELS: don’t worry William, we have plenty more action for you and all the folks at home, next up, two men who will be vouching to make an impact here tonight at the grandest stage of them all…




Masters: And, here we go another one on one contest in the ring right now waiting for his opponent a newcomer Steven Russell.

Daniels: His opponent is no pushover however.

Country Boy Will Survive then starts playing as Mountain Man appears on the stage as he starts walking towards the ring.

Masters: Here he comes Mountain Man let’s see if he can bounce back from his loss last week.

Mountain Man climbs into the ring as Steven Russell then starts wailing away with some punches. Mountain Man pushes him off as Steven comes back with some more. Mountain man again pushes Steven off as Steven comes charging Back. Mountain Man tries for a close line but Steven ducks and hits a dropkick to the leg of Mountain Man. Mountain Man is down on one knee as Steven uses that as an advantage and DDT’s him into the canvas.

Masters: Russell uses his quickness to get Mountain Man down on one knee. He then plants a DDT and is trying for a cover 1…2…no Mountain Man gets the shoulder up.

Daniels: Young Russell showing a lot of potential here in his debut. Mountain man slow to his feet as Russell goes charging at him and Mountain picks him up and drops him with a forward press slam. Cover 1….2….no Russell gets the shoulder up as Mountain Man is now on the advantage.

Mountain man then starts stomping away at Russell as Russell goes to the corner. He tries to get up but Mountain Man then starts stomping a mud hole into Russell. Mountain Man lets Russell get up but only to drop him with a head butt. He sits back and lets Russell get up again when…

Daniels: Russell evaded the head butt and slammed Mountain Man’s face into the top turnbuckle. He then climbs top the top rope and missile Dropkick. Mountain Man is stumbling around as Russell goes up top again. He hits another Missile Dropkick knocking Mountain Man down. Cover 1….2….no!

Masters: Russell must be wondering what it is going to take to finish this match off. He then tries to pick Mountain Man up and hit a DDT but Mountain Man breaks free. Kicks Russell in the gut and hits the Jackhammer he call Falling Timber. Cover 1….2….3! Good night.

Mountain Man gets up and taunts as Country Boys Will Survive starts playing.

Masters: Another impressive win for Mountain Man over the equally as impressive debuting Steven Russell.

Daniels: Look out for big things from these two in the future.


-= Scene cuts to backstage, where we see Ryan Lewis in a grey suit with a black tie. His long hair is pulled back in a pony tail. He addresses the camera when he is cued that it is rolling. =-

LEWIS: "Ladies and gentlemen, I am joined now at this time by one of the CZW forefathers. A man who helped put this company on the map, and the creator of Horrorcore and many other CZW PPVs. A few weeks back, he was viciously assaulted by the uniting Mike King and Brian Kirkland, resulting in an unfortunate accident. He is the One Man Riot... Alan Fiscus."

-= The crowd cheers and jeers, popping regardless, as the camera pans out and reveals Alan hobbling over to Ryan with crutches. He is wearing a plain gray long-sleeved shirt and his hair is wild as trademarked. He has a somber look on his face. =-

LEWIS: "Welcome, Alan. Thanks for joining us."

ALAN: "Thank you, Ryan."

LEWIS: "Let's get it out of the way. How bad is your injury?"

ALAN: "Well, Kirkland and King managed to snap my right ankle right in half. This could very well be the worst injury I've ever had."

LEWIS: "It must be frustrating to be on the sidelines, here, at one of the PPVs you've created."

ALAN: "Frustrated? FRUSTRATED!? I am here at Horrorcore, hobbling along like a crippled hound, forced to sit on the sidelines and see a World Heavyweight title match without my name on it. The one thing that matters to me in this federation, and I am STILL just a bystander. Brian Kirkland, Mike King... I don't know when I'll be back. But you'd better believe your asses belong to me. You can count the days, you can count the minutes... I sure as hell know I will be. You can't kill the Riot, you can only temporarily sustain it. You ever see 'I Know What You Did Last Summer?' Ryan?"

RYAN: "Uh, yeah."

ALAN: "Well that's the scenario here, tenfold. Those two punks are the careless, ignorant teenagers who accidentally ran over a legend. They thought he was dead. They tossed him to the side, and thought they were done with him. But they were wrong, you see, and I will be back just like David Egan came back, and I will proceed to RIP THROUGH THE GUTS of those spineless swine. Brian Kirkland, Mike King, your mistake was not killing me. Your mistake was letting the paramedics take me away before you could finish the job. Now, puppies, now your world is going to come to an end. And it will be on MY time, by MY rules. You won't see it coming. But you'll sure as hell know it's time for retribution."

RYAN: "So, what now of Anarchy Rising? Not to change the subject..."

ALAN: "Anarchy Rising? As a group, it is over. Matt Covey is still one of my closest allies in the CZW, make no mistake about that, but the stable itself is here by officially dissolved. Rob Wright, all the best to you. You don't need anyone's help becoming a star. Thanatos, see you on the other side pal. Leo Crow is gone. It's time for a new chapter, and I don't mean to be cliche, but even more changes are going to happen in CZW. Belee' Dat!"

-= Fiscus starts hobbling off on his crutches and Ryan acts as if he were not finished with the interview. =-

RYAN: "Alan! ALAN! Damn! What did he mean by that 'Belee' Dat'? I know what that's from, what the hell..."

-= Ryan looks on as Alan has turned a corner and is now out of view. Ryan throws his hands up in the air in frustration as we cut back to the ring. =-


-=- DIVAS MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) LEAH KIMARA -VS- DEBRA LOPEZ


Daniels: What a show it has been so far. And it's only just beginning! Up next we have the debut of two lovely ladies in CZW.

Masters: I always love seeing newcomers add to the CZW line of talent. But when we add more Divas, well that's just heaven.

The lights go out as "I'm not Jesus" by Apacolyptica plays over the PA as a strobe of orange and yellow flashes on the set.

Daniels: Well right when you think you're having a good time, the System is always there to spoil it.

Out walks Jeran Hudson from the set wearing a black suit with a white collar shirt. He adjusts his sunglasses as he makes his way to the commentators table.

Masters: Jeran Hudson is going to be our guest commentator for this match, Daniels! How's that for entertainment?

Daniels: Great. You've made your entrance, can we get on with the match now?

Hudson: Shut off, Daniels. I'm here for one reason only and that's support.

Masters: Yeah, can't you see the guy is here to support Leah?

Dainels: I wish it was that easy to believe.

Hudson: You know I've only been sitting here for 30 seconds and I already want to take his head off. How do you do it, Masters?

Masters: I wonder that myself, to be honest.

All is quiet in the arena, the lights dim as red and orange pyro erupt around the stage for a good minute. The pyro stops as the arena goes silent again. One final BOOM goes off the center stage and "Ain't It Funny" by Jennifer Lopez begins to play over the P.A. System. Debra Lopez and sister Jennifer Lopes appears and manager Jennifer Montgomery on the center stage hands on hips gazing over the crowd as they cheer and whistle.

Jessica Towers: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for one fall. On her way to the ring making her CZW debut. Accompanied by her sister Jennifer and friend Jennifer Montgomery. From Raleigh, North Carolina. Debra Lopez!

They begin to strut down the runway as they shake their hips and booty to the beat of the song and slapping fans hands. As they approach the ring she slowly climbs the ring steps then enters the ring through the middle rope with one leg, bends over enters the ring with her body then pulls in their other leg. Once in the ring they go to the center and begin their sexy dance again as pryos erupt out of the ring posts.

Hudson: You got any singles, Masters? All I have are 20 dollar bills.

Daniels: Oh stop it, Hudson. They're just friends having fun.

Hudson: I could have sworn I was at the 'Gold Cup' strip joint.

Masters: I've been there once....I mean....oh never mind.

Once they and the pryos stop, the music fades out. The lights dim down as as "Ricochet!" by Shiny Toy Guns blasts through the P.A. system. Out walks Leah Kimara to a purple, pink, and blue light show. She gets to the the top of the ramp and looks around a bit before making her way down the ramp.

Jessica Towers: And her opponent. Also making her CZW debut. From McAllen, Texas. Leah Kimara!

She looks at the fans reaching for her touch as she rolls her eyes and continues her way to the ring. She walks up the steel steps and enters the ring, heading straight for the corner on the side of the commentator table. She gets on the middle rope of the turnbuckle and raises her hands as she smirks. She looks at Jeran and blows a kiss as Hudson catches it.

Hudson: You gotta love that.

Masters: Lucky you, Hudson.

Daniels: Yeah, lucky him.

Hudson: Don't be jealous that I have friends with better looks than your close ones, Jarred.

Daniels: Oh shut up, Jeran.

Hudson: You know what, Daniels. You'll never be as successful as 'The Future'. And it kills you, that's all.

Daniels: We have a damn match to commentate, Hudson. So if you don't mind.

Masters: Dammit Jarred, that's why no one ever comes by here to visit us. Cause all you do is get on everyone's nerves.

Daniels: I'm getting on everyone's nerves?!?!? Says the man who can't shut up for more than 10 seconds.

Debra fist pumps the two Jennifers as Leah stretches her arms and prepares herself. The referee checks both Divas and calls for the bell as the match begins.

Daniels: And we're under way.

Debra wastes no time as she quickly goes for a leg trip. It easily connects as Debra gets on top of Leah and begins to pummel her nonstop. The referee breaks up the two women but Debra is back on the attack. Quickly connecting with a kick to the gut and a hard scoop bodyslam.

Daniels: And Debra has come out of the gate with full speed as she connects with a thunderous Body slam!

Masters: Looks like Leah is having trouble adjusting to the 4 sided ring like she said yesterday.

Daniels: Well regardless, I think this could be a quick match.

Debra goes back to pick up Leah and irish whips her to the turnbuckle. With full speed Debra connects with a textbook corner splash as Leah drops to her knees. Debra looks at her friends as they applaud the excellent effort.

Daniels: It's great to see Debra's friends cheering her on in her debut match here.

Hudson: Makes me sick.

Masters: I would second that, Hudson, but the view from over here is spectacular.

Hudson: If I wasn't stuck here sitting next to Daniels, talking about friendship and cheerleading, I'd be supporting Kimara as well.

Masters: Yeah, Daniels. Let's talk about the match. Not the ladies cheering it on.

Daniels: Hudson must have gotten you more brain dead than you we're before.

Hudson: I resent that comment, Daniels.

Debra brings Leah to her feet and executes a snapmare. She stands over Leah and looks at the crowd and slaps her ass as she falls flat on her butt. But Leah rolls out of the way just in time.

Daniels: It looked like Debra was going for a sit down splash on Leah but excellent reversal on Kimara's part.

Debra squints in pain as Leah quickly shakes the cob webs and runs toward the sitting Debra and connects with a shining wizard. She quickly goes for the pin!

































Daniels: It's going to take more than a kick to the head to take down Debra, Masters.

Masters: I never said it wasn't.

Hudson: Don't mind him, he's in his own fantasy land.

Leah uses the time she has to catch her breath. Debra slowly gets up to her feet but is met with a thunderous slap to the face by Kimara. Debra drops to one knee as Leah begins to scream psychotically.

Daniels: And I think Leah just snapped!!

Hudson: That'a girl.

Masters: Make her stop, I think my ears are bleeding.

Debra rolls out of the ring and continues to nurse the slap mark on her face as her sister and friend come to her aid.

Daniels: Uh oh, Looks like Leah is going to fly.

Leah gets on the top turnbuckle and jumps off with a graceful moonsault as Debra quickly moves her friends out of the way to take the hit.

Daniels: If that is not true friendship that I don't know what is. But that was amazingly heroic of Debra to do so.

Hudson: I'll be sure to give her a medal, Daniels. Don't you worry.

Masters: You know, we should have Jeran here more often. He makes my job much more easier and plus he gives me time to rest my vocal chords for the remainder of the show.

Hudson: Exactly.

Leah picks up Debra and rolls her back into the ring. She looks at Montgomery with a smirk as she pushes her out of the way. Montgomery quickly lunges at Leah but the referee see's it and orders her to remain from interfering with that match.

Hudson: You see that right there? That's a page out of the old Hudson textbook.

Daniels: Who published it? The cheaters association of wrestling?

Hudson: Ha Ha good one, Daniels....I'll be sure to ask your wife in Pittsburgh if she's getting a trick or treat tonight. Either way, the trick is here in Cincinnati and the treat is in your wife.

Daniels: The next time you bring my wife into this I don't care who you are, I'm gonna kick your ass, got that?

Hudson: You don't scare me, Daniels. You're weak and frail, buddy. Ants have a better chance of hurting me than you do.

Leah lifts Debra up to her feet and begins to execute multiple stinging chops to her chest.

Hudson: Ouch. That's got to hurt.

Masters: No kidding.

She leans her on the ropes and Irish whips her to the opposite side. Debra comes flying back as Leah goes for a shoulder back toss but gets easily reversed as Debra does a frontflip and lands on her feet! Leah turns around to find Debra on her hands, she sends a echoing kick to Leah's head as she falls flat on the ground. Debra gets back to her feet and loosens up.

Daniels: Wow, what great technicality by Debra with the handstand kick!

Hudson: Bring it down a notch, Daniels.

Daniels: Looks like Debra is ascending to the top rope. What does she have up her sleeve here?

Debra gets on the turnbuckle and centers herself before jumping with a back flip and connecting with a legdrop!

Daniels: Unbelievable grace by Debra as she goes for the pin!!!

. .













































Masters: And Leah kicked out!! Oh my goodness, this match is turning out to be something better than I expected.

Daniels: Tell me about it, these two Divas are showing the fans here in Cincinnati a Diva match unlike any other. Leah might have kicked out but it looks to me like that leg drop has taken a toll on her. She seems to be a little groggy. But Debra is wasting no time. She is signaling for something. What is this?

Debra brings Leah to her feet and Kicks her straight in the groin area. She goes to smother her chest on Leah but is met with a knee to the groin by Kimara herself!

Daniels: I think that may have been the 'breastinator' that Debra was going for, but Kimara quickly countered with a groin attack of her own!

Leah takes the opportunity to end the match as she quickly kicks Debra in the gut and hooks her arms in the Impaler position. But before Leah can execute the move, Debra reverses it with a Half Nelson Powerbomb.

Daniels: Excellent reversal by Debra Lopez. She may have it if she can go for the cover here!!















































Daniels: What is it going to take to put down Kimara?!?!?!

Hudson: This is ridiculous....

Masters: Wait, where are you going, Jeran?

Jeran Hudson stands up and removes his headset as he walks over to the ring and bangs the apron to get Debra's attention. It works as Debra walks over to Jeran and begins confronting him.

Daniels: That damn J-Ra is going to use his plan B routine again.

Without any hesitation, Debra slaps Jeran in the face really hard sending his sunglasses flying the other way.

Masters: That's got to hurt!

Jeran quickly responds by tripping Debra. Jennifer Lopez and Jennifer Montgomery waste no time in tackling Jeran to the ground and beating on him.

Daniels: This ain't good. Leah is on all fours pouncing the ground like a predator waiting for Debra to slowly rise.

Debra finally gets to her feet but is met with an executing Spike RKO by Leah Kimara!!

Masters: Was that Leah's version of the Eye of Ra!?!?!?!?!?

Daniels: I think so!!!! She's going for the pin!!
















































Daniels: Unbelievable!!!! This is like Main Event type action that we are seeing right now!!

Masters: We are witnessing a true Womens match for the history books!!!

Leah gets back up and clamps her hair in disbelief. She looks around looking for Jeran but quickly finds him running around the ring from Jennifer and Montgomery who are on hot pursuit after him. He slides in the ring and exits out and hands Leah something in the process as Montgomery and Jennifer slide in the ring as well. The referee sees The two women in the ring and forces his attention on them as he tells them to get out, buying Leah time to apply Jeran's item.

Daniels: Did you see that? What the hell was that? Jeran just gave Leah something as he slid in and out of the ring.

Masters: I didn't see anything.

It's brass knuckles. That sneaky woman, Kimara is going to get away with it too.

Leah puts on the brass knuckles and throws a haymaker at the groggy Debra but misses as Debra ducks and pushes Leah into a roll up pin!!!















































Daniels: Debra was so close!

Debra quickly gets up as the referee now turns to Debra. He sees the brass knuckles on the canvas as he looks at Debra in accusation. Debra denies it as she points at Leah. The referee picks up the brass knuckles and tosses it out of the ring. Leah gets up and shoves Debra into the referee and bounces back! The referee looks back to see Debra with her hands up as Leah quickly rabbit punches the back of her head. She hooks her arms and turns around as she spins around in a 360 impaler....It connects!!

Masters: Unbelievable! Just pure beauty. She calls that "Imagica"!

Daniels: And here is the pin.
















































Jessica Towers: HERE IS YOUR WINNER......LEAH KIMARA!!!!!!

Leah quickly rolls out the ring and is met by Jeran Hudson as they both walk up the ramp. Jeran lifts Leah on her shoulders as she raises her arms in victory. Jennifer and Montgomery are quick to slide in the ring and tend to Debra who is barely coming back to consciousness.

Daniels: Well you have got to give it to Debra. She did everything right tonight. And if it had not been for the System technique luring it's ugly head in this match, I guarantee she would have won.

Masters: You can't say that, Daniels. Leah Kimara was an absolute force tonight. She should the other Diva's in the back that the time for 'Imagica' has come. I can't wait.

Daniels: Well that may be, but that damn Hudson has ruined a perfectly good Diva's match. And was it any surprise that he did? Well I guess like wrestler, like associate.




Chilling organ music like that you would hear at a funeral begins to play and the lights of the arena go out. There is a black light shining over the wrestler’s entrance as The Enigma walks through, his white face mask lighting up and glowing as he quietly, calmly makes his way to the ring. He enters the ring and looks around slowly as the ring announcer gives him a mic.

Enigma: “Welcome to our dance of doom, Horrorcore audience. Now we get to see if my return will be a trick or a treat.” He pauses before saying, “Or maybe both!”

The sounds of a Jackhammer, a circular saw, and a truck motor starting up suddenly come through the sound system as Enigma takes off his mask. The crowd erupts in cheering so loud you can almost not here the announcers shouting.

Masters: “It’s The Working Man J. A. Sawyer! He’s come back to CZW!”

The song ‘Blue Collar Man by Styx plays as he takes off the loose black robe to reveal his standard uniform of navy blue straight leg pants, black work boots, and light blue short-sleeved button down work shirt. He smirks and jumps to the second rope to acknowledge the fans then hops back to the ring to turn and stare at the unimpressed Mortius. Even as the music dies and the crowd begins to quiet, the bell rings.

Ding Ding Ding!!!

Masters: There's the bell and this match is underway! It's Sawyer going 1 on 1 with Mortius...

Daniels: Yeah, and you know what? I am some glad Sawyer is back!

Masters: Sawyer and Mortius lock up side headlock by Mortius, back elbows to the gut of Mortius by Sawer, Mortius lets go as Sawyer grabs Mortius and over powers him back in the corner, the ref breaks the hold as Sawyer backs up, Mortius looks in shock as Sawyer just over powers him, Mortius and Sawyer hook back up and Sawyer gets the advantage and drives a stiff knee in the gut Mortius bends over Sawyer grabs his kneck and is goes for a neck breaker but Mortius shoves Sawyer off.

Daiels: Both men are at a stale mate at this point Masters?

Masters: Yeah its a feeling out process Sawyer has been out of CZw for some time now.

Daniels: Yup I agree...

Masters: Sawyer and Mort lock back up Mortius grabs a arm and flips over Sawyer and puts him in a arm bar hold the preaure on Sawyer, Sawyer gets up on one knee and Mort drives Sawyer back down again holding the arm bar, Mortis drives some solid elbows into Sawyers arm, Sawyer finally gets back on his feet and flips Mort over, Mort lets go of the arm bar and Mort pops back up to his feet and is met with a massive clothesline from Sawyer that just levels Mort, Sawyer goes for the cover ref 1,2....Mort kicks out.

Dainels: First pin attempt JA Sawyer Masters what a clothesline.

Masters: Sure was the big man seems to be comming back into his own.

Daniels: Sure does very impressive.

Masters: Mort gets up and nails Sawyer with a clothesline of his own Sawyer stumbles to the ropes and Mort then follows with a nother clothesline that sends Sawyer over the top on the floor, Mort climbs threw the ropes and and proceeds to go after Sawyer to the outside, Mortis goes over to the anouncers tables and pulls out the monitor as Sawyer gets up and Mort nails Sawyer in the skull with the moniter as Sawyer drops, Mort throws the monitor on the ground and pulls the other out and throws that and ripps the top of the table off.

Daniels: Looks like Mortius has some evil plans for Sawyer Masters...

Masters: Sure does I would say our table is going to be in play lets get the hell out of the way.

Daniels: Dont be a wuss..

Masters: Mort picks up Sawyer and drags him over to the table and rolls him up grabs a steel chair and nails him with it, Mortius climbs up to the table and picks up Sawyer and smacks him with the chair again Sawyer staggers but Mortius grabs him and hits him with a huge DDT on the table, the table shatters as both men lay on the floor in pain.

Daniels: Thats got to be it what a move by Mortius to Sawyer welcome back JA

Masters: Unreal they just shattered our anounce table with that one move.

Daniels: Been some great stuff here tonight and this just proves to me that CZW is the best our wrestlers love pain and they can all dish it out as well.

Masters: Mortius is getting up and goes for the cover. Ref....1.....2...HUGE KICK OUT BY SAWYER.......Mortius cant believe it hes in shock that Sawyer could kick out of this move, Mortius gets up and grabs the chair and starts smashing Sawyer with it over and over, finally Mort drops the chair and picks Sawyer up and kicks him in the gut and looks like hes going to no Sawyer pokes him in the eyes Mort is blinded Sawyer grabs Mort and rams him into the corner steel post of the ring, Mort drops to the floor holding his shoulder.

Daniels: This should give time for Sawyer to recover..

Masters: Yeah it should what a brutal match this has turned out to be.

Daniels: Yeah sure has..

Masters: Sawyer walks over to the camera man and grabs one of the cameras and throws it on Mort chest area, Sawyer grabs the cord and wraps it around the neck of Mortius and drags him up the ramp way, Sawyer picks up Mort and body slams him on the stage, Sawyer walks into the back and pulls out a 12' ladder and sets it up, then he drags out a table.

Daniels: What in the hell is he got brewing in his mind?

Masters: Looks like a leap threw the table if I was to guess.

Daniels: Mortius will be dead if Sawyer does do that....

Masters: Sawyer picks up Mort and whips him into the stage wall and then puts Mort on the table drives a couple elbows to the face of Mort and goes to climb the ladder before Sawyer goes up he grabbed a chair as well. Sawyer is up to the top as the crowd goes nuts, Sawyer holds the chair in the air and points down to Mort who is on the table, Sawyer grabs the chiar and leaps........................................................."BOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM" Mortius rolls off the table as Sawyer crashes threw with the chiar........


Masters: I can not believe what i just saw, JA SAWYER just leaped off the top and crashed and burned threw the table with that chair hes got to be out of it....

Daniels: Hes got to be dead Maters.

Masters: He may be at this rate after that crash.....

Daniels: Lets see if Mortius can take over now.

Masters: Mort is up Mort is up, he is staggering around and see's that Sawyer is laid out cold on the rampway, Mort drops and goes for the cover, Ref 1..........2........................3............No Sawyer kicks out Sawyer kicks out Sawyer kicks out.......I cant blieve it Sawyer has enough power left to kick out after that, Mort is holding his head and cant believe it, Mortius is pissed off now he grabs the chair and starts nailing Sawyer with it again, Mort drops the chair and picks up Sawyer and scoops him up....MORTIUS SLAM MORTIUS SLAM................whats he going to do with Sawyer wheres he going to plant him..Mort starts walking to the end of the stage... Daniels: Thats atleast a 10' drop Masters no way in hell hes going to do it..

Masters: Mortius points to the tables that are set up on the floor, Mortius slams him slef and Sawyer threw the table of the 10' staging area.......

Daniels: I am in shock.....I can not say anything they have to be just destroyed now theres nothing left of them.

Masters:........................Mort rolls his arm over Sawyer......Ref............1...........................2............................3................Sawyer some how gets a shoulder up.......

Daniels: How are they doing this?

Masters: I dont know this is just insane brutal.

Daniels: Yes it is.....

Masters: Mort gets up and is really staggering and looking around for something....Mort see's a trash can and nails Sawyer in the face and gut several times with it lays the trash can on Sawyer and does a standing moonsault onto the trash can that is on Sawyers chest...Ref 1........................2...............................3... Sawyer kicks out again. Mortius is pissed as hell Mortius picks up Sawyer and whips him into the barracade and goes to hit Sawyer with a clothesline but Sawyer flips Mortius over the barracade into the crowd, Sawyer steps over the barracade and goes to work on Mort with lefts and rights crowd starts to chant CZW over and over Sawyer picks up Mort and flips him back over the baracade and drags him back up to the stage area there are several pumpkins lined up Sawyer kicks Mort in the gut and Piledrives him onto a pumpkin......

Daniels: I have seen every thing now this is just crazy.

Masters: Yes it is Yes it is....

Daniels: What more can we see from these two tonight.

Masters: Sawyer gets up and pulls Mortius up Mortius is covered with pumpkin skin and Sawyer picks up Mort and power slams him on the stage area, Sawyer walks over and grabs the ladder again and climbs to the top Sawyer is going for his finisher..."THE WRECKING BALL" Sawyer leaps off and nails Mortius with it and goes for the cover Ref 1.............2..........................3...............Thats it thats it Sawyer wins Sawyer wins.....



After a match the crowd couldn’t believe what just happen inside of the ring in the last match. That when out of nowhere “Last Resort” by Papa Roach came blasting over the speakers. The crowd were on their feet and couldn’t believe it as they were sing along with the song. That when Ruthless wearing a pair of pants with a long dress shirt on. She had her hair coming around her face in curls coming down. She was on the top of the ramp taking it all in from the fans. She then starts to walk down the ramp and then they notice that Ruthless had The Queen of Combat Zone Women Champion Title. She have this bit of a smirks on her face as she wait for the crowd to calm down some. Once they did. She pull out the microphone from her pants and smirks.

Well it good to see I am still love around here.

They chant her name once more before she laughs a bit as they calm down.

You see this past week I have mention on Overdrive that I were in meetings with the owners of the company about the Women Division. They have make this official but first I will need all The Queens on the roster to come out here to ring side.

That when over the speakers “Winning Women” by Rihanna and Nicole came blasting over the speakers.

The first person that came out was Helena wearing a low cut shirt with a skirt and her hair in a pig tails as she dance a bit to the music and growls a bit towards the fans as she walk down the ramp. Then came out Melissa Lovelace wearing a pair of jeans and dress shirt with her hair coming down her face playing off to the fans a bit. Then came out Alisha Wylde came out wearing all black with her hair coming down her back. She was glaring a bit right at Ruthless and Ruthless give the same look right back at her. Ruthless could tell the woman was wondering why she had the title because it seems the woman eyes wasn’t moving away from the title that was right on Ruthless right shoulders as she climb inside of the ring. The next person that come out Leah Kimara she just finish a match earlier so still had on her wrestling gear. She didn’t even look towards the fans as she climb inside of the ring with a smirk. She looks towards the titles as all the women were doing at this point as they were in the ring waiting. Debra Lopez came out next as she play a bit to the fans still in her wrestling gear also as she got inside of the ring. Debra and Leah start to have a bit of stare down as Tatum came down to the ring in jeans with a member of Unbridled Fury t-shirt as she came down to the ring and high five some of the fans climbing inside of the ring. She walked over to Debra with a smirk looking over Leah trying to tell Debra in her mind don’t even think about her. Last and but least Reva came down to the ring. She had on a pair of dress pants with a lace rock looking type shirt and her hair also messy about it some. She jump over the rope as she got in the ring. The sound finish as all the women looking across at her wondering what going on.

Now I know you are wondering why I have this title over my shoulder right here. As of right now the Combat Zone Wrestling do not have a Women Champion. As of right now Sierra Starr is no longer the Women Champion. This is coming from the owner of the company not me.

The crowd was in shocked along with the women but could tell Alisha Wylde looking a bit upset at the fact about this. Ruthless notice this as she looked over at Alisha.

Don’t worry Alisha you will still have a chance for this title because it will be you along with 4 other women fighting to become The Next Women Champion. You see at the next PPV we are bringing back this type of match girls.

She point up to the ramp to the video screen and on the screen the song Fort Minor - Remember my name were play to the clips of the first ever Queen of Doom Cage Match. It had clicks of when Zoe grabs a steel chair, and walks over to Allyson who is still pounding on Ruthless. Zoe rears back, and smashes Thorn in the head with the chair. She shakes the cob webs out to see that Zoe is swinging the chair at her. Ruthless ducks out of the way, and pushes Zoe toward the cage. Zoe hits the fence face first, her body starts to convulse as 10,000 watts of electricity flies through her body. Then show Hellena gets up quickly, only to be smashed in the face with a barbed wire covered bat. Hellena falls to the ground screaming in pain as the camera zooms in to see that part of Hellena’s forehead is still connected to the barbed wire. Thorn slowly gets to her feet, as she observes the destruction around her. She searches the ring, and sees the bat that Ruth was using earlier. She looks around, and sees a bottle of gasoline and a lighter. She pours the gasoline out, and puts a match over the area. The bat as well as the surrounding area explodes in flames, sending Thorn flying back several feet. Ruthless sneaks up behind Vicious and lands a release german suplex. Vicious goes flying into the flames, and lies in the flames, screaming in pain. She jumps up with her body engulfed in flames, and starts running around the ring. Then the last clip show Thorn walks over to the fence, and finds a box of fireworks. She plants them in the corner, and walks over to Ruthless. She picks Ruthless up, and whispers something in her ear. Thorn then Irish whips Ruthless into the corner. There is a loud pop, as fireworks begin to explode throughout the arena. The lights fade as Ruthless screams in agony. The power finally goes out, and the electricity stops flowing. The fans are screaming as the back-up generator pops on. The lights show the ring, and we see that Thorn has pinned Ruthless and her holding the title over Ruthless body with a grin.Some of the women is in shocked about the match and other have this grin on their face ready to go that far for a title.

I made that match to show that us women wrestlers can be just as great as the men. Some of your were talking about how the Women Champion isn’t doing anything but right now your all will get the chance to show what a true Women Champion would do to have this title around there waist. The rest of your will be in matches to see who will be up against Alisha Wylde at the ppv to have this title around your waist. Remember only 4 spot open to be in this match. So let the best woman win. You have a nice day.

Ruthless theme song came blasting over the speakers as the women stood in the ring looking at each other. Alisha were smirking a bit looking at the women motion she will be the next Women Champion. Reva just smirks over at her and give her a close line down to the in the ring. That start it and soon all the Women in the ring were in a battle royal it seems fighting each other as you see guards are going down to the ring to break up the women in the ring. Ruthless stood up on the top of the ramp with a grin on her face watching what going on in the ring before going into the back.




Daniels: WOW! What an impressive match we just witnessed and folks that is just the tip of the iceberg. Ladies and gentlemen up next is the No Escape Cage match featuring Faithless Mike Monroe and the Aerial Specialist Krimzon Blaze.

Masters: Indeed it is, Jarred and this will just start things off to what could be CZW’s most brutal PPV in history even more brutal than having to hear Jarred commentate.

Daniels: Meh…blow it out your ass, Masters.

Jessica: Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is the NO ESCAPE CAGE MATCH. The rules are simple, 2 men enter the cage, there are no doors or traps to escape, weapons will surround the structure, the entire cage will be wrapped with barbed wire and the only way to win is to render your opponent unconscious until he can not answer the 10 count.

"Almost Easy" by Avenged Sevenfold blasts the PA speakers as Faithless Mike Monroe makes his way out to the ring and the fans all cheering his name. Mike then slides into the ring and jumps onto the turnbuckles as he acknowledges the crowd. Mike jumps down and starts jumping up and down as he waits for Blaze to make his way out.

"HEADSTRONG" BY TRAPT floods the arena and the fans all cheer loud for the one and only Aerial Specialist, Krimzon Blaze makes his way out but through the crowd as he slaps hands with all the loving fans. Blaze then poses with the crowd then hops over the security railing and slides into the ring full of energy. Blaze and Mike then slowly make their way to the center of the ring and both men stare at the brutal structure that hangs above them.

Jessica: Standing in this corner, standing at 6 foot…weighing in at 201 pounds….he is FAITHLESS…..MIKE….MONROE!!!!!

The fans go nuts with cheers.

Jessica: and standing in this corner, standing at 5 feet, 8 inches tall and weighing in at 215 pounds….he is …THE AERIAL SPECIALIST….KRIMZON…BLAZE!!!!!

The fans goes nuts again as they begin chanting Blaze’s name. But then the crowd seems to have split as one half of the crowd chants Blaze’s name and the other half cheers for Mike. Jessica Towers then gets out of the ring as the massive structure is lowered, trapping the two men inside until one man can not answer the ten count. The cage finally reaches the ground and the referee calls for the bell and the match begins.

Mike and Blaze begin circling each other around the ring. They tied up, Mike Irish whips Blaze into the ropes and Blaze comes running back, Mike grabs Blaze and launches him over the ropes and right into the barbed wire cage. Blaze hits the cage hard and lands on the ground in pain. Mike walks out onto the apron as Blaze gets back to his feet, Mike nails an asai moonsault on Blaze and the crowd goes wild. Mike and Blaze get back to their feet, Blaze grabs a trashcan from the side of the cage as Mike turns around and runs toward Blaze but Blaze nails Mike with the trashcan. Blaze picks Mike up and Irish whips him into a near by table which is leaning up against the side of the cage, Mike goes crashing into the table.

Crowd: “C Z DUBB!!!....C Z DUB!!!.....C Z DUBB!!!”

Daniels: These two men are beating the hell out of eachother and the crowd is loving it.

Masters: Indeed, Jarred….anything can and will happen in CZW

Blaze grabs a table, slides it into the ring and sets it up in the middle. Blaze jumps back out of the ring and grabs Mike by his hair. Blaze attempts to throw Mike back in the ring but Mike reverses it and launches Blaze right into the ring post. Mike picks Blaze up and rams his head right into the barbed wire on the cage and begins grinding his face into the barbed wire. Blaze is now bleeding profusely from his forehead.

Masters: WOW….Blaze is busted open pretty bad, his forehead looks like Niagara Falls, Blaze is wearing a crimson mask.

Daniels: Yeah, no pun intended right?

Mike walks over to the other end of the cage and grabs a ladder. Mike walks back over to Blaze, carrying the ladder in his hands, Blaze sparks a sudden burst of energy and drops kicks the ladder right into Mike’s face, sending him crashing into the barbed wire.

Daniels: OH MY GOD! Did you see that, Masters? Blaze returned the favor and now both men are bleeding profusely.

Masters: Of course I saw it, Jarred, you imbosol. I’m sitting right beside you.

Daniels: I was just making conversation, Masters.

Blaze grabs Mike and throws him back into the ring and then grabs a ladder, slides it into the middle of the ring. Blaze gets in and begins stomping Mike on the mat, Blaze then sets up the ladder, he picks up Mike and lays him on top of the table and begins pounding on his chest just to insure he is out and won’t move. Blaze then begins to climb the ladder but he stops and looks at the top of the cage. Blaze gets out of the ring….

Daniels: I don’t understand this move, why did blaze change his mind?

Masters: Well genius, I think Blaze just got a better idea.

Crowd: “KB!!!.....KB!!!....KB!!!!”

Blaze begins scaling the side of the cage, he reaches the top ceiling of the cage and then begins scaling the top of the cage.

Masters: OH MY, Blaze looks like spiderman up there, I shudder to think what he has in mind for Mikey now. Blaze is now hovering over the top of a beaten Mike lying on the table. Blaze holds on to the top of the cage with one hand as he grabs a steel chair….


Crowd: “HOLY SHIT!!!.....HOLY SHIT!!!!.....HOLY SHIT!!!!”

Daniels: AH MI DIOS!!!! That was brutal.

Masters: Impressive to say the least, Maybe you should go sit at the Spanish announce table, Jarred.


Blaze and Mike are lying, helplessly on the mat as the referee begins the ten count.













































































Mike kicks Blaze in the midsection and nails him with a Yakuza Kick. Blaze hits the mat hard, Mike climbs the ladder…Blaze is still laying on the mat as the referee begins the ten count. Mike leaps off the ladder and hits a cannonball senton but Blaze puts his knees in the air, causing Mike to land right on top of Blaze’s knees. Blaze, once again slides out of the ring and scales ceiling of the cage but Blaze slips, he is dangling at the top of the cage, holding on with his hands. Mike sees an opportunity and climbs the ladder, Mike is now standing at the very top of the ladder as Blaze is still holding on for dear life. Mike looks to attempt some sort of high impact move on Blaze but Blaze swings toward Mike, Blaze uses his moment and swings off of the top of the cage and nails Mike with a hurricanranna and Mike hits the mat very hard as he rolls around the ring, clutching his leg, Blaze went crashing into the ropes as well.

Crowd: “C Z DUBB!!!....C Z DUB!!!.....C Z DUBB!!!”

Once again, Both men are laid out on the mat as the referee begins the ten count again…



























































































Daniels: How in the hell did Mike answer the ten count that time, he went crashing hard into the mat, neither one of these two men want to lose this match and are putting quite a performance for these wonderful fans tonight.

Masters: Indeed they are, Jarred, these fans are indeed getting what they paid for.

Daniels: Yeah to say the least, I mean what the hell is it going to take for one of these high flyers to win this match?

Masters: I don’t know, Jarred but we will soon find out.

Blaze is exhausted as he leans on the ropes, Mike runs toward Blaze but Blaze ducks at the last second as he bends down and catapults Mike over the top ropes, sending him crashing into one of the ladder that was leaning up against the cage. Blaze backs up and hauls ass toward the ropes, Blaze leaps over the top rope and nails Mike with a suicide dive to the outside of the ring. Blaze then grabs two tables and slides them both in the ring and the stacks the two tables on top of each other. Blaze then reaches into his boot and pulls out a match and lights it.

Daniels: What the hell is he doing now? Oh my, Blaze is gonna set that top table on fire.

Masters: Indeed, Jarred, I think Blaze is still bitter about what happened last week and is taking out his frustrations on Mike Monroe.

Daniels: This is not going to be pretty, folks..

Blaze throws the match on the top table as the table ignites, Blaze, once again begins scaling the cage, Mike sees an opportunity as he scales the top of the cage as well. Both men are now teetering at the top of the cage, both men are hanging on by their hands as they hang from the top of the cage, right in front of eachother. Mike grabs a light tube and bashes Blaze in the face with it but Blaze somehow manages to hang on. Blaze begins kicking Mike and he returns the favor. Both men trying to knock the other one off the cage and into the burning, stacked up tables that lie beneath them. Both men begin exchanging haymakers to the face. Mike then swings his feet and hooks his legs on to Blaze’s shoulder in an attempt at a hurricanranna…

Daniels: Oh My God…Mike is gonna send Blaze crashing through those burning tables…this is barbaric.

Mike is hanging on my his hands while his feet are set on Blaze’s shoulders but Mike can’t pull Blaze down. Blaze then reverses the attempt…


Both men are down on the mat as the referee begins the ten count.





























































































Daniels: Blaze did it….Blaze has somehow managed to answer the ten count and has beaten Mike Monroe.

Masters: What a match this was, Blaze wins but Mike should hold his head high for that performance.


Blaze holds his hands high in celebration, he then stares at Mike as he walks over to Mike and helps him up and the two men hug in the middle of the ring with the fans all cheering them both.




‘Puritania’ by Dimmu Borgir plays...

Towers: Making his way to the ring...from Wherever the hell he pleases...The Undisputed Tag Team champion of the World...’Bad Ass’...MATT COVEY!

‘Swagga Like Us’ by T.I & Jay-Z hits...

Towers: And his opponent...from South Beach, Florida...accompanied by Derek Damage...Big Nasty!

Once both Nasty and Matt have gotten to the ring, the ref starts the match.


Matt and Nasty lock up, Matt grinning the whole time. The two men battle out with strength. Nasty eventually grabs Matt in a headlock. Matt run towards the ropes. Nasty bounces off, but Matt holds onto the ropes, releasing himself from the hold. Matt and Nasty each go for a shoulder bump, Nasty, being the larger man, knocking Matt on his ass! Matt stands up and grins. They lock up again. This time, Matt drives an elbow in Nasty’s midsection. Matt then kicks Nasty’s knee, knocking him off balance. Matt runs to the ropes and comes back with a neckbreaker on the unstable Nasty. Matt goes for a pinfall...




Matt pulls Nasty to his feet. He irish whips him into the corner. Nasty walks out of the corner holding his back. Matt goes for a suplex, but Nasty blocks it. Nasty punches Matt in the gut twice, before hitting a suplex of his own. Nasty locks in a headlock on Matt. After a brief struggle, Matt is able to escape by raking Nasty’s eyes. Matt and Nasty both stand at the same time, but Nasty is still partially blinded, allowing Covey to strike away at Nasty’s body. Matt finishes the punch flurry with a swift right to the jaw. Nasty goes down like a sack of bricks. Matt goes for the cover...




Matt pounds the mat. He stands up and stomps away at Nasty. Matt leans over the ropes and invites Derek into the ring. Derek goes to oblige, but the ref warns him. While the ref is distracted, Matt nails Nasty with his belt buckle. Matt lifts Nasty to his feet. He whips Nasty again. Matt attempts a clothesline, but Nasty ducks. Nasty bounces back and connects with a sickening big boot! Nasty smiles and lifts Matt to his feet. Nasty lands with a snap neckbreaker, before bouncing off the rope and leg dropping the downed Covey. Nasty then locks in a simple, yet effective, leg lock. After another struggle, Covey is able to escape, by yet again raking the eyes of Nasty. Nasty drags Matt to his feet. He whips Covey towards the corner...but it’s reversed! Nasty hits the corner! Covey runs at Nasty, who moves. Covey slams hard into the corner, while Nasty rebounds off the ropes, connecting with a big splash on Covey! Covey stumbles out of the corner, right into a sidewalk slam. Nasty goes for the pin...




Nasty shakes his head and stands up. He motions for the Nasty Bomb, and waits for Covey to stand. Covey obliges. He turns around and is hoisted into the air by Nasty...but Nasty falls back, Matt landing on top. Covey is seen hiding brass knuckles. Covey covers.


2 kickout!

Covey picks Nasty up and hoists him onto his shoulder. He falls back, nailing a Samoan drop. He lifts Nasty to his feet. He then drops back down, dragging Nasty’s head along, connecting with a jawbreaker. Nasty stagger back into the ropes. Covey follows up by clotheslining Nasty over the top rope, the force taking him out as well! Covey stands up. He spots Derek walking over to them. Matt spins on the spot and drives his boot into the kneecap of Derek. He then drives the same boot into the stomach of Nasty. The ref begins counting the men out. Matt lifts Nasty up and drives him back first into the barricade.


Matt then irish whips Nasty into the turnbuckle post.



Matt picks Nasty up and rolls him into the ring. He follows. Matt covers...




Matt pounds the ground again. He mounts Nasty and begins striking away at his face. He then lifts Nasty up and whips him into the turnbuckle. Matt runs at Nasty again, this time nailing a spear. Matt backs up...another spear! He backs up again...a third spear! Nasty staggers out of the corner and Matt looks to hit a fourth, and more than likely final, spear...but Nasty moves! Matt flies through the middle rope and crashes into the barrier! Nasty slowly gets to his feet as the ref hits three in his count. Nasty rests in the corner, waiting for Matt. Matt climbs to his feet by the five count. He turns around...into a chair shot from DD. The ref tells DD to move away. DD drops the chair innocently and hobbles away, his knee fucked after Covey’s attack. Nasty smiles as the count comes closer and closer to ten. Covey pulls himself to his feet at 8 and breaks the count just before 9.. Nasty takes advantage of the rest and attempts another Nasty Bomb! Covey rakes at Nasty’s eyes, trying to prevent the move, but he only seems to soften as Nasty lands a half-strength Nasty Bomb. Nasty rolls over for the cover.




Nasty gets to his feet and lifts Matt up as well. He then hits a quick DDT and covers again...



Nasty waits for Matt to rise again...NASTY SLAM! Nasty goes for the pin...



3...NO WAY! Kickout!

Nasty looks at the ref in disbelief...he shakes his head and raises Covey to his. Nasty goes once again for the Nasty Bomb! But Covey grabs the ropes, preventing the move. Nasty then tosses Matt over his head, but Matt lands on the apron. He grabs Nasty’s head and hangs him over the top rope. Matt rolls into the ring and prepares Nasty for the Blow It Out Your Ass! Derek rushes over, chair in hand. Once Matt has Nasty up for the powerbomb portion, Derek drives the chair into the heels of Covey. Derek then yanks Covey legs, turning the move into a simple powerbomb. The ref notices Matt is in a pinning position and goes to count, but Derek yanks Matt out of the ring. DD nails Matt with the Bong as the ref yells from the ring. Derek looks proud of himself. Nasty stands up as the ref reaches the 6 count. Covey stands up straight after that. Derek moves in for another Bong...but Covey drives a steel chair he picked up right into his face! Derek collapses! Matt rolls into the ring, breaking the count. Nasty runs at Covey, who ducks the clothesline and nails a sickening backbreaker. Matt then rolls to the outside where Derek has gotten back to his knees. Matt runs and drives his boot right into the side of his head. Matt grins evilly at the bleeding president. He rolls back into the ring and lifts Nasty to his feet. He lifts Nasty onto his shoulders, looking to hit the Blowing Out Your Brains...but Nasty slides out the back of the move. He lands a bulldog on Covey. Nasty takes a quick breather, looking down at the broken Derek. Nasty lifts Covey up onto his shoulders, before landing with an impressive spinning rack pancake! Nasty goes for the pinfall...




Nasty shakes his head. He grabs Matt and backs up into the corner. He then signals for the Nasty Bomb. At the height of the bomb though, Matt grabs hold of the turnbuckle. He drives an elbow into the back of Nasty’s head and climbs over him onto the turnbuckle. He strikes back with his boot, knocking Nasty forward. Matt turns around and flies off the top with a clothesline...but Nasty grabs him by the throat! Covey kicks Nasty in the stomach though, before setting him up for the Blow It Out Your Ass! Nasty punches at the head of Matt, preventing Matt from connecting with the move. Nasty slides out of the move, before setting Matt up for a Nasty connects! Nasty looks down at Derek. He smiles and picks Matt up...a second Nasty Bomb! Nasty covers...





Nasty celebrates the pinfall victory. He soaks in all the glory as the fans cheer for him. But he is celebrating so much, he fails to notice Matt Covey come from behind him with a steel chair! Matt knocks Nasty down. He drops the chair and rolls to the outside. He looks under the ring and pulls out...a set of handcuffs! He rolls back into the ring and handcuffs Big Nasty to the ropes. He smiles sinisterly and rolls to the outside. He grabs the body of Derek Damage and rolls him into the ring. Matt sets the chair up, then lifts DD up...BLOWING OUT YOUR BRAINS ONTO THE CHAIR! Nasty winces as his partner and friend is destroyed by Covey. Matt follows up by placing the chair under DD’s head, then grabbing a second chair. Matt laughs evilly as Nasty shakes his head...










Nine Con-Chair-Toes! Matt drops the chair on the head of Derek, before delivering one last stomp! Covey grabs a microphone. Covey: You see that Nasty? Nine chair shots! That’s what happens when you get involved in my match!

Matt tosses the handcuff keys to Nasty, who unlatches himself. Nasty looks to attack Matt, but instead grabs Derek and rolls him to the outside. EMT’s rush down and assist Nasty and Derek as Matt stands in the ring laughing...when suddenly, the U.S. Bank Arena suddenly plunges into complete darkness. The crowd is in a mass state of confusion as white spotlights now spin uncontrollably throughout the arena before focusing on the screen, revealing the following blood-stained message...





The lights return to normal, leaving a confused Bad Ass standing in the middle of the ring.. As he goes to leave the ring, the lights flicker once more. When they return, a blood-stained piece of paper comes fluttering down from the rafters and lands right in Covey's hands.


‘Our Revolution’ by Halifax plays as the fans go crazy! Shawn Waters walks out onto the stage, looking somber. The ring is set up for his personal interview segment, which is still the highest-rated segment on television! He makes his way to the ring, sighing as he high-fives the fans. He enters the ring and stands on the turnbuckle, microphone in hand.

Waters: Welcome to TESTING THE WATERS!

The fans cheer.

Waters: Now...before I introduce my guest for this evening...I'd like to address the issue we saw earlier! Debra Lopez...I sincerely apologize! If had known it was you under that mask...I never would have been that vicious...I guess I was still in the mindset that it'd be some musclehead like Maynard or J-Ra! Please...I'm SO sorry...please don't take it personally.

Shawn has a look of relief, having gotten that off his chest.

Now...let’s move on and review what has been...and will be a magnificent Pay-Per-View...we’ve seen the unmasking of a former CZW star! We’ve seen a brilliant cage match! And we’ve also seen some of the funniest costumes I’ve seen on Halloween! But coming up...we have much, much more! We have a hardcore title match between Mike King, Tim Timmons and Brian Kirkland...We will see Jacob Havok and Eddie Rowan fight it out in a ladder match, the X title on the line. Karl Jackson will finally get his Intercontinental title shot against Maynard O’Toole and of course...we have the Monster’s Ball Main Event...where El Pablo will finally take the World title off Jesse Montana!

The fans begin chanting ‘XTC....XTC.’ Shawn finally smirks.

Waters: But all that will come...right now...we have what is always the greatest part of ANY show! Testing the Waters!

The fans cheer.

Waters: And my guest probably my biggest yet! He is...CZW’S SMARTEST SUPERSTAR! Ladies and Gentlemen...GREGORY GRANTHAM!

‘Wake Up’ by The Hunger plays over the P.A., a new entrance debut apparently for Grantham.GG walks out onto the stage, sporting a new look of determination himself. His eyes are heavy, though he does break away from total concentration to flash that signature cocky grin towards the crowd and Shawn. The fans look on in shock...not knowing whether to boo or cheer. GG enters the ring. Shawn offers his hand to GG, who refuses. Shawn and GG sit down as the music from the P.A. and the arena lights end Grantham's entrance transmission..

Waters:’ve been gone a fair while...what have you been doing with yourself?

GG: "I've been..around, I guess you could say. There were things I was doing here and knew that I shouldn't, I knew it was outside of my person. The duties I had partaken of were some sort of bastard protocal for what I was 'supposed' to be. I could only take so much of it before I had to leave, so that's what I did."

Waters: Happy to make your return?

GG: "I wouldn't say 'happy' was the right word for it. I would venture to say that the correct assumption would be more of a determined feeling; almost relaxed. I know that everyone remembers the pinnacle that I was on when I left everything to try and be something I'm not. It's my mistake, I'll admit that. I wasn't ready to handle that type of pressure as well as the mounting conflicts in my personal life. However, my personal load is now evening out, and I am no longer burdened with my former duties. Now I am going to pick up exactly where I left off, and that is adding a long deserved piece of gold around my waist. Jesse Montana may have proven himself unbeatable while I have been absent, but I proved his was every bit of a normal, even mediocre man, in my last match."

Waters: I’m sure you’ve got some big plans brewing in your mind...any idea what they might be?

GG: "Plans are for novices. I only concern myself with personal certainties. To what they are, well...I guess you'll just have to wait and see."

Waters: Tonight’s Main Event...Jesse, EP, Ronnie and Matt...all in the same ring fighting for the same title...who exactly are you hoping will win...and why?

GG: "Let's see. EP and Matt have never been in the same ring with someone of my caliber, therefore; wouldn't know what to expect in a title match with me. Ronnie and I have faced each other, and he is one of the few; enough to count on one hand, that have been lucky enough to get out of the ring with me and carry a victory with them. I can't say I was impressed by him though. And the current champion Jesse Montana; well, I assume my thoughts on him were self-explained in my last match on September 11th. I am the last man to beat Jesse Montana, and if I have to be the next, be it." Waters: So...are running solo this time...or are you going to join back up with Hannah Montana and her band of very merry men?

GG: (Don’t answer here, you get interrupted)

‘Fly From the Inside’ by Shinedown plays as the fans mark out, shocked. The TV champion, Eric Collum walks out onto the stage. GG stands up. He stares up the ramp at Eric, who makes his way to the ring. Once Eric enters the ring, him and GG go face to face, looking angry.

Waters: fighting out here...GG...I believe you were about to tell us if you had a tag partner this time around...

GG directs his attention back to Waters first, quickly followed by Collum. Collum and Grantham then cast a quick look to each other before.......

Shawn’s eyes widen as he is laid out by a GG clothesline. Collum picks Shawn up and nails him with a Collumbine. GG follows up by locking in the Prosecutor. As Shawn screams out in pain, Collum climbs to the top turnbuckle...he flies off, nailing the Aerial Revolution! Shawn has passed out now, but GG emphasises his point by nailing Shawn with a 4.0 over the top rope!

The crowd is screaming in shock and booing so loudly that the building feels as if it may break apart. Grantham grabs the microphone that was vacated Shawn Waters as he was attacked...

GG- "Welcome to Horrorcore fans, and CzW superstars alike. You see, nightmares do come true. Here, at this monumental event, all of your biggest fears have become a reality. The one man that you all never could imagine aligning with myself, the T.V. Title holder Eric Collum here to my right, is now my ally. The one person who actually posed a threat to me at one point, well...we are now on the same side."

(Grantham pauses to allow the crowd to show their emotion, all negative. Collum grabs the microphone, now sporting the same look of poise and favor as Grantham..)

EC- Oh, come on, don't boo. You people have no idea that you're witnessing history in the making, right here tonight. There have been some legendary alliances in this business, but not one of them even comes close to the forming of the one you've just witnessed. CZW's Smartest Superstar, along side the Human Highlight Reel himself. Divided we fall, but united we conquer. I guess it sounds a bit cheesy, but when you know that there is not a single or combined force in the universe to stop you, you can say and do whatever the hell you want. And rest assured, what your beloved XTC poster boy just experienced pales in comparison to the hell that will soon befall CZW.

Collum lowers the microphone as he and Grantham stare around the arena in cockiness and pride. Collum then looks over the ropes and down at Waters and deliberately drops the microphone on his chest before joining Grantham in the center of the ring. "Wake Up" by The Hunger plays once more over the P.A. system as the two new colleagues stand tall in the middle of the ring.




Towers - Ladies and Gentlemen the following contest is scheduled for one fall, and is a triple threat match for the CZW Hardcore Championship. Introducing first, from Buckeye, Arizona weighing in at 210lbs he is the current hardcore champion. "Badd Company" Mike King.

**Bad Company by Bad Company, begins to play out over the P.A system as the Hardcore Champion, Mike King makes his way to the ring, pointing to the fans and at his title belt. He gets to the ring where he hops onto the ring apron pointing at his title again before climbing in the ring.**

Towers - Introducing now, from Dallas, North Carolina, weighing in at 228lbs, "The Reaper" Brian Kirkland.

**Time of Dying by Three Days Grace plays over the P.A system as Kirkland comes out from the backstage area full of energy, he slaps hands with some fans on the way to the ring when he slides in and climbs onto the second turnbuckle to taunt for the fans. Kirkland drops from the turnbuckle and faces off against Mike King, but the pair just shake hands before going to separate corners to await the arrival of Tim Timmons.**

Daniels - Look's like these two are ready for Tim Timmons, and they look like they are ready to be a team to work against Timmons.

Masters - Lets see how long it lasts.

Towers - And their opponent, being accompanied to the ring by "EVIL" Mike Luthers, from Toronto, Ontario, Canada, weighing in at 268lbs "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons.

**Inside The Fire by Disturbed begins to play as Tim Timmons walks out backstage alongside his manager Mike Luthers. The pair walk down to the ring to a chorus of boos and jeers. Tim and Luthers get into the ring and are met by both Kirkland and King. King and Timmons exchange blows as do Luthers and Kirkland.**

Daniels - It didn't take too long for Luthers to get involved in the match, Masters.

Masters - What? Did you expect Luthers to just stand there and let Kirkland punch him. I'd have done the same thing.

**Kirkland kicks Luthers in the gut and looks to hit a DDT but he poses for the crowd long enough for Luthers to reverse it into a DDT of his own.**

Daniels - Oh my that was a lethal DDT on Kirkland.

**The referee gets Luthers out of the ring as Mike King starts getting the better of his exchange with Timmons. King backs Timmons in the corner and starts hammering away on him with rights, lefts and the odd knee, Timmons drops to a seated position and King backs away before head rolling straight towards Timmons and drives a boot into his face. King taunts Timmons for a few seconds before dragging him up, King hooks Timmons and launches him over his head with a snap suplex. King gets back to his feet and goes to the outside where he looks under the ring and finds a trash can which he throws into the ring, as it lands the lid and a few various other items fall out into the ring. Mike still searches under the ring and pulls out a steel chair which he throws into the ring. He then makes a taunt and directs it at Luthers. King then gets onto the ring apron and steps through the middle of the ropes and goes to pick up the steel chair but Timmons nails him in the head with the trash can lid which rocks Mike and sends him stumbling into the ropes. Timmons gets back to his feet and as Mike stumbles towards him trying to shake the cobwebs of the blow out of his head, Timmons nails another shot to the top of the head which drops Mike to the mat, Timmons goes for the quick pin.**



Daniels - Still too early in the match for Tim to pick up the victory.

**Tim drags Mike to his feet and sends him into the corner. Timmons runs in and nails a turnbuckle clothesline, which causes mike to drop to his knees, Timmons kicks King in the side of the head send Mike back to the mat face first. Tim begins to stomp on Mike like there was no tomorrow.**

Daniels - Oh my Tim Timmons could stomp Mike King to death right here.

Masters - And there is nothing the referee can do to stop him.

Daniels - But I think Brian Kirkland can.

**As on cue, Brian Kirkland still feeling the effects of the DDT gets to his feet and grabs the steel chair. He walks over to the unsuspecting Timmons and with a great swing crashes the chair into the spine of Timmons. Timmons bends backwards in pain and feels his back. This is a perfect chance and Kirkland nails Tim in the skull with the chair, Timmons crashes to the canvas.**

Daniels - What a chair shot from Kirkland there, Timmons may be out cold right now.

**Kirkland rolls Tim over and makes the pin.**




Daniels - No Mike King interrupts the pinfall, Brian Kirkland almost became the new Hardcore Champion.

**Both Mike and Brian get to their feet, and Kirkland doesn't look too pleased.**

Masters - These two are gonna come to blows right here.

**Both men nod to each other and start stomping onto the none moving Timmons. Kirkland picks Timmons to his feet and grabs him from behind in a chickenwing style hold, as Mike King picks up the steel chair. King swings aiming for the head of Timmons, but Timmons ducks under the swing and King inadvertently nails Kirkland with the chair, instantly busting him open.**

Daniels - Oh my Mike King just busted Brian Kirkland wide open.

**King looks at the motionless body of Brian Kirkland as Timmons struggles to his feet grabbing a Singapore cane. King turns round and is nailed of the head with the cane, King stumbles backwards and drops the steel chair. WHACK! another shot to the skull by Timmons, BAM! A third shot sends King to the outside.**

Daniels - If Tim is smart he'll cover Brian Kirkland.

**Tim however is focused fully on Mike King, and follows to the outside. Tim kicks Mike in the gut and Irish whips him into the steel steps. Tim walks up and picks Mike to his feet and rams his head of the top of the steps. King stumbles again backwards and falls into the guard rail. Which he uses for support. Tim kicks Mike in the gut and grabs his and rams it of the guard rail. Timmons then looks to Irish whip Mike into the steel ring post, but Mike counters and whips Timmons into the post. Which instantly knocks Tim to the floor, but Mike drops to his knees and feels his head.**

Daniels - Nice counter by Mike King, and sends Timmons into the ring post.

Masters - But he's hurting he can't really take advantage.

**Mike gets back to his feet and walks slowly round to Timmons who is getting to his feet with help from the ring apron. Mike interlocks his hands and nails Timmons in the back. Timmons arches his back in pain and walks away from King. King follows and grabs Tim's head and rams it into the other steel steps. Tim's head bounces off with impact and sends him to his knees clutching his forehead. Mike grabs Tim's head and gets him to his feet Mike looks to Irish whip Tim into the other corner post but reverses and whips him back towards his self, where he nails a drop toe hold, sending Timmons face first into the steel steps again.. Mike gets back to his feet and looks towards his friend and opponent Brian Kirkland who is still lying motionless in the ring. Mike turns back to Timmons and rolls him into the ring, before rummaging under the ring for some more weapons. He pulls out what looks to be a box of various items he slides into the ring with the box and empties the contents into the ring. Mike looks at all the new toys and picks up a steel stop sign, but as he Turns round he is met with a low blow by Tim Timmons.**

Daniels - Oh no, that was south of the border.

Masters - But it's all legal Jarred.

**Tim gets to his feet and grabs King with an inverted neck lock, he then points to Luthers and mouths this is for you before planting Mike with a DDT. Tim instantly rolls Mike over to make the pin attempt.**




Daniels - Mike King kicked out of the DDT. Timmons using one of the patenent moves of his mentor Mike Luthers, but Mike King managed to roll the shoulder up.

**Tim gets to his feet and picks up the stop sign as Mike slowly gets to his knees looking as though he hasn't a clue where abouts he is. BAM! The echo of the shot from the stop sign echoes round the arena.**

Daniels - Man that's got to hurt.

**Tim drops the stop sign and grabs Mike to his feet and whips him into the ropes as he rebounds Tim hits a back body drop causing Mike to land back first onto the stop sign. Mike arches up his back in pain and Tim see's this as an opportunity to nail a driving elbow into the sternum of Mike. Tim goes for the cover.**




Daniels - Another close fall there to Timmons.

**Timmons gets back to his feet and picks up the slightly bent steel chair and stalks Mike King who slowly with the aid of the ropes gets to his feet, CRASH! Tim nails Mike with the chair send Mike crashing through the ropes to the outside again. Tim drops the chair and walks to the ropes but is hit out of nowhere but Kirkland. Kirkland spins Tim round and nails the modified Sambo suplex.**

Daniels - The BK Edge. This may get the pinfall right here.

Masters - More important where the hell did Kirkland come from just a second ago he was still laid out.

**Kirkland gets to his feet and sets the steel chair in the middle of the ring. He then turns back to Timmons and drags him to his feet and sends him into the ropes. Timmons rebounds and Kirkland nails a spinebuster onto the steel.. He quickly rolls over and makes the pin attempt.**




Daniels - Timmons kicked out, my lord Kirkland thought he had the match in the bag.

**Kirkland gingerly gets back to his feet and grabs Timmons up to his feet and grabs around his throat lifting him into the air and drops him backfirst onto the steel chair again this time with a Side effect. Kirkland gets back to his feet, and grabs Timmons up yet again he hoists him high into the air but Timmons counters the suplex attempt and drops behind Kirkland, he runs into the ropes but from outside Mike King grabs his legs and trips him up. Timmons falls to the canvas face first. Mike grabs a steel chair from the time keepers area and returns to the ring where Brian Kirkland has grabbed the steel chair. The two look at each other in a short stair down with Mike nodding to Timmons who with the aid of the ropes is climbing to his feet. Timmons turns to face his opponents and CRASH!!! A conchairto by King and Kirkland sends Timmons crashing to the canvas where he lies motionless. Kirkland looks satisfied with the feat and turns to congratulate Mike King, but Mike has other ideas and stabs his chair into the ribs of Kirkland who doubles over. Mike raises the chair above his head and SMASH!!! Whacks Kirkland in his already injured back causing him to scream in pain and drop to the canvas holding his back. Mike sees his opportunity and drives an elbow into the back of Kirkland.**

Masters - Told you these two wouldn't be working together for too long.

**Mike grabs the steel chair again, and smashes it against Kirkland’s back again, and a second time. Mike drops the chair and grabs Kirkland in a camel clutch, and pulls back causing Kirkland to scrunch his face up in the pain.**

Daniel - We may have a submission right here.

**The referee asks Kirkland but he refuses to give up. This only causes Mike King to pull on the head of Kirkland more and putting more pressure on Kirkland’s injured back. Tim Timmons however climbs back to his feet and see's the submission attempt from Mike and grabs the nearest of the two steel chairs and walks up and CRACK!! Nails King in the skull with a thunderous blow which echoes throughout the arena. The blow causes King to let go of Kirkland and falls to the canvas.**

Daniel - Oh My God, what a sickening chair shot from Timmons, He almost crushed Mike's skull with that shot.

Masters - Yeah and I think they heard that shot in the cheap seats.

**Timmons still with the chair in his hands whacks Kirkland in his already injured back, which causes Kirkland to roll out of the ring. Timmons shakes his head in attempt to rid him of the cobwebs from the conchairto he received. Timmons then turns his attention back to his rival Mike King, who is starting to stir, King uses the ropes and gets to his knees but Timmons stops him that crashing the steel chair against his spine. The pain shoots through Mikes body and he drops back to the canvas. Tim kicks King in the back a few times before ramming the edge of the chair into his rib cage. Causing more pain to run through Mike's body. Mike rolls to the outside onto his feet and holds his ribs. Tim follows him outside and crashes the chair into Mikes back again, Mike arching his back stumbles forward and rests against the steel ring post. An evil smirk covers Timmons face and he swings the chair hard looking to nail Mike square in the side of the head, but Mike see's it coming and ducks just at the right time and the chair crashes against the ring post making a very loud and sickening crash as metal meets metal.**

Daniels - Timmons swung for Mike's head there if he nailed that I believe Mike King's hardcore title reign would be finished.

**The impact of the shot made Tim drop the chair, he swings round towards the way Mike King rolled to, and is met with a sharp roundhouse kick, knocking Timmons into the ring post. Mike drops to his knees still feel the effect of the chair shots to his ribs and his back.. Timmons shakes his head and realises Mike is still hurt and runs up and kicks him in the ribs. Mike instantly feels for his ribs and rolls backwards.. Tim taunts the crowd but is span round by Brian Kirkland and cracked over the head with a baseball bat the impact instantly draws blood from Timmons as he crashes to the ground. Kirkland hoists the bat in the air and brings it crashing down into the ribs of Timmons who's body moves with the impact as Timmons looks completely out cold. Kirkland whips the bloody from his eyes with his arm and looks around to notice that Mike King has struggled to his and has a cane in his hand although facing away from Kirkland. Kirkland's eyes light up and he runs towards with the bat above his head ready to bring crashing down against King's back, but the fans tell Mike to look behind him and Mike instinctively turning round smashes the cane into the ribs of Kirkland. Kirkland instantly drops the bat and holds his injured ribs. Mike lines up and smashes the cane over the head of Kirkland. Kirkland drops to the floor and Mike rolls him over and makes a pin attempt.**




Daniels - Kirkland kicked out, and Mike King can't believe it.

**Mike looks at the referee and then back at the body of Kirkland, and the looks over to where the motionless body of Tim Timmons is. A sick grin comes over Mikes face before he goes to look under the ring, after a few seconds of rummaging round he pulls out a table. Mike sets the table and drags the lifeless body of Tim onto the table he turns his attention round to Kirkland, but only for Kirkland to nail Mike with a clothesline. Kirkland Stomps on Mike a few times before picking him to his feet and rolling him in the ring. Kirkland climbs up onto the apron but Mike King nails him with the stop sign, Kirkland hangs onto the top rope. Another shot from the stop sign again rocks Kirkland. Tim Timmons starts to stir and rolls off the table little to the knowledge of his opponents. A third shot to Kirkland has him reeling again. Tim gets to his feet and grabs Kirkland and hits him with a powerbomb through the table.**

Daniels - Tim out of nowhere hits Kirkland with a powerbomb and through the table. **Tim stumbles over still feeling the effects of the bat and drops to the floor, Mike Kings sees an opportunity and rebounds of the ropes and springing out of a cartwheel he nails the Phoenix Special Moonsault and goes instinctively into the pin attempt.**




Daniels - It's over.

Masters - No, the referee is signalling two, Timmons managed to get a shoulder up.

**Mike King looks at the referee in shock wondering how Timmons managed to kick out. Mike gets to his feet and Drags Timmons up and running he slams Tim into the ring posts. Timmons drops back to the floor holding his face. Mike looks round and picks up the baseball bat. As Timmons with aid from the ring post manages to climb to his feet he turns to Mike and rests against the ring post. Mike swings the bat but Tim ducks and the bat smashes against the ring post and breaks spewing splinters everywhere. As Mike turns round Timmons nails a jawbreaker which sends Mike to the arena floor. Tim grab Mike to his feet and rolls him into the ring, Tim then looks under the ring and grabs another table which he sets up on the outside of the ring before pulling out a plank of wood. He rolls into the ring as Mike gets to his feet and Tim whacks the wood over Mike's head, Mike only stumbles backwards but stays on his feet. Tim looks shocked that Mike never feel down, and swings the plank of 2by4 again and connects thunderously against Mike's head breaking the 2by4 in half, this time Mike falls to the ground.**

Daniels - That was another sickening blow.

**Tim drops down and makes the cover.**



........3..... NO KICKOUT!!

Masters - What? How did Mike King manage to kick out after that blow.

**Tim gets to hi knees and holds his head in his hands, shocked at the fact that Mike King kicked out. Outside the ring however, Mike Luthers pulls a small black duffle bag from under the ring and opens the zip. He removes a cheese grater and throws it into Timmons. Tim picks up the cheese grater and looks to his manager who tells him to use it against Mike. Timmons gets to his feet and lifts up the head of Mike King by the hair with one hand and with the cheese grater he starts to grate at Mike Kings forehead, grating the flesh of Mike's head as if it were a piece of cheese. Timmons lets go of Mike who instantly pulls his hands to his face in pain as Timmons drops the blood stained cheese grater.**

Daniels - That's just sick, absolutely sick. Tim Timmons just used that grater on Mike as though Mike was a piece of cheese himself.

**Tim looks at his manager who still not satisfied pulls out a bat wrapped in barbed wire with a sheet of cloth under the barbed wire. Luthers hands it to Timmons and tells him to hold it still, Luthers then pours a bottle of beer on to the cloth before setting it alight. Luthers tells Timmons what to do and also hands Timmons the other bottle of beer which Tim takes a swig of. Tim turns his attention back to Mike King who climbs to his feet, Tim then wrenches the flaming barbed wire bat across the back of Mike who feeling pain instantly bends his back and stumbles away, as he turns to Timmons, Timmons puts the bat in front of his own face and spits the beer into Mike's face, as the beer travels past the naked flame it ignites before hitting Mike in the face. Mike instantly drops to the ground his hands covering his face as he rolls about.**

Masters - No Jarred, that is sick and twisted.

Daniels - Yeah and Mike Luthers is the one orchestrating the thing.

**Tim drops the bat to the mat and picks Mike King up onto his shoulders before climbing to the middle rope, Tim stands on the middle rope with Mike King drawn across his shoulders before leaping off and nailing the Canadian Driver.**

Daniels - The Canadian Driver, this should be all over.

**Tim turns and makes the cover hooking the leg of Mike.**



.........3.............. No Kirkland interrupts the count.

Daniels - Kirkland interrupts the count, Tim Timmons should have had the three but Kirkland stopped the count.

**Kirkland picks Timmons up and nails a quick snap suplex, keeping hold he drags Timmons to his feet and again, lifting him up he nails the falcon arrow. Kirkland picks Timmons up and sends him into the corner, Kirkland runs in looking for a spear. But Timmons moves out of the way and Kirkland goes shoulder first into the ring post. Mike Luthers moves towards Kirkland who is still up against the post and Mike picks up the steel chair.**

Daniels - Mike Luthers has some evil plans for Kirkland here.

**Indeed he does, as Luthers swings the chair and with the most sickening blow of the match crashes the steel chair against the skull of Brian Kirkland, who’s head gets trapped between the none give of the thick steel ring post and the incoming swing of the steel chair coming at some velocity. Kirkland’s lifeless body slowly slumps down and rolls out of the ring to the feet of Mike Luthers who looks down at the broken mess of Brian Kirkland and laughs, as the crowd goes completely.**

Daniels - That blow was just vile, that man is completely sick.

Masters - And for the first time tonight the fans have gone quiet.

**Timmons looks out to his manager even Timmons looks slightly horrified after that blow. EMT's immediately rush to check on Kirkland. As Luthers looks at Timmons and laughs as he turns to face the shocked crowd who start to chant.**

Crowd - You Killed Kirkland, You Killed Kirkland.

**Tim gets to his feet and is still looking at the broken body of Brian Kirkland who is now with a neck brace on and being placed on a stretcher. Tim finally turns round and walks straight into a shot of a steel chair by Mike King, drops to his knees after the shot which knocked Timmons to the canvas. Mike looks outside the ring and see's Kirkland being taken away by EMT's.**

Daniels - Well it certainly is over for Brian Kirkland. We're now just down to Mike King and Tim Timmons.

**Mike gets to his feet distracted by the out cold Kirkland gives time for Tim to roll out of the ring. Tim searches under the ring and brings out a ladder. He slides the ladder back into the ring before picking up the third steel chair from under the ring and slides back into the ring himself.**

Masters - That ladder should not be in the ring, this match is not a ladder match.

**Mike turns towards Timmons and is met with a steel chair to the cranium which sends Mike to the mat. Tim drops the chair and picks up the ladder which he sets in place near the ropes. He then climbs to the top of the ladder and points to the fallen Mike King.**

Daniels - Tim has some evil intentions for Mike King here.

**Timmons jumps off the ladder looking to hit the five star frog splash, but Mike King moves out of the way and Timmons hits nothing but canvas.**

Masters - Stupid boy Timmons.

Daniels - He just crashed and burned there.

**Timmons folds up holding his ribs and stomach after the missed frog splash attempt. Mike King rolls over to the corner, when he dangles over the bottom rope trying to catch his breath.**

Daniels - This match is taking its toll on all participants here Masters.

Masters - None more so than the man who’s just left us on a stretcher.

**Mike finally catches his breath and uses the ropes to get to his feet he grabs a steel chair and stalks Timmons who is also climbing to his feet, as Timmons turns round Mike slams the chair into his gut, Timmons keels over and Mike drops the chair to the mat locking Timmons in an inverted front face lock. He points towards Mike Luthers on the outside before planting Timmons with a DDT.**

Daniels - That's should disrespect right there.

Masters - Don't be surprised it Mike Luthers interferes again.

**Mike rolls Tim over and makes the cover all while staring down at Luthers.**



...3..... NO KICKOUT!!

Daniels - Another kickout by Tim Timmons, this match still continues.

**Mike looks at the referee and pulls Timmons up to his feet and nails a snap suplex onto the chair. Mike rising to his feet again and pulls the chair from under Timmons and sets it up in the seated position in the middle of the ring. Mike drags Tim to his feet and goes for an Irish whip, but Tim reverses and sends Mike into the ropes, he rebounds and Tim hits the drop toe hold and plants Mike's face into the steel chair, the impact causes Mike's head to snap back and he drops to the canvas.**

Daniels - Nice counter from Tim, and Mike's head just snapped back after hitting the chair.

Masters - If Tim can roll Mike over he may actually have him.

**Tim starts to move and crawls to the ropes which he uses to pull himself up to a vertical base. Still a little unsteady on his feet he leans against the ropes to stop him from falling down, and looks at the Mike who also starts to stir. Mike manages to get to his feet all be it unsteady. Tim runs up behind Mike grabs a face lock and nails a nice bulldog slamming Mike's face into the steel chair again.**

Daniels - I'm not sure how much more punishment either man can withstand.

**Tim rolls Mike over and makes a cover.**




Masters - Oh and Mike King managed to dig deep and get his shoulder up.

**Tim looks at the referee wishing it was the three count and starting to get a little anxious. Tim slowly gets to he feet and drags Mike up to his feet, Tim goes for the Irish whip but Mike counters into on of his own as Tim rebounds Mike jumps up onto his shoulders and looks for a hurricanrana, but yet another counter by Timmons who slams him onto the steel chair which flattens with the impact of Timmons' powerbomb. Tim slumps over to make the cover.**



3...... NO KICKOUT!!!!

Daniels - Mike King is still in this he somehow managed to get the shoulder up.

Masters - Man I thought this match was over there.

**Tim looks at the referee pleading for the three count almost.**

Daniels - Timmons must be wondering what he has to do to pin Mike.

**Tim struggles to his feet, bleeding from his head wound and hurting from the beaten that he has taken in the match. Tim picks up the baseball bat wrapped in barbed wire which has now lost its flame. Tim begs for Mike to get to his feet, amazingly even with the help of the ropes Mike gets to his feet as he leaves go of the ropes he staggers backwards and turns to face the awaiting Timmons. Tim swings the bat aiming for Mikes head but Mike ducks and grabs Timmons lifting him up and drops him on the back of his neck with a back body suplex. Both men are down once again with Timmons holding his neck and Mike just trying desperately to breathe.**

Daniels - This is one helluva show these two are putting on here tonight. Who knows what’s gonna happen next.

**Both men start to struggle to get the their feet aided by the ropes. Tim turns round and is nailed by Mike King with his finishing move "The Shining Metallica" but Mike did not hit Tim with as much power as he would like to have done.**

Daniels - SHINING METALLICA!!!! That’s lights out Tim Timmons.

Masters - I'm not sure if Mike got the whole of that Shining Metallica though Jarred.

**Mike takes a few seconds to catch his breath and he realises the situation, he rolls over and places his arm across the chest of Timmons for the pin.**




.........3 NO KICKOUT!!!!!

Daniels - I don't believe it, Tim Timmons has some how managed to get the shoulder up. How did Tim kick out of the Shining Metallica?

Masters - I told you Jarred Mike did not connect with that fully, if he did this would be over.

Daniels - I think the few seconds for Mike to realise where he was may have cost him there too.

**Mike can't believe Tim kicked out of the Shining Metallica, he gets to his feet a disgruntled look on his face and backs into the corner, begging for Tim to get to his feet. Somewhat amazingly Tim does as he is climbing to his feet he tries as much as he can to shake the cobwebs out. Tim turns round and Mike aims for another Yakuza Kick but Tim is aware of it coming and spins Mike in a tilt-a-whirl move but catches him in the inverted piledriver position before jumping to his knees nailing the tombstone piledriver. Mike drops to the canvas, Tim drops to his back and rolls to his stomach but away from Mike King.**

Daniels - The T-Crusher, Mike went for another Shining Metallica but Tim caught Mike and hit the T-Crusher, can Tim make the cover?

**Tim stirs and slowly crawls over to Mike King and drops down beside him slinging his arm across Mike's chest.**

Daniels - Here's the pin surely it's over.




3....... KICKOUT!!!

Masters - No only a two count Mike King got his shoulder up.

**Tim Timmons rolls to his stomach and sits up slowly look at the ref with a bemused look on his face.. Tim shakes his head in disbelief, he stumbles up to his feet and looks at Mike who is crawling towards the ropes. Tim drops out of the ring and looks under for another weapon. Tim finds what he is looking for and brings out a sledgehammer. Tim rolls back into the ring and starts to stalk Mike. Mike turns round and BAM!! Timmons nails Mike right between the eyes with the sledgehammer. However Tim wastes time and taunts the fans who respond with a chorus of boos.**

Daniels - Tim should not be taunting the fans here, he really should look to end the match.

**Tim drops the sledgehammer and picks Mike up and climbs to the second turnbuckle.**

Masters - Here we go, get ready for the Canadian Driver.

**Tim stands and jumps forward but Mike counters in mid air and turns it into a DDT.**

Daniels - Mike Counters, out of nowhere Mike King counters the Canadian Driver.

Masters - Yeah but how much does Mike have left in him.

**Mike begins to stir first and staggers to his feet he realises Tim is moving slowly so he backs away into the opposite corner, as he does so he locks eyes with Mike Luthers, just as the distraction is taking place a man jumps over the guard rail and slides Timmons a guitar, then man then disappears just as quickly as he appeared.**

Daniels - Who the hell was that?

Masters - I Don’t know Jarred, I think it might have been the other RSR member Jase Johnson.

**Mike looks back to Timmons who is up to his feet, Mike runs in aiming for another Shining Metallica, but Tim knows its coming and BAM!!! He blasts Mike in the head with the guitar, pieces fly out in every direction as Mike slumps to the ground. Tim drops the guitar and makes the cover.**




3....... NO KICKOUT

Daniels - Holy cow, how on Earth did Mike King manage to get a shoulder up?

**Tim’s gets to his knees and looks at the ref in disbelief. Tim then eyes the ladder up and gets to his feet and staggers over to the ladder and begins to climb it very slowly almost stopping on every rung. Mike starts to stir and notices Timmons climbing the ladder, Mike sees an opportunity and crawls to the foot of the ladder and uses it to get to his feet. He staggers up to his feet using the aid of the ladder, and begins to climb, just as slowly as Tim. Tim gets to the top first and sees Mike climbing. Mike gets to the top and the two start to exchange blows back and forth. Mike starts to get the better of Timmons and grabs him and looks to nail a superplex, but Tim blocks and punches Mike into his ribs, Mike releases Tim and hold his ribs, Tim then bounces Mikes head of the top rung, and again, and a third time for good measure before pulling Mike across his Shoulders and looks out of the ring. Tim leaps off the ladder to the outside and crashes through the table that had been set up earlier nailing the Canadian Driver!**


Daniels - THE CANADIAN DRIVER, from the top of the ladder through a table to the outside. That's got to be it surely Mike can't kick out of that.

Masters - But can Tim make the cover.

**Tim feeling the affects of the move too slowly crawls over and manages to drape and arm across the broken body of Mike King and barely makes the cover.**





Daniels - It's over we've got a new hardcore champion.

Towers - Ladies and Gentlemen here is your winner and the NEW HARDCORE CHAMPION TIM TIMMONS!!!!!

**Mike Luthers grabs the hardcore title and goes round and checks on his student as EMT's rush to aid of the competitors.**


Ruthless were in the backstage and she were talking with Joel Fernandez and handing him over the Queen of Combat Zone Women Title to him. As she turn around she were face to face with Jesse Montana who were in his wrestling gear along with his title for his match tonight. He had a smirks on his face as Ruthless just glare at him like she could kill him right now. He laughs as he looked over at her.

Well I see that there no love lost for me when it come to you.

She not taking her eyes off of him as she held in her tempted as her hands on her side start to turn into a fist.

What the fuck do you want!

He act like he is shocked at how she talk to him and starts to circle her a bit as he then reach up and gently place a hand on one of her curls that were on her face and she slap his hand away with a laugh.

Ruthless you know how to clean yourself up at times. You looking kind of good there. I wouldn’t mind taking you to my office and show you what a real man could do with a woman but that will be another time. I want to know why you when over my head about the Women Division. First you when behind my back when you told me that you were going to retired and I told you can’t do that and now you when behind my back about the Women Division.

She rolled her eyes gently as she fold her arms looking over at him.

I told you I can't wrestles right now for personal reason and you want to take it appoint yourself to tell me I couldn’t do that so I had to show you that you do not have power over me. Second we both know you were going to let the Women Division go away slowly so I took matters in my own hand. Now I have better things to do then stand around here and talk to you Jesse.

She push passed him and goes to leave and he grab her arm and made her turn around to look at him. He had a hard grip on her arm as she fought with him to let it go.

Let me go Jesse! So help me!

He pull a bit harder on her arm as he laugh. His finger nails starts to dig into her skin and he could tell something were going on with Ruthless. She would have by now knock the mess out of him but didn't.

Look here. I am your boss and guess what missy. You believe you no longer have a contract to wrestles but you still is apart of the Overdrive roster and I know you have a secret. I do not know what it could be yet but know this I will found out what it is. When I do. You will pay dearly for EVER going up against me.

He push Ruthless down on the ground and that when out of nowhere Reva “Star” Douglas spear him down. You see Reva on top of him and you see Tatum and Debra pulling her off of him. He stood up looking pissed off as they were holding Reva along with Ruthless.

Oh little miss Reva you want to try to be all high and mighty as for Overdrive this up coming week.. YOU ARE BANNED from the show this week. And you know what… the first round I am going to place on Overdrive this week. Tatum and Debra will be up against each other to get a chance to be in the Queen Cage of Doom match.

He walked away with the girls looking at each other as Reva kick at the wall running her hand through her hair glaring down at Jesse as he walked off.


-=- TELEVISION TITLE MATCH -=- (2 RP’s per person) "The Human Highlight Reel" ERIC COLLUM (c) -VS- "The Real Deal" ROB WRIGHT


‘Get Back’ by Ludacris plays, and the arena fills with boos as Rob Wright makes his way out onto the ramp.

Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following match is for the CZW Television Championship. Introducing first, the challenger, from Springfield, Massachusetts, he is ‘the Real Deal,’ ROB WRIGHT!!

Wright makes his way to the ring in his wrestling gear and ‘Too Wright to be Wrong’ t-shirt, a confident smile on his face. He hops in the ring and ascends to the second turnbuckle, running his hands over his waist, indicating that he will be wearing gold after this match.

The lights dim and Shindedown’s ‘Fly From the Inside’ hits, and Eric Collum takes the stage to a mixed reaction from the fans.

Towers: “And his opponent, from Houston, Texas, he is the CZW TELEVISION CHAMPION, ‘the Human Highlight Reel,’ ERIC COLLUM!!”

Eric proceeds to ringside, entering and showing off the gold. He barely gets his belt off before Rob Wright jumps him! The bell rings and the referee grabs the belt off the ground as Rob lays into Collum with a series of right fists!

Daniels: “Rob Wright taking the early advantage here, jumping the gun on Eric Collum!”

Masters: “That’s a smart move by Wright.. Take the early advantage and do whatever it takes to keep it.”

Wright pummels Collum on the ground, causing him to cover up his face with his hands. Wright grabs the rope and begins stomping away at the TV champ. Wright picks Eric up and whips him into the ropes. On the rebound, Wright goes for a big boot, but Eric ducks under! He rebounds and Rob throws a clothesline, but again, Collum ducks, hitting the far ropes once more! Collum with an attempt at a flying clothesline, but Wright leaps up as well, snagging him and spinning him into a spinebuster! Rob poses from the ground before making the cover!





Collum kicks out before even two.

Daniels: “Excellent counter by Wright there, though he took a bit too long making the pin.”

Wright stands and lifts Collum up, holding him in a front face-lock and driving a knee to the chest, followed by a second. He lifts the champ up and takes him over with a stalling vertical suplex! Rob dusts his hands and heads to the corner, hopping up to the second turnbuckle.

Masters: “The Real Deal’ coming off the second turnbuckle with an elbow drop!”

Daniels: “Collum gets a boot up! Wright catches it right in the jaw!”

Some of the fans cheer as Collum gets the reversal, rolling to his side and making his way to his feet. Wright falls hard against the ropes, dazed momentarily. He clutches his jaw but turns back to his opponent, only to be met with a huge SUPERKICK! Wright flips up and over to the outside! Collum measures him up and vaults over the top, landing on Rob and knocking him down with a body press! Some of the fans are getting more into it as Eric begins to speed the pace up, hopping onto the ring apron. He runs across and leaps, catching Rob with a flying headscissors that spins him hard into the guardrail!

Daniels: “Great move from Collum, Rob Wright is spun upside down and against the railing!”

Masters: “And look how he landed! His head is at a very awkward angle there!”

Collum gets up and appeals to the ringside fans, getting mixed responses. He rolls Wright away from the rail and pulls him up by the hair, slamming his face into the steel steps. He measures Rob up, and then hops onto the steps, springing off and nailing ‘the Real Deal’ with a brutal enziguri!! Rob looks around with a dazed expression before falling onto his face! Collum is really in control now, rolling back into the ring as Wright uses the apron to drag himself back to his feet. Eric waits for him to make it mostly onto the apron and he bounds off the far ropes, coming back and leaping with a flying lariat! Wright counters, catching Collum by the head in midflight and falling to his knees, bringing Collum’s throat down across the top rope! Eric doubles over, gasping for air and Wright vaults into the ring, hitting ‘the Human Highlight Reel’ with a slingshot rocker-dropper!!

Masters: “AMAZING counter by ‘the Real Deal’ right there!!”

Wright slowly rolls Collum over and makes the cover!









Collum barely kicks out in time! Wright gets to his feet, showing a little frustration, and he pulls Eric up, sending him hard into the turnbuckle. He follows in with a huge clothesline, nailing the champ with such force that a giant wad of spit goes flying out into the audience! Wright puts Collum into a suplex position and puts him up onto the top turnbuckle, climbing up and setting him up for a superplex! Top-rope superplex connects!!

Daniels: “Huge superplex by Wright! Both men are down!”

Wright is up and he heads to the second turnbuckle again, this time connecting with the diving elbow! He makes the pin attempt!









3!! NO! Collum kicks out with barely an inch to spare! Wright looking a little angry now, and he stands up, pulling Collum up and locking in an inverted facelock, looking for ‘No Laughing Matter!’ Collum struggles and twists out of it, kneeing Rob in the gut! TWIST OF FATE!!

Daniels: “Collum out of nowhere with that swinging cutter! He’s going for the pin!!”









Kick out by the challenger! Collum up and he puts the boots to Rob Wright, stomping away at his head. He rushes off to the ropes and springs off the middle, nailing him with a springboard moonsault! Pinning predicament!









3!!! NO! Kick out by ‘the Real Deal!’ Eric now wearing a mask of frustration. He pulls Wright to his feet and whips him to the ropes, but Rob reverses! Collum springs up and leaps with an asai moonsault! Wright catches him! INVERTED PILEDRIVER!! The crowd bursts into cheers and a ‘HOLY SHIT’ chant as Collum bounces off his head courtesy of ‘the Real Deal.’

Daniels: “Oh my GOD! Rob Wright just killed him with that Fire Thunder driver! What a counter!!”

Masters: “And now Rob looking to put him away! He’s heading to the top, and you know what that means!”

Wright slowly makes his way to the turnbuckle, looking a little dazed. He takes a while to get to the top before posing to the fans who respond by booing him loudly. Rob then leaps!! NO MORE FUN AND GAMES!! NOBODY HOME!!! Rob comes crashing to the mat in a blaze of glory, and Collum rolls away out of complete desperation! ‘The Real Deal’ clutches his ribs, coughing and trying to regain his breath. Eric slowly pushes himself up, trying to make it to his feet.

Daniels: “Wright went for ‘No More Fun and Games’ but he crashed and burned, and now look! Eric Collum going to the top!”

Masters: “Collum looking to take advantage of a grave mistake, but he’d better hope lightning doesn’t strike twice!”

Daniels: “Here he goes! “AERIAL REVOLUTION!!”


Collum comes flipping from the top, rotating 630 degrees before crashing back-first onto the knees of Rob Wright! He bounces off and crashes to the mat, writhing in agony! Wright rolls over and makes the cover!









3!!! NO! Collum gets his foot onto the bottom rope! SO close! Wright picks him up and whips him to the turnbuckle, Collum reverses! Wright hops up, springing from the second turnbuckle to the top, about to counter with an aerial maneuver, but Eric is too fast, hitting Rob’s legs out from under him, dropping him groin-first over the turnbuckle! Rob sits in immeasurable pain as Collum rests against the top rope for a moment, trying to regain his senses. He moves up behind Wright, climbing onto the second turnbuckle. He bows low, working his arms up and tangling them with Rob’s, the positioning looking very awkward for a moment.

Masters: “What the hell is Collum doing there? Is he…NO! HE’S NOT!”

Daniels: “I think he is, and this could do more than just end the match!!”

Collum stands back upright on the second turnbuckle, lifting Rob up and over onto his back in a vertabreaker position!! Eric looks out to the crowd with an intense look on his face and then leaps backwards off the buckle!! COLLUMBINE FROM THE SECOND TURNBUCKLE!!!!

Daniels & Masters: “OH MY GOD!!!”

Rob is spiked hard down onto the back of his neck, bouncing awkwardly off the mat. Eric crawls over to him slowly, rolling him over and hooking both legs with the cover!











Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, here is your winner, and STILL CZW Television Champion, ‘the Human Highlight Reel,’ ERIC COLLUM!!”

Eric sits in the ring holding his back as he is presented with his title. He slowly gets to his feet and raises the belt high, a few more fans cheering him now.


-=- X TITLE LADDER MATCH-=- (2 RP’s per person) "Rated E For Everyone" EDDIE ROWAN (c) -VS- "The Emo Prince" JACOB HAVOK


Towers: The following contest is a Ladder Match and it is for... THE CZW X-DIVISION CHAMPIONSHIP!


Towers: Introducing the challenger... From Beautiful Agony, JACOB HAVOK!

-Havok runs down to the ring.

Towers: And the champion... Also from Beautiful Agony, the X-Champion, EDDIE ROWAN!

-Eddie runs down to the ring, standing on the other side of the ring while Havok stretches.

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

-Havok and Eddie circle, collar-elbow-tie-up. Eddie with a irish whip, catches Havok with a back body drop sending Havok to the lights! Havok back up quickly and clotheslines Eddie then climbs the top rope... MOONSAULT! NO! Eddie moves at the last second making Havok hit the canvas hard!

Daniels: What a Moonsault that ended badly for Jacob there.

Masters: Emo's should just stay away from high-risk moves altogether.

-Eddie picks up Havok, throws him to an opposite corner, then goes for a superkick in the corner! NO! Havok catches Eddie's foot!!! Havok then trips Eddie and STANDING MOONSAULT connects on Eddie!!!

-Havok then exits the ring, going for the ladder, first touch of it tonight, as Eddie catapults himself... SUICIDE DIVE TO HAVOK HOLDING THE LADDER!!!


-Havok and Eddie now down on the outside as Havok struggles to his feet, grabs a chair from around the announce table... goes for a hit on Eddie... NO! Havok hits the ground shaking his hands, dropping the chair... EDDIE!! DDT ONTO THE CHAIR ON HAVOK!!!

Daniels: Dear god what impact!!!

Masters: Completely took Havok off-guard with that!

-Eddie then picks the ladder up, and throws it in the ring almost hitting the referee with that throw! Eddie then enters the ring and places the ladder in the corner, setting it sidewise placed in between the top and middle rope! Havok slowly climbs back in as Eddie throws Havok towards the ladder! STOPPED! Eddie runs at Havok, HAVOK SPRINGBOARDING OFF THE LADDER INTO A REVERSE DDT ON EDDIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Daniels: Havok is pulling out all the stops tonight!

Masters: He really wants that X-Title!

-Havok picks the ladder up as Eddie is down after that DDT. He places the ladder over Eddie, and starts climbing! Eddie struggles... EDDIE!!! HE TAKES THE LADDER AND SHAKES IT WHERE HAVOK FLIES RIGHT INTO THE TOP TURNBUCKLE HEAD FIRST!!!!!!!

Daniels: OH MY GOD!

Masters: Havok could be seriously hurt after that!!!

-Eddie then sets the ladder up... Havok is still down... Eddie looks up at the X-Title hanging above... He picks the ladder up and places it underneath the X-Title once again! Eddie is climbing!! Eddie looks at Havok from the top of the ladder... HOLY SHIT! EDDIE WITH A MOONSAULT CONNECTING ONTO HAVOK!!!!!!!!!!!!!


-Eddie is slow to his feet, Havok is now recovering after that shot! Eddie starts slowly climbing, but Havok is right behind Eddie! Rowan and Havok, trading shots at the top of the ladder!!! Havok with a huge left! Rowan retaliates with a vicious right! Havok slips up a bit... EDDIE PUSHES HAVOK OFF THE LADDER!!!!

-Eddie then takes the X-Title down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Towers: Here is your winner, and STILL, CZW X-DIVISION CHAMPION, EDDIE ROWAN!!!!!

Daniels: What a X-Title Match, with Rowan retaining in the end!

Masters: Classic match right there!




TOWERS: The following contest will be a Toole shed match, with Scaffolding around the ring, the match will consist of various weapons found inside a tool shed, ranging from hammers, screws, to such items as Glass Tables and Nail Guns. Ladies and Gentlemen…this match is for the CZW Intercontinental Title!

DANIELS: Oh my…look how high up that scaffolding travels, I wonder if it’s sturdy, William.

MASTERS: Nothing about this match is sturdy Jarred, we have tables, glass tables, pins, needles, screws, dammit just like Jessica said, we even have guns…I have never seen anything like it, Jarred.

DANIELS: No of course you haven’t, you have never had a days grafting in your life.

MASTERS: Hey, I took was I got given and look at me now, the number one commentator in Sports Entertainment.

DANIELS: Speaking of number ones, did you hear the words from the Jackal, those pulsating words that ran through his mind; ‘Second Place Is Not Good Enough’, this man is only out to be number one!

MASTERS: Well he trains and he fights to be number one, just like every other man in this industry, but at the moment, Maynard is far ahead of the rest in the IC division, now having been the champion for 127 days, if my calculations are correct.

DANIELS: Well I trust your calculations, and that is highly impressive, but I just can’t remember when I saw a challenger quite as determined and gritty as this Jackal, he is called the Most Dangerous Man, but imagine how dangerous he can be when the Title is on the line.

MASTERS: It’s not hard to be dangerous when your surrounded by weapons, this match will have blood and lots of it. Hell, with all of the equipment flying around, I won’t be surprised to see the referee and parts of the crowd bleeding by the end of this one.

DANIELS: And now, lets give you some history of this feud between Karl Jackson and Maynard O’Toole. I guess it all started back in the King of Combat tournament, however as we all know, Jackal has never been friends exactly with System of Supremacy. However, Maynard and Jackal fought so hard in the quarter finals, they ended up drawing, these men have been at each others throats ever since and now, finally Jackal gets his opportunity at gold. He was screwed out of the World Title, now can he exact revenge by winning the IC Title?

MASTERS: He was screwed out of absolutely nothing, Montana had business to conduct and Jackal was used as his puppet, I cannot blame Montana for what he did, he got him into CZW in the first place didn’t he?!

DANIELS: Well, Montana’s business skills are not what I am criticizing, I am merely stating he promised the Jackal a World Title shot and that did not happen. Jackal will be looking for revenge, but with everything that has happened in his personal life, throughout his long feud with Mack Beaudin, can Jackal be at 100%?

MASTERS: He is a professional Jarred, but whatever percentage he is at, we all know Maynard, when his Title is on the line, he gives 110% no questions asked!

DANIELS: Well…oh boy the atmosphere here is astronomical, I think it’s about to get underway, Jackal…Maynard…Toole Shed Match…Gold on the line!

The lights go out and darkness fills the arena as only the dim glow of spotlights can be see scattered around the arena roof. After a moment of darkness and silence, the quiet tones of single guitar tones can be heard as the titantron explodes into life with images of Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson. Fans are kept waiting for a few moments as the images and guitar tomes continue to play. Suddenly a single explosion of sparkling red fireworks and the playing of 'Gold Metal' by trademarc announce the arrival of The Jackal to the stage area as he stands with eyes focused on the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other.

TOWERS: Ladies and gentlemen, the challenger hailing from Orlando, Florida and weighing in at 235 lbs…He is the Most Dangerous Man in CZW…Karl THE JACKAL Jackson!

He then walks slowly to the ring, not taking his eyes off the ring, his cold stare piercing holes through the large structure around the ring, 20 feet of scaffolding. As he reaches the ring he climbs the steps and climbs carefully through the scaffolding, large planks of wood separating him from the ring. Once inside the ring, he mounts the second turnbuckle of the corner post. He performs a breaking action with his hands, indicating his intentions in the match he is about to have, followed by a signal of wearing gold around his waist, the fans actually cheering this icy cold man. He then descends off the turnbuckle and turns to re-establish the stare with the structure, walking closer to the ropes as if more than ready to engage in combat.

DANIELS: Not only did he signal that he was winding up to break some bones tonight, he also signaled to these thousands of fans that he will indeed be the next IC Champion.

MASTERS: He can signal all he wants, Jarred…fact of the matter is, Maynard is the favorite here and I do believe he is about to come out…now!

Loco by Coal Chamber floods the arena. 29 seconds into the song the arena's lights dim down to darkness. Now, as the song hits hard, the arena is filled with flashing red lights. O'Toole steps out from the curtain, stands at the top of the stage and arrogantly sticks his arms out to his sides as if to pose to the crowd with a smug grin on his face, his precious Title around his large left shoulder.

TOWERS: And his opponent, hailing from Fayetteville, North Carolina and weighing in at 275 lbs…He is the current INTERCONTINENTAL champion…MAYNARD O’TOOLE!

The fans fill the arena with "BOO'S". O'Toole slowly makes his way to the ring. O'Toole walks up the scaffolding, now sliding his hands around the wood, smiling as he stares at Jackal who is waiting inside the ring. Maynard now steps inside the ring cautiously as the referee tells Jackal to back up. He then walks to the middle of the ring and poses to the crowd as he spins around so everyone can get a good look, his arms out with the Gold on his shoulder. He then climbs the closest turnbuckle and repeats his pose, the fans booing loudly.

MASTERS: There he is Jarred, the greatest IC Champion we have ever seen, he is the unwritten King of CZW, how in the hell can Jackal be this confident while in the ring with royalty?

DANIELS: Royalty, Presidential, Legend or even God, Jackal wants to be number one and nothing lower.

MASTERS: Well we shall see Jarred, but I have to go with Maynard in this one, he is in his own backyard here.

DANIELS: That cannot be denied, Maynard getting the go ahead from his good friend and General Manager Jesse Montana, to have this match in a Toole shed environment.

MASTERS: I hope your not implying anything by that Jarred, Jesse simply did what is best for the fans here, and it lines up to be one hell of a match.

DANIELS: That it will be, lets get down to action folks, Bill Fischer is referee for tonight’s match, Jackal, Maynard, lets get it on!


- Both men walk confidently around the area. In each four corners, we see tool boxes full of weapons. On the outside we see ladders and tables, even one glass table. Around the ring is scaffolding, reaching 20 feet in the air. The fans cheer as both men lock up, the first ever Toole shed match, this one for the highly prestigious Intercontinental Title.

- Jackal tries to take Maynard down with a headlock, but Maynard’s strength proves dividend as he literally throws Karl right into the scaffolding, shaking the huge structure and creating a loud echo throughout the entire arena. Jackal lands inside the ring as he holds his back, hurt early on in the match. Maynard walks up as he begins to stomp Jackal down into the mat, aiming for the lower spine area. Maynard lines Jackal out on the canvas as he drops a thunderous elbow drop down on Jackal, making him scream in agony.

- Maynard now picks Jackal up, pushing him front first into the corner, then driving his right knee into the spine. Maynard now hits shoulder barges into the spine as Jackal seems trapped. Though under Karl’s feet is a box, Maynard runs in trying to go for a spear, but Karl dodges, then picks up the box to reveal the first of many weapons, a wooden mallet.

- The crowd hisses as they look at the tool in the hand of Jackal. Maynard turns around very slowly, unaware of the mallet about to crash into his skull. Jackal swings his arm back, measuring up Maynard, he swings but instead, Maynard quickly and impressively grabs Jackal and hits him with a Spinebuster, completing the attack with a pinfall cover…















- Maynard stands up, smirking as he looks down at the mallet that Jackal dropped after the spine buster. Maynard now picks it up as he holds it up in the air, the crowd booing with anger. Jackal tries to make it to his feet, using the scaffolding as leverage, but before he can, Maynard drives the wooden tool into the kidney of Karl, knocking him straight back down. Maynard now picks Karl up, clearly holding his back in torturous pain now, Maynard lifts him up…Gorilla Press…

- The strength of Maynard is phenomenal as he walks around with Karl at his mercy, until…Karl grabs hold of the scaffolding as he pulls himself off the hands of Maynard, now scurrying up the wooden ladder. Maynard looks up as before he knows it…Jackal is flying from the structure landing a body press on Maynard, and getting the cover…














- Both men now stand as the scaffolding rattles once more after the impact of the last move. The fans try and cheer Karl on as he gets to his feet, still holding his back, in pain from previous attacks. Karl runs towards Maynard as he spears him…


- The fans go hysterical as the structure rattles even harder. Both Maynard and Jackal lie in a mess on the outside, broken wooden shards scattered around them. Still though Jackal begins to rise as he pulls down the straps on his outfit, then throws Maynard back into the ring. Jackal picks Maynard up as he lays in with rights and lefts, then throws him to the ropes as O’Toole rebounds…Titl-a-whirl-backbreaker. Jackal is not finished though as he sits over Maynard, hitting closed rightn hand fists into his face..

- Jackal now lets go as he scurries to another corner of the ring, finding a box full of long and sharp bolts. Jackal begins to run his fingers through the box as a smile comes across his face. He picks one out as he encloses it in with his right fist, now heading back towards Maynard. Jackal sits back down as he begins to hit Maynard with right fists, only this time with a bolt in between his fingers. Maynard’s head quickly explodes just like a fresh tomato, blood flowing onto the canvas. Jackal now begins to sadistically grind the edge of the nail into the forehead of Maynard, tearing and ripping at his skin, Maynard screams in pain. Finally Jackal lets him go as he once again walks of, picking back up the box of bolts. Jackal walks back over to the bloodied Maynard O’Toole but…


- As Jackal collapses to the canvas, kneeling in a pool of Maynard’s blood, the bolts spread around the ring, making the canvas highly dangerous. Maynard places his hands over his head, now seeing the blood that pours from his face, Maynard shaking as he tries to stand up. Jackal is also about on his feet again as both men go at it, lefts and rights, Jackal intelligently ducks as he goes for a side suplex, Maynard though rolling over Jackal’s shoulder and onto his feet, now grabbing Karl…Maynard lifts Jackal up, looking to power bomb his opponent right down onto the long and jagged bolts…








- The crowd hiss as they look on, noticing Jackal screaming in horrific pain. Maynard drops to his knees, clearly with huge blood loss, but still getting an arm over the Jackal…


















- Somehow, Karl gets a shoulder up, though sticking out of his spine is metal bolts. Maynard gets back up, holding his head as the blood continues to flow hard. Maynard begins to drag Jackal while holding his left foot, dragging through the bolts on the canvas, his back being ripped to shreds. Maynard leaves Jackal’s legs sticking out under the ring as Maynard rolls to the outside. He takes hold of the left leg, the fans wondering what he is planning, then he plants jackal’s leg inside a gap through the scaffolding, Jackal now stuck with no where to run. He tries to escape, but the leg is clearly stuck tight.

- Maynard now rolls back into the ring as he walks to the opposite side, picking out a corner where yet another mystery box is stored. Fans sweat as Maynard pulls another mystery item out, this time it’s a…

METAL VICE!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans are stunned as Maynard licks his lips, holding up in the air, a metal vice, which would crush anything it squashes. Maynard now walks up to the head of Jackal, looking deep into his eyes as he watches Karl struggle to break free. Maynard laughs as he rolls out of the ring, then places the vice over the trapped left leg of the Jackal. The fans try to avoid looking, Maynard tightening the vice, Jackal’s eyes pop out of his head, his veins sticking through his skin, he screams and screams as his leg is getting crushed.

- Maynard carries on as the referee asks if the Jackal wants to quit, but he refuses, tears in his eyes as the bones in his leg get squashed, the skin rips as the tendons burst. Maynard carries on, desperately needing Jackal to quit, but he just won’t. Maynard tightens, and tightens, and tightens, the referee noticing the face of the Jackal going white…






“Do you give up Karl???”







- Jackal seems to look around the arena, his eyes now bloodshot as foam sprawls out of his mouth, he shakes in pain. He seems to be looking out for someone, an inspiration of some sorts. Jackal still does not tap.

- Maynard almost seems reluctant to carry on tightening the vice, in fact he cannot do it anymore, Jackal’s leg is crushed down to the bone. Jackal seems to be reaching out for something, a last desperate attempt to escape, Maynard not noticing as he tries to tighten the vice AGAIN!






Jackal has reached something…







- Maynard, the fans and everyone apart from Jackson has no idea what he has just found, but as he grips the item, then sits up with it in hand, the fans silence as Maynard screams in horror…



- Maynard now has collapsed to the ground as EMT’s spread around him to check if he is okay. The referee now helps Jackal from the vice as it drops to the ground,. Jackal; now scurrying out of the trap and back into the middle of the ring, trying to feel his leg that has just been crushed.

- Maynard now sits up as the cameras show the wound, it hit is right arm, the nail piercing through the skin, blood now pouring from his arm and head. Jackal is still reeling from the vice grip on his leg, still in shock from the pain. The EMT’s lift Maynard onto his feet as they begin to walk him out. Jackal looks up and somehow, he manages to rise to both feet, the fans are going wild as Jackal rolls to the outside, grabs Maynard from the EMT’s and throws him skull first into the ladder by ringside. Jackal now rolls him back into the ring, Jackal following literally dancing on one leg.

- Jackal now picks up Maynard as he begins to hit knife-edge chops into the wound on Maynard’s right arm. Jackal now whips him to the ropes as Maynard runs, bounces off and gets caught by Karl with a huge OVERHEAD BELLY TO BACK SUPLEX!!!

Karl covers…























- The fans chant for Jackal as he seems to have turned all momentum around on to his side. He stands to his feet, now regaining strength back in his injured leg and weakened back, Jackal on fire as he lifts Maynard up to his feet once more. Jackal picks Maynard up, now aiming for the bolts down below and he holds Maynard for a Stalling Suplex. Jackal drops as the fans scream in delight…MAYNARD CRASHES TO THE GROUND!

- Karl stands back up, the atmosphere inside the arena is astonishing. Jackal now rips his top off completely as he gets fired up. He looks down at Maynard who lies in a broken heap, grabs his left ankle…

JACKAL LOCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans cheer as Karl stands above Maynard, ripping and tearing at his ankle, Maynard losing blood from his head and his shoulder, he places his head in his hands as he groans, Jackal with the IC Title within his grasp.

- Jackal puts all of his might and power into trying to snap the ankle of the man who has been mentally torturing him for months. Jackal grits his teeth as he starts to rip even harder, Maynard making no movement towards the ropes, he holds out his hands as the whole World is about to witness the Champion tap out…

















- Maynard up on his feet as Jackal runs towards him, Maynard using Jackal’s own adrenaline as Jackal runs straight through the scaffolding and crashing out, almost suicidally diving through the structure.

- Maynard hobbles towards the scaffolding, seeing stars, not knowing where he is, he begins to climb up the frame. Jackal quickly gets up, wiping the cobwebs off and climbing back into the ring. Maynard now looks down as he realizes Jackal approaching. Maynard reaches the top, now begins to climb back the other side, but Jackal is too quick as he has already met him up there.

- Both men, 20 feet high up in the air now as they battle. Jackal throws a right, followed by Maynard who throws a right. Jackal then begins to bite the head of Maynard but quickly defended as he poke Karl in the eye. Maynard then turns to try and escape the grasp of Jackal but in one sickening event…Jackal hits Maynard who falls 20 feet…

20 FEET DROP ONTO THE GLASS TABLE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SHARDS FLY…MAYNARD IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

HOLY FUCK…HOLY FUCK…HOLY FUCK!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jackal climbs down as he drops to his knees, reveling in the sight of his enemy lying in a pool of his own blood.

- Rules state that a person can only win by pinfall or submission INSIDE the ring, Jackal knowing this immediately moves Maynard as he drags him through the broken pieces of glass. Maynard obviously makes no movement. Jackal lifts him up, managing to roll him inside the ring. Jackal then regains his breath, seconds away from winning his first CZW Title.



- Jackal turns around as he gets hit in the face with the crutches that Pete has to use due to an attack by Jackal weeks ago. Jackal falls to the floor. Pete now waits to hit him once more as Jackal, now bleeding from the mouth and lip gets to his feet, turns…






- Jackal picked up a hammer that he found, catching Pete in the shoulder with the item. Jackal now begins to scurry around the ring like a mad man, frothing and spluttering, his eyes turns demonic, the fans silenced as Jackal picks up…

OH MY GOD NO!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jackal is sick in the head clearly as he picks up a blow torch, smiling at it as he walks up towards Briggs with the device.

- Meanwhile, Maynard unbelievably is making movement motions inside the ring, pouring with blood from all parts, the champion is still alive!

- Jackal steps nearer to Pete, Jackal’s former friend and trainer almost helpless as Jackal switches on the gas, the blow torch flaming, roaring, the crow are sickened. Maynard now manages to get up to his knees, the fans not knowing what to think, what to do or what to cheer for. Jackal laughs as he grabs Pete, Jackal’s father in the crowd looking worried…







Jackal looks inside the ring and notices Maynard crawling around…






Jackal finally drops the blow torch, making the correct decision as he climbs back into the ring. Jackal walks up toward Maynard but O’Toole throws out a large supply of what looks to be sawdust, temporarily blinding the Jackal. Maynard in one last act…Even though his body is broken is several parts…GET UP…

THE OPIATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!































NO…JACKSON CRUSH…GOGOPLATA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!











TOWERS: Here is your winner via submission and the NEW CZW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION…Karl THE JACKAL Jackson!

- Jackal climbs to his feet, blood pouring down his jaw and pieces of wood sticking out of his body, but as the referee passes him the Title he has tried 100% to win, he drops to his knees as the fans cheer, Karl Jackson, the Jackal now in tears having won the Gold.

- Pete and Maynard get stretched out of the building as Jackal walks off, amazed with his new Belt.




TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen it is now time for our Horrorcore MAIN EVENT!"

The crowd erupts

Suddenly, "Thieves" begins to play over the PA. William and Jarred are confused as Alan comes hobbling out on crutches, with a somber look on his face. The crowd is mixed with their reaction. He hobbles down the ramp, and over to where William and Jarred are sitting. William stands up and helps Alan with his crutches as he sits down next to him. He puts on the headset that is right in front of him.

ALAN: "Hello, boys."

MASTERS: "Mr. Fiscus, good to see you. Are you going to joining us for this main event then?"

ALAN: "Hells yeah, William. I'd have to be dead to miss this."

DANIELS: "Always a pleasure, Alan, welcome aboard. Looks like the the wooden rungs are all set up and there are various weapons placed all over the ringside area, in and out of the ring."

ALAN: "You're placing four starving, delirious men in a ring with the ultimate prize at stake. This is going to be a classic."

MASTERS: "This is a first ever for CZW, with this horrendous cage of death towering menacingly. They will beat the hell out of each other, and whoever can score the first pin fall will be the CZW World Heavyweight Champion. Let the chaos begin!"

TOWERS: "This is a four way Monster's Ball Prison match for the CZW World Heavyweight title!"

The crowd cheers again

TOWERS: "Introducing first... hailing from Portsmouth, England... weighing in at 205 pounds. The Five Star Superstar... EL PABLO!!!"

"Been Training Dogs" plays as the crowd is erupting. Out comes EP, dancing to his music with a confident smile on his face. He points to the cage and gets the crowd's approval. He walks down to the ring and checks the wooden walls. He then enters the ring, looks at the various weapons, and poses for his fans.

ALAN: "El Pablo looking confident here tonight, this very will could be the Five Star match of the year. If anyone deserves the WHC, it'd be this man."

DANIELS: "Not many would disagree with you, and I'll be honest... I'm surprised you're not being biased."

ALAN: "I am here as a commentator, Jarred, all personal vendettas are put aside. I am the ultimate professional. I will call this fair and right down the middle, daddy!"

DANIELS: "I'm glad to hear it."

MASTERS: "Shut up, Jarred!"

TOWERS: "And next.... hailing from Birmingham, Alabama... weighing in at 260 pounds... he is the self proclaimed Franchise... RONNIE McNEIL!!!"

"Remember The Name" plays as the crowd is pretty torn with their reaction. Out walks another confident smile, however this one isn't dancing. He walks out in a stride, with a smirk on his face. He ignores the crowd as he walks down to the ring, nodding at EP who nods back. He, too, checks the cage and weapons and stays on the outside as Jessica announces the next participant.

MASTERS: "Ronnie is my pick to take this one, guys. He is long overdue and has been one of the premiere athletes in CZW for months.."

DANIELS: "It's anyone's game, if you ask me."

MASTERS: "We didn't."

TOWERS: "And the third participant... hailing from Cincinnati, Ohio..."

The crowd pops at the hometown nod

TOWERS: "Weighing in at 235 pounds.. The Serial Thriller... MATT STYLEZ!!!"

"Psychosocial" blares as most of the crowd is cheering their hometown boy. He comes out dancing, as the lights dim and bright lights flash. He comes down to the ring, almost examining the structure, and looks blankly at both EP and Ronnie.

ALAN: "Matt Stylez is a former two time World champion, he's looking to make it three times here tonight on his own stomping grounds. The term 'home field advantage' definitely applies here."

DANIELS: "Agreed."

TOWERS: "And their opponent... the current reigning and defending CZW World Heavyweight Champion... hailing from Miami, Florida... The Sensation... JESSE MONTANA!!!"

"For Whom The Bell Tolls" plays as the crowd is a giant jeer. Out walks the most successful World champion in CZW history, with the belt around his waist. He has a concerned look on his face, perhaps a little overwhelmed by this match and his opponents, but he quickly wipes that away with a cocky grin. He makes his way down to the ring, and hands the belt to the ref. He looks at the cage, and then his three opponents one by one.

ALAN: "The champion vows to retain the belt once again, but this might be his biggest challenge yet."

DANIELS: "Well it looks like we are under way as the referee calls for the bell! Look at this.. Matt, EP and Ronnie are looking at each other.. and now they've suddenly jumped on Jesse, in a three on one encounter!"

MASTERS: "This is an outrage! They are supposed to be fighting each other, each man for themselves!"

ALAN: "Ah, but what a wise move to remove the champion from the game early on. I commend that. Look, Jesse is being bounced between the men like a pinball. He receives a right from Matt... a right from EP... and a thundering uppercut from Ronnie, sending Jesse down to the mat."

DANIELS: "Well that didn't last long. As Matt was looking down at Jesse, Ronnie sprung up and kicked him in the teeth! But EP is on it, and dropkicks Ronnie almost immediately after Matt falls backwards.."

MASTERS: "Pablo looks around, and it seems that he is looking to add to his arsenal early on. Oh damn! He's picked up a baseball bat!"

The crowd is popping

ALAN: "EP with that english smile on his face, goes over to Ronnie... but Ronnie sees it coming, and nails him in the gut with a boot. He drops a forearm across EP's back and EP drops the bat. You can tell that these guys are already lit up, as they haven't had a thing to eat in 24 hours."

MASTERS: "It's interesting to see how they hold up. Ronnie has EP up and nails a vertical suplex. Matt Stylez comes in and dropkicks Ronnie right in the knee! Dastardly!"

DANIELS: "The crowd is cheering for Matt as he's got Ronnie back up. He grabs Ronnie's head and smashes it into one of the wooden walls! And Pablo is back up, and turns his attention to Jesse who had just started to stand up. EP with a kick to the gut. He nails Jesse with a DDT! He goes for the cover!"


















ALAN: "Pabs with the first pinfall attempt, and Jesse is already just beaten. EP picks him back up and goes to toss him to the ropes.. but Jesse reverses! EP comes running back right into a hard lariat from Jesse. Jesse then drops an elbow on the fallen englishman."

DANIELS: "Matt has Ronnie up and nails him with a neckbreaker. Matt's going to the top rope! He glides up, and positions himself. He stalks Ronnie and Ronnie begins to get up. Matt leaps... and Ronnie catches him with a flying kneelift to the gut! Matt goes tumbling over in pain."

ALAN: "Looks the Serial Thriller took a little too long right there. Ronnie McNeil is a machine in the ring, and all it takes is one little mistake for him to take over and ruin your evening."

MASTERS: "Jesse has EP locked into a figure four leglock on the other side of the ring! EP is grimacing in pain, as Jesse is wrenching it in. Get 'im, Jesse!"

DANIELS: "Ronnie sees it though, and runs up and down with a running legdrop right across the throat of Jesse. Ronnie then leaps up to the ropes and springboards, nailing EP with another legdrop. Ronnie goes for the cover!"


















ALAN: "The Franchise with the second attempt, and it was close boys!"

MASTERS: "I'd say. These guys are really famished. Sluggish. What an event to go through, this monster's ball."

DANIELS: "I'm sure you wish that was you in there, Alan."

ALAN: "Hell yes I do. But unfortunately I am crippled right now. Thanks to King and Kirkland."

DANIELS: "We saw earlier how angry you are about that."

ALAN: "Those two punks will get what's coming to them, but right now Ronnie has EP up and he's just nailed a power bomb! OH! Jesse just nailed Ronnie with a Montana Express from out of nowhere!!"


DANIELS: "Jesse with the cover!"


















MASTERS: "That damn Stylez! This crowd needs to shut up!"

DANIELS: "They are supporting their hometown hero, William, don't be a douche!"

ALAN: "Matt has Jesse up now, and drops him down with a jawbreaker. Matt's going to the top rope, of course. Ronnie and EP are getting back up, and they begin duking it out again. Matt is up, and this crowd is electric. He leaps and nails Jesse with the Thrill Kill!!"

MASTERS: "That bastard is going for the pin!"


















DANIELS: "Jesse kicked out!"

ALAN: "And on the other side, Ronnie has EP locked up in an octopus hold. He's stretching that limey bastard with a sadistic smile on his face. I've always liked Ronnie."

MASTERS: "Ronnie lets go, and turns EP around... Head and Arm suplex!"

ALAN: "That's a page out of my book rather he knows it or not!"

DANIELS: "EP goes flying, and actually nails a wooden rung with his foot. Ronnie looks over at Matt and as he was on all fours, Ronnie comes running and punt kicks Matt in the head!"

ALAN: "The crowd isn't liking that!"

MASTERS: "Look, as Jesse is getting up he grabs a hockey stick!"

DANIELS: "As Ronnie is looking down at Matt, he gets cracked in the back of the head!"

* CRACK! *

ALAN: "Montana with the cover!"


















MASTERS: "Where did he come from!?"

ALAN: "Desperate times call for desperate measures.. EP wants that gold just as much as anyone. Can't blame him."

DANIELS: "EP is sluggish though, as are the other three men. The starvation/isolation bit for 24 hours really affects a human being, I'm quite surprised any of them are still standing to be honest."

MASTERS: "They are athletes, where you are just a douche."

ALAN: "EP and Jesse are up, and begin duking it out. Matt and Ronnie are both laid out on the mat. Matt hasn't barely stirred since that horrendous kick to the head. EP kicks Jesse in the gut and then nails a Twist of Fate! EP points to the top turnbuckle as these sheep bah like mad for him!"

DANIELS: "EP leaps up, and positions. Jesse sees it and rolls out of the ring, though! EP looks around and leaps anyway... flying elbow drop to the fallen Ronnie!"

ALAN: "Good tact by EP there, you already got the gun loaded you'd better shoot it at someone."

MASTERS: "Jesse slides back in, and immediately drops a kick to the spine of EP. He grabs El Pablo up, and nails a Russian legsweep. It looks like the champ is going to try his luck at the top as well!"

ALAN: "Jesse is a dastardly opponent, one of the toughest of my life. He knows every trick in the book, and knows them well!"

DANIELS: "Jesse locks in an armbar. He pulls and cinches, as EP is writhing in agony. Matt is getting up, finally, but you can tell there's something not right with him. He doesn't even know where he is!"

ALAN: "Matt hangs from the ropes like a drunken sailor. Matt teeters and totters... that kick to the head really did some damage. He falls forward, able to drape an arm over Ronnie's chest! The ref goes for the count!"


















MASTERS: "Ronnie kicks out, and slowly begins to get up. Jesse lets go of the armbar and lifts EP up by his hair. Jesse immediately picks up a kendo stick, and tells EP to say his prayers. Jesse aims, and then bounces off the ropes for momentum... but EP ducks the shot!"

DANIELS: "EP kicks Jesse in the gut, and grabs the stick from him. The crowd is ballistic!"


ALAN: "EP with a thunderous shot right to Jesse's face! Blood begins to spill from Jesse's forehead!"

DANIELS: "EP for the cover!"


















ALAN: "Ronnie with the save."

DANIELS: "Ronnie picks up EP and tosses him right into the wooden cage wall. EP cracks his head and holds it after he slumps down to the mat. Ronnie turns his attention back on Jesse, and as he was pulling Jesse up... Montana with the low blow!"

MASTERS: "Greatest move in professional wrestling history."

ALAN: "Ronnie falls to the ground, grabbing his crotch. Look, Matt is finally back up. Jesse turns around and defects a kick to the gut. He spins Matt around, and nails a lariat on the recourse."

DANIELS: "EP is up on his knees, still clutching his head. Ronnie is on the mat, as Jesse is back up and stomping away on Matt Stylez. Jesse is bleeding steadily, and he wears the crimson mask. He picks up Stylez, positions him, and nails a fisherman's suplex. The bridge!"


















ALAN: "EP's turn to make the save. EP is up and kicking away at Jesse as he tries to get up as well. EP kicks him in the gut, and nails a monkey flip. Jesse falls right on top of Stylez, but not in a pinning predicament as Matt is on his belly. Ronnie is pulling himself up with the ropes. EP sees it, and seems to be in complete control as he runs and squashes Ronnie's throat against the ropes with a leg lariat. The crowd is firmly behind the englishman now, as he acknowledges it."

DANIELS: "EP now takes the time to pick up a steel chair and places it on the mat near a corner. He then diverts his attention back to Ronnie. He goes to kick him in the gut, but Ronnie grabs it. But EP with an enziguri! Ronnie grasps his head as he falls back down to the mat."

MASTERS: "What a thunderous kick, heard around the arena. EP goes for the pin!"


















ALAN: "Ronnie with the testicular fortitude as he kicks out from that hell of a kick to the head. Jesse is now up, and seizes an opportunity as he rolls Matt around and tries the pin attempt!"


















ALAN: "Jesse, the ring veteran, will do whatever it takes to retain that title and remain the longest-running CZW World champion."

DANIELS: "El Pablo barely broke that one up, and I was on the edge of my seat!"

MASTERS: "You almost jumped into my lap, you sissy girl.. EP and Jesse are now sluggishly exchanging punches. EP gets the upper hand, that fruit booty! He throws Jesse to the ropes.. and Jesse's back clashes with the wooden wall. He stumbles forward and out of nowhere Ronnie nails a dropkick from the side. EP runs at Ronnie, but Ronnie ducks and nails a Pele kick! Ronnie goes to cover Jesse."


















ALAN: "Close one there, and Ronnie is frustrated. He grabs Jesse by the hair and picks him up, tossing him into a corner. Ronnie climbs the ropes and proceeds to nail Jesse in the bloody head repeatedly with closed fists. My blood thirst is broiling over, damn I wish I was in this match."

DANIELS: "And you almost were, as you had been picked to be a participant before you got injured."

ALAN: "Don't remind me. I'll get my shot though, just you wait and see."

MASTERS: "Ronnie drops down and Jesse stumbles forward before Flair flopping right onto his face. Ronnie then looks over at EP, who is back up. EP now has a small gash on his eyebrow, from the Pele kick. It trickles blood, as EP checks it. He looks at Ronnie with revenge on his mind. Ronnie stands his ground, and tells EP to bring it. Just then, Matt Stylez comes from behind and nails Ronnie with a Backstabber!"

ALAN: "Just when you thought Matt was out of the game, he pulls a franchise move... on the Franchise!"

DANIELS: "But EP rushes in, and cold clocks Matt with a running forearm to the head as he just got up. EP then tosses Matt into a corner, and follows up with a splash. He places Matt on the top turnbuckle and proceeds to join him."

MASTERS: "Jesse and Ronnie are laid out on the mat, as Matt tries to fight EP off. EP counters though, and takes back control. He lifts him up on his shoulders... dear God, what is this idiot going to do?"

ALAN: "It looks to me... like he's paying homage to one of his XTC buddies! That looks like a Blackjack Bomb attempt!"


** CRASH!! **


ALAN: "Holy Shit! The cover attempt!!!!"




















ALAN: "Jesse can't believe it, look at him as he is on his knees, covered in blood!! Now, every member of the original AMP XTC has held the greatest belt of them all!"

"Been Training Dogs" begins to blare over the PA.


The crowd is going ballistic.

ALAN: "I wouldn't take my eyes off of Jesse though, he looks up to something!"

As the cage was being lifted, with Ronnie just stirring and Matt Stylez laid out motionless, the referee is handed the World Heavyweight belt. He turns around to hand it to El Pablo, but Jesse side swipes EP with a running lariat. He then kicks the referee in the gut, and takes possession of the belt.

ALAN: "Jesse with the crazy eye, something I'm all too familiar with... he might be delirious!"

Jesse has the belt, and leaves the ring. He maniacally walks up the entrance ramp, clutching on to the belt with dear life. He goes behind the curtain, and everyone is looking around confused. "Been Training Dogs" has stopped playing, and the arena is silent.

DANIELS: "What is going on here, can't we get a camera back there!?"

MASTERS: "I'm receiving word... hey look at the sky box right above the entrance ramp!"

U.S. Bank Arena's sky box suite's lights are on, and everyone can see Jesse Montana at the window. He has the World title in a death grip. He looks out into the ring, and El Pablo sees him and motions around his waist that he is the new champion. Jesse shakes his head no, almost irrationally. Suddenly, Jesse turns around as if someone else just entered the box.

DANIELS: "What is going on here..."

ALAN: "Jesse is exchanging some words with someone in that suite... wait... what --"

**** CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! ****


The crowd is going crazy.

ALAN: "Holy hell! LOOK AT WHO IT IS!!!"

The person who was dressed up as Jesse Montana from earlier is at the gaping hole that once was a window, looking down. He has Montana Expressed Jesse right through the window, and onto the concrete floor some 20 feet down. A EMT crew rushes to Jesse as he is motionless. The man in the Jesse outfit looks very satisfied, as he turns around and leaves..

DANIELS: "Who the hell was that!!?!"



DANIELS: "Wait did you see what that man's jacket said on the back? What did it say?!"

ALAN: "I didn't get a good look... but all I can say, THIS time the masked man ISN'T me!"

MASTERS: "Shit, and we got to go! Everyone tune in to the next Overdrive, where we hope at least SOME of our questions can be answered!"

DANIELS: "Good night everybody!"

(c) CZW 2008 *****-----*****

Daniels: Wow, what a match! I am just getting word that there is something happening back stage. Let's get a camera back there to see what's going on.

The screen shows the backstage area, and the camera man is walking down a hallway and stops at a locker room. The door reads, "Brian Kirkland." The camera man knocks on the door and hears no answer. He knocks again, still no answer. The door is opened and at first nothing is seen. Suddenly a sound, like that of a whimpering dog, can be heard. The camera tilts down to find Brian Kirkland hogtied and gagged.

Masters: It looks like those questionable age girls have gotten the best of the Reaper!

Daniels: Will you stop, this is awful. Hopefully we'll find out how this happened next week. But that's it for us CZW fans! Good night and see you next week!

CZW President
Jesse Montana

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