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CZW presents: _ HATEWAVE!! _

| August 30th | * Miami, Florida * Miami Arena |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents


live from
- Miami, Florida -
Miami Arena
August 30th 2008


SHAWN WATERS -vs- "The Hometown Sensation" JESSE MONTANA (c)




"The Voodoo Machine" THANATOS -vs- "The Prodigy" MAYNARD O'TOOLE




TOTAL MAYHEM (Ezra & Jakob) -vs- IDOLIZED (Tyler & Riley) (c)


"The Mississippi Outlaw" BUCK EVANS -vs- "Rated E For Everyone" EDDIE ROWAN (c)


"#1 Draft Pick" MACK BEAUDIN -vs- KARL "The Jackal" JACKSON


"The Baller" JORDAN BRYANT -vs- "High Definition" CAGE STRYKER (c)


1. "The Ripper" Bryan McNally

2. "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze

3. "The Flagship Player" Dusty Davis

4. "The Enigma" Leo Crow

5. "Faithless" Mike Monroe

6. The CZW Hardcore Champion... Mike King

7. "The Hardcore Master" Tim Timmons

8. "The Real Deal" Rob Wright

9. Big Daddy Brown

10. "The Living Legend" Big Nasty

11. "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland

-=- DARK MATCH -=-


-=- DARK MATCH -=-





and RESULTS of the CZW AWARDS will be announced!


* cZw *




AWARD - 'Best Submission Maneuver in CZW'

and the WINNER is.............









"Faithless" Mike Monroe w/ the Burn Notice!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Greatest Tag Team in CZW history so far'

and the WINNERS are.............









The Five Star Gamblers, Ace King & El Pablo!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Greatest Match in CZW history so far'

and the WINNER is.............









Ultimate X Chamber (Summer Showdown)!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Best Finisher in CZW'

and the WINNER is.............









The Lethal Dose, Allyson Thorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Best Female Wrestler in CZW history so far'

and the WINNER is.............









"The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Most Popular Wrestler in CZW'

and the WINNER is.............









Special Ed Covey!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Biggest story in CZW so far'

and the WINNER is.............









Shawn Waters turning on Jesse Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Most Hated wrestler in CZW'

and the WINNER is.............









"The Sensation" Jesse Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Best Wrestler in CZW so far'

and the WINNER is.............









"The Gambler" Ace King!!!!!!!!!!!!!


AWARD - 'Biggest feud in CZW history so far'

and the WINNER is.............









Alan Fiscus vs. Jesse Montana!!!!!!!!!!!!!




The match seemed to be one sided from the start, with the towering monster Purgatory seemingly in control. Jigga was relentlessly pounded with huge forearms, monstrous body slams, and even a huge choke slam over the top rope and onto the concrete below. Jigga’s speed finally paid off, however, when he moved at the last second from a Purgatory leg drop, and stunned the fallen big man with a flurry of high speed rights and lefts. A huge turnbuckle hurricanrana by Jigga got reversed and it looked like Purgatory was going to hit his “Ride to Hell” power bomb, but an eye gouge gave Jigga just enough time to slip out, stun the big man with a kick to the groin, and Purg fell into the turnbuckle. Jigga set him up, and blasted the monster with the ‘Jigga Drop’ to get the pin fall.














Winner by pin fall via the ‘Jigga Drop’, Jigga C (7:42)



The match didn't take place as neither men showed up at the arena.




The scene cuts to the backstage area and you see that Ruthless Aggression. She has on a pair of black and green pants that have side pockets up and down the legs with a chain belt around her waist with the newest XTC shirt on, with her hair coming down her back with a hint of green coming down the center. She is walking towards the locker room, as she wants to give the Five Star Gamblers a bit of inspiration to pump them up tonight for the show. She could feel it in her bones that something great will happen with XTC. Once she turns the corner of the hallway she saw Sydney Vicious and Stephanie talking about something between themselves. Stephanie has on a mini skirt with a low cut shirt that was a bit tight to her body showing a bit of her chest and Sydney has all black and red leather outfit as the girl looked over at her.

Sydney: Well well well.... Look who we have here. Ruthless “f**king” Aggression. What do we have the honor of having you around our company?

Ruthless folds her arms and looks right into the girls like looks could kill.

Ruthless: You might think you rule this company but untill you have that title around your waist again, you shouldn’t be talking. Plus, I have better things to do then stand here and talk with the fleas.

Stephanie and Sydney both stood there looking upset at Ruthless as she just laughs, shaking her head at them.

Stephanie: Ruthless you shouldn’t be talking because lately you haven't been around. Could it be because you aren’t as perfect as us? Your dreams of having that title around your waist seem to gone. Plus I will have that title before you EVER have it around your waist again.

Ruthless just shrugs it off softly as she looks over at the girl.

Ruthless: Right now what's important to me isn’t the title anyway. I believe I will have other important things to think about.

Ruthless walks passed the women as they stood there a bit lost at her comment and that's when you see both Starr sisters come up running up to Ruthless. Sirena has this sad look on her face as Serena shakes her head. Ruthless notices Serena’s face as she looks over at her.

Ruthless: Is everything ok?

Serena: My older sister here believes this rumor that is going around about you Ruthless. That you have decided to become a valet... a manager. That you have taken yourself off the active roster for awhile.

Ruthless knew this was coming as she looks over at the girls with a bit of a smile.

Ruthless: It is true. Right now I can’t wrestles because of the fact something private came up. But I am going to be valet for XTC for now on. They deserve the limelight and my support.

Both the girls stood there in shock as Stephanie and Sydney heard this and ran off to spread the news backstage to the other divas. Ruthless gives the Starr sisters a smile and walks off as they both seem disappointed in Ruth's decision.



TOWERS: "The next contest is CZW's third installment of the MONEY IN THE BANK ladder match!"

The crowd cheers, as the camera pans around the ringside area. There are multiple ladders set up, laying down, and placed all around the ring. The MITB Briefcase hangs directly above the ring.

TOWERS: "In this contest, we will have eleven participants. Introducing first --"

"BAD COMPANY" begins to play

TOWERS: "He is the current CZW Hardcore Champion... hailing from Buckeye, Arizona... MICHAEL KING!!"

"The Phoenix, Badd Company" Mike King comes out to a mixed reaction from the crowd. He wears the Hardcore title firmly around his waist. He is pumped up, and ready to begin. He storms down to ringside, admiring the many ladders at his disposal. He takes off the belt and gives it to a referee.

TOWERS: "Introducing next... hailing from Chicago, Illinois..."

Pop Evil's "Hero" plays as most the crowd boos. As an earth-shattering instrumental cause the audience to erupt in a mixed reaction, as we hear "Hero" by Pop Evil blare over the arena's speakers, and a white light joins the strobe, as stepping from behind the thick black curtains of the CZW set, is Bryan McNally, his muscular frame higlighted in the glowing lights. As he presses his hands together above his head, his signature taunt, green flames from the set emerge, Ultimo Dragon style. The Irishman, makes his way to the ring, leaping on the apron, and stepping over the top rope. He walks towards the turnbuckle, climing it, and using his hand-gesture again, leaping down from the ropes, as our lights return to normal....

TOWERS: "Introducing next... hailing from Detroit, Michigan... He is the Aerial Specialist... KRIMZON BLAZE!!"

The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

TOWERS: "And next... being accompanied by Tatum Regan and hailing from Tiffin, Ohio... MIKE MONROE!!"

"How Can I Live" plays as the crowd cheers. Mike and Tatum come out, with Tatum looking as hot as ever. She stays as Mike walks down though, as no valet is allowed at ringside for such an event.

TOWERS: "Next... hailing from Devil's Ladder, Idaho... he is a member of Anarchy Rising... LEO CROW!!"

Protest the Hero's "Palms Read" begins to play.

Leo comes out to immense boos. He smiles to himself, as he walks down and also admires the ladders. He looks at the men already in the ring and the tension is already so thick you could cut it with a knife.

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada... he is the Hardcore Master... TIM TIMMONS!!"

"Inside the Fire" by Disturbed plays as there is quite a line drawn between people booing and cheering for him.

Timmons comes out with a smile on his face.

DANIELS: "Tim looking primed for this one, and many would say the odds are in his favor."

FARLEY: "He is a hardcore maniac, so I'd say that's right!"

TOWERS: "And next... he is the #1 contender to the Intercontinental title... hailing from Dallas, North Carolina... here is The Reaper BRIAN KIRKLAND!!"

"Time of Dying" by Three Days Grace plays as most of the crowd cheers Kirkland. He walks out and smiles to the crowd, nodding. He makes his way down to the ring with determination in his eyes.

TOWERS: "And next.. hailing from Lincoln, Rhode Island..."

TOWERS: "This is The Flagship Player... DUSTY DAVIS!!"

Family Force 5's "Luv Addict" plays as the crowd boo Dusty immensely. He comes out, focused and ignoring them. He storms down to ringside.

TOWERS: "Next... hailing from Springfield, Massachusetts... he is also a member of Anarchy Rising... ROB WRIGHT!!"

"Get Back" by Ludacris plays as the crowd boo him as well. Rob comes out with an air of confidence, as he immediately walks down to the ring. He doesn't pay the fans no mind.

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Long Beach, California... this is BIG DADDY BROWN!!"

D.O.C.'s "It's Funky Enough" blares as most of the crowd cheer the man who comes out dancing. BDB is a stylish dude, as he dances down to the ring. He poses for the crowd before entering the ring.

TOWERS: "And last but not least... hailing from South Beach, Florida... the returning BIG NASTY!!"

"U Don't Know Me" by T.I. plays as the crowd erupts. Big Nasty comes out with a big smile on his face, obviously appreciating his return reception. He walks down to the ring, high fiving fans on the way down. He steps over the top rope, and the bell rings.

GOLD: "Here we go! This mass match involving both War Zone and Assault competitors will surely top the first two, don't you think William?"

MASTERS: "The first two were amazing feats each time, but I do agree, this will take the cake and set the standard for this type of enviroment."

Immediately, Tim Timmons and Mike King attack each other. Krimzon Blaze and Rob Wright get tied up. McNally and Brown go and double team Nasty. Mike Monroe and Leo Crow are going at it. Dusty Davis slyly gets out of the ring, and crouches down, intently observing the activity in the ring.

FARLEY: "Davis doing the smart thing, the RIGHT thing, and that's wait it out. Let these idiots tear each other apart first!"

With Davis unaware, Brian Kirkland comes sneaking up from behind him. Brian taps Davis on the shoulder, and he turns around.

GOLD: "POW! Right to the kisser!"

MASTERS: "That coward!"

Davis and Kirkland begin exchanging blows on the floor. In the ring, Rob just nailed K-Blaze with a snap suplex. Nasty fought off Brown and is now going toe-to-toe with McNally. McNally hits a kneelift to the gut, stunning Nasty. McNally bounces off of the ropes... and nails the Bicycle Kick on Nasty, sending him out to the floor.

FARLEY: "Bicycle Kick!! Nasty ain't getting up after that one."

McNally climbs out of the ring after Nasty. Leo had stunned Monroe, and went out after a ladder. He gets it and proceeds to try to take it into the ring. Monroe was up and watching though, and at the right moment he leaps up and springboards off of the top rope and dropkicks into the ladder that Leo was holding! Leo smashes back into the guardrail nearest him, and the crowd chants --


GOLD: "Monroe is hardcore!"

On the other side of the ring, Dusty just nailed Brian with a low blow. In the ring, Timmons just nailed Mike King with the T-Crusher!

FARLEY: "WHOA, Timmons just nailed Mike with his Tombstone! Mike is down!"

Timmons talks some trash down to Mike, who is laying down and holding his neck. Timmons turns around just in time to be greeted by a Big Daddy Brown dropkick. On the outside, Mike has picked up Leo and set up to irish whip him into the guardrail. Leo reverses it!


DANIELS: "Monroe slams hard into the guardrail, upper back first!"

Dusty has control over Kirkland, as he has just slammed his head into the ring post. In the ring, BDB has Timmons up on the top rope. He nails a top-rope Frankensteiner! K-Blaze has control of Rob Wright in the opposite corner, and he just nailed Rob with a spinning headscissors. On the outside, Bryan has Nasty set up for an irish whip into the ring post.. but Nasty reverses!


MASTERS: "McNally just tasted post!"

GOLD: "And look, he is now bleeding from the nose!"

McNally's nose spews out blood, quickly covering his lower face with it. Nasty picks him up and nails a side slam onto the concrete floor! In the ring, Mike King is back up and is watching BDB fight with Timmons. As Timmons takes control of BDB, Mike comes running in... SHINNING METALLICA!

DANIELS: "What a Yakuza kick! Tim's lights are out!"

Mike immediately walks into a dropkick from Rob Wright however, as he had just taken control of K-Blaze with a Northern Lights bomb. On the outside, Leo has Mike up and positioned on the spanish announce team's table. He lights him up for a possible Fathom Flight... but Monroe controls it with a back body drop! Leo crashes into the table, bringing it down into a heap.

MASTERS & FARLEY: "Spanish Announce team!?"

On the other side, Dusty has Kirkland locked up in a full nelson. Kirkland suddenly slips down and kicks up, knocking Dusty back with a kick to his face. The Zombie then picks up a ladder.. and runs it into Dusty, smashing him against the ring!


Nasty and McNally have spilled into the crowd, and they begin to brawl back and forth through them.

FARLEY: "These idiots can't win the briefcase out there! Get back here, dumb asses!"

Rob picks up Mike King, and nails him with a reverse neckbreaker. Rob then goes to the top rope, with great agility. He leaps, but Mike gets his knees up! Rob splashes right onto them, rolling off and clutching his ribs. Mike Monroe has Leo up, and goes for a bulldog into the ring post... but Leo pushes Mike into it!


GOLD: "It sounds like someone is forging steel in here!"

In the ring, K-Blaze has a ladder set up. As soon as it is steady, however, Mike King comes in and forearms him in the back. Rob and Tim are laying on the mat. Mike and Leo are brawling on the outside. McNally and Nasty have just now spilled back into the ringside area. Kirkland is pounding away on Dusty. BDB is on the outside, and he tosses a second ladder into the ring.

FARLEY: "This is a riot!"

BDB gets back in the ring, and for some reason sets the ladder in a corner horizontally. On the outside, Kirkland has picked up Dusty and is going for a DDT... no, Dusty blocks it and slams Brian down hard onto the concrete back first. Dusty then lays in a few stomps. He picks up Brian and throws him into the ring, following him. Rob has slid out of the ring, trying to hide and catch his breath. Tim should be up now, but he's playing possum as he too is refreshing some.

GOLD: "What is BDB thinking by placing that ladder like that?"

FARLEY: "He's thinkin' some PAIN and I can't wait to see what's next!"

On the outside, Leo has taken control of Monroe once more. He slams him hard into the guardrail. He comes running at Mike, but Mike body drops him over the guardrail and into the fans. As the immediate crowd chant "CZW! CZW!" Mike climbs over the guardrail and picks up Leo. He delivers a few punches before picking him up and stun gunning him over the guardrail. Leo falls down to the floor clenching his throat.

DANIELS: "Mike's showing his sadistic side, and Leo might need a doctor!"

MASTERS: "He definitely needs a therapist!"

On the other side of the ring area's floor, Nasty has control of McNally. He kicks him in the gut and positions him. The immediate crowd cheers as they know what's coming. He picks him up and...


GOLD: "Nasty just Nasty Bombed a bloodied Bryan McNally.. onto the concrete floor!!"

Bryan clenches his back and is out. Nasty turns his sights on the ring, where Dusty and Kirkland are tangled up on one side, Mike King and K-Blaze tangled up in an opposite corner, Timmons laying on the floor, and BDB walking towards Timmons. BDB surprises Tim with a legdrop. Nasty enters the ring. Rob Wright is hunched down by the ringsteps, watching what's going on in the ring. Mike Monroe has just tossed Leo Crow back over the guardrail. Nasty immediately goes for Dusty, as he grabs him by the hair. He grabs his throat, and nails him with a choke slam. Nasty turns around just in time to nail Mike King with a big boot as he was charging him. There is a ladder set up under the briefcase, and a ladder set up in a corner horizontally.

DANIELS: "Nasty cleaning house!"

BDB has picked Tim up, and nails him with a Pele kick. Rob is up on the apron, and BDB doesn't see him. Rob leaps up, springboards, and dropkicks BDB to the back of his head. Rob is up, and turns around to see Nasty trying to big boot him as well. However, Rob's agility allows him to duck the boot. Rob drops down in a split. He then rolls backwards and leaps, dropkicking Nasty's knees from under him. Nasty yells out in pain.

GOLD: "Those damn knees, Wright might've re-injured Nasty on his return!"

FARLEY: "Damn, too bad. Maybe now he can join Nicky Vitale in whatever rehab clinic he found himself dumped in."

On the outside, Monroe goes for a DDT on the floor but Leo pushes him back hard into the ringpost.

MASTERS: "Oh! Monroe's spine just bent backwards! That ain't natural!"

Mike falls to the ground, clenching his back. On the other side, McNally is just now getting up on his knees trying to catch his bearings. Dusty is laid on the floor. As is BDB. Timmons is in a corner, looking ready to strike at the next person who moves near him. He looks around and sees no one is paying attention to him. He then looks at the ladder in the ring. The crowd buzzes as he makes a beeline over to it. He begins to crawl up the ladder. K-Blaze is back up and runs over to Timmons as soon as he sees what he's up to. He crawls up behind Tim, and begins striking him with fists. Tim fights back, and kicks KB hard in the chest. Tim looks back up and tries to climb more. Then, in amazing feat of athleticism, K-Blaze springs up and gets behind Timmons. He elbows him in the temple, and then grabs him.


GOLD: "K-Blaze just Russian legsweeped Timmons off of the ladder!"

Both men lay on the mat, after slamming hard backfirst onto it. Dusty is on his knees, leaning on the ropes. Leo has a sleeperhold on Mike Monroe on the floor, catching his breath and stealing Mike's. Nasty is on his knees as well, trying to adjust the knee brace he has on underneath his wrestling pants. Rob Wright was waiting for him, and attacks. BDB is still laid out. McNally is up, and slides into the ring. He joins in on Rob's attack, double teaming Nasty. Mike King is up, and he begins brawling with Dusty. Rob Wright and Bryan McNally nail Big Nasty with a double suplex.

GOLD: "Nasty is in trouble, I think his knee brace is broken!"

You can see the brace bent awkwardly and impairing Nasty from standing up. Rob turns his attention to Tim and K-Blaze, as Bryan stares down at Nasty with a vicious look on his face. BDB is up, and sees Bryan. He runs over and surprises Bryan with a flying kick to the chest. He then unleashes a barrage of fists and kicks, backing Bryan up into a corner. He chops Bryan hard.


Again, and again. He then lifts Bryan up on the top turnbuckle. He joins him. He gets in position... Bryan trying to fight it off...

GOLD: "Oh, here it comes!"



MASTERS: "You've been waiting to say that all night."

BDB hits Bryan with the Pimp or Die, that top rope Pedigree, and both men are laying on the mat exhausted. Rob has KB up and slams him down with a bodyslam. He then grabs Timmons and nails him with a short armed clothesline. He then picks Tim up and throws him out of the ring. Nasty is up and behind Rob, and he comes and clotheslines Rob in the back of head sending him over the top rope and onto the floor as well. Bryan McNally rolls out of the ring and lays on the floor, again recharging. BDB is up and sees Nasty from behind. He yells out "Nasty!" And BN turns around. At the same time, Mike Monroe has slid into the ring after stopping Leo's sleeperhold and dropping him again, throat first onto a guardrail. BDB runs and lariats Big Nasty hard, with both men flipping over the top rope and onto the floor.

GOLD: "They're jumping overboard as if it were the Titanic, Michael!"

FARLEY: "I'd say, there's a heap of men out on the floor now."

Dusty and King have spilt out onto the floor as well. So Leo, Tim, Dusty, Rob, Mike King, BDB, McNally and Nasty are all on the outside. For some time Brian Kirkland has been propped up in a corner, and he's finally up and comes running at KB in the ring. KB sees it, and grabs Brian's head on the way, tossing him over the top rope. This leaves Mike Monroe and Krimzon Blaze in the ring alone. The crowd gets ecstatic with memories of their feud a few months back.

DANIELS: "Whoa, the new and improved 'Faithless' Mike Monroe looking at his old nemesis, K-Blaze, right in the eyes!"

MASTERS: "Both men walking up to each other now, look at the trash talking! I love it."

Both men are yelling at each other, in each other's face. Mike is the first to strike, slapping KB across the face. KB retaliates. They begin going back and forth, with Mike eventually getting the advantage. Mike grabs KB and tosses him to the ropes. On the rebound, Mike grabs KB... and nails him with an Exploder suplex!

GOLD: "What a great move, that knocked the wind out of the Aerial Specalist."

On the outside, the men are stirring and beginning to pair up again. Rob is brawling with Tim. Nasty is brawling with Leo. BDB and Dusty are going at it. Kirkland and McNally are going toe-to-toe. Mike King goes and grabs a steel chair from a fan. He takes it and walks up to McNally from behind.


King just leveled McNally from behind with the steel chair.


FARLEY: "And then King leveled Brian Kirkland as well!"

In the ring, Mike has KB up and tosses him to the ropes again. He bends over for the back body drop. KB kicks him in the chest! KB then leaps up on Mike's shoulders, and twists, putting him in an electric chair position. He thrusts backward!

MASTERS: "Good god, a reverse hurricanrana! Mike's head bounced off of the ropes!"

KB is up, and looks out on the mass of men on the floor. He gets up, runs to the ropes, and heads in their direction.

GOLD: "What's this..."

KB leaps up and springboards off of the top rope, nailing a Holy Shot shooting star press onto Rob, Tim and King!


All four men tumble down into a heap. Mike had that chair in his hand, and KB's elbow caught it and slammed it into Mike's face with the Holy Shot. Mike's forehead is bleeding a little bit, as that wasn't a planned spot. Monroe is laid out in the ring. McNally is laid out on the floor, as is Kirkland. Leo and Nasty have just got back into the ring. BDB and Dusty are going at it on the outside, stumbling over to the opposite side of the ring.

DANIELS: "This is a mad house!"

Rob and Tim are up, and they beginning brawling again. KB has Mike King up, and is chopping him. Mike's cut has opened further, with blood dripping down on his face. Timmons kicks Rob in the gut, and nails him with a piledriver on the concrete floor! Rob is laid out. Tim then goes and grabs another ladder. He brings it into the ring, meaning there's three ladders in there now. Mike Monroe is up, and sees Tim coming for him. He dropkicks the ladder Tim was holding, sending Tim sprawling back right into Big Nasty and Leo causing all three men to fall down.

FARLEY: "That's Monroe's version of bowling!"

DANIELS: "Then he just got a strike!"

Monroe picks up Leo, and resumes attacking him. Tim and Nasty get up and Tim immediately attacks him. Tim kicks Nasty in the gut and nails a DDT!

GOLD: "Tim getting some revenge, months in the making!"

Tim picks Nasty up and as Nasty is a little dazed, Tim runs to the ropes. On the rebound... SPEAR!

FARLEY: "Timmons just impaled Nasty with that deadly spear!"

MASTERS: "You could say, he speared his ass!"

Tim and Nasty are down on the mat. Monroe and Leo are brawling in a corner. Rob is up on his knees on the outside. KB and King are brawling on the outside. McNally and Kirkland are beginning to stir on the outside. BDB has control of Dusty on the outside.

On the inside of the ring, Monroe has Leo and throws him to the ropes. On the rebound, Monroe nails a drop toe-hold. He scurries up to Leo's upper torso, and positions...

DANIELS: "Oh, Leo's about to get BURNT."

Mike locks in the Burn Notice, a cobra clutch crossface, and pulls back with Leo screaming in pain! The crowd is going crazy for Mike.

MASTERS: "Too bad submissions don't count in this contest, though. Monroe is just trying to inflict pain! I can admire that."

On the outside, McNally and Kirkland begin to brawl in a tired effort. McNally takes control early on, ramming Kirkland's back into the ringpost. On the inside, Mike has let go of Leo who lays motionless on the mat. Mike looks around and see his opportunity. He begins to climb the ladder set up in the middle of the ring. Bryan sees this, and gets up on the apron. He looks around and gets an idea. Monroe doesn't see him as he gets up on the top turnbuckle. Bryan yells out over to Mike, who looks over just in time to get Bicycle kicked off of the ladder, from the top turnbuckle!! Mike goes flying, and surprisingly the ladder stays up. Mike bounces off of the ropes, and Bryan lands funny as he begins to hold his ankle.

GOLD: "Good lord what a powerful move that was!"

FARLEY: "Indeed, but it looks like it cost him. He's gripping that ankle after landing funny."

Rob Wright gets back into the ring. He picks up Monroe, and nails a few chops. He irish whips him to the corner with the ladder on it, and Mike slams hard into the ladder face first. Rob gets over there and picks him up. He drapes Monroe over the ladder that is set up horizontally.

DANIELS: "What is the Real Deal up to?"

Rob then goes over to the ladder in the middle of the ring, and climbs it. Surprisingly, no one notices he ascending the rungs. However, he stops about 3/4 on the way up and turns around. He looks down at Monroe. The crowd is electric, as they have been this whole match. Rob leaps out --


GOLD: "Rob Wright with that devestating frog splash, the No More Fun & Games, onto Mike Monroe onto the ladder!! Dear god!"

Monroe actually falls over the top rope and out onto the floor. Rob falls to the mat, and stays there clenching his ribs. The ladder bounced up, and ultimately remained. McNally is hurt in the ring. Leo is out in the ring. Dusty and BDB are on the outside. Timmons and Nasty are on their knees, throwing punches at each other in the ring. King has just slammed KB hard into the guardrail on the outside. Kirkland is up and crawls into the ring. Dusty has BDB, and nails him with a suplex on the outside. He sees Kirkland on the inside, trying to go up the ladder. Dusty slides into the ring and attacks. Kirkland falls down to his feet, and they begin brawling. Dusty kicks Kirkland in the gut. He goes to irish whip BK into the corner, but Kirkland reverses! Kirkland comes storming in with an elbow to Dusty's head. Kirkland then spins Dusty around, and gets up on the top turnbuckle.

FARLEY: "What is The Reaper looking for here?"

Kirkland yells out to the crowd, who mostly cheer back for him. He grabs Dusty, and lifts up...


DANIELS: "Kirkland with a top-rope power bomb! AND LOOK! He's turning into an elevated Crab! That's his finisher from the top rope, the Murder 101!"

Kirkland wrenches back on the Crab as Dusty is completely out of it. BDB is back up, and rolls into the ring. Timmons gains the advantage of Nasty and stands up quickly. He delivers a dropkick to Nasty's chest as he was on his knees, sending him back. BDB is using the rungs of the ladder in the center of the rung to pull himself up. He climbs up a few steps when Timmons makes his way over to him, and starts punching at his legs. He begins to climb up with BDB, and gets level with him. They punch at each other, and Tim gets the advantage after chopping BDB in the throat. He then grabs BDB's head and --


MASTERS: "Timmons with a DDT on Big Daddy Brown from half way up that ladder!! BDB could be dead!"

BDB is motionless, and Tim's stays still as well. All participants are extremely exhausted by this point. Kirkland has let go of Dusty, who seems to be knocked out. On the outside of the ring, Krimzon Blaze has just hit a hurricanrana onto Mike King. Mike seems to be out, and KB looks up at the ring. He sees Kirkland eyeing the ladder and slides into the ring. Kirkland and Blaze get up eye to eye and trash talk a bit, before breaking into a brawl. Kirkland takes the advantage and hits a hard knee lift to KB. He then nails Blaze with a Side Effect! He picks him back up and tosses him to the corner.

GOLD: "Kirkland in charge of Blaze in the corner, look at the bodies all over the place! Leo is out, Monroe is out, Davis is out, Brown is out, Nasty is just now getting back up, Timmons is still laying down on the mat, McNally has rolled out of the ring and is being attended to by some officials as his ankle seems to be severely sprained. Wright is in the ring, sitting up but still on his butt in the corner. He gets up as Nasty is getting up. He runs up to Nasty and leaps up on his shoulders, looking for the hurricanrana. Nasty counters it though with a very vicious execution of the Nasty Bomb... right onto the back of Leo Crow!


DANIELS: "Anarchy Falling!"

MASTERS: "You think you're so damn clever, don't you?"

Mike King is back up and he too slides into the ring. He picks up BDB and tosses him over the top rope and onto the floor. In the corner, Kirkland has Blaze under control. He gets up on the top turnbuckle, perhaps looking for another top rope Murder 101. Blaze fights back however, and begins to chop Brian's chest repeatedly. He climbs up with Brian, forearming him in the face. He lifts him up on his shoulders, and turns around... the crowd is ecstatic... Blaze leaps!


GOLD: "Blaze with the Kode of Silence on Brian Kirkland... from the top turnbuckle!! Kirkland's face met Blaze's knee with such force, I think it broke his nose! Kirkland is out!"

Nasty is now climbing the ladder sluggishly. Blaze is back up, just in time for Timmons to surprise him with a kick to the gut. He grabs Blaze and positions him --


DANIELS: "A second T-Crusher Tombstone, this time with Blaze being the victim!"

Blaze is now out. Timmons kicks him until he falls out of the ring. Tim then looks up to see Nasty climbing the ladder. He runs to it and begins climbing it from the opposite side. He gets up to where Nasty is, and they begin exchanging punches.

GOLD: "Both men at the top of the ladder, duking it out. Will it be one of these two to win the match?"

Suddenly, Mike King sees the action and climbs up from behind Timmons. He punches at Tim, who is also being punched by Nasty. King gets up to be side by side with Tim now and he begins punching at Nasty as well. They go in a circle a few times, Mike punching Nasty, Nasty punching Tim, Tim punching Mike. Suddenly Nasty punches Tim and back hands Mike at the same time. He then grabs Tim by the throat!


The crowd is ecstatic, expecting a choke slam from the ladder now. He then grabs Mike with the other hand! The crowd is beside themselves as Nasty lifts up and choke slams BOTH men from the top of the ladder!


Nasty then immediately looks up and grasps at the briefcase. Camera shots from all over the arena are taken as Nasty grabs and lifts, getting the briefcase in his hands!!


Nasty climbs down and has the case in his hands, with the crowd chanting "NASTY! NASTY! NASTY!" He has a smile on his face as he raises the case up above his head in victory.

DANIELS: "What an excellent contest that was, perhaps the best installment yet of the Money in the Bank!"

GOLD: "And now the question is, what belt with Nasty challenge for.... and when?"

MASTERS: "Only time will tell, and whenever it happens.. I can promise you, Nasty will lose."

FARLEY: "Agreed."

The Winner... and the third Money In the Bank Briefcase holder... BIG NASTY!!!!


TOWERS: "Ladies and Gentlemen... performing "The Game..." here is COMMON!!"



Daniels- Folks, we are just about ready for one of the most brutal, sadistic matches ever. Jordan Bryant will challenge the TV Champ, Cage Stryker.

Masters- Indeed Daniels…tables, ladders and chairs will surround the entire ring, not to mention the ropes will be replaced by barbed wire.

Daniels- This match will have everything but the kitchen sink and now Jessica Towers is at ringside so we are ready to get this match underway.

Jessica Towers- Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is the tables, ladders, chairs and barbed wire rope match, set for one fall and is for the CZW World Television Championship.

The fans go nuts

‘Second Coming’ by Juelz Santana blasts through out the arena as ‘The Baller’ Jordan Bryant makes his way out from the curtains with the fans flooding out his music in massive boos.

Daniels- Well this is truly a classic, protagonist, antagonist….good guy versus bad guy match up. And Speaking of the bad guy….here comes The Baller in rare form and look at this….

We see Jordan carrying a kitchen sink with him to the ring.

Masters- Well it seems as though Mr. Bryant heard what you had to say, Jarred and he has in fact brought the kitchen sink.

Daniels- Well how do you know that its not the bathroom sink, Masters?

Masters- oh shut up, Jarred.

‘Ladies and Gentlemen’ by Saliva begins to play then with the fans cheering Cage’s name loudly. Cage walks out from the entrance ramp, acknowledging the crowd as they continue to cheer and chant his name. Cage stares down Jordan as Jessica Towers begins to speak.

Towers- Introducing first, the challenger, he hails from New Orleans, Louisiana, he weighs in at 260 pounds, standing at a massive, 6 feet, 7 inches tall….he is THE BALLER….JORDAN BRYANT!!!!!

Jordan poses to the crowd as they boo him

Towers- and in this corner…hailing from Hollywood, California…standing at 6 feet 2 inches tall, weighing in at 240 pounds…he is the reigning CZW World Television Champion….CAGE STRYKER!!!!!


The bell rings and the match gets underway….Cage runs at Jordan for a massive clothes line but Jordan ducks and flips Cage over the top rope…..


Daniels- AH MI DIOS!!!!!!!!......AH MI DIOS!!!!!!!!

The table did not break and Cage is in serious pain. Jordan climbs onto the turnbuckle…he leaps off and nails Cage with a frog splash, breaking the table in half.

Daniels- USTED ROMPIO MI MESA!!!!!!!!

Both men are lying on the broken table, writhing in pain. After a few minutes, Jordan gets to his feet, he grabs Cage and stands him. He executes a belly to belly suplex, he picks Cage up again and attempts an Irish whip but Cage reverses it and Irish whips Jordan right into the ring post. Jordan is leaning up against the ring post in pain…Cage backs up and nails Jordan with a spear, right into the ring post again. Jordan falls to the ground and Cage goes for the pin…




























Cage is back to his feet….he grabs a ladder and sets it up against the ring. Cage picks up Jordan and begins to bash Jordan’s head against the ladder. Jordan is busted up as blood begins pouring down his face like a waterfall. Jordan bends down, holding his forehead but he also grabs the kitchen sink that he brought to the ring…Cage doesn’t notice though as he walks over to Jordan….



Daniels- OH MY GOD!!!! he just nailed Cage with the Kitchen Sink.

Masters- Well I guess everything has been used, Jarred…including the kitchen sink.

Jordan goes for the pin




























Cage is back to his feet, both men exchange hay makers…Cage kicks Jordan in the midsection….DDT!!! Jordan is laid out. Cage grabs a ladder, sets it up…the then grabs a steel chair from the ground and sets it behind Jordan’s head. Cage then grabs another chair….he climbs the ladder….


Masters- Oh yes, Cage is going to destroy Jordan with this sadistic move…could it be…the extreme con-chair-to.

Cage has his chair in hand as he sits at the top of the ladder….he leaps off….SUPER CON-CHAIR-TO!!!!!! Jordan is drowning in his own blood. Cage is also writhing in pain….the referee looks on in concern as he begins the 10 count for the double KO.




























Cage begins to stand to his feet….






Cage is up….he grabs Jordan and stands him up….he throws Jordan into the ring. Cage then climbs the turnbuckle…he sets up for a moonsault…Jordan jumps to his feet though…he runs up the turnbuckle, grabs Cage and…BOOM!!!!!.....TOP ROPE REVERSE DDT!!!!! Jordan goes for the pin again…




























Jordan argues with the referee in frustration….Cage gets back to his feet and walks up behind Jordan….RUSSIAN LEGSWEEP!!!! There are chairs lying everywhere in the ring…Cage grabs one and is about to beat the living hell out of Jordan…he swings the chair at Jordan who is lying on the mat….Jordan puts his leg up and kicks the chair right into Cage’s face….Cage is out on his feet. Jordan stands up….there are also tables leaning up against every corner of the ring…Jordan Irish whips Cage hard into the corner….Cage breaks the table in half. Jordan grabs Cage again, he Irish whips him in the next table…hard…Cage breaks that table in half as well. Jordan goes for the hat trick….sending Cage into another table but this one does not break though….Jordan runs at Cage for a spear but Cage steps out of the way….JORDAN RUNS RIGHT THROUGH THE TABLE!!!!

Daniels- OH MY GOD!!!!.....Jordan went right through that table!....he is in some serious pain now.

Masters- Don’t worry Jarred….Jordan has that air bag on his head…I doubt he is hurt.

Cage rolls out of the ring….he grabs another table…he slides the table in the ring then sets it up…Cage grabs the other table in the ring and stacks it on top of the other table…he reaches in his boot and grabs a match….

Daniels- OH MY….he’s gonna set those tables on fire.

Cage lights the match and tosses it on the top table….both tables are on fire.


Cage grabs Jordan and Irish whips him right into the barbed wire ropes…Jordan begins to bleed again…Cage grabs Jordan….he sets Jordan on the top turnbuckle….he attempts a superplex…but Jordan counters it….OH MY GOD!!!! SUPER POWERBOMB!!!! Cage goes through the flaming tables. The referee comes in with the fire extinguisher and puts the fire out. Jordan grabs Cage and pulls him to the bottom barbed wire…he plants his face right into the barbed wire and begins to push Cage’s face into the barbed wire with his big boot. Cage is bleeding profusely. Jordan then sets Cage up against the second rope…Jordan backs up…he runs at Cage…he jumps on top of Cage, as the barbed wire cuts into his chest….Cage is bleeding everywhere, his entire body is covered with a crimson suit.

Daniels- Both men are covered in blood from head to toe. This is one of the most brutal events I have ever witnessed in all the years I have been in this business.

Masters- I agree with you there Daniels…Both men have given life and limb not only for that TV title but for these fans.

Jordan rolls out of the ring…he stacks three tables on top of each other then grabs some barbed wire from underneath the ring….Jordan wraps the top table in barbed wire…Jordan then grabs a match and sets the tables on fire. Three blazing tables stacked up on top of one another…Cage is back up to his feet…Cage grabs a ladder and sets it up, Cage climbs the ladder…..Jordan begins climbing up the opposite side of the ladder. The two men are facing eachother on top of the ladder….Jordan and Cage exchange blows to the face, each man teetering on top of the ladder, just inches away from the flaming tables….Cage blocks the last punch from Jordan….Cage grabs Jordan….he hooks Jordan’s head in a superplex attempt…Jordan counters the move….HE HAS CAGE SET UP!!!!!!


Security comes down to the ring side with more fire extinguishers…they put out the fire….Cage is out cold….Jordan is out cold as well but he is laid out on top of Cage…..The referee begins the pin count…..





























Jordan Bryant somehow stands to his feet, he climbs the ladder with the TV Belt in hand…Jordan poses to the crowd as he smiles huge and hold the TV Belt high in the air…the fans actually stand to their feet in a standing ovation.

Masters- YES! YES! YES! …….. Jarred do you see what I see…we have a new CZW Television Champion….The Baller, Jordan Bryant.

Daniels- Yes I see that William…but I got to hand it to both men…they laid their lives on the line for the fans and we now have a brand new TV Champ.

The Winner of the bout... and _NEW_ CZW World Television Champion... JORDAN BRYANT!!!!


A camera points out towards the back lot of the Miami Arena picks up two individuals standing together, facing one another. A clearer shot picks up one of the two people to be “The Voodoo Machine” Thanatos, and the other, his hooded accomplice. The feed from that camera is picked up and broadcast on the jumbo tron inside the arena.

Thanatos: “Tonight, in the greatest challenge in my career, we shall show the world the power I obtain.”

Hooded One: “We, master?”

Thanatos: “Yes, tonight is the night this federation shall find out your identity. Fear not, young one, for they will be the ones terrified. Your return is imminent, and the CZW shall never be the same...”

The feed goes out, and static fills the screen. After a few moments, the scene cuts back to ringside.


** X TITLE 'RING OF FIRE' MATCH: "The Mississippi Outlaw" BUCK EVANS vs. "Rated E For Everyone" EDDIE ROWAN (c) **

Towers: The following contest is a Ring Of Fire Match... FOR... The X-Division Championship! The person who retrieves the championship through a ring of fire surrounding the title, is the X-Division Champion!

Daniels: This match is going to be brutal... Eddie Rowan, the reigning champion facing former Outlaw member, Buck Evans.

Masters: It's sad to see The Outlaws go, but Buck will have the opportunity to get his 1st championship tonight!

"Ramblin Man" by The Allman Brothers begins playing as Buck and his wife Karen go down the rampway, getting a tremendous amount of boos. Buck tells his wife to go to the back, as Buck then waits inside the ring, awaiting the current X Champion.

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins begins playing over the P.A. as the large crowd of the arena start cheering for Eddie Rowan as he makes his way to the ring, the X Title hanging around his waist. The referee instructs Eddie to hand him his title, as a circle is lowered down as the X-Championship is hung in the exact center of it. It then ascends high into the air about 10-15 feet, but then all of a sudden, a flame enshrouds the circle!

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

-Buck and Eddie circle the ring, Buck grapples Eddie, who gets the go-behind and hits a Side Suplex on Buck who jumps straight back up. Eddie seems to be calm, smiling at Buck, but Buck charges Eddie! Eddie ducks the clothesline, but Buck counters with a hard left hand to back of Eddie's skull.

Daniels: Hey wait a minute, what's he doing out here?!

-Alex Furiya walks down the ramp, overlooking the match. He then makes his way over to Daniels and Masters, it seems Alex wants to speak on commentary for this match.

Daniels: Welcome Alex...

Masters: Hello there.

Alex: William...

Daniels: ...Well it seems I was just ignored.

-The action continues as Buck starts stomping a few mudholes into Eddie's chest, who lays there trying to regain his breath. Buck picks Eddie up, and hits a Snap Suplex on Eddie, who writes in pain. Buck then climbs the nearest rope towards Eddie, but Eddie split-legs Buck who falls crotch-first onto the turnbuckle! Eddie seizing the opportunity springs from the ring apron to the top rope! Eddie hits a HUGE Superplex off the top rope as the fans are cheering for Eddie.

Alex: This Eddie guy is something... But he's nothing compared to me.

Daniels: What make's you say that?

Alex: The "X" Stars of CZW just got more impressive, and that's why I joined CZW to recapture the true meaning of the X-Division.

Masters: You've only had one match so far...

Alex: And? Did I not make an impact?

Daniels: I want to say Yes.

Alex: You'll all see one of these days.

-The action continues as Eddie counters a series of clotheslines with a devastating powerbomb! Eddie goes to the outside, and picks up a ladder! Eddie drags it back inside, only to get an elbow drop to the back of his head by Buck.

Alex: Pathetic... If I was Eddie, I would've seen that coming a mile away!

Daniels & Masters: .........

-Buck picks up the same ladder as before and lays in a single head-shot right to Eddie, who starts bleeding on the mat as the ref checks him out. Buck sets the ladder up, but doesn't go for the title! He goes back to the outside and finds...


-Buck drags the table, along with a case of some kind... LIGHTER FLUID! Buck sets the table up a few feet away from the ladder. He then sprays the table then turns around into an Ed-DVD from Eddie!!!

Daniels: The Ed-DVD connected!

-Alex takes his headset off, watching as Eddie then lights the table on fire! Eddie starts climbing one side of the ladder, as does Buck! Buck and Eddie exchanging rights and lefts before Buck has a minor slip-up! Eddie hits Buck with a headbutt off the top of the ladder as Buck falls backwards HEADFIRST into the Flaming Table!!!!!!!!!!!

Daniels: OH MY GOD!

-Eddie then retrieves the X-Championship, retaining the gold! Eddie then gets off the ladder, only to be met face-to-face with Alex Furiya! Eddie and Alex start exchanging words, as Eddie raises the X-Title he retained!

-Medical attention is brought to Buck at a quick pace, as EMT's load Buck into an ambulance and make his way over to the hospital.

The Winner of the bout... and _still_ CZW X Division Champion... EDDIE ROWAN!!!



Gold: Wow, what a show we’ve had so far! That Money In The Bank Match was absolutely insane.

Farley: Yes it was, Rick, and I have a feeling that we still haven’t seen the craziest antics of the night at this, Combat Zone Wrestling’s BIGGEST Pay-Per-View of the year.

Gold: Indeed not. Next up is the World Tag Team Title Match, so we’ll turn it over to Jessica for the formal introductions.

Suddenly, the arena goes dark. A few strobe lights go off around Miami Arena, with an air raid siren in the background. The air raid siren ends, and a blue strobe light focuses on the right-hand side of the stage, revealing none other than Finger Eleven. The crowd pops when they see the Canadian group on stage. Then, a voice recording plays, stating “You’re green with envy, it’s in your eyes. You’re nothing, and we’re Idolized!” Once the voice-over finishes, the band launches right into “Paralyzer”, with an all-too familiar green strobe light now pulsing to the beat of the opening drums. There is a mixed reaction as Kristyl Marie makes her way out to the stage in step with the song. After a minute or so, the World Tag Team Champions emerge on either side of her in their typical green and black wrestling attire, earning another mix of boos and cheers. The bell rings, and Jessica has the introduction.

Jessica Towers: This contest is scheduled for ONE-FALL, and it is for the WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIPS!!!

Farley: We know that, Jessica…

Gold: Will you shut up? Ugh…

Jessica Towers: Making their way to the ring, accompanied by Kristyl Marie… FROM Hollywood, California, at a combined weight of 448 pounds… The team OF Evan Tyler and Kyle Riley… THEY ARE THE WORLD TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS… IDOLIZED!!!

While Jessica does the introduction, Kristyl Marie takes both of their hands and they pose for a moment, with Kyle then pulling her close with a twirl. They turn to face eachother but then quickly snap their gazes back to the camera, their movements on step with the rhythm of the music. He then spins her away and she allows herself to fall backwards, Evan Tyler catching her with a low dip. Again, their eyes meet, but then snap back towards the camera.

Gold: Well, this young team known as Idolized were complete unknowns until a few weeks ago, when they captured the World Tag Team Titles in their CZW debut. I find them to be a little bit cocky by times.

Farley: Ha-ha, but they’re able to walk the walk, Ricky. That’s why they’ve got those Tag Team Titles around their waist so early in their career.

Evan quickly moves her back to her feet and the three of them link arms, making their way to the ring where they appeal more to the crowd, garnering a mixed reaction. As soon as they get their footing in the ring, Miami Arena turns pitch-black. A red fog begins to fill the arena, sending Idolized into a mild state of panic. Then, barely visible through the fog, a clan of robed figures come down the entrance ramp, as well as through the crowd.

Gold: Oh boy, what the hell’s going on now?

Farley: Well, CZW is a spot where ANYTHING can happen… You know, except for you and Daniels being straight.

A loud, booming laugh from William Masters can be heard over at the War Zone announce table after Farley says this. Meanwhile, the robed figures are now completely surrounding the ring, repeatedly chanting “Tantum Validus Superstes; Vos Es Improbus”.

Gold: It sounds as though these guys are doing some sort of unprovoked incantation in an attempt to scare Idolized.

Farley: NOOOOOOOOOOO, really?

As the fog starts to dissipate, two of the robed figures slowly make their way into the ring. The chanting continues, and they begin to charge toward Even and Kyle. Idolized is able to scare them out of the ring, but the chanting continues. Unbeknownst to Idolized, two more robed figures have come into the ring behind them. Kristyl Marie screams loudly in an attempt to warn them, to no avail as the incantation continues. Finally, Evan and Kyle turn around…


Evan and Kyle are immediately impaled by a pair of steel chairs. They scramble to get to their senses, while the still-robed figures start to beat down on them. Finally, Darrin Powers steps in and stops the beat down. As Evan and Kyle regain their senses, the robed figures reveal themselves to be none other than Jakob and Ezra Mayhem, and there is now major heat on Total Mayhem.

Gold: What a low-down, dirty maneuver from the challengers, and the match hadn’t even started!

Farley: Hey, they’re just doing what they feel they need to do in order to get the upper hand early. I would have done the same thing, to be honest with you.

The fog has completely cleared, and the crowd is still booing their guts out in the direction of Total Mayhem. Darrin finally has things straightened out, and it appears as though Ezra Mayhem and Evan Tyler will start for their respective teams. Evan and Ezra lock up in the middle of the ring, neither man willing to give an inch of ground to the other. Darrin breaks them up, only to have them lock up again. This time, Ezra is able to use his size advantage to force Evan to drop to one knee. Once he’s down, Ezra goes to work, immediately attempting to lock in a sleeper hold.

Gold: Well Michael, it looks like Total Mayhem want to end this match as quickly as possible.

Farley: Hell, who wouldn’t want to when you’re facing guys like Idolized?

Evan tries frantically to get out of Ezra’s sleeper hold, to no avail. Ezra drags Evan into the Total Mayhem corner, where Jakob tags into the match. He starts landing hard body shots on Evan. He goes for a kick to the gut, but Evan somehow finds the wherewithal to lift his legs. The kick hits Ezra square in the midsection, dropping him to his knees and releasing Evan from the sleeper hold.

Gold: Well, you can say goodbye to a future generation of Mayhem after that shot. What incredible instinct from Evan Tyler.

Farley: That was low! Evan should have taken that kick like a man.

From there, Evan quickly regains his focus and starts battering Jakob with right-hands to the torso. Then, Jakob starts to use his size to his advantage as well, grabbing Evan by the head, to the roaring disapproval of the fans. He picks Evan up and attempts to throw him, but Evan somehow reverses the move into a Tornado DDT! The crowd is now firmly behind Idolized in this match, as Evan makes his way to the turnbuckle while looking down at a prone Jakob. However, as Evan gets up to the second turnbuckle…

Gold: Oh, for the love of GOD!!! Don’t these guys do ANYTHING fair?

Farley: Once again, Ricky Ricardo, they’re just doing what they need to do to gain an advantage.

What Farley is referring to is the fact that Ezra Mayhem now has Kristyl Marie in a chickenwing stretch outside the ring. Kyle runs over to Ezra in an attempt to help Kristyl Marie out. However, as Kyle gets close, Kristyl Marie mouths to Kyle to back off! Kyle, a little bit surprised, does back off. However, Kristyl Marie gives him a bit of a wink when he backs off. Then, out of nowhere, Kristyl is somehow able to wriggle her way out of Ezra’s hold and return to her feet. Ezra attempts to grab Kristyl again, but she slides underneath his legs and performs a judo chop on the back of Ezra’s knee. Ezra turns around, only for Kristyl to evade him once more. She climbs up onto the ring apron, and just as Ezra turns around…

Gold: HOLY SHIT!!!

Farley: That might be one of the best moves I’ve EVER seen, BAR NONE!!!

Kristyl was able to launch herself from the ring apron and perform a 720 Spinning Heel Kick on Ezra, sending him reeling. Meanwhile, the applause for Kristyl is deafening. Evan and Kyle are also applauding their valet for her efforts. However, their applause allows Jakob to have time to get to his feet. Seeing an opportunity, he charges at Evan… and NAILS HIM WITH A CLOTHESLINE!!! The crowd is stunned as Evan floats over the turnbuckle and lands directly on his head. They begin to fiercely boo Jakob as he struts around the ring for a moment.

Gold: That could be a turning point in this match, Michael. The power on that clothesline from Jakob was absolutely sickening.

Farley: Yeah, just like your commentary.

Gold: Michael, this really isn’t the best time. We could have a serious injury out here!

Jakob makes his way out of the ring to resume his assault on Evan. He stomps all over him, and then whips him into the barricade by the Total Mayhem corner. Ezra grabs a hold of Evan, and they both laugh maniacally as Jakob drills Evan with a boot to the skull. Kristyl is in a state of shock at this point as Jakob rolls Evan back into the ring. Jakob picks Evan up and whips him into a turnbuckle. Unfortunately for Jakob, he whipped him into the Idolized corner!!! The crowd urges Evan Tyler to regain focus for even a second… AND HE DOES!!! He senses where he is, and he is able to make the tag to a fresh Kyle Riley, who comes out swinging to the delirium of the fans.

Gold: FINALLY, Evan Tyler makes the tag! Let's see what the high-flyer of Idolized can do.

Farley: It may not be much, considering he gives up a bajillion pounds and 20 feet to Jakob.

Gold: Officially, Kyle Riley gives up 10 inches of height and 95 pounds to Jakob Mayhem, so if it comes down to brute strength, I think Total Mayhem may very well have the edge in this match.

Farley: The numbers mean nothing, just ask Pete Rose!

Gold: What the hell does Pete Rose have to do with anything?

Farley: ...

Kyle launches himself off the top rope… MISSILE DROPKICK!!! Jakob is stumbling, which allows Kyle to perform a trio of legsweeps, sending Jakob to his knees. Kyle then flies across the ring and nails Jakob with a baseball slide to the side of his head. Kyle goes for the cover, only to have Jakob kick out before 1 came along. Jakob sends Kyle flying toward the Idolized corner, allowing time for him to crawl over to his corner and tag Ezra back in.

Farley: Jakob nearly threw Kyle out of the ring then…WHILE HE WAS ON HIS BACK!!!

Ezra now ascends back into the ring and takes down Kyle before he can make the tag. Kyle gets back up as Ezra kicks him in the gut, then lifts him up and drops him down hard with a Powerbomb. Ezra stays on him as he starts stomping on his back, then stands on him as he presses all his weight down on Kyle. Ezra lifts him back up with his head and whips him into the ropes, Kyle bounces off then runs straight into a big boot by Ezra.

Gold: This is just a destruction!

Farley: Total Mayhem are looking to hurt their opponents, they did not want to be aligned with Tim, they did not want to be liked by these fans, they are killers Ricky…They are Monsters!

Ezra now lifts Kyle back up, hitting throat thrusts as Kyle flies into the corner. Ezra then runs in with a huge Big Boot…But Kyle ducks as Ezra gets stuck in the corner, his foot stuck on the top rope…This gives Kyle chance to breath. Kyle tags in Evan as they both go after Ezra. Evan climbs up the top rope as Kyle goes behind Ezra. Evan and Kyle then lift Ezra to the second rope as amazingly…Kyle now starts to beat down Ezra hitting forearms to the spine weakening him for Evan…Evan now measures Ezra up…







2 -









Towers: Here are your winners and STILL CZW World Tag Team Champions…Idolized!

Idolized celebrate as Kristyl throws them their World Tag Titles. Suddenly though the lights go off as the arena is left silenced…

Farley: What is this?

Suddenly two strange florescent objects shoot across the ring, like fireballs or something. The lights turn back on and Ezra and Jakob are standing tall with the Tag Titles in their hands. Riley and Tyler seem to be hurt and confused by the strange objects that hit them. Then Total Mayhem fly across the ring and hit both Idolized members with their own Title belts knocking them out cold. Kristyl screams in horror as she crawls into the ring to check on her teammates. Total Mayhem then celebrate as they walk out, shocking the World again.

Gold: Well Idolized kept their Titles but I guess Total Mayhem got the last laugh

Farley: Exactly and what were those objects…Fireballs?

Gold: I think so... Jesus, I think so.

The Winners of the bout... and _STILL_ CZW World Tag Team Champions... IDOLIZED!!!!


Daniels: Folks, we've just received word that Buck has suffered a fusion of his neck and spine... The doctors tell us he won't be back in the ring for awhile, which could only mean Buck is out indefinitely. All CZW and its fans want to wish Buck a speedy recovery.

Masters: The match was going so great, well, with the exception of Furiya... He's a really arrogant prick. But i'm sorry, Buck, I wish you all the best.

Daniels: But on a more positive note, we have some breaking news to share with everyone. A brand new decision, made just moments ago. The ink is still wet on the signature of War Zone GM, Gregory Grantham. Effective immediately the CZW North American Tag Team Titles will be now called the CZW Global Tag Team titles! And Ace King and El Pablo will be grandfathered into the records.

Masters: What does that mean?

Daniels: That means that not only were The Five Star Gamblers the first ever North American Tag champs... they are now the first ever Global Tag champions as well!

Masters: Oh! Well makes sense. But they won't be champs for long!

Daniels: We'll see about that. But up next is the Queen of Combat championship match!


(NOTE: This version was an emergency write up as the original writer didn't send in the match)


TOWERS: "This next match is for the Queen of Combat Championship and it is a Tables, Light Tubes & Chairs match!"

The crowd pops

TOWERS: "Introducing first.... hailing from Hollywood, California.... here is SIRENA STARR!!"

"Heaven Tonight" by HIM plays as the crowd largely pops. Sirena is wearing black wrestling tights with a red top. Her blonde hair is wavy, and she smiles to the crowd a little. She has a serious look on her face though, as she makes her way to the ring to embark on the biggest match of her short career so far.

TOWERS: "And her opponent... hailing from Sin City... she is the current reigning and defending Queen of Combat.. The Dark Kiss... ALLYSON THORN!!"

"Sweet Sacrifice" by Evanescence plays as the Queen walks out. The crowd cheer the woman who was just voted as best female wrestler in the CZW to date, as she poses with the title above her head. She carries it on her shoulders as she walks to the ring. She is wearing a dark brown wrestling emsemble, with her dark brown hair pulled back into a ponytail. She enters the ring, hands the belt over, and stares a hole though Sirena who is virtually doing the very same thing to her.

The two lock up and Starr grabbed a side headlock. Thorn couldn’t toss her off and rode the hold for a little while until Starr took her off her feet, dropping Thorn on her head hard. Starr slid out of the ring and grabbed the first bunch of weapons. She threw in a bunch of light tubes, and a chair. Starr got back into the ring, picked up Thorn and smacked her in the face. Thorn turned around and hit Starr with a massive spear and the champion dropped the challenger with one move. Thorn got up and grabbed the light tubes and set a light tube up in each corner of the turnbuckle. Thorn picked up Starr and whipped her into each corner shattering the tubes, Starrs back started to get bloody.

GOLD: "Jesus this match is INSANE!"

FARLEY: "Tell me about, these two beauties are going ruin their looks if they're not careful!"

Starr fell to one knee after the final whip into the corner and Thorn met her with a boot to the face.

GOLD: "Thorn is in charge now."

Thorn picks up a bloody Starr and starts smacking her in the face. Finally Starr grabbed Thorn in a headlock take down and held on the hold.

FARLEY: "Looks like Starr had enough of the slaps. I wouldn't have! Ally can slap me any time she wants."

Thorn got back to one knee and elbowed Starr in the gut a few times, causing Starr to let go of the hold. Thorn went off the ropes and Starr did a drop toe hold to Thorn and she got caught up on the bottom rope.

GOLD: "Whoa, Sirena just hit a drop toe hold on Thorn and she nailed the bottom rope chin first!"

Starr slid out of the ring nailed Thorn with a huge uppercut. She grabbed a steel chair from ring side and cracked it over the head of Thorn.


FARLEY: "Good lord!"

Starr set up the first set of tables and dragged Thorn out and laid her lifeless body on the table after that massive chair shot.

GOLD: "Starr is getting the revenge she's been after for two weeks now, Michael!"

Starr climbed to the top of the table and drove in massive rights and lefts to Thorns face who's nose and mouth started to bleed from the chair shot.

Starr went to the ring climbed the turnbuckle and leaped off the top with a moonsault through Thorn and the table.


Starr went for the cover and got a 2 count after a impressive kick out from Thorn.

GOLD: "She kicked out!"

FARLEY: "Amazing."

Starr got to her feet and picked up Thorn who seemed out on her feet whipped her into the gaurd rail and followed threw with a massive larriat to Thorn who crumbled to the floor, Starr picked up another light tube and went to the top of the announcer's table. Thorn got up, Starr ran off and nailed Thorn in the face with the tube.

GOLD: "Holy Shickers!"

Starr got up and dragged Thorn over to the corner ring post. She stood Thorn up and she grabbed another tube and swung at Thorns face but Thorn ducked and the tube shattered against the post. Thorn kicked Starr in the gut and nailed her with a DDT on the floor Thorn went for the cover and got a 2 count.

FARLEY: "Another near fall!"

Thorn grabbed 2 tables, set them up one on top of each other, and then set Starr in the middle. Thorn went back in the ring and she leaped off the top and went threw the tables as Starr rolled out of the way.


A bloodied Starr pulls up the strength to drape an arm over Allyson's chest.




FARLEY: "WHOAA!!!!!!!!!!!!"


Quickly, emergency medics rush to the ring to attend to both ladies. Sirena isn't given a proper chance to celebrate or hold the QoC title, as she is bleeding pretty badly now from her back. A package promo for all the matches left for Hatewave begins playing.

The Winner of the bout... and CZW's _NEW_ reigning Queen of Combat.. SIRENA STARR!!!



We get a good shot of the ring as the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN match is about to begin, the stairs and platform set up above the ring, and various weapons scattered at ringside.

Jessica Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, this is the STAIRWAY TO HEAVEN MATCH!

The fans erupt to a fever pitch as “Man Up” by Sticky Fingaz blares throughout the arena. ‘The #1 Draft Pick,’ Mack Beaudin makes his way out to the ring decked out in a Miami Hurricanes jersey, as well as a matching hat His valet, the Lovely Zoe accompanies him on his arm, attired in a sleek black and red dress sporting the CZW logo. The couple acknowledges their fans as they confidently stride to the ring, and Mack removes his hat, handing it to a small boy at ringside, whose eyes simply light up at this gift. Mack helps Zoe in through the ropes. He goes up to pose on the second turnbuckle as the crowd continues to cheer him on. He removes his Hurricanes jersey and throws it out to the crowd; the lucky fan that catches it jumps with excitement, the fans around him all cheering for his lucky trophy.

Towers: “Introducing first, from Tampa, Florida, he is ‘The #1 Draft Pick,’ MACK BEAUDIN!!”

The cheers continue even after Mack’s theme ends, and he and Zoe drink in the attention.

The lights go out and darkness fills the arena as only the dim glow of spotlights can be seen scattered around the arena roof. After a moment of darkness and silence, the quiet tones of single guitar tones can be heard as the Combat-tron explodes into life with images of Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson. Fans are kept waiting for a few moments as the images and guitar tomes continue to play. Suddenly a single explosion of sparkling red fireworks and the playing of 'Gold Metal' by Trademarc announce the arrival of The Jackal to the stage area as he stands with eyes focused on the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other. He then walks slowly to the ring, not taking his eyes off the ring, his cold stare piercing a hole into the eyes of his opponent. As he reaches the ring he climbs the steps and climbs carefully through the middle and top rope. Once inside he mounts the second turnbuckle of the corner post which is above the steps he has just used to enter the ring. He performs a breaking action with his hands, indicating his intentions in the match he is about to have. He then descends off the turnbuckle and turns to re-establish the stare to his opponent, walking closer as if more than ready to engage in combat.

Towers: “And his opponent, from Orlando, Florida, ‘The Jackal,’ KARL JACKSON!!

Many boos, but some cheers resound for ‘The Jackal’ here in what is close to home turf for both men. The referee steps between the two men as they stand in the center of the ring, staring at eachother. They nod slowly in acknowledgement as the ref explains the rules of the match to them once again.

Gold: “I’m quite sure that both of these men have repeatedly familiarized themselves with the rules of this match-up.”

Farley: “That’s a definite. These two have been looking forward to this match since it’s announcement last week. I’m sure they’ve had nothing else on their minds the whole time but this moment right here.”

The bell rings, and both men continue their stare-down. Immediately the Miami crowd gets into this match, starting an alternating chant for both men!

“Let’s go, Beaudin!”

“Let’s go, Jackal!”

They stare-down, with Jackson steadily becoming more angry, psyching himself up. Suddenly he swings a right hand! Mack with the block, he retaliates, slapping Jackson straight across the mouth!

Gold: “Mack Beaudin with a humiliating shot right there, sending the Jackal reeling!”

Jackson staggers back a bit, and turns back to get back at his opponent, but Mack is ready, unleashing a flurry of right hands to Jackson, rocking him back towards the ropes as the crowd cheers him on. Beaudin takes a couple steps back, measuring him, and charges in, sending Karl over the top rope with a strong clothesline! The fans go crazy!

Farley: “And it’s Beaudin taking control here early on!”

The Jackal gets to his feet, glaring at Mack from outside the ring. He slides in quickly and charges, catching Beaudin with a charging double-leg takedown!

Farley: “Jackal now raining fists down on ‘The #1 Draft Pick!’

The fans roar with a mixed reaction as the Jackal hammers away on Mack. Mack, though, blocks a strike and throws in a headbutt, staggering Jackson and enabling him to roll to the side, now pinning the Jackal down, throwing down shots of his own! Jackson finally counters with a thumb to the eye, kicking Mack back off of him. Mack moves to his feet, temporarily blinded, and the Jackal makes his move, dropping Mack with a drop-toe hold and going moving in for the Jackal Lock!

Gold: “He’s going for the Jackal Lock already!”

Farley: “This could be bad news already if he gets this cinched in!”

Mack struggles to prevent the Jackal from fully applying the hold, and rolls to his side in desperation, kicking him back with his other leg, breaking the Jackal’s grip on his ankle. Mack is back up, but the Jackal charges in with a shoulder-block, taking him down. He holds the top rope for leverage and begins stomping down fiercely! He lifts Mack up and takes him down with an overhead belly-to-belly suplex!

Gold: “The Jackal now firmly in control of this bout. Remember, each man has to make a pinfall or submission to be eligible to climb to the top of the stairs!”

Jackson with an elbow drop and a cover!



And Mack with the kick-out. The Jackal pulls him into a sitting position and drops an elbow across the crook of the neck, he then locks Mack in a sleeper-hold! Mack struggling now. He fights back, trying to work his way to the side, and the Jackal is forced to turn the move into a side headlock. Mack rolls back, forcing Jackson’s shoulders to the mat!



Jackson rolls back, keeping the headlock applied.

Farley: “Great technical match-up between these two.”

Mack fights back to his feet. He gives the Jackal a few shots to the ribs and forces him off, shoving him right into the turnbuckle. Jackson rebounds sharply and Mack snatches him up, SPINNING SPINEBUSTER!

Gold: “High impact maneuver there!”

Mack slowly getting up, but faster than the Jackal is. He measures him up and hits the ropes, taking down the Jackal with a charging back-elbow! Right to the jaw! The Jackal falls and Mack hits the ropes again, hitting a big leg-drop! Cover!



Gold: “Kickout by the Jackal after the two count!”

Mack showing some signs of slight frustration, but he picks the Jackal up and drives a knee to the gut, then flips him with a gutwrench suplex! Mack points to the turnbuckle, much to the crowd’s delight. Zoe cheers on from ringside as Mack scales the ropes, leaping off with a leg-drop! Jackal moves!

Farley: “High risk maneuver there that did not pay off!”

Mack moving to his feet, favoring his lower back. Jackson up as well, and he moves in quickly! T-BONE! The fans erupt into a solid mixture of cheers and boos, and Jackson goes for the cover!



Mack kicks out somehow! A huge pop from the crowd and Jackal is very unhappy. Jackson lifts Mack to his feet and plants him back down with a swinging neckbreaker! He sits up and looks around glaring as Mack holds his head with both hands.

Gold: “Jackson taking his time here now, slowly trying to wear down his opponent.”

The Jackal rolls over onto Mack and hooks in a rear-naked choke! Mack grips at his arms, trying to alleviate the pressure! The fans cheer him loudly, urging him on!


Mack finally powers up to his feet, the Jackal keeping the choke and body-scissors locked in tightly! Mack drives back into the turnbuckle, but the hold doesn’t break! He tries again, and still the Jackal does not give. Mack falls to a knee!

Farley: “This could be it! The Jackal is not relenting with that choke! Mack could be finished!”

Suddenly, Mack makes it back to his feet, takes a couple steps, and leaps backwards! They both hit the mat, and Jackson releases the hold as his head bounces off the mat, reflexively covering his head with his arms! Mack rolls to the side and breathes deeply, catching his breath!

Gold: “Great counter there by Beaudin! Can he capitalize on it!?”

Farley: “Hey, what’s Zoe doing?”

Zoe slides something across the ring to Mack, who picks it up as he stands, raising a Kendo stick high in the air, much to the crowd’s approval! Mack takes a few practice swings as Jackson slowly makes his way to his feet. Mack take a baseball player’s batting stance, Jackal doesn’t see him! Mack steps into the pitch and swings!


Gold: “Beaudin with a BLAST! He hit the Jackal square in the face with that swing!”

The crowd goes absolutely ballistic as the Jackal falls back hard to the mat! Jackson stares up at the ceiling, blinking in confusion.

Farley: “I’m not sure if he knows where he is right now, Ricky!”

Mack isn’t finished. Instead, he waits as the Jackal begins struggling to his feet yet again, this time taking a golf stance! He rears back and swings with a wild golf-swing!


The fans continue their ‘Beaudin’ chant as Mack raises the Kendo stick high. Again the Jackal begins fighting to his feet. Mack braces himself against the ropes, preparing to charge! Jackson makes it up, severely dazed, and Mack rushes in with a haymaker of a swing with the Kendo stick! Jackal ducks!!

Gold: “Jackson with the counter! German suplex!!”

Farley: “And he’s not done, yet!”

Jackson hoists Beaudin and drives him down with a German suplex, but holds on and rolls with another! And another! As he sets Mack up for the forth, Mack swings the Kendo stick over his shoulder and smacks the Jackal over the head, breaking the waistlock. Mack turns around and the Jackal takes a swing, but Mack ducks!


Farley: “Wait! Jackson counters! GOLGOPLATA!!!”

The Jackal counters as Mack hefts him into the air, seizing his arm on the way down, dragging Mack in and cinching in the Jackson Crush!! Mack fights, but can’t seem to move the Jackal! He struggles, trying to reach the ropes, his strength fading!


Almost there!!

Mack TAPS!

Gold: “Jackson is now eligible to climb to the top of the stairs!”

The Jackal wastes no time in breaking the hold and pushing the wounded Mack Beaudin away. He gets to his feet groggily, and goes to step over Mack towards the base of the stairs at ringside…

‘The #1 Draft Pick’ strikes, seizing the Jackal by the ankle!!

Farley: “Mack wasn’t out at all! And now he’s trying to lock the Jackal in his own move!!!”

Mack rolls up to one knee, trying to get a good grip on the lower leg of the Jackal! Jackson has his fingertips on the rope, trying to get the leverage to pull himself away! Mack suddenly heaves back, and Jackson flies back with him, crashing face-first to the mat! Mack grapevines the knee of the Jackal and cinches in the ankle-lock!>{? Gold: “Mack has it locked! MACK BEAUDIN WITH THE JACKAL-LOCK!!!”

Jackson strains and screams in pain, a bit of blood running down his face from the Kendo stick shots! He fights, trying to reach the ropes as the Miami crowd taunts him!


Jackson writhes in agony, trying to make it to the ropes! Trying to break the hold! He reaches out for the dropped Kendo stick, his fingers mere inches away!

Fingertips brushing the weapon!



The announcers’ voices are deafened with cheers as Mack forces the Jackal to submit to his own hold!

Farley: “I can’t believe that! Did Mack tap just to prepare for that ambush!? Both men have secured submission victories!”

Gold: “And now the first man to make it to the top of the stairs is the winner!”

Mack breaks the hold and immediately rolls out of the ring, heading for the steps. In desperation, Jackson gets up and charges at Beaudin, ignoring the pain of his ankle, and jumps with a suicide dive between the ropes! Both men crash to the floor!

Gold: “Listen to this crowd! They’re loving this match!”





Both men up, but out of nowhere, Jackal with a chair!


Mack falls back onto the base of the stairs after a glancing chair-shot from Jackson! Jackson moving in for the kill!

Gold: “Jackson with the steel chair!”

Mack dodges at the last second, the chair crashing hard on the stairs! The Jackal with a backhand swing and Mack ducks!


Gold: “Mack takes the Jackal down on the floor! Greetings from Tampa!”

Farley: “He’s still dazed from that chair-shot, though! Even Mack is slow to get up!”

Mack starts crawling up the stairs, slowly trying to make his way to his feet. He moves up towards the top! Halfway! The crowd roars in approval!

Gold: “He’s going to do it! Mack Beaudin is going to win the Stairway to Heaven!”

Farley: “Wait! The Jackal!!!”

Jackson leaps up onto the stairs and trips Mack! He stands, holding Mack’s leg!!

Farley: “JACKAL-LOCK!!!”

The fans scream encouragement to their favored superstar in this tense moment, the Jackal standing on the stairs, gripping Mack in the Jackal-Lock. Mack screams in pain, with nowhere to go! Nowhere…but up! Mack crawls towards the top of the stairs! His fans shout out their encouragement as he endures excruciating pain! Jackson struggles to keep his balance, the hold locked, and Mack from ascending, but Beaudin steadily gains ground!

Gold: “Mack is almost there! He’s climbing the steps in spite of the absolute agony!”

Farley: “The Jackal can’t stop him! He straining to keep the hold but Mack won’t quit!”

Three steps left! Two! Mack on the final step, reaching up! He just has to pull himself over the top of the last stair and he will win! The Jackal frantically tries to stop him, but Mack won’t relent! Out of desperation, the Jackal drops Mack’s ankle and lunges forward, stomping onto Mack’s head!!!

Gold: “OH MY GOD!!”

The entire crowd gasps in horror and shock as the Jackal viciously stomps the back of Mack’s head, driving his face into the stair!! Zoe (as well as many women in attendance) screams at this horrid sight!!


The entire arena gives the Jackal all the heat in the world after such a dastardly assault! The Jackal falls over Mack and crawls onto the platform! The match is over!

Gold: “The Jackal has won this match, but I think he may have taken things a bit too far!”

Farley: “There is no ‘too far’ here in CZW, Ricky. Though I agree that Mack may need some help!”

Karl Jackson stands slowly on the platform, high above the arena. His music hits and he throws his arms up, screaming defiantly at the crowd and their boos for what he’s just done.

The Winner of CZW's first ever Stairway to Heaven match.. THE JACKAL!!!


** KING OF COMBAT FINALS: "The Voodoo Machine" THANATOS vs. "The Prodigy" MAYNARD O'TOOLE **

The crowd is roaring in excitement, as the packed house in the Miami Arena loves every bit of the nonstop action of CZW’s HATEWAVE. Jessica Towers has the call.

Towers: “The following match is the FINAL of the Inaugural CZW King of Combat Tournament!”

The crowd roars in unison.

Fans look up to the Combat-Tron and see a montage of clips of the earlier matches in the KoC Tourney. A voice is played over the clips.

‘It started with 16 combatants, all battling to lay claim to the title, King.’

A compilation of wrestlers hitting their signature moves flash on the screen and we see Tim Timmons getting dropped by Gregory Grantham’s 4.0, then images of a referee raising Krimson Blaze’s hand and Mike Monroe defeating Jordan Bryant with the Shock Trauma come across the screen. We see The Jackal applying the dreaded Jackal Lock on Collum, and Eddie Rowan being the unfortunate victim of Buck’s Mississippi Twister. As Rob Wright scores the pin on El Pablo, we hear…

‘And then, in one Super card, we were down to 8 wrestlers left.’

Then flashes of 2nd round action hit the screen, and we see Rob Wright rolling up Buck Evans in a small package and Blaze getting rocked with the 4.0 from Grantham.

‘And through the fire, we now are left with just two.’

The lights in the Miami arena go out and “This House is Haunted” by Alice Cooper hits the P.A. System. The crowd pops loudly.

Towers: “Coming to the ring first, he is the War Zone King of Combat Finalist, from the windy city of Chicago, Illinois; he is “The Voodoo Machine”……THANATOS!!!

Green flames ignite from the entryway, and a thick smoke rolls down the aisle, as Thanatos emerges from the darkness and heads to the ring. He is accompanied by a smaller figure in the hooded cloak that has been seen in previous promos by Thanatos. Thanatos is dressed in a black cloak, with black trunks and boots. Around his neck is a necklace of bones, and he is wearing his traditional black top hat. In one hand he carries a staff with two skulls adorned at the top with string. Smoke is billowing from the eye sockets of the skulls as Thanatos waves it back and forth on his way down to the ring. He climbs to the ring apron, and turns around, looking at all in the crowd. While he waits to enter the ring, clips of his victories flash over the Combat-Tron, with clips of K.C. Kash and Mike Monroe both getting hit with The Abyss in the opening round and 2nd round, respectively, as well as Rob Wright getting leveled with the End of Days in the War Zone finals. The associate that walked to the ring with Thanatos has now climbed up into the ring with “The Voodoo Machine.” The hooded one is wearing a jet black mask, so the camera still cannot get a good picture of this person, except for the red eyes that can be seen under the slits. The two await the arrival of his opponent.

Towers: “And his opponent….He is the current CZW Intercontinental Champion, the Assault King of Combat finalist, ‘The Prodigy’, MAYNARD O’TOOLE!!!!!!!”

Masters: “Oh man, the intensity in this place in INSANE!”

Daniels: “Here we go, mano y mano, the finals of the King of Combat!”

Masters: “You got that right; Daniels…One man leaves here King, one man, well, hopefully just LEAVES here.”

O’Toole and Thanatos engage in a heated stare down, as Cameron and the hooded one each head to their corners. Finally, in what felt like eternity, the bell rings, and the two collide.

Masters: “Well, after the initial lock up, it looks like Maynard has the upper hand, overpowering Thanatos and spinning him around in an arm lock.”

Daniels: “Yeah I think the voodoo daddy’s gonna have to pull out a couple tricks to win this fight, trying to overpower ‘The Prodigy’ just might not happen.”

O’Toole pounds Thanatos to the ground with a couple big hits to the back, and once Thanatos drops, Maynard hits him with a big elbow drop.

Thanatos is slow to get up, and the IC champ greets him with a running lariat, sending Than back down to the mat. O’Toole turns and raises his hands to the crowd, letting out a ferocious yell.

Masters: “Oh O’Toole’s got this in the BAG!”

Daniels: “I don’t know, I wouldn’t turn my back on the Voodoo Machine…LOOK OUT!”

Thanatos had gotten to his feet quickly, and when O’Toole turned around, Thanatos delivered a big kick to the gut, and drop Maynard with a snap DDT. Than drops some big boots on Maynard’s throat, and then grinds his boot right over Maynard’s face. The ref shoves Thanatos off O’Toole, and is greeted by a frightening stare from the voodoo man.

Masters: “Maynard is showing some resilience though, and he’s back up and ready for more! OH! Big standing clothesline by ‘The Prodigy.’

Daniels: “You got that right, and O’Toole is not wasting any time, standing up Thanatos and delivering a flurry of rights and lefts, WOW! He just hit a huge belly to belly suplex!”

Standing up Thanatos, Maynard gives him a huge whip into the ropes and when he comes back, unloads on him with a running European uppercut.

Masters: “Man, even I felt that one!”

Daniels: “It looks as if O’Toole is on cruise control now, as he sets the Voodoo Machine up against the turnbuckle, and starts hitting big knees to the chest of Thanatos.”

Thanatos slumps in the corner, having the wind knocked out of him. Maynard struts to the other end of the ring, preparing to charge the beaten Thanatos.

Masters: “Ohhh, here comes O’Toole, bringin’ the pain!”

Daniels: “Jesus you are lame, but you’re right, Maynard’s charging! And OHHH Thanatos rolled out of the way! It looks like O’Toole shouldered the ring post, and is down and writhing in pain!”

Thanatos capitalizes on the slip by Maynard, and stands up the wounded champ. A couple of kicks to the gut bend Maynard over, and Thanatos delivers a monstrous jumping piledriver. Blood is now streaming from the bridge of Maynard’s nose, and trickling down, splattering on the canvas below.

Masters: “Oh man, things are getting extreme now, that’s for sure. Wait, what’s Thanatos doing?”

Daniels: “It looks as if he’s headed outside, over to his accomplice. Who IS that masked person, anyway?”

Thanatos grabs his staff and slides back in the ring. He winds up, ready to blast O’Toole, who is still down on the canvas. Thanatos swings and O’Toole slides out of the way, jumping to his feet. He stuns Thanatos with a roundhouse kick, and then rips the staff from Than’s hands, and begins to pound on the Voodoo Machine with it. A timely strike above the left eye of Thanatos draws blood, staining the white face with streaks of red.

Masters: “WOW, they are both bloodied now! Maynard has tossed the staff out of the ring, and rocks Thanatos with a thunderous power bomb. He goes for the first cover of the match












Masters: “So close! I thought we had a King for a second there!”

Daniels: “It looks as if this is going to be a battle for the ages!”

O’Toole, frustrated by the non pin fall, gets up, dragging Thanatos over to the turnbuckle, and setting him up against it. He sets up Thanatos for a suplex off the top rope, but it gets countered. Thanatos rakes the eyes of O’Toole and then kicks him off the 2nd turnbuckle, dropping Maynard to the ring floor; however Maynard lands on his feet.

Masters: “Thanatos is trying some high flying business now! A big missile dropkick from the top LEVELS Maynard!”

Daniels: “WOW, here we go Masters; I think this could be the end! Thanatos has Maynard set up for The Abyss! AND HE HITS IT! THE COVER!”











Both: “WHAT! Cameron just yanked Thanatos off Maynard!”

Masters: “I can’t believe it! Thanatos had that match won!”

Daniels: “Cameron just snagged The Voodoo Man’s foot and ripped him off!"

Thanatos slowly turns to face Cameron, and exits the ring, slowly cornering her against the guardrails. He raises his hands, about to deliver an axehammer to the lowly Cameron, when Maynard comes flying over the ropes, splashing onto Thanatos.

Masters: “DID YOU SEE THAT?”

Daniels: “Well, I AM sitting right here next to yo...”

Masters: “Maynard just saved Cameron! What a move!”

The ref had been counting, and both men are on a 3 count

O’Toole stands up Thanatos and chops at his chest, backing Than up against the ring post. Maynard throws a wild haymaker, but Than slides over a bit and Maynard smashes his fist against the steel ring pole.



Gripping his hand in agony, Maynard takes a knee to the face, exploding a mist of crimson blood in the air.



Masters: “These men better get back in the ring; they don’t want this match to end in a draw!”



Thanatos whips O’Toole in and follows him in, ending the count out. He sets up for The Abyss again, but O’Toole counters with an elbow to the gut.

Daniels: “O’Toole escapes The Abyss! He’s got Thanatos where he wants him!”

Masters: “Yep! BIG body slam by Maynard, and he flips Thanatos onto his stomach. It looks as if he’s setting up for, YES! The Celtic Clutch!”

Maynard flips over, stretching the back and knee of Thanatos in O’Toole’s submission, the Celtic Clutch.

Daniels: “He’s gonna tap! Thanatos is gonna tap!”

Masters: “What in the…HEY! The hooded one is reaching under the ropes! He just raked Maynard O’Toole’s eyes!”

Maynard has to break his hold on Thanatos, and The Voodoo Machine slumps to the mat. The hooded figure interrupted the submission.

Masters: “What a disgrace! Maynard had that match WON, Thanatos was gonna tap, and this creep interfered!”

Daniels: “Who is that person, anyway? OH, it looks like Cameron’s headed over there to find out! I feel sorry for that masked menace, because The Boss Bitch looks pissed!”

Cameron charges at the Hooded One, but it surprised when the Hooded One ducks under Cameron’s clothesline attempt, and spins her around, and hits a face buster on the concrete. The Hooded One rips off the mask…

Both: “OH MY GOD!”

Masters: “It’s her! It’s….BRENDA VIXEN!”

Daniels: “No way in HELL! Brenda Vixen is the hooded one! Brenda Vixen is allied with Thanatos!”

Brenda walks back to her corner, leaving Cameron in a bloody pile on the concrete. Meanwhile, Maynard was shocked at the revealing of Brenda, and Thanatos took advantage of this and dropped Maynard with a running bulldog.

Thanatos then signals for the end by dragging his thumb over his throat.

Masters: Oh shit!

Thanatos picks Maynard back up, turns him around... grabs him and drops!


Daniels: Thanatos with the Abyss!!!!














Daniels: Thanatos is your 2008 King of Combat!

Thanatos rolls out of the ring and the ref follows to raise his hand. He walks over to the throne that has not been mentioned until now, which was set up in the corner of the ringside area. He walks over to it, puts on the crown that was sitting on it, and takes a seat. He laughs like a maniac as his music plays over the PA. Eventually the scene cuts to a commercial for CZW's latest DVD "CZW: World Class" which has every CZW World Heavyweight title match that CZW has had so far on it.

The Winner of the bout... and 2008 CZW King of Combat... THANATOS!!!

* cZw *



TOWERS: The following contest is scheduled for one fall and it is for the GLOBAL CHAMPIONSHIP TAG TEAM TITLES!

DANIELS: And did you hear that…Global Tag Titles…Yes…Apparently the Board of Directors changed the name earlier today and the belts will now be referred to as Global Tag Titles!

MASTERS: North American…Continental…Global…Either way…This match is going to be a classic…And I just hope that Michael Myers freak does not turn up again

DANIELS: And Ace and El Pablo have held these Titles since they were first created, since 5th June in fact…But ever have they come across an alliance quite like this one…Sick and twisted…Anarchy Rising may very well take over CZW if they have their way

GOLD: Yes, there have been many stables in CZW…But none I don’t think has ever hosted a group of people like Anarchy Rising…These guys are true loose canons and if I were Ace and El Pablo, I would be concerned to say the least

FARLEY: Yeah but then you have XTC…I personally know first hand that you can’t keep them down, I mean we all thought they were down and out, but look, they came back ad recruited new talent, these guys are loved by the CZW World and we can’t take that away from them

DANIELS: They sure are…Hatewave has brought over twenty thousand fans and the merchandise, especially for Team XTC has been getting sold more times than a New York street hooker

MASTERS: But this is no popularity contest…This is about fighting Jarred…These two guys have clearly been after the Five Star Gamblers since the start…Not just for the Titles…But I think just because they actually do despise them…They want to hurt them here tonight

FARLEY: New York Hooker???

DANIELS: Well…Some people say this will be the Co-Main event of the evening…Fiscus & Covey against the Five Star Gamblers for the Global Titles…It’s up next!

(The lights turn out in the arena. Everyone goes silent. Suddenly an Anarchy symbol is shown burning on fire above the stage…The lights stay switched off as ‘Thieves’ by ‘Ministry’ begin to play throughout the mesmerized arena)

TOWERS: On his way to the ring, hailing from Wichita, Kansas and weighing in at 240 lbs…Now apart of Anarchy Rising…The One Man Riot…ALAN FISCUS!

(Alan walks out, but not alone, he is accompanied by Steph. Alan places his arm around Steph as the pair drunkenly walk down to the ring, Alan looking at the fans who try to make their opinions felt, but he just sticks his tongue out. One woman who looks like a diva, she boos at Fiscus so he stops and walks right up to her and plants a kiss right on her lips, then when he releases he places his two fingers around his mouth signaling a pu**y and starts pulling his tongue out. The woman cries and runs off through the crowd. Alan confidently strides back Steph who loves it and places his arm back around her. Alan tells Steph to stay on the outside as he climbs into the ring, the fans booing solidly. Alan does the Anarchy sign as he looks around the fans, a cheeky/sinister grin across his face)

TOWERS: And his partner…Hailing from…From…Wherever he dam…Hailing from parts unknown…And weighing in at 225 lbs…Apart of Anarchy Rising…Bad Ass…MATT COVEY!

(The same Anarchy symbol is burning with the lights still off. The music changes to ‘Puritania’ by Dimmu Borgir. Matt strides out, he is accompanied by Sydney, the First ever Queen of Combat. The Combat-Tron shows Matt Covey’s face up close, he has that grimacing stare, the fiery eyes…The fans hiss and boo but Matt has the same sickening grin that Alan had. Matt begins to stride down the ramp as Sydney follows, both staring a hole through every fan on the front row. Matt then sees the woman Alan assaulted earlier. He smiles, then points at her as Alan nods his head with his tongue sticking partly out. The woman faces away from Matt talking to the security guard, Matt then grabs her by the hair and almost pulls her over the rail, then plants a kiss on her as she falls over the railing, now crying even more. Matt wipes his face, his eyes flaring up. Sydney gives her a quick kick to the ribs as she runs off. Matt walks angrily down to the ring and yells at Sydney to stand with Steph. Matt climbs into the ring ad leans over all four sides of the ropes, gripping his fist tight as he growls at all of the fans just like Clubber Lang. Suddenly the lights turn on and the Anarchy symbol and the music is gone)

TOWERS: And their opponents…Hailing from such parts as Las Vegas, Nevada & Portsmouth, England…Their combine weight is at 410 lbs…They are XTC Born and Bred…And the Global Tag Team Champions…Ace King & El Pablo…THE FIVE STAR GAMBLERS!!!

(Matt and Alan are pacing about in the ring, talking over strategies for the match. Suddenly, the crowd pops as the opening bars to "Shut Me Up" by Mindless Self Indulgence hits. The lights go out, only to be replaced by a purple hue. Matt and Alan are going crazy in the ring, wondering why Special Ed Covey's music is playing.

Then, "Shut Me Up" fades out. After a couple minutes, "Writing's On The Wall" plays, and the crowd goes crazy. A few pyros go off with the drums, and the lights come up in a sea of green and white, revealing The Five-Star Gamblers, with the North American Tag Team Titles around their waists. Both men are wearing the new "FREE SPECIAL ED COVEY" t-shirt)

(Ace King is standing atop the Combat-Tron, while El Pablo is standing on the ramp. Ace gives a thumbs-up to El Pablo, and both men take off towards the ring. Ace is coming down to the ring on a zip line, while El Pablo is flying down to the ring on a slip-and-slide mechanism. As they approach the ring, green pyros go off with increasing intensity. Finally, Ace lands in the ring and El Pablo slides in underneath the bottom rope)

MASTERS: Holy hell…What are these fools doing?

DANIELS: They are putting on a show for the Miami crowd here tonight…XTC style!

FARLEY: Very impressive…But this is not about who can make the best entrance or the best pop from the crowd, lets see what happens where it all matters…Inside the ring!

GOLD: Yeah and look at the faces of Fiscus and Covey…They look like there about to explode, they hate everything about Ace and El Pablo, there popularity, there joking, there attitude, the fans loves XTC but Fiscus and Covey couldn’t hate them any more

DANIELS: I doubt Ace and El Pablo have a soft spot for them either, in case you have forgotten, it was Alan and his cronies who cost El Pablo a chance at the World Title…Both these teams hate each other, that is for sure…

GOLD: Good point there Jarred…Well it is time to put up or shut up…The Global Titles are on the line, these two teams seem ready to go and the atmosphere here in the Miami arena is electric…Lets get down to business!

( The two teams stand and abuse each other verbally for a few minutes as the fans begin to chant XTC…Covey seems to be the first man in the ring against Ace…)


- Covey immediately goes after ace with a right hand but Ace ducks, hit’s a right hand of his own, then another, Ace then whips Matt to the ropes as he bounces off and gets caught with an Overhead Belly to belly. The fans are on their feet for Ace as he grabs Matt again, hitting chops to the chest, backing Matt into the corner, Ace with boots to the gut, more chops to the chest, Matt is getting worn down, Ace then whips him to the opposite corer but Matt reverses as Ace crashes back first into the corner, but explodes from the corner as he hits Matt…Almost taking his head off with a Forearm smash. Matt now struggles to his feet as Ace whips him to the ropes again, he ducks but Matt kicks him square in the face, then spears Ace straight into the corner. Now Matt has the advantage as he kicks Ace in the gut several times, stomping a mud hole on him, Matt then picks him up as he lifts him up onto his shoulder and drops Ace face first on the corner post…Snake Eyes…Matt then runs at the ropes, bounces off…ACE CATCHES HIM WITH A SPEAR!

- The fans chant for Ace and XTC as he gets to his feet slowly. He picks Matt back up but Matt gets an illegal eye poke in as Ace is temporarily half blinded. Matt then stalks him, his tongue hanging out, his eyes fixated on his prey…Jaw Breaker!

- Ace rolls around the ring holding his jaw as Matt poses to the fans just to annoy them even more. Matt shouts a few things at El Pablo as he tries to get into the ring, but the referee holds him back, Matt takes this distraction opportunity as he walks up towards Ace, grabs his legs and stomps straight down on his groin. The fans boo heavily. Matt chuckles as he gets down on his knees and starts laughing right in the face of Ace. Matt grabs him by the face then pulls him towards his corner as Alan is there, desperate to enter the ring. They tag.

- Alan steps in as he pounces on Ace, choking him, wrapping his hands around his throat, shouting obscenities at the Gambler. Alan gets up as he lets Ace rise, then he grabs him from behind…Hitting a reverse DDT down onto his knee. Ace is hurt now, holding his neck as he tries to reach out to El Pablo, but Alan jumps on his back and starts hitting forearm shots to the back of Ace’s neck. Alan then grabs him in an STF!

- Alan works on the neck as he wrenches the spine of Ace’s back in an awkward position. Alan lets go as he gets up, then drops an elbow drop back down on his neck. Alan picks Ace up, hitting an elbow drive down on his neck, then grabs him, locking up his arms and viciously drops Ace down on the back of his neck with a TIGER SUPLEX!




















- Ace gets a quick shoulder up, but the pressure just to kick out effects him as he squeezes his hurt neck. Alan quickly gets up and yells at the referee. He walks back towards Ace and starts stomping on the neck area. His face is full of joy as he methodically takes Ace apart. He picks him up as he hits an European Uppercut on him which knocks him back into the ropes. Alan then looks at EP as he blows a kiss at him which makes him frustrated. He then swaggers back towards Ace but the Gambler suddenly explodes as he pulls Alan through the ropes and on to the outside. Alan lands head first. Matt then jumps into the ring as he tries to attack Ace but he blocks, then hits lefts and rights on Covey before eventually climbs the turnbuckles, rips his shirt off as the fans, especially the female fans cheer loud, Ace wraps the Special Ed T-Shirt around his fists, then drops a double Axe Handle down on the head of Matt Covey, then celebrates as he throws the Ed shirt into the crowd creating a mosh pit.


El Pablo runs around the apron as he finds Alan dazed standing up…EL PABLO DIVES OFF


The fans chant XTC…XTC…XTC…

The Five Star Gamblers standing tall inside the ring now as they celebrate. Matt and Alan now stand on the outside as Steph and Sydney talk strategy with them. Alan smiles then slithers back into the ring, Ace walks up to attack him but Alan drops to his knees and low blows him…Then hit’s a Reverse Neckbreaker once again injuring the neck of the Gambler!

El Pablo and Matt Covey are back on the aprons as Ace and Alan are the clear legal men again. Alan picks up Ace as he runs him into the ropes, hitting a knee to the gut, then whips him into the ropes as Ace bounces back, ducks a clothesline attempt from Alan, then on the rebound…Alan locks in a sleeper hold…In fact…He turns it into a Cobra Clutch!

- Ace wriggles around as he tries to find a way out of the hold, just then Alan hit’s a head butt into the back of the neck of Ace, immediately turning the hold now into a Crossface Chickenwing. Alan rips at not only the neck but the shoulder of Ace as he screams in pain, trying to step towards his corner as El Pablo wills him on.

- El Pablo begins to get a chant going as the whole arena wills Ace out of the hold, but Alan seems to have it locked in. Alan starts to throw Ace around like a rag doll, his eyes filled with intensity. Ace begins to step forward, close to the ropes now, but still cannot find them. Alan now begins to drive head butt after head butt into the neck area of Ace, the fans booing him furiously. Alan then release the hold as Ace tries to escape, but Alan pulls him down from behind…STO!!




















- Ace again gets a shoulder up, Alan this time though straight back on the attack as he pounces Ace, now driving fists into his forehead, screaming at him that he wants to draw blood. Ace blocks though as he reverses the situation, Alan now on the defensive as he escapes then runs off towards his corner, wanting no piece of Ace. Matt gets the tag in as he runs into the ring, but gets knocked down by a forearm, then a clothesline, Matt now gets caught with drop toe hold as Ace grabs Matt Covey in a Crossface!

- Matt struggles with all of his mite, Ace wrenching back but Matt does not give up. He bites his lip, causing blood to dribble down his mouth. Just then Alan jumps back into the ring as he elbow drops Ace. El Pablo then dives over the ropes as he hits lefts and rights on Alan, then whips him into the corner as he follows up with a body splash in the corner, EP then clotheslines Alan over the ropes as both men fall to the outside. The fight continues as the fans cheer EP. The brawl now takes place on the outside as the referee gets distracted. Steph then places a pair of brass knucks very secretly to Matt Covey as he places them on his fist. Ace turns around…


Matt Covey takes them off and passes them back to Steph as he goes back to cover Ace, the fans booing with a passion.























- Ace once again gets a kick out. Matt growls with anger as he looks at the ref, the ref tells hi it was just a two count. Matt then sits over Ace as he angrily starts hitting closed fists shots to the forehead of Ace, the Gambler now showing signs of bleeding as the blood begins to flow down his face. Matt carries on though, beginning to drive his own head into the cut. Matt picks Ace back up as he locks him up…BLOW IT OUT YOUR ASS!!!!



























Alan breaks it up!!!

- Alan now back into the ring as the cameras show El Pablo, now also busted open on the outside. The replay shows how it happened. They were both going at it on the outside as Sydney got involved, distracting El Pablo after slapping him on the back of his head, Alan then grabbed a TV set off the top of the Spanish announce table and drove it into the head of El Pablo. The Five Star Superstar remains knocked out on the outside as blood trickles down his face.

- Alan picks up Ace as he throws him shoulder first into the steel turnbuckle as Ace collapses down in the corner…The referee then manages to get Alan out of the ring, but the damage is done!

- Matt is now making his way back on his feet, looking for Ace. Ace tries to fight him off but Matt gets one shots to the head, then a knee to the gut and Ace is worn down. Matt then knees Ace right in the face knocking him down, Matt then follows up with a fist drop to the head. The fans start to boo and hiss as Matt leans on the ropes, Ace’s blood on his own forehead, he wipes it off and licks it, a deranged look in his eyes. He then looks at Ace who keeps trying to rise, never giving up. Matt starts scrolling his foot on the ground like a rhinoceros that is about to attack. He measures Ace up, the fans hoping and preying Matt will not connect with this move. Matt runs in looking for Ace and swinging his foot at Ace’s head…KICK TO THE HEAD








Ace dodges the kick and sweeps Matt’s feet…Covey gets back up but walks into the…

HIGH ROLLER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Ace is slow to make a cover, but the fans are all off their seats going crazy for the Gambler. Alan charges up and down on the ring apron getting frustrated, Ace crawls towards Matt…He gets the cover!
























- Matt Covey barely gets his shoulder up, but he manages just about to find enough energy to do so. Both Ace and Matt are now down, Alan calling for a tag, but Matt is in no man’s land. Meanwhile, the fans cheer as El Pablo gets back up, fired up, he climbs onto the apron then holds out his had willing Ace to make the tag. Both Mat and Ace are now up…MATT GETS THE TAG!

ACE TAGS IN EL PABLO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans lift up once again as El Pablo jumps over the ropes, Alan throws a clothesline but EP ducks and hit’s a huge dropkick knocking Alan back into the corner. Matt throws a right hand at EP but he blocks, hits several rights and lefts on Matt, then kicks him in the gut but Matt catches his foot…EP then spirals around with a strange flipping ensuguiri.

- EP runs at the corner and hit’s a front flip Rolling Thunder but finishes with a front slip baseball slides into the face of Alan who lies down motionless in the corner. EP now gets back up as he whips Matt into the ropes, EP jumps up hitting a flying head scissors as Matt Covey falls face first straight into the groin of Alan Fiscus. The fans go wild as Alan also jumps up, but not as excited as the fans. El Pablo then clotheslines Matt over the ropes…Alan gets up…Twist of Fate!

- The fans are going ballistic as EP has the whole of Miami jumping up and down on their feet. El Pablo begins to ascend the turnbuckle, climbing straight to the top rope as he measures up Fiscus…


- Matt Covey hits El Pablo with a steel chair while he was on the top rope, stopping all of his momentum. El Pablo sits down motionless on the top rope as Fiscus now gets back up…He climbs the ropes…

OVERTHROW OFF THE TOP ROPE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Ace now gets back up still dazed from before, blood pouring down his face…Matt Covey…Watch out!!!

MATT HITS ACE WITH THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

The fans are booing the crap out of Matt Covey now as he has both Steph and Sydney on both arms, walking around the outside laughing at all of the fans. Meanwhile inside the ring, Alan is making his way towards El Pablo, looking for a cover after that hellacious move off the top rope. The fans will EP on with all of their might…But Alan covers!!!







































- Unbelievably El Pablo gets the shoulder up barely. Matt Covey stops on the outside, his eyes are frozen, he looks shocked. He starts screaming as the fans are totally on FSG’s side. Matt Covey then picks up the chair from before and slides inside. He measures up El Pablo, then in one sick act, he starts swinging the chair into him, picking apart his bones. El Pablo screams in pain, blood flowing out of his head and his mouth. Matt now turns on Ace but suddenly the Gambler explodes with adrenaline as he flies off the ropes and…

FULL HOUSE INTO THE STEEL CHAIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The chair connects off the head of Covey as he collapses to the ground and rolls out of the ring. Ace then notices Alan climbing back up as he measures the One Man Riot up…

BLACKJACK BOMB!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Ace has just destroyed both Covey and Fiscus as the fans love every moment of it. He helps El Pablo up who looks a broken mess, but still…Some how…He gets to his feet. Not only that, Ace signals for El Pablo to fly…And this time connect. El Pablo rising up and climbs up the turnbuckle, managing to climb his way to the top eve though his ribs and skull could be cracked. El Pablo measures Alan up…Ace passes him the steel chair…

STEEL ELBOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!












































MATT STYLEZ…MATT STYLEZ…MATT STYLEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- As the lights turn back on…Matt Stylez stands in the middle of the ring, a sledgehammer in hand. Ace and EP have not noticed him yet, but the fans are shocked, most of them boo loudly, Ace and EP turn around…


- Stylez takes both El Pablo and Ace King down with one shot from the sledgehammer each. The blood flows down both their faces…severely. Alan Fiscus gets up, Matt Covey too as Alan covers Ace King…























- The fans are shocked as they watch their heroes get destroyed in the center of the ring by Anarchy Rising…Alan Fiscus and Matt Covey now are the new Global Champions. Covey and Fiscus roll out of the ring, looking hurt but still able to hold the Title up into the air aggravated the crowd. Steph and Sydney accompany them out, both with grins on their faces, showing their Titles to the cameras. Meanwhile inside the ring…The lights go out once again…The fans are silent…

As they turn back on…The ring is covered with blood…Matt Stylez has now gone…The Anarchy symbol is once again…Burning bright above the arena…

DANIELS: I am speechless…Ace and El Pablo once again screwed out of the win…And we have new champions!

MASTERS: Not screwed Jarred…Outsmarted…Out beaten…They were beaten, simple as that and yes…We have new Champions!

FARLEY: What a strange ending…Anarchy Rising proving they are possibly the most dominant force in CZW…And Matt Stylez…Matt Stylez…Is he back?!?

GOLD: I have no idea…What I do know however is that the match we just witnessed will be remembered for a long time…It was truly worth the Title of Co-Main Event…But up next…I have chills down my spine…Hatewave Main event…Montana…Waters…World Title on the line…This is what it’s all about!

FARLEY: I can’t wait!

The Winners of the bout... and _NEW_ CZW Global Tag Team Champions... MATT COVEY & ALAN FISCUS!!!

* cZw *


TOWERS: "And now... performing one of their classics... here is NINE INCH NAILS!!!!!"

Crowd goes ballistic




--The arena waits in a loud state of excitement for the main event of the biggest pay-per-view of the year for Combat Zone Wrestling, Hatewave. The hatred throughout the night has been prevalent, and the abundant violence bred from that hate will be shown on the biggest stage now before the thousands in thousands in Miami. Repeated chants for 'Shawn Waters' are heard throughout the arena, as fans anticipate the grand arrival of their beloved superstar, half of the tag-team known as 'Fire and Ice'. The fans watch attentivley, most coming to their feet to cheer, as they see Jessica Towers arise from her folded chair situated at ring side, and make her way to the center of the CzW Hatewave ring with a microphone in hand. She raises her head ever slowly and looks around at the thousands and thousands on hand who have sold out the Miami Arena, interestingly enough, home of the Miami Heat. Looking at all of the thousands of excited CzW fans throughout the arena, Jessica Towers raises the microphone to speaking level, with almost a bit of a nervousness showing through her beautiful trademark smile, in this, the biggest match of her career as well. Everything since the inception of CzW has built up to this moment, the commencement of the main event for the biggest pay per view of the year, Hatewave!

TOWERS- "Ladies and Gentlemen! This is the main event for CzW Hatewave!"

--The cheers throughout the crowd accentuate! The moment of immense anticipation has finally arrived; the wait is over.

TOWERS- "This main event match is scheduled for one fall, and on the line is the coveted CzW World Heavyweight Championship! Introducing first, the challenger, he stands at 6' 1" and weighs in at 225lbs, and is the number one contender to the World Heavyweight Title. Hailing from 'down under' in Sydney Australia, SHAWN WATERS!!!!"

--"Our Revolution" by Halifax hits on the P.A. throughout the arena along with Shawn Waters' video on the jumbotron as the fans ignite in a nearly deafening unison of cheers. Shawn comes out from behind the curtain, leaping onto the long ramp with a sense of energy that fans of his have grown accustom to. When in full view of the crowd on the ramp, he looks around the arena, pointing at all of the fans who are cheering his name. He appears as pumped and ready to go as all of them, and runs down to the ring with an immense smile on his face. He knows that he is more ready for this chance as greatness than his previous attempt, and is ready to beat the living hell out of his former mentor. As he gets to the ring, still in full stride, he slides in from the side and climbs onto the turnbuckle located directly to his left. He raises his hands in the air, and then moves him to his waist and makes a motion as to make it apparent that the belt will be around it before the nights' end. The fans wail in concurrence with Waters', who climbs down from the initial turnbuckle and makes the rounds as his video and music continue to play throughout the arena, still not loud enough to counter the cheers of the sold out crowd on hand in the Miami Arena. After climbing atop of each of the four turnbuckles of the CZW-branded ring, Shawn finally settles in the last one visited, allowing Jessica Towers to come off of the rope and bring the microphone to speaking position to introduce the champion and hometown boy, though not the typical 'prodical son' to the crowd. Shawn gives a friendly nod to Towers as she takes her stance in the center of the ring and raises her voice in an attempt to speak at a louder audible level as to eclipse the noise made by Shawn Waters' adoring fans...

TOWERS- "And the Champion.."

--Towers is interrupted by a loud shroud of boo's from nearly every fan in attendance, as they know the man who is about to be announced. Towers continues amidst the booing..

TOWERS- "He hails from here in Miami, Florida.."

--Towers has to pause once again because the boos grow louder. The fans obviously resent the fact that Jesse Montana is from their beloved city of Miami himself...

TOWERS- "Coming in at 6'1" and 230 lbs, the World Heavyweight Champion and General Manager of Assault, 'The Sensation' Jesse Montana!"

--The boos grow to their loudest point at this moment, almost overpowering Jesse's entrance music, "For Whom the Bell Tolls" by Metallica as it hits on the arena's P.A. system. Jesse walks out from behind the curtain and appears to the fans grabbing the Heavyweight Title belt that is secured around his waist. The fans continue to boo as he walks onto the ramp, and soon enough he gets tired of it and takes his hands off of the belt and flips off both sides of the crowd. They scream in hatred as Montana slowly and cockily makes his way down to the ring, exchanging a cold stare of hatred with Shawn the entire way to the ring. On the way down, Jesse removes the title belt from his waist, but only after rubbing it and pointing at the belt and himself in an attempt to make Shawn jealous. After removing the belt from his waist, he places it to where it straddles his shoulder, and holds it in place as he continues his slow walk up the stairs at ringside, between the ropes, and into the ring itself, still stuck in the stare of hate with Shawn Waters. Jesse opts to forego climbing atop the turnbuckles such as Shawn did, but simply holds the World Heavyweight Title above his head while staring into Waters' eyes, their hatred for one another heard even above the boos for Montana. As Jesse reluctantly hands his title to the referee in the ring, who in turn hands it to an exiting Jessica Towers, his music and jumbotron video fade from the arena and the house lights set in on the ring itself. The ref switches his attention to Jesse, and then switches to Shawn mid-sentence...

REFEREE- "You guys keep it clean, alright? Cut the bullshit, and for once just give the fans what they want."

--The two competitors are still locked in their stare throughout the ref's warning.. SHAWN- "Don't worry about me. I don't need help to beat Jesse! Sound that damn bell!"

--The referee calls for the bell to be sounded, and as soon as it is, the two wrestlers tie up in the center of the ring. As they struggle for the balance of power, 'WATERS!' chants begin to flare up quickly around the arena; the fans begging for the colder side of 'Fire and Ice' to gain the upper-hand off the bat. The two grapple evenly for nearly a minute until backing off and resuming their previous stare. Sweat beads have already begun to form on each of their brows, and frustration has mounted in their eyes. The two men are closely matched, as has shown early in the match tonight, as well as their previous encounters. The look that they are exchanging though shown from afar to those in the arena, is felt throughout the building without a problem. They continue the stare, each one contemplating a way to take the first stab; cast the first stone. Jesse, being the dirtier player in the game, breaks the stare first and makes the first move. He attempts to knife-edge chop Shawn in the chest, however, Shawn sees the swing coming and quickly averts contact. He grabs Jesse's arm and pulls it down and around at the elbow, using the sheer level of inflicted pain at the elbow to cause Jesse to turn 180, his back now against Shawn's chest. Shawn now has Jesse in a tight wristlock in the center of the ring. As Jesse screams in pain, the fans cheer loud for Shawn, hoping that he continues to inflict pain on the arrogant son of a bitch that they all love to hate. The pain is now apparent in Jesse's face as he does his best to counter the hold, and finally succeeds by overpowering Shawn and taking his arm and forcing him to the ground with a reverse arm-bar takedown. After Shawn is half on the ground in pain and half trying to reverse the takedown, Jesse cancels his reverse attempt by violently stomping on the back of his shoulder of his affected arm. With each careless kick, Shawn flails in pain, but also gets closer and closer to jumping up off of the canvas and back to his feet, purely from the excruciating pain level itself. Finally out of cockiness, Jesse breaks the hold, leaving Shawn on the ground free to grab his shoulder in pain. Jesse turns his back to Shawn and faces the audiences, taunting them by grabbing his waist as he did before the match, minus the title belt. He laughs as he leaves Shawn Waters unattended, but his smile is quickly removed from his face as he is attacked from behind and forced into the ropes. Shawn uses inertia to bring Jesse back into a rollup, attempting the quick pinfall..




--Jesse kicks out very shortly after the '2 count'. As Jesse gets up from the canvas, Shawn is already on the other side of the ring looking at him. Shawn points to his own head, apparently in an attempt to tell Jesse that he is smarter than him. Jesse shakes his head, disagreeing with Shawn. Jesse screams out a message to Shawn heard above all of the crowd noise and of course picked up by the television cameras filming the pay-per-view..

JESSE- "I'm the dirtiest player in the game, Shawn! You can't beat me. You never will! Everything you know, I taught you!"

--Shawn, fed up with Jesse's tyrade, runs for Jesse who stands unmoved with the ropes behind him until the last second. As Shawn approaches for attack, Jesse diverts contact and forces Shawn into the ropes to his rear. Jesse quickly turns around so that he is facing Shawn as he comes off of the ropes and hits the unsuspecting Shawn Waters with a DDT. Shocked on the canvas, Shawn grabs his facial region that has been violently forced to the mat. As he rolls over to tend to his jaw and face, Jesse has climbed to the center rope and hits him with an elbow to the face right as he starts to tend to it. The impact causes Shawn to literally bounce off of the mat, his head in more pain than ever. Jesse takes Shawn by his ear and hair, almost as if he is a punished school child, and picks him up off of the ground. Sweat is now prevelant on both me, moreso on Shawn, but still neither man presumably worn at all. Jesse, with Shawn's head in his hands, forces their two heads together for a headbutt. The ref comes in immideatley and pulls Jesse off as Shawn slumps into the ropes, eventually landing ass-first on the canvas. At the ref's direction, Jesse steps back brandishing a sick smile of satisfaction..

REFEREE- "What did I say, Jesse? Keep it clean! Do one more thing like that and I swear to god, I'll make this match incredibly easy for Shawn, got it!"

--Jesse brushes off the ref's comments by a cocky sort of head nod..

--The ref shakes off Jesse’s attitude by returning the nod; his however, one of the angry nature, shaking his head out of spite for the GM. He then returns to the match at hand, as Shawn has slowly managed to make it back to a standing position, his eye still sort of cringing out of pain from the dirty head-butt from Jesse Montana. Shawn now stares down the still-smirking Jesse Montana with a disgusted look of hatred. He begins to go at Jesse, but then recounts what happened in his previous attempt at Montana. So instead of jolting for Jesse, He motions with his hands for Jesse to ‘bring it’, and out of his assurance, Jesse comes at Shawn and the two engage in a grapple. They each struggle for power until Shawn finally takes Jesse down with a snapmare. Jesse gets up quickly from the surprising maneuver that put him on the canvas for one of times of the night, and goes right back for Shawn. Shawn is now ready for the attack, and hits Jesse with a belly-to-belly suplex. As Jesse hits the mat once again, his back arches in pain. Shawn throws his own body into the turnbuckle to his right, suspending himself towards Jesse who is still on the ground and hits him with a elbow drop. He then goes for a pin…



--Jesse kicks out of the cover, however is still on the ground struggling to make an attempt to make it to his feet. In the meantime, Shawn has made his way to the nearest and most convenient turnbuckle for a high-risk maneuver. He mounts the top turnbuckle as Jesse still lays on the canvas, motionless for the most part. Shawn goes for a top-rope leg drop, but just before he makes contact with Jesse, Montana moves quickly out of the ring leaving Shawn to land awkwardly on the bare mat! Shawn almost comes up from the mat being in so much pain, as Jesse lays not too far from him, still in a bit of pain himself…

--The two men both struggle to be the first one to revive themselves from each of their actions, but eventually, Jesse becomes the first one to pull himself back completely to a standing position. As he comes to a stand, he meets Shawn while Shawn is still about half-way bent over. He takes the opportunity to hit Shawn with a quick Tornado DDT, and then goes for the pin-fall. The ref comes in to make the count..




--NO!!! Kickout! The fans all stand relieved at the nights’ first near fall, all thankful that their beloved Shawn Waters is still in contention for the title. Jesse gets up frustrated from the near fall and argues with the ref…

JESSE- “C’mon ref! That was a 3-count!”

REF- “You do your job and I’ll do mine!”

--Montana casts an evil eye towards the referee and then looks back at Shawn Waters who is now almost completely recovered from the Tornado DDT previously delivered to him. He finishes shaking it off and then him and Jesse re-engage in a grapple. The fans cheer the match on, noticing how evenly the two men are match. This truly epic battle is living itself out in front of the crowd, and it is apparent that they appreciate it. Jesse quickly overpowers Shawn who is still a tad bit stunned from the DDT, and utilizes a Russian leg sweep to put him back on the mat. Not allowing Shawn to recover from the leg sweep, Jesse picks him back up off of the mat by his left arm. As Shawn is about half of the way back up to a standing position with the help of Jesse, he uses his right arm to deliver a brutal slap to the face of Jesse Montana, knocking him all of the way back into the ropes behind him. Inertia brings Jesse back towards Shawn, who delivers the standing dropkick, knocking Jesse to the ground!!!

--The fans stand up and cheer for a still-worn Shawn, who has picked up a bit of momentum for himself out of nowhere. ‘WATERS!’ chants once again begin to build throughout the arena; the fans doing their absolute best to give the most amount of support to Waters that they can aide him with. Shawn slowly gains energy from the crowd, feeding off of their excitement as Jesse drags himself up off of the ground. As Jesse slowly brings his head up, Shawn slaps him hard in the side of the face and chin area, knocking Montana’s face more towards eye level with his own. When Jesse is up, Shawn throws a quick and unsuspecting elbow directly into his nose and forehead region! The ref comes in to warn Shawn as Jesse falls once again to the ground…

REF-“Shawn! I warned Jesse, now I’m going to warn you! One more dirty move like that and it’s over! Do you really want to lose your chance tonight?”

--As the fans cheer, Shawn notices that Jesse, who is still working on picking himself up off the mat, has overheard the ref and is now looking in their direction. Shawn switches his visual focus to Jesse as he answers the referee’s question..

SHAWN- “This piece of shit isn’t worth me losing my chance at the title. C’mon Jesse! Is that all you’ve got?!”

--The fans begin to cheer loudly, most after reading Shawn’s lips and recognizing all or at least some of the comments that he has just shouted at Jesse Montana. Shawn now turns back in the direction of the referee and finishes their short conversation of Shawn’s illegal elbow into the face of Warzone General Manager, Jesse Montana. Jesse is about to get up as Shawn and the referee are exchanging comments, but Shawn notices and delivers a brutal knee to the mid-section of Jesse Montana, knocking the wind out of him and buckling him over. Shawn then proceeds to deliver repetitive punches to both the face and mid-section of Montana, knocking him into the corner turnbuckle and eventually causing Jesse to fold over in pain and exhaustion in the corner into a position in which his rear is on the canvas, and his head hands low between his legs. Shawn notices the favorable position that Jesse is in, and goes to the corner opposite the one that Jesse is slumped down in. He runs towards Jesse and goes for a baseball slide, but Jesse moves at the last second, causing Shawn to slide with his legs between each side of the pole! Shawn grabs his ‘area’ in pain as the fans begin to once again chant his name in an attempt to help him through the inconceivable pain. Jesse Montana, however, slowly gets up from the mat. Upon retrieving himself from the canvas, Jesse grabs both boots of Shawn Waters, pulling him off of the ropes. He then mounts over Shawn’s legs facing the opposite direction, and grabbing the legs, he crosses them and sits on the back of Shawn Waters while still maintaining the Sharpshooter hold! Shawn screams in pain as he does his best not to tap out to the Sharpshooter. Jesse intensifies the hold as Shawn repeatedly tries his best to get to the ropes so that the referee would call for the hold to be broken. Jesse successfully applies the Sharpshooter for a solid minute or so, the ref continually checking in to make sure that Shawn could continue, until eventually, he is able to reach the bottom rope to which he is nearest to. The ref calls for the hold to be broken, a request which isn’t immediately abided by. The referee basically has to physically remove ‘The Sensation’ off of Shawn Waters to break the hold, and when he does, Shawn begins to squirm on the ring in obvious agonizing pain. He doesn’t let go of the bottom rope until he finally gets energy to slide under the bottom rope to the floor outside of the ring. The ref begins the 10-count as Jesse slowly climbs through the middle rope in pursuit of Shawn, but…

--Shawn grabs Jesse’s leg, and Jesse falls from the ring all the way until he awkwardly falls on the floor outside of the ring! Finally comfortable to take a breather, Shawn lays back down on the ground beside Jesse, doing his best to let his body catch up in order to have some energy. His fans are heard around the ring in the ringside seats cheering him on with friendly gestures, while everyone who isn’t verbally cheering for Shawn is doing their best to verbally abuse Jesse Montana. Both men lay physically drained on the cold floor bordering the outside of the ring, each trying their absolute hardest to make it on their knees and eventually to their feet. The referee is now about midway through his count..

REF- “3!........................................4!.............................................5!...................................”

--Shawn gets up first, still favoring his mid-section after the missed attempt at a baseball slide, ending with him landing awkwardly, his legs between the pole hoisting the turnbuckles. He grabs Jesse by the hair as the ref’s count grows ever closer to ‘10’…

REF- “8!.......................................9!...........................................”

--Shawn drags Jesse back into the ring by his hair just in time to avoid disqualification by both men. Still having a hold on Jesse’s hair, Shawn begins delivering punch after punch to the face of Montana, opening a small gash above the Heavyweight Champion’s right eye in the process. The crowd is behind Waters now as it seems he now has the momentum in the match. He hits Jesse with one more punch near the opened gash on his forehead, and then lets go of his hair and hits him with a quick and brutal short-arm clothesline! Jesse falls to the ground and lays lifeless in the center of the ring, his blood spilling on the light colored canvas. Shawn stands near the turnbuckle shortly as Jesse lays in front of him on the mat. Waters’ is trying to regain all of his physical strength possible, and when ready, he mounts the corner-post, climbing to the top turnbuckle. As the crowd cheers him on, he jumps from the top turnbuckle for a frog splash. Jesse cannot move to avoid this high-risk maneuver like he did with an earlier top-rope elbow drop attempt by Waters, however, he does raise his right knee with his slight bit of energy as Shawn lands atop him, causing Waters to buckle in pain, rolling to the side of him and grabbing his stomach in pain. Now both of the men are stalled on the mat near the center of the ring, Jesse still bleeding slightly from above his eye, and Shawn still wallowing in agony after receiving a knee to the midsection in a failed frog splash attempt..

--The fans begin to get involved for Shawn, chanting his name over and over and beating on the stands of Miami Arena in a musical unison to help their beloved superstar make it back to his feet. Eventually, both men slowly arise to their feet at about the same time, Jesse Montana with the slight edge in timing. He hits Shawn with a couple of punches to the face and midsection before then delivering a kick to the right knee, causing Shawn to buckle down. Jesse loads him up and hits him with DDT. Both men stay on the ground after Jesse hits Shawn with the DDT in an attempt to regain their energy. Once again, the fans get involved and begin to chant for Shawn Waters. The referee comes in and checks on both of the men…

REF- “How are we, guys?”

--Both of the men raise their arm in sort of an offer of subtle certainty. The two men slowly come to a standing position once again, and begin exchanging shots at each other in the center of the ring with a new fierceness apparent, much to the approval of the roaring crowd, who are continuing their united support of Shawn Waters. The two mens’ bodies glisten with sweat under the ring and house lights as they go toe to toe, equally matched as any contest that the CzW has seen thusfar. In the heat of fighting, Shawn Waters finally grabs the arm of Jesse Montana and throws him into the ropes. Jesse bounces off the ropes and returns back towards Shawn and ducks to successfully avoid an attempted clothesline. Jesse continues on, hitting the opposite side ropes and then connecting on Shawn with a flying elbow! Both men pop off of the canvas quickly as if it were hot as Jesse continues his bit of momentum, hitting Shawn with a belly-to-belly suplex. Shawn gets up, and Jesse is there waiting on him, connecting with another belly-to-belly suplex! Then another! Then ANOTHER! Jesse goes for the pinfall after 4 belly-to-belly suplexes! The referee comes slides in for the count as Jesse hooks the leg of Shawn Waters up for the pin!




--NO!!!!!!!!!!!! Shawn Waters kicks out of the attempted pin-fall at the last second! Jesse is a bit stunned and upset, once again thinking that he had Shawn beat. Jesse picks Shawn up off of the mat, a look of anger apparent on his face. Having Shawn by the arm, he throws him into the turnbuckle. Shawn hits the turnbuckle and comes back in the direction of Jesse Montana, but only to find that Jesse has just vacated the ring, apparently upset over what he thought should have once again been a three-count on Shawn Waters after he connected four straight belly-to-belly suplexes. Shawn continues onward, and hops the opposite side ropes, connecting with a frog splash directly on top of Jesse Montana outside of the ring!!!

--The fans stand on their feet looking down upon the two warriors on the floor of the arena as the referee comes to the ropes inside of the ring and begins the count out..



--Shawn pops up shortly after the ref calls for the ‘2’ count and pulls Jesse up by his locks of brown hair. He then throws the General Manager of Assault violently into the steel steps at the entrance of the ring! Jesse lands to the side of the steps awkwardly like a rag-doll as ringside fans begin to chant in unison..


--Shawn motions to the fans to get louder as the ref is now nearing the end of his count out…



--Shawn grabs the battered World Heavyweight Champion once again by his hair and drags him behind him into the ring. The ref cancels the count as Shawn positions Jesse in the center of the ring. Grabbing the legs of Jesse Montana, who isn’t moving; Shawn applies an ankle lock, causing Jesse to awaken from his pain by the result of a higher degree of agony! The referee slides in to make sure Jesse doesn’t tap, although he shakes his head all around in agonizing pain. All the while, Shawn tightens the hold on Montana’s ankle, getting his strength and momentum from the fans who now cheer for him at one of their loudest points of the morning. Montana tries his hardest to crawl to the ropes, but unable to move, must resort to other tactics. He squirms about, using his upper body to arch his back off of the ring, and finally manages to kick Waters’ across the right side of his head and face, causing the hold to be broken! The kick to Waters’ face is so hard that he is knocked from the center of the ring to the ropes located to his left approximately four feet away! He grabs his head on the ground as Jesse does his best to regain physical strength as well. Jesse gets up from the canvas and seeing that Shawn is crouched near the bottom rope of the side of the right in front of him; hits Shawn with a leg drop to the back of his neck, causing his neck to come down onto the rope! Shawn’s entire body bounces off of the bottom rope as a result of the legdrop as he grabs his neck in pain. The ‘pain in the neck’ delivered to him via Jesse Montana mostly only angers him though, as he gets up from the mat rather quickly and begins viciously attacking Montana with one punch after the other to the face!!!





--Shawn now has Jesse stunned, and takes his arm and throws his into the opposite side turnbuckle. However, not seeing the ref behind him, he accidentally directs Jesse Montana right into the referee! Jesse’s elbow inadvertently hits the ref in the forehead and knocks him out cold onto the canvas as Jesse himself ends up slumped over in the turnbuckle! The fans gasp at the referee being knocked out, but cheer at the same time for the accidental opportunity that has presented itself. Shawn looks around at the crowd while Jesse is slumped over, not moving in the turnbuckle. The crowd cheers loudly for Waters, all while the referee lay unconscious in the middle of the ring. Shawn goes outside the ring and grabs the World Heavyweight Title from a table beside the chair in which Jessica Towers is sitting and takes the belt with him back into the ring. He walks over to Jesse Montana and positions the belt with the front, metal portion facing the head of Montana, wedged between his forehead and stomach as he is slumped over in the corner of the ring! The fans cheer loudly as Shawn backs up to about the middle of the ring and then hits a running dropkick to the title belt causing it to collide directly with Jesse Montanas’ head and face!! The fans go insane as the entire arena begins to chant…





--Shawn grabs both feet of Jesse Montana and pulls him out from the turnbuckle and goes for the pin..

--No count is being made, as a result of the referee being knocked out, so Waters’ goes over to the referee to attempt to revive him. He shakes him a tad…taps on his shoulder; to no avail. The referee has been knocked out cold, and is unconscious as a result of the inadvertent elbow to his forehead. Shawn Waters then gets up from near the referee and walks to the ropes facing the ramp entrance, so that he is facing the backstage area. He beckons with his arms for someone to come out; hoping that another referee will come to take over the match. As he is busy trying to get someone to come out, Jesse Montana is slowly working on getting back on his feet, which eventually he does. The fans have tried to warn Shawn by shouting out to him, but with the overall volume about the arena, Waters’ has not been able to effectively comprehend any warning of Montana’s improved state. As a result of the dirty dropkick from Waters’ using the title belt to Montana’s head and face, the gash above his eye has re-opened and worsened, even getting a few drops of crimson red blood from ‘The Sensation’s’ eyebrow, on the mat. Montana begins to approach the unknowing Waters, and by the time Waters finally turns around out of frustration, it is too late! Montana hits Shawn with a forearm to the head, then a kick to the mid-section and then a neckbreaker!!!

--Conveniently enough for Jesse Montana, an Assault referee comes running out to the ring just as soon as Shawn is put on the ground by the neckbreaker. The referee slides in below the bottom rope as Montana goes for the quick pin…



--Shawn kicks out shortly after the ‘2’ count is called, most likely a result of Jesse Montana being a bit overly ambitious. Jesse picks Shawn up by the arm and then hits him with a quick uppercut and then hits him with a Russian leg sweep, causing Shawn to land slightly more in the middle of the ring than he was previously. The crowd is now rallying for Shawn and chanting his name, hoping that he can build one more rally…

--As Jesse hears the fans chanting Shawn’s name, he turns his back on Shawn and flips off the portion of the crowd behind him, resulting in a hefty amount of boos. Shawn uses this opportunity to get up from the canvas and go at Jesse in an attempt to attack him, but Jesse anticipates him, turns around, and hits him with THE MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!! Shawn hits the mat hard after the spontaneous Montana Express from Jesse. Montana covers Shawn for the pin-fall as the referee slides in to count it out…




--NO Pin-Fall!!! Jesse purposely pulls himself off of Shawn, laughing cockily on the way up. He turns Shawn over to where he is on his stomach and puts him in a Sharpshooter!! The referee is now on the mat down beside Shawn, making sure he is able to continue. The fans are cheering on Shawn, trying to help him break the hold or reach the ropes which he is trying his hardest to get to. However, Shawn is too far to reach the ropes as he raises his hands a final time..he is going to tap…UNTIL!!!!!

--“The Graduate Theme” plays over the P.A. of the Miami Arena and Jesse Montana instantly breaks the hold, frantically looking all around him for Gregory Grantham to come running down and into the ring to attack him in this, his moment of glory. Jesse once again has his back turned to Shawn Waters, concentrating only on looking for Grantham as “The Graduation Theme” continues to play on the P.A. Shawn makes it to his feet finally as Grantham’s music goes off without appearance from the man himself. Jesse turns back around and is instantly kicked in the midsection and then Shawn hits him with his brutal finishing move, ‘The Brainwash’!!!! The fans in the Miami Arena go insane, knowing that Jesse Montana’s title reign is by all mean, over and done! Waters goes for the cover!!!




--NO!!!! Shawn Waters does exactly what was just done to him moments before, breaking the pin-fall voluntarily when he could have easily taken the belt! The fans scream in shock, not having expected Waters to take a chance like this. Shawn takes a moment to move Jesse directly into the center of the ring, and then comes in and tries to put Jesse into the patented ‘Waterboard.' But Jesse kicks him off! Shawn lunges to the ropes. Jesse is back, but in pain. Both men are just exhausted. Shawn comes at Jesse and kicks him in the gut. He leaps up onto Jesse's shoulders, going for a hurricanrana. Jesse falls backwards, however, and hangs Shawn throat first onto the top rope. Jesse is up and grabs Shawn. He lifts him up in an electric chair position. He drops back in a bridge, nailing the Montana Bay!!!!




"For Whom the Bell Tolls" blares over the PA as Jesse Montana has retained the CZW World Heavyweight title in his hometown of Miami, on the biggest stage of them all.

JESSICA TOWERS- “Your winner and _STILL_ CZW World Heavyweight Champion, JESSE MONTANA!!!!!!!!!!!!!”

Jesse is handed the World title as he is utterly exhausted. Shawn stays laying in the ring, knowing he has lost his first ever World title shot. Jesse holds the title up in the air, posing in victory. The current Intercontinental champion, and Assault's KoC, Maynard O'Toole comes down to the ring to congratulate Jesse. As soon as he hits the ring, though, he goes right for Shawn Waters and attacks him!

Jesse is up, pushes the ref aside, and joins in on the attack. They both stomp away at Shawn, as the crowd boos. Suddenly, it turns to cheers as Krimzon Blaze comes running down to the ring! He comes in and actually takes on both Jesse and Maynard! He goes back and forth with rights and lefts. He runs to the ropes and dropkicks Maynard in the knee. He runs to the ropes again, this time drop kicking Jesse hard in the mouth. The crowd is ecstatic chanting "XTC! XTC! XTC!"

Boos begin again, though, as another man runs down to the ring. This time it is Dusty Davis. He slides into the ring, and stalks KB. Blaze turns around and is met with a vicious Yakuza Kick to the face. The crowd begins to chant "YOU SUCK! YOU SUCK" as Jesse, Maynard, and Dusty all destroy Waters and Blaze. The boos seem to change slightly, and there are various cheers as the next person... well, persons... running down to the ring aren't who you'd expect to come save XTC. It's Idolized!

The CZW World Tag Team champions come running down to the ring, causing Jesse, Maynard, and Dusty to high tail it out of there. Tyler leans over the ropes yelling down at Jesse. Riley goes and checks on Shawn and Blaze. XTC are up, and Evan gets down to check on them. The crowd are beginning to chant "ID-O-LIZED! ID-O-LIZED!" as they are the heroes of the day.


Kyle nails Blaze with a lariat! Evan nails Shawn with a kick to a gut, and then a Hammerlock DDT! They pick up Shawn.. and nail the Limo Wreck! A electric chair into a leaping codebreaker! Montana, O'Toole, and Davis enter the ring again! And look... Jacqui Rhodes has come down to the ring, and enters it! The five men hug in the ring as the crowd begins throwing their food, beers, whatever they can get their hands on into the ring! "Angry Chair" begins to play as Jesse hugs Jacqui. As they stand over a fallen Waters and Blaze, The six people hand in hand raise their arms in victory. The CZW logo appears at the bottom of the screen, and Ricky Gold bids the CZW audience farewell.

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