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| Sept. 27th | * Memphis, Tennessee * FedEx Forum |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents EXTREME INTERVENTION

Theme Song: "Wake Up (Make A Move)" by Lostprophets

live on PAY-PER-VIEW from
- Memphis, Tennessee -
FedEx Forum
September 27th 2008


"The Voodoo King" THANATOS -vs- "The Sensation" JESSE MONTANA (c)








"The One Man Riot" ALAN FISCUS -vs- "The Living Legend" BIG NASTY





"Faithless" MIKE MONROE -vs- "The Phoenix" MIKE KING





-=- FIFTEEN MINUTE TITLE FRENZY (The last pinfall at the bell is the Queen of Combat) -=-














Backstage, Jigga C and Rob Wright are standing next to a ceoncession table that is covere with bowls of chips, peanuts, and a massive bowl of fruit punch. Jigga is mindlessly going through the peanuts, eating a few when his brother Matt suddenly comes into view, sporting a baby blue tuxedo and his trademark leather jacket over it. Jigga looks Matt over one good time and then busts out in a fit of laughter. Matt points a stern finger at Al's face, a look of anger on his face. Jigga stops laughing.

Jigga C: Dude, what the f**k is up with that tuxedo?

Bad Ass: I'm the best man of Pablo's wedding, what do you mean what's up with it?

Jigga C: I mean why is the bitch, baby blue, yo?

Bad Ass: I got my reasons.

Jigga C: That shit's wack, yo.

Bad As: Don't you have a match to be getting ready for?

Jigga C: Yeah, I hear ya, I'm just wrapping up some business with my man Wright here.

They seem to wrap it up, and Jigga takes off. Rob stares at Matt.

Bad Ass: What the hell are you looking at?

Rob just shrugs and walks away, leaving Matt to stand alone at the table now, looking the goods over. Suddenly, he cocks an eyebrow staring at the bowl of fruit punch. He smiles wickedly and turns his back to the camera so that he is facing the bowl. An unzipping is heard, followed by the sound of a stream colliding with another liquid. He sighs as he speaks to himself.

Bad Ass: Stupid ass whining straight edge kids. Annoying little bastards think they're so much better than everybody else. f**king sheep. At least I got the wedding to look forward to...

The sound of the water stops and a rezipping can be heard before Matt turns back around, leaning against the table once more. Suddenly, a janitor comes sweeping by. Matt grabs the janitor by the shoulder and stops him, looking him over.

Bad Ass: Rave?!? What the hell?

The janitor looks up and is in fact Rave.

Bad Ass: How is it you can get fired and still haunt the halls of CZW events like a damn ghost that won't go away?

Rave: I got a job as clean up crew. But you might be seeing me again tonight....

Bad Ass: Huh. How's that working out for ya?

Rave: It's a decent living. It kills my self esteem to be this close to the lifestyle I chose to give up, but at the same time its rewarding to see all ofg my old friends.

Bad Ass: Dude, you never had any friends.

Rave: Yeah, I know. Say, it's awfully hot. Do you care if I get some of that punch?

Bad Ass: Well, it's reserved for wedding guests only. But since you're doing such a hell of a job keeping the place spic and span, I won't tell if you don't.

Rave: Hey thanks!

Matt just smirks and walks away as Rave gets a glass of the punch. He takes a long drink and squints his eyes.

Rave: A bit sour...

He mindlessly refills his cup and continues to drink it as the cameras go to another backstage area .


The feed starts with Brian Kirkland stretching with Ryan Lewis standing beside him.

Ryan Lewis:Ladies and Gentlemen welcome to Extreme Intervention, We're Standing by with “The Reaper” Brain Kirkland while hes getting ready for the first match of the night, BK, gotta ask you, after that beating in the chamber, are you 100 percent yet?

Brian stops stretching and leans into the Mic.

BK: Ryan, Am I 100 percent? Theres absolutly no way I can be 100 percent after the death defying Elimination Chamber where I put out, everything in my well being. But at best I'm 25 percent right now...maybe not even that, but 25 percent of me is better than--

Brian stops mid sentence when he sees a man walk on the other side of Ryan Lewis and fix his glasses with a slight smirk on his face.

Man: Did I hear someone mention the word...reaper?

Brian tilts his head and responds

BK: Yea I have a problem with that.

Man: So you are the almighty reaper huh? Well...not for long you arent.

BK: Who the hell are you?

Man: The name is Mathias and you and the rest of the CZW have another man to worry about but this the REAL reaper. The real man of the darkside. The man who will singlehandedly take the CZW by storm...something you have never done huh? I know about you my friend and you need to be afraid....very...afraid. HA...HAHAHAHA...HAHAHAHAHAHAHA...

The man walks away laughing as Ryan and Brian look at each other.



Towers: Ladies and Gentlemen, the following contest is scheduled for win-fall.

'Freedom' by Rage against the machine begins to play and announces the arrival of Kris Shoteka. he makes his way to the ring, dressed in his war dress.

Towers: Heading into the ring, from Dewey, South Dakota and weighing 305 lbs, representing Warzone... The War Eagle... Kris Shoteka!!!!

'I'm not Jesus' by Apocalyptica begins to play and on the stage area stand the athletically built Jeran 'J-Ra' Hudson. He makes his way towards the ring area...

Towers: ...and the opponent, from Houston Texas and weighing in at 220lbs, representing Assault... Jeran Hudson!!!!

Jeran Hudson climbs into the ring and locks glances with his opponent who is still standing his corner in the ring.

Ding Ding!

As the two superstars face up to each other in the ring it is clear that Kris Shoteka is larger than Jeran Hudson, but it seems not to intimidate Jeran who straight away is in the face of Shoteka with a flurry of words, of which cannot be heard.

Kris Shoteka throws the first shot, which is a hard back hand chop. Hudson fires back with a right hand, and then Shoteka with another back hand chop. Hudson comes straight back with a European Uppercut that sends Shoteka reeling back but as Hudson comes in for another shot, Shoteka cuts him off with an open hand chop, a back hand chop and then a savate kick...

Hudson sidesteps the kick and then hits... backflip kick!!! The kick hits Shoteka hard across the top of the skull, sending him crashing to the canvas. As he begins to get up, Hudson is ready and running he hits the running hurracarana... sending Shoteka sliding across the canvas and onto the outside.

Outside the ring Shoteka lands on his chest and stomach. Hudson offers him little respite as he slides out of the ring and begins stomping the fallen War Eagle. After a number of hard stomps, Hudson pulls back and adopts a charging posture as Shoteka staggers back to a vertical base, using the steel barricade at ringside to help him. Hudson runs towards Shoteka.... Running STO




No!!! Tremendous reversal!!!!

As Hudson goes for the running STO, Shoteka was able to grab the barricade to prevent himself falling back and at the same time drops his head, butting Hudson hard in the chest.

Hudson slams into the canvas hard, clutching his ribs. The fans fall silent after witnessing the shear power that the headbutt was delivered. Shoteka takes a moment to catch his breath, but even after a few seconds, Hudson is on the floor... clearly hurt. With a look of renewed confidence on his face, Shoteka picks up Hudson and hooks up his arms before headbutting not once, not twice but five times in the chest... the same place that he just clubbed him moments before! Hudson falls the the floor, the veins on his neck beginning to bulge, his eyes turning red.

Shoteka then picks up Hudson again and with ease picks him up and dumps him in the ring. As Hudson lies in the ring, Shoteka mounts the top turnbuckle and dives off... Flying Headbutt!!!!

Shoteka hits the headbutt in the chest of Hudson again! he then goes for the cover.













Hudson kicks out, but weakly. Shoteka smacks the canvas in frustration and then stands up... waiting for Hudson to stand. Hudson slowly stands... but ... Big boot into the chest!!!!

Hudson falls back to the canvas in a crumpled heap. Shoteka goes for the cover...
















Hudson kicks out at the last split second. Shoteka smacks the canvas again and then picks up Hudson. He points to the chest of Hudson and gestures he is going for the heart punch. With Hudson dazed and seemingly unable to catch his breath...

Heart Punch!!!




No!!! Hudson blocks. Hudson blocks.

Hudson with a kick to the midsection and flowing DDT!!!

Both men are down, but it is Shoteka who starts to move first. He is getting to his feet and comes over to pick up Hudson...

Spinning Impaler!!!!

Hudson hits it out of nowhere, Shoteka is down on the canvas. With a second wind Hudson gets to his feet!!! He makes his way to the corner and mounts the turnbuckle...Standing Star Press!!!

Hudson hits the Standing Star Press and goes for the cover...












Shoteka kicks out, but Hudson is fired up. He mounts Shoteka and hits a flurry of rights and lefts, leaving Shoteka down and seemingly out. Hudson mounts the turnbuckle again....

From the top turnbuckle....Stare Osiris!!!!

He hits it!!! He hits it!!!!

Hudson makes the cover!















He does it! Hudson gets the win.

The Winner... JERAN "RA" HUDSON!!



Daniels- Ladies and gentlemen, coming up next is a triple threat match with a mystery opponent and who will that man be?

Masters- Well Jarred I am hoping for another Warzone representative seeing as we are the better brand.

Gold- Better brand?...I beg to differ Masters. Everyone knows Assault has the better talent and we will find out right here tonight.

Farley- WOW…. I find myself actually siding with Ricky for once.

Jessica Towers- Ladies and gentlemen this next match is a triple threat match, set for one fall.

‘Scream, Aim and Fire’ by Bullet for my Valentine blasts throughout the arena as the fans all boo loudly and start a ‘ED!’ chant. Jigga C walks through the curtains and down to the ring. Jigga gets in the ring and poses to the booing crowd. Just then though, ‘Time of Dying’ by Three Days Grace fades out Jigga’s music as the fans go nuts. Kirkland comes out to the cheers of the fans, he has a mic in one hand and a mirror in the other hand. Kirkland gets in the ring and begins to speak.

Kirkland- Hold up…wait….cut the music. OK…Jigga is it?....Jigga, I have come out to help you. Ya see I have been watching Warzone for a while now and I have seen you come out time after time, acting like a hoodlum…saying ‘yo yo this….and yo yo that’….and I often wondered why. But then it hit me, you don’t own a mirror. So I bought you one.

Kirkland holds the mirror up to Jigga’s face as he says….

Kirkland- Jigga…believe it or not….YOU ARE WHITE!

The fans all laugh, including Assault commentators: Ricky Gold and Micheal K. Farley

Gold- WOW!....Daneils, Masters, It seems as though Kirkland has schooled your Warzone boy, Jigga C.

Masters- Yeah, this coming from a man who thinks he is a Grim Reaper.

Kirkland- Now that I have finally gotten that out in the open…bring out this mystery opponent so I can beat his ass. I really hope that it is a man from Warzone, so I can embarrass the lower brand by beating two Warzone jackasses in one match.

With that said….’The Funeral March’ begins to play as the words ‘Reaper of Lost Souls’ slowly creeps up on the combatatron. Then all of a sudden, as the fans, commentators and the two men in the ring look on in confusion… The lights go out but then white lights flash for a lightining effect. The Funeral March blasts over the PA system as Mathias walks out of the curtains followed closely by Damien Natas. He slowly makes his way to the ring as he coldly looks around at the crowd as Mathias boldly makes fun of them. Damien walks up the stairs and enters the ring. As he removes his jacket and his hat, a lightining bolt hits ring with the sound of thunder, making the lights return to normal. Kirkland and Jigga jump at the sound of the thunder and they look at this man with huge eye balls.

Mathias grabs a mic from a stage hand and begins to speak.

Mathias- Yes….look upon this man with fear in your eyes because your worst nightmares have come true. Your judgment day has arrived and Assault will never be the same again.

Farley- WOW!...HOLY COW….LOOK AT THE SIZE OF THAT HAMHOCK!!! This man is huge and that’s not the best part…it seems as though he is going to be on the side of non other then the bigger….much better brand of Assault…HAHAHA!!!!!

Daniels- Well you just keep on running your mouth Farley but judging by the size of this man, it looks like Brian Kirkland won’t be making it out of this match alive.

Jessica Towers- Ladies and gentlemen, introducing first….he hails from the city of Compton, weighing in at 235 and standing at 6 feet, 3 inches tall….representing Warzone….JIGGA C!!!!

The fans all boo

Towers- In this corner….hailing from Dallas, North Carolina….standing at 6 feet, 4 inches tall….weighing in at 240 pounds….representing Assault…’THE REAPER’ BRIAN KIRKLAND!!!!

The fans go nuts

Towers- And finally, standing right before you….standing at a massive 6 feet, 10 inches tall…weighing in at 325 pounds….he is ‘The Soul Reaper’…DAMIEN NATAS!!!!

Towers leaves the ring as the bell rings to start the match.

Jigga and Kirkland stand up to Damien then Damien grabs the throat of Jigga C as Kirkland points and laughs. But then Damien fixes his eyes on Kirkland then grabs his throat as well….DOUBLE CHOKE SLAM!!!!

But Damien doesn’t go for the cover as just stares a hole right through both men.

Gold- Damien Natas just choke slammed both men at the same time but he is not going for the cover.

Masters- Yes well allow me to explain it to you two morons because it seems as though Assault couldn’t afford to hire intelligent commentators.

Farley- Hey genius….we have the same boss, you moron.

Masters- Well as I was saying, it seems as though Mr. Natas is simply here to send a message to the entire roster in the back…its clear to see that this beats of a man isn’t interested in a wrestling match.

Jigga is back to his feet at this point as he begins punching Natas in the face but it is having no effect. Kirkland is now back to his feet as he sneaks up behind Jigga…..Kirkland grabs Jigga from behind and nails him with a tiger suplex pin.
























Natas picks up Kirkland and throws him hard into the corner and begins multiple turnbuckle thrusts….Kirkland is out on his feet as Natas begins hitting him with several and rapid body punches to the mid section. Jigga gets up and runs toward Natas but he surprisingly jumps out of the way just in time as Jigga runs right into Kirkland. Natas then backs up to the opposite corner…he runs and nails both men with a splash. Jigga and Kirkland both get back to their feet as Natas acknowledges the crowd. Kirkland whispers something in Jigga’s ear and Jigga nods in acceptance then both men run at Natas and hit a double drop kick to his knees….Natas drops down to one knee as Jigga backs up and runs towards Natas but Natas amazingly hits Jigga with a clothesline. Kirkland then runs at Natas and nails him with a drop kick to the face, sending Natas to his back. Kirkland and Jigga both look relieved….Jigga puts his hand in the air for Kirkland to slap….Kirkland looks at Jigga and smiles but then kicks Jigga in the midsection. Kirkland then nails Jigga with the raven effect DDT. Natas then sits up as Kirkland looks on with shock in his eyes….Kirkland walks over to Natas but Natas then grabs Kirkland by his throat and stands up with him still in his grasp. Natas lifts him up high in the air for a massive chokeslam but Kirkland reverses it and nails Natas with a DDT. Kirkland then goes for the cover….
























Now Kirkland is on top of Jigga for the count…























NO!!!! Jigga kicks out of the count.

Kirkland turns around only to be greeted with a big boot by Natas, sending Kirkland through the ropes and onto the outside of the ring. Natas grabs Jigga by his arm as Natas climbs the ropes…he walks the ropes like a tight rope as he holds Jigga’s arm…he then jumps off and nails Jigga In the shoulder, sending Jigga to the mat. Natas then steps over the top rope and on to the outside…..Natas grabs Kirkland and pulls him over to the steel steps. Natas bashes Kirkland’s head into the steal steps….Jigga then is back to his feet….he grabs the top rope for leverage and jumps over the top and onto Natas but Natas catches him in mid air. Natas has Jigga on his shoulders….he runs toward the ring post but Jigga some how wiggles out and pushes Natas into the ring post instead….Kirkland runs up on Natas and nails him with a DDT on to the steel steps. Jigga then runs up on Kirkland and throws him into the guard rail. Jigga then jumps on the ring apron….he attempts an asai moonsault on Kirkland but Kirkland spears Jigga in mid air. Kirkland picks up Jigga and rolls him back into the ring…Kirkland then climbs the turnbuckle….he jumps off and nails Jigga with a 450 splash. Kirkland goes for the cover….























NO!!!....KICK OUT!!!!

Kirkland argues with the referee as Jigga gets back to his feet. Jigga sneaks up behind Kirkland and hits a vertical suplex on Kirkland….then another…. And another…Jigga executes a perfect ‘3 Amigos’ on Kirkland. Jigga applies the bridge for the pin but he is too worn out to hold the bridge in place. Both men get back to their feet as Natas is still laying on the outside from that DDT on the steel steps….Jigga and Kirkland begin exchanging hay makers to the head….Jigga throws another punch at Kirkland and lands it….Jigga then nails Kirkland with a standing drop kick. Kirkland is laying on the mat as Jigga climbs the ropes….Kirkland staggers to his feet and turns around….Jigga leaps off the top rope in an attempt at a cross body but Kirkland counters it by grabbing Jigga’s arm and reverses it into a crossface….BRIAN KIRKLAND HAS JIGGA IN A CROSSFACE SUBMISSION HOLD!

Farley- OH MY!.....this must be Kirkland’s new finisher, the Straightlace Crossface..HAHA!!!.....IT”S OVER!.....Jigga looks like he is going to tap out.

Daniels- Don’t count out Jigga just yet, Farley…he is a man of Warzone…this isn’t over until Jigga…..

Jigga is reaching for the ropes as he writhes in agony….Jigga is just inches away from the bottom rope….but Kirkland realizes this and pulls Jigga further from the bottom rope….Kirkland then cinches in the straightlace crossface even harder then before….Jigga is fighting with all his might but the pain is just too much. Jigga looks to have passed out…the referee holds his hand in the air as the fans go nuts…..Jigga’s hand drops as the crowd counts along with the referee….















The referee holds his hand up again as the fans continue to cheer. Jigga’s hand drops again as the crowd continues to count along with the referee….













The referee then holds Jigga’s hand up for one last time to check his consciousness….the fans wait in anticipation…..


Kirkland climbs the ropes and celebrates his win. Kirkland then jumps down from the top rope….the lights in the arena suddenly fall pitch black…all you can see are several flashes from the cameras in the crowd. The lights suddenly turn back on only to see that Damien Natas is standing right behind Kirkland. Kirkland turns around and is greeted by Natas as Natas grabs Kirkland’s throat then he pulls Kirkland too his face as he begins to speak….

Natas- There can be only one Reaper and his name is Damien Natas.

Kirkland then kicks Natas in the groin….Natas looks to be irate at this….Kirkland hauls ass and slides out of the ring as he is walking backwards up the ramp…NOT taking his eyes off of Natas who is extremely pissed off. Jigga then gets back to his feet as he has no idea what is going on. Jigga turns around and is greeted with a two handed choke slam….Natas climbs out of the ring…..he reaches underneath the ring and pulls out a body bag. Natas then gets back in the ring…..he grabs Jigga and begins putting Jigga inside the body bag. Natas slides the body bag containing Jigga to the edge of the ropes and then Natas gets out. Natas then drapes the body bag containing Jigga over his shoulder and walks out of the arena. Natas stands at the top of the entrance ramp with Jigga draped over his shoulder….Natas then looks at the shocked crowd as he rolls his eyes into the back of his head. Then all of a sudden, a flash of lighting strikes the arena as the fans all gasp is fear.

Farley- So, Daniels, you were saying?

Daniels- Oh shut up, Farley, that’s just luck.

Gold- Well, whatever it was or is…..I don’t think Warzone will be seeing much of Jigga C anytime soon. I think Warzone has come up one man short.

Masters- Indeed, I think Jigga C has been taken out of action, there is no telling what Damien Natas has planned for Jigga C but I must admit I can’t say that it doesn’t make happy just a little bit to rid Warzone of that punk poser. Good riddance, I say.

The Winner... BRIAN KIRKLAND!!!!



Jessica Towers: “This match is scheduled for one fall. Coming down the aisle first…”

‘From the Cradle to Enslave’ hits and out from the curtain walks Angel Suicide. He is dressed in all black, from his t shirt, jacket, jeans, and boots. His long brown hair is messy and hangs down to his shoulders. He walks with an awkward stride, heading down to the ring and sliding under the ropes. He backs into the corner and leans into the turnbuckle.

Towers: “Standing at 6’2” and weighing in at 220 lbs, from Atlanta, Georgia, Angel SUICIDE!!!!!”

The crowd meekly pops, awaiting arrivals of his teammates.

Towers: “His next partner…”

‘Roll Call’ by Ice Cube blares over the P.A. and out struts Jody Breeze.

Towers: “From Niagara Falls, New York, coming in at 6’0” tall and 180 lbs, he is “Little Evil” Jody BREEEEEEEEEEEZE”

Breeze then breaks into a semi jog throwing his hands up and gesturing at the fans, then jumps up on the ring apron and leaps over the top rope. He gives a somewhat approving nod towards Angel, and then takes to his own corner, awaiting his other partner.

Towers: “And the last member of the odd man team from War Zone….”

‘Bullet with Butterfly Wings’ comes on and the crowd erupts for their fan favorite.

Towers: “He is the number one contender to the CZW X-Title, and being accompanied to the ring by his stable mates, Beautiful Agony, here is ‘The Emo Prince’ Jacob HAVOKKKKKKKKKKK!”

Out from the curtain walks Havok, along with Eddie Rowan, Mike Monroe, and Tatum Regan. The Beautiful Agony wrestlers head towards the ring, high fiving fans along the way, many of the men screaming for even a gaze their direction from Tatum. Havok gets to the ring, pounds fists with Eddie and Mike, and the rest of his stable head back up the ramp as Havok enters the ring. He holds out a fist to Breeze and to Angel, who both reluctantly pound.

Towers: “And their opponents, from the Assault brand…”

‘It’s Funky Enough’ by The DOC blasts over the speakers and out walks Big Daddy Brown amidst a sea of boos from the crowd. He makes obscene gestures to them and yells, “Kill WHITEY!” getting a ton of louder boos and even some popcorn thrown at him.


Brown gets up to the apron, flicks off the War Zone team, and as they charge at him, he hops back down off the apron and waits for his team before entering.

Towers: “One of his partners…”

‘Wherever I May Roam’ by Metallica plays and out walks Corey Jackson. He is mocking the crowd, even spitting at a few of them, as he makes his way down to the ring. He sees Big Daddy Brown and the two get involved in a stare down.

Towers: “And their final partner…”

‘Getting Away With Murder’ by Papa Roach hits loudly and the fans know what that signifies. The monster Carnage enters from the back, and stops at the ramp to the ring. The crowd begins to boo loudly.

Towers: “Standing at a whopping 7’2”, and weighing in at a monstrous 410 lbs, he is…CARNAGE!!!”

The big man heads down to the ring and his presence almost intimidates BDB and Jackson enough to get them to knock off the stare down, and focus on the trio inside the ring. They seem to figure out between themselves, who starts, and Carnage is first in the ring from Assault, and he is going to go toe to toe with Havok.


The action began and Havok and Carnage squared off. Carnage used his definite size advantage to overpower the smaller Emo, and tossed him carelessly off the ropes, dropping him with a big boot when he came back. Carnage seemed to be quite cocky, sluggishly yanking Jacob up and pounding on his chest with back hands. The Emo Prince was reeling, and Carnage dropped Havok with a huge gorilla press slam. He then flexed for the crowd, getting showered with boos, and tagged in Big Daddy Brown.

Brown went to the fallen Havok, but Jacob surprised BDB with a quick leg sweep. Havok hobbled over to his corner, and tagged in Little Evil. Jody and Brown squared off. The two went at it for a bit, exchanging rights and lefts, and Brown knocked Breeze out of the ring with a big running clothesline. Brown then cockily went over to taunt the War Zone corner, but was met with an eye gouge from Angel Suicide, and a crushing right hook from Havok. Brown backpedaled a bit, allowing Breeze time to get in and make the tag to Angel. Angel tripped over the ropes getting in, and Brown took advantage with a couple stomps to Angel Suicide’s midsection. Brown then dragged Angel by his hair over to the Assault corner, tagging in Corey Jackson.

Jackson hit a big somersault leg drop onto Angel, and attempted a weak cover, but Suicide kicked out. Jackson and Angel battled, with the momentum switching back and forth frequently, both never able to land a big move on the other. Suicide surprised Jackson with a reversal of a suplex, dropping behind CJ and hitting a big back body drop. Angel tagged in Havok, and Jacob went on to beat up Jackson pretty bad, drawing blood from a large gash on CJ’s forehead. Jackson almost made it to his corner, reaching an outstretched hand in to tag in Carnage, but Havok yanked him back to the middle of the ring by his foot, and then stood him up for a big neck breaker. He then hopped up to the top rope and nailed his patented Agony Moonsault, and covered for the 1, 2, 3.

Winner by Jacob Havok’s pin fall of Corey Jackson via the Agony Moonsault, Team WarZone (Jody Breeze, Angel Suicide, and Jacob Havok) 6:35



A commercial airs: On a night where the dead come back to life and ghost prowl the streets for the love of a good scare, the superstars of the CZW will be spooking up frightening attractions of their own. Witness the blood, the guts, the mayhem, and the all out ghoulish personas as CZW presents “Horrorcore” October, 31st in Cincinnati, Ohio! If you’re not watching, you’re obviously dead!

Daniels: And we’re back folks, ready for the Queen of Combat championship scramble! This is a CZW first and it promises to be exciting.

Masters: The odds in this match aren’t very good for the champion. The rules are as follows, the match will last for fifteen minutes in which time any woman can make a pinfall thereby becoming the new women’s champion. The last woman to hold the title at the end of fifteen minutes will be declared the winner. And for the champion, who’s set to face the five women already in the ring, retaining could seem impossible.

Daniels: No doubt.

“Hell Yeah” plays suddenly as the crowd turn to the stage in time to find CZW’s talent scout “The F’N Boss” TJ Hix preparing to address the crowd.

TJ Hix: Well folks, it looks like I’ve done it again! That’s right, your good pal TJ here has done reached in the fields of talent and plucked the best of the harvest, ready to represent for CZW here tonight. But, the talent I have found is NOT a wrestler. Rather I have realized that a match like this, with this many contestants is going to be hard for one set of eyes to keep track of. Therefore, I introduce to you, our second referee for this event and newest member of the CZW family. Peter Pimper!

A young man with short brown hair and striking good looks appears alongside Hix. His demeanor is a look of cockiness as he flexes in a black and white striped football jersey with the CZW logo embroidered in the back above the number one. Hix steps aside and allows him to approach the ring, but instead of getting inside the ring, he grabs up a chair and sits at ringside with his feet propped up on the ring apron. Hix turns and takes his leave of the stage.

Daniels: Wow. What an announcement from the head of our talent scouting division.

Masters: There’s always room on the CZW train.

Daniels: That may be. But I don’t think I care to much for this guy’s attitude. He should be in the ring taking his job seriously.

Masters: Oh? So I assume if somebody does something in a different way than you yourself would do it, then they’re bad people?

Daniels: No, I just…

Masters: you disgust me, Daniels. And I hate you.

“Heaven Tonight” by HIM plays as several strobe light effects light up the stage. Serena bursts onto the ramp, thrusting her title high into the air as a loud pop from the crowd emanates across the arena for the women’s champion. Serena stares down her competitors in the ring below and then lays the belt out before her feet, waving them on to come get her belt. The camera focuses on Brenda Vixen’s face who seems eager to accept the challenge. As she goes to exit the ring, Tatum grabs her by the arm and twirls her around, throwing a hammering right cross into Brenda’s face. Upon seeing this, the rest of the girls begin tearing into one another. Sirena quickly grabs up her belt and runs to the ring. She slides in and ducks a clothesline from Cameron, tossing her belt over the top rope to Jessica Towers before turning around and nailing Cameron with a spinning wheel kick as the bell rings to start the match.

Daniels: This match is underway!

Alisha is quick to catch Melissa Lovelace in a hip toss, sending her sprawling across the ring, before joining Tatum in a double team suplex on Brenda Vixen. Tatum follows up with a rear choke headlock as Alisha moves on, Sirena has Cameron her feet and bent over before picking her up for a piledriver. Alisha helps spike the piledriver by grabbing Cameron’s feet and helping to force Cameron’s head into the mat. Sirena gets up again and stares at Alisha the two measuring each other up. They are interrupted as Melissa flies into them with a double clothesline, taking both girls to the mat. Melissa helps Cameron up and then the two of them begin stomping on the stomachs of Alisha and Sirena. Melissa picks Alisha up and whips her into a corner. Cameron picks up Sirena and whips her towards the same corner. Alisha quickly lifts her legs over the oncoming Sirena and uses the momentum to roll forward, pinning Sirena with a roll up!










Cameron and Melissa drive simultaneous boots into Alisha’s head, breaking the pin attempt. On the other side of the ring, Tatum has picked Brenda up off the mat and looks to be setting Vixen up for a power bomb, but Brenda reverses by flipping Tatum over back and onto the mat. Tatum quickly rebounds onto her feet but turns as Brenda hits her like an oncoming freight train with a shoulder tackle. Meliisa and Cameron lift Alisha and Sirena to their feet in the corner and call out to Brenda. Seeing an opportunity to cause some damage, Brenda runs towards the corner and collides with the helpless women with a massive body splash, causing both girls to collapse onto the mat again. Brenda then points out Tatum and then the turnbuckle. As though they understand, Cameron and Melissa hoist the dazed Tatum up onto their shoulders as Brenda ascends the turnbuckle. Once she is set up right, Brenda flies from the turnbuckle, spearing Tatum off the shoulders of Melissa and Cameron, nearly breaking Tatum in half as her body plunges into the mat below! Melissa and Cameron cheer and high five as Brenda rises to her feet once more. They then turn to high five Brenda, who smiles…before grabbing them by the hair and forcing them to headbutt each other! Brenda quickly covers Tatum on the mat.










New QoC via pinfall: Brenda Vixen!

11minutes, 26 seconds left in the match.

Daniels: Brenda Vixen has the first pin fall and is the current Queen of Combat champion!

Masters: She follows up a devastating, career ending move with a sinister betrayal to her comrades. I like it!

Brenda Vixen doesn’t take the time to celebrate. Instead, she approaches Sirena and Alisha as they struggle to get back up. Her hands cusp their throats tightly as she chokes them against the ropes, squeezing the life from them as their faces begin to turn purple. Sirena kicks Vixen in the gut, phasing her but not forcing her to remove her hand from their throats. Alisha follows suit with a stiff kick, having a bit more effect. But Brenda regains her composure and forces them back against the ropes again, her victims looking ready to pas out at the hands of the largest diva on the CZW roster. Suddenly, Brenda screams as her head is jerked back, Cameron and Melissa with handfuls of her hair. Sirena and Alisha kick her in the gut again, forcing her grip on them loose. They pause to catch their breaths while Cameron and Melissa grab Brenda up from behind, dropping her with a double falling death drop. Seizing the momentum, they each grab Sirena and Alisha respectively, turning and tossing them through the ropes to the outside floor. They turn to find Tatum stumbling about in the center of the ring. They whip the dazed girl into a corner and then sit her atop it. They climb up behind her, looking to nail a double superplex. As they begin to annihilate Tatum, Reagan suddenly reverses on the way down, nailing them with a double neck breaker from the top and her leg nailing Vixen’s throat with a high impact leg drop! Tatum, still woozy from the earlier assault, struggles to move about, finally draping an arm over Brenda and another over the unconscious bodies of Melissa and Cameron.










New QoC via three woman pinfall: Tatum Regan!

8 minutes, 46 seconds left in the match.

Masters: Wow! Just…Wow!

Daniels: Tatum comes back from a brutal attack by Brenda Vixen, to pin not one, but three women at once!

Masters: Tatum is the new QoC, and she’s proven she damn well deserves to be!

Outside the ring, referee Pimper is checking on the fallen girls. He sensually rubs Sirena’s back, touching her in a more friendly fashion than need be. As she comes around, she makes a look of disapproval and slaps his hand away. He smirks and backs off, approaching Alisha as Sirena prepares to get back in the ring. He kneels next to Alisha and places his hands on the back of Alisha’s neck, massaging it as she comes around. He begins rubbing his way down her back. Once she becomes aware, she quickly hops to her feet and then shoves him off of her. At makes a sly comment and then Alisha slaps the taste out of his mouth. She angrily climbs the ring apron as Pimper looks to like that assault.

Daniels: Come on, ref! Quit trying to get some, and keep your eyes on the match!

Masters: Look Daniels, just because you can’t get any, doesn’t mean the rest of us should just give it up.

In the ring, Sirena catches Tatum pausing for a momentary celebration. She spins the new champ around so that they stand face to face, prepared to square off. But they are interrupted as Alisha sails from atop a turnbuckle, nailing both with a dropkick. Sirena stumbles over Brenda Vixen before collapsing. Tatum hit’s the ropes and stumbles backwards as Alisha catches her with a roll up.










New QoC via roll up: Alisha Wylde!

7 minutes, 15 seconds left in the match

No sooner than Alisha stands, Sirena leaps at her and catches the new champ with a hurricanrana pin!










New QoC via hurricanrana: Sirena Starr!

7 minutes, 9 seconds left in the match

Daniels: Oh man! No sooner than Alisha takes the title, Sirena takes it right back!

Masters: These girls are playing for keeps!

Alisha and Sirena simultaneously stand and the war of words begins. They begin trading full punches back and forth in the ring. Cameron and Melissa are up now and appear to be blaming each other for the botch in their last assault. And now these two are trading blows as well! Tatum seems lost in the shuffle as she approaches Alisha and Sirena, only to be shoved aside as the continue beating the hell out of each other. She tries next to approach the fight between Melissa and Cameron, but they too shove her aside as they continue to rain blows down upon each other. Frustrated, Tatum is suddenly jerked around by a risen Brenda Vixen who hoists her up onto her shoulders, dropping Reagan with a thunderous F5! Vixen pins while everyone else is distracted.










New QoC via the F5 and pinfall: Brenda Vixen!

5 minutes, 4 seconds left in the match

Brenda decides to up her chances on keeping the title and suddenly bails from the ring! Tired and sore, she forcefully grabs the QoC title from Jessica Towers and begins to walk away towards the ramp with it.

Daniels: Brenda’s going to make a run for it!

Masters: Go girl, go!

The action in the ring stops as suddenly every girl realizes what has just transpired. Melissa and Alisha quickly exit the ring and run up the ramp where the spin Brenda around and begin nailing her with closed fists, rocking her so that she drops the QoC title. They then grab her by the hair and run her back towards the ring, where Sirena and Cameron simultaneously vault over the top rope with flying body presses, taking all the girls down in a mass pile on the floor, save for Tatum who is still trying to come around in the ring. Peter Pimper suddenly comes around the ring, looking like it was his birthday as he begins inappropriately touching the women, trying to pass it off as checking on them.

Daniels: There he goes again! What is wrong with this guy?

Masters: He’s got more game than you. And right now, he’s touching more woman than you ever will. I’d say he’s got it good at the moment.

As the women come around, they’ve finally had enough. Sirena chops Pimper across the chest while Alisha holds him still with an armbar. Cameron grabs his face and thrusts nails into his eyes, gouging them. Brenda takes the opportunity to escape the madness, rolling back into the ring. Melissa approaches Pimper from behind and pulls his pants to the floor, exposing his tighty whiteys.

Daniels: And justice is being served!

Masters: Even so, that’s still more action than you’ll ever see.

In the ring, Brenda watches the commotion, praying the attention stays off of the match for just a little while longer. But no such luck as Tatum stuns Brenda with a shot to the throat before nailing the current champ with the “Unholy Driver”! Tatum pins.










New QoC via the Unholy Driver: Tatum Regan!

3 minutes, 37 seconds left in the match

Cameron quickly slides into the ring as Tatum gets to her feet. Cameron catches the champ with kick to the gut and implants Regan with a ddt. Not taking any chances, Cameron pins Brenda instead of Tatum.










New QoC via pinfall: Cameron!

2 minutes, 57 seconds left in the match

Melissa climbs up onto the ring apron, but Sirena grabs her by the feet and pulls them out from under her, causing Melissa to knock herself out when her face collides with the ring apron! Alisha slides into the ring and runs in for the spear on Cameron, but the new QoC steps aside, and Alisha plows Tatum who was trying to get back up! Cameron starts dashing towards Alisha who turns around, only to be caught with a shining wizard kick from Cameron! Sirena slides back into the ring and charges Cameron, but she ducks and back body tosses Sirena onto the pile of Alisha and Tatum!

Daniels: Where is this coming from? Cameron is showing some prowess!

Masters: And not a moment too soon. We have a minute and twenty seconds left in the match!

Cameron is applauding and laughing hysterically at her good fortune, until she is suddenly grabbed from behind and bench pressed over the head of Brenda Vixen! Brenda turns and throws Cameron over the top rope to the outside, where she collides with the guardrail! Vixen grabs Sirena up by the hair, looking like a bull enraged. She goes to headbutt Sirena, but Sirena ducks the shot and rebounds off the ropes, dropkicking Brenda from behind, who stumbles forward into Tatum who delivers a second “Unholy Driver”! Tatum goes for the cover, but Alisha drags her off by a foot.

Daniels: Were down to thirty seconds, and Cameron is still the champ even though she’s out cold on the floor!

Sirena, exhausted, lies against the ropes, catching her breath. Meanwhile, Alisha picks Tatum up and the two begin trading blows. Sirena points to the skies and then makes her way to a corner where she slowly begins to ascend. Alisha suddenly ducks a shot from Tatum and delivers the “Fade to Black” on Tatum as Sirena nails Brenda Vixen with “The Falling Star”! Simultaneous pins with six seconds left on the clock! Referee Darren Powers begins to count for Sirena as referee Peter Pimper has slid in and is simultaneously counting for Alisha!

1 1

. .

. .

. .

2 2

. .

. .

. .

3! 3!

New QoC via pinfall: Sirena Starr!

New QoC via pinfall: Alisha Wylde!

The timer expires and the bell sounds, calling the end of the match! Referee Powers is holding Sirena’s hand high, and referee Pimper is holding Alisha’s hand. The crowd is confused as are the refs who suddenly begin bickering amongst themselves. Powers points to Sirena and the downed Vixen, while Pimper points to Alisha and the downed Tatum. Sirena and Alisha themselves are confused, breathing heavy and wondering what the hell is going on.

Daniels: Well, we definitely appear to have a winner here. But it also appears we have two of them.

Masters: This is absolutely incredible. Can we see a replay of the end of the match please.

A replay shows in slow motion of both referee’s hands slapping the mat simultaneously for the three counts. It is shown again from several different angles. Suddenly, “Hell Yeah” by HIM plays once more as TJ Hix walks back out onto the stage.

TJ Hix: Nice job ladies. You never disappoint. Unfortunately, even with the addition of a second referee, we seem to be caught in the middle of a conundrum here. It seems a referee’s incompetence knows no bounds, and yes I’m speaking to both of you zebra looking ass clowns. So as for right now, I am officially declaring the both of you the winners of this match. However, since two people cannot carry one title, especially considering the fact that you’re on separate shows, I will have to say Sirena will keep her title, but Alisha is now the #1 Contender! So take a bow ladies, you’ve done wonderful here tonight. Now get some rest and stay on your toes. I’ll get back to you with my decision on how to handle this matter next Thursday on Warzone.

Hix turns and leaves again, leaving the referees looking dumbfounded and the ladies bickering over who should actually be declared the winner. We cut to a commercial break.

The Winner of the bout... and _STILL_ CZW Queen of Combat Champion... SIRENA STARR!!!



Gold: This next match is sure to be brutal. We have three teams that don’t care one way or the other about each other.

Farley: Total Mayhem has had bad times with Timmons and Carnage. I think I will say Rob Wright and Leo Crow will take this one.

Gold: Because TM and Timmons and Carnage will try to kill each other?

Farley: No, because they paid me to say that.

Gold: …

Farley: Hey I like curly fries, so sue me.

Gold: You are a piece of work, you know that?

Farley: And they broke the mold when they made me.

Gold: It shattered on its own. Folks, lets get this blood bath started.

(To the ring we go)

Towers: This match will be a three team hardcore match. The winner will be the one to get the pin or submission. First we have ….

Gold: We have to cut you off on the intros, there is a commotion in the back, and we have cameras on it now.

Jakob has a tray from the caterers table, Carnage is stumbling backwards from the blow he has taken with that tray. Ezra is on one knee as Timmons has his hand trapped in Ezra’s hair and is pounding with fist after fist.

Gold: These men didn’t wait, already they are trying to kill each other.

Farley: Yeah and Wright and Crow aren’t even bothering with getting involved.

Carnage lets out a roar and charges at Jakob as Jakob brings the tray down on his back with no effect. Tackling Jakob, they both slam into the table with the food, both tangled up and throwing fists in an all out brawl.

Ezra low blows Timmons and both men on their knees trading fists, Ezra already bleeding and laughing with his usual crazy style.

Gold: Where are Wright and Crow? There is something wrong with this.

Farley: See if someone can find out where they are.

Jakob is sitting in a mounting position, raining fists down on Carnage. The blood starting to flow from the big mans head as he tries to find someway to stop Jakob. Carnage bringing up his hand and drives a fork into Jakob’s leg. With a scream of pain, Jakob stalls with his thunderstorm of knuckles long enough for Carnage to push him off and roll away to catch his breath.

Ezra now holding Timmons by the throat, choking as hard as he can to put Timmons out of action. Timmons out of sheer rage gouges at one of Ezra’s eyes making him loosen the hold.

Gold: We have a camera at the dressing room of Wright and Crow, now we see why they aren’t here. There is a large pile of debris in front of the door, they are trapped inside.

Farley: I don’t think so. Look at the wall.

The wall is bulging out as finally it starts to collapse, Wright bursts through with a fire extinguisher in his hands, Crow is right behind him with what was once a part of a table.

Gold: They won’t be denied this day, Wright and Crow are loose and looking for something to beat on.

Jakob pulls the fork from his leg as Carnage gets to his feet and throws a hard knee into Jakobs’s head. Jakob falling back and rolling over as Ezra hits Carnage from behind. Carnage turns and received a kick to the sack for the effort, Ezra starting to pound on him as he grunts in pain. Jakob starting to get up as Timmons flies into him with a shoulder block. Both men rolling over to the floor and against packing crates. Ezra leaves Carnage as he grabs a steel chair and has it ready to blast Timmons. Out of no where comes a fire extinguisher, catching Ezra across the back and knocking him into the wall then to the floor in pain.

Gold: Crow and Wright finally show up and are ready to kick ass and forget about the names.

Farley: They should have waited for the others to kill themselves then just pinned the weakest one.

Gold: They don’t get weak, they get meaner.

Crow tackles Carnage and wraps him up. Once again Carnage finds his face as the catcher for the knuckles of someone sitting on him. Wright picks up the table leg and starts to beat on both Jakob and Timmons, each man writhing in pain with each blow. Ezra stumbling to his feet, finds a steel pipe on one of the crates and draws it back to take out Wright as Crow grabs it from behind. Ezra spins around and is taken to the floor with a snap ddt, his body now convulsing with the impact.

Jakob taking the opportunity to get away from the table leg wielding Wright, starts to walk away from the fight, his face a mask of pain. Timmons kicks out in desperation and connects with the midsection of Wright. Grabbing Wrights head and driving it into his knee, Timmons tries to stay up on his feet.

Crow takes off running down the hall after Jakob aiming to take him down. Jakob sidesteps and Crow slams into a door causing it to literally come off the hinges and falls into the women’s locker room. Several scattering with nothing but a towel on. Jakob stops and looks at the ladies. Alisha Wylde comes flying at Crow and starts kicking at him as he starts to get up. Stepping back from him, she looks at Jakob, winks and kicks Crow below the waist. Jakob taking Crow by the head, spinning him around and throws him back out the door and watches as he sprawls in the hallway.

Ezra back to his feet, catches Timmons moving down the hall and tackles him hard. Both men spilling to the floor as Wright follows.

Jakob moving towards Crow ducks as Wright comes flying at him. Ezra slowly back up, waits for Timmons to stand and grabs him by the head and slams him face first into the wall. Timmons is busted wide open as Wright comes back into the fight and hits Ezra with a solid forearm shot to the head. Ezra stumbles back against the wall as Carnage hits Wright with a massive fist. Wright staggers down the hall towards the double doors at the end of the hall. Crow is trading fists with Jakob as they carry the fight down the hall. Ezra shaking the cobwebs off starts throwing fists and feet into Carnage. Each giving as good as they get. Timmons sees Wright and goes towards him as he is hit with Crow. Jakob having pulled Crow up and throwing him at Timmons.

Gold: These men are not worrying with weapons, they don’t need to.

Farley: These men are weapons. But it would be fun to see them use some at least.

Throwing the doors open with force, Jakob is through and stops looking around as the rest of the maniacs come through. Ezra is tied up with Crow as Wright and Carnage continue to slug it out. Timmons comes through wiping the blood from his eyes as he does. The stairs to the foyer for the fans is to the right as the hallway leading to the loading docks is to the left. Jakob heads for the docks as he is hit across the back from behind by Timmons with a broom handle. Ezra starts going up the steps backwards with Crow still on him like a cheap perfume. Wright breaks away from Carnage and hits Timmons from behind with a forearm to the back. Carnage turns towards Crow and Ezra, following them up the stairs.

Gold: This is going to get bad real fast, there are fans up there.

Farley: I wanna see what they do on the loading docks, there are tons of weapons there.

Ezra stumbles backwards out of the stairway, fans see him and scatter as Crow and Carnage follow suit. Each man looking around for something to attack with, Ezra taking a cane away from a man walking nearby, turning he heads for Carnage who had dumped a woman out of her wheel chair, the fans screaming at them as they collide. Crow moved to a concession stand and watches while he drinks from a cup on the counter. Ezra swinging the cane like a bat, he narrowly misses Carnage’s head as he tries to move from the wheel chair coming at him.

Tackling Ezra as he avoids the chair, Carnage swings hard hitting him with a shot to the temple as he pauses seeing Crow talking to the fans. Leaving the stunned Ezra, he charges at Crow, seeing him coming, Crow jumps the counter and grabs a french fry basket and swings. The hot oil and fries flying all over the place. Carnage screams out in pain as the oil hits his chest. Crow, throwing the basket down, grabs a sheet with pretzels on it. Taking one, he takes a bite before raising the tray up and trying to hit Carnage. Ducking the tray, Carnage jumps over the counter and ties up with Crow, keeping him from swinging again. Ezra getting up and clearing the cobwebs, wipes the blood from his eyes and runs towards the counter, diving over and into the other two. All three falling into the table with the condiments on it.

Liquids fly as the table flies apart. Ezra quickly rolls to his knees and grabs a container, squeezing it hard, he squirts hot sauce at Crow, Carnage throws a container of Mayo at Ezra, each taking the mess not being able to avoid it. Crow screaming and rubbing at his face, Ezra yelling as he looks like a melting marshmallow man. Carnage getting to his feet grabs a nozzle and aims it at them, pulling the trigger, beer starts shooting out soaking both men. Ezra, holding his hand up after trying to catch a drink, picks up a tray and holds it up to shield himself from the beer shower. Crow turning his back to the hose looks for a weapon. The bath stops as Carnage roars out in pain.

Farley: Look!! It’s the twins. I knew they would show up.

Gold: This is not fair, there are three Mayhems against two men.

Gabriel has Carnage by the head and is trying to pound it through the counter. Anthony nods to Ezra as he takes off towards the stairs. Ezra takes an ice tea brewer and uses it like a bowling ball, throwing it at the feet of Crow, Crow jumps it and is hit with a hard clothesline dropping him to the floor. Taking him by the head, Ezra pulls him over to the grill and tries to press his face on it.

Gabriel is clawing at the eyes of Carnage as he is hit from the side by Evan, Idolized has hit the scene and Riley joins him, both start throwing punches with the big man as Carnage shakes his head and stumbles towards Ezra. Taking the draining tray lid from the soda machine, he hits him across the back and neck with it. Ezra letting Crow go, stumbles away. Crow firing up from the near frying experience, comes at Carnage only to be hit with the metal tray. His face running wet anew with blood.

Ezra seeing Idolized starts to jump the counter when he stops. Grabbing a line to the warmer, he pulls it off and looks for something to ignite the propane coming out. Finding a book of matches, he lights one and tosses it in front of the line watching a fire ball shoot out. Holding it towards the men attacking his brother, he watches as they back off. Gabriel slumped against the counter, sits getting his breath and bearings back about him.

Carnage and Crow are trading blows again. Both men slowing with each swing. Fatigue setting in. Riley yelling at Evan and points to the side as the fans start throwing things and scattering away from the flame. Grabbing a spatula, Crow hits Carnage across the face with it. Carnage is cut across the bridge of his nose as both men slump down to the floor. Ezra still trying to bar-b-q anyone near him, is suddenly hit with a white spray as Evan opens up on him with a fire extinguisher. The lame runs out from lack of propane and fire retardant. Jumping over the counter, he rushes at Riley as Evan tries to spray him in the face. Gabriel flies to his feet and takes out after Evan. Throwing the fire tank down, he takes off with Riley at his heels. Ezra points to Gabriel to chase them as he turns back to Crow and Carnage.

Gold: I have seen many things in my time but that was a first.

Farley: Its fun to lose your virginity on some things.

Gold: How would you know?

Jakob turns and is met with a fist to the face from Wright as he wasn’t watching behind him. Timmons follows with a punch to the back of Wright at the kidneys. Jakob stumbles back as Wright falls to his knees. Timmons grabbing Wright by the hair and pounding his forehead. Jakob taking the chance to get his hands on something, finds a trash can near the edge of the dock, grabbing and raising it over his head as he runs at the others, he blasts Timmons with it, dropping him to the ground. Both men lying down panting.

Wright seeing his chance jumps off the dock and climbs into the cab of a 30 foot box truck, backing to the dock and slamming it in place. Getting out, Wright climbs back on the dock and opens the doors, crates and a few boxes are inside making him smile. Jakob having regained his wind, pulls Timmons to his feet and shoves him towards Wright. Seeing the projectile coming at him, Wright sidesteps and watches as Timmons crashes into the crates in the back of the truck. Rushing after him, Jakob tackles Wright and they fall into Timmons as well. All three starting to swing as Jakob catches a blow, knocking him backwards and out of harms way for the moment. Looking up, he climbs on a crate and opens the small door used to get on top, climbing through, he hears the others start to follow.

Gold: I don’t think these men will quit till one is dead.

Farley: They won’t die. They are to mean to do anyone that favor.

Ezra taking the opportunity, runs over to where the security guards are, taking their cart and heading for the counter. Carnage and Crow, climbing out of the wrecked concession stand, are knocked to the floor when the cart hits the counter. Grabbing a night stick that was in the cart, Ezra draws back and blasts both as they start to get up. Dragging each and putting them in the cart, he starts off down the foyer, slamming through the doors that lead to the maintenance tunnel for trash removal. Going as fast as the cart will go, he heads for the loading docks.

Gold: Great, a maniac driving around with two men that are out cold.

Farley: At least there isn’t a wedding chapel nearby.

Jakob stood waiting as Timmons and Wright made it to the roof, the thin plastic covering flexing with each step. Closing in on Wright, Jakob starts throwing lefts and rights at his head. Wright Shaking with the blows. Timmons from behind, throws clubbing forearms into Jakobs head, knocking him to one knee. Timmons stops his assault as the sound of doors crashing open makes him look up, Wright taking the chance, runs at Timmons and leaps at him. Hitting hard with shoulder, lifting Timmons up and then down, they are all shook as the cart slams into the edge of the truck. The cart spilling over and dumping all three men on the ground, Ezra falling off the dock. Jakob Still getting up from the attack, falls backwards to the cab of the roof. Wright with Timmons wrapped up, hits the roof hard and falls through it into the inside of the box. None are moving as the camera pans around. All men bloody and still. A ref that had been following along looks at them and then darts in the truck.




2 ….




Gold: Wright landed on top of Timmons and has got the win. The EMT’S need to get in there, those mean are hurt bad.

Farley: That was a brutal fight. Man these men know how to do it right.

The Winners of the bout... ANARCHY RISING'S ROB WRIGHT & LEO CROW!!!!



TOWERS: The following contest; staying with the Warzone vs. Assault theme, is scheduled for one fall…

GOLD: Here we have another Warzone against Assault battle, the Hardcore Champion from Assault against a member of the highly successful Beautiful Agony, Mike Monroe.

DANIELS: What a close battle this should be, both men with pace, both men with experience in this ring, Monroe will have the fans on his side, but King won’t mind about that, he is hardcore!

MASTERS: Well I am confident Warzone will shine through in this match, simply because we are the better brand, and clearly the better commentating team…

DANIELS: You think were good?

MASTERS: No…I think were good in spite of you…I am just magnificent!

FARLEY: Oh give it up, your both losers, I wish these guys would just come out before I have to hear the make up kiss from your two wallabies!

TOWERS: On his way to the ring…Hailing from Buckeye, Arizona and weighing in at 210 lbs…He is the CZW Hardcore Champion…MICHAEL KING!

‘Bad Company’ by a band with the same name plays throughout the arena as Mike King, clutching his CZW Hardcore Title belt walks out onto the top of the ramp. He lifts the belt up high as fireworks spray up above and the lights flicker with various colors. The fans mainly boo his arrival as he strolls down the ramp not giving them a second notice. One fan however shakes his hand as he steps inside the ring, holding his arm up to signal the crowd for Extreme Intervention, now waits on his opponent.

TOWERS: And his opponent…Hailing from Tiffin, Ohio and weighing in at 201 lbs…He is a member of Beautiful Agony…MIKE MONROE!

The lights in the arena go out. Suddenly a deep haunting voice is heard saying "All that we see or seem is but a dream within a dream." Then after a moment of silence "Beast and the Harlot" by Avenged Sevenfold starts to play. On the CZWtron the word pain changes to pleasure, then the word dream changes to Nightmare. Once the word Nightmare is shown, red strobe lights start to flash on the stage. Smoke starts billowing from the entrance. A figure appears behind the smoke. Out walks Mike Monroe. He stands on the stage looking at the crowd. He has his ever present light tube over his shoulder. He then walks down the ramp to the apron. He then climbs to the top rope from the apron. He scans the crowd before doing a front flip. As his feet hit the mat, pyros shoot from the ring post.


- Straight after the bell sounds both men step towards each other and taps knuckles to signify respect from both men. The fans appreciate this as they chant ‘MIKE MIKE MIKE’ for both men. They dance around each other as they finally lock up, the fans excited. Monroe slips around the back of King but gets a heavy elbow in the jaw, King turns around then whips Monroe to the ropes. Mike though dives off the second rope and moonsaults over, hitting a very early high flying attack which lands perfectly, King now down as the fans clap Monroe after the move.

- Monroe is straight back up as King follows, Monroe whips him to the ropes as King comes off, taken down by a fast head scissors. Mike now back up but Monroe is straight in with a high knee, then a kick to the shins, Monroe now runs off towards the ropes as he rebounds off…KING WITH A METALLICA KICK!

- The shot takes Monroe down as it got him in the skull. King now hovers over him as the fans try to will Monroe back up. Mike grabs him by the hair and pulls him up. King hits him with a kick to the sternum, then pushes him back into the corner as he unloads with vicious blows to the face and chest, hitting his Company Combo. The referee tries to stop the assault but King keeps the attack going. King now strangles Monroe with his boot, burying it deep in his throat. King lets go as Monroe tries to regain his breath, King now running up…KNEE TO THE JAW!

- Monroe collapses to the ground as King begins to pose, knowing hew is in complete control. He sits on the back of Monroe as he locks him up into a Camel Clutch. King begins to smash his forearms into the side of Monroe’s face as he keeps the hold on. The fans are on their feet for the Beautiful Agony superstar, however he seems weak as King continues to apply pressure.

- Monroe begins to gain momentum, his arms shaking, his legs shaking, he presses himself up, King slipping the hold free, but jumps up as he lands down on the spine of Monroe who collapses down again. King now grabs his arms as he begins to lock in…ST. ANGER!!







- Monroe slips out from the hold and hits an arm drag on King. Monroe steps backwards towards the ropes as King runs at him with a clothesline…Monroe ducks as King crashes into the ropes, Monroe now jumps up with a tremendous dropkick which knocks King right over the top rope. King crashes down hard as he lands on his right arm. Monroe takes a breather as he holds his spine, the fans cheering him on. Without hesitation, Monroe runs towards the ropes, bounces off and flies through the ropes onto the outside opponent…


- The fans are on their feet as both men roll around the concrete floor seeming to be hurt. Chants of ‘CZW’ and ‘AGONY’ erupt throughout the arena as Monroe gets to his feet. King follows as Monroe crashes King’s head off the apron then rolls him back inside the ring. He gets a cover but King kicks out after one. Monroe now back up as he lays down an elbow drop, then a leg drop. King stays down as now, Monroe begins to climb through the ropes. He stands on the apron as the fans look forward to his next attack. He propels himself over the top rope as he flips…


- King begins to cough wildly as Monroe rolls off, holding his own back. Monroe lifts King up as King begins to throw right hands, Monroe ducks though as King gets caught…EXPLODER SUPLEX!















- King gets back up, now finding it hard to breath as he holds his mid-section. Monroe bounces off the ropes as he comes in…King with a back body drop over the top rope…Monroe manages to cling on though as he lands balanced on the apron once again, Mike now turns around as Monroe propels himself up once again and flies off the top rope…









- Monroe falls to the ground crumpled over as the fans look worried. King dives on top of him as he covers…























- King looks slightly shocked as he looks at Monroe down at the ground, coughing and spluttering. Mike grabs him by the hair again and picks him up. King locks him in as Monroe doesn’t fight back…KEYLOCK DRIVER!

- Monroe bounces face first off the canvas as King throws his legs off him, then covers him once more…















- Monroe impressively kicks out yet again. The fans begin to silence as King picks Monroe up once more, his eyes dazed over and his limbs not moving. King locks him up again as he lifts him up into the air…










































- The fans go crazy as they believe Monroe to have won the match. Even Monroe rises and celebrates, however the referee waves them to carry on. King now up as he grabs the unsuspecting Monroe…

CURTAIN CALL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!









- Monroe drops behind King after the attempt of the finisher…The fans hiss as time stands still inside the arena…

BURN NOTICE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The most devastating submission in CZW seems to be locked in…









- King swings out of the hold…







KING CRASH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


























TOWERS: And the winner by pinfall…MIKE KING!

King celebrates as Monroe begins to rise, holding his neck and back. King notices him as both men go face to face, the fans confused. Suddenly Monroe extends his hand. King looks confused by now also as the fans chant for Monroe. Finally King shakes his hand as both men hold up each others hands, celebrating the performance.

The Winner of the bout... MIKE KING!!!



Daniels: Well, that certainly was an intense match up between the brands individual Mikes.

Masters: It was a decent display of some Mike on Mike violence.

Daniels: I’m glad you said violence and not action.

Masters: Tell me Daniels, is your head always in the toilet or are you just thinking gay today?

Daniels: Never mind. Forget I said anything.

Several members of the CZW road crew begin packing white pillars and potted flowers down to the ring, displaying them and a booth in the center, adorning the ropes with what looks like ivy and colored tissue paper. A large portrait frame of El Pablo and Jena Cyde is set up behind the podium.

Daniels: Well, this will take your mind off the previous gay statement. The wedding of Jena Cyde to El Pablo.

Masters: Not really. This seems pretty gay as well. Why don’t you go down there and bid for the man’s hand in marriage?

Daniels: El Pablo?

Masters: No, you twat! Jena Cyde, you flaming homo.

Daniels: I’m just gonna shut up now.

The crowd suddenly turns into a soft chorus of boos as Mikkel makes his way out onto the ramp dressed in his odd black fashions with a priest‘s collar around his neck. He is followed by his cousin “Bad Ass” Matt Covey who is still wearing the baby blue tuxedo from earlier as well as his leather jacket over it. Matt looks to be polishing off a bottle of beer as he makes his way towards the ring, stopping to toss the bottle into the crowd, probably hitting somebody. Ed and Hellena come out next, Hellena on Ed’s arm. He’s in a formal black tux and Hellena is wearing a black dress that looks like it came out of a horror film as it appears tattered and ripped everywhere. Once they’re all in the ring, Mikkel takes his place behind the podium and Matt leans against the ropes, looking eerily comfortable. Ed stands by Matt’s side and Hellena stands across the ring from them. Everybody waits around for a moment, Matt even lifting Ed’s arm to check his watch.

Daniels: I think the groom may have gotten cold feet.

Masters: Can you blame him? I’d be in another country all together right now if I were in his shoes.

Looking pissed, Matt finally exit’s the ring and walks back up the ramp, disappearing backstage. A few seconds later, he reappears, dragging Pablo onto the stage by his tuxedo collar. Pablo jerks loose and throws himself face down onto the stage, scrambling to crawl away, but Matt grabs him by a leg and continues to drag him down towards the ring as his cries for freedom ring out in vain, his fingers grasping against the steel but finding nothing to hold on to. Once at ringside, Matt picks Pablo up and slaps him one good time across the face before centering him and speaking something unheard by the cameras. Matt then points to the ring and Pablo’s face turns sad as though he could throw a tantrum. But he rolls into the ring, followed by Matt. Pablo takes his place before the podium, frowning as Matt stands next to him within grabbing distance. The camera begins to pan around the arena showing little girls and women of all ages, shedding tears for their captive hero. Pablo looks to Ed, his eyes literally pleading for help, but Ed sadly hangs his head low and shuffles his feet.

Masters: Finally, Pablo has made his way to the altar and doesn’t he look fetching in his tux this evening.

Daniels: See? How is that not gay?

Masters: That was a compliment to the man’s fashion sense. It only sounds gay if you want it to. You might want to seek some professional help there, Daniels.

Daniels gives up and bangs his head on the table. Suddenly, the arena lights dim and a single spotlight hit’s the stage as the Combat Tron begins to play a twisted new wedding march with a somehow appropriate video playing with it.

And then Jena appears on the stage, her bulging muscles appearing to have her wedding dress screaming for the sweet release of death.

Pablo turns his head and looks back at her, his cheeks puff up and a hand quickly rushes to cover his mouth as he possibly hurls. Undaunted, Jena descends towards the ring with flowers in hand, smiling at this one magical moment. Her day has finally come. The fans continue to boo from ringside and a distinct voice cries out “That’s a huge bitch!” Matt grimaces and laughs aloud as he pats Pablo on the shoulder. Jena gets to the ring and Matt smacks Ed in the back of the head, pointing towards the ropes. Ed quickly rushes over to the ropes and sits on the middle one so that Jena might enter. Once in the ring, she takes her place next to Pablo, handing her bouquet off to Hellena as Ed returns to Matt’s side. Mikkel taps the microphone on the podium to see that it’s working and tries to begin, but the crowd is loud with their jeers.

Mikkel: Achem…

The crowd boos even louder.

Mikkel: Normally I am against all forms of religion, but as I am in fact an ordained minister I feel it is my duty to see such a lovely young couple on their way to a wonderful life of matrimony. You’re lucky, Pablo. You have quite the looker there.

Mikkel winks at Jena and flicks his tongue at her suggestively. Pablo nearly hurls again, and Jena just blushes shyly.

Mikkel: Let’s begin, shall we? Dearly beloved, we are gathered here today to join these beautiful souls as one in holy matrimony. The lord doth require the blessed union of two hearts before a love can be consummated, but what the hell does the lord know? He has nothing to do with this, for this is love, and he, a harsh tyrant of souls who takes the utmost pleasure in ruining the lives of millions from his throne on high. He is a sick, sick bastard, and mankind could only benefit from the truth that there is in fact, no Go…

Matt shouts at Mikkel, stirring him from his anti-religious speech.

Mikkel: Right. My bad. I am to understand the couple have prepared their own vows and will now recite them.

Jena Cyde: Pablo. From the moment I first laid eyes upon you, my heart skipped a beat and I knew you were my little love machine. Like my vibrator, you were always jumping about, giving me pleasure with every performance. When we went on our first date, the world was filled to the brim with magic, and then some guy in a fro kicked me between the legs and you ran away. But in my heart I knew you only ran because you couldn’t bear the thought of seeing your illustrious love muffin in so much pain. And then our love was like a game of tag. Sexy, sensual tag. You would run, and I would find you. I would follow you across the globe, finding each small remnant of hints and clues you left behind for me. I would show up at motels mere moments after you had already gone, and lie naked on the sheets you had previously slept upon. I would find your leftovers at restaurants strewn about like love letters and fill my jaws with your love and devotion. Many a men’s restroom did I enter, just to rub my face against a toilet seat that you might have previously rested that cute little ass of yours on. And then we had our match a few months ago, where our love would be forever bonded by contract. You played it off like the shy teddy bear you are, pretending to want to stop me from getting the contract. And unable to brush your pride aside and accept defeat, you asked your good friend Matt to handcuff you to the ring so that when I won, you had a valid excuse for a loss. But you won that day too. You won my heart for all of eternity. And I intend to give all of myself to you until the day we die and spend our eternal afterlives naked and squirming with passion amongst the heavens.

Pablo suddenly looks horrified and turns to look back at Matt.

Pablo: My good friend, Matt? Where did she get that idea?

Matt just winks and gives him a thumbs up. Pablo turns back to his bride to be, horrified. Jena’s eyes are moist and her breaths deep. As she waits for Pablo to recite his own vows. Pablo stares at the ring beneath his feet momentarily as the crowd is somewhere between depression and disgust by Jena’s statements. Matt nudges Pablo in the back, forcing him to continue. Pablo finally looks back up.

El Pablo: Jena. The moment I first saw you, I was thinking, DAMN, when the hell did CZW sign Bill Goldberg? And then you looked my way and my stomach turned. All I saw was two hundred and fifty pounds of man muscle in make-up coming my way, most likely hiding a roll of sausage between her ass cheeks. And then you spoke to me for the first time, and I’ll be damned if I still couldn’t tell whether you were a man or a woman. Then you started flirting with me on a regular basis, and to be honest, you scared the living hell out of me. I did everything in power to avoid you, until that jack ass Jesse Montana forced me to go on a date with you. As you ate, I watched nervously, staring at the mustache hairs that began to sprout from your upper lip as I skillfully dodged incoming pieces of steak that flew from your mouth while you murdered that cow raw. And then finally, a moment of reprieve came when the fro guy I paid to kick you in the nuts showed up…and kicked you in the nuts. Thinking my nightmare was over, I would soon find out how horribly wrong I was as everywhere I turned your gigantic He-Man ass would eventually show up to scare me away. Finally having had enough, we had our match in which I was determined to win as opposed to living the life of misery and sexual confusion I’m currently ensnared in. Then this asshole behind me decides to throw his two damn cents in and handcuffs me with no good reason, and I watch in horror as your Brock Lesnar looking ass grabbed the briefcase with my freedom inside. And so here we are, man to man, trapped in this humiliating display of twisted affection vs. fear. And though we may be legally bound to one another after tonight, I will continue to do my best to run as far away from you and your man-gina on a daily basis, though I get the feeling that if you were here and I was a frozen corpse on Pluto, that still would not be far enough. And further more, please keep your cock to yourself, and do not attempt to touch mine. That’s for women only.

The entire arena is blowing up with laughter. Matt and Ed are laughing as well. Mikkel seems confused by Pablo’s harsh words towards his fiancé, but shrugs it off and waits for the laughter to die down. Pablo smiles for the first time, seeing his fans, his friends, and even his current enemy laughing at Jena’s expense. But Jena seems unfazed by Pablo’s harsh remarks and instead continues to smile. This displeases Pablo and he frowns again as his list bid for freedom had no effect on the outcome of the situation. The arena quiets down once more as Mikkel continues.

Mikkel: Do you, lovely Jena…

Mikkel walks around the podium and grabs Jena’s hand, kissing it tenderly as she blushes once more. Matt walks up and kicks him in the ass, making him get back behind the podium.

Mikkel: Sorry. Strong women are attractive. Do you, Jena, take El Pablo to be your husband, to have and to hold for better or worse, in sickness and in health til death do you part?

Jena Cyde: I do.

Mikkel: And do you El Pablo, undeserving of such a fine specimen, take the lovely Jena Cyde to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold through sickness and through health until death do you part?

El Pablo: Can I say no?

Matt grabs Pablo by the scruff of his neck. Pablo shrugs him off with a hateful look on his face.

El Pablo: Fine! I do…

Mikkel: Now, if you will please trade rings, the symbolism of your love and devotion one another.

Pablo looks about and begins to smile as he realizes he has no rings! But he is tapped on the shoulder and turns around to find Matt flipping him off, two shiny gold rings resting upon his middle finger. Pablo frowns with a look of defeat as he takes the rings off Matt’s finger, handing one to Jena. She places a ring upon Pablo and he regrettably does the same.

Mikkel: Is there no one here who objects to the joining of these two in marriage? Then without further ado, I now…

Mikkel is interrupted as “Wings of a Butterfly” plays across the arena. The crowd erupts into cheers as Mike Monroe, Eddie Rowan, Jacob Havok, and Tatum Regan hit the stage. Mic in hand, they walk towards the ring. Pablo looks relieved as the cavalry seems to have finally arrived. They stop short of the ring, Monroe speaking.

Mike Monroe: As a matter of fact, we object to this travesty of a genuine marriage. Listen to me carefully Pablo, you don’t have to go through with this. You can leave the ring right now and nobody is going to stop you.

Matt Covey grabs up a mic and retorts.

Bad Ass: That’s where you’re wrong, cupcake. I’ll stop him. The contract states he has to marry Jena, and I’m damn sure going to enforce it!

Mike Monroe: Well, considering Jigga retired earlier this evening and is no longer with us, it looks like with Pablo on our side and Ed caught in a neither side limbo currently, We have you, that testosterone freak cousin Mikkel, that crazy bitch Hellena, and the she beast himself, outnumbered five to four.

Bad Ass: Oh, you don’t have to tell me the odds. I tend to go against the grain, and I always win. Besides, you and Havok make up half a man, Eddie is another half. And Tatum’s got more balls than any of you! And as much as I’d love to rearrange your faces for putting your noses where they don’t belong, which coincidentally is right up Pab here’s ass crack, I’ve got to ensure this thing goes down without a problem. So without further ado… Security!

Twelve men from the CW security staff rush down the ramp and begin apprehending the members of Beautiful Agony, who fight valiantly, but the numbers are too great.

Bad Ass: Outside of Rowan who has a match next, remove the rest of this gene trash from the building! Lock Rowan up somewhere until his match is up, and hand Tatum a key to my hotel room. I gotta see those goods just one more time.

The crowd boos hysterically as Beautiful Agony are led back up the ramp and away from the ceremony. Pablo’s face looks sadder than ever before. Matt hands the mic off to Jessica Towers at ringside and then signals for Mikkel to continue.

Mikkel: then without further interruptions, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride.

The crowd sits aghast in shock, knowing that all means of help for their beloved hero have failed and now his doom is upon him. Jena turns to Pablo and puckers up, her eyes closed and waiting for Pablo’s embrace.

Daniels: Oh no…

Masters: Oh yea, ha ha! This is it!

Pablo turns to Jena, his face all wrinkled up with disgust. Pablo slowly inched closer and closer to the masculine jaws of horror, his stomach churning as he does so. Suddenly, a voice cries out above everything!!!

Special Ed: THIS IS FOR LOKI!!!

Pablo suddenly ducks and Ed shoves his cousin Matt from behind, forcing his face tightly against Jena’s! Her eyes still closed and thinking him Pablo, Jena grabs Matt up in a tight embrace, forcing her mouth tighter upon his as he struggles insanely against her strength. The crowd explodes in applause as Pablo stands back in shock, a half hearted smile on his face as he realizes he has just been saved. Jena opens her eyes to find Matt on the receiving end of her kiss and suddenly drops him, horrified and confused. Matt scrambles to his feet, spitting and gagging. Pablo quickly takes advantage and lifts him into the air, nailing him with a Pablo Slam!!! El Pablo quickly jerks the wedding ring off his finger and launches it out into the crowd before turning and flipping Jena off, to which she responds bursting into manly sobs as tears stream down her face. Mikkel shoves the podium aside and stalks Pablo, but Ed kicks his older brother in the gut and then hoists him high into the air, dropping him with the Special Driver!!! Pablo stares at Ed who gets back on his feet and stares at Pablo. Ed suddenly rips off his tuxedo jacket to reveal his XTC shirt beneath! Pablo and Ed hug in the center of the ring as Hellena screams like a banshee, trying to figure out what’s going on.

Daniels: Oh my god! Pablo escaped his marriage to Jena after all!

Masters: It was Matt Covey who wound up kissing her! I believe… I believe he just might be the unfortunate soul married to that beast!

Daniels: After everything that has transpired over the past several months, this has turned out to be poetic justice!

Hellena suddenly rushes in and starts raining fists down on the back and head of Special Ed, attacking him with a fury as though she were the one scorned this evening. Pablo shoves Ed aside and lifts Hellena into the air, nailing her with a Pablo Slam!!!

Masters: El Pablo hit ANOTHER woman!

Ed and Pablo then exit the ring to the standing ovation from the crowd in attendance as “Been Training Dogs” picks up. Jenna is the only one still conscious in the ring, watching through tear soaked eyes as the man she loves walks out of her life forever.



“Thieves” by Ministry kicks over the PA and the fans in Memphis instantly jump to their feet with a resounding chorus of jeers. Alan Fiscus walks out onto the ramp wearing one of the Global Tag-Team Championship belts around his waist, carrying the other over his shoulder. He glares at the crowd before a sadistic grin crosses his face and he begins to walk towards ringside.

Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, the following is a HELL IN A CELL match. Introducing first, from Wichita, Kansas, he is one half of the CZW Global Tag-Team Champions, representing Anarchy Rising, ‘The One Man Riot,’ ‘The Sadistic Solution,’ ALAN FISCUS!!”

Daniels: “Alan Fiscus heading down towards ringside for this hell in a cell matchup. This is going to be gruesome.”

Masters: “Any time Fiscus gets in the ring it becomes a maelstrom of violence. Nasty doesn’t have a chance!”

Gold: “Well, that remains to be seen, William.”

Farley: “I may not be Nasty’s biggest fan, but he’s representing Assault here, so I have to agree with my colleague.”

Gold: “I guess there IS a first time for everything.”

Farley: “There’s also a LAST time for everything.”

Fiscus moves up the stairs and into the ring, removing the belt from his waist and holding both high, gnashing his teeth in defiance to the crowd’s booing. Those boos turn to a good deal of cheers as “Swagga Like Us” by T.I. and Jay-Z kicks in. Big Nasty slowly walks out onto the ramp with a sly grin. He slowly raises his arms up and then proceeds down the ramp, moving with a slow, self-assured swagger.

Towers: “And his opponent, from South Beach, Florida, representing Assault, ‘The Living Legend,’ BIG NASTY!!”

Gold: “Great reception for Big Nasty here tonight!”

Masters: “That’s ONLY because he’s facing the man that everyone loves to hate, ‘The One Man Riot!’”

Daniels: “Be that as it may, this should be an extremely competitive match-up.”

Farley: “That’s right, Jarred. What the fans think doesn’t really matter in the end. It’ll be the SUPERSTAR who wants it the most who is standing tall after the final bell.”

Nasty walks up the ring steps and appeals a bit more before stepping in over the top rope. He rests in the corner opposite his opponent, and the two stare across the ring toward eachother. Slowly the cage begins to be lowered, surrounding the ring. The bell rings and the two remain still for a few more moments, eyes locked. Finally they both leave their corners, circling.

Gold: “And we’re underway!”

Masters: “Let the slaughter begin!”

They set to lock-up, but Fiscus feints and sidesteps, stomping at the leg of Nasty, attempting to bring the bigger man down. After a series of kicks, Nasty finally goes down to a knee, and Fiscus begins hammering him in the head. Nasty covers up, deflecting the blows before he seizes an opening and launches a counter-uppercut!

Daniels: “Nasty with a stiff shot there! ‘The One Man Riot’ is reeling!”

Fiscus regains his focus and rushes Nasty, but the big man surprises him with a strong lariat! The crowd starts up a ‘Nasty!’ chant as ‘the Living Legend’ paces around a dazed Alan Fiscus. With a grin, Big Nasty pulls Alan to his feet and runs him to the corner, smashing his face into the turnbuckle. Nasty shoves Alan into the corner and drives an elbow to the jaw! He sets him back up and drives in a second one!

Farley: “Nasty is a dominant force inside that ring!”

Masters: “This match is far from over, you just wait!”

Big Nasty throws Fiscus to the other side of the ring, sending him into the opposite corner with an Irish whip! Nasty follows suit going for a big body splash! Nobody home! The crowd instantly changes it’s tune as Alan grabs Nasty and hits a reverse DDT! He sits there for a moment, wiping his lip and checking for blood, then turns an evil eye to the crowd before standing back up to dish out some more punishment.

Daniels: “Alan Fiscus showing us just what a wily veteran he is. Excellent ring presence there.”

Nasty now getting to his feet, and Alan leans back heavily against the ropes, measuring his opponent. He rushes in and takes the big man back down with a swinging neckbreaker! Back to his feet and Fiscus is taunting Nasty, yelling at him to get up, only to stomp him in the head! He then falls to the ground and starts punching furiously, and then even CLAWING at Nasty’s face!!

Gold: “Come on now! This is uncalled for!”

Masters: “It’s called HELL in a cell for a reason, dumbass!”

Fiscus stays on the attack, finally relenting and glaring wickedly at the crowd, an evil grin on his face as he displays his hands to the crowd, coated with Nasty’s blood! He steps back a ways as Nasty uses the ropes to pull himself up and then charges in!


Gold: “Counter by ‘the Living Legend,’ backdropping Fiscus out of the ring!”

Daniels: “Not just out of the ring, but up against the cage! Fiscus landed right on his HEAD!”

Nasty stands tall and moves his hair from his face, bleeding from a small yet deep cut on his forehead. He looks out at Fiscus with a sudden fury in his eyes and steps out over the top and hops down to the floor. He pulls Alan up and SMASHES his face into the steel mesh! He lets him fall and then pulls him back to his feet, driving him in a second time! And then a third!

Daniels: “Nasty now GRINDING Alan’s face into the steel!”

Farley: “Eat THAT, Fiscus!”

Nasty yanks Alan back by his hair, and his face is quickly becoming a crimson mask after being ground into the chain-links. Nasty scoops Fiscus up and runs him over to the ring steps, dropping him off face first!

Gold: “SNAKE EYES! Right onto the ring-steps!!”

The crowd is heavily behind Nasty now as the two battle around ringside! ‘The Living Legend’ pulls Alan to his feet and throws him into the side of the cage, right against the door, the extra metal of the frame causing that much more agony! Nasty backs up and makes a run for him, charging him with a huge boot to the face! Fiscus dives to the floor and Nasty kicks straight THROUGH the door! The cyclone fencing breaks away from the frame, and Nasty’s ankle is stuck between them! Ever the opportunist, Fiscus throws up a low blow to the exposed nether-region of Big Nasty! The crowd boos loudly as both men fall to the ground, Nasty still hanging upside down with his foot through the door!

Daniels: “Big Nasty in quite the predicament now! It looks like the ref is having to open the door to pry the mesh back enough to get Nasty’s giant boot free!”

As the ref opens the door and works to pry Nasty’s boot free, Fiscus gets up and kicks the door! It smashes into the referee, knocking him back, the impact also jarring ‘the Living Legend’s’ boot free from it’s trap! ‘The Sadistic Solution’ moves over to the timekeeper’s booth, throwing him out of his seat and folding the chair back up! He measures Nasty and charges him! SMACK!

Masters: “BAM! Right to the face! Nasty is down and out!”

Fiscus raises the bloody chair high as the crowd boos him from the building. He tosses the chair down and moves back to the ring. Fishing underneath it, he pulls out a long length of chain! He holds it aloft for all to see and then starts swinging a small length of it like a flail, looking back out to Nasty who has finally started to stir a bit.

Gold: “I don’t like where this is going! Fiscus is looking to put Nasty out of action for good!”

Alan begins to move towards Nasty, whipping the chain back behind him! Just before he swings it down onto Nasty, ‘the Living Legend’ grabs the door by the bottom and swings it hard back into Alan’s face!! Fiscus falls to the floor, unmoving! Slowly, Nasty pulls himself to his feet, using the cage door. The crowd cheers him on as he stands, leaning against the cell for a moment to regain his legs. He drags Fiscus out of the cell by his ankle and then retrieves the length of chain, holding it high to a massive pop!

Masters: “What’s he doing now!?”

Nasty wraps the chain around Fiscus’ throat! Nasty then begins to climb the side of the cage, dragging him UP THE SIDE!! The fans go absolutely ballistic as Fiscus is basically being hung from the neck! Nasty climbs over the edge and continues to drag Fiscus up onto the top of the cell. Finally he lets go of the chain and Alan struggles to loosen it from around his neck, gasping for air. Nasty pulls Fiscus up by his hair and pulls him over to the edge of the cell! He grabs him around the throat and points over to the Warzone table!!

Daniels: “Oh no! NOT THAT!!”

Masters: “YOU CAN’T!!”

Farley: “Ha ha! Better move, boys!”

‘The Living Legend’ moves to throw Fiscus from the top of the cell with the NASTY SLAM THROUGH THE WARZONE ANNOUNCE TABLE!! Out of desperation, Alan counters the move by SPITTING BLOOD STRAIGHT INTO NASTY’S FACE!! Nasty drops Fiscus back to his feet, both men dangerously near the edge of the cell! Fiscus takes Big Nasty down with an STO!

Daniels: “That was a HUGE catastrophe barely averted with what may be the most disgusting counter I’ve ever seen!”

Gold: “Both men slowly starting to stir, now!”

They get to their feet and begin to slug it out, trading right hands! Fiscus suddenly with a quick kick to the knee! He sets him up!

Masters: “OVERTHROW!!”

Farley: “Not this time! Nasty counters with an elbow to the side of the head!”

Nasty rocks Alan with a second elbow and then a knee to the gut! He grabs him and hefts him up high!



All four announcers: “OH MY GOD!!”

The crowd goes completely nuts as a bloodied ‘Living Legend’ stands atop the cell, raising his fists into the air, grinning down wickedly at the broken form of Alan Fiscus. He smiles and points out to a large ‘Big Nasty’ sign in the audience, but in his moment of celebration he fails to realize that someone has come from the crowd and scaled the side of the cage!

Gold: “What the hell is this!?”

Masters: “Is that…’Flawless’ Frank Finch!?”

It is indeed Frank Finch, and he has Nasty completely unaware! Nasty turns to get back down to the ring, to end the match that is most assuredly his, only to be surprised with a knee to the gut! Finch hops back and springs in again, this time with a knee to the face of Big Nasty, knocking him back and DOWN THROUGH THE OPENING IN THE CEILING!! NASTY CRASHES HARD RIGHT NEXT TO FISCUS!!

Farley: “WHY!?”


The crowd boos as Finch arrogantly poses atop the cell, and then agilely makes his way down the side of the cage. He leaves up the ramp towards the back as Fiscus slowly begins to stir.

Gold: “NO! Not like this! DAMMIT!”

Alan rolls over and drapes an arm across the chest of Nasty! The referee who has only recently recovered from his previous shot from the door groggily makes the count!













Towers: “Here is your winner, ‘The Sadistic Solution,’ ALAN FISCUS!!”

The announcers bicker back and forth about who was screwed and who deserved to win as EMTs rush the ring, attending to both men.

The Winner of the bout... ALAN FISCUS!!!



TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen, it now time for the five on five War Zone vs Assault match!"

The crowd cheers

TOWERS: "The Assault team will be first. Now Introducing..."

"Die Eier Von Satan" by Tool begins to play as the crowd boo

TOWERS: "Hailing from Fayetteville, North Carolina... weighing in at 275 pounds... He is the current CZW Intercontinental Champion... "The OGT" MAYNARD O'TOOLE!!"

Maynard comes out, with the IC belt around his waist. He is alone. He poses for the crowd, and ignores their jeers. He makes his way down to the ring, and holds up his title in the sky

TOWERS: "And his first partner... hailing from Tampa, Florida... being led to the ring by the Lovely Zoe... weighing in at 240 pounds... "#1 Draft Pick" MACK BEAUDIN!!"

"Man Up" by Sticky Fingaz plays and Mack comes out, with Zoe at his side. The crowd loves him, as he smiles while he looks all around. They make their way to the ring, but on the other side of it from Maynard. Maynard starts barking at him that they need to be on the same page, and Mack just looks at him.

TOWERS: "Their third partner... hailing from Sydney, Australia and weighing in at 225 pounds.. one half of Fire & Ice... SHAWN WATERS!!"

"Our Revolution" by Halifax plays as the crowd cheers again. Out comes Shawn, hyping the fans up. He is very pumped up, as he makes his way to the ring. He bumps knuckles with Mack, and just stares at Maynard. Shawn and Mack discuss a gameplan as Maynard just shrugs them off.

TOWERS: "And the fourth entrant... hailing from Detroit, Michigan... weighing in at 215 pounds... he is the Aerial Specialist... KRIMZON BLAZE!!"

"Headstrong" by Trapt plays as the other half of Fire & Ice comes storming out. He acknowledges the fans reaction and then runs down to the ring. He flips into the ring, and high fives Shawn while nodding at Mack. He looks at Maynard, and actually nods to him. Maynard just smirks back.

TOWERS: "And the fifth and final Assault member... hailing from Orlando, Florida... weighing in at 235 pounds.. he is the #1 contender to the Intercontinental Title... KARL "THE JACKAL" JACKSON!!"

"GOLD MEDAL" BY Trademarc plays, and the crowd is very mixed on their reaction. Karl comes out, focused, and not acknowledging the crowd whatsoever. He comes down to the ring, gets in it, and immediately tells Maynard to stay out of his way. Mack, Shawn, and KB look at Jackal, as he prepares for the match ignoring them.

TOWERS: "And their opponents, representing War Zone... introducing first...hailing from Hollywood, California... weighing in at 240 pounds... CAGE STRYKER!!"

"Ladies and Gentlemen" by Saliva plays as the crowd cheers. Cage comes out, hyped up for the match. He makes his way down to the ring, but doesn't enter it. He looks up at the Assault crew with a smart smirk on his face, waiting for his partners.

TOWERS: "And his first partner... hailing from New Orleans, Louisiana... weighing in at 260 pounds... he is the current CZW World Television Champion... JORDAN BRYANT!!"

"Second Coming" by Juelz Santana plays as the crowd cheers again. JB walks out with confidence on his face. He high fives fans on the way down, and he's wearing the TV title. Cage and he bump knuckles, showing respect, and they continue to wait for their partners to arrive.

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Seattle, Washington... weighing in at 205 pounds... he is the current CZW X Champion... "Rated E For Everyone" EDDIE ROWAN!!"

"Doomsday Clock" by Smashing Pumpkins plays as the crowd continues to cheer. Out comes the X Division champion, holding the title up high above his head when he poses. He smiles as he walks down to the ring, nodding at both Jordan and Cage.

TOWERS: "And their partner... hailing from Birmingham, Alabama... weighing in at 260 pounds... The Franchise... RONNIE McNEIL!!"

"Remember the Name" by Fort Minor plays. There is a small core of fans chanting Ronnie's name, but mostly everyone else is booing him. He comes out, with a big smirk on his face. He cooly walks down to his partners, but ignores Eddie when Eddie tries to bump knuckles. Ronnie's main attention is on the Assault team.

TOWERS: "And last but not least... hailing from Cincinnatti, Ohio... weighing in at 235 pounds... a former 2 time CZW World Heavyweight Champion... MATT STYLEZ!!"

"Psychosocial" by Slipknot plays as the crowd is nearly torn between cheers and jeers. Out comes Matt, dancing to his music. He comes running down to the ring suddenly, past his partners, and slides into the ring. His partners follow suit and now all ten men are in the ring. A lot of trash talking is taking place. The referee, with his hands full, actually gets each team in their corner.

GOLD: "This is going to be a big match here, with the winner getting bragging rights."

DANIELS: "Yes, whichever team wins, they will claim to be the better show!"

FARLEY: "Let the best team win then."

MASTERS: "Oh, we will!"

DANIELS: "Well it looks like The Jackal will start it off for Assault... and the TV Champ, Jordan Bryant will do the same for War Zone!"

The bell rings, and both men begin circling each other. They lock up and immediately The Jackal turns it around in a waistlock. Jordan tries to find a way out, squirming left and right, but to no avail. He goes for a back elbow, and Jackal ducks. Jackal nails Jordan with a standing overhead belly-to-belly suplex! Jordan is in pain and looks up at Jackal, who is talking some trash.

FARLEY: "That's right, tell him who's the better show!"

Jackal goes to pick Jordan up but Jordan surprises him with a small package. Jackal kicks out before the ref can even begin the count. Both men are up, and JB grabs Jackal in a headlock. Jackal pushes JB to the ropes and he springs. Jackal catches JB with a vicious clothesline.

DANIELS: "Devestating clothesline by Karl!"

Maynard yells out to tag him in, but Jackson completely ignores him. He picks up JB and nails him with a piledriver. He goes for the pin.



























kick out!

MASTERS: "That was too close!"

Jackal picks JB up and throws him to the corner. He comes running in, but JB moves at the last moment and Jackson nails the turnbuckle face first. Jordan then nails Jackal with a reverse DDT. He picks him up, and chops him hard. twice. thrice. The crowd is wooing all along the way. JB then kicks Jackal in the gut, and nails him with a scoop slam. He goes to the top rope, but as Jackal was distracting the ref Maynard runs over and pushes Jordan's ankle from under him, causing him to slam crotch first on the top turnbuckle. Jordan immediately begins favoring the ankle, and seems to be in legit pain. Jackal is up and he climbs to the top with JB.

GOLD: "Jackal looking to capitolize..."


Jackal nails Jordan with a top rope belly-to-belly suplex, and Jordan happens to land on the very same ankle that was hurting. Jackal, like a wolf that smells blood, closes in and grabs the hurt ankle.

FARLEY: "Oh, bad news for Jordan! He's about to be CRIPPLED!!"

Jackal locks in the Jackal Lock! Jordan screams out in pain, but tries his best to fight it. However, the pain is too much. Jordan begins tapping feverishly as the referee calls for the bell.


DANIELS: "Jordan is hurt! He can't even stand up!"

The action pauses as medics enter the ring to help Jordan out of it. He can't put any pressure on that ankle, and he's grimacing in pain.

DANIELS: "Folks, we'll keep you updated on Jordan's condition... but he might be on the shelf! Jackal's injured ANOTHER CZW Superstar!"

The bell rings again, and immediately Eddie Rowan springboards in and dropkicks Jackal, who seemed to be gloating over his injuring Bryant. Eddie is on fire, as he clotheslines Jackal when he gets up. The sequence is repeated. Eddie then kicks Jackal in the gut causing him to kneel over. Eddie springs off of the ropes and grabs Jackal, twisting him... NAILING him with a perfectly executed swinging DDT. Eddie goes for the cover. 1


























kick out!

GOLD: "Eddie almost had the odds evened up there."

Eddie picks Jackal back up, but Jackal rakes his eyes. Jackson is hurt, and limps to his corner as Eddie is stunned. Jackal tags in Mack, and Mack gives Jackal a dirty look for his cheap tactics, but immediately turns his attention to Eddie. He picks him up, and nails him with a scoop slam. He follows that up with a legdrop. He picks Eddie up and throws him to the ropes. Mack nails Eddie with a spinning spinebuster! He goes for the cover.



























kick out!

FARLEY: "Another close call!"

Mack picks up Eddie goes for a vertical suplex. Eddie happens to block it. Eddie then chops Mack in the throat, following it up with a hard chop. Eddie nails Mack with a European uppercut. Eddie kicks Mack in the gut and nails a Rocker Dropper. Eddie goes to the top rope, and NAILS Mack with a flying lariat! Eddie goes and tags in Matt Stylez, but Eddie climbs to the top rope. Mack is in position....Eddie leaps and....


DANIELS: "Eddie with the St. Edward's Fall!"

GOLD: "But wait!"


MASTERS: "Stylez just hit the Thrill Kill!!!"

Matt with the cover!





























GOLD: "Now we're down to 4 men on each team."

Mack rolls out of the ring, and Maynard talks shit to him as he leaves. Shawn Waters enters the ring, and He and Matt begin brawling with each other. Shawn knees Matt hard in the gut, stunning him. Shawn then nails a swinging neckbreaker. Shawn picks Matt back up and throws him to a corner. Shawn comes running in, but Matt gets a boot up to his face. Matt then turns around, doing a split legged moonsault onto Waters. He stays on for the cover.



























kick out!

Matt picks Shawn up and throws him to War Zone's corner. Matt then tags in Ronnie. Ronnie comes in and hits a sequence of shoulders to Shawn's midsection. He then grabs Shawn's head and comes running out of the corner nailing a bulldog. Ronnie then locks Shawn up in an abdominal stretch, but almost immediately Shawn counters with a hiptoss. He then nails Ronnie with a standing dropkick, and both men are momentarily out on the mat.

DANIELS: "Both teams are giving it their all tonight."

Shawn is nearest his corner, and he tags in Maynard O'Toole. Like a vulture, Maynard immediately begins to stomp away at Ronnie as he's trying to stand up. He picks Ronnie up and levels him with with a short-armed clothesline. He then locks in a Dragon sleeper and demands the ref ask Ronnie if he wants to give up.

GOLD: "Maynard is perhaps the cockiest son of a bitch on the Assault roster!"

Ronnie is refusing to give up, and Maynard eventually lets go. Maynard kicks at the fallen Ronnie a few times before picking him up. Maynard throws him to the ropes... but Ronnie reverses! Maynard is met with a spinning heel kick on the rebound. Ronnie then wisely goes and tags in Matt Stylez. Stylez springboards in with a legdrop on Maynard. He picks the IC champ up and nails him with a Russian legsweep. Matt goes for the cover.



























kick out!

FARLEY: "The OGT ain't out by a long shot!"

Matt picks Maynard back up, and slams him down with a scoop slam. Matt makes his way to the nearest top turnbuckle, and the crowd cheers him. He leaps, but Maynard moves out of the way and Matt's frog splash hits only mat. Maynard grabs Matt by the hair and drags him over to his corner, tagging in Krimzon Blaze.

GOLD: "Here comes the Aerial Specialist!"

Blaze comes in with a flurry of punches to Matt. He then leaps up and nails Matt with a release hurricanrana. Matt is tossed back to the center of the ring. K-Blaze measures him, and goes to the nearest ropes for a springboard attempt... but Matt catches him in mid air with a spear! Both men are out for a moment.

DANIELS: "What a move by Stylez!"

FARLEY: "He speared K-Blaze almost out of his boots!"

Both men get back up slowly, but at the same time. They begin trading blows, with Matt taking control. He tosses Blaze to the ropes, and goes for a back body drop. Blaze flips over Matt's back, and when Matt turns around he is surprised by a standing dropkick. Matt stumbles back into his corner, and K-Blaze is daring him to bring it on. Matt chooses to tag in Cage instead. Cage comes in, and both men nod at each other. They begin circling, before they lock up. Cage immediately takes charge with a headlock. He brings him over with a takedown. He holds on the move, and the ref asks KB who refuses to give up. KB turns it over in a pinning predictament.



























Cage turns it back over and wrenches in on KB's neck. After a few more moments, Cage stands KB back up. KB pushes Cage into the ropes, and he begins running. On the rebound, KB leaps over him. The second rebound, and KB falls to the mat with Cage jumping over him. The third rebound, and KB nails Cage with a kick to the gut. KB positions him and flips!


GOLD: "Blaze just hit Stryker with that front flip piledriver! What a move!"

DANIELS: "KB for the cover!"




























KB is surprised Cage kicked out. He takes a moment to concur with the referee. He then turns his attention back to Cage, who takes advantage and nails KB with a jawbreaker.

DANIELS: "Folks, we've just received notice from the back that Jordan Bryant has a severely sprained ankle and will not be able to defend the CZW Television Title. The powers that be have made the tough decision of STRIPPING Jordan of the belt! Get well soon, JB!"

GOLD: "That's unfortunate."

FARLEY: "So sorry for him. Back to the match!"

Cage has control of KB. He picks him up, and nails him with a strong Fallaway slam. Cage then runs and takes to the top turnbuckle, awaiting KB to stand up. As he does, Cage nails a perfectly placed missile dropkick. Cage with the pin!



























kick out!

Now it's Cage's turn to be surprised. He looks at the ref for a moment, and then realizes what it takes. He smirks to himself and picks up KB. He begins to set him up.

DANIELS: "Cage looking for the Stryker Driver here! He's going to put KB away for good after this!"

As Cage begins to execute the move, KB falls back and avoids the move. Cage is stunned, and turns around. KB with a kick to the gut. KB lifts him up on his shoulders and --



KB with the cover!





























DANIELS: "Cage bites the dust! Surprising."

FARLEY: "Not to me it isn't!"

MASTERS: "Oh you don't know nothing, you old drunk!"

Cage rolls out of the ring, disappointed. KB is looking down at him with a smile on his face. Ronnie takes advantage and gets in the ring. He attacks KB from behind.

GOLD: "That's no way to treat an old partner!"

MASTERS: "Ronnie doesn't have any partners anymore, nor does he want them!"

Ronnie picks up Krimzon Blaze after a stiff kick to the head from behind. He positions him and NAILS the Kiss Of The Rose! The cover!





























DANIELS: "And just like that, Blaze is gone as well!"

FARLEY: "Ronnie made short work of him there, wow."

Ronnie talks trash down to KB, who is pissed off beyond all belief. Ronnie laughs as KB picks up a chair and slams it into the ring post with frustration. Maynard tries to do the same thing Ronnie just did to KB, but Ronnie turns around in time and Maynard is caught red handed. He shrugs off as Ronnie points at him. Ronnie kicks Maynard in the gut and nails a butterfly suplex. Ronnie hollars out to his other War Zone partners, letting them know that is how it is done.

FARLEY: "I've always enjoyed Ronnie's work."

MASTERS: "Me too!"

GOLD: "Yes, but he's wasting time with the showboating!"

Ronnie picks up Maynard and goes for a headlock takedown. Maynard blocks it. Ronnie then has a surprised look on his face when Maynard dumps him with a back suplex. He then picks Ronnie up and nails him hard with a Full nelson slam. Maynard goes for the cover.



























kick out!

DANIELS: "O'Toole with the nearfall there."

FARLEY: "You're a brilliant commentator, you know it?"

MASTERS: "Hey! I'm the only one allowed to talk down to Jarred! You have your own whipping boy."

GOLD: "Excuse me!?"

Maynard picks up Ronnie and nails him with some stiff shots. He throws him to the corner and comes running in, only to find empty space! Ronnie then nails Maynard with a release German suplex out of the corner. Maynard holds his head. Ronnie picks him up, smirks, and nails an STO slam. Ronnie goes for the cover.



























kick out!

DANIELS: "Maynard showing some resiliance!"

Ronnie is showing more frustration now, as he kicks Maynard a few times in the gut. He then picks him up and nails a hard chop. He tosses him to the ropes, and prepares to nail a back body drop. But Maynard kicks him hard in the chest! He then sets him up in a power bomb position, and flexes his muscles for a second. He lifts him up...

GOLD: "Ronnie's about to be sedated!"






























Ronnie rolls out after a moment, very pissed off. Eddie tries to encourage him from the ring apron, but Ronnie flips him off and storms away.

DANIELS: "And Ronnie is PISSED."


Eddie is angry about Ronnie flipping him off, and decides to enter the ring. He runs at Maynard, who was gloating, and levels him with a lariat. He picks Maynard up and nails him with a vertical suplex. He then goes to the outside of the ropes on the apron. He awaits as Maynard slowly gets up. Eddie leaps, springboarding, and nails a clothesline. He goes for the cover.



























kick out!

Eddie picks Maynard up and goes for another vertical suplex. Maynard blocks it and knees Eddie hard in the gut. Maynard then grabs Eddie's hair and slams him back on his back. Maynard goes and tags in Shawn.

DANIELS: "Dream match!"

Shawn waits for Eddie to get up, with Maynard yelling at him for wasting such a position. Eddie nods to Shawn, and they begin to circle each other. They lock up, and it's a stand still for a good moment. Shawn then locks in a headlock. He wrenches with it, until Eddie walks him to the ropes and bounces him off. Eddie nails Shawn with a running dropkick. Shawn falls out onto the floor. Eddie waits, and sees Shawn getting up. He runs, leaps, and NAILS a corkscrew plancha!

DANIELS: "Air Rowan!"

Maynard begins yelling at the ref. As the ref is distracted, the Jackal climbs down and nails Eddie with a hard knee to the kidneys as Eddie was getting back up. Eddie falls, clenching his back. Jackal gets back up before the ref sees.

MASTERS: "Now, normally I'd be all about it, but... that was bullshit!"

FARLEY: "Ha ha."

Jackal jumps back down, picks up Shawn recklessly, and tosses him back in the ring. The ref yells at Jackal, but he didn't techincally do anything wrong. Shawn is back up, and gives Jackal the evil eye. He starts talking trash to him, and walks right up to his face. Maynard is actually trying to get between them.

GOLD: "I am surprised Maynard is being such a team leader here!"

FARLEY: "You shouldn't be. Maynard is a hero."

Shawn shrugs off Jackal, and sees Eddie entering the ring. He nods at Eddie and Eddie nods back. They lock up again, this time Eddie with a headlock. He takes him down. Shawn immediately locks in headscissors. Eddie blocks, lets go, and flips over in a pinning move.



























Shawn flips Eddie's inverted body forward, in another pinning move



























Eddie kicks out. Shawn is up and grabs Eddie, and performs a Magistral cradle!



























Eddie kicks out, and when both men are back up Eddie nails Shawn with a stiff European uppercut. Another one. Again. He then kicks him in the gut, and nails him with a neckbreaker. He hits Shawn with a Manhattan drop... and then a shining wizard kick!


The cover!



























kick out

FARLEY: "That kick took it's toll, though!"

Eddie sees that Shawn is legitimately hurt from the shining wizard. He picks Shawn up and puts him in a fireman's carry...































The Jackal immediately runs in, and Eddie sees it. He grabs Jackal as he runs, and throws him over the top rope! Jackal is out. Eddie goes up to the top rope, but Maynard comes running and pushes him off, with Eddie landing right next to Jackal. Stylez comes running on the apron, and 619 Maynard at the ring post!

GOLD: "All bets are off, we're down to the final four!"

Jackal and Eddie begin brawling as Matt and Maynard are on the other side brawling as well. Jackal takes control of Eddie with a cheap shot, and tosses him back in the ring. Maynard goes to irish whip Matt into the ring post, but Matt reverses!


On the inside of the ring, Jackal has Eddie locked up in a figure four leglock. Eddie is refusing to give up, even though Jackal flops back adding pressure. Eddie inches to the ropes, as Matt makes his way back to his corner. Maynard is down but back up on his knees and holding his head. He eventually goes back to his corner. Eddie reaches the ropes, and the ref forces Jackal to break the hold. He bitches at the ref and then kicks at the fallen Eddie before picking him up. He tosses Eddie to the ropes, but Eddie reverses and nails Jackal with a spinning heel kick on the rebound. Eddie then tags in Matt, who immediately ascends the top rope.

MASTERS: "Matt's about to fly... right into the Jackal's den!"

Matt leaps nails Jackal with a flying, flipping dropkick sending him sprawling into the opposite corner as he was just getting up. Matt runs in and nails Jackal with a kick to the head as he was leaning on the second rope. He drags Jackal into the middle of the ring and goes for the cover.



























kick out.

DANIELS: "The Stylez of old looks to be back, if you ask me!"

FARLEY: "We didn't."

He picks up Jackal and throws him back into the corner. He proceeds to stomp a mudhole into Jackal. Maynard enters the ring to break it up, but Matt sees it and moves. Maynard runs into The Jackal, but Maynard obviously didn't mean to and the Jackal sees that. Maynard leaves the ring and Matt is back on Jackal. He goes for a German suplex, but Jackal reverses. He then nails his own German suplex!


Jackal keeps it locked on, picks Matt back up and hits another.


Jackal keeps it locked on STILL.. and nails a third!! This time with a bridge!

FARLEY: "Hat Trick!"




























DANIELS: "Holy Damn! That last one really knocked him senseless! Damn you, Jackal!"

GOLD: "That's right! I mean... Damn you Jackal!"


MASTERS: "Now Rowan's all alone!"

FARLEY: "And he's going to taste the PAIN."

Jackal smiles as he tells Eddie to bring it. The beaten Eddie has no problems with that as he enters the ring. Jackal backs up into his corner. He turns around to tag in Maynard.. but Maynard literally TAGS him with a stiff right fist! Eddie comes running in with the roll up!




























DANIELS: "AH HO!!! Who's laughing now, bitches!?"


DANIELS: "Sorry."


GOLD: "It's down to our final 2 men!"

Eddie yells at Maynard that he was stupid for that and Maynard just shrugs. They lock up, and Maynard nails him with a kneelift. He then grabs Eddie's arm and wrenches it around. Eddie yells out in pain. After a few moments, Eddie flips forward, flips around, and up and tries to twist Maynard's arm but Maynard stops him with a short-armed clothesline. He goes for the cover.



























kick out

Maynard picks Eddie up and throws him into a corner. He then puts his boot up to Eddie's head and pushes with all of his might. The ref counts him down, but Maynard ignores him. The ref has to physically move Maynard's leg back down. Maynard makes like he was going to hit the ref and he he flinches so bad he falls flat on his back. Maynard smirks and grabs Eddie. He sets him up on the top rope.

DANIELS: "This could be the end!"

Maynard positions Eddie for a superplex, but Eddie begins to fight it off. He eventually overpowers Maynard and Maynard falls to the mat, flat on his back. Eddie seizes the opportunity and leaps!



The pin!






























GOLD: "Damn! What a match!"

FARLEY: "What a crock!"

MASTERS: "Ha, you owe me $50, Michael!"

FARLEY: "Yeah, yeah."

The Winners of the bout... TEAM WAR ZONE!!!

* cZw *


The scene cuts back stage as we see Maynard O'Toole walking back after his match there are a group of people standing there as he walks past he here's a voice.

DD: Hey O'Toole.

Maynard: Yeah what?

DD: Just wanted to say good match and great work holding the IC Title as long as you have done.

Maynard: Thanks man I am tired just had a long brutal match, anything else you need?

DD: Well now you mention it yeah there is you see I have not forgot about what you did to me and Nasty back at the Team Warfare match and you know that really cost us big time and it really to be honest pissed me off more than you know.

Maynard: Well man sorry but that was then why are you still mad.

DD: Cause I don't forget I told you once after you did this there would be a day and a time that I would get my revenge and its now.

Maynard: What are you talking about?

(DD Points behind Mayo, Maynard turns around and see's a relatively large man standing behind him in a mask).

Maynard: One? is that all you can manage DD?

DD: No come on Maynard you should no me better than that by now!

(DD Points beside him and another large man in a mask stands beside him with a crowbar and another man in a mask on the other side of Maynard with a steel chair.)

DD: See Maynard I am going to get my revenge for what you did back at Team Warfare you really made me and Nasty get the shit kicked out of us and that was not COOL.

(DD Nods and the three men start to beat down O'toole, lead pipe to the gut, chair shot to the head, kick to the face, low blow from DD, Otoole bends over in pain, two of the masked men hold O'toole by the arms the third man grabs the chair and cracks it over Otooles head several times until he busts open bleeding, the two men holding Otoole throw him down on the ground and DD hooks the legend lock on him.)

DD: See this is why you do not cross me there will come a time and a place where I will get my revenge don't ever do it again.

(Finally DD lets go of the legend lock.)

DD: See why you don't mess with me enjoy holding this IC Title my friend because its not going to be around your waist much longer.


The feed opens up with Jenny Jacobs standing backstage with "The Human Highlight Reel" Eric Collum, who is not dressed to compete, wearing blue jeans, a T-shirt, and tennis shoes.

Jenny Jacobs: Thanks guys. I'm standing here with Houston native, Eric Collum. Eric, we understand that it was your own personal choice to be pulled from tonight's matchup pitting Team Warzone versus Team Assault in order to better help your city and community in the aftermath of Hurricane Ike. Could you shed some more light on this?

Eric Collum: Well, Jenny, like you said, it was my personal choice not to compete tonight, but some times there are just more important things in life that take precedence over others. Obviously Houston was knocked back on its heels by the recent hurricane, but there are countless men and women working day and night to give as much help as possible to the city.

Jenny Jacobs: Well as you may know, I live just a few hundred miles north in Dallas, and I can personally tell you that it was no picnic there, either. Did you evacuate or did you stay during the storm?

Eric Collum: No, actually I stayed at home throughout the whole thing. It just seemed like a better idea to stay close to home and help out as much as I could. I've never been one to shy away from confrontation, and I think there are a few guys in the back that can attest to that. Of course, there were some people that didn't have a choice, or if they did, then it was a smarter choice to evacuate and stay safe. I can tell you though that it certainly wasn't fun, though. The eye of the storm passed right over my house, and I mean after hours of nothing but hundred mile an hour winds, it just suddenly stopped, and everything was quiet for about an hour and a half, then the wind just slowly started kicking up again until eventually it was just as bad as before.

Jenny Jacobs: We've all seen pictures by now of the aftermath of Ike, especially down on Galveston Island, just off the coast. What about in your neck of the woods? What was the extent of the damage in your neighborhood?

Eric Collum: Well, thankfully, my neighborhood wasn't nearly as torn apart as some of those less fortunate living more along the coast. For the most part, there were just a lot of trees and fences down. There was actually a gas station on Interstate 10 that I noticed was completely under water, I mean all you could see was the roof and the Chevron sign. But uh, other than that, there was really thankfully no damage otherwise to anyone's houses or property.

Jenny Jacobs: I know that there are still quite a few residents in the greater Houston area that are without power. How long were you without it, and what was it like?

Eric Collum: Well, let's see...I was without electricity for I think nine days, and anyone that's been to Houston in the summer, or even early fall, can tell you that Houston with no air conditioning is quite possibly one of the most miserable experiences you could encounter in life, especially with regular temperatures in the low-100's. There are still about 500,000 people or so without power, and some may never even get it back, so folks in Houston are still doing their best to help each other out. I didn't really have time to think about it though, since I spent most of my time out helping out the neighbors. Me and a few close personal friends actually took some chainsaws and went door-to-door, helping folks cut up the bigger trees that had fallen in their yards and on their fences. We also delivered water and food to about four hundred houses in the community, and I personally donated $10,000 worth of gas among some of the less fortunate residents that are, to this day, without power and who have had to resort to using generators. I noticed there were quite a few people doing the same, whether someone in your community needed trees and heavy limbs removed from their powerlines, or debris removed from their yards and rooftops, or even if they just needed some bottled water and canned goods, the city really pulled together to lend a helping hand to anyone that was in need. I actually saw some restaurants like Papa John's Pizza with portable trailers out there serving food the day after the storm to anybody and everybody that needed a helping hand, and they even cut prices dramatically, so they weren't looking to profit.

Jenny Jacobs: I've heard reports of gas shortages and gas stations even raising their prices down there. Any comments on that situation?

Eric Collum: Well obviously the whole gas situation in this country is really getting to be an old issue, and unfortunately there are some folks that don't have a problem taking advantage of others' misfortune. I think there were only a small handful of gas stations that even broke the four dollar mark at the peak of prices earlier this summer, but I saw some others in the past couple of weeks that were charging up to $4.25, and it's really a shame that there are people out there willing to do something like that.

Jenny Jacobs: Absolutely. So now that the worst of the storm is over, when can we expect to see you back inside a CZW ring?

Eric Collum: At this point in time, I would love nothing more than to lace up my boots and step between those ropes. As I said earlier, though, there are some things in life that are more important. Hopefully now that that's out of the way and I've done everything I can to help back at home, you can expect to see me back in the ring raising hell and pissing people off in the very near future.

Jenny Jacobs: Hahah. Well, thanks for your time, Eric, and good luck inside and outside the ring.

Eric Collum: Thank you.

Jenny Jacobs: Back to you, guys.

Eric walks away as the scene cuts back to ringside.




(The cameras cut back from commercial to find the Fed Ex Forum in Memphis in a frenzy. The fans know that this has been the final commercial break of the night, and the next match is the main event World Heavyweight Title Lumberjack match between champion Jesse Montana, and the King of Combat, Thanatos. Cameras pan in on William Masters and Jarred Daniels for commentary prior to the ring announcements..)

DANIELS: "Ladies and gentlemen, this is the one that we have waited for an entire month for. This next match is the culmination of the entire King of Combat tournament, and features the winner, Thanatos from Warzone."

MASTERS: "Jesse Montana should be very careful tonight. Thanatos has shown that he is capable of anything, even consuming souls as we saw in the finals of the King of Combat tournament at Hatewave a month ago. Let's check out that footage."

(Televisions cut to bits from the epic match between Maynard O'Toole and Thanatos during the King of Combat finals, in which Thanatos takes the victory, as well as Maynard's soul. O'Toole has always been a bit different, but still hasn't been quite the same man since consumed by 'The Voodoo Machine'. After the segment finishes, cameras cut back in to Masters and Daniels for additional commentary..)

DANIELS: "Masters, I know you're typically quite the 'hard ass', but I know even you find Thanatos downright scary."

MASTERS: "Jarred, not only do I find Thanatos scary, but capable as well. He is as capable as anyone to give Jesse Montana his second loss in a row, and this match could go either way. Yes, Jesse is a hard-nosed, bad ass son of a bitch, but can anyone reckon with the sheer madness that Thanatos is capable of?"

DANIELS: "No-one knows. However tonight we will find out. We will finally see the anticipated culmination of the King of Combat tournament. Now, as everyone knows, not only is this match for the biggest prize in CzW; the World Heavyweight Championship, but it is also a lumberjack match. Now William, neither one of us, nor anyone period, know of who the lumberjacks are. However, we do know the way in which they were chosen. Do you care to elaborate on that, William?"

MASTERS: "Well it's quite simple. Jesse Montana and Gregory Grantham conviened earlier this week to determine prospective lumberjacks for the match. There were other CzW staff in attendance at the meeting, but which members were and weren't is unknown. The lumberjacks will consist of CzW superstars, as well as the possiblity of a wild card or two as well. We has also learned that, much to the dismay of Jesse Montana, Gregory Grantham's name was put in contention to be a lumberjack for this match."

DANIELS: "And everyone knows what happened the last time that Gregory Grantham and Jesse Montana met up together inside of a CzW arena, the instant classic 'Red, White and Blue' match 2 weeks ago at Warzone in which Grantham came out victorious."

(After mention of the 'Red, White and Blue' match between the two forementioned competitors, televisions cut to footage from that very match that took place on September 11th from Warzone in Atlanta Georgia. The epic battle was very intense and well contested, until Thanatos made an appearance at the event and used mind control over Maynard O'Toole, causing Maynard to throw in the white towel after Grantham has bruised and bloodied Jesse Montana. The crowd in the Fed Ex Forum cheers loudly as they watch the replay on the jumbotron of Gregory Grantham pinning Jesse Montana, giving him a rare loss..)

DANIELS: "As you can tell from our crowd here tonight at the Forum, fans were thrilled to see Montana take a loss a couple of weeks ago at Warzone."

MASTERS: "Yes. Fans were thrilled to see Jesse Montana lose to his arch-nemesis and crowd pleaser of late, Gregory Grantham; but how will fans react if Thanatos is the one who defeats Jesse Montana tonight for the CzW World Heavyweight Championship?"

DANIELS: "Well Masters, as you know, I am not a betting man. However, if I was, I would bet that the fans would cheer for anyone who manages to de-throne Jesse Montana. Hell, I bet they would cheer if Rave magically appeared and took the belt from Montana, after all, Montana did edge out Rave recently to become the 'Most Hated Superstar in CzW History'."

MASTERS: "True, true. Be that as it may, the time has now come for us to hand it off to Jessica Towers who has the annoucement of the Lumberjacks first, and then the two competitors in this, tonights' main event for CzW Extreme Intervention!!"

(The fans all come to a rise on their feet as Jessica Towers is now at center ring, looking around at all of them with that desirable gleam in her eye. She waves to all sides of the arena as the house lights dim and she brings the CzW microphone to speaking position...)

TOWERS: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN! It is now time for the main event of CZW 'EXTREME INTERVENTION!"

(The crowd continues to cheer loudly as Jessica Towers begins to announce the Main Event..)

TOWERS: "Tonights' main event match is a Lumberjack match scheduled for one fall, and is for the CzW World Heavyweight Championship! I will announce first the team of 8 lumberjacks chosen earlier today by random drawing. I will announce the lumberjacks in pairs, and the two announced together will man one side of the ring side by side. Our first pair of lumberjacks for the night are...The Jackal and Mack Beaudin!!!"

(The crowd cheers at the annoucement of the rules and the first pair of lumberjacks! The theme to CzW Assault comes over the P.A. System as the two rival competitors walk out from behind the entrance curtain and onto the ramp. They walk down to the arena very catiously, each one staring the other down to make sure nothing happens. Mack mouths something at The Jackal, who responds with light laughter as they make their way down to the arena. The referee greets them on their side of the ring. The ref begins talking to each of them calmly as Daniels and Masters offer commentary on the first pairing..)

DANIELS: "Wow! What an interesting first pair of lumberjacks for tonight's match. The Jackal and Mack Beaudin have a hell of history between the two of them, however short it may be."

MASTERS: "One thing is for sure though, they both hate Jesse Montana, even above their hate for each other. This first pairing does not bode well for the World Heavyweight Champion."

(Towers prepares to speak again in the ring..)

TOWERS: "The second pairing of lumberjacks for this main event will be...RONNIE MCNEIL AND KRIS KASH!!!"

(The crowd goes insane as the old 'Team X-Ellence' theme music hits throughout the arena, along with the now-vintage footage of Team Xellence in their hay-day. Ronnie McNeil and Kris Kash both make their way from beyond the entrance curtain and out onto the ramp, walking down to their side of the ring, all the while keeping a close eye on one another. The fans chant 'Xellence!' throughout the arena, but to no avail as the team is dead, and the bad blood still abounds from that parting, as McNeil and Kash share heated words on the way down to the ring. Their words almost turn into a physical altercation before the CzW referee comes and breaks it up...)

MASTERS: "There is absolutley no way that these two will be able to co-exist during this matchup."

DANIELS: "I agree with you 100% Masters. I think there is a second match brewing OUTSIDE of the ring between these two former friends. We all remember the bitter split between Team X-Ellence, and especially between these two. Hell, we haven't seen Kris Kash in or near a CzW ring in MONTHS!! He completley disappeared after his altercations with McNeil, as well as former tag-team partner Eric Collum."

MASTERS: "Lucky for him, Eric Collum is in Houston tonight dealing with the aftermath of Hurricane Ike."

DANIELS: "Our thoughts and prayers are surely with him in this time. Let's go back out to Jessica Towers who is in the ring, ready to announce our third pairing of lumberjacks."

(Cameras return to Jessica Towers as she announces the third pair of lumberjacks..)

TOWERS: "The third pair of lumberjacks for the night will be.....Rave and Shawn Waters!"

(The crowd screams in favor as Shawn Waters' theme music plays over the P.A. system throughout the arena, all the while wondering of the announcement of Rave returning as a lumberjack. Shawn Waters first appears from beyond the curtain alone and looks around for Rave. He waits a moment and then continues on towards the ring, shrugging his shoulders. He gets almost all the way to his designated side of the arena when Rave's theme hits throughout the arena! The crowds reaction takes a '180', as Rave makes his appearance at the top of the ramp! They boo loudly as Rave walks down to the ring in a cocky demeanor. He approaches the ring and casts a look of disdain towards the other 3 men currently surrounding it, and climbs into the ring himself. He looks at Jessica Towers and reaches out his hand, demanding the mic. She hands it to him and steps to the side as his music fades and he prepares to speak. The fans cheer 'f**k RAVE!' in the background...)

RAVE: "All of you people can just shut up already!"

(The fans boo loudly once again and continue their chants, showing a serious lack of favor towards the former CzW competitor..)

RAVE: "You know, I was ousted from the CzW unfairly, and tonight I was glad that Warzone General Manager Gregory Grantham invited me back to be a lumberjack in this match. Ever since I was terminated wrongfully by then-General Manager Alan Fiscus, I have been so pissed. I have wanted to come and beat the hell out of Alan Fiscus, a beating which he deserves. But now, my anger has turned towards Jesse Montana, as well as you fans!"

(The boos now are accentuated as Rave mentions his disdain for the fans..)

RAVE: "Last month at Hatewave, a vote was held. One of these votes were concerning the most hated superstar in CzW history. Now, it was never my wish to be hated here, it was never my priority. However, somehow all of you fans were brainwashed into thinking that I should be hated for stating the obvious. Now some may call it 'whining', 'bitching', 'complaining', so on and so forth; the things that I stated, however that's just not the case. You see, I was wrongfully terminated. I asked for, and was granted a leave of abscence. When I came back, I was told that I had no job. All of the hard work I had done here went to waste! I was undefeated. And now to make matters worse, Jesse Montana beat me in the voting to be the most hated man in CzW history. I just want something for people to remember me by! This isn't fair!"

(Rave continues to say 'This isn't fair! This isn't fair!' into the microphone as the fans grow weary and begin to boo. Shawn Waters, The Jackal and Mack Beaudin are all looking at one another in some sort of confusion; along with the referee who is wondering just what to do. As the four of them, Jessica Towers, and everyone in attendance ponders the mental state of Rave, "Aye Julian" by Meriwether hits throughout the arena, as well as a new Gregory Grantham video on the tron. The fans go insane!!)

DANIELS: "We knew that Gregory Grantham would be unveiling a new entrance soon, so here it is at 'Extreme Intervention'!"

(Gregory Grantham appears from beyond the curtain with a CzW microphone already in hand. He is shaking his head slowly from left to right in apparent dissaproval of Rave, all the while looking in his direction and chuckling. The fans chant his name as he motions for them to quiet down, preparing to speak as his new music fades...)

GRANTHAM: "Rave...Rave...Rave. My, my, you are one troubled soul. I honestly had no idea that your name would come out of the hat tonight, but I am glad it did. You see, the only reason that I put your name into consideration to be a lumberjack for this match is because I wanted to bring you here to show you that we here at CzW truly appreciate your sacrifices for the company."

(Rave looks around in confusion although he lets his guard down, allowing a false sense of appreciation to creep into his mind. Rave responds to Grantham in his microphone..)

RAVE: "You mean that?"

GRANTHAM: "Absolutley I do. You see, I wasn't General Manager when all of that stuff went down with you, and frankly, it would have been different if I was. I wanted to apologize to you personally tonight on behalf of the CzW on the way your termination was handled. In fact, I want to extend to you a contract offer to Warzone."

RAVE: "Oh my God! I knew someone would appreciate all of the sacrifices that I have made for this company. You know, I have heard good things about you Grantham, but I never knew you were this smart of a man. I'll do anything to be on your roster, anything at all. Just name it."

GRANTHAM: "All you have to do, Rave; is win a simple match."

RAVE: "When and where? Just tell me?"

GRANTHAM: "Right here and now, Rave. You see, now that I am General Manager, I can sanction a match at anytime I want, anywhere I want. So tonight, your shot at a contract lies in your ability to win a simple match....against ALL 5 OF THE OTHER LUMBERJACKS YOU SEE AROUND YOU WITH ME AS YOUR REFEREE!!"

(Rave drops his microphone in shock, looking around at the 5 men who surround the ring. The lumberjacks quickly look at each other in contemplation before simultaniously deciding to 'Carpe Diem' Rave, and kick his ass. They all climb into the ring at once and begin to pummel the cast-away superstar as Gregory Grantham yells out above the commotion as he climbs into the ring..)


(Grantham throws down his microphone and the bell is rung at his command as the beating at center ring of Rave continues. Masters and Daniels offer their commentary in the background of the violence, hardly audible above the crowds' roar...)

DANIELS: "Oh my God! The turn of events here in CzW never cease to amaze me! Here we were just listening to Rave complain once again, and now he is in a match for a CzW contract!"

MASTERS: "It's too bad that this 'match', if you can call it that, is a match to no-where. In fact, this isn't a match at all. This is just a way that Grantham can flat out embarass Rave within the bylaws of CzW."

DANIELS: "They don't call him the Smartest Man in the Business for nothing, Masters."

(The beating of Rave continues at center ring before Grantham calls for all 5 of the men to get a piece of the cover as the he announces the 3 count..)




(The bell rings as Grantham directs the lumberjacks back to the outside of the ring. He picks back up the microphone that he dislodged only moments ago upon entering the ring to referee the 'match' between Rave and 5 CzW Superstars...)

GRANTHAM: "Well Rave. This is just too bad. I gave you a fair shot at a contract, and looks like all that 'hard work' you did way back when got you nowhere. You just aren't good enough for our standards here in the CzW."

(He pauses, looking down at the bloodied and beaten man below him...)

GRANTHAM: "Come get him medics!"

(Medical staff comes rushing down the entrance ramp momentarily and begins to help Rave out of the area. Grantham looks on, laughing at Rave, as the audience cheers him on. They also begin to sing out to Rave as the medics help him out of the arena...)


(The fans wait in anticpation to see the final pair of lumberjacks for the 'Extreme Intervention' Main Event..)

TOWERS: "The final pair of lumberjacks for this evenings main event World Heavyweight Title match between Jesse Montana and Thanatos is........GREGORY GRANTHAM AND MAYNARD O'TOOLE!!!"

(Maynard's theme music by the rock band Tool comes over the P.A. system and is met with pours of boos. The Intercontinental Champion comes out onto the entrance ramp and waves off the boos cockily, wearing the I.C. Belt over his shoulder. He walks slowly out to the ring, staring down Grantham all the while..)

DANIELS: "The former stable-mates will now serve as lumberjacks together!"

MASTERS: "This is a quick recipe for disaster, Jarred. You have Grantham, who single handedly screwed over his former tag-team partner Maynard O'Toole and Jesse Montana by causing the collapse of The Upstarts faction; as well as Maynard who hates Grantham and who lost to Thanatos in the King Of Combat finals!"

DANIELS: "And one has to ponder if Thanatos still has any control over Maynard's soul! Hell, I don't even think O'Toole knows!"
(Before the show continues, Towers kneels down to announce the competitors… Grantham says something to Jessica. She knods in approval before raising and talking once again.)

TOWERS:”As you notice, We only have SEVEN Lumberjacks. Therefore, We are issuing an open invitation to any superstar that thinks they can fill the…

(Before she can finish “Psychosocial” blares over the P.A. system and Matt Stylez appears atop the ramp. The other lumberjacks look on in dismay as Stylez runs ringside and slides into the ring. Making a quick smirk at Grantham and the rest of the lumberjacks, He plays to the crowd who erupt into applause. Stylez drops down and smiles as he looks at Grantham and motions “The belt belongs to me” before dropping down and taking a spot as a lumberjack.)

(The lights in the arena cut off. The crowd is drowned out with darkness, as cameras frantically snap, and screams fill the air. "This House is Haunted" by Alice Cooper blares over the loudspeakers and a thick smoke billows around the entryway. As powerful strobes turn on, "The Voodoo King" Thanatos emerges.)

TOWERS: "Introducing the challenger........From Chicago, Illinois.......Weighing in at 285 lbs.....He is the 2008 KING OF COMBAT........THE VOODOO KING........THANATOS!

(Cloaked in black, he heads to the ring. Thanatos is wearing his traditional necklace and face paint, but now atop his head sits a Crown of Bones. In one hand he carries a scepter, with a skull on the top. He enters the ring and removes his cloak and crown. He then positions himself in one corner, and awaits the Champion.)

TOWERS: "And his opponent......."

("For Whom The Bell Tolls" by Metallica blasts through the loudspeakers as boos erupt through the arena. Out walks Jesse Montana holding his Heavyweight Title on his shoulder.)

TOWERS: "He is the World Heavyweight Champion and the Assault General Manager.........From Miami, Florida.........weighing in a 230 lbs.........THE SENSATION..........JESSE MONTANA!"

(Jesse firmly keeps a grip on his title with one arm as he stares at Thanatos, not minding the lumberjacks who are staring right through him. He slowly walks down the ramp keeping his eyes on Thanatos who is beginning to show a evil grin on his face. Jesse reaches the ring steps and gets inside the ring. The crowd begins to applaud at the sight of Jesse and Thanatos in the same ring with the lumberjacks surrounding them. Jesse keeps his eyes on his opponent as he hands the referee his title. The referee raises the title with both arms and shows it off on all four sides of the ring as the crowd erupts in cheers.)

The Bell rings.

(The two men step up to each other with fear far from there minds. Face to face, they continue to stare holes through each others eyes as the lumberjacks outside await the first move. But without warning, Jesse slaps Thanatos square in the jaw as the crowd gasps. Thanatos looks at Jesse with a blank face as he grabs his jaw. Thanatos laughs as he taunts Jesse to bring it. But again, without any hesitation, Jesse erupts into a fury of chops and punches. Each one landing harder than the last one.)

(Thanatos covers is face with his arms as he falls back on the turnbuckle. The referee breaks them up as Jesse walks back. Thanatos quickly recovers and attempts a clothesline behind Jesse's back, but Jesse quickly rolls out of the way and dropkicks Thanatos' knee. Jesse is quick on the assault with forearms to the back of Thanatos' head. In desperation, Thanatos leans on the ropes telling the referee to break them up. The referee gets in between the two men and separates them once again. Montana steps back with his hands in the air as Thanatos slowly recovers on the ropes. Jesse sees his opponent leaning on the ropes and quickly takes advantage. The champ quickly runs towards Thanatos and dropkicks him sending the challenger falling outside the ring towards The Jackal and Mack.)

(The Jackal and Mack Beaudin waste no time in attacking Thanatos who is covering his face with his arms. Seconds later they raises him up to his feet and roll him into the ring as Jesse quickly goes for the pin.)

Pin. Kick out.

(Jesse looks at the referee with hatred as he raises Thanatos to his feet. He knees the challenger in the gut and Irish whips him into the ropes but Thanatos reverses the whip, sending Jesse running towards the ropes. Jesse slingshots back attempting a hurricanrana but Thanatos quickly catches him with Powerbomb!)

(Thanatos does not waste time pinning, using the seconds he has to gain back his stamina. Jesse slowly gets up to one knee. The challenger sees this and quickly sends the Champion back on the ground with a boot to the head. Thanatos drags his opponent to the corner of the ring and leans him on the turnbuckle. He walks to the opposite corner and waits for Jesse to get to his feet.)

(Slowly Jesse gets to his feet as Thanatos runs towards him at full speed. Montana sees Thanatos long enough to quickly move out of the way. But Thanatos quickly puts on the brakes. Jesse turns around to see Thanatos right behind him. Montana goes for a forearm but the challenger blocks and clotheslines the champ out of the ring towards Shawn Waters!)

(Waters looks at Jesse who is on the ground. Montana uses Shawn's pants as leverage to get to his feet as Waters helps him up. Jesse finally gets to his feet as Waters brushes Jesse's shoulder. But without warning, Shawn kicks Jesse in the gut and nails him with a Snap DDT!)

(The crowd erupts in cheers as Shawn drags Jesse towards the ring and rolls him onto the canvas. Thanatos quickly takes advantage and goes for the cover!)

Pin. Kick out.

(Thanatos grabs his head in disbelief as he gets to his feet. He raises the Champ back up to his and irish whips him towards to opposite side of the ropes. Jesse bounces back with a Tornado DDT and quickly goes for the Pin!)

Pin Kick out.

(Jesse waists no time getting to his feet as he heads for the turnbuckle. He climbs up the turnbuckle as the crowd arise from their seats. He waits for Thanatos to get to his feet.)

(As soon as the challenger stands up, Jesse launches towards Thanatos attempting a Missile Dropkick and connects!)

(Montana goes for the pin!)

Pin. Kick out.

(Jesse, in desperation, walks over to Maynard O'Toole and signals him to check under the ring. Maynard looks at Grantham with a smirk on his face as he pulls out a Chair and throws it in the ring.)

(Maynard and Grantham stare each other down as Jesse grabs the chair and walks over to Thanatos. But just before Jesse can put a hand on Thanatos, He grabs Jesse's tights and launches him over the ropes towards Ronnie McNeil and Kris Kash!)

(McNeil and Kash simultaneously pounce on the wounded Montana, as if to agree on one thing. McNeil looks at Kash as he delivers a thunderous chop to Montana's chest. Kash looks back at McNeil and delivers an even harder chop to the chest of the Champion. The two continue to compete against each other before Montana falls to the floor.)

(McNeil grabs Montana and knees him in the gut before rolling him into the ring.)

(Thanatos grabs the chair that Jesse dropped and begins to hit Jesse repeatedly with chair shot after chair shot!)

(Thanatos drops the chair and goes for the pin!)

Pin. Kick Out.

(The Voodoo King becomes impatient and quickly locks Montana in a Rear Naked Choke!)

(The referee gets up to Montana's face and asks if he wants to quit. Jesse quickly responds by waving his finger.)

(Jesse attempts to roll Thanatos so that he can reach for the ropes with his legs but The Voodoo Machine quickly tightens his hold even harder! The referee asks Jesse once more if he'll quit. But still Montana refuses to give up! Slowly, Montana gains a little leverage and rolls Thanatos on his back. Jesse tries to reach for the ropes but they are still too far away. All hope seems lost for Montana as his eyes begin to slowly roll behind his eyes.)

(Noticing that the champ is not struggling anymore, Thanatos begins to tighten his grip even more. The referee looks at the situation and raises Montana's hand and lets it go.)


(Thanatos tightens his grip even more as the referee raises Montana's arm once more and lets it go.)


(Thanatos begins to grind his teeth with the amount of pressure he has on the hold. The referee raises Montana's hand one last time and lets it go. But before it could drop, Maynard O'Toole kicks Thanatos in the head and breaks up the lock!)

(Grantham quickly slides in the ring and forearms Maynard in the back of the head. Maynard and Grantham begin to brawl outside of the ring, until the two factions are separated. The momentarily distraction giving The Champion just enough time to regain composure. Thanatos stumbles to his feet, murmering something toward Maynard, but turns around a split second too late and is caught with a missile dropkick right to the abdomen. He falls from the ring, through the middle turnbuckle, and is immediately jumped by the SoS crew. They throw him back in while Montana watches on with a sly grin. The camera pans around the lumberjacks as Jesse locks in a camel clutch on the injured Thanatos. The lumberjacks are watching intensely, In the far corner… You see Matt Stylez and Shawn Waters talking. Stylez has his arms crossed and is nodding in approval.)

DANIELS:”What is going on over there? Is there some sort of conspiracy brewing?”

MASTERS:”Who the hell cares, Montana is about to win this match”

(As the camera starts to pan away, Suddenly it jerks back onto the two that were talking and Shawn Waters is nowhere to be seen. The camera checks from another angle, and sure enough… Stylez catches Waters with a High Style for no apparent reason. Stylez smirks, tugging on his hair as if going insane. Jesse Montana witnessed the blow and begins to laugh. He breaks the Camel Clutch and walks to the edge of the ring to mock Waters. Unintentionally, Stylez standing there locks eyes with Montana. The other lumberjacks have now began to brawl with each other. Toole and Grantham, Kash, Ronnie, Mack and Jackal all beating the tar from each other. Stylez moves his hands along his waist telling Montana the belt is his and Jesse points at it shouting “Read the label”. Thanatos has managed to get to his feet, Stylez twirls his finger as if saying “Turn around” and then he laughs. Jesse turns and is face to face with Thanatos. Jesse back bumps in fear and then jumps up. Stylez has his attention drawn to Jackal, Mack, Kash, and McNeil all fighting ringside… He takes off runs up the barricade and moonsaults onto them knocking all men to the ground. Suddenly, Hell breaks loose and while Montana and Thanatos begin to trade punches… Thanatos with the clear upperhand… The locker room clears out and just about every person from every brand is ringside beating the tar out of someone from the opposite brand. Thanatos ducks a stray punch and nails Montana with The Abyss!!!! Instead of going for the finish he ncharacteristically climbs the turnbuckle. He looks at Montana and closes his eyes, raising his hands into the air and beginning to speak in tongues. Jesse has stumbled to his feet, Thanatos opens his eyes, a fire burning inside them, and then leaps to the unexpecting Jesse.)


DANIELS:”Oh My God.!! Montana EXPRESS!!!”

(Sure enough, Jesse hit the incoming Thanatos with the Montana Express. Both men laid out on the ground. Jesse begins to stir… crawls….





























DANIELS:”He’s done it! He’s done it! Damnit he retained!”

(Jesse lays on the ground as the referee is afraid to retrieve the belt, because of how the locker room has cleared and is now beating the living hell out of their other brand counterpart. The CZW logo appears on the screen as the show ends in a high state of chaos.)

The winner.. and _STILL_ CZW World Heavyweight Champion... JESSE MONTANA!!!!

* cZw *


* cZw! *


©2008 CZW-EFED /All rights reserved.