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Boston ****************************************************************************************************************************************************

-The pay per view has yet to get underway but the fans are ready for some action. They have witnessed a few pre-PPV promotions and they see Jessica Towers take a mic into the ring. They all cheer and look on with excitement wondering if anything is going to happen. She then promptly begins to talk-

TOWERS: "This match is scheduled for ONE FALL. Introducing first … MARK STRIKER!"

-The fans reaction change when they realize it's nobody they really know and an unfamiliar song, "IN THE END" by LINKIN PARK, blares over the P.A. a new guy appears and makes his way to the ring very serious and slides in doing some stretches-

TOWERS: "His opponent.... RONNIE McNEIL!!!"

-"REMEMBER THE NAME" blares and the fans cheer ready for some action. Ronnie appears and does a pose before sprinting down to the ring and sliding in. He immediately assaults Striker with a vicious clothesline. Matt gets up and is met with a right hand to the face. This continues for a few series until Striker can't get up. Ronnie does a powerful pose and then delivers an elbow drop to the downed opponent. He picks up Striker who shows a surge of life with a few right hooks to the mid section. Ronnie then delivers another right hook to the face of Striker who loses all signs of life. Ronnie then picks Striker from the mat and does a High Angle Spinebuster. He then locks in a strong armbar to institute some pain. He releases after a few unsuccessful seconds and stands up playing to the crowd. Striker gets to his feet and then runs at Ronnie trying to hit with a double-axe handle punch, but Ronnie kicks matt in the gut and then throws his hands into the air. He laughs a little as he sets up his finisher. Striker struggles to get out but soon enough Ronnie nails the "Legacy Made" on Striker and covers him-

Referee- 1…….2……..3….


-Ronnie stands up and plays to the crowd and then leans down to Striker yelling "That's how it's done". All the sudden another man runs down the ramp and slides in, startling McNeil. The guy hovers over Striker looking at McNeil telling him to back off. The mans utterly huge and McNeil slowly exits the ring posing while his music plays. He walks on up the ramp and into the back and The man pulls Striker out and carries Striker out on his shoulder. They exit the arena and the show gets ready to begin-


(The first scene once CZW goes on the air, is The Zodiac Thrilla, sitting on the front steps of the Portland Auditorium. He is wearing his San Francisco Giants customized jersey, baggy jeans, and a pair of Jugz. His hair is out in an afro. He is also wearing the CZW World Heavyweight title around his waist)

ZODIAC: "In about 3 hours... There is goin' to be a spectacle. There is going to be an event bursting with violence. Shrouded with revenge and desire. One man... wants the king's crown. He wants the top spot, and with it... the spoils. The other man... he wants to KEEP dat crown... and exact revenge for the other's dirty deeds. It's gonna be like two magnets being forced together. It's gonna be a mad house. It's gonna be a WAR. And there can be only one winner. Who's it gonna be, Caleb? Is it gonna be you, with your muscles... your barbarian henchmen... your ever-lovin' desire to be a DICK and a JACKASS to everyone you come in contact with?"

ZODIAC: "Or is it gonna be me... the already PROVEN Champion... the Superstar without a Scar. The skills, the gifts... I ain't here to be no role model, Caleb. I don't ASK for the fans to like me. They just do because that's human nature... to go with who you think is da best. I am da best, Caleb. You can gang up on me, beat me bloody.. but what you can't kill... you only make it stronga. and PISSED OFF. You comin' for the da belt tonight... well I'm goin' for da THROAT. Death Row ain't nuthin' ta f**k wit'."

"BELEE' DAT!" ******************************************************************************************************

("HIGHWAY TO HELL" begins to play as large fireworks begin going off)

** BOOM! ** BOOM! ** BOOM! (The camera pans around to show the sold out Portland audience for cZw's first ever pay-per-view, 'EVIL INTENTIONS')

DANIELS: "Hello everybody, this is Jarred Daniels alongside William Masters, welcoming you to Portland... welcoming you to EVIL INTENTIONS!!!!!!"

(Crowd cheers loudly)

MASTERS: "Tonight we are going to see ten men try and grab a suitcase with the Money In the Bank stipulations inside. We are going to see a falls count anywhere X title match between El Pablo and Adam Swinger... We will be seeing a four way dance of death Tag Titles match with the fourth team still remaining a mystery... We will see Ace King fight Mack Beaudin in a Intercontinental Title Match..."

DANIELS: "And then, one half of our double main event... Arashavin, Sawyer, Timmons, Montana, and Stylez... the HIGHWAY TO HELL #1 Contender's elimination match!"

MASTERS: "Don't interrupt me, Jarred! I oughta smack you across the face! And in the PPV finale... We will see Caleb Walker fight The Zodiac Thrilla... for the CZW World Heavyweight Championship!"

DANIELS: "Now we've been hearing the rumors just like everyone else... people in the back, fans with internet access... As of right now, we do not have an official word on the status of Haywire as GM, or as his position as the special guest referee for the World Title bout."

MASTERS: "Believe me, Jarred, Haywire is GONE from the CZW! I have very reliable sources within this company... I've got pull you see..."

DANIELS: "Oh you've got pull? you've got stroke?"

MASTERS: "Damn straight I do!"

DANIELS: "Well then why can't you get us a better booth location!!"

MASTERS: "...."

DANIELS: "Oh you fool! Let's get on with the show!"




The scene is showing Jesse Montana sitting down his leather sofa inside his locker room. He seems to be talking but knowone else is there. Then the camera shows him talking on the phone to a mystery person. He keeps on looking around to make sure no body is listening out the room but all is tranquil. We catch part of the conversation.

"It is going to blast everyone away"

"Yeah exactly, I mean I kept saying Upstarts always have something up their sleeve"

"Hey, I know, you are going to impress everyone"

"Mack is excited too, he can't wait to give you a shirt"

"Yeah, Mack came up with the name"

"I know, I like it too"

"We are, we are eventually going to own all the Gold"

"I don't know about that, if you prove to me and the World then maybe..."

"I like your attitude"

"Yeah you too"

"Yeah this is going to kick ass, once you come in, we will be in great position to take over CZW"


The camera shows Jesse put his phone away as he smiles. He gets up and gets his phone out again. He leaves the room making another mysterious phone call as the scene fades.-




(The scene cuts to the back stage area, which shows a badly beaten and unconcious Kevin Kbango laid out with his head propped up by the concrete wall. The camera zooms down at him, and shows that he is bleeding from his nose and his mouth. The camera pans out to show on the left side, a man holding a steel chair... who apparently just attacked the Australian Sensation. He is a bald man with an insane look in his eyes. He is Earl Swisher. As he stares down at Kevin with bloodlust in his eyes, he speaks)

SWISHER: "I may have came in a little too late to be a part of that Money In the Bank match... but at least I knocked your aussie ass out of commission, taking away your chances as well. NO ONE likes you here, Kevin. I just barely walked in the door and I knew that. So get the hell out of the CZW, or you're in for a lot more than just this. Earl Swisher is here!"

(Swisher throws down the steel chair, and walks off. The camera goes back to Kevin, and slowly zooms in before cutting back to Daniels and Masters)

MASTERS: "What do you think of that!?"

DANIELS: "I think Earl Swisher just introduced himself to the CZW!"

MASTERS: "and I think Kevin Kbango... just said goodbye!"




TOWERS: "Ladies and gentlemen, it is time for our first PPV bout!"

(The crowd cheer)

TOWERS: "This is a Money in the Bank Ladder match involving ten participants! Introducing first..."

("FOLLOW" by BREAKING BENJAMIN begins to plays over the PA)

TOWERS: "Hailing from Montreal, Quebec... weighing in at 225 lbs.... TEO!!!!!"

(Teo quickly makes his way to ring, observing the tables and the briefcase hanging in the center)

TOWERS: "And next, from Sydney, Australia..... KEVIN KBANGO!!!!!"

(No one comes out, and everyone waits for a few moments. After a minute, Jessica moves on)

TOWERS: "And next.... hailing from Buffalo.... 'IRISH' IAN CHADWICK!!!!!"

("TUBTHUMPING" plays as the crowd cheers for Ian. He makes his way down to the ring, high fiving fans on the way)

TOWERS: "Next... from Black Mist, Maine... THE IMPALER!!!!!"

(Impaler storms out as "EVOLUTION" by KORN plays. The crowd don't really know how to react, and he goes right for the ring)

TOWERS: "Next from San Antonio, Texas... weighing in at 235 lbs....THOMAS SHOCK!!!!!"

("GET BACK" by LUDACRIS plays as Shock makes his way down to the ring)

TOWERS: "Hailing from Lisbon, Portugal.... here is DANTE SPARDA!!!!!"

("OTHERWORLD" plays as the mysterious Dante calmly walks to the ring)

TOWERS: "Next, hailing from Glasgow, Scotland... CHRIS DEE!!!!!"

("CRUSHCRUSHCRUSH" by PARAMORE plays as Chris runs down to the ring, ignoring the fans)

TOWERS: "Next, hailing from Sydney... SHAWN WATERS!!!!!"

("WE ARE GODZILLA - YOU ARE JAPAN" plays as Shawn walks down to the ring, with his hair in a ponytail)

TOWERS: "And next... weighing in at 370 pounds... NICKY 'BIG DAWG' VITALE!!!!!"

("GIMMIE BACK MY BULLETS" plays as Nicky drives a harley down to the ring. He stops, and gets off. An attendant then drives the harley back, keeping it out of harm's way)

TOWERS: "And lastly.... coming in from Calgary... 'PRIME TIME' CHRISTIAN CAMPBELL!!!!!"

("SOMEWHERE I BELONG" plays as Christian comes down, sans Victoria. He means business)

-The bell rings and all 9 superstars are looking around at each other. None make the first move until Ian Chadwick pushes Thomas Shock right into Impaler. Impaler turns his head sideways and military lifts Thomas Shock into the air. Thomas tries to wriggle free but Impaler launches Thomas Shock over the top rope. He lands on the commentator table and the table crashes to the floor. Shock lays on the ground holding his arm and chest. Meanwhile, Chadwick and Waters seem to be working together as they begin to lay waste to Chris Dee. Dee falls to one knee following the kicking assault by the two men, and soon falls to the mat as Chadwick and Waters both stomp the living piss out of Dee. Both men, completely engulfed by the beat down they are delivering, fail to see Nicky Vitale come behind with a massive lariat sending both men out of the ring. Dee struggles to his feet and turns to to thank Vitale, who smirks and kicks Dee in the gut. Dee holds his abdoment but Vitale immediately delivers a brutal Bronx Bomber to Dee over the top rope and onto the concrete. Dee lays motionless after the massive powerbomb. Chadwick and Waters are back to their feet and look into the ring to see Vitale and Impaler beginning to trade blows. Campbell and Teo are doing the same in the corner with Teo holding the slight upperhand. Campbell is trapped in the corner and Teo begins to deliver a swift mudhole stomping to the sternum of Campbell. Teo then motions to the crowd but his momentary lapse in concentration of the match results in him flying over the top rope due to a Ian Chadwick drop kick. Chadwick then springboards over the rope onto Teo who was getting to his feet. The men both lay in pain-

DANIELS: "This is CRAZY!!! I don't know where to look!!!"

-Impaler and Vitale and trading blows in the other corner, but Dante Sparda is outside the ring watching. Sparda seems to be playing it smart and watches the two other big men fight it out in the corner. He does fail to notice Waters on the top turnbuckle. When Sparda does see it, it's far too late because Waters has moon saulted from the turnbuckle onto Sparda and both men crash to the ground. Campbell is back on his feet in the ring and slides out of the ring with Teo and Chadwick. All the men trade punches with one another until finally Teo gets the worst end of the stick, when Chadwick and Campbell both smash his face into the blockade. They do this four or five times until Teo falls back on the concrete. Then Campbell and Chadwick go at each other. Chadwick breaks the grapple with a kick to Campbell's knee and then performs a snap suplex right on top of Teo. Impaler and Vitale are now both outside of the ring and still going at each other. Impaler with the slight upperhand and he sends Vitale with an irish whip into the stands. Impaler goes over after him and the two trade blows outside the ring confines as security blocks the fans off. Waters is mounted on Sparda at this point delivering lefts and rights wearing down the big man. Shock is back on his feet but in serious pain, as well is Dee. Those two men begin to fight it out near the commentator booth. Soon enough their battle goes into the stands and up a stairway-

MASTERS: "Where the hell are they going?"

DANIELS: "They don't seem to know where they are. They are gone… We may need to get a camera crew to follow them. We'll get an update once we get back with them."

-The two men had gone into the main halls of the arena, but no camera was there to follow the action. Teo, Campbell, and Chadwick are all in the ring now - but this time they have a ladder. Chadwick had started to climb the ladder while the commotion with Shock and Dee was going on, but now Teo and Campbell realize it and both rush the ladder knocking it over. The ladder bounces off the rope sending Chadwick to the outside of the ring and on top of Waters who was pounding away at Sparda. The three men lay there in pain and Campbell and Teo battle it out in the ring for the ladder rights with swift chops to each other. Impaler seemed to have disposed of Vitale because Impaler returns to the ring but Vitale is nowhere to be found. A camera man finally finds Vitale, who is laying next to the barricade completely busted open and not moving. Impaler enters the ring and grabs both Campbell and Teo. He delivers a prompt double chokeslam and then begins to set the ladder up for himself. He begins to climb and is at the top rung of the ladder when Waters and Chadwick enter the ring. Chadwick delivers a drop kick to the ladder knocking it out from under Impaler and sending him crashing into the mat. Impaler lands belly to belly with Teo as he bounces off the mat. Chadwick and Waters, instead of assaulting each other, each begin to attack the downed opponents. Waters grabs the legs of Campbell and locks him in the Shawnshooter. Campbell taps ferociously but since there is no tap out, there is no saving him-

DANIELS: "He is tapping out! If this were a regular match it'd be over.."

MASTERS: "He isn't tapping anymore, looks like he is unconscious from the lock."

-Waters still holds the lock in while Chadwick gives Teo an armbar. Teo yells in pain but refuses to tap. Chadwick yells into the fans as he pulls harder on the arm. Impaler sits straight up and then grabs Waters by the hair forcing the Shawnshooter to break. Waters didn't see Impaler coming behind him and yelps as the hair is pulled. Waters tries to fight out of the hair lock. Impaler just punches waters in the stomach and then locks him into a Reverse DDT… Before executing it he walks over to the ladder. Impaler nails the Justifiable Homicide on the ladder! Waters' head gets busted open as he rolls around on the mat in serious pain. Impaler turns to look at Chadwick but as he turns to face him Chadwick delivers the The ONE PUNCH KO, causing Impaler to collapse to the ground and lay on his back. Chadwick has no choice but to set the ladder up on top of Impaler and start to climb. Teo sees this and struggles to his feet and climbs to the top where Chadwick and Teo engage into a top of ladder brawl. Trading blows left and right. The fights lasts a few moments until Impaler raises from the ground again. He stands under the ladder and then pushes sending both men flying out of the ring and onto the concrete. They both hit the ground hard and express emotion of pain. Impaler then closes the ladder and sets it on top of the unconscious Waters. He then picks up he equally unconscious Campbell, who at this point cant stand on his own. And raises Campbell into the air high with a military press. He then tosses him onto the ladder forcing the weight to smash Waters between the ladder and mat-

DANIELS: "He just laid waste to the entire competition. This man is a BEAST!!"

-Impaler grabs the ladder and sets it up and begins to ascend to the top. He is at the top reaching for the briefcase as the ladder begins to shake. He looks down and Chadwick is throwing weapons into the ring at the ladder. A table he slid in at the ladder knocks the ladders leg sideways and forces Impaler down. His legs split and he lands groin first onto the ropes. He holds the ropes and Chadwick grabs his leg and pulls down forcing the strain on the ropes to increase. Chadwick then slides into the ring and grabs a chair he has slid in and slams it across Impalers skull. Impaler still stuck on the ropes has to endure another chairshot before falling to the outside of the ring. Chadwick measures the opponents and sees that Sparda is still laying outside the ring busted open. He looks at Waters who is hunched over in the corner and Campbell he is laying under the ropes in pain-

DANIELS: "What the DEUCE!?"

-The titantron flickers on and we see J0k0re standing looking down. The camera pans down to see Thomas Shock and Chris Dee both laying on the ground unconscious, both bleeding. He laughs and then walks off down hallway-

DANIELS: "This man has massacred this match he just damaged Shock and Dee. He's a maniac!"

MASTERS: "Oh, but I like him!!! What is this? Teo and Chadwick and squared off again."

-Sure enough, Teo was in the ring with Chadwick… both men holding chairs. Waters who was back on his feet now and still a little delirious turns and at the same exact moment, Teo and Chadwick both nail Waters with a chairshot to the skull. Waters hits the mat again, his blood continuing to spill. Then Teo and Chadwick swing at each other but the chairs collide and force a huge ringing sound and both drop the chairs. They both then go for a clothesline and hit them at the same time. Both man lay on the mat holding their chests. Campbell is back on his feet and looks at the carnage and holds his upper body. He grabs the ladder and begins to set it up. Teo and Chadwick are both getting to their feet so Campbell grabs Teo and goes for a DDT. But Teo fights out. Campbell kicks Teo in the stomach and then sets him up and delivers a vicious SHOW STOPPER to Teo who hits the mat with a thunderous POP. Chadwick ascends the ladder very slowly still trying to catch his breath. He gets to the top run and looks down at the men, that's when Campbell realizes he needs to stop him. He stumbles to the ladder and climbs it. Chadwick reaches for the case but is stopped by Campbell who punches him in the gut. Campbell tries for a left hook but it is blocked by Chadwick, who then connects with a ONE PUNCH K.O. from the top of the ladder!!! Campbell seems to lose consciousness as he falls from the ladder and hits the mat HARD. Chadwick reaches up and…-


-Chadwick sits on top of the ladder and raises the case high into the air. Unfortunately for him, Teo didn't like the fact that he won and stumbled back to his feet. Teo then pushes the ladder over sending Chadwick, who grips the case, flying onto the concrete floor. The bell rings a few times more and Teo then leaps from the ring on top of Chadwick and begins to proceed to pummel him. Security runs out and breaks up the fight and EMT's rush out to tend to all the fallen victims of the match. Chadwick is motionless as he lays on top of the case-

MASTERS: "What a beast of a man. He is a sore loser that's for sure!"

-Teo makes the way up the ramp and spits on Chadwick as he passes. EMT's put Chadwick, Sparda, and Waters all on stretchers, and tend to Campbell and Vitale who are still motionless-

DANIELS: "I wonder when Chadwick will cash in on his new prize. What do you think, William?"

MASTERS: "There's no telling, Jarred. But I bet you he will be watching the World title match later... if he's not passed out drunk!"

("THIEVES" by MINISTRY begins to play over the PA)

DANIELS: "Wait, who is this?

(From out of the special EVIL INTENTIONS entrance, comes "The One Man Riot" Alan Fiscus, the president of the CZW. The crowd aren't sure how to react to him. He is wearing a suit but his hair is wild. He walks down to the ring)

MASTERS: "Looks like the president is going to address the crowd!"

(Fiscus is handed a mic as he enters the ring)


(Crowd cheers)

FISCUS: "I wanted to come out here tonight, to personally thank each and every one of you for selling out the first ever CZW PPV!"

(Crowd continues to cheer)

FISCUS: "And I've also got some news to share with everyone. The bad news first. Unfortuately, earlier today, our War Zone General Manager Haywire had to step down due to personal problems. We here at CZW wish him the best, and he will not be refereeing the World Title match between Walker and Zodiac."

(Crowd acts sort of confused and shocked by this statement)

FISCUS: "As of right now, there will not be a General Manager. Derek, Shawn, and myself will take over as a commitee, ultimately doing what is in the best interest for the CZW of today... and of the future. And now, for the good news. I am pleased to announce that started next Thursday, on the next airing of War Zone... a tournament will begin. It will be an eight man tournament, with two matches of the first round taking place on the next show, February 7th in Detroit... the second set of our first round on February 14th in Baltimore... the quarter finals taking place on the 21st in Boston... and then the final one-on-one match will take place at our second PPV, "BROKEN HEARTS, BROKEN BONES" in Cedar Rapids!"

(Crowd cheer for the next PPV)

FISCUS: "What is this tournament for? Why... it's to crown the first ever CZW Television Champion!"

(Crowd pop)

FISCUS: "This is a title that will be defended on nearly every airing of War Zone, showcasing the new, young, and up-and-coming CZW superstars! Now I'm not really the type to slow things down... to stop the momentum... so what do you say we get on with the next match!?"

(Crowd cheers as "THIEVES" briefly plays again. Fiscus hands the mic to Jessica to announce the next match)

DANIELS: "What a shocking and then an exciting pair of announcements! A TV title sounds like a good idea to me!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, I'll give you that one.. that's a pretty good idea. We've got a lot of new talent coming in.. it'll be a great way to get them on TV!"




(The arena lights go down and the stage lights start flickering away as "Simple Survival" starts blaring out of the speakers. The crowd starts booing as Adam Swinger strolls out onto the stage and starts walking down the ramp)

TOWERS: "The following Falls Count Anywhere match is scheduled for one fall, and it is for the CZW X-Division Championship! Introducing first, from Montreal, Canada.. the Challenger.. ADAM SWINGER!"

DANIELS: "Well Masters, you've gotta wonder just what Adam Swinger must be thinking here tonight.. Remember, if he loses, he's outta here!"

MASTERS: "He won't lose, he's the Phenomenal Adam Swinger!"

DANIELS: "He's not looked particularly phenomenal so far in the CZW..."

MASTERS: "Of course he has! You're just too busy watching idiots like Zodiac to notice!"

(Swinger looks around at the fans as he walks, his face completely void of any emotion or expression. He slides into the ring and does a few stretches off the ropes as the music fades out. The boos suddenly turn to cheers as "BEEN TRAINING DOGS" kicks in, and El Pablo steps out onto the stage amid an explosion of pyro. He removes the X-Division title belt from around his waist and holds it up above his head in both hands)

TOWERS: "And his opponent, from Portsmouth, England, the CZW X-Division Champion.. EL PABLO!"

(El Pablo drapes the belt over his shoulder as he walks down the rampway, eyes locked on Swinger in the centre of the ring. El Pablo hops up onto the apron and climbs through the ropes. He hands the title belt to the referee and stands right in front of Swinger, hands on hips and eyes still locked)

DANIELS: "El Pablo certainly proved himself to be "extreme" when he won the belt against J.A. Sawyer and Ian Chadwick two weeks ago on Warzone, and he'll certainly need to continue in that same vein tonight in this Falls Count Anywhere match-up."

MASTERS: "Well, he may be 'extreme,' but he's not phenomenal like my man Swinger over there!"

-The bell rings and El Pablo and Swinger just stand there for a few moments talking smack to each other. All of a sudden, Swinger nails El Pablo with a kick to the gut and starts hammering away with right hands. Swinger whips El Pablo off the ropes and goes for a clothesline, but El Pablo ducks, bounces off the ropes on the other side and nails Swinger with a spinning wheel kick. Both men rise to their feet and lock up. After a brief struggle, Swinger ducks behind El Pablo and grabs the champion in a side headlock. El Pablo fights it off with a few fists to the midsection and shoves Swinger off into the ropes, nailing him on the rebound with a standing cross-body. El Pablo nails Swinger with a few shots to the head before sliding out of the ring and reaching under the apron for weapons-

DANIELS: "El Pablo bringing out the hardware already here!"

-El Pablo pulls out a couple of garbage cans and tosses them into the ring, followed by a stop sign and some cookie sheets. El Pablo slides back into the ring and nails Swinger with a cookie sheet as he tries to get back to his feet. He then drags Swinger to the corner and sits him up, before picking up one of the garbage cans and wedging it in the corner in front of Swinger's face. El Pablo turns and walks over to the other corner pumping up the crowd. He pauses for a second, then charges forwards, but Swinger explodes out of the corner and nails El Pablo right between the eyes with the can-

DANIELS: "MY GOD DID YOU HEAR THAT!? What a shot by Swinger on the champion!"

MASTERS: "That'll teach him for bringing things like that into the ring in the first place!"

-With El Pablo down, Swinger ducks out of the ring to try and get his breath back. Swinger then goes under the ring himself and pulls out a steel chair. He takes it back into the ring and waits for El Pablo to get back to his feet, before driving the chair into his ribs and then smashing it across his spine. Swinger throws the chair to one side and smirks at the crowd as the boos start ringing round the arena. He picks El Pablo up and hits a snap suplex, before going for an early cover attempt...-


T-*kick out*

DANIELS: "Not even close!"

-Swinger glares at the referee before picking El Pablo up and throwing him over the top rope and onto the outside. As El Pablo staggers back to his feet Swinger bounces off the ropes and hits a suicide dive to the outside. Swinger takes a moment to recover, then gets up and lifts El Pablo to his feet. Swinger attempts an irish whip into the ring steps, but El Pablo counters, sending Swinger's spine crashing into the steel. El Pablo drags himself up onto the ring apron, and as Swinger rises to his feet the champion runs forward and nails Swinger with a front-flip takedown of his own. El Pablo lifts Swinger to his feet and smashes his forehead into the barrier, leaving Swinger hanging halfway into the crowd. El Pablo hops up onto the apron and gestures to the crowd to move well away, before leaping forwards and hitting a leg drop across the back of Swinger's head, sending both men out into the crowd. El Pablo crawls over to Swinger and goes for the pin-



*kick out*

-El Pablo hauls himself up and climbs back over the barrier. He goes under the ring again and pulls out another chair. He turns and nails Swinger in the head with it as the challenger attempts to climb over the barrier, sending him right back down. El Pablo then sets the chair up in the middle of the floor and heads over to the far turnbuckle. He waits for Swinger to start hauling himself up again, and charges forwards, stepping up off the chair and over the barrier, taking Swinger back down again with a body block-

DANIELS: "Beautiful move there by El Pablo!"

-El Pablo picks Swinger up and drags him through the crowd, hitting him with occasional shots to the head or gut to keep him from breaking free. Eventually they reach one of the entrances. El Pablo goes to irish whip Swinger into the closed door, but Swinger counters, nailing El Pablo in the stomach and ramming him head-first into the side wall, before escaping through the door to try and buy himself some time-

DANIELS: "Swinger making his escape here, perhaps he's decided to retire even earlier?"

MASTERS: "Not a chance! This is all about strategy Daniels!"

-El Pablo clambers to his feet and gives chase, walking down the corridor in search of his opponent. As he turns a corner he's met with a billow of smoke, temporarily blinding him. As El Pablo tries to clear his eyes out Swinger bursts out of the smoke and nails the champion in the head with a fire extinguisher-

MASTERS: "HAHA! What did I tell you Daniels? Fantastic strategy there by the phenomenal one!"

-Swinger drops to his knees and makes another pin attempt-



*Kick out*

DANIELS: "Near fall there from Swinger."

MASTERS: "That was a slow count! Referee!"

-Swinger picks El Pablo up and drags him over to a buffet table. Swinger whips El Pablo head-first, sending him crashing over the table, through all the plates of food and down off the other end. Swinger moves the table out and sets El Pablo up for a suplex, but El Pablo counters, whipping Swingers legs out from under him and hitting a double leg drop to the midsection. El Pablo stands up and heads a little further down the corridor to where a ladder is set up next to the wall. He moves the ladder out into the middle of the corridor and heads back to where Swinger is staggering back to his feet. El Pablo nails Swinger in the head and leads him nearer to the ladder. El Pablo attempts to irish whip Swinger into the ladder, but Swinger counters. However, instead of crashing into the ladder, El Pablo leaps up onto it and nails a sunset flip on the onrushing Swinger-


TW-*kick out*

-El Pablo stomps on Swinger and lifts him back to his feet, but as he does so Swinger nails him with a low blow. Swinger moves to the other side of the ladder, and attempts to push it over on top of El Pablo, but the champion rolls out of the way just in time. Swinger goes over to another buffet table and grabs a metal plate of mini-quiches. He takes a bite of one before picking the plate up and smashing El Pablo in the head. Swinger lays El Pablo down face-up on the ladder and climbs up onto the table. Swinger performs a moonsault, but hits nothing but ladder as El Pablo rolls out of the way-

DANIELS: "Ooh, nobody home!"

-As Swinger lays sprawled over the ladder El Pablo staggers back to his feet and nails Swinger in the back of the head with another metal plate. El Pablo rests the plate against Swinger's head and climbs up onto the table, before leaping off and landing a leg-drop, sandwiching Swinger between the ladder and the plate-

DANIELS: "And the Five Star Superstar shows The Phenomenal One how it's done!"

-However, the move hurts El Pablo as well, making him unable to take advantage and go for the pin. Instead, when El Pablo makes it back to his feet he grabs Swinger and drags him round another corner towards the parking lot. El Pablo stands Swinger up and whips him into the big metal garage door, which starts to open upon impact. With Swinger lying prone on the ground El Pablo uses the opportunity to take a breather while waiting for the door to raise. El Pablo picks Swinger up again and leads him out into the parking lot-

DANIELS: "Looks like we're taking things outside now! Perhaps El Pablo's gonna call Swinger a cab?"

MASTERS: "Don't be stupid Daniels! Swinger obviously just wants to get his title and go, he's probably got other stuff to do, he's a busy man!"

DANIELS: "I don't think Swinger even knows who he is right now, let alone what he wants!"

-El Pablo nails Swinger with a few left hands, before setting him up for a suplex. However, Swinger somehow manages to fight back, and backdrops El Pablo into a load of bushes. Swinger collapses to the floor, trying to get his breath back-

MASTERS: "YES! This is it now, Swinger's gonna be the new champion!"

-After a good few moments, both men start staggering back to their feet. Swinger wades into the bushes after El Pablo, but gets caught with an elbow to the ribs, taking him down to his knees. El Pablo turns round and climbs up onto a wall bordering the bushes, and as Swinger gets up again he leaps off and nails him with a diving clothesline, sending both men crashing into the same bush El Pablo was backdropped into moments earlier. El Pablo clambers out onto the asphalt and gets up, his arms covered in cuts from the branches. He brushes himself down and heads over to two large dumpsters stood side by side, with various broken crates and bits of wood lying around them. El Pablo opens one of the dumpsters and throws a few bits of debris inside before heading back over to the bushes with a 2x4 in his hand-

DANIELS: "El Pablo's obviously got something big in mind here."

MASTERS: "Get up Swinger!"

-El Pablo beats Swinger in the back with the wood a few times before throwing it away and dragging Swinger over to the dumpsters. He rams Swinger into the closed dumpster before hoisting him up on top of it. El Pablo climbs up afterwards and raises Swinger up onto his feet, before kicking him in the stomach and executing a sunset-flip powerbomb, driving Swinger down into the open dumpster. El Pablo then climbs back onto the lid of the closed dumpster, gestures, and hits the Pablo Splash on Swinger-




TOWERS: "Here is your winner, and STILL CZW X-Division Champion.. EL PABLO!!!"

DANIELS: "That's it! El Pablo retains the title! Swinger's gone! Swinger's gone!"

MASTERS: "That wasn't a fair call, the referee couldn't even see Swinger's shoulders!"

DANIELS: "Oh will you stop? His shoulders were down, 1, 2, 3, The Phenomenal One is forced to retire having suffered 4 defeats from 4 matches!"

-El Pablo clambers up and out of the dumpster onto the floor, and staggers round to the side. He slams the lid shut, trapping Swinger inside, and slumps down against the wall as the referee hands him the title belt-




("COWBOYS FROM HELL" begins to play over the PA)

TOWERS: "Our next scheduled match is a four way 'dance of death' for the CZW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONSHIP!!"

TOWERS: "Introducing first... Victor Barrero and Miguel Suarez... LARGATOS MEXICANOS!!!!!!"

(Barrero and Suarez make their way out onto the entrance ramp, as the crowd cheer. They walk down to the ring, high fiving fans on the way. They slide into the ring and yell out their catchphrase)

TOWERS: "And next, coming from Saudi Arabia... Altair and Hamuza... WEAPONS OF MASS DESTRUCTION!!!!!!"

(The big man towers over Altair, as Altair is front of him when they enter. The crowd boos, and random chants of "USA! USA!" begin getting louder. They stare down at the ring as they walk towards it. Their "TOTAL WAR" music is playing as they eventually get to the ring)

TOWERS: "And next... The mystery tag team entry..."

DANIELS: "This is it, William! Who is it??

(The crowd waits in anticipation. Suddenly, "BANDANAS" by PSYCHOPATHIC RYDAZ begins to play. Out come two men with black bandanas covering their faces)


MASTERS: "Dear God, THAT'S the surprise team? They're thugs! They're crooks!"

(BORIS, a very dark skinned man, is the smaller of the two. Joker-Face has his face painted to reflect a demented clown, and he scares people in the crowd. From behind them, Vinny Corino appears and walks a few steps behind them as they approach the ring)

TOWERS: "And introducing last... the CZW Tag Team Champions... Ice Breaker and Glacier... THE ALASKAN WARRIORS!!!!!!"

("YOU COULD BE MINE" blares as the crowd return to boos. Out come the monsters, with the tag belts held on each men's right shoulders. They come down to the ring in a quick walk, ignoring the fans altogether, signifying they are here to take care of business)

DANIELS: "And this match is scheduled for one fall, that is why it's called a Dance of Death. The titles can switch hands without the champions being the ones to be pinned or submit!"

MASTERS: "And that's a crock and a half, because I'm sure NO ONE can beat Caleb's Alaskan gladiators!"

DANIELS: "All the teams are in their respect corners now, and it looks like Altair and Miguel Suarez will be the ones starting it out."

-Both men circle each other, looking for the right opening. Altair sees it as he pokes Miguel right in the eyes. He then begins to lay some forearms down across Miguel's back, knocking down. Altair picks him up and tosses him to the ropes... the rebound... and Altair nails a perfectly placed kneelift. but wait!-

DANIELS: "Miguel counters the kneelift with a one leg roll up!"

MASTERS: "Tricky mexican!"

-Altair kicks out before the ref can start the count. Altair jumps up, embarrassed, as Miguel just grins at him. They lock up again, and Altair lands a knee to Miguel's gut. He then punches him a few times, grabs his head, and brings it down with a jawbreaker. Miguel holds his lip. Altair then grabs him and throws him to the ropes... Altair lands a dropkick right to Miguel's face. Altair in charge now, picks up Miguel and tosses him to the corner. Altair runs in... but Miguel moves out of the way, at the very last second. Altair ends up ramming his shoulder into the ring post. Miguel goes and tags in BORIS-

DANIELS: "Now THIS mad man is in the ring! It goes from bad, to WORSE!"

-BORIS goes and grabs Altair, who is clenching his shoulder. He lifts him up into a fireman's carry... and drops him down with a death valley driver! He then hops to the ropes and jumps back, nailing Altair with a springboard Asai moonsault! The ref goes for the pin-



MASTERS: "These thugs can fly, and let me tell you why... it's all that practice from running from cops!"

-BORIS goes to pick up Altair, but Altair thumbs him in the eye! Altair then, holding his shoulder and on his knees, shuffles over and tags in Hamuza!-

DANIELS: "OH LORD now the stuff's gonna hit the fan!"

MASTERS: "That fool is in for it, now! You've got a living walking TREE TRUNK in there!"

-BORIS runs up to Hamuza as he's stepping over the top rope and hits a shoulderblock, not phasing the monster at all. He tries again. And then again. And for a fourth time, but this time Hamuza grabs his head-

DANIELS: "His hand can fit almost all the way around BORIS's skull! That can't be good for BORIS!"

MASTERS: "But it's good for me!"

-Hamuza then slams BORIS down with a massive headbutt. Joker-Face then gets in the ring and starts throwing rights and lefts at Hamuza, who stumbles back just a smidge. Joker-Face gets a few shots in before Hamuza just back hands him down, sending him out of the ring. Hamuza looks up, just as Victor leaps at him from a top turnbuckle, rocking Hamuza back with a missile dropkick but not knocking him down. Miguel then leaps from the opposite turnbuckle with a missile dropkick his own, to the back of Hamuza.. making him heave forward. BORIS then gets in the ring, runs to the ropes, flips up with a somersault heel kick to Hamuza's face, actually dropping the big man. BORIS goes for a short lived cover, as Hamuza throws him off rather quickly. BORIS then goes and tags in Victor Barrero-

DANIELS: "That's how they're going to have to do it, team up on the big man... otherwise they have no chance!"

MASTERS: "They STILL have no chance!"

-Hamuza goes to tag in Joker-Face, and Victor very happily lets him. Victor attacks Joker-Face as soon as he enters the ring. He gets him stunned, and throws him to the ropes... Victor leaps up and nails a perfect hurricanrana, which flips Joker-Face right out of the ring-

MASTERS: "Man, look at this guy's FACE. That's the kind of thing children have nightmares about!"

DANIELS: "He's certainly not someone you'd want to walk into in a dark alley!"

-As Joker-Face is on the outside, Victor runs to the ropes.. rebounds.. and comes flying down on Joker-Face with a somersault senton. As both men lay on the ground, a small "CZW! CZW CZW!" chant begins. Miguel sees an opportunity, and gets in the ring. As Victor and Joker-Face slowly get up and begin trading blows, Miguel comes running and jumps on the ropes, turns around, and nails a springboard moonsault onto Joker-Face and his own partner, Victor Barerro-

MASTERS: "Well that's not TOO bright there, Armando! That's your own partner!"

DANIELS: "But what an awesome move to see!"

-But then, BORIS sees HIS opportunity, and as the three men begin to get up, He comes running at them, leaps up on the ropes, and nails a Shooting Star Press right onto all three men. Luckily, the move went perfectly as everyone is down-

DANIELS: "OH MY GOD! The recklessness and violent tendencies of Death Row is cranked up to ten!"

MASTERS: "Now THAT was cool, Jarred! He could've broken his neck! And he just might, still!"

-Altair then gets in the ring, and makes like HE is going to join in on the fun! He runs to the ropes, and rebounds... but puts on the brakes before leaping. He shakes his finger as if saying "No you stupid Americans." He then grabs his shoulder in pain and goes back to his corner. Both teams on the floor slowly get up, and begin brawling. BORIS throws Miguel into the guardrail. Ice Breaker and Glacier then come from out of no where and attack all four men-

MASTERS: "The champs have had enough of this, they want this one to be over!"

-Ice Breaker and Glacier toss Joker-Face and Victor back into the ring. They then stomp down on BORIS and Miguel some more, before going back to their corner. In the ring, Joker-Face is up first and he kicks Victor in the gut. He picks him up in a backbreaker position... spins him over and comes crashing down with a sit down bomb. He holds him for the cover-



-Joker-Face then goes and tags in Glacier-

MASTERS: "Now Jose is in for some REAL trouble!"

-Glacier comes storming over and stomps down on Victor's hands. He then picks him up and throws him to the turnbuckle. He lays in the boots until Victor is slumped down on the ground. Glacier then walks by cheap shots Miguel, who was pleading with Victor to get up. Miguel falls to the apron. Glacier picks up Victor, and irish whips him into the opposite corner. Glacier comes running in.. but Victor moves out of the way at the last second. Glacier crashes, face first. He stumbles backwards out of the corner, and Victor bounces off of the ropes with a flying lariat. Victor then tags in Miguel, who is livid. He comes full force on Glacier, delivering boots and knees to the fallen man. He picks him up, and nails a few chops to his chest, making him stumble. Miguel then measures him up, and nails a standing dropkick. He goes for the pin-



-On the outside, Vinny Corino had produced a tire iron from underneath the ring a little while ago, and slowly begins to creep towards The Alaskan Warrior's corner. As Ice Breaker is watching the match, and the referee is watching the match, Vinny blindsides Ice Breaker with the tire iron to his left knee, knocking the big man down to the ground. As no one notices, Vinny brings the tire iron down on Ice Breaker four times to the chest. Glacier is up, and finally notices. He shrugs off Miguel and runs and slides out of the ring. Vinny proceeds to jump over the guardrail and run in through the crowd, with Glacier not following. Glacier looks down at his partner, who tells him to get back in the ring-

DANIELS: "Vinny got his revenge! He said he would!"

MASTERS: "He has no business being down here and doing that! Haywire better fine him, or better yet... FIRE his ugly ass!"

-As Glacier gets into the ring, he quickly tags in Hamuza, and goes right back out of the ring to check on Ice Breaker. Miguel gets a sick look on his face, as he steps back away from the towering giant-

MASTERS: "No where to run, no where to hide!"

-Hamuza lunges at Miguel, but he dodges him leaping over to the other side of the ring. Hamuza goes again for him, and Miguel crawls underneath his legs. Unfortunately for Miguel, Hamuza grabs his right foot. Hamuza clenches up and pulls... and with such a force, brings Miguel all the way from under him, and over, landing on his face-

DANIELS: "The power of this giant is just uncanny!"

-Ice Breaker is back up, and both Alaskan Warriors climb up to their corner. Hamuza picks up Miguel from behind, grabs his neck, and slams him down with a furious choke slam. Hamuza goes for the pin-




-BORIS had climbed up on his top rope, and leaped onto Hamuza with a senton bomb, breaking up the pin. As Hamuza is dazed, BORIS leaves the ring and Miguel tags back in Glacier. Glacier immediately lashes out on the giant, who was on his knees. He repeatedly hits Hamuza with forearms to the face. Hamuza gets up, and Glacier nails the big man with DDT-


DANIELS: "The force of his body come down onto his neck, he could very well be paralyzed now!

MASTERS: "I don't think that's possible for Hamuza!"

-Hamuza begins to get up, with Glacier stalking him. As he begins to stand, Glacier again pummels him, trying to keep him down. Hamuza finally gets up and pushes off Glacier. Hamuza then tags in Victor. Victor comes running at Glacier, knocking him down with a leg lariat. Being fired up, he then goes and swings at every person on the apron. He comes back to Glacier, who levels him with a leg lariat of his own. He picks up Victor, and irish whips him into a corner. Glacier comes running, and Victor lifts his legs up, grabs a hold of Glacier with them, and rolls him over in a sunset flip-



MASTERS: "Those tricky mexicans!"

-Victor gets up with a few punches to Glacier, dazing him. He grabs a hold of Glacier, leaps to the ropes, and drops Glacier down with a springboard DDT. Ice Breaker gets into the ring, and goes after Victor. BORIS and Joker-Face, and then Altair and Miguel get into the ring, causing an all out melee. As everyone is brawling, the referee is only paying attention to the legal men. As Ice Breaker is fighting with BORIS & Joker-Face, and Altair and Miguel are going at it, Hamuza stays on the apron. Ice Breaker fends off Death Row enough to turn around and hit a spinning back hand right into Victor's face. Victor is stunned, and turns around-


DANIELS: "Glacier just hit the Lights Out superkick, and no one is paying attention!!"

-Glacier goes for a pin, as Ice Breaker does his best to block any pin break up attempts-




TOWERS: "Your winners and still CZW Tag Team Champions.... THE ALASKAN WARRIORS!!!!"

-The all out brawl continues. BORIS & Joker-Face begin going to toe-to-toe with Ice Breaker & Glacier. Victor is laid out. Altair throws Miguel towards Hamuza, who drops down a big fist on top of his head. All of the men slowly make their way out of the ring and onto the floor, brawling the whole time. Everyone eventually ends up brawling all the way past the wrestler's entrance curtain-

DANIELS: "I didn't expect The Alaskan Warriors to retain, to be honest."

MASTERS: "You probably didn't expect that everyone would laugh at you for the tie you chose to wear tonight, as well!"




TOWERS: "Ladies and gentleman, this match is scheduled for one fall. This next match is for the INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPIONSHIP TITLE BELT"

DANIELS: "These two men have feuded for a while now and after last week they must be both pumped up for this one."

MASTERS: "Well this is for the Title, if there not pumped up for that they need slapping"

DANIELS: "And do you think Jesse might be a factor in this match?"

MASTERS: "Well he isn't out here so I'm guessing not, but you can't trust Upstarts, they could have anything up there sleeve"

DANIELS: 'No you can't, Ace has to watch out for that. These two men seem to despise each other"

MASTERS: "No mercy in this match, just the way I like it"

DANIELS: "Here it is then ladies and gentlemen, a battle for the Intercontinental Title"

( "MAN UP" by STICKY FINGAZ starts to play throughout the arena )

TOWERS: "Introducing first...The Challenger...Coming from Tampa, Florida, at a weight of 240 lbs, The Number One Draft Pick...MACK BEAUDIN!!!"

( Mack comes out on to the stage along side the Lovely Zoe. He arrogantly walks down the ramp as he raises his head up not looking at the crowd who boo them both furiously, which only makes them smirk. Mack gets in the ring and raises his arm in the air while Zoe gets in through the bottom and middle rope)

( "ACE OF SPADES" by MOTORHEAD starts to play throughout the arena )

TOWERS: "Introducing the CZW INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION...Coming from Las Vegas, Nevada, at a weight of 205 lbs, The Gambler, ACE KING!!!"

( Ace comes out and poses at the top of the stage while the crowd goes wild. He walks down the ramp staring at the challenger as he steps in the ring and heads for the turnbuckle where he poses once more for the fans )

DANIELS: "WOW...What a reception here in Portland, Maine for our current Intercontinental Champion"

MASTERS: "Key word there...Current, I believe Mack has the intensity to steal this one tonight"

DANIELS: "Well that is not what the fans think..."

MASTERS: "I don't give a crap what these fans think, my opinion is the important one"

( SUDDENLY........"RAINMAKER" by IRON MAIDEN starts to play throughout the arena )

DANIELS: "What is this?"

MASTERS: "Sounds like the music of Jesse Montana"

DANIELS: "But he has a match after this so it can't be him"

MASTERS: "Well I suppose he can do what he likes, hopefully what he likes is to bring JACQUI out with him"

DANIELS: "Oh this is not going to be fair now...Damn the Upstarts!"

MASTERS: "I wouldn't say that too loud, he might be coming our way"

( Jesse Montana appears out on top of the ramp as Mack smiles at him as it was obviously planned all along. Jesse walks down the ramp smirking at the crowd who shout insults at him. He walks around the ring as Ace stares a hole through him but Jesse goes straight to the commentary table instead. He sits down and puts on a headset )

DANIELS: "What are you doing out here?"

JESSE: "Don't talk to me like that, I have decided to pleasure this pathetic crowd by letting them see me twice tonight"

DANIELS: "Oh and I suppose you are going to be fair out here then"

JESSE: "Jesse is a respectable man, offcourse I am going to be fair"

DANIELS: "Oh please"

MASTERS: "Take no notice of Daniels, he is just upset that no woman will sleep with him."

JESSE: "I bet"

MASTERS: "Talking of women, where is Jacqui this evening"

JESSE: "OH you will get to see her, don't worry yourself. And don't get too excited out here though when she does arrive"

DANIELS: "Well folks, the match is about to begin"

-As the bell rings they waste no time to lock up, Ace gets the upper hand with an wrist lock, he applies more pressure but Mack slips out of it reversing to put a hammerlock on Ace. Ace throws some vicious elbows shots to Mack who eventually has to release the hold as Ace takes Mack down with a headlock takedown. Mack wriggles out of the headlock attempt straight away as both men stand up on there feet, staring at each other-



MASTERS: "I know, they get my nerves too!!!"

-They lock up again but Mack knees Ace in the sternam and pulls him over to the corner. Mack kicks Ace a few time in the sternam again as Ace drops to the ground. Mack then stabs his boot into the throat of Ace who is choking. The referee eventually counts up to FOUR signalling for Mack to release. Mack pulls Ace up but this time Ace reverses the situation planting Mack in the same corner. Ace then gives Mack a nasty chop to the chest-


MASTERS: "Dammit, every match, EVERY WEEK"

-Mack shouts in agony as Ace connects with a few more chops before whipping him into the opposite corner. Mack bounces off as Ace running at him approaches but Mack levels Ace with a devastating clothesline. Mack with a look of intensity on his face picks Ace up and lifts him high in the air for a suplex. He keeps him up for a while letting the blood rush to his head then drops him down. Mack goes for a cover-




-Mack shouts at the referee as Ace begins to rise and quickly comes up from behind and rolls Mack up with a school boy-




DANIELS: "Ace trying to end the match quickly there"

JESSE: "Like the coward that he is!!!"

-Ace and Mack get up quickly as Mack again gets his knee into the sternam of Ace and this time whips him into the ropes and goes for a clothesline but misses, Ace then on the rebound levels Mack with a huge SPEAR. Ace decides not to go for the cover but goes to the turnbuckle instead. He climbs up with Mack still layed out on the floor. Ace dives off and hits a headbutt on Mack who looks to be out of it. Ace covers-





-Ace looks slightly stunned as Mack raises a shoulder. Ace keeps the attack on and goes for a Boston crab. Mack struggles out of it and kicks Ace into the ropes as Mack from a ground position flips up quickly and hits a huge SPINEBUSTER. Both men lie down, Mack regaining his breath and Ace out of it. Mack rises first and stamps on the neck of Ace. The referee begins to try and stop the assault but Mack continues to hit vicious kicks to the neck and the head of Ace. Mack picks up Ace and twists him into a neckbreaker and connects. Ace rolls around on the mat as he holds the back of his neck-

MASTERS: "Mack starting to pick a particular body part, I like it"

JESSE: "He sure knows how to do it, Jesse wouldn't of chose him if he didn't"

-Mack continues the attack on Ace as again he stomps Ace down. He then runs at the ropes as Ace lies on his front and Mack hits an elbow drop, driving his elbow deep into the neck of Ace. Ace seems to be hurt as Mack produces a sick smile. Mack lifs Ace up as Ace fights him off but Mack rakes the eyes of Ace gaining the advantage again, this time he comes up from behind of the momentarily blind Ace and hits a high angle backdrop which lands Ace straight down on his weakened neck. Mack goes straight over and doesn't cover him, instead he puts a sleeper hold on Ace-

JESSE: "How smart is that, Mack weakened down a body part and instead of trying to end it quickly, he wears him down with sleeper hold..."

MASTERS: "He is like a cerebral assassin going to work on him."



DANIELS: "You two are like a pair of thugs, how can you want our Intercontinental Champion to have his neck broken?"

MASTERS: "It's a figure of speech you jackass"

JESSE: "Who invited that guy?"

MASTERS: "He is more like a curse than a commentator, just ignore him"

-Ace seems stuck in the hold as Mack continues to apply more pressure on the neck area. Mack then lies back as he wraps his legs around Ace giving more leverage to hold Ace. Ace, still moving kicks his legs out trying to regain stength but Mack has it locked in. Ace manages to break Mack's grip on him as Ace gets up to a one knee position-


JESSE: "That ain't gonna help him, you can chant all you like but he is out of it"

MASTERS: "I think these fans chant for the hell of it, more like TOURETTES than chanting"

-Ace continues to fight as he stands up. Mack knowing that Ace will escape decides to release the hold but he clobbers Ace right in the back of the head and neck with a forearm blow knocking Ace down again. Mack picks Ace up and whips him into the corner and runs delivering a clothesline on him. Mack then decides to throw Ace to the outside to continue the vicious attack. Mack whips Ace straight into the steps knocking the the top layer everywhere. Ace lies resting on the steps now almost out of it. Mack smiles as Zoe kisses his cheek to praise him. Mack begins to walk around thinking of something. He then sets up Ace on the steps resting his upper body on the bottom step face first. Mack then grabs the other step. The referee then comes out and shouts at Mack but he seems to be possessed in injuring Ace. While the referee is not looking Zoe walks up to the lifeless Ace and gives him a slap to the jaw then walks off. With Ace lying helplessly on the bottom step not moving Mack lifts the other step up high wanting to squash the neck and head of Ace. He then SLAMS THE STEP DOWN TRYING TO END ACE-




-Ace moves at the last second as the steps slam together creating a huge bang echoing across the whole arena-

DANIELS: "YES, Thank God for that"

MASTERS: "Mack must be willing to do anything for that Title"

JESSE: "No, I think he just wants to injure him...KEEP IT UP MACK"


-Mack goes to attack Ace after the failed attempt before. Ace this time is more aware and he does a Belly to Back suplex as Mack lands down hard onto the concrete. Mack holds his back as Ace looks to be fired up. Ace picks Mack up and runs his back into the turnpost. He then throws Mack back into the ring and follows him in. He picks up Mack and hits a perfect snap suplex making Mack bounce off the floor at force. Ace gets up and tries to get the Boston crab on Mack again, this time Mack counters again as he hits Ace with shots to the head as Ace was trying to hook him over. Mack gets up and delivers more shots to the head as Ace backs towards the ropes. Mack leaves him there as he charges off the other way and bounces off the ropes and runs straight toward Ace who sees him coming and pulls down the top rope and Mack goes crashing to the outside, Ace goes after him as both are on the outside again-

MASTERS: "This could be dangerous"


DANIELS: "I can't even bare to watch"

MASTERS: "I am loving it...I WANT BLOOD"

-Ace hits Mack with an Atomic Drop as Mack bounces off in pain and gets laid over the announce table. Ace walks up and starts smashing Macks head into the announce table. As Ace is doing that he looks up and gives a cold stare to Jesse-

JESSE: "You better look away soon punk or I will slap the taste out of your mouth"

MASTERS: "This is getting intense now"

JESSE: "It will be when I wrap my boot around his jaw"

DANIELS: "Watch out ACE"

-Mack takes advantage of the destraction as he hits Ace with a side suplex on the outside. The referee has his count up to 7 as Mack picks Ace up and throws him into the ring. Mack purposely places Ace so that his head over hangs the ring apron. Mack then climbs up onto the same apron and with Ace's head over hanging the side, Mack comes down with a thunderous Leg Drop-

JESSE: "YES YES YES, That is how you do it!!!"

MASTERS: "Again Mack goes straight back to the weakenend neck, I am starting to like this kid"

DANIELS: "Yeah but you like the devil"

MASTERS: "Very true, I sold my soul to the devil a long time ago, made a wish, but it went wrong cause now I am stuck here with you"

JESSE: "Yeah that must suck"

MASTERS: "Yeah he does suck..."

JESSE: "Oh Yeah, I heard about those rumours..."

MASTERS: "I mean he doesn't even get excited about Jacqui when she comes out"

DANIELS: "Lets get back to the action hey guys"


-Ace shows tremendous pain as his neck snapped backwards. He rolls around in the ring as Mack shows a thumbs up to Jesse who grins. Mack gets into the ring and stomps on the neck of Ace once again. He lifts him up and gets him in postition for a powerbomb. Mack instead though walks towards the ropes with Ace stuck. He lifts Ace up and hits a POWERBOMB, only Ace hits his head on the third rope which again creates a snapping effect on his already weakened neck. Mack quickly covers-





JESSE: "NO NO I thought he had him!"


MASTERS: "Shut up you idiot!"

-Ace just managing to get a shoulder up, but even that causes pain for him. Mack now gets up and begins to froth from the mouth with anger and frustration. He walks towards the corner post and starts ripping at the padding pretecting the post. The referee does not notice as he is attending to the hurt Ace. Mack rips it off and exposes the steel-


MASTERS: "Business is about to pick up!"

DANIELS: "I don't like the look on Mack's face!"

JESSE: "BOY, I would hate to be Ace right now!!!"

-Mack now goes to pick Ace up and then viciously irish whips him towards the corner, but Ace counters as Mack runs straight into the exposed steel as he bounces off. Mack is clearly dazed and signs of blood appears from his forehead. He gets caught from behind by Ace who hits a bridging German Suplex and covers-





-Mack kicks out at the last split second. Both men seem hurt as Ace still holds his neck and Mack recovers from the previous move, but tasting blood. Ace starts to stir first as he gets up but so does Mack. Mack begins to charge at Ace who jumps over Mack but Mack comes up with the rebound and goes for a clothesline, Ace this time ducks, Mack still running tries to attack for the third time but Ace catches him with a Big Boot straight in the cut open head of Mack. Ace then signals for the end as the crowd go wild. Ace grabs the legs of Mack who lies in the centre of the ring. Ace manages to turn over Mack and sits down to put on the pressure as Ace has got locked in the BIG SLICK ON THE RIVER!!!"


-Mack tries desperately to push himself up but he has not much power left. Ace grimmaces as he wrenches back on the hold which causes Mack to rythe in pain. Mack manages to walk on his hands to get close to the ropes but collapses down in a heap before he makes it there. Mack again tries, pushing himself up as the blood trickles down his head and into his mouth-

DANIELS: "Shades of Wrestlemania 13 here!"

MASTERS: "How dare you compare WWE to the great CZW!"

JESSE: "That is it guys, Jesse has to do what Jesse has to do!"


-Jesse immedieately goes to where Mack is lying and begins to shout at Mack to wake him up. Mack though seems out of it. Jesse knowing Mack is about to lose grabs the bottom rope and tries to edge it towards the reach of Mack. This causes the referee to step in and and tell Jesse off. In fact the referee gets out of the ring and orders Jesse to be removed from ring side. Zoe tries to pursude the referee other wise but then he signals for her to leave too-

DANIELS: "YES YES YES, Throw them out!"

MASTERS: "He can't do that..."

DANIELS: "He is the referee, he can make that decision if he wants!"

MASTERS: "DAMN These biased refs!"

DANIELS: "You really have been brainwashed haven't you??"

MASTERS: "Look out, I think Mack is about to tap!"

DANIELS: "But there is no damn referee!"

-While this is going on, Mack, who has been locked into the hold for quite a while starts to tap out, he taps and he taps as Ace thinks he has the match won, but the referee is still showing out Jesse and Zoe to the backstage. Ace releases the hold as he steps out of the ring to get the referee back. Mack then crawls out of the ring in tremendous pain. Finally Ace comes back towards the ring to find Mack not there. He walks to the other side looking confused-



-Mack who had grabbed a chair swings it at Ace who hits the ground. Mack then drops the chair and manages to throw Ace back into the ring. Mack climbs in still holding his back and tasting his blood-



MASTERS: "You have to hand it to Mack, he saw his chance to strike and he took it!"




-The referee finally runs back into the ring. Ace is still knocked out from the illegal chair shot. Mack slowly crawls over to the body of Ace. He finally with all of his remaining strength gets his arm around the chest of Ace as the referee begins to count-





DANIELS: "OH MY...I thought we had a new Intercontinental Champion for sure there!!!"


-Ace with every last breath he had kicked out at the last second. Ace now with blood pouring out of his head. Mack at this points goes insane as he grabs the referee and tries to pursuade him he got the three count. As Ace holds his head, Mack gets out of the ring and grabs another steel chair. SUDDENLY...The crowd starts to cheer-

MASTERS: "What is going on? Why are these bums cheering?"


-From out of the crowd comes EL PABLO as Mack looks at him in horror. El Pablo, looking slightly hurt from his previous match jumps over the guard rail through the crowd and looks at Mack with intense. While the referee is tending to the badly hurt Ace, Mack holds the chair up in the air ready to swing at El Pablo. El Pablo however dropkicks the chair into the busted open head of Mack. As Mack falls to the ground, El Pablo grabs the chair and jumps onto the ring apron. Mack lies helplessly on the outside as El Pablo signalls to the crowd. He jumps of with the steel chair and hits Mack with a STEEL ELBOW...


DANIELS: "This has turned into a bloodfest. And the crowd are loving it!!!"



-El Pablo then tosses Mack into the ring and goes back into the crowd who swarm him. The referee, not noticed anything looks on as Ace gets up finally. Ace then picks up the bloody Mack and hits a BLACKJACK BOMB!!!


MASTERS: "All that blood in the ring, the ring looks like a damn cherry pie!!!"

- Ace then manages to get the cover on Mack...






TOWERS: "Your winner, and still CZW Intercontinental Champion..... ACE KING!!!!!"

DANIELS: "He over came all the odds and still is INTERCONTINENTAL CHAMPION!!"

MASTERS: "Yeah but I don't think this feud is over...Not by a long shot!"

DANIELS: "Exactly right, WHAT A MATCH!"

**there is a break as a promo for the Highway To Hell match plays on the titantron**




MASTERS: "OH CRAP Jarred! Here comes down the cage! It's time for HIGHWAY TO HELL!!!!!!!"

("HIGHWAY TO HELL" by AC/DC plays as the full cage is being lowered down. The cage is a full, large cage with a roof. It has a door on the far right corner. It stops at just the point where the wrestlers can enter the cage by duck underneath it)

TOWERS: "And next, ladies and gentlemen, the first half of our double main event!"

(The crowd pops)

TOWERS: "This is a five man elimination match, with the winner becoming #1 contender to the CZW World Title! The only way to beat a man is by pinfall or submission. Introducing first....

("STRICKEN" begins to play over the PA)

TOWERS: "Hailing from Toronto, Ontario... weighing in at 268 pounds... he is the Hardcore Master... TIM TIMMONS!!!!"

(Timmons walks out to a crowd of jeers. He waves the crowd off, pausing every once in a while to jawjack with an avid CZW fan. He gets to the ring, admires the cage for a moment, and ducks underneath)

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Hull, England..."

("BLUR THE TECHNICOLOR" plays as the boos turn to cheers for Andrew Arashavin)

TOWERS: "Weighing in at 310 pounds.. The Northern Light... ANDREW ARASHAVIN!!!!"

(Andrew makes his way down, high fiving the fans. He also admires the cage when he gets to it, ducking underneath and staying on the opposite side of the ring from Timmons)

("BLUE COLLAR MAN" begins to play, as the cheers continue)

TOWERS: "And hailing from Grand Rapids, Michigan... weighing in at 265 pounds... he is the Working Man... JA SAWYER!!!!"

(Sawyer quickly shows up at the entrance ramp, and pausing for crowd effect. As he walks down the aisle, He stops when he sees a fan holding a "SAWYER RULES!" sign. He poses with the fan for the camera, and then signs the sign with a pen the fan had. He then makes his way to the ring, also admiring the cage and then looking at Andrew and Tim)

TOWERS: "And next... hailing from Cincinnatti, Ohio....'The Serial Thriller' MATT STYLEZ!!!!!"

(The crowd cheer on as "SERIAL THRILLA" plays over the PA. Matt Stylez comes out and does his pose as cameras flash. He storms his way down to the ring, looking up at the cage. He pauses after he gets inside, nodding to JA and Andrew)

TOWERS: "And their opponent... hailing from Miami, Florida... and being accompanied to the ring by "The Delight of the Night" Jacqui Rhodes...'The Sensation' JESSE MONTANA!!!!!!"

("RAINMAKER" plays as both Jacqui and Jesse show up at the entrance with the crowd booing. A small "slut" chant is being started. Jacqui is looking quite fine, wearing a special "lacey" dress for the PPV. When they almost get to the ring, they stop and they kiss. Jacqui then begins to head back, as Jesse looks up at the cage)

DANIELS: "Jacqui's going back as the referee has instituted his right to ban all managers and valets from ringside for this dangerous of an event."

MASTERS: "That's just too damn bad too, 'cause Miss Rhodes is lookin' HOT."

-With all five men in the ring now, Matt and Jesse get right up into each other's faces, jawjacking away. Sawyer is looking, and Timmons sees an opportunity. He blindsides Sawyer and starts stomping down on the fallen man. Matt and Jesse begin to exchange blows in the middle of the ring-

DANIELS: "There's the ref signifying the official start of the match, and here we go!"

MASTERS: "Stylez and Montana getting right into it, there is a feud there that I'm not sure could ever end unless one of these men leaves the CZW!"

-Andrew runs at Timmons and tackles him from behind. He picks him up and throws him to the ropes with authority... but Timmons puts on the brakes, or otherwise he would've smacked right into the steel cage wall. Timmons comes back but meets a Big Boot from Andrew-

MASTERS: "How would you like to be the ref in this match huh? Having to be trapped in that cage with those wild animals trying to tear each other apart... that's a nightmare, Daniels."

DANIELS: "Well, Darrin Powers is a ref's ref, William. And I'm pretty sure he's getting a bonus for this one."

-Stylez gets an advantage on Montana, and nails him with a wicked enziguri, right to the back of his head. Montana takes a few steps, and then flair flops flat onto his face. Matt runs to the ropes, springboards, and lands a legdrop to the back of Montana. As Andrew was mocking Timmons, JA Sawyer turns him around and kicks him in the gut. He positions... and nails Andrew with a piledriver. He goes for the first pin-


DANIELS: "You know I was looking at this match earlier, trying to pick my favorite.. and I couldn't!"

MASTERS: "Yeah, they all suck, except for Timmons and Montana."

DANIELS: "No, no... they're all too good!"

-Stylez picks up Jesse and flings him into the turnbuckle. He then runs in with a flying elbow right to his face. Montana flops down to his butt. Matt points to Jesse and the crowd react. He runs to the other side, and then comes back... with full force, planting a knee in Jesse's face-

MASTERS: "THAT'LL wake you up! ouch!"

-After Andrew kicked out, JA turned his attention to Timmons, who was just up and beginning to lurk. Timmons runs at JA, but JA ducks a clothesline, and begins nailing him with stiff rights. JA grabs Tim, and irish whips him to the ropes...-

(CRASH!) DANIELS: "Sawyer just threw Timmons into the steel cage! Tim is holding his back in agony!"

-Matt picks up Jesse. He goes to throw him into the steel cage, but Montana blocks it with a gut punch. Montana then pokes Matt in the eyes. He kicks him in the gut, and then picks him up in a powerbomb position... and power bombs him into the turnbuckle-

DANIELS: "That will for sure give a man a concussion! Matt's head just bounced right off of the turnbuckle!"

MASTERS: "He should've known not to mess with the Sensation!"

-Montana is still shaking the knee shot's cobwebs loose. Andrew and JA are now trading blows, and Andrew gets the upper hand. He then tosses JA into the ropes-


-Right after JA slams back first into the cage, he stumbles back towards Andrew, who nails him with a hard Big Boot to the face, leveling him. Timmons then jumps Andrew from behind, with repeated kidney shots. He pulls Andrew towards the cage, and tries to slam Andrew's face into the wall. Andrew blocks it. Again. Andrew then slaps Tim in the throat and grabs his head-




-After smashing Tim's face three times into the wall, Andrew then begins to grinds Tim's face into it. Timmons begins to bleed from his forehead-

MASTERS: "Well it took longer than I thought, but there's the blood shot! Now Tim is just going to be pissed."

-On the opposite side, Montana is pounding away at Stylez. He sits him on the top turnbuckle, and slaps Matt's chest. He then climbs up as well, with Matt trying to fight him off. Jesse then pokes Matt in the eyes AGAIN, and grabs a hold of him -- -


DANIELS: "Montana just took down Stylez with a Superplex, and Stylez nearly landed on top of Sawyer!"

-Matt's left heel hits JA in the back unexpectedly. JA cringes, and turns around. He then drops a legdrop down on Stylez. He gets up, and does it again. He walks over to Jesse.. and Jesse tries a low blow! But JA just stares at him. Jesse is confused. JA points at his crotch and yells loud enough "CUP!" that everyone kinda laughs, including Daniels and Masters. JA then slaps Jesse in the face. He picks him up, and tosses him face first into the cage-


MASTERS: "Oh no, look at this! Now Jesse's face is bleeding!"

-Jesse begins to bleed from his nose. Andrew is in a corner fighting with a bloody Timmons. Andrew sets Timmons up on the top, and begins to climb. Timmons blocks him, and punches him hard in the face. He then pushes Andrew down to the canvas. Timmons then leaps, and lands a well placed frog splash-




DANIELS: "Andrew's got more heart than that, Timmons!"

-Matt and JA are now double teaming on Jesse. Jesse rocks back and forth line a pinball machine, landing into punches from both men. His lower face is now covered in blood. Timmons picks up Andrew and throws him into the ropes.. Andrew lands back first against the cage, and on the rebound, Tim kicks him in the gut. He positions him, and nails a piledriver. He goes for the pin-




MASTERS: "Andrew does have some balls, I'll admit that!"

-Tim picks Andrew up and tosses him into the cage wall. He then irish whips him into the corner. He comes crashing in with an elbow to the face. He picks up Andrew, and places him on the top turnbuckle. Timmons goes up, positions him..-


DANIELS: "This could be the end for Andrew Arashavin!"






(ANDREW ARASHAVIN has been eliminated by TIM TIMMONS)

DANIELS: "There's your first elimination, and it came as a shock to me, William! I thought Andrew would've definitely lasted longer than that!"

MASTERS: "That just goes to show you, don't underestimate the Hardcore Master!"

-Andrew slowly gets up, with a look of disbelief on his face. Timmons sarcastically waves goodbye to him. Timmons is beginning to bleed profusely now. Andrew makes his way to the door, and the officials at the door open it to let him out. He continues to be shocked as he walks down the aisle, towards the back-

-In the ring, Timmons goes after Stylez with a spear. Sawyer and Montana then begin exchanging blows. Montana chops to JA's throat, dazing him. He jumps back and lunges.. MONTANA EXPRESS super kick on JA Sawyer!-



THR--Timmons breaks up the pin!

MASTERS: "Timmons wants all the glory, Daniels!"

-Stylez immediately attacks Timmons, after Tim's attention was diverted. Matt picks up Timmons and throws him to the ropes.. Timmons lands into the cage face first!-

MASTERS: "How much pain can this guy take?? His face just collided with steel!"

-Montana is up before JA, and begins kicking on him. He grabs his arm, and rings it up in an armbar. JA then reverses it with more force, making Montana cringe. They keep the hold for a moment, and then Jesse flips down.. then flips up... and then pulls forward, bringing JA over in a twisting arm drag. On the other side of the room, Matt is laying down punches on Timmons. He tosses him into the turnbuckle. Matt runs, and dropkicks Tim in the chest. Tim stumbles forward, and from out of nowhere!- ((SMACK!!))

DANIELS: "Stylez just nailed a super kick, of his own!!"

-Although it had quite an impact, Timmons stumbled into the ropes, remaining standing. He bounces off of the ropes, and again stumbles forward, and LOOK OUT-



-Jesse hits a Montana Express superkick on Timmons, which levels him. Matt then hits a standing 450 splash on Timmons, landing in a pin-




(TIM TIMMONS has been eliminated by MATT STYLEZ)

MASTERS: "NO NO NO!!! What have you done, Jesse!?!?"

DANIELS: "He's doing whatever it takes, William!"

MASTERS: "Well he can do whatever it takes, on Sawyer and Stylez!!"

-Timmons remains slumped on the mat, as the other three men begin to brawl with each other. After a few moments, he slowly begins getting up with a dazed look on his face-

DANIELS: "I don't think he knows what's happened just yet."

MASTERS: "Ahhh but look, I think he's starting to figure it out!"

-The referee begins telling Timmons to leave the cage, but he just ignores him. As Sawyer and Montana begin brawling again, Timmons comes up from behind Stylez, and turns him around. He kicks him in the gut, and positions him...-


DANIELS: "Oh what a poor sport! What a poor loser! He just nailed Stylez with the T-CRUSHER, that dreaded Tombstone piledriver!"

MASTERS: "That's right, Jarred! Matt needs to know!"

-As Stylez twitches in a pile on the ground, Timmons jawjacks him. The referee is pulling on Timmons to leave, and he finally goes to the door, and then is let out-

DANIELS: "You know what?? I think I HATE Tim Timmons!"

MASTERS: "YOU KNOW WHAT?? I'm sure he doesn't give a rat's ASS what you think!"

-In the ring, Montana and Sawyer are going back and forth, as Stylez remains laid out. Sawyer begins getting the upper hand and sends Jesse into the turnbuckle. He climbs up on the second rope, and begins delivering right hands. The crowd chant-








-After seven, Sawyer jumps back and Jesse stumbles forward... and then flair flops once again, onto his face. JA begins to pick him up-

DANIELS: "Looks like Stylez is stirring again... he might need medical attention after that vicious T-Crusher... He's crawling over to the ropes and pulls himself up..."

MASTERS: "Put a fork in him, Daniels, He's done! Look at his eyes, he's 1,000 miles away!"

-As Stylez notices JA pounding away on Jesse, he begins to slowly crawl up the cage wall-

MASTERS: "What is he, stupid!? There's a roof you idiot!"

-On the other side, JA picks up Jesse, and nails a scoop slam with authority. Jesse clenches his back, remaining on the ground. JA looks to the crowd, the opposite side from where Matt is, and points to the turnbuckle. The crowd cheer, as JA climbs up on the turnbuckle-

DANIELS: "Now look at Stylez, he's grabbing the roof's steel links and begins to move to the center of ring, grabbing the links with his hands!"

MASTERS: "He looks like a drunken monkey!"

DANIELS: "Ha ha! That he does, he-- OH MY GOD!!!"



MASTERS: "Montana's nothing but a stain on the mat now, dear lord!"

-JA goes for the pin-




DANIELS & MASTERS: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

-All three men are now laid out. Jesse remains bleeding for his nose, and now his mouth, as he clutches his chest. JA is motionless, with his hands covering the back of his head. Matt is face up, just staring into the stars. The referee doesn't know what to do, but he knows not to count a 10 count-

DANIELS: "All three men look like they've been involved in a car wreck!"

MASTERS: "No one's going to be a winner in this one.. what a toll it is taking!"

-Stylez and Sawyer begin to get up, with Jesse remaining on the mat. They sluggishly begin throwing punches at each other, with Matt getting the upperhand. He lightly goes and runs off the ropes, leaps up for a Lou Thesz Press.. but Sawyer catches him in a bearhug-

MASTERS: "He's gonna squeeze the life out of him!"

DANIELS: "Smart move by the Working Man, slow Stylez down!"

-The referee asks Stylez if he wants to give it up, but Stylez responds with pain on his lips with a resounding no. Jesse remains motionless. After a few moments, Stylez gets the fortitude to start punching Sawyer in the head. After a few punches, JA lets go of the bearhug. Matt falls all the way down to the ground, but immediately stands up. He grabs a hold of JA's head and comes crashing down in a seated position, with JA's jaw jerking from Matt's head. JA holds his face, and Jesse is alive just enough to attempt a school boy roll up-




DANIELS: "Jesse looking for the surprise elimination there, a veteran move!"


-Matt goes and kicks Jesse as he's getting back up. He tries again, but Jesse grabs his leg and flips him up, causing Matt to fall on his back. Jesse gets up and comes right back down with an elbow drop to Matt's chest. JA then walks over, and drops down an elbow of his own-

MASTERS: "Matt's ribs HAVE to be broken after that!"

-Jesse and JA pause as they stare at each other for a second. Jesse then walks up to JA and slaps him in the face. JA's cheek turns red as anger slowly builds in his eyes. Jesse starts begging off, dropping to his knees. He then gets up and starts backing up, as he begs off. JA is shaking his head no. Jesse goes to poke him in the eyes, but JA channels some Three Stooges as he puts up his hand for the block-

(Crowd cheers)

DANIELS: "JA, by way of MOE!"

-JA then starts pummeling Jesse with rights and lefts. The crowd cheers JA on as he slams Jesse's face into the cage, causing blood to also flow from his forehead. Matt slowly gets up, with blood coming out of his mouth. He runs over and dropkicks JA in the back, slamming him against Montana, into the cage-


DANIELS: "Doesn't sound... or LOOK... very appealing, William!"

-Matt is back up, and sees JA laid out. He hobbles rapidly over to the corner, and climbs to the top turnbuckle. He pauses, as the crowd erupt to his pose. He then leaps---



MASTERS: "That's a flying somersault legdrop of doom! Fun to watch, not so fun to catch the end of!"

-Stylez goes for the pin, but Jesse drops down an elbow to the back of his head. Jesse then goes to the ropes, and hits a springboard moonsault on top of Sawyer. The ref counts-




(JA SAWYER has been eliminated by JESSE MONTANA)


MASTERS: "But what a way to go, Daniels! I may hate the guy, but I admit... he sure can hold his own!"

-Jesse and Matt begin trading blows, with both men down on their knees. JA slowly gets up, with a bewildered look on his face. Jesse and Matt stop and look up at him, as he is on his feet now. He looks down for a moment, and then briefly claps his hands in respect for both men. He heads to the door, as Jesse cheap shots Matt with an eye gouge- DANIELS: "Sawyer's character is just such an example on what being a good person is all about!"

MASTERS: "Well you know what they say... nice guys finish last!"

-Jesse is up and kicks Matt in the chest, as he remains on his knees. The crowd react. Jesse then hits a Shining Wizard, seemingly knocking Matt senseless-




DANIELS: "That kick almost took Matt's head off of his shoulders, and he still kicked out!"

MASTERS: "Instinct, Daniels! Has to be!"

-Jesse picks up Stylez and slings him over to the corner. He lays in a few boots. He picks him up and sits on the top turnbuckle. He climbs up, but Matt starts fighting back.. Jesse is knocked back down, standing on the mat. Matt slaps the shit out of Jesse, who spit sells. Matt grabs Jesse's head, and leaps---


DANIELS: "A Tornado DDT!!! Can Matt go for the pin!?"

MASTERS: "Let's hope not!"

-Stylez slumps down and is very sluggish going for the pin. He finally drapes his right arm over Jesse-




-Both men are exhausted, and Jesse is beginning to bleed heavily. There are blood stains all over the mat. Both men slowly begin trying to get up-

DANIELS: "Both men just blown up now, working on basic instincts alone!"

-Stylez stumbles over to the ropes. He grabs a hold of the wall and begins to climb it again-

MASTERS: "NOW what in the hell is he going to do!?!!?"

-As Stylez begins to climb, Jesse soon follows suit. As Matt gets 3/4 of the way to the top, Jesse gets close enough to start hitting forearms. He gets a little closer, and then Matt begins kicking back. He kicks him right in the face, knocking him down to the mat!-



-Stylez looks down on Montana, positions... and hits a MOONSAULT from the cage wall, with perfect aim nailing Montana!-



-As Matt landed, he hurt his ribs bad. The rebound bounced him off of Montana, and he clutches his chest. Jesse is slumped over in a small pool of blood. The referee has a shocked look on his face. It takes several moments before either man begin to stir. Matt finally is up first, clenching his chest. He picks up Jesse, slowly-

DANIELS: "This has got to end, and soon, or both men really WILL be dead!"

-Matt kicks Jesse in the gut and goes for a standing hurricanrana. Jesse counters it with a sluggish power bomb. Jesse for the cover-




MASTERS: "How the hell!?"

DANIELS: "Stylez is relentless!"

-Jesse slowly gets up, and picks up Matt. He irish whips him.. right into the steel cage wall-


DANIELS: "The smack of the flesh!"

-Stylez stumbles back on the rebound, and Jesse hits a dropkick. He slowly crawls over-



-The crowd is buzzing. Jesse gets up, again slowly, and wipes the blood from his eyes. He picks up Matt, and positions him.. nails a fisherman suplex! He keeps a hold of the move, and picks him back up-

DANIELS: "Jesse's looking for the Three Amigos with this one, let's see if this is enough to put Matt away!"

MASTERS: "Let's hope it is, Daniels!"

-Jesse nails a second fisherman suplex. He goes for a third, but Stylez lifts up and rolls him over with an inside cradle-




-Styles gets up, but Jesse levels him with a vicious clothesline. As Matt is slumped down, Jesse calls out of the crowd "TIME TO BOARD THE MONTANA EXPRESS!" and the crowd gives a mixed reaction, with mostly boos. He measures Matt, stalking him-

MASTERS: "This is it, Daniels, Matt's about to feel the Sensation!"

-Matt slowly, almost drunkenly, gets up.. He stumbles around, with Montana behind him. Montana is on the prowl. Matt turns around.... Jesse lunges!-


-As Montana goes for his wicked superkick, Matt grabs a hold of his boot, and Jesse is shocked, hoping on one foot. Matt spins him around.... grabs his head and......-









TOWERS: "Your winner.... and NEW #1 Contender for the World Championship!!!....... MATT STYLEZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

DANIELS: "THE SERIAL THRILLER HAS DONE IT! He will face whoever the World Champion is, next month at 'BROKEN HEARTS, BROKEN BONES'!"

MASTERS: "And we're about to find out who that will be, because the World Championship title match is NEXT!"


"Ah, February. The tail end of winter, a romantic month. This Valentine's Day, show your loved one.. JUST how much you care. Because if you don't..."

**the sound of screeching wheels**


Live from Cedar Rapids, Iowa

February 28th, 2008


"The Serial Thriller" Matt Stylez VS CZW World Champion



more to come!


TOWERS: "And now ladies and gentlemen, the second half of our main event for the CZW WORLD title!"

(Crowd cheers)

TOWERS: "Introducing first... the challenger... hailing from Sacremento, California... CALEB WALKER!!!!!"

("ANIMALS" by NICKLEBACK plays as the crowd boos. Caleb walks out and poses, oozing with confidence. He walks down to the ring, ignoring the fans. He gets in the ring, and poses on a turnbuckle)

MASTERS: "Where's Jenny Walker!?"

DANIELS: "From what I understand, Caleb demanded she stay backstage for this one."

MASTERS: "What a bummer."

TOWERS: "And the Champion... hailing from San Francisco, California... Here is THE ZODIAC THRILLA!!!!!!!!!!"

(The crowd erupts as "ANOTHER BODY MURDERED" plays over the PA. Zodiac comes out dancing, without Vinny Corino. He wears a red bandana over his face, and the CZW World Heavyweight title around his waist. He gets into the ring, and hands the belt to the ref. Caleb immediately begins jawjacking at Zodiac, who just stares at him)

-The bell sounds for the start of the match.-

** DING ** DING ** DING!!

-The two men pace around the ring glaring at each other. Zodiac motions for Caleb to "bring it on" and Walker stretches his shoulder. Walker and Zodiac both rush the middle and lock up in a collar-bow tie up. Walker uses his strength to over power Zodiac into the corner. Walker, with the upperhand, attempts to place Zodiac on the top turnbuckle, but Zodiac blocks it and kicks Walker in the groin followed by a DDT from the top turnbuckle. Zodiac attempts a Camel Clutch, but Walker lifts himself up to one knee, then to both feet, and drops backwards slamming Zodiac to the mat hard. Walker forces Zodiac back to his feet and hits a Belly to Belly Suplex. Walker goes for the pin.- DANIELS: "This early in the match, Walker must be underestimating Zodiac here."




-Walker looks angered that his pin attempt ended at two and jumps up devastated in the referees face. Walker turns and lifts Zodiac back to his feet, but Zodiac hits a hard boot to the gut and follows with a spinning DDT driving Walker face first into the mat. Zodiac picks Walker up and hit a Cradle Neckbreaker. Caleb lays on the mat holding his head region in pain. Zodiac once again picks up Walker and this time hits a Dragon Suplex. With a prompt pin.. ONE



-Zodiac lifts Walker again, but this time Walker hits Zodiac with a forearm in the gut and follows with a Hard Clothesline. Zodiac jumps to his feet and Walker nails another massive clothesline causing Zodiac to hit the mat with the force of a whiplash and land on his stomach. Walker circles Zodiac a few times and then grabs Zodiacs ankle and locks in the "Bone Crusher" (Ankle Lock Submission). Zodiac screams in pain as Walker adds the pressure to the hold. Zodiac attempts to roll Walker off, but the Walker maintains the hold. Zodiac tries it again, but again Walker maintains the hold. Zodiac tries a third time and flips Walker right into the corner turnbuckle head first. Zodiac gets back to his feet, but has a slight problem with walking. As Walker stands back up holding his mouth, Zodiac attempts a Dropkick, but Walker turns sideways and catches Zodiac in mid air. He holds him in place and then slams him down with a fallaway slam. Walker walks to Zodiac and stomps Zodiac in the back. Walker forces Zodiac back to his feet and hits a Release German Suplex sending Zodiac out of the ring over the top rope-

DANIELS: "Oh my god, Caleb has NO concern for Zodiac's health!"

MASTERS: "He's not here to care, he's here to WIN!"

-Walker follows and stomps on Zodiac while he's on the ground then promptly lifts Zodiac back to his feet and Irish whips him right into the ring post. Zodiac's forehead is split open on impact. Walker pushes him head first back into the turn post. Walker punches repeatedly right into the open wound. Walker throws Zodiac back into the ring and attempts another pin.-

DANIELS: "Zodiac is bleeding his own blood. This could be it!"




MASTERS: "What the hell was that Jarred, Who else's blood would he be bleeding!? You're an idiot. Zodiac is tougher than that but man this Caleb Walker is having his way!"

DANIELS: "What the hell is this!?"

(The camera now moves from the ring to the entrance where Eric Ryan clad in one of his knock off Armani suit is marching down the entrance ramp)

MASTERS: "Oh excellent, it's CZW's sport's agent to the stars, Eric Ryan. Hey, you think he'll join us on commentary?"

DANIELS: "Speak for yourself Will, I would much rather not have his loud mouth ranting during this impressive main event!"

-The camera now moves back to the ring where Caleb Walker has Zodiac Thrilla in a side headlock-

DANIELS: "What the hell get the camera back on Eric Ryan!"

MASTERS: "What, what's he doing?"

(The camera jumps back to Eric Ryan who has now knocked Time Keeper Howard Hughes to the ground and has taken the CZW World Championship and is now running for the backstage area. The camera now focuses back inside the ring)

MASTERS: "Can't you just concentrate on the match and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing!?"

DANIELS: "He just stole the CZW World's Championship! That ratfink just took the crowning achievement in CZW!"

MASTERS: "Maybe he just took it to get it polished for the winner!"

DANIELS: "I highly doubt it!"

-Walker forces Zodiac to his feet and hits a Side Suplex. Zodiac is then forced back to his feet again. Zodiac saves himself with a discrete lowblow. The ref watches as both Walker and Zodiac fall to the mat. Zodiac crawls to the ropes and uses them to lifts himself up and steps outside the ring onto the apron, jumps onto the ropes as Walker returns to his feet, and hits a Springboard Cutter. But lays on the mat immobile as both man are in some decent pain-

DANIELS: "The match is taking the toll on both men here."

-Zodiac rolls away from Walker and slides out of the ring. Zodiac goes under the ring and grabs a chair, slides the chair into the ring. Walker slowly gets back to his feet as Zodiac gets onto the apron. Zodiac goes to the top rope and attempts a Springboard Hurricanrana, but Walker side steps him and immediately locks in a second "Bone Crusher!" Zodiac refuses to tap out, and rolls to the left, but Walker keeps the hold locked in. Zodiac rolls over onto his back and his shoulders hit the mat, but Walker has the ankle lock still in place on the front, his knee holding down Zodiacs spare foot to prevent reversal…-




-Zodiac uses his arms to sit up but soon falls back onto his back in pain and the referee institutes another counts..-





-The fans begin to chant for Zodiac who seems to be rallying from the pain and the chants. He sits up all the way and punches Walker right between the eyes. Walker holds the lock and Zodiac leans up and headbutts Walker right in the face. Blood begins to trickle down Walker's forehead and Zodiac nails another punch to the side of the head forcing Walker to release the hold. Walker and Zodiac both get to their feet and Zodiac nails a roundhouse kick right to the side of Walker's head and both men fall to the mat in pain. The men lay for a moment and then Walker uses the ropes to get to his feet and is still a little dizzy. He forces Zodiac to his feet and Irish Whips Zodiac into the ropes. Walker attempts a Back Drop, Zodiac Counter's into a small package….-




-Zodiac looks shocked as blood pours down his face from the wound he suffered from earlier, and Walker lays on the mat bleeding having just kicked out. Walker slowly gets to his feet, Zodiac runs at Walker, and Walker hits another Belly to Belly Suplex. Walker locks in another "Bone Crusher". Zodiac screams in pain, but refuses to give up. After a few moments Zodiac passes out due to blood loss. The official checks him. The official raises the arm once and it falls. The official does it a second time and it falls. The official tries one more time and it falls halfway but then Zodiac holds his hand up with life. He kicks Caleb in the sternum not once, not twice, but three times forcing Caleb to bounce off and into the ropes. Zodiac flips to his feet and Caleb comes rushing at him. Zodiac jumps and Caleb ducks under him and Zodiac nails a flying forarm. Zodiac gets a sadistic smile on his face and looks to the fans. Calab starts to get up and Zodiac grabs a chair and drops kicks the chair right into Calebs already bleeding forhead. Zodiac then lays the chair on Calebs face and climbs the turnbuckle-


-Zodiac leaps into the air and NAILS the HORRORSCOPE on the chair (that's on Calebs face)!!!!!!!! The collision is life threatening. Zodiac bounces from the chair and falls onto his back his body covering Caleb Walker.. The referee makes the count…





DANIELS: He's done it! He's Done it! He retains the world title against "The Franchise" Caleb Walker!!!!!"

TOWERS: "Your winner and STILL CZW World Champion... THE ZODIAC THRILLA!!!!!"

(As "ANOTHER BODY MURDERED" plays Zodiac painfully holds his chest, awaiting for the World title to be given to him. When the ref shakes his head and whisper what happened, Zodiac gets a pissed off look, although still quite in pain. He gets out of the ring with the intention of finding Eric Ryan)

-Glacier and Ice-Breaker come out as they see Zodiac walking to the ramp way, they block his entrance to the back and Glacier has a mic-

GLACIER: "Look you son of a bitch you are not getting passed us at all! Do not think you are, because in no way shape or form are you even getting out of this building alive!"

GLACIER: "You see, me and the big man here have some business to take care of and... well you're it!"

DANIELS: "What is he saying??"

GLACIER: "We got hired to take you out! You see this briefcase here that Ice is holding, it has 20 grand in it to dispose of you permanently!!"

Just as Glacier drops the mic, from the back comes out Boris and Joker-Face. Boris has a steel chair and Joker-Face has a trash can They both take shots at W & P and both stagger, Boris goes after Glacier with the chair smashing him over the head, Joker--Face takes after Ice and nails him with the trash can over and over, Ice turns around and grabs Joker-Face by the neck and choke slams him on the rampway. Glacier and Boris continue to battle it out Boris nails Glacier with a low blow and then hits him THE MONGOLIAN STUNNER, Ice see's what is going on and goes over after Boris hits him from behind with a boot to the back of the head and sends Boris into the steel gaurd rail and Ice goes after Boris with an avalanche through the gaurd rail as both Ice and Boris smash to the floor, Zodiac starts to attack Glacier but Glacier manages to give him a leg sweep and he trips and hits the rampway. Glacier picks up Zodiac and nails him with the Lights Out! Zodiac crashes to the ramp hard, Glacier goes over and helps Ice up and tells him to come over and help him finish the job they have been paid to do-

DANIELS: "This is a riot! This is anarchy! We need security out here!"

MASTERS: "I don't like the atmosphere now, Jarred! SOMETHING BAD is gonna happen!"

-Glacier grabs the briefcase and smashes Zodiac over the head and blood starts to drip from his nose as Ice goes into the back and grabs two tables and drags them out and sets them up, they both set Zodiac on the stack of tables. Glacier holds Zodiac's arms as the big Ice-Breaker points to the balcony that is connected to the rampway. He starts to climb up, he gets to the third level and points down to the Zodiac. ICE-BREAKER THEN DOES A MOONSAULT OFF OF THE 30' BALCONY AND CRASHES THROUGH ZODIAC, THROUGH THE TWO TABLES!!!-

DANIELS: "OH MY GOD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

MASTERS: "Okay, NOW we need help out here!!"

-Both men lay crashed and burned on the rampway and not moving Glacier is stunned as Caleb makes his way up the rampway holding his ribs from his battle with Zodiac and starts to laugh at Zodiac who is busted up, bleeding from the massive 500lb moonsault, Caleb grabs the mic-

CALEB: "You see, you see that I paid for these two men to take your ass out of action I hope you are busted up I hope you can not wrestle next week I hope you now realize that these two men here now work for "The Franchise" Caleb Walker! Don't cross me you son of a bitch!"

-The EMTs come out with a gurny and put a neck brace on Zodiac's neck. They hoist him up on the gurny. Caleb runs over and gets in Zodiacs face-

CALEB: "You are shit, Zodiac, you are nothing.. you are not the man every one thinks you are! Give it up boy you will never ever be the same man after this!"

-Caleb flips the gurny over and Zodiac hits the ramp again and Glacier gets the big Ice-Breaker up as the three raise their hands in front of the tron. Boris and Joker-Face get up and grab chairs, and W&P go up to the entrance.. where Impaler is there to greet them, holding the CZW World Heavyweight title. As Boris and Joker-Face stay by Zodiac, all four members of Wealth and Privelege pose-

DANIELS: "LADIES AND GENTLEMEN WE ARE OUT OF TIME!! Thank you so much for joining us tonight, and watch War Zone next week... we'll have an update on the status of Zodiac... we'll have our first two TV Title Tournament matches... and lot's more!"

MASTERS: "Good night!"


CZW E-Fed 2008 (C)