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CZW - Presents Assault

| July 25th | * El Paso, Texas * Sun Bowl Stadium |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents ASSAULT live from - El Paso, Texas - Sun Bowl Stadium July 25th 2008

MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM MATCH Jesse Montana & Gregory Grantham (c) -VS- Kris Kash & Eric Collum

Non-Title Singles Match "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole -VS- "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland

Tag Team Match Big Nasty & Mike King -VS- Total Mayhem

Singles Match Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson -VS- "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze


Diva Singles Match Azure Nicholette -VS- Mandy

Falls Count Anywhere Match "Bad Ass" Matt Covey -VS- Jigga C




“Out Of My Way” begins to play as Assault begins. The many fans are up on their feet, the Sun Bowl Stadium is electric, chants of ‘CZW’ can be heard clearly. Fireworks blast off as the music starts to fade out, leaving the sound of the many fans here in El Paso, Texas.

GOLD: “Here we are, just one week away from the day Justice is served here in CZW, Assault is live at the Sun Bowl Stadium in El Paso, Texas”

FARLEY: “Yeah, if you ask me Ricky, there are too meant dam Mexicans here tonight, but still, Assault is cracked up to be a great event”

GOLD: “Well they maybe Mexican but they are loyal, they are deepening tonight Michael. There looking forward to Montana & Grantham against the former X-Ellence, now sell-outs, Kash & Collum”

FARLEY: “Sell-outs maybe, but they are smart. I doubt they are smart eough to defeat the most intelligent tag team in CZW history though”

GOLD: “What’s that, the Coveys?”

FARLEY: “Ha! Speaking of Covey’s, coming up first, battle of the bloodlines, Covey v Covey, we can’t promise a battle of wits here but we can damn sure promise a good fight!”

Gold: And we’re ready to kick off our first bout here tonight. An interesting match placing brother against brother in a Falls Count anywhere match!

Farley: You’re correct, Gold. For the first time ever in Assault, let alone CZW history, we’re going to see the “Bad Ass” Matt Covey against his younger brother the Jigga Man himself, Jigga C.

Gold: Just recently on Warzone, Matt shocked the CZW as well as the world wheh he apparently laid his cousin Ed out backstage, before kidnapping Ed’s girlfriend Hellena after her match.

Farley: Well, me myself, I’m all for the classic caveman style of picking a girlfriend. club’em over the head and take’em home.

Gold: One has to wonder how Ed has taken the recent turn of events. And with that we take you to ringside to Miss Towers.

Jessica Towers: This match is scheduled for one fall and is a Falls Count Anywhere contest! Introducing first, making his way out of Compton, California, he is “Jigga C” Al Covey!

Bullet for my Valentine’s “Scream Aim Fire” hit’s the venue as the crowd begin to cheer for the recently reformed star. Jigga hit’s the stage in his baggy jean shorts, swinging the chains that hang around his neck, as he bounces one hand in the air. Jigga points out the crowd in attendance and then bounces his hand and head once more, the crowd imitating him. Jigga smiles and makes his way towards the ring, slapping hands of fans as he passes. As he gets to the bottom of the ramp, he stops and begins to bust a move on the spot, the crowd eating it up.

Gold: There’s no doubt about it, the man can dance!

Farley: Uh-oh, looks like he won’t be dancing for long.

Gold: What do you… Oh no!

Al is suddenly kicked in the ass from behind, he falls forward against the ring apron, trying to catch himself. His older brother “Bad Ass” Matt Covey has come to ringside and has begun assaulting Jigga. Jessica towers shrugs and exit’s the ring as the starting bell sounds, Matt pummeling Jigga in the head with his fists. Matt grabs Jigga by the chains around his neck and tightens them, choking his younger brother before throwing him face first into the steel post on the outside. Jigga collides with the steel and hit’s the floor, grabbing his face.

Gold: What a dastardly display by CZW’s self proclaimed “Bad Ass”! He had no reservations about attacking his own brother from behind!

Farley: What? You think Jigga doesn’t know how his brother works? He should know him better than anybody else here in the CZW! It’s his own fault for not seeing this coming!

Matt begins to stalk Jigga, but something else seems to have caught his attention as he has turned to the guardrail where a fan dressed like Jigga sits, holding a sign that reads “Stomp his ass Jigga”. Matt laughs at the young man and turns away from him, but then turns back and spits in his face. The fan gags and Matt rips his sign in half. Enraged, the fan grabs Matt by his leather jacket. Matt swiftly punches the guy in the face and then pulls him over the guardrail, laying the steel toe boots to his ribs as security rush down from the back. Two of them pull Matt off the fan, the other four helping the young man to the back. Enraged, Matt punches one of the men in the face, sending him to the floor, before grabbing the second and lining him up against the steel post before punching him in the back of the head, crunching his face against the steel.

Farley: That’s how you do it! That’ll teach’em to stay out of his business!

Gold: What are you talking about, he just attacked security!

Farley: Oh quit your whining, here comes the chief of security to sort this all out.

“Big Daddy” Casey Rogers storms his way to the ring, shoving Matt back away from the fallen security. The two begin to exchange heated words against the guardrail, neither man backing down. Suddenly, Jigga comes rushing at Rogers’ back, plowing into him with a spear, effectively sending him crashing into Matt who is in turn crushed against the guardrail! Both men hit the floor and Jigga climbs over Rogers’ back taking shots at Matt’s head in retaliation. Jigga backs off, the crowd rallying behind him as Matt tries to stand back up against the guardrail. Rogers pushes himself up on all fours, trying to regain his composure. Jigga comes running in, launching off of Rogers’ back and nailing his brother with “Poetry in Motion”! Matt returns to the floor, grabbing his back as Jigga rolls away from the collision. The crowd are on their feet after that last attack and Jigga is feeling the energy now as he grabs Matt by the head, dragging him towards the ramp. Jigga lifts his head up by the hair and then slams it down against the ramp, still in charge. Jigga turns and leaps upon the ring apron, looking behind himself as Matt tries to rise to his feet again. The crowd explodes as Jigga leaps off the middle rope with a moonsault! But Matt is aware of his surroundings and actually manages to catch his younger brother, pile driving him into the hard surface of the ramp.

Gold: Ouch! I so thought Jigga was going to keep the upper hand after that string of successful attacks!

Farley: His style of attacks are just way too flashy for this kind of match. Your objective here is to hurt your opponent, not impress the crowd.

Matt takes the chains around Jigga’s neck and uses them to drag him up the ramp, Jigga’s hands grasping tightly at the chains as they choke the life out of him. The two disappear behind the entrance, Matt still dragging Jigga as cameras follow to keep up with the action

Matt drags Jigga up to his feet and swoops him up with a body slam against a large trunk used for hauling random equipment. Jigga grabs his back in pain, as Matt begins to wheel the trunk down the hall. Jigga tries to raise up, but grabs a random unopened soda lying nearby and pelts him in the head with it. Jigga grabs his face, as Matt suddenly speeds up, ramming the trunk into a concession venue, sending his younger brother’s head through the glass popcorn machine, glass flying everywhere as hot butter drizzles on Jigga’s cut face! Jigga screams as do the people working the venue. Matt reaches behind the counter, looking for something, and finally comes out with a canister of salt, he pours some in his hand and begins tossing it onto Al’s face as he struggles to get out of the popcorn machine.

Farley: Jigga’s a corny kind of guy! Now he’s covered in butter and salt! I love it!

Gold: This is horrible! Who treats their family like this?

Matt goes to grab Jigga by his feet, but Jigga kicks him back, Matt stumbling across a food table, small finger sandwiches and vegetable trays going everywhere! Matt gets wrapped up in the table cloth trying to get back up. He turns just in time to see Jigga leaping off the trunk with a diving headbutt, Jigga’s slippery buttered-up forehead colliding with Matt’s own. Jigga stands up, taking the chains off from around his neck, he balls them up around his fist and begins hammering Matt in the face repeatedly. Matt flips Jigga off of him and into a cake that fell off the table. Matt gets to his feet and tries to stammer away down the corridor, but Jigga is in hot pursuit. Matt needs a breath as he leans back against a door. Jigga catches him prone to attack and attempts another spear, but Matt quickly rolls out of the way, and Jigga collides with the door, knocking it open and sailing inside where the camera catches the nude backside of a woman before the door closes again. The woman’s scream is heard from inside as the door opens once more, Jigga backing out slowly, trying to apologize to somebody. Suddenly, Azure Nicholette is seen at the door in a towel where she slaps the hell out of Jigga before slamming the door in his face, sending him falling backwards into Matt’s grasp, where he’s hit with a back body drop into a pile of technological looking camera equipment. The screen suddenly goes black, and then this screen is displayed, though the commentators can still be heard.

Gold: We’re sorry folks. We appear to be experiencing some technical difficulties, I’m not sure if you can even hear us, but we’re going to try to continue calling this match.

Farley: Man, did you see that girl’s ass? All American indeed! I’m telling you, that Bryan McNally fella is one lucky bastard!

Gold: You realize people at home may still be able to hear us, right?

Farley: Nah, that’s not very likely. So anyway, you remember me telling you about that time I had crabs? Well as it turns out, that cheap little trick I grabbed up from the Waffle House, had previously slept with Rave, so apparently I got the crabs from Rave and god knows what else…

The cameras cut back on, showing the commentators.

Gold: And we’re back folks! Sorry about that, but we’re going to dive right back into this thing!

Farley: Indeed, it’s been a hell of a match!

The cameras cut back to the backstage again where Jigga is leaned up against a door. Matt comes running into the screen, landing a big boot to his brother’s jaw, and knocking the door off it’s hinges. As the door falls in, a worn out looking Jigga rolls into what looks like a locker room, Matt stalking him inside with a twisted look on his face as Jigga tries to back away. Suddenly, someone in the room approaches the two.

Krimzon Blaze: What the hell are you two doing?! Look at my door!

Matt ignores him and pushes him aside, still approaching his injured brother, the sadistic grin spreading. Blaze puts a hand on Matt’s shoulder.

Krimzon Blaze: Hey man! Don’t be brushing me off like that! Get the hell out of my room!

Matt shoves Blaze again, his focus still on the momentarily helpless Jigga. Having had enough, Blaze spins Matt around and rocks him with a stiff right. Matt stumbles backwards and then grabs his jaw, eyeing Blaze now instead. Jigga gets to his feet and hits Matt as well, staggering him once more. Blaze and Jigga look at one another and nod, both men lay back and double deck the Bad Ass in his face, sending him reeling back into a locker. Jigga gives Blaze another nod in appreciation for his help before grabbing Matt and by the hair and jacket, and running him out the door and into a wall as Blaze tries to at least stand his locker room door back up. The fight ensues down the hall and towards the parking garage where Jigga throws his brother down a small set of stairs onto the concrete. Matt stumbles on wobbly legs, flailing about before catching himself against a wall. Jigga grabs up a steel pipe that he found lying propped against the stairs and closed in on his older brother. Matt looks out of it as Jigga pulls back and then swings for the fences! But Matt ducks the blow and low blows his brother, Jigga dropping the pipe. Matt stands up and kicks Jigga in the nuts again.

A knock is heard coming from the exit door next to them, from outside.

Gold: The hell?

Farley: Somebody must’ve locked themselves out. Talk about embarrassing on live tv.

Matt lifts his brother up once more and then slams his head against the wall, watching it bounce off as blood begins to trickle from Jigga’s nose, becoming particularly runny due to the greasy butter that still coats his face. The knock is heard again, but it’s louder this time. Matt continues to ignore it, laying his steel toe boots to Jigga’s side. Jigga begins coughing hysterically, trying to catch a breath, when he’s suddenly hoisted up onto Matt’s shoulders in the power bomb position…

Gold: Good God, NO!!! Not on the concrete!

Farley: This is gonna hurt!

The power bomb gets turned into a piledriver onto the concrete, Matt having nailed the “Blow It Out Your Ass” on his unconscious brother!

Gold: That’s gotta be it! Jigga has to be dead!

Farley: I can’t see that move being legal much longer, here in the CZW…

The knock is heard again, much louder this time. Matt looks at his unconscious brother, breathing heavily a sigh of satisfaction as Jigga lies broken on the concrete. The knock continuing, Matt grunts and turns to the door, opening it… Suddenly a burst of white envelops him, Matt stumbling backwards.

Gold: What the hell just happened?

Farley: I have no idea. What is that white cloud?

Matt stumbles out of the white cloud, choking. He is followed by the appearance of Special Ed with a fire extinguisher!!! Ed blasts him again with the contents, Matt choking as he tries swinging wildly at the air. Ed reels back, a beyond angry expression upon his face, and then WHACK!!! He nails Matt across the face with the steel container! Matt hit’s the floor unconscious, blood running from his face now. Ed quickly tosses the extinguisher aside and drags his cousin Jigga’s body, draping his arm over Matt as the referee catches up to them.










Farley: WHAT?!? This is bullshit!

Gold: A revenge crazed Ed has shown up and helped to give Jigga the victory over his older brother!

Farley: He shouldn’t even be here! This is ridiculous! Somebody get that retard out of here!

The ref holds the unconscious Jigga’s hand up, as Ed climbs on top of Matt, pummeling his head against the floor as he screams.


Security rushes to their position, trying to break the scene up as Matt struggles to come to his senses. The scene grows more chaotic as the cameras cut back to the inner arena.

Gold: Folks, we have no idea how this thing is going to turn out, but we will keep you updated.

Farley: I’m still calling bullshit! Bad Ass had that match won, no doubt about it!

Gold: This may be true, Farley. But we can’t think too long on it, as we have another match set to begin!

Winner is Jigga C after 11.44 via Pinfall


Diva Singles Match Azure Nicholette -VS- Mandy



- The fans seem to love the new comers here. Azure especially as they begin to chant her name. She gets the advantage too when she locks up, getting a hammerlock in, then pushing her towards the ropes as they both bounce off, Azure with a back roll then gets up, getting a quick schoolboy cover on Mandy, but only getting a one count.

- Mandy tries to slap Azure but she is too quick, she ducks, the ducks a second before kicking Mandy in the gut then hitting a DDT on her opponent. She then picks her back up, taking her to the corner where she begins to kick her in the corner, keeping her I the corner, Azure runs off to the opposite side, then comes back with a handspring back elbow, which connects perfectly, then she walks off but Mandy grabs her hair as she pulls her to the ground, then mounts her…

- Azure blocks everything, then turns the mount over, hitting several forearms to Mandy, then lifts her back up before quickly sapping with a cutter type move, getting a cover…












- Azure back up, the crowd loving her, she smiles and waves to them, even blowing a kiss at a few select fans, before lifting Mandy up, then suddenly…BEAUTIFUL DISASTER!














- Azure celebrates, the fans loving her, so does the commentators, the match a total mis-match

Winner is Azure Nicholette after 2.45 via Pinfall


GOLD: “Wow, what a impressive debut for Azure, she certainly is a fan favorite. Next, we hear from a man who has been out of action for nearly two months now, an Upstart, Mack Beaudin”

FARLEY: “Yeah and we all want to know, who really pushed Mack…Even though we know it was Shawn”

GOLD: “We don’t know that Michael, but maybe Mack does, here it is, from his home in Tampa, Florida, Ryan Lewis joins him”

(Mack Beaudin Interview - Home in Tampa, Florida)

How are you? How has your time been while injured? What activities have you done?

I'm doing real good, After the surgery I just had to take a easy and take the time off just like the doc order. I been rehabbing it and I’m glad to say that I’m about 75% till i get the Doctors okay for me to finally get back into the ring. So I just been doing light work in the gym and just staying in shape.

Have you been watching CZW regularly while gone?

I been avoiding the shows like the plague. I tried to watch it after the surgery but its gets me so mad that I’m not in that very ring beating asses and just doing what the #1 draft pick do. But the last couple of weeks i been catching up on it and I’m liking what I’m seeing so far.

What are your thoughts on Upstarts at the moment?

I'm loving it. When me and Jesse came up with the Upstarts we didn’t think it will be the greatest force in the CZW, I like the additions that was made also.

What are your thoughts on Shawn Waters?

After what i been hearing and seeing lately, I don’t know what happened to Shawn. This is a big shock to me and hopefully he get his mind right. But if what I’m hearing is true then I’m going to have to deal with him.

What are your thoughts on X-Ellence splitting up?

When I heard about that I nearly pissed my pants because I was laughing so damn much. That was supposed to be The Upstarts competition. Well when you have a group of losers try to play with the big boys usually that what happens.

What are your thoughts on Jesse Montana being the General Manager of Assault and CZW World Champion?

My thoughts? That’s a dumb question, I'm a Upstart and anything that benefit a Upstart Member I’m all for it. Jesse running the show and being World Champion just sweetens the pot.

How is Zoe doing?

Oh she’s the best, She been by my side since day one and she never left it. She stayed with me while I had to stay in the hospital for like a week, she was with me during rehab, and she’s been with me during my workouts too.

Will she be back in action?

I'm sorry to say but Me and Zoe came to the decision that she’s no longer going to be in the ring as a wrestler, But she will be by my side as a valet to the #1 Draft Pick.

When will you be back in action?

That’s what everybody wants to know. My Rehab is going good and it does look like i should be cleared to be back inside that ring very shortly, But its still up to my doctors and the CZW doctors to clear me.

What are your objectives when you come back into action in CZW?

Oh man i have a hit list and believe me when I get back you will see me putting check marks on the poor saps on it. I would love to give you names but there going to know just who they are when I get back.

Do you know who pushed you? If so; What are you planning for revenge?

Zoe and I been racking out brains trying to find out who was the cowardly puck ass that had the nerve to try and take Me out. I had some names in mind but still couldn’t put my finger on it. Then just last week I saw that Jesse found that person and I have to say thanks bro. But if it did turn out to be Shawn I will need to know just why he would do that before I beat his ass. because the man that put me on the shelf for that long is a man that I don’t want to be.

Will you be watching 'And Justice For All'?

Oh hell yeah I’m going to see 2 Upstart Brothers retain there titles.

Any other thoughts or comments?

Just that I will be back and things will never be the same again. And for that person that pushed me down the stairs, Get ready because I’m going to make your life a living hell. I guarantee it.


Singles Match Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson -VS- "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze


GOLD: “Wow, it was good to hear from the Number One Draft Pick, he seems exactly the same as before”

FARLEY: “Yeah and just like everyone else, I sensed he knew it was Shawn Waters who pushed him, I can’t wait for his return”

GOLD: “Well I just can’t see Waters doing some…”

FARLEY: “Yeah well what do you know?”

GOLD: “I know that up next it will be a highly anticipated match, a man who wants revenge, against a man who is new here, but so far, has made quite an impact, Blaze v Jackal”

FARLEY: “He has not just made an impact Ricky, he snapped a man’s ankle!”

TOWERS: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall”

TOWERS: “On his way to the ring, hailing from Detroit, Michigan, weighing in at 215 lbs, the Aerial Specialist…Krimzon BLAZE!”

The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The Combat-Tron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

TOWERS: “And his opponent, hailing from Orlando, Florida, weighing in at 235 lbs…Karl ‘THE JACKAL’ Jackson!”

The lights go out and darkness fills the arena as only the dim glow of spotlights can be see scattered around the arena roof. After a moment of darkness and silence, the quiet tones of single guitar tones can be heard as the Combat-Tron explodes into life with images of Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson. Fans are kept waiting for a few moments as the images and guitar tomes continue to play. Suddenly a single explosion of sparkling red fireworks and the playing of 'Gold Metal' by Trademarc announce the arrival of The Jackal to the stage area as he stands with eyes focused on the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other. He then walks slowly to the ring, not taking his eyes off the ring, his cold stare piercing a hole into the eyes of his opponent. As he reaches the ring he climbs the steps and climbs carefully through the middle and top rope. Once inside he mounts the second turnbuckle of the corner post which is above the steps he has just used to enter the ring. He performs a breaking action with his hands, indicating his intentions in the match he is about to have. He then descends off the turnbuckle and turns to re-establish the stare to his opponent, walking closer as if more than ready to engage in combat.


- The bell rings as Blaze immediately goes on the attack, taking Jackal down with a lightening paced flying forearm smash. Blaze waits for Jackal to get back up as he jumps up, connecting with a perfectly timed dropkick. Jackal back down, but again gets straight back up, the fans cheering for Blaze who is on fire at the moment, Blaze bounces off the ropes looking for Jackal as he hit’s a Flying body press, but Jackal catches him in mid air, the fans booing as Jackal steps around the ring with Blaze in hand, before eventually falling back as he takes Blaze down with a Fall Away Slam.

- Clearly Jackal has broken the momentum of Blaze, now the pace much slower as Jackal starts to stomp down Blaze, picking out pressure points for where to place his boot on the body of Blaze. Jackal lifts Blaze up as he leans on the ropes getting his breath back, Jackal though quickly comes in with a fast kick aiming for the back of Blaze’s knee, but he jumps over the swipe, then bounces off the second rope as Jackal looks up, the gets caught with a Tornado DDT which Blaze miraculously managed to hit, then covers…
















- Jackal gets an early shoulder up. Both men now starting to rise simultaneously as Jackal goes to lock up with Blaze, but he quickly zips around to the back of Jackal, then dropkicks the back of his left knee, then bounces off the ropes as Jackal has no time to move, Blaze hit’s a modified shining wizard as Jackal crashes back down to the ground, Blaze though continues his run, bounces off the ropes, does a front roll, then somersaults in the air as he lands connecting with a Rolling Thunder…

- But Jackal puts his knees up as Blaze crashes and burns, then Jackal quickly grabs the left arm of Blaze, then swings his own legs into position, within a split second, Jackal has a Triangle Hold locked in as Blaze starts to panic, but Jackal applies as much pressure as possible which makes Blaze quickly fade.

- The fans are chanting his name loudly, everyone of them on their feet willing the Aerial Specialist on, Jackal now looking like a predator with his grip singed in. Blaze does not quit easily though, he starts to try and roll over, Jackal resists being turned until Blaze suddenly manages to flip himself over the opposite way, Jackal now having lost the strong grip, Blaze actually manages to wriggle out as he rolls out of danger, Jackal though shows experience as he immediately gets back up and grabs the arm of Blaze, now locking him into an arm bar.

- The hold is not as disastrous as the last, but Blaze seems to be hurt. Jackal starts to do ripping motions as Blaze begins to scream, his scream is heard to echo throughout the arena. Eventually Jackal lets go as he rolls backwards, getting to his feet as he comes back down, now dropping a heavy elbow drop on Blaze.

- Jackal lifts Blaze up as he delivers a series of right blows to the temple of Blaze, eventually knocking him back into the corner where he continues his punishment. Jackal hits shoulder thrusts, then starts to choke Blaze, the referee having to prize Jackal off, Jackal starting to get fired up. He then grabs the left arm of Blaze again, wrapping it around the ropes as he pulls on it, another illegal move in which the referee has to break up. As the referee pulls Jackal off this time, Jackal gets irate as he starts yelling at the referee, he turns only to get kicked in the gut by Blaze, Blaze gets another shot in, then goes for some right hands which seem to have a big effect on Jackal, until he rakes the eyes of Blaze which makes the fans boo in irritation, Jackal cutting off any piece of momentum Blaze once had.

- Jackal with a knee to the gut, then another, Blaze starting to look hurt. Jackal then looks around the crowd, many fans chanting ‘Jackal Sucks’, but this only inspires Jackal even more. Jackal then lifts Blaze right up to the top rope, Blaze sitting on the turnbuckle as Jackal begins to climb up too. Jackal stands over Blaze, on the second rope as he starts pounding into his head, the referee trying to separate them but Jackal doesn’t budge. Jackal then locks his arms around Blaze as he lifts him to his feet, high up in the air now, Jackal stands too, now about to suplex Blaze in a modified form from the top rope…He lifts Blaze up…










Blaze manages to roll off the back of Jackal as Blaze lands to the mat on his feet, Jackal now on the second rope still as he turns around, the fans pumped up, so is Blaze…











- Blaze manages to hit the kick perfectly as Jackal drops from the second rope onto the canvas, looking out of it. The fans go crazy as Blaze once again manages to mystify them. He crawls towards Jackal, Blaze gets a cover…











































NO…Jackal has a foot on the bottom rope.

- Blaze thinks he has won it as the fans leap out of their seats, but the referee signals that Jackal had his foot on the bottom rope, as the referee tries to tell Blaze, Jackal suddenly dives in with a thunderous Shoulder Block to the back of Blaze’s knee, Blaze getting hit from behind and rolls around in pain, the fans and even the referee looking annoyed with the attack. Jackal starts dancing around looking cocky, then ‘WOOOs’ to the crowd as they continue to chant ‘Jackal Sucks’. Jackal then starts stomping on the leg of Blaze. He stands on his leg, all his weight pressing down on the joint of the knee cap. Blaze is clearly in serious pain as the referee tries to pull him off, but Jackal takes no notice, eventually dropping his own knee into the leg of Blaze.

- Jackal now on top, now starting to hit right fists into the joints of his injured leg, forearm shots, he gets up, hits an elbow drop, Jackal seems blood-thirsty. The area is in a mass of boos, the atmosphere amazing, but the fans do not look happy. Jackal again gets up and poses, announcing his dominance to the world. He comes back but Blaze gets a quick small package…But Jackal kicks out quickly, looking even more fired up and determined as before, Jackal grabs the foot of Blaze then drags him to towards the apron, rolling out the ring but still having possession of the foot, then Jackal viciously slams the leg of Blaze so that the back of the knee wraps around the corner of the apron, Blaze screaming once more. Jackal does it again, then again, again and again until the referee rolls out of the ring and literally pulls Jackal off.

- Jackal rolls back into the ring where he starts to stomp once more on Blaze. Jackal looking impressive lifts Blaze up, then grabs the leg, locking his arms around the body but with his left leg sandwiched in his lock, Blaze’s foot near his own head, then Jackal swings back, hitting an amazing Tiger Suplex, Blaze getting thrown right across the ring and looking out of it. Jackal strolls over confidently then places his foot on the chest of Blaze, getting a ridiculously cocky cover…


























Blaze kicks out…




















- Blaze manage to drop toe hold Jackal down to the ground after kicking out the cocky pin, now Jackal locked into the ankle lock as Blaze begins to rip away, beating his opponent at his own game. The fans jump out of their seat, they are loving this situation. Jackal has agony wrote on his face, he bites his bottom lip, he holds his head in his hands, sweat and tears start to scroll down his face, Blaze has it locked in…

- Jackal begins to move around, trying to power himself towards the ropes but Blaze seems to be in control. The referee gets right in the face of Jackal, asking him if he quits, Jackal screams but does not quit, Blaze applying as much pressure as he possibly can, but is it enough?













JACKAL REVERSES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jackal rolls through, grabbing the injured ankle of Blaze while doing it, Blaze now in the Jackal lock, the situation turned around, the fans it back down, worried looks on their faces, Jackal has it locked in, eventually crashing back to the ground, lying back, all his might going into this hold, his grip strong, Blaze is locked in and has no where to go…

- Blaze tries to move towards the ropes, but clearly Jackal over powers him and weighs more, Blaze not being able to budge an inch, not right in the middle of the ring but not near the ropes either, the fans try and will him on but the Jackal Lock is singed in…Blaze about to tap…











Blaze hangs on, now starting to fade due to the pain, but he does not give in, he doesn’t quit. Jackal now begins to start movements which looks absolutely sickening, the angle of Blaze’s ankle is sickening too. The referee asking Blaze if he quits, but it seems as though there is no reply. The fans silence, the referee checks on Blaze…

















BLAZE IS OUT…BLAZE IS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


- Blaze did not tap, but the pain and pressure was too much, as the bell rings, Jackal smiles, keeping the hold on for a few more seconds before finally releasing. Jackal stands over his opponent who makes no movements. The fans boo, many silent in sheer shock, Jackal has made Blaze pass out…

- Jackal begins to celebrate, his music plays, the area in a state of shock, Blaze starting to come around as he rolls out of the ring, then limps down the aisle with the help of two referees. As Jackal continues to celebrates, his music suddenly cuts…Gregory Grantham is seen on the top of the ramp!

GREGORY: “Okay, cut the music. Shut your mouths. Now…That was impressive Jackal, I have to admit, there is nothing I like to see more than a joke like Blaze get carried out of the arena. But Jackal, one thing you have to remember, one thing which is vital for your survival here is the knowledge that your in MY ring. Assault belongs to Upstarts and as the most intelligent superstar on the roster, I can see when I am being dis-respected. Jackal, you dis-respected me last week, in fact, you have been dis-respecting me ever since your arrival here at CZW. Clearly, you are no contest for the Graduate in a battle of wits, but I suppose that is obvious anyway, so what I am here to do, since you feel the need to step on the toes of the Graduate…Grantham…Jackal…Mano y mano at the Pay-Per-View, in an I Quit Match! What’ you say Jackass, you got the balls?”

- The fans cheer this announcement, Jackal and Gregory in the middle of a fierce stare down, until Jackal begins to smile in his normal sinister way, the nods his head, signaling his acceptance of the match. Gregory frowns at him once more before leaving the arena, Jackal left celebrating his win as the scene fades to commercials.

Winner is Jackal after 9.37 via Submission/Knockout


Tag Team Match Big Nasty & Mike King -VS- Total Mayhem


GOLD: “I Quit Match, Grantham and Jackal, both men are technical submissionists, it should be a classic”

FARLEY: “Yeah, jackal is good, he just beat a former X Champion, but Gregory wants to prove that Assault is dominated by him and Upstarts, so Jackal better watch out, this challenge maybe too much for him”

GOLD: “Yeah, just another match which we cannot wait to see, but enough about the PPV, up next is Darkside, against Outlaws, Total Mayhem against Big Nasty and Mike King”

FARLEY: “Wow, King looks like a midget in this match”

- Both teams are in the ring


- Nasty and Ezra start the match, both men face up to each other, Nasty slightly taller but the height of both these monsters send chills through the enthralled crowd. Nasty suddenly attempts a right hand but Ezra ducks, then hit’s a throat thrust on Nasty sending him stepping back,. Then a right hand to the temple, Ezra whips Nasty to the ropes as he bounces off and meets a Big Boot by Ezra, knocking the giant frame of Nasty down

- Nasty is back up, Ezra back on the attack but walks straight into a knee to the gut, then a heavy chop which echoes throughout the arena, it even makes the monster Ezra cringe in pain, Nasty now whips Ezra to the ropes, he bounces off as Nasty goes for a Big Boot, but Ezra ducks again, Nasty turns around, Ezra with a gigantic throat thrust knocking Nasty back down, Nasty rolling towards his partner Mike King as he tags him in, Mike almost looking scared to enter the ring against the monster Ezra Mayhem

- Mike starts to walk towards Ezra, looking up into his eyes, the fans cheering for Mike to get his ass kicked, Ezra walks in to lock up but Mike steps back, then rolls out of the ring. The fans boo, the referee tells him to get back in but Mike starts to pretend his leg is injured. Now leaning on the commentary desk as the referee comes out to check on him, the fans chanting ‘Mike Sucks’.

- Suddenly Ezra steps out of the ring as he sweeps the leg of the apparent injured leg, Mike collapsing straight to the concrete floor as the fans love it. Ezra grabs Mike by the throat, lifting him up, then goes for the choke slam onto the announce table, Mike screaming, but Nasty comes from behind and kicks the back of Ezra’s leg, making him release Mike, both big men now facing off, both throwing rights and lefts, suddenly though Jakob is seen as he bounds around the ring, Nasty looks up, Jakob takes Nasty down with a thunderous clothesline.

- Jakob throws Mike straight back into the ring where Ezra is waiting for him, Mike virtually pleading Ezra not to hurt him, but he walks up, the referee still trying to get Nasty and Jakob back to their corners as they starts brawling on the outside, meanwhile Mike takes advantage, hitting Ezra with a low blow, kicking him viciously in the groin as Ezra collapses to the ground. Mike the starts stomping him, mounting him and punching him, Ezra throws him off but Mike comes straight back with a kick to the ribs, then an elbow drop. Ezra looks like he is in a mess as Mike yells at the irate crowd.

- Mike lifts Ezra back to his feet as he continues his assault, kicking him with strong quick shots to the legs, then the waist, Ezra gets knocked down to his knees as Mike bounces off the ropes, aiming straight for Ezra as he dives in…SHINING METALLICA!!!










No…Ezra ducks, Mike turns around, Ezra back up on his feet as he grabs Mike by the throat once, this time though there is no Nasty as Ezra lifts him high into the air…Chokeslam!

- Mike crashes hard onto the canvas as Ezra stands over him, frothing with anger. Ezra is not done though, he rolls Mike over onto his front. Ezra then crouches down on top of Mike’s back, the fans start to cheer as they know what is coming, Ezra locks his legs into position, he then rolls over about to lock his finisher I but once again, Nasty out of no where comes in and saves Mike, hitting an elbow drop right in the face of Ezra.

- The referee tells nasty to get outside, which he eventually does, Jakob on his side. Ezra is first up, picking up Mike as he literally throws him into his corner. Ezra tags in Jakob as he gets in. Ezra then lifts Mike up onto his shoulders, then drops him down from a Gorilla Press formation, but Mike lands on the knee of Jakob, Total Mayhem showing off a double team move. Jakob walks around the lifeless body of Mike before kneeling down, then choking him.

- The referee tries to break it up but Jakob stares at him, making him roll out of the ring scared. Jakob eventually releases the choke, then lifts up Mike as he walks him to the ropes, hitting a huge chop with the palm of his hand, then whips Mike to the opposite side, Mike bounces off but looking dazed as he runs straight into the shoulder of Jakob which makes him bounce across the ring. Mike beginning to look like a rag doll.

- Jakob lifts Mike up onto his shoulder then walks him over to his corner as he hits snake eyes on him, then tags in Ezra. Ezra comes in and grabs Mike…Pump handle Slam. Mike bounces off the canvas once again. The fans are loving it, Nasty looks a bit frustrated in his corner. Ezra lifts Mike up once again, he has not even got any fight in him now, Ezra lifts him up high…Stalling Suplex. Finally Ezra goes for a cover…









Ezra pulls Mike’s shoulder up, then looks at Nasty as he smiles, a sick grin upon his face, the fans cheering the evil monster on. Ezra pulls the leg of Mike, pulling him towards the corner where he tags his partner in yet again. Jakob comes in, immediately dropping a leg drop, then locking in a sleeper. Mike does not even try and escape, he seems to be totally demolished. Jakob squeezes but then lets go, realizing Mike is out. Jakob though lifts Mike back up, his limbs flailing around as if he was drunk, Jakob lifts him up…Fireman’s Carry…No…Face buster!

- Jakob walks around the ring, the crowd totally on their side, he raises his arm to signal the end, but before anything can be done, Jordan Bryant runs down the ramp. Jakob seems to be put off, then from behind Nasty hit’s a forearm smash, Jakob collapses to his knees. Meanwhile, as Ezra tries to help his teammate, Jordan pulls his leg so hard that Ezra collapses from the apron hitting his head with force into the ring, Jordan then spearing him into the steps as they fly everywhere, the impact making an echo throughout the arena. Now back in the ring, Nasty has Jakob, showing amazing strength he lifts him up, the hit’s a version of his finishing Nasty Bomb!

- Jordan and Nasty now stand tall above Total Mayhem, the match still going on as Nasty places Mike over the unconscious Jakob Mayhem. The referee is slow to cover but is yelled at by Jordan and Nasty as he covers regardless…But suddenly a huge cheer is heard, Nasty and Jordan look around, then Tim comes out through the crowd, slides into the ring with a chair and swings at Jordan, knocking him straight out of the ring. Nasty grabs Tim by the neck but Tim kicks Nasty right in the groin, then swings the chair into his spine knocking him down face first into the ground. Tim then picks up Mike who is still hurt from before, hitting him with the CANADIAN DRIVER ON THE CHAIR!!!

- Jakob gets a cover…






































- Ezra crawls back into the ring ad gets to his feet, growling in pain. Jakob is up too. Timmons then raises both their hands as they are announced as the winners, Dark side standing above ½ of Outlaws and Mike King looking strong. The scene fades to commercials…

Winners are Total Mayhem after 10.55 via Pinfall


Non-Title Singles Match "The Prodigy" Maynard O'Toole -VS- "The Zombie" Brian Kirkland


GOLD: “Kirkland has a huge opportunity next, a match against the current IC Champion”

FARLEY: :It could be called an opportunity yes Ricky, but I would call it a death sentence, Kirkland better prey here because Maynard looks as though he is fired up big time”

GOLD: “Well Kirkland won’t be afraid, he may have had some bad results of late but this is his chance to turn that all around here tonight, here it is”

- Both men have made their way to the ring, Maynard with his IC Title at ringside.


- The match begins, both me square off, Maynard with the slight height advantage and clear size advantage. Kirkland suddenly with a right hand, Maynard responds, both men brawling, Kirkland gets the better of Maynard as he works him back to the ropes, then whips him to the opposite side but Maynard reverses, then runs behind Kirkland so when he bounces off, Maynard is right there with a high knee to the sternum of Kirkland, Maynard then lifts him up…Side Suplex

- Maynard gets up, heavy breathing with fury. He lines Kirkland up, then drops his muscular right arm onto Kirkland, going for an early cover but only getting a one count. Maynard lifts Kirkland back up, keeping him in the corner where he hits shoulder thrusts, then knee lifts, Kirkland fights back with lefts and rights, Maynard though ducks a right hand then hit’s a Reverse DDT quickly.

- Maynard mounts Kirkland, hitting him, getting through his guard, several closed fists to the face of Kirkland before the referee tells him to get up. Maynard walks around the ring, making the crowd boo with fury, Maynard smiling, he then picks Kirkland back up but out of no where, The Zombie…Green Mist!

- Maynard shrieks in shock and pain as the referee checks on him, Kirkland already bouncing off the ropes and looking for Maynard, who cannot defend himself…Spear into a Spinebuster!

- Maynard is now down on the ground totally dazed and unable to see. Kirkland starts to climb the turnbuckle, the fans cheering him on. Kirkland poses, the commentators comment on the top rope being an adnormality for Kirkland, but he has Maynard I his sights, he dives with fury…


- He crashes down hard, then hooks the leg…





























- Maynard barely kicking out. Kirkland gets up, getting his breath back, he waits on Maynard to rise, the mist still clearly affecting him, Kirkland grabs Maynard, trying to lift him up for a Powerslam but Maynard slips off the back, then chops the leg from behind, Kirkland down to his knees, Maynard grabs him from behind…Dragon Sleeper!

- Kirkland is heard to moan and groan as Maynard rips his neck out of place. The fans worry for the Zombie, Maynard showing off his amazing muscular physique, pulling away at Kirkland. Maynard drops to one knee, the back of Kirkland at a scary angle, but he does not quit…










Kirkland with an amazing counter, spins around…








































NO…Maynard kicks out!

- The fans are buzzing, Kirkland seems fired up, Maynard gets up abit shocked, he swings for a clothesline but Kirkland ducks, then dropkicks the knee out from Maynard as he slumps to one knee, Kirkland now with an advantage grabs Maynard…Side Effect!

- Maynard is down, Kirkland is actually on top of the IC Champion now, he is pumped, he lifts Maynard back up but he shows his experience as he rolls out of harms way and out of the ring. The fans boo and hiss and Maynard, who tries to catch his breath back, but an enraged Kirkland rolls out of the ring going after Maynard, but he sees him, Maynard with a knee to the gut, then slams Kirkland face first into the guardrail. Maynard quickly lifts Kirkland up, then runs him spine first into the turnbuckle.

- Kirkland’s momentum has been stopped, Maynard now lifts Kirkland up onto his shoulders, showing amazing strength, then almost throws him face first into the turnbuckle. Kirkland is bleeding…Bleeding BAD!!!

- Maynard comes up, Kirkland trying to defend himself but Maynard slams him head first into the apron, then starts peeling away at his busted open head. Maynard hits him again in the gut, then slides him into the ring, hanging his body over the apron as Maynard from the outside runs in, getting a huge boot in the head of Kirkland.

- Maynard now back in the ring pulls Kirkland, who lies in a bloodied state, right in the center of the ring now…CELTIC CLUTCH!!!!!!!!!!











Maynard doesn’t manage to get it on though as Kirkland fights it, but eventually Maynard is too strong, locking the hold in. The blood begins to flow as Maynard pulls back on the hold, Kirkland in the middle of the ring, in the middle of hell.

- Maynard silences the crowd, they try and will Kirkland on but it seems he is fading. The referee is quickly forced to check on Kirkland who seems to be in a bloodied mess…































- He fights through the pain, through the bleeding, amazingly now with enough strength and momentum to turn, ultimately turning himself through and out of the hold. Maynard now furious lifts Kirkland back up…Lifts him up…










Kirkland slips off the back of Maynard, then gets a roll up out of no where, the fans blast off their seats and scream as the referee pins Maynard down…







































- Kirkland jumps off as he goes mental, blood maybe pouring down his face but as his music hits, he celebrates, the fans loving it. Maynard is in shock, pure shock. Kirkland then signals to Maynard that he will wear his IC Title. Kirkland celebrates once more, Maynard though with his Title in hand slams it into the back of Kirkland head. Maynard begins hitting closed fists into the bloodied forehead of Kirkland, the lifts him up, the crowd disgusted…CELTIC CROSS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Maynard leaves Kirkland in a bloodied mess smiling, but having lost his match, still though clutching at his IC Title.

Winner is Brian Kirkland after 10.23 via Pinfall


MAIN EVENT TAG TEAM MATCH Jesse Montana & Gregory Grantham (c) -VS- Kris Kash & Eric Collum


GOLD: It’s now time for the Main event!

FARLEY: That’s right Ricky...and we will see the Upstarts take on the new alliance of Kash and Collum, who smartly broke away from X-Ellence last week.

‘Mic Check’ by Jeulz Santana hits...

TOWERS: On his way to the ring...from St Louis Missouri...KRIS KASH!

‘Blow Me Away’ by Breaking Benjamin hits...

TOWERS: And his partner...from Houston, Texas...ERIC COLLUM!

(Collum and Kash walk out onto the stage together, soaking up the light boos from the audience. They make their way to the ring, focussed.)

‘For Whom the Bell Tolls’ by Metallica hits...

TOWERS: Making their way to the ring... Gregory Grantham and Jesse Montana...THE UPSTARTS!

(Montana and GG rush to the ring, ready to get this contest underway.)


-Grantham and Collum start the contest, GG taking down Collum with power. He whips Eric and follows up with a back elbow, before dropping another elbow on Collum. GG tags in Jesse, who dives on Collum and locks in a sleeper. Kash kicks Jesse in the face to break it up, but ends up getting destroyed by a Grantham clothesline. Jesse stomps Collum, before standing on his knee. He then grabs Eric’s knee and jerks it. Jesse then locks in a leg lock, tenaciously working down the leg of Collum. Jesse reaches over and tags in GG, who leg drops Collum. Jesse rolls outside as GG locks in a leg lock of his own. Collum grabs the ropes though, forcing GG the release the hold. GG grabs Eric, whips him and delivers a devastating spinebuster. He goes for the pin...



-Kash breaks it up...

-GG stomps on Collum a bit more, before tagging in Jesse...who once again locks in a leg lock. Collum just reaches the ropes this time. Jesse jerks Collum’s knee twice, pulling him into the centre of the ring. He then locks in a sharpshooter on Collum. After a struggle, Collum is about to tap, but Kash dropkicks Jesse in the face. Jesse gets to his feet and tags in GG, who picks up Collum and DDT’s him. He then gets in Kash’s face and talks some smack. Kash slaps GG across the face, who is quickly rolled up by Collum!




-Collum ducks a GG clothesline and dropkicks him. He then crawls over and tags in Kash, who runs in and locks a sleeper in on GG. GG flips him onto his back though. Kash rolls through the snapmare. He stands and kicks the sitting GG in the back, stiffly. He delivers another before bouncing off the ropes and kicking him in the chest. Kash then locks GG in the Money Clip! Collum climbs up top and flies off, leg dropping GG in the back off the head. Jesse runs in and dropkicks Collum, before saving GG with a bulldog. Jesse waits for Kash to stand...before taking his head off with a Montana Express! Collum runs to the ropes, bounces off the second ropes and dropkicks Jesse, sending him to the outside. GG stumbles to his feet. Collum runs at him, but GG reverses and delivers a 4.0! Collum also rolls outside. GG struggles over to Kash and goes for the pin...

















-GG rolls off, annoyed at Kash. He pulls himself to his feet. He walks over to Kash and goes to lock in the Prosecutor! But Kash was playing possum and rolls him up!










-Kash stands and shoves Jesse to the ground. GG grabs him from behind and delivers a German suplex. Jesse climbs on the apron and GG tags him in. Jesse waits for Kash to stand, preparing for a Montana Express. Kash stands...





-Ace King mounts Jesse and begins pounding away with lefts and rights. Jesse pushes Ace off and scurries away. Ace follows him out, beating him down with punches and kicks...and a Blackjack Bomb. GG meanwhile has grabbed Kash and nailed a 4.0...





-GG has won! He rolls out of the ring and rushes up the ramp to help out Jesse. GG grabs Ace and holds him back...until he is German suplexed! Ronnie McNeil looks at Ace, shrugs and rushes to the ring, where Collum and Kash are struggling to their feet. He runs into the ring and lines up Collum...FLAWLESS. Kash stumbles backwards to Ronnie who spins Kash around...FLAWLESS! Kash and Collum are left broken in the ring. Ronnie looks up the ramp, where GG is motioning for something. An army of Montana’s security rush to the ring and grab McNeil, taking him up the ramp. They also hold Ace back, allowing Jesse to get to the ring. He grabs a mic.


‘4 Words (To Choke Upon)’ by Bullet for my Valentine hits as the crowd go f**king nuts! Jesse and GG look up the ramp, worried looks on their face. Shawn Waters walks out onto the stage, mic in hand!

WATERS: Hey Jesse...No one is going to jail...although at the PPV...someone will be locked was your week? Good...isn’t that fine and wasn’t good for me. I haven’t showered in a week in fear of dropping the soap! I’ve had to eat shitty prison food for a week...I’ve had people call me murderer for a week. Jesse...I actually have a heart and would never ever kill a man...and I’d never push someone down a flight of stairs...not even you!’d take it as some rough sex game...the things you, GG and Maynard must have planned for Volume 3 of you know what!

Ace and Shawn share a grin.


The guards move forwards.

WATERS: Uh uh! Don’t take another see...I got a call yesterday...from the CZW Board of was your good friend JC Mason. Anyway...he told me that the board had paid for my bail and that I was to be here tonight to make an announcement.

Shawn smirks.

WATERS: At ...And Justice For All...justice will be served when Jesse Montana faces Ace King for the CZW World title. But this match will not just be a normal no will be the first ever...CZW CAGE OF JUSTICE MATCH! A cage...a prison cell even...2 metres by 2 man will be locked inside...will justice really be served? The rules are simple...there are no can do whatever is necessary to lock your opponent in the cage. The man who does so...will be the new champion! And don’t forget about the shanks and tazers hanging all around the ring. Hell...there are a ton of weapons at your disposal...gavels...steel bars...even a filthy toilet! Make sure that you aren’t locked inside...or else you will be forced to spend some time...with this...

Jesse nearly pukes. Shawn smiles and goes to leave.

WATERS: Oh...I almost forgot...if anyone tries to interfere...they will be suspended!

Jesse raises his eyebrow at Shawn...who doesn’t seem to finished.

WATERS: And one last thing...we have said that no one is to interfere, right? But the Board also said that there needed to be an official to enforce the interference rule...and none of the refs here would take it...

Jesse looks worried.

WATERS: So, instead...they named a man who isn’t afraid of anything...someone who has history with both men...oh hell...I’m gonna stop building up and just announce it...the special guest me!

Jesse looks enraged. He starts throwing a tantrum in the ring. Shawn tells the guards to release Ace and Ronnie. Ronnie walks to the back, while Ace and Shawn stand on the ramp smirking as Jesse looks up the ramp angrily. ‘4 Words (To Choke Upon)’ plays as the show goes to close, Ace signalling for the title...


Gold: I can’t believe everything we’ve witnessed here tonight folks. “And Justice For All” is looking to be as explosive as it is sure to be exciting. So, for CZW: Assault, I’m Ricky Gold for…

Farley: Quit talking for a second, jack ass! We’ve got something going on outside!

The cameras cut to the parking lot where Bad Ass and Ed are continuing to trade blows as security tries to drag them apart. The security force Matt back against a wall, trying to keep him there under “Big Daddy” Casey Roger’s orders. Ed is pressed back, against a rental car, the staff and Jigga C trying to get him to get in the car and leave. Matt appears to have found a brick, which he uses to smack several members of the security across their skulls with, effectively getting them off him. Rogers turns around and catches a hard blow from the brick across his jaw, knocking him out cold.

Gold: Christ! Bad Ass just took out our chief of security!

Farley: There’s no breaking these two up!

Matt makes his way over to the rental car and begins jerking members of the staff off the car, flinging them aside as he does. Jigga rushes Matt, trying to push him away, but Matt raises the brick once more. Jigga throws his hands up in the air, backing off.

Bad Ass: Get out of my way, Al! I’ll crack your damn skull open!

Jigga C: Chill, yo! This shit ain’t right, son! It needs to stop! YOU need to stop!

Matt pulls back and kicks his younger brother in the nuts with his steel toe boots, dropping Jigga to the concrete before going after the rental car again. But Ed is already in the car, backing away as the tires squeal. Enraged, Matt throws the brick, sending it through the windshield and nailing Ed in the chest. Matt snorts and clenches his fists, the knuckles burning white as he gnashes his teeth. Suddenly, the headlights on the rental car come on, drowning Matt in their bright glow.

Bad Ass: You ain’t got the balls, mother f**ker! You wanna play chicken? FINE!

Gold: Wait. What did he mean by that?!

Matt turns his back to the car and storms off across the parking lot to where his black and chrome 71’ Dodge Charger sits. Matt opens the door with enough force, the door handle comes off. He hops in and slams the door shut, firing the hemi engine up, his headlights flashing back at Ed’s as his engine roars with each rev. The rental car begins to rev up as well, the cars staring each other down from across the parking lot. And suddenly both tires are squealing as the cars begin to build momentum towards one another. They pick up speed as Matt shouts obscenities at the top of his lungs, Ed silent and glaring through persistent eyes.

Gold: They’re suicidal!

Farley: They’re Coveys!

Neither man swerves and the cars collide! The front ends hit hard enough to cause the steel hoods to dent like ripples in a pond, shattered glass flying everywhere as both sets of back tires come off the ground with the sudden halt. Ed comes sailing through the windshield, his mangled body collapsing in the midst of the twisted steel that had formally been the car’s hoods. And suddenly, there is silence, Ed unmoving and Bad Ass unseen within his car as smoke billows all around the disastrous mess.

Gold: Oh my God! They’ve killed each other! They’ve actually killed each other!

Farley: Oh man. We need medics out there, people! Come on!

A paramedic crew and an ambulance finally pull up the scene, the men trying to slowly maneuver Ed off the car and onto a gurney, his body sliced up and impaled with shards of broken glass. His eyes are rolled back into his head but he appears to be breathing. Jigga is back up, trying to get Ed to speak to him, but Ed is completely out of it. Two more paramedics rush over to the driver’s side door of the Charger, trying to get the door open, but it’s jammed. One signals for a tool to help, when the door suddenly flies open, knocking the men back across the concrete. Matt steps out of the car, his head bleeding after having apparently collided with his own windshield. He dusts off his leather jacket and steps forward, stumbling as he does so. One of the medics goes to check on him, but Matt swings at him, hitting him in the face. Matt stumbles forward once more, his eyes glossy and his face pale. He looks to be making his way towards the ambulance with Ed inside, Jigga standing ready to defend it. But Matt suddenly collapses on the ground as the medics rush a second gurney to his side. The arena is ghastly silent as the show fades…

Jesse Montana Assault General Manager


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