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CZW - Presents War Zone

| May 22th | * Pengrowth Saddledome * Calgary, Alberta |

Combat Zone Wrestling live from - Calgary, Alberta
Pengrowth Saddledome
May 22nd 2008


3 Stages of Montana Hell
"The Gambler" Ace King -VS- "The Sensation" Jesse Montana

Handicapped Match
"The One Man Riot" Alan Fiscus -VS- The Dark Side (Tim & Mike)

Intercontinental Title Match
"#1 Draft Pick" Mack Beaudin -VS- "The Living Legend" Big Nasty (c)

Tornado Tag - Street Fight
Vince Khan & Gregory Grantham -VS- Team X-Ellence (McNeil & Kash)

Singles Diva Match
"The Dark Kiss" Allyson Thorn -VS- The Lovely Zoe

Six Man Tag Match
Davis, Evans & Cage -VS- Havok, Carnage & Max



Tag Team Match
Team XTC (Ed Covey & El Pablo) -VS- The Anarchists (Stylez & Crow)

Five Man Elimination Match - Winner Gets TV Title Shot
Maynard O'Toole -VS- Sean Hustle -VS- Rob Wright -VS- All-American Nightmare -VS- Krimzon Blaze

Triple Threat Match
Sammy Giovanni -VS- Eric Collum -VS- Cage Stryker

Singles Diva Match
Brenda Vixen -VS- "The Boss Bitch" Cameron

Singles Match
Nick Ace -VS- Jigga C

Tag Team Match
The Dragon Society (Mido & Kendo) -VS- The Sin City Rockers (Drew & SJ)

*cZw ASSAULT!!!*





The Dragon Society are introduced first, as Mr. Tiko leads them down the walkway. The crowd is booing them and they are ignoring the crowd. Both men enter the ring very acrobat-like, as Mr. Tiko stays on the outside yelling out orders to Kendo and Mido. The crowd erupts when "Rock You like a Hurricane" begins to play, and new CZW superstars SJ Funk and Drew Scorpion make their way out, being led by Amy Funk. They high five fans on the way down to the ring, and immediately square off with the Dragons when they enter the ring.

The bell rings as Drew and Kendo are the two to start the match off. They lock up, but Kendo immediately rakes Drew's eyes. He then dropkicks Drew's leg from under him, quickly following with a springboard legdrop. He lifts Drew up and chops him hard to the chest. He goes to throw Drew to the ropes, but Drew reverses. On the rebound...a strong and fast powerslam. Drew then hits Kendo with a few punches in the face before dragging him to the SCR's corner. Drew tags in SJ, and holds up Kendo. SJ nails Kendo in the ribs with a punch, and grabs his arm. He twists it in a standing armbar. He kicks Kendo in the gut and lifts him up... -NAILING- the Funkin Rush which is a TKO, followed by a camel clutch dragon sleeper! Before he can have the hold on for too long though, Mido comes in and stiffly kicks SJ in the face, breaking the hold. Drew comes in to help, but for some reason the referee tells him to get back to the corner. Mido drags Kendo closer to their corner, and leaves the ring. As the referee turns around, Kendo tags in Mido. Mido immediately runs at SJ and kicks him in the chest as he was on his knees.

Mido picks SJ up and throws him to the ropes. He nails a spinning heel kick, and goes for the pin. Only a two count. He picks SJ back up and tosses him to the ropes again. He goes for a dropkick, but SJ holds on to the ropes and Mido catches only air. SJ leaps and tags in Drew, who immediately lariats Mido. Kendo comes in, and gets a lariat of his own. Drew is cleaning house and the crowd is loving it. He back body drops Mido. He does the same with Kendo. Mr. Tiko is hooting and hollering in japanese at ringside, seemingly beside himself. Kendo rolls out of the ring, and SJ and Drew grab Mido. They set him up....


Drew and SJ hit their tag team finisher, THE ROCKIN' SIN!




The SCR celebrate in the ring, as Mr. Tiko is extremely pissed off. He yells and screams at both Mido and Kendo, and he slaps them both hard in the face. He grabs them each by an ear and walks them up the ramp. As they reach the top of the ramp, Dusty Davis and Johnny Cage run passed them and down to the ring. While SCR's backs are turned, Dusty grabs a steel chair. Dusty and Johnny get in the ring, and Johnny spears Drew from behind. SJ turns around, and Dusty gets right up in his face. SJ punches Dusty in the face, but Dusty retaliates with a stiff chair shot leveling SJ. Dusty grabs a mic as Johnny beats down on Drew.

Dusty: "Listen up, SJ! This is just my formal way of saying I accept your challenge. And you know what? It's going to be a TABLE match. Next week, in Vancouver... I'm putting your ass through some wood. See ya buddy!"




* cZw *




[Both men do nothing for a moment, each both staring directly at each other, glaring, though the glares are different. Nick Ace has a huge grin painted on his face and appears to be mocking Jigga C through no other means that facial expression. Jigga C, on the other hand, has his features set in stone, we can only imagine what is running through his mind. Nick Ace looks to be getting bored and rolls his eyes, he begins yapping and steps towards Jigga C. He gets right in Jigga Cface and keeps yelling. Jigga C says nothing, then Nick Ace reaches back to prepare for a punch, and just as it is about to land on Jigga C face, he dodges out of the way and grabs Nick Ace arm. He twists it around Nick Ace back and wrenches in the hammerlock. Nick Ace counters with an elbow to the ribs, then tries to grab Jigga C's head, prompting Jigga C to jerk back abruptly, his arm rushing up to touch the back of his neck. Nick Ace steps forwards and goes for another punch, which Jigga C blocks with his forearm. Nick Aces other arm goes in for a shot to the head, but Jigga C's same arm flies to the right and knocks Nick Ace arm off course, so that it only grazes Jigga Cs head. Jigga C shows no sign of being hit, as he keeps the same look on his face. Looking annoyed, Nick Ace goes for a low blow kick, but Jigga C catches his foot and pushes it upward, which Nick Ace counters, using the momentum to do a back flip. He lands perfectly, looking quite pleased with himself until he notices too late the form of Jigga C rushing forward and flooring him with a clothesline. Nick Ace stays on the mat for a moment, feeling the effects, as Jigga C comes over and pulls him upright. Before any damage can be done, Nick Ace shoves Jigga C away.]

[The two men go to lock up once more, only for Nick Ace to nail Jigga C with a knee to the gut. He then immediately places his opponent in a side headlock, wrenching on his neck and taunting the fans at the same time, before Jigga C manages to push him off into the ropes and then go for a hip toss. However, Nick Ace blocks and then swings for a clothesline, only to have Jigga C duck the shot and then hook him up for a back drop. Instead, Nick Ace rolls straight over Jigga Cs shoulder, before he hooks him up in preparation for a side Russian leg sweep. However, Jigga C fights out of it with some elbow shots to the side of the head, before then running at the ropes and ducking a clothesline on the rebound. Jigga C then leaps onto the second rope and uses it to springboard back towards his opponent, taking him down with a cross body block, only to then have Nick Ace roll through, hooking the tights as he went for the early pin attempt!]



Kick out

[Both men rise at about the same time, with Nick Ace trying to get another cheap shot in on the neck as they go. Jigga C again deftly counters, ducking away and striking back by quickly locking in a sleeper hold. Nick Ace is not completely upright, so he is at a disadvantage and cannot seem to counter the hold very easily. Jigga C has leverage on his side and he knows it. He locks in the hold tighter and tighter, and Nick Ace seems about to pass out when he frantically reaches forward and grabs referee . He pulls the referee towards him and throws a leg back between Jigga Cs legs. Stunned, Jigga C loosens his grip and Nick Ace moves backward with all his force, shoving Jigga C into the ropes and causing him to lose his hold altogether. Nick Ace then reaches back and drops Jigga C with a 3/4 neckbreaker. Jigga C stumbles forward as Nick Ace helps him along, tripping him up and sending him careening into the referee. Both Jigga C and the ref are down on the canvas now, and Nick Ace takes the opportunity to slide to the outside. He quickly grabs a steel chair and slides back into the ring where he then sets the chair up next to Jigga C before roughly jerking him up by the neck. He shoves Jigga Cs head into the space between the top of the chair and leaves Jigga C there, on his hands and knees as he points a finger to the sky, causing the crowd to boo mercilessly.]

[Nick Ace climbs up to the top turnbuckle and pauses, playing to the crowd! He then leaps off with his leg extended and aiming right for Jigga C neck. The entire crowd gasps at once anticipating the impact when Jigga C throws himself backwards and out of the way, with Nick Ace leg striking nothing but the seat of the steel chair!! Jigga C is immediately on Nick Ace, grabbing his now hurt leg and then immediately locking him into a figure four! He wrenches the hold and Nick Ace looks around and desperately reaches for the steel chair. Jigga C mistakenly thinks he is reaching for the ropes and unwittingly pulls him closer to the chair. Smirking arrogantly through the pain, Nick Ace grabs hold of the chair and sits up, before he then drives the steel down into the skull of Jigga C with a thunderous shot! Nick Ace frees himself from the hold and tosses the battered chair out of the ring just as ref starts to come to his senses, before Nick Ace crawls on top and makes the cover...]




[Nick Ace angrily grabs his opponent by the hair, dragging him back upright and then delivering some HARD knife-edge chops to the chest. He then whips him off into the ropes opposite, getting set to deliver some punishment on the return, but instead, Jigga C holds onto the ropes and ruins Nick Ace plans! Angered, Nick Ace charges towards Jigga C, only to be caught with a back body drop that sends him up and over the top rope. However, Nick Ace manages to land on the ring apron, before grabbing the unsuspecting Jigga C from behind and then snapping his neck backwards against the top rope with an inverted guillotine!]

[Jigga C falls to the canvas, holding his neck in agony, whilst Nick Ace casually climbs back onto the apron, taunting the booing fans. He then climbs up onto the top turnbuckle and shouts at Jigga C to get up, before then launching himself back into the ring and taking him down with a huge flying neckbreaker!]

[Arrogantly, Nick Ace pulls himself upright with arms out-stretched, and does a small twirl before placing his boot on Jigga Cs chest to make the cover.]



[Shoulder up once again! Nick Ace can't believe it! He shouts at the official, threatening him, before then dropping down and making a proper pin attempt this time...]



[Nick Ace pulls Jigga C to his feet again and then whips him straight into the turnbuckle. Nick Ace charges towards the corner, looking to follow up the attack, only to instead run into a big boot to the face! Jigga C then puts Nick Ace in the corner and hammers away with a barrage of punches and chops, before then driving some shoulder tackles to the mid-section. He then looks to whip him off into the corner opposite, only to have Nick Ace somehow reverse. However, Jigga C runs up the corner onto the top turnbuckle, before then launching backwards in search of a high arching moonsault! Nick Ace sees it coming though and stops just short, meaning Jigga C lands on his feet before being clubbed in the neck with a big time forearm. Nick Ace then grabs him by the waist, setting him up for a german suplex!]

[However, before Nick Ace can deliver the move, Jigga C fights back with some elbow shots before he breaks free and then spins around in search of a clothesline. However, Nick Ace ducks it, only to be hooked up and then from out of no-where, driven into the canvas with a Russian Legsweep!]

[Jigga C crawls on top of his downed opponent, hooking the leg as the crowd count along with the official...]




[Jigga C gets to his feet with Nick Ace not far behind. Jigga C lies in wait for his opponent as Nick Ace regains his bearings. As soon as he does, Jigga C then rushes forwards, connecting perfectly with Nick Ace jaw via a superkick! Instead of going for the cover however, Jigga C pulls Nick Ace back to his feet and hooks him into facelock. Flipping backwards, Jigga C drops him with a bulldog. After delivering the move, Jigga C drops to the mat, holding his neck and looking generally exhausted. The ref begins the mandatory ten count.]





[Jigga C begins to stir and gets to one knee, shaking his head as if trying to rid himself of the pain.]


[Jigga C collapse back the mat, clutching his neck.]



[Showing true grit, Jigga C forces himself to his feet and stands, staggering backwards before regaining his balance.]


[Not wanting to win this way, Jigga C bends down and struggles to lift Nick Ace.]


[Jigga C barely pulls Nick Ace up before the ten count, then puts him in an inverted facelock. Jigga C signals to the crowd for a reverse DDT.]

[Somehow, Nick Ace manages to spin his body around and then goes for a Northern Lights suplex. However, Jigga C cuts off his opponent's momentum, instead swinging backwards to counter with a big DDT! He then grabs Nick Ace and begins to pull him up again, only to have Nick Ace nail him with a low blow! Referee moves towards Nick Ace, admonishing him for what he just did, but Nick Ace ignores him. Instead, he grabs the stunned Jigga C and spins him around, hoisting him up onto his shoulders so that Jigga C hung upside down, setting him up for...]

[Nick Ace smirks arrogantly, parading the stunned Jigga C for all the fans to see, before all of a sudden, Jigga C manages to grabs Nick Ace ankles and somehow rolls Nick Ace up into a pinning combination...]




[Both men shoot back to their feet and Nick Ace angrily swings for a clothesline. However, Jigga C ducks the shot and then nails his opponent with a stiff boot to the gut, before grabbing hold of Nick Ace tights and then drilling him into the canvas with a pulling piledriver! Sensing the end maybe near, the crowd give a roar of approval as Jigga C struggles back to his feet, holding his neck. He then points to the corner and gets another pop, before he starts to climb to the top turnbuckle...]

[Jigga C squats on the top turnbuckle, slowly rising up so that he stands upright before signalling to the fans. They cheer as he launches towards Nick Ace, looking to crush him with a 5 star frog splash, but right at the last second, Nick Ace rolls to the side!]

[Jigga C lands awkwardly, and doesnt move for several seconds as Nick Ace grabs hold of the ropes and pulls himself upright again. Smiling from ear to ear, he out-stretches his arms and soaks up the boos, before grabbing his opponent and then placing him in standing head scissors position.]

[Nick Ace flips, Jigga C up onto his shoulders, but Jigga C reverses it into a tornado DDT out of nowhere that caught Nick Ace totally off guard, Jigga C hooks in the Jiggamission! Nick Ace cannot stand the pain and Jigga C. wins by Submission...]




* cZw *




They lock up and Vixen tosses Cameron to the mat. They lock up again and Brenda Vixen applies a side headlock but is tossed off again by Cameron.

Lock up for a third time and Brenda Vixen applies a waist lock. She turns it into a wristlock and picks her up by one arm and tosses Cameron to the mat. Brenda Vixen has an arm locked on the apron, over the ropes. She leaps in over the ropes and arm drags Cameron. Cameron then turns a Brenda Vixen head scissors in to a powerbomb and now is in charge.

Cameron then applies a double underhook submission and then tries to pin Brenda Vixen. Two count for Cameron, who then applies a rear chinlock.

Cameron then applies a double underhook submission and then tries to pin Brenda Vixen. Two count for Cameron, who then applies a rear chinlock. Brenda Vixen tries to twist out but cannot. Cameron puts Brenda Vixen in the corner and chops her twice. Brenda Vixen then applies a body scissors, then a headscissors and kicks Cameron in the head. Cameron hits a back elbow on Brenda Vixen and stops her momentum.

Cameron picks up Brenda Vixen in a full nelson slam into a crossface submission move. Brenda Vixen wriggling feverishly and finally breaks free, and pulls up and kicks her in the gut and then hits her with a neck breaker. Both women down.

Cameron goes for a clothesline, but gets caught and driven into the turnbuckle. Vixen military presses Cameron and slams her down. Cameron surprises her with a chop to the throat when Brenda tries to pick her up, and Cameron rolls Brenda Vixen over and nonchalantly pins her but gets only two. She is visibly upset now, and picks her up, then tries to toss her up to her shoulders in a fireman’s carry. Brenda Vixen instead rolls through into a rollup just as the ref was starting to count Tatum comes running down to the ring and distracts the ref Cameron kicks out of the roll and smacks Brenda in the face and delivers a ddt to Brenda Vixon, Cameron goes for the cover but no ref, Cameron gets up and see's that Tatum is up on the ring apron the ref turns around and Cameron shoves him out of the way and dropkicks Tatum off the ring into the gaurd rail, Brenda gets up from the ddt and spins Cameron around and plants her with a sit down power bomb, Brenda Vixen goes for the cover the ref counts 1,2,3.....




* cZw *




The fans sit in antiscipation for yet another showing of three newcomers in cZw, all of who have made a certain impression throughout the ranks of cZw so far. Eric Collum and Sammy Giovanni making their second appearence, while Cage Stryker makes his third.

"More Human Than Human" - White Zombie plays. Sammy comes out, looking ready for business as he walks powerfully down the ramp, clap-ping thehands of only s few fans, gets into the ring then creams as he poses to the fans.

The lights in the arena go out and are replaced by multicolored flashing lasers and strobes. "Blow Me Away" by Breaking Benjamin hits the P.A. system and the fans jump to their feet. Eric Collum comes walking out onto the stage dressed for competition in short wrestling trunks, knee high wrestling boots, elbow and knee pads, and a T-shirt. He continues down the ramp, his eyes focused on the ring. He slaps the hands of the fans in the front rows before climbing the steel steps to the ring apron. He looks around the arena, then steps between the middle and top ropes into the ring. He climbs to the middle turnbuckle in the nearest corner and plays to the crowd, inciting more and more cheers. He takes his T-shirt off and throws it into the sea of fans before climbing down from the turnbuckle. The lights return to normal and the music dies down as Eric waits in the middle of the ring.

"Ladies and Gentlemen" Saliva - The dark horse in this match makes his entrance, both Sammy and Eric are focussed on each other, but Cage seems to be popular with these fans and he looks fairly confident, walks down the ramp and gets into the ring.

After Towers has done her job, the bell rings starting the match

As the bell rings it is clear all competitors are thinking tactically as they stand still, focussed on each other, all waiting for a perfect moment to strike. Clearly Sammy is the more aggressive of the three as he quickly goes towards Eric as he goes to lock up, but Eric proves to be quicker as he dodges out of the way, leaving an opportunity for Cage to strike on Sammy, knocking him from behind with a forearm to the neck, then turns him around in the corner where he unloads with a series of blows to the head, Eric comes up and both men irish whip the big Sammy to the opposite corner, he bounces off, Eric and Cage run at Sammy but both get knocked down by a monstorous double clothesline hit by the big Samoan. The crowd cheer as he roars in a rage of momentum. He picks up Cage and chops him in the chest, draws him back to the ropes then whips him, he rebounds, Sammy hits a nicely timed Sidewalk Slam. Eric now up, Sammy hits him in the head, again, then again, irish whips him, Yakuza Kick, but Eric ducks, now on the rebound at speed...Gets caught with a Big Boot. Sammy now on the attack still grabs Eric in a submission, the STF, but Eric struggles out straight away as Sammy is unable to lock it in, now Eric rolls out of the ring to catch his breathe back. Cage now up again, Sammy notices, walks up to him but is caught with a quick kick to the gut then a DDT as Eric jumps back into the ring and dropkicks Cage in the temple knocking him right out of the ring, now quickly taking another opportunity to cover Sammy





















Sammy tries to get back up now but is stomped down by the talented Eric Collum. Eric lifts the big man up, European uppercut to the chin, then another, kick to the gut, then nicely swings Sammy aroud into a swinging neckbreaker, covering Sammy again but this time only getting a one count. Cage is now back into the ring as he grabs Eric from behind, anger inside him from his attack before, he throws him over his shoulder, going for a release german suplex, Eric though lands on his feet, then springboards off the ropes, with both Sammy and Cage looking on in shock, Eric hits a beautiful Springboard dropkick, hitting both men down. Eric celebrates then climbs to the ropes. Sammy is the first up, but Cage is up unnoticed on the other side as he shakes the top rope, Eric falls straight down on his groin as he grits his theeth in pain, now Cage going to the top rope to deleiver some kind of a superplex. Sammy though comes up behind Cage and climbs to the first rope underneath Cage, Cage still locked onto Eric though as all three men are stuck together in a chain...Sammy lifts Cage up as Cage lifts Eric up...

THREE MAN SUPERPLEX!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric getting the worst of it as he was the highest up on the top rope. Sammy getting crushed by both men slightly as Cage is also down. Now, the referee is forced to count all three men down and out. He reaches a long six count when Cage is up on his feet, both Sammy and Eric are on their knees. Cage goes after Sammy, kicking him as he tries to get up but Sammy shrugs him off, he gets up, grabs Cage and lifts him up for a suplex, Cage stops himself from being lifted all the way up though as he rolls up Sammy in a nice small package...Gets up to a two count...Eric breakes it up. Now Eric stands Cage up, grapples and gets the better as he hits Cage with a snap suplex. Eric quickly getting up as he goes after Sammy, kicking him in the left knee as the big man goes down to one knee, then Eric runs at the ropes, Sammy back up now though as he catches Eric in the Death Valley Driver, Eric slips off though at the last split second, then unfortunately gets caught by Cage from behind though as he hits a Russian Leg Swwep, then he gets up and grabs Sammy into a DDT postition, Sammy lifts Cage up though but loses his balance, Cage comes back down with huge Dangerous DDT...He covers























Now Eric and Cage exchange blows, Cage getting the advantage as he knocks Eric back into the corner, chop to the chest, shot to the head, now choking him, anything to keep him down, but Eric fights back, reversing the situation as he unloads on Cage who is now stuck in the corner, throws him into the opposite side, Cage reverses though as Eric goes running, Sammy suddenly getting up and hitting a fast and deadly Yakuza Kick to the skull of Eric as he lies flat out and unconsious. Cage now looking to lock up with Sammy but before he can, Sammy grabs Cage and plunges him across the ring with a release belly to back suplex. Now enraged on adrenaline, he screams to the fans once more and locks in an ankle lock onto Cage Stryker. Eric is still out of it, still not moved since the kick as the referee checks on Cage to see if he quits. Cage is screaming in pain, but not quitting, trying to move himself towards the ropes, but cannot get there. The intensity in the face of Sammy is quite scary as you can see him trying to snap the ankle of his opponent, just to pick up the win. Finally Eric starts to move, obviously getting some life back into him, Cage looking like he might tap anytime, not being able to escape...Eric now on his knees, looks over, sees the situation, then gets up and runs towards Sammy. Sammy looks at Eric closing him down, drops the leg of Cage and hits a Samoan Drop, then quickly getting back up, grabbing back in his posession the leg of Cage, he now kicks and claws his way out of the grip but Sammy overpowers him, lies back and rips at the ankle once again, this time though having him in perfect position, lying back and putting all his weight into the ankle lock. Eric is starting to stir but is it too late???

NO...Cage won't tap, Eric is up...Standing Senton splash on Sammy as he is forced to release the hold. Cage tries to roll out of the ring but Eric seeing an opportunity picks the weakened Cage up, lifts him up...COLLUMBINE!!!!!!!!!!!

Eric stands back up, turns around and jumps in surprise, Sammy is standing their staring in rage at Eric as he nearly took another opportunity, Cage now out of it in the middle of the ring, but no body able to pin him. Sammy lunges at Eric who cannot escape, Sammy lifting him up and running him spine first into the corner post, now in the corner, he tries to guard his face but Sammy like a man possessed unleashes dangerous shots to the head of Eric, the referee trying to stop him but he shrugs him off, then starts kicking him with martial arts kicks in the stomach. Eric is now a bloody mess in the corner as Sammy pulls him out and viciously hits him with strike combos as Eric bounces off the post, like he is stuck in between two rocks. Sammy smiling no was he looks at Eric, blood pouring out of his nose, Sammy grabs him, takes him away from the corner, as Eric is barely standing up, his legs wobbling, Sammy flies off the ropes, rebounds and comes charging at Eric at a great pace...Somehow though, Eric jumps up with great agility and hits a swinging headscissors as Sammy flies through the ropes and crashes at speed ito the guardrail as it collapses and knocking him out upon impact. Now, in the ring, Eric with blood down his face, his eyes bashed in so much they are closing up, his lip busted open, he wipes the blood off his face, goes to the top rope and screams at the fans who applaud him...Eric..What is he thinking???


He hits Cage Stryker with his finisher as he bounces off...He seems hurt himself, now holding his ribs as the blood continues to pour from his face. Sammy is down on the outside still. Cage is destroyed in the ring. But can Eric capitolize???

Eric looks around, the blood in his eyes makes it hard for him see where Cage actually is, but he crawls the correct way as the fans cheer him on, he reaches out and YES YES YES!!!!! HE COVERS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!










































The fans chant Eric name as he yet again has won another triple threat match and who knows what thefuture holds, for all these three men in fact but it seems to be glory. Two matches, two wins for Eric Collum.




* cZw *




MASTERS: It’s time to see who will face Mr. TV for his Television title. I’m pulling for O’Toole here...

DANIELS: Are you serious? Blaze has been on fire lately. He has two pinfall victories over the champ.

MASTERS: So? Shawn has had a lot on his mind lately, he hasn’t been completely focused.

DANIELS: I hope he remains unfocused...or drunk off his face like earlier this week.

MASTERS: Do you wanna say that to his face...

“4 Words (To Choke Upon)” by Bullet for my Valentine hits...

MASTERS: Because here he comes now!

TOWERS: Making his way to the ring...

“Piece of Me” by Britney Spears plays...

Ashley Valentine walks out onto the stage. Towers looks on, confused.

VALENTINE: Get out of the ring, bitch!

Towers leaves, as Ash enters the ring.

VALENTINE: On his way to the ring...tonight’s guest commentator, current TV champion and the youngest champion in CZW history...He is Mr. TV...SHAWN WATERS!!!!

MASTERS: Welcome to the announcers booth, Shawn.

WATERS: Hey, no probs, Masters. Gotta scout out my opponents, eh?

DANIELS: Welcome, Shawn.

WATERS: You’re still alive? Wow, Jesse must have pitied you last week.

DANIELS: For your information, I beat Montana...

MASTERS: Quiet! Valentine is about to speak.

“Get Back” by Ludacris plays...

VALENTINE: Making his way to the ring, from Springfield, Mass. He is the CZW career killer...Real Deal, ROB WRIGHT!

(Wright makes his way to the ring, determined to win.)

WATERS: This guy looks to get the upset win here...seeing as no one think he can win...myself included. I wish him luck on that.

“I’m Wit Whateva” by Notorious B.I.G plays...

VALENTINE: Making his way to the ring, from Albany, New York. He is Troublesome...SEAN HUSTLE!

(Hustle walks out onto the stage, before coming down the ramp, staring directly at Waters.)

WATERS: And here we have one of my “so-called” partners from last week. This loser couldn’t even put X-Ellence down...I had to do all the work! That is why we lost!

“Beast and the Harlot” by Avenged Sevenfold plays...

VALENTINE: Making his way to the ring, from Tiffin, Ohio. He is the ALL AMERICAN NIGHTMARE!

(AAN heads down the ramp. He enters the ring and stares at the TV title, which Shawn is holding.)

WATERS: What’s he looking at? He doesn’t stand a chance against me...although; he is my pick for this match, seeing as he is better than all the other in this match. Good Luck.

“Loco” by Coal Chamber plays...

VALENTINE: Making his way to the ring, from Fayetteville, North Carolina. He is the Prodigy...The man who wishes he was Shawn Waters...MAYNARD O’TOOLE!

(Maynard walks on stage. He walks down the ramp, death-staring at Waters the whole time.)

WATERS: The other “partner”. It’s his fault I didn’t win last week. If he’d put more power into the move, we’d be winners! Look at him...he thinks he’s perfect. Nobody’s perfect, although I’m so damn close it scares me.

“Headstrong” by Trapt plays...

VALENTINE: Making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan. He is one quarter of X-Ellence, the luckiest man alive and the Aerial Specialist...KRIMZON BLAZE.

(Blaze runs out onto the stage, the fans popping like crazy for the X-Ellence star. He walks to ringside, then walks around, high-fiving fans. He walks to Waters and stares at him...)

WATERS: What? What the hell do you want? Don’t push your luck! You have a very little chance of winning!

(Blaze rolls into the ring. He stands on each corner, raising his arms into an ‘X’ each time.)

WATERS: Alright, time to watch these losers kill each other all for the privilege of fighting me. This’ll be fun.

All 5 men eye Waters’ title...


-Blaze starts off the action, hitting Hustle with a dropkick. Maynard is blind-sided by AAN, who hits a Running Tornado DDT. Wright sneaks up behind AAN and hits a roll-up...




-Blaze and AAN back up into one corner. They look at each other and shake hands. Maynard runs at them, but they duck his clothesline attempt, hitting a double enzuiguri on the big man. Blaze then bounces off the ropes and runs at AAN. AAN gives Blaze a boost, Blaze finishing with an assisted guillotine Legdrop on Maynard.

WATERS: Those two losers are working together? I can’t face the both of you...go on AAN, hit him!

-Wright runs at AAN, tackling him to the ground. Blaze turns, only to get the left hook of Hustle.

WATERS: Nice shot!

-Hustle follows up with a right hook. He finishes the combo with an uppercut, knocking Blaze off his feet. By now, AAN and Wright have begun brawling outside the ring. AAN slams his knee into Wright’s ribs. AAN drags Wright over to the commentator’s table. Wright’s head his slammed three times onto the surface. Rob slumps to the ground. AAN rolls into the ring, ducking a Hustle clothesline. AAN runs at the ropes, before sliding under the ropes, hitting Wright with a baseball slide dropkick.

WATERS: He’s taking out the trash here. Go and finish Blaze, Hustle and Maynard now...I know you can.

DANIELS: Shawn, are you actually cheering for another competitor?

WATERS: Well, AAN is easily the best man in the match! He’s nowhere near my league, though. I’m just making sure the best fights the better!

DANIELS: That makes no can you be better than the best...

WATERS: Shut up! You are disturbing the match.

-Inside the ring, Maynard, Blaze and Hustle are reversing each other’s moves. Outside, Wright has poked AAN in the eye. Wright lines AAN up and hits the No Laughing Matter.

WATERS: Wow, Wright is slightly impressive here!

-Wright drags AAN’s body towards the ring. After a bit of effort, he is able to roll AAN into the ring. Wright climbs into the ring. He goes for the pin...




-Wright stands, looking in disbelief. He turns to face the ref, but is clotheslined over the top rope by Maynard. Blaze, meanwhile, has taken down Hustle with a Whisper in the Wind. Blaze goes for the pin...




-AAN rolls to the outside. He waits for Wright to stand...DARKNESS FALLS!

DANIELS: Ouch. Devastating move there, huh, Shawn? If AAN wins this, you could be hit with that.

WATERS: I don’t have to worry.

MASTERS:’ve seem to grown some bollocks after fighting Montana...

WATERS: I still cannot believe you are still alive...

DANIELS: Quiet, the both of you...AAN has Wright in the ring.

-AAN locks in the Long Slumber on Wright...the ref calls for the bell...

WATERS: Attaboy! That was just a, take out Blaze!


-AAN joins the other superstars in the ring. Blaze and AAN are on one side...Hustle and O’Toole are on the other.

WATERS: No! None of this teaming crap! Destroy each other!

-The two ‘teams’ runs at each other, and begin brawling. Blaze uses his speed against Maynard, hitting a DDT to knock Maynard off his feet. AAN ducks a Hustle punch, and lays him out with a Backstabber. Blaze raises his arms, as does AAN. They taunt to the crowd for a second...


WATERS: Yes! AAN just nailed Blaze with that superkick!

-AAN goes for the pin...



3-no kickout!

-AAN stands. He hits Hustle with a superkick...



3-no kickout!

-AAN looks at the rising Maynard...


DANIELS: Nightmare is on fire! 3 superkicks!

-AAN goes for the pin...



-Wright pulls AAN off!

WATERS: What’s that loser doing!

-Wright waits for AAN to stand...he lines him up...Tornado DDT. Wright climbs to the top rope...

MASTERS: Wright is getting back at AAN. He cost him another title shot!

-Wright comes off the top with No More Fun & Games! He drags Maynard over AAN.




WATERS: He was screwed!

DANIELS: I think you are screwed now Shawn...the three remaining men all want a piece of you!


-Wright walks to the back, a triumphant look on his face. AAN is helped to the back by official, while Blaze, Hustle and O’Toole all struggle to be the first standing. They all get to their feet at the same time. Blaze runs at O’Toole, but O’Toole grabs Blaze and slams him with a spinebuster. Hustle walks over and strikes Maynard in the jaw. Hustle then hits Maynard with a suplex. Hustle stomps away on Maynard, kicking him a few times, before turning to Blaze. Blaze gets to his feet and is spun around by Hustle. Hustle nails Blaze with a bodyslam. Hustle goes for a pin...




WATERS: Come on, are my choice now!

DANIELS: You really fear Blaze, don’t you?

WATERS: No! He just doesn’t deserve to face me!

-Hustle lifts Blaze to his feet. He whips Blaze to the corner. Hustle runs at Blaze, but Blaze vaults himself over Hustle’s head, grabbing him in a sunset flip powerbomb...




-Blaze spies the rising Maynard. He hits a spinning wheel kick on Maynard, before hitting a standing moonsault. Blaze runs at the ropes, coming off with a Rolling Thunder. He goes for the pin...




WATERS: See, Blaze will be unable to put Maynard away!

-Blaze nails the rising Hustle with a kick to the head. He lines up O’Toole and goes for the HOLY SHOT! But, O’Toole is able to get his knees up. Maynard rises slowly to his feet. Hustle runs at him, but Maynard nails him with a Celtic Bomb! Blaze kicks O’Toole in the back of the leg, and goes for an Unprettier. Maynard pushes Blaze though, forcing him to the ropes. Blaze bounces off the ropes into Maynard’s arms. Maynard looks to hit a Celtic Bomb...

WATERS: Yes! Go Maynard!

-Blaze rolls out though, rolling Maynard up...






DANIELS: Blaze reverses! He eliminates The Prodigy. Go K-Blaze!

MASTERS: Taking sides are you? That’s just not right Daniels...

WATERS: Come on! Get him Hustle.

-Hustle and Blaze stare at each other from across the ring. They lock up in the centre. Hustle overpowers Blaze, locking in a headlock. Blaze tries to fight out, but Hustle drags Blaze with a snapmare. Hustle locks in a chin lock, sticking his knee in Blaze’s back. Blaze struggles to escape, but Hustle has the move locked in tight.

WATERS: Yeah! Tap out Blaze!

-Hustle releases the hold and lifts Blaze to his feet. He grabs Blaze and hits a fisherman suplex! He goes for the pin.




-Hustle waits for Blaze to stand. He strikes Blaze three times, the last being an uppercut. Hustle whips Blaze to the ropes and connects with a spinebuster...

WATERS: Hustle is dominating here!

DANIELS: I’m actually going to have to agree with you Waters...

MASTERS: That’s Mr. TV to you! And it is a general consensus. Hustle is really giving it to Blaze!

-Hustle lifts Blaze to his feet. He lifts Blaze up into a vertical suplex...but Blaze twists and lands on his feet behind Hustle. He nails an Unprettier on Hustle, before bouncing of the ropes and hitting a basement dropkick. Blaze leaps to the top rope and flies off with a corkscrew moonsault! He runs to the ropes again, this time hitting a Rolling Thunder!

DANIELS: Blaze is coming back!

-Blaze lifts Hustle to his feet. He kicks Hustle a few times, before taking a step back and hitting a superkick! Blaze, again, climbs to the top. He flies off with a Guillotine Leg Drop. Blaze then nails Hustle with another Rolling Thunder!

WATERS: That’s it! I’ve had enough!

DANIELS: Hey, where are you going?

-Waters takes off the head set. Blaze runs at the ropes again, but Waters grabs his foot, tripping him. Waters then pulls Blaze by the leg, slamming him to the outside. Waters grabs the TV title. Blaze groggily stands...

MASTERS: Waters hits him with the title!

DANIELS: Blaze is bleeding! Waters is just a coward!

-Waters rolls Blaze into the ring and sits back down.

WATERS: Hey guys!

MASTERS: Welcome back!

DANIELS: You dirty coward!

WATERS: What? You’d like to see me beat the living hell outta Blaze?

-Hustle stands and leans against the ropes. Blaze drags himself to his feet using the ropes. Blaze goes to strike Hustle, but Hustle ducks. Hustle locks in a Guillotine Choke on Blaze!

WATERS: That has to be it!

-Blaze struggles for a bit, but is forced to tap out!



-Hustle releases Blaze. He stands and raises his hands in victory.

WATERS: It was great working with you Masters.

MASTERS: Yeah, join us again anytime!

WATERS: I have to go now, fellas. I got some business to take care of!

-Waters grabs his title and walks to the ring. He sneaks inside it and stands behind Hustle

DANIELS: What is that coward doing?

-Hustle turns around...


-A trickle of blood is seen from Hustle head after the shot from the title! Waters walks over to Hustle. He lifts him to his feet...CRUNCH!

DANIELS: What the hell was that?

MASTERS: It looks like a new move!

DANIELS: It was like a piledriver!

WATERS (with mic): HUSTLE! Congratulations on winning! I’ll see you in two weeks, where you will lose!

-Waters raises his hands to boos, before leaving the arena, TV title raised high!




* cZw *




"Shut Me Up" plays over the PA. Team XTC came out first, to a huge pop. El Pablo has the X title around his waist, and Special Ed Covey has Loki in his arms. Hellena, for some reason, is not with them. They make their way down to the ring, and each pose at a turnbuckle. "Change" starts to play as the cheers turn to boos. Out comes the Anarchists, Matt Stylez and Leo Crow. They stand and pose at the ramp, basking in the jeers. They walk down to the ring, avoiding contact with any of the fans. They slide into the ring and huddle in their corner, as EP and Ed do in theirs. It looks like it'll be Ed and Crow starting it off.

They lock up, and after a brief struggle Crow knees Ed in the gut. He then hits a chop. Another one. Another one. He irish whips Ed into the corner, but Ed reverses. Ed comes running in with a lariat. Ed then climbs up to the second rope and begins laying in right fists into Crow's forehead. The crowd count with each hit. When they reach seven, Crow grabs Ed and stumbles forward.. hitting an inverted atomic drop. Leo then surprises Ed with a snap DDT. Crow goes for the pin, but only gets two. He whips Ed into his team's corner, and tags in Matt. They double team Ed, nailing a double vertical suplex. Matt then takes control as Leo leaves the ring. Matt nails a Russian legsweep. He then shows great disrespect by kicking the fallen Ed in the face, almost playfully. He points at EP and tells Ed to tag EP in. Ed begins to crawl over, but Matt grabs his leg preventing him from making the tag. Matt laughs as El Pablo shows great frustration. Matt picks up Ed and tosses him to the ropes. He attempts a back body drop, but maybe ducked too soon as Ed leaps and sunset flips Matt over, getting a surprising two count. Matt is shocked as both men get to their feet. Matt goes for a punch, but Ed ducks it and nails a jab to Matt's ribs. He nails Matt with a scoop slam, and then tags in El Pablo.

El Pablo slingshots his way into the ring, nailing a Rope-Vault body splash. The crowd is immensely behind The Five Star Superstar. He picks up Matt, and nails a Twist of Fate. He goes for the pin, but Leo leaps in and breaks it up at two. Ed comes in, and begins brawling with Leo. They stumble out of the ring, spilling out onto the floor. In the ring, Pablo picks up Matt but Matt pokes him in the eye. Matt then hits a Twist of Fate of his own. Both men stay laid down for a moment. Darin Powers, the ref, is yelling down at Ed and Leo getting more and more frustrated. Matt and EP get up at almost the same time, and begin exchanging hard chops to each other's chests. Darrin actually leaves the ring and gets in between Ed and Leo, repremanding them both. Matt seizes this opportunity and blatantly kicks EP in the groin. As Powers slides in, Matt goes for the pin.




Masters is shocked that EP kicked out, and so is Matt. Matt gets up and tags in Leo. Matt picks EP up in a back suplex, as Leo grabs him for a neckbreaker. They execute the move perfectly. Leo goes for the cover, but again only a two count. Leo picks up EP and whips him into a corner. EP stumbles forward, and Leo kicks him in the gut. Leo goes for a powerbomb, but EP slides out and nails him with a sitout jawbreaker causing the crowd to explode. Both men are laid out. Each partner is stretching for the tag anxiously. Leo is up, and lunges at EP with a fist, but EP blocks it. He nails him with a European uppercut, followed by a bodyslam. Ep leaps to the nearest top turnbuckle and begins to walk the ropes, as he stalks Leo. Leo is up, and EP nails him with a flying clothesline. He goes for the cover.




Powers is yelling at Matt to get out, but Matt shrugs him off like he has no power. Ed comes in, and an all out melee breaks out between the four men. Powers is growing more and more impatient and frustrated. None of the four men are heeding to Powers counts though, as they continue to brawl it out. After one full minute of this, Powers puts his hands up and calls for the bell. All four men are confused and Masters yells at Powers from the booth about the No-DQ rules. Powers is handed a mic:

"There is no DQs, I know, but this isn't a DQ it's a NO CONTEST! Just because there's no DQs doesn't mean I don't have power to call the match a draw!"

The four men then proceed to continue brawling, and they all spill out onto the floor. Finally, CZW security comes down and seperates both teams. Eventually, Leo and Matt are drawn to the back. As EP and Ed are gathering their bearings, suddenly a familiar face comes running down to the ring. The crowd give a gasp as it's Jena Cyde! She gets to EP and begins hugging and kissing at him, utterly freaking him out. He begins to run away as Ed is laughing. The Assault trademark shows up, signifying the end of the show.


WINNERS: NO CONTEST - DRAW as referee DARIN POWERS throws the match out (13:44)





DANIELS: "Welcome to Calgary, Alberta, Canada! Tonight we have a jam packed show, tonight and Saturday night being the last shows under Jesse's regime!"

MASTERS: "And he's going out with a bang in the Three Stages of Montana Hell match tonight!"

DANIELS: "He's also booked Alan Fiscus in a 2-on-1 affair against the CZW World Tag Team Champions, Mike King and Tim Timmons!"

MASTERS: "He shouldn't have crossed the boss, Jarred!"

DANIELS: "Please.. let's get to our first match, a six man tag team contest!"




"Not Now John" by Pink Floyd hits the loud speaker as Johnny B. Cage comes down the ramp, he enters the ring and waits for his partners to come out.

"Lonely Train" by Blackstone Cherry hits the loud speaker. The fans start to boo as Dusty Davis makes his way down the ramp. He slides into the ring and joins Johnny in corner.

"Ramblin' Man" by the Allman Brothers hits the loud speaker. Buck Evans walks slowly down the ramp looking around. He enters the ring and joins his partners, discussing a game plan.

"Rooftops" by Lost Prophets hits the system. The fans cheer as Jacob Havok makes his way to the ring. He stops at the apron, and waits for his partners.

"Getting Away With Murder" by Papa Roach hits the loud speaker as Carnage steps out from the curtains. He joins Havok as they wait for their last partner.

MVP's theme song hits the PA system as Charles Max comes to the ring, sporting a "Jobber" T-shirt. He and his partners come together and discuss a game plan. They slide in and decide that Jacob will start out the match. Buck is already ready to go in his team's corner.

The bell rings as both men connect in a collar-arm tie up. Buck starts to get the upper hand and puts Jacob in his teams corner, and connects with right hands. The referee, breaks it up as Buck tags in Johnny. Buck wrenches Jacob's arm as Johhny slams his elbow on it. Buck returns to the apron. Johhny grabs Jacob by the head, but Jacob kicks Johnny in the stomach, and hits him with a spinning neck breaker. Jacob heads towards his corner and tags in Charles. Jacob reaches up and tags in Dusty. As soon as Dusty steps into the ring Charles hit him with a clothesline. Charles lifts him up and hits him with a sidewalk slam. He goes for the pin




Dusty gets up and starts to throw right hands at Charles. He spins him around and hits him with a German suplex. Dusty picks him up and starts to hit him again. Charles blocks a punch, and starts to hit him back. Charles gains control, steps back and hits Dusty with another clothesline. Charles mounts Dusty and starts to punch him in the head, the referee breaks it up. Dusty struggles to get up, Charles steps back ready to deliver another clothesline. He runs at Dusty, but Dusty counters with a drop toe hold. Dusty gets up and tags in Buck. Buck starts to stomp on Charles. Carnage and Jacob have seen enough, they run in and start to beat on Buck. Carnage lifts him up and throws him out of the ring. Johnny and Dusty get back into the ring and start to brawl with Carnage and Jacob. The referee restores order and both teams return to their corners. Charles tags in Carnage as Buck still lays on the floor. Dusty creeps around the ring, and pulls Jacob and Charles off of the apron, and starts to brawl with them both. Carnage runs to the other side of the ring and kicks Johnny off of the apron. Buck crawls into the ring as Carnage looks over the ropes and screams at Johnny. Buck rolls Carnage up and puts his legs on the middle rope to gain an advantage. The referee counts.




Carnage is up and surprised he lost. Buck and he begin to brawl, as Charles goes after Dusty. Havok and Cage begin to brawl as well, making it a wild melee. Havok nails Cage with the D.I.F.H. in the middle of the ring. Carnage and Buck tumble out of the ring. Dusty and Charles are brawling in the middle of the ring when SJ Funk comes running down to the ring. He distracts Dusty, and when he turns around Max lays him out with a vicious Gore. SJ smiles on as Dusty lies motionless in the ring.




* cZw! *




The CzW crowd is still hyped from the previous match as the lights in the arena go out, sending them into an uproar of approval. "Sweet Sacrifice" by Evanescence begins to play as bright white lights begin to flash along with beat of the music. As the first lyrics begin, the lights stop flickering and the stage begins to fill with red smoke. Allyson begins making her way out from behind the curtain wearing a red tank top with a white X on the front and short black nylon shorts with white trim. As Amy Lee begins to sing the line "And it's taking over all the time" Allyson begins to move her body seductively, feeling along her neck with one hand and down her torso with the other. Once the line is finished and the hard rock beats begin to play, Allyson makes her way down to the ring, slapping hands with some of the fans as they cheer. She walks up the steel steps and carefully crawls under the bottom rope, emerging on the other side with an evil smirk on her face. She stands up and awaits for Zoe on the opposite side of the ring.

“Samurai Theme” by RZA starts on the PA and the crowd begins to boo. The camera zooms in on the entrance ramp, awaiting Zoe. After a few seconds of watching Zoe’s entrance video, Zoe appears at the top of the ramp and begins making her way down to the ring. Once she was inside, Zoe takes a few seconds to stretch and then turns to Allyson.

Allyson gives Zoe an innocent smile before lunging at her, hitting her with the Lou Thesz press. Allyson begins wailing away at Zoe’s face as Zoe tries to shield it with her arms. Thorn grabs Zoe by the hair and stands up, dragging The Lovely Zoe up with her. Once Zoe’s standing, Allyson kicks her in the stomach, making her curl forward in pain. Thorn hooks her leg over Zoe’s head and grabs her left arm. She leans back before falling to her hands and knees, spinning Zoe around and hitting the Nail In The Coffin. Zoe appears to be lifeless as Allyson rolls her over and goes for the pin. 1..2..3. Allyson hoists herself up and leans against the ropes, smiling as she says inaudibly “Not this time…“ She shakes her head as the referee grabs her hand and raises it in the air as the CzW fans continue to cheer her on. Allyson smiles out at the crowd and turns to the ring announcer for a microphone.

“The Dark Kiss” Allyson Thorn: Looks like another victory goes into the record books… that's 2 I've beaten, now it's going to be Ruth and Hellena's turn. At May Massacre, in the Cage of Doom... I will become the next Queen of Combat, and there's no doubt about it!

"Sweet Sacrifice" plays again as Thorn drops her mic. Suddenly, Sydney Vicious comes sliding into the ring. She must've been hiding underneath the ring. She grabs Thorn and spins her around, surprising her with a kick to the gut. She nails the Reality Bites. Sydney then picks Thorn up and slams her into a corner. He gets up on the 2nd rope and grabs Thorn.. nailing her with the Diamond Dust. She smiles sadistically as she looks down at Thorn, and the scene cuts to a commercial.




* cZw! *




"Ambitionz Az A Ridah" plays as Vince Khan is the first man introduced. The crowd boo him immensely. He has a violent smirk on his face as he makes his way down to the ring. Next out is his partner, Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham. There aret mostly boos, but there's a small section of Grantham fans with signs supporting him. He has a very confident look on his face, and when he reaches the ring he bumps knuckles with Vince Khan and they begin discussing the match. The crowd pops loudly when "Remember the Name" begins to play and both Ronnie McNeil and Kris Kash come out. They amp up the crowd, as there is an "X-ELL-ENCE" chant going on. They bump knuckles at the top of the ramp, and then both take off in a sprint towards the ring. They slide into the ring, with Ronnie going after Gregory and Kash going after Khan. All four men begin to brawl back and forth. The CZW has assigned a secondary 'back up' referee for this match, as it's both a tornado AND a street fight. Kash is gaining control over Khan, as Grantham nails Ronnie with a stiff chop to the throat.

As Grantham drops some forearms across the back of Ronnie, Kash tosses Khan to the ropes. Kash slams him back down with an Arn Anderson-like spinebuster. He proceeds to lay down fists on the fallen Vince. On the other side of the ring, Gregory has Ronnie locked in an abdominal stretch. Ronnie is still pretty fresh though, and with great athleticism he does a standing flip after breaking the hold, and then nailing a standing dropkick on the surprised Grantham. Ronnie picks him up, and tosses him to the outside. As Gregory begins to get up, Ronnie measures him and slingshots over nailing a plancha. The front row crowd begin chanting "Ronnie Ronnie" as Ronnie goes to irish whip Gregory into the guardrail... but The Graduate reverses it! Ronnie crashes into the guardrail. Gregory then picks Ronnie up and throws him over the guardrail, into the crowd. the 'back up' ref begins taking notice and following them, as the main ref stays with Khan and Kash.

Kash picks up Khan and locks him in a sleeperhold. After a few moments, Khan drops down drilling Kash's chin into the top of his head breaking the hold. Khan yells out 'That's Right!' and grabs Kash and nails him with a over shoulder toss. He begins to choke Kash as the referee administers a count. Khan lets go at the count of five, only to reapply the choke. He picks Kash up and tosses him to the corner. He comes running in, but Kash lifts his leg up and Khan meets boot. Kash gets up on the top rope and leaps, nailing Khan with a flip neckbreaker. He goes for the pin, but only gets a two count. He slaps Khan in the face and starts talking trash. He then kicks him in the gut, and completes the Kashing In. He goes for the pin, but again a two count. Kash picks Khan back up, but Khan rakes his eyes. Khan kicks Kash in the gut, and hits a standing Pepsi Plunge. He goes the cover, but another two count is the result.

On the outside, Gregory and Ronnie are brawling throughout the crowd. Ronnie has taken charge and is handed a cup of beer. He holds it his hand as he punches at Gregory's face. He kicks GG in the gut and nails a swinging neckbreaker. He goes for the cover, but the back up ref takes a second to go for the pin and gets a two count. Ronnie picks him up and whips him towards a wall, but Gregory reverses it again and Ronnie nails the wall with his right shoulder. Gregory then grabs a nearby chair and drops it hard across the back of Ronnie. He grabs Ronnie's head and begins leading him further through the crowd and towards one of the exits. The camera loses sight of them as they disappear to the back.

Back to the ring, Khan is slamming Kash's head into the turnbuckle. He does it four times before Kash chops him in the chest to break it up. Kash then proceeds to slam Khan's head into the turnbuckle four times. Kash then grabs Khan and nails him with the 187! He goes for the cover




Daniels is surprised Khan kicked out, but Masters isn't. Daniels mentions that Ronnie and Gregory are still brawling in the back and we're having trouble getting a camera back there. In the ring, Kash picks up Khan and slaps him across the face. Khan retaliates with a slap of his own. Kash kicks him in the gut, and nails a strong European uppercut. He goes to irish whip Khan into a corner, but it's done sloppily and Khan accidently slams into the referee. With the ref momentarily out, Kash tries to revive him for just long enough for Vince to grab something out of his boot. Kash turns around and --


Vince nails Kash directly in the face with some brass knuckles. Kash falls down, motionless. Vince grabs the ref and revives him just enough, and goes for the cover.




The crowd is booing Khan immensely as he stole one from Kash. Daniels says we finally got a camera back in the back, and the scene cuts there. With the match over, a multitude of security have interjected and seperated Grantham and McNeil. They are trying hard to get back at each other, but no dice. Daniels talks about their one-on-one at May Massacre before going to commercial.




* cZw! *

CzW returns from commercial to see Buck Evans sitting in an uncomfortalble looking chair across a large oak desk from Shawn McCallister. Buck is dressed in jeans, boots, a red button up shirt with beading in the shape of a horse across the front, and a black cowboy hat.

Shawn: Hello, Buck. How are you tonight?

Buck: I'm doin good. I was headed back to my hotel room, till Big Daddy caught me and told me you was lookin for me. Is everything alright?

Shawn: Of course everything is fine. Buck, I have an opportunity of a life time for you. What if I told you, that you were going to be in a match for the number one contendership for the World Title?

Buck: Hell, I'd say thank ya, and leave 'fore you changed your mind.

Shawn: Well, I want you to take Rave's spot on my team for May Massacre. I've watched you these past few weeks, and you're good. Damn good.

Buck: Well, thank ya sir. I'd be much obliged to be apart of May Massacre as a part of your team.

Shawn: There is just one thing though. I know you and Rob aren't exactly on the same page right now. You're not going to cause any problems are you?

Buck: Hell, naw. Way I see it, I can work with anybody if I got a shot a the World Title if I win. We'll win the match next week, then, come the 5 man elimination match, I'll turn my attention to 'im.

Shawn: Ok, it's settled then. McCallister's Protection & Security will be myself, Maynard, the IC champ Big Nasty, Rob Wright, and Buck Evans. Thank you Buck. You may leave now.

Buck: Thank ya Shawn.

Buck gets up from the chair, and leaves the office.


Intercontinental Title Match: "#1 DRAFT PICK" MACK BEAUDIN vs. "THE LIVING LEGEND" BIG NASTY (C)


The match gets off to a rather abrupt start when Mack jumps Nasty from behind on his way down the ramp, knocking the champion down to the floor. Mack drops to his knees and begins hammering away at Nasty's face, visibly not in the best of moods. Mack picks Nasty up and whips him into the barricade, Nasty bounces off, Mack catches him and drives his head into the steel steps in front of them. Nasty drops to floor again as Mack soaks up the boos from the crowd, an almost sadistic grin on his face. Mack then grabs the steel steps, ripping the top half off and dumping it behind him. Mack steps up onto the steel and pulls Nasty to his feet. Mack shoves Nasty's head between his legs, apparently going for the Means To An End. However, he takes a little too long taunting the fans, and Nasty manages to fight back, backdropping Mack over his shoulders and down onto the floor. As Mack lies in pain, Nasty rolls into the ring in an attempt to recover from the assault. After a few moments, the champion gingerly gets to his feet, just as Mack starts climbing up onto the apron. Nasty darts over, grabs Mack, and flips him over the top rope, sending him crashing onto the mat back first as the opening bell rings to officially start the match.

Mack staggers to his feet as Nasty hits the ropes, the champion felling the challenger with a clothesline. Nasty challenges Mack to get back up, which he does, only to be dropped back down by another clothesline. Nasty challenges Mack again, but this time Mack manages to dodge Nasty's clothesline. The reprieve is only temporary though, as Nasty hits Mack right in the face with a big boot on the rebound. Nasty goes for the first cover of the match...



Nasty pulls Mack to his feet, whips him off the ropes, and nails him with a huge flapjack. Mack rolls over towards the corner as Nasty paces the ring, contemplating his next move. Mack grabs the ropes and slowly tries to haul himself back to his feet. He turns just in time to see Nasty charging towards him, and somehow avoids the spear, sending Nasty crashing shoulder-first into the turnbuckle. Mack drops to one knee, still attempting to get his breath. As Nasty slowly starts peeling himself away from the ringpost, Mack gets back up, grabs Nasty and hits a DDT. Mack makes his first cover attempt...



Mack hits Nasty with a few right hands, then grabs his arm and locks in an armbar. Nasty cries out as the pain shoots through his already-battered shoulder. He reaches out to try and find the ropes, but he's positioned in such a way that even the nearest ones are well out of reach. Mack continues to wrench as the referee asks Big Nasty if he wants to submit. Nasty refuses. The crowd start getting behind the champion, more for their dislike of Mack than anything else. This seems to inspire Nasty though, and in an impressive counter-move, he somehow manages to roll out of it in such a way that Mack ends up laying over his shoulders. Nasty rises up to his feet, pauses for a few seconds, then falls backwards into a samoan drop. Nasty attempts a cover, but his shoulder is causing him too much pain to do anything other than just lay back on top of Mack. The referee counts.




Nasty rolls off Mack, still clutching his shoulder. He gets back to his feet, and waits for Mack to make a movement. Mack slowly gets up to his hands and knees, but Nasty stomps him back down again. Mack rolls onto his back, allowing Nasty to drop an elbow on him. Nasty attempts to lift Mack to his feet, still only using the one arm. Mack fights back, hitting Nasty with a fist to the stomach. Nasty reels, Mack hits him again, this time in the face. Mack takes two more shots, then whips Nasty off the ropes. Mack catches the champion on the return, and hits him with a spinebuster, although he deliberately adjusts slightly so that Nasty lands on his injured shoulder rather than his back. Mack stomps on the same shoulder a couple of times, before going for the pin, deliberately applying extra force on the shoulder as he does so.




The crowd cheers as Nasty just manages to kick out in the nick of time. Mack has a less-than-polite word with the referee, who insists it was only a two count. Mack slams the mat in frustration, then picks Nasty up to his feet again. Mack irish whips Nasty, who manages to keep hold of the challenger's arm, draw him back in, and floor him with a huge clothesline. Unfortunately for Nasty, he instinctively used his injured shoulder to deliver the move, and the resultant pain renders him unable to capitalise. The referee goes to check on Nasty as Mack begins to get back to his feet again. Noticing the referee is distracted, Mack reaches into his boot, and pulls out his trusty set of brass knuckles. Mack slips them on, then storms over to Nasty and the referee. Mack shoves the referee out of the way, and nails Big Nasty with the knuckles, not in the face, but in the shoulder. Nasty howls in pain as Mack dumps the knuckles out of the ring, the referee apparently unaware of what exactly just happened. Mack steps behind Big Nasty, stalking him, waiting for the right moment to strike. As Nasty turns round, Mack pounces, setting him up for the Greetings From Tampa. Nasty counters though, elbowing Mack in the head and forcing him off. Mack staggers away, then turns back, only to be met with a giant hand round the throat. Big Nasty stares at Mack with a look of such intensity you can almost literally see fire in his eyes. Nasty roars, and with one arm, lifts Mack into the air, before sending him crashing back down to the mat with the Nasty Slam. Nasty drops down and makes the cover, hooking the leg with his good arm.








* cZw! *

The camera switches over to Vince Khan and Gregory Grantham walking down the hallway after their victory. Vince walking proudly down the hallway as he shakes Gregory's hand. As they begin to go to the locker room, a slight scream is heard as it draws nearer to where they stand. They both shrug their shoulders and continue to walk but the sound gets closer as Khan realizes that the scream is someone saying a name...his name. He looks around and turns right into a punch to the jaw, which sends him stubbling.

Masters: What the...

Daniels: Who the hell did that?

A man with a black ski mask appears on the screen and then proceeds to spear Grantham into one of the metal garage doors. The unknown man stands up and removes the mask and there stands Kris Kash, standing there with a sly smirk on his face.

Daniels: THATS KRIS KASH! Oh my...what the hell is he going to do?

He walks over to the wall and grabs a chair and places it under the head of Vince. He then walks back over and grabs another chair.


Kris, then swings the chair full force and connects. He does this again and again and again. He smiles devilishly as he begins to breath heavily.

Masters: Oh my? This is brutal...someone needs to stop this insanity.

Daniels: What? You werent sayin that 2 weeks ago when the same thing was happening to Kash? Or tonight? Were you?

Masters: Well....

Daniels: Exactly...

He throws the chair down and stomps him a few times. Kris grabs the cameraman and brings him toward so the audio can be heard clearly. Kris curls his lip before kneeling down and leaning over Khan, who is laying in a pool of his own blood.

Kris Kash: Hey...Hello? Earth to Vince? I dont know if you are comprehending this know something..the situation sounds very familiar. Oh you know what? NOW, I remember. This was you 2 weeks ago when you literally BASHED my skull in with a pair of brass knucks. remember that? I thought you would. And you did it again tonight. Well you see, Khan. Payback, I heard is a little something that we like to call a bitch. So here's a little more news for you. You know how you talked about the esses and givin a shout you wanna give a shout out to the people in Compton?

Kris holds the mic down to Khan and recieves no response.

Kris Kash: Oh no? Oh...well I'm sorry that you dont have anything to say now cuz I sure do. You wanna talk about I need to run back to my esses and vato locos in mi barrio? Ok...well guess what? YOU are coming with me! May 29th, at May Massacre. It will be Kris Kash versus Vince Khan but not in any old regular match...nuh uh. It will be the first time that CZW will witness a "Crossing the Border" match. A match that anything goes. Any weapon that you can think can be used and there will be no pinfalls, no submissions. The only way to climbing an electrified cage fence that is topped with barbed wire, set to go off at any given time.

The crowd can be heard going crazy as Kris continues to breathe heavily. He then smiles and drops the mic, making it bounce off the chest of Khan. Kash walks off the screen and comes back with the Puerto Rican flag. He drapes it over the body of Vince Khan before walking away, laughing.




Daniels: We’d like to thank you for joining us tonight, here in the CZW. And if you’re just tuning in, you’ve missed arguably, one of the if not the best editions of Warzone ever televised!

Masters: I’m not sure it beats that horrendous beating you took last week at the hands of president Montana.

Daniels: you just can’t let that go, can you?

Masters: I found it to be a very entertaining match.

Daniels: Have you forgotten that you attempted to save me? Only to be on the receiving end of a “Montana Express” yourself?

Masters: It was a momentary act of weakness and insanity. And I do not recall it ever happening.

Daniels: Of course you don’t. We take you now to ringside for our next event.

Jessica Towers: This match is a handicap match scheduled for one fall. Making their way to the ring first at a combined weight of 478lbs and hailing from Canada and Arizona respectively. They are the CZW world tag team champions, Tim Timmons and Mike King, The Dark Side!

“Running with the Devil” comes to life over the arena as the crowd begins to hum with a chorus of boos. Timmons and King manifest from behind the stage curtains to a shower of red pyro raining down behind them. Timmons throws his arms into the air, taking in the negative response of the fans, his belt securely fastened around his waist. King stands steady, his eyes fixated on the ring as he begins cracking his knuckles, his title draped casually over his shoulder. Timmons glares over at Mike and gives him a head nod, the two beginning their descent towards the ring. Timmons ignores the fans at rail-side as they call him every dirty name in the book. Mike however, chooses to shout menacingly in several of the fan’s faces on his way to the ring. Inside the ring, Timmons drops to one knee, posing with his arms exposing his biceps. Mike King stands behind him, holding his title high in the air with his left hand as he appears to roar.

Masters: And there you have quite possibly the best tag team to ever set foot in the CZW ring.

Daniels: It is true that King and Timmons have a past relationship prior to their tenures here in the CZW.

Masters: They know how one another thinks, making them a highly successful co-adhesive unit. I wouldn’t be surprised if they never lost those belts.

Daniels: Their experience as a team doesn’t bode very well for CZW’s former president, Alan Fiscus in tonight’s match up.

Jessica Towers: And their opponent, weighing in at 240 lbs and making his way from Wichita, Kansas. He is the “One Man Riot” Alan Fiscus!

“Thieves” by Ministry thunders across the arena to a hail of applause as most of the fans in attendance arise to their feet. Fiscus bursts onto the stage, a wild look in his eyes as he scans the arena, a sinister smile widening upon his face. He rests his eyes on Timmons and King, pointing a solitary finger towards them from atop the ramp. The men begin to smirk and talk amongst themselves as Fiscus makes his way towards the ring, nearly sprinting, before sliding into the ring. Timmons quickly grabs the mic from Jessica before she leaves the ring.

Timmons: Now hold on Fiscus. We’d like to make something very clear for you, right now.

Tim pauses giving Fiscus a mocking glare as the crowd begins to boo once more.

Timmons: Now I know you’re not exactly “the brightest” of guys around, but you need to realize something. Tonight, you’re not facing any ol’ schmoe from the locker room. And you’re not facing a man who just fought an extensive and hard-earned battle like you did when you took advantage of our president last week. No, sir. Tonight, you face the greatest tag team in the history of professional wrestling. You face the CZW world tag team champions!

Tim pauses again, taking off his title and holding it up where Alan can see it clearly.

Timmons: And being as you stand about as much a chance of beating us as Canada has of actually being taken seriously as a country instead of the frozen dump it actually is… Well, you should reconsider your options here. So why don’t you just go ahead and lie down on the mat so we can get this farce of a match over with. What do you say?

Alan laughs aloud in Timmons face before turning serious and forcefully snatching the mic from Timmons’ hand.

Fiscus: What do I say? WHAT DO I SAY?!? I say I’m having a really hard time trying to figure out which one of you two FUTT-BUCKERS is the BITCH in this relationship! It seems to me, you guys have been putting in a little overtime, packing down at the fudge factory. And not to come across as paranoid, but if it involves either of you ass clowns and some twisted fetish, I’m not lying down for either one of you!

In a fit of rage, Timmons swings his title at Fiscus, who ducks the belt and delivers a shot of the microphone to Timmons’ face. Timmons reels backwards dropping his belt which referee Powers removes from the ring. King attempts a swing with his own belt. Fiscus ducks this shot as well, planting a dropkick into King’s chest, sending him spiraling over the top rope to the arena floor. Fiscus glares over the ropes and throws the mic at King, pelting him in the head with it. Regaining his composure, Timmons falls forward with a chop block to the back of Fiscus’ right knee. Fiscus drops to the one knee, grimacing as Timmons begins hammering hard right fists to his head.

Masters: Can you believe the utter trash Fiscus spouts, not to mention his lack of respect for the CZW tag team champions?

Daniels: To be fair, they did disrespect Fiscus’ in-ring abilities by asking him to lie down for them.

Masters: Well he should have done it! Now he has hell to pay.

Fiscus attempts to fight Timmons off by driving elbows back into his foe’s gut. As Timmons releases his hold, King approaches the ropes from the outside and grabs Fiscus’ head, choking him on the middle rope. Timmons takes advantage of the dirty tactic and drives a running knee into Fiscus’ back. Fiscus falls backwards, one hand on his throat and the other on his back. King slides back into the ring where he and Timmons begin driving stiff shots from their boots into the sternum of Fiscus. The crowd tears into the men for their double assault, to which Timmons responds by flipping them off as King mounts Alan’s chest, driving more fists into his face. Timmons begins to ignore the fans once more, as he approaches Fiscus’ side, kicking him in the ribs in between punches from King. Timmons waves King to pick Fiscus back up. King Irish whips Fiscus off the ropes attempting a clothesline. But Fiscus ducks the clothesline, turning and connecting with a clothesline of his own that sends King to the outside once more. Noticing the change in advantage, Timmons approaches Fiscus, who turns around kicks the champ in the nuts. Timmons bellows in pain as he doubles over, Fiscus taking advantage with a quick rollup.









The ref is pulled out of the ring by King before the three! King slides back in as Fiscus begins to wonder what went wrong. He gets up and turns, walking right into a downward spiral from King.

Daniels: It’s clear that Fiscus’ has to eliminate one of his two foes if he stands any chance of getting the win. But he’s finding it hard to keep either one of them incapacitated for long.

Masters: Which further proves their claims of being the best to be absolutely true!

Daniels: In a handicap match? Maybe.

Masters: Well, you can always be Fiscus’ partner.

Daniels: No thanks. I’ve had enough time in that ring to last a lifetime.

King lifts Fiscus up into a sitting position where he applies a reverse chin lock. Timmons returns to his feet, smitten with pain as he appears to be checking the stability of his crotch region. Angered, Timmons steps in with a stiff kick to Fiscus’ chest while he’s still trapped in the reverse chin lock. Timmons begins to shout, “You think that’s funny?” Timmons rears back and drives another forceful kick square into Fiscus’ groin in retaliation. Fiscus cries out as King lifts him back onto his feet, nailing a full nelson suplex pin on him.









Fiscus kicks out!

King gets back on his feet, a disappointed look on his face. He mentions something to Timmons who nods with agreement. King Irish whips Fiscus off the ropes once more, lifting Fiscus on the return and dropping him to Timmons who nails the death drop. King and Timmons now both cover Fiscus for the pin.









Fiscus throws up an arm between the two men! Timmons’ face turns red as he begins viciously pounding away at Fiscus with more stiff shots. King begins to stomp on Fiscus’ arms.

Daniels: They are trying to dismember our former president here tonight!

Masters: It makes sense, Daniels. If you can’t lift your arms, you can’t stop the three count! And should they break anything tonight, it means one less competitor at May Massacre for the Riot Squad which also works to their advantage.

Daniels: Fiscus just can’t seem to hold his own against both men.

Timmons drags Fiscus to his feet this time, pointing a corner out to Mike who nods before ascending it. Timmons then lifts Fiscus with a suplex into the air.

Daniels: This is bad! It looks like they’re readying Fiscus for the “Five Star Power-Plex”!

Holding Fiscus steady, Timmons gives the go ahead to Mike who leaps from the turnbuckle in a frog splash fashion. But Fiscus quickly reverses the momentum and swings back downward, nailing Timmons with a ddt! King ends up sailing over where Fiscus had been, plowing straight into referee Powers! Fiscus returns to his feet and runs in with a sliding baseball kick to King’s sternum, sending him under the ropes to the outside once more. Fiscus turns back to Timmons and grabs him up, nailing “The Riot Plex”!

Daniels: Fiscus may have done it! King is going to be down for a bit!

Masters: I think you’re forgetting something, Daniels.

Daniels: Wha…? Oh no! The referee is out!

Fiscus lies tired across the unmoving body of Timmons, but the count never comes. Fiscus looks back at Powers who is still unconscious. Fiscus forces himself to stand and nudges Powers with a foot, to no avail. King begins stirring outside, climbing up the ring apron. Noticing him, Fiscus approaches the ropes for an attack, but King ducks under the top rope, shoulder ramming Fiscus in the gut. Keeled over in pain, Fiscus is winded as Mike vaults over the top rope with a sunset flip for the pin!

Masters: Come on Powers! Get your lazy ass up and make the count!

Daniels: Turn about is fair play, Masters!

Masters: This is ridiculous!

Realizing the ref is still out of it, King releases the pin. He kicks Powers in the side, who begins to stir. King approaches Timmons and helps him back on his feet. Timmons lifts Fiscus up once more and holds him in the full nelson position while King begins delivering swift uppercuts to their foe. King points to the corner once more with referee Powers fully awake and back in the game now. Timmons grins and ducks under Fiscus’ legs, hoisting him up on his shoulders in the electric chair position. King ascends the turnbuckle once more, telling the crowd to shut up as he runs his thumb across his throat, signaling the end of the match. King dives from the turnbuckle with a clothesline, but Fiscus rolls forward, catching Timmons in a roll up! Powers dodges King this time around, King landing on his face. Powers administers the three count…










Masters: What the hell?!?

Daniels: Fiscus did it!

Masters: That’s impossible!

Daniels: Fiscus’ heart won out over the tag team champions this night!

The bell sounds as referee Powers raises a tired Alan Fiscus’ hand high into the air as “Thieves” strums up once again, the fans exploding with applause and approval. Timmons rolls over onto his side, a look of disbelief on his face. King looks over at Timmons and then at Fiscus, a look of rage sweeping his face as he runs in, nailing a spear on Fiscus. The music dies and the crowd turns their love to hate. Timmons joins in on the after match beat down, Fiscus unable to properly defend himself at this point.

Daniels: That’s bad sportsmanship!

Masters: Deal with it! He embarrassed them. They deserve their retribution!

The fans suddenly revert back to the crazed sound of applause as “Special” Ed Covey, All American Nightmare, Krimzon Blaze, and Cage Stryker suddenly come barreling down to the ring. King notices them first and quickly bails from the ring. Timmons turns around, dumbfounded as he vaults over the top rope with a head butt. Timmons crashes to the mat as AAN chases King outside the ring. Cage drags Timmons back up and grabs his head, nailing the “Stryker Driver”! Timmons lies out of it on the mat as Blaze nails him with the “Holy Shot”! AAN joins the others in the ring while Kash points out the turnbuckle, AAN smiling as he ascends it, the fans on fire with excitement! But King reaches into the ring from the outside, grabbing Timmons’ heel and dragging him out to safety.

Daniels: Team Riot makes the save!

Masters: Where the hell is Team Upstarts to even the score?

Daniels: They’re not allowed to be around one another for one more week, or don’t you remember?

Masters: I don’t care! Somebody should be helping them! They’re the tag team champions!

Daniels: Montana’s probably busy. Waters is probably drunk. And after getting ditched last week, I don’t think Mack is in the helping mood. The first cracks in the solid armor of Team Upstarts is starting to show!

Ed helps Fiscus to his feet, Fiscus leaning on Ed as all five men glare at King and Timmons, daring them back into the ring. The crowd bursts again as from behind King and Timmons come out Damage and Nasty. Timmons is yelling out at Team Riot when he gets a nudge from behind.. and Derek levels him! Nasty kicks Mike in the gut, and nails a Nasty Bomb on the ramp! Derek takes Tim and locks in the Legend Lock, that inverted Figure Four! We cut to a commercial as Derek cinches in.




* cZw! *




The CZW is back and for a few moments, the crowd was in anticipation. Suddenly, "Ace of Spades" begins to play to a large cheer. The CZW World Heavyweight Champion, Ace King, makes his way out onto the ramp. He is wearing the title around his waist. He makes his way to the ring and poses on a turnbuckle.

"For Whom the Bell Tolls" begins to play and the boos sound aloud. Jesse comes out, but he's got a mic.

JESSE: "Whoa, whoa, whoa cut my music. Before we get this started, there's something I have to do. Daniels, Masters!? I don't want you calling this match. Get to the back! Do it!"

MASTERS: "What?"

DANIELS: "What the.."

JESSE: "Get up, and get the 'F' out how hard is it? Do it before I call security, I am still in charge dammit!"

DANIELS: "Dammit.. we'd better go."

MASTERS: "Yeah.."

Both guys take their headsets off and leave, going up the ramp. Jesse has a smirk on his face. He enters the ring.


- With the cage down and the cZw Superstars around the cage, the match gets underway. Ace does not show any emotion as he stares continously at Jesse, the fans chanting his name loudly. Jesse seems to be slightly more distracted though as he shouts at the fans to shut up, Ace taking the first quick advantage as he locks up and locks in an armbar straight away, yanking the shoulder out of its socket as Jesse taken unaware screams in merciful pain. Ace twists his arm around one more time as Jesse teeth grind against each other, many of the cZw superstars looking on pleased. Jesse starts to maneuvre out of the move as Ace then switches the lock to a sleeper hold, Jesse slipping out of it straight away though as he hits a side suplex on Ace King, Jacqui who is at ringside again claps on in appreciation. Jesse is up, now stomping on the grounded Ace King, vicious boots to the mid section as Ace tries to rollout of theway, but Jesse pulls him back then lays a solid elbow drop on Ace, whispering something into his ear as he gets back up. Ace now gets to his feet, Jesse chopping Ace as he steps backwards towards thew ropes, Jesse irish whips Ace as he runs at the opposite side at great speed, bounces off, Jesse hits a back body drop. Now the Sensation points at each and every one of the superstars surrounding his ring as he tells them to do their job, whatever he means by it.

- Jesse walks arrogantly back towards Ace but Ace takes Jesse down with a leg sweep, then locks in an armbar as Jesse lies on his front, his face buried into the mat. Ace pulls the arm of Jesse as a sense of satisfaction comes across the face of AceKing. Jesse cannot find a way to reverse the situation as he rythes around on the ground as his arm gets bent further up into a dangerous angle. Ace pulls back once more as Jesse this time crawls close enough to the ropes to get a foot under the bottom rope as Ace is forced to break the hold. Jesse tries to roll out of the ring but Ace grabs him, now holding onto his arm, holding it out straight as he slams an elbow down into the shoulder, then ties it behind his back and hits a side suplex, Jesse landing right on the weakened shoulder. Ace gets straight back up and walks over to Jesse , a glint in his eyes as he is obsessed with hurting Jesse, picking him up andlocking in a hammerlock, now actually headbuttingthe shoulder of Jesse while he has the hold locked in, Jesse moves towards the corner as he backs Ace into it, but Ace unlocks the hammerlock and throws Jesse into the corner, wrapping his weakended arm around the top rope and hitting it with furious punches, aiming for the weakened spot. Now Ace hits some chops on Jesse as Jesse almost has tears down his face after how much the chops sting, then Ace whips him into the opposite corner, Jesse reverses it though as Ace bounces off the turnbuckle, Jesse goes to grab Ace from behind but Ace senses him, spins around to the back of Jesse then hits him with a German Suplex...Jesse seems to be out of it but there are no pinfalls.

- Ace decides to lift Jesse back up but Jesse was playing possum, he grabs hold of Ace's tights as he pulls and slings him through the ropes and head first into the steel cage as he falls lying in between the apron and the steel. Jesse, holding his arm and shoulder now tries to recouperate, rolling to the outside with a look of rage in his eyes. He picks up Ace and drives his head into the mesh, now grating his face along the mesh steel as Ace groans in pain, the superstars just inches away looking at the sick attack by Jesse Montana. Ace powers out but Jesse knees him in the gut, then throws him straight into the steel steps by the side of them as the steps fly out of position and Ace looks hurt. Some of the superstars shout at him telling him to stop but Jesse just smiles, then picks up Ace and, lying him against the steel. He then rolls back into the ring leaving Ace back against the steel, leaning on it. Jesse runs at the ropes, rebounds off and runs towards Ace, BASEBALL SLIDE INTO ACE INTO THE STEEL CAGE!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Ace gets trapped in between Jesse's feet and the steel as he flops to the ground, the impact causing the cage to shudder, not only that but the fans to shudder as the impact was disturbuing. Jesse now mocking Ace as he signals to wear the World Title around his waist, the fans seeming to be angered by this.

- Ace gets up, he looks hurt but his anger brings him back to his feet, he signals to Jesse to come get him again, Jesse smirks, then says okay, comes sliding through again, but this time Ace dodges to one side as Jesse kicks the cage, the mesh wripping and one side of the cage looks to be opened slightly. Jesse holds his knee as it must of jolted while hitting into the steel. The many superstars who surround the ring tell Ace to take advantage, but Ace is still feeling dizzy from the impact of that baseball slide before. Ace manages to rolls into the ring as he grabs Jesse's hurt leg and elbow drops it as Jesse screams in pain. The fans start to pick up there enthusiasm as Ace starts to show his aggression. He pulls Jesse all around the ring with the same leg, every now and again stomping on it. Jesse tries to kick him off but he grabs the other leg, turns him over...Boston Crab.

- Ace sits backwards as he smirks, now hearig Jesse screaming out 'NO I DON'T QUIT YOU BASTARD'. Jesse looks up, he sees Maynard O'Toole and Vince Khan in sight, they shout him to pull his way to the ropes, but the fans chant over the top of there noise...'TAP JESSE TAP...TAP JESSE TAP'. Jesse moves himself nearer to the ropes but Ace powers him away, pulling him back to where he started. The fire in now in the eyes of Ace as he sits back further, Jesse looking to be losing concentration, in fact, he looks to be passing out slowly. The referee checks him, asks him if he wats to quit but this time, there is no answer, Jesse seems to be silent. Normally the referee would count him down for a 3 count, but this match can only end on one man quitting. Ace, now confused to what is going on releases the hold, then asks the ref, but the ref does not know...Suddenly Jesse stands up, the fans booing loudly, Ace has his back turned, but notices something is up, he turns around... MONTANA EXPRESS!!!

- Ace ducks though, Jesse hits the referee square in the jaw as he collapses backwards and rolls out of the ring. Jesse smiles and just laughs as the referee lies out cold,. Ace is now behind Jesse though as he pounces this time...HIGH ROLLER!!!

- Ace hits it to perfection. The fans roar with delight as does some of the superstars, loving watching their corrupt boss getting his ass kicked. Of course this match is an I Quit Match so it cannot end this way. Ace knows this, he walks over and checks on the referee, but there is no movement.

ALL OF A SUDDEN!!!!!!!!!

- Matt Stylez walks down to the ring, a huge grin on his face as Ace looks furious. He kicks the bottom rope with rage then signals to come get some. Matt Stylez grabs a microphone though.

"Now now Ace, there is no need to throw a temper tantrum now is there, I am just out here to help this match run smoothly, it seems as though cZw referees are useless, I mean look what happened in my match on Assault, it was a joke, so I thought I would come down here and help everyone out. Oh, and Ace, if you think about laying a hand on me, I would think again because in my hand is a contract saying you will be automatically stripped of your title, if you do Ace. I mean, referees are not meant to be attacked..."

- As soon as matt says that he gets ito the cage, walks over to the referee who is regaining concionsness, then lifts him up, hitting him with the HIGH STYLE...He orders the superstars around the ring to get rid of him as Tim and Gregory picks him up and leg and wings him over the barricade into the fans. Ace looks enraged, but he simply cannot do anything about it. Jesse is now back up, holding his back, he looks at Matt then shakes his hand, Ace snapping at this point as he runs up and lunges at Jesse, but Jesse swiftly hits a drop toe hold, then sits on top of Ace and lifts his head up, trash talking to him, Ace getting more and more incensed, Jesse hits a strong forearm, Ace asks for another, Jesse hits aother, Ace screams for aother, Jesse now stand up, places his foot over the back of Aces head as he stomps down, Ace's head crashing into the mat. Jesse screams, 'YOU WANT ANOTHER NOW ACE?'

- Matt goes in to check on Ace, smiling almost as he tells Jesse he can continue with his assault. Jesse picks Ace up, kicks him in the gut, the hits an European uppercut to the jaw, dislodging a few teeth as Ace holls his mouth, Jesse then slaps Ace around the head which makes Ace go mental, he looks Jesse in the eyes, staring a hole through him, Jesse goes to punch him but it does not faze Ace, Jesse again this time harder, but Ace continues to proceed forward, Jesse now goes for a kick but Ace grabs his leg, throws it down then hits a right hand on Jesse, knocking him straight down, Jesse back up, Ace chops him, then again, Jesse finding it hard to breathem his chest red, Ace chops him the third time to knock him down. The fas cheerr as Ace is building his momentum, Ace lifts Jesse up, forearm to the head, irsih whips him into the ropes, Ace hits a hip toss, Jesse up again, Ace hits an arm drag, Jesse sarting to get back u0p now, Ace runs off to the ropes as he comes back looking for Jesse but Matt trips him...HE TRIPS HIM

- Ace gets up and gets right in the face of Matt, Matt says calmly, "What? It was an accident" Ace finding it hard to keep his anger in, but does for the sake of that belt, Matt tauts him now pointing at thebelt, the superstars on the outside screaming for Ace to knock him down, but he resits, turns aroud and Jesse is there and hits a low blow on Ace as he drops in pain. The fans boo loudly chanting 'You Suck' but Jesse just chuckles. He lifts Ace up...Swinging neckbreaker. Ace is feeling it now, Jesse comes off the ropes, Lionsault as he lands heavily on the ribs of Ace. Jesse stays on top of Ace as he hits him with solid right hands to the head, strong sharp shots, then he starts to hit him more rapidly, with more aggression, now actually pounding trhwe crap out of Ace as Matt does nothing to stoop the punishment. Jesse starts pounding the back of Ace's head into the mat, simply going mental, screaming, 'I WILL KILL YOU'. Jesse finally steps off Ace as he is left in a damaged heap in the middle of the ring. Jesse walks around, looking at each and every one of the superstars in the eyes, they look back, not sayijg a word as Jesse is ow foaming from the mouth, the fas still chanting but Jesse takes no notice. He picks up Ace, Ace quite obviously has no stregth left after that illegal assault, Jesse liftig him up, Ace looks to be shaky on his feet, Jesse takes a step backwards, lines him up...MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!

- Ace falls to the ground as Jesse hits it perfectly this time. Matt looks on with pleasure, a few of the superstars do too as they start to clap Jesse on. Jesse signals to Matt to ask Ace if he gives up...There is a mutter, but clearly Ace says 'NO'. This almost makes Jesse and Matt smile, as they look on in a sinister way, thinking of what to do. Jesse lifts Ace up and walks him into the corner, hitting a few right hands on him, once in the corner, he starts to choke at Ace as Ace can't breathe, Jesse screaming at him to quit but Ace does no such thing. Jesse lets go, then grabs Ace's head as he places his throat over the top ropes, pushing down with his weight oin the back of his head, Ace being choked again. Jesse leaves it on for a few seconds before letting go, the fans so upset about this.

- Jesse hits Ace with a suplex out of the corner, then climbs to the ropes, gets to the top rope as he looks around the arena, then focusses down on Ace King as he flies off, hitting Ace brilliantly with an elbow drop to the heart of Ace. Ace looks dismantled in the middle of the ring now. Jesse signals for the match to be over, some of the superstars who know what is coming claps him on, he grabs the legs of Ace, Jesse creams out..."THIS IS FOR YOU CALGARY" with a sarcastic grin,which irates the crowd even more, then turns Ace over easily, locking in the Sharpshooter...

- Jesse has it locked in as Ace feels it, Matt gets straight in the face of Ace and asks him, but like you would expect, Ace does not quit. The fans are making noisee throughout the whole arena, a few random screams from fas wanting Ace to escape, then we have some chants, even the superstars, well most of them will Ace King on. None of XTC are out at rigside of course as Ace wanted that. Jesse notices Ace managing to pull himself to the ropes, Jesse pulls himm back to where he started from as he licks his lips in delight. Ace stads himself up o his hands as he rocks back and foth, trying desperately to make some kind of escape, the pain has become unbearable now as Jesse contiues to lean back applying more pressure, Ace collapses down as Matt asks him the vital question again...

- 'NO NO NO' Ace does not quit, he is still very much in this, he lifts himself up again as Jesse starts to look worried, he starts shaking his head as Ace with all his strength has lifted himself up and about to get out of the hold, when...

MATT SITS ON HIS BACK!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Matt sits on his back as Ace collapses back down again, the fans throwing a fit as Matt says sorry to everyone, he said his legs were tired, he needed a sit down. Jesse winks at him as he keeps the pressure on, now Ace looking like he has given up, but he still will not say the words. Ace slowly crawls towars the ropes, he has got somewhere but still has a long way to go. Jesse has had the hold o for a few minutes now as Ace is losing strength. Suprisingly though Jesse releases it as Ace stays still, holding his back in pain. Jesse grabs the microphone of matt in a haste of ager, then sits on the back of Ace, asking him if he wants to quit...Ace replies saying to Jesse under his breathe..."Can you get it up Jesse". Jesse goes bright red as the whole crowd chants...


- Jesse now walks aroud shaking his hjead in anger, hwe picks up Ace who tries to fight back, but Jesse elbows him i the back, then slings him to the outside so hard Ace smashes back first into the steel mesh. Jesse follows him as he starts grating the head of Ace agaist the mesh, Jesse looking like a man possessed, Ace is ow bleeding but Jesse contiues to grate the face of Ace on the broken piece of mesh that he ripped earliwer in the match. So much blood now splurts out of Ace that is is all sprinkled down the chest of Jesse Montana as he wipes it off and wipes it on the shirt of Matt Stylez, which agers him slightly. Jesse with the microphone in had asks Ace again, the camera showing the new face of Ace King, blood coverig his eyes, Ace screams out with passion...'I WILL NEVER QUIT'. Jesse smirks, then swings Ace's head into the steel one last time.

- Jesse now yells at Maynard and Mike to come over., both of them on the other side of the steel, Jesse whispers somethig then they nod in agreement. The fans are booing as Jesse lifts Ace up and places his head over the ripped part of the cage. Maynard opes the rip more as Ace;s head can now fit through, Jesse places it through as Timmons pulls his head down, making his throat squeeze down on the jagged steel broken mesh, Ace being choked to death. Jesse asks Ace again but Ace canot even answer as he is being stangled too much now. Maynard them comes up and hits Ace with a hard right hand, blood now pumping out of his head at a fast rate, Ace looking in a bad way.

- Suddenly AAN and Big Nasty run in and attack Maynard, Tim and Mike as a big brawl begins, making Jesse get mad. Matt tries to calm it down but can't, so Jesse grabs the microphone and yells at them, saying 'If you fight amongst yourselves during MY match, you will be FIRED!!!

- Immediately they calm down, as Jesse turns back around, now on the outside of the cage, the door was left open, Ace is no where to be seen, suddenly he pops up from behind the steps as the crowd screams, Jesse is taking by suprise as Ace rugby tackles Jesse. Jesse tries to get Ace off, but Ace is cgoking Jesse now, all of the blood that dribbles from his head falls on Jesse's face as he screams, 'GET HIM OFF'. Before Ace can react, Vince, Gregory and Mike pulls Ace off and starts stomping him down, Jesse gets up and shouts at the others, saying they are not allowed to help him. Matt is now looking on, smirking as is Jesse. The three me pick Ace up as Jesse winks at Ace before hitting another emaculate...MONTANA EXPRESS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Ace flies backwards upon impact as he smashes against the steel cage. Jesse walks around as he holds his hands up in the air, then poses to the crowd who despise him beyond belief. The superstars look on, some of them sickened by Jesse but cannot do aything about it with the ridiculous threats he has imposed. Matt steps across Ace and taps the microphone on the head of Ace, just as a sign of disrespect, then asks him the question. Ace is dazed, but still he managers to murmur a quiet 'No'. Matt taps it again on his forehead, the cut is deep. Again he says no, then starts to try and get up, he ca hardly see, blood is in his eyes. Jesse turns around and sighs as he sees Ace not backing down, he is now up on one leg, Jesse walks over, Ace is up ow on both legs, but Jesse hits him one time and he falls back down again. Jesse smirks as he lifts him up again, Jesse hits a Northern Lights Suplex on Ace perfectly executed as he does ot bother with the bridge.

- Ace is just about had it, Jesse stands on him, on his throat as Ace hardly has enough power to bother choking. Jesse steps off. He picks up Ace again, but Ace now chops Jesse out of o where, Jesse hits him back though, but Ace again chops him, then kicks him in the gut, some how he is mounting an offence, Ace grabs Jesse ad throws him into thecage, Jesse falls on his backside, but gets up again, only to walk into a big boot, back down again, but back up again, Ace now knees Jesse in the gut, then lifts him up, now in a powerbomb position, Jesse hangs oto the cage though behind Ace as he climbs up it ad off the shoulders of Ace, just i time actually as Ace collapses to his knees, his back havig spasms since the long endurig pain of the Sharpshooter. However, Ace senses he has an opportunity to turn this match around, with theaoi in his back, ads the blood in his eyes, he still manages to rise and start to climb the cell.

- The crowd react to this, roaring with antiscipation. Jesse looks down below him, he sees Ace coming up from behind, closing him dopwn at a fast rate actually, now Ace grabs onto his eg, Jesse kicks at him but Ace continues to climb. Now, they are level, bothabout at the top, but Jesse lays a blow inot the head of Ace as he lets go with one hand, now hanging on for dear life, Jesse hits him again, but he hags on still, then hits him again as his other hand slips, but catcxhes it with his left hand this time. Ace chops Jesse, then again, Jesse looks unsteady...

- The superstars circle these two men beelow them looking on with excitement, even Matt looks on in excitement. Ace suddely headbutts Jesse, Jesse loses grip, but hangs onto Ace, then slams the head of Ace into the cage. Ace hangs on still, both me climb up abit further and make it to the top of the cage...

- They both stand, the fas cheer them on as they stand 20 or so feet in the air. They are both still on the brink of the caage as they go at each other, both with fists and kicks at one another, Ace gets the advantage as he headbutts Jesse agai, but Jesse suddenly rakes the eyes of Ace, then goes to push him off the cell, but Ace keeps his balance just about as the fans his with worry...

- Ace manages to keep calm, then kicks Jesse in the gut ad delivers a DDT onto the steel on top of the cell. Both men lie down as they try and breathe, the fans are chanting 'ACE KING...ACE KING...ACE KING...ACE KING'. Ace raises his arm which gets a huge cheer from the crowd as Matt who is standing down below sighs in anger. Ace starts to get to his feet, Jesse now moving too. Ace is up, he helps Jesse up, then delivers an atomic drop as Jesse bounces off the knee ad nearly falls off the edge which makes the fas scream with hope, but Jesse does not, then hits a THIRD MONTANA EXPRESS ON ACE KING!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Ace falls backwards again. Jesse signals to the fans ad the superstars it is going to be the end of Ace King soon. With a strage look in his eyes, a evil expreesion, he drags Ace King up off the cell, stands him up as Jesse raises his arm, then gives a quick glace down below as he lifts Ace up into a suplex, he wants to SUPLEX ACE OFF THE TOP OF THE CELL!!!!

- Jesse lifts him up, ow standing ear the edge, Jesse has him up there for along time for extra effect, but Ace slips dow behind him, RIGHT ON THE EDGE...Ace hits a German Suplex...BUT BOTH MEN FALL OFF THE EDGE OF THE CELL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

THE FALL 20 FEET BELOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Both men land on the surrouding superstars, knocking 7 of them down as their is a heap of bodies down below, Jesse and Ace getting the worse of it of course...A MASSACRE!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Even Matt looks on in shock as he walks around the pile up. "He whispers down the microphone..,'I would ask them but I doubt they are full of things to say at the moment"

- AMAZINGLY...Bothmen are showig signs of movemet as the fans chant...


as other chant...


- Ace is trying to sit up, but the paramedics have fially made a appearece, trying to put Ace onto a stretcher as the fans boo, some look concered about there hero though. Matt comes up, then punches the paramedic right ithe face, knocking him out, then says down the mic...

'This match WILL continue'

- Ace is now showing signs of consiencness as Jesse is ot really movig much. The other 7 superstars have ow maaged to get to their feet, recovered from what was a hellacious move. Jesse moves finally, Ace is already to his knees, leaning on the guardrail, the fans tap his shoulders as a sign of respect. Jesse is now made to wake up, Tim kicking his arm to awaken the President. Jesse tries to sit up, but blood comes out of his mouth, internal bleeding seems to be inevitable.

- Ace is up on his feet, the fans cheer, Ace raises his arm while also holding his back in serious pain. He tuyrns around where hecomes face to face with one of his opponents at the Pay-Per-View, the now acting referee for the match, Matt Stylez. They stare with great anger, Matt smiles ithe end as he mimics Ace, holding his back as Ace looks away, then walks past him as he goes to pick up Montana, but Jesse throws something in his eyes, white powder as Ace screams in pain, the stinging in his eyes is horrific. Jesse manages to get to his feet where he slams Ace into the steel once again.

-Both me look to be battered and bruised, Jesse lifts Ace up as Ace swings out with huge right and left hands, only they all miss as Ace cannot see, Jesse then walks behid him and chop blocks his left knee. Jesse then stomps a mudhole int Ace as he starts to go mental again...screamig at matt to hand him some kind of weapon. Matt walks back ito the cell as he searches under the ring. Ace meanwhiole is getting back to his feet, Jesse hits him once again, then tells matt to hurry up. Matt has something, he holds it up, a sinister look in his eyes, for it is one of his best friends, his sledgehammer.

- The fans boo loudly, Matt walks out of the cage as Jesse odshis head at him, smiling, as Ace is now back o his feet, but stombling aroud, apparently still unable to see. Matt hands Jesse the sladgehammer, the cZw superstars look on, some smilig, some frowning. Ace is up, hew is in no man's land. Jesse pulls it back, wrenches it behind of him, grips it tight and swings into Ace's head...


- Only it is the face of MATT STYLEZ. Jesse has hit Matt with the hammer as Ace was playing possum, he can see and now he clotheslines Jesse down. Matt is down and completely out of it, his head is bleeding too from the impact. Ace looks down and smiles, then picks up Jesse...Runs him into the steel cage with a HUGE SPEAR...

- Another referee is down now as Ace is got the complete upperhand. He takes Jesse aroud the other side, smashing his head o the guardrail onthe way around, the fans loving every second of it. Jesse now gets thrown into the commentary tables.

- The crowd cheers as Ace puts his thumbs up to them, who smiles. Jesse is now up, looking upset, as Ace comes flying into him again as he hits a crossbody, taking Jesse down. Ace gets all the fans up on their feet, he has his head busted wide open and a ijured back, but he still carries on. He climbs up onto the commetary table. Ace pulls Jesse up onto the table too. Both men stand on the table, who will go through it?

( A Replay showing Tim Timmons handing a bag of powder to Jesse which is what he used on Ace King earlier )

- Jesse tries to fight Ace but Ace has the most momentum, also Jesse has serious problems with his ribs sice the fall, blood dripping out of his mouth. Ace chops Jesse, then hits him with a forearm to the mouth, then lifts him up into a piledriver position. Jesse reverses it though as he hits a backbody drop. The table does not collapse. Jesse lifts Ace up now, hitting a spinebuster, but the table still does not break.

- Jesse picks up Ace, Ace hits Jesse i the gut though, then agai in the face as they lock up, Jesse gets Ace in a headlock as Ace straight away lifts Jesse up, hitting a side suplex as they...


- Finally it collapses as both men lie still on the broken pieces of the table, Jarred and Masters not being able to talk ayway since Jesse banned them from commentating this match. Both men get up, both with blood down their faces, Jesse now starting to coughup blood perfusely, Ace still has a huge gash on his head. Jesse looks around, he sees a cable wire, he wraps it around the throat of Ace as he starts to choke him out...

- Jesse is ow a ma possessed as he hs the wire firmly locked around the throat of Ace, the referee asks, but Ace is unable to answer, his head is turning purple, the referee asks again, this time a very feint...NO WAY IN HELL is heard coming from Ace as Jesse throws Ace down giving up, not knowing what to do now.

- Jesse leads Ace back inside the cell now to get innto the ring. The superstars applaud these atheletes, both these me are exhausted and weak, not mentioning hurt bad. Ace gets rolled into the ring., Jesse however, stays on the outside. Jesse searches under the ring. He pulls it out. It is a baseball bat covered in barbwire. The fans shudder with terror. Jesse smirks, blood trickling down his jaw. He climbs inside of the ring and waits for Ace to get to his feet. Ace does, the fans boo, Jesse pounces, he has gone sick in the head...

IN THE FACE!!!!!!!!!!!

- Jesse hits Ace right around the bloodied face of his. Ace is lying motionless on the canvas. The referee tells Jesse to back off but Jesse throws him aside, kneels dow and grabs the head of Ace with his left hand, while the barbwire is in his right hand. Jesse starts doing sick motions, calving motions as the flesh of Ace King starts to peel off. "ASK HIM...ASK HIM DAMMIT..."

- The sight is sickening, Jesse's hands are calved up too but the face of Ace is now unrecogiseable, blood covers his head. Jesse continues to grate at his face, his eyeballs, his nostrils, his lips getting cut up

"Do you quit Ace King?"


- Jesse scowls, he starts doing the ripping more rapidly ow as Ace rythes aroud, trying to escape but Jesse has it locked in, ow, he has applied a sleeper hold but with the barbwire being pressed up against the face of Ace...


- Ace does ot quit, the fas are now silent as are the superstars, blood surrounds the pair. Kids cry, women hide their eyes, even grow men canot watch anymore, the sight is wrong.



- Jesse now starts httig Ace with the bat, in the limbs of Ace, every joint is taken apart. He then locks his legs around the wait of Ace, as he presses the wire into the throat of Ace as he has applied a sleeper type hold, but with the wire choking Ace...

"Do you quit Ace?"


- No answer...





- Still no answer.

Suddely Ruth comes running down the aisle, Ace is out of it, he has passed out, probably from blood loss. Ace starts shaking, having a miniture fit inside the ring as Ruth slides in and throws a white towel into the ring. Ace is un well, he has stopped fitting now but he out of it, not moving. The paramedics rushdown to the ring as Ruth is almost in tears, Ace is a mess. Jesse stares, no emotion in his eyes as he finally drops the bat. The paramedics roll Ace out of the rig as the superstars look on worried. Ruth looks on, then realises Jesse in in the ring with her. She gets up and gets right into his face, Jesse just smiles, a sick and twisted smile, sinister as the devil himself, Ruth cannot control herself as she throws a ounch at the President, but Jesse catches her arm, backs her up into the corner as the fas make a riot of noise, booing violently.

- Jesse pulls back his fist, he is going to puch Ruth...

- Suddenly, 'Thieves' by Ministry' starts to play as the fans pick up a more cheerful atmosphere, but most still distubed from the scenes of the night. Jesse stops still as Ruth gets away, slides out of the rig and runs down the aisle to stand next to Alan. Jesse and Alan stare at each other...

"Jesse, stop right there. You're a disgrace to this Company, you're a disgrace to men all over the World, you're such a big man you would hit Ruth? Well for too long has this reign of terror been upon us, tonight it ends, and I know a few superstars who want to say their goodbyes, so roster...Appreciate the former President..."

- Jesse looks scared, as all of the roster of cZw apart from a few rush into the ring, then pouncing on Jesse, getting sweet revenge for the hell he has put them through over the past month. Each one, Blaze, Nasty, Hustle, Kash, McNeil, El Pablo runs down, many of them giving Jesse his goodbye beats. Jesse finally gets what he deserves...

- Then some of the heels jump in as everyone starts to fight, Gregory fighting Ronnie, Vince fighting Kash, Nasty fighting Tim, even Derek fighting Mike, the cZw has gone chaotic. Alan throws the mic down and lifts his arms up, as to say, what the hell, then runs down and joins in the fight. Alan hits Jesse with the RIOT PLEX...

- cZw is one big RIOT...


"Money, Money, Money" plays over the PA as Shawn O'Mac makes his way out. he is wearing a black suit. He has a mic in his hands, and all the fighters cease fighting looking up at him. He paces a bit back and forth and then begins.

SHAWN: "Alright, listen up. I am sick of all this. I am sick of this place, I am sick of you wrestlers, I am sick of you Jesse, and I am sick of you Alan. I have no passion for your beloved 'business' .. all I care about is money. What interest I had has now died for good. So guess what? I'm out, ya'll! I withdraw from being in charge, I withdraw from the Team Warfare match, I'm done with CZW altogether! Before I leave though, and this is funny ironic... my replacement for the match? DEREK DAMAGE. Have fun with that, you guys SUCK."

Shawn throws down the mic and leaves. All the wrestlers seem confused. Damage and Nasty are shaking hands, with smiles on their faces. The War Zone logo flashes onto the screen, signaling for the end of the show.



THE WINNER: JESSE MONTANA by RUTH throwing in the towel (25:21)


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