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CZW - Presents ASSAULT

| August 15th | * Beaumont, Texas * Montagne Center |

Combat Zone Wrestling presents Assault live from
- Beaumont, Texas -
Montagne Center
August 15th 2008

(RP deadline is Aug. 14th 9 PM EST)


Jesse Montana & Mack Beaudin in ring interview by Ricky Gold


KARL "The Jackal" JACKSON vs. "The Prodigy" MAYNARD O'TOOLE

"The Zombie" BRIAN KIRKLAND vs. "The Living Legend" BIG NASTY

GREGORY "The Graduate" GRANTHAM vs. "The Aerial Specialist" KRIMZON BLAZE

BIG DADDY BROWN vs. "The Phoenix, Badd Company" MIKE KING (c)



* cZw *




The cameras are backstage, residing in the backstage parking lot. Many people crowd around the entrances, staff member and backstage fans. All of a sudden a limousine drives into view, then stops right outside the arena where the camera closes in. A bit of commotion is heard, then suddenly a swarm of people rush in all screaming, mainly young women who desperately squeeze there way in to see this star. The limousine car door opens as one other than Mack Beaudin exits, making his return to Assault Television. The security stop the people from getting to the Number One Draft Pick as the cameraman zooms in on him.


‘Out of my Way’ blasts out through the loudspeakers echoing around the already noisy arena. Beaumont, Texas is alive for Assault, coming off the PPV And Justice For All and the Supercard the previous week, Tribute to the Troops. The fans go wild as the cameras pan around the whole arena. Fireworks blast off as Assault begins.

GOLD: “Good evening ladies ad gentlemen, we are live here at the Montagne Arena in Beaumont, Texas. Last week we had tribute to the troops and what a event it was, we from the bottom of our hearts here at Assault would just like to thank everyone involved for making the show such a success”

FARLEY: “Yeah Ricky, it was awesome, the troops are the men and women who make this proud nation what it is, we salute you!”

GOLD: “But what about tonight. We have the quarter finals of the King of Combat. We have the Assault debut of Dusty Davis. We even have, and check this out Michael, an eight man Tag Team Titles match, which team will claim the glory here tonight?”

FARLEY: “Yeah ad don’t forget my personal favorite, Hardcore Title match, I predict blood and lots of it”

GOLD: “You and your fetish for pain Farley, you know, you really scare me some times. Now not only do we have all that, but what about the interview lines up tonight, I cannot believe I will be in the middle of Jesse Montana and Mack Beaudin inside that rig later tonight!”

FARLEY: “In the middle of them? A while back I would have said it sounds like a dodgy re-make of Can You Get it Up-starts…But now, Mack Beaudin can’t be further from Upstarts, what is going on with him Ricky?”

GOLD: “Well I guess we may find out later tonight, but speaking of the Number One Draft Pick…Our first match and Mack’s first since his injury, facing the new comer…Corey Jackson…Let’s get down to action!”




The cameras follow the Number One Draft Pick through the corridors as he passes by a few staff members. Zoe walks along side Mack Beaudin as he can feel the atmosphere, the electric atmosphere of the fans in Beaumont, Texas. Finally, Mack Beaudin with Zoe comes out onto the stage, the fans go wild.

Man Up begins to play as fireworks set off for Mack’s return. The fans go crazy, loving Mack and his new character. The two make their way down the ramp as Mack is greeted by plenty of adorig fans, Zoe looking a bit jealous. Both get into the rig as more fireworks blast off…Mack soakig upo the feeling of his return back to the ring. Corey is already waiting for the match to begin as he waits in the corner, reweady to fight in such a big match.

*Ding Ding*

- Mack looks around the arena as he soaks up the atmosphere from his debut here in Beaumont, Texas. Mack suddenly looks at Corey who confidently dances around. Corey moves in but gets caught with a right hand, then a second, a third, Mack smiles and winks at Zoe who claps him on, then hit’s a final fourth shot which knocks Corey straight down. Corey gets back up as Mack pushes him to the ropes the whips him to the other side, Corey comes back at pace as Mack drops to his hands and Corey skips over him, Mack then flings back up as he executes a lovely hip toss, then a second, Corey now gets back up once again as Mack grabs him with a Spine buster!

- The crowd go wild for Mack on his comeback debut. Mack poses, then runs off to the ropes as he lays down an almighty Elbow drop on his opponent. He then prays on Corey, allowing him to rise which he slowly does, Mack runs in…Corey reverses as he dropkicks the left knee of Mack, then …a High Kick to the temple as Mack flops down to the canvas…Corey posing to the fans now winding them up, the young star showing great passion and arrogance.

- He lifts Mack up, then chops him, the once again as Mack holds his red roar chest in pain. Corey knees him in the gut, then a knee in the face, then picks Mack up…TIGER SUPLEX!


















- Mack picks out as the fans erupt, now trying to will there favorite on. Corey shakes his head as Mack gets to his feet, Corey hit’s a right fist, but does no damage, he tries for another to stop the adrenaline of Mack but his momentum is too high, he blocks it, then hit’s a right hand of his now, then another, Mack kicks him in the gut then hit’s the most thunderous DDT CZW has seen in a long time. Mack gets his breath back as he starts to charismatically stomp on the newcomer Corey Jackson, finally dropping another nicely places Elbow drop to the heart.

- Mack lifts Corey up, he seems lifeless. Mack takes him to the corner where he climbs up, then drives his fists into his head as the crowd reacts…















Mack pauses to once again wink at Zoe, then soak up the cheers again before going back to Corey, but he counters as he walks with Mack on his shoulder into the middle of the ring…Mack reverses…TORNADO DDT!




















- Corey somehow gets a shoulder up. Both men now regain their breathes as the referee checks on them. Mack gets to his feet, looking over at Corey who is also on his feet now. Corey throws a right hand, Mack ducks, hit’s a Inverted Atomic Drop, then whips him to the ropes as Corey comes back off balance, Mack lifts him up…Back Body Drop!





Corey lands on his feet, then kicks Mack unaware as he turns around, Corey then picks Mack up for a Powerbomb…


- Mack’s shoulder slams into Corey’s knee like an inverted Shoulder Breaker! Mack rolls around on the floor screaming in pain, knowing it is his injured shoulder, Mack had surgery on it several weeks back. Corey smiles, a sick grin. He then lifts Mack up and head butts him in the shoulder, then an elbow, then runs him into the turnbuckle SHOULDER FIRST!



Mack bounces off…Corey from behind…LIGHTS OUT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!








No…Mack counters…GREETINGS FROM TAMPA!!!!!!!!!!!








NO…Mack shoulder gives way!

- Corey now on the advantage runs in and dropkicks Mack right in his injured shoulder!!!

- Corey grabs Mack once again and takes him down with an Arm breaker, before getting another cover!





















- Again the fans breath a sigh of relief as Mack kicks out. Corey now looks frustrated as he mounts Mack, hitting furious forearms into his shoulder…Mack though catches his arm as he twists it…Starting to make his way onto his feet, the fans screeching for him to finish it, Corey with fear in his eyes…Mack smiles…Then…

GREETINGS FROM TAMPA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


























GOLD: “Mack makes his debut in fine style as he sends a message to not only the whole locker room, but Jesse Montana too!”

- Mack goes to the turnbuckle as he celebrates his first win back on Assault with the adoring fans. Corey looks upset as he rolls out of the ring, kicking the apron ad exit’s the arena. Mack soaks up the applause for him and his return, as he walks up the ramp, waiting for his interview later on in the night. Winner is Mack Beaudin after 8.02 via Pinfall!




Towers: The following contest is scheduled for one fall, and it is a Falls Count Anywhere Match for the CZW Hardcore Championship!

"Its Funky Enough" by THE DOC hits the P.A. with resounding force, as "Big Daddy" Brown comes down the entrance ramp, and heads into the ring, but as he gets near the ring, he pulls out a 2x4 wrapped in barbed wire!

Gold: What a weapon of choice to start this match!

Farley: Your telling me! That's lethal!

"Bad Company" by Bad Company follows soon after as "The Phoenix, Badd Company" Mike King comes walking out with a steel chair encased in what appears to be thumbtacks! He then enters the ring staring down Brown, as he lifts the chair up high!

Gold: This match hasn't even started, and already things are going to be brutal!

Farley: You got that right, lets start it!

*Ding, Ding, Ding*

-King and BDB circle the ring, wielding their weapons... BDB goes for a shot to King's head, but King blocks it with the chair!

-Both weapons fall out of each other's hands, then with one sweeping motion, BDB lands a low kick that takes King down. King back to his feet quickly, lands a couple rights to BDB and puts him in a corner.

-King gets on the 2nd turnbuckle, and starting hitting rights and lefts as the crowd counts with King!










-Before the 10th punch, BDB powers King down with a punch to King's temple, then taking King down with a massive POWERBOMB from the corner!

-BDB covers!











Kick Out!

Farley: Not yet Brown!

Gold: King isn't going down that easily!

-BDB picks up King after the near-fall, with King retaliating with a few kicks to BDB's sternum, then a roundhouse kick to the mid-section following! King then picks up BDB, and hits the Badd Company Combo!!!!!

Farley: A series of moves ending into a roundhouse kick to the side of BDB's head! I'm literally dizzy from all those moves!

Gold: Great comeback by King there!

-Brown gets up after that Combo of moves, only to get hit with the chair stuck with thumbtacks!! Brown is busted wide open from that shot as 20-30 tacks are lodged in his face!!!


Farley: Brown is in serious jeopardy now!

-BDB is bleeding profusely at this point as King then picks up BDB only for BDB to counter with a Punt Kick to King's "family jewels"!!!!


Gold: Hey now, a man just got kicked in the balls! that's un-called for!

Farley: Wrong Ricky, this is Falls Count Anywhere, there is no rules!

-King is down in the middle of the ring as BDB recovers in a nearby corner. King slides himself out of the ring after a few moments, only to be caught by a suicide plancha by BDB over the top rope!!

Gold: Brown is making a comeback!

Farley: Nooo! Come on Mike, fight back!

-BDB picks up King and flings him into the steel ring post, but King stops himself! King then reverses BDB face-first into the ring post making BDB bleed even more!

Gold: There's blood everywhere from Brown's head! He can't keep going much longer after that!

Farley: Agreed!

-King picks up BDB, then lifts him up for a elevated Suplex... LANDING ONTO THE STEEL ENTRANCE WAY!!

-King covers!
















Kick Out!

Farley: My god, Brown kicked out of that!

-Indeed, Brown got a delayed shoulder up. King picks up BDB and carries him up the ramp more, then rams his head into the banner that says CZW: Assault on each side of the entrance way! BDB is down and almost out of it, losing alot of blood on the way. King picks BDB back up, but BDB hits another Punt Kick...NO! King caught it this time, throws his leg around and hits a straight decapitating clothesline that shook BDB down to his core!


Gold: The crowd is deafening with Mike King chants, they really want him to retain the title tonight!

Farley: He might be close in doing so Gold!

-King picks up BDB who looks like he needs medical attention, then shakes him awake! King then picks up BDB for the St. Anger... and CONNECTS!

-King covers!













Towers: Here is your winner, and STILL, the CZW Hardcore Champion, "The Phoenix, Badd Company" Mike King!

"Bad Company" by Bad Company begins playing again as the ref rushes the Hardcore Title to Mike King who holds it up high in victory!

Gold: What a match up, and next up, we have the 2nd round of the King of Combat tournament! The Upstarts own Gregory "The Graduate" Grantham taking on the newest member of Team XTC, "The Aerial Specialist" Krimzon Blaze!

Farley: Talk about rivalries, their history is documented to a T!

{Video package highlights both KB's and GG's storied rivalry}

Gold: We'll be taking a commercial break, but up next, KB vs GG 2! Stay Tuned!

Winner is Mike King after 7.59 via Pinfall!




The lights go out. TRAPT - HEADSTRONG hits the P.A. very loudly, with only a single white spotlight at the top of the entrance-way. K-Blaze walks out, and throws his arms into an X, as a smatter of red X's in pyro shoot off from each side he's standing. The CombatTron video shows K-Blaze pulling off high-risk moves such as the Shooting Star Leg-Drop on El Pablo during the Tag Team Tandem Match, and hitting the Kode Of Silence on an already busted-up Shawn Waters & AAN, as well as that Moonsault off the ladder onto Mido in the TLC Match. K-Blaze then gets to the ring steps, walks up them, and springboards off the ropes and lands on his feet.

Towers: “Ladies and gentlemen, making his way to the ring, from Detroit, Michigan, he is ‘The Aerial Specialist,’ KRIMZON BLAZE!”

The fans cheer loudly as Blaze appeals in the ring. He turns to face the ramp as the Graduation Theme begins to play. ‘The Graduate’ makes his way onto the stage, looking over the crowd as they boo loudly, though he does draw a small amount of cheers from his hometown crowd. He simply smirks and heads towards the ring, posing and soaking in the heat.

Towers: “And his opponent, he hails from right here in Beaumont, Texas, ‘The Graduate,’ GREGORY GRANTHAM!”

Grantham moves into the ring and flexes, showing his impressive physique to the crowd. He then turns and does the same to Blaze, who just watches, shaking his head.

The bell rings, and they move in close, smack-talking in eachother’s face. The distinct height advantage is clear as Grantham towers over Blaze, and he makes a ‘short’ gesture as a knock on Blaze’s stature. Blaze nods to Grantham in sarcastic agreement, and then drives his fist right into the Graduate’s jaw! Grantham is caught off guard and the crowd cheers loudly as Krimzon Blaze uses his speed to his advantage, unleashing a chain of kicks and punches, rocking him against the ropes! Grantham covers up for a moment but is able to sneak in a poke to the eye, stalling Blaze’s momentum! The crowd boos loudly for ‘The Graduate’s’ underhanded tactic.

Grantham measures up the stunned Blaze and drives his forearm across the back of the head, knocking ‘the Aerial Specialist’ to one knee. He pulls Blaze into a front facelock and pounds him across the back this time, then lifting the smaller man up with a vertical suplex! He uses his impressive strength to hold him high, even letting go with one arm as he holds him, showing off. Grantham falls backwards, slamming Blaze to the mat with authority!

Grantham up and he stalks Blaze, stomping him on the back and the head. He pulls him to his feet and whips him into the ropes, swinging a clothesline at him, but Blaze ducks! On the rebound, Grantham throws a back elbow, but Blaze, once again, is too quick and ducks again! Blaze leaps and springs off the second rope, hurtling back towards ‘the Graduate’ and connecting with a rolling heel kick! Blaze to his feet quickly and drops a flipping senton onto Grantham. Blaze makes his way out onto the ring apron as Grantham moves to his feet. Blaze with a springboard, but Grantham turns and catches him in mid-air! With an angry glare, Grantham hoists Blaze straight up with a gorilla press, before THROWING him across the ring onto his back! The crowd is both awed and outraged, booing Gregory loudly. Grantham moves over to Blaze and kicks him hard in the ribs, sending him rolling to the outside! He moves out after, picking Blaze up and whipping him into the barricade!

The fans at ringside all pat Blaze on the shoulders, showing their support. Grantham pulls Blaze away from the barrier and moves towards the steps. Out of nowhere, Blaze drops down with a drop toe-hold! Grantham trips and hits the stairs face-first to a loud pop from the crowd! Blaze is up and he hops up onto the guard-rail, his loyal fans at ringside helping him to keep his balance! He leaps off, hurricanrana on the floor! A loud ‘Holy shit!’ chant breaks out! Blaze slides into the ring, watching Grantham, measuring him. As ‘the Graduate starts to stand, Blaze hits the far ropes, getting a running start. He springs up to the top rope and flies out at Grantham! SPRINGBOARD SHOOTING STAR PRESS! The crowd goes nuts as Blaze and Grantham both hit the floor!

Eventually Blaze gets to his feet, rolling Grantham into the ring. He goes up the steps and ascends to the top turnbuckle. Blaze flies! Corkscrew Moonsault! No, Grantham gets the knees up! Blaze writhes in extreme pain, trying to breathe! Grantham slowly using the ropes to get to his feet now. Grantham glares at the wounded Blaze, then turns and looks at the turnbuckle. Grantham going up top! He measures Blaze up, and leaps, connecting with a missile dropkick just as Blaze makes it to his feet! Blaze hits hard on his back and rolls onto his chest, seemingly out! Grantham pulls him away from the ropes and makes the cover!



3-Blaze with the shoulder up, just before the three count!

Grantham is irate. He gets up and stops at Blaze, then pulling him up and setting him up for a powerbomb! He lifts him up but Blaze reverses out of hit as Grantham lifts him, reversing the bomb into a huge DDT! The crowd goes crazy as Blaze slowly rolls Grantham over and makes the cover!



The ref barely notices Grantham’s foot on the ropes before the three. Blaze sees this and swears loudly in frustration. Blaze once again going to the turnbuckle, but Grantham counters, slinging himself across the top rope! Blaze falls, crotched over the buckle! Grantham climbing up and attempting a superplex! As he lifts him up Blaze falls down behind him quickly! He moves under Grantham and takes him from the turnbuckle to the mat with a powerbomb! He hooks Grantham’s legs and rolls over him, bridging for the pin!



Grantham barely powers out at the last second! The crowd responds with jeers for Grantham’s efforts. A loud ‘Krimzon Blaze’ chant then begins as both men make it to their feet. They trade punches before Blaze attempts a super-kick, but Grantham dodges and hoists Blaze up, looking for the 4.0! Blaze struggles and ends up flipping out of it; Grantham is caught off-guard! Blaze takes advantage and lifts him up for the Kode of Silence!

Grantham struggles and then connects with a vicious elbow to the nose of Blaze! Blood pours from Blaze’s nose and he drops Grantham. Wasting no time, ‘the Graduate’ scoops up Blaze! 4.0!!! Grantham with the cover!




The crowd boos furiously as Gregory Grantham is declared the winner, and advances to the next round of the tournament!

Winner is Gregory Grantham after 6.47 via Pinfall!




Jessica Towers- Ladies and gentlemen, this next match is set for one fall and it is to determine the number one contender for the CZW Intercontinental Championship.

“You Don’t know Me” by T.I. begins to play as the near seven foot, Big nasty makes his way to the ring. There is a mixed reaction from the crowd for Nasty. Nasty gets in the ring and throws up his right fist in the air then begins to stretch.

“Zombie” by Breed 77 begins to play through the arena as the fans go buts. Kirkland makes his way down the ramp along side his manager, Dwayne Campbell. Brian throws his hands over his head and crosses them, showing his straight edge style, with X’s on his hands. Kirkland gets in the ring, climbs the turnbuckles and signals to the crowd again as the fans all chant his name.

Jessica Towers- Introducing first, he is the former Intercontinental Champion and Former World Tag Team Champion. He hails from South Beach, Florida….BIG NASTY!!!

There is a mixed reaction from the crowd as Nasty stares down Kirkland

Towers- And in this corner, weighing in at two hundred, sixty pounds….hailing from Dallas, North Carolina….The Zombie….Brian Kirkland!!!

The fans go nuts as Brian Kirkland stares back at Nasty. The bell rings as Jessica leaves the ring and the two superstars begin the match.

Kirkland runs at Nasty but is greeted with a big boot, putting Kirkland hard to the mat. Nasty then picks up Kirkland and throws him hard into the corner. Nasty backs up and hits a big splash on Kirkland in the corner. Nasty picks Kirkland up and positions him for a powerbomb, he lifts him up but Kirkland counters it into a reverse DDT. Kirkland goes for the pin…











Kirkland is back to his feet, Nasty staggers to his feet as well but turns around only to be greeted by a standing drop kick. Nasty is down on the mat as Kirkland jumps up on the turnbuckle and hits a moonsault. Kirkland goes for the pin again….












A frustrated Kirkland stands up and argues with the referee, Nasty is back to his feet but Kirkland doesn’t see him. Kirkland turns around to pick Nasty up but he is greeted with a clothesline, sending Kirkland hard to the mat. Nasty picks up Kirkland, sets him up for a powerbomb, Kirkland is up in the air but counters the powerbomb attempt in to a hurricanna runna, sending Nasty to the outside and into the Guard rail. Nasty staggers back to his feet though but Kirkland nails lands a suicide dive to the outside and onto Big Nasty. Kirkland picks up Big Nasty and pulls him over to the steel stamps and rams Nasty’s head into the steps hard. Kirkland grabs Nasty and tosses him over the guard rail and into the crowd. Kirkland climbs over the rail and begins to pound Big Nasty as the crowd goes nuts. Kirkland goes for another hay maker but Nasty counters and clothes lines Kirkland hard. Nasty is standing over Kirkland and begins to pose to the crowd when all of a sudden, a fan comes out of no where and nails Nasty with a char to the back of the head. But…It’s not fan…it’s Maynard O’Toole…Maynard just laid out Nasty with a chair. Kirkland looks confused as he throws Nasty back over the rail then rolls him back in the ring.

Maynard then sneaks over the guard rail and walks over to Dwayne Campbell. He is whispering something in his ear, Maynard then ducks behind the ring apron so the referee doesn’t see him. Kirkland stand Nasty up, backs up and runs at Nasty with a big boot attempt but Nasty counters it and instead, nails Kirkland with the big foots. Dwayne Campbell jumps up on the ring apron and begins to taught Big nasty. The referee is arguing with Campbell as Nasty stares him down. Maynard sneaks in the ring from behind Nasty. He takes his IC belt off and THWACK!!! Maynard just nailed Nasty with the IC belt. Maynard slides back out as Dwayne drops down from the apron. Kirkland is back to his feet, he looks at Maynard with a very confused look on his face. Kirkland then picks up Nasty and sets him up……BAM!!....MURDER 101!!!...Kirkland has Nasty in the elevated crab for the pin….



















Kirkland is going to face Maynard for the IC Title. Kirkland and Dwayne celebrate in the ring. Maynard sneaks in from behind and tosses Dwayne out of the ring. Then turns around to get Kirkland but is greeted with a HELLAVATOR!!!!! Kirkland takes Maynard IC Belt and stands over his body as he holds the IC belt high in the air. The fans go nuts chanting Kirkland’s name. Dwayne jumps back in the ring and holds Kirkland’s hand in the air, in victory.





TOWERS: “The following contest is scheduled for one fall and will be a submissions match, the only means of winning is by submission.

GOLD: Here we go then, a submissions match in the second round of the King of Combat tourney.

FARLEY: We already know that Gregory Grantham has qualified so the winner of this will meet him in the semi finals next week. Just think we could see upstart versus upstart.

GOLD: Or even a rematch from I Quit at And Justice For All. Either way, the semi finals will be one hell of a match. Not discounting this match of course.

FARLEY: One of these men is going to have to tap. I have to say, I like O’Toole in this one. The Jackal hasn’t been the same since he turned his back on Jesse Montana.

GOLD: If you remember back, it was Jesse Montana that turned his back on the Jackal!

TOWERS: “On his way to the ring…From Orlando, Florida…Weighing in at 235 lbs…Karl ‘THE JACKAL’ Jackson!”

The lights go out and darkness fills the arena as only the dim glow of spotlights can be see scattered around the arena roof. After a moment of darkness and silence, the quiet tones of single guitar tones can be heard as the Combat-tron explodes into life with images of Karl 'The Jackal' Jackson. Fans are kept waiting for a few moments as the images and guitar tomes continue to play. Suddenly a single explosion of sparkling red fireworks and the playing of 'Gold Metal' by Trademarc announce the arrival of The Jackal to the stage area as he stands with eyes focused on the ring, bouncing from one foot to the other. He then walks slowly to the ring. As he reaches the ring he climbs the steps and climbs carefully through the middle and top rope. Once inside he mounts the second turnbuckle of the corner post which is above the steps he has just used to enter the ring. He performs a breaking action with his hands, indicating his intentions in the match he is about to have…

The lights dim and “King of Kings” by Motorhead blasts through out the crowd. The top of the entrance ramp opens up and a throne rises up from below with none other than “The Prodigy” Maynard O’Toole, sitting comfortably on the throne. Maynard is wearing a vintage barbarian’s outfit with a medieval type crown on his head. He stands up and walks slowly to the ring, his eyes fixated on the Jackal in the ring. His Intercontinental belt is draped loosely over his shoulder and Cameron is walking just a couple of steps behind him. As he reaches the ring he enters and poses with arms outstretched, holding the Intercontinental title above his head.

The music stops and Maynard removes the crown and medieval gown, passing it to Cameron. The Jackal waits patiently for Maynard to be ready.


Both men start of professionally, with a lock up, Jackal switches to the back, locking his arms around the waist of Maynard O’Toole but he quickly bends down and grabbing the right leg of Jackson he takes him down onto his backside. Maynard backs off with a cocky smile across his face as Jackal stands back up, looking slightly embarresed.

The two lock up again, this time the Jackal quickly applies a side headlock but Maynard is quick to send the Jackal into the ropes. As he rebounds he hits the big shoulder of Maynard O’Toole and once again falls down to the canvas.

The Jackal hits the canvas with the palm of his hands, clearly frustrated. This just increases the confidence of Maynard who now is standing with his arms outstretched, posing to the fans who simply greet it with a chorus of boos…

Once again the two combatants lock up, this time the Jackal goes behind O’Toole and drops down taking his legs from under him and sending O’Toole face first to the mat. Jackal quickly jumps over to apply a side headlock in a grounded position but O’Toole just as quickly escapes and ends up reversing it into a front face lock. O’Toole, however, releases the hold and slaps the Jackal across his cranium, choosing to work on infuriating the Jackal rather than attempting an early submission.

As O’Toole stands up, with a grin on his face, the Jackal looks up at Maynard, a real look of fury in his eyes…

For a fourth time the two go for a lock up but this time the Jackal, instead of going for a tie up, kicks Maynard in the gut and immediately follows it with a hard European uppercut. With O’Toole now on the ground it is the Jackal posing to the crowd, his reaction being a mixed chorus of boos and cheers. As O’Toole makes his way back to his feet the Jackal rebounds of the rope and goes for a hard clothesline…





Maynard ducks. As the Jackal misses O’Toole is quick to position himself behind the Jackal and deliver a crushing full nelson slam. The Jackal hits the canvas hard and holds his back, wincing in pain. Maynard immediately mounts the Jackal and delivers a flurry of hard right hands to the cranium of Karl Jackson. As Maynard stands up he wipes some sweat off his head and flicks it towards the sea of booing fans at ringside. Jackal is beginning to get back to his feet but Maynard gives him little room to breathe, grabbing the Jackal and delivering two vicious knee lifts before placing the Jackal across his back and shoulders. For a few seconds Maynard walks around the ring with the Jackal struggling to escape.






But Maynard is too strong and he drops the Jackal with a thunderous Death Valley driver.

The Jackal holds the back of his head and neck and is clearly hurt by the move. As he lies on his back, Maynard positions himself. Grabbing the legs of Karl Jackson he attempts to lock on a Boston Crab but out of nowhere the Jackal reverses and grabbing the ankle of Maynard O’Toole he applies the JACKAL LOCK!!!!

Maynard tries to struggle out but the Jackal has it locked in hard. Gritting his teeth, O’Toole reaches for the ropes, but the bottom rope is just out of his reach. Gradually he pulls himself, bit by bit to the ropes as the Jackal twists violently on his ankle. With tears in his eyes he reaches and makes one more attempt to grab the rope

FARLEY: If he doesn’t reach the rope this match is going to be over. Look at the angle he has on that ankle…

GOLD: It looks painful Farley, the damage may already be done.





He reaches the rope!!!

As Jackal breaks the hold he appears to taste that Maynard is hurt and repeatedly stomps on the twisted ankle of O’Toole. Maynard can only crawl around the ring as Cameron looks on with tears in her eyes. Jackal then removes the straps from his shoulders and once again grabs the ankle of O’Toole. JACKAL LOCK!!!!

Again O’Toole finds himself locked in the Jackal lock. Again he is screaming in pain as the Jackal mercilessly twists at O’Toole’s already injured ankle. At that point Cameron mounts the ring apron, causing the referee to face her as he argues with her, ordering her to get back down to the arena floor.

Maynard is reaching for the ropes, but he is in the centre of the ring






Maynard taps!!!!

Maynard taps, but unfortunately for Karl Jackson, the referee is distracted with Cameron. Seeing that he has the match won, the Jackal releases the hold and goes to attract the attention of the referee. But as he turns around, back to his opponent O’Toole hit him with a desperation LOW BLOW!!!!

As the Jackal collapses onto the floor, Maynard struggles to his feet. Using the ropes to stand up he hops over to the Jackal’s fallen body and drops an elbow drop. He then places the Jackal in a side headlock and whilst he is locked in the hold he delivers numerous closed fists to the top of his head.

















Maynard then rolls to the outside of the ring, still unable to properly stand on his injured ankle. Outside the ring he goes up to the bell table and picks up his intercontinental title belt. As he limps back to the ring area the Jackal is getting back to his feet. Maynard rolls back into the ring and then as Jackal turns around to face him he delivers a shot with the belt across the head of the Jackal. The noise of the shot resonates throughout the arena and the fans boos turn to silence as the Jackal hits the canvas, face first. Maynard O’Toole, still limping, walks over to the Jackal and hits more repeated shots to the face and cranium of the Jackal. When he finally stops a camera shot shows that the Jackal is bleeding profusely from a deep cut to his head, just above his right eye.

GOLD: Oh my goodness, Jackal is bleeding like a stuffed pig Farley.

FARLEY: That can’t be good, losing that much blood is going to impact the match.

The fans looked shocked as Maynard then delivers a hard kick to the open wound, and then another…… and another. By now the blood is flowing freely from the head of the Jackal. As Maynard poses to the fans, a roar of boos fills the Montagne centre. As Maynard is making gestures to the fans, he does not notice the Jackal getting back to his feet behind him. Maynard turns around just in time to be gripped around the waist and launched across the ring with a devastating belly to belly suplex. He hits the canvas and bows back up, clutching his back. The Jackal looks intense as he then takes a mount position of his own and hits repeated lefts and rights. He then stands and waits as Maynard slowly makes his way back to his feet, positioning himself behind him and then wrapping his arms around his waist, delivering a thunderous German Suplex.





….The Jackal does not release




A 2nd German Suplex




The Jackal does not release




A 3rd German Suplex



The Jackal releases sending Maynard crashing to the canvas. The Jackal wipes the blood from his right eye and then outstretches his arms and lets out a primal scream as blood pours down his face and onto his well muscled chest.

The fans now appear to cheer for the Jackal as he walks up to Maynard and grabs the ankle for another …. JACKAL LOCK!!!






But Maynard rolls through and as he rolls through grabs the leg of Jackson, before falling forward and applying the CELTIC CLUTCH!!!





Maynard has the hold singed in hard and the Jackal screams as the blood pours out of the open wound on his head and over the hands of O’Toole that are locked hard across his face. There seems nowhere for the Jackal to go as he continues to struggle. Slowly he pulls himself to the bottom rope, screaming in pain. As he gets closer he makes a reach for the bottom rope






But he is just too far away. Jackal attempts to roll through, the blood pouring from his head, but it is no good. Maynard is just too strong. The Jackal struggles but then he falls limp, not screaming and not struggling.

FARLEY: I think he’s out Gold.

GOLD: Yes….The referee may need to stop this, if only to save the career of the Jackal.

The referee takes the Jackals hand and holds it up






















No!!! The Jackal’s hand does not drop for a third time. With one last burst of energy he crawls to the bottom rope and reaches out and this time reaches the rope.

Breaking the hold, Maynard looks frustrated. He stands over the Jackal and repeatedly stomps him on his cut head. The referee looks concerned but just as he is about to check on his condition, Maynard reaches down to lift him, but the Jackal grabs his arm and swiftly locks in a triangle hold. Maynard struggles and tries to free himself but the Jackal has it locked in. He pulls down on the head of Maynard, cutting off his air supply. Cameron looks on concerned as Maynard appears to be fading fast.





Maynard attempts to free himself by using his free hand to deliver body shots to the Jackal, but as his energy seeps, so does the power in his shots.

The referee checks on Maynard, but as he gets close he uses his free hand to tug the referee by the shirt and sends him crashing into the Jackal. As there heads collide, the Jackal releases the hold and falls to the canvas, the referee hits the canvas too and is clearly out cold.

Maynard rolls out of the ring and, indicating to the crowd he has had enough, he begins walking up the aisle, much to the dislike of the fans. As he walks up the Jackal looks up and through the blood on his face, he sees Maynard walking away. Not wanting to win in such a fashion he rolls out of the ring and runs after him. Catching up with him he runs and attempts a clothesline, but Maynard is again ready and he ducks, then dropping him with the reverse DDT on the steel ramp. Seeing the referee is knocked out Maynard lifts up the Jackal and takes him to the stage, high above the ground below that is littered with tables and electrical equipment. He takes him to the edge and kicks him in the gut, then lifting him up and positioning him high up ready for the CELTIC CROSS!!!!

GOLD: No, NO!!! DON’T DO IT!!!!

Maynard smiles as he contemplates sending the Jackal off the edge of the stage to the floor below. But his smile soon fades as the Jackal releases himself from the hold and, now standing behind Maynard, he delivers a hard Dragon Suplex. A deafening crash is heard across the arena as Maynard’s head is slammed into the stage area. The Jackal struggles to his feet, and is now clearly weakened, his legs wobbling. He lifts up Maynard, who now looks to be out cold and positions himself ready to deliver an overhead belly to belly suplex off the stage to the floor below.

GOLD: This is really going too far now. We need a referee to get order out here!

FARLEY: Don’t be silly Gold, this is what its all about.

As Jackal is about to deliver a devastating suplex it appears Maynard comes around and he delivers a right hand to the Jackal. The Jackal releases his grib but fires a right hand back. Both men are on the edge, legs wobbly. Both men look dazed as they each hit each other with another right hand each.

FARLEY: What the hell!!!!

The fans begin scream as Gregory Grantham appears on the stage area, wearing a cocky grin. As the two combatants continue to battle, both teetering on the edge of the stage, Grantham watches on for a moment. He then rushes towards the two men and pushes them both.


The scene explodes as both Jackal and Maynard immediately receive medical attention, the match clearly being over.

Grantham backs away, a glint of happiness in his eyes as the two men below battle with recovery, both absolutely decimated!

GOLD: “Well I just hope these two men are okay, Gregory unbelievably proving that the King of Combat is worth more than his friendship with Maynard, Jackal also getting the effects of Gregory’s greed”




TOWERS: “This next match is scheduled for one fall and is a Triple Threat Mixed Tag Team Match…First…On their way to the ring…Hailing from Lincoln, Rhode Island…Dusty Davis & Ashley Valentine!”

Both make there way out onto the stage to ‘Luv Addict’ by Family Force 5. Dusty gets a huge swarming boo around they arena as he makes his first appearance on Assault, along with his new and delicious valet Ashley Valentine, the former valet of Shawn Waters. Both kiss on the top of the stage as the fans react badly. They then walk down the ramp as Dusty gets into the ring and poses while Ashley stays on the outside, clapping on her new man.

TOWERS: “Next…On their way to the ring…Hailing from Chicago, Illinois & Sin City…Bryan McNally and the Queen of Combat Champion…Allyson THORN!”

‘Sweet Sacrifice’ plays as these two walk out, McNally dragging along his bride as they make their way quickly down the ramp, McNally getting a dreadfully bad reception. McNally tells Allyson to enter the ring as she does, then he climbs in, immediately sheltering her with affection in which she pushes him off.

TOWERS: “Finally…On their way to the ring…Hailing from Sydney Australia and Hollywood…The number one contender to the CZW World Title Shawn Waters and Serena Starr!”

‘Our Revolution’ by Hailfax plays as these two walk out onto the stage, Serena with her arms wrapped around the neck of Shawn as the two kiss, then walk to separate ends of the stage, the fans going wild for these two popular superstars. Shawn starts making his ay down the ramp as he greets the fans, Serena jumping down the ramp feeling excited. Shawn meets Ashley as they go face to face, Shawn chuckles then walks past her, eventually kissing Serena again as Ashley looks jealous. Fireworks blast off for the Australian Shark…Shawn Waters and his girl.


- McNally and Shawn start the match, the size difference almost laughable. Shawn comes in with an attack as McNally lifts his leg up, aiming a huge boot into the face of Waters, but the Australian Shark ducks, then dropkicks the left leg of McNally from behind. Waters then runs at the ropes and springs off the second rope launching a dropkick right into the side of McNally’s head. McNally gets back up off his knees though as he pushes Shawn away, but Waters just like a shark comes back and hits several fists to Bryan, seemingly ineffective though, McNally gets up and finally catches Shawn as he lifts him up by the throat, Shawn panicking as Bryan growls, walking him around then drops him in the middle of the ring with a devastating Choke Bomb!

- McNally gets up to a sea of hatred from the fans. Bryan wipes away the slight droplet of blood from the corner of his mouth, his eyes enraged upon a sinister look. He then walks slowly up to his partner, Allyson. He bends down trying to kiss her but she moves away, looking disgusted. He then grabs her by the hair as the fans go ballistic t the seven footer. He screams at her to get into the ring as immediately Serena comes in as Shaw rolls out of harms way.

- Ally looks concerned about her partner, checking to see if he is behind her or not. Serena takes the advantage as she runs in and takes Ally down with a forearm smash to the face. She then picks her up as she takes her towards the corner by her hair, then starts hitting several martial arts kicks to the ribs, Ally looking distracted still. Serena then grabs her hair again and throws her across the ring trying to lad a hair toss, but Ally lands on her feet then runs hitting a calf kick to Serena’s face.

- Ally picks her up, still glaring at the man who stands in her corner. Ally lifts Serena up…She keeps her up there in a suplex position letting all the blood flow to her head…BRAINBUSTER DDT!

- Ally looks down at her victim, then back up towards McNally as he tells her to tag him back in. Instead though she walks around and tags in Ashley, then avoids McNally as they both stand on the apron. Ashley storms in as she drops a quick elbow on Serena. She then mounts her as she hits several right hands to the face. She lifts Serena back up ad tackles her into the corner where she hits elbows to the face, kicks to the gut, then eventually chokes her with her foot. Ashley seems to have snapped as she brings Serena to the middle of the ring, then goes for Shawn Waters Waterboard on his new love interest.

- Serena though kicks her off as she jumps up and dives, getting a tag from her boyfriend, Shawn Waters, the former boyfriend of Ashley. Shawn walks up to her as the fas chant for him to get her. He smiles as she looks up, scared and timid. She stands as she pleads with Shawn not to hurt her. Shawn chuckles, keeping the pressure on. Suddenly Ashley slaps him around the face as Shawn looks at her, now a more evil stare. He grabs her by the hair but Dusty comes charging in…SPEAR!!!




















- Shawn kicks out, but holding his ribs in serious pain. Dusty then checks on Ashley, before going back to Shawn as he violently kicks him I the ribs over and over again. Dusty then picks him up and whips him to the ropes, Shawn bounces off…Dusty gets him perfectly with a nicely timed knee lift. Shawn crashes back down to the mat, not being able to recover from the spear hit earlier. Dusty stomps him down, then mounts him as he chokes the man who he is after. The referee manages to prize him off, but Dusty goes straight back in…However…Shawn counters!


- Dusty panics furiously, but it’s too late, the hold is on! LOCKED IN!

- Shawn applies as much pressure as he can, gritting his teeth pulling back on his legs, contorting his spine. Suddenly Ashley gets into the ring, but Serena bounces I and takes her down with a clothesline. Ashley gets back up and Serena hit’s a back body drop. Ashley now slower to get up gets hit by Serena as she clotheslines her out of the rig over the ropes. Serena looks at Shawn who is on the edge of making Dusty tap. Dusty grinds, tries desperately to get to the ropes but cannot make it…


- Bryan suddenly climbs into the ring and hits SERENA with a big boot knocking her flying out of the ring. Shaw drops Dusty from his finisher as he looks stunned at the seven footer. Bryan smiles, Shawn goes mental as he runs at him hitting flying fists to the face, but McNally proves to be too big as he hits Shawn with a knee to the gut, then picks him up…Drops him down…PUMPHANDLE SLAM!

- Ally suddenly comes into the ring as she slaps McNally in the mouth, yelling at him for what he did to Serena. McNally grabs her by the head as he plants a huge vicious kiss on her lips…Allyson tries to struggle, but then in the end lets him kiss her as the two share a strange passionate moment inside the ring. Suddenly…DUSTY!

- Dusty flies in as McNally sees him coming in with a SUPERKICK!


- Bryan saves himself as Allyson gets taken out with the super kick. Dusty looks down on her clearly upset at what he has done…Then McNally grabs Dusty through a sea of boo’s…

SECOND CITY SAVIOUR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



































- Bryan quickly celebrates as the giant stands tall in the ring. He then carefully picks up Allyson as he carries her off out the arena leaving the fans stunned and angered. After the match, Shawn comes into the ring as Dusty gets up. Both me lunge on each other as the referees rush down to the ring trying to separate the two men. The divas join in, both Serena and Ashley now brawling. The fans love it as all four superstars need breaking up as they fight all the way up the ramp and out of the arena!

FARLEY: “Well that match was nothing short of insane. McNally clearly still with his clutches on the Queen of Combat champion”

GOLD: “I find it sick how he manipulates her like this…SICK!”

FARLEY: “Anyway short stuff…Next is our…”


Winner is McNally & Thorn after 7.44 via Bryan getting a pinfall over Dusty Davis!




TOWERS: “The following contest is the MAIN EVENT and is an 8 man tag team match for the vacant CZW World Tag Team Titles…First…On their way to the ring…Hailing from Hollywood…At a combined weight of 448 lbs…Evan Tyler & Kyle Riley…IDOLIZED!”

The lights dim slightly as ‘Paralyzer’ by Finger Eleven begins to play, a green strobe slowly pulsing with the opening drum beats. As the rest of the band kicks in, Kristyl Marie walks out onto the stage in step with the beat. She rests her hands on her hips a moment before Kyle and Evan likewise move out, flanking her, clad in their respective green and black wrestling attires, as well as matching green long coats. She takes both of their hands and they pose for a moment, with Kyle then pulling her close with a twirl. They turn to face each other but then quickly snap their gazes back to the camera, their movements on step with the rhythm of the music. He then spins her away and she allows herself to fall backwards, Evan Tyler catching her with a low dip. Again, their eyes meet, but then snap back towards the camera. He quickly moves her back to her feet and the three of them link arms, making their way to the ring where they appeal more to the crowd, garnering a mixed reaction.

TOWERS: “Next…Coming to the ring…Hailing from Toronto, Ontario, Canada…At a combined weight of 678 lbs…Tim Timmons & Carnage…DARKSIDE!”

Timmons and Carnage come out to ‘Inside the Fire’ by Disturbed. Carnage stands behind Timmons as though he was his bodyguard or something. The fans cheering these two individuals. Both men walk down to the ring slowly, trying to strike fear in the eyes of Idolized, both members of Idolized jumping out of the ring as these two me climb inside and pose to the adoring fans.

TOWERS: “Next…On their way to the ring…Hailing from Dallas and Houston Texas…At a combined weight of 501 lbs…Daulton McCade & Wade Garrett…America’s Most Wanted!”

These two come out to a huge sea of boos and abuse, the two men running out onto the stage screaming and yelling at the fans, winding them up even more. They signal that they will wear the Tag Titles as they walk confidently down to the ring, taking off their cowboy hats, pretending to throw them into the fans, but then not doing as they both swear at them to rile them up even more. Both men wait on the outside of the ring shouting abuse at the other opponents before the match begins.

TOWERS: “And finally…On their way to the ring…Hailing from a place unknown…Weighing in at a combined weight of 585 lbs…Ezra & Jakob…TOTAL MAYHEM!”

These two make a dark and mysterious entrance as they rise from a pit of smoke underground. The arena goes dark as the lights flash red and green. Both men stand tall, creating a rather eerie vibe throughout the whole arena. The fans love the entrance as they walk slowly, wearing huge white robes, making there way down the ramp towards the ring. All six other competitors keep there distance as these two men climb inside the ring…Then a lightening blot comes down and shines onto the Tag Titles as Total Mayhem signal to the World they will be champions.

GOLD: “All these four teams look impressive I have to say, this should be a great main event, lets get dow to action!”


- The two men who start the match…Ezra Mayhem and Daulton McCade. Though the AMW member is big, Ezra still stands tall above him. Both men point to the Tag Titles that sit on the announces table, both mouthing off at the start of the match. Foolishly Daulton goes for a right hand but Ezra sees it a mile off as he blocks then hit’s a throat thrust sending Daulton back to the ropes. Ezra walks up then knees him in the gut, then smashes a huge elbow, driving it straight into the top of his spine. Daulton falls to his knees as Ezra places his hands around his skull, squeezing with all of his might. Daulton yells in pain, but quickly hits uppercut right into the groin of Ezra who collapses to the ground. Jakob tries to get into the ring, furious by the attack, but the referee stops him from entering. Meanwhile Wade jumps into the ring as AMW both stomp down Ezra Mayhem, annoying the fans completely.

- Daulton leaves the ring as the referee turns back around. Wade now picks Ezra back to his feet, chops him in the windpipe, then again on the chest as Ezra loses his breath. Wade then violently chokes Ezra, making the big man lose consciousness. Ezra though powers out of the illegal choke, knees him in the gut then whips him to the ropes as he goes for a big boot, Wade sucks though, then from behind hit’s a nasty shoulder block to the back of Ezra’s knee, knocking him down to the canvas. Wade then tags back in Daulton as he holds Ezra’s arms behind his back, Daulton bounces off the ropes then dives in with a big boot straight into the face of Ezra. Daulton covers but only gets a one count.

- Daulton picks the big man back up to his feet, mouthing off to him once again. Daulton whips Ezra to the corner but Ezra reverses, Daulton goes shoulder first right into the turnbuckle, the ring vibrates as Daulton steps off, looking hurt, Ezra then from behind lifts him up…SIDEWALK SLAM!

- Ezra regains his breath as the crowd gets behind him. He gets to his feet as he leans on the ropes, Daulton manages to get back up though as he runs and kicks the back of Ezra’s leg as he sweeps him over. Daulton then climbs onto the second rope as he springs off, lading on Ezra’s face with a knee drop. Daulton then grabs hold of the ropes and starts to stomp down Ezra viciously. Ezra rolls out of the ring as he walks around, limping, the fans trying to will him back on. Suddenly out of no where…Both of IDOLIZED…


- Both Riley and Tyler dive off the apron as they smash into the big man, Ezra crashing head first into the guardrail. The fans boo these newcomers as they rile up the crowd showing expertise. Wade now drops from the apron as he rolls Ezra back into the ring. Daulton comes in and drops a Leg Drop…He covers!
















- Ezra gets a shoulder up. Daulton drags Ezra towards the corner as he tags in Riley from Idolized. Riley comes through the ropes immediately dropping a Fist Drop down on the throat of Ezra. Riley gets up and poses to the fans who boo him once again. He then goes to climb the turnbuckle, waiting on Ezra to rise…He does…Riley DIVES!


- The fans are astonished at the impact of the last move. Riley tags in his partner Tyler. Riley holds the arms of Ezra down as Tyler jumps from the top rope…Knee drop. Ezra looks destroyed after the knee from Tyler, having placed it in his face. Ezra nose is also busted open. Tyler lifts Ezra up who finds it hard to stand on his feet. Tyler with an impressive NORTHERN LIGHTS SUPLEX!





















No…Break-up by Timmons.

- Tyler stands nose to nose with the Hardcore Master as Timmons smirks, then leaves the ring. Tyler turns back towards Ezra only to be hit with a shot to the ribs, Ezra off his knees ow and onto his feet, he hits Tyler with a right fist, then a left, Ezra now throws him to the ropes as Tyler bounces off and gets caught with a back body drop…Tyler dropping about 10 feet in the air. Ezra drops to his knees again, showing a lack of fitness and fatigue. He starts making his way slowly towards his partner Jakob who urges him on. Suddenly Wade drops from the apron though and pulls Jakob off as he lands on his face, Wade then spears him onto the guardrail. Ezra not knowing what to do dives to the first man he can tag…


- The giant enters the ring as Tyler backs away, looking scared. He tries to run but Carnage grabs him by his arm, turns him around and delivers a short-arm clothesline with turns Tyler inside out! Carnage then sees Riley illegally running towards him, Carnage getting a big boot up just in time. Then both Wade and Daulton attack him from behind as Timmons, ow had enough enters the ring, Darkside against AMW!

- Timmons hits Daulton with a series of lefts and rights. Daulton tries for a right of his own but Tim ducks, then hit’s a side suplex. Daulton gets back up as Timmons grabs him by the throat…Simultaneously Carnage has also grabbed Wade by the throat…Both men lift…

DOUBLE CHOKESLAM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The crowd chant for the Dark side as AMW members both roll out of the ring. Timmons and Carnage celebrate as suddenly the fans silence, Ezra and Jakob stand face to face with their own stable mates. They seem to be talking, saying something, but astonishingly they both explode as the two teams in Darkside fight each other. Ezra gets the advantage on Timmons as he eventually drops him with a Powerbomb!

Jakob and Carnage however is more competitive as the two goliaths punch one another, Carnage steps back towards the ropes as Jakob bounces him off then catches him with a kick to the gut. The fans go wild as Jakob signals for a big move…Jakob tries to lift Carnage!!!

- His legs weaken though, but suddenly Ezra who has taken Timmons down already joins his brother as both members of Total Mayhem lift up the GIANT Carnage…


The ring explodes with vibrations as Carnage bounces off the canvas. Jakob and Ezra celebrate as Tim and Carnage roll to the outside. The referee now tries to retain order within the match, but unfortunately both members of Idolized have grabbed steel chairs. They slide into the ring as they swing the chairs at Total Mayhem…


- Amazingly though, the shots have absolutely no effect on the monsters. The crowd chants ‘Mayhem’ as both members run after Idolized who cleverly roll out of the ring. Jakob on the far side, Ezra on the near side, suddenly though Daulton and Wade of AMW both jump out of no where and take both members of Mayhem down with the TAG TEAM TITLE BELTS!

- The dirty attack of AMW seem to have destroyed Mayhem as Ezra lies busted open badly, clutching his head, Jakob the same but no blood is seen. AMW celebrate but there celebrations are short lived as Idolized attack them, now both teams brawl on the outside as the referee calls for help to check on Total Mayhem.

- Timmons seems to b making movements on the far side as he looks on Jakob and Ezra. Timmons then looks at the crowd who all cheer for him, blatantly thinking something suicidal up. Timmons starts to climb the turnbuckle as he reaches the top rope, standing tall looking down on the four men brawling on the outside. Timmons says his prayers, then in one drastic movement…HE FLIES!


KNOCKING DOWN ALL FOUR MEN!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The fans go wild for Tim as all five men lie motionless on the outside. Meanwhile Jakob is back up, resisting help from the referees. He walks over to his brother, then helps him up, noticing the deep cut upon his head. Jakob then slaps his brother as Ezra smiles in a sinister way. Jakob then starts biting his brother on his cut to make the blood flow more heavily. The blood now flows down the face of Ezra Mayhem who laughs, then bites his brother. Both men are now fired up as they see Carnage getting to his feet. They walk up to him and pick him up…


- The rail collapses as the fans check on Carnage. The security guards try to maintain control as Carnage lies motionless through the guardrail. Total Mayhem celebrate with the fans as the fans cheer and chat there names.

- Jakob and Ezra now walks around the ring as they wait for all five other men get to there feet. One by one they do as one by one Total Mayhem knock them back down with strong right fists. Jakob then picks Wade out from the bunch who happens to be the legal man in the match. The referee confirms this as Jakob rolls him into the ring, Total Mayhem following behind him.

- Total Mayhem then start to lock into a strange and peculiar position, the fans look on as well as the referee confused. Suddenly it becomes clear that Total Mayhem have locked in on Wade…BOTH…

PYTHON AND ANACONDA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- Wade screams in pain, tapping out furiously, but the referee does not deem this to be legal as both men have the hold on, only one is the legal man. Suddenly Doulton dives in and frees his partner of the devastating holds. Both Ezra and Daulton fight to the outside as the match seems to have regained some calmness as the competitors go back to lining up on the apron. Carnage however is still down and out as he lies through the guardrail.

- Jakob picks Wade up as he runs him into the corner, then tags Timmons in as Tim gets into the ring, kicking Wade in the ribs before hitting a seriously hard European Uppercut to the jaw. Tim then pulls Wade out of the corner as he swings for a short-arm clothesline but Wade ducks, then quickly hits an ear slap at Timmons looks a bit worse for wears, Wade then suddenly hit’s a Belly to Back suplex on Tim. He covers…

















- Wade picks Tim back up as he then whips him to the corner. He tags in Idolized as both members get into the ring. Riley sets Timmons up onto the top rope as Riley climbs up with him. Tyler then also climbs up as the fans look on shocked. Idolized without any hesitation dives off…






























No…Ezra with a late break-up!

- Timmons looks to be totally destroyed as Idolized brawl with Ezra. Quickly Daulton now comes into the ring as he somehow has got a legal tag, then drops an Elbow drop to the face, then gets a strong cover!




















- Jakob the only man who noticed the count. Both men now brawl as Jakob knocks Daulton over the top rope, falling over with him. Tim is completely out of it still down in the middle of the ring. Jakob and Ezra begin to dominate the brawl on the outside as all other four men get pummeled. SUDDELY THE FANS CHEER AS CARNAGE GETS BACK UP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Carnage ploughs through both Total Mayhem members with a double shoulder block, both men falling into the steel steps. Carnage picks up Wade, getting a head butt on him. He picks up Daulton and lifts him up, connecting with a Gorilla Press onto the tip of the Guardrail. He then focuses on Idolized as he walks very slowly up to them. Both men looking like dwarfs compared to this monster. Then all of a sudden from behind a woman taps Carnage on the shoulder…It is Idolized Valet…


Idolized both then pick up the Tag Team Titles as they both hit Carnge right into the temple with the Title Belts…The monster falling over the anounce tables knocked out. Ow both Idolized members ener the ring, preying on Timmons who is getting to his feet. The fans boo heavily as they stand there with the Tag Titles in their hands…Timmons turns around…


IDOLIZED ATTACK TIMMONS WITH THE BELTS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

- The referee looks upset but has to count Tim down as Riley gets the cover, with Tyler as the lookout…


































Tyler and Riley roll to the outside of the ring with broad grins on their faces as 'Paralyzer' begins to play. Kristyl approaches them, Tyler ad Riley still carrying the championship belts. She hugs them both as they hold both Titles high, moving up onto the ramp. The members from the other three teams look on in disbelief and disgust as the new champions flaunt their newly one gold. A staff member comes out and passes Kristyl a mic before disappearing off-screen.

Kristyl: "Take a look, ladies and gentlemen. Take a nice, long look. All that we have promised has come to pass, despite what you've all thought. We've done nothing but exactly what we've been promising. The future has arrived. Contain your jealousy as best you can. We know, it's hard. Not everyone can be this unstoppable, this dominant, this perfect. And that, ladies and gentlemen, is exactly why we are, indeed..."

She pauses and the champions grin smugly to the men still in the ring, raising the belts high.

Kristyl: "Idolized."

Finger Eleven's 'Paralyzer' resumes, and the champions continue their celebration on the ramp.

GOLD: “Unbelievable main event Michael…What about our new Tag Team Champions…What a debut!”

FARLEY: “Very impressive, if I wasn’t so perfect myself, I could see myself maybe Idolizing them, they are very impressive. But anyway, down to business, next, it must be the moment we have all been waiting for”

GOLD: “What else can happen on this week’s Assault?”


Man Up Plays Blast in the Arena as the lights starts to clicker just then Out the entranceway is Mack Beaudin who is followed by The Lovely Zoe. As Mack walks by he greeting the fans and then he runs towards the ring and slides into it and climbs the top turnbuckle as the fans starts to cheer, Zoe then climbs into the ring showing off her assets. She then waves to the fans as they cheer the 2 on. Mack then sees Ricky gold and walks up to him and takes the mic from him.

Mack- Thanks for the mic Bro but you can go to the back I take it from here.

Ricky Gold looks confused as starts to leave the ring as Mack and Zoe both waves good bye to him.

Mack- Damn it feels good to be back in the ring again.

The fans starts to cheer and Mack and Zoe looks at them smiling.

Mack- But the reason I sent Mr. Gold to the Back is because I felt that what i have to say don’t required a Interview. For the last couple of months I been rehabbing my shoulder just getting ready to come back here and do what I do best and that’s Kick Ass. I showed it to you already when I defeated Corey Jackson in my return match and boy did it feel good. Now my goal back is to give you fans a show each and every week and get the wins till I get that world title shot.

The fans starts the cheer again as Mack and Zoe looks on.

Mack- Thanks that means a lot really. But as I was home I tried not to watch CZW because I hated that I wasn’t apart of the show, But then I saw that Shawn Waters got arrested for being the one that pushed me down the stairs.

We now hear boos coming from the crowd.

Mack- Yeah I know, I was in shock, First I was in shock that Jesse actually Blamed Shawn for it I was in bigger shock because Zoe and Ashley was with Shawn while they were looking for me. So Shawn was not the one that pushed me down the stairs. But Jesse you really tried your hardest to make everybody think he did. That’s what got me into thinking, I was racking my brains and I couldn't believe that somebody in my own camp tried to take me out. But guess what Jesse I’m still here and I’m not going anywhere.

The fans are cheering after what Mack said.

Mack- When I came back at the PPV And Justice for all, I actually was looking for my own justice so when I was in the ring with you Jesse I just had to lay you on your ass just off of GP. I had to let you know that nobody can put me on the shelf for that damn long and not get some type of repercussion. That’s why I’m here to let you all know just who I believe pushed me down the stairs.

The fans starts to cheer just then we hear ‘For Whom The Bells Toll’ begin to play throughout the arena. Jesse Montana strolls out, though a worried look is shown on his face, not the normal cocky and confident grin as usual. The fans relentlessly boos for the CZW World Champion. Mack looks on, a glint of anger on his face. Jesse quickly marches down to the ring. One fan manages to touch him, Jesse immediately having him escorted out of the area by the security guards. Jesse finally makes it inside the ring as he grabs a microphone of Jessica Towers who stands at ringside.

Jesse then cuts his music. Both men stand off. Both men getting a rapturous reception, Mack hugely popular with the fans, getting much applause, Jesse getting the familiar echoing boos that have haunted him through his whole career at CZW. Jesse then raises the mic up to his mouth, the fans quiet down…

Jesse: ‘Mack you…You don’t…Mack don’t do this man. Your making a big mistake. We can sort something out, we can settle this Mack, I swear. I know we can come to some sort of arrangement…Just don’t finish that sentence Mack!’

The fans boo the Champion, all sorts of different variations of abuse is shown for the Sensation.

Jesse: ‘So Mack…Put down the mic and come back to my offi…’

All of a sudden, Jesse stops as he gains a huge smile on his face. Mack looks slightly confused, but then notices Gregory Grantham walking down the ramp. The fans boo him just as heavily as they booed Jesse…Even though it is his hometown fans.

Gregory enters the rig as he stands next to Jesse…Now Mack knowing he may have walked into a trap here tonight. Jesse pats Gregory on the chest, chewing his chewing gum heavily. Jesse then walks nearer to Mack but Gregory pulls him back, having grasped the right arm of Jesse. The fans look on confused as Jesse stares into the eyes of Gregory Grantham…



The fans roar in excitement and shock, the hometown fans of Grantham now cheer there hometown boy. Gregory lift Jesse up and lifts him up, hitting the 4.0 on Jesse Montana…



- Mack and Gregory look at each other as Mack smiles. Mack exit’s the ring leaving Jesse in the hands of Grantham, the former friend of the World Champion. The fans are still in shock as is everyone who is watching at home. Jesse looks up as Gregory stands over him.

('The Graduate' calls for the microphone that is currently in the hands of a stunned Ricky Gold on the outside. Gold hands over the microphone without hesitation as the crowd is going completely insane. Mack Beaudin is now outside of the ring, stunned as well and not knowing really what to think as Jesse Montana lays in the center of the ring, the victim of a beatdown at the hands of his stablemate, Gregory 'The Graduate' Grantham. Grantham looks out at his hometown crowd from within the ring; CzW microphone in hand, as Jesse is still incoherent in the ring. Grantham brings the microphone to his mouth...)

GRANTHAM: "Ladies and Gentlemen. First of all what a great feeling for me to be back in my hometown of Beaumont, Texas!"

(The crowd cheers louder at the mention of their city..)

GRANTHAM: "I know you all are sitting out there confused right now, but what you have all just witnessed is the culmination of all of my plotting since day 1 in the CzW. When I signed my contract, I looked for the most successful man in the business, and it was the man you now see before me lying in a pool of his own blood, Mr. Jesse Montana. So, I had to align with Montana, which I did rather quickly, distinguishing myself as one of the toughest guys out there with a mean streak to go along with it. Well, just like every man that has been beaten like me, Jesse has served his purpose as a stepping stone to my success."

(Grantham turns from the crowd and now looks down upon Montana, who is starting to get up from his warm place on the mat. He meets Grantham, looking up at him from the canvas with a look of shock, along with a distinct look of disgust visible through the pain..)

GRANTHAM: "I USED YOU, JESSE! Face it, you arrogant prick, you were just another victim to my intelligence, you couldn't help it. Now, not only do I have a shot at taking that beloved title from you if you can hold on to it long enough, but I also have one more announcement for you and MY fans..."

(At Grantham's pause, Derek Damage's music hits throughout the arena and the fans go insane. Derek walks out from the curtain and stands on the ramp, nicely dressed with a microphone in his hand, facing the ring. Jesse uses all of his energy to turn to the ramp and face Damage..)

DEREK: "Well I can't say I am happy about the way you did this Grantham, but I have to admit, just like each and everyone of these fans here tonight, it has been great to see the smug arrogant Jesse Montana get his ass handed to him. Gregory Grantham, following out meeting earlier in the week, I officially make you...Gregory Grantham...The NEW GM OF WARZONE!!!!!!!!"

(Derek Damage smiles as he leaves, the fans going wild. Jesse, now standing in the ring, still in obvious pain, is facing Grantham...)

GRANTHAM: "You've done your part, Jesse. You were an excellent host to my plans, I'll give you that. Poor bastard, you didn't even see it coming. You think I actually hold a disdain for the fans like you do; a sickening disappreciation? These fans are now MY fans!"

(The crowd cheers as "GRADUATE!" cheers flare up around Grantham's hometown arena..)

GRANTHAM: "I came in here and sought out for the one man who these fans wanted to suffer more than anyone else, and I have done just that tonight. Now you are no more than a broken man. I am officially done with you."

(Grantham drops the mic and turns his back to Jesse Montana as he goes to a turnbuckle in the far corner to garner some cheers from the fans. As he turns his back, Jesse grabs the vacant microphone from the center of the canvas...)


('The Graduate' gets down from the turnbuckle and walks back over towards Jesse Montana, giving him that same, sly grin that the fans had seen so many times before, but in a different light...) MONTANA: "Well done Grantham...It seems as though I taught you well...But Grantham, you will NEVER get my Title. You thought you could push Maynard and Jackal off the stage? You think you can turn on the Sensation? Next week...You will fight not one of Jackal or Maynard in the King of Combat finals...BUT BOTH!"

(Jesse stands up, now holding his ribs with blood dripping out of his mouth) MONTANA: "Your dreams of getting this Title Gregory will...DIE!"

(All of the sudden, Jesse goes for the 'Montana Express', but Grantham dodges it and gives Jesse a kick to the midsection. He then puts Jesse into position and delivers a brutal '4.0', as the crowd goes insane! He grabs the vacant microphone from off of the mat..)

GRANTHAM: "This is far from over between me and you, Jesse. You have finally met your match, and you know it. I AM YOUR HELL!"

(Gregory leaves Jesse in a pool of blood in the middle of the ring, his hometown fans going absolutely insane for the Graduate)

GOLD: "I can not believe what we have just seen here tonight"

FARLEY: "Grantham as against Montana all along!"

GOLD: "And a Triple Threat Match for the King of Combat semi finals?"


GOLD:" "This will fully remain in our memories for a long time, but until next week, goodbye"

Assault GM Jesse Montana

* cZw! *

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