
Welcome to My site

This website will be full of facts!Lots of Info in the zone
Games Page!!!

Links Page!!


Books Page

My Journal

Music Page (New!! 2/23/05)

This site has..
  • news
  • games
  • movies
  • books
  • and much much more!

I hope you like this site! I have worked many hours on this site and soon it will be a mega site! This site will have all that you need!

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This Is the coolest Site!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!I really am proud of it! Zone-Info!

Welcome to the Zone

This site is full of very cool stuff. It will change very often. There will be updates at least once a week! Well I am going to work on my mega site now! I have had other sites that have been falures.

But now this one by far is the best! This site is really a learning time. I am now learning HTML. I am going to keep on working on this site.
Last Update-2-23-05
There are tons of new updates on the books page.If you have come to this site, PLEASE PASS IT ON TO AS MANY PEOPLE POSSIBLE!!!

Please Come Again!!!

This is a show that I'm in called Guys and Dolls!This is also another show that I've been in called Music Man

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