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. . . . . Time flies when you're throwing clocks . . . . .

 The current mood of at

Main Entry: zeit·geist
Pronunciation: 'tsIt-"gIst, 'zIt-
Function: noun
Usage: often capitalized
Etymology: From German, literally "spirit of the time."
Date: 1884
Definition: the general intellectual, moral, and cultural climate of an era,the ideas prevalent in a period and place,particularly as expressed inliterature, philosophy, and religion.

After much deliberation I have come to the conclusion that all this information sloshing around in my skull ought to be permanently recorded so that the government attempts at memory erasure, brainwashing, employment, looming adulthood and whatnot would not rob the world of my incoherent and random ramblings. Case in point, bless the unpoliced internet for providing me with yet another way to poison...ah...I mean enrich people's minds with my own hysteria.


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