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WWW DoT Anime 4m Sy's Is

Well Met to you. Isn't it wonderful that i am actually working on this thing? Yep that's right folks. I am Back. Now i wonder exactly how many people are going to go looking about this page after i revamp it all up. I have lots of things in mind for it but I am also looking for any comments or request that you may have on any thing that you may see in here, like art work, fan fics, any request for any wall papers that you might like to see. Here is where you would send the request to, ME!!! Send Me mail!!! Just the usual. Man I really think that No one is going to visit this site..... Oh well. perhaps. well let us move on..

the Wallpapers section only has some sarah brightman wallpapers right now but flee free to look at them anyways. I would like to get more varity but i don't know what people would like to see. though some hints out there if you want. I will see what i can do.

Also you can vist the rooms of people that i know by clicking on the name of the person below. different people have different taste so maybe you'll see why my friends and i clash alot. check it out.

Sryis' Room.... (that's Me)
Violet's Room
Kry-Burn's Room (if that is what you can call it)
Ama-Chan's Room
The Death Calvalry
And Coming soon another site for my Final Fantasy Linkshell ^^ yay

Also check out this site. Basicly its a photo album of my life and my family. Not a whole lot of things here other than us WEIRD people Pictures-R-us

So on top of moderating two sites I somehow also find the time to enjoy myself by watching anime, drawing, writing, and playing games. Now granted these are the habits of someone who basicly has no life... I will deffinatly not try to denie this fact. I have no life and on top of that I am a big geek... Yes I am. but at least i am proud of my geekyness. I love playing D&D. I used to play alot of RPGA Living Greyhawk, but then because of my old Boyfriend all of my friends that I used to play with no longer talk to me... Oh well tho ^^ it gives me more time to get a real life ya~!? ^^

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