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The Randomness
Sunday, 7 December 2003
Im Off The DIET!
SO you know something is wrong when one drops 5 lbs in a week eating nothing but disgusting meats and cheeses.

I have always been against diets, I think they are stressful and they make a person go crazy (but hey I already am crazy-so I guess it wasnt that bad for me)

Last Monday I went on the CURVES diet which really is a glamorized version of Atkins or the South Beach diet.
I could have unlimited ammounts of lean meat, cheeses, eggs poultry and certain veggies. PUKE!

Every time I ate I was not looking forward to it. I felt like a barbarian.

I would eat a hamburger patty and think "Its a cheesecake!" But when it came down to was nothing but a shit sandwhich. (am I allowed to use bad words?-sorry if that offended anyone)

Poor Jodie (my roommate) was even getting sick with the stuff I was eating. The only thing I heard out of her mouth when I was eating was "Oh God, Oh God"

Bottom line is DIETS are not the way to go.
Eating healthy and exercising consitently is what has to be done to maintain weight and a healthy lifestyle-hey I can preach it, but dont practice it! Ha ha, no I do exercise I am just a sucker for peanut butter!

I got one thing to say---once you got fat you never go back!


Posted by co4/wonderllamas at 8:41 PM MST
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Sunday, 7 December 2003 - 10:44 PM MST

Name: Dustin

I've never been on a diet. I bet I'll get fat someday. That'll suck. Too bad I'm too lazy to be pro-active about it.

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