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The Randomness
Saturday, 6 December 2003
I am going to staight up say that Finding Nemo is my favorite Disney movie!

It is HILARIOUS! For those of you who havent seen it yet, SEE IT!

Most of you know that I am very easily amused-almost too easily amused. But if you can imagine that my Jodie (my roommate) is just the same, so you put the two of us together and its scary. I reccomend staying back at least 20 feet while her and I are in action...its hysterical.
We make fun of so many movie quotes, and twist them into pertaining to our life...which might not mean anything to you--but hey who's complainin'?
Bottom line is that this movie has opened a whole new door for me in the humor area-thanks to Jodie too!

So to Jodie and all of the other people that have seen finding nemo...Ive got one thing to say and that is....


Posted by co4/wonderllamas at 9:55 AM MST
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Saturday, 6 December 2003 - 11:44 AM MST

Name: Shami

That was a hilarious movie!

Saturday, 6 December 2003 - 11:45 AM MST

Name: Shami

But isn't it Pixar? not Disney?

Saturday, 6 December 2003 - 12:09 PM MST

Name: Schnaby

Pixar is a branch of disney you spithead!Hey Kahle you forgot cheaty and pye pye. I saw Elf last night, i almost wet my pants laughing, we HAVE to see this together over break! ONLY 13 more days until I see my misee disee skidee.

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