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Welcome! There is a great staff here on hand to help you if you ever need any help. I would like you to know, this board doesn't put up with not voting unless you tell us. If you sign up, you must vote, if you don't you will be kicked off the board and you will not be allowed back, unless there is a major change in the way you vote! I hope that you understand, but many of these people spend hours a day voting and it should be returned to them.

For the pages that open in a new window, please go to



Also I must tell you, this site has some of the best trackers out there, there are hidden pages, and a few other ways we can tell if you are voting or not, so if you join this board you better be 100% serious on voting! You will be caught! I want to insure to those of you who do vote, you will have no problem with any of this, because you vote! *S* I want to also assure that those who vote get loyal votes in return! Also, please see the Rules page. Thanks so much for joining! Good luck this week!



If you need a LOA or couldn't vote, please email Shorty Be sure to include the following, you can copy it and paste it if you would like. *S*
Your Name
Site Name
Email Address
If LOA when you will return
LOA or Couldn't Vote

This board has 86 members.



Week of June 1 - 7, 2003


The Time is now





= Found the hidden page
= Informed that couldn't vote
= Didn't vote the previous day
= Didn't find the hidden page



How to vote:


It's very easy but just different. Vote from Your Heart is proud to say we are the first vote board to make voting this way. I know a few have followed and I am sure more and more will. It makes it a lot easier on the voter, takes less time too. So here is what you do, click on the links that you should vote for, that info is below, then the window to the left of the vote boths will have the vote page. All on one page and it take a lot less time to load!


Here is how you know who to vote for:
# of URLs you have You vote for people with
1 (1)
2 (1) and (2)
3 (1), (2), and (3)
4 (1), (2), (3), and (4)


*S* Good luck hope you got it!








Donna's Topsites
7 days a week voting


Animal Farm
7 days a week voting - All will open in a new window



Wizard's Quest
Voting Times:
Monday 11:01 p.m. - Friday 10:59 p.m.
Central Time


Fantasy Fights
This depends on the team, just pay attention when voting

Inspiring Heights


Mystickal Realms
11:00 p.m. Monday to 9:00 p.m. Friday


Avalon the Kingdom
Opens in a New Window
Monday - Friday 12:00 a.m. -11:59 p.m. Central


Emperor's Gate
Monday - Friday, 11:00 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. Central


Battle of the Zodiacs
Monday 12 a.m. to Friday 11:59 p.m.


Southern Dreams
Monday 12:01 a.m. to Friday 12:00 a.m.

My Angel Chris (2)
Shadewoods KentuckyAngel (3)


Need Update


Site Fights
Vote Times 3:00 pm Central on Mondays and After 12:00pm. Central Tuesday - Friday


Vote after 3 pm Central on Monday
After 12 pm Central Tuesday - Friday


Web League
Monday 5:30 a.m. to Friday 5:30 a.m. Central
Closed for the week


Legends Of The Myth
Sunday 8 p.m. to Friday 8 p.m. Central


Sunday 6:01 p.m. - Friday 5:59 p.m.


Web Brawls
Voting Times:
Sunday 8:01 p.m. - Friday 7:59 p.m.
Central Time


Fun Battles
Monday 5 a.m. - Friday 4:59 a.m.
Open Tuesday - Friday THIS WEEK ONLY


Bards of Fortune

My Eyes To The World (1)
Moonlight and Madness (1)
Realm Of Possibilites (2) - Vote for Poetry by Joni Jovani


Need Update


Cartoon Wonders
8:00 a.m. Sunday to 6:00 a.m. Friday Central



Thank you for your vote! Please send an email to the address below to let me know that you voted. Thanks!


This board has 86 members.


When you voted, please email { Shorty } Be sure to include the following, you can copy it and paste it if you would like. *S*
Your Name
Site Name
Email Address
# of Vote URLs



Site and Design © 2003 Shorty
Owner Shorty
Maintained by
Fairy Davana
and Michele