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What's New in Crew!


11/20/02- Final Meeting

After having another meeting with a lack of participation, it was the unanimous vote of the attending advisors and single attending member, that the Crew will be dissolved. Our final meeting will be 12/10, at seven PM at Corpus Christi. Current and former crew members are invited to a solstice dinner at the Parish Hall the evenin of 12/22. All other activities for the remainder of the year, as well as next year, have been canceled. If you have any further questions, please contact the webmistress.


10/16/02- Decisions, decisions, decisions

Just a reminder: We meet Tuesday night, November 5. Please make sure you're there! We need to discuss recruiting ideas (again), our new crew objective, and our December obligations: The Solstice dinner and Gift Wrapping.


10/16/02- Decisions, decisions, decisions

After a long discussion between our two attending members and our five advisors we have decided to change the direction of the crew. Our crew's focus is changing from high adventure to one that is more eclectic and focusing on the arts and music. We also need to work on our recruitment efforts. New flyers and brochures will be available shortly, please e-mail me if you are interseted in obtaining some of these. Please bring recruitment ideas (or even better, recruits!) to the next meeting on November 5th!


10/04/02- The Votes Are In

The votes are in and it is with great pleasure that I announce that Venture Crew 21 is NOT disbanding! We will now meet on the first and third Tuesdays of each month and we need to work on our recruitmnet. Bring your ideas for recruitment to the next meeting! (10/16/02) See ya then!


9/25/02- Meeting Reminder

Please remember that our meetings resume next week on October 1, 2002. We will be meeting at 7 PM at Corpus Christi and we need everyone to be there as we need to take a vote on whether or not to disband our crew. Don't forget!!!


9/10/02- September 11, 2001

In memory of September 11, 2001. Our hearts and prayers go out to the families who lost loved ones at the WTC, Pentagon, and in Pennsylvania. We will never forget.


9/10/02- Roundtable reminder

Did anyone attend the Advisor training on Saturday? We have the Venture Crew roundtable coming up on Tuesday, September 17 @ 7 PM at the Council Service Center. I will be attending to represent our crew, if anyone has anything they'd like me to bring up at the rountable, please contact me through the e-mail link on the main page. Only two weeks til our meetings begin again!


9/02/02- Advisor Training

Advisors, mark your calendars for Advisor training, Saturday, September 7, running from 9:00 AM to 3:30 PM. Training will be held at the Council Service Center @ 525 E. Uintah Street. Registration is $10 and lunch will be provided. Please call 634-1584 by Thursday, September 5 to register. Also, there will be a Venturing Roundtable Tuesday, September 17, @ 7:00 PM also at the Council Service Center.


9/02/02- Meeting Reminders

As evidenced by the giant notice on the main page, we will not be meeting this week, nor for the rest of the month. Please remember to be there, October 1st, with money for the Solstice dinner and recruiting ideas. Also of note, we are not attending Camporee the 20th through 22nd. Don;t forget to bring those ideas and money to the first October meeting!


8/24/02- Meeting Reminders

Just a reminder, we need new ideas for recruiting for the next meeting! Money for the Solstice dinner and Camporee is also due.


8/11/02- Crew at the Zoo!!!

Lions, tigers, and bears! Oh my! Today the crew visited the Denver Zoo, and a great time was had by all! (Pizza was had by some, as well) The Denver Zoo is home to a variety of animals ranging from the pre-requisite lions, tigers, and bears to exotic poison dart forgs, kangaroos, and komodo dragons! We also got to see the zoo's latest polar baear cub, Cranbeary! Although it was a little hot and some of us took home a little souvenier in the form of a sunburn, it was a great day to be at the zoo!

Visit the Denver Zoo online @


