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GoldFishBaby 323: hi-a
GoldFishBaby 323
: hows it going
GoldFishBaby 323
: i hope that everythings great
GoldFishBaby 323
: your probably not going quite as crazy with finals as i am - but i hope that everything goes well for you this week
GoldFishBaby 323
: and next week too]
GoldFishBaby 323
: what i mean is that if your smart you wont be as crazy over finals as i am
GoldFishBaby 323
: i'm just a nut like that
GoldFishBaby 323
: but any who
GoldFishBaby 323
: i'm probably saying too much
GoldFishBaby 323
: so i'll just go and get out of your hair
GoldFishBaby 323
: just had to do something different for a few seconds
GoldFishBaby 323
: have a nice night
GoldFishBaby 323
: oh yeah - and by hte way - if you ever want to fill me in on why you wont talk to me - i would love to hear
GoldFishBaby 323
: buh bye
: spencer helped me realize something =]
GoldFishBaby 323: hum - i wonder what that could be
: and i was totally wrong
GoldFishBaby 323: that i'm stupid and annoying?]
GoldFishBaby 323
: hum - well i'm glad that your taking other peoples advise rather then finding it out for yourself
GoldFishBaby 323
: or that i'm a withch with a b
GoldFishBaby 323
: *witch
GoldFishBaby 323
: go ahead - lay it on me
GoldFishBaby 323
: what did spencer help you realize
GoldFishBaby 323
: i've heard it all before
GoldFishBaby 323
: i know that i have
GoldFishBaby 323
: come on josh - dont wimp out on me now - go ahead tell me what you think of me
GoldFishBaby 323
: i'm just a girl whos trying to get around with as many guys as i can?
GoldFishBaby 323
: that i'm nothing with out friends or a boyfriend?
GoldFishBaby 323
: come on - i want to know
GoldFishBaby 323
: you'll feel so much better just telling me and getting out in the open
GoldFishBaby 323
: hey - who knows - i might even leave you alone because of it
GoldFishBaby 323
: now you would like that wouldnt you
GoldFishBaby 323
: come on josh
GoldFishBaby 323
: just tell me
GoldFishBaby 323
: i dont mind
GoldFishBaby 323
: it would actually be nice to hear it from someone that actually thinks like this
GoldFishBaby 323
: i usually hear from other sources
GoldFishBaby 323
: and i know that your better then that
GoldFishBaby 323
: you can confront me about it
GoldFishBaby 323
: it might make me a better person in the long run
GoldFishBaby 323
: come on josh
GoldFishBaby 323
: just spill it already
GoldFishBaby 323
: i dont care anymore
GoldFishBaby 323
: theres no point
GoldFishBaby 323
: everyone hates me anyways - i wouldnt mind hearing a word or two of the truth of what i've done to make everyone hate me so much
GoldFishBaby 323
: so what did your new pal spencer help you realize
GoldFishBaby 323
: huh josh
GoldFishBaby 323
: huh
GoldFishBaby 323
: or should i just ask you face to face tomorrow
GoldFishBaby 323
: huh?
GoldFishBaby 323
: that could be good
GoldFishBaby 323
: then i could get an answer face to face
GoldFishBaby 323
: that would be a first in a long time
GoldFishBaby 323
: from anyone telling me what they thought of me
GoldFishBaby 323
: ok - thats it i'm sick and tired of playing this stupid game with you
GoldFishBaby 323
: i've wasted too much time trying to be your friend - every time i did you blew me off - but then when i was about to give up, you would be nice for about two weeks
GoldFishBaby 323
: then i kept trying think that no matter what we would still be friends
GoldFishBaby 323
: but i'm just tired now
GoldFishBaby 323
: tired of trying and having you not want anything to do with me
GoldFishBaby 323
: so i would appreciate it if you wouldnt talk behind my back - i dont talk about you - and i never will - but just dont make up stories about me - and i'll leave you alone
GoldFishBaby 323
: thats what you want anyways
GoldFishBaby 323
: good bye josh - i guess i really am a terrible person, friend, and girlfriend for anyone - i'll just leave everyone alone from now on
GoldFishBaby 323
: especially you