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TiNg TiNg'S PaGe

** If you were the moon and I was the sun, we'd be an eclips together as one ~ leon **

...Last updated 11*28*01...

**updates: ~i had to move the site because angelfire screwed up somethind and now i can't log into the other to update... so enjoy the new look

    WELCOME... i haven't updated my site in awhile, probally because i don't know that else to put, i ran out of ideas but if you have any please feel free to email me or leave your suggestion on the guest book i'll gladly get back to you.. anywhoo... *ida you wanted to see how long i could keep this site updated.. well im not finished yet* just thought i'd leave a new look on this site... not all that new but a small change so that you don't get all that bored hopefully.. enjoy and once again... this site was created for the one's i love... so it's all for you guys *muah* take care

    To my Baby, Leon...two years and still something new to learn and something new to look forward to... i love you.. *MUAH* thanx you for everything and all your understanding and just being there... muah...em yeu anh ... "sweet lil bumble bee" ... i couldnt ask for anything more... watching movies and playing games... yay.. got my slow dance... =).."promise"... oh.. and still.. no cheese =P... anything but cheese... ~*bubbles*~ muah

    Hey chicka...hey... how many times have we just sat in the car and done nothing??? town center and crazy glue... dang... still gotta take you to a family thing too huh... you can get sat on again.. haha... love you chick and thanx for all your understand and not understanding me... as long as you there its all good... dont get to crazy one me ... especially when you sick... all high.. shoooOt

    Hey JoOOdie... dang playa huh.. hehe.. talking to so many guys.. j/k ~.^... so how many guys you talking to now??? ... crazy... we gotta all go out again sometime... thats the only time you'll act all koo koo with us... hehe... welp ... have fun at IrvINe.. dont get all asian on me ... take care ** hey people check out her cute home page at bebexmagic

    Pearly-Pooh hi hun... dang... fishing again??? you found a new fish.. hehe... this years been rough on you and sowee if i havent always been there for you but i'll try cuz you kno i want promise you that i will.. only that i'll try... we've been through alot and i dont want to let that go... dont get into too much trouble on your own now... and take care of yourself

    IdaRAda...well... u still owe me a skool... but i guess this will do for now.... new realizations occur and well.... it happens... everyone grew up and so did you ... all the talks bout life and now will finally get into real life on our own kindda... but i know you'll still cling onto your fantasy world... you know i'll be visiting you riiittee??? hehe.. ~.^ for my special reasons

    MiKal....dang.... my honda sign got stolen too.. daym bastards... oh well.. haha.. i got mine cheaper then yours and you got all sun burned... still waiten for you car huh..i am too.. until then.. we'll be accord people huh... thanx for letting me hit you so much... hope i didnt bruise you that much take care...

    My lil Gurlie Karen... hi hunnny... =) **huggz** you're growing up and gonna become a senior pretty soon... dont grow up too fast on me now.... i still need to grow up ... you're a smart kid... dont get too lost with life and its problems that it deals you.. take care of yourself... i'll try and be there.. and dont worry.. i'll be back to visit

    PauL...the foul play group ... and one of my fav... you may be one of the guys.. but you are not as annoying as the rest of them.. *uh hum... * ... even though you act all silly... you look out for everyone.. even though they dont look out for you.. .. take care of yourself... the girls wont be there everytime .. dont get yourself killed okay??? take care of yourself and i really mean that... take really good care of yourself

    Kevin....hey.. dang you ... ranking top 15 and still going to cerritoes.. =P.. evil.. but hey... i'll see you later on i hope in one university ... until then i'll see you when i come back home rite? at my house or at arty's house playing some ps game.. hehe... take care.. and do my hw so i can learn off of you .. hehe... calc is EVIL ... take care...

HI to....
unckee siv'love taps love taps'
jimmy'wen are you gonna take me out???'
michael'you owe me euro lites'
kichie'we need to go shoppin.. you drive now'
jesi'jun hit meeh!!!!!!'
jun'were's my ring?'
joe'big squishy teddy bear'
sherwin'do you every go anywhere besides the mall?'
arty'how come u dont talk?'
southy'hey, stop complainin bout driven'
champyra'i should smack you for wat u did'
HI to everyone from skool, specially **....
deepa'dang.. another party??'
nolan'u go ...'
hee young'ur mean'
linda'ur even meaner'
joseph'what on the test!'
susana'geeze, ur cat is crazy n fat'
vivian"can i have a chip? NO" 'ur mean' eating buddy
jane'didja do ur hw?'
robbin'ur slow, but i still luv ya'
john'my lil boi, squirtal, Hey ladies!'
vanessa'the nice twin'
janet'the evil twin'
bihn'ur so gramatically correct'
steve'u have my car'
david'not fair ur taller then meeh'
tony'omg, 4realz u arn't this annoying in person but dang online!... thas a diff story'
quang'rainbow brite?? enough said'
green'were did u go?'
and if i 4got you...
HI... and wasup to all the online buddies
thinh'thanx for bein such a sweetie and u can always tell me whats wrong with ur girl problems =).. remember, dont go lookin for love'
patrick'mr ego waffle.. i juss wana say hi cuz christine is here with me'
tony 'dont get into trouble now'
heng'u owe me a movie'
and thats all i can think of for now...


*.~~`~~.*I Swear*.~~`~~.*

i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky...
n i swear like the shadow that's by your side...
i c the questions in ur eyes...
i kno what's weighing on ur mind...
u can be sure i kno my heart...
cuz i'll stand beside u thro the years...
u'll only cry those happy tears...
n tho i make mistakes...
i'll never break ur heart...
n i swear, by the moon and the stars in the sky...
i'll be ther...
i swear like the shadow that's by ur side...
i'll be ther...
for better or wrose, til death do us part...
i'll love u with every beat of my heart...
n i swear...
i'll give u everything i can...
i'll build ur dreams w/ these two hands...
we'll hang some memories on the walls...
n when juss the two of us r there...
u wont have to ask if i still care...
cuz as teh times turns the page, my love wont age at all...
n i swear by the moon n the stars in the sky...
i swear like the shadow that's by ur side...
i'll be ther...for better or worse, til death do us part...
i'll love u with every beat of my heart...
n i swear ...
i swear by the moon and the stars in the sky...
i'll b ther...
for better or worse, till death do us part...
i'll love u with every beat of my heart...
i swear, i swear,

oh.... I ... swear

words of wisdom
Love quotes

"Red roses represent love, Sweet lady give me a dozen" ~leon
"A smooth whisper controlled by passion, mi amor talk to me for eternity" ~leon
"If your touch can sooth this pain, Lady love, massage my soul"~leon
"If your smile cold make the stars shine, Lover, make the moon appear"~leon
"Extend your hand so that I may touch it, Maybe leave your heart so that I may keep it"~leon
If I could reach up and hold a star for every time you've made me smile, the entire evening sky would be in the palm of my hand."
don't go looking for love, love will find you when you least expect it ~ me
"within you I lose myself. without you I find myself. wanting to be lost again."
"love is but the discovery of ourselves in others,and the delight in the recognition."
"dance as if no one's watchin, love as if it's never gonna hurt" ~ stuart appleby
"if you don't love, you can't live; if you don't live, you can't love." ~ jason benson
"the first time we kissed, i closed my eyes, you closed your eyes, and.... we missed!"
"love comes when manipulation stops; when you think more about the other person than about his or her reactions to you. when you dare to reveal yourself fully. when you dare to be vulnerable." ~ dr. joyce brothers
"i always believed that it wasn't ever about the number of relationships you have, but the quality of each relationship. and with that said, i would have given up every relationship i ever had just to have one more day with her."
"to live is to love, to love is to die, make any sense?" ~me

Other quotes
no regrets ~ me
"a friend is someone who knows the song in your heart and can sing it back to you when you have forgotten the words."
"dancing is a vertical expression of a horizontal desire"
if you can't be content with what you have received, be thankful for what you have escaped"
"if you depend on others to make you happy, you will be endlessly disappointed"
"i'm serious; it was a joke."
"inch by inch life's a cinch... yard by yard life is hard"
**this is for mikal** "my house was clean last week. sorry you missed it"
"dont forget to smile" ~idarada
"a man may be born, but in order to be born he must first die, and in order to die he must first awake." ~ george gurdjieff
"destiny is not a matter of chance, but of choice. not something to wish for, but to attain." ~ william jennings bryan
"if you want to be happy, be." ~ leo tolstoy
**for ida** "happiness is just an illusion caused by the temporary absence of reality."
"i may not be totally perfect, but parts of me are excellent." ~ashleigh brilliant

Vampire Quotes
"Whoever fights monsters should see to it that in the process he does not become a monster. and when you look into an abyss, the abyss also looks into you."
"We enjoy the night, the darkness, where we can do things that aren't acceptable in the light. Night is when we slake our thirst."
"Everyone knows the phenomenon of trying to hold your breath underwater - how at first it's alright and you can handle it, and then as it gets closer and closer to the time when you must breathe, how urgent the need becomes, the lust and the hunger to breathe. And then the panic sets in when you begin to think that you won't be able to breathe - and finally, when you take in air and the anxiety subsides...that's what it's like to be a vampire and need blood."
"Count Dracula may not seem like the ideal husband. Of course he's deathly pale, but he's a vegetarian, and they all seem to look like that."
"I love the night. It's the only time I feel really alive."
"We must survive, all of us. Blood for me: a cooked bird for you. What is the difference?"
"My last dinner cost me my lover.
"Suppose someone came to you and said you can be attractive, brilliant, wealthy, fascinating, and you can live forever. Would you turn it down?"
"A vampire lives in a constant state of desire and disgust. His nature often revolts him, but he doesn't have the will to deny his indulgences. There's the killing, but there's also the pleasure, the sensuality, the lust. The sheer ecstasy of it all."


Stars Above
by leon

As I gaze upon a distant star,
I begin to ponder where you are....
I wonder if you're near or far,
And if the years have left their scar...
My dreaming mind creates a delight,
That you are with me here tonite...
My thoughts drift to another time,
We're sharing moments within my mind...
Upon soft ground two lovers lay,
Together watching stars at play...
Two lovers pasions combine as one,
Then softly sleep till morning's sun...
I hold you close, as i did then
And caress your lips one again...
These fleeting moments pass so fast,
Are all I have of love's dim past...
Twinkling stars in midnight skies,
Remind me of your sparkling eyes...
As stars travel their celestrial path,
My heart unravels its hurting wrath...
I know you'll always be out of sight,
But I share with you each starlit night...
I'll never know just were you are,
Could you be near, or miles afar?...
The fates of life killed our love.
I now only find it in the stars above...
Years of tears have spread us afar,
But it doesn't matter where you are..
You'll always be with me...
When I gaze upon a star....

.~*read the bold for another poem*~.

More Poems


411 on Me
all about meeh
Stories of the Heart
something to read when you're bored

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FoulPlay **The Boys**
BeBe X MaGiC
joHn's pAge

"wo ai ni" "em yeu anh" "te amo" "mahal kita"

"i love you"

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**created since 2*6*01**