^ The ^ ^ White ^ ^ Butterfly ^

*** Illusions of the Coward ***

"Black is my heart, I am nemesis" Nemesis - Cradle of Filth

Pride is something no one could possibly strive without. The thought that you are worth something keeps most people elated over the time they spend on this miserable planet. If you have no pride, no self respect, no dignity, Then you are truly nothing. When you let yourself go then the world wont try to stop you falling. Instead it will be the hands that wrap around your legs and drag you down. It will be the Arms that coil around your torso to stop you escaping. It will be the gag across your mouth to stop you screaming for help. It will be your worst enamy. Untill you meet yourself.

The shot opens up inside what can only be described as a gym like area. The walls are made of plain white tiles with a light blue tint to them and blue and white stripped mats line the floors. The usually array of running machines and weight lifting apperatus with the odd dotted rowing machine or excercise bike resting alone with no user. The camera pans across the room and stops when it comes to a big pro sized boxing/wrestling ring. Inside the ring is The White Butterfly donned with his ring attire. He bounces around a little in the middle before running off the ropes and preforming senton flips and landing on his feet much to the delight of Panther who is clapping hapilly at rind side dressed in a tight white tank-top and black khaki pants. The Butterfly bows to Panther before preforming a standing shooting star onto the mat and leaping back to his feet. He then charges full pelt at a turnbuckle and shows why he is the defining cruiserweight by placing his hands on the top rope and without losing his momentum flips himself up in a handstand. he rotates hismelf one-eighty and lands on his feet before leaping off in an imploding star/moonsault style manover and landing on his feet on the safty mat. He looks rather smug with himself as Panther gets all giddy and jumpy like a schoolgirl at the display.

The Butterfly waves over to Panther who picks up a towel from a nearby perch and hands it over to White Butterfly who quickly mops his brow and then throws it behind him where it lands on the ring apron in a crumpled pile. The Butterfly lets out a long yawn before collapsing into a chair that has apparently been there since this began. He kicks his white flats trainers into the ring and smiles with a content grin resting upon his lips. Panther begins to skip around the gym in a seemingly rather random pattern

Panther: The butterfly can fly! The butterfly can fly! The Ghost will fall because the butterfly can fly! We're not scared of that mean old ghost!

The White butterfly follows her around with her eyes and laughs shaking his head slowly before the camera focuses back on him and he responds

The White Butterfly: Thats right Panther we are not scared of Crimson Ghost. Nor his hollow threats. Sure he talks big but thats all they are. Words. He talks of tourture and nightmares, he even goes as far to tell us that I haunt his nightmares or something.. that I'm IN his nightmare. I'm not sure what he's trying to get at there but one thing I know is that I SHOULD be in his nightmares. That little voice that rings in the back of his mind reminding him that he's not good enough, That he will never BE good enough. That once he gets into the ring with me it doesn't matter how much of a 'monster' he claims to be, that monsters can be defeated. Vampires have stakes and sunlight. Wearwolves have silver. Crimson Ghost has the Otherside.

Panther smiles and shakes her head rapidly clapping her hands and jumping up and down again

The White Butterfly: I really wasn't impressed with your little altar thing Crimson. You see theres one main reason I dont understand you. I simply don't care enough to find out. You can go all 'deadman' on me anytime you want. I'v seen what you can do in matches and sure, its a little unnerving to watch. But in the ring I know how to deal with giants and you're deffinently not the biggest. As for our experiance edge, that doesn't phase me at all. If someone like AJ Styles with only a few years pro record can defeat The fallen angel with a much longer history then what have you got on me? I'll tell you what, a weaker body and stiffer limbs. Personally I don't fear you at all. But perhaps you should be concidering the outcome of this match based on the skill point of veiw. Your powerhouse style really doesn't impress me and its one i'v seen done by countless men over the past few years.

Panther: Miss Mary says she is very unimpressed by his theatrics.. But she won't tell me what that means! Make her tell!

The White Butterfly laughs at Panthers comment and nods his head once

The White Butterfly: Very well. These theatrics of Crimsons are his little.. on-scene promo's he oh so likes to cut. Such as the past two of his. The 'subconcous of his mind' in the broken down house with the conviniently timed winds and the oh-so perfect lighting. And of course the empty arena with the altar. These are his way of trying to make himself look more 'Dark Side' in an attempt to convey a darker character instead of just being who he is beneath the proverbial mask. It's another way of trying to get the idea that we should be scared of him because of his surrondings. Of course I would love to do the same to get across how great I am but its hard to find a place that is surronded in pictures of me doing such moves and attacks that Crimson will only dream of doing instead of hiding behind his mass of muscle and wasted talent... Oh no wait. To waste talent he'd have to actually have some.

Panther smiles widely and nods once again proboly too fast to do her brain any good. Which is always an amusing sight

Panther: Devil man is not scary at all is he? He just pretend!

The White Butterfly: Thats right kitty. He seems so obsessed with how god created monsters and demons and how he gave Lucifer a home that he seems to think he is actually something god sent to do his business. Gods 'monster' as he put it. But there is one thing you forgot to think about in all this self-indulgent crap. jesus may be in heaven and unable to protect me, but just when did I ever ask for his help? Perhaps it is you who should be praying to god to protect you, his 'monster' because there is no way that once we are in that place known as the squared circle that you will be able to beat me with your... 'Talent' alone.

The White Butterfly stands up and rolls back into the ring. He slides himself over to the middle and lays flat out with his arms at his sides

The White Butterfly: Get a good look here Crimson because this is the only time you will ever see flat out int he middle of the ring. This is the closest you will get to seeing a pin-fall on me. I won't lay down for you, I won't submit to you. I wont even bleed for you. because through out my wrestling career theres one thing I'v known for sure. Im the defining light weight for a reason. Because I'm the best. I'll wear them out and beat them down weather they be one hundread pounds of one thousand pounds. I'v beaten down midgets and I'v taken out giants. Your little shows do nothing to me but show me what a coward you really are. One that hides behind false imagary and one that thinks no one has the balls to step up to and beat down fairly. And I'm sure your oh-so proud to be able to talk trash to my valet as well. Feel free to keep threatening her, do you think she cares? I mean look at her..

He points lazilly in the direction of Panther. The camera pans across to see her doing what can only be described as 'picking flowers' on the safty mats. The camera scopes back onto Butterfly

The White Butterfly: She doesn't even know what day of the week it is let alone what your metaphoric threats do. But thats all they are anyway. Threats. Your not this thing you put the illusion up of being. You're probably more insane than her the way you talk and act. You claim I'm not in control of my life? Well you're right. Because no one is. But at least I'm in enough control of my mind to not shoot off and think I'm something I'm not. You don't see me going around claiming that I'm the devils trash bag or something. But if you want to belive your Gods creation, a holy monster or something.. Then feel free. Because I'll take pleasure in being the man who brings you back to reality with a nice swift superkick to the jaw. Be careful Crimson. Your caught in the sight of an angel.. I'm sending you to the otherside.

There is a feint, now familier, ringing noise heard echoing through the building as Panther leaps up to her feet with cries of 'Phone! Ring ring!" before she darts over to The White Butterflys bag and throws the cell into the ring. Butterfly catches it and answers the call as the veiw fades to comercial

RP Vault
^ Navigaton ^

Matches: 2
Wins: 2
Losses: 0
Main Events: 1
Titles: 0
^ stats ^