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bonjour mes amis
...shaken, not stirred...

« M » Tuesday, June 8th

Welcome to the beta edition of v3.0! Site's not fully up yet - the links below that don't work are supposed to be that way for the time being, until I finish setting up those pages. Feel free to check out the others, though.

Yes, everything's been moved to Angelfire now - Geocities gets rather antsy about overextended bandwidth, and I was running out of room - I get 20 mb here, still not a whole lot, but more than I had. Also better support and more features. I'm actually hoping to be able to host scores of photos and scan-ins on this least once I somehow get my hands on something handling media compression that doesn't cost about 3 billion dollars.

Anyhoo, enough of that mess! Summertime, woohoo!! No more algebra!!! I'll miss the good times in Art, APMEH, and Chem, though...but not the classes themselves. Definitely making sure to keep myself busy though...actually I've almost got more going on this summer than I did in the school year...

« M » This Summer - Where'll I'll Be and When

*12-4 on weekdays starting June 25 :: Suffolk Obici, working in ER and Cardiology units.

*June 23-26 :: Myrtle Beach

*July 12-14 :: Teaching in Church Choir Camp

*August 7-13 :: Avon

*August 19-26 :: Driver's Ed (uuggghh...)

And then band camp...and then school. Yay!

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