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updates ---


8-29-02 -

[I updated my "About Me" subpage I redid it added a few things to it but other then that no real big updates to this site I am working on getting a way better layout for this site a bigger and better one but havnet had time to really sit down and do it. I have been working on a new site it's not mine it's for sombody im helping out you can see it by going Here but other then that no real updates to this site I am working on getting a better layout for My TOOL Site but thats about it. ttfn.

8-7-02 -

[I am now working on a good layout for this site I have had this one for way to long and im getting tired of it so I am now working on a new layout, no real updates, that is all for now..]

7-29-02 -

[I added a song to my site im working on new buttons 2 the ones I have now are getting old, but nothing going on to much I mainly been working on my tool site, and I am thinking of a good layout plan for this site. This layout I have now I have had it way to long and it sucks so thats what Im mainly working on for this site, thats all for now..]

7-18-02 -

[I have added a new button to my site, and i am rearranging a few of my subpages The New TOOL Site is getting better but still a few more things that needs to be done, thats all for now.]

6-20-02 -

[I have added a new subpage, it's for my web cam pics it's not up yet though but it will be soon. Well June 22 I leave to Denver to see family so I wont be around for a couple of weeks. New TOOL Site is coming along good I got most of it done most of the basics but after I return from Denver I am gonna go work on it more and get it looking superb, Thats all for now.]

6-16-02 -

[I changed my font and link colors a bit, turns out nobody liked those other colors mixed together so I changed that but I havent really updated my music code section I plan to get more songs that people requested so I am working on that, thats all for now.]

5-27-02 -

[I updated my music code section I added 4 new music codes so check that out havent really done much with this site. Im more into my new TOOL site right now. I will still continue to keep this site though, thats all for now]

5-14-02 -

[Havent really updated much with this site I did redo my car page and I also changed the name of this site to lostinnightmare.cjb.net, I dont think the name kingron fit me too well so im gonna go with this new name. I like it, plus I changed my Banner and Buttons, New TOOL Site is coming along well it's not close to being done but its getting there, thats all for now.]

4-27-02 -

[Nothing to much going on with this site right now iv been busy with my New TOOL Site ,but I will update this site more again when im done with my other site, Thats all for now more updates to come.]

4-11-02 -

[I got the Music Code section going there is only 1 on there at the moment, give me time to fill it up with more music plus my TOOL web site is in the process right now, Thats all for now more updates to come.]

4-5-02 -

[I added a Fan Art page for those of you that like my site, feel free to send me fan art it's a good way to get linked so send them to me I also will be making a Dodgers sub page for scores stats, and information I will start on that shortly I still am trying to get a good layout going for my TOOL web site but it's coming along slow :[ but some day it will up and going, thats all for now, More updates to come.]

3-19-02 -

[I redid my car page the pictures where out of place so I reorganized them but im still trying to think of a few new subpages for the site my mind has been blank but oh well I will come up with somthing original, thats all for now.]

3-15-02 -

[I redid my intro the old intro sucked and I didnt like it so I made a bigger and better one, along with another link button I put on my site, I plan to add more subpages to the site in the future, Thats all for now.]

3-5-02 -

[I added 2 new buttons to my site for you to link me, E-mail me if you would be interested in swaping links, and I also added a new song, Shimmy from System Of A Down. thats all for now more updates to come.]

3-5-02 -

[Not a big update but I added a button for a clique im in and will be adding a couple of buttons I made for my site for people to link my site thats all for now. Thats all for now.]


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