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Welcome to the page where the post Airtc personnel indulged in some questionable activities....mind you nothing illegal (I think). After years in the Cadets we developed a taste for things "GUNG-HO" and hence this is where the pics come in . Oh and not to mention countless reunions dubbed as the "ROSEBUD YEARS". From time to time I hope that most of you contributing to this site will also submit pics of activities after the ATC.


Reunion at its best

Here we have the reunion to end all spawned an equally awsome cult that was to last at least 6 years .But thats a different story . Names....Finiss,Crickmore,The Malavisi Bros,Dobran,Espinoza,Stephens,Barklay,Mason,Lenardi,Scamputeri....and others I forget .


Ahhh yes what 2FLT site would not be complete without the former CPL Gonzalez!!! All we can say is that he is currently serving his Tour of Duty in the UK doing a recon. of the streets of Soho, we expect a full 5 page dossier on the female troop movement in that area.We expect this any day now and will keep you posted. "OUR MAN IN THE UK WELL WHAT MORE CAN I SAY "

FLTLT GONZALEZ the birthday boy

the man of la mancha is happily getting stuck into chock cakes these days .HOWS THAT DOSSIER GOING ???

Narberthong Bivouac

The blink and miss town of NARBERTHONG , was the location for these shots " pardon the pun ",location was just after the black spur on the Victorian Ranges ,before Marysville.In the fields were former comrades Dobran,Stephens

R & R

Ok ...Ok.... our R & R differs slightly from anyone elses interpretation .Some of the faces you will recognize and others lets just say they were "advisors".


This REUNION was to last 6 years ...and every year we said "we really should stop".Needless to say we all developed a great tan and as you can see it was a time when female cadets were not in the Flights yet ....I guess the reunions then would have been much different and a lot less salubrious.The sunny town of Rosebud was never quite the same hence the get togethers were relocated to other operational zones like Phillip Island and Lake "wheretheheckarewe" EILDON.


These pics were submitted by ex Instructor of 4 FLIGHT CAIRNS .Tim Jones. His son is serving in Timor ....

"Vlad,I thought you could use these in the outlet,my eldest Son Jason is in Timor at the moment serving and doing his bit,well you know the rest, all the best TIM JONES"

AAAAAHHHH....the Cav Galz......the pin up to end all pin ups


Top Left... Espinoza and Mendez...Mendez returned to Chile and served with the "Desert Troops", over there.He started off at 2 FLT and then was transferred to the Ringwood Barracks .

Top Right... what not to wear if you wanna be invisible to "charlie"...guaranteed head shot for this dude!!!

Bottom Left...Ahh the ever cool Dobran and his near perfect physical fitness gear.

Bottom Right... a very enthusiastic bivouac "wanna be" only prob is that those spit polish boots will reflect the glare and eventually give away his position.WE LIVE AND LEARN.

Cpl Mendez & Cpl Espinoza

Another 2 Flighter

We told him he looked cute in the uniform but we had to tell him he'd look better with black PJ's and a san pan you can see by his expression he didn't take kindly to that remark.Cheers Cpl Man .

First Watch

You mus be joking!!!! ....are there really drop bears in the vicinity???


We loved it so much we kept coming back and back and back .Broadford was 2 Flight's area for survival camps and BV's many a good time was spent there freezing our proverbials at night and sucking on condensed milk tubes(this was before we were issued with C rations).The mornings were no different as we all were awake due to the cold conditions at around about 05.00hrs.But after leaving the ATC we always returned and set up our own camps.