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New PIR Site

Ah finally after a long break of working on my site I got a new look and style to the site. With this new site it will be easer for everyone to find what there looking for faster and without hurting your eyes in the process. If you think this looks cool wait until I get working on a brand new site that I should be releasing soon. If you find a dead link or something that just don't work tell me right away by clicking on "Contact Us" below and let me know.

Count Down to Halo 2 (xbox only)

The count down has begun for the top selling first person shooter Halo 2. All of your xbox fan boys out there are counting down the days till Nov. 8th 2004 when you can pick up your copy of Halo 2. You know your going to see me there. All of you playstation 2 fan boys out there only have Grand Thief Auto. Us xbox players have halo, halo 2, doom 3, half life 2 and the best online service of all three game systems. Where will be you on Nov. 8?

Shut down of PIR

If havn't heard yet I'll be shutting down PIR real soon. I started this site last summer and never had time to work on it. I now have to many responisbles to even get online. So I've decided that I would shut PIR down forever. The site will still be online but the site will not be updated and it will stil look the way it does now for years to come. If you wish to take over this site e-mail me. There is no cost I'll give you the host info (username and password) and you'll have complete over the site.

For those of you that don't know how to build websites if you take over this site you'll get a basic knowledge of html, xml, java scripts and whatever else I used to build this site. Remember there is no charge for taking over this site. It's a first come first serve basices so if you really want this site you'll have to work fast to get it before someone else does.

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