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Welcome to my site about sucking the big asshole at paintball. This website sucks too, you should go to www.i like because that is the second website i do. I also like to get shot in the goggles every time that i play. Well, I decided on some new upgrades and here they are.. A Trash Can, A Chainsaw, and then a Flamethrower. Im going to buy a new gun since Spyders suck cock. I'm buying a Brass Eagle Blade with an Electronic 3-way taped around my gun, a Race Frame, and a Halo B w/ Rip Drive and Warpfeed which is way too fast for my gun anyway so i think thats completely stupid. anyways, im gay. Im going to go cyber with my girlfriend now. Later, foolspost your comments about my site.

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This is my freakin' gun fellow gay men. If you don't like then suck my cock because i want yours in my ass. upgrades on it soon enough. And if your wondering what my gun is, it's a BE Blade, with E-Blade, Air America, Halo B, and a Dye Regulator. It's so sweet! DX.

Links to Other Sites:
Zach's Site
Kingman U.S.A.
All your Equipment Needs
The Splat Factory
N.P.P.L. Super 7

Other Pages On My Site:
The Crew
Gun Upgrades
See When We're Playing

Speed Shooting
Reaction Speed
Stress Relief Paintball
Splat Attack

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