Opposed Innocence Site

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-February 21, 2004- I removed Williams personal page because of the offensive material I wrote in it. I appologize to William, Liz, and both of their families. What I wrote was hurtful, thoughtless, and purely out of spite and anger. I was upset that he quit and what I typed was stupid and immature. Once again I am sorry for this and I will retract all offensive and hurtful statements. Thank You

<<<<<< N E W S >>>>>>

-Dec. 28, 2003-
Details will be posted soon.

-Dec. 25, 2003-
Its one in the morning: just finished putting up a new experimental "sub-page"...its a new idea, hopefully we'll have one up for every band member. I suppose the purpose of these sub-pages is to let the author of them put up shit that isn't related to the band--that only reflects the individual's views, tastes, whatever. Maybe all of this will help the fan get a better idea of who we are as individuals. Later.

-Nov. 30, 2003-
Fuck, I can't believe its already been a month since I last posted on this site. All right, for starters, the Demo is finally here! Actually, we've had it for a while now, we just need to get it copied and distributed. I'll try to set up another account on another site to put up full-length MP3s of our songs (only three will be available because there is only three songs on the Demo). I could very well put them on this site though I think it might use too much space which we'll need later on (Angelfire only gives us 20MB of free space). Secondly, two other items worth mentioning: the 'Lyrics' page is now up as well as the 'Bio' page. Kevin took the liberty of writing the BIO, which is especially cool because we needed one. Kevin also knew the band for a while since our joining which proves him to be a reliable, prolonged outside source. Thanks to those who wrote to us and, if you're a visitor, sign our guestbook: leave your mark.
That's it for now; hope you enjoy the the latest.

-Oct. 31, 2003-
So tonite was our first show which I thought went well. Not everyone showed up as we had planned though we had about close to 20 people which was cool. We started around at 6:00 PM as planned and the show went on to 7:00 PM. A special thanks to Fernando who helped us get all of our shit there --Ferando, this show is most probably because of you. Thanks to all of those who showed up; hope you had a good time and that we didn't suck too bad. I'm putting up a fan review page where we'll post fan reviews of the show and future shows to come. We can also post and answer any questions you all might have. Just email me (Dakota) at 'corpsonc@hotmail.com', I'll read it then post it. If its for another band member, such as a question, then I'll send it to them, they can read it, then they'll answer it, then I'll post the question and response. Specify if you wish to be anonymous. If you went to the show, what did you think? We'd like to know. You'll find a link to my email on the bottom of the page for the sake of convenience. Tell us what you think. Later.

-Oct. 30, 2003-
There's been some complaints recently by those who actually visit this site about the pop-ups Angelfire (our host) puts up on most of the pages.
The Solution: whenever a pop-up somes up and the window is highlighted, simply hold ALT and press F4 to close the window.
When you try to click them out there's a chance you may click something you weren't trying to click and it'll fuk something up. So don't even bother.

Our show is tomorrow, Friday, for those of you who read this nonsense. I thought we might be playn outside but I figured out a better alternative that'll work in our favor. Hopefully, a good amount of people will show up as planned and we'll have a good time as intended.
One last bit, we should have the Demo out very soon. The master should get to us by the end of this weekend and all we will need to do is make copies and distribute them. We'll probably have some MP3s on the site once we get the master so check back frequently; we'll keep you posted. Later, you descendents of monkeys.


-Oct. 29, 2003-
We have a show coming up on Friday, Oct. 31. Its a free show and our first show since the change in the band line-up (me and Kevin). If you want food or drinks or a toliet, don't expect anything --you'll be very disappointed-- we are not planning on running a daycare service. If you want to know where this is going on, contact us at school for a flyer Thursday through Friday and to also receive additional information you'll need. Mostly, this will be a show for our friends that we know due to the context of the whole thing. If you're an asshole, you're leaving. And another thing: no drugs, you morons.
Once again, contact us at school for additional information or you can try your luck with IM us (find our SN on the band info page). We hope to see everyone invited show up. It should be bad ass. Later.

-Oct. 17, 2003-
New banner up for the band and new pictures added. Don't forget to sign our guestbook. Later.

-Oct. 15, 2003-
Just finished creating this site. Now the band and I have to work on it a little bit, but other than that, its good to go. We finished recording our Demo the first Sunday of October. Kevin, Will and I went in to lay down the finishing touches. We kept Charlie's guitar for the sake of simplicity and time; that and it was actually done rather well. I recorded vocals on all 3 songs and Kevin threw in some distortion in "Whispers" which, frankly, I thought sounded bad ass. Anyway, our first Demo should be out relatively soon. Chris and I have been thinking of a name for it and so far we have "In the Days of Shadows" or something similar. Its 3 AM now and my bed has been whispering my name for quite some time now. Until next time...

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Email: corpsonc@hotmail.com