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To: My dear audiences, Subject: Extreme Priority – The childhood dreams Objet: Priorité Extrême – les rêves de l’enfance URL: ****STILL VALID: AS OF EARLY NEXT MONTH, AN ACTION AGAINST ME BY THE FORMER LAND TO CAPTURE AND TORTURE ME BASED ON WHAT I HAVE BEEN REVEALING FOR LAST 14 MONTHS THROUGH WHAT I HEAR CAN BE POSSIBLE; THUS I WANT A RUNAWAY PLAN, POSSIBLE SHELTERS AND THE LIKE AS WELL AS ADDITIONAL MONEY RESOURCES TO BE READY AS TOUGHER TIMES MAY BE AHEAD**** As you can keep witnessing, there is a final obstacle between me and my childhood dreams of realizing who I wish to be, the dreams that shaped and grew mature and became an adult’s guiding book: the former land. This is the power that diverts me for long and disables my exodus and access to humanly living conditions after demolishing my job, my home and access to an earlier establishment of dignity in my life, delaying my chances to live happily and find true love; ranging from love lost from school years, college years, even vocational contact related years, all for the sake of imposing me somebody rotten that would decay my breed as well, which all were designed and tolerated because of my role as somebody to be captivated and with assets to be claimed without enabling me a fair return and living as a man that is given much fairer living conditions in return to lives given; just as good rain was followed by a feast and offerings; but that wasn’t given at all, as I first fell apart from lands that I owe my life to and then from where I should originally belong to because the former land has been the killer of every childhood dream of mine, just as a candy or a toy wanted from an elderly returned with a slap in the face. Now the remnants of the childhood dreams are tried to be gathered; like my first love, like what I wanted to be and what I wanted to do for a living; all these were obstructed because of former land’s ego, which was the second unwanted partner to be around me with the solitude; the solitude will be gone as they anticipate with the baby killer to come but the former land’s effort to patronize me are ever to stay unless somebody comes and tells them to stop. I have been obstructed day by day and I was never allowed to get a chance to be able to define my place; and even if I may get out of here; I may never be able to reach close enough to the territory I was born in; which is supposed to be the equal of every child’s pursuit of his or her dream. For example, let’s take the astronauts and how the earth seems from up there. They specifically want to go their countries; but from that angle, that altitude and that distance and a target that seems as one becomes a vast territory all of a sudden and then they may even fall further apart when they land in different shuttles departing at the same time. That’s exactly how the situation I face is. This is a tremendous effort for making the poor Peter Pan look ever more fictional and me hopeless (Will I be leaving with my first love on my side?); because all those places I wanted to see, all those persons I wanted to meet and all those things I want to experience are obstructed by a single source that was there all the time to stop me; some sort of a killer of all things beautiful, that made my situation grow even much worse with my hopes of being together with my loved ones because she wants to assume me as hers and then share me with somebody not the ideal one to hand out my bachelor life and get married and depend on somebody that will be there for the rest of my life, and then they all want me to shut up and live as though nothing has really happened. I am sorry but I don’t hate myself that much to surrender to their wicked plans and be forced to live with what they have found me to live within, with whom, where and how. A system intervening to everything from who I will be to when I will be a man without any of those problems (I have gone poor; officially poor, can there be anything worse to happen to somebody in life; they have kept my work place away from my home and they made me spend money heavily on transportation and without any redundancy paid and without any claim to repair that redundancy at all, they expect me to have some savings to live on all but they haven’t done so) and they are chiefly resisting any calls of liberty and a life getting better so that everyone can enjoy life with the emergence of the end of the conflict, but this is not done because if there is no state of conflict, the former land perfectly well knows the fact that I will not be inferior before their order and accept anything they want me to live as I wish to. I do not consent that and if I will turn out to be the only person that believes in the merits to be free, I will not give up fighting at all. Because I am free when I can express myself as I wish to with this message reaching its destination a hundred per cent never placing the whole eggs in the same basket. This place is seditious where I live, troublesome and full of traps in one scale or another and as if all those are not enough any obligations in terms of requiring citizen participation compulsory are not dictated to force people out but to keep those coming to settle balanced, which is a former land policy as this place is practically under her remote control and the whole issue is to present a controlled space that will disable my true relatives to come and be nearby; this place is dangerous and is not a place that enables me to become free and this is always a place that will be the physical definition of the former land to emerge and try controlling me and this place will never be where I will be free. We must admit this and must enable me a chance to pick up my pieces in a place away from reach of the former land and enabling me to settle in the place I was born as well, but as that date may be bit more remote, I want to become their national as well so that where I shall be I will never feel physically away from my current life origins as pretty obviously I do not wish to regard myself based on how people perceive me or am accepted as I am; and if I failed until now in terms of going out of here, and if those piles of documents printed from what I wrote emerged like giant prison tunnels giving the looks of catacombs, that’s just the shame of the former land, whose will I don’t consent depending on and whose relations with me prove that they are not dependable as well, with their whole plans to seem as nothing but trying to captivate me and patronize the whole world based on possessing me, as if I am some property to make them seem superior to the rest of the world and which I will not agree on and will demand my liberty once more, because I have my dreams to follow to make me seem more respectable before my own sight as well as in hearts of my descendants and I shall follow my own way without any compromise, because I need to; AND HERE ARE THE REASONS WHY I SHOULD: The 1st tape starts. this was recorded from a call made within last 12 hours or so; with one of the lines beloning to a hospital and the other a police station; but both calls are made in this tongue and with duration of no more than 4 or 5 minutes: 1: This is going to be something with terrific results for us; the public sector will go bust; our utilities are going to stop. What do you recommend? 2: Initially, we must take the weaknesses of the enemy into notice. What does he think it's most wonderful? 1: I don't know? Do you? 2: Soda. Soda. Somebody drinking so much soda has the wind and so much wind can be an easy cover up for any cardiac weakness. 1: So if the little girl will have a stroke? 2: Will not be around; will not be too much excited and will have to wait doing nothing. 1: Okay? I see the big pic (or pick); so your MD's are gonna be there for a small job, huh? 2: Kind of. We will rather finish what is potentially there and can be realized in next few years. 1: Great. The 2nd tape starts without any pause. This was recorded from a call made bit sooner; as the call is quite hot only decoded few hours ago, duration being five minutes with a call made between a postal office bureau and an accounting office. 2-1: So, there occurs the very problem of a sad girl without a parcel, huh? 2-2: Well, we can't afford her toys right now; she wants far too much; actually we don't wish to afford to, because we think she makes it better alone. 2-1: No problem, then. Whatever you say is our command; what do you want from us? 2-2: To make the bottomline be as we wish. We want you to unleash a few dogs. 2-1: Dogs? 2-2: Yeah, dogs, you know they bark walk on four feet and have a good sense of smell and they can be vicious when they are hungry. We want the bastard to be attacked by a few dogs this time; make sure he is attacked when he goes out of the market with his goodies; the hungry dogs will pick the scent and will get the best run of his life; he still wants to run, just that he doesn't want to run where we wish to see him running, but I think if he runs for his life, he will lose a few pounds, and we will keep our bucks in our pockets when he finds out the price of going out to talk. 2-1: So, yeah, the dogs. Okay. I will find out what I can do for this. 2-2: You'd better hurry up. The order of the message and the files are as follows: /main.html or /index.html and yesterday's message is available at /hier-yesterday.html, and requirement of immigrations to alternative land are available at /checkout.html and BRAND NEW PAGE SHOWING LOCAL LAWYER DATABASE ENGINE IN /search.htm or .html AND HOW FORMER LAND HAS VISA AND CITIZENSHIP PROCEEDINGS DONE IS IN NEW PAGE: /look.html, SEE ALSO /ps.html FOR THE OFTEN TRUNCATED REPEATED POST SCRIPTION BLOCK. THE COURTS ARE SUPPOSED TO DELIVER THEIR VERDICTS TO THE CENTRAL AUTHORITY IMMEDIATELY FOR THE LAW ENFORCEMENT MEANS TO ACT ACCORDINGLY, IN THE DAY MENTIONED IN THE IMAGE i114.jpg OR WITHIN CONSECUTIVE DAYS OR WITHIN DAYS OF DELIVERING ME THE RESULTS (WHICH TOO WERE NOT CONTAINING THE VERDICT) SHOW THAT THE GOVERNMENT OF THIS COUNTRY IS NOT INVOLVED IN TRYING ME; AVAILABLE AT theirverdicts.html ***Images (in the same domain address and directory) i200+ are newer (for related images of lack of sanitation or under quality living do see 16, 17, 40, 48, 50, 51, 65, 68, 69 and 84); the media files uploaded via this domain from i001.jpg to the last media file; …/i207.jpg (another 37 appearance, in a field matching my prior vulnerability, software piracy in relation with my lack of affordability and proven poverty) .../i206.jpg (numerology of hidden intents blended to the entity dictated to me for assimilation knowing I haven’t got many places to go) .../i205.jpg (start the proceedings) .../i204.jpg (My poverty indicating official paper scanned – FATHER NAME GIVEN BECAUSE OF FAMILY STRUCTURE HERE, NO HARD FEELINGS MORE OR LESS THAN THAT FOR SO-CALLED MOTHER) THE REST OF THE EXPLANATIONS WILL BE AVAILABLE IN PS.HTML FILE Yours faithfully / Veuillez agréer Thank you for visiting my page at Angelfire. Please come back and visit again!
