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Morgan J. Anderson

     Guess who’s back…

    I am probably one of the most interesting people you will ever meet.  I am calm.  I am a priest, ordained for some odd purposes.  In all liklihood, i am both bipolar and schizophrenic.  I party when i can, alone most of the time (peers around self intently).  Oh, and my cock is posted on the internet (have fun looking for it).  I am told that i am a very good writer, but i think people are lying to me.

    I stand about five feet and seven inches tall. I have brown eyes, and brown hair. My shoulders, are fairly large.   i write poems, and shortstories.  I am generally a quiet person (snicker).

    If there is anyone who wants to contact me, I am available on AIM (magniswrath), and MSN Messenger (muninofthelast), or you could email me at  However, I am assuming that if u r at my website, u prolly know how to get a hold of me…

I'm tired of this crap with my Guestbook, to view it, or sign it, click on the fuck love icon.


 Here is the area of the site devoted to my life

 Here is the area of the site devoted to my friends.

 Here is a short story I wrote.

 Here are some of my poems

  Here is my Journal



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