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Welcome to, enjoy your stay. here you can find information on programming and information on Bots and Messenger tools, aswell as HTML. This site layed out so that you can click on the links and the will take you there. Also there is a brief description beside each link, telling what you may find there.
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I apologize for any annoying ads that have been placed here by Yahoo Geocities, but if they arent there i cannot have this website, because the ads give money to yahoo geocities,  which enables me to create this site, so bear with me and just close them. Thankyou.
                                                      -Erik (Owner/Administrator of this site)
This is a CPU ( Central Processing Unit )
It is a Pentium one, at 200 MHz, not very fast but it will do it's job. It is good enough to run on a small home Network Server. A processor is used to process information so that is is faster, and more reliable.
This is a processor (CPU) socket, it is socket type seven, which fits the processor above, it is like a dock for the information to be transferred.
Contact Us HTMLProgrammingLinks | MSN Bots
Our HTML page will be up and running shortly, but because this is a vast subject, the page is unavailible at this time. When the HTML page is fully operational, it will be a great guide for newer HTML users aswell as the advanced HTML user.
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