Some thing to think about.

Have you been a little crazy lately, because things are a little out of order in your life? Maybe there are to many bills or bad habits seem to get the best of you.

Well, join the club because we all go through hard times and strong temptations. My advise to you is relax and have some coffie

Soon after you relaxing, and reading your newspaper I want you to think about where will you spend ETURNITY?

Will you spend it with this guy?

Or will you spend it with this guy? THE LORD CHRIST.

Well I want to introduce someone to you. His name is. He’s a friend to all. He’s not religious, He’s just real. He can help you with the everyday mess that You seem to be in. He can forgive you and bless You, if you only let him. Those things in your life That seen to keep you down and depressed can Be removed if you allowto remove them. If you givea chance. You will not be Disappointed. You will then have purpose in your Life, and you will reach into the future with hope.


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